#but its VERY relevant in p5
235uranium · 2 months
if it was up to me p6 would actually just be connecting all of the previous persona games. like ik persona is supposed to be "episodic' in nature, but it would be nice to kinda... idk tie up the past 5 and then move onto new stories with a clean slate?
theres clearly a ton of interest in the fanbase for a crossover game to connect all of the lore- it's the primary reason people are begging for p5 arena. we want to see all these characters meet!
making it a main series game would give them actual time to explore a wider plot + they could reestablish philemon and nyarly as existing (and maybe explain how igor GOT KICKED OUT OF THE FUCKING VELVET ROOM????)
solidify the lore. wrap up p5r properly. and move onto p7 with a fresh slate.
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dear-ao3 · 7 months
Can I ask for a translation on what happened in Vegas?
what didnt happen in vegas!
-carlos sainz ran over a drain cover that was not welded down 9 minutes into the first practice session. it ripped a hole through his car basically (he narrowly avoided getting royally and permanently fucked up by it) and he got a 10 place grid penalty for fixing said car
-toto wolff, the mercedes team principle, said very emphatically that carlos deserved this penalty. carlos did not in fact deserve this penalty because it was not remotely his fault.
-probably out of spite, carlos managed to finish the race above both mercedes cars
-back to practice 1, it was redflagged 9 minutes in after he crashed and it took nearly 7.5 hours for them to fix the track because they had to check all the other drain covers
-practice was already late to begin with and reportedly at 1am ish they kicked all the fans out who had bought tickets because it was "too late"
-tickets btw were over 1k USD
-practice two started sometime around 2am and didnt finish until nearly 4am
-yes, people were driving cars at over 200mph at 2 in the morning, jetlagged to hell and back. idc if you're a professional, that sounds dangerous
-the announcers were descending into madness the whole time and during practice two i think tried to talk about oceans 11 but fucked it up
-there was also the sphere. the sphere was relatively unhinged.
-the drivers didnt get back to their hotels until after the sun rose that day. and they had to race again that night
-oh also it was fucking freezing and when its freezing the cars don't work cause the tires don't warm up and the brakes don't warm up
-tires also warm up best on corners, high speed ones. the vegas track had mostly all low speed corners and really long straights. not ideal
-the pit lane exit was also smack in the middle of a really tight turn. which they would be exiting onto on cold tires with cold brakes.
-also the track looked like an upside down pig
-practice three was normal until the very end when alex albon crashed into the wall. no one was allowed to do practice starts because the session was red flagged and not resumed.
-the most notable thing to happen at qualifying was that both williams cars (which are basically tractors) managed to place p5 and p6 on the grid. especially interesting considering that logan sergeant has placed dead last in qualifying for the last several races.
-also both mclarens were at the bottom. this is not super relevant or particularly interesting but i was upset about it.
-ferrari went p1 (charles leclerc) and p2 (carlos sainz), but sainz had a 10 place grid penalty for fixing his car that had a literal hole through the bottom, so he started p12.
-weirdly, sir lewis hamilton and checo perez also started pretty far down the grid.
-anyway onto the race.
-there were so many safety cars. literally on the first lap the whole back half of the grid rammed into each other.
-then! terrifyingly! lando norris ran over a bump in the track on lap 3 or 4 i don't remember and spun several times before ramming into the wall. he sounded not ok on his radio but he got out of the car. eventually they ended up taking him to the hospital, he is quite fine but it was still a terrible crash
-his teammate, oscar piastri, seemly got possessed by someone or something, possibly lando himself, because he had a very impressive race until mclaren decided to use the worst tire strategy possible (as in, pit him in the last 10 laps to change his tires when this was largely avoidable by all accounts). he could have ended on the podium potentially if they hadn't fucked him up. still, he ended 10th and got the fastest lap and as a result the track record.
-there was also another episode of French Civil War at alpine when they told esteban ocon to stay behind his teammate, pierre gasley, and he said no !! and passed him for funzies
-charles leclerc also got possessed by something, possibly his own bad luck, because he managed to finish p2 after overtaking checo perez on the last lap.
-the same checo perez whos f1 career has been basically dead for half the season
-also lance stroll weirdly slayed
-despite starting high on the grid, both williams managed to finish out of the points
-surprisingly there were only 3 DNFs and 0 red flags
-this is surprising because of all the tire and brake issues that people thought there would be
-unsurprisingly max verstappen won. what was surprising was that he sang viva las vegas over his radio afterwards, especially surprising considering that he spent the whole weekend shitting on the race, saying that the track was terrible, he hated it, and that the fans should burn the place down for getting kicked out on practice 1 day and only getting a voucher in response
-related to that, the fans sued f1 over getting kicked out
-someone thought it was a good idea to put max charles and checo in the back of a rolls and film them driving to the podium. it was incredibly memey.
-there was definitely more that happened but this is all i can remember right now
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rontra · 2 months
How does failteacher Yuri interact with the greater plot of persona 5? I remember Toriumi mentioning 'some weird shit in 2010', but do the two of them have to deal with stuff like Kamoshida's change of heart and the principal's death?
the current policy is that unless something directly and immediately relevant comes up the answer is "it doesn't"
for 2 reasons. number one is that i don't feel like binding myself to the month-by-month timeline of p5-the-game in too much detail, because i'm lazy, and making my AU up as i go (lol). and the second reason is that observing the plot from a completely uninitiated unrelated POV is just not very interesting to me....... orz
one important thing about my failteacher AU is that it's a casual n sloppy style(!!) project that i do this way because it's fun (and as soon as i stop having fun i will stop making it). the vibe of creating it is just as important as the vibe of reading it. my worry is that committing too hard to ~The P5 Plot Is Happening Among Us~ would have me too distracted by logistics and timeline puzzles that aren't even relevant to the story i'm trying to tell, and suck the fun out of the project for me...
due to the year difference btween the 2 games, the plot of P3 did happen in 2009-2010 (the "weird shit" comment was in a doodle but yes it did happen and parts of it will be Main Comic Material later when relevant) (and i think its obvious enough from comics like #3 and general characterization that the Hermit 1-10 arc took place) (BUT MODIFIED IN VERY IMPORTANT PLACES. LOL) but obviously toriumi was an uninitiated & unrelated POV to that game so she doesn't really know that much about it outside of the parts that directly impacted her (which to be fair. are pretty serious)
p5 is much scarier because its looming on the horizon in FRONT of us and i hate being confined by a tangentially-related-at-best timeline. directly dealing with stuff like the fallout of palace 1 is a MAYBE? but ONLY because there are tangible Relevant consequences for -us- (more scrutiny placed on shujin teachers -> ms chouno gets on kawakami's ass, etc)
im gonna be real withyou i didnt even remember the principal dies. MDHNBFGB sorry to this man
all in all its just like. 99% of the plot of p5 is stuff these people are not privy to (kawakami's % is removed due to her no longer being joker's confidant thanks to hermit meddling) + committing to that timeline too hard would be abrasive to the comic + im much more versed in p3 minutiae anyway (especially later on in the p5 year). so its kind of like. well. just try not to Expect anything too major xD
if smthg catches my interest and i can work with it to make an interesting development, sure. but in the end its like why would i risk binding myself to specific points of a timeline and incurring Untold Rammys when i could simply not do that to myself. you know 😭
HOWEVER. FOR UNRELATED REASONS THAT ARE IMPORTANT BUT MAY OR MAY NOT PAY DIVIDENDS LATER (<- what did he mean by this?) it is seeming INCREASINGLY LIKELY that we might in fact currently be in the autumn -before- p5, meaning joker enrolls come spring in a few months and the game starts then.
^this paragraph directly contradicts everything above it but its fine. i have my reasons. just don't hold me to it TOO closely. i don't want to commit to a timeline just to be boxed in by unforeseen consequences later. but if you were curious there is a quiet notion in the background that says the plot of p5 proper hasn't started yet.
it's a "soft fuzzy timeline" but that's Secretly where we're at in it . kawakami bitching about her awful new student come April <3
So Perhaps Time Will Tell. if they're still doing this shit come May maybe i get to blow kamoshida up or whatever
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
For anyone looking to make their own Persona AUs, the Shin Megami Tensei wiki is honestly one of the better places to research the recurring tropes of various social links (ie, the Magician typically being the Protagonist's first male friend, the Justice typically being prone to anger). Do note that because of the nature of the Persona and SMT franchises you'll find potentially triggering content, so do tread lightly!
yes, very true! the wiki is SUPER HELPFUL in that regard!
and this is a good time to bring up actually: if my talking about persona has made you interested in playing, yay! they’re super cool and fun games! HOWEVER, they have some pretty big content warnings on them. (here the content warnings are for p3/p4/p5; I would be shocked if these themes aren’t in p1/p2, but I haven’t played those.)
all three games have at least some mentions/relevant sexual assault
all three games have scenes of severe bullying
all three games discuss suicide
all three games have death, including major character death, as a theme, with persona 3 having death be its MAIN theme.
all three games have some elements of institutionalized abuse as part of their story
familial/child abuse is also in at least one social link in all three games, and is a major plot point in at least p3 and p5.
mental health in general is a major theme of all three games.
all three games have some element of unreality as a theme.
additionally, while the above are the things I think atlus would say they intentionally put in as heavy themes, persona also has some… “jokes”… that it is irresponsible to make a recommendation without mentioning.
atlus tends to use the “predatory gay man” and “predatory trans woman” bit for laughs. yes, I’m sorry, in all three games, although I was pleasantly surprised to see they’d actually removed that from persona 3 in p3 reload! but it’s in one scene in p5, and in p4 it’s… complicated. one of the lead characters is gay, and part of his character arc is about internalized homophobia. however, another character will make statements like he’s scared to share a tent with him, which is never treated as justified but IS treated as a “joke”, on account of the character doing the homophobia being a comic relief character. additionally, naoto’s character arc can easily be read as transphobic (as naoto needing to accept being a woman rather than a man), although I know different people have different reactions to this arc. p4 is my favorite but it is NOT a recommendation I give without content warnings for a reason.
also, while p4 as a game is well aware of the amount of violence against women in it and the bad guy who does it is a nihilist and a loser, it is a major plot point, and it’s not always treated with grace.
also, all three games notoriously have at least one “comedy relief” scene of the guys picking up women and honestly it’s normally more like, anime cringe than actually misogynistic but it feels like I should bring it up?
also in both p3 and p5 there are social links that can lead to you flirting with your teacher. yeah. it’s avoidable but it’s sure there.
overall: REALLY GOOD GAMES, and when the writing is good in them it’s REALLY GOOD. they’re also consistently games that people who otherwise wouldn’t be into an 100-hour jrpgs end up realizing why people like the genre with! but they are ALSO games where the content warnings here are warranted!
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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the plant's plastic, isn't it
yeah the plant is plastic
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can't a boy and his cat just have a fucking summer vacation without being locked in a dream panopticon
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its nice to see you girl but where the fuck is igor, in my recollection when igor has not been around, shit has been Fucked.
(I assume they couldn't get the VA for this gig, but also: i love Igor? yeah.)
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It's fucking Zuckerberg, Reverie, come on. You shouldn't have installed that spyware shit on your phone!!!!
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i'm gonna be real, the textures are NOT fantastic in this game, lmao. I am gonna peek at settings later. the aliases need some more anti juice.
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there's a statue there?????
oh huh i.......... never noticed that. i just noticed the pretty trees. whoops. i'm a bad tourist.
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Rather than directing us where we need to go to get the camping shit, the shitty AI is like "hey INSTEAD I am going to direct you to an idol event nearby" this thing is atrocious and we should uninstall it and go back to mapquest
also, I have made an Executive Decision. I am resetting my emotions on Ryuji to zero. I am taking my hatred and ire and all the times he made me uncomfortable as the player of the video game, and I'm putting them all into a box and putting those emotions away. I am going to give Ryuji Persona5Strikers another shot to not be a contemptuous little shitheel I want to eject from the story.
Mostly because his voice actor is doing such good work and I would like to like Ryuji.
But if he dehumanizes or sidelines Morgana, the deal is off, okay? Okay.
ANYWAY, Ryuji is like, hyped for this instagram girl.
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Reverie only hangs out in coffee shops that have oat milk and attends shows for bands you've never heard of, he doesn't care about influencers.
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Alice Hiiragi.... Hiiragi......... why the fuck is that familiar..............
oh, Hiiragi was the Enka singer who was married to Namatame in Persona 4 before the scandal went down. I wonder if that's relevant or just a coincidence.
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oh okay so something screwy is going on and she's going to, like, kidnap all the people who have cards, or something? is she the white rabbit?
lmao no she actually references the white rabbit later. okay. i DO like her theme and vibe a whole lot, even if she is giving heavy Acid Trip Pastel Tim Burton Bad Guy energy. But Wonderland is honestly a very cool foundation for a neat villain, so I'm cool with that.
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thanks, they're fake so everyone thinks i'm a soft boy when really i'm more punk rock than iggy pop at a ramones concert. hi.
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I appreciate the consistency, Morgana, lmao.
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uh "Keyword"?????
oh my god EMMA is just a reskinned Metanav fffffff
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YOU KNOW WHAT reverie i am blaming you for this. You should have informed Morgana that you had a dream in the Velvet Room, since Morgana literally was born there and it might've clued him in to "oh hey maybe shit is going down" instead of being blissfully oblivious in vakittycation mode like a chump.
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huh the anime cutscenes look way better in this game than in P5R actually. dunno why.
BUT YEP IT SEEMS ALICE HAS A PALACE. the Cognitive World is back.
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oh okay that seems bad. so everyone who friended Alice with the EMMAnav is getting their hearts torn out???? what does that mean exactly? it seems bad. people need their hearts or weird shit happens, either Apathy Syndrome or having their cognition rebooted like in P5.
I am Concerned.
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oh my god what is Happening there is so much on my screen right now
i think i might be bad at this oh dear
the first move Reverie learns is a pole dance, though, so I'm pretty psyched for that. maybe this will be the game where Reverie finally gets to follow his dreams and wear a skirt.
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everyone is off their game at being a Thief i see
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me IRL out loud: oh my god i love you
i am sad she is probably just the first arc villain because WOW i am DIGGING this. god that FLAMINGO HEAD STAFF this is such High Kitsch, it's giving me everything.
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asklfjds;af /laughing hysterically to self
okay persona 5 strikers we are starting on some high notes huh
reverie are you sure you aren't dreaming, man, this feels like a dream you might've had except the person stepping on you in stilettos would be a mean boy.
maybe that's Reverie's type. bisexual but mean-attracted.
aaaaaargh my Odin is outta battery, i gotta recharge it.
BUT SO FAR besides me fucking sucking at the gameplay THIS IS A GOOD START.
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clefclefairy · 13 days
for the fanfic ask game! 💖🌝🧠
💖 What do you like most about your own writing? -I am and always have been very good at dialogue and simile. It is so fun to just write characters going back and forth and back and forth and coming up with points of comparison that are evocative and connect without always being readily apparent. also I'm damn good at writing porn and that's a SKILL, baby!
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?: someday im gonna write that goddamn p5 fic about akechi's palace "oh boohoo you and everyone else" no shut the fuck up i understand that little freak and also the history of film and television better than anyone in this fandom not a single person has ever done it the way I've planned to do it and someday I will get to it. that bitch is every dead blonde in hollywood and i am transgenderfying them. also I'd like to write something for edelgard. can you tell i have a type and its "discourse bait bitches"
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I have been kicking around this bsd fanfic concept? for a little while? largely because i think it would be TREMENDOUSLY funny to make anne rice an actual character in a fanfic. complete that circle! also i would love to write akutagawa i love him. digs my teeth into him and shakes him back and forth veryveryfast. the honest answer is aaaaugh ive been moving and new full time job and so fucking tired but ive got shonen anime superpowers for like 15 of my favorite authors and some narratively relevant guys so im basically halfway there by bsd plot standards.
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arkus-rhapsode · 1 year
My Thoughts of FE Three Hopes
Wow, Arkus talking about 3H? What is this? 2018? Also talking about FE3H, I must have a death wish.
So before I start even talking I really want to put this disclaimer out here, especially when talking about the divisive nature of 3H, these are my OPINIONS. This is not a objective analysis of the game nor am I am claiming it to be. These are the thoughts I had playing this game. If you enjoyed it, good. If you didn't, that Is also good. You do not have to agree with me, but I am asking for people to be respectful if they want to engage with this. And if you do agree with me, please do not use what I say as an excuse to attack people with other opinions. I am not trying to personally attack or offend you if you like this game/character/plot point. This is my opinion of a piece of media. There is plenty of opinions of this game on the internet, all I am doing is adding my thoughts to the conversation.
Anyway, people might now I am generally more middling on 3H nowadays. I think its greatest strength was its character writing and its willingness to try different things even if I wasn’t a fan of them like the time management aspect. But I felt the social sim aspect and developmental issues behind the scenes resulted in a much uneven game and at times unfinished project. I’ve also looked back and realized a lot of its politics are not that great. Like the strength of the narrative is the character conflict, that you have these three forces who all want what is best for people like them with crests, and its very compelling drama where you see how much they care about each other, but just can’t agree. But step back from the context of the conflict, the issues aren’t really crests or even the church, but rather the feudalist system which is never really addressed in a major way (And we know you can be a rich noble without a crest). With most of the plot centering around a lot of people who are nobles. Heck, you have actual subjugated and colonized people and most of their plots are either treated as backstory or something to be resolved in their character endings (Even Claude and his anti racism isn’t that relevant in comparison to the strife of the crest bearers and their place in Fodlan). While I think characters like Dedue and Petra are good, the story of 3H is not their story. Like every ending still seems to maintain the system with slight alterations, the thing that’s changed the most is who is calling all the shots in Fodlan. Which isn’t uncommon for many FE’s that maintain a simple “The good lord is the good one to rule”, but given 3H attempts to ask more nuanced questions, it feels like it the political aspect is much more undercooked. Which sucks because anytime discourse about 3H happens it boils down to: “Church bad! Church good! Fascist! Not fascist!” when there is an actual discussion to be had about the issues of the internal politics of the game and how it relates to the status quo. But again, when it focuses on CHARACTERS the 3H story is very good.
But hey, now we have Three Hopes! A musou style game that is an alternate take of the 3H world with loads of extra content! Surely this will be able to scotch tape the issues with the original while also providing another three completely separate routes that are all satisfying on their own, right?
Well... not really.
Look, I know I’ve lost people when I said that, but from what I have seen, I think a lot of people wanted Three Hopes to be, Fodlan: The Definitive Edition. Give the people Three House with all the stuff it missed out. Like how Persona Royal is the definitive way to play P5 which not only improved the story in an organic way, but still let you experience P5 as it was. But 3Hopes isn’t that. 3Hopes is a completely alternate universe, with honestly so much variations, I would say trying to apply logic and revelations from Hopes and retrofit it to houses just clashes too much and doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I see a lot of people try to apply stuff learned about in Hopes as being relevant to Houses, but I disagree with that. I feel like knowing about this in Hopes doesn’t retroactively fix the problems of Houses, and I feel some character are almost completely different so the application of this Hopes characters ideas and thoughts are relevant to the Houses version isn’t really fair. Overall, if you are just here for another game with the Fodlan kids though, I get why this has its appeal and its easily the better FE Musou while integrating more FE elements. But it is a spin-off and I am treating it as such.
Okay if you are still sticking around to listen to me ramble after that, let me just get positives I liked about the game out of the way first.
From a story standpoint, I like that this game is willing to fill in stuff from 3H that went either on addressed or was flat out ignored. Shez is better than Byleth in everyday and their relationship with Arval feels far more genuine than Byleth and Sothis. Yes their design is very “OC do not steal” but honestly, I prefer your MC to just be a mercenary that got made a student and not a teacher.
In terms of routes, I will touch on some subjects later, but I actually do believe 3Hopes did manage to make Edelgard in particular more compelling, by actually showing her weeding out the conspiracy in the Empire and centralizing her power rather than it being all off screen, as well as actually allowing her to do more dubious acts when wartime came which was one of my biggest issues with Crimson Flower as a whole as it was an antagonist route where they didn’t do a lot of the actually pretty bad stuff they did in other routes like making the Dukedom which empowered Cornelia. So using Bernadetta’s father as a pawn or saving Lenato as an act of good faith with manipulative undertones actually made Scarlet Blaze a better route. 
Speaking of routes, I quite like how 3Hopes was willing to basically say “This character could go any way in this war, and this is who is ride or die their lord.” I avoids some really weird stuff like Ingrid ever being on black eagles with the only reason being “The Professor told me to” and also adds an interesting layer with characters like Yuri or Dorothea who will do what is best for them and their groups. It also I think allows for more story opportunities like Felix and Sylvain backing Dimitri, Hilda and Holst tag teaming with Claude etc.
Rhea not just disappearing or getting captured also adds for her character to take a lot more initiative. Rhea is mostly passive in 3H with the exception of Crimson Flower. Which led to her character basically being a lot of speculations. And I don’t particularly care for discourse that ends up just being based on speculation. SO yeah, Rhea feels like more a character here.
The politics in 3Hopes are... still pretty bare minimum. I like more characters talk about policy more openly and address concepts like getting people involved in government and the only reason they are keeping lords around is to manage things until they are replaced. It doesn’t feel weighted on one side or the other: all lords get a chance to have an opinion. But again, it is something. 
Graphics wise, it is an improvement. It looks far better than 3H and the character animations, expressions and attacks look so much better. Like Im not even gonna say “Well its a Musou, I expect it to look good”, because I remember FEW, it didn’t look that great with some of its animations. 
That’s the positives out of the way. Lets get into the negatives.
So you know how I said the three routes in 3H generally feel unfinished or not as fleshed out as they could be? Well 3Hopes is the same. It adds more, but due the spin off nature again, it feels not quite finished. I think you should know what 3H is before playing it, but Hopes has just a lot of “because I said so” momentum to its plot. I understand it needs to get to next battle, but it also doesn’t feel super meticulous on its route system. So it really just feels like Fates where everything was already decided for me when I make the choice of what house to join. 
I do respect the game willing to just say that war and conflict doesn’t end no matter what choice you make, but it also just generally feels like you accomplish little when you beat the route big bad, but there’s not a real resolution.
Now while I think Edelgard became much more interesting character in Hopes, I feel like she also gets a worse treatment. Having things like Hagemon Husk and mind control forced on her really feels like its limp wristlet trying to avoid her doing her most ambitious acts, and generally not addressing her and Those who slither in a satisfying way and once again just focusing her sights on Rhea. I have never been a fan of Thales’s influence on the plot and boy it doesn’t becoming any clearer in this game. Scarlet Blaze again feels incomplete with Tharles and Rhea just doing themselves in feels extremely unsatisfying. And before you think I am picking on Edelgard, trust me I have words for all the lords. There was a lot of people upset with Claude in Golden Wildfire seemingly being so bent on killing Rhea as that was the only way to fix the system. While many have already pointed out how that is wrong and basically his own ending proves that conflict doesn’t just end when one figure head is taken out, I actually do think this showed an interesting thing about the perception of 3H characters. Claude is often called a schemer, but we don’t really see him take any duplicitous actions beyond not reveal his racial background. He’s honestly a pretty open guy, but one willing to be very observational which sets him apart from the very single minded Edelgard and Dimitri. However, Wildfire does make Claude much more manipulative in his actions with Edelgard and his murder of Rhea. But many found this out of character as it seemed as Claude is the one who always found another way. I think overall, Golden Wildfire is fine, but once again, it playing with a different Claude and I think that will effect some people.
And now we get to Dimitri. Who I think got the worst of it all. Dimitri is quite literally down a character arc. I like intro of actually feuding with his uncle, there’s definitely manipulation by Cornelia, but if you know 3H, Rufus has a bit of a point in his fear of Dimitri. But that really never comes. Boar Dimitri is primarily absent and we honestly lose the best part of his character journey, needing to learn his vengeance isn’t going to fix the issues his people are facing. That he must take that anger and make a better Faerghus as king. Im not against maintaining sane Dimitri, but it really feels like Azure Gleam is objectively trying to be the good route. Multiple characters like Miklan get a redemption, the Church sides with Faerghus, Claude and Dimitri ally with not manipulation by Claude, Edelgard is made into a puppet and saved by her adoptive brother and left in a state she is no longer a threat, and he still has his close friend in Shez. Like literally, Dimitri gets everything he wants with his mental issues never being an obstacle. 
Some have theorized that this was intentionally, this was the team creating a deconstruction of the concept of the golden route. That secretly everything happened is bad. But I don’t believe this theory. I believe due to Dimitri being the most popular lord, we saw a route where a lot of his edges were sanded down to give the player a more dream-like, almost Kaga era, style story of noble people over coming noble problems and magic bad guys in black robes was the real evil. Dimitri was already subversive of the standard Fire Emblem lord, he is Sigurd or Chrom that thinks powering your way through will make things right and then needs to be told that how he has acted is wrong. He went to edge and needed to be pulled back. And if not, he will ultimately die.
And speaking of characters, Sothis’s sudden change is... again not that well done. I like the idea of Sothis controlled Byleth and it works for Shez’s story, but its also super disconnected from any church stuff so it feels like another missed opportunity.
And of course there is the game play issues. For a musou game to be this many chapters, its generally monotonous. Some people love it and will never get sick of it, but I will admit when I am on my 3rd play through of the game, I was feeling like I had scene Shez’s ultimate attack a hundred times by that point.
So did I hate this game? no not really. Its an FE spin off game with completely different play style, the only thing I can compare it to is the last FEW which it is a lot better than. I don’t think Hopes and Houses should be treated as linked, they are clearly different takes on the same concept. I think I found myself liking Hopes when it pandered to me already knowing the characters. But I honestly still think Houses was the better way to experience these characters for all the faults I have with it. 
Overall, it is a not worth full price title, but I can’t say its awful. I think what it tries to do is commendable and if you just want more time with the Fodlan kids, I think you will love this. But I just can’t say I liked it myself. 
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hapigairu · 9 months
Yeah there's a bit of an individualist vs collectivist conflict going on between Edel & Dimi and considering how much 3H took cues from Persona with the calendar system and how they presented Byleth, this is probably another aspect they took from that series since P5 deals with individualist vs collectivist ideology.
It explains why the west views Edel in a more positive light since the west tends to favor individualism (along with being critical of religion) although given that the developers describe her path as the hadou/path of tyranny and Dimi as odou/path of righteousness, I think 3H was supposed to be some sort of critique on the individualist mindset and how it can lead to people doing bad things.
I really need to replay Persona 5, it's been a while.
Yes, I do wonder how much research the writers made when it comes to each lord's ideology and, well, how much of their own political biases seeped through.
It's possible one of the inspirations for Edelgard's politics came from the big legal upheaval Japan went through during Meiji. Japan in the 1880s was very interested in the German concept of Rechsstaat (state of law) and wanted to incorporate it into their future constitution. They especially liked the interpretation of Friedrich Julius Stahl (I think it was him?) about how the State was the sovereign and only he (cause let's be honest, women didn't have much opportunities to have their voices heard, let alone get into power...) had legislative powers. But when Itoh Hirobumi (who went to Germany to learn about its political system basically) asked Rudolf von Gneist about (more or less) adopting the German constitution in Japan, Gneist said that it wouldn't work because each constitution is unique and adapted to the country in which it has been written. But Japan (with Inoue Kowashi mainly) found a way to adapt this concept of Rechtsstaat by resurrecting the notion of Kokutai (国体, body of the nation). Basically, what this meant is that the Emperor was above the nation and held supreme authority. Now, this constitution was the object of very different interpretations: one liberal and the other authoritarian. It's the latter who gained traction, which greatly helped the... uh, well, the totalitarian trajectory Japan took. Now, I'm not saying Edelgard is a fascist or anything. She did, however, centre all the power around her and is the one who get to change the law as she sees fit. And that her government could very much take a dark turn a few decades later, regardless of what she wanted. Plus, with the very anti-war stance in Japan (for the most part, mind you), it's possible that the writers were inspired by this part of history when they created Edelgard. (also they are many more nuances to the kokutai and the things I mentioned, but I don't think they'd be that relevant to this discussion?)
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greywindys · 1 year
Weeb anon returns :'D : Samurai Flamenco wedding suit cards in the spinoff app is probably the most infamous example, but there was also Lucky Star (wedding scenario official art), I think Hibike Euphonium and a couple more yuri anime I'm not caught up on (girls in wedding dresses are a lot more popular, wonder why :P ), Kaworu and Shinji from Evangelion had wedding ring merch and wedding outfits for merch… I'm sure there's more of it though, Japan is always on top of its subtle fanservice merch.
Interesting what you're saying though! Again, might just be me coping, but I honestly feel like Jamie and Damon could crack at some point, if only to spite bigots, since the world is pretty ugly these days and they're punks at heart (not the correct technical term… but y'kno what I mean lol). Kinda like MCR used to make out on stage just to piss off some crowds. I think their perspective has definitely shifted over the years, especially since they're getting a lot of younger LGBTQ fans and they know it. Damon's out there dancing with a pride flag, singing "are you tranz like me?" and kissing Seye in all fairness haha. But they probably don't want to undermine 20 years' worth of work and ending up getting asked about 2doc every interview or sideline Noodle and Russ even more than they already are. I dunno, don't wanna play a mind reader. TLDR: I'm not starry-eyed thinking it'll ever happen, but I see a small possibility of them being fine with it now more than ever, whereas there was no chance a few years ago.
Ahhh okay! I'm learning a lot here. I'm very basic with my anime/manga consumption and really haven't ventured out of the shonen genre....ever idt lol. Up until recently I had only read or watched 4 different series. Thanks for sharing what you know!
I guess I'm skeptical of them not because I think they're uncomfortable with the idea, but moreso because I don't think they care enough about really developing the lore and characters. I also don't think the ship aligns with either of their personal, for lack of a better word, "headcanons" about 2D and Murdoc. Of the two, I think Jamie would be more likely to go, "fuck it" and let the writers do whatever. He already kind of does this - since P4, it's been the writers who have been the source of all the 2Doc hints we get in interviews, tiktoks, etc. Afaik, Jamie isn't involved in that.
Damon, as far as I know, doesn't seem to have any semblence of shipper vision. During P5, he said in an interview that 2D was happy Murdoc was in jail, and wanted him to stay there forever haha. And most recently, if I remember correctly, he said he didn't care about the PR side of Gorillaz at all, which I assume included the character interviews, lore updates via social media etc.. All of which he is entitled to feel! But I bring them up to support my impression that he isn't a shipper, and I wouldn't expect him to go to bat for 2Doc if he wanted to make a statement. But I might have missed some things, so if you or anyone reading this knows of any counter-evidence, I'm open to hearing it.
And that's true that canon 2Doc would probably be the final nail in the coffin for Russel and Noodle's relevance. And that would be a bummer, ngl. I'd feel bad for my friends who are fans of them.
That all being said, I think you bring up some good point, and ia that Jamon are both supportive of the fans and LGBT community, and are comfortable being open about that. But does that overlap with their respective interpretations of 2D and Murdoc? Idk. I think if I was placing a bet, I'd put money on Jamie giving Noodle a girlfriend before any ship between the guys. But my main theory is that management will eventually see that 2Doc is popular and accepted by enough of the fandom that it will help them trend lol. But I'm also not expecting anything...but it's fun to conjecture about.
We'll see how this post has aged after 20 years 🤣
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boypussydilf · 2 years
skuttles up. hi hello saw the homemade ask meme.... can i offer you a ryuji and akira in this trying time, if i may, thought i'd go for something different because i assume you have 9845978375892 akechi asks (<- literally isn't different in any form)
shockingly ive only gotten 1 rhat involved akechi. im simultaneously going YESSS, deLICIOUS, some VARIETY, i can think about someone ELSE for once, and also Wheresakechi…… i wanna see akechi…. ANYWAY, HELL fucking yeah, akira and ryuji, my og p5 faves, my boys, the healing power of best bros, etc etc. putting it under a cut before i even start it bc. yeah
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
BEST BROS. The First Phantom Thieves. the leader and his right hand arm man. an unstoppable power duo who trust each other, want to help each other, want to protect each other, want to lift each other up, want to stay by each other’s sides. by god have you seen them? have you looked at them? They’re incredible. They’re wonderful. their bond is unbreakable forged in the fires of facing danger side by side, of both being unfairly outcast and unable to do anything but roll with it, of being sillygoofy hanging out having fun together. they look out for each other. they take care of each other. They’re Best Friends.
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
i think the version of them that lives in my brain is basically the same just, tends to veer more clearly Romantic. they are dating <3 but there’s also like. they have the clear potential and power to do a lot of Stupid Shit together, True Meaning Of Boys Will Be Boys kinda stuff, but with the constraints of p5 not letting akira be a character & not including a ton of non-plot-relevant character interactions they don’t get to goof off like i Know they can. if you put them together Sometimes akira will become the voice of reason but sometimes he just goes Wow that stupid thing is a GREAT idea!!! and then they run off skipping and holding hands to do something really really dumb. and have the time of their lives
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
looks at them with my autistic eyes.
I always say “healing power of best bros” when referring 2 them bc i called them that Once and then it stuck in my brain forever but like. Yeah. That’s it. That’s the thing. I love, like. Bromances. They make the best relationship dynamic tbh. Both as a “what if these characters were dating” thing and also just like, the concept, although there’s rarely ever been a “bromance” that was not Just Gay. Its just the sheer joy of, here’s two guys and they do Traditional Guy Stuff together but it also runs very deep and they’re inseparably close and its. God. The power of the typical Male Best Friends dynamic but with the element that they have seen each other’s souls and will support each other unconditionally as people and. and. I thought of another thing for this sentence but I forgot it… im very sleepy…
Basically they have a type of dynamic that appeals to me a lot because it’s very fun and sweet and enjoyable.
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
GOD! GOD!!! Far from the first person to talk about this. Only even thought about it because so many other people talked about it. But. Like. They have both gotten unfairly ostracized and don’t really have Anyone, no real friends around them, no one has really Been Truly Nice to either of them in a while. And then they both meet someone who is nice to them and hears what people say about them & doesn’t care both because they’re in similar situations and also because they’d just like each other and be nice to each other anyway regardless!! Akiras first friend in Tokyo, Ryujis first friend in A While……
Ryuji feels like he belongs with Akira. I can never get over the stuff he says in his confidant…… he feels Free around akira…. he feels like they Belong by each other’s sides….. im turnin into a crying cat bro,.. its so sweet…. After everything that’s happened ryuji has found someone who goes out of his way to help him!! Someone who wants to lift him up! Someone who just likes Ryuji!
And akira gets The Social Interaction He Needs… from someone who’s straightforward, doesn’t talk around things and says what he thinks… Ryuji mother hens him and goes out of his way to talk to him and talks about all the things he likes about Akira without hesitating just smiling ans going of course i like you you’re you!
They r looking at each other and going This is the coolest guy ever!! they are verbally making a tier list of big bang burger menu items at full volume in a public place they are trying to lift each other over their heads this got off track. They are both so happy to have this uncomplicated relationship with someone who just wants to cheer them on.
favorite interaction they have in canon
“but there’s nothing to see there” “whaddya mean? you’re there!”
also all the times ryuji gets super pissed about shido on akira’s behalf.
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
I just wanna see them be silly and stupid together man. I just wanna see them hang out forever. I wanna look at the bocky comic for 1 million year. I want to see them enacting the Troy & Abed plots of various Community episodes. I like these guys. A lot.
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nebulaleaf · 2 years
*smashinf into your ask box like the kool aid man* Tell us (however many followers you have) about the akira variety hour (palace related concept)
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sweating profusely. oh god. oh fuck. im embarrassed now after that last anon's bde knocked my shhit right outta the ballpark. anyway i've been thinking about this for less than an hour so it's not very substantial but... classic palace au that has various cognitive versions of akira. perhaps the themeing of the palace hinges on the choices akira's made up to this point? exploring the ways akira could've turned out had he taken another path? i don't have a solid concept of /why/ any of these versions of akira are there i just. have the idea of them in my head yk? apologies for how messy this is. under a readmore this time because im always super embarrassed over my half baked ideas ahaha ,
I think (assuming the PTs are the ones traversing this place) they'd encounter a cog!akira gradually at different levels? starting with a bad, but not Horrible akira until it descends into uh. madness. so there's a version of himself who never helped the woman being grabbed by shido, utterly selfish and indifferent to those around him but burdened by a crushing sense of unfulfillment. a version who sold out his friends (and died for it), a version who took maruki's deal for his friends happiness (and hates himself for it, because he knows it's wrong but more importantly: only now does he realize he wasn't in any of their desired futures), and version who didn't choose anything and is just rotting away in leblanc's attic. all of this accumulates into arguably the worst akira, the one who took yaldy's deal. the one who's completely apathetic to human life and the inner workings of a human's heart (a human's, because he's above that now, isn't he?) seeing them as playthings that he can mess with and then toss away once bored. (his achilles heel is probably the fact that the thieves are just controlled husks or the worst versions of themselves due to his meddling and that morgana isn't even around anymore and how much that eats at him. he says he doesn't care but i think even the coldest akira cant fully sever that part of himself that desires to reach out for others. kinda funny that every single one of his bad endings has him being alone, huh? whether that's being dead, being "god" or being the only one who's aware reality has been changed... not relevant though) I don't know how this ties into a palace ruler or like . anything regarding how p5 palaces work (surprise! it doesnt) this is basically me just going "hey wouldn't it be fucked up if--" for a more put together palace concept (and even then its still sloppy for my tastes) i have a classic somewhat jail-themed akira palace ...
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vexilanimous · 3 years
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so people are actually interested in my and @caramellody‘s scott the woz phantom thief au?? which like i was hoping for but im still lowkey surprised
i dont rlly have any more Big Art so ill use this post as a Lore Dump under the cut (ill likely make a seperate post for things involving p5 spoilers though. so dw abt that im keeping this one spoiler free, mostly major ones but ill err on the side of caution)
OKAY SO. this au begins with Dr. Anna May, who has mostly backed off but she just Cannot let scott’s refusal to play persona 5 slide. so, she uses her Anime Realm Powers or whatever they are to isekai him into the game. He becomes an additional orignal phantom thief alongside joker, ryuji, and ann, and will be released from the game when he beats it.
to accomplish this, anna has used her dominion over anime to create extra backstory for an additional character. iirc scott has played the p5r intro for footage, but i dont think anything past that? i could be wrong but just for the sake of au. thats where were at.
SO, scott is basically also from jokers hometown, and had also tried to intervene in the event that led to joker getting arrested in the first place, and are now both under sojiros roof bc. idk same case. they have bunk beds :)
that said, scott doesn’t really live that backstory? like he goes to bed in ohio one night, wakes up to mr. purse owner 5 shaking him awake like “hey cmon this is our stop” he sorta has to pick it up from context clues. he also has to go to shujin, and while it makes more sense for this to be Scott But High School Age for the duration of the isekai thing, i find its infinitely funnier if hes just. the same 24yo scott as irl. nobody acknowledges or questions this.
he also cant say hes in a game lest the ps4 hes running on fuckin explode, so anytime he tries what comes out is replaced with. something relevant that doesnt break the 4th wall. yknow the e3 2017 video intro. it looks/sounds like that.
SPEAKING of the ps4, time is moving at the games pace from scotts perspective. like, days can be quick for us as the player, but for scott in this situation a day is a day. 24 hours. outside of the game time is moving as usual however. at one point rex gets into scotts apartment, sees scott on the tv and the ps4 playing itself, and just tells the others “yeah hes fine hes just having one of those wacky gaming adventures again” by the time hes out, assuming abt a 100hr playthough is average (thats what i got anyways) only a few days have passed in ohio
anyways hes really pissy about the situation at first, i like to imagine anna may showed up the first night after it all started in her own velvet room dream sequence to explain everything, but thats just for theming/aesthetic purposes, i feel like joker should still be the only wildcard of the groupbut he gets to where the kamoshida plot is really ramping up and the shiho moment. and idk abt you guys but that moment hit me HARD, so scott basically goes i know this is very real and im so ready to throw down. (bold = 4th wall preserving redaction btw.)
his rebellious spark is him putting his moping about the situation aside to do said throwing down, and to overall make the best out of his situation (i mean, hes in japan, they made wario there, might as well see the sights while ur stuck there)
the actual phantom thief design is, again, by caramellody. i came up with duel as a codename, bc of the dual color scheme and duel bein a fightin word sjklfdsjf. (also if you put duel and scott together the initials are DS. thats video game initials........) outside of a jokey persona like vince young or smth, im stuck on his persona but i like to think of him using both fire and ice on a slightly weaker scale compared to ann and yusuke, sorta like crow with bless and curse. hes a blunt weapon user like ryuji, but theyre all like. light blunt weapons. and hes a lighter hitter and much more agile than ryuji.
this post is getting Way Too Long, so ill close out by saying. this au is supposed to defo supposed be on the goofier side, but me and caramellody have some canon divergence planned that puts the goofy to the side for a second...
ty for coming to my ted scott talk.
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rontra · 3 months
in the failteacher yuri saga will we be seeing any other p3 or p5 characters? or is it jus gonna be toriumi and kawakami?
i looooove how you portray toriumi/kawakami but im also curious abt what other pairings you like
(your art is amazing as always btw)
thank you!!!! 😘
it depends mostly on whim to be honestMDFJBH
i currently have...one. potential role for a p5 character. that i think is VERY Funny. but bc the nature of this comic is pretty improv-heavy we will simply Have To See if those seeds come to fruition or not HBFDHJG (and in a similar vein i might Think Of some other gag that requires a p3/p5 character Later that i dont know about rn)
for pairings i'm generally not actively engaged with p5 ships unless you count Me peeling back my monitor screen to enter the story and woo kawakami (i can save her) so we probably arent gonna get that specifically . F
(yukamitsu nation rise up though)
generally speaking there's the gameplan of not getting too involved with the PLOT of p5...partially because i dont think its necessary and partially because i would need to skim so many wiki pages to pull off anything substantial HAHAHA but there might be small roles here and there. who can say. smiles. mostly it'll be unmentioned though so who even knows if it's even happening in the bg or not 💀
suffice to say i'm a p3head . for pretty easy circumstantial reasons p5 was nowhere near as Life Altering to me as playing p3 at like Age 12 was. so in other terms p5 is like "a game i enjoyed playing but didn't need to commit to memory In Complete Detail" and p3 is like "a game that rocked my shit Permanently so i know the plot and timeline of it by heart" so it's much easier for me to pull from p3......
........however p3 already happened like 7 years ago in-universe so all of that knowledge is USELESS!!!!!!!
i have the directly au-relevant knowledge of p5 and p3 loaded. idk if we'll get into much beyoooond that stuff . is what i'll say. HDHBJFG
anyway my people are still trying to contact sae niijima's people to arrange a playdate but that's mostly for my own interests
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yuyokunoshishi · 3 years
makoto (p5)? for the ask meme... if you like. im just interested in seeing what you have to say about her lol (no pressure!)
lmao i knew someone would do that. keep in mind i do hate her but its not a condemnation of anyone who likes her uwu
sexuality headcanon: it would be great if she could be a lesbian but i do think she's het
gender headcanon: definitely cis and probably a bit of a radfem
a ship i have with said character: i wish she was better so i could ship her with haru
a brotp i have with said character: idk man atlus didn't even make her a good friend to any of the pt. like shes not even a friend.
a notp i have with said character: at this point, everyone
a random headcanon: i think she's a conservative and the pt are just desperately trying to ignore that. she literally functions like one.
General Opinion over said character: i Do Not Like Her. for many reasons, ranging from she's a fucking cop (in a game that's supposedly "cops bad"???), she's excessively rude and not a good friend to the pt, she's ableist as hell to yusuke in particular, she handled the kamoshida situation abysmally and said bullshit awful things to ann, and she is very boring and not sympathetic. there's no reason for me to care about her, kaneshiro's palace also isnt story-relevant and is not personal to her either so i find it really hard to care. she was really stupid about kaneshiro too. like she has some purpose in the story being a snooping busybody but that's about all i can find for her use beyond being hashino's personal favorite waifu. also she is So pushed to be akira's love interest, like way more than the other girls even tho she objectively sucks the most. ok im done now xjwkdk
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
Lengthy posts that I am not writing, will not write, and the world does not need me to write, about video games I technically have not actually even played, and the conversations they are having with other, previously-released video games in their own franchise:
Why the Final Fantasy 7 Remake makes total sense, actually, provided you know a set of approximately five basic facts about the entire original franchise/compilation, and is honestly really good at building up the story it's telling if you're not deliberately ignoring it along the way, at least until the ending which is, admittedly, a little less explicit than it could be, though still sufficiently clear for a solid emotional resolution if you've been paying attention to the right things instead of getting distracted by how many specific details you're mad about changing from the original.
How Persona 5 Royal, while succeeding as an enjoyable, coherent, and thematic whole in its own story and construction, (albeit one with notably different and, to me, far less compelling themes than the original), ultimately fails as an addendum to the original game because of those shifted themes, pacing, and priorities.
There is a very good chance that my opinions of these games are strongly colored by my feelings about the original FF7 (distant awareness, no strong emotional attachment to the original themes or plot resolution) and P5 (strongly loved, satisfying and relevant to present-day life). They're both thematic departures building a new story from the bones of the old! It's a super subjective opinion!
That said, the FF7 Remake decided that found-family teammate bonds between the party outside of the main character would be more important to its themes and resolution than the original, and P5R decided they would be less. So like. It may not be an objective improvement/degradation, but really, if you're playing JRPGs for something other than found family party teammate solidarity feels...well, you can do you, but I really do not know what the you that you're doing is, and I'm not entirely sure we're actually looking at the same genre.
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rottingsick · 3 years
that kind of makes sense to me :0 i like memes that are related to whatever media i like or my interests in some way too, but i usually don't like to show those to people unless they're like... more vague & people who don't know about the media will still get it (like the one i sent about sayaka & hitomi from "pmmm"). also, i like memes about my mental illnesses too, but like i don't usually show those to people, because i feel like most of them are too self depreciating to be funny to other people (since i personally feel awkward when people send me self depreciating memes/jokes about their mental health unless i can relate)
normally my favorites tend to be ones making fun of people/types of people i dislike or just generally have a snarky tone to them, but it's kind of hard to tell now because of how easily i pick up the personality traits of my friends, including their sense of humor 😔 #mentallillness
I think we differ in the aspect of likin memes that put down others hdhdhdhdjdhd
like, I have rare exceptions like. I find it genuinely fuckin funny whenever ppl bully goro akechi, but as a goro akechi fictive and recognizin that akechi as a character is honestly very bulliable..... as well as more so again pokin fun of my mental illness... yeah hsjdhdh
I generally also just. live under a rock. I cannot tell you shit abt whats a current meme at all. hewwo is still fuckin funny as shit to me, and it will always be. I literally have tumblr, twitter, n discord but like even then... my tumblr is yandere, my twitter is just p5 media consumption, n my discord is for one on one talks, with occasional poppin into servers. I actually do run a server, but its so not active and very... everyone whose active in it is similar to me in those regards djhdhdhdhd
I like to joke a lot that I dress like I have a tiktok but I have no clue what goes on there, aside from old old ones that I've seen in p5 tiktok comps + whatever shit my brother n a confidant sends me. which is generally shit that would be related to my tastes, and my brother likes to watch shit like drillin holes into pieces of ham so idk how relevant that is
oh yeah I mean. I do have a youtube but like. hdhdhdhf thats a whole can of worms and I don't feel like exposin myself publicly hskdhdhdh
plus, it's very varied too, so not easy to sum up in a single sentence
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