#but anyways hope someone else likes puppy play wish here cuz i love it
romanceddawn · 22 days
concept that just occured to me: the slow puppification/sub-ification of jounouchi by yugi
it starts out by genuinely just caring for his friend and wanting to make sure jounouchi always eats and has someplace safe to go, so he's always inviting him over to eat dinner or lunch with them but sometimes its just the two of them together
jou hates not doing anything in return for the kindness though and always tries to do things around the house for him or help him out in some way while yugi's cooking or preparing food, so yugi jokes the food is his 'reward'. eventually, he notices just how happy and flustered jou gets from the concept and yugi's praises, which gives yugi the idea to do more
he starts exaggerating the praise a little, waiting a while for jou to get used to it before throwing some sly 'good boy's around and jou gets predictably flustered about these, but starts looking a little disappointed on the days yugi doesnt say it to him, so yugi ups his game a little to make him happy
he starts making the two of them a lot of finger food dinners in this time, something that he can pop up with after jounouchi helps him with something small and go "thank you jounouchi! you're such a good boy! here something to hold you over-" and feeds him bites of food like treats. jou realizes at some point this is not what Normal Friends do with each other but he loves it too much to care so he just happily eats from yugi's hand and will smile at him and say thank you like the good boy he is
yugi starts getting worse after this encouragement from jounouchi. he'll pet him while saying how fluffy jou is, he'll encourage jou to sit on the floor while yugi's on the couch to "fix their height difference", he'll make comments on how fun it would be to have matching collars, he'll make him do 'tricks' & say hes joking but feed him a treat, etc etc
then one day jou comes over when its just yugi home to find he made little cookies shaped like dog biscuits, and he goes on and on about how its a recipe safe for humans AND dogs, so they can both eat them! buuut if jounouchi wants one he'll have to show yugi what a cute pup he can be. hes so embarrassed but wants to be good for yugi, so he gets on his knees with his hands to the floor like a sitting dog, thinking that'd be enough but then yugi goes "okay, now speak!"
jou, shocked, is just like "uhhh, hello?"
"i said /speak/ puppy" and yugi just gives him this expectant look and smirk
jounouchi fights with himself for a full 5 minutes before barking for him finally and yugi calls him a good boy & feeds him the treat by hand, patting his hair and cooing over how cute he is as a puppy, saying he should just be yugi's perfect pup all the time!
jou finds he's not really opposed to that idea actually and if he starts wearing a matching collar with yugi and complains about his knees hurting more, well, their friends are just gonna pretend they dont notice but somehow arent surprised
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ceruleanchillin · 4 years
Somersault (Kirishima x Reader)
Kirishima Eijiro x F!Reader
Part of my MHA AU established previously.
Synopsis: Glimpses into you and Kiri’s relationship.
Warnings: Implied drug use, Implied smut
A/N:  I don’t really do songfics, but I will tell you Somersault by Zero 7 inspired this chapter. Recommend listening to it, cuz it gives Kiri feels.
 Does anyone else think of Kiri when they talk to jock villagers on Animal Crossing?
|  Give Love To Me |
“I thought we talked about this hmm?” Kirishima gently dabbed at your nose, eyes trained to spot any more blood.
You focused on the taste of poison that congregated at the back of your throat, the pipes that hadn’t stopped protesting since Kirishima had forced them to draw water, and the cracked window letting in chilly night air around the towel stuffed in it. Anything other than your boyfriend’s disappointed sighs and poorly hidden worry.
“Sorry Eiji….I..” you weren’t used to apologizing, or being ashamed, but Kirishima could bring emotions out of you, you didn’t know existed.
“You just made a mistake.” he kissed your forehead, and cradled you to his chest. “That’s why you get tomorrow. So you can try again.”
You sunk lower into the luke-warm water, eyes roaming up to the water stained ceiling. At the time, doing a line had sounded like the only good idea you’d ever heard, and you’d indulged, going against the promise you’d made to your boyfriend. It got you through two sets and made the packed, dingy lounge so much prettier. So much glitter. So much laughter, and it was easier to give real smiles. Why had that seemed like enough in value to disappoint Kiri?
“Hey,” he gently tapped your collarbone. “You ok? You with me?”
“Yeah.” You said hoarsely. “I won’t do it again Eiji...I won’t.” You grasped the arm slung around your torso, dragging your thumbs across the skin as fast as the water and your come down would allow.
“I know you won’t. Not my best girl.” He kissed the back of your head for a long moment, and brought you closer to his chest, caging you in his arms.
And you wondered where he got that bottomless trust from. Why was he so good, and where had he learned to be? He lived in the same streets you did, how did you catch the eye of a saint? Your eyes burned with unshed tears. How could you ever hope to be the woman he deserved?
Kirishima shushed you, rocking you gently. “You wanna tell me who gave it to you?”
Somewhere in the fog of your thoughts, you knew no matter how gently Kiri was asking, it wasn’t simply out of curiosity. “Noooo Eiji.” you slurred. “Don’t worry about it.”
He laughed. “Ok, ok.”
He hid his burning questions behind one of his lopsided grins when you turned to look back at him, trying to see if he meant it. He pressed a purposely sloppy kiss to your forehead until you giggled and squirmed to turn back around. Only then did he let his grin drop.
| The Sticks and Stones |
You were achy, you were chilly, and your stomach kept threatening to make you vomit if you didn’t keep focused on not doing so. You were ready to consider it penance for breaking your promise to your boyfriend, but he’d said “no way!” and saddled you with your favorite warm drink. All-in-all, it wasn’t the best day to be a mover, even if that was the only price for four weeks free crashing.
“So you’re just going to sit there?” Robbie, a friend of Kirishima’s and fellow freelance bouncer, stood in front of you.
You gave him a look that said you thought he was worth less than the effort it took to do so, before pushing your shades up, and severing eye contact.
“Look Primadonna, you’re crashing with us. The least you could do is pitch in.”
You crossed your legs and continued to nurse your latte. Robbie didn’t know it, but the bigger fit he threw, the less likely you’d be to help. And you weren’t planning on it in the first place.
Robbie growled in frustration, and kicked the trunk you were sitting on.
“Hey,” Kirishima grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away, wearing his signature grin, though it was strained. “Lot of stuff still in the truck, let’s finish up.”
“That’s just what I was telling HRH over here.” Robbie jammed his thumb in your direction.
“Don’t worry about her.” Kirishima gave him another grin, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m doing the bulk of the work anyways. I’m working for both of us.”
Robbie threw his hands up in frustration and walked over to the moving truck. His girlfriend had been glaring at you, wanting you to wilt under her stare. You lowered your shades, made eye contact, and maintained it while you lit a cigarette.
“Hey, come on.” Kirishima kneeled in front of you. “We gotta be here for a while. Try to get along.”
You exhaled a white cloud into the cold air, aiming it at Robbie’s girlfriend who was in the process of whining about how “trash” you were.
“I like it when it’s just us Kiri.”
“I know.” he sighed, palms rubbing your chilled kneecaps attempting to bring them warmth. “But this is where we’re at for a while. Remember I told you Bakugo, Midoriya, and I are working on a place-”
“They hate me,” you cut him off, pushing your shades back up. “Especially their girlfriends.”
“They don’t hate you baby,” Kirishima nuzzled your cheek, using that tone he did when he thought you might be hurt. “They just don’t really know you that well.”
Kirishima gave you a grin, this one real, in an attempt to reassure you. He was beautiful, always using his energy to make sure you were secure. It made you feel selfish and ungrateful, and something ugly roared to life within you. It made you want to say something, someone’s name, you knew would hurt him.
“If you would’ve sold what I had left over we’d be better off, but you’re so fucking opposed and moral when it suits you. Pfft.” you took a long drag. “Take care of me my ass. I should’ve gone to Dabi or Hawks.”
Kirishima looked like a kicked puppy, and your entire being clenched in response. That ugly thing inside had gone dormant and left you in the grip of guilt and self-resentment.
You stubbed out your cigarette, and carelessly placed your latte aside. “Oh Kiri,” you gripped his cheeks. “I can be such a bitch...I didn’t mean any of it, I’m sorry.”
He didn’t say anything, and that twisted your insides more. Your desperation made you babble almost uncontrollably.
With shaky hands you shoved your shades onto your head, and pressed your lips to his. “I’m sorry. You’re doing great Kiri, you’re doing great for me. I need you to believe me..don’t listen to me when I’m..”
“I know that’s not really you (Y/N),” he kissed both of your knees, making you go quiet. “Not the real you. She’s still a work in progress, but she’s beautiful.”
You bit your lip hard to fight spouting another word stream. More apologies danced with words of self-criticism on your tongue, begging to be spoken. You wanted him to call you out. You wanted him to find something ugly in himself and take revenge. He would never though. That wasn’t your Kiri, and that revelation only made your hands ache to pull your shades back over your eyes.
“She’s a coffee addict, she takes her showers cold, and she always eats off my plate, even when hers is right there.”
A small smile surfaced at his words, but you could still feel anxiety and regret twisting your insides.
As always, Kiri was in tune with you, and took your hands. “But I love her, and I don’t let anyone call her a bitch. Not even herself.”
| The Unknown and Home |
Kirishima liked bouncing well enough. He’d always been able to take a punch, he was great in a fight, and he liked defending people. It didn’t pay the best in the world, and he saw ugly parts of the city he wished he hadn’t, but he liked it.
Then he met you, and he loved it. The nights where the two of you worked the same club or lounge were his favorite. He often got chewed out by his bosses for being distracted, but that was ok. Kirishima thought you had to be blind or deaf not to be when you took the stage.
Soft songs where you skillfully played your voice up to crack at certain parts, fast songs where Kirishima would have to continuously adjust himself because of your hip movements. He loved it all when it came to your singing.
His enthralled expression slowly changed to one of rage. You were skillfully dodging the hands of an admirer in the crowd, while continuing your song, and the roll of your hips. He wasn’t the only one to appreciate your musical talent and the person it came from. Some were more enthusiastic in their appreciation than others, and that’s when Kirishima took on a vastly different character.
You wore a shimmery gold slip dress like it was made for you, and not stolen from a store across town. Yes, he would admit, under the changing lights you looked ethereal. The problem was, like a porchlight, you were attracting pests, and he couldn’t have that.
The greasy hand that had been reaching for you hung at an awkward angle only seconds later. Kirishima only faintly heard the crunch and your distressed “Eiji!” as he assumed a fighting stance. He’d known creepy patrons to be able to fight through almost anything.
Somehow, the creep had friends, and they were loyal. He was in too deep by that point, and treated them all like they were their friend.
Two bouncers, three barflys, a bartender, and an angry interrupted singer swinging the mic stand made quite the mess. The kind of mess that gets the singer and her boyfriend fired without pay and banned from the establishment.
You huffed your exasperation as you accepted half of his adrenaline-drained weight on the walk home. You could feel how proud of himself Kirishima was, and it made you feel like starting another fight.
“That was so manly the way you decked that guy with the bottom of the mic stand babe.” he murmured.
You could hear Kiri falling in love with you all over again, and as endearing as you found it, you were missing a shoe and a job now.
“I swear only you could eat that many hits and stay up to deal them back. You must be made of rock or some shit.” you huffed again, and tightened your hold around his waist.
“Not quite.” he chuckled and it was then you noticed him grasping his side. What you thought had possibly been bruised ribs could be worse.
“Oh shit,” you stopped abruptly, catching more of his weight at the sudden stop, and almost falling. “Did you get stabbed?!”
“Nooo.” he waved you off, and sighed painfully at the action. “Just scratched, deeply.”
You hobbled in uneven height around him, mind racing to think of a street doctor that owed you a favor in case he was lying. Fortunately he wasn’t.
“I’ll be ok. I heal pretty great, remember?” he grinned a proud, boyish grin, and you felt like you might be falling in love with him all over again too. But you were still pissed.
“You better. I might feel like beating your ass too.” You let him lean into you again as you began your awkward walk back to a borrowed home.
“I’d let you.” he chirped, laying his head on your own.
Patching Kiri up always seemed so useless by the time you got around to it. He stopped feeling pain faster than anyone you’d ever seen, high or sober. By morning his bruises would be a memory he’d barely remember. The only thing to keep an eye on was the cut, which you would, even if it wouldn’t be obvious to anyone but Kiri. He brought out something nurturing in you that was so powerful and foreign, it frightened you, but you were powerless against it.
Kirishima had fought you the whole time, wanting to focus on your minor nicks and scrapes, but you won out like always. You wanted to be homebase to him for a change, whether he felt he deserved that or not.
He was too tired to efficiently put up a fight, and by the time you were done, he’d crashed heavily right there in the corner of the couch.
“I wanted to cuss at you some more.” you murmured mirthfully, brushing drooping red strands from his forehead.
Checking him once more, and realizing you’d done about as well as you could, you fell onto the other side of the couch. Kiri would find his way to you eventually after you both found sleep. For the moment you were going to try to find a comfortable spot on the lumpy nightmare couch, and mourn your lost income.
You spent the better part of thirty minutes trying to assure yourself the opposite of what you knew to be the truth. You were temporarily burned on the nightclub circuit for that evening’s antics. Several hushed phone calls were made, each ending when your pride forced it. You wouldn’t beg when that had never gotten you anywhere before.
Your higher mind cursed you now that you’d be relying primarily on Kiri’s other job for income. It didn’t matter how many times Kirishima said you could rely on him, you hadn’t raised yourself that way, and you couldn’t afford to slack.
No one would call Bakugou divine, except maybe his airhead girlfriend, but he turned out to be the answer to your prayers that evening. He arrived with a pound to the door that you swore sounded like an explosion, his signature knock, and you quickly tried to mitigate any chance of him waking Kirishima.
You slid across yellowed linoleum on socked feet, and cracked the door.
“Come back tomorrow, he’s sleeping and you’re not waking him up.”
You caught his brow twitching in irritation at being told what to do. “Where do you think I’m gonna store this shit?”
He shook a worn duffle bag full of what you knew to be stolen goods.
“I don’t car-”
“Stop being a bitch and get out of the way.” he shoved the door, and you had no hope of stopping him from coming in, but you still grasped his bicep defiantly.
“Don’t.Wake.Him.” you dug your nails into hard muscle and narrowed your eyes.
“He’s gotta move quickly on some of this. Kirishima may have told you the sun rises out of your ass, but it doesn’t, and the rest of us have to survive too.” he stalked over to your sleeping boyfriend, fully prepared to punch him awake.
“Wait don’t!” you barely contained your voice to a loud whisper. “He’s tired, leave him alone.”
He growled low in his throat. “I already told yo-”
“I’ll do it.”
“What?” he snorted, but his face was blank. “You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re liable to get us all burned or worse, go to that shitty patchwork quilt fuck you used to run with.”
“I’ve been on the streets long enough jackass, and I’ve seen Kiri do it a million times. I know what’s worth what and who wants it.” you bristled at him throwing your past connections back in your face. “And not that it’s any of your business, but I don’t deal with him anymore.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, not interested, and you regretted even answering that. He studied you for a moment, and the flexing of his hand let you know he was mulling it over.
You decided not to wait, grabbing the bag and beginning to drag it into the kitchen. As expected, Bakugo rushed you for his ill-gotten goods.
You jutted your chin up at him. “I can do it. Just let him rest, it’s been a long night.”
He glared at you, judging you in a way that no longer made you want to punch him, before speaking. “Fine, but we’re staying to make sure you don’t fuck it up.”
“We’re?” your face crumpled in confusion, then realized he meant his girlfriend and grimaced. ‘For Kiri.’ you thought.
On any other day Bakugou would loudly and proudly admit he couldn’t stand you. You were convinced he and the gang hated you, that they thought you were cold and you were mostly correct. They loved Kirisihima and he’d made it clear you two were a package deal. He could remember the one and only time Kirishima got violent with him, and it was because he’d called you several nasty names in one fell swoop when he’d been drinking. He remembered laying in his car that night wondering what the fuck about you had his best friend so gone.
That night he thought he’d finally gotten a glimpse. Beaten up, and clearly tired yourself, you were forcing yourself to carefully build an inventory out of the stolen goods he and Midoriya had acquired the previous three nights. You told him what happened at the lounge, and he knew you probably wanted to crash right next to Kirishima, but you wouldn’t. You wanted to take care of him. Watching you squinting your tired eyes in the dim light of that shitty closet kitchen, he decided his friend may not be such a dumbass after all.
| Somersault In Sand With Me |
“Eiji…no, I’m still sore.” you murmured sleepily, curling into a ball under the thin quilt.
Kirishima poked your side again, muffling a laugh. “That’s not what I want babe. Well..yeah I always want that-”
“I know.” you gently kicked back at him, hiding a tiny grin in your pillow.
“I want you to come somewhere with me, it’s important.”
He sounded so uncharacteristically serious, that you allowed yourself to be fully pulled from sleep. You sat up, reaching for your phone charging on top of your bag by the couch.
Exactly 3 a.m.
“Eijiro I swear to god…”
“It’s important, fence’s honor. Now get your cute ass out of bed.” he tackled you in a warm embrace, spread kisses across your cheeks, and released you to get up from the couch bed.
You dropped your phone back into your bag with a groan. It was amazing how out of character this man could make you.
Kirishima helped you get dressed, smirking every time he noticed your slight limp. For every smirk you bit him, and he kissed you. It went against every independent bone in your body, but Kiri dressing you felt like heaven. His soft kisses on your thighs when he helped you slide into your leggings, the soft coos and admissions of love as he slipped you into one of his sweatshirts, and the gentle cradling of your feet as he slipped your feet into your shoes. You couldn’t even be grumpy, not when your personal sunbeam was looking at you like he received his life from you.
Kirishima led you out of the apartment, and before you knew it, he’d scooped you onto his back, threatening to drop you if you didn’t hold on. He took off at full speed with your surprised blend of laughter and shouts behind him.
You barely had any time to work out where he might be taking you that wasn’t planned at that hour before he arrived at the destination. An elementary school playground.
He stooped, allowing you to slide off his back, which you did with confusion. “What’s here Eiji?”
“Everything!” he chirped like it was so simple to see.
You blinked up at him trying to gauge whether he had the signs of having something in his system.
“Come on, we would’ve killed for this as kids. We get the whole place to ourselves, what do you wanna do first?”
“Crack your head open and examine the insides.” you scowled. “I was sleeping, and you want to do what exactly?”
“You’re so adorable when you’re cranky, you’re adorable anytime bu-”
“Kiri…” you narrowed your eyes, contemplating following through on your threat.
Kirishima’s face went blank, but his expression soon returned as a wide grin. “Oh I get it babe, that’s your pride talking. If you’re too afraid of looking uncool….”
“Pfft!” you shot him an incredulous look. “Nice try. Here’s where I try to prove you wrong, thus falling into the trap right?”
“No, my woman’s much too smart for that.” his grin curled into a smirk. “Here’s where I snatch your precious beret and make you chase me for it.”
Before you could register what he said, he followed through and yanked the hat from your head. He took off across the grass laughing almost manically with genuine joy. He was so adorable, it almost made you forget how long you saved for that beret. Almost.
You launched after him, shouting vulgar threats the whole way.
“Come on babe, we do kinkier stuff than that all time, really make me feel it!” he laughed, taking the steps to the pirate ship playhouse two at a time.
“Well, remember it fondly, because that’s over now hammerhead!” you leapt at him only to have him dodge you.
“Then what do I have to live for?” his face contorted into a mock pout. “I should just walk the plank now.”
Eiji doged another lunge from you and jumped from the toy plank that barely hung above the ground. You landed after him shortly and continued to chase him while he waxed poetic about his life being over if he could ‘never take you again’. Between laughter at his silly proclamations and failed lunge attempts, your lungs were on fire. That didn’t stop you from giving the chase your all. Around the merry-go-round, an almost win in the sandbox, an attempted cut off under the jungle gym. You eventually thought of a way to end it by fighting dirty.
Eijiro was headed for the animal-shaped spring riders, and right as he got close you shouted. “Time out Eiji my shirt tore off!”
“Wha-” he looked back at the right time to hit a pink seal and flip over it, landing on his back.
You jogged over, smirking at your win, no matter how ill-gotten.
“Not manly babe,” he groaned, sitting up to rub his back. “Not at all.”
“I caught you!” you laughed, straddling his waist to prevent any escape attempts.
“You did.” he said softly, gazing at you with a look that took your breath away.
It said everything he couldn’t say. Not because he was afraid to, never Eijiro, but because he couldn't always find the words to. That he couldn’t believe he found you, and would die if he lost you. That he was so yours, he felt like he always had been, even before he knew life. That you were his world and you were more than enough for him. You were everything to him.
“Always catch me...yeah?” he placed the beret on your head gently, before he placed a hand to your cheek.
“Always.” you got out around the lump in your throat. Instinct made you hold back your tears, Eijiro’s love made them fall.
End Note:
If you want to let me know what you think should happen in the Midoriya chapter, my inbox is open (with anon on). The established AU is (here).
Dabi is next.
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sugar-kisser · 4 years
Here I come with my requests. I’m in a really angsty mood lately, but fluff at the same time(?) So I was thinking about an wooyoung angst scenario, like him not appreciating y/n and cheating on her, with a Yunho fluff ending, being the puppy he is. Cuz let’s be real, Yunho is pure boyfriend material
( I’m so sorry this took so long. I’ve had so many other things going on, but I hope you enjoy! I’m trying to stay as active as I can!! )
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warnings: cussingfeaturing: Jongho
Nothing hurt more than to see him holding her hand, laughing at something she said, and lightly kissing her lips. You can almost feel his lips ghosting over yours as you watch them from the other side of the road. You weren’t suppose to run into them; that was never the goal. You simply had errands to run while Wooyoung was at his ‘practice’, but you quickly realize his lie. 
You stand on the edge of the sidewalk and when Wooyoung turns his head after catching something familiar in the corner of his eye, his smile drops. But it doesn’t drop to shock or to a face of a child being caught with candy they aren’t suppose to have. But it’s a rather cold-look. The look alone freezes your heart and it weighs down in your chest. A cold winter breeze brushes your face and you can feel the warm tears on your cheeks suddenly cool.
You watch as the two continue walking down the other side of the road and you turn to continue about your day if you can. Your eyes glue to the ground and you find yourself walking the two miles back to your apartment, but you don’t really pay much attention. A car horn breaks you out of deep thought and you look up at the annoyed driver, who honks again. You quickly finishing crossing the street so the impatient driver can make their turn. You look up and stare through your wet and clumped eyelashes at your apartment, and someone running towards you.
“Y/N!” a familiar voice calls out to you. You watch the tall boy rush up to you, grabbing you by your biceps before quickly looking over you.
“Are you okay? You almost got hit,” the boy asks. You stare blankly ahead of you, at his shirt, but you don’t focus on it.
“Y/N?” He calls out to you. He bends down to reach eye level with you and that’s when he see’s your red puffy eyes. He mumbles a ‘come on’ before lightly tugging your arm, pulling you towards the apartment complex. He pulls his keys out of his jacket pocket and unlocks the door to his apartment before pulling you in. The warm air fights against your cold skin in order to warm you up. He guides you to his couch and pulls you down to sit next to him. He turns away from you to grab his large fuzzy blanket from the back of his couch and wraps it around you to warm you up.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks while also knowing that if you’re really upset about something you might want alone time before talking to anyone. You very subtly shake your head no and the boy pulls his lips to a thin line, understanding and respecting your decision.
“Stay as long as you want. I’ll be at the dinning room table finishing my project,” he tells you, lightly laying his hand on your upper back. He stands up before removing his hand and walking towards his cluttered table. Colored paper, glue, cardboard, pencils, markers, and scissors litter his table but he manages with the space to work.
You stay on his couch, slowly beginning to feel warm under the blanket that’s trapping all the heat it can. You stare ahead at a spot on the white wall next to the flat screen television. In the corner of your eyes you can see your miserable state through the dark screen on the TV screen, but at this point you don’t care how you look. You never really did most days anyway, so why would you now? 
In your mind events play over in your head. Starting from some of your happiest memories that you and Wooyoung created together all the way till you noticed him starting to get busier and busier with his work. The past month he would stay late at his dance studio, or at least that’s what he would tell you. You began to notice the smell of someone else’s perfume on his but you brushed it off considering that he work with female dancers and they are always working for different entertainers which means different types of routines to learn. So you brushed off any thought of him not being loyal, but now you wish you had talked about it with him. You begin to wonder what Wooyoung was really doing all those times he came home late or when he missed your dates. Was he with her? Was he with another girl? 
You’re brought out of your thoughts when a warm mug is placed into your hands. You mumble a barely audible ‘thank you’ and the boy walks back towards his table.
“Don’t think about it too much,” he tells your from his table, “I know whatever happened isn’t good. But I’m sure it’s not your fault.” But what if it was? Had you said something? Had you done something wrong? Did you not give him enough of your attention or time?
“Y/N. You’re doing it again,” he calls to you. You look over to him and see him softly smiling at you before looking back to whatever he was doing before and continuing. You look down at your mug and notice your favorite drink, hot chocolate, and you bring the cup to your lips before taking a sip. You take a deep breath and finally looking around the room, to distract yourself from your thoughts. Your eyes lay back on the boy at the table and you find it in yourself to stand up and walk over to him. You take a seat quietly next to him.
“Hi,” he whispers as he brightly smiles at you before looking back to the paper he’s writing on with a marker.
“What is the project for?” You ask him quietly.
“It’s for my history class. We could pick anything to present. So I chose Greek mythology,” he explains to you. You almost perk up at the mention of Greek Mythology because you love it so much. It’s your favorite thing to learn about. You even teach the young kids in your class about Greek Mythology.
“I was actually going to ask you to help me with some parts. But you don’t have to,” he awkwardly chuckles.
“I wouldn’t mind helping you if you want it. You know I love this topic,” you tell him.
“I know you do,” he agrees and hands over a couple pieces of paper, “can you go over all of these and make sure they’re all correct?” You nod your head and take the sheets of paper and begin reading over the Greek Gods. You grab a pencil and make the necessary changes to the paper.
“You did some pretty good research. Only a couple things I’ve added,” you tell him handing back the paper. His eye’s widen when he sees the scribbled paper.
“A couple?” He asks looking over at you causing you to slightly laugh.
“Use whatever you want of it. Just wanted to add as much as I could. Your project is going to look so cool,” you tell him. He laughs and sets the papers to the side before handing you blank sheets of copy paper and markers.
“Can you draw symbols that represent the gods and goddesses?” He asks.
“Yeah!” You answer quietly but happily and look at the list of names and begin to sketch out all the different little symbols.
The two of you sit work for the rest of the night in a nice silence, occasionally talking to one another about the project. At some point you fall asleep, your head resting on the table. The boy next to you smiles softly at your sleeping figure. He slightly shakes you and when you half wake up he helps you over to the couch and you fall back asleep as soon at your head hits a pillow, causing him to silently laugh. He drapes a soft blanket over you and returns back to his almost finished project.
The next day you wake up and leave a goodbye note before returning to your apartment next door. Your mood instantly drops smelling Wooyoung. You take a deep breath and walk into your kitchen and flip on the light. You set your bags on the counter from the previous day and you turn to face towards the living room. You quickly walk off into your bedroom and when you walk into your closet you heart drops even further and all the horrible things you were feeling flood in again. All his clothes are gone. You quickly walk into your bathroom and it was half empty. He must of cleared out last night, you thought. You were happy you weren’t home then and next door for the evening. What if he had brought her over, and you not only had to face him but her as well?
You take in another deep breath and head back into your closet and pull out one of the old moving boxes. You open it and bring it out into the living room. You quickly begin taking all the picture frames from the room and putting them into the box. You also take all the small little knick-knacks you bought for each other and place them into the box as well. You hear a knock at the door and you call for whoever to come in recognizing the knock.
“Hey do you wan- what are you doing?” your neighbor asks.
“I’m trying to suppress memories,” you tell him as you continue to place items into the box.
“Y/N, what happened yesterday? Did he-“ he asks only causing you to turn around and your tear stained cheeks is a good enough answer for him.
“Oh Y/N,” he quickly walks up to you, wrapping you into a bear hug and you begin to actually cry. Your body shakes and you grip his arms to hold yourself up.
“I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve this,” he tells you and he runs his hand down the back of your head.
“But what if I did?” You ask him.
“Please don’t say that,” he whispers, “you don’t deserve anything horrible. You work your ass off and care so much for the people you love. You deserve nothing but happiness and good things to come your way.”
“You think?” you ask gripping his arm just slightly tighter as if you’re holding on to your last string of hope.
“I know that,” he answers, “it’ll hurt right now…. but it’ll get better over time. So please don’t give up. It will get better, I promise you.” You slow your crying and just stand in his arms hoping that it could get better from there. You can only hope he’s right.
Wednesday morning you walk back into your small classroom, a group of kindergarteners following you.
“Miss Y/N! Look! You have flowers!” One of your students squeals pointing to your desk as you stand at the door, holding it open for all of your students. Once they all take their respective seats, you close the door, and walk over to your desk almost baffled.
“Who are they from!?” Another student calls.
“Is it Wooyoung?” another student calls out and you feel a knife plunge in your heart slightly.
“I don’t think it’s Wooyoung, honey. We are not together anymore,” you tell your students with a soft smile, blinking back the oncoming tears. You takes the little enveloped card and open the card. ‘Thank you so much for the help. Everyone loved my project. I owe you. Midnight breakfast Friday? -Yunho’
“Yunho,” you whisper smiling.
“It was a boy!” Another student screams causing the rest of the class to get restless.
“Okay, okay!” You call to your students who instantly calm down, “it was from a friend. It’s a thank you letter. Which is what we are going to practice for the rest of the day. Christmas is coming up so we need to practice our thank you letters for the people who give you gifts.” You set the little letter on top of your laptop and grab the stack of cute christmas themes lined paper and begin handing them out to your students as they pull out their pencils. You then write a template out on the white board of a letter the kids can write and sit at your desk after letting them know if they have any questions they can come to you. You take a seat at your desk and look over the flowers and smile. 
Yunho had even managed to get your favorite flowers, sunflowers. How did Yunho know your favorite flowers are sunflowers? Had he asked you before? The thought makes you think about how Wooyoung could never remember that you liked sunflowers. He’d always mistake them for yellow daisies…. which you are allergic to daisies, how fortunate. You wonder how he could never remember that daisies are the one thing you happen to be allergic too.
“Miss Y/N?” A student quietly calls to you as he stands at the end of your desk. You snap out of your thoughts and smile to the young boy awaiting for his question.
You walk down the hallway to your apartment, the vase of flowers in one of your hands and keys in your other.
“I’ll take it as you got my flowers?” Yunho asks popping his head out his apartment door.
“I did. Thank you,” you smile turning your head to look back at him as you unlock your apartment door. You push open your door and walk in, Yunho quickly following behind you.
“So are you agreeing to go out for midnight breakfast?” Yunho asks as he leans again your kitchen bar counter as you place the vase on the kitchen counter.
“Sure. I’ll go to midnight breakfast with you,” you answer as you look at the flowers, which prompts a question, “how did you know that I love sunflowers?”
“Oh,” Yunho’s cheeks slightly blush and he scratches the back of your head, “I’ve noticed that whenever he brought home flowers you would get sick, and you own a lot of sunflower-like items. Your school folder, your favorite summer dress, that painting.” Wow, you had no idea Yunho paid attention to all the little details, it makes you wonder if Wooyoung ever did.
“Well I know you have papers to grade, and your show is on in an hour. I’ll let you be. But for Friday, wear pjs!” Yunho smiles before seeing his way out of your apartment. You slightly smile to yourself and look back at the sunflowers sitting in the vase. You twirl a petal lightly between your fingers, carefully to not pluck it.
You check the clock and watch as the time slowly ticks on. You’ve been ready for an hour, but you still have 45 minutes to go. You would prefer 45 seconds with how slim your patience is running. You pat down your candy apple red pj bottoms. You wonder if your pjs are too childish to wear. I mean your pj bottoms has a crown pattern on them while your long sleeved top is fuzzy, both inside and out, and has ‘princess of everything’ with a crown on it. But they’re the only real pj set you have; usually you just wear a giant hoodie to bed… but you can’t exactly wear that out to a midnight breakfast, or really anywhere outside your apartment. 
A knock interrupts your thoughts and you stand up and quickly head to the door.
“Hey,” Yunho greets, “I didn’t really want to wait 45 minutes. So I thought I’d see if you’re ready?”
“Yeah,” you nod your head, “let me just grab my coat and shoes.” You leave the door open and Yunho steps inside from the cold hallway. You quickly slip on your shoes and grab a winter coat. You grab your keys and the two of you leave after locking your door. Yunho guides the two of you to his car, and he opens the car door for you to get in. You thank him and he quickly closes the door and gets in on the drivers side. He quickly turns everything to do with heat on in his vehicle before pulling out onto the thin covered snow ground and drives towards the small pancake house a few miles away.
“How was you class today? Today was the last day before winter holiday, right?” Yunho asks.
“Yeah, the kids were really hyper,” you laugh recalling on how the kids ran around screaming almost the entire day, “but I guess that’s what you get when you plan a Christmas party.”
“You held a Christmas party and didn’t invite me?” Yunho asks, dramatically offended causing you to laugh.
“I’ll invite you to our next party,” you promise through your small laughing fit.
“You better,” Yunho continues, “Which movie did you show to them.”
“That new Grinch movie. It’s so cute,” you tell him.
“I still haven’t seen it. I think my brother is going to make me watch it when I go home for Christmas,” Yunho explains.
“It’s really good,” you tell him, “I’m no film critic but it’s one of the best Christmas movies I’ve ever seen.” Yunho smiles listening to you talk about the movie. He turns into a small lot and parking in one of the few parking spots.
“The diner doesn’t even look open,” you lean forward to look around through the windshield.
“Technically it’s not. But I know the owner and he owe’s me a favor,” Yunho brightly smiles as he turns off the car, “let’s go.” He steps out of the car and waits for you to get out as well before locking his car and he opens the door for you. The warm air hits you quickly from the cold rush of hurrying from the car to the door.
“Oh, Jongho!” Yunho calls as soon as the door closes behind him.
“You are early,” Jongho comes out of the back room and smiles when he see’s you, “Y/N! You didn’t tell me you were bringing Y/N!”
“Hi Jongho. I didn’t know you owned a pancake house,” you greet the boy.
“My parent’s do. I just work here,” he explains.
“How do you two know each other?” Yunho asks completely baffled.
“Y/N and I grew up down the street together and we went to school together for a little while too. Now she’s teaching my niece,” Jongho explains. Yunho’s mouth shapes to an ‘o’ and nods his head.
“Well this will be less awkward introducing people,” Yunho laughs.
“Sit where ever. I’ll be out in a moment. I’m still turning on a couple things,” Jongho shoo’s you two towards the seated area. Yunho takes off his coat and takes yours as well and rest them over the backs of bar chairs near the door and you decide on a booth by the window to watch the light snow fall outside.
“Okay. You don’t get to pick your drinks. I already brought you hot chocolate,” Jongho sets two rather large mugs on the table, “what do you guys want to eat?”
“Can I get some waffles?” Yunho asks mischievously.
“You’re in a damn pancake house and you ask for waffles,” Jongho takes a deep breath, “move tall boy I’ll go on a date with Y/N instead if you want to act like this.” You burst out laughing when Jongho tries to push Yunho over and the two push up against each other with their shoulders. Jongho gives up and look over to you as he brushes himself off.
“Y/N what would you like?” Jongho asks smiling as if nothing just happened.
“I’ll take blueberry pancakes,” you answer, “three please.”
“Anything for you,” Jongho smiles sweetly before turning to Yunho again, “better think wisely or I’ll spit in your food.” You almost choke on you hot chocolate causing you and the boys to laugh.
“Surprise me,” Yunho tells him. Jongho pats Yunho’s back before heading back into the kitchen.
“He’s really something else,” Yunho states.
“He’s still the same old Jongho,” you tell him before a short silence falls over the two of you.
“How was your day? I didn’t even ask you earlier,” you ask.
“I didn’t do much. I finishing up my last assignment for a class. Then I watched a lot of Netflix,” Yunho explains, “so today was slightly boring because I was waiting for midnight to come but time wanted to drag on.”
“Poor Yunho,” you tease as you lightly laugh.
“Well glad to see you’re at least feeling better,” Yunho smiles.
“I still do think about him. It hasn’t been long at all. But I’m not as upset as I should be. We were together almost a year,” you could feel your mood drop just thinking about him.
“Hey,” Yunho lightly places his hand on top of yours, “you don’t need a crusty bitch like him.” You burst out laughing at how serious Yunho sounded saying such a ridiculous phrase. Yunho smiles in content with his little action of making you laugh. He only ever wants to see your smile and hear your laugh. You deserve to be happy and maybe if Yunho tries a little harder he can finally be the reason for your happiness.
“Here are your pancakes,” Jongho places two plates down in front of you and then brings over different flavors of syrups for you to use, “I’ll be in the back. Yell if you need anything.” You both thank the boy before he disappears behind the kitchen doors. The two of you quickly dive into the warm milky pancakes and finish in no time.
“Alright kids!” You call over your class, “are we all ready to pass out Valentine’s?” The twenty kindergarteners cheer and hurry to their backpacks that are hanging up on the back wall and pull out their bags of valentines and candy. You walk over to your desk and pick up the large box of little goodie bags you, with the help of Yunho, made the night before. Once the kids were all back in their seats and you made sure the room was cleared so no kids would trip, and then you send them off to fill up everyone’s valentines box. 
In the middle of the madness your classroom door opens and a tall boy walks in, startling the kids at first but they all cheer when they see him.
“Miss Y/N! Yunho’s here!” The kids cheer.
“Hi Yunho,” you smile walking up to the tall giant and giving a small hug.
“Yunho what are you hiding?” One of the kids calls as she looks at his hand which is behind his back. Yunho slightly blushes and pulls out a bouquet of sunflowers and presents them to you.
“For me?” Your cheeks lightly turning pink, “thank you.” You accept the flowers and the two of you move towards your desk and out of the kids way so they can continue to passing out valentines.
“How has your morning been?” Yunho asks as he takes a seat in one of the small chairs by your desk.
“Hectic. They are so hyper,” you laugh, “how is your morning?” 
“I barely slept last night so I’m running on one of those five hour energy drink-shot-things,” he answers.
“I’m sorry to hear. Why couldn’t you sleep?” You ask.
“Just nerves,” Yunho smiles, “its’ nothing big.” He laughs and when the two of you notice that it’s slightly gotten quieter you look over to see your students back at their seats talking to each other, eating candy, and showing off their valentines.
“Alright, who is ready for my Valentines?” You ask the students who instantly cheer. You go to pick up the box but Yunho beats you to it and he follows you around as you hand out all the little goodie bags to your students. When you return to your seat you plug your computer into the overhead projector and pull up the movie Tangled and begin it. You and Yunho return to your desk and quietly chat.
“Hey what are you doing tonight?” Yunho asks.
“Probably watching tv and cooking dinner for myself, why? What’s up?” You answer.
“I was wondering if you would like to go on a date?” Yunho looks down and then back up at you, his cheeks and ear slightly pink. The question completely catches you off guard and you blush a mad red, but break into a big smile.
“I would actually really like that,” you tell him, and when you answer you feel an erupting feeling of butterflies in your stomach. As if they all broke out of the cage you were keeping them in
“Oh, good,” Yunho awkwardly laughs with a biggest smile, “I know the perfect little pancake house we can go to.”
“With the same little strong sassy baby at?” You tease on causing you both to laugh. You slow you laugh down and watch as Yunho does the same. He’s quickly distracted by the movie but you can’t help but to stare at your neighbor who picked up your broken heart that Wooyoung left. The same heart you didn’t want to touch, or anyone to touch, but Yunho insisted anyway. In the train of your thoughts, Yunho subconsciously intertwines one of his hands with your across the desk as he keeps his focus on the movie. Your lips pull into one of those smiles where you don’t want to smile like an idiot but you still manage to have a sweet smile plastered to your face. You take a silent deep breath in and exhale with the content feeling that everything id right where it needs to be in this very moment, and you wouldn’t ever want to change it for the world.
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shawnsassymendes · 5 years
Jealous of Aladdin
a/n: i would like to start by thanking @shawncxlvins for helping me brainstorm this idea and for helping me with writing it. and @getalittlebit-nervous for helping out as well. i know this is catered to a small percentage of shawn’s fans here on tumblr but i feel like we all deserve to be represented. this is an arab!reader and im not including religion cuz we all know it gets complicated there. i will be using some arabic though but translation will included. i only know my experiences and my culture so please be kind. dl;dr
synopsis: shawn gets jealous of reader’s costar on the set of aladdin.
wc: 6.5k
{Masterlist in Bio}
You thanked Shawn quietly when he opened the car door for you. Shawn was accompanying you to set today because you were slightly sick. He had come with you once or twice before but he always left early. He cleared his schedule completely to take care of you today.
You trudged onto the set of Aladdin with your hood up and your bag almost dragging behind you on the ground. The most graceful Princess Jasmine there ever was. The first person who came up to you was Naomi Scott, who played your handmaiden in the movie.
“y/n, what’s wrong?” She asked, putting her hand to your forehead.
“She’s got a stomach bug. Refused to stay home. Maybe you can convince her.” Shawn explained as he took the bag you were carrying off your shoulder.
“I’m fine. Besides we’re not filming many scenes with me this week. It’s mostly Mena and Will.” You mumbled.
“I mean, she’s kinda right?” Naomi winced.
“You’re useless.” Shawn scoffed jokingly.
“We’re being let go early today. She’s already here anyways.” Naomi defended herself.
“Mhm, whatever. Michael’s looking for you guys.” Shawn rolled his eyes and pointed to the man in question. “Hey, Will.” Shawn nodded towards Will Smith who was standing nearby. Never in a million years did Shawn think he would be on a first name basis with Will Smith, but there he was.
You and Naomi walked over to the costume designer where Mena was. You said hello to both of them and took the glittery purple vest Michael gave you to try on. Then Shawn saw you start laughing with Mena about something. That’s when things took a turn.
Michael’s station wasn’t too far away from Shawn, so he could hear you and Mena talking. But he understood none of it. 
You and Mena are both Arab. Granted, from different parts of the Middle East, but Arab nonetheless. Shawn hated the fact that you and Mena could connect in a way he never could with you. He winced when he thought of the only word he knew described his feelings. Jealousy. Shawn was jealous of Mena and he hated himself for it.
Will saw the wince and he knew what was going on in Shawn’s mind. “You ok, man?”
“What? Oh, uh yeah I’m fine. Just making sure y/n’s ok. With uh Mena over there.” Shawn motioned to where you were.
“I know them talking arabic together gets annoying at times, but you get used to it. At first whenever they laughed, I thought they were laughing at me.” Will laughed.
Shawn chuckled politely in response, even though he wasn’t really in the mood for jokes. “I just- I don’t know, man. I feel like I can’t compare to him.” Another wince graced Shawn’s features “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t know why that came out.” Will Smith did not need to know about his insecurities in his relationship.
“Nah man, it’s alright. Talk to me. What’s going on?” Will put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. That was all Shawn needed to open the floodgates.
“I wish I could be like that for her. She got so excited when she knew Mena was cast. She told me it’s because she could finally have someone who could understand. And I want to be that for her. I want to be able to give her everything she needs. But I can’t do what he does.”
“Shawn, of course you can’t do what he does. What he’s doing for her comes from a background. A culture. A whole different type of living. It’s not something you can provide and will never be something you can provide. But that’s not a bad thing. It’s impossible to be able to give your significant other everything they need. It doesn’t make you a bad partner. What makes a good partner is being there for them when they need you. Sometimes, it’s not you who they need. You understand, son?”
“Yeah, I guess I do.” Shawn shrugged, still not fully convinced. Will could see that his words wouldn’t be able to get to Shawn, but your words might.
“You just need to talk to her. Clear things up between you two.” Will gave Shawn a pat on the shoulder.
“I know. But it’s not the right time. She’s so busy nowadays. Being a Disney princess is harder than it looks.” Shawn chuckled.
Their conversation was cut short by you, Mena, and Naomi coming back towards them.
“Momken meyah, y/n?” Mena asked you with big puppy eyes. You groaned in response.
“Go get your own damn water, boy. Can’t you see she’s sick.” Will snapped at him. Mena’s eyes went wide again as he nodded and ran off to get himself some water.
“I thought you said you get used to it. You never said anything about learning it.” Shawn whispered to Will.
“Is that what I said? Must have been a slip of the tongue.”
You and Naomi were filming a scene in the princess’s bedroom today. You always loved scenes with Naomi because she managed to make you laugh in every scene.
Whenever you looked over to find Shawn, you would see him talking to Mena. They were laughing way too much. At first you were glad they were finally getting along, but now it worried you.
When Guy Ritchie finally yelled cut and let you guys go for 15 minutes, you stalked over to where the two boys were. When they saw you coming towards them, they immediately stopped talking.
“You guys know it’s rude to gossip about someone when they can see you, right?” You raised an eyebrow at them.
“Gossiping? I have no clue what you mean by that.” Mena gasped.
“Yeah, y/n. We were just talking about a mutual friend of ours. I don’t think you know her.” Shawn said, stifling a giggle.
“Oh please do tell, what’s she like?” You said as you took a seat between them on the bench.
“She’s quite shy, I would say.” Shawn started.
“Until you get to know her, obviously. Then she kinda lets loose. Gets a little crazy, if you ask me.” Mena added.
“Very clumsy, too. The other say she tripped over thin air. Remember, Mena?” Shawn laughed and looked over at your costar who let out a howl of laughter.
“I did not! I swear there was a wire. It was the same color as the floor, I just didn’t see it.” You exclaimed.
“And that scene yesterday. When she was supposed jump off the roof.” Mena's laughter made him struggle to get the words out. “She landed face first between the two buildings.”
The scene that was filmed yesterday was of Aladdin and Jasmine as they ran from the guards in the outdoor market place. At one point you were supposed to jump from one roof to the next and end up standing upright next to Mena. You ended up falling face first between the two buildings. Everyone found it incredibly funny. When you filmed the scene again, they asked you to land in Mena’s lap. 
“I’m not going to sit here and be bullied. Excuse me, but I’m going to my trailer.” You huffed and got up to start your walk to the trailer.
“y/n! We were just kidding, come on! Don’t be a baby.” Mena called after you.
“No. I can’t forgive you two. You’ve broken my heart.” You yelled back dramatically, you turned to face them as you kept walking in the direction of your trailer with a hand held to your heart to feign sadness.
When you got out of the bathroom in your trailer, you saw Shawn sitting on your couch scrolling through his phone. You walked over and sat next to him.
“I’m glad you and Mena are getting along.” You smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.
“He’s not so bad when you get to know him.” He smiled and pulled you onto his lap. You were wearing a dress so it rid up to your thighs in the process. You felt Shawn get hard against you within seconds. Shawn pressed a kiss to your jaw and trailed down the side of your neck. “Even taught me a few words.”
“Oh yeah, like what?”
“Habibti, he said it means my love.” Shawn reached your collarbone and went back up to your lips.
“It’s adorable when you say it.”
He pouted and furrowed his brows. “I was hoping it would be more than adorable.”
“Maybe if you could say it right.” You giggled as you sealed your lips around a spot on his neck and began forming a bruise, immediately shutting down any sort of response he had in mind. “What else did he teach you?”
“Albi. He didn’t tell me what that one meant.”
“It means my heart, it’s a term of endearment. But where I’m from, we say qalbi or galbi. Depends on who you’re talking to.” You explained, trying not to go into detail too much.
“But don’t you both speak arabic? Why is it different?”
“Oh, you know. Dialects and all that. It’s kind of like accents. But some dialects have their own words and stuff. It’s very complicated.”
At that moment, the door to your trailer burst open and Mena jumped inside. He was greeted with the scene of your bare legs wrapped around Shawn’s waist. “y/n, homa me7tagenna- Oh my god! I did not need to see that!” He exclaimed at the sight of you on Shawn’s lap. He jumped back out and shut the door behind him.
“He said they need us.” You turned to Shawn as you heard Mena grumbling outside. “We can take care of this tonight, though.” You smiled innocently, grinding down on his crotch.
“You bet your ass we are.” Shawn smirked.
“But seriously, Shawn. I want you to apologize to Mena.” 
"What? What for?” 
“You know what for. He talked to me the other day. He asked me if you hated him.” You ran your hands through his hair to keep Shawn’s eyes on you.
“And what did you say?”
“I said it’s best if you guys talk about it alone. So please go work things out with him. He really wanted to be friends with you. And you’re giving him a lot of mixed signals.” You gave Shawn a pointed look so he understood you were serious.
Shawn groaned and rolled his eyes. “Fine.”
Another day came where Shawn would come with you to set. The days were coming to an end though. You had merely one week left of filming until the movie would go into post production. Every time you remembered, you would get emotional.
A while ago, you had asked Guy how the musical numbers were to be filmed. You had never been in a movie with such a large production scale, so you wanted to know how to prepare for it. After a while of discussing, you and Guy agreed to do your singing scenes live. Mena had said that he was better off lip syncing his prerecorded songs and you respected his choice. It would be hard and exhausting but the payoff would be amazing. Today, you were filming the ‘Speechless’ scene.
You had been nervous all week long, needing Shawn to calm you down every 20 minutes. He kept reassuring you that you were going to be great, but your anxiety kept getting the best of you. 
You had filmed the scene 3 times so far and you kept asking Guy to do it again. You just felt like this wasn’t your best.
“Guy, please. Just one last time, I feel like I can do so much better.” You pleaded.
Guy took a deep breath and looked at you for a moment before giving you a small nod. “Alright, one last time. Then we’re taking lunch.”
Just as you were beginning the scene again, Shawn began approaching Mena. They were far enough from where the scene was being filmed that they didn’t need to whisper but they could still see and hear you.
Shawn cleared his throat to make his presence known to Mena. “Hey, Mena.”
“Oh, hey Shawn. She’s killing it out there, isn’t she?” Mena motioned to where you were with a nod of his head.
“Yeah, she is. She’s been so worried, but I knew she would be amazing.” Shawn smiled at the thought of how hard you’ve worked for this scene and how it’s paying off. “But uh that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.” Shawn turned to Mena to give him his full attention.
“Alright, what’s going on?” Mena knew what this was leading to, but he wanted Shawn to approach the subject in a way that was comfortable to him.
“Listen Mena, I know I haven’t been the friendliest to you and I’m sorry. I felt kind of threatened I guess, because you and y/n connected in way that I never can with her. I always wanted to be everything she needed but I know that I can’t really be that. And I’m glad she has someone like you who can understand her.” 
“It’s all good, Shawn. I understand where you’re coming from and I can’t blame you.” Mena nodded.
“It’s really not all that great. I was childish and immature and I really hope you can forgive me.”
“Consider yourself forgiven, then.” Mena gave Shawn a smile. “Hug it out?” 
“Sure, why not?” Shawn chuckled. 
Your musical number was coming to an end at the same time as their conversation was. 
“y/n! That was amazing! I knew you had it in you!” Guy exclaimed as he jumped off his chair to hug you. “That was it. It’s the one. I’m so proud of you!”
“I told you I just needed one more take.” You grinned. You looked around the set to find Shawn only to see him and Mena laughing among themselves. This movie was definitely wrapping up nicely.
The initial movie release was set to be in Paris. You had been counting down the days and it had finally arrived. It honestly felt like a dream come true. 
You would be walking the ‘purple’ carpet with Shawn but you would pose for pictures with Mena as well. You were wearing a white shirt that somewhat resembled sportswear with a large white skirt. Mena was decked out in a Givenchy suit and Shawn was wearing a classic black tux by Armani. 
You walked the length of the carpet with Shawn, stopping every once in a while for the cameras. Shawn obviously knew what he was doing, but you weren’t the most familiar with these types of events, this movie only being your second big acting gig. Shawn knew that and he tried his best to make you feel comfortable. 
You reached the last part of the carpet and saw Mena. “Mena! Hey!” You smiled as he ran up to hug you. “How are you?” You asked as you straightened out his collar.
“I’m so excited! You?” He smiled, his excitement was obvious to you before he even mentioned it.
“I’m good, a little nervous. It’s the first showing. Can’t help it really.” You shrugged.
“They’re going to love it. And you look amazing, by the way. White totally suits you.” Mena winked. “Maybe I’ll see you in a different kind of white dress soon.” He said casually as he turned to smile at the cameras. He put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer.
“Shut up.” You laughed. “We haven’t talked about getting married. I don’t know if he even wants to get married, let alone to me.”
“Enti ‘3abiya wala eh? Of course he wants to get married! Have you heard any of his songs? And there’s no doubt that you’re the one he wants to get married to.” 
“Don’t call me stupid.” You grumbled. “Did he tell you that?” You asked, surprised Shawn would bring up that topic with Mena.
“No, but I have eyes.”
“Alright, if you think so. A3zmik 3al 3rs, la t5af.” You patted him on the shoulder.
His eyes went big as he grinned. “Really? You would have me at your wedding?”
“Of course, you’re a close friend, Mena. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Aww, y/n I’m gonna cry.” He sniffled, bringing his hand up to wipe away his fake tears.
“If you cry, I’m gonna cry.” 
Mena leaned up and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Come on, no crying. We gotta finish this carpet first.”
“I can’t stand you, Mena. All because of a white dress.” You rolled your eyes and continued walking the carpet with him.
Shawn was taking pictures with Will Smith and his family when you reached him. “You ready to go inside? I asked them to get some salt popcorn and chocolate ready for you, so you can do the thing you like.”
Mena looked at you and raised his eyebrows. He was standing behind Shawn so he pointed at him and gave you a thumbs up. You scoffed and waved him away.
“Shukran, 7ubi.” You smiled at Shawn and gave him a peck on the cheek. 
“That means thank you, my love.” Mena supplied Shawn with the translation. Shawn’s face turned a light pink after he noticed Mena was listening. He turned to face him and gave him a tight lipped smile in thanks. Then Mena’s face lit up and he leaned up and whispered something in Shawn’s ear. Shawn smiled and nodded in return. 
“Mn iyuni ilthntain.” Shawn said, struggling with the pronunciation.
You and Mena burst out laughing. Shawn’s cheeks turned red as he got flustered. “What did I just say?” He groaned.
“You said ‘from both of my eyes’. It’s like saying your welcome. But it’s the way you said it. You can’t say 3yuni.” Mena chuckled.
“I was trying!” Shawn exclaimed.
“It’s alright, my love. I know what you meant.”
You were getting ready for your first interview after the release of the movie when you heard your phone go off in the bedroom. And it didn’t go off just once. Someone was sending text after text and you only knew one person who did that.
“Shawn, can you answer Mena please?” You rolled your eyes as you adjusted your earring.
“Sure.” Shawn unlocked your phone to see what Mena was sending.
mena mas3oud: 
y/n e7na yalla 2btadena hat2a5arena (we started come on you’re gonna make us late)
ya 7maraaa (you donkeyyy/ass)
enti fein???? (where are you???)
bahazar ma2btadenash bas ana downstairs (I lied we didn’t start but I’m downstairs)
bl3arabeya (in the car)
hamawetek (I’m gonna kill you)
“y/n, its the number thing I don’t understand any of this.” Shawn said as he scrolled through the texts. “Wait, I know he called you a donkey. And he wrote downstairs, so I’m guessing that’s where he is.”
Your face scrunched up in confusion. “He’s downstairs?” You walked out of the bathroom towards Shawn on the bed. You weren’t needed downstairs for another half hour.
“I thought I was taking you to the interview?” He asked. 
You took the phone out of his hand and read Mena’s texts. “I thought so too?” You pressed the voice note button as you began looking around your room for your shoes. “Mena, why are you downstairs? It doesn’t start until an hour from now. And Shawn was gonna take me anyways. He wanted ina ikun m3ay for il-interview.”
You found your heels and put your phone on the desk that was near the door. “I told him that you wanted to be with me for the interview.” You said before Shawn would ask you to translate. You were strapping your heels on when you heard a notification. Shawn played the voice note Mena sent.
“Tell him to come with. The more the merrier. 27na fi nafs il hotel anyways. 3arabeya 27san mn 3arabeyetein.”
“What does the not english part mean?” 
You were inspecting your make up in the mirror as you explained. “It means we’re in the same hotel anyways, might as well go together. One car is better than two, so two birds one stone.”
“Ah, ok. You ready to go?” Shawn asked as he put your phone in your clutch.
"Yup, just need my bag.” Shawn handed you the clutch he was holding and opened the door for you. “Thank you.” You chuckled.
“After you, Princess.” 
The elevator opened up to the lobby where you saw Mena sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. “I thought you said you were waiting in the car?” You asked as you came to stand in front of him.
“Uh, about that.” Mena gave you a sheepish smile.
You tsked at him and rolled your eyes. “Ilkazab fein broo7?” You asked, trying to mimic his Egyptian accent.
“Oh, shut it.” Mena groaned. “I needed you to come down quickly, I don’t wanna be late.”
“What did you say to him?” Shawn asked as you walked out of the lobby.
“It’s this thing people say. Where does the liar go? The response is hell. It’s not as serious as it sounds, I promise.” You chuckled.
The car ride was pretty short because the hotel booked for you was close to everywhere important for press, including interview destinations.
This interviewer wanted to interview you and Mena separately. So you waited with Shawn as Mena was interviewed. The interviewer didn’t take long with Mena, so you hoped he would do the same with you.
You sat down in the chair opposite the man who introduced himself as Turner Bernstein. 
“Alright, we’ll get right into it then, shall we?” He smiled as he straightened out the papers he had in hand.
“Of course, it’s what I’m here for, isn’t it?” You smiled. He asked you some basic questions about the audition, the experience on set, the wardrobe, and everything in between. 
“So you and Mena, was there a connection?” Turner asked.
“Yes, from the first time we met each other. He is just wonderful and a dream to work with. And an amazing actor, just watching him in his element was an honor.” You smiled and looked over at Mena.
“Was there any connection off screen?” You realized where Turner was taking this and you hoped you could safely steer it into the other direction.
“We are such great friends. And Mena and Shawn, my boyfriend, get along great together as well.” You hoped he understood to step off the Mena questions, but he either didn’t get the hint or chose to ignore it.
“And you’re both of Arab background, isn’t that correct?” 
“Uh yeah, it was nice working on set with someone who can understand me. Even with the difference in dialect and specific traditions and cultures, we still connected over our shared backgrounds.”
“There was no alone time spent together? Just the two of you? You know what I mean.” Turner snickered.
“I’m not sure what you mean by that.” You knew exactly what he meant by that, but no way in hell were you going to give that man what he wanted.
“And what about the kiss you shared at the Paris premiere?”
“The what we shared?” Turner motioned to the small screen beside you that showcased a picture of Mena kissing your forehead. “Oh, that kiss. Forehead kisses are a sign of respect in our culture. Maybe respect isn’t as important to you as it is to us. It doesn’t seem to be.”  
Even with all the hints you were dropping, he seemed to not want to move on from the subject.
You were trying to stare at Mena hard enough that he would feel someone watching him, but he didn’t seem to notice.
Shawn saw you staring and knew that something wasn’t right. “Hey Mena, is it just me or is y/n staring a hole into your face?”
“Huh?” Mena looked up from his phone to see your distressed face. “Let me go see whats going on. I’ll be back in a sec.”
“No, I’ll go.” 
You saw Shawn approaching and you let out a sigh of relief. “Shawn, I was just talking about you.” Shawn grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to you.
“Uh, this is an individual interview with y/n l/n, Mr. Mendes.” Turner began to stutter.
“Oh don’t worry, I won’t interfere. Go on with the interview, I’ll just be here.” Shawn smiled pleasantly at the interviewer, but his eyes were as threatening as ever.
Turner didn’t bring up Mena for the rest of the interview.
You were glad beyond words when the interview came to an end. You didn’t bother giving Turner a second glance as you walked away to the couch Mena was sitting on.
“What was going on over there?” Mena asked as soon as you and Shawn sat down.
“That creep was being incredibly rude. Kept insinuating that you and I were a thing. Even asked if I cheated on Shawn with you!” Your face was heating up and you were sure your cheeks were bright red. Shawn took a hold of your hand and gently squeezed, telling you to calm down.
“He said that?” Mena was getting mad too, understandably so.
“Not like that, just indirectly. Asked if we had any ‘alone time together’. Asshole.” You scoffed. “Whatever, it’s over now. I need some air. I’ll meet you in the car in 10.” You got up and walked to the stairs to go outside for a bit.
“Is she gonna be alright?” Mena asked Shawn.
“She’ll be fine. Just needs some air, like she said.” Shawn nodded,
“Shawn, you know y/n and I would never-” Shawn didn’t even let Mena finish.
“What? Of course I do, Mena. You’re my friend. I trust you. I would never even think that. I’m just worried about her. She hates being accused of something she’d never do.” Shawn looked out the window to see you pacing the grass in front lawn of the building.
“Yeah, she got really heated up about that. I’m going to talk to that Turner guy. Maybe Sam can talk to his management.” Mena said as he got up.
“You would do that?” Shawn asked.
“I’d do anything for her. And you, for that matter.” Mena smiled. 
Shawn grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Should I be regretting the fact that I said that?”
“Mm, maybe.”
You and Mena were settling into your seats for another interview. It had been a week since your interview with the creepy Turner guy and you were finally over it. All other interviewers since then have been warned and have been respectful.
This interviewer was one you had met before when you were working on your last film, which was also your first. You greeted Mikaela, the interviewer, with a hug before you sat down.
“It’s nice to see you again, y/n. Good to see you’ve been moving on to bigger and better things. I mean, Disney is huge! So proud of you for that.” She sent a warm smile your way.
“Thank you, I know. It’s insane. I literally went into the casting call for fun. I had told my agent that they were obviously not going to cast me, but here we are!” You giggled and sent Mena a warm smile. “Princess Jasmine and Aladdin.”
“What was your first interaction with Mena like?” Mikaela began, all business no chit chat.
You and Mena argued for a minute, both claiming your story was when you two first met even though they were two different instances.
Mikaela went on to ask the usual questions you’ve been asked in these interviews. How you felt when you got the call, what it’s like to work with Mena and Will, the basics.
“And was Aladdin your favorite Disney movie growing up?”
“I think I speak for the both of us when I say it definitely was. It was one of the rare few western movies that represented us and our culture growing up.” Mena said, placing a hand on yours.
“Oh yes, definitely. Princess Jasmine was always a favorite.” You agreed with your costar.
“And Mena, your natural hair is obviously not like it was in the movie. Did you want to straighten your hair for the movie?”
“I didn’t mind. But Mindy, the hairstylist, asked if we could chemically straighten it and I just agreed not knowing what that was. So when I took a shower afterwards and found my hair still straight I freaked out. It was the only way to go by it without straightening it every day though, because Middle Eastern hair is very stubborn.” Mena chuckled.
“I can definitely attest to that.” You laughed along with him.
“The Whole New World sequence was definitely long awaited, wouldn’t you say? How was filming that?”
“So fun. Actually, we got stuck while filming, remember Mena?” You laughed, turning to Mena.
“Yeah, we did! So the carpet in real life was a green board with a small bit of carpet attached to the front. And you’re strapped in because it’s attached to a crane thing that swooshes you around. The crane got stuck and we were stuck up there for like half an hour.” Mena explained, hands very much involved in the conversation as they were moving around nonstop.
“And they strap you in weird, like you’re kneeling. So it wasn’t the most comfortable position to be stuck in for that long. But we couldn’t stop laughing the entire time.”
“And how excited were you to recreate the rest of the songs?” Mikaela smiled.
“Incredibly so. At first I thought I was going to just lip sync the song because I thought they would never in a million years let me sing it. But they did, and it was insane! My agent actually sent the casting directors a recording of me and my boyfriend singing ‘A Whole New World’. Like I said, I didn’t think I would be cast so I didn’t think much of it. So when they asked me to go with Mena to a recording studio, I was shocked.” You explained, motioning to Mena when you mentioned him.
“Pfft, she says boyfriend like her boyfriend isn’t The Shawn Mendes.” Mena rolled his eyes.
You immediately blushed at the mention of Shawn’s name. “I forget sometimes. He’s not The Shawn Mendes to me. He’s just my Shawn.” You looked behind Mikaela to see Shawn smirking at you and you smiled in response. He mouthed ‘I love you’ from across the room and you felt your ears turn scarlet and rolled your eyes at him.
Mikaela smiled at your small interaction with Shawn. “Yes, I was going to touch on that. How was Shawn with all of this? Did he come with you to set with you? How was it?” 
“Shawn is always so incredibly supportive. He was almost always on set with me towards the end of filming. He helped me practice my lines and my songs. He’s just the best. Him and Mena hit it off really great, too.” You grinned.
“Did he mind the kissing scenes? Because Jasmine and Aladdin kiss twice in the movie. Was he around for those days on set?”
“I honestly don’t remember if he was there on those days. Was he?” You turned to ask Mena.
“I think he was. Wasn’t that the same day we shot the scene were you fell between the buildings?” Mena asked through his chuckles.
You rolled your eyes as you remembered. “Yeah, I remember now. He was there, but no he didn’t mind. I mean, it’s my job and he understands that. Shawn himself had to kiss someone for a music video once. We both work in the entertainment business, so we both understand when it comes to our jobs.”
“And you mentioned a recording of you and him singing ‘A Whole New World’. Have you been dabbling in music?” Mikaela smiled, knowing your answer.
In the last interview she gave you, you and her talked about you venturing into the music industry.
“I have, I have. Shawn’s been so great with letting me tag along to studio visits and writing sessions. It’s been amazing to learn from him and his team. I’ve written a few songs and recorded some. But I don’t know if they’ll ever go out or anything like that.” You shrugged.
Mena put a hand up and shook his head at you. “They will, and if they don’t I will leak them. y/n is an amazing singer, trust me. The world needs to know what she has to offer. Her performances in Aladdin weren’t even scratching the surface of her talent.”
“You’ve heard the songs?” Mikaela asked.
“Yes, and they’re amazing. y/n is a very talented musician and she’s going to be big.” Mena explained, making you blush even more.
“Oh stop it, you’re making me blush.” You said, causing all three of you to laugh.
“And the duet you and Shawn recorded, would you ever be willing to the post that?” Mikaela asked, bringing up the cover of ‘A Whole New World’ you mentioned earlier.
“I don’t know, we’ll see.”
When the interview was over, you were pulled to the side by Shawn. “Hey there. You listened?” You asked, placing your hands on his chest.
“Mhm, I hated the part about the carpet.” Shawn mumbled. “We never got to get on it ourselves, just you and me.” 
You pouted and put your hand up to his face. “I know, baby. You know they said we couldn’t get on the crane again. I wish we could have. I really wanted to go on a magic carpet ride with you.” You smirked, hoping to elicit a laugh from your boyfriend and succeeding. 
“We’re gonna do it, though.” He said, very much determined.
“Oh, yeah? How so?” 
“Do you trust me?” Shawn laughed, quoting Mena as Aladdin.
“Oh, shut up.” You laughed, making sure to watch out for what Shawn had up his sleeve.
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@shawnmendes: cover of a whole new world with princess jasmine herself 💜i’m so glad i can call you mine @y/n.l/n
@shawn-mendes-muffins: when is y/n going to be on an album shawn!!!
@menamassoud: couple goals ❤️
@naomigscott: even better than @menamassoud imo 😉
          @menamassound: @naomigscott i’m choosing to ignore your opinion    
@princess.y/n.fans: my fav song from the movie 😍
@y/n.l/n: i love you with all my heart ❤️
          @shawnmendes: @y/n.l/n habibti 😘
You stumbled around God knows where with Shawn leading the way. You itched under the blindfold Shawn refused to leave without putting on you. 
“Don’t take it off!” Shawn scolded.
“I’m won’t, I won’t. Shawn, where the hell are we?” You giggled.
“You’ll see. Just a little more. Come on, this way.” Shawn dropped your hand from his and your heard him opening a large door.
You heard Shawn flip a switch and large industrial type lights could be heard as they turned on. A very familiar sound to you.
“Shawn?” Your arms flailed around you as you tried to get his hand back in yours.
“Yes, y/n?” You could hear the smirk in Shawn’s voice as he replied.
“Are we- are we on a set?” Your arms were still stuck straight out, looking for him.
“Mhm.” You felt him wrap you up in his arms from behind.
“Why?” You leaned back and nuzzled into his forearm.
“Take off your blindfold.” You immediately took off the scratchy material and let your eyes adjust to the light.
When your eyes finally took in what was in front of you, you were confused. There was a fake sandy cliff set up in the middle of a desert like set. On the cliff was a familiar piece from the Aladdin set. You walked forward to look closer.
“Is that the magic carpet? Shawn, what’s going on?” You turned to see Shawn holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers, the rosiest blush dusting his cheeks.
The speakers starting playing the starting notes of ‘A Whole New World’ and you realized what was going on.
The day you and Mena were filming the carpet scene was when Shawn began showing his dislike for Mena. You guys ended up being stuck on the green board that would later be turned into the magic carpet. The crane that was holding up the green board malfunctioned. You and Mena were stuck there for a short amount of time. But it was enough for Shawn to get into his head.
"I told you, I want to take you on a magic carpet ride.” Shawn shrugged, taking your hand and leading you to the small cliff. The steps carved into the back of the cliff were sprinkled with rose petals and strategically placed candles.
You sat gingerly on the carpet where Shawn had set up a picnic of chocolate covered strawberries and small baked goods. “This is too much, my love.”
“Everything in the world wouldn’t be to much if it’s for you, princess.”
“How did you get all this done?” You asked, your curiosity getting the best of you.
“Someone said they’d do anything for me. I took them up on that offer.” Shawn smiled and looked up to the control room across the set.
In the control room was Mena, he grinned incredibly wide and sent you a thumbs up. He dimmed the lights and made the backdrop behind you move so it looked like you were flying.
Laughter bubbled up your throat at how cliche everything was. “You find this funny?”
“A little. But in a good way. I love it, Shawn. Thank you.” You picked up a strawberry and leaned over to give it to Shawn. “Ugh, the cliche is killing me here.” 
Suddenly, you heard the shutter of a camera beneath the cliff. You peered over and saw Josiah smirking at you. 
“Is that Josiah? Shawn, you’re taking out all the stops here.” You chuckled.
Shawn opened the basket and shuffled through the items to find something. “You haven’t seen everything yet.” From the basket he produced the hat Prince Ali wore in the musical number by the same name and Jasmine’s blue headpiece. “I can’t take you on a magic carpet ride without being the prince himself, you know that.”
“Oh of course, I’m sorry.” You chuckled. You took the head piece from Shawn and placed it on your head. Shawn leaned over and fixed the blue plastic jewel’s position on your forehead. He leaned back and grinned to himself. “Shawn this is ridiculous.”
“Hey, let me live out this fantasy. I just wanna have some strawberries with my princess. On a magic carpet." 
“And the have most ridiculous photos ever taken of us?” You said, looking over to see Josiah still clicking away at his camera. You made a face at him and heard him laugh quietly, probably at the picture he got of it.
thankyou for reading, my loves. i hope you appreciate the hard work i put into this. so much of my soul is in this piece and it has the most special place in my heart. i hope it means as much as it does to me to you. idk if thats grammatically correct but whatever. as always, feedback means the world to me. maybe send me your favorite line from the fic?
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Hey! Could I get to know some of your headcanons about dickfigures/your designs for them? :D
ya ya sure!!!!
i already have my designs for them up if you havent seen, here they are!
as for headcanons idk how long this post will be so ill just add a read more for anyone who might not wanna scroll thru it all lol
his real name is rowan bc i thought it was cute, also it means “little red one” which is eVEN BETTER
he’s nonbinary masc and bisexual! the self projection is REAL
he has adhd
most of my headcanons kinda flow into my own version of dick figures because i’m not very Satisfied with canon NJSJDNSKM so like. for example red doesn’t just kill people or whatever. he gets into fights and has scars and wears bandaids a lot bc of them
he graduated college with blue, he got a bachelor’s degree in fine arts (honestly idk how college works bc im a grade 10 baby so if thats like totally wrong just let me know also im. canadian so idk how american school system works LOL)
red got suspended a lot in high school but never expelled. mostly bc he got in fights that were mainly him protecting stacey from shitty people (he sees her as his sister so he was rlly protective) and the school wasnt really sure what else to do so they just. you know. suspended him a bunch of times hoping itd do something but it didnt
he hates his dad! reason being is bc when he was born, his dad was actually an alien able to disguise himself as human, so he wanted to take red back to his home planet cuz red turned out to be more powerful than anything his dad had ever seen. but red’s mom was like Nope, so she snuck out with him and his plush cat (kitty amazing) and they were never found. red is very close with his mom and is scared of his dad coming back someday
we know he canonically likes rlly loud music so im just gonna project here and say he’s a metalhead. at least, some form of it. he likes the alt scene music and industrial rock. examples being deftones, nine inch nails, skinny puppy, rage against the machine, kittie and others. it keeps him focused and calm
we know blue was bullied as a kid but i dont wanna say red also bullied him bc i feel like thats just wrong to me? MAYBE ITS NOT ACTUALLY but it just makes me sad so like. lets say red, being as protective as he is, stood up for blue a lot cuz he was like “oh this kid cant fight” so he knew what to do
blue dated pink for awhile but they mutually agreed to break up after blue realized this wasnt what he wanted (he came to the conclusion that he was gay, well, he knew for awhile but it was Internalized Homophobia)
he grew up in a very conservative family so to see the world completely differently by meeting red, ems (lt), pink and stacey was a very good thing for him. unfortunately even tho his family did love him, it was conditional so they stopped talking to him after he came out. thankfully he’d already graduated high school by that point
despite being emotional blue isn’t very good at understanding how he’s an emotional person. he’s able to distinct one feeling from another and analyze them, but it’s just... hard for him to kind of. process WHY he feels a certain way? which is what’s led to a lot of his struggles in getting closer with ppl
he loooves reading and writing we already know this but i mean come on. he also got a bachelor’s degree in english/ela. so he’s able to become a teacher ig but he doesn’t really want to? at least not for awhile yet
blue was ems’ first friend. at first he couldn’t understand why they had tics but decided he shouldn’t get into someone else’s business. he didn’t find it weird, just cool!
he and red would always pair up for projects if they had classes together!!!!!! blue would do the writing/research and red would do the illustrations. they always turned out really good even if it ended with red cramming it at the last minute
surprisingly hates broseph more than red. well i mean its not surprising, because broseph was always a huge DICK to him
blue’s real name is wyatt!!!!! i forget the meaning but i felt the sound of it and the meaning fit him well
she’s still in college, getting her doctorate to be an astrophysicist!
pink is very very smart and will help anyone who’s struggling with something in school. she was basically the genius who always got in the honor roll every year. but, she actually was really anxious especially with exams
pink encourages stacey to go back to school, and sometimes stacey does, but she always ends up leaving again. it’s a little stressful but pink has hope for her
she’s never drank one sip of alcohol in her entire life. she smoked weed once, but it felt weird so she didn’t do it again
ever since she and blue broke up she’s been very supportive of him bc she herself is bisexual!!! so she sees nothing weird about it. in fact, about almost a year later she started dating stacey
pink’s real name is lily. when she became friends with blue she met red through him and she was like “can i join your nickname thing” and they said “sure” so they called her pink. stacey sometimes calls her pinky or just pink but mostly lily
pink helped red with academics. even tho he was sometimes insufferable to work with (/j thats a Joke i promise she’s a very patient person) she didn’t give up on him!!!! in return he helped her out with some fitness stuff cuz pink was always insecure about gym, and later when she graduated she actually got into exercising bc of red!
she loves travelling and going for walks. she owns a lot of houseplants and she’s given them all names and takes very good care of them! she also owns an albino ball python named Velvet
stacey is nOT actually all about sex this time ok. i don’t like that. i mean she did have some personality in canon but it wasn’t much? anyways she just really likes to express herself thru tight/”risque” clothing like fishnets and leather and pleated skirts and thigh-highs and platform boots, all of that. basically she’s a goth girl but doesn’t really “act” like one
she’s really intelligent when it comes to animals and insects and will tell you anything you need to know. when she goes back to college she gets a degree in environmental science
stacey can play the electric and bass guitars!!!! she was in a band back in high school but it never really went anywhere beyond performances at parties in someone’s garage. not that she didn’t like it, looking back on it makes her feel happy, but she wished it continued. probably why she has a hard time going back to college bc she’s not sure what she really wants
stacey is a trans woman btw!!!!! unfortunately it was a little difficult in high school to be who she was bc some kids were jerks, but there were a lot of others who supported her which is good
she views red as her brother as well and they still hang out a lot
i haven’t really had time to focus on stacey and make headcanons and stuff for her so i don’t have a lot but... let’s say, secretly, she’s a scifi nerd. and for the sake of debate, let’s say she’s a marvel fan. if you count being a fan of deadpool as being a fan of marvel
LOVES GIRLS.... loves pink!!!
has very similar music taste to red’s!!!!!
emssss!!!!!!! (lt)
instead of being a stereotype of ppl with tourette’s syndrome, it’s just a normal thing that isn’t focused on a whole lot. it doesn’t make ems swear but if they get really really frustrated they’ll curse while doing one of their tics
ems is agender, i’d say they’re also ageless but i don’t really want to make them too “nonhuman” because i feel like that’s dehumanizing to people with tourette’s. so let’s just say most laws of existence don’t apply to them
they’re very friendly!
they’re an aspiring musician, just like in canon
ems is also big into horror movies believe it or not. they’re pretty critical of them though like most horror movie fans, and only like specific ones (i’m not a horror movie fan myself so i can’t say what Specific Ones they like ajsdhbjn just imagine they have good taste okay)
they r very artsy too and like doing crafts cause it gives them something to focus on. it’s just a hobby though it’s not something they’re Professional at
they love nature and flowers and trees and all kinds of plants and animals!!! they like to document what they see when they travel thru nature and stuff so they bring a camera with them (and their phone, but, you know whatever)
ems was never really affected by things people said to them regarding their syndrome. to them it was something they were born with, so they couldn’t bother to feel bad about themselves. in certain situations theyre able to control it but 90% of the time they don’t care about what ppl think
aaaand there u go!!! as for minor characters like raccoon, jason/trollz0r, broseph, dingleberry, they all exist (raccoon isnt a racist stereotype tho), i just dont focus on them a whole lot. most of my hcs for stacey and ems here were thought up on the spot since i havent had time to lay out all my ideas for them but i hope what i have here is good !!!!
also, red and blue ARE dating, and pink and stacey ARE ALSO dating. gay rights
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You Can’t Cross the Same River Twice - Chapter 21
“How was Maine?” Trapper asks as Hawkeye slings his duffel onto the bed. It's not his army duffel - that had been thrown out as soon as he'd gotten it back - but a new one made of cheerful red canvas, the furthest Hawkeye and the Sears catalog could get from olive drab.
“It was good seeing my dad again. And Steve, who appears to be settling in nicely. He's going steady with an old flame of mine, so that's one less woman chasing after me – which I'm sure we're both relieved about.” He and Trapper share a conspiratorial grin. “So it was good to hear about all that, and about how he's getting on at the practice.”
A pause.
“And it was good to visit Tommy.”
Good in a way Hawkeye hadn't necessarily expected.
It's not that his visits are ever bad, per se. But they can be exhausting. Emotionally difficult.
But this latest visit had been free of the yoke of guilt Hawkeye had carried around since Tommy had died on his table and Hawkeye had had to move on to other people he could save instead of saying goodbye. Free of the wild grief Hawkeye had kept in his heart ever since he found out that Tommy's body had been taken away some time during the marathon OR session – and that Hawkeye would never see him again. Free of the trepidation, the uncertainty that had so haunted Hawkeye's first visit.
Hawkeye stands on the rocky shingle where his granddad used to launch his lobster boat and stares out at the ocean. It's a beautiful day for winter in Maine - sunny and clear, with no cutting wind to strip the flesh from your bones. Hawkeye feels like it ought to be overcast and miserable, the weather appropriately solemn for the occasion. But Hawkeye isn't in charge of the weather. And Tommy always did like to be contrary.
Well, there's no sense in putting it off any longer – it's taken Hawkeye long enough as it is.
His gaze turns to the rocky beach beneath his feet, searching out a tz'ror. The stone Hawkeye selects is smooth and flat and large enough to serve as the foundation for all the future tz'ror he'll leave. Because he may not be religious, may not believe in any gods or any kind of afterlife. But through him, the memory of Tommy – his first best friend, his first of many things – will endure like stone.
Then Hawkeye makes his way up the rise to the lawn where his dad and Trapper are waiting – patient through all of Hawkeye's introspection and dragging his feet. They make a strange little funeral procession through town and out to the cemetery, his dad carrying a bouquet of flowers and Trapper carrying the last of the bottle of whiskey he'd used to grieve Hawkeye's supposed passing. And they may garner some unwanted attention from the various busybodies congregated in the town square, but Hawkeye's glad they're here with him for this.
Glad he doesn't have to face his grief and guilt and love for Tommy alone.
Tommy's grave is neat and well kept – his family clearly take tending to it seriously - and Hawkeye is glad of that. But there's a fucking bible verse on the tombstone – something saccharine and terrible about fighting the good fight and keeping the faith.
As if there was anything good about the Korean war. As if they know anything of the the fights Tommy fought – in the streets, in the classroom, in his books and articles. As if Tommy wouldn't personally fight any god who dared welcome him into the afterlife barehanded and with a smile on his face.
Hawkeye's dad places his bouquet on the grave and steps away. He'd gotten to go to the funeral, he'd said – paid his respects and said his piece then. This visit is for Hawkeye.
Hawkeye places the tz'ror on top of Tommy's gravestone.
“Hi, Tommy.” And there's no way to stall, nothing more for him to drag his feet over. “The war's been over a few months now. I'm sorry I'm only coming to see you now but it's, it's been hard. Getting to feeling like myself – figuring out who that even is. And I'm not all the way there yet, but at least I've got a chance at it, unlike you.”
Hawkeye pauses to blink back tears.
“I'm so sorry, Tommy. Sorry I couldn't save you, sorry that they made me try – sorry that you were in Korea in the first place. I know you don't blame me for it, that you forgave me there on the fucking table as you were dying. And I appreciate that - I'm trying to honor it – but I'm sorry you had to do that, too.”
Hawkeye runs his gloved hand over the sun warmed stone.
“I miss you, Tommy – I miss you and I love you. And I'm so, so sorry.”
Trapper comes up beside Hawkeye then, and takes his free hand. It would be risky if anyone were here other than his dad, but the cemetery is empty and Hawkeye really appreciates having Trapper's hand in his right now.
“I'm sorry we didn't get much of a chance to get to know one another, Tommy,” Trapper says quietly. “I reckon the three of us coulda had some fun together – coulda been friends after the war. You were a good guy, and I'm glad Hawkeye had a friend like you growing up. Someone to get him into trouble and then back out of it. I hope you're restin easy.”
Trapper takes a drink of the whiskey and passes it to Hawkeye who takes a sip and then pours the rest of the bottle over Tommy's grave.
It's not enough, but it's all Hawkeye has to give.
Hawkeye had gone home to his dad's house and cried. Cried like he had for Tommy when he died. Cried like he couldn't for all the other kids who'd died over there, and for all the kids who'd lived. Cried ugly and snotty and wailing.
And then when he'd finished crying, he and his dad had told stupid stories about all the trouble he and Tommy used to get up to as kids – all the pranks played and the jokes told – while Trapper listened and laughed. And later, he'd whispered other stories about him and Tommy into Trapper's ear as they laid together in bed. Stories about first kisses, second kisses, hundredth kisses. Stories about love that went beyond friendship, beyond a puppy crush, beyond “practicing for girls.” Stories about things his dad had probably guessed at, but that Hawkeye doesn't think he wants to hear about – wouldn't understand the importance of them the way Trapper does, anyway.
It had been cathartic, letting everything he's feeling out like that – the sorrow, the joy, the love. Hawkeye finally able to mourn Tommy after years and years.
And his subsequent visits to Tommy's grave had been easier – though not without a certain solemnity, a certain sense of a debt owed.
But his visit this past weekend had been different still. There was still an understanding of grief and loss and love – but Hawkeye was filled with an air of expectant joy, as well. The kind of quiet excitement you get at having the chance to catch up with an old friend you haven't seen in a while.
By now, Hawkeye has visited Tommy's grave enough that there's a whole stack of Tz'ror making a little altar on the gravestone. A testament to all the memories Hawkeye has of the trouble they used to cause together. And a marker of all the goings on of the world that Tommy can't be there for.
Hawkeye sits down beside Tommy's grave and talks for hours – about Crabapple Cove in the summer, about people they both knew as kids, about Hawkeye's life in Boston. About the lobster boil he and his dad and Steve are having down at the beach this evening and about Steve's continued harassment by the single women of Crabapple Cove.
About how the war's been over for a year and it feels like both forever and no time at all. Like it's been forgotten by everyone but those who were part of it. Those who's lives were marked by it. Those who celebrate its passing the way he and Steve are doing here tonight – and Trapper and Charles are probably doing in Boston.
“Speaking of the war, Tommy, your book's getting published finally. They wanted to make a bunch of changes – turn it into a real flag waver, use it to recruit kids to come over to Vietnam to get shot. But your editor told them to get fucked – and I may or may not have sent a few dozen angry letters when I found out about it. Along with everyone else in my little anti-war social club. And I think Margaret helped as well – she sure can pen a diatribe, I can tell you.
“So the book's getting printed just how you wrote it – minus some spelling corrections, if I know you. And that's something, I guess, even if it's nothing close to enough. Other people will get to see you, Tommy, get to know you. Get to see the truth of how things were over there.”
Hawkeye sighs. “I just wish you were still alive to see it - and to yell at all those nationalistic idiots yourself. But you aren't and you can't – so I guess I better keep doing it for you. After all, what are friends for if not to keep your communist propaganda from getting rewritten?”
Hawkeye laughs softly to himself and just sits for a while, leaning back on his elbows, looking up at the clear summer sky. It's almost like the sweet summer evenings from his childhood – sitting out on the back porch or down at the beach or out on the lawn. Him and Tommy talking and laughing and just being together.
Eventually, it gets late – the sun low enough in the sky to signal dinner on the horizon. So Hawkeye gets up and brushes grass off his pants, stretches his cramped legs.
“Goodbye, Tommy, I'll be back to visit as soon as I can,” he says and then turns away.
And Hawkeye realizes he's looking forward to that next visit. It's not a duty or a way to assuage lingering guilt but a joy to get to come back to visit Tommy. To talk to whatever small part of him lives on in this cemetery in Maine and in Hawkeye's memories.
Hawkeye shakes himself out of memory and back into the present. Back into his bedroom in his house in Boston. Back to Trapper.
“All in all, it was a good trip. But I'm glad to be back home.”
“I'm glad you're back home too, Hawk,” Trapper says seriously. “Cuz I just spent an evening with Charles Winchester and I'm ready for some better company.”
Hawkeye smiles coquettishly. “Trapper, you flatterer. C'mon, it couldn't have been that bad.”
“All right, fine, it wasn't that bad. Honoria and Marjory were there so I wasn't just stuck with Winchester all night. And that sure was a good thing, cuz he got pretty soused and wasn't up for much conversation. Not that that's a big loss,” Trapper says a little meanly.
Hawkeye whacks him gently on the chest with the back of his hand. “Oh, stop. You don't really hate him.”
“Fine, I admit he's gotten a lot less snooty since I first met him. But that don't make it any more fun to sit through the endless stories about how smart and rich and well bred he is.”
Hawkeye laughs. “All right, all right – I take your point. It does get a little boring hearing about summering on the Cape for the fifth time.”
“This time it was all about how glad he is Korea's over and he ain't had to see none of the riff-raff from the 4077 in a whole year, so at least there was some variety to the snobbery. Though him listing out the names of every single person in camp – minus you and BJ and, weirdly enough, Max – got old pretty quick.”
Hawkeye smiles wryly. “I'm surprised I wasn't on that list – Charles couldn't get away from me fast enough back in Korea.”
“Well,” Trapper grins, “you do got a way of growing on people.”
A pause.
“And as big a pile of shit as Korea was, there was good stuff too. Friends I couldn't'a made anyplace else. People I love and care about that I never woulda met otherwise. And I reckon that's worth remembering – and I reckon Winchester thinks so too, or we'd've never started playing poker together.”
“That's true enough,” Hawkeye says. “Though I won't be sorry when it's been so long since the war I forget exactly which anniversary we're on.”
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