#char.  agnes  montague.
femori · 2 years
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jon would smell like really old books. like when u open a book that looks like its not been looked at for about a hundred years and theres a bit of dust that gets in your nose.
martin would smell like a blanket you've had since you were a child. with a touch of salt water.
sasha is new book smell.
tim would smell like a vintage clothes shop.
melanie would be dried blood and metal.
georgie is when you put your nose right up to a microphone and you can smell the foam.
basira would be old pens.
daisy would smell like a wet dog.
gertrude is somewhere between museums and oil.
elias would be that smell in your homophobic grandparents house that you cant get out of your clothes.
plukas is really strong saltwater.
gerry is lighter oil.
mary would smell of stale bread and centuries old smoke.
michael distortion smells like when u need to sneeze but cant.
helen distortion smells like that really strong sugary smell you only get at children's birthday parties.
nikola would smell like old porcelain and popcorn that's long since become inedible.
jane smells of rotting corpses and honey.
annabelle is dust and really old parchment.
oliver smells of decay and thick fabrics.
simon smells like helium balloons at birthday parties.
mike crew would be that mix of wet stone, seawater and dew that you can smell on the edge of a cliff.
arthur is smoke.
and agnes montague my baby my beloved would be charred wood from a bonfire put out a few days ago.
ok thats it. i probably missed someone but ive already done like twenty characters so ill stop now.
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doldoodles · 4 years
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My first proper TMA fanart is of a crackship I got overly invested in and I feel I can live with that. Anyway Julia and Agnes are the Danger Girlfriends now.
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bracefacefreak · 3 years
Agnes Montague, Hill Top Road and that creepy tree...
Ok, so I just spent the good part of a few hours trying to figure out what the hell was going on with Agnes Montague, Hill Top Road, Raymond Fielding and that damn creepy tree, and now you are going to have to suffer through it too. 
So Agnes Montague is born, probably sometimes in the 50′s during a ritual of the Cult of the Lightless Flame. She is to be their Messiah and complete their final ritual. However, being the embodiment of pain and destruction, she is not easy to control. 
So in the 1960′s when she is around 11 years old, Agnes is sent to live at Hill Top Road, a known stronghold of the Web. At this time it is inhabited by Raymond Fielding, a servant of the Web, who uses it as a halfway house for troubled teens, who he promptly sacrifices to his God. 
At some point Agnes rescues at least one of the young men from Raymond’s basement trap (MAG 59.) We aren’t told how Raymond reacts to this, but around this time Raymond begins to stop taking in youths, perhaps to avoid any more escapes/because he recognises Agnes’ ties to another entity?
Raymond Fielding vanishes, likely in the early 1970′s. By this point Agnes is old enough to inherit Hill Top Road and it is discovered that the house is now in her name. It seems likely that Agnes was involved in Raymond’s death, although it is possible that the Web turned on him to allow it’s greater plans to proceed. 
Agnes keeps Raymond’s severed R hand which upsets the rest of the Cult - it seems that this is likely because by this point the Web has some sort of hold over Agnes. The Cult never expected this could happen because of Agnes’ power and connection to the Desolation, but it seems that they were wrong. Raymond’s hand seems to act as some kind of binding between Agnes, Raymond and (to a lesser extent the house.) 
It seems likely that the Web wants to have control of Agnes as part of it’s machinations to prevent the Desolation’s ritual. We are told a number of times the Web (like the End) has never attempted a ritual and does not seem keen on the idea. This later turns out somewhat incorrect but it’s unclear when the Web realised this and it seems likely it may  have known that if another entity attempted and even partly completed a ritual, it would not play well into the Web’s plans to spread itself and the other fears. 
Anyway, back to Agnes. Agnes is said to have remained in the house for a few years, perhaps because of her being bound to it or maybe just because she didn’t want to go back to the Cult. 
However, in 1974 a child vanishes from the street and the locals suspect Agnes. I wonder whether perhaps the Web took him, or maybe he fell through the crack between realities. Soon after this Agnes burns down the house; was this a reaction to the child’s disappearance? A way to try and stop the Web? Simply a wish to leave, especially as she had caught other’s attention by this point and this was a way she could sneak away? Or maybe she could only leave the House if it was destroyed? 
Raymond Fielding’s charred body is found in the ashes of the house, missing his right hand. 
However, Agnes seems to remain bound to Hill Top Road somehow and it seems to me that the tree/box buried beneath it is definitely important here. Firstly, the tree is not badly damaged/destroyed in the fire, it is only mildly scorched, as if Agnes had tried to burn it but had not been able to. In my opinion it seems likely that the Web somehow bound Agnes to the tree/box. Perhaps it forced Raymond to do this before his death. Anyway, from what I can work out (and this is purely my own theory) Agnes and the tree are somehow tied together - Agnes (and maybe this extends to her followers) cannot destroy the tree (probably because it will have some negative effect on her), and she cannot be killed while the tree stands. Does that make sense? 
Sometime after the fire, a young Gertrude Robinson turns up at HTR to explore as she is trying to find a way to stop the Cult of the Lightless Flame. She finds a box of Agnes hair - another feat of the Web - and uses the hair to perform what she believes is a banishing ritual. However, the ritual is actually a binding ritual and somehow binds Agnes and Gertrude together. From this point Agnes refers to Gertrude as her anchor - a tether to humanity and something that prevents her from completing her destiny. Gertrude meanwhile ends up being protected by the Cult as they fear any harm to Gertrude may harm Agnes. This ritual seems to have two purposes. One, it is another way in which the Web has some control over Agnes and therefore the actions of the Cult, plus it’s a back-up in case something happens at HTR. Also, it allows Gertrude to continue on her quest of stopping rituals while being afforded some protection, and as we discussed before, the Web is not keen on a ritual happening, at least at this point in time. 
It’s possible by tying her to humanity, (although I believe Agnes was already likely more human than was probably good for her whole-Messiah-thing - I just think her actions for Ron Sinclair may have been more than a fuck you to the Web), Gertrude’s ritual also accelerated Agnes descent into doubt and ultimately uselessness as the Cult’s Messiah and apocalypse lynch-pin. 
So Agnes and Gertrude live their respective lives for thirty or so years. During this time, Agnes realises that she cannot perform the Cult’s ritual as it will fail and this will mean they will have to wait centuries before they can try again. However, at this point she also can’t kill herself because of her connection to HTR. 
But in 2006, Evo Lensik is compelled (again by the web perhaps?) to uproot the tree and destroys the box beneath. This frees Agnes and allows her to complete her sacrifice for the Cult. It also seems to sever Raymond Fielding’s connection with the house as he is not seen again by anyone who lived at HTR after this time, perhaps because the connection only existed through Agnes and with her gone, so was his link. This might partly explain why the hand was in such good condition, because Raymond was still somewhat alive up to the point where Agnes died. 
Those living at HTR do not report any further paranormal events, at least until the start of the show’s storyline. 
Sorry, that was long, but I hope it made some sense. Would be interested if anyone has their own theories/ideas/comments. I’m always happy to discuss TMA with other fans. 
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TMA Season Two brain soup wrap up (spoilers for s1 and s2)
Favorite Episodes from s2:
Grifters Bone
Trail Rations
Section 31
Too Deep
Favorite Chars So Far:
Tim Stoker
Gerry Keay
Basira Hussain
Agnes Montague
Micheal Distortion
Brain Soup Because this is Disorganized as HELL:
First off, GFY @hawkfurze .You are my close friend but this is a public callout post. How dare you sit there with a cheshire cat grin at the latter part of mag 80. I get why you were laughing at "elias is borning" now but STILL!?
As far as stories go, this season was very Meh on the individual stories. While finally having the overarches clear and easy to define, I feel like it made less lackluster individual episodes. There were a few really good ones. But the rest..? Ehhh? I like the Metaplot quite a bit now, and finally having proper names for the categories now makes things a lot easier. I'm a big mystery person and I like peicing things together like a puzzle so its been fun.
I also really like how Cannibalism is written in TMA? I noticed this in S1 but S2 made it super clear. Like i know cannibalism is bad but.. the writing makes it sound fun and tasty. A little snack of people. Yum.
Jon as a character kinda had that thing again where he was AWFUL for the whole season until the last 2 episodes but then grew a braincell and got better. I really dont like him but it feels like any development from s1 got thrown out the window and i really hope that doesnt repeat. The stalking bits were... awful. I HATED him for the first half of s2.
I have a lot of questions but like? Is jon gonna get framed for the murder? Would this season be shorter if they just gave Tim a Gun? (Like... just shoot the sasha? Then pop Micheal in the kneecaps buddy.)
But also. I want to celebrate my predictive Wins:
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backofthebookshelf · 5 years
105 Hill Top Road
Let’s start with a timeline (does a timeline make sense, given that the place is now officially a "rip in reality"? Who knows??):
1891 - purchased by Walter Fielding (earliest records the team could find) (allllllso this is about a year after Millbank Prison was demolished, so presumably around the time when the Magnus Institute is looking at moving to its current location) 1923 - house inherited by Alfred Fielding (I'm not gonna put money on whether Walter died or just changed his name because he got too old to be believable any more) 1957 - house inherited by Raymond Fielding (just a couple of years before this: Mary Keay has recently acquired the skin book; Wallace Turner recently gave his statement about the Risen War) "early sixties" (no firm date given: forty-odd years ago from 2005, at age fifteen having been born in the forties) - Ronald Sinclair moves into the halfway house run by Raymond Fielding; Fielding appears to be about thirty, which is 100% meaningless. Every Sunday they go to church (sure they do) and then have dinner in the basement around a table covered in twisting lines two and a half to three years later, mid-winter: Agnes arrives at the house, age ten or eleven eight to ten years later, early seventies: Raymond Fielding disappears
(1972, Rosa Meyer makes her statement about being watched. 1973, James Wright takes over as Head of the Institute.)
1974: five-year-old Henry White goes missing; the house burns with no signs of life. Only remains found were Raymond Fielding, a badly charred skeleton missing its right hand circa 1990: Something Happened to disrupt the ritual that the Lightless Flame blames on Gertrude (almost twenty years before Gertrude disrupts the Last Feast, which sure sounded like the first time she’d done it on purpose) 1991: Agnes Montague starts frequenting the Canyon Cafe
(1994, Jurgen Leitner’s library attacked and destroyed)
1996: Ivo Lensik's father dies of the Spiral after spending years obsessed with fractals
(’96 is also the year Elias Bouchard becomes Head of the Institute)
2001: Adelard Dekker traps the not!Them in the table of twisting lines 2005: Graham Folger has the table of twisting lines in his flat, says he bought it at a secondhand shop in Oxford "during his student days" (he's been attending colleges here and there since late 2001); it's missing the box in the center
(January 2006, Adelard Dekker finds evidence of the Extinction in the experience of a researcher in Garland Hillier’s flat)
autumn 2006: Jack Barnabas dates Agnes Montague mid-November 2006: Ivo Lensik is called in to assist on the construction of a new house at Hill Top Road; meets a young Raymond Fielding on the third night on the job, Fielding disappears with a smell of burning and a scorch mark on the floor November 23, 2006: Father Edwin Burroughs visits the house to do a blessing (attacked by fire, tells it "I am not for you. I am marked," (presumably by the Spiral) but it doesn't stop until); Ivo Lensik pulls down a tree in the yard: "very large and very dead" with "old, black scorch marks...curling up from the base of the tree." When he attacks it with a crowbar it bleeds; when he pulls it down he finds underneath a six inch square box belonging to the table of twisting lines; inside is a fresh green apple which explodes into spiders. Lensik smashes the box. Agnes goes on a date with Jack Barnabas. Just after dark she staggers in pain, makes an emergency phone call. "She said something about a tree falling, and that they had to finish something. Then she hung up. She leaned on my arm as we walked back to her flat. I'd never been there before, but it was clear she couldn't make it unassisted." Agnes Montague found hanged in her flat in Sheffield, with Fielding's hand tied to her waist, tissue decay indicating it died the same time she did. Since Lensik's statement was made [as of season one, late 2015], two families have lived in the house November 30, 2006: Eugene Vanderstock makes his statement (139)
(January 2007, Mikaele Salesa gives a statement as recompense for an accident with a Slaughter artifact he sold the Institute, though he thinks the employees should have known better) 
(sometime between July 2008 and early 2009, Mary Keay succeeds at her ritual with the skin book)
April 23, 2009: Anya Villette is hired for a cleaning job at a newly-constructed house at Hill Top Road. She sees a tree in the garden, "still bare from the winter" with eight branches that looked like they were reaching for her. She has a vision of standing under the tree and it grabbing for her. When she's finished with the rest of the house she goes into a basement that wasn't on the floor plans. In it she sees a foot-wide gap, and in it "those eight spindly arms reaching up to pull me in," and then she wakes up sitting in a chair in the house. When she gives her statement on April 22, 2009, she says that this was two weeks ago and she's never heard of the Magnus Institute before. 
(June 2009, Jason North runs afoul of the Desolation in Loch Glass, recognizes Gertrude from her picture there)
(October 2009, the Worker-in-Clay departs for Sannikov Land)
late spring 2016: Breekon & Hope deliver the table of twisting lines to the Magnus Institute (along with the web lighter) - Jon recognizes it from the statements, asks if there was a box with it February 16, 2017: Jon takes an axe to the table of twisting lines, releasing the not!Them
Supplemental details: Jon is very skeptical of Lensik's statement in 008 but acknowledges that there are some corroborating details (unusual for early S1 Jon) Martin discovered the statement of Anya Villette (114) and Jon says that Hill Top Road is "a thread that's been nagging at me for a while." They can find no evidence that Anya Villette exists. The house has no current owner [as of late season 3, July 2017]. Jon also says: "I've half a mind to just go down and have a look at it myself, but... I don't know. Ever since it first came up I've felt like it would be... just a very bad idea." Probably! They've been trying to identify an owner for the place for over a year and have made no progress.
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renewedarchives · 4 years
Ep. 6 Squirm
Life is life, quarantine is quarantine. Sickness is sickness. Love is often not love. Time for a bass boosted episode of the magnus archives.
Right of the bat, hate that word. Squirm, you feel it in your skin right away.
Timothy Hodge, December 9th, 2014. Location unspecified.  London
He’s a designer, graphic design? architectural design? Fashion design? Idk, but apparently it’s commission based and he spends his time off unwinding at the club.
Which honestly makes this one of the scariest statements outside of the monsters, I’ve never been to a club, but loud crowds are intimidating and uncomfortable.
It also revolves around the strange rituals of finding someone you've never met to take home and have sex with while just out and about, which is a wild and foreign concept to me.
Neither of them are drunk, she looks a bit fearful at first, and almost wordlessly they decide to get together.
They don’t really start talking until they’re already leaving the club to go to his place.  Her name is Harriet
She’s nervous and stares around every corner.  She starts visciously scratching her arms on the way there.
She relaxed a little once they got to his flat on the third floor at the site of his second deadlock. deadbolt, one of those two words.
She’s an art student, new to London, already been fucked up be some entity.  Got mugged by a beautiful pile of worms.
She saw the woman in the red dress laying in the glow of orange streetlamps, she saw small undulating movements underneath the cloth.  the woman suddenly rushed to her, pinning her to the wall and Harriet felt a great pain in her stomach.  
Is this why people love Jane Prentiss so much, they just want to be pinned to a wall that badly? Plenty of characters could do it, I don’t see any people lusting over..... That’s a lie, ya’ll some thirsty bitches out there just period.  No matter what character I put there, someone wants to get pegged by it or something, I guarantee.
After letting all this painful news out, she just kisses the guy and drags him to the bedroom.  Maybe she wants the worm queen too.
“I mean, we had sex, not much more to say about that really” Thank you for not.  I find descriptions of grisly body horror, much more pleasant.
“Something under her shoulder squirmed against my cheek" Ooh boy, you gonna get worms cuddlin like that.
This entire episode sounds like some abstinence PSA from the bible belt tbh.  
He left to go grab her some medicine, and her pained moaning stops after a loud wet thumping noise came from the bedroom.
He came back and could see nothing in the darkness of the room. He didn’t want to see what was in the room, he didn’t want to illuminate the room, but in a thin sliver of light from the window he could see a shape on the bed where she had been, just a pile of pitted flesh, worms swarming from every newly bored hole, spreading across the worm of a silvery carpet of insects.  
He decides it’s much easier and safer
Post statement
“This story is concerning” O rlly, Jon? It’s concerning? You’re finally a wee bit concerned. Wowee.
No evidence of arson and no sign of human remains.  Charred organic matter is found in the bedroom, but results to determine what organism it was prove unconclusive.
That would mean that everything human had been eaten away.
Harriet Lee was appropriately reported missing around this time. the bugs aren’t pulling any stranger bullshit and making an oogie boogie replica of a person to replace her.
Jon’s worried about none of these facts.  
He is however familiar with Jane Prentiss. The woman in the red dress matches her descriptions, and mentions that Timothy Hodge will have to be dealt with sooner rather than later.
Final thoughts
I’ve always wondered how much Jon knew before the podcast started.
Jurgen Leitner is a major figure in the industry, so of course Jon is familiar with him.
But Jane Prentiss is an avatar of the corruption, that I imagine would have most of her work in public Section 31′d and covered up right? All evidence of her work Jon could find would most likely come from the archive. So what does he consider a verifiable source here when he’s so skeptical of the rest?
I mean I guess, at this point, he does think she just has some form of terrible voracious parasite.  Rather than there being anything remotely spectral or ethereal about her.
But still he knows about Jane Prentiss, but has never heard about Micheal Krewe before two statements ago, or Agnes Montague, or the equally eldritch Jared Hopworth.
I guess Jane simply is the most feral of the avatars.  Her victims are chosen without reason or prejudice. As should be true from someone operating as a human embodiment of illness.  So it’s not exactly hard to find cases of her.  
None are safe from the love of her and her swarm.
She’s also definitely a top.
Recommended weather: Falling For U by Peachy! and mxmtoon
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arwainian · 5 years
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[id: a colored pencil drawing of Agnes Montague and Jude Perry from The Magnus Archives in profile on a dark red background. the camera is zoomed in so that only their faces are visible. jude is an chubby east asian woman with spiky black hair. agnes is a woman with warm brown skin, and her pale voluminous hair filled with streaks of gold and orange and yellow. she gazes at jude with her orange eyes and smiles a little. jude gasps as agnes caresses her face, and she is caught on fire, her face melting and charring, and the flame bathing agnes’ face in orange light. end id]
tma femslash week day 7: no prompt
If you must leave,  Leave as though fire burns under your feet If you must speak, Speak every word as though it were unique If you must die, sweetheart Die knowing your life was my life's best part -from the song You by Keaton Henson
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