#cat laser pointer automatic
catsassycom · 11 months
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Art thou jealous of my 1390s drip?
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The hood is done! I'm so thrilled with how it turned out. Project details below the cut! Probably the best possible ratio of investment to satisfaction.
The hood was a hand me down in the vein of "made for a teen and now too small for normal adults" that is where a lot of my garb comes from. It's heavy gray wool on the outside, the red inside is maybe wool or maybe cotton flannel. A little moth eaten, definitely showing some wear and age. Functional, but plain.
I wove the trim myself on a lucet, from red wool yarn I got at a thrift shop (that i barely put a dent in!). It's flat cord made with a half-hitch. I learned the stitch in late October and started the cord on the 23rd to pass time at Nebraskon. I probably had enough by Halloween, but kept weaving anyway.
Once I fiddled the shapes into place with a million pins, actually locking it down was as easy as a running stitch through the center of the cord. The yarn is thick and loosely woven enough that the thread just vanishes!
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As a bonus, I was able to fuss the leaf placement to hide (and reinforce) some of the most threadbare spots!
With next to zero monetary input I turned a plain, worn hand-me-down into a striking part of my wardrobe that I'm excited to wear. I also learned and practiced a new skill that I'm itching to start applying to other projects!
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just-some-trans-nobody · 10 months
Showing your Yautja your hyperfixation collecton
Yautja x Reader (gender neutral prounons)
I feel like almost everyone on tumblr has a hyperfixation collecton of some sort lol. Heres your Yautja mate reacting to you showing them it. Just some slice of life fluff!
If you have any certain hyperfixation collection you want to see comment it and I'll absolutely make a part 2.
Warnings: mentions of bones and animal pelts, taxidermy, very slight meantions of nsfw no details at all
Minors do not interact!
Male Yautja
Your showing him your collection of bones? Oh my what a mighty hunter you are tiny ooman getting all of these bones. He knows what each bone is even if you don't but he doesn't say anything about it. If you think a bone is something it's not he won't correct you, he thinks it's adorable. It doesn't matter how you got the bones, you could have found them on a walk or even bought them, he'll keep calling you tiny hunter. If you give him any bone from your collection instant purring. It's going right next to his biggest skull it takes first place as his favorite trophy.
Your collection isn't bones but small little trinkets? He loves it all the same. He'll lightly chitter as he looks at all the bits and bobs you have. You definitely have things he's never seen before. At first you won't notice but slowly your collection is growing with things you don't remember finding until you catch him adding little trinkets to your collection slowly. He'll deny his actions at first but then he'll start asking you if you liked his little gifts. From then on he gives you the little gifts in person, he wants to see your face when he gives you them, that and he's hoping for praise but he won't admit that.
Your collecting stuffed animals? Why? You can just cuddle him. Is he not enough? He's very jealous of your stuffed animals at first, going so far to flare his mandibles in a aggressive manner at your stuffed animals. He keeps this up until one day after coming back home from a busy day you find him laying on top of all your stuffed animals purring loudly. They smell like you and are so squishy he now understands why you love them so much. He starts buying you more and once they smell like you he'll take one or several of them to keep on his ship to cuddle when he's away. Your only getting them back when they lose your scent, then he'll trade you for more of them! He'll get so excited when he finds rare stuffed animals and races to your home to give it to you. Do you like his new trophy that he "hunted" for you? Please tell him you love it and give him some kisses he'll be purring up a storm!
Female Yautja
Oh so you collect pens? How intresting ooman show her more. Ooman language is so strange a swiggly to her, cursive looks like art to her and will gladly watch you write in cursive. She watchs your pen move like a cat watching a laser pointer. It doesn't matter what pen you collect she's fasinated by them all. Could be fountain pens, pens that have fluffy balls at the end of them, regular gel pens, pens that don't look like pens. If you have a pen that looks like a sword or axe that's her favorite, she won't tell you but she'll chitter and pur more when she sees you using that one than when you use the other ones. Whenever she's at the market she'll always check to see if anyone has pens or ink she can get you. You don't have to ask she'll automatically get them for you. She likes spoiling her little mate let her do this.
You collect pelts? Now your speaking her language! She'll fixation dump on you too about pelts. Get ready for snuggles in piles on piles of pelts while she tells you how she got every single one of them. If you don't yet live together she'll give you some of her pelts, please please give her some of your pelts she'll be in love. Bonus points if your the one you tanned the pelt. If you do live together your pelt collections are being combined. Swapping pelt care tips are a must of course she loves talking about pelts and listening to you talk about them. If she ever comes home to find you drapped in only her pelts her heart is racing, don't expect to sleep that night.
If you collect odd taxidermy she get's a little confused. Now we're not talking about a stuffed bird were talking frogs taxidermed in the position of them fencing each other, squirls wearing top hats and suits with canes, mice in Christmas clothes, really weird taxidermy. She understands having bones and pelts but this is odd. She's not judging of course but it is odd, just like her odd little ooman.l whom she loves dearly. Every time you show her something new you got she just loves seeing the look of pure joy on your face as you talk about it or how you found it. Just seeing how happy it makes you makes her happy. She will start gifting you odd taxidermy too, she either finds them at different markets or makes you more herself. Theres a lot of reference piece's she can take inspiration from, it's clear which ones you like the most and so she will try to make similar ones to it with animals she hunts herself.
You collect buttons? How strange, why? She's confused by it but wont question it you always seem to amaze her with your different hobbies and interests. Will sit with you on her lap while you show her each and every button you have and any stories connected to it. If you have names for some or even all of the buttons she will remeber them and if you always refer to the buttons by their names she will too. She'll always be supportive of your collection. If she sees a button she thinks you might like she'll take it, even if it belongs to someone else. She'll by it if it's at a market or shop of course she has standers but she thinks nothing of it taking a button from weaker beings. Yonk hers now. Will give it to you with a proud smile wanting praise for finding it for you. Absolutely will pur when you do give her praise. Ask her to name one of the buttons? She would be honored. If you sow one of your favorite buttons to one of her articles of clothing she would cherish it forever. Anyone who says anything bad about the button has their head ripped off and kicked like a soccer ball of a cliff. That's her oomans favorite button how dare you! She likes the clinky sounds some of the button's make, please clink them for her she stop whatever she's foing just to listen to them. Her favorite button is a teddy bear with a little blue bow tie. She won't tell you that but it's always the one she picks up and twirls around in her fingers when she lays around the house.
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writingdespair · 2 years
kokichi gundham and celeste with an s/o thats a lot like a friendly cat? to elaborate, i mean adores boxes, climbs up onto places they really shouldnt go on, comes out whenever you say pspsps and goes lowkey insane whenever they see a laser pointer? that type of stuff.
ehe sorry if its too specific.
Kokichi, Gundham, and Celeste with an S/O who has cat-like tendencies.
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Kokichi Ouma
-Prepared to be teased all the time. He’ll give you the works: Annoying nicknames like ‘kitty cat’, offering you a bowl of milk, telling people he has a vicious guard cat.
-When he buys supplies for his schemes, Kokichi will always make sure to offer the box. Though be warned, he might try to fit in the box with you. 
-He’s a pretty short guy, so there’s nothing much he can do about you crawling onto tall places. If anything, he’ll go cry to Gonta about you being stuck. The gentle giant would automatically rush to your unneeded rescue.
-Kokichi would give you so many head pats, even in public. He’d be petting your head as if you had cat ears. “My little kitty deserves all the attention. Maybe they’ll enjoy some warm milk too, nishishi!” 
-Once he found out about your love of laser pointers, he would never leave you alone. You could be studying and then suddenly see that small red dot. 
Gundham Tanaka
-Gundham has never been in a relationship. For the first half of your courting he used his knowledge on cats rather than dating. 
-He’d bring you food, offer to fix your uniform with a blush covering his face, fix your hair if he sees anything out of place. If you’re cat-like in affection and start to cuddle up to him, he’d absolutely die. He can’t handle so much love all at once.
-He’s really tall and has owned many cats, Gundham is practically an expert at removing you from places. 
-Gundham would use the pspsps technique to call over a cat and would be quite surprised to see that you came along as well.
-He doesn’t like using laser pointers on cats and wouldn’t use one on you either. Though he would play any other games you like.
Celestia Ludenberg
-If an outsider would hear her talk about you, they would think she’s talking about a pet rather than a partner.
-You will have to race her cat to have a spot on her lap. Celeste will just smile at the two of your getting along like you’re not getting your eyes clawed out.
-She would love to coo at you and dress you up like her own little kitty. She’ll give all the scratches and head rubs one could desire.
-Celeste would not be above spraying you with water if you were to climb onto her antique cabinets. Grand Bois Chéri isn’t even allowed up there.
-She doesn’t have boxes lying around and she won’t even consider letting you mess with the fancy boxes of her heels. You’ll have to find a box elsewhere.
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Doom: Milo and Rourke, I think you two should go steal the Declaration of Independence. x)
//yes, I Googled where the actual Declaration was for this.//
"Milo, you seem just a little too excited about this one." Rourke commented as they staked out the National Archives Museum.
"Why wouldn't I be? This is possibly the craziest, most batshit insane thing we have ever done and it also might be the easiest. I was the boiler operator at a museum, I know all the secret entrances and back ways to the secure areas and I know all the security measures they'll take. See, they never vet the boiler guy for security, they just let him through." Milo had a whole lockpicking set in a bag attached to his belt, along with a flashlight, laser pointer, and a few smokebombs to provide cover should they need a quick escape. He was dressed in a black shirt with a high collar, long sleeves, and a hood. Black pants, lightweight black boots, and black gloves finished the look.
"And people say I'M the scary one of us." Rourke said. He was dressed the same way. Both also wore black hats under their hoods.
"Would you quit worrying? We'll be fine, we just replace it with the very accurate replica Doom and I made and they'll never know the difference. We'll be in and out and stopping at In-N-Out before you know it." Milo shouldered a backpack (black) with the supplies for handling the historical document in it, since that would be his job. Rourke was obviously the muscle and the lookout. Milo was the burglar and thief of the two. Rourke wore the sealed case Milo had engineered to carry the document in once they got it. It was terrifying yet also very attractive how much thought, effort, and planning Milo put into this operation, literally building things just for this. He tucked his Atlantean crystal inside his shirt, where its glow was completely obscured. Milo did the same as they approached the museum.
Within seconds, Milo had the side door unlocked and the two slipped inside. The soles of their shoes actually had soft pads on them, almost like the pads on a cat's paw, that almost completely silenced even Rourke's footsteps. They crept soundlessly through the halls, Milo using the laser pointer to blind the cameras. On one arm, he even had what looked like a smartphone, with a floorplan map of the museum on it (black with white lines on it, and the screen as dim as possible, only bright enough for Milo to see it and read it. His time spent with Pollux had made him even more of an advanced tech expert than when Doom first brought them to the Office.) He wasn't worried about humans seeing them, but he knew important places-like the National Archives-had long since been fitted with vast arsenals of automated security, most of which the general public visitors to the museum never knew existed, some they didn't even know were possible.
But these had never been designed to defend against one linguist from 1914 who had been alive for thousands of years, and in that time had learned to use very highly advanced technology, some of it alien. And with such knowledge came the ability to hack said technology and more primitive tech, too. Which was how Milo figured it out. There had been times, when humanity still covered the planet and the threat of prison was very real for them, Rourke had watched Milo hack into the most secure parts of the Pentagon, the NSA, and the CIA, all without blinking. None of them ever figured out they'd been hacked either.
He'd done it multiple times and he'd done it again to figure out security here. He knew the cameras could activate automatic defenses if they caught movement, but the laser pointer could fry their innards enough to prevent the alarm triggering. Rourke had a pointer, too, for intersections of hallways where there were multiple cameras.
When they reached the exhibit, Milo got to work, picking the lock on the display, then using special gloves to move the old document into the case he'd built. He then quickly switched it out with the fake and locked the display back.
"Got it. Let's go." The two then got up and slipped back out the way they came in. Their flying machine was hidden in the woods nearby. Milo held the case while Rourke piloted to fly them back to the Office.
"Hey Doom! We got it!" Milo called.
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tbh I kind of don't want a second cat, I like focusing on Piggy and I think she likes having more of my time. I was talking to my dad about forgoing a second cat or a waiting like 6 months after I move and he kind of brought me back down to earth that Piggy is still young and I would be denying her proper enrichment if she had no people or animals to play with. I'm just too tired for fishing pole toys, laser pointers aren't satisfying for her, and I've yet to find an automatic toy that's safe and durable. I throw balls for her if she wants me to but it's not a substitute for true interactive play. I'm not worried about them getting along or about the extra work involved in a second cat (it's not that much work to add a 2nd, really), but Piggy is kind of a pushover with other cats so I'm worried she won't get the level of attention she wants from me if the other cat ends up being cuddly, too.
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So Mako makes little squeaky beeping noises when he's playing with a laser pointer, and I looked it up and apparently cats do it to imitate their pray and trick them into coming closer, but it's just an automatic reaction. In the au where Ace and Sabo are cat minks - do they have hunting beeps?
Rare Bloodline Au-
Also Absolutely they and and Luffy ALWAYS hears it so he thinks it’s normal (Guess that’s what happened when you literally grow up with wild cats)
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ask-a-vetblr · 2 years
I adopted a bottle baby cat a few months ago and he has turned into a real monster: getting into places he shouldn't like the garbage can, not taking hisses or growls as "no" from the other cats, play biting me and guests. He is 6 months old and recently neutered. Will he grow out of this? I am planning to leash train and clicker train him like my middle cat, and play with laser pointer/feather wand, and automatic toys daily. What else can I do to get out his energy?
Sueanoi here,
This is a problem that a behaviorist can help you with. Generally, positive training and enrichment items should help. but I can't really give you the exact methods.
Neutering CAN reduce his activity levels, but there's no guarantee that he will "grow out of" undesired behaviors.
Good luck.
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catsassycom · 10 months
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jmschultz · 24 days
Building the Perfect Cat-Friendly Home
Making your house cat-friendly is crucial to guaranteeing the happiness, health, and safety of your furry pet. Your cat will be entertained, less stressed, and encouraged to engage in natural behaviours like climbing, scratching, and exploring in a well-designed environment. This article gives helpful advice on creating the ideal cat-friendly house, whether you want to improve your current setup or are introducing a new cat into your home.
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Choosing the Right Space: A Safe and Comfortable Environment
Assembling a cat-friendly home starts with selecting the ideal area for your feline. This should ideally be a place where your cat feels at ease and secure. Think about creating a special area for your cats that has a comfy bed, a litter box, and supplies of food and drink. This should be a private area with minimal foot traffic and a calm atmosphere.
Think vertically if you reside in a smaller house or flat. Since cats enjoy climbing, installing cat trees, shelves, or wall-mounted perches can make the most of available space and offer stimulation. In addition to offering your cat a sense of security, these vertical components let them survey their surroundings from a secure angle.
Scratching Solutions: Protecting Your Furniture
Cats scratch naturally to keep their claws in place and to mark their territory. Invest in durable scratching posts or pads to keep your cat happy and safeguard your furniture. Put them in places where your cat is likely to scratch, including next to your relaxing area or where they sleep.
Try a variety of scratching surfaces, such as cardboard, carpet, or sisal rope, to see which your cat likes best. Offering your cat a variety of places to scratch will help curb destructive behaviour and maintain the condition of their claws.
Interactive Toys and Playtime: Keeping Your Cat Engaged
For cats to be healthy and happy, they require mental and physical stimulation. Regular playtime and interactive toys are needed for a cat-friendly home. Select toys that imitate the actions of hunting, like toy mice, feather wands, or laser pointers. These toys promote physical activity and can guard against boredom-related problems.
Think about buying your cat an automatic toy for while you're not home. Another excellent choice is puzzle feeders, which offer food or treats while stimulating the mind. You may create a stronger link and maintain your cat's activity level by including interactive play in their daily routine.
Safety Measures: Cat-Proofing Your Home
Cat-proofing your house is essential to ensure your cat's safety. Start by securing or removing anything that might be dangerous, like electrical wires, tiny objects, or poisonous plants. Medication, cleaning supplies, and other dangerous items should be kept out of reach.
Install safe screens or guards on any windows or balconies you may have to avoid mishaps. Because cats are inherently curious, it's important to take precautions against them exploring unsafe situations.
Litter Box Setup: Promoting Good Hygiene
Any house that allows cats must have a litter box that is both easily accessible and clean. Select a spot where your cat can have easy access to privacy. For easier cleaning, think about using clumping litter and scoop the box every day to keep it clean.
Make sure your cat has access to enough litter boxes. One box plus one extra is the standard protocol for each cat. This keeps territorial disputes at bay and guarantees that your cat has a spotless restroom at all times.
A Home Your Cat Will Love
Planning ahead and paying attention to your cat's requirements are essential to creating the ideal cat-friendly house. You'll build the groundwork for a happy and healthy feline friend by making your home cosy and secure, offering stimulating toys and opportunities for play, and attending to safety and cleanliness. Keep in mind that each cat is different, so be ready to modify and adapt to suit your cat's tastes. You and your cat can make a happy home together with a little work.
Ready to build the perfect cat-friendly home? Get inspired by 'Kitty Ghost,' the heartwarming story by J.M. Schultz. Follow a stray kitten's journey through the streets as she dreams of finding a safe and loving home. This enchanting tale explores the joys and challenges of creating a space where cats can thrive. Discover how small changes can make a big difference in a cat's life as you learn what it means to truly welcome a feline friend into your home. Get your copy of 'Kitty Ghost' today from here: https://amz.run/7Hup, and start your journey toward building a happy and cat-friendly space!
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victorluvsalice · 1 month
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-->And the moment I arrived, THERE was the holiday overlay! Whew – so changing lots got the game to acknowledge the holiday. Still worrying, but at least my Sims could PARTICIPATE!
First things first, though – it was hot in Brindleton, so I had Smiler change into their hot weather wear (as Alice and Victor had already done so – vampires are immune to temperature, so they don’t automatically change, which can be a little annoying sometimes), then start looking around for a good spot for the food stand while Victor felt the love with Shadow and Alice signed up Surprise to be cured of her affliction. I finally got Smiler to put the stand in a good location as Alice and Surprise waited for the vet, made sure it was stocked, and prepared to start a food sale –
Only for the game to tell me it couldn’t have “two social events” going on at the same time. Hmmm. All right, I was game to wait until after Surprise was cured. I instead had Smiler entertain Kelly with a laser pointer to pass the time –
-->And decided, “you know what, Victor’s Pet Training skill is almost up to Level 4, meaning leveling it up would count toward New Skill Day – why not train Shadow to heel?” So that’s exactly what he did, getting the dog to follow him around outside the hospital. Shadow was – a BIT distracted by her own tail at first, but as time went on she got better at keeping pace with Victor. XD I then checked in on how things were going with Surprise’s examination...
Only to discover they weren’t. For some reason, midway through the exam, the vet just stopped what she was doing, and Surprise was let go without anyone even trying to diagnose what was wrong with her. >( Damn glitchy game...I instead decided to have Alice get Shock spayed instead and see what happened there – fortunately THAT worked, and it went a lot faster too. Maybe because both vets were awake and working this time, instead of one sleeping on the waiting room couch. XD (Seriously, that ALWAYS seems to happen when I first load into the lot for some reason...) Alice was starting to get twitchy from being around all those strangers, though, so I had Smiler sign Surprise up for examination number two and let her clear her head by running off to a far-away dig site to see what was inside. Ended up digging up a new fossil rock with a fossilized egg inside, nice. :) She then went and entertained poor coned Shock with some laser pointer in the vet’s back yard while Smiler chatted with Brant Hecking inside the vet (learning he was a Personal Sports Trainer for The Other Sports Team, apparently) –
And Victor got Pet Training 4 from working with Shadow! :D One person’s New Skill Day skill down – two to go!
-->But first – finally getting Surprise cured! Yes, this time Surprise got checked over by the OTHER vet, who successfully determined she had Winterfest Fever. Smiler paid the big bucks for the best treatment (as I say so often, my Sims can afford it), and the cat was given a shot that brought her back to normal. I was very pleased with this, both because hooray, the vet lot decided to work –
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bogreader · 2 months
i hear random scuttering downstairs and it’s cause my elderly cat is going nuts for the automatic laser pointer thing my mom bought
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petwhispererworld · 2 months
The Ultimate Cat Care Kit: 30 Essential Accessories Every Cat Owner Needs
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Cats are more than just pets; they are cherished members of our families, bringing joy, comfort, and companionship into our lives. As responsible cat owners, it's our duty to provide them with the best care possible. One way to ensure our feline friends thrive is by equipping ourselves with the right accessories. From grooming tools to toys, the right cat accessories can make all the difference in keeping your kitty happy and healthy. Here's a comprehensive guide to the 30 essential accessories every cat owner needs in their arsenal.
1. Cat Bed: A cozy bed provides your cat with a comfortable place to rest and relax, ensuring they get the quality sleep they need.
2. Scratching Post: Essential for maintaining your cat's claws and preventing them from scratching furniture, a sturdy scratching post is a must-have.
3. Litter Box: Choose a litter box that is spacious and easy to clean to encourage good litter box habits in your cat.
4. Litter Scoop: An essential tool for keeping your cat's litter box clean and fresh.
5. Cat Litter: Opt for a high-quality cat litter that clumps well and controls odors effectively.
6. Food and Water Bowls: Invest in durable, non-toxic bowls that are easy to clean and won't tip over easily.
7. Cat Food: Choose a nutritious cat food that meets your cat's specific dietary needs and preferences.
8. Interactive Toys: Keep your cat entertained and mentally stimulated with interactive toys such as puzzle feeders and laser pointers.
9. Catnip Toys: Catnip toys can provide hours of fun for your cat, stimulating their natural instincts to play and explore.
10. Grooming Brush: Regular grooming helps keep your cat's coat healthy and reduces shedding. Invest in a high-quality grooming brush suitable for your cat's fur type.
11. Nail Clippers: Trimming your cat's nails regularly can prevent them from becoming overgrown and reduce the risk of scratching.
12. Cat Carrier: A sturdy, secure cat carrier is essential for transporting your cat safely to the vet or on trips.
13. Collar and ID Tag: Ensure your cat can be easily identified in case they ever get lost by outfitting them with a collar and ID tag.
14. Cat Harness: If you plan on taking your cat for walks or adventures outdoors, a comfortable and secure cat harness is a must-have.
Click here to know more : -
15. Flea and Tick Prevention: Keep your cat safe from pests by using flea and tick prevention products recommended by your veterinarian.
16. Dental Care Products: Maintain your cat's dental health with toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental treats designed specifically for cats.
17. Hairball Remedy: Help prevent hairballs and aid in digestion with hairball remedy products formulated for cats.
18. Cat Tower: Give your cat plenty of opportunities to climb, scratch, and play with a sturdy cat tower or tree.
19. Window Perch: Cats love to watch the world go by from high vantage points. A window perch provides them with the perfect spot to do so.
20. Heating Pad: Especially important for older cats or those with arthritis, a heating pad can provide warmth and comfort.
21. Cat Calming Products: If your cat experiences anxiety or stress, consider using calming products such as pheromone diffusers or calming collars.
22. Travel Water Bottle: Keep your cat hydrated on the go with a portable water bottle designed for pets.
23. Cat Grass: Indoor cats may benefit from having access to cat grass, which can aid in digestion and provide essential nutrients.
24. Automatic Feeder: Ensure your cat always has access to fresh food on a consistent schedule with an automatic feeder.
25. Cat Tunnel: Stimulate your cat's natural instincts to explore and play with a collapsible cat tunnel.
26. Cat Door: Give your cat the freedom to come and go as they please with a cat door installed in an exterior door.
27. Interactive Treat Dispenser: Keep your cat mentally stimulated and rewarded with an interactive treat dispenser.
28. First Aid Kit: Be prepared for emergencies with a first aid kit specifically designed for cats.
29. Microchip: In addition to a collar and ID tag, consider having your cat microchipped for added security.
30. Pet Insurance: Protect your cat's health and your finances with pet insurance that covers accidents, illnesses, and routine care.
By stocking up on these essential cat accessories, you'll be well-equipped to provide your feline friend with the love, care, and attention they deserve. From ensuring their basic needs are met to providing opportunities for play and enrichment, these accessories are sure to make life with your cat even more enjoyable.
Read more : - Pawsitively Perfect: The Ultimate List of Dog Products That Make a Difference
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jaimee2001 · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PetSafe Bolt Automatic, Interactive Laser Cat Toy – Adjustable Laser Patterns.
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aryakumari · 4 months
India’s Top 10 Pet Products List in 2024
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Choosing the "best" pet product depends on a number of factors, including the type of pet you have, their needs, your budget, and personal preferences. Here, you can see the best pet products list in India and buy pet supplies at affordable prices. However, here are some popular pet products in different categories.
1.Pet Food: High-quality pet food designed to meet your pet's specific nutritional requirements, such as grain-free, limited ingredient, or breed-specific formulas.
2. Interactive Toys: Toys that challenge your pet both mentally and physically, such as puzzle toys for dogs or laser pointers for cats.
3. Pet Beds: Comfortable beds that support your pet's joints and provide a warm sleeping environment.
4. Grooming Tools: Brushes, combs, and grooming kits designed for your pet's coat type will keep them clean and reduce shedding.
5. Collars and Leashes: Durable and adjustable collars and leashes for walks and adventures with your pet.
6. Pet Carriers: Sturdy and well-ventilated carriers for safely transporting your pet, whether for veterinary appointments or travel.
7. Pet Cameras: Cameras with two-way audio and video streaming capabilities, allowing you to monitor your pet remotely and interact with them while you are away.
8. Training Aids: Training treats, clickers, and training pads can help with obedience training and behavior modification.
9. Health Supplements: Nutritional supplements such as fish oil or joint supplements can help your pet's overall health and wellbeing.
10. Automatic Feeders and Waterers: Devices that dispense food and water at predetermined intervals, ensuring your pet is fed and hydrated even when you are not present.
When choosing a pet product, consider your pet's age, size, breed, and any specific health concerns they may have. Furthermore, reading reviews and consulting with your veterinarian can help you make more informed decisions about which products are best for your pet. Here, you can also shop the Animal health product list in Delhi for buy pet health products at affordable prices.
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creatorbiaze · 4 months
somehow the fact that the laser pointer automatic cat toy thing can be motion activated makes it randomly turning on even more ominous
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