#cuz its islam :)
anqaspond · 4 months
growing up in a fundamentalist cult no one actually thinks is a cult is a fate i wouldnt wish upon anyone. genuinely. people keep gaslighting you into thinking its just your culture, meanwhile youre being assaulted and harrassed and literally owned and all of it being ignored or defended under the thin veneer or multiculturalism.
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I really dislike when ppl saying tonist/tonism is like a cult, including in the books bc a CULT is a really specific thing and tonism is NOT A CULT,
It’s just a weird religion in the scythe universe,
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girlsritualz · 9 months
ive started daydreaming ab stuff like marriage and life past college n shit its weird
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sillyfaggot · 1 year
love having ocs that i need to Learn things ive never interacted with but so scaredies cuz .what if i do it wrong and its terrible and i mess eeveyrthing up and also asking questions so scary scary
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fairuzfan · 2 months
If Islam is so fantastic why do muslims always flee to Christian countries? Why not saudy? Because christians lands are free, tolerant and open. Funny how EVERYBODY in the middle east hates palestinians.. only European lefties think they are the good guys..
India: Muslim vs hindu
Israel: Muslim vs Jews
Myanmar: Muslim vs Buddhist
China: Muslim vs atheist
Europe: Muslim ve Christians
*Aaand when they cant find other religions in their country, they start to fight among themselves
Arabia: Muslims (sunni) vs Muslims (shia)
this is the funniest ask ive ever received
Anyways Palestinian Christians were run out of Palestine because of the Zionist Occupation (and they're still there but facing hardships as a result of apartheid).
But sure its cuz Muslims are so violent and disgusting /sarcasm
Eid Mubarak, I hope you change for the better random islamophobic anon!
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icarusignite · 9 months
Hey! I don't know if this is the proper format (still kind of new here) but I'm sending in this prompt for an Alfred × Reader fic. There's this idea for him that was stuck in my head a couple months ago. So…
It's set either S2 or S3 but it fits better in S3 or the break between 2 and 3. Alfred is really ill which isn't unusual for him, but this time he's taking a lot longer for him to heal and he's deteriorating more seriously than he normally would.
People in court start looking around for new healers and remedies. Alfred is also kind of desperate because he doesn't want to die before England is complete or Edward is ready to take over.
Reader, who is a healer, comes to court with the intention of helping Alfred. She's neither Dane nor Saxon, if you're comfortable with it she could be of Asian or African origin/descent (eg Father Benedict in S5). She's either Muslim or Christian, either way she's well read and a bit of a scholar (if you've seen Vikings: Valhalla S2, there's a female character that might ring a bell). She's also able to reassure him, like Iseult, that she's treating him with nature's bounty and nothing sinister.
Because she's a scholar (also maybe a Christian), Alfred is comfortable that she's not practicing witchcraft so this helps him accept her more easily. It also helps them bond and they become really close friends over the course of the months she spends treating him. They have fun banter and he's able to feel like Alfred, the man around her instead of King Alfred. Then he realizes that he has feelings for her.
At this point it could go any way really. Does Aelswith factor into it much or not? Does reader reciprocate his feelings or not? If she does, would she be comfortable giving into them and being a mistress? Is Aelswith even in the picture or is this a slight AU? Do they have a sad, happy or bittersweet ending? Idk
For extra spice, Reader could also be good friends with Uhtred or Finan which makes Alfred a little jealous but also sad because he thinks that she'd probably prefer the charming, handsome, potentially single, strapping man to whatever measly affection he could offer her.
Ideally, it would be fluff or smut but whatever you're comfortable writing is fine! Sorry if this is too long but I wanted to be as clear as possible 😅. I also understand if this is too much for a oneshot and you forego the idea entirely
Alfred the great x POC! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: Heyy, so sorry this took literally eons to finally write. Thank you for your lovely request and also thank u for your patience <3 Hope you enjoy what I've done with your idea, and dw this will have another part where I'll explore their chemistry more. I watched a bunch of Alfred edits to get in the mood and ngl I'm lowkey in love with him now lmfao. 
Disclaimer: there might be some (a lot) historical discrepancies because I didn't line up the dates exactly but I did find out that the Golden Age of Islam overlapped significantly with the dates that the last kingdom spans so the reader is a prominent scholar from Baghdad. Also, Aelswith is dead (I'm sorry T_T) cuz I don't love a cheating trope even when it is sort of historically accurate. So we have single dad Alfred lol. 
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The only heaven I'll be sent to is when I'm alone with you
Entering King Alfred's throne room, your senses were immediately awakened by the unfamiliar sights, sounds, and scents of Wessex. The room itself was a stark contrast to the opulent palaces and grand courts of Baghdad that you were accustomed to. The room was spacious, yet its decoration was surprisingly humble and simple, adorned with rough-hewn wooden beams and modest tapestries that depicted various scenes of English myths and prominent events. With a flash of triumph, you found that you recognized some of them from your studies of the English culture. A faint scent of burning wood from the hearth permeated the air with an earthy aroma.
You observed the nobles in attendance, or the ealdormen as they were called here, their attire markedly different from the splendid silks and jewels of Baghdad's court. Here, the people wore simpler garments made of sturdy wool and linen, in the dark colours of the earth as opposed to the the vibrant clothing the people of your home favoured.
Your gaze then turned to the throne itself. It was a robust wooden chair, its design austere yet imposing, lacking the grandeur of the magnificent thrones you had imagined English kings liked to occupy. King Alfred's regal figure atop the throne created a dignified presence. His clothing, matched the style of his ealdormen, long simple robes of a dull grey. The seat next to him was empty and you briefly wondered about his family. The chronicles you had read stated that a king's wife usually took her place beside him when he held court, but you did not know much of Alfred's wife.
Your fingers itched for your writing instruments, yearning to document all your observations and the happenings of the court. You seldom went anywhere without them, but now they remained tucked away in your satchel as you waited for the king to acknowledge your presence. You knew he had seen you enter, his eyes briefly meeting yours, even as he conversed with his ealdormen. Eventually, your thoughts began to wander and you couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast between the scorching heat of Baghdad and the chilly bite of autumn in Wessex. your flowing linen tunic and trousers, so comfortable in the sweltering desert of your homeland, felt inadequate against the cold English air that seeped through the cracks in the stone walls.
You discreetly rubbed your tingling fingertips together, trying to generate some warmth, as the fire blazing at the hearth did little to banish the chill that had settled in your bones. Your longing for the warmth of the caliphate's sun was keenly felt in this unfamiliar and frigid environment.
Impatience welled up within you as you glanced around the chamber, noting the courtiers' stoic expressions and hushed conversations. The king's deliberations seemed to stretch on endlessly, and you found yourself yearning for the moment when you could finally present your credentials and seek the audience you had travelled so far to obtain.
King Alfred's voice finally called out your name, his voice echoing through the chamber.
"Esteemed lady, I welcome you to the court of Wessex."
The ealdormen, accustomed to the formalities of their court, were taken aback when you did not bow or curtsy as was expected. Instead, you offered a polite smile and tipped your head in a gesture of respect.
A murmur of surprise and disapproval rippled through the assembled courtiers. Some whispered that your behaviour was disrespectful, a breach of protocol. They exchanged curious glances, wondering how their king would react to this departure from tradition.
However, King Alfred took no offence. With a gracious nod, he signalled for you to speak.
"Thank you, your grace. It is an honour to be here."
Your accent was soft, lending your words a foreign intonation, and each syllable was carefully enunciated. You had spent months learning the language, and you weren't about to embarrass yourself now by messing up your pronunciation.
"I extend my deepest gratitude to you for undertaking such a long and arduous journey at my request. I hope the discomfort of the voyage did not prove too taxing."
"Your Majesty," you replied, "it was a journey of great honour for me, and I hope to make myself useful here."
King Alfred nodded appreciatively and then turned to a servant standing nearby.
"Please, ensure that the lady is provided with comfortable quarters and all the amenities she may require during your stay in Wessex."
The servant bowed in acknowledgment and stepped forward to escort you to your residence within the royal palace. You thanked the king once more for his hospitality and assistance before following the servant out of the chamber.
As you left the throne room, your observant nature couldn't help but take note of King Alfred's condition. Despite his attempt to appear at ease in his chair, you had perceived the subtle signs of discomfort. His favouring of his left side, indicating pain or injury to his right, and the unusually pallid complexion for an Englishman raised concerns in your scholarly mind. That was your purpose, after all, to try to diagnose and hopefully cure the ailing monarch.
Just when you were gone, the noblemen of King Alfred's court wasted no time in flocking around him, their curiosity piqued by the arrival of the enigmatic woman. They bombarded the king with questions and voiced their concerns about the unfamiliar customs you had displayed.
One nobleman, his voice dripping with skepticism, remarked, "Your Majesty, did you see that? She didn't bow or curtsy as she should have! It's as if she has no respect for you."
Another, eyeing your unusual attire and complexion, chimed in, "And her clothing, Your Grace! It's unlike anything I've ever seen in Wessex. She's clearly not from anywhere near England. What could she possibly want here?"
The murmurs of disapproval and suspicion spread among the courtiers, as they exchanged perplexed glances. To them, your arrival was an anomaly, and your behaviour had raised eyebrows and questions.
King Alfred, his countenance calm and measured, raised a hand to quell the growing unease.
"I understand your concerns, but there is nothing to worry about" he began, addressing their concerns. "The lady you have just met is a prominent figure from Baghdad. She has travelled from a distant land to be here and she is not here to defy our traditions or customs. She is a scholar seeking to further her studies in Wessex. Her journey to our land is a great honour, as it reflects the recognition of the importance of our own intellectual pursuits."
His tone left no room for further skepticism. He also did not mention the other reason you were there, as he did not wish to reveal the truth of his declining health. As the nobles filtered out of the room, somewhat still unsatisfied by his answer, Alfred couldn't help but remain still, his mind going over the recent developments. When he had first written to the Abbasid Caliphate to request that he be allowed to host a medical scholar at his court, he had to admit he was not expecting a woman, and certainly not one so beautiful.
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The next day, Alfred summoned you to his private chambers for a consultation regarding his health. As you entered the room, he couldn't help but notice the change in your attire. Gone was the flowing linen tunic and trousers, replaced by a sturdier, more practical woollen English dress. The deep blue gauzy veil, however, was still draped around your head and flowed down your back.
The English clothing seemed to complement you, accentuating your elegance in a way that was both unexpected and captivating. The king, not for the first time, found himself admiring you, though he kept such thoughts to himself, mindful of the formal context of your meeting.
You, ever the professional scholar, maintained a polite and formal distance as you began your examination of the king. You inquired about his symptoms, listening attentively to his description of the pain and discomfort he had been experiencing. Your deep knowledge and keen medical insight were evident as you asked probing questions and conducted a thorough assessment.
After a careful evaluation, you began to discuss your observations and your initial diagnosis with the king. You explained your thoughts on the potential causes of his discomfort and suggested a course of treatment. King Alfred was grateful for your expertise, and couldn't help but be struck by your intellect. He had a thirst for knowledge himself and he appreciated the quality in others when he saw it. In you he recognized a passion for learning and documentation, one he held himself as well. After the medical examination, he extended an invitation to you to remain in his chambers and share a cup of tea. Initially hesitant, you eventually agreed, recognizing the value of the opportunity to engage in conversation with the English monarch.
Seated in the warmth of the chamber, Alfred began to share with you the rich history of England, its struggles, its triumphs, and its cultural tapestry. He spoke of the challenges of the Anglo-Saxon period, the battles against the Danes, and the enduring spirit of the English people. As he narrated the history of his land, Alfred couldn't help but notice how your eyes lit up with a deep fascination, even though you attempted to contain your enthusiasm. Your questions flowed naturally as you probed deeper into the history and culture of Wessex. You asked about the Anglo-Saxon kings, the legends and folklore, and the development of the English language.
You kept diligent notes in your little notebook, your hand swiftly capturing every detail of the conversation. Your keen intellect and insatiable thirst for knowledge were evident, and your genuine interest in Alfred's words warmed his heart. It had been quite a while since anyone had paid such rapt attention to what he was saying, and he found himself rejuvenated by your exchange.
As a lull settled over your conversation, Alfred's curiosity got the better of him. With a twinkle in his eye, he leaned forward and said, "My lady, I must admit, I'm quite curious about the contents of that notebook of yours. What sort of information have you been documenting to take back to your homeland?"
You smiled, your demeanour more relaxed than when you had first come in, "Your Majesty, you need not worry. I promise you, I haven't written that the English are fire-breathing trolls."
Alfred felt a grin tug at his lips, but he suppressed the urge, keeping his hands folded placidly over his stomach.
"Well, you know, if we English could breathe fire, we might have an easier time dealing with our enemies!"
"There is a trick that performers back home use, to give the illusion of breathing fire. The science behind it is quite fascinating. Perhaps I shall explain it to you sometime."
"Ah yes my lady, you have filled your book with our tales, but have yet to share yours. Do you have any secrets from the East that you'd like to share with us humble English folk?"
You couldn't help but smirk at his words, "I'm afraid some secrets are best left in the lands where they belong, your grace. We wouldn't want you to start brewing Persian tea incorrectly, now would we?"
"I doubt it can compete with our tried and trusted English tea."
"You only think that way because you haven't tried Persian tea yet. Trust me, once you have, there's no going back."
"I suppose you make a fair point! Although, I must admit, the thought of trying to decipher the intricacies of Arabic calligraphy is rather tempting."
You paused, your light-hearted nature urging you to make another joke but you strictly reminded yourself that you were in the presence of a king. It would do you no good to offend him with an ill-timed statement. You were already apprehensive about your earlier comment about the Persian tea, although you were grateful that he chose not to see it as a slight. As if sensing your hesitation, Alfred sat up in bed and leaned forward.
"You are free to speak my lady, do not hold yourself back on my account," he reassured with a wave of his hand.
Still, you settled for a polite smile, "I was just going to remark on the difficulty of calligraphy but I am certain that if anyone would be able to master it, it'd be you, Your Majesty."
A small furrow appeared between Alfred's brows as if that wasn't the answer he expected from you. He could see you pulling away, going back to your polite, almost cold professionalism. Eventually, he nodded thoughtfully at you.
"I would be ever so grateful if you could perhaps show me the technique someday, my lady."
You breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with a small smile.
"Now, about that notebook, if you would allow me to take a look?"
"Ah yes, of course," you handed over the small leatherbound journal to him quickly without further complaints. "But I must warn you, my handwriting isn't at its most legible."
Alfred accepted the notebook with a nod of appreciation. As he leafed through its pages, his eyes quickly fell upon your meticulously written notes. Your thoughts were inscribed in your native language and although he did not understand the words, your elegant looping script impressed him.
He raised an eyebrow and turned toward you expectantly, pointing toward a specific passage, "And what does this say right here?"
"It is a description of the English weather, your grace."
Alfred leaned closer, his finger tracing the inked lines on the page.
"Ah yes, English weather. It was raining when you first arrived, wasn't it? What do you think of our English rain then, my lady? I've heard it has a certain charm."
"Well, I believe your rain can be quite persuasive. It insists that one should stay indoors and read a good book."
Alfred's lips twitched again, fighting back a smile. It seemed that the new scholar shared his interests as well.
"A wise perspective, indeed. Perhaps our English rain is simply encouraging a literary lifestyle."
"Yes, your grace."
"My lady" he continued, a note of genuine admiration in his voice, "I must tell you, your handwriting is truly exquisite. Tell me, just how many languages have you learned."
You felt a blush creep into your cheeks at his compliment. There was something sincere in his eyes as he waited for your answer, looking at you like your accomplishments were the greatest thing in the world. You opened your mouth to respond but then a loud knock sounded on the door and a priest entered.
"Yes, Father Beocca," Alfred seemed irritated at the interruption.
Father Beocca's eyes glanced from you to the king, and despite the fact that you were sitting in a chair quite some distance away from him, you felt a strange flash of awkward embarrassment run through you.
"My king, Uhtred is here to see you," the priest finally stated.
Alfred sighed and turned toward you with an apologetic smile, "Shall we continue our conversation another time then, my lady? It seems that I am needed elsewhere."
"Yes, of course, your grace."
You quickly took your leave then, choosing to take one of your books and go read in the garden. You had just settled yourself into a comfortable nook when loud boisterous laughter caught your attention. Turning your gaze towards the source of the commotion, you spotted three men, two of whom were dressed in the attire of warriors. Their boisterous behaviour was evident as they playfully teased and shoved the third man, who was clad in robes that resembled those of Father Beocca. However, a leather breastplate adorned his monk's attire, hinting at a surprising duality of roles – priest and fighter.
The two warriors were engaged in a lively exchange with the monk, their laughter echoing through the garden. You couldn't help but smile as you watched the scene unfold. Their camaraderie and jesting reminded you of the Caliph's sons back home, when your father would take you to visit the palace.
One of the warriors, a bearded man with broad shoulders and a hearty laugh, clapped the monk on the back.
"Come now, Osferth," he said between chuckles, "surely your devotion to the Lord could use a bit of levity now and then."
The monk, Osferth, grinned in response, "Aye Finan, it is said that laughter is the best medicine, is it not?"
The other warrior, a lean and quick-witted fellow, joined in with a jest, "Well, if that's the case, Osferth, then Finan here will live to be a hundred and you shall die tomorrow!"
Osferth elbowed the tall man in the ribs, "Not before I knock some sense into you Sihtric."
Their jovial banter and good-natured teasing continued, creating a lively atmosphere in the serene garden. You couldn't help but be amused by their antics and the familiarity of their interactions, watching them for quite some time.
The trio of men eventually noticed your presence, and with their laughter dying down, they made their way over to you. As they approached, their expressions revealed a mixture of curiosity and surprise.
The broad-shouldered warrior, Finan, whose eyes twinkled with mischief, was the first to speak. "Well, what have we here?" he said with a grin. "A traveller from foreign shores, I presume?"
"Yes, I am from Baghdad, my lord."
The warrior, clearly taken with you, couldn't resist a flirtatious remark.
"Lady, I must say, you are a wondrous addition to our English garden."
You snorted at his attempt at flirtation.
Meanwhile, the monk with the leather breastplate maintained a more respectful demeanour.
"Greetings, lady, I am Osferth," he said with a nod. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. May I ask what brings you to our humble Wessex?"
You found the monk's polite curiosity quite refreshing.
"Greetings to you too, Osferth. I've come to further my studies here. Wessex has much to offer in terms of knowledge and history, and I hope to make the most of it."
"Well, my lady, if ever you wish to explore our English shores, I'd be delighted to be your guide," it was Finan who spoke again and you could not help but laugh at his words.
"Thank you, kind sir. Your offer is most gracious."
“Call me Finan, my lady.”
Your change continued as they asked more about you and your hometown and you asked about theirs. You found out that they were a band of warriors who followed some fellow named Uhtred, the very same Uhtred who was currently speaking to King Alfred. As the conversation flowed, you discovered that you enjoyed speaking with these men. Their witty banter and friendly demeanour made you feel at ease, despite the foreignness of your surroundings. You shared stories of your travels, your scholarly pursuits, and the cultural nuances of your homeland. The men, in turn, regaled you with tales of their own adventures.
As you continued to engage in playful banter with the warriors, you remained oblivious to the presence of King Alfred and Uhtred, who had ventured outside and were observing the lively exchange.
Eventually, with a confident stride, Uhtred made his way toward your group to make his introduction and Father Beocca approached the king with his concerns.
"Your Majesty," he began cautiously, "I must admit, I have reservations about entrusting your treatment to a foreigner, especially one from so distant a land. We must be cautious of witchcraft and unfamiliar practices."
King Alfred turned to Father Beocca, his expression thoughtful but resolute, "Father Beocca, I understand your concerns, but the lady is no ordinary foreigner. She hails from Baghdad, a city known for its innovative medical advancements and a center of learning in the Islamic world. She comes as one of their finest scholars, sent by the Caliph himself."
"I see, your grace."
"I have read extensively about the great Islamic civilization, and its contributions to science, medicine, and philosophy. I believe we have much to learn from her, not only about medicine but also about fostering understanding and collaboration between our cultures. They have succeeded in uniting several lands under one caliphate, so perhaps we might learn how we may unite England as well."
Father Beocca, though still cautious, nodded in understanding, "Your Majesty, I trust your judgment. It is my fervent hope that the lady's presence here will indeed lead to beneficial knowledge and that she will uphold the values of wisdom and compassion."
"Thank you, Father Beocca. Let us have faith in this unique opportunity for cultural exchange and enlightenment. Her presence is a bridge between worlds, and I believe it is a path toward a brighter future for Wessex."
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Over the course of the next few months, you became familiar with the routines of the Wessex palace. King Alfred allowed you to shadow him throughout his day, believing that you could provide valuable insights into his own activities. It was a decision that would lead to a profound connection between the two of you.
Every day, you diligently prepared poultices and medications for the king’s ailments, and often you’d recite the recipe to him and explain the purpose of each herb and plant that went into it. He found that he trusted you completely but he was still comforted by your transparency and the efforts you took to explain things to him. Sometimes he would insist on accompanying you on walks and you would point out the various native English plants and their counterparts back home. You also documented the king's activities and observations in your notebook. At times, he would request to see your notebook, often just to admire the beauty of your script. He marvelled at the graceful lines of your writing, and the intricate calligraphy that adorned the pages.
Your interactions went beyond the formalities of your initial meeting. King Alfred, always eager to learn, would occasionally ask you to translate certain passages from your native language and over time, your bond grew stronger. King Alfred began to look forward to each day, eager to see your bright and colourful veil, a striking contrast to your plain English gowns. He would wonder which hue you would choose, and it became a delightful anticipation in his daily routine.
Your conversations transcended the realm of duty and scholarly pursuits. The two of you shared your favourite books, discussing the nuances of various works and debating the merits of different translations. Your insights challenged Alfred's own understanding, and he cherished these moments of intellectual stimulation.
As the days turned into weeks and then months, Alfred realized that you had become an important fixture in his life. your presence was a source of inspiration, a reminder of the power of knowledge, and a testament to the potential for understanding and collaboration between different cultures.
He found himself thinking of you when he was apart from you, reminiscing about how your eyes would dance with mirth as you argued with him about the inaccuracies of translated works, or how your laughter would fill the palace corridors. You had not only enriched his pursuit of knowledge but had also touched his heart, becoming a cherished friend and confidante in the process.
Alfred could still vividly recall the way you had looked at him with genuine wonder and appreciation when he had shown you his humble library. He knew that compared to the great libraries of Alexandria and Baghdad, his collection was modest, but you had delighted in it all the same. Your eyes, filled with curiosity and admiration, had swept over the numerous scrolls and manuscripts, taking in the wealth of knowledge contained within those walls.
In that moment, as you softly murmured your thanks, Alfred felt his breath catch. He was struck not only by the beauty of your physical presence but also by the grace with which you carried yourself and the genuine enthusiasm you displayed for learning. Your voice had a melodic quality that lingered in his memory. It was a voice that seemed to breathe life into the ancient texts that surrounded you and the king found himself quite enamoured with you. The two of you spent many a late night pouring over scrolls together, and although he always kept a respectful distance, Alfred found himself wanting to brush away the stray strands of hair that fell across your forehead, having escaped the tightly bound coil you usually kept your hair in.
Tonight was one such night as the dim light of the candle burned low, and after a lively discussion on herbal medicine, you had fallen asleep on one of the ancient manuscripts. Alfred, his mind still buzzing with the echoes of your conversation, fought against the pull of sleep. Instead, he watched you slumber, his heart filled with a mixture of admiration and tenderness.
In the soft candlelight of the library, you appeared even more enchanting. Your thick eyelashes brushed against your cheeks as you slept peacefully, your features serene. Your form rose and fell with each gentle breath, a rhythmic reminder of the tranquil cadence of sleep. Alfred couldn't help but be captivated by your beauty in this unburdened state. The play of shadows and light highlighted the delicate contours of your face, and the soft glow of the manuscripts around you lent an almost ethereal quality to the scene. You looked like a vision from a dream.
As he watched your slumber, a sudden, unexpected urge welled up within him. He was struck by the temptation to lean in and kiss you, but he quickly banished the traitorous thought. What an absurd thing for a king to do, to force his affections on a guest in his home. Especially when he had no way of knowing if you returned his feelings. He would have to content himself with the simple act of watching you sleep, his heart filled with a deep and unspoken longing.
He also found himself wondering if you were betrothed, for you couldn’t possibly be married and still be here. What man would not accompany you or let you out of his sight if you were his wife? Although you had discussed many things, you did not stray close to personal topics such as family. You were only a few years younger than him and surely you had to have someone in your life. And even if you didn’t, what could you possibly want with an ailing man like him when a woman as accomplished as you could have anyone in the world?
Such melancholy things plagued him as he eventually drifted asleep on the table across from you, his final thoughts fixating on what it might feel like to have your lips against his. 
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blueiight · 1 year
something ive talked about casually but never made a post on is how armand’s name in amc iwtv s1 is rashid which translates to “one who rightly guides those [to god]”. rashid can also mean ‘a steward of true belief’ suggest ‘maturation’ in a spiritual sense [but maybe also a literal sense here lol]. in sunni islam, the first 4 caliphs [political leaders of a religious state] were the prophet muhammed’s closest companions, called the rashīdun [rightly guided ones] bc of their proximity to muhammed’s message, and sunni muslims are encouraged to take inspiration from prophet muhammed and his closest companions. this is really interesting when u think of one of book armand’s many names being amadeo, which is a theophoric name basically meaning it mentions god n specifically amadeo means “love of god”, whether its someone who loves god or is loved by god . dual meaning. marius bestowed armand this bc of armand’s piety & tortured relationship to faith, as well as likening himself to a god in a way thru re-creating armand as a vampire. this begs a lot of questions as to what the show intends for armand’s faith, least of all bc armand’s suicide attempt in mtd is driven [in part] by witnessing ostentatiously catholic proofs of a catholic god, and he spends hundreds of years enmeshed in catholic [or anti catholic structures that still operate on a catholic understanding of the devil/satan/god] & a few of those years locked away cuz of some catholics. theres a lot of things amc could do with a now muslim armand, especially bc he would be in an era where the tides of power change from muslim control in certain areas to christian control [tho idk how close he would be to them areas presuming hed still be in central euro + italy n the parts of italy he was at was like. always a bulwark of christianity in euro] & how very possible catholic incursions on his islamic faith / forced conversion even? may impact why he [or whoever deemed him rashid if not himself] likened him to a mere guardian of/ to god rather than beloved by god. or what if hes also rashid to indicate his stewardship over lou in s1 [‘i serve a god’] 🤔
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lady-byleth · 3 months
So Israel, in its absolutely ludicrous arrogance, has now managed to:
Get Pakistan and Iran, who attack each other, to somehow...burying the hatchet cuz FUCK ISRAEL I guess??
Piss off the Houthis
Bring in the West and piss off the whole of Yemen MORE
Piss off the Yemeni so much the various government parties and civilians ALSO bury the hatchet cuz FUCK ISRAEL
Bomb Libanon
Piss off Hezbollah
Get Hezbollah chomping at the bit for any excuse to reenact 2006 because FUCK ISRAEL
Teach the world through research into Hezbollah that Israel LOVES the human shields excuse (its your choice to kill them anyway, habibi)
Bomb Syria
Bring in the Iraqi resistance that promptly attacks Haifa and disables the airport because FUCK ISRAEL
Piss off the Saudis who block the airspace to anyone trying to deliver weaponry
Piss off every goddamn civilian in the area because FUCK ISRAEL is apparently a very common sentiment
Give Hamas TONS of good press through dozens of easily seen through lies
Raise support for Palestine MORE through said lies
Turn the whole civilian world against them
Fuck up their own economy
Divide the Jewish into two distinct factions like never before
Expose the corruption and depravity in the world governments for all to see
Make people aware of media bias against Arabic and North African people
Put Islam into a favorable light for the first time in decades because the world actually learns about it now despite Hollywood's best efforts
Improve everyone's legal knowledge cuz we're all following the court proceedings
Improve everyone's understanding of how to get reliable information and spot propaganda
Educate the world about Apartheid
Educate the world about Nelson Mandela specifically
Boost Palestinian solidarity AGAIN because even Nelson Mandela said FUCK ISRAEL
Make FUCK ISRAEL the most common stance on them
Improve understanding of Antisemitism through constantly using it as a defense and annoying people into not being antisemitic in the first place (from what I've seen anyway)
Humiliate Germany on a global level (which I am quite pleased with as a German)
Unite and mobilise people like never before
And all that by being so fucking shitty at military, human rights and PR that no one can deny it unless they're literally doing it on purpose
I don't remember the world ever agreeing so wholeheartedly on something as they agree on FUCK ISRAEL and, more importantly,
From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free
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royal-confessions · 8 months
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“it was very depressing and disappointing to see the "archewell boy" and his statement supporting isreal is he trying to gain sympaty from the media after he was caught in wearing the nazi uniform!! does he know the meaning of this cruel war?? like does he know that USA gives weapons to Isreal to kill palestinians people everyday 24/7 and starving them to death cuz they control everything there! dont you dare say that that palestinians soldiers are killing babies cuz its been confirmed its FAKE RUMOUR and it was created by the israeli government to make palestians look like terrorist cuz they aint, half of my family was killed by the isreal soldiers. ofc he dont hes just a previlleged white prince who is a ignorant and he support a fascist & islam-phobic, terrorist state. also this is not only about him is about kate and william and king of the netherlands i lost respect..” - Submitted by Anonymous
“i lost respect for every royal who showed support for israel and their "SelF-DefeNce" oh pls just youre scared because you will lose popularity or your dynasty will be abolished!” - Submitted by Anonymous
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4achansworld · 2 years
“islam doesn’t force anybody uwu 🥰 its their own decision but we do still make hijabs for children althougth hijab isn’t even worn before puberty cuz obviously kids make all their decisions”
this couple also had a previous video, deleted now, where they were like “🥰🥰 we would NEVER force our girls to wear hijab but we can still impart good values and encourage them to like it🥰🥰” followed by them putting hijab on their daughters and explicitly saying that if they put it on young they'll want to wear it when they get older. Even if you scroll down their channel they put hijab on their very young daughters pretty frequently.
How is this not force. How will this lead to a free choice.
Alot of religious yt channels (christian, Muslim, whatever religion) seem pretty harmless cuz they have this setup of "🥰🥰uwu🥰🥰 I'm so sweet and accepting and just religious🥰🥰" but when you dig deep and watch alot if their videos you see how dangerous they actually are. Constantly encouraging some cult like tactics to promote their religion and doing the purity shame thing to play with people's feelings.
Anyone remember this trad wife channel on yt with a veryyy sweet woman who just used to give some womanly advices to women on how to be feminine and housewives and stuff and then occasionally slip some of the most anti progressive anti woman things in between. (Why was anyone surprised that she's a sexist??) People used to defend her with their lives. But then she also turned out to be a white supremacist and a nazi.
Don't get fooled by all this positive loving intros and please actually listen to what's being said.
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0-0baybay0-0 · 26 days
Just a message for all my moots
I am Jewish. I am a Zionist. Zionist means that I support a Jewish state. You can criticise the Israeli government all you want (fuck Netanyahu) but that does not mean that you should call for the genocide of the Jewish nation.
2. Could people please stop being racist to me. YES ITS RACISM IM FUCKING TIRED OF PEOPLE TELLING ME ITS NOT RACISM CUZ IM JEWISH. Block me if you want to I'm sorry to see you go but I stand firm on my beliefs.
3. Any one who dares to say that the Nova music festival massacre wasn't influenced by a jihadist islamic (COLONIAL) movement can go fuck themselves. I watched horrible videos of crimes being committed to my people and I will not change my stance on that.
4. As a minor I saw videos filmed by HAMAS members themselves, going into houses and massacring innocent (PRO-PALESTINIAN) people. AND YES. THEY KILLED PRO-PALESTINIAN PEOPLE.
Those people were the first to call for a two state solution, the first people to say fuck the Israeli government! AND THEY WERE KILLED.
5. Free Palestine -> from HAMAS. If any of you support the actions of HAMAS you are supporting a colonial terrorist movement.
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does anyone relate to me as a queer muslim?
Just wanted to put a disclaimer that I personally am not acting on it but I did find a way to reconcile my queer identity and religion <3
I grew up mostly thinking I was straight but in my teens I didn't label with heterosexuality anymore. I was never really passionate about queer activism but I recall being uncomfortable with homophobia at masjid and gatherings but I never thought about it too much until may 2022
That is May 27 2022 to be specific, the stranger things release date. Im not going off topic lol I promise. So basically I converted from being a mileven shipper to a byler shipper after watching. This was when my queer religious crisis started. I loved Mike and Wills relationship and I thought it was so beautiful from the way they treat each other. I was reading fanfics, watching edits, reading analysis 24/7. How could it be wrong
I knew that the logic with ''Sinful'' actions is that even though you desire benefits coming from it, and you intend good things to come out of it, the reason why its a sin is because unseen harmful effects come out of it even though that's not what we intend. ''But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.'' I could deal with the fact that queer actions were forbidden cause that meant you don't hate the sinner or the ''Sin'' but only the fact that your action has ''harmful unseen/unknown affect'' that you just have to trust in God that its there and that he would only make harmful things forbidden. For example: Promiscuity is a sinful behavior in islam, and God considers it disgusting because it is harmful, but in Jannah all the harmful effects of your desires are removed, this explains why alcohol and hoor al ayn, music etc exist in Jannah. So can I act on my queer desires in Jannah? I made the horrible mistake of going to cishet people with this question and obviously they said NO. I was so fucking pissed and mad and I felt guilty for being mad because it felt like I was questioning Allah. But mostly I was hurt because God is not who I thought he was and I felt ignored, betrayed, neglected, and I took the queerphobia as my image of God. It just made me even more pissed off when people said '' you will get something better'' why can't I get what i asked for and be treated normally like everyone else with their forbidden desires? After suffering an entire lifetime of homophobia and abstinence, God wants to brush this issue under the rug and ignore it even though it becomes a part of who a person is, where is the justice?? At that point I felt like if I couldn't get queer liberation in the next life for myself I would want it for someone else and I would fight for it. I had mercy in my heart for queer people. So this does not make sense cuz GOD IS THE MOST MERCIFUL, more merciful that any lgbtq+ activist on this earth, so God surely must out mercy me
I went through a religious crisis period for 6 months just constantly soaking up all the queerphobic media online from muslims. I felt sick reading all of it and I felt my heart drop. Why do muslims deny that queerness is not a choice. Why do these scholars have rights to speak on issues they've never experienced. How can a person tell another person how they feel. How can you deny centuries of queer people and why do some muslims make fun of queer people, hate us, think were disgusting etc. I really never felt any righteousness or respect from these people yet they say ''respect not support'' tf? I started getting depressed, failing in school because I took these people and modeled my image of Allah based on them. Why wont I get what I want in this life or the next? So my love was considered ''disgusting'' for no reason.
Then months later, everything changed. I started talking to God everyday and treated him like my therapist and I vented out all the pain of queerphobia. I did scientific research on queerness and found out that is generally innate/unchangeable and internalized homophobia turned into anger towards queerphobic people. I was just crying out to Allah wishing that Queer Love could be honored and respected one day and that slowly, naturally it turned into me making dua to Allah that queer people could act on it in Jannah. I for some reason thought it would be more acceptable to ask for queer relations without the sexual aspect lmfao my puritarian era. So anyways I slowly started making Dua to Allah often and asked all the time for queer liberation in the next life and for people I knew in real life, online, my moots, queer muslims who passed away etc. I turned the anger of queerphobia into calling out to Allah to ask for liberation for the queer ummah. I eventually also asked for the sexual aspects as well lmfao. I remember one day I prayed tahajjud and asked Allah for queer people to be with their lovers in the next life and to be themselves (gender identity) and I asked for a sign. I even talked to Allah about my love for byler lmfao dont judge me ok I was crying my ass off at the van scene where Will confessed to Mike. So anyways the ''Sign'' as I saw one day I was cleaning my room and read a book that said that Allah would never guide a person to make a dua if he didn't want to answer it. I was shook and long story short I learned that God is what you make of him and you must trust God when you make dua to him. Another Sign I saw was that I was a video literally explaining this concept in a tik tok another time after I made tahajjud and asked for the same thing again.
My perception of God has fundamentally changed and I am so grateful. Byler endgame 2024 <3
im just gonna quickly note that this blog *does* support acting on your queer attraction and i, as the mod, have multiple partners. i choose to interpret the stories that supposedly ban queerness otherwise (some of these interpretations are or will be shared in #resources) and that any harm that comes from it can either be mitigated (safe sex practices) or is the result of bigotry
but thank you for sharing your experience anon. genuinely happy that you managed to reconcile both with yourself and Allah :]
and hey, i get what you mean abt the fanfiction part skdfjh ! some of my earliest experiences w queerness were reading queer fics on ao3 and feeling,,, something. something i couldnt quite identify till years later. fics exposed me to queer romance, helped me come to terms with my allosexuality, and even helped me experiment with my gender in a way. i owe a lot to fic writers
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fandxmslxt69 · 11 months
Writer Self-Rec Fics Ask Game
Rules: writers list your top 5 favorite fics of yours and then send this to 5 writers! :)
AH HI ROMANA <33333333333
okay this is hard cuz. cuz i dont know how I feel about most of them BUT OKAY. prepare for some rambling i guess lmao
Holidays With Them - This is a little Moon Knight drabble with all three boys. It's a sort of little list about how I envision they'd be like with a muslim!reader during holidays like Eid and Ramadan. Basically....horribly tooth-achingly sweet activities with our favourite boys during the Islamic holidays <3 I'm actually veryyy proud of this one cuz it took a lot of confidence to post it lmao. But yeah, for my muslim girlies out there who wanted a little cheer-me-up with the lack of muslim centered fanfics <3 and for. um. educational purposes.
Friendzoned - A little harmless prank on Jason ends up in a bit of angst and some mind blowing sex. AHAHAH so this was the first (and currently only) DC smut I've written. It's the first request I got and actually...I love it. I mean like, it's Jason Todd, it's possessive smut it's hot...how could you say no to hot sex with Jason Todd? Maybe I'll like. have time to write more for him cuz...cuz I love him a lot.
Royal Pleasures - After an awkward (and slightly upsetting) encounter with Loki at one of Tony's parties, he comes to make it up to you (he can;t communicate his feelings, he has a um sex dream and well. Yknow he's horny, he's Loki, you can't say no its LOKI.) OKAY this was the first um Loki smut I had ever written and it's special to me because its like a Royal AU and...it's special cuz..cuz I worked hard on it (Atlas did too yes) um...and it's got pretty decent amount of interactions (wish there were more) but yknow its LGG certified (its not, she simply reblogged it and I still think about it to this day feels like I got celebrity recognition omfg @lokisgoodgirl I love you dearly.) anyway yeah it's Loki sex. Loki. mmmm Loki...
Lesson Not Learnt - More Loki smut. Innocent flirting with your friend Matt puts Loki in a bit of a....teaching mood. AHHHHH THIS WAS SO. FUCKING self indulgent I went APESHIT with this thing like the idea ate at me for WEEKS and its. probably SO UNHINGED but like. idc. Its hot (in my opinion) like wow. MMMMMM.
5. Anything For You Here For You - Putting these two together cuz in my mind they're like. "in the same world" I guess. LITTLE COMFORT THINGS WITH JAKE <33 Purely fluffy cuz it's Jake and I LOOOOOVE him and I was feeling rather shitty around those times and they just <3 yeah. Jake <3333
it also showed me that. I need to write a bit more other than. Loki smut. And...I need MK smut. I will ring my editor immediately about this problem lmao
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someone: yeah my parents are so strict, yesterday they..
person: [shows sympathy/compassion]
me: yeah my parents are so strict, yesterday they..
person: its cuz youre muslim right? thats why? its cuz islam makes them like that? because youre muslim? poor, oppressed you.. i knew islam was bad!
me: (i shouldn't have said anything)
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yonicfemcel · 6 months
islam has this whole culture of like pretending that youre such a righteous god fearing man its like a mask you put on but behind closed doors like 99% of muslims are terrible people. it's a case of just protesting too much maybe. some of them do genuinely strive in the way of god and do their best to be good people but the majority are worse than normal people from what i gather. i'd have trouble picking top three muslim ethnicities because they all blow. i would say probably like palestinians but even then theyre cucked. also turks, some of the best muslims were/are turks but they also have all that ataturk atheist shit going on so it figures theyd calm down. i think it's cuz jesus is missing from the equasion
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lady-rafael · 2 months
Mental health rant under neath the cut
Idk generally bad thoughts no privacy dublde standards
I can't deal with this shit no more fucki can't deal with this shit to many double standers just cuz I was born with a vagina man to many double standers and no one irl to this shit about ngl online freinds are banger but can't shake there shoulders for emphasis lol my brothers get away with anything for having dicks idk if jts the teen age hormones menstruation or me just over reacting but I'm angry and cmat deal with this shit sobbing rn but here's no privacy in this damm house I have no rooms even tho my brothers tho can't lock no doors no ii dropped a quikt over my self put the ac on and hope I don't get a heat stroke I'm already fasting tho to the cult known as islam some Muslims are nice and shit but I don't want to be in this cult where I can't even be bisexual in peace but I prefer not be stoned to death even tho that would mean I die and I don't have to deal with this shit but fuck I can't day before I tell my family to fuck off eat ass telll them u shouldn't children amd send them a pic of my kissing a women that would be funny but goddam I can't deal with the fact my brothers and steal my shit be bifchy hurt me whatever and if I complain I get the same damm response
Brothers are just like that
Fuck the best I get is my nice aunt saying they should be nicer I can't deal with my mother's telling me weather she disciples them or not there gonna be like that mo birth giver this sis your fualt I'm a bit bitchy at times but I'm fine amd our westerners magic or some shit or are there boys women in discise no matter what I do they arnt gonna take me seriously fuck once I told my mother I tried to kill me self (it was bout something stupid lol) she went on and on about that would ruin there reputation and shit fuck amd the thing is I'm self aware his shit is wrong but fuck I'm a supposed to do about it I'm here sobbing under a quilt having a heat stroke but the thing I ain't making a single noise beacuse I masterd the art of crying silent I hold my breath then I take a breath quickly so nothing goes out fuck I wanna draw but I can't beacuse my brothers lost my coulers reasonable I still have more then enough to draw beacuse it was a big set with 2 hundred coukers but jt a gift and my maybe autistic ass can deal with so many of them missing I want my set back I want my fans sharpener and fancy eraser back I lost one couler man ONE YET THERES still so many missing my brothers call me so many names yet they go off scott free I have afew online freid s one I vent to but he made the mistake kf being born a boy and I'm a girl so no I can't talk to him fuck and I have no privacy my mom says no privacy till marriage but maybe thags my fault for being bad with technology I changed changed my accounts to my on only a matter of time till my brothers complain to mum about it but my acount was made by brother but I forgot that so I have have find out how to change that if possible amd my conversations are spied by my brothers its so unfair maybe its just a hormonsbut I can't dealcwih this shit why is everything my fault I have half mind mind cut of my breasts and vagina and did I mention I can't run bescuse my chest is developing and I lady shouldn't run and shit while my brother can go fuck of and play football I understand that thers ba dpeople who want ogle at breats and I understand I'm developing my chest a bit earlier then other but dose that mean the little child hood I have should be takes from me should I filch from my mother while my brothers don't why do I have so many more rules that others don't I can't deal with this man I can't I'm so depressed I'm not even writing poetry like usual why are my hobby cringe and weird but when my brothers do it it's different and cool my one escapism famfictions where no matter how much shit tommy goes throw he eventually gets his found family and a happy ending but why don't I!!! Its unfair I go throw dukble the hurt none the fluff my brothers constantly shit on it why are you reading GAY fanfictions when jts gen GEN only reason they think it's gay is because they can't read the tags and think the fact
Tommy innt talks to tubbo
Means tommy is violently fucking him il admit I read original smut time to time but get it right I would never read shut about real people even if it's about the characters my brothers also fuckin gread fanics one of my brother lotions to narouto fnafics the other used to write jojo fan fics prob still dose maybe but I was the only one he felt safe and comfortable enough to show what changed! Now he shots on the fact I write and read i would never think about showing him what I write he tales my things and gets no consequences I'm younger and a bit weaker so I can't even hit him if i do he hits my harder then I scolded this is so fucking unfair i just what someone who o cam show my things who I can love maybe I read to much fanfics of happy endings but lord i wish I could get a time skip to my happy ending skip my hurt I could spend this time writing my storys next chapter but gods I don't want to do anything nowadays I know the reason I want to into the sport club is so I can spend less time at my home call it escapism if you want but gods I don't know man i just don't wanna do this I wanna leave every one is my family sucks but I still love them and that's why it hurts I don't wanna do any of this I don't want to be Muslim I don't wanna be in the closet I don't want to hide hiw fuckimg feminist I am my brothers will proudly say
They hate Indians and there racist they will be say there transphobic homophobic racist sexsist abalist etc my fucking freind is a gay trans man who's autist I'm freinds with a Indian online I think women are fucking sexy I belive everyone deserves rights I don't agree with anything of them I almost wish I was worse all those bad things just so i cam fit in I get so jealous when I read fanfics of loving sibling dynamics now a days why can't I have that Why it's just so unfair I don't wanna do this I don't wanna do this gods I'm blaming this on my peiord but before I leave why the fuck is that so tabbo man why half the population dose it so why do I have to hide it man why are man's so macho when they can't handle the thought that i bleed of my vagina I can't deal with this bullshit man I can't being a women sucks i wanna kiss a girl fuck boy kisser I wanna be a girl kisser women are sexy and oh did i mention what a fucked up relationship I have with my body i once got sick as fuck and my mother said that atleast I'm losing so much weight beacuse of this like mom that's not a good thing I like the compliments I get but it's not worth being hungry and I'm still fat it's so unfair i can't deal with this shit no one fuckinb knows I'm crying bescuse I'm crying so silently when I want to scream so bad rn I'm natursly a scream Cryer but I had to master being silent gods I don't wanna live like this
Peace out yall love your self drink water
I'm gonna go kill my self/jkjk
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