#but where is the spice. Where is the pizzazz
guillermosguywife · 2 years
i love the theory that guillermos van helsing blood can turn a vampire back into a human. i want to see that theory play out in canon
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theridgebeyond · 2 years
Broke: Jesus was a cis man.
Woke: jesus was trans! he only had X chromosomes from mary! which means he was afab!
Bespoke: The side wound of Christ was the passageway that first birthed the Church and through which we may enter into the womb of Christ. For hundreds of years Christians encountered Christ in the Eucharist and believed that Christ’s body bleeds and feeds not unlike their understanding of the role of a woman’s body. Not only did they consume Christ’s body and blood (the realm of women) in the Eucharist, but also Christ’s soul and divinity (the realm of men), traversing the medieval European perception of gender. Furthermore, it is the essence of Christianity that Christ is fully God incarnate, the Divine embodied in human flesh. God knows no gender, as God is beyond human constructs and binaries. Yet, in a mystery, God encompasses all genders, as all humans throughout time and culture are made in the Image of God. Regardless of Christ’s physical, biological sex characteristics or gender identity while being as a tabernacle among humanity, Christ is not bound to our earthly notion of gender, and yet we — in our glorious variety and diversity — are reflections of the Divine.
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professionalism Does Not Make Sense To Me and I would enjoy it if someone could please explain why doctors aren’t supposed to have dyed hair or tattoos. where is the spice in life. the pizzazz. it’s not like tattoos or dyed hair will make you any less competent of a doctor. what if I want my hair to be blue and look pretty while helping patients. what then.
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mrfelixfischoeder · 3 months
I wish you’d write a fic where the Old people foursome has a double date and doesn’t have to worry about saving the fucking world for once 🥲
(Or Zorya is in a mustached sandwich between Murderface and Eddy)
This turned into waffle, but I kind of like slice of life waffle!!
Wine night was nice when it was just the two of them. Roisin and Magnus had created a regime that worked for them. That kept them safe, and away from the nightmarish world. Her warmth had opened his eyes to his wrongs, and the wrongs he could have done. Now? His haven is her lap, his home is his face within her hands. His lifeblood is the feeling of her lips on his.
Then their two turned back into a three, and it was welcomed. Though there might have been teething issues between Magnus and Charles – created by each other against each other, fabricated in fear of things not being the same – but they were quick to come to their senses. It was like being in college all over again, except they’ve all learned lessons now. They’re not worrying about reports or dissertations. Not even about lights out and sneaking in weed to their rooms.
And now there’s four.
It’s a good number – means no one is left out. Means their lives are forever changing, and that’s a good thing. A reminder that their lives move on, and on, and on. Sometimes it’s scary. Sometimes it’s a comfort.
“I can’t believe you’d say that – Nick Pizzazz is the best wrestler of his generation!” you’d never have thought Cal is the newest member, refilling Roisin’s wine glass to the brim as she argues (light-heartedly, they assume) with Magnus. He sneers, but the corners of his lips are lifted just enough to make it less threatening.
“He’s all about show – there’s no skill!”
“I was his protégé!” Cal sounds aghast, lifting her own glass, and she huffs as Magnus actually lets out a bit of a laugh.
“I know.”
Roisin laughs because Magnus laughs, and she finds the sound inviting. Charles chuckles, because he does find it funny, and he can see that Cal finds it funny too: the way her eyes aren’t going that certain way, or the way she isn’t tensing up or gripping her glass. Magnus watches her, not knowing these little facets of her yet, smirking, and Cal smirks back behind her glass, taking a long drink. “You’re lucky I’ve already had a glass, sug’, or I’d show you the kinda things he taught me.”
“Some other time, hm?” Magnus gets up, walking over to the aga, stirring the veg in the pan, “When was the last time you made dinner for yourself, huh, Charlie? Can’t believe the rich boy shit you get up to now.”
“He’s busy doing other things.” Roisin teases and defends in one breath – Calypso always admires that about her. She only ever finds that flawless two-faced kindness in Texas, and yet from Roisin it is delightful – it doesn’t make Calypso put her guard up.
“I cook,” Charles’ quiet rebuttal goes over their heads, except Cal steps towards him nonchalantly and puts her hand across his shoulder. He leans his head back, the nape of his neck against her arm. “Since when can you cook anything edible?”
“Hmph,” Magnus refuses to answer, adding more spices to the mix. Roisin sips her wine. Something is on the tip of Magnus’ tongue, she can tell, but he holds back, and lets it fall away. But Charles can’t help it – he’s watching precious mushroom fall from the wok.
“You’re too rough.” He gets up, gently moving past Cal – his hand grazing her thighs in the last moment of touch before walking over. Magnus rolls his head back, eyes going with, but does step aside without a battle, giving him a mocking bow and drinking more of his beer. Cal stays standing, not sure what to do until she feels a hand guide her down to Charles’ seat. Roisin wraps her arm around Cal’s, not even bringing attention to it as Charles and Magnus ‘discuss’ the best way to present the whole thing. Cal’s fingers circle the rim of her glass, smiling as she watches Charles in his true element. No demands, no stress, tie even gone and shirt unbuttoned (just the one though, don’t want to go crazy). And she fits. The one thing Cal had been panicked about the most – for surely if she never fit with Roisin and Magnus, then she’d be out the door. It had never been about impressing Charles himself (she knows she does), but the people he considers his confidants in dark days.
Roisin squeezes her arm, and Cal is brought back out of her wondering. Because her thoughts and her worries don’t matter, not now. It’s all she needs.
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roaringheat · 1 month
Maybe a controversial take but I really don't think Chaos' new design suits them at fuckin all. It's like they took out all the flavor...all the pizzazz... where's their spice
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mixelation · 10 months
Am I late for rarepairs? You've done Ino/Mai, what about Sakura/Anzu?
send me the rarest of pairs and i'll tell you if i ship it & how it would work
hmm i think this ship has a little less Spice and Pizzazz going on, and also is harder for me to figure out how it could work. i'm kind of into it for the WTF crossover factor, but whereas i think ino and mai are ready to flirt with any cute person they see, i think both anzu and sakura desire to be romanced. so it would have to be a little bit slower moving and less zany
how's this for a scenario: Anzu is an up and coming dancer on tour, and Sakura is hired as a body guard. Anzu is from far, far away where they don't have ninja and interpersonal problems are more likely to be solved via convoluted games than fights. so she's a little fascinated with sakura, but also bemused that sakura is like. a random cute girl with pink hair and not, like, a scary big guy or dressed all in black.
I think I would want to kind of play with Anzu's early manga crush on Yami Yuugi... like, she likes normal, sweet Sakura as a friend! But Inner Sakura, the personality that comes out when she's tossing a man twice her size over her head??? Very 👀👀👀 for Anzu
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People I Wanna Know Better Tag Meme
Thanks for tagging me @twig-tea!
Last song?
My son started playing this for me on our recent drive back from a funeral, and it totally fit the vibe of driving down a long open highway in the drizzle.
It's Hollywood by the South Korean indie rock band The Black Skirts.
Favorite color?
Persian Indigo. Hex code #32127A
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Currently watching?
Watch list of dramas I'm watching weekly, or binging if they've finished airing (in no particular order, *denotes a current favorite):
Last Twilight (GMMTV YouTube)
PitBabe (iqiyi)
Ossan's Love Returns (Gagaoolala)
*Cherry Magic Thailand (Grey)
*The Sign (Idolfactory YouTube)
Night Dream (Youko YouTube)
Cooking Crush (GMMTV YouTube)
Story of Parks Marriage Contract (Viki)
Although I love you, and you? (Gagaoolala)
Welcome to Samdal-ri (Netflix)
*A Shop for Killers (Hulu)
Marry My Husband (Prime)
My Demon (Netflix)
Last movie?
Oh this is hard. I used to take myself on a movie date by myself once a week pre-covid, and fell out of the habit of watching movies entirely during the pandemic. I honestly can't remember the last movie I watched by myself. These days, I only watch movies at a family dinner night with my parents and my adult children. I think Audrey Hepburn's My Fair Lady?
Savory with spice for pizzazz!
Relationship status?
Divorced after 25 years of marriage, enjoying being alone so not really dating. I like that I clean a thing and it stays clean, or I put something down and stays exactly where I left it until I pick it up again! I'm not quite ready to share my space with anyone else.
Current Obsessions
Art by Anastasia Trusova. Like look at this brushwork, the use of the palette knife, the way she plays with color!
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Last Thing You Googled
The name of that 90s drama with Oh Bla Di Oh Bla Da as the themesong. I remember a son with Down's Syndrome and a daughter who dated an HIV+ guy too. FYI, it was called Life Goes On and it aired from 89 to 94!
Selfie or another pic you took?
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Have a picture of the dinner I made the other night. Doenjang Jiggae, Cucumber Banchan, and Ground Beef Bulgogi!
Tagging @murphyhatesme @tenprems @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you @pinkwesker @spicyvampire @lurkingshan @absolutebl and anyone else who wants to play!
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
"it’s because they take care of each other and they are a source of comfort to each other. especially when they’re feeling nervous, you’ll see that they’re the clingiest." - this what you said is so true remember the bungee jumping where they kept confessing their love for each other I cried
"but it’s very rarely flashy or exaggerated. and 97% of what people think is fan service is really just how their friendship is." - you literally just took the words out of my mouth and of am not wrong they even mention this in one of those abaab interview that what others/fans think is a cute lovely moment between them is actually normal for them just their genuine deep loving friendship showing
i will never get tired of saying how very PROUD i am of them after everything they've been through together their every growth ups and downs with their relationship with each other their career and their success i love them with my whole heart and i've never been in love this much i am in love with them being in love with each other be it whatever kind its pure its genuine its beautiful its heartbreaking its celestial its destiny its a match made in heaven and i will never shut up about this its some soulmate/twinflame shit right there
sorry for the rant i just wanted to share it
op, these words are spoken by @laowen actually. as the president of forcebook society here on tumblr, she's very spot-on :) //i'm sorry if you thought it was me ㅠㅠ i'm not that good at expressing my feelings. i'm just a mess in this forcebook discourse hahaha
but yes. yes to everything. forcebook's interaction is organic and homey. although i do believe some gestures are spiced to taste (because let's face it, they're in the entertainment industry. of course there's in need of some ✨️pizzazz✨️), those touches, every word, the loving stare, comes from the heart and are sincere. i believe what they have even before they're in the industry plays an important role in their sturdy relationship. because whatever it is, forcebook are friends before everything. they've known each other half of their lives. what more can we ever say about them? love and trust are an understatement. they're so much more.
i dearly hold onto that notion because friends— good friends— don't come by all the time. but the universe somehow aligned these two souls to reunite again. and they've become inseparable, it seems. somehow, they're soul partners that would laugh at each other, record all those embarrassing moments, but will stand up for each other whenever things get messy. forcebook aren't meant for people who crave grand gestures. what they do every day is normal to them and i think it's what most foxmochis adore about their relationship. the normalcy. the quietness. the tender assurance. whatever forcebook have; it's beautiful. it's behind the scenes. it's sincere. it's home.
also, i personally think, if shippers that go beyond the comfortable context of 'liking two individuals', and start having weird ideas about them, they will definitely nitpick everything forcebook do as 'romantic'. everyone is open to ship or support their favourite artists. but there must be boundaries set. after all, we're all humans. p'book and p'force are humans. i hope these people won't hyperfixate whatever's inappropriate about forcebook's beautiful relationship and expect more than what they're willing to share with us.
yes, i can't deny, they're quite sugary together. people might have ideas. but i humbly hope, for as long as forcebook don't categorise or say anything about their relationship, we don't assume instances that could make them less comfortable with us. it takes so much guts for p'book to open up, and more trust for p'force to shed tears in front of the fans. i can't imagine if they start feeling icky once these 'so-called fans' go overboard. forcebook are each other's safe zones, and we are their family and friends, so, we should treasure this trust between us. don't break it.
the bungee-jump episode really got me shed happy tears. i questioned, just how much they love each other? it's crazy to imagine they're so emotionally dependent on each other— especially during hard/stressful times. that already speaks a lot about their relationship. they're just... they're just so soulmate-coded, don't you think?
op, it's ok. i totally understand. forcebook's genuine relationship is so fresh and heartwarming. of course, we can't get enough of these chaotic and idiotic besties! they spread so much joy and sincerity to everyone. it's so precious. they're so precious and loved. you can love them and cherish them and support them all you want. the door is always open. some of my friends here, mj (@/laowen, @forcebookish, @ellasaru12 and others) are very cool and they love forcebook too so, welcome aboard! <3
to more happier and glorious days with forcebook, op! ✨️
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mistressemmedi · 7 months
Carlos’ trainer is also leaving him and going to be working for max next year.
I can't believe the only silly season spice we're getting this year is for the trainers 😭 where's the drama, the pizzazz
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Book Hiccup and Co potential scars n stuff
Finally getting to this post lol
Ok so like i said the other day i wanted to make a post talking about the various kinds of scars and other permanent damage Hiccup and Co could have gotten
Some of these are stated in the books, some are just whats highly likely, and others arent necessarily likely, or even really possible irl
But since this is a fictional series, adding a lil bit of spice, a lil bit of pizzazz to things ya know
Also not everyone scars the same, not everyones skin reacts to same to stuff
One person might get bitten by a dog and have little to no scarring, while someone else might get a big scar from a papercut
So you can go bigger, smaller, you dont have to include any of this at all
These are just what seem likely (and interesting) to me, for anyone who might want a bit of inspiration lol
Putting this under a cut because it might be long and also theres going to be images of various kinds of scars n stuff, as well as spoilers so
Alright starting with Hiccup
So in book 1 he was bitten on the calf by a dragon, probably not too deep, but definitely could still leave a scar
Likely would look something like these
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Book 2 the Skullion scratched his chest, and it says that the scar stayed his whole life
Probably looked something like these
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maybe a bit bigger, more jagged if ya want, but definitely similar
Nothing really happened in book 3-4
Book 5 hiccup got a lava burn on his heel, could look like this
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Nothing really books 6-8
Book 9 it said Excellinor scratched up his arm and hands so he could have a bunch of thinner scratchy scarring from that
Cant really find any good reference images for this kind of scarring:/
Book 10 there was the whole Amber-Slavelands-Dragon, i talked about this here, also this is very good fanart :P
Honestly the acid scarring might cover up some of the legs scars from book 5, and book 1 depending on if it was shallow enough so
Book 11 theres the Vampire Spydragon, the thing bit him twice so it definitely left a scar
Probably would look like these, except 2 deeper spots where it left its teeth
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Book 12 theres nothing really specific but Cressida does draw him with some scratches across his face so that could leave some scarring as well
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I think these are in book 11 too but
And those are whats mentioned in the books
He also probably had a bunch of random other smaller scars, whether from dragon scratches, bites, people trying to kill him, getting cut on branches, rocks, etc
Now as for things other things that also could have caused skin changes, not specifically just scars
Hiccup has at least 1 black eye from before book 10 to book 12
And while black eyes arent permanent, theres something called hemosiderin staining which can be
"Hemosiderin staining can essentially be regarded as a very severe form of bruising. Staining happens in areas where a significant amount of bruising has occurred as a result of severe injuries, hemorrhages or, in certain cases, after a particularly invasive surgery.
When damage occurs, the surrounding tissue is flooded with blood and a bruise forms. The more severe the trauma, the more blood that leaks into surrounding tissues, signifying a greater presence of hemosiderin."
And for the most part this isnt a permanent thing, but if it lasts for long enough, it essentially tattoos the skin, and so it pretty much just stays
"Over time, certain hemosiderin stains will fade naturally as the body slowly uses up the stored iron. This hands-off process can take several months or even years to completely remove all traces of the stain. Generally, stains that last more than 12 months cause permanent marks as the skin has essentially been tattooed."
And normally this happens in the lower legs, or places with poor circulation but
This is fiction and i think it would be interesting if something like that happened due to the repeated black eye Hiccup had
It could look something like this
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Technically these are birthmarks but you get the idea
Actual hemosiderin staining can be reddish, brownish, bluish, look like an actual bruise, etc
On the arm where the Vampire Spydragon bit him, could also consider some discoloration around where the teeth left in would have been, whether just a darker color, or some permanent purple staining
Also could be some purple at the ends of his fingers on his left hand, his left ear, just like some of the extremities on his left side ya know
I dont know if its realistic but I think itd be interesting
Like these
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Except this wouldnt be because something wrong with circulation or a disease or something, just staining from the dragon bite
And general there could be some hyper/hypopigmentation in various spots over his body, there are various causes for that, so its not particularly unlikely
Thats about all i can think of for Hiccup so now onto
We never really ever get told anything that could cause scarring but he has eczema, as well as rashes from allergies, so almost definitely he has scarring and discoloration from that
Probably there would be hyper/hypopigmintation, Post-inflammatory pigmentation which is just another form of skin darkening, and something called Lichenification which is caused by chronic scratching and rubbing, looks like this
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and it can leave pigmentation that looks like this
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Heres a page that gives some basic info on all of these
Also even in general Fishlegs probably has some rash, redness over his face/arms/legs that comes and goes in different areas due to the eczema and allergies
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For scarring there would the the usual eczema scarring, as well as probably those scars that can happen when you scratch at scabs and bug bites constantly and they get open and infected, the circle-ish ones, i cant really find a pic unfortunately but kinda like these
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Then there would probably be scarring from being in danger a lot, dragon scratches, bites, rocks scrapes, stuff like that
(Also because we know that whipping and generally hurting the slaves wasnt exactly frowned upon, theres the potential for some scarring from stuff like that, especially because of the fact that he's Hiccups best friend, people alvinandsnotlout might have been extra mean to him so)
Thats pretty much it for Fishlegs so now
Again we never really get told anything that would leave scarring, and she doesnt have any skin conditions that were told
So she probably just has kinda the general scarring from viking life, being in a war, and also being a mischievous lil shit who likes to cause problems lol
She also could have some hyper/hypopigmentation spots across her body
And thats pretty much it
This took a lil bit longer than i had intended :p
But i hope yall find this interesting, hopefully i didnt miss anything major but yeah
Just some general stuff for references
This site has some pretty good pictures of a lot of different skin conditions, and articles about a bunch of stuff as well
This one similar to the last
This has a lot of random different scar pictures
This is a site for various textures and they have a section for human skin
I might add onto this if i find any other good sites but for now thats it
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thehardkandy · 3 months
Ranmbles and w/e
Anyway I don't know if I've said this before but I think the struggle of having found a stable life (ignoring the persistent stuff I will never be without) is that most of my energy in life I wasn't wasting has been just put into getting here. Laser focused as much as I can ever make myself on being a financially independent adult with a lease.
But it's just all. Ok now what. Where's the spice. The pizzazz. What is the thing that makes me jump for joy to get up in the morning.
There are a lot of things I take pleasure in and active enjoy--including my job--but just like off brand candy, just because it's enjoyable doesn't mean it's what you wanted. But I don't know. I have never wanted anything!! Or I have. But the things I have wanted came to the end of their time. And there's this barrier of there are things I want to try in life to search out for the joy but it's like ahhhhhhh everything is so big and terrifying that it seems as if the best I can do is latch onto what I already have and not alter anything. But unfortunately doing exactly that makes me so depressed!!!! I want to want something but I have simply never learned
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 17 - Tiffing with Tiff
The next day, the band, and Tiff, go to Miko and Penny's new apartment to talk about their song choices. Penny doesn't love the white features but Miko likes how clean it looks, and love is about compromise. Penny can at least have her eclectic furniture to brighten the place up.
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Miko: Thanks for agreeing to meet us here. I know San Myshuno is far from Tartosa.
Drew: No worries, it's all the same loading screen.
Miko: Uh, Tiff? Where's the other violinists? They were invited too.
Tiff: As lead, I can relay any info back to my cohorts.
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Miko: Okay then. Did you all have a chance to look over the sheet music we sent you?
Ophelia: Yes! Let's pull them up.
Tiff: You young people and your technology.
Drew: It's the same technology every Sim has had since 2014, Tiff!
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Penny: You guys are the experts. What do you think?
Moses: They're all great songs! Unique but not too wild. You have no idea how many times we get the same old songs to play.
Penny: You know I've gotta keep it fresh!
Miko: I vetoed some of the more... outrageous suggestions.
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Penny: Looks like out ceremony music requires violin and piano. You okay doubling up, Piano Man?
Moses: I get double the pay so you know it!
Penny: Tiff, you good to learn the sheet music? I know this probably isn't the type of song you usually play.
Tiff: Already memorized.
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Ophelia: I love your first dance song. I've been singing it for days. It's starting to get on my girlfriend's nerves!
Miko: Oh, you and Libby made it official! Congratulations. You've posted a bunch of pics with her on Simsta lately, so Penny and I had a hunch.
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Tiff: I see. You two are... very friendly with Miss Ophelia outside of work, huh?
Penny: Well, we kind of cornered her in a coffee shop. Hard to keep things strictly business after that. Plus, who else would I constantly text asking to go to the Spice Festival with me?
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Tiff: I see. Well, I have connections of my own. Heard of Ty Harper? Head writer for PlumBright Magazine? I could get him to write an entire feature on your wedding!
Penny: The scumbag from that trashy gossip rag? No thanks. You're friends with him?
Tiff: ...I'm married to him
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Miko: Uh, moving on. Were there any issues you all saw with the songs for the reception?
Drew: No, everything looks good. People might have song requests but we know a ton of songs.
Ophelia: My mind is a steel trap for song lyrics, I should be good to cover most requests.
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Tiff: If young Ophelia doesn't have the range for a certain song you want I'd be more than happy to fill in!
Miko: Uh, thanks, but we made sure we selected songs in her range. I'm sure requests will be fine. You're amazing at violin, we'd like you to do that.
Tiff: I can do both!
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Penny: Lady, we don't want you to do both, she's trying to be nice. You're lucky you're playing at all, after the way you treated Miko during our tour! Lucky for you, my fiancée is a lot more forgiving than me!
Tiff: In my defense, teens and young adults look exactly alike!
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Miko: Honey, it's okay! Tiff, we're happy with the plan we currently have. We'd appreciate if you focused on getting your team prepped. You're an amazing violinist.
Tiff: Well your taste in singers is... different than mine but you sure know your stuff about string instruments.
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The elevator ride downstairs is awkward. Tiff doesn't seem to notice or mind.
Tiff: The clients' questionable choices aside, I'd say that was a successful meeting. Gotta say, that Pizzazz girl has a screw loose. Guess that's why she's such good friends with you, eh, Ophelia?
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Ophelia: Do you constantly have to undermine and insult me every chance you get? I've been trying real hard to be civil.
Tiff: I'm sorry, it's just really easy to undermine you, sweetheart. You still have your baby fat.
Ophelia: It was just the holidays. This is regular fat!
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Ophelia: I'm singing at this one wedding! It sounds like you're going to sing at the rest of them after this! What's the big deal?
Tiff: You KNOW the big deal. This is a celebrity wedding. One of the guests could make me a star and you just stumbled ass-first into this gig!
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Drew: Tiff, you're being more ridiculous than usual. The clients made their decision. You're not going to change their minds.
Tiff: Why's everyone on her side? This was supposed to be my big break. You don't know what it's like to have something so huge taken from you!
Ophelia: You don't know anything about me! If your husband is such a big shot, just get connections through him.
Tiff: He's too good of a man to abuse his power like that.
Moses: Didn't he send paparazzi to Judith Ward's second husband's funeral? Tiff: No one asked, Moses.
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Tiff: Fine, if you're determined to embarrass yourself on that stage, be my guest. Don't worry, I'll stay away from you until the wedding. Worrying about you destroying the Laurents' reputation is going to give me stress wrinkles anyway.
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Ophelia: UGH! What is her damage! Does she have some sort of tragic backstory or something?
Drew: Nah, I think she just likes being a bitch.
Moses: Look, let's not worry about her now, love. We've got your back. Let's go to the venue and practice, yeah?
Ophelia: Okay. Thanks.
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formulapisces · 9 months
where’s the emotion where’s the pizzazz where’s the joy where’s the spice
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WIP: High Guardian Spice Redesign 1
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Yes, it’s late to be throwing my witch hat into the ring. But hey, people are still talking about this train wreck of a show, so I don’t think it’s too late for me to try my hand at redesigning the bland af designs of the characters
As a fellow witch hat enthusiast, I decided to start with Ms No Personality Wardrobe Saffron.
Firstly, I want to mention that I really wanted to give her something like this
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These images were found at @ fuckyeahfantasyfashion (I think?? I’ve had these on my phone for a while). I don’t remember where exactly they’re from, but nonetheless , credit to the person who designed these masterpieces.
Anyways, I decided to perhaps leave those sort of hats for an older Saffron design, since at least in season 1, I can see the logic of her having a more simple design.
That being said, I wanted to push the awkward, sticking to rules student look but add SOME level of personality. We have big chunky glasses that don’t suit her face (that can be replaced later by glasses that actually suit her), a student uniform outfit with some pizzazz, and, my favourite part, STICKERS!
Yes, I decided that it would be a cute idea to have Saffron have stickers on her broom and hat, kinda like how some people will put stickers on binders or laptops. I thought it would make her design a little more unique and fun, while giving her some personality.
I also liked the reddish eyes from the og design, but I decided to include a little more of that red in small accessories throughout the design. I gave her double braids since I thought that could lend itself to more dramatic posing, and a more dramatic design + its kinda cute. Finally, I added some blue shifts in the outfit and broom to push her main colour more, and to give a more fantastical design.
Idk, with how bland and boring the High Guardian Spice designs are, I found it fun to think of ways to push more fun into the designs, and how to add more personality into them. Let me know if you’d like me to post more of these redesigns.
Art by me.
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Listen I have and forever will be absolutely down BAD for my bois Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde and that’s why I have decided that the part I hate most about the reboot is that they took away my dudes And then make Cleo half human half monster in the most boing fucking way like -100 points to those guys what loosers where’s the spice? The pizzazz? The mystery and surprise and just endless comedic opportunities? That’s the good part?? Cleo’s just Cleo, and that’s fine no diss, but there’s no spice to that backstory! Because! She’s! Not! Written! For! It!
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trevs-chalobah · 2 years
think it’s embarrassing that spurs named their stadium after themselves. where’s the spice? where’s the pizzazz? where’s the oomf?
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