#companies recognize
404-art-found · 2 months
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guardian of the masquerade
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syblei-art · 2 months
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stop praying for the strange wizard in the tower he's gotten too strong
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copepods · 4 days
i alwys get annoyed when i see fanon depictions of artificer being affectionate with five pebbles because in my mind artificer has complicated feelings towards him that lean towards dislike and they see him more as a weird alien creature-machine who carries a great deal of knowledge and talks to arti for lack of anything better to do, and artificer brings him pearls to stave off crushing hopelessness and loneliness but like i dont think artificer actually likes him. i think theyd find him off-putting and unpleasant. of course that's just headcanon in my mind though which is why its a little funny that alternate depictions annoy me so much. we are all making this shit up
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meganiumgender · 3 months
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cosmonova · 1 year
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Project moon shitposts brainstormed by me and my friend 7 (Masterpost)
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nmoroder · 3 months
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some stuff that didnt make it to a post of its own, all thrown together
funny how pics 3 and 4 were made like... two weeks in between them? i guess i got some basic grasp on drawing meursault. also yeah i recently made a sketch where greg's holding a leash on him and the sketch from this post was made a lot earlier. call that a prequel
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theamazingian · 6 months
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for Pokémon Colosseum’s twentieth anniversary, the original composer performed Pyrite Town!!
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nanoa1foryou · 5 months
Sanoma Media nominated the Käärijä DNA ad campaign as the campaign of the month. Käärijä is fucking winning at advertisements.
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gilbirda · 4 months
My (subjective) thoughts on how to survive corporate hell while being younger than 30
I'm 27 and I've been working in corporate office job since I was 23 and I have some advice for any youngster out there feeling unsure if they can even make it in office corporate jobs while being younger than 40.
Don't reveal info about yourself. Craft a superficial version of yourself you can share with peers. Pick a hobby or two and repeat the same speech about what you do for fun. Points if you do something people would remember - everyone says sports and/or traveling. Say something original, but safe.
Your company is not your family. You don't owe them a minute more or less than what says in your contract. You are not less if you refuse to work unpaid extra hours. If they demand that of you, get that in writing and take that shit straight to HR.
Know your rights. If you have paid time off, you are entitled to those days off. I'm european so I have a lot of them, and my company is ALWAYS asking me if "I'm sure I can leave my team down for so long". Bitch I can take the days off whenever I want, is my right. The fact that I'm not taking them in the busiest times is a courtesy.
Be careful with what you say. Everyone will be nice, but not everyone is your friend. Some people would sell you for a potato chip, and finding out who would is vital for your survival. (Hint: if someone spills tea about other people to you, they will spill YOUR tea to other people).
Offices are just like high school. Rumors can and will spread like wildfire.
Another "high school" office cliché: cliques. Yes. Same dynamics will form and identifying them will make things easier. My favorite clique to observe is the people that are shooting for the stars and are always around the Biggest Boss licking their shoes. They will also be the first to speak about how a company project improves their personal life because their personal life and work life is one and the same and they ADORE the company.
Being young can play to your advantage. You are fresh and new, and most of the corporate toxic behaviors won't apply to you by default - but Watch Out, they will also underestimate you and dismiss your opinions. Is a constant battle and a delicate dance.
You Will Be Adopted. That's fact. Be quick to learn who exactly is trying to put you under their wing, and if you are comfortable with that dynamic. It mostly depends on what kind of career you want to make in the company - want to climb higher? Stick with the boot lickers (they will introduce you to Important People); want to be up to date with all the gossip? Attach yourself to the Nice Lady Everyone Tell Their Secrets To. Etc.
I cannot stress this enough: Don't say names. On top of everything else in this list, don't say a single name unless you are absolutely sure you are in a safe space. Names have power, and if you complain about someone and say their name, that will have consequences. Maybe that person will learn you are talking shit, or maybe you will unknowingly make a political stance depending on who you are complaining about, maybe you are implying someone is bad at their job.
Don't assume that young people are your friend. This is a tough one I had to learn, but at the end of the day we are all surviving. Other young people will understand you and stick with you, but if an opportunity opens they will take it without saying goodbye. Or they have other priorities and career expectations and just... not be your friend after all. Not because you are also younger than 30 it means you are besties.
You will be bombarded with boomers and gen Xers talking about "the old days" and "how before things were better". That if you "just worked hard enough the company repays you" and such. Ignore them. Corporate job is not what it was, this isn't the old days anymore. Getting in is not as easy and it used to be, the salary doesn't last as much as it used to be and the productivity demanded is higher than ever. Ignore them. Most of them have been pushing buttons for 30 years and wouldn't understand the hellscape the world is becoming in the last 20 years.
You have to accept the reality that none of your 45+ years old coworkers are as qualified as you. The requirements for regular entry level corporate jobs now are insane, and "back in the day" you just had to show up and have a nice smile. Yes, it sucks. Yes, higher ups are the least qualified. Crazy.
Learn how to talk corporate. Learn how to say no, how to set down boundaries, how to politely ask for help. Normal people talk will instantly work against you because you are young. Talk like them and they'll listen.
This got away from me but eh.
Disclaimer this is just based on my experience and my culture - I live in Spain, Europe. I tried to keep this general, but I understand there's a bunch of social dances and understandings that are unique to my culture and may not apply to other people.
I am also autistic and I understand that it affects how I experience social contracts and behaviors.
This is just the bunch of rules I live by and I'm doing my best at surviving. I'm not a corporate rat and if I didn't need money to exist I would definitely quit, but I can't deny I have learned a lot.
If someone has more advice to add please do!
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reineyday · 8 days
okay wait wait mishanks travel youtubers and their channel name is redhawk travel and it's a channel they started bc they retired early and they're kind of in their post-job era and can finally spend time with each other instead of working their respective jobs--basically whatever the modern equivalent is of luffy finding the one piece.
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simandy · 9 months
Nice update. Pronouns for any other language besides english when
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hwashitape · 27 days
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extremely indulgent Danmeshi idol AU I'm sooooo sorry
Falin, Marcille, and Kabru are trainees competing in a survival show. Laios was a popular fansite who accidentally inspired Falin to pursue an idol career, she dragged Marcille into it, and he decided to be their manager. Chilchuck is a former idol who's currently their main manager while Laios is still training
Kabru recognizes Laios as an idol fan and is worried he got into the industry for malicious purposes until he meets Falin lol. he spends a lot of time taking care of his own manager and avoiding Milsiril's stage mom-isms
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jackdoe · 8 months
No offense to Dante, but I think that Digital Circus is a more on point depiction of Hell.
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ballcrusher74 · 3 months
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shsnsmdnjms what a fella,,,,
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outism-had-a-purpose · 5 months
Just read an pre-smoke war Outis fic that beautifully weaved in the happenings and characters in the Iliad to the world of the City and gave the purest shot of Outis/Penelope (with a baby Telemachus) straight into my veins in almost 7000 words. I will now proceed to disappear under mysterious circumstances.
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amourcherie606 · 10 months
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okay this one was so hard to format oml 🗿I ALREADY HAVE SO MANY PURPLE REQUESTS ITS INSANE...give me more tho i also really enjoyed painting v1 oml... FYI! the yelan design is by my friend @foxclanfan69
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