belvatoplaces · 8 days
Exploring the Beauty and Depth of Balinese Tattoo Culture
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Bali, renowned worldwide for its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant cultural tapestry, stands as a beacon of traditional tattoo artistry. This captivating Indonesian island beckons countless visitors annually, drawn not only by its natural allure but also by the intricate and profound designs woven into the fabric of the Bali tattoo culture. Yet, amidst this fascination lies a critical dialogue concerning the nuanced distinction between cultural appreciation and appropriation, particularly among those from foreign shores.
Delving into the Roots: Unveiling the Significance of Balinese Tattoos
Balinese tattooing is far more than a superficial adornment; it embodies centuries of cultural and spiritual depth. Originating from ancient rites and spiritual customs, these tattoos serve as living artifacts of Bali's rich history. Often depicting motifs from Balinese Hinduism, local folklore, and the island's lush landscapes, each tattoo carries layers of meaning and symbolism. For the people of Bali, receiving a tattoo is a profound spiritual journey, underscored by sacred ceremonies that honor the art form's cultural significance. This deep-rooted heritage underscores the urgency of discerning between appropriation and appreciation within Bali's tattoo culture.
In many tattoo studios across Bali, meticulous care is taken to preserve the authenticity and symbolism of traditional Balinese tattoos. Employing skilled artists specializing in these designs, these studios serve as guardians of cultural integrity. Visitors are actively encouraged to delve into the cultural context of their chosen designs, emphasizing the importance of approaching Balinese tattoo art with sensitivity and respect.
Cultural Appropriation: Crossing Boundaries of Respect
The phenomenon of cultural appropriation arises when elements of a minority culture are adopted by members of a dominant culture without understanding or reverence. In the realm of Balinese tattoos, this occurs when tourists select designs without grasping their cultural significance. Such actions not only lead to misinterpretations and misuse of sacred symbols but also risk causing offense within the local community. By reducing Balinese tattoos to mere aesthetics, the profound cultural heritage they carry is disregarded, undermining their significance.
Conversely, Bali's tattoo artists often find themselves in the role of educators, tasked with enlightening visitors about the cultural significance of specific designs. Responsible artists in reputable studios play a pivotal role in guiding clients away from inadvertently appropriating cultural symbols and towards designs that demonstrate cultural respect and understanding.
Cultural Appreciation: Nurturing a Thoughtful Approach
True cultural appreciation in the realm of Balinese tattoos involves a genuine acknowledgment and reverence for the cultural heritage behind these designs. It necessitates an earnest effort to understand their history, significance, and traditional practices. When visitors choose to undergo the tattooing process at a local studio, taking the time to immerse themselves in the cultural context of their chosen design becomes an act of appreciation rather than appropriation.
Tattoo artists in Bali serve as custodians of culture, weaving narratives and meanings behind traditional Balinese tattoos into their craft. Engaging in dialogue with these artists allows visitors to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the art form and ensures that their tattoos serve as genuine expressions of cultural appreciation, bridging the gap between different cultures through art.
Navigating the Fine Line with Respect and Sensitivity
Respectful engagement with Balinese tattoo culture hinges on education and sensitivity. Prior to visiting a tattoo studio, visitors are encouraged to undertake research and gain an understanding of the meanings behind traditional designs. This not only demonstrates respect for Balinese culture but also enriches the tattooing experience.
Furthermore, initiating conversations with tattoo artists in Bali about the appropriateness of certain designs for outsiders is essential. Armed with profound insights into Balinese culture and tattoo traditions, these artists offer invaluable guidance in making culturally sensitive choices. Their expertise ensures that tattoos become authentic reflections of cultural appreciation, fostering mutual understanding and respect between diverse cultural contexts.
In Conclusion: Honoring Bali's Rich Cultural Heritage
In summary, navigating the delicate balance between cultural appropriation and appreciation in Balinese tattoos requires a conscientious approach characterized by respect, understanding, and sensitivity. Visitors drawn to this captivating art form must engage with it in a manner that honors its cultural origins. Through education and collaboration with knowledgeable tattoo artists, they can ensure that their tattoos serve as meaningful symbols that pay homage to and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Bali, contributing to a more inclusive and respectful global community.
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amazonbooksauthor · 1 month
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"Exploring Hindu Mythology: Bridging Cultural Gaps and Fostering Understanding" Dear Parents,
In our diverse world, understanding and appreciating different cultures is essential for fostering empathy and inclusivity. That's why we're excited to introduce "Exploring Hindu Mythology," a collection of captivating tales that offer a window into the rich cultural heritage of Hinduism.
We understand that every family has its unique beliefs and traditions, and it's natural for parents to want their children to have a broad understanding of the world around them. "Exploring Hindu Mythology" isn't about imposing beliefs; it's about providing an opportunity for children to explore and appreciate diverse cultures in a respectful and inclusive manner.
By delving into the stories of Hindu mythology, children not only gain insights into ancient traditions but also learn valuable lessons about compassion, courage, and resilience—lessons that are universally relevant and beneficial for their personal development.
As promoters, our intention isn't to make parents feel upset or pressured. Instead, we aim to offer a resource that can enrich children's understanding of the world and promote cultural curiosity and empathy.
Whether Hinduism is a part of your family's beliefs or not, we invite you to consider "Exploring Hindu Mythology" as a valuable tool for sparking meaningful conversations and fostering a spirit of openness and understanding in your household.
Thank you for considering "Exploring Hindu Mythology" as a means of broadening your child's cultural horizons.
Keywords: Cultural Understanding, Hindu Mythology, Diversity, Inclusivity, Empathy, Personal Development, Cultural Heritage, Respectful Exploration, Family Beliefs.
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spiritualsoull1969 · 3 months
Reimagining Ancient or Forgotten Spiritual Practices: Rediscovering Wisdom in Modern Times
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In the fast-paced, technology-driven world of today, there is a growing longing for a deeper connection to oneself and the universe. As individuals seek meaning and purpose, there is a resurgence of interest in ancient and forgotten spiritual practices that offer timeless wisdom. In this exploration, we delve into the realms of spirituality, drawing inspiration from the past to enrich our lives in the present.
The Allure of Ancient Wisdom
1. Tapping into the Wisdom of the Ages
In cultures worldwide, the allure of ancient wisdom lies in the profound insights and timeless teachings that have withstood the test of time. From the serene landscapes of Eastern philosophies to the vibrant tapestry of indigenous cultures, ancient spiritual practices have served as invaluable guides, offering individuals pathways to unravel the mysteries of existence.
Meditation Techniques in Eastern Philosophies: The meditative practices embedded in Eastern philosophies, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, form a cornerstone of ancient wisdom. Techniques like mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and transcendental meditation have been celebrated for their ability to cultivate inner peace and self-awareness. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, these practices provide a sanctuary for individuals to navigate the complexities of the mind and discover a profound sense of tranquility.
Sacred Rituals in Indigenous Cultures: Indigenous cultures across the globe have long held sacred rituals that connect individuals with the rhythms of nature and the cosmos. Whether it's the rhythmic drumming of Native American ceremonies or the intricate dance rituals of African tribes, these practices are deeply rooted in a reverence for the interconnectedness of all living things. By participating in these rituals, individuals not only honor their cultural heritage but also tap into a collective consciousness that transcends individual existence.
2. The Power of Rituals
Rituals, as ancient as humanity itself, are woven into the fabric of spiritual practices throughout history. These ceremonial acts serve as bridges between the mundane and the divine, providing a tangible framework for individuals to connect with something greater than themselves.
Calming Rituals of Mindfulness: Mindfulness, derived from Buddhist traditions, has gained widespread recognition for its calming and centering rituals. Simple acts like focused breathing, mindful walking, and conscious eating serve as daily rituals that ground individuals in the present moment. In a world dominated by constant stimuli, these rituals act as anchors, fostering a heightened awareness of one's surroundings and emotions.
Ceremonial Rites of Passage: Ancient societies often marked significant life transitions through elaborate rites of passage. These rituals, whether celebrating birth, marriage, or death, held deep spiritual significance. In the modern context, the revival of meaningful rites of passage helps individuals navigate life's transitions with intention and purpose, acknowledging the sacred nature of these pivotal moments.
In embracing the allure of ancient wisdom, individuals today find themselves drawn to these practices not as relics of the past, but as living, breathing sources of guidance that continue to enrich the human experience. The power of these practices lies in their ability to transcend time, offering a profound and transformative journey to those who embark upon the path of self-discovery and spiritual exploration.
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Rediscovering Forgotten Gems
1. Lost Arts of Meditation
In the rush of modern life, the ancient art of meditation, once a cornerstone of spiritual growth, has been relegated to the background. However, its profound benefits are prompting a revival as individuals seek solace amidst the chaos of the contemporary world. Reimagining meditation involves not only resurrecting this lost art but also integrating it into our daily routines in ways that resonate with the demands of today's fast-paced lifestyles.
Integration into Daily Life: Modern-day meditation is breaking free from the confines of traditional settings. It is finding its way into workplaces, schools, and even virtual spaces. Mindful breathing exercises during brief breaks, desk-friendly stretches, and guided meditations through accessible apps are examples of how meditation is adapting to the demands of contemporary living. By seamlessly integrating meditation into daily activities, individuals can experience its transformative effects without feeling burdened by time constraints.
Mindfulness in Motion: Beyond the conventional sitting meditation, there is a growing interest in mindfulness in motion. Practices like walking meditation, mindful yoga, and even mindful commuting are gaining popularity. These dynamic approaches to meditation cater to those who find it challenging to sit still for extended periods, offering alternative avenues to cultivate awareness and inner peace amid hectic schedules.
2. Sacred Soundscapes
Sound, an ancient and integral component of spiritual practices, has been largely overlooked in modern contexts. Yet, the revival of interest in sacred soundscapes is underway, as individuals rediscover the profound impact of sound on their mental and emotional well-being.
Chanting Mantras: The rhythmic repetition of sacred sounds, known as mantras, has been a staple in various spiritual traditions. Reintroducing chanting practices into daily life provides a means to center the mind, evoke positive energy, and establish a connection with the divine. Mantra meditation, once considered esoteric, is now being embraced as a powerful tool for personal transformation.
Resonance of Tibetan Bowls and Sound Therapy: The ancient practice of using sound for healing is making a comeback through modalities like Tibetan singing bowl therapy. The resonant tones of these bowls, believed to have therapeutic effects on the body and mind, are now integrated into modern wellness practices. Sound therapy, encompassing a range of instruments and techniques, is gaining recognition for its ability to induce deep relaxation, alleviate stress, and promote overall well-being.
Music as a Spiritual Gateway: Beyond traditional practices, music is being explored as a universal language of spirituality. Artists are incorporating ancient instruments and sacred melodies into their compositions, creating sonic landscapes that evoke a sense of the sacred. This fusion of ancient and modern musical elements serves as a bridge between contemporary listeners and the spiritual wisdom embedded in ancient sound traditions.
In the journey of rediscovering these forgotten gems, individuals are not merely retracing the steps of their ancestors; they are forging new paths that harmonize with the demands of the present while honouring the profound spiritual legacy of the past. The integration of meditation and sacred soundscapes into modern life represents a conscious effort to tap into the timeless wisdom that transcends cultural and temporal boundaries, fostering a deeper connection with the self and the mysteries of existence.
Modernizing Spirituality
1. Technology and Mindfulness
Paradoxically, in an era dominated by technological advancements, the very tools often accused of distracting individuals from their inner selves are becoming gateways to spirituality. Recognizing the potential for technology to foster mindfulness, various apps and devices are emerging as facilitators, making ancient wisdom accessible with just a tap or a swipe.
Mindfulness Apps: Mobile applications dedicated to mindfulness and meditation are gaining widespread popularity. These apps offer guided meditation sessions, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques that cater to diverse preferences and schedules. From beginners to seasoned practitioners, technology is bridging the gap between ancient contemplative practices and the demands of modern life.
Wearable Tech for Well-being: Wearable devices, designed to monitor physical health, are expanding their scope to include features promoting mental well-being. Some devices now offer guided breathing exercises, stress-tracking capabilities, and alerts to remind users to take breaks and practice mindfulness. This integration of technology into personal wellness routines is reshaping the narrative around the relationship between the digital realm and spiritual growth.
2. Eclectic Spirituality
In an increasingly interconnected world, individuals are moving beyond the confines of singular spiritual traditions, embracing an eclectic approach that draws wisdom from various sources. This blending of teachings from diverse traditions forms the foundation of an inclusive and dynamic spirituality that resonates with the complexities of contemporary life.
Cultural Synthesis: Eclectic spirituality involves a synthesis of ideas, practices, and beliefs from different cultures and religions. Rather than adhering strictly to one set of doctrines, individuals are creating a spiritual tapestry that reflects their personal journey. This inclusive approach fosters a deeper understanding of the shared aspects of diverse traditions, promoting unity in the midst of diversity.
Personalized Exploration: The eclectic path allows individuals to tailor their spiritual journey to align with their unique needs and experiences. This personalized exploration enables a dynamic and fluid engagement with spirituality, free from the constraints of rigid dogmas. It encourages individuals to cherry-pick elements that resonate with them, fostering a sense of autonomy and authenticity in their spiritual practices.
Interconnected Communities: Eclectic spirituality is not a solitary endeavor. In an interconnected world, individuals with diverse spiritual backgrounds find common ground and shared experiences. Online communities, forums, and gatherings facilitate dialogue and mutual understanding, creating spaces where people can exchange ideas and learn from one another's spiritual journeys.
In the modernization of spirituality, technology and eclecticism are not detracting from the depth of the spiritual experience but enhancing it. By embracing the possibilities offered by technology and weaving together teachings from different traditions, individuals are forging a contemporary path that respects the ancient while embracing the ever-evolving nature of spiritual exploration. This synthesis paves the way for a spirituality that is both rooted in tradition and relevant to the complexities of the 21st century.
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Challenges and Opportunities
1. Cultural Appropriation
In the pursuit of reimagining ancient practices, a critical challenge that arises is the potential for cultural appropriation. While the intention may be to draw inspiration from diverse traditions, it is crucial to approach these practices with utmost respect and understanding. Cultural appropriation occurs when elements of a culture are borrowed without proper context, often resulting in the dilution of the authenticity and significance of the practices.
Respectful Engagement: To navigate this challenge, individuals and communities must engage with ancient practices in a manner that respects their cultural origins. This involves seeking knowledge from authoritative sources, understanding the historical and cultural contexts, and acknowledging the significance of the practices within their traditional settings.
Cultural Sensitivity: Sensitivity to the potential harm caused by appropriation is paramount. This includes avoiding superficial or commodified use of sacred symbols, rituals, or artifacts. Practitioners should strive for a deep understanding of the cultural roots of the practices they engage with, recognizing the importance of cultural preservation and appreciation.
Collaboration and Consent: Collaboration with representatives from the cultures of origin can provide valuable insights and guidance. Seeking consent and collaboration ensures that the reimagining of ancient practices is done in a mutually respectful manner, fostering cultural exchange rather than appropriation.
2. Integration into Modern Society
The challenge lies in seamlessly integrating ancient wisdom into the fabric of contemporary life without compromising its essence. Striking a balance between tradition and modernity requires intentional efforts to create spaces for communal practices, foster dialogue, and promote education.
Creating Inclusive Spaces: Establishing spaces that honor and accommodate diverse spiritual practices is essential. Community centers, meditation groups, and online forums can serve as inclusive environments where individuals from various backgrounds can come together to share their experiences and learn from one another.
Fostering Dialogue: Open and respectful dialogue is key to bridging the gap between ancient traditions and modern society. By facilitating conversations between practitioners, scholars, and the wider community, a deeper understanding of the significance and relevance of ancient practices can be cultivated. This dialogue helps dispel misconceptions and encourages mutual learning.
Promoting Education: Education plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the reimagining of ancient practices is informed and respectful. Promoting educational initiatives that delve into the historical, cultural, and spiritual aspects of these practices helps individuals approach them with a deeper understanding and appreciation.
Adaptation with Integrity: Integrating ancient wisdom into modern life requires a thoughtful adaptation that maintains the integrity of the practices. This involves identifying core principles and values and finding creative ways to express them in contemporary contexts without diluting their essence.
In navigating these challenges, there lies an opportunity for growth, understanding, and mutual enrichment. By approaching the reimagining of ancient practices with mindfulness, respect, and a commitment to education, individuals and communities can create a harmonious synthesis that bridges the gap between tradition and modernity, fostering a deeper connection to the spiritual heritage of humanity.
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Conclusion: A Harmonious Synthesis
In reimagining ancient or forgotten spiritual practices, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection with the cosmos. By blending the wisdom of the past with the realities of today, we can create a harmonious synthesis that enriches our lives and nurtures a deeper understanding of the spiritual tapestry that binds us all.
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ancientroyalblood · 5 months
The Impact of Cultural Influences on Storytelling: Diverse Perspectives in Literature
Storytelling is a reflection of the rich tapestry of human experiences. The infusion of diverse cultural perspectives into literature adds depth, authenticity, and universality to narratives. Let’s explore how cultural influences shape and enrich storytelling across various literary landscapes. 1. Embracing Diversity in Narratives Diversity in storytelling encapsulates the myriad cultures,…
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luxshine · 7 months
What to wear on Halloween? Well, a good idea to begin with is... Not a holy dress from another culture! And if you want to wear a typical dress of a different culture, well, then the solution is easy.. Ask! If you Ask, then you know if it's ok or not! (of course, ask a person who belongs to said culture!) Don't forget our kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/calicochimera/chavela-chocolate-y-cthulhu
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nishp · 7 months
🌟 Happy American Indian Day! 🌟
Today, we celebrate the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and contributions of Native Americans. 🌾✨
🌍 Native lands are not just a part of history; they are a vital and thriving aspect of our present and future. Let's honor and respect the Indigenous peoples of this land and learn from their wisdom.
🌄 Today, and every day, let's commit to fostering understanding, respecting diversity, and working towards a more inclusive and equitable world for all. 🤝🌎
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znashandbook · 9 months
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Exploring Traditional Chinese Artistry in Modern Men's Fashion: The Fascination of Chinese Plum Blossom and Bird Print Short Sleeve Hooded T-Shirts
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cheaprtravels · 10 months
Global Odyssey: Unveiling Reasons to Exploring
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flavorful-futures · 1 year
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angelasymposium · 1 year
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Don't forget to tune in tomorrow, Sunday 26th of March, at 6 pm UK time to attend the Roundtable on Cultural Appropriation with three amazing scholars in the field. Set the reminder and participate in the event by clicking on this link. https://www.youtube.com/live/T2BLxiESX4U?feature=share #culturalappropriation #culturalappreciation #appropriation #indigenousreligions https://www.instagram.com/p/CqORStILNfi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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argatherapy · 1 year
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Selling to customers in Africa is a rewarding experience. Their culture is rich in history and tradition, and they have a deep appreciation for quality and value. I am honored to be part of their buying journey and help them find the best products to meet their needs. #africanmarket #culturalappreciation #customerservice #CustomerSatisfaction #HappyCustomers #Teamwork #happycustomers #beautyroutine #makeup #arganoil #skincare #beauty #argan #makeupartist #haircare #hairtreatment #organic #hair #arganoilserum #makeup #skincareroutine #faceoil #vitamine #essentialoils #purearganoil #natural #cosmetics #organicskincare #organichaircare #arganoilofmorocco #beautycare #arganoil Link to the website 💻🛒✅: Argatherapy.com For more information contact the mailbox 📧✅: [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/CnpefspN13A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cassellinc · 2 years
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The British Fashion Council (BFC) is delighted to unveil its 2022 NEW WAVE: Creatives - a list of the 50 most innovative and inspiring young creative talents from around the world. The dynamic list includes trailblazers from across multiple disciplines including digital artists, casting agents, photographers, hair and makeup artists, image makers, nail artists, set designers, and stylists, and are a vital component of The Fashion Awards. The final 50 will be celebrated as part of The Fashion Awards 2022, on Monday 5th December at The Royal Albert Hall, London. The Fashion Awards, one of the most anticipated moments of the global fashion calendar, celebrates the role of fashion in self-expression, escapism and optimism and its positioning at the intersection of culture. The night is an opportunity for the creative community to come together to acknowledge positive change within the industry and those leading it. This year also marks five years of NEW WAVE: Creatives, offering an opportunity to look back on the impact of the initiative in driving creativity forward and offering a platform that accelerates careers.  … @reveriepage |  Link in bio https://www.reveriepage.com/blog/the-british-fashion-council-introduces-the-2022-new-wave-creatives #dei #diversefashion #fashionbusiness  #businessoffashion #fashionworkplace #sustainablebusiness #styleguide #equality  #chiefcreativeofficers #creativemanagement #creativedirectors  #diversityequalityinclusion  #fashionstyle #culturalappreciation #photographers #fashiondesigners #consciousfashion #stylists #fashionstyling #inclusivedesign #creativedirection (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3aQVMPbnl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miscellaneousjay · 1 year
Also, CAN WE APPRECIATE NAMOR’S DRIP?! Like, I want his jade earrings!!!😍😝🤓💖 He betta do it for the culture! #jade #thatoldworldwealth #stilllit #culturalappreciation #learning
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polyglotsguide · 7 months
Crafting Content with Cultural Context: A Creative Guide
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Exploring Content within Cultural Context: Analyzing Techniques for Adapting to Diverse Cultural Nuances. Find out here: https://searchsynonym.com/cultural-context/ #CultureClub #CulturalExchange #WorldlyWanderer #GlobalCitizen #CulturalAppreciation #HeritageHaven #CulturalDiversity #FolkloreFiesta #TraditionsAlive #CulturalEncounters Read the full article
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luxshine · 7 months
It's very important in these dates to talk about the subject of #culturalappropiation and the difference between it and #culturalappreciation And since I already talked about it in spanish, let's repeat some points in English (But with different words as I am not working with a script!) Meanwhile, I keep drawing the #buildingblockswebcomic #Tarot and don't forget, I'm promoting the #kickstarter of #chavelachocolateycthulhu where #chavelavargas🇨🇷🇲🇽 fights Nazis in Mexico! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/calicochimera/chavela-chocolate-y-cthulhu
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candywife333 · 3 years
This little reaction piece is dedicated to the curvy girls out there who may have little tummies and jiggly bits that media does not represent. Not all of us have perfectly streamlined bodies and we should still appreciate our natural forms and dare I say love them for what they are. This little reaction also encompasses the idea of saree appreciation and cultural confidence. It will be all the individual BTS members’ reactions to different y/ns who are wearing different sarees. I am posting the reactions of Namjoon and Jin. Let me know if this piece is liked and I can also post the remaining members’ reactions.  Hope all of you like it!
Here is a link for Beautiful-Part 2: https://mred435.tumblr.com/post/666021073986437120/beautiful-part-2
Kim Namjoon 
He saw her right as she was leaving the BigHit building. He felt as though he  was in a movie and time had stopped. The weak evening sunlight hit the lady in all the right angles. She looked like an ethereal being as the saree she was draped in shimmered and specks of light bounced off the gold embedded in the voluminous garment. The lady was wearing a blue and dark pink saree with gold threading and she had paired it with long gold earrings and a thin gold chain. Namjoon was mesmerized and though he knew he had to get into his car and head home, he couldn’t rip his eyes off of her. The lady had skin the color of coffee and thick curly black hair that cascaded to her back. Her form was glorious: as the blue fabric hugged her wide hips and generous behind, while the pink jacket shrouded her breasts and ended at her natural waist. He could see a good amount of her midriff, but the saree covered her belly button. Her entire being shimmered: from her skin to her clothes to her jewelry. 
As she walked closer down the street towards the entrance of the BigHit building, he wasn’t able to move even an inch out of the way---that’s how stunned she made him. As she tried to move past him through the door, he bumped into her and as she was about to slip from the sudden force of the contact, he grabbed her by her waist to keep her upright. Her scent engulfed him, a fragrance of citrus and sandalwood. 
Then she looked up and realized who she bumped into. She panicked and urgently gasped, “I am so sorry I bumped into you. I really apologize. I wasn’t looking at where I was going”. Namjoon knew he had to respond to her and reassure her that it was alright but he couldn’t. He realized then only the physical proximity between them. One of his hands were on the skin of her waist which emitted a supple warmth. And he realized his other hand was cupping her bottom to keep her upright. She felt so soft and warm in his hands and her saree had slipped down just a little to reveal the soft pudge around her belly button. He felt attacked by how enticing her waist looked, with the saree fabric framing underneath her belly button. The unfiltered desire to squeeze that pudge in his hands and nibble and kiss into the supple skin around her little pooch ran through him. 
As the lack of response prolonged for another minute with him holding her in the same position, she asked with a questioning glare,  “Would you mind letting go of me? I appreciate the help but I think you can let go of me now.” Namjoon got flustered and turned really red, as he proceeded to let go of her and apologize, “I am so sorry. I was just stunned for a minute.” She looked up at him through her heavy fringe of eyelashes as her kohl lined big black eyes glanced up at him in confusion. “That’s ok, I guess. Thank you for letting my not fall. I will get going now.” He watched her as she turned around and walked towards the Film Editing wing of BigHit. Her saree had slipped so much as to reveal the small of her back, all golden skin and the feminine curve of her spine.
The rest of the boys walked into the room then, to see Namjoon looking at the girl still shocked and flustered. They looked towards the direction he was looking in. Hosoek exclaimed, “Oh, she looks so beautiful. She must’ve went to that friend’s wedding she was talking about.” Namjoon stared at Hosoek with a questioning gaze. How did he know this beautiful golden lady? And how did he himself not see her until now? Where had this goddess been hiding? He wanted to know everything. Who she was, what she liked to eat, where she was from, and most of all if she would let him worship her body. Hosoek continued to explain, “That’s y/n. She is actually from India and she came to translate and helps edit videos for us. She’s also the one who translates for us in interviews. She studied linguistics and different languages and is actually a professional translator. She was supposed to go to her Indian friend’s wedding today and so she’s dressed up.” 
As y/n saw another person from the film editing department, she turned around towards the boys as she was talking to the colleague. They also stared at her in wonder as she was dressed so differently from what they were used to. They had never seen an Indian girl in a saree. The sun once again aided in showcasing her beauty as it caught onto her gold embellishments and jewelry. She literally glowed in the haze of the sun and as she smiled at her colleague, Namjoon could feel himself drooling and his heart beating so loudly in his chest.  Even the other boys blushed as they stared at the way the saree wrapped around her lush form. 
She caught onto how all of them were staring soon enough. And shock and panic filtered through her as she felt shy at how they were continuously staring at her form. She quickly finished talking to her colleague and scurried off to get away from their heavy gaze. But she only succeeded in showing of the beautiful small of her back and generous bum. Namjoon groaned in appreciation at the way the sunlight continuously caught onto the shimmering material, highlighting her voluptuous form. He had it bad. He had to get to know her. She was enthralling. Maybe he could contrive a way to meet with her. He would just have to pretend he needed help translating a video to English. Anything to get to know this beautiful lady.
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin prided himself in being a gentleman. A man of true quality, chivalry, and abundant handsomeness. But as of now, he felt the farthest from a gentleman. Maybe he was being creepy but for once in his life he couldn’t care less. He couldn’t help himself. All the members were in the elevator with him and as they were about to get out at floor 5, the elevator stopped at floor 3 as another person was about to enter. He usually merely glanced at woman and then looked away as was respectful. But he couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering the length of this woman’s body as she stepped into the elevator.
His eyes widened as shock as he saw her ensemble. She was wearing a saree, something unheard of in Korea. Her silk saree was a cream white with pink pastel flowers littering the fabric. She had on diamond earrings and a thin silver chain with a diamond pendant. Her saree had an open back framing caramel colored skin and her midriff was exposed to just above her belly button. Her jacket clung to her small breasts and then her midriff sloped out to her wide hips as the saree draped to encompass her butt. 
Even as she had on heels, she barely came up to his chin. Her skin looked so beautiful enveloped in the saree. As she turned her back towards them completely, Jin almost choked as he could see the expanse of skin exposed to show her delicate neck and back. He could even see the feminine curve of the small of her back. She was magnificent and he hadn’t ever seen her in this building. All the other members in the elevator couldn’t help staring as well. Even Jungkook couldn’t rip his gaze from her. Jin saw the redness in Jungkook’s cheeks as he perused the lady’s body. Jin got irritated. Why was Jungkook looking at her like that? Something about the lady made him want to make her his. He felt possessive even though he didn’t even know her. 
Something felt so overwhelmingly feminine and at the same time powerful about the lady in front of him. Her stance was one of calm confidence as she stood ramrod straight but with an open posture. As she was supposed to step off the elevator, he could see her pull something from her bag. Then he realized it was a stethoscope. She pulled the instrument out and walked towards the Fitness and Physiotherapy part of the BigHit building. One of the physical trainers coming running to her as she stepped out of the elevator, rapidly exclaiming to her in Korean about how there was another injured trainer with severe pain in his leg. 
The lady pulled on a white coat and proceeded to explain to him, “It might be compartment syndrome. I’m going to have to treat it immediately.” She walked hastily away towards the department and Jin stared on entranced by her. So she was a doctor and she was mind numbingly beautiful. He made a plan in his head to give himself a minor injury and go to get treated by her. He felt like he had just met his future wife, and no way was she going to just get away from him so easily. 
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