#but yes this is about Ghiralink
unironicallycringe · 9 months
man I'm just gonna say that it's incredibly fucking weird to walk onto a stranger's blog, project your own predatory age headcanons onto a character with no canon age, and then decide that means the blogger condones it.
like?? my dude?? the only person talking about that is you because it's your headcanon?
"you're bad because I think of this ageless character as a 30yo being paired with a teen" well I sure goddamn don't and I didn't need to hear that shit! it's not only extremely inappropriate, it's creepy as fuck! so like, maybe do some self-reflecting on why you decided that a stranger should abide by your headcanon, and maybe also stop doing that.
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Enemies should always be obsessed with each other in a homosexual way sorry I don't make the rules
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casiavium · 4 months
Yes I have tik tok I very very rarely use it and when I do it's just for cosplay videos now that that's out of the way: just logged in again for the first time in a while and. someone who has been VERY outspoken about their hatred of ghiralink on Tumblr who I have had blocked for a long time is apparently following me?? On my cosplay account??? Which I have made many many references to ghiralink on???
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cilil · 5 months
5 OTPS 5 Fandoms
Tagged by @curufiin, thank you! I'll try to get 5 fandoms together (as you all know I'm mainly hanging out in Silm spaces... plus I despise my old main fandom so much I won't even mention it lol get fucked)
Angbang (Melkor x Mairon), Silmarillion (yeah, shocking), with honorable mentions going to Firebird (Eönwë x Gothmog)
Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale x Crowley), Good Omens (no, I'm still not ok), with honorable mentions going to Gabriel x Beelzebub
ZeLink (Link x Zelda), as far as BotW/AoC/TotK are concerned at least - if you ask me about Skyward Sword I'd have to say GhiraLink (Ghirahim x Link)
Wrightworth (Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth), Ace Attorney
HypZag (Hypnos x Zagreus), Hades
Yes, I know some of these are kinda basic for a person who almost always ends up as a fandom's resident rare pair peddler, but what can I say? Shippable is shippable and this bitch has a heart too
Open tag! Consider yourselves tagged, mutuals and followers!💜
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maiz-of-light · 1 year
Ugh, I’m in a mood, so…
Here’s some LoZ related things (headcanons, AUs, fan tropes, etc.) that are Banned Here. Read at your own risk.
OOC/humanized Fi.
Fi is an AI-type spirit forged into a weapon for the purpose of guiding her creator’s knight. Her personality is limited to the occasional quip, and she has no feelings. Please keep it that way, and please, don’t ship her with Link. It gives off “lonely man falls in love with Siri” vibes. Gross, and weird.
Ghirahim having any sort of relationship with Fi.
That means romantic GhiraFi, Ghirahim and Fi as siblings, Ghirahim and Fi being two sides to the same sword or any other “forged at the same time” bullshit, Link dual-wielding their swords (master of both at once), and anything else even vaguely resembling any of these things.
Any version of Link being characterized as cruel or sadistic.
It’s one thing to give him a bit of a temper, or even a minuscule or temporary desire for revenge in extreme situations, but chopping off limbs and raping enemies for fun? No.
The Skyward Sword manga.
Just no.
Afab/intersex Ghirahim, especially when y’all knock him up.
Pregnancy and breeding are generally a no-no for me, but this one is especially obnoxious. I have a lot of reasons for it not being my cup of tea, dysphoria being a big one, but I honestly mostly blame the fandom for shoving it in people’s faces and calling us “erasers” when we find it unsettling.
“But, but Maiz! You ship Ghiralink!” Yes, yes I do. I ship Link, the go-with-the-flow, sexually timid twink with the suave, catlike, power-hungry demon lord - not that watered down OOC crap where their canon characterization and power dynamic are completely flipped. Worse than the butchering of the pairing itself tho is probably the fans, again, since y’all are clearly in denial and won’t just admit that the canon compliant depictions are just that. It’s fine if you have preferences, the whole point is that it’s all fiction after all - just don’t fucking lie about it to try and save face.
Linked Universe
While I haven’t experienced it firsthand, I’ve seen and heard horror stories about this fandom. They are positively insufferable. Even if they weren’t, multiple incarnations of Link interacting? It just… the concept isn’t interesting to me. At all.
Nothing against it, just… no. Platonic, friendshippy vibes and that is all.
“Power” bottom Ghirahim.
Please stop grasping at straws. Also, see “afab Ghirahim” and “LinkGhira.”
A quick note, there are exceptions to this rule. Some people legitimately do portray bottom!Ghirahim as a force to be reckoned with, but this is very difficult to achieve. Generally, tops have more power and versatility. Stop telling yourself differently.
Hypersexualized Gerudo.
I can’t exactly talk about racism since I am One Pasty Hoe, but I can sure as fuck talk about misogyny. Badass brown-skinned redheads showing off their abs while dominating the desert? Hell yeah! Wearing completely impractical armor obviously designed for the Male Gaze (forgive me if we’re not still calling it that)? C’mon, Nintendo. I thought we were past this. Urbosa deserves better, and so does Riju, who’s twelve.
“Ganondorf is a victim of Demise!”
Guys. Hylia incarnated as Zelda so she could stop this dude from wreaking havoc and destroying life as they know it. Demise incarnates as Ganon, does not possess him but is him, and fucks shit up unnecessarily. If you wanna complain about his “not having agency” then sorry but you’re wrong.
Sexualized OoT (Ocarina of Time) Link.
Getting hot and heavy after he’s aged naturally? Yes please. But after he’s only jumped ahead in time? Even if he’s developed an adult mentality, he’s still a child in many ways. I’m not saying don’t, I’m saying proceed with care, as this still technically qualifies as underage.
Mute Link.
Selectively mute, uses Sign, generally quiet/reserved - all good and well. Characterizing him as completely incapable of using audible speech? Please stop trying so hard.
To be clear, it’s fine if you disagree with any of these things. Just know that you’re not gonna find any of it here, nor do I take kindly to my work being associated with it.
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wait a fkn minute
was that a fic ab.. the loz..??
It iiiiis.
It's Ghiralink though, which I understand isn't everyone's cup of tea.
Tbh it isn't really mine either, but I had a really good idea that would put Ghirahim through a lot of character development and force him to go "hol up, am I.... the asshole??!?!?!??!?!" (yes, yes he is)
So.. Idk, even despite the ship, if you're interested, I could... send you the fic when it's dooooone... or somethinnnnng...
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GhiraLink week 06/2022
Ghirahim was hunched over his pot. The liquid in it was simmering for an hour now. In a bit of time he had to add the last ingredients. 
He mused to himself that he should have made more of this, because this portion would not last long. 
Quiet footsteps alerted him to the arrival of his Skychild. His feet were shuffling across the floor, so he wasn't fully awake yet. A condition that was not surprising at this time of the day. 
Ghirahim stirred the pot and then threw in the last ingredients. Only then does he turn around. "You should still be in bed in that state. Not that you're going to run into anything. Are your eyes even open?"
The demon folded his arms across his chest and eyed the other critically.
Link had a bandage around his head, as well as around his arms and upper body - cuts that were being treated with plasters. He couldn't do anything about the older scars, but he would prevent Link from dying and another reincarnation from seeing the light of day far too early.
Link mumbled something unintelligible and kept padded towards him. "Say that again!" Ghirahim hissed now, sounding a lot like something he didn't want to hear.
"I would die for you"
Ghirahim frowned angrily. "Don't say that! Isn't it enough that you keep coming back with new wounds? Isn't it enough that you go into battle over and over again?"
Link came closer and leaned against him. The human only came up to his chest, so his head leaned over his folded arms. Sighing, he opened it and put it around Link's shoulders.
"I'm asking you to live for me, damn it!"
"Yes yes, I know" The blonde mumbled and snuggled into the hug. Ghirahim heard him sigh and was almost certain that the blonde would fall asleep again.
"What are you preparing?"
"Your heart potion. You drink it like it's water"
@ghiralink-week 2022, Day03, Reincarnation/Scars
GhiraLink Week 06/2022 - Chapter 3 - rahchan - The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms [Archive of Our Own]
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isalisewrites · 2 years
All right, I'll ask about #5: Divinity War: The Last Hero.
(I almost typed Divinity Ear, and that has implications in the HP fandom that make me giggle. And sad.)
Oh, dear. The most convoluted and annoying one out of the bunch.
This is an original story. The two main characters were inspired by certain concepts in Legend of Zelda Ghiralink fanfics. But with all of my world building, it got very complex quickly and I got overwhelmed. Humans attaining godhood, holding territories meant power for each of these ascended gods, each have a champion, they battle against each other for the land, aka more power.
I went into the story wanting a hero to find a sword, but said sword was actually just another being.
It kept getting more and more complex, so much so that I've written about 80,000 words, but I'll probably restart yet again. I love my main characters, though. They're my asexual/pansexual couple.
Von is the champion of one of the Goddesses, one of the nastier ones of the 12.
Azrial, who was sealed into a blade. He's a wild card among the gods, causing an imbalance among them. He's half god, half human.
This is my favorite snippet that I would definitely keep during the rewrite.
Von’s eyes flicked upward, looking at Azrial’s ever changing expressions. That was where life truly resided. Those expressions. Those eyes. Those smiles, grins, and smirks. They were what made Azrial. They were him and only him.
Azrial was special. There was no denying that. Azrial was different than anyone Von had met before. 
Azrial approached the bed, looking down at him with soft eyes, yet mischievous eyes. “You’re so enamored with me the words are stuck on your tongue?” The smile on his face grew more, the mischief turning dangerous. He leaned down slightly, a knee pressing into the mattress. He wetted his lips, the gesture slow. “I could loosen your tongue for you… with another kiss.”
Another one?
As Azrial leaned down just a little more, only a few inches away, Von stared at his lips. The memory of them on his own brightened in his mind.
Azrial inhaled sharply, blinking, his mouth dropping somewhat. “What?”
“I said okay,” said Von, amused. He rarely unsettled Azrial. “You may kiss me again.”
Azrial sat on his ankles, as he bought his other leg beneath himself. His hands rested in his lap as he stared at Von is disbelief, yet there was a spark of hope in his eyes — genuine pure hope. “Are you serious?” he whispered, a flush of pink entering his cheeks.
The hesitancy disappeared. The confidence bloomed in his features. Azrial sat up on his knees, leaning closer. His hand slipped around Von’s neck, cupping it gently. A thumb caressed the edge of his jawline and somehow Von didn’t find the touch unpleasant.
Azrial leaned a breath’s whisper away from his lips and said in a low voice, “Are you sure?”
And as Von’s lips parted to whisper, “Yes,” Aziral’s lips overlapped them.
The kiss was unlike the other. It started slowly, gentle, like every touch of lips were special, to be forever treasured.
And Von did.
Soft, pleasant, careful — in these moments, Von didn’t mind the kiss and he didn’t mind being so close to Azrial. The hand on his neck didn’t make him feel uncomfortable. Warm. What were these feelings? Care. Tenderness. Security. Love.
I don’t understand.
Azrial’s other hand pressed against his chest, his body leaning closer. The kiss deepened, warmth and passionate with every inner caress. Breath not his own filled his lungs, hot and powerful. The weight of Azrial’s body pressed down on his chest. The hand on his neck trailed downwards, before it slipped underneath his tunic. Dangerous. Low.
Unease crept inside Von’s stomach.
“No,” breathed Von, breaking the kiss and drawing back.
“What is it?” whispered Azrial.
“No more,” said Von, his voice soft. “Please. I’m not interested in sex.”
The soft smile, the amused exhale of breath, and gentle eyes made Von’s heart glow, encompassing his chest with a feeling unlike he’d ever experienced. “I know,” Azrial whispered, leaning closer. His breath brushed against his lips, warm. “I never want to force anything from you. This is enough for me-you are enough.”
Azrial took his lips again, slow and gentle. The unease slipped away. Von wrapped his arms around him, drawing him closer. Azrial let out a gasp, his eyes wide with surprise and delight; Von breathed him in, his lips lifting slightly.
Moments passed. His hands were safer, more respectful, resting on Von’s chest or occasionally sliding to his neck. The longer those lips pressed, melded, and played with his own, Von found his heart swelling with each moment.
They broke apart, Azrial’s eyes close to being shut. He sighed deeply, resting his head against Von’s chest. He was asleep in minutes. Von looked down at him, a hand lifting to rest on his hair. He carded his fingers through the soft strands, brushing against the scalp. His other arm tightened around Azrial’s upper back. The full weight of him wasn’t unpleasant to Von. He reached for a blanket and covered the both of them with it.
Old words, in his own voice, echoed in his mind.
‘I have nothing left to fight for.’
Well, that was no longer the case, now was it?
No, it wasn’t.
Azrial is irreplaceable.
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Ask game thingie: Ghirahim?
Favourite thing about them: Ghirahim was my original source of gender envy. Thanks for helping me realize I was nonbinary king.
Least favourite thing about them: I didn't get an introject of him in my system (JOKING) The fact that I will never look just like him (ALSO JOKING) The fact that he made me question whether or not I could call myself a lesbian because I felt attracted to him (HALF JOKING) seriously it's probably the way he gets such tunnel vision. Like yes, it's good to have goals, but you need to have other priorities too like your own health and safety. Demise was not worth what he went through tbh but I don't blame him.
Favorite line: ""This news has just filled my heart with rainbows!" or "Show a human a little mercy and the next thing you know he thinks he's your equal."
BrOTP: GhiraZant
OTP: GanGhira. I like it just a tiny bit more than GhiraLink which is saying something bc I am Link fictionkin and remember having a huge crush on my Ghirahim.
I am also a huge sucker for GanGhiraZant or Ghirahim x Yuga!!!
NOTP: Ghirahim x Demise but I still like to read fics for it because it's kind of like staring at a tainwreck. You want to look away but you just can't. Messy disaster couples are fun too.
Random headcanon: Ghirahim has one short ear on his character model in Skyward Sword and I know IRL its just so it doesn't clip with his hair but I have all kinds of angsty headcanons about how it got cut.
Unpopular opinion: While I love a good "he's a trainwreck but I can fix him" fic I don't think Ghirahim would be that hard to fix. I think he just needs a little love and a bowl of soup or something and he'll be fine.
Song I associate with them: I'm a Marionette by Abba (covered by Ghost)
Favorite picture of them: basic but you can't beat a classic :+)
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cherrytea-afterdark · 7 months
Hi. I'm not entirely sure how to word this, as words are not exactly my forte. I just wanted to say that your fic "parce: cupit periere" is very good and I'm too much of a coward to comment on it or even say this off of anon. You don't have to reply to this or anything, just know that one particular internet user is going insane over your writing
What I would have commented would be something along the lines of how very poetic it reads as, being more of a moment in time that says more about their dynamic than anything longer could have. Not that making it longer would negate the effect, it would just make it a different one. I went back to the fic to pull quotes, but more lines ended up highlighted than not. It's like the opposite of using innuendo in a fight scene, evocative in a way I wouldn't have guessed from reading only the tags. The latin should have tipped me off, I guess.
Beautiful work, though I'm finding that that particular verdict applies to nearly everything I'm reading as I scroll through your fics. Have a lovely day
this comes at a really funny time considering my friends were just making fun of how I skew the results of any "how often do you think about the roman empire" meme stuff. i've done it to the ghiralink fandom as well. you're going to start leaving romanes eunt domus graffiti in my inbox
that aside thank you!!! I read that poem on accident while looking for other Martial stuff in class and went. ghiralink. and then didn't do anything until I remembered while trying and failing to do whumptober again. it really deserves better tags and to not be tied to a prompt challenge (the general fandom consensus is people don't really seem to like those unfortunately and they get judged just by being associated with the challenge) but like what am I supposed to say. it's smut. not really. but yes it is
anyway not at all what you came here for but given the chance I will infodump unprompted!!
here's the statue historians generally think the poem is based on, the Apollo Sauroctonos. It's a widely copied statue in antiquity so the author would have been familiar with it. It's making fun of Apollo, who is generally seen as a masculine hero, diminishing his heroic defeat of Python (massive evil snake inhabiting the best cave for hearing the future) to him defeating a lizard, as well as placing him in a more feminine position that one would typically see of an Aphrodite. So obviously not a boy, like Apollo is a full man and immortal god/hero, but Martial uses boy to diminish him like the statue does much like Ghirahim calls Link boy and sky child! Because it's not! literal!!! I would have used the right translation because "boy" works well in the context of ghiralink but given the inability of the fandom to critically think about any kind of word choice. hero it is.
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There's no fucking way Martial could have ever predicted his work would be used this way (although divine sword/heroic mortal sounds a bit greco-roman-y) but I think he would 100% be up for it considering some of his poetry is straight up PORN. enemies to (not)lovers at that. it's unlikely you'll find any good translations of it online because historically they're all censored and fucked over by old white men, but this man did not discriminate. yuri couple, yaoi couple, regular couple, he saw no difference
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unironicallycringe · 1 year
✍⛔🧐🎉 for fic writing asks? and how about 🧠for Zelda? :3
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
I have a few! I try to cycle between my writer friends to avoid asking too much at once.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Omg yes! It's not totally scrapped though.
It's for TES: Oblivion and is called Dear Brother. It's about the Cheydinhal Silencer before the events of the game, the one who you as the player character replace in the Dark Brotherhood questline. All that's said about them in-universe is "my previous Silencer died on a mission" and that's that. So I wanted to explore who that might have been, what happened to them, and what they knew leading up to the conspiracy which the PC ends up entangled in.
I may revisit it sometime. There were ten or so chapters done when I stopped, and it was never posted.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Yes, far too much. But I really love to worldbuild soooo 😅 That time lately is spent on learning about the irl cultures I draw inspiration from. Although Ikana is primarily based on Babylon/Sumer/Akkad, other Tribes have their own cultures that blend in with the dominant majority.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
If a reader found it interesting enough to want to read more, theorize more, and/or make something of their own. The latter is the height of success imo. Continuing the inspiration spark is super awesome.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. Zelda!
Ooo ok this question's wording is confusing, but I'm going to answer it as my fav headcanons for the character you submitted! Multiple because I can't choose, and SkSw Zelda in particular.
1) She graduated before Link and is a legitimately good knight. However, she doesn't get to use combat skills very often because her roles call more for charisma and leadership.
2) She and Groose eventually became good friends, then romantic partners. This isn't to be like "oh I pair Ghiralink so I'll just uhh pair Zelda with someone else" - I genuinely like the idea of romantic Zelgroose and just prefer strong platonic Zelink love.
3) The big crunchy character development one: she struggled with her humanity and autonomy after learning of Hylia. We all talk about how Link must have been really screwed up by how Zelda/Hylia manipulated him in the course of the game, but we tend to forget that Zelda was also going through some deeply traumatic stuff. To be snatched away and told suddenly that your life isn't your own, that this was all predestined, and furthermore that you manipulated your best friend without knowing? That's an identity crisis right there, if you ask me.
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ghirahimbo · 2 years
ugh, just noticed that the Blind, But Now update announcement didn't make it into the ghiralink tag, of course 🙄
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casiavium · 7 months
has anyone said ghiralink for ship bingo yet?
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just got off work so I can go on tumblr again lol
they didn't make bingo! surprisingly. I guess I could hold them gently but I think they'd bite. I also can't complain about canon considering how much it does feed it lol
*edit yes they did diagonally from the top left
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kurapixel · 3 years
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ghiralink master/sword ratatouille au
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maiz-of-light · 2 years
@ghiralink-week, Day06, Gratitude/Malice
God blessed the broken road / That led me straight to you. – Rascal Flatts
“I still think about it sometimes,” Link muses. “Floria’s cistern.”
Not a muscle moves beneath Ghirahim’s sallow face, save for the kohl-lined eyes glowering over the edge of his book. Something about the anatomy of known sky beasts and insects, judging by the cover (which Link vaguely recalls that, as the saying goes, he is not supposed to do). Despite his vast expanse of knowledge, the demon never did care much for fiction, preferring to nourish his mind with even the most unentertaining of facts.
Ignoring the chestnut daggers searing into his skull, Link persists.
“When we first got there, me and Fi, I thought it was too good to be true. All the crystal clear water – not even Skyloft has water that clean – and the flowers with the big green things-”
“Lily pads.”
Again, Ghirahim’s tone is flatter than his blade; and again, Link ignores it, giving nothing more than a quick, “Right, thanks. But then,” he picks up, “when we got to the lower levels-”
“Yes, Link. I’ve been there.”
At last forsaking any attempt to read, the demon sets his book facedown on the grass. It takes considerable effort not to scoff at the way he throws his head back, rubbing meticulously at the bridge of his nose. Surely, the average wingspan of a sky stag beetle can’t be that interesting.
Preparing his silvery chords, Ghirahim delves into his own scape of memories, the cool greenery of their miniscule island fading in wake of a lake of malice. He’s hardly whisked the fist-sized gem from beneath the folds of his cloak when the sun seems to darken, as though shrouded behind a thin veil of clouds. Violet light leaks menacingly through jagged cracks of crystalized hatred, a manifestation of sheer, unabashed evil.
“Malice does not hide,” he breathes, just shy of a whisper. Dark eyes reflect the crystal’s ethereal glow, flecks of pink swimming in blackened pools. “It does not lie of its authenticity or intention, nor does it pretend to be anything it is not. Unlike your Goddess, clothing herself in mortal flesh, entrapping the affections of her Chosen in effort to secure his undying loyalty. Demise never stooped to such deceitful behavior, nor would he.”
Through his crescent of snowy hair, Ghirahim at last chances at the younger man’s face, wholly expecting ocean eyes to gape with every variation of disdain. Yet, what graces suntanned features now is an uncanny level of serenity.
Reaching into his own leather pouches, Link retrieves a small trinket of his own – and all at once, the otherworldly hum on their skin dissipates. Rather than reflecting the existing light, the vaguely octagonal stone seems to radiate a warmth all its own, luminescence ebbing and flowing in shades of rose-tinted gold until the sun itself, in rhythm, is restored to its natural splendor.
“When Fi told me what that place was, I wasn’t sure how to feel.” He shuffles to his knees, staring intently into the rose-gold gem. “’Impurity’ is what she called it. I remember wondering if the cistern as a whole is what people are like – you know, what we’re like, deep down. Gratitude and malice, never meant to overlap, and while one is obviously preferable, it just seems so unattainable.”
Ghirahim notes the strained, uneven tempo of Link’s voice, his youthful mind struggling to put words to his scattered thoughts. Seizing the opportunity to utilize his own superlative vernacular, the demon extends a figurative hand.
“You are in no manner obliged to live up to anyone’s expectations,” he says, brushing at disheveled bangs with an onyx claw. “You’ve long since exceeded even those of the gods. No one can reasonably doubt your purity of spirit, not after everything you’ve conquered.”
Not surprisingly, the youth’s calloused hand reaches up to Ghirahim’s own, pressing a warm, solid palm to cup Link’s cheek. He meets the demon’s gaze, the smile in his eyes no contrast to that on his lips.
“That’s just the thing, though. At first, I thought the two could never mix, that one would always be vehemently opposed to the other.” (Perhaps, thinks Ghirahim, his proficiency of speech has been rubbing off on the dear man after all.) “That’s why I felt so, I dunno, sacrilegious for resenting Zelda, for resenting the Goddess herself, for everything she put me through. That’s why I felt, for a while, like a traitor to my own kind for wanting… you.”
Sunlight shimmers through thin silver strands, rippling as the demon tilts his head. But…?
“… But then I realized, how grateful I am – not just to Hylia for her divine game of chess, but to Demise for setting the whole thing in motion to begin with.”
For once, Ghirahim is rendered speechless, staunchly bereft of understanding. And apparently, it’s plain on his face.
Link’s chest rumbles lightly in silent mirth. He guides the hand on his cheek down to rest atop his heart, thudding even through many layers of clothing and mail. Leaning forward, he touches his forehead to Ghirahim’s, who, despite his baffled curiosity, indulges the younger man. They remain like this, barely touching and yet scathingly intimate, until at last the human deigns to elaborate.
“It was their struggle – Demise’s wickedness, Hylia’s manipulation – that ultimately brought me to you.”
Ghirahim gives no warning. Burning from the soles of his feet to the tip of his one good ear, he captures the Hylian’s lips in a bruising kiss, the hand on his chest sinking swiftly to his waist. Before Link can truly react, he’s been thrust onto his back, the larger man now straddling his hips while sharp fangs nip along the seams of his mouth.
Butterflies dance through Link’s insides when at last the demon pulls away, smirking down upon dazed features with not uncharacteristic smugness. Fire ignites in the younger man’s veins, face flushed, already breathless.
“I will never fully understand the inner workings of your mind, sky child,” croons Ghirahim, casting a teasingly knowing glance at the fingers tugging absently at his sash. “Although,” he breathes into Link’s neck, reveling in the rapidity of his pulse, “I do so enjoy the challenge.”
Loftwings soar not far above the overhang, their riders mere specks against a darkening sky. Whether the mossy alcove or the creeping dusk will provide any real concealment – or whether their small cluster of crystals, still glowing faintly in the cool, shady grass, should serve as an unintended beacon – neither can be bothered to care as Ghirahim’s hands snake expertly under the gasping human’s tunic, thumbs digging beneath his waistband, beetles and wingspans entirely forgotten.
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I am 100% serious when I say I love Peatrice and Link, it might be a joke but I want what's best for Link and he deserves this cute summer fling
Peatrice is his first gentle, no strings attached love. She is shy and flirty, he is even more so. He doesn't like her at first, she's rude and bored, but when she starts saying things like "Are you here to see me?" The spark is set in his mind that... Yeah... He is going to the item check more than he needs to, and she is cute. And it blossoms from there. It's not all perfect, Peatrice says "I love you" two weeks in immediately after Link goes to the past and he has a breakdown about what love really is (he panicked and said it back—but does he really love her? Does Zelda/Hylia really love him?)
He loves Zelda, yes, but Zelda's love is pushy and rough (in a good way!!!) and takes him out of his comfort zone. Zelda's love feels conditional now, that both his best friend and his goddess will only love him if he succeeds. That doesn't mean it is, but it's different from Peatrice's totally attainable puppy love that he thinks he doesn't have to work for, all he has to do is show up at the item check and go to her house a few times. For Zelda... He has to save the entire world to be loved. (and he will, but he doesn't need to)
Maybe he had a crush on Pipit when he was younger, but Pipit will always see him as a little kid (he's only a year older but he's got a bit of a superiority complex). Skyloft's not homophobic, but it is heteronormative, and Pipit's still straight. Link's young and he doesn't want to deal with it, he's not sure what he's feeling. Pipit is sweet, but condescending, and he will always have to strive to be better in his eyes. Zelda teased him about being lazy but accepted it and planned accordingly, Pipit thinks he could do better if he just tried harder. If Link is ADHD hearing that shit hurts. Pipit thinks everyone should just be like him, and doesn't see Link's way of doing things. Pipit's attention always comes with criticism, and while that sometimes helps him, it's not a good basis for a relationship.
And whatever he has with Ghirahim is not love and is nothing like it. If Zelda's love is rough and pushy, Ghirahim's is violent and possessive and toxic and he doesn't want it, but it's a distraction. He's always a second, third, fourth thought, he's a sidenote and an annoyance and an obstacle. Peatrice and Ghirahim are both distractions and/or coping mechanisms, but Peatrice is like excessive and empty self care that does nothing. Ghirahim is self harm. (I'm ghiralink trash so yeah that changes post game but in game let them be a dysfunctional toxic mess. They have to really be enemies first in order for there to be enemies to lovers)
Peatrice's love is too good to be true, but love isn't perfectly gentle and sweet and romantic all the time. It doesn't last, because Peatrice never really liked him, she liked the idea of a secret boyfriend, and as soon as it's not a secret she starts losing feelings (she didn't do it on purpose, she kind of fell for the first guy that showed her any attention—one way of thinking about this is they're both just gay and didn't realize it)
Peatrice and Link is GOOD it's not an OTP or whatever but it's very interesting to think about
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