#can u tell i liked the barbados scenes
mindelia · 1 year
no context succession finale
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horsetailcurlers2 · 2 months
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (S19 bc i’m finally caught up, babey!!!! (phew))
-i hope this new class of residents isn’t as one dimensional as the last one
-“you say please to bhokee!” hell yeah you do schmitt. (i love that she did say please he was just so ready to jump down her throat about it lmoa)
-DEREK’S NEPHEW ?????!!! WHICH SISTER? my money is on nancy bc i always thought she was the oldest so she would have the son old enough to be out of med school
-okay i’m too curious (for some reason i’ve always just been curious about the shepherds) so i’ve gone back to S15E21 (good shepherd) to see if i could get a better look at nancy’s wall of family photos. i see one of nancy with a young curly haired girl, kathleen with a light haired child, and two photos that are just groups of kids. my assumption is that these two are all of nancy’s kids because if she had photos of her nieces and nephews i feel like they would include their parents. both photos show two boys and two girls. it looks like the same four kids just at two different ages. the oldest (or at least the tallest) in both photos is a boy with dark hair. this may support my theory that nancy is lucas’s mother. the rest of the photos aren’t very clear. the only thing is that all of the kids look very fair and lucas is not. they also clearly wrote this episode way after they shot the scene with amelia looking at the photos so they may have not even bothered with details that were meant to be sort of irrelevant at the time.
-okay this is a very tragic story with (griffin??? griffith??) and makes her lateness and weirdness understandable but am i the only one who thinks it’s insanely bizarre to be sharing your tragic life story to your superior on your first day?
-idk about this season yet. i feel them trying to sort of mirror season one in some ways, focusing more on the interns (which i think i like), trying to connect back to old characters, but it feels a *little* forced so far
-i like mean and snappy teddy
-have we ever seen this library before?
-“i tried to implement similar changes at various times and was always met with resistance” ???? when did bailey try to implement those changes to the residency program? she implemented changes but they for sure weren’t these ones
-why is it better for them to think he’s sleeping with her????? jfc lucas
-ADDISON LOOKS SO HOT. i like this costuming for her. very reminiscent of her private practice wardrobe
-i really like baileys braids this season btw. and i like that she has a special scrub cap that can cover them all
-lucas’s dad is from barbados. idk what to do with that but it is another clue lmao. if nothing else, i’m hooked on this season just to find out who his mother is
-no comment on the dancing
-helm looks really cute as a bartender
-owen when teddy isn’t super happy and content with him after he fucked them over and put their children’s well-beings at risk: 😯
-addison and tom should have met
-oh my god just tell them you’re a nepo baby!! they think you’re fucking your aunt!
-it made complete sense to bring addison back for this storyline. i hope they explore it a little more and keep bringing her back.
-i’m so confused about lucas’s whole complex. wouldn’t he have grown up with his dad’s last name anyway? why has this been an issue “all his life”??? and until he went to med school i doubt anybody even knew the significance of him being a shepherd
-what planet is owen living on where he thinks they would let him be chief again rn
-i can see myself shipping mike chang and mary queen of scots once they develop their characters a bit more. simone and lucas i like in theory but idk about the chemistry
-“i am not going to beg you to love me” good meredith bc that didn’t work out so well the first time u did it
-intern house is back!!! i really like that actually
-a full time administrative assistant is completely reasonable. richard had patricia when he was chief
-looking very hot for having just been hit by a car
-winston definitely had a point at first but at this point he’s pissing me off. it’s reminding me of that big meredith and cristina fight in the sense that it feels like he’s deliberately taking everything she’s doing and saying in the worst possible way.
-richard and addison’s dynamic is so underrated
-this is incredibly random but it just popped into my head. it’s so weird that amelia has never brought up her friend michelle on greys. you know, her friend from pp that committed suicide bc she had huntingtons which ultimately kickstarted amelia’s relapse. i feel like it could have been relevant to a few cases
-pru is so fucking cute
-so many people keep leaving i don’t really have a reaction to it anymore. but i will very much miss maggie. ik a lot of people don’t like maggie (prob bc they thought she was trying to fill the spaces that lexi and cristina left behind) but i really liked her. i think i found her very relatable in a lot of ways. even/especially when she was a little annoying lol
-why is this guy specifically requesting bailey? (not that she’s not great at her job it just has suspicious vibes) is he one of the anti choice harassers? nervous for that especially since addison is here so i feel like it will be about that storyline
-jesus christ i knew it. bc it’s so “pro life” to threaten a child!!!!!! go kwan though. and teddy!
-yasuda x helm <3
-cristina mention !!!!
-i really like that there’s no intern/attending relationships lately
-i’m doubling down on thinking lucas is nancy’s bc i think if he has adhd, kathleen likely would have noticed bc she’s a psychologist. obviously it’s possible she wouldn’t have, everyone has blind spots but i think this makes the most sense still. and ik he could still be liz’s but i’m still unsure on if the ages work out and i think they were banking on which actress would be more likely to make an appearance later on and neve campbell is less likely to come back than the others.
-uggh why do i HATE simone’s wedding dress.
-omg i’m a terrible person i didn’t realize it was her late mother’s. i’m so sorry the fit of it just looks off
-i wonder how they’re going to ruin/derail this wedding? they’ve already done leaving at the altar, objections, elopements. maybe the twist is that she actually goes through with it?? or they’ll just be boring and so the same thing they’ve done before
-i like that they still call it “joe’s” even though we never see joe anymore
-winston is getting on my nerves. he always starts off having a point and then he gets all immature and petty about it
-dude that is not how a DNR works
-aww yay for bailey
-side note amelia looks great
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zombee · 2 years
Blood Under the Skin author’s notes
welcome to my disastrous author’s notes! if you’re planning on rereading Blood any time soon, maybe skip these for now, as i reveal a lot of Secrets.
I publicly shorthand this fic to “medieval au,” but know that in my head I call it princess stede au
Which is why I chose princess songs for chapter titles. And c’mon “someday my prince will come” is PRICELESS poor stede I made it up to him with the whole public sex rimjob okay
Barrabas = Barbados, baharla = Bahamas it’s not that good I still think “baharla” is stupid lmao
I think of any of the shit I’ve written so far, this has the most potential to be made into something original. But I’d have to drop “bonny prince bonnet” because I couldn’t keep “bonnet” and I would be DEVASTATED okay
Stede’s wedding clothes were inspired by his canon wedding clothes, a bit. The color anyway. Poor baby ☹
Ugh I do want to let yall in on some of ed’s inner monologues but WHAT IF I write an ed pov what then!!!!
Ed only “chuckles” until he laughs outright after stede is alive after the poisoning
Doing things “on the inside” vs “on the outside” is autism coding aka masking, and it fades slowly until stede doesn’t do it at all, UNTIL he’s helping ed with his wound, and he does it on purpose to keep calm for ed’s sake. Because it’s still a skill he can utilize instead of a defense mechanism!
Stede is immediately on board with the marriage (obvs) and so he says “his betrothed” and then switches, of course, to “his husband” as soon as they’re married
The cravat scene, and then the stockings scene, are mirrored when ed puts the boots on stede. “now the other, please” and “now you’re perfect” are said first by stede, then by ed
When nigel says “I would call it more sort of flouncing” and then stede says he “flounced after blackbeard” when he first accompanies him to the army camp, that’s on purpose because he’s feeling Annoyed and Ignored
“He was free to think of grisly things he’d like to happen to them inside his own head while he kept a polite expression on his face.” – SO SO SO my princess stede here has been abused his WHOLE life instead of just in childhood/early adulthood. He never got to be a funky lil rich guy on his own, so he wears politeness like armor (very sansa of him – book only I hate GoT). As I hope u noticed, he gets more expressive as the fic goes on
Ed kissing stede at the wedding asldkjfd I just need to WRITE THE ED POV ALREADY
Since my first two big AUs are ed pov, I was worried about trying stede’s. But then I wrote the lines “the flowers clashed with the candelabras, the entertainment was gauche, and the eighteen courses lacked a cohesive narrative.” And I knew I’d be okay.
I had a sideplot of “ed’s men” from the wedding being his bros from all the way back in his pirate days, but I cut it because it didn’t fit anywhere
I will confess I wrote that ed didn’t let the servants into their room on the wedding night because I wanted some sexy undressing. But then I figured out the whole backstory with his mom and was like OHOHOHO
I just love my sweet autistic princess stede, I love how he always puts things in framing of “the ____” (the clothes-cutting, the staring, the thigh-fucking) I just LOVE HIM
“Stede was able to push the sleeves over and off his wrists without assistance, leaving him bare and self conscious.” – and then in the aldra islands he wears “a lovely sleeveless linen vest” because CONFIDENCE and GROWTH.
“Blackbeard was suddenly very close behind him. Stede could smell the wine on his breath.” / “Bonny Prince Bonnet.” His lips tickled Stede’s ear and his beard brushed against his neck. “The things I’ve heard about you.” / Stede very carefully did not blush. – this was very sexy of me actually and a CANON CALLBACK? In a cartoonmayor fic? Never
When ed says “it’s the fear” when he notices stede has a boner on their wedding night, and then he comes in hot after battle in that one scene ready to frick, ohohoho
Ed telling stede to close his eyes, and then sliding the nightshirt down – that was literally the image that inspired me write this fic.
“you can open your eyes” Of course he could, Stede very nearly said out loud. He opened them anyway. – stede always obeys direct orders (at first) but this is kind of our first hint of Bratty Stede. He pays close attention to exactly what everyone says (my sweet autistic princess)
I think it’s quite obvious what The Staring meant but when I do The Reveal That It’s Love I hope some of yall reread because it’s hella fun to go back and see where I emphasize it (I hope)
Stede, because of his thing with direct orders, is always careful to request (“would you please?”) instead of demand. This changes too throughout the fic especially when he tops
“Oh, yes, we had a jar of their paprika for a while. It was so unlike the one we make here!” – this is a dracula daily reference
I also had a subplot where the whole court was SCANDALIZED and assumed the WORST when stede’s cut-up wedding clothes were found, but ehhhh I just wanted to get stede out of the palace and yknow, I didn’t want to dwell on implications of assault. So just know they’re gossiping about it and triply deserve what they get in the end.
“good night ed” “night stede” – this is of course the first time ed uses his name dun dun DUNNNNN. I also use this exchange three times, and the third one is particularly special. Ed uses “stede,” at first, when his defenses are lowered. That’s why stede blushes at the end of ch.1, because ed calls him by his name instead of his title. Why does he continue to use prince bonnet after things are sorted between them? Well, [redacted in case I write an ed pov]. Also “good night ed” “night stede” I use in a lot of my other fics.
Only one bed? Only one bed. And then I take it away from them but I give it BACK after a week okay
The real journey in this fic is ed becoming the little spoon he is
Don’t ask me the difference between hose, trousers, and pants I DO NOT KNOW
I honestly thought this fic would have a lot more erotic un/dressing but the muse didn’t give me more than a few scenes
Originally I had stede be ticklish too and this whole big scene where ed’s like “we have nothing in common” and stede says they’re both ticklish but that’s not where the fic took me so I cut it
Stocking scene is based a little on that excellent fan art by @aivelin ​https://aivelin.tumblr.com/post/681807914544087040/wonderful-collaboration-with-amuseoffyre-read-fic
The badminton twins (and calico jack) were originally involved in the assassination plot. Jack was going to be another prince and stede was going to be RAGING JEALOUS but again the fic just didn’t take me there so no jack at all and less badmintons then planned. I’m not complaining.
When ed says “absolutely not, fuck off” to the badmintons one of my early readers commented “LMAO ED SAID THE VIBES WERE ATROCIOUS” and I still think about it
“he wore an understated outfit” that includes SHIMMERING HOSE stede I love you SO much
Ed ignores stede because [redacted in case I write an ed pov but you can probably figure it out from context clues]
Yeah yeah I gave ed the canon stede thing that he pays his soldiers but I had to establish early that he’s brilliant
“No!” Stede did more than flinch this time. Had he really just said “no” to his husband? That was worse than blushing. – look how far this baby bratty boy gets toward the end of the fic I LOVE HIM. Also yeah sorry while he’s “flinching” and worried about “punishment” throughout the book… I don’t dwell on that shit but it was Bad guys. Real bad.
“He hoped never to return to the court of Barrabas.” EXCEPT AS A KING YEAH BOIII
A lot of the traveling camp stuff was inspired by The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. That book imprinted on me as a kid along with the prequel-sequel The Hero and the Crown
I mean a lot of this is just a love letter to the fantasy novels I read as a kid
Blackbeard asks, instead of orders, about the boots. “Would you like to try on a pair of mine?” – Stede allows himself to consider the request before he says yes. Also boy oh boy [redacted for ed pov purposes]
“They were black of course” THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE RUNNING GAGS AND NO ONE HAS EVER COMMENTED ON IT. Stede being like “I love him but god some VARIETY please.” And then I drop it in the scene where they’re in the meadow that yeah, ed has been wearing more colorful clothes like he DESERVES since they got married
Boot scene inspired by this fanart by @shoomlah ​https://shoomlah.tumblr.com/post/682077235089440768/could-be-arranged
Stede getting more and more exasperated with The Staring is also one of my favorite bits
I did technically make stede and ed in their early 30s because while it is very precious to me that they’re older men finding first time queer love (not hating on AUs where they’re younger, I also love those), for Plot Purposes I felt like… offering a 48 year old prince for a treaty is a little silly lmao, AND I needed time for them to dismantle the monarchy. Anyway I don’t dwell on their ages so headcanon as you like.
Cupcake/Thunderfoot is very good please clap
“While he bumped along on Cupcake, not reading,” BITCHY STEDE ILYSM
Stede uses “it would not do” then I have ed use it in the balcony scene bc I love that shit when partners start to parrot each other
Mary sweetie I’m SO so sorry I killed you off in this fic I truly am but it had to happen for the marriage part of the arranged marriage to work, and for stede to be a 33 year old prince who hadn’t been married off yet.
I had to write porn using words like “backside” “take himself in hand” so I just let stede say cock it was just easier
The first time stede even lets himself THINK the word fuck is after he jacks it in the tent ehehe. I was explaining that to an ofmd discord and people were like “he does say fuck though” and I was like yes. Yes I understand that. This is an AU it is not canon. “but he does say it in this episode and this one” YES I UNDERSTAND THIS IS AN A L T E R N A T E U N I V E R S E
“you were made for fine things, prince bonnet,” “so were you, edward” first time we hear stede use the full name and also [redacted ed pov but hopefully you get the gist from context clues]
Erotic horseback riding lessons is also where stede starts to do things On The Outside and be a lil bratty out loud finally.
I literally copy pasted the wikihow article on horseback riding and made it horny with stede’s thoughts
Ed romance novel hero when
Ed calls him stede again in this scene ohohoho
“And then. His husband started to run his hands all over Stede’s body. There was even brief contact with his crotch. His cock gave another definite twitch.” Yeah this is basically a scene from ski au yeah I reuse scenes from my fics SO WHAT
It’s my medieval bullshit au and I’ll give them showers if I want to
Small motif about mirrors in ed’s castle runs throughout
Erotic bathing scene is my favorite in the fic. It is like, 1300 words? I’ve since written single scenes that are longer ([redacted] and [redacted] in Persephone au so far are both longer) but my writing is pretty snappy and brief. Which is NICE i LIKE that about my writing, but how someone can write like, a 5k word sex scene is absolutely unfathomable to me. One day I might get there.
“Absolutely not.” Stede held his breath for just a beat after that before he felt safe to continue. “We are going to pamper you tonight, my husband.” – stede feeling (mostly) comfortable saying no to ed <3 and calling him “my husband” for the first time <3333 I’ll spoil the ed pov here, every time stede says that he just thinks HUSBAND(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Blackbeard was staring, so who knew really. – have I mentioned HOW MUCH I LOVE STEDE
“It was time for the touching.” – one of my early readers commented “my ace ass reading smut” and I still think about it
There’s a motif with the back of ed’s neck, see if you can spot them all. This was inspired by “The Nettles in the Garden Don’t Go Away,” a soulmate au retelling of season 1, and a fic that actually had me spiraling in despair that my writing will never be that good. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38007859/chapters/94929583 please read it
stede follows the curly girl method in every single one of my fics and this is no exception
“but Ed had quite a lot of hair and he was worth it.” IS THE FIRST TIME HE *THINKS* OF ED AS “ED” GOSH GUYS SOMETIMES I JUST LOVE MY OWN WRITING SO MUCH. Notice it starts to shift more and more until finally he stops thinking of him as blackbeard entirely.
“This is the body soap. It’s–“ “Lavender.” “Yes! You have a nose for fine things, as well.” “It would seem that way.” I’ll never write something this romantic ever again pack it in boys I’ve peaked
Idk why I always use “snuffling” to describe ed’s sleep sounds in my fics but I always do
“got it for you. My bonny prince” stop ed STOP he’s so in love
I was feeling grumpy about trying to describe the castle (visual description is NOT my forte) but @semisweetshadow​ my beta and fandom bestie said “you captured how stede feels about it that’s what’s important” and I’m still glowing from that compliment
I’m an iggy blameologist for LIFE for LIFE and having stede call him iggy is one of my favorite bits for sure
“Stede did not ask about the tapestries, or the candelabras, or the portraits. They had a distinct lack of flair that he had come to associate with his husband’s taste,” – if you didn’t catch this it’s because the castle was not originally ed’s and he never redecorated. Not because he has bad taste ed I love you
The queen’s rooms/king’s rooms with a passageway between is straight from my very favorite book series, the Queen’s Thief books by megan whalen turner. There’s another rather obvious reference in the second to last chapter also (The Queen, called Aldra after her country)
Although stede calls him ed out loud as he’s been instructed to, he does call him blackbeard a few times when he’s distressed, including the Balcony Scene
I know that jim is ooc from canon but look they’ve been in a happy relationship for years and flourished and they’re SECRETLY GOOFY even in canon so it’s justified okay
What stede tells Lucius in the record-keeping scene matches up with what Lucius writes in the epilogue ohoho
Yes I had Lucius say “fade to black” in a medieval au i channel daddy jenky always
In my wwdits au, I made Lucius such a fucking dick because he was Laszlo. I had my excellent beta for ski au point out he was too mean in that one, so I rewrote that. And then in this one he’s supportive and nice, hooray for Lucius
Show of hands who guessed the “when is ed the most beautiful” bit was gonna end when he bottomed
Was so glad I worked in a “Frenchie/Oluwande dream team” aspect of this fic.
“Did they not teach you how to switch in Barrabas?” “I did not know that was even an option.” “Oh,” said Blackbeard. His eyes glittered. “It can be fun, in the right circumstances.” – come on you all knew how this was going to turn out right???
Moon ceremony directly inspired by Tamora Pierce (the spies stuff too actually). Ngl I felt real silly with the worldbuilding in this whole fic, but a lot of you were very encouraging in your comments thank you very much for that. I do like the idea of a trio of gods representing the balance of all things, idk.
Alanna is of course another tammy reference
“Brave Prince Bonnet.” Ed’s lips skated against his own as he spoke. “You always do surprise me.” – do u get it because ed was always surprising him wait don’t leave—
“Blackbeard wouldn’t let him eat anything but broth and toast, and he was starting to get annoyed.” – this is the last time stede will think of him as blackbeard, and it’s because he’s “not allowing” him to do something.
Ah, the ol’ “sex dream making it obvious I want to have sex” trope. Look my fics are just three tropes stacked together in a trench coat what do you want from me.
OKAY BUT BUT B U T “Tell me what it means.” “No.” – this is the first time stede EVER disobeys a direct order and it is NOT A COINICDENCE this is when ed finally breaks on the fricking. Yeah yeah a glimpse into the ed pov but c’mon
“These fucking stupid hose. I can’t get a hand in.” “I’ll be sure to– ah! I’ll be sure to wear pants next time.” – I’m not 100% sure but I think I only have him wearing pants after this. Horny boy. Also a hint that stede is into ~exhibitionism~
Stede accepting ed’s past is very important 2 me and I put it in every fic. Canon parallels etc.
When ed explains he almost lost stede and that’s what finally made him break on the fricking, the epilogue reveal it was actually *izzy* sending assassins just delights me because IT’S IGGY’S FAULT THEY FINALLY BONED LMAO
“The first time his husband fucked Stede in the ass, it would have been perfect. If not for the assassination attempt.” Will I ever write a better opening line I don’t think so. And my hope is I distracted you with the porn to the point you forgot about the assassin until it comes back around.
“Tell me you’re sure again,” Ed said. / “I am fully fucking certain that if your fingers aren’t inside of me in the next thirty seconds I will scream.” – I posted this to the ofmd thirstposting group on facebook and people lost their MINDS
Look I know bottom/top discourse can be annoying and I know if they’re not vers ed is the bottom I KNOW THIS but bottom!stede is very precious 2 me. Anyway they ARE vers in this so nananabooboo
I can give stede one (1) hands free orgasm I do not care if it’s not realistic
Some definite [redacted ed pov] going on in this chapter
He does start joking around about his violent tendencies after this bc love and acceptance
Stede positing the assassins might be trying to start a war between ed and barrabas is correct – it was just iggy doing it!
The “stede kills someone, olu & jim comfort him” very canon of me please clap
When ed is like “wait YOU killed him?” that is kind of a reference to my wwdits au lol
Stede asking for fricking to help him not feel the pain is actually a reference to a tywin/sansa fic I like I know it’s gross I’m sorry but it’s so FUCKING good. Let me know if you want that link.
Okay so obvy stede goes through a lot of Sexual Growth. but with the thigh-fucking, ed also goes through some with stede where he’s like, yknow, so concerned with stede feeling comfortable all the time that he doesn’t always pay attention to what stede is ACTUALLY signaling (I mean, [redacted ed pov]). Anyway so the intercrural is a little bit ed *trusting* stede. I’m always keen to work on consent on all levels, not just verbal, so yeah. They’ve fucked A LOT at this point, ed knows stede very well, and if stede ever told him flat out “no” of course he’d respect that. ANYWAY.
Also lots of bratty stede in these two smut scenes aw yis
“For fuck’s sake,” said Frenchie. “Let us watch, or leave us alone.” Do I have a smut scene in my head where Frenchie and stede DP ed MAYBE I DO MAYBE I DON’T
Calling the aldran princess tiffany is just a lil joke on the tiffany problem lol - https://medium.com/swlh/the-tiffany-problem-when-history-makes-no-sense-703b86522627
Ed backstory is very precious 2 me DISMANTLE THAT MONARCHY BABES YES
“there was a room with showers” I HASTILY MENTION BEFORE A RIMJOB SCENE OCCURS
“You are not Blushing Baby Bonnet. You never were. And if anyone ever makes you feel like that again, I will kill them.” / “Maybe a maiming, darling. No need to go so far.” – see stede accepts ed for all of him (canon parallels huzzah) and they can JOKE about it now even though [redacted ed pov but I bet you can guess]
Yeah I headcanon stede as gay (as in homosexual gay not blanket term gay) (and usually ed too) but idk sexuality is always fluid imo so having him react to the lesbians is kind of a winkwink nudgenudge there. And also the “winking over the thigh while she eats someone out” is from orange is the new black, which I didn’t think I got past the second season but god natasha Lyonne you imprinted on me in that moment
Idk why stede would have read porn his whole life and never read about ass eating but it’s fiction let me have this
Okay okay so scene where ed comes in hot in the tent, i think/hope I handled it okay. You should all know whenever I write from a bottom pov, I’m channeling my bestie, and they would be very VERY into something that rough. So stede is obviously Into It, but like I said in the notes it’s something they should have talked about first. And like, [redacted ed pov] is really why it doesn’t happen in that moment. anyway stede’s a lil slut and I’m glad they talked about it.
OKAY SO the nightshirt wedding night scene is the inspiration for this fic, and the “stede explains his fantasies and ed responds with ‘I just want your dick inside of me’” is the thing that KEPT ME GOING when I stalled out on this fic. I knew I wanted to write it so bad and if you paid attention to the tags when you first read this story you’ll notice it says “Bottom stede bonnet” “OR IS HE” because I’m not subtle
“always from the perspective of the ravishee, never the ravisher” look modern aus are fun but it’s real fun to play with silly pov like this lol
Butt plug hurt/comfort it’s the new hot genre
I’ll be honest the scene with the barabassian emissary doesn’t make much sense but you get the vibe right
For some reason I seem to stall out at like 25k, that’s been the case with all five of my multichapters so far (shoves coffeeshop au in the corner) so I was gnashing my teeth about this. Until I was like, yknow what, I literally don’t have to show the whole fucking war or dismantling of the monarchy, stede topping REALLY IS A GOOD WAY TO END THE FIC and it is. It is! It is, right?
I did know for sure the last line was going to be “I’ve always loved it when you blush.”
And then the epilogue my beloved. Iggy you fool. Monarchies suck. Etc.I
HOPE YOU LIKED THE FIC I think of any of the multi chapters I’ve written so far it’s really the best one. I’m working on (and hopefully almost done with) a hades/Persephone AU right now that has got some fucking cool wordbuilding and I only stole like 25% of it from lore Olympus. Hit that subscribe if you want to know when that comes out! Cheers m’dears!
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judediangelo75 · 3 years
Starting Now - Chapter 1
Hi 😁💛
So my creative mind has been going haywire lately ever since I got some level back (hopefully a bit more long-lasting). I recently heard a new song by Brandy that features Disney princesses called “Starting Now”.
Here’s a the link, give it a listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ms-Y99bAi0
And the story started forming in my mind. A mix of modern day Hogwarts mixed with a regular high school setting, a bit of Cinderella, mixed with Kendrick Lives AU. This is purely fictional, I can only try to make this make sense so bare with me.
And of course it’s gonna be a Talbott Winger x MC story.
No clue how long it’s gonna be. There will be some MC friends thrown in here mainly from @that-scouse-wizard , @kc-needs-coffee, @lifeofkaze, and @catohphm . This could change and I’ll add more but that what I can say.  
Alright enough rambling, on with the story!
Warning: Mentions of child abuse and self harm
“Papa, what are we doing here,” a 7-year-old girl asked, pale gold eyes looking up at her father’s sharp features. Her and her towering father were approaching a house. They’ve just moved from Barbados to London and the girl already didn’t like it there.
The winters were cold and so were the people there. She already been picked on for her hair and her heavy accent. Because of her thin and small frame, she was an easy target for the boys in her neighborhood. 
Even her mother looked down at her with disapproval.
The only person who she could trust was her father and big brother, Jamal.
The same colored eyes looked down at the little girl. The man, who goes by Kendrick, squeezed his little girl’s small hand.
“We’re gonna meet some people I knew from when I was young boy, Judith. You’ll love them, baby girl. I promise,” he said, whispering the last part with another hand squeeze.
Judith gave a small nod as they stood in front of the door. Kendrick gave a solid knock onto the wood and waited. The tell tale sound of the door unlocking filled the silence before the door opened, revealing a woman around Kendrick’s age poked her head out.
Amber eyes brighten at the sight of the older man.
“Kendrick! Oh my stars, it’s been so long, old friend,” the woman exclaimed, fully opening the door and hugging the tall man. A chuckle rumbled from the man’s broad chest, hugging the short woman. Judith silently observed the scene, curious and bit wary.
The woman was beautiful. She has Ombre colored hair, starting off with a dark brown and ending in a chestnut brown color. Her amber colored eyes were bright and expressive. Her skin was a flawless caramel brown. Her features were delicate and sharp. A simple white sun dress hugged her body.
The thing that caught Judith’s interest the most was the pretty white feather that was attached to a braid in her hair.
“Is this who I think this is?” A melodious voice teased. Judith snapped out of her musing to find the woman looking at her with a smile. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she rushed to hug her dad’s pant leg. The woman giggled at her shy behavior.
“Yes, Ava. This is Judith. Baby girl, I would you to meet Ava Winger. She and her husband are my best friends. Say hi,” Kendrick gently encouraged with a smile. Judith bit her lip, looking a up at her dad and then at Ava.
‘She seems nice... much nicer than mother...’
“H-Hi, Mrs. W-Winger. It’s a-a pleasure to m-met y-you,” Judith spoke softly. Her blush grew worse at the sound of her stuttering.
Her mother chided her about that habit of stuttering in front of adults, she just embarrassed herself. She just knows it-
“The pleasure is all mine, Judith. Please, call me Ava.” Gold eyes blinked at out mute surprise before the girl bit her lip. Judith glanced at her dad, looking up to him for direction.
She never had an adult insist on calling them by their first name. Her mother said it was rude to ever consider doing so. But she didn’t want to ignore Ava’s request.
Kendrick withheld a sigh, already knowing that his wife’s “teachings” was brewing in Judith’s head. He raised their daughter in his homeland with her mother, Mercy, for majority of her life. 
She was much more carefree.
Yes, she was still shy but nothing like this. It was like she was scared of being the radiant ray of sunshine he knows she is.
“It’s okay, baby girl,” he whispered softly. With that confirmation, Judith turned to Ava with a small smile.
“Okay, Ava...” Ava beamed at the two and ushered them inside.
“Is Trent around,” Kendrick asked as the entered deeper into the house. 
“No, sadly. Some writer botched an article and they called him in to fix it. But Talbott is around,” Ava answered. Judith cocked her head to the side, curious to know who Talbott was.
This didn’t escape Ava’s attention.
“Would you like to meet Talbott, Judith,” Ava asked. Judith blushed out of embarrassment, musing silently over the question.
“S-Sure...” Kendrick and Ava shared a small smirk before Ava called for her son.
“Talbott! Come here, please. There are some people I would like for you to meet!” Out of what seemed to be the kitchen was a boy around Judith’s age. He had the same hair and skin tone as Ava but that’s where the resemblance stopped. The thing at stood out to the Judith was his piercing red eyes.  
The girl stiffened, shuffling closer to Kendrick.
Ava placed the young boy in front of her, squeezing on his shoulders gently.
“Talbott, I would like you to meet my oldest friend, Kendrick Harris and his daughter, Judith.” Red eyes silently studied the towering man. If it wasn’t for the kind smirk on the man’s face and the glimmer of amusement in his sharp pale gold eyes, Talbott would’ve felt a little scared of the man.
“Hello, Mr. Harris. It’s very nice to meet you,” Talbott greeted. Judith blushed and silently bristled at the cool confidence Talbott had in greeting her father.
‘Why can’t I have that?’ she thought as her father chuckled.
“Please, call me Kendrick. I’m not that old, son. And it’s great to see you again, Talbott. I remember when you were just a toddler,” the man teased good naturedly. Talbott blushed a bit before clearing his throat.
“Alright Kendrick,” Talbott replied. A soft giggle caught the 8-year-old boy’s attention. He noticed a girl standing behind the man.
Judith was her name, if he heard his mother correctly.
Judith stopped laughing once she noticed Talbott’s attention was focused on her. While everything in her was telling her to duck behind her dad, something felt familiar about the red eyed boy.
Unknown to her, Talbott was having similar thoughts about her too.
The two were jostled out of their trains of thought when their respective parent pushed the two in front of each other. Red and gold eyes studied the other.
The girl looked like her father but with feminine features. Her brown black locs were down, the sides were pulled back to reveal her face. A simple black sleeveless dress clothed the shorter girl, hugging her torso but flowing out around her hips. The skirt brushed just above her knees. Black gladiator sandals were on her feet. A necklace that consisted of a thick black chain and black and silver ring hung around her neck.
The boy was dressed in simple white tank top and khaki shorts. Brown sandals can be found on his feet. His hair was tied back in a short ponytail with a few strands falling in his face.
The two had yet to say a word to the other. The two adults looked on waiting for something to happen.
“You’re really pretty...” Pale gold eyes widen at the admission.
“R-Really,” Judith asked softly. Despite the softness of her voice, Talbott was still able to pick up the Caribbean accent in the girl’s voice. It was foreign but it suited the girl well...
“Y-Yeah,” Talbott said, slightly breathless. Something about the girl was very... adorable? He couldn’t figure out why.
Judith blushed, hiding her cheeks in her hands.
Only her grandmother, father, and older brother have told her that...
“T-Thank you...” Talbott nodded, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
‘Think of something to say to her! Wait, I know!’
“Would you like to come outside and play with me,” the boy asked. Talbott felt an odd sense of pride when he saw those pale gold eyes light up like two suns. Judith looked to her smiling father, silently asking for his permission.
“Go on, baby girl. Have fun,” Kendrick said with a nod. Talbott took the girl’s hand and lead her outside.
“Well that answers th- Ava, what are you doing,” Kendrick asked as he turned to his friend.
“Planning their wedding, what does it look like,” the woman said, not even looking up from her notepad. Kendrick stared at her with an unimpressed glare.
“Talbott is only 8 and Judith just a few months younger than him,” he said.
“Your point, Kendrick?”
“My point is, Judith is still my baby girl damn it! No wedding planning!”
“You have a nice home, Talbott,” Judith said as the pair walked out into the back yard. If it wasn’t for Talbott’s Animagus abilities, he probably would’ve missed what she said.
“Thank you... are you always this soft spoken,” Talbott asked as he turned to face her. A blush colored the girl’s cheeks as she ducked her head.
“U-Um... I-I guess? I haven’t been super sure of myself ever since I moved here. Other kids don’t like me...” Talbott used his thumb and index finger to lift the girl’s chin so her gaze to meet his own.
“Well, I like you. You can be yourself around me. Okay,” he said gently. Judith swallowed a lump in her throat before whispering a soft ‘yes’.
“S-so, what do you wanna do,” she said, her voice coming out a bit louder. Talbott dropped his hand, looking thoughtful for a few moments.
“How about a game of tag,” he asked. Judith smiled, nodding. 
“But, I wanna make it more... interesting. Can you keep a secret, Judith,” the boy questioned. Judith cocked her head at the boy before slowly nodding.
“Yes, I can,” she replied.
“I’m serious. You can’t tell anyone.” Gold eyes widen a fraction before turning serious. Judith held out a hand, pinky extended. Talbott rose a brow.
“What are you doing,” he asked.
“It’s called a pinky promise. It’s like the Muggle version of the Unbreakable Oath. This is my way of showing that I’m serious,” Judith replied. The boy remained silent for a few moments before smiling, hooking his pinky with hers.
“I promise to keep your secret,” she whispered softly. Talbott released their intertwined fingers, feeling his face heat up a bit.
“Thanks... ready for my secret,” he asked. He got a smile and an eager nod as answer. Stepping back, he transformed into his Animagus form. Judith stared up starry eyed as the Golden Eagle flew over her head.
“Wow, Talbott! That’s amazing,” she said. The bird lowered to tap her shoulder before flying off.
“Hey! You never said we started! Get back here!”
Hours flew by and the two children didn’t realize it. They’ve played, read books, shared stories, ate, napped, and even danced together.
Kendrick and Ava would occasionally check up on the kids before walking away with a smile. Kendrick knew seeing the Wingers was a good decision. His little girl hasn’t smiled this much ever since his mother passed away.
The two were currently sitting in a tree, watching the sunset together.
“This view is beautiful,” Judith said, playing with the braid Talbott did for her.
“It is... too bad it means the day is almost over,” Talbott sighed. He spared a glance at the girl next to him. 
‘She’s so pretty...’ Judith glanced at Talbott, blushing under his intense gaze.
“W-What,” she asked. Talbott blinked, as if he was waking up from a daze.
“Ah... sorry, little bird. You just look really pretty,” Talbott confessed. Judith’s blush grew worse.
“T-thank you, Talbott... and little bird,” Judith said softly. Talbott rubbed the back of neck sheepishly.
“Y-Yeah... like a nickname. You have a free spirit like a bird and you are smaller than me. Maybe one day I could help you become an Animagus...” 
“R-Really? You promise,” Judith asked, hope shining in her irises. Talbott smiled and held out his pinky finger. The young girl giggled and hooked her pinky with his.
“I promise, little bird...” The two gazed into each other’s eyes, a matching soft smile can be found on both their faces.
Overcome with something she couldn’t explain, Judith leaned in and pressed her lips against Talbott’s cheek. She lingered there for a few seconds before pulling away.
Talbott raised a hand to his now flushed cheek.
“W-what was that f-for?” Judith let out another giggle. This was the first time she heard the boy stutter all day.
“Because I like you, bird boy. Thank you for today, I’ll never forget it.” Talbott grinned at her confession, wrapping his arms around the girl tightly. Judith nuzzled his neck, feeling at peace in his embrace.
Soon Kendrick called out the two, letting his daughter know it was time to head back. The pair were reluctant to leave the warm bubble they created but scaled down the tree.
Before the father and daughter could leave, Talbott handed Judith a white clover.
“Think of me, little bird...”
And Judith did. 
Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Soon it’s been more than two years since they met.
Her papa had told her it would be difficult to plan another day for the both of them because of her mother’s controlling behavior. 
But they did exchange letters. The parents created a plan to make it seem like they were corresponding to each other but in reality, it was their kids. This way Sade didn’t going poking her nose where it didn’t belong. It disheartened the girl that she couldn’t see her friend, but she kept the flower that Talbott given her. It was hidden away in a Muggle fairytale book. With each day and letter, she would hope that maybe there was a chance where she and Talbott see each other again.
Until the fateful day that forced her to hide her ray of sunshine from the world.
It was the year that she turned 9 years old. Not too long after her 9th birthday, her older brother was expelled and sent to another wizarding school in America to live with their mother’s family. It broke the little girl’s heart to have her brother leave.
“It wouldn’t be for forever, Pip. I’ll be back before you know it. I love you, little sister...”
The two wrote frequently, Jamal telling about his classes and what he’s been learning.
It was one of his lessons that lead to Judith’s fatal mistake.
It was a bitterly cold winter day in London and Judith woke up to an empty, freezing house. She knew her Papa was working at St. Mungos but her mother never told her where she went.
She got backhanded across the face the one time she asked...
Staring at the barren fireplace with a frown, Judith came up with an idea. Quickly running to her parents’ room, she found her mother’s wand on the dresser.
Returning to the fireplace, Judith focused on her memory on one of her brother’s letters about a fire spell.
After a few tries, she able to cast the spell correctly. Judith smiled, taking in the warmth that came from the flames.
It was at that moment Sade walked in. 
It didn’t take the woman long to piece the puzzle together and for her anger to rained down on the unsuspecting girl.
With quick strides, she slapped the fear stricken little girl.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing little girl,” she growled, snatching her wand from off the ground where Judith dropped it.
“I-I’m s-sorry, Mother! I-I-I was just c-cold,” Judith whimpered, tears prickling her eyes. She could already feel the bruise forming on her cheek.
“Cold, huh? Let’s fix that, shall we,” Sade laughed hollowly. She aimed the tip of her wand right at her daughter’s face. 
“Mother, p-please, no-!”
The pain scream of the girl echoed throughout the house...
Pale eyes opened up blearily at sound her owl’s insistent hoots, telling her it was the dreaded morning.
“Okay, okay, you little menace. I’m up,” the girl groaned. She felt a feather face nuzzle her left cheek. 
Where her burn scar resided.
The girl sighed and petted her loyal avian friend before rolling out of bed to get ready for the school day.
Judith was now 18, in her final year at Hogwarts. It’s been 9 years since her mother scarred her for life, both physically and mentally.
While she had to live this scar, with slightly blurry vision in her left eye, it was a needed change.
Turns out her mother had an ongoing affair three years after she was born. Which explained where she would go at random times and why she was so defensive about her whereabouts.
Her father was quick to divorce her mother and gain custody of her. Not like Sade put up a fight for her in the first place.
“Why would I? I don’t love her, hell I never wanted her. You can keep her, Kendrick!”
Judith was never meant to hear their part of their argument but she did.
Her burn scar was like a cruel reminder for the female Harris.
That she wasn’t as loved as she thought she was.
After the incident, Judith would lock herself in her room for hours, most times just laying in bed. She would either cry herself to sleep or stare numbly up at the ceiling. She stopped sending letters to Jamal and Talbott. Her mental health got so bad to the point her father had to take sick days to make sure she took care of herself.
She knew she would send her dear father to an early grave after he found out about her cutting situation two years ago. She’s been doing so ever since she got to Hogwarts. Without the comfort her Papa constantly being there and no promise of friends, the slide of a blade against her skin helped ease the tension she constantly felt.
She just wasn’t quick enough to put on a long sleeve shirt when he noticed the horizontal scars on her left arm.
Judith saw the heartbreak and fear in her father’s pale gold eyes. As much she didn’t love herself, she knew her father would always love her.
So she tried. Tried to be better. 
Her first order of business was concealing her scars. Permanently.
With her father’s permission, Judith got her left arm tatted. She sketched all of her tattoos and got them done by an old friend from the past. Her best friend from when she lived in Barbados, Malik Coleman. He was older than her by two years and had a passion for body art. Judith was willing to be his first customer. And she loved the work he did for her.
Of course this didn’t increase her social standing at school.
While she was seen as delinquent and a reject, she did receive love and warmth in some people since arriving to Hogwarts.
The first person to ever show her kindness and her birthday twin, Professor Flitwick.
Her first friend she made at school, David Willows.
Her older “siblings”: Bill Weasley, Orion Amari, Erika Rath, and Phoenix Lang.
Few Quidditch mates like Andre Egwu, Katriona Cassiopeia, Lizzie Jameson, and Cato Reese.
Her irritating but loveable dance partner and dueling partner (at least magic based), Diego Caplan.
Sweetheart and fellow Healer assistant, Chiara Lobosca.
Loveable giant and creature buddy, Barnaby Lee.
Bully turned friend and singing buddy, Merula Synde.
Artist buddy, Badeea Ali.
Her sweet half-brother, Nuri Lockheart.
Her adoptive sister from a different family, Amelia Booth.
Judith has felt bouts of happiness when she’s around her friends. Doing things she remembering she loved doing from when she little.
But there was one person who could truly revive that side of her. And he did when she first saw him.
Talbott Winger.
Her first friend since she moved to Europe. And her biggest crush.
But it looks like he forgot all about her.
Even after spending time with him when she and David wanted to become Animagi.
Even finding his beloved white feather necklace, gifted to him by his mother.
He doesn’t seem to recognize her. Judith partially blamed herself since she basically hides out in corners of the school or keep her face as covered as possibly. Even though everyone knew about her scar after a bullying incident from first year, Judith still felt incredibly self-conscious.
But she would’ve thought maybe Talbott would’ve instantly felt their connection like she did. Stuff that she read about in fairytales.
But she was wrong.
And Judith never feel confident enough to openly approach him and tell him who she was, so she’s been pining after the Ravenclaw wizard for years...
She thought it was probably for the best. She was never meant for a happy ending...
“Good morning, baby girl! How’s my little princess doing,” Kendrick greeted as the girl stepped into the kitchen. Judith gave a faint smirk.
“Papa, I’m 18,” Judith reminded as she walked up to her dad. Kendrick rose a brow.
“What’s your point,” he asked, leaning down to kiss her forehead. The girl giggled and shook her head.
She would always be her father’s little princess and nobody can tell him otherwise. Not even her.
“Nevermind, Papa. What’s for breakfast,” she asked, peeking around her giant father.
“Fruit salad, pancakes, bacon, and fresh glass passion juice,” Kendrick answered, handing his daughter a plate and cup. Judith thanked her father and proceed to eat her breakfast.
“So... you spoke to Talbott recently,” Kendrick asked as he washed the dishes. Judith choked on her juice.
“Papa!” Kendrick rolled his eyes at her scandalized tone.
“Oh c’mon now, baby girl. I saw you kiss the boy with you were 7. He’s the only one I really approved of anyways,” he said, mumbling the last part to himself. But thanks to Judith’s Animagus abilities, she heard him.
“You are nowhere near subtle about it. You terrified Andre half to death after I told you he had a small crush on me,” Judith said with an eye roll of her own.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, young lady. And I was only kidding...”
“You threaten to break his bones in way where it would never heal properly so he wouldn’t be able to play Quidditch if he broke my heart.”
“What’s your point?” Judith tried to fight a fond smile that threatened to break out on her face. A lot of girls would find this type of behavior to be overbearing but she knew that her father just deeply cared for her.
He wanted her happy.
Happy with someone who would he knew he could trust to cherish her.
“You’re impossible, Papa,” the girl laughed, picking up her empty plate and glass to give to her dad to wash. She got on her toes to give the man a brief kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you for breakfast, Papa. I’m off to school and will be at Quidditch practice afterwards, so I’ll be out for awhile. Bye Papa, I love you,” Judith said, giving the Ravenclaw alumni a quick hug before running out the kitchen.
“Have a good day, baby girl! And I love you too,” Kendrick called after her.
Judith ran into her room to grab her broomstick and went outside. Settling on her broom, Judith took off into sky, which was slowly brightening as the sun began to peak over the horizon. She quickly switched to broom surfing, laughing as she flew.
Judith was an early riser, always up before the sun. She liked the tranquility of the morning, especially at the castle.
She liked to hang around a professor or hang out with her creatures before class started. Or possibly enjoy doing her hobbies before anyone could really bother her.
She looked to smash some practice dummies with Bludgers so she could get out any pent up aggression from her system. 
Little did she know that it lead to her first run-in with her Prince Charming...
“Andre, when I asked for you teach me about Quidditch so Madam Hooch doesn’t catch me off guard with her questions, I expected you just to tell me different facts. Not drag me all the way out here to the Quidditch Pitch,” Talbott deadpanned as his best mate pulled him along.
“Visuals can be just as good as me just telling you, Tal. If you visited a Quidditch match a day in your life, this wouldn’t be an issue for you,” the style wizard retorted. The pair were just about to going into the changing rooms when they heard the sound of metal smashing against metal. 
Intrigued, the two Ravenclaw wizards went to investigate.
They spotted the figure of a short girl effortlessly swinging her bat to beat the giant flying metal spheres heading towards her into the dummies in front of her.
Andre smiled.
“Ah, perfect! Prime example. One of the Quidditch positions there are is a Beater. There are two Beaters per team and they’re the only ones who hold a bat. Beaters are both offensive and defense players, beating Bludgers, formerly known as Blooders...” Talbott slowly toned Andre out as he stared the girl, who apparently plays Beater.
Her long hair was pulled back into a high ponytail to keep her hair out her face. Her short, curvy stature was covered with a form fitting black and yellow jersey with some short gym shorts to match. When she swung a certain way, Talbott can spy some ink on her left arm.
“Who is she,” Talbott asked, interrupting Andre’s lesson. The Ravenclaw Seeker looked a bit peeved when he realized that Talbott wasn’t even paying him any real attention but turned to study the girl to figure out her identity.
“Oh, that’s Tigress. One of Hufflepuff’s Beaters,” Andre said with a fond smile. Talbott glanced at him, slightly annoyed.
“Tigress? I meant her real name, Egwu,” he said.
“Why are you so pressed on knowing her real name, mate? What? You like what you see,” Andre asked, wagging his eyebrows at the now flustered wizard.
“W-Wha- Andre! Be serious, will you,” Talbott hissed, not willing to admit that he did like what he sees. A lot. 
Andre chuckled.
“Hey, if you do, I don’t blame you. I even crushed on her for a short while. Judith is very beautiful, despite what people say about her,” Andre said.
“Why did you stop liking her,” Talbott asked, curious to hear this. Andre shuddered.
“Her father is definitely not one to be trifled with. As much as I admired her and respected her dad, he terrifies me a little,” Andre supplied. Talbott made a curious noise.
“But aren’t all fathers like that? Especially when it comes to their daughters,” Talbott asked. Andre gave him a funny look.
“Talbott, mate. Do you not who Judith is,” Andre asked instead. 
“I felt like I heard her name somewhere before, but it’s not ringing any bells,” Talbott shrugged. Andre shook his head.
“The Cursed Child? Scarface? The Hufflepuff Reject? Any of those ringing any bells at all,” Andre pressed. Red eyes widen slightly.
“Yeah... now it does,” Talbott mumbled, narrowing his eyes at the girl.
Supposedly a group of older Slytherins and Gryffindors were bullying her back in their first year. A Slytherin boy pulled her hair loose which was hiding a burn scar the covered the left side of her face. The skinny Hufflepuff witch proved to be quite viscous as she attacked her bullies after humiliatingly her.
She was the same girl who sought him out to help her and her friend, David, to become Animagi. The same one found and returned his mum’s feather necklace with a simply note as the only evidence that it was her who done the act. 
“And her father,” Talbott asked.
“He visits on occasion, mainly during Quidditch season. It would be impossible to miss him. They’re basically twins. And he’s fiercely protective of her. While no one really knows the true origin of her scar, it affected him just as much it did her. He’s not afraid to come to his daughter’s defense if anyone were to make her uncomfortable about it. Even though he is a Healer, he can quite dangerous himself. From what I understand, whatever Judith knows about fighting, whether magic or Muggle-based, came from him,” Andre supplied.
“She’s... an enigma for lack of a better word,” Talbott finally said. 
“A beautiful one, at that,” Andre added. He got a raised brow for his comment.
“It’s rare to see her face. I’m surprised she doesn’t have her hoodie right now. But when I tell you she has the most unique pair of eyes I’ve ever seen, believe me. Such a bright color but muddled with sadness,” Andre sighed, wistfully.
The red eye boy cocked his head before walking forward. 
“Talbott, where are you-”
“What does it look like? I’m going to talk to her,” Talbott called over his shoulder. 
“Talbott, wait, you-”
Judith knew it was about time for her to change and head to first class. Freezing her Bludgers, her ears picked up the sound of someone approaching from behind. Her heart seized in her chest at the thought someone seeing her scar.
“Hey, Judith right,” Talbott called out to her as he got closer. 
‘Oh crap, why does it have to be him?! I gotta leave before he sees my face!’ With that in mind, Judith grabbed her bag and took off for the nearest exit. She can hear Talbott calling out to her but she didn’t dare stop until she was out of the Quidditch Pitch.
“Damn,” Talbott cursed under his breath. He was only a few feet away from her when she took off as if a bunch of devils were behind her.
“I tried to warn you, you blokehead. Judith is incredibly skittish when it comes to people she doesn’t interact with regularly. I can only imagine how she could be when her entire face is exposed,” Andre chided. Talbott rolled his eyes and sighed.
“It’s not like I haven’t spoken to her before. She returned something of mine a few years ago and I never got the chance to properly thank her,” Talbott grumbled, kicking the grass. Andre’s gaze soften at his admission.
“If you didn’t get the chance, then she probably wasn’t looking for you to thank her. She may be an outcast in this school but she’s definitely the school’s hidden sweetheart,” Andre said, squeezing his fellow house mate’s shoulder. A frown worked it’s way on Talbott’s face.
‘Just who are you? And why do you feel so familiar to me...’
“Time to go, class starts in a few minutes,” Andre coaxed. The wizard gave his friend a nod, turning to follow him until something on the ground caught his eye.
“What is it, mate,” Andre asked as he watch Talbott bend down to pick something up.
It was twin set of thick gold cuff bracelets. The outside had twin arrows engraved on it and each had a unique message on the inside.
To my baby girl: If I could give you one thing in life, it would be to give you the ability to yourself in my eyes. Then would you realize how special you are to me.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed... Remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown.
“Talbott?” Red eyes meant brown ones with a small smile.
“I think I found a way to talk to her...”
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powerosewaterpuff · 4 years
yk so i was watching bmw (boy meets world :) ) while procrastinating an essay so oF COURSE i decided to write some more of my reverse robin au (that pertains to jason being the oldest of the batkids w/ him and dick growing up together) except fLUFF bc i cannot handle angst rn (oR cOulD I wE wiLL nEvER kNoWwwW)
oh and disclaimer there may be several medical inaccuracies so please feel free to correct me :)
jason often gets night terrors, ones that can get particularly awful when bruce goes on an overnight business trip. so one night bruce is in new york after being forced into it by lucius, with dick being adopted for some time now. dick was awake because he was having trouble sleeping, for no real particular reason in all honesty. he heard a short yell though, coming from the room next to him and he dashed over, tripping over his blanket and still gripping zitka tightly. he knew that he wasn’t supposed to fight yet, but he doesn’t really think about that as he yanked jason’s door open.
he then saw his brother laying on his side, turning back and forth, breathing heavily looking so visibly pained it was hurting dick. he rushed over to jason, his eyes darting around because he just didn’t know what to do. taking his chances he tapped jason’s shoulder gently, and he already felt like it wasn’t the right move but he sucked it up and tried again, only this time to some result. jason shot up, gripping on tightly to dick’s arm, his eyes hazy and unfocused and his chest heaving.
dick remained still, only slowly trying to push jason off of him and back into his bed. jason’s grip didn’t let but he laid back in bed, squeezing his eyes tightly as if he was trying to push away everything he had just witnessed. dick took this as an initiative to gently climb into bed, as jason fell back into a less violent but equally as stressful sleep. he placed zitka next to jason, who still hasn’t let go of his arm, and awkwardly sat up in bed, almost acting as a protector. slowly, dick began to doze off, feeling a lot more comforted in his brothers prescence then he had been in his own room.
jason on the other hand, doesn’t remember much of that night, as he rarely fully remembers any of his night terrors (only the scars they leave behind), but when he wakes up at the ass crack of dawn with a few fragments of something he would prefer not to remember, he puts it together rather quickly. he guessed it would happen, and he could’ve told bruce and he knew the guy would drop anything in a heartbeat, but that pissed him off, more so then it justifiably should. he wasn’t a child and he hadn’t been a child for a long fucking time, and it was stupid that he couldn’t deal with a single night without bruce. jason then turned onto his side, disgruntled with a new found rage directed at himself that he might take out on someone else, when he found dick, sleeping at an awkward position.
he was leaning on the headboard, but was slumped down and drooling a bit, which would have been hilarious blackmail material on any other given day. but today, jason felt a pit in his stomach. the only rational thought that his mind could conjure in its fear muddled frenzy was please tell me i didn’t hurt dick, pleasepleasepleaseplease. he quickly checked over dick’s face, cupping his checks and looking for any signs of a bruise. he had given bruce a particularly nasty one earlier in his tenure at the manor, after bruce attempted to restrain him while he was having a night terror so he could avoid hurting himself, instead jason kicked him in the jaw. he even felt bad about it the next day, which was an odd surprise for him at the time.
after checking over dick hasilty, he could see he wasn’t all that hurt, even though if he looked hard enough he could see inklings of nail shaped markings in dick’s right arm just under his shirt sleeve. jason felt a bit of bile rising up, as he gently shifted dick into a better sleeping position, and pulled the blanket up to his chin and slipped a pillow underneath him. dick opened his bleary eyes, mumbling jason’s name in question, and squinting his eyes. jason rolled his eyes but nodded, “yeah, it’s me. now sleep–why’re you shaking yer head? you don’ wanna sleep? too bad.” jason pressed another pillow onto the side of dicks face in a teasing attempt to smother him to sleep, but dick only proceeded to giggle, and snuggle closer to jason, who had sat up already. jason tossed the pillow to the side after a few seconds of play fighting, dick was going to be too sleepy to remember this break in the ‘teasing older brother’ façade. so, he ran his hand through his little brothers hair and laid back down, tracing soft circles into dick’s scalp absentmindedly. and feeling a rush of gratitude that bruce had brought this little circus boy into his life. he really didn’t know what he would do without his little brother. (needless to say, dick became a constant comforter in jason’s night terrors).
jason blames dick for everything. if a vase got knocked over, it was a dick. if the tv wasn’t working, dick had been playing with the satellite. if his phone was missing, dick stole it to play games. if his sweater had a stain, you better bet it was dick. the boy in question, of course, adamantly denies these facts and does have a way of persuading bruce (he is the golden child after all, jason could testify to that), but bruce also knows both of his boys are annoyingly good liars. so every incident is treated like a little miniature crime scene, and it never fails to make jason howl in laughter at dick explaining how he couldn’t have possibly used up jason’s shampoo because he has his own washroom with his own shampoo and so w h y jason w h y would i steal your shampoo. (jason’s usual response is a deadpanned ‘why wouldn’t you’, and that just gives bruce another headache as the two bicker on and on and on.)
the pair of them usually go biking together, and it’s usually quite tranquil to start. until dick makes a sly comment that jason’s old bones must be so tired from cycling, so why not take a break? jason snide reponse is how the fuck are you touching the pedals with your stubby ass legs. that’s really all it takes for them to delve into a full on biking race. it never really ends well, but the two always come out rolling in laughter so whose to complain.
dick thinks real housewives of beverly hills is better then new jersey, and jason is adamant that new jersey is superior in every shape and way. the two agree that atlanta is the absolute winner no matter what though.
jason is dick’s english tutor. and it’s safe to say that it’s an experience. dick already knew a fair amount of english growing up, his father had been a wonderful teacher but it wasn’t exactly up to gotham academy standards apparently (jason knew the feeling) and his accent was still quite prevalent to have him be considered an esl kid, so jason ended up being his tutor once dick started going to english class at school and after his time with an esl instructor. jason, who has an untapped passion for literature that not many can match, is absolutely dedicated to teaching dick, because fuck man this is genius! genius, dick! and dick isn’t exactly a fan, but he does secretly think jason should be a teacher, he’s better then any of the teachers he’s had that’s for sure (his father would’ve really loved jason too, that was also for sure). and dick is considering buying him a little briefcase with his little initials on it. ((it happens, and jason tries really really hard not to cry))
bruce is absolutely that parent that secretly takes pictures of every single moment possible. he isn’t a photographer, in any sense, but he likes to capture natural moments, and he has a series of pictures dedicated to the one trip him and the boys took to Barbados where he started this habit. he wasn’t and still isn’t a big fan of beaches, they’re hot, crowded and just too much for bruce to feel any kind of comfortable in. he remembers sitting under a floppy beach umbrella, feeling the knot in his chest sit heavily on his heart, fire ants scurrying across the underlining of his skin, burning under the side stares of those passing by. it wasn’t until he caught a glimpse of dick riding on jason’s little shoulders, as they trotted around waist deep in the clear ocean water, that the fist squeezing his heart like the rotten fruit it was began to ease. he glanced down at the camera that alfred had subtly slipped into their bag after dicks insistence, and lifted it up to fiddle with it slightly. then raised it up to take a swift picture. capturing jason mid laughter as he leaned back, in a joking attempt to shake dick off who was in the middle of a yelp but had entrenched his hands in jason’s mop of curly hair. it was hilarious imperfect, but bruce would not want it any other way. not at all.
(jason found it once. he saw the picture at the corner of his eye sitting by the keyboard of the ‘Batcomputer’ ((dick was so shitty with names, thank god he didn’t come up with flippy man as his code name )), and he hesitated for a moment before hastily grabbing it. examining it with an unexpected amount of gentleness, he rubbed his thumb against the glass above dick’s hands in his hair and felt something snake around his heart. slowly and methodically seeping into it until he felt like he couldn’t fucking breathe. then he heard damian trotting down the stairs as he explained the details of his anthropology class to dick who was hopping down behind him. jason shoves the picture back and grits his teeth together to ignore the sting that was absolutely not in his eyes)
aAAAND THATS ALL!! i’ve had these in my notes for a while so it’s relief to get them out there hehe so i really hope y’all enjoy ive legit been falling in love with this reverse au bC THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL U G H IVE NEVER BEEN EXCITED TO WRITE SHIT UNTIL NOW SO Y A Y FOR INSPIRATION
Y A Y :)
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greensconnor · 5 years
Hey tell me about your Monster Hunter ocs
anon just so u know i’m in love with u now (just like ame....)
i have like four main ones and that’s han, ramsey, celia & anton + bonus valentine!
han is a non-legacy who burst onto the scene pretty suddenly and is well respected for just being LEGENDARY levels of good because he’s hyper-dedicated, a vicious fighter and smart beyond belief like if han takes a case u might as well just go home. he used to be a lone wolf but now he works with his husband, will, because the couple that monster slays together stays together
ram is an australian hotshot legacy whose parents both died in the line of ‘duty’ so he’s picked up the mantle. he gets involved because one of my vampires (kiyo) stole his mark out from under his nose and then like 5 days after their illicit barbados hookup ram finally got a hold of his one (1) braincell and was like WAIT. and then actively sought him out for vengeance but they’re kind of friends now? mostly kiyo is just sneaky and keeps roping ram into HELPING supernaturals instead of hunting them and it works because ram is dumb as shit but he’s hot and he’s got a cool earring so i guess he deserves rights
celia & anton are both legacies whose parents are still in the game, and so they operate as two sets of professional duos, but their parents have sort of retired from active hunting, which they leave up to their twins! very much the vibe of “which is the oldest” and anton avoids the question while celia’s just like “ITS ME LOL” both are jacked af and good at what they do and not totally intolerable, plus they’re both pretty lax on supernaturals and leave most of them alone unless they’re causing trouble, unlike ram & valentine which means they have a lot of professional allies.
valentine is evil that’s all there is to it like she’s straight up The Worst. no one likes her because she’s mean for fun and supernaturals ESPECIALLY hate her because she’s a centuries old vamp who’s just straight up bored of being alive so she hunts for the bigshot names within the supernatural communities. she doesn’t take jobs from humans but she also doesn’t give two shits about covering her tracks which means a Lot Of Unexplained Murders can be tied to her which hardcore risks the exposure of supernatural beings and so everyone’s like. REALLY. REALLY. also no one knows her first name or if valentine is even her real name (it’s not)
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