#but i like to talk abt IFs
okcoolthanks · 4 months
Oh yeah btw the comics aren’t like inspired by jrwi. So in Dextrine (when I actually get around to making it) has like a string monster and it’s like similar to the things in the Black Sea? I swear I thought of that before I even knew what jrwi was
And also Niri isn’t inspired by Gillion.
Just wanted to point that out!
If there’s any references to media its like songs (mostly by lemon demon, Logan whitehurst, Alex g and others) I just wanted to make that clear!
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dockaspbrak · 1 month
A big thank you to my mutuals who like my nervous breakdown 2-4am posts. You're the backbone of my blog
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ustalav · 5 months
I did not realize the infamous cast was like 27 lmaooo
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maretriarch · 1 year
finally making the plunge to report the creepy starey old man coworker directly to hr after getting a customer complaint from a dad abt him ogling his young daughter....and also getting mad at him again this morning for the same shit
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 9 months
i did it i finished it i love u miklan
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alistairsgf · 2 years
is part one of a trilogy series tetralogy whatever not still supposed to be a story with a beginning a middle and an end or am i confused 🤕
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this-doesnt-endd · 1 month
Theres one local theatre in my town thats at the end of the line of the bus route and theyll do throwback movies and a lot of the times its 80s movies and with the new 4k version of risky business on the horizion i desperatly need them to show it
#i need them to show it so i can have the very specific movie experince i have when i go to that theatre#and i do not arrive late to the movies#i walk around the fanciest dollar tree in town and marvel i usually a random snack that ive never seen anywhere else other than here#then ill go across the street and since the streets up there are upkept and paved well its blistering hot and ill been reminded#that i do infact live in the desert but the airconditioning of the fanciest grocery store will save me i will go there and also marvel#and become enchanted by the fresh baked sourdough loafs one of which i will buy and hope the theatre is cool abt it so i dont have to carry#it wrapped in my movie theatre hoodie like a baby if theres time i will go have a slice of pizza at the local pizza place it has not changed#since the 80s and is more humid than miami in the summer but ill sit listen to synth and have my food as i watch the fountain then ill head#to the theatre get a print ticket cause i will NOT leave the theatre without my lil sou ineer and stand in the consesscions line trying to#remember if this is a pepsi or coke establishment but dont worry i got time cause the line takes 45min to get thru somehow even if im the#only one in it ill get mt drink and walk to my seat thinking this place is huge but i did used to be an old grocery store or a staples so ye#ill have a blissfull 2 hrs of movie time come out a changed man my new personality for the next few days is this movie like it always is#ill go nextdoor to the fancy icecream place and get a cone but i always get a plain flavor and ill eat it outside in the wire chairs n heat#this is reflecting time by the time im done its ususlly around 5 which means my mom wants me home asap n doesnt want me sitting in the heat#so ill go back get a stronf coffee n take n uber which will almost always take the long way which means i get looking out the window day#dreaming as i look at the sprawling desert one of my fave parts of the day i will return home w a beadache since my constitution cant handle#anything anymore and car rides make me feel ill but ifs fine cause ill get home n my bed is perfectly msde by my mother whom i love and the#and who sometimes makes my bed for me cause she also know im getting home w a headache and the house will be that perfect temp of freezing#and ill lay in bed w an icepack n my coffee and itll feel the way sundays b4 school used to feel in a good way#and ill still be listenong to the score and reflecting and feelimg greatfull thay i can have my lil movie days n treats and feel so carefree#for a while and feel hopefull n inspired and then ill a nap and wake up feeling refreshed and then ill text my dad n give him my opinons#and rating on tbe movie and then e#he'll call and we'll talk abt 80s movies and ill still have that sunday feeling and ill feel so co ntent#its such an incredibly incredibly hyper specific experince but i deeply cherish it and ill have it abt 3 times a year n i look foward to it#anyways i need to go to bed now but hoping that experince will come again soonish and when it does i hope they show risky business#or ferris bueller
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waluijoe · 6 months
it is shameful to be a good for nothing, truly
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4giorno · 2 years
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this was honestly such a mistake im aware of that, but i dont regret it at all. i also got the kitty ritsu card (i accidentally tapped away before taking a screenshot 💀) which im so happy abt so all in all this was such a nice thing for me atm and i needed it 💖💖
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rasam · 2 years
more ppl need to be bad at recognizing when im upset esp if im upset in public. if u say shit like “r u ok??” or “what happened u look sad” to me in public im fully going to lie
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murdrdocs · 3 days
i’ve been thinking abt zombieau!luke lately but specifically that drabble of having to hide out from the walkers in the closet - what happened when they got back/while they were gone? like were percy and annabeth safe and sound or.. 🤔
previous this was gonna be happy and then i remembered ... nothing is happy in a zombie au!; angst; allusions to smut; MDNI 18+ 1.1k+ words
First daylight comes and you and Luke are sneaking out of the supply closet.
You're made aware of the step-shuffle of the stragglers of the herd, mindlessly wandering around the CVS while you and Luke calculate the best exit route.
Miraculously, you both make it out without any confrontation. Luke holds the weapons, and you hold the duffle bag full of medicine, hygiene products, any anything else you could fit in there. Truthfully, it was a successful trip. There's enough food to last for a while when added to your supply back home, you now have more pads and tampons than you had before, there are fresh bars of soap and you even managed to grab a few skincare products. Plus, the supply run got you fucked. Over and over and over again.
You should be happy. You should be gleefully skipping down the abandoned street back on your way home. But you're determinedly stomping instead, walking a few paces ahead of Luke as you exert more energy than you should be exerting. Your stomach rumbles every so often, reminding you that the last time you ate was nearly 24 hours ago at this point.
"Grab a granola bar out of the bag," Luke tries to convince you, his voice more relaxed than it should be in your opinion.
"No." You don't give much explanation, but you're sure Luke knows you're too stressed to eat. He likely also knows you're saving the bars for Percy. They were his favorite as you proclaimed as soon as you saw them.
"They're fine."
He sounds so assured, so relaxed. It makes you scoff and roll your eyes. You don't know that Luke is scraping the nail of his pointer finger along the side of his thumb. You don't see him ticking his jaw and taking mechanical breaths every so often.
He's trying to convince you as much as he's trying to convince himself.
"You don't know that," you tell him. "And stop looking at my ass."
He doesn't even bother denying it. He was looking at your ass.
'What-ifs' have taken over your brain, powering your limbs with adrenaline, pushing you closer and closer to the house, closer and closer to an answer.
What if they got bit?
What if they got kidnapped?
What if the herd moved there? What if they're trapped?
What if—
Luke's jogging takes you out of your thoughts. He starts walking by you, matching your steps. He walks close to you to the point where your hands brush against each other's every so often.
Luke is here. He's with you. He's starting to whistle a tune of a song you think you know. Or maybe you did know it before all of this. Before you knew Luke and Annabeth. Just his presence calms you a bit.
"They're fine," you repeat to yourself. You try to believe the words but it doesn't stick. "But we don't know that."
Luke tuts and you see him tilting his head out of the corner of your eye. "We also don't know that they aren't fine."
"That's shit logic."
"I could say the same for your logic."
"I'm just preparing for the worst."
"That never helps anything. You're making yourself sad already and then if something bad were to happen, you'll just be even sadder."
"You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Preparing for the worst keeps you prepared for the worst, so if the worst were to come then I'm already prepared."
It's slightly comforting to know that nothing has changed between you and Luke. He knows what you feel like, you know what he feels like. You've both shared something that you'll never be able to undo, but you don't mind it.
You would be willing to share it again if the circumstances allowed. But right now, you're hyper-focused on reaching your destination which is just a few hundred feet ahead of you now.
You and Luke walk the beaten path worn in by tires. With only a few inches between you both, you start to miss him.
When you swerve over and walk closer to him, you try to do it naturally. Either way, Luke doesn't say anything about it.
You reach the house and everything is in order. The front door is still bordered up, the garage door is down, no windows are broken or opened. You and Luke round the house, jump the fence, and reach the backdoor. When you push it open, you don't know if you're glad or upset that Luke was right. You won't ever say the words "you were right" to him, but you're sure it shows in the way you quickly approach Annabeth and Percy.
They're at the table in the kitchen, Annabeth sitting with her back towards you and Percy sitting in front of her.
You don't think when you wrap your arms around Annabeth's shoulders, pulling her into you and pressing appreciative kisses into her head.
You're so busy expressing your gratitude and apologizing to them for leaving them all alone that you don't notice the energy in the house. You don't notice that only you have moved. You don't notice Percy's rigid shoulders.
You're only made aware that something is off when Luke speaks from his spot next to the door.
"What happened?" He says it like a fact. He knows something happened, he just doesn't know what.
You wait, and wait.
Neither of them say anything, so you try.
"Percy. What happened?"
Your arms unwind from Annabeth's slender shoulders. You approach Percy carefully until you're able to kneel in front of him, trying your best to meet his eyes.
He takes his time to look at you, and just the sight of his blue eyes clouded over with tears, both unshed and shed, spikes the fear in your system.
"Percy," you start again, attempting to stay calm even when your voice cracks over the syllables of his name. "I need you to tell me what happened so I can help you."
He sniffles, a tear glides down his reddened cheek and when you reach up to wipe it away, he flinches away from you. The gestures hurts you at first, but you know Percy.
You don't move your hand, letting it hover in the air, waiting for Percy to give in. And he does.
He falls to his knees, burying his head into the crook of your neck as he lets you wrap your arms around him. He's growing up, getting bigger day by day, but right now, while he wets your tee shirt with tears, he feels like the little boy you used to babysit. He feels like the kid who got in trouble far too often and had copious amounts of love covered by misplaced anger in his body.
He feels small.
You know you won't coax any explanation out of him like this, so you look up at Annabeth, one hand wrapped around Percy's shoulders and the other pressed into his matted curls.
She looks at you. She blinks and a twin set of tears falls down onto her cheeks.
"He thinks he found his mom." Your eyebrows furrow, but you don't have anytime for questions before Annabeth continues.
"He thinks he killed her."
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 3 months
Svt as specific tropes cuz I am in a writer's block
a/n: these are purely personal opinions/ imagines. not proofread!
Scoups: enemies to lovers (I'm talking dagger to the throat enemies to "who hurt you" pipeline. scoups and his competitive petty ass would be perfect with an equally competitive and hot-headed oc. I'm talking sizzling chemistry, extreme frustration to tooth-rotting fluff)
Jeonghan: Frenemies to angst to friends to lovers (light-hearted frenemies until one day Jeonghan takes the joke a little too far which leads to angst and years of no-contact. A chance encounter during lowest times leading to a soft adult friendship evolving to a soft and chaotic lovers pipeline)
Joshua: strangers to comfort person to lover (he gives me a feel-good coming of age feels so I'll take a storyline with the heartbroken or worn down oc finding comfort in Shua who could be a stranger or a kind colleague. a full "we helped heal each other" and then moving away due to circumstances only to realise that you need your comfort person)
Jun: holiday romance (nana tour Jun vibes. two strangers in a random city who decide to spend a week having the utmost fun and never meet again... but of course fate brings them together and the angst of reality to eventually finding a balance in the paradise of their holiday whirlwind and reality... it's giving romcom)
Woozi: Best Friends pining for decades (A very soulmate-ish friendship. Woozi and oc are so extremely obvious about their feelings but are oblivious to the reciprocation- it's also obvious to everyone around them. The angst of "what-ifs", and ofcourse songs written abt the feelings, to angry confessions and happy endings. this one includes a lotttt of angst and dozens of bangers mixed with peak domestic behaviour and two ppl so attuned to each other like old married couples)
Hoshi: Accidental dance partners Hoshi and oc (might sound basic but I'm a dancer and it's a very indulgent trope... so yeah! I'm thinking college team dancers in competing teams are forced to pair up for a competition. Out-of-the-world chemistry- can't keep eyes and hands off each other, late night talks, "non-date" date nights and ofc anger issues(performers, duh!). Lots of parties, angst and eventually confessing. She falls first but he falls harder)
Wonwoo: second-chance romance (I think Wonwoo, I think angst(sorry wonu) and second chance. oc and wonu having whirlwind honeymoon phase until oc pushes him away. lots and lots of angst- confused wonu not knowing how to help oc. both of them miserable without the other... until Wonwoo can't take it anymore and makes oc lean on him for support. very gray and grounded in reality romance)
Dokyeom: Small-town romance (sunshine Lee Seokmin as a charming small-town business owner helping big-city-return troubled oc deal with life and falling in love? sign me up for the hallmark movie! Seokmin and his golden best boy smile healing hearts as always)
Mingyu: Arranged Marriage Trope (once again, a very self-indulgent imagination...Oc who doesn't believe in love after a heartbreak, Mingyu who accepted his destiny and never loved anyone. A very practical arranged marriage with both consenting parties. An agreement to stay "partners" and "friends" because they "Can't force feelings". Domestic life leads them to break every rule- written and unwritten... angst rising due to pasts and insecurity... oc's fear of abandonment, Mingyu's fear of attachment... a minor separation and major realisation... their very own happy ending at last! Mingyu Best Husband Agenda forever)
Minghao: Rival Artists with secret identities dating each other (Minghao dates the pretty stranger on a dating app, agree to keep things casual but lo behold they are falling fast and hard... all is well except both have secret identities as artists who are rivals. they love each other but hate the other's alter-ego... ofc this leads to miscommunication and angst, lost ways and breakups. but this is my imagination so they end up together after everything and conquer the art world)
Seungkwan: Celebrity Fake dating trope (Seungkwan would eat that shit up! Two A-list celebs: Seungkwan and oc, who appear together in a show and fans go crazy for their chemistry but they don't pay head. oc gets caught in a false accusation, needs a distraction- agencies make oc and Seungkwan fake date... on-camera they r perfect but off-cam it's all awkward... planned appearances to becoming friends, trauma bonding... sexual tension rises, life gets complicated, lots of angst later they end up dating happily)
Vernon: Falling without meeting each other (two online friends, fake names but authentic friendship across continents fall for each other without ever meeting other. against all odds they end up seeing each other eventually and staying together... this gives me old cinema vibes but in modern times, Vernon is so Vernon that only he'd be fitting)
Dino: High school fake dating (imagine Dino as Peter Kavinsky from To All The Boys I've Loved Before... a popular softie boy agreeing to fake date the silent girl, the only twist is Dino has been in love with her since middle school, he fell first and harder- a full simp! Very romcom coded angst and happy endings ofc- i just know Dino will make a perfect romcom male lead)
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wonwooslibrary · 7 months
svt as boyfriends ♡ jihoon edition
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member: woozi x reader
genre: fluff, bullet points
word count: 878
summary: jihoon’s boyfriend things
warnings: a very small mention of periods, and that's it
author’s note: hahah i actually forgot to write this time!!! but hey i'm on break from school now so I had time to whip this out and post if for all the woozidans who are about to knock my door down for forgetting abt our precious jihoonie's day anyway please enjoy !!! <3
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Jihoon is the epitome of a quiet bf 
He just kinda exists and so do you and you both love it like that 
He’s also the (obvs) producer bf 
Quality Time
I think that Jihoon’s favorite thing to do with you would be to teach you how to write or produce music 
Or even accompany him at the gym because even if you don’t work out too, this man cannot, for any reason, miss leg day
He likes showing you what he is interested in, and of course, you love listening to him talk about his hobbies
I think he would also be the type to just…enjoy whatever you like, too
For example, you would have a show that you both specifically watch together, and maybe even read a book together and talk about the characters in them you liked or something 
Also !!! coffee dates !!! Y’all would totally have a specific date night on like Thursdays or something and you would always so to a coffee shop or a cafe or something and sit together and talk aaa he’s so sweet 
Cringy movie scenes like a large milkshake with two straws is the perfect way to summarize these dates too 
Words of Affirmation
Surprisingly, I don’t think Jihoon would be big on pet names or nicknames…he’d just stick with your name or a nickname you like being called 
He says it makes it easier to not call you something embarrassing in front of his friends, but we all know its because if he makes nicknames, you will too and he refuses to be called something cute in front of other people 
Always compliments you!!! And encourages you!!! 
“Y/N-nie, you’re working so hard, of course you’ll do great on that exam” 
Or even “Y/N-nie you’re such an amazing person and I am glad that you’re with me” 
Jihoon cannot physically or mentally take a compliment so if you compliment him back he’ll just be like “thanks…?” before destroying you in a compliment war 
Mans likes words so ofc like his quality time, he would write the most perfect songs ever for you and they would perfectly express his love for you in ways he would otherwise not be able to comprehend 
Physical Touch
We all know this man is a cuddle-bug on the inside, so of course that means that Jihoon has his needy time aka he must be the little spoon: no ifs, ands, or buts
I think Jihoon would appreciate a good back hug from you if you’re taller than him, and if you’re shorter, he loves when you rest your head on him :( 
I don’t think Jihoon is one for PDA, obviously (poor Hoshi) so there would be barely any proof to an outsider that y’all are actually dating to begin with 
Likes to keep hand-holding to a minimum, especially when in the studio, but he doesn’t mind when you sit with him and put your legs over his lap 
Or even play with his hair while he is working !! He likes soft things just only when you guys are alone together 
He’s just a shy baby fr 
Acts of Service 
When he comes home late, he makes sure that the apartment is tidy and clean before showering and going to bed because he knows it stresses you out seeing a messy place as soon as you wake up 
Cannot make food for the life of him please do not allow him in the kitchen unless he has a very specific task (he has zoned out while humming new melodies too often and burnt food is not a pleasant smell for your apartment) 
Always makes sure that you’re phone, watch and computer/tablet are plugged in at the end of the night, because you need them to be just as prepared for the next day as you
He would totally get sad if you do all the cleaning by yourself because he says that you work too hard making the messes, you don’t need to be cleaning them too 
You say the same thing to him when the boys make a mess in the living room when they are drinking and you offer to help clean up 
If you have periods, when you are getting close to it starting, he makes sure that your products are always stocked up so you don’t have to worry about getting anything 
Gift Giving 
Two words: Spotify playlists 
Jihoon would be over the moon with both making them for you and also receiving them from you 
I feel like Jihoon is also the type to just randomly show up with something and hold it out to you and just say “this make me think of you so I got it” 
Is super embarrassed when he does so but you love it so he’ll get over it when he sees how happy you are 
Is definitely not one for huge and expensive gifts like jewelry, cars and all of that stuff, but loves getting little trinkets and stuffed animals for you because let's be real: who doesn’t like a really cute and soft plushie? 
Doesn’t like receiving gifts because he feels bad when others spend time and money on him but >:( how dare he!!! He needs to be appreciated!!!
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nqctar · 5 months
♡ anton as your cg!
cg! anton lee x female!little reader
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pairings: cg! anton lee x f!reader. genre: sfw age regression, fluff. warnings: no major warnings apply.
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이찬영 / anton lee ★
dni: if you sexualize little space.
wc: 495
hmm where do i start??
he loves you SOOOOOOOO much.
you’re his babygirl. like no ands ifs or whatever.
calls you babygirl more than your actual name.
& it makes you blush so much that you consider hiding from him!!
SO YOU DID! but he just kept being all
“where’s my babygirl hiding??”
loves cuddling. like he’s sooo soft for you he just wants to cuddle and hold you 24/7.
does everything for you,, bc ur a baby! his baby!! why wouldn’t he???
anton occasionally baby talks you when he rlly wants to make you blush!
his voice is always so soft. will NEVER raise his voice at you.
never really reprimands you. usually if you’re throwing a fit or about to, he’ll just hand you a cherry lollipop to get you to calm down.
but when that doesn’t work he pretends to be on the phone with “a big scary monster who eats littles that don’t listen to their daddies!” 
and you’re like,, NOOOOOO
so you listen to him and save your life
yall know how i wrote matt doesnt care if you call him daddy or mattie?
hmm don’t call anton by his real name when you’re little!
“that’s not my name right now, is it baby?” he gently scolds. his tone is still so gentle!! he could never rlly get mad at his babygirl
nope, he'll just "call" the monster again
as for bedtime, an anon said he'd be the type to read you a bedtime story or sing you a lullaby, which is SOO true!
you wouldn't even have to ask, he's gonna hold you against his chest and lull you to sleep, story or song, you don't care. you just love being held by him!
will draw/paint/colour with you at any time, just ask!
"should we colour tigers today, baby? or princesses?"
princesses. it's always princesses.
OH he also loves buying you stuffies. nearly every time he comes home he's bringing you a new one. sometimes he'll attach a really sweet note to it and leave it for you to find somewhere before he leaves.
anton definitely always carries band aids with him.
one day he tells you to stop running, but you keep running
and you trip :p
and cry :[
he's just like "this is why we listen, hm?" while he covers your scrape with a hello kitty band aid.
....but you still end up running again.
always wants to hold your hand or pinkie!!
if he wants you to slip he'll just lower his voice a bit. it's weird how it works, anton isn't usually loud.
his voice is almost at a whisper. it's calming, there's a sense of comfort. there's always a sense of comfort.
you always feel soooo safe with him.
im gonna have to do a pt. 2 i could literally go on and on abt all this
to wrap it up, you're his babygirl and he loves you so so much <3
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batsplat · 3 days
as our resident Casey expert i wonder what do you think would have happened if marc and casey competed against each other? since casey retiring is so important for marc coming into motogp im always thinking abt the what ifs...
my initial instinct with this hypothetical is always 'that sounds horrible', though I do have more thoughts and opinions about it than that! marc obviously would have loved the chance to race casey, and casey has even been one of his picks of 'guys he would've liked to be teammates with' before, so, you know, clearly something there - and he does very much respect casey as a rider. I think it's quite likely that by the time marc entered the premier class, casey had already developed... I don't know if wariness is going too far, but maybe a little bit of unease or caution where marc was concerned. marc already very much had a reputation based on his 125/moto2 track record, and some of these incidents were controversial enough that the motogp riders commented on them. so take the phillip island 2011 incident where marc rode into the back of another rider:
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the valentino quote serves as a bit of a benchmark here, given he was generally pretty pro-marc. yes, casey's phrasing is perhaps a little harsher, but unsurprisingly none of the riders were big fans of marc's behaviour in that particular incident
on the other hand, it's not like casey never sided with marc. take catalunya 2012, where marc was slapped with a controversial post-race penalty:
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yes, casey's main complaint was about inconsistent stewarding - but still, he believed marc had been unfairly treated here. feels like these incidents were some of the only things casey and valentino actually agreed on in those years, so that's nice
that being said, it's hard to see how casey wouldn't have his issues with marc and marc's whole approach to racing. I did include some thoughts on the teammate question here, but mainly I'm going to pilfer the relevant autobiography passage:
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"if a rider doesn't care about his own safety then it stands to reason he doesn't care about anybody else's either"... there's nobody really who embodies the 'doesn't care about his own safety' maxim better than marc. he was the young rider desperate to win, and I can't imagine casey would have enjoyed actually racing him much. casey mostly didn't enjoy racing valentino, after all, who is a generally a lot more selective with his aggression than marc is (though casey did have to experience some of the worst valentino had to offer in that regard). casey talked in his autobiography about getting a sense when he just wasn't really able to trust another rider on the track, how much it bothered him - and that exact lack of respect is something that's been pretty closely associated with marc. that doesn't mean he would immediately declare marc his enemy... he'd just want marc to change, to learn, to grow up, to start treating his competitors with a little more respect. the way casey talks about young riders, there is a sense in which he has more time for them than he does for valentino - whose lack of respect casey views as more integral to who he is as a rider. valentino isn't a bully on track due to the exuberance of youth, he's a bully on track when he thinks he can use it as a tactic of intimidation. then again, marc by this measure is worse... and I think very quickly casey would have grown pretty disenchanted with how marc approaches all his wheel-to-wheel racing, especially when it becomes more and more clear marc does not feel particularly inclined to change
it's always important to remember how recent the trauma of losing simoncelli was for the whole sport, and it coloured both dani and jorge's wariness of marc... but also (in my opinion anyway) their restraint in how they dealt with him. how they tried to stop themselves from actually making an enemy out of him, in part because they'd just had an experience of harshly criticising a rider for a whole year and then having to process his death. both dani and jorge actually had more public and more serious disagreements with simoncelli than casey did, but I reckon there would have been an element of that restraint with casey too... on the other hand, his experiences with marc would have left him feeling even more alienated from the sport than he already was - at times frustrated (like jorge was) less with marc directly but more with the regulatory bodies for not holding marc back, for not giving him a race ban or whatever to teach him a lesson. that being said, marc's shamelessness vs casey's stubbornness means that if they had direct on-track encounters and casey didn't like marc's post-race response... well, I certainly think that'd end up being a pretty tense situation, even if it falls short of active hostilities
worth including irl!casey's take on marc in 2013:
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which, you know. it's not just that marc's a hard racer - casey is accusing marc of deliberately wanting to make the defeats extra painful for his opponents, of wanting to not just beat but humiliate them. anyone else that reminds you of? someone who is as motivated in securing his psychological victories as his actual ones? perhaps someone who has a bit of a history himself with casey?
let's bring in valentino. it's not that casey would really have begrudged marc his friendship with valentino, and he generally kept his hatred of valentino quite 'clean' in that he wasn't conducting any proxy wars or anything (for instance, I don't get the sense the vale/sic friendship ever affected his view of simoncelli... though I have very little to go on here either way). also, if nothing else in this timeline changes, we're assuming valentino in 2013 is fairly clearly the... fifth? best rider? kinda depends where dani would have landed I suppose (casey's retirement announcement did save honda from a bit of a headache)... but anyway what this means is that valentino probably wouldn't initially have been much of a competitive threat to casey. mostly he would have been consigned to the sidelines
that being said, I doubt casey would have massively enjoyed the whole laguna seca saga. unfortunately, we don't even really know what real life casey's stance on the copycat move situation was... though if I had to guess, in this timeline I'd say his position would've been, a) marc could and should have carried out that overtake two corners later, there was no need in that race situation to take that risk, b) still, it was valentino's slight error as he attempted to reclaim the position (in what was a pretty aggressive manner, it has to be said) that led to them both ending up off-track and fuck that guy, and c) the problem with 2008 wasn't just or even primarily the corkscrew overtake and it's annoying that that's the only bit everyone talks about. of course, there's also the question of whether casey would have bought marc's explanation that it was totally by coincidence that the overtake happened there... and again, complete guesswork, but my sense of casey is that he would have assumed marc was being at least a little bit dishonest. (which, you know... laguna's not an easy track to overtake at, but marc did prove with the bradl move that he was perfectly capable of overtaking after turn 8 - might not have been planning on the off-track excursion, but he was still attempting to overtake just ahead of a blind crest that happened to feed into the corkscrew lol.) I think casey by his honda days had calmed down a bit (though he still certainly had some conspiratorial tendencies), but I also don't think it's a stretch to imagine that he would've felt like he was a victim of a joke between the pair of them... not ideal
overall though, I reckon casey's main frustrations would have been less with the move itself and more with how it was discussed. in the presser, while joking with marc, valentino does take the opportunity to get in a jibe at casey for old time's sake. there's this clip, where he directly addresses livio suppo (at ducati in 2008, by then at honda) - specifically about how both casey and suppo criticised him for that overtake. in response, suppo says something about how he's grateful to marc because they finally got payback. valentino is later asked directly about casey's complaints in 2008 in this clip, and replies with the following:
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would valentino have said this stuff with casey still in the paddock? well, yes! honestly, given valentino did very quickly lay off needling casey once he had retired, there's a good chance he would have said something worse. and marc would have laughed along at the whole thing. I don't know, I just don't see casey taking particularly kindly to that... he can hold a grudge, that man can, and at a certain point he'd probably be increasingly less willing to give marc the benefit of the doubt. interesting situation though, laguna seca '13 + casey is a very juicy scenario that could play out in several different ways
but I'm guilty of burying the lede here - there's a far more obvious reason than anything I've described above for why the casey/marc relationship would have turned sour. it's the simple fact that they would have been teammates which would do the damage all on its lonesome; they have radically different conceptualisations of how that dynamic is supposed to work and would inevitably have clashed as a result. the one commonality they do have is they don't see their teammates as potential friends, which is... also not helpful! I think they'd probably initially be fine on the interpersonal level - and, actually, given how the casey/valentino relationship played out and marc's general approach to his rivalries, I can see marc/casey more or less being able to maintain a minimum standard of politeness towards each other even at their worst. like, I still think they'd be able to smile at each other and do some small talk when face-to-face, but I also think everything else would be a complete disaster. I talked a bit about how marc approaches his teammate relationships in this post - and I'm not going to rehash too much of what irl!marc got up to, but I'll include some bits relevant to casey
from marc:
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related to casey:
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and dani comparing the two:
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we do obviously even have actual real life controversy wherein casey thinks marc felt threatened by him and forced him out of honda... and this in a timeline where they weren't even direct competitors! if this is the level of tension a test rider role can generate, then if they'd actually been teammates...? yeah, no. casey thinks that teammates should cooperate - and he thinks that riders enforcing divisions within the box are essentially doing so because they are "afraid". marc has openly admitted to lying about what parts he likes to make sure his teammate doesn't get any edge over him. this is the thing, right: marc might think casey is a cool rider, would've liked the chance to race him and even be teammates with him... but this is the stuff he did to dani, who was one of his literal idols! this is his understanding of competition - (like valentino) he might love the fight, but simultaneously he'll do pretty much whatever it takes to win, because he considers this stuff fundamentally part of the game. casey does not. to casey, this kind of victory is dishonest. any kind of gamesmanship is a sign of weakness... the victory is worth less if you're accomplishing it like that
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now, hey, maybe marc would never have been able to go as far as he did with dani because he wouldn't have the kind of performance edge that allows you to definitively impose your will within the team. I think it's a popular interpretation that marc wouldn't have won the title in 2013 if casey had been there, which... I mean, I think it's true that it would have been less likely - in that in a season with that much volatility, the more plausible championship contenders you have the less likely it is that any single one of them takes the title (same goes for instance if you add in a valentino who had not gone to ducati for two years and would have presumably been more competitive in 2013). but it's not like casey would have been the defending champion and the clear class of the field... partly due to injury, he ended up finishing in third in 2012. jorge and dani didn't win the 2013 title in part as a result of their own injuries, and who knows how casey would have fared... like sometimes it's just luck of the draw really. you can be the better rider and still not win the title, shit happens. I think for as long as a more or less healthy-ish casey stays in the sport, it would have been unlikely that marc establishes quite the same performance edge as he did over dani... but, well, if anything that would have meant he would have fought even harder out of perceived necessity to win the internal honda wars
it's the kind of thing that can make a relationship quickly deteriorate, especially with a prickly character such as casey, and it's entirely plausible that dynamic would have become strained at best and horrendously toxic at worst... sooner rather than later. and the thing is, this environment would affect marc considerably less than it would casey. again, it's the fact that he relishes the fight... he's very good at shrugging off (most) criticism and thrives in that kind of tension. the emotional fatigue that this scenario generates would be painfully lopsided, where casey offers harsh criticisms and means them and is endlessly frustrated with marc's approach, while marc... doesn't really care. at least dani also had a questionable manager who was conducting behind the scenes warfare on his behalf - casey doesn't want to play these games at all. he just wants to ride a bike, and marc is never going to allow him to live in peace as long as he's an internal threat. if casey were exposed directly to all of that from marc, I doubt he'd walk away from the experience with a particularly positive impression of him
does he walk away? I think there's a decent chance that casey would have ended up so disillusioned with the whole thing that this would have been what pushed him into retirement. if he wants to get out of that mess, let's say after two years, his options would have been pretty limited. yamaha is closed off and I'd struggle to think of a scenario in which either jorge or valentino would have been particularly interested in a direct swap (also, if you're sick of being marc's teammate, you're probably not gonna be jumping at the chance to be valentino's instead). I suppose you could go back to ducati (which he did return to as a test rider so it's not like those bridges were permanently burnt), and maybe casey could do something special even with *gestures* that version of the bike. really though... I think enough would have been enough for him. regardless of the actual balance of success between the pair of them, my guess is marc wins that war because he's happier to get nasty and because he wants it more. casey has his two to four titles... he's done. let him go fishing
#wow sorry i feel like this is a bit depressing? 'casey would retire at age 29 rather than 27' feels like a mean place to take this#maybe this is too cynical.... feel free to disagree. just personally really struggle to see anything other than disaster#i think it's a fun scenario but in all seriousness as someone who is like. generally invested in casey finding some peace in life#i'm quite glad he didn't have to go through it. good chance he gets another title but he left for a reason#'oh nice an ask i can answer quickly' i think to myself#and well i did write it quickly but i realise it's still. quite long#babynflames#marc marquez#casey stoner#//#mm93#cs27#2013-15-ish vale/jorge love and peace era were already kinda looking over at the honda wars and going. what's all this then#batsplat responds#in this timeline i reckon they'd be even more pointedly cooperative. occasionally give a friendly thumbs up at the explosions next door#valentino a big believer in letting others do his dirty work for him so it'd be very [carefully neutral smile]#'EYE didn't think there was any problem with marc's move... maybe casey should consider not leaving a gap next time?' (there was no gap)#he does do that a littleeee with jorge but idk it felt less malicious... i think on a personal level he enjoyed riling casey up more#more genuine dislike for jorge imo but couldn't quite help himself with casey with the constant bickering... it's complicated#where would marc/casey have their first on-track incident? reckon cota would actually be a good shout - get it in nice and early#vibes of a good casey track but not marc cota levels good but marc's still a child... idk you need to get them in the same bit of track so#otherwise some time in the assen to brno stretch.... let's say *spins wheel* indianapolis#can u imagine if marc did the corkscrew move on CASEY... get rid of bradl (sorry dude) what does THAT podium look like what are the vibes
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 5 months
Somewhat copy and paste abt what I rambled at starbench discord but was thinking about how it'd be if ghosts were a thing in the immortal au (prob aren't I just rlly like what ifs)
"It's been 600 years but i still follow you around. Nothing we built remains but you still tell stories of us to every person you met. Not even museums keep me alive as well as you."
"It's been years and you stay at the house you built for us. You visit my grave every month and talk to the wind in hopes I'll hear. None of us ever had the heart to leave you alone. As I'm dead i get to talk to your friends and hear tales of you from times I couldn't even dream of knowing. You're the loneliest person on this earth but you were never truly alone."
But also imagine following your immortal friend around for centuries only to watch them settling for an oversized conscious metal armour guy that snapped them in half a dozen times and they fucking keep trying
Just a bunch of old people being grandmas and hating on technology so much
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