jr5665ki5g4 · 1 year
Samantha twitter Argentina sexo oral al novio Mackenzie Scott has holes full of dick Dormi na casa do meu amigo e ganhei uma mamada gostosa da mae dele Lauren Phillips does INTERRACIAL POV BLOWJOB ANAL PLAY Stranded teen beauty sucking strangers cock Amazing body on Asian teen BBW MILF Unboxes & Masturbates with John Thomas Toys Godzilla - Sydney Screams Gal in slutty outfit gets orgasams while being bounded Divine blonde gets her teen ass ploughed
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fourthage · 1 month
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01 May 2024 (1 of 2)
Monthly state-of-the-garden pictures. All front bushes finally removed from the front main area. It looks so much better. Side strip is doing its thing. Alliums are up, candytuft and ajuga are blooming, and the sage has buds.
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Back of the main bed. You can see the Virginia bluebells dying off on the right of the second picture. This will also be the picture I refer back to at the end of summer to compare how big the coleuses got.
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Other than a brief dip back into the mid 50s this weekend, it’s all warm weather on the horizon, so I went ahead and put out the cosmos seeds. Seed packet is held over the area I spread them. The Cosmic Red variety went in the front side strip.
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And another partially open allium bonus picture.
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skinnedbutalive · 1 year
A month or so ago i hosted a small event for my audience: i asked people to send me my oc's names to know a random fact about them. Straight up questions were also appreciated, but it was not strictly required :) Here is what came of it:
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This one was an announcement picture to get audiences attention to the event. Hand: So, are you ready to answer questions? Nadan: It's almost like giving an interview, no big deal. Alvi: i guess.
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I once told a tiny frivolous fact about Hand hating blue socks, so one user asked the character why, and added, that if Hand won't answer, they'll address it to Alvi :D Hand: don't you da- Alvi: when he was a child he had a nightma- Hand: SHUT UP! Alvi: -about blue socks biting his feet o- Hand: NOT ANOTHER WORD YOU DIRTY TRAITOR!
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Erist: In the past i was afraid to go outside. Be it night or day it was all the same, because it wasn't the Darkness that i feared. It was the thought, that they'll see me and figure out I survived, that gave me chills.
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Rint: it's not that i avoid mirrors, but every time i spot my reflection i see my father. This makes me feel... strange. I try not to think about it.
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Vasdemar: i couldn't come up with my signature for quite a long time. I wanted something awesome, calligraphic, with hooks and loops. But after ten times i got lazy so it transformed into a simpler one.
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(Nemeska and her dream to catch a huge fish :D)
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Elmir: Me? You really want to know something about me?? Give me a minute, it's so unexpected. Hmm... I... can't perceive myself separately from my flickerist. It guess you can say Rint and I are the same person, but i am, obviously, his best and smartest part. Although he forgets about it all the time.
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Oftentimes I like to observe the life around me. To sit by a crowded street and feel the winds breeze, to listen to footsteps falling on metal, to see faces, smiles, to hear wisps of conversations. To behold. In these times my body...is an obstacle.
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Brin: i've been taking antipsychotics since i turned ten. Tastes like shit.
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Lugar: andrederas, coleuses, clivias, ferns, succulents. I know unnecessary amount about houseplants, nearly as much about ornamental plants, and a bit about wild ones. It's the most pointless knowledge i have. Can't stand them.
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Erist: over the entire history of its existence humanity came up with many fascinating things. Music is the most to my liking. Motley, groovy, lyrical, dance music, folk music, classic music. It gives me melancholy not being able to enjoy it in my current circumstances.
(At the end I'd like to note i found out my twi didn't allow strangers to dm me. The problem is - hopefully - fixed now, so please try again if i didn't answer you! I probably didn't even see your message. So sorry for that, I'm an awful twitter user :'3)
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super-kristuff · 1 year
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Daily Doodle - Dredge
So, I started playing Dredge recently, and it's REALLY good. Honestly, lowkey, I think any game with a tetris style inventory is a good game, but also, it does a really good job of making you want to explore. Like, I feel like it is the perfect game for some Shadow of The Coleuses-esque mysteries.
Anyway, back to my drawing, I'm still really struggling to refine my final paintings. Like, I'm trying to hold onto painting regularly, and it's tough. But also, I can kind of feel my skill ebb whenever I miss a couple days. Like, I'm kind of trying a lot of things at the moment to try and make my life just a little better. I'm trying to exercise more. I'm trying to eat better. I'm trying to improve my work situation. And like, most of these are routine based things. They require me to work on them daily, or at least regularly, in a semi-fixed schedule. And obviously, taking breaks and being properly rested is important as well, but how much of tiredness is a consequence of my poor habits and lifestyle?
Idk. I'm happy with the drawing. Honestly, it might just be that, as I finish more paintings, I get better/faster at making them. And I don't feel the need to spend as much time refining them? Like, I'm happy with how this turned out. I think the claw could have used a touch up. And there are a few more spots where I could have added detail. I really hope my paintings don't start looking rushed.
But anyway. Enjoy.
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ilona-mushroom · 11 months
There’s something magical about watching injuries heal. Seeing my fingers grow back their pads, watching the sunburn fade to a tan, blisters turning into coleuses, etc. The human body is amazing.
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taimemaailm · 4 months
(Värd-)Kirinõges (Plectranthus/Coleus scutellarioides)
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Saksa keeles Buntnessel, inglise keeles coleus või painted nettle.
Värd-Kirinõges on püsik coleuse perekonnas, huulõieliste sugukonnas ja iminõgeselaadsete seltsis. Tegelikult sellel taimel sellega eriti midagi nõgestega tegemist ei ole, sest nad ei ole isegi samas seltsiski, kuna tavalised nõgeseliigid on hoopis roosilaadsete seltsis.
Taim on kodune Kagu-Aasias, Melaneesias ja Austraalias. Saabus 19. sajandi keskel Euroopasse ühe hollandi aiandusspetsialisti kaudu. Kasvatatakse lehtdekoratiivse ilutaimena.
Kevadel ettekasvatatav, seemnest paljundatatav. Vajab parasniisket, poolvarjulist kuni päikeselist kasvukohta.
Kõrgus 40-60 cm. Lehed võivad väga erinevates mustrites olla. aga enamasti on tumepunased-lillakad koos rohekate toonidega.
Pilt: Wilfredo Rafael Rodriguez Hernandez, CC0, Wikimedia Commons
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q-talks · 11 months
cool greenhouse, the nighttime temperature falls to about 7–10 °C (45–50 °F).
(for azaleas, cineraria, cyclamens, carnations, fuchsias, geraniums, sweet peas, snapdragons, and a variety of bulbous plants including daffodils, irises, tulips, hyacinths, and narcissi)
A warm greenhouse has nighttime temperatures of 10–13 °C (50–55 °F).
(for Begonias, gloxinias, African violets, chrysanthemums, orchids, roses, coleuses)
In a tropical greenhouse, or hothouse, which has nighttime temperatures of 16–21 °C (60–70 °F), 
(for caladiums, philodendrons, gardenias, poinsettias, bougainvillea, passionflowers, and many kinds of palms and orchids)
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star-strung-oasis · 11 months
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From seeds in March, sprouts in April, and a pot of babies now in July, it's been so much fun to watch these little "Black Dragon" Coleuses grow~ 💕
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miralless · 2 years
Green house
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#Green house how to#
Begonias, gloxinias, African violets, chrysanthemums, orchids, roses, coleuses, and many kinds of ferns and cacti and other succulents are suited to such temperatures. A warm greenhouse has nighttime temperatures of 10–13 ☌ (50–55 ☏). Among the plants suited to cool greenhouses are azaleas, cinerarias, cyclamens, carnations, fuchsias, geraniums, sweet peas, snapdragons, and a variety of bulbous plants including daffodils, irises, tulips, hyacinths, and narcissi. In a cool greenhouse, the nighttime temperature falls to about 7–10 ☌ (45–50 ☏). The plants grown in greenhouses fall into several broad categories based on their temperature requirements during nighttime hours. Because a greenhouse can become too hot as well as too cold, some type of ventilating system is also needed this usually consists of roof openings, which can be operated mechanically or automatically, and end-wall openings, through which electric fans draw air and circulate it throughout the interior. A greenhouse is heated partly by the rays of the Sun and partly by artificial means, such as circulating steam, hot water, or hot air. The framing of the structure is made of aluminum, galvanized steel, or such woods as redwood, cedar, or cypress. Glass has been the traditional glazing material, but plastic films, such as polyethylene or polyvinyl, and fibreglass are also common. A greenhouse has a large expanse of glazing on its sides and roof so that the plants are exposed to natural light for much of the day. Two or more span-type greenhouses are sometimes joined side by side so that they have fewer external walls, and heating costs are consequently less. The basic structural forms are the span-type greenhouse, which has a double-sloped, or A-shaped, roof, and the lean-to greenhouse, which has only one roof slope and leans against the side of a building. The modern greenhouse is usually a glass- or plastic-enclosed framed structure that is used for the production of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and any other plants that require special conditions of temperature. Large greenhouses are important in agriculture and horticulture and for botanical science, while smaller structures are commonly used by hobbyists, collectors, and home gardeners. A huge increase in the availability of exotic plants in the 19th century led to a vast increase in glasshouse culture in England and elsewhere. By the middle of the 19th century, the greenhouse had developed from a mere refuge from a hostile climate into a controlled environment, adapted to the needs of particular plants. As glass became cheaper and as more sophisticated forms of heating became available, the greenhouse evolved into a roofed and walled structure built of glass with a minimal wooden or metal skeleton. In the 17th century, greenhouses were ordinary brick or timber shelters with a normal proportion of window space and some means of heating. Greenhouse, also called glasshouse, building designed for the protection of tender or out-of-season plants against excessive cold or heat.
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#Green house how to#
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absinthe-labyrinth · 4 years
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gotankgo · 2 years
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just because winter has temporarily taken out my porch garden, the plant life keeps growing inside. as soon as spring temperatures warm things up, most of the coleuses will return to the fresh air out on the porch
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fourthage · 2 months
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21 April 2024
Spent my Christmas gift cards today. In the front went four coleuses. The Chocolate Velveteen blends in with the dirt, but it’s between the large bleeding heart and the birdbath base. Spiced Curry is dead center, Coleosaurus (which is a fantastic name) is just above the purple coral bell on the right side. The Great Falls Yosemite is tucked between the nandina bush and the alliums on the stair side of the path.
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Filled both over-the-railing planters with impatiens. Went lavender and light pink this year.
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In the back, I filled in no-man’s land with annuals. Got two more lantana (yellow and white with yellow centers), and three angelonia (pink, white, and purple).
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And filled the last empty spaces between the flagstones. White Star Creeper in the middle, County Park pratia around the big paver.
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Chives and alliums about to bloom.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
I love coleuses (coleusi?). First plant I ever had and super easy to care for. Plus they're really pretty and come in a metric butt ton of colors. You could have a window full of coleuses and each one have different coloring.
Here, a picture of my current (slightly bushy) coleus baby as an apology for tumbling excitedly into your inbox. Lol
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OMG YES I actually have... like... 9 of them lmao. They're really easy and as much as I love flowers, a pretty colorful leaf will always win my heart 😔👌❤️
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inbrightshadows · 5 years
Writing emotionally painful things be like: *sits down to write something*
Hurm. I think I will hurt my own feelings
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plantaffinity · 3 years
Hii! What are some of your unpopular plant opinions?
that's a hard question! Hmm
I remember a long time ago, when I was a plantblr newbie, it was very popular for people to talk about stealing cuttings. There is a superstition that if you ask for a cutting instead of stealing it, it won't grow as well. Well, I think that's bullshit. I know all my coleuses died and you can blame that on me paying for them all you want but I don't think stealing plants is okay, and stealing in general (as in, tumblr fashion stealing, not poor people who can't afford things and steal from rich stores etc) is a childish behavior that shouldn't be encouraged. I'm far from rich but if you don't need to steal then don't steal. Your life does not depend on a cutting from a plant. Leave the poor plant alone.
Variegated plants are overrated. There are some that I love f.ex string of hearts and strawberry begonia, and I do like dracaenas with fun colours. But in general, the variegarion craze is nothing for me. The way I see it, variegated plants (monstera etc) were expensive because they were rare, and probably some rich person caught up on that, and then it became popular because everyone wants the rich person things. I don't dislike other peoples interests, I just mean that it's the plants themselves that I'm not very into.
Expensive plants in general are just not something for me, my absolute favourite plants are the ones I find who are dying (usually those are on clearance) and I get to nurse back to health! In the past dying plants in stores were largely dying from neglect, but nowadays they're always riddled with pests and disease, so I sadly can't bring home dying plants anymore :(
Soapwater. It does not work. Neither does sticking matches into the soil.
Terracotta planters and bottom holes (as well as "inner planters") are unnecessary if you know what you're doing and the plant is well established. Sometimes terracotta planters, bottom holes and etc are actually harmful to the plant!
Some plants actually don't want to be touched by the suns rays.
"Leaf plants" are better than flowering plants
Spider plants and monsteras are overrated
The best way to check the soil moisture is with a wooden stick, not some fancy technological equipment
That robot that carries around your plant to put it in sunshine and tell you when the plant is thirsty was failing at his job, that plant was elongated and miserable!
"The plant will take as much as it needs" in context of self watering or bottom watering is wrong, the soil is the thing that sucks up the water and it can cause both under and overwatering depending on what method you use
I don't like head/face pots cause plants don't register as hair in my brain
I don't like echeverias!
It's okay to be a lazy plant parent!
Fake plants are boring!
Plants and books don't go together, don't put potted plants in bookcases with books or god forbid on top of a stack of books! You're telling me you have such good aim that you will never spill a drop ever? Yeah sure
I hate grafting, it looks super creepy
Mother of thousands (and similar) make me uncomfortable. Where will all the babies go
And I can't think of any more 😝
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debirdsandfleurs · 4 years
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A Sea of Coleuses and Friends
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