#but the whole thing was a wild ride
fortune-maiden · 1 year
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers finished!
What a beautiful mess <3
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
At the end of the day, Vessel gets to go home and take off the mask and be a normal ass man, and go to coffee shops and not be recognized, and me? I have to LIVE WITH BEING A SLEEP TOKEN FAN!!! sure I could be anonymous about it irl, but I already bought the fuckin sweatshirt. Vessel?? He gets to just go about his day, and be like ‘oh Sleep Token?? Never heard of them/not my thing’ and me?? I have to live with the fact that when I say ‘oh my favorite band is sleep token’ EVERYONE KNOWS IM HORNY, DEPRESSED, LONELY AND IN A CULT (basically).
Edit: I feel like I need to say, this post is Not about wanting Vessel to unmask, this is about how I have to live with being a Sleep Token fan. I am very much so an anonymous Vessel supporter (anonymous Sleep Token supporter) and I dont want people to think I am not lmao.
The read more is so this doesn’t ruin the funny goofy vibes of the og post.
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luminaryofblood · 3 months
All those days... Months... Years...
Years of plotting. Years of bloodshed. Years of sacrifice. Years of preparation. Years of doting, and years of brooding.
Years. And years. And years...
He had shared in his pride and accomplishments. He had shared in his anger and frustration. But what's more, he had shared in his humiliations. His sorrows. His anguish.
He had shared in things he shared to no other. He had shared in things he thought he never had -- or maybe things he had long since thought were lost. He had shared passion. In love.
So much of himself he had shared. But now he wept. Hot tears dampened the cold, stony ground of his palace.
Years of plotting. Years of bloodshed. Years of sacrifice. Years of preparation. Years of doting, and years of brooding. Visions of a grand dynasty, and they were naught but wild dreams and delusions.
All the things he offered, and all the things he shared of himself, wasted. In all those years, he had bedded nothing more than a corpse.
'... Ahh, Miquella...
... Why do you abandon me...?'
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age-of-moonknight · 5 months
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“Reese,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #1.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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Do you do roleplays?
I’m currently in two of them. One is just me and one other person, but I’ve also got the Hellamultiverse AU roleplay going on- and I’m not really used to roleplay so. It’s been a lot of fun but I get burnt out a bit easy and I often don’t know what to do, and either way I’m currently visiting family so I’ve put pause on both. Between that, managing this blog, and all my art requests, I’m not really in the position to do any others in dms or anything.
Im apart of a lot of projects so I usually have notifs off unless im @‘d anyway. The easiest way to reach me is through tumblr because I check so often. I’m open to doing RPs here on the blog, through asks and reblogs and such, since it’s easier to manage, but nothing more for the time being.
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momentsofamberclarity · 3 months
I'm not posting this ask because I reported it to tumblr for threat of violence but I woke up to this
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followed by the anon in question coming off anon to leave me paragraphs of guilt tripping dribble in my DMs before blocking me.
I didn't bother reading their messages since they'd already blocked me so I just blocked them back. ( I did read something like 'if you post these screencaps remove my url' -- anon, I didn't do more than skim your whole novel of a guilt trip, I'm sure as hell not posting it so that you can guilt trip others. plus!! I already promised you in an ask that is still posted here on my blog that I would not name-drop you if you came off anon. callout culture is a thing your side of the fence does, not mine. lmao )
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bisexualstegosaurus · 2 years
I've done a terrible thing.
I found a spider and I named him Gerard the Third
I put him in my hand and took him down the slide and he flew out of it. I killed him unintentionally. I just-
Do y’all thing the lords have any remorse after killing bugs?
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luimagines · 2 years
And now I type out introductions to the Chain!
What I've got planned out us very funny. See, your local gremlins (Wind, Wild and Hyrule) decided to strike out on their own around Wild's era because they got bored. Wind ran on ahead as children do, ended up tripping, and took a pretty good tumble down a steep slope. The ground was thankfully not too far up from the ledge, so all he really sustained was some bruises to his body and his ego.
He calls up to the others to tell them he's okay, when all he sees is Wild and Hyrule's expression of shock and worry and them reaching for theirweapons. Wind is confused. What are they looking at? He only took a bit of a fall, nothing much to worry about-
Until the "ground" beneath him starts moving. He feels the floor suddenly look a lot farther than it did before, and he turns his gaze to meet a pair of curious sky blue eyes.
Turns out Wind landed on the back of a very confused Piyo, who isn't angry at all, just wondering who dropped their cub on his back.
"Uh, are you okay? That was quite the fall you took."
He leans to the side of Piyo's saddle, which he also landed on, to meet the bicolored eyes of a hylian woman he's never seen before. She wore a pair of goggles and had a white symbol painted across the bridge of her nose and her forehead. She seemed to be a traveler by the looks of it.
His eyes seemed to get impossibly wide when he looked down lower to see that she wasn't exactly a hylian at all.
"Hey, would you mind tellin' your friends not to draw their weapons? Neither of us are really in a mood to fight and I don't need Piyo accidentally starting a forest fire."
The hylian, er, woman said to Wind, gesturing to an unsure Wild and Hyrule who seemed to be frozen in their spots. Before Wind could register what was happening, the woman guided him to the side of Piyo, who leaned his body down to gently set down the child.
"Well then, my name is Pandora, this is my monstie Piyo. Please don't try to kill us because neither of us will like the end result."
What a way to meet someone new.
And since I'm tired and bored, I'm just gonna take myself off of anon because I need to show you funny pictures.
This is how Huntress looks, I'll probably post this on my other tumblr account for later usage but you know.
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And this is a retexture of how I'd like Razewing Rathalos to look, because in game Capcom wouldn't let us keep the black and blue wings but that's okay this is what modders are for.
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And then this is a picture of how big in game Piyo is next to an adult Rathalos. And for context the adult model is how big Piyo is when I talk about him. The only reason the rideable monster model is that small is because its probably easier to do stuff.
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Anywho, yeah, funny Huntress and Piyo.
- Chill anon now revealed for the sake of oc explanation
And yes, what a way to meet someone XD
Poor Wind, he was probably having an out of body experience where things were just happening to him at that point and there was very little he could do about it.
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
shoutout to that one masters of horror movie I watched on ye olden youtube at the tender age of 16. which was like. a retelling of frankenstein’s monster? maybe? kinda? about this nervous lookin little guy who wants to learn how to bring the dead back to life. 
the whole movie eventually culminates in some sexy married lady he meets getting GANGBANGED in a CEMETARY by a bunch of rotting decaying zombies
what a film. that was
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Lu wild: *throws open doors of tavern after having been missing for weeks, wild eyed and thick archers glove*
Wild, grabbing Sky's arm and dragging him back to a swirling portal: you gotta see this. Sky you gotta you'll love it it's the best.
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Time: Hey uh...watcha got there?
Twilight carrying around a small pack of monkeys: A smoothie..
Time: ......
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komakitigerdrop · 2 years
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KinnPorsche The Series La Forte: a Moodboard
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Ok I'm watching ABC's 30th anniversary of beauty and the beast and I have so many thoughts, please enjoy.
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sharkneto · 2 years
What anons think of you: I love you. Your writing is so good. Your takes are so good. Your vibes are so good. I look up to you (even though I think I might be older than you lol). I appreciate you. I wish I knew you in real life but also I am shy and never come off anon lol. You inspire me. I look forward to your updates and I cherish each one. I know you sometimes stress about how long it takes you to update but I hope you know we don’t care how long it takes. We love you. You are our family. I follow you because of tua and my friend follows you because of animal facts and we always send each other things you posted or reblogged and it feels like we’re talking about a mutual friend. I adore you. I hope you know you’re very loved by a stranger on the internet lol. Cuz when I think of how I feel about you, I am reminded of how I feel about some of my friends, even though you and I have never had a conversation. Love is funny like that.
<3 <3 <3 <3
Haha I'm glad you like my takes! I do like rambling, so it's nice to know it's not just for me (although, to be clear, it is actually for me and it is nice you guys indulge me to ask questions so I can ramble lol).
I'm told I have an old soul, so maybe that's how our ages work out. It's funny how we connect on tumblr. I've made some genuine friends through the site, but there's also loads of people I've never actually talked to that I am fond of and do consider friends, just from seeing them on my dash and seeing their little thoughts and comments in tags. Very human of us, I've gotta say.
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bestomato · 1 year
you know something i really really like about octopath 2 is that you can stumble upon a lot of cool things just super casually without meaning to. i found the equivalent job to the warmaster in octopath1 just thanks to giving medicine to someone??????? and at some point i got 3 of the multiple weapons needed for the skills already so i can use those weapon-specific skills now?????? what?….
also just straight up spooky stuff with no answer or explanation. or at least i haven’t found an answer or explanation for those yet. which is epic. i love the mysteries
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Starting to deep clean my apartment :)
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