#but i dont find it very funny or cute or whatever they're going for
man at this point it's pretty normal to be hostile towards dream fans in my notes, some dteam main reblogged one of my posts yesterday and i thought about blocking them on instinct but i didnt, and i just saw them on twitter telling r*nboo to kill himself :/
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crushedsweets · 1 month
ok this is like 30+ asks LOL its mostly stuff about me/my art with a little crp sprinkled in im sorry... ill make a post thats actually answering the crp asks with real answers that arent "ILL DO IT EVENTUALLY I SWEAR" lololol
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YOURE BOTH SO SWEET i havent been this passionate about smth in so long so hopefully im here for a while... thank u guys for indulging me. it makes me happy to post LOL
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with love pls dont call me that buuuut. ninakate. ticciwork. ninatoby. ticcijack. ninajack. notice how its all in the same group...
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hiii i dont plan to anytime soon! IF I WERE TO, cody and rouge are probably 'next in line' to being put in my AU, but i have no plans to actually commit to that
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omg ok its funny cuz rn i HAVE ONE but its just me in it cuz im too lazy to organize all the bots and verification and whatnot. im also nervous about making a server cuz of some online occurrences that happened after u sent this HAHA so i'm kinda putting it off... but i reblogged tombs server and im sometimes active in there if u wanna join that one!
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no ur right theyre such a power couple. i know we joke about toby being useless bf and clocky being badass gf but they're both really cool together.
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I FORGOT I MADE THE TWILIGHT COMMENT LMFAAAOOOOOO I NEED i need. i need toby to find a random twilight shirt at a thrift and snag it for kate.
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ME TOOOO its so delightful. i have so much fun playing with them like barbies.. making them kiss n whatever. LMFAOOOO so silly but yk
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JEFF STANS ARE SO FUNNYYYYYYYYY i like you guys. laughing jack stans scare me but thats cuz that damn clown scares me... nothing that yall have done. youre just braver than me. LOL
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i will not do this...
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no literally its really bad. i hold horrible grudges BAHAHA but im working on it. im getting over my purple beef
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omg. i listened to it and that was really cool. i like that thank u sm for sharing
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IM SORRYYYY im so sorry. i feel like this fandom is so small and most of the fans dont really ship in general so it suuuucks shipping here.. but i love them..
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oh my god i need to i keep forgetting. the nina art i jus tposted of her holding th eknife was kinda.. kinda referencing her behaviors..
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i do too!!! ive been neglecting them so bad im so sorry..
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like the IEPFB tea party scene
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is this a song
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i have not! i havent read alot of stories actually... i kinda like doing my own thing with them HAHA
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omfg i had a clocknina drawing but i ended up privating but i think i should unprivate it...
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ok actually im sorry i just am bad at requests omfg LMFAOO IM SORRY im so focused on nina ... forgive me...
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THANK YOUUUU youre very sweet i appreciate you!!! <3
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YEAH he's...one of the more tragic people. 100%. all loss
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wdym ? !
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THANK YOU CUPCAKE i really like nina.. or my version i gues si dunno.. i like everyone else's nina too. i like this nina we got going on together
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ok i keep grouping these together but also making them seperate im so bad at organizing these asks but HAHA I LOVE THEM TOO i swear ill try to get some ticciwork stuff out soon!!! my spring semester is almost over so hopefullyyy..
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this is how you know i suck ass cuz this was christmas time and im replying NOW. im so sorry. i initially planned to draw them hanging around a tree but i didnt get around to it then got embarassed and never replied.... but i agree it would have been cute. ha di notfailed. LOL
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lollytea · 2 years
Dont know if you still want ppl to let you know of TOH news but new promo droped
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Oh these fucking bastards. You know EXACTLY what they're doing here. Where's everybody else? At home. Asleep. Completely oblivious to whats happening. Luz and Hunter have gotten a lead that involves Belos and they've decided to exclude the others for their own safety and investigate by themselves. Their friends are gonna be PISSED.
Also idk why in God's name they're wearing King and Hooty masks at a time like this but I'm very excited to find out. They're obviously handmade. Probably for Halloween. Whatever it takes for Luz to cope.
LUZ HAS A FUCKING BAT!!! And Hunter is gonna rake a man to death.
Also...hm...bandage on Hunter's finger. I could buy that he injured himself but it seems like a pointless detail unless it was important to the plot somehow. Oh dear god did Hunter accidentally cut himself, only for Belos to sniff out his blood and target their location. What in God's name is the meaning of this??
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They drew a hooty on the door 🥺
Also Willow decorated the porch. I love her.
Also ALSO....Hm. Is Luz returning from school and that's what Amity is looking at or is she just noticing how the door opened by itself? Possible wind buuuuuut...I trust nothing anymore
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Kinda hoping it's a music box type that projects memories when it's opened and that's how the kids learn the story of Philip and Caleb. That'd be sick.
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No idea what's going on here and if its something magical or if those are just plastic glow in the dark stars that the kids decorated the house with. That hand is definitely a mirror of the weird grimwalker hand thing. Collector vibes too. Also possible that this is somehow a result of opening the fucked up little box of horrors.
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Me gasping that they're starting to learn about grimwalkers like I didn't already know they would. Also hm. Seems to be Amity, Willow and Gus here. This might be what's going on with them while Luz and Hunter are out raking people to death.
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"No no no no spoilers!!!" I FUCKING LOVE HIM
Concept art real. Gus and Hunter are gonna wear matching costumes for Halloween. Ones they have clearly made themselves. They've also become Star Trek fanboys which is SO funny and cute. The idea of Gus and Hunter starting a show together and getting completely obsessed with it is golden to me. They're just little guys.
Hunter being extremely paranoid over spoilers because he's just THAT into it. God this is so fucking good. Nerd.
I assume he's talking about Star Trek and not....something else....maybe Hunter watches anime real....
Anyway head exploding
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inevitablestars · 4 days
HEY LINDS this is my Official Attempt to sway you towards perciver i hope you like it and that it doesnt turn you off them forever, now first off!
general relationship potential:
percy and oliver are in the same year and as far as we know they are the only boys in gryffindor in their year which makes them not only roommates but also the only boys in their room. for seven years.
percy is incredibly misunderstood by his whole family pretty much always, they all avoid him or are rude to him or just misunderstand him completely. with oliver's proximity its very likely hes the first person ever in percys life to properly observe him and understand him!!!
percy is the most career driven singleminded ambitious motherfucker in gryffindor.... second only to oliver!!! who is the most quidditch obsessed bitch on this planet and arguably has more solid career goals of anyone in that entire series. they are hyperfocused! they are girlbossing! they are not getting a wink of sleep bc they both get so lost in their work they forget what time is!
classic jock/nerd combo except oliver is a jock who is secretly a nerd (think of all the quidditch stats!!) and percy is a nerd who is secretly a jock (percy is a master spellcaster and nobody can convince me otherwise, that man fought multiple death eaters on his own at the battle of hogwarts and you do not get that kind of skill from just sitting behind a desk)
idk theres honestly a lot of directions one could take them but theyve just got so much chemistry and so much in common but also different and theyve got so much potential
(in my head they are the definition of autism/adhd solidarity but i know that not everyone hcs them that way which is cool too)
now for fic recs!!!
Twenty-nine - 85k - Endrina
percy weasley-centric fic that is honestly one of the most creative interpretations of him ive ever read, it goes deep into his past and his canonic decisions and stuff but theres a twist to it that is just gold, also its a whodunit where oliver's been framed for murder and only percy knows hes innocent its very very good and definitely played a huge part in me falling in love w percy's character
A New Life - 89k - AnotherAuthor, myroaringtwenties
percy and oliver meet post-war and help each other get their lives moving forward again, its very well written and very sweet but mind the tags its kinda heavy at points, it doesnt shy away from how hard the war was on everyone but the community that the weasleys and the quiddich players have is very warm and i love it
At least he has great abs - 12k - Irisen
this one is a cute shorter nonmagic soulmate au where oliver is a famous footballer and percy is a politician and they end up being soulmates, its very funny and light and i just enjoy it
(also i am technically writing a perciver fic rn its called Rely On Me and the first two chapters are up on ao3 but its my first fic attempt and i havent updated it all summer bc Life so pls dont feel obligated to read it i just felt like it would be weird if i didnt mention it)
anyway! i hope you enjoyed this if nothing else and if you read these or find other perciver fics or just wanna talk about em lmk bc i am always down to talk perciver i love them with my whole heart and soul <3
josephine hello. is this from literally ten months ago? perhaps it is. but i'm here now.... you mentioned perciver earlier and it reminded me that this has been sitting in my inbox for SO LONG
alright let's get into this
• iconic of them to be alone in a dorm for seven years together that already screams soulmates
• you're so right these two get their minds set on something and they're going to get it they're going to achieve whatever they want (tbh i already think they should put that energy toward like Getting Together but i distress)
• nerd jocks! a slay tbh
• i see the autism adhd thing i get it
• i also think like yeah i agree they have a lot in common when you dig into them but from one glance it's like ? these two? really? but then you see who they are at their core and it's like oh of course how could you think anything else (i have a lot of characters and dynamics that this sorta concept applies to i get it)
also love the inclusion of fic recs which i will check out when i am back to reading <3 consider myself convinced (it did not take much you already convinced me by just sending this ask)
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obwjam · 21 days
Legit so excited to hear your thought about the coaches and don't even get me started on NEKOMA, like so much potential with them have cat like eyes and agility and kdjcdnksjs
Am i the only one who thinks that kenma would know about a borrower in their gym, watching them all play, the entire time and just doesn't say anythign because he knows how it feels to be shorter than others, underestimated and feel looked down upon? Not only that but he is an introvert, he wouldn't want them to be put through what he deals with from Lev Haiba.
omg i have soooo many nekoma thoughts dude it's not even funny... kenma would literally be the best giant bc he doesn't ask a million questions, make height jokes or even act like anything is different lmao it's just another person, whatever, but he would have a soft spot for a tiny for the exact reasons u said. he'd find himself worrying about them bc they're so vulnerable and they dislike talking to humans as much as he does. if the whole team knew about the tiny they would NEVER leave them alone and kenma would have to step in to protect them at all times. the conversation would be like: tiny: you knew i was here??? kenma: nods tiny: how long? kenma: six months tiny: SIX MONTHS? AND YOU DIDNT SAY ANYTHING? kenma: /shrugs/ i didnt want to bother you
ok now let me do the coaches/managers bc i literally love them all and they'd all handle the situation in VASTLY different ways...
ukai would be really confused and he'd try to act like he doesn't care that the entire team has now adopted a tiny little human being. like they'd all be clamoring over a tiny and he'd be like what the hell is going on here?! and once he sees them he kind of freezes, looks at them really surprised but eventually goes "well as long as they're not distracting you from practicing what do i care" but he secretly like obsessively thinks about the tiny and is always trying to see what they're doing but really just has no idea where to even begin when it comes to talking to them. the tiny keeps thinking ukai hates them and is very scared of him and he legit needs to be told that the poor thing is terrified of him he's so oblivious. he feels bad and slowly starts to make amends and he would be rlly sweet with them honestly, letting them explore the store and giving them free food all the time. loves answering their volleyball questions
takeda would 1000% immediately go 🥺🥺🥺 at a tiny and just start fawning over them. like real tears in his eyes he'd think they're the cutest thing on the planet. he would obsessively ask about the things they need at all times: did you eat today? did you have enough water? have you tried this food instead? are you sure hinata's shoulder is the safest place to sit? oh please dont climb up that like that you'll hurt yourself like he is just so protective it hurts. is constantly thinking of ways to make their life easier and spoils them endlessly. always asks if they can pick them up before he even lays his hand out, and he's always offering to take them from place to place and the tiny is like it's okay i can walk and tekeda is like b-b-but that's dangerous!!! he's just the biggest sweetie. would stare at the tiny for way too long while theyre in his hand
shimizu would be so chill about it. she'd be acting like she's met a thousand tinies before. the tiny would NOT know how to read her at ALL and they wouldn't think she hates them, they'd just be like ... so what's her deal. and ofc shimizu finds them so freaking cute upon first seeing them and is so curious about them. she just doesn't really know the best way to ask them questions without feeling annoying but would always get them food, water, literally whatever they need, she just shows up with it and it's very sweet. she's like a beacon of comfort for a tiny, just reliable and would die protecting them no questions asked. accepts them as a member of the team instantly
yachi would be the same as takeda but like 100x louder because ! it's a little tiny person like !!!!!!! she would literally squeal upon meeting them and reach to pick them up before seeing they do NOT like that and she asks if she could hold them, like she would ask if she could hold a cute cat lmao she would be so obsessed with them, asking sooo many questions and being oblivious to the fact that she's huge compared to them (not a dynamic she's used to) but she's very apologetic and sincere that there's no way a tiny could ever really be scared of her aside from the sheer size difference. she would always ask so where are they? before every practice, she wants them to like her soooo bad and would become instant besties with them and would love explaining human stuff as much as she loved asking about borrower stuff
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rjsals · 1 year
Mh, Seoho's a really cute guy. I like him a lot, love him even.🥺 What's new though...
Anyways, if you really wanna talk about him a lot then you can tell me again when and how he became your bias~ or you can just list all the things you love and appreciate about him🧡
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HI. i just washed up and made myself comfortable so i could divert all my free time & attention to this post right here bc OH BOY do i have a lot to say
although i'm not particularly sure how he became my bias? i dont even think he was in the running until one day i was watching the second season of show me the mwm (the episode where they have to find their symbol in a morning mission) and seoho straight up ate xion's lollipop. i remember thinking oh. he's the one!!
i think the main thing i like about seoho is how effortlessly he makes me laugh?? we all know he's kind of shy but at the same time he's not afraid to make a fool out of himself and just does whatever feels right and somehow it works... i faintly remember him talking about wanting to be a comedian as a kid, because he loved making people laugh and everytime i have to catch my breath after another one of his silly antics, a part of me hopes that he knows that's exactly what he's doing right now.
and yeah he's incredibly funny but also really fucking smart and his out of the box thinking often blows my mind. his big brain is sexy as hell and i love how he just keeps me on my toes and surprises me with something new every single time!! and with every single new thing i learn about him my heart grows in size. there's galaxies in this man's mind that i can't WAIT to discover!!
i think.. when it comes to seoho it's very easy for people to lock him in the box of the "silly hyung who loves joking around and often acts like the maknae" and throw away the key.. stereotyping idols happens a lot, and when shit hit the fan, people said some things that i vehemently disagree with when it comes to his role as the oldest in oneus. first of all, i don't think that role means as much in their group as it does in others bc they treat each other as equals to begin with? but it's crazy to me how people look at seoho and don't see how much of a support/pillar he is to his members.
seoho, reliable 민이형 who makes sure dongju doesnt fall short of anything he needs (even if he doesnt know it himself) and gladly indulges the youngest in all his passions and interests even if he pretends to dislike it.
seoho, the one hwanwoong goes to late at night for comfort because he feels like he's the one who understands him best. the first two rbw boyz who share a deeper understanding.
seoho, keonhee's twin. i may be biased but these two have so much in common and constantly feed off each other in so many ways. they're often giggling by themselves, share the same deep passion for singing and music (exhibit A: every single one of their vlives), and hwanwoong mentioning how the roommates are getting more and more alike as time goes by in their recent vlive just tells me how close they are even if we don't see that much of it on camera. (this was supposed to be a paragraph about how seoho takes care of keonhee but of course my keonho biased ass ended up here). what i meant to say is i think seoho, as keonhee's roommate, provides both those "need a boys night in with some beers and a pinch of crazy karaoke" kinda vibes as well as the guidance and understanding keonhee might be in need of. i think they match each other's energy well.
seoho, geonhak's (i dare say) best friend. a day without seodo banter is like going a day without water. seoho has geonhak's back like no other. you mess with gh, you mess with seoho, and he's not afraid to let you know either. the "we stand shoulder to shoulder" line in the top gun medley is actually about them.
and to think people don't see seoho as someone who can adequately care for his members is both beyond ridiculous and sad to me. just bc you can't see his love language doesn't mean they can't.
AND THAT IS NOT TO MENTION THE SHEER TALENT this man posseses but i won't get into the way his voice gives me chills and he often leaves me shooting heart eyes at my screen after a performance. i also won't elaborate on how amazing a dancer he is and how he somehow also is great at sports and how his talking voice is so soothing and comforting i sometimes put on old vlives to ease my anxiety (i'm literally listening to his last bubble live as i'm typing this. it's my fav so far.)
i also won't mention his pretty smile and his beautiful eyes and his amazing hands and the little freckle on his cheek and the shape of his lips and when he goes :} and how much i love the sound of his laugh.
i'm probably missing sooooo much but i've been going at this for over an hour and it's been a long day so i just want to say i love him a lot and i would pull down the moon for him.
and ily for giving me an excuse to talk about him hehe 🧡
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lietpolski · 1 year
Denmark, 0! (I'm so glad they added an all option!)
!!! ok here we go :D
1) what would their social media page/activity be like: i've discussed this w/ a friend but i think denmark is the most technologically capable after sweden! i think on twitter he's a little more professional (but he loves rting feel-good stuff) BUT he shines on insta. it's full of artsy pictures of the danish countryside and embarrassing videos of him and his friends on his stories :,)
2) what animal they remind me of: i don't care that it's predictable that man is a puppy!!!! manga denmark is a golden retriever but anime denmark is a yippy chihuahua with that fucking voice
3) my thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone: LOVE!! i think his canon outfit is really nice compared to.... whatever the other four are doing!! his hair is dumb but it's dumb /affectionate /i love him
4) physical headcanons: i got a few! he's an early bird!! and a light sleeper. physique-wise he's the second tallest nordic and he has BIG ass arms (an axe was his main weapon so!! makes sense to me!) he has a huge sweet tooth + he loves pastries!! but his favourite is whatever norway bakes because he's a softie :) as for actual food.... this man survives on sandwiches hot dogs and beer. get well soon x
5) social headcanons: denmark is the nordic with the most friends outside of the group!! finland comes close, because everyone loves finland and he has estonia & hungary, but i think denmark's outside friendships are more involved! a strip that really stuck with me is one during the denmark-norway period, where he goes to the netherlands and asks him to give him the buddy price on weaponry and ned agrees despite how he usually is :,) within the group, i see him as having an older-brother-but-kinda-dad relationship with iceland. sweden and him are close now and they're just the brothers who had a fallout but now r coping by insulting themselves jokingly (only when they're a few drinks in sometimes it's not a joke). he and fin only became close in later centuries but their personalities are super compatible so they're great friends!! and he and norway... oughghhg you're talking to dennor lover #1 here HAH to me they've been basically on-and-off in love for 1100 years or so :,) i'll go more into it in a future post so i'll stop here but!! yeah!!
6) psychological headcanons: i feel like i covered most of this in my denmark analysis!! but hm yeah for me his greateast fear is for sure isolating his family again. and despite how carefree he acts, i think he weighs his decisions very carefully because of what happened in the past when he didn't. i think he's actually really good with dealing with anger in modern day (he's had a lot of practice) but he regrets how he used to be before. speaking of before!! i love to think abt him from the viking era to approximately the late 1500s just... cocky bloodthirsty denmark is really fun to explore and i think people should play it up more instead of making him p much as sweet as in modern times! i dont think he wouldve been anything like that to anyone but his family and own people (also animals btw this guy loves animals 100%)
7) ship(s) with them that i like or at least consider: in terms of like... my version of canon i'm a dennor soloshipper i think :,) BUT i find denmark/norway/finland/sweden fun to think about!! also denmark/estonia is a rarepair i think is veryvery cute. and some classic nedden never hurt anyone!
8) made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever): yes!! estonia as i just mentioned! he was danish land once and he's a nordic fanboy now so they have to have some kind of relationship! also prussia; i know they do have the whole awesome trio thing going on, BUT i think historical denmark & prussia is not spoken about enough. the 2 were on the same side all the time back then!! finally i find it really funny if he and poland get on each others nerves HAH again because of historical reasons!
9) headcanons about their past: again covered a lot of these already but!! here's one that's a little different. denmark was the first to become christian, and i think he would've annoyed the fuck out of norway and sweden (who were still norse pagan) about it! sometimes it just got him exasperated eye rolls, sometimes it got him beheaded, yk how it goes
10) content about them I'd like to see more of: anything i love denmark sosososo much more iceland & denmark content!!! i adore norway & iceland don't get me wrong but they for sure overshadow ice & dan when it comes to familial dynamics and it's a shame! also i think a lot of the historical content focuses on the viking era, the fall of the kalmar union or 1814, and i'd like to see more of him in the 1500s-1700s!! he was up to interesting stuff!!
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uselessheretic · 2 years
Lmao "how dare you not make fanworks of this canon bland wholesome couple with no conflict between them and no major personal flaws, you must be ableist" or the other acussation which is that you hate bald men (??? These people are shipping Lucius and his dumb sideburns and Izzy who's also not what you'd call traditionally hot??? Why would they balk at bald????). Lucius/Pete is just boring for the popular fic tropes. Like I have yet to see one person say they dislike them in canon! But there's what's good and enjoyable to see on screen as a background pairing, and there's what's going to get its claws deep enough into the brains of people who do transformative fandom to compell them to write fic about it. These two do not provide the correct brainworms.
Izzy is sort of catnip for fanfic writers which I called as soon as the oooh daddy Thing happened. He's a mess and so are all of his possible relationships (also kinky on main without wanting to be kinky on main) but at the same time if you go the "if you touch him right he melts" or "if someone railed him he'd calm down" route it's also believable, bc he's a mess, so you dont have to commit to a 60K angst fest to fix his life or make it worse either. Fandom bicycle pathetic little meow meow.
It's also why so much Blackbonnet content is about their reunion when it's not pure fluff or a pwp, it's the closest bit of relationship drama that has to be resolved (even if you flatten them into uwu cinnamon roll non-pirates and thus ignore any other issues they'd need to work on to make their relationship not implode, you still have this fight to resolve! If you dont do that both of them have so much shit to work on to survive past the honeymoon phase and get better as people together that you do probably need like 70K of fic, maybe a series. This is why they're the central relationship in canon lol. Given the Steddyhands fic Ive read it seems to me to have hit bc if you put Izzy in that mix it's so volatile they HAVE to talk shit out they cant just ignore their problems for 48 chapters without Izzy leaving or dying of stress??)
Cant comment on how the actors being hot factors here bc im too ace to tell when none of them are like. Hollywood Hot/a model?? They're too normal people I could see on the street in real life to like. Rank.
it's just silly because this keeps popping up about the canon pairings as if izzy's going to steal their spot and it's like?? that is not a threat?? i'm trying to not be too heavy on ship hate or whatever but iont even like Lucius/Pete as a pair, but ik they're gonna stay canon and i hope they do bc lots of people enjoy them! but otherwise fandom's just a lil sandbox for me to play in and i wanna see izzy kiss ppl.
i think the "this is problematic" discourse is funny though because i think people are struggling to find a way to make it more woke when both ships are literally white m/m with not much else. you can't even argue a problematic age gap since izzy and pete's actors are only 4 years apart. (lucius confirmed for on a dilf hunt btw) so you just get stuck with "conventionally attractive" which i stg is discourse that only ever happens around white men. (tbf i think people are super out of pocket when they say a poc isn't conventionally attractive. like someone said taika was unconventionally attractive once and like dude. taika is hot in a very like traditionally handsome way??)
and then it's odd because i feel like it's like?? kinda an appropriation of the language used when talking about the racial biases people have against characters of color in fandom. it is an issue when character of color are sidelined or erased in favor of white characters. or sometimes people just? erase canon aspects of characters/pairings to make them flatter than they actually are. like people call jim/olu a fluffy low stress ship, but they're not? their meet cute is a murder and they have ups and downs with separations and communication issues. i do legit think if they were two skinny white cis men that people would be more on them with writing angst and other drama, but :/
either way that concept's being stretched too far where people keep talking about ships where izzy usually just replaces another white guy so what does it matter. even if people wanted the pair to breakup in canon and be replaced with izzy it like... doesn't matter? representation isn't being lost? who cares lol.
i think maybe people just need to work on their propaganda or smth tbh like i didn't find con oneil hot at first and im p sure i got brainwashed into being super into him by fandom. maybe people need to stop complaining about pete being bald and just start talking about wanting to slap him on his bald ass head while topping him and get the tumblr girlies in on the action
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polyboros · 2 years
any relationship hcs for the heroes? who do you pair with them, if at all? (ie: hero/hero, ouroboros/hero, etc)
farmersonly (juniper/zeon) is really cute, i think!! i saw a few pieces for it over on twitter (here & here) + the ascension quest featuring both of them is really endearing!! i love that they're two people who are learning how to be a commander in a way that fits the loss of the flame clock- and i like that they can learn from each other in different ways involving that too, because what they seek is kind of what the other has on lock (good leadership, farming skills)
ethel/cammuravi is really good too, but. uh. only when you either rewrite or disregard whatever's going on with their ascension "quest." i think they kind of fumbled the ball on that one!! the two of them just being. people who are in love in a world where they do not know what that is & find themself happy to die by each other's hands because they cannot recognize the feeling and what to do with it besides fight is.... insanely good. bonkers kinds of emotions over there. also cammuravi & the recovery from Not Being A Person for a while there is a lot to consider!! gently taking a hammer to their post-ch5 storyline. I Can Fix You. also up until ethel & cammuravi died for the first time i was deeply in love with the bolearis/ethel dynamic And I Still Am and i think its fun. can you imagine the bolearis-cammuravi dynamics. i sure can
ashera/eunie is SO FUN i like them so much. i dont have a lot of specific thoughts on them but everything going on with their canonical dynamic makes me feel bonkers & if you add kissing into that it can only be improved. like. exponentially.
miyabi & mio/sena is always really interesting to think about. because i think there is something to be had with getting to know each other all over again- because you are all different people, than you were when one of you died. and finally being able to be honest with each other in the ways you couldn't be before, etc. also the cooking fluff to be had here, especially wrt sena's little onigiri recipe thing that you see in segiri's hero quest. you know!!!
assorted others: - the tragedy of ghondor/shania is really good, though i stand by the idea that less of the "former backstory character turned moebius" guys should've died. having to Come Back From All Of That. yeah. - i made a joke about triton/grey once & it's still very funny to consider. rozana and grey are such a funny couple. guys who are extremely neurodivergent and extremely committing political assassinations when ouroboros isnt looking - read this irma & fiona fic always - do you think the queens of aionios ever-
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hohotaro · 2 years
A quick Messy thrown together summary of the Love is drama cause it lives rent free in my mind
Lihito Kaoru and Setsuna are havinga meeting for their trio song but it ends quick because Setsuna needs to go back to the Medical tower cause for some reason he still lives there???
Lihito and Kaoru finds it weird
Then Lihito and Kaoru decide to stalk- I mean follow Setsuna around the next day because idfk they wanna know what's Setsuna like
Next day they start looking for Setsuna and the Kaoru and Lihito interactions are so funny cause it's like
Kaoru: Ok! Let's gooo!!
Lihito: Kaoru wtf?!?#*# Shut the fuck up?!?@@?
Kaoru: oopsie! 🤭
*Kaoru pulls down Lihito*
Lihito:vHfhh- KAORU?!
Kaoru: shh your voice is too loud
Lihito: you...
They find him and Setsuna is watering some of his plants and talks to it and it's kinda cute, he talks about Mahiro to the plants and Lihito's like "he's never shuts up about Mahiro"
Setsuna runs off again and the others try chase after him
They end up up their dorm area while hiding and it seems like Mahiro and Ryoga are going out since it's their off day.
Something something Kaoru and Lihito talks about some stuff and Kaoru says smth abt Lihito caring about Chise. Idk i couldn't understand well atm
Setsuna comes out and says to smth along the lines of he didn't get to be with Mahiro that much and Ryoga sucks
Kaoru and Lihito talk about and they suddenly lose sight of Setsuna again and Kaoru runs off first to find him while Lihito was like "blah blah bla- hm? HAGGHF KAORU?!" "Lihito-san hurry!" "YOUR VOICE IS TOO LOUD" and runs off
Lihito is walking around looking for Setsuna and calling Kaoru at the same time and they were about to give up and then Lihito finds Setsuna by a big tree while taking a nap
Kaoru goes to the area Lihito is now and admires how theres a nice place at their dorm garden and didn't know how big the place actually is
They look at the sleeping Setsuna is and Lihito notes how Setsuna is like a cat always finding a good place to sleep
Kaoru and Lihito go to an area to lie down and talks about its been a long time since they had a break and they slowly fall asleep on the grass
Personal note: Lihito's sleepy voice and deep waking voice is very sexy
Setsuna walks up to the sleeping duo and pats them awake and askes them why they're here and they both sutter like "um i asked Lihito-san to come with me""no it was my idea to-"
And Setsuna upset goes " I don't care just get up." Which makes the two confused "I dont care.just move." And then they get up
Setsuna sighs in relief and says "it's safe"
Turns out the area that Lihito and Kaoru laid on had an anemone that Setsuna planted
Kaoru's like "you care about this flower so much and thats why you planted it here, sorry we almost crushed it" and Setsuna replys through gritted teeth "you didn't crush it,,,,,its fine...whatever"
Lihito laughs cause he never seen Setsuna like this before and its a new side that of him that Lihito and Kaoru have seen
Kaoru suggests that they replant the flower with a pot Kaoru has so it doesn't get crushed by anyone on accident
The three of them wont have any problems with writing lyrics together and they are happy :)
Ok honestly most of the time i couldn't understand some convos is because of Lihito *cries*
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luvring · 2 years
I saw your blog and i have risen from the dead :) anyway if it's okay can i request some headcanons about Felix with an MC that speaks another language? My goal in life is to call him a cute petname in Greek and watch him get so red he looks like a fire hydrant (i dont know if i spelled that right but whatever you know what im talking about) you know how dogs don't know what we're saying but they go off of tone? (I saw that in a tiktok once i don't know if its entirely true or not) I wanna tell felix i love him so much but my friends tell me i sound more aggressive in Greek so he might think I'm angry at him or something n then i tell him i was just saying how much i love him and he goes !!!!!!!!😳 I'm rambling sorry but i think it would be funny watching him get frustrated. Oh! Maybe he says something to the MC in Velan! (I think thats what its called) oh i love him so much...
— felix with a multilingual mc
note from nia: achievement unlocked raise someone from the dead :heart_eyes: BUT THIS IS SO CUTE...wishing i knew more than hs french & basic korean rn . sorrow
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the first time he hears you speak in a different language oh he is so intrigued. gets excited about the possibilities
his menace side awakens . he's going to start making fun of sage and swearing around escell and no one can stop him
he'd ask you to teach him things in exchange for learning something in velan
i don't know if this is too specific but y'know that one couple on tiktok that made those videos of greeting the other one as they came home in their native language to surprise them. like you would talk in velan and he'd speak in greek
smh he would have practiced so hard and done little pronunciation notes. asked you how to say things at random times so you didn't get suspicious...
you can probably find a bunch of pages of him trying to write a script and also practicing his writing
especially if it has a different alphabet like greek, korean, urdu, etc. he's writing out letters and words over and over
would use it in cards or letters whenever he could because he thinks it's romantic
would get rings for the both of you with your names/a phrase in each other's languages. i'm going to cry
the kind of guy to watch a show in your language and when he hears something he understands he feels so accomplished and points out what it meant. yes they did just say do you want to eat
you teach him a bunch of petnames then proceed to immediately call him those petnames
he may not have been able to specifically connect which word meant what but even having a general idea of what you were doing got him all flustered
once he figures them out he'll use one on you to get your attention
if you do the same to him he gets all @!@?!%#?>!? especially if it's in velan and/or said casually . he loves casual intimacy help him
saying i love you for the first time and he ?? that sounded very aggressive. i didn't realize you disliked this flavour of tea so much
but then you tell him it just means 'i love you' and he short-circuits like "oh! oh. well, uhm," 🧍‍♂️ he tries repeating it back to you (it isn't good but it also isn't. bad?)
asks you to teach him how to say it and now he says it randomly to fluster you. pain and sorrow
he also starts to pick up on words and your tone . like if you say something that sounds sort of aggressive around someone who hasn't heard it before they're confused but then felix replies nonchalantly since he's used to it o(-(
felix trying to flirt/be romantic with you in your language and just getting it...terribly wrong. grammar, vocabulary,, everything . but he tried so hard you can't help but go easy on him. like yes, thank you for thinking i'm warm and kind like soup
might ask you to quiz him on basics so he can prove that he's doing better and show off
if you see him staring very hard at something there's a good chance it's because he's trying to think of the word for it in your language
he puts so much effort and time into learning that if you ever did the same for him he'd be so excited and grateful. like he didn't need you to but you're doing it anyways to prove you care ?? no way
he likes listening to you softly sing songs in your other language as he falls asleep
y'know how you can forget a word in one language and try figuring out or describing it in another one . felix will randomly be your saving grace when everyone else is just staring helplessly
may or may not get you to speak in a different language pretending to be a foreigner so you guys can reap tourist benefits
strategically . knowing a different language than any of your enemies,, in my opinion,, may come in handy. :thumbs_up:
the vocal version of [long rant text message] "i'm not reading all that. i'm happy for you tho. or sorry that happened"
like you only really ramble to each other in your other language when it's just the two of you. and you can tell when something is upsetting. pick up little words here or there but the other person finishes and it's just like. mhm. are you feeling better now? and waiting for a yes or explanation in the language you're both fluent in
he thinks the fact that you're the only ones around who can use it is very ?? intimate?? like okay...only two people in the world (real)
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delusional-mishaps · 2 years
Hello it's the anon that binged everything in a day which I now prefer to go by 🌺. I'm just wondering if you had any outertale dating headcanons since there's hardly any content for them qnd I love them, if not that's cool!! I hope you do have a lovely day/night!! - 🌺 anon
outertale!!! i feel like those guys are forgotten som uch,,, thank oyu,,,,
he is very small,,, and very fragile,,, so HOLD HIM GENTLY 😡😡
yea he loves to be held <333 carry him around like football.
or baby <33
very cuddly!! my littol cuddle bug <33 he likes to lay on top of you like a cat
he is very easily flustered to the point that you could call him any pet name and he would blush no matter how many times you've used it
he's also a very nervous person ISNOFF so you know that meme that's like "he asked for no pickles." yea that's u two and he's like hiding behind you while you ask
i feel like a baby him too much please dont baby him he is a grown ass man he can and will swear and he is in no way innocent
...but he's really cute
he likes to do spiderman-style kisses cuz he's a nerd and can turn?? gravity off?? so he'll float himself upside down just to kiss you like spiderman
speaking of spiderman he's an actual nerd and he loves comic books and stuff
that's not a dating headcanon srry
honestly all he wants in life is to just lay with you in a quiet dark room.
KING of pillow talk
"if i turned into a worm would you still love me?"
despite how much i talk about cuddling, his love language is words of affirmation (both giving and receiving). please tell him you love him. words mean more than actions to him 😕
he is a very sassy guy and being his s/o exposes you to Extra Sass
he's also a very big prankster and he likes to pull pranks on you a lot. nothing harmful!!! maybe he'll put another spoon of sugar into your coffee and call that a prank
he's very very silly and he loves to make you laugh. bad day? well not anymore with him around
very very very very very VERY affectionate. forehead kisses, nose kisses, cheek kisses. he'll kiss you anywhere he can reach
he especially likes your tummy <33
unlike his brother, he will hold YOU like baby!!! or football. no matter your size. he is very strong!!!!!
"hey lets go take a cruise around space. no don't worry undyne can rope us back in she does it all the time"
he literally PURPOSEFULLY finds ways to free float away from the moon or whatever they're on he's literally so funny i love him so much
he would be an avid tiktok user and he would force you (it's entirely your choice he doesn't actually force you) to do silly dances with him. he's also probably started a few trends too tbh
he is a fan of very basic, "generic" pet names -> honey, sweetie, babe, etc.
he's VERY FLIRTY!!!!! like. VERY. he'll try to fluster you anytime anywhere. you're so cute when he's got you all flustered <333
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1loer · 2 years
Hello! Just wondering what dr ships are rotting your brain or thinking about for the past few weeks. What are your Mikan ships as well? Btw I love your art you're so awesome :))
omg u have no idea how happy this ask made me lol!!! hahaha!!! thank u for enabling me c:<
DR ships that i have like. quite consistent brain rot for been attacking me the last few weeks. I just find Ougoku so fucking cute and precious i love it so much and Naegiri has reared its head and im in a constant state of komahina+nami feels bc im writing a fic for them rn!!
Soulfriends!!Soulfriends too oh my God soulfriends like Destroys me it hit me so hard when I played SDR2 for the first time. I really loved Kaz (despite everything :')) so i did all his fte's and just. Oh my god they're so special to each other!!!!!!! I also hc Hajime as being Kaz's bi awakening lol (tho im p.sure thats a popular headcannon) bc it just makes too much sense. But also like. I just think they'd make such good and like special friends. IDK its weird i ship them but its more like the most intense BroTP i've ever had but i defo think Kaz goes through having a crush on Hajime for the longest time OHAEROGO I like to think Hajime would be very physically affectionate to him too? Mostly bc he thinks its funny the way Souda gets so riled up by it but I think he'd love giving him like forehead kisses and ruffling his hair in like. A platonic/flirty way???? The song for them that really gets me (bc im very musically inclined and also ask me about my character playlists OTJRIGJOIEA) is that Stev en Unive rse one no matter what . like i litro get so emotional listening to it imagining them!!!!! the "through whoever you've been, through whoever you'll be, through whatever you lose, you will always have me, at the end of your rope, i'll be holding you tight, im gonna be right by your side no matter what" bit. *slams my head into a pillow and screams* just!!!! They could both do w/ each other you know??? Someone who loves them and trusts them and believes in them and someone to just have fun and be themselves w/ and joke w/ and oh my god oh ym god its literally so important !!!!!!!
Funny you should mention Mikan ships tho bc actually! A mikan ship has been fuckin me up recently haha! I've suddenly become like. SO soft for hajime/mikan. I wasn't too into it when i played her route in SDR2 and it ended w/ marriage, but like. looking back on it. theres very few characters Hajime is like. actually soft and gentle w/. Chiaki is one and Mikan is another and just. oh ym god that makes me m e lt . like he cares for her so much? and he's so worried for her? and he just wanted to hold her and protect her!!!! and yes! she deserves it!!!!!!!!she deserves someone who'll love her properly!!!! truly!!! She's been through so much and Hajime being that safe space for her just. dont touch me. dont look at me. I genuine think he'd be SO protective of her. and patient. and she wont know what to do bc she's never had that before and it'd be so scary for her but he'd help her through it all ARGH!!!! Not to reference another SU song but. god. dont listen to Found while imagingn Hajime singing it to her. dont do it. oh ym god. AND ALSO their like. Omg the way they can both relate (depending on how much of Izuru you believe hajime can rememebr) and understand each other's relationship w/ Junko in a way that like. really. the other despairs couldn't. bc only they had such a close relationship w/ her. I mean maybe Nagito could but. LOLLLL DO NOT PUT THEM IN A ROOM TOGETHER TO TALK ABOUT JUNKO OIAHJGIAI that'd be insane. no actually do it i want to see it i want to see Mikan go crazy and flat pack his ass like ikea furniture.
I'm also of the intense opinion that Mikan and Nagito do Not and Will not ever get on. Only because they're just. simultaneously too similar and too different. Like they're SO similar but they go about it in such different ways that i just think they'll never be able to fully understand each other so just cannot get along DESPITE having so much in common. like even before junko but ESPECIALLY after Junko. Also because its fucking hilarious to imagine. like its so funny. I think they should be allowed to hate each other actually. it'll probably be good for them.
I also. ofc. love the classics. I love Bandaid. its probably my main mikan ship tbh even tho i've become so fond of hajime/mikan. I just think. Ibuki would be like so good to balance her out. Bc ofc mikan is SO reserved and self-concious and Ibuki couldnt be either of those things if she tried. opposites attract. Also Ibuki is like. So emotionally intelligent? Idk if people really give her credit for that but like. God I loved her then i did her fte and that last bit where she reveals that like she just wanted Hajime to relax and shit oh my god i was blown out the water. Like OFC!!! OFC she's highly in tune w/ others emotions!! she wouldnt be able to form a band w/o that!! So i think that even though it may be a very intense version of opposites attract and Ibuki is very/...intense. oijaejoi . I think she'd be able to see where Mikan's true limits are and not force her past them, but be able to push her just far enough that she'd realise that like. it's okay to be yourself! its okay to say what you want! In that sense I think Mikan could probably grow as a character way more w/ Ibuki than w/ Hajime bc i think Hajime would treat her just too softly and not have the guts to push her in the ways she probably needs. Also i hc mikan as a hardcore lesbian so. Ya know OIGjoi
Wow ok i didnt think i'd have that much to say but u lit a fire under my ass anon! This is the most i've drawn in months LOL! There is a severe lack of Mikan on this blog considering how much i adore her so heres her w/ a few of my fave ships of hers. I love u so much i kiss ur forehead and tuck you into a rlly comfy bed and give u hot chocolate then read u a bedtime story. Also this is the treat at the end for anyone who actually read through all that bullshit OUHSEIOAJIOIJAIOJ
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silverrstarrr · 3 years
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I have a massive headache right now and I'm suffering mentally but you know what can make it better? yuuji 🤨💓 so these are headcanons.
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OKAY STARTING OFF BEFORE ANYTHING, I like to base my hcs off of Canon characters.
it's Canon that yuji doesn't really like hoodies, he just wears them on a wim. But if you wanted to do those little "my boyfriend gave me his hoodie" type of thing, he'll be BUYING THOSE MFS.
Yuji also likes TV, so if you guys ever hang out—expect to binge watch shows
I think yuji would be willing to try k-dramas
I also think yuji is a sucker for romance genres 😋
He doesn't say it but I can tell he thinks they're interesting.
He'll pick up things from the show/manga and do them with you
Yes, it's also Canon yuji reads manga. Said so himself 🙄🙏⁉️⁉️
He's literally the perfect guy for a person who likes anime
Eats spicy food
I can see him eating spicy Ramen a lot lol
You'll just come to his room and see his trash bin filled with empty plastic bowls of spicy Ramen
He's talkative
Not in a bad way? At least it's always interesting and funny. Especially because of his face expressions
For me, I typically like people who talk a lot or are extroverts. I only feel comfortable talking a lot around my siblings.
Even if he doesn't show it, yuji not knowing his parents really makes him upset. :/ (IM NOT A MANGA READER***)
Since he likes TV, most definitely plays video games
But he only play passive games such as Animal crossings and minecraft. Roblox...? Eh, but he does have an account.
He also plays Genshin, smash bros and Mario cart.
He mains Kaeya, I don't make the rules.
Texts? Funny asf, he sends memes and reaction photos/videos. I see him sending short messages. Ex:
"Wanna go get some"
I think Yuji favorite romance anime would be "Say I love you" or "fruits basket".
That doesn't mean he's lonely and wants a s/o, he just finds them interesting and very warm/cute
Is a good cook
I mean he used to live by himself? Since his gramps was in the hospital. I doubt all that time he just ate junk and snacks
He also taught megumi how to make meatballs 😋
He likes it when you kiss those scars under his eyes while you run your hands through his hair.
Always uses your lip balm
You pester him to buy his own but he says he keeps forgetting. Which is the half truth, he just like sharing things with you.
Smell? Well...when he's fresh back from a mission—musty as hell💀🙏
Idk, I feel like he seems like the type to smell bad easily because they sweat fast.
His body wash scent is most definitely Hawaiian.
At first he was using yours because he hated how the guy ones smell and the names....
The boys soap: "backwoods grizzly bear balls😈👹⁉️🐻🦾🦅💀👺 " vs the girls: "sweet vanilla flower field ☺😚💗🌸🦄🦋🌺"
Itadori refuses to smell like a bear's ballsack cause wtf.
You got tired of finding your soap 1/4 everytime you were about to use it
So you started buying him his own soap
You didn't want to him to smell to girlish, so you settled on a neutral scent; Hawaiian.
Ever since then, he's been buying that scent
Ofc he didn't care if he smelled like a "girl".
Yuji would just shrug it off and say it smells nice
Most definitely likes to kiss your neck
Sometimes you'll just be chilling in his lap and his lips are all over you.
He even leaves hickies/markings
When you asked him about them, he just scratched the back of head and said "uuhh."
Yuji isn't a possessive person but it doesn't hurt to show a little every now and then
He placed them there to mark what was his
Doesn't care what you wear at all! He's so amazed and would egg you on to buy more outfits like that.
But in public, he'll wrap his arm around your waist just incase people were looking at you.
Sukuna doesn't talk much to you.
Only to say comments to yuji that's all.
Likes feeling your body BUT NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY
You two could literally be cuddling and he'll slide his hand up your shirt and leave it there, some time he'll cup your breast.
Hes a small soon but doesn't mind big spoon.
Grabs your ass randomly.
In public, he'll walk past and give it a little squeeze and pretend nothing happened.
Yuji is a switch for sureeeee
I always have this image in my head when yuji is sitting down in a chair while we're hovering over him, jacking him off as we're making out🙏🏃🏾‍♀️💨
then his face is all hot and bother UAGWGEHEHEH. God, I wish I was blessed with the ability to write good smut.
He has a thing for mutal masturbation
Or he'll tell you to sit on his lap as he fingers you while whispering sweet praises into your ear.
"You're doing so good baby, cum all over my fingers—m'kay? "
he's down for whatever. I feel like he would try out everything you wanna do, even if he thinks he won't like it.
I dont he'll be into pegging? But he MIGHT try it.
Most definitely likes ball gags, maybe tie him up even.
Likes when you edge him
He's also a big fan of giving.
I feel like he cares more about pleasing you than himself.
He enjoys eating you out more than fingering.
Despite being an ass guy, he likes missionary a lot.
That doesn't mean he won't do doggy style every now and then
Likes it when you ride him, reverse cowgirl 🙄🙏
You know how some guys don't really moan during seggs? They just groan/grunt well that's not yuji.
Baby's a moaner <3
He doesn't really realized how much of an affect he has on your body.
He could be overestimulating you but too busy focusing on how cute your little mewls are and you squirming under him.
Only after you're a complete mess and breathing heavily, he realizes what he does to your body. "Damn, I really did that?😦"
He would literally finger you under the desk at school and wouldn't even care.
You're up there twitching while you're trying to write notes.
When the teacher calls on you, his pace will speed up.
Once you're done, he'll use your underwear to wipe his fingers off.
After class you'll ask him why he did that and he'll just respond with "hm? What?😦"
The bad thing is, his composure is completely normal and calm. He doesn't seem guilty in the slightest.
He just grabs your hand and pulls you down the hall, asking if you'll hang out with him completely discarding what he's done in classroom 😭
Has a thing for creampies
I feel like Yuji comes a heavy load 😭 so be prepared to fill completely full by the first round.
Okay, that's all folks for today. 🤨 I'll write more about yuuji and maybe even a smut one shot when I get the hang of writing it 😭. I wouldn't mind HELP AT ALL (I'm actually asking for help, I need guidance 😋).
Imma take some advil for this headache, cause man. Thank you for reading! I also take request. 👀
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Idk if you saw that necessary realness episode that morgan stewart dedicated to Z being her girl crush but her comments about tom and z kinda felt weird to me. She's a z stan but I get the impression she doesnt care for tom or their relationship based on the comments she made. Little does she know they've been dating since 2016 so saying they won't last is silly. They've been lasting sis (except for that little intermission 😂). She also mentioned timothee and said she'd prefer if they just stayed friends but based on the comments she made about them as well I dont think shes being honest there either (she stans timmy too), she probably just didnt wanna get jumped in the comments for saying otherwise when one of them is in a whole relationship. I know her opinion ultimately doesnt matter but I just wanted to share my thoughts and pick your brain
Lol @ "except for that little intermission" hahaha😂 Funny lol. But yea, at this point people are gonna say whatever their mouths and lips fix themselves to say lol. I don't put too much stock into what outsiders say these days. Most of them don't even know much about Tomdaya but want to put in their two cents rotfl. Probably just for clicks.
I personally always think it's really weird when two people are dating other people, but then fans want to randomly ship them with others even though they're in a whole other relationship (a HAPPY one at that) with someone else. How disrespectful. Forget about what Timothee or Zendaya would even want smh. Who cares about their feelings! We just want to see a "hot duo"! 🙄 Smh.... 🤦
I mean, I love Timmy and Zendaya as friends, but I'm certainly not going to romantically ship them together when Z has been happily dating Tom for years, and especially not when she's now got a ring on her finger the size of Texas. 😂 Seriously, that thing can probably be seen from space lol 😂 Speaking of Timdaya...... I find it funny how when fans were shipping Tomdaya for years, everyone was always like: "Omg, stop forcing that on them! They're just FRIENNDDDDDDDDSSSSSS..... They aren't dating!!! That's 'gross' to ship two REAL people together....." blah blah blah blah.... 😒🙄 (never mind the fact that Tom & Zendaya WERE actually dating at the time, and there was ample evidence of such) But with Timdaya??? "OMG they would make such cute babies! I just want them to get together...etc"
Where's the shipping police this time?? Why is it CRICKETS??🙄
Very very interesting, that's all I'll say. 😏 Anyway, people are going to ship Tom and Zendaya with whoever at this point. It's silly and stupid. It would be one thing if they were both SINGLE, but they aren't. So yea, it's just dumb. But you summed it up best when you said this:
I know her opinion ultimately doesnt matter
☝ EXACTLY!!!!! 💯🤣
That's it in a nutshell!
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m0e-ru · 2 years
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i make supporting character ocs for supporting characters !! ft. Namatame's interns i might've mentioned once or twice
I have names for them now !! Seiji ( 星 ) and Takahashi ( 高橋 ) . They're supposed to be part of what I planned for Namatame's SL to kind of explain why he clicks so well with Mim and Adachi. I'll put more info under cut because i uh. overthought about them
They're fresh college graduates working government internship under Namatame (some of his colleagues joke about how he needed people to get stuff from the higher shelves lmao). Then again I don't know how accurate or plausible this is with him being a council secretary out of all things but I do what i want.
Jock/nerd relationship I guess. i dont know actually. They're childhood best friends should I mention that. Seiji's your typical rambunctious easily excitable big heart no brain kind of guy but his emotional iq and actual intelligence aren't all too bad and he can Think if he needs to. Takahashi his fellow leash holder making sure this dumbass doesn't get into too much trouble but hey, boys will be boys and he helped Seiji commit some crime at some point (Shiroku store lady still glares at them when they enter for some thing that happened years ago but it's just funny at this point) and uh, yeah whatever you can perceive from him. He's actually a good guy and really only acts that way to Seiji because that's how it's always been and they're y'know, besties.
I think continuity is fun so these guys are older brothers of some of Nanako's friends. So they have another connection with Souji besides Namatame.
Seiji's siblings with the twins, Yoko and Tsukino. In-game, they're the twins who you see at the shopping district and by Samegawa. The manga made a Nanako-centric chapter (ch 36.5 !!) with them in it which is really cute you should go read it actually.
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Not that it's explicitly said if "Takahashi-san" really is Nanako's friend at all, besides that she's familiar enough with the person to know where they live. But I'm taking creative liberties and taking the Takahashi family name. I uh, haven't figured out a given name for him yet which might make these confusing but I'm using this name for au plot purposes okay.
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Takahashi has a little brother Nanako's friends with. She directs the deliveryman, Namatame, to "Takahashi-san." She'd she'd refer to the older brother and their mother with "-san" and the younger one with "-kun."
Seiji dotes on his little sisters a lot, even talking about them so much Namatame's aware of them before he meets them. Seiji keeps quiet about Tsukino's issue with Yoko insisting they'd do the stereotypical twin trope when the problem arises. Not that she's too miffed with it, but since she asked, he'll keep quiet. Even glad Nanako, one of their friends, managed to help them instead.
Takahashi just has his mother and brother, while his mother's busy as a doctor leaving him to take care of his little brother. He's good at cooking and often invites Seiji and his sisters over, or they'd invite him over to cook for them when their mother isn't coming home any time soon. It's a better atmosphere that way.
Namatame somewhat feels like their uncle for a couple of interns working for him. He finds their antics and manzai dynamic very endearing and diligently takes responsibility for them which the two apologize back for twofold the effort and sincerity.
Takahashi was the one who suggested they do the internship together despite Seiji gonna, idk work on being a sports coach or something. But he came along with Takahashi because they're besties. A year, at least.
They've come to adore and respect Namatame immensely and see him as an inspiration. He's a kindhearted, charismatic, a true "for the people" politician despite what the two had anticipated. They're glad they have someone like him in the office and hold steadfast on their loyalty to him, even in the middle of the scandal.
Their internship isn't over and they're pretty anxious who they'll work for once Namatame leaves the office, or if they ever decide to keep working.
Namatame talks about these two with Souji and confessing he sees the attendant and Adachi in a similar light. Even admitting he sees himself in Souji if they were to ever have a complete analogy to the trio. They all reunite at some point and get introduced to each other. Embarrassed by what happened and afraid he'll get called out for becoming a lowly deliveryman, these two actually ask if he's been okay. Ever since the scandal of the affair it's been hard to reach Namatame. They still admire him and know the person he truly is aside from what all the tabloids say. This assures Souji at least there are more people who'd fight for the truth and a world without fog obscuring it.
They become friends with Souji and recognize him from their siblings. "Nanako Dojima" talking about how her big brother's the best out of all of theirs while the three of them are actually just. out here sharing drinks (souji has cola).
Even if he's arrested as suspect to the serial murder/kidnapping case, they still believe in him. Especially when they hear he's been hospitalized they just get drowned in worry of their former boss.
Telling Souji it's okay to confide with them and Souji himself funneling limited information Adachi passed on to him about his condition since he's under watch in recovery. Even wishing for his own family's recovery after all that's happened.
They're immediately part of the rally for truth when Inaba's engulfed in fog by March. Even finding Namatame at the shopping district with a bunch of other kids helping them amplify their cause (i will never elaborate on 3/20 will i).
The moment he's released the two come back and help him with his speeches, already prepping his campaign for mayor, even.
then again you'll never actually get this much detail just by sl events so you'd have to run around like a headless chicken regularly checking on npc dialogue throughout the year to get this much LMAO
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