#cw Zhongli giving a speech about memories
genshinemblem564 · 10 months
Xenologues I-III
Xenologues contain important story elements but don't warrant full chapters, or I couldn't think of a way to link them to previous chapters.
CW: Death, threats of violence
These all take place during the timeskip.
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Xeno I: Comeuppance
After Zhongli returned from the meeting, it was time for the imposter to meet their fate. People from all over Teyvat were in Liyue to bear witness, even the archons, divine beasts, and adepti were present.
The ceremony started with the usual legal stuff, such as listing off the criminal's offenses, in this case being the impersonation of a god, attempted murder, and inciting the countless other crimes committed by those that they successfully manipulated.
The imposter was brought to the chopping block and was readied for execution before the goddess gave a speech ending with.
(S/N): Has the guilty any final words?
The imposter looks up at the crowd before them.
Imp.: Yeah. Here's a few. I don't know how, but somehow, someway, I'll make you all burn. YOU HEAR ME? YOU'RE ALL GONNA...
Before they could finish, the axe came down, and the crowd roared with cheer and glee. All except for one. Hu Tao knew she should be happy, but something was causing her great discomfort. What was this sinking feeling in her chest?
Xeno II: Rememberance
You, Sharena, and Alfonse were walking through inazuma when something catches your eye. An old bridge over a small river surrounded by sakura trees.
Sharena: What's up Summoner?
Alfonse: Is something the matter?
(Y/N): I've seen this place before.
This shocks everyone.
Sharena: Don't be silly. We only just got here.
Alfonse: Yeah, and besides, you said yourself that some worlds can have several similarities.
(Y/N): No, no. I haven't been here, but I've seen it. When I was young, too young to even be in school, I had a dream about a place that looked just like this. The only difference was that this bridge was in far better condition. It was like a memory from a past life.
As you were speaking, your hand was unconsciously investigating the wooden bridge, as if something was supposed to be there.
(Y/N): *sigh* Whatever.
Sharena: Huh!?
Alfonse: What do you mean "Whatever"? Doesn't this warrant investigation?
(Y/N): No. There's no guarantee I'd recall anything if we did, and trying to force myself to remember would only give me a headache. I'll remember if I'm meant to, but that won't change much, if anything at all. I'll still be me.
With that, you walk onward. The siblings share a concerned look before following you. Little did you know, your conversation was overheard by two individuals who were rather elated by this revelation.
Xeno III: Elements and Alchemy
Albedo had invited you, Sucrose, and Mona to his lab in the KoF HQ, as Dragonspine would be too cold for Mona given her choice of attire. He had found another other worldly seed, but previous methods proved ineffective. Even now, you four were struggling to find a solution.
Sucrose: Ugh!! This is hopeless. Nothing we do is working, and (Y/N)'s advice hasn't got us any closer.
Mona: Are you certain this thing can bloom?
Albedo: It can. It's happened before, we just need the right method.
(Y/N): Hmm, I wonder. What if it's not the method but the components that need changing? More specifically, what if we're missing one?
Albedo: What do you mean?
(Y/N): The elements you all use play a part in plant growth, earth, water, air, but we're missing one, plants photosynthesize using the sun's light.
Sucrose: B-But, light doesn't exist as an element in this world.
(Y/N): Then perhaps you need some otherworldly assistance.
Saying this, you raise your hand and an orb of light forms between all of you. Everyone is awe struck by this until you pull them back to reality.
(Y/N): Well, shall we try again?
Albedo nods, and everyone pours their elements into the orb before said orb is combined with the seed. Everyone watched with bated breath, and the seed bloomed, and just like last time disappeared. However, this time, a petal from the flower was miraculously left intact.
Mona: How did you know that would work?
(Y/N): I didn't, but I had to try something else if changing the method didn't work.
Albedo: I'm more curious about your ability to harness a new element. What all do you know about elements?
(Y/N): I don't know much, but I do know this, there are far more than seven or even eight elements if you include the light I just produced. They can be categorized into three groups, core elements, sub-elements, such as metal for earth, and combination elements, ice itself is a combination of cold air meeting water. However, I have only witnessed nine elements being harnessed. You already know seven, but the last two, light and dark, are foreign to you, correct?
Albedo practically pounced on you, grabbing your hands and looking you in the eyes.
Albedo: Please, teach me to harness these elements. As an alchemist, I need to understand more about this world and those beyond.
It takes you a moment to collect yourself after such a normally calm individual expresses such eagerness.
(Y/N): Sorry, I'm not the best teacher when it comes to practical use, but if you're that eager, you're more than welcome to visit Askr anytime. There's more than a few individuals who would gladly share their knowledge.
Albedo nods in agreement, and everyone heads home.
Albedo: Today's experiment yielded more than just results. This newfound knowledge will no doubt be invaluable, but I can't help but wonder. Why is it that a single petal still remains?
Xenologue II was inspired by something that actually happened to me when I was very young. It's also an interesting topic that I don't see many, or any, people making use of. Seeing visions of your past life through dreams, in an au centered around a past life, you'd think someone would have done this by now.
Also, Xenologue III is so long because it was originally meant to be its own chapter, but as stated prior, I couldn't find a way to link it to a prior chapter, and I also didn't want to wait until I could.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these.
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mahiloo · 1 year
Mourning them
A Genshin Impact fanfiction.
Do not proceed any further if you dislike angst linked to one-sided love and major character death : mind the tags.
CW : major character death, angst for all ships mentioned, one-sided ZhongChi/TartaLi, ChiLumi, platonic ZhongVen, platonic VenLumi or one-sided VenLumi.
How long had it been, already? Perhaps a thousand of years? He had lost count of the time.
It had been so long since the cryo archon, the Tsaritsa, ruler of Snezhnaya had launched her attack against the Heavenly Principles. Against Celestia.
So many years had passed... since he died. Since she also died.
The earlier was a one-sided love.
The latter was a good friend as well as a hero loved by all.
Those were the thoughts circling in his mind as he made his way to her tomb. To pay her a visit.
Looking back on those shared moments with them, he closed his eyes and remembered a fond memory.
There he was, sitting at a table, an exquisite cup of tea in his hand, his eyes lingering on the ocean as the people of Liyue made their way through the harbor, on their way back to work, or off to lunch, sometimes stealing mixed glances, all in his direction.
His eyes thus following the looks, the corners of his mouth curled up in an amused smile.
"Ugh- Childe! Quit it already! Give it back! This is not funny!" The traveler wanted her voice to sound firm, but the genuine fun she was having translated in her voice, betraying her.
What was assumingly supposed to be a glare from her was directed to a copper-haired young man, a pair of light blue haired feathers jokingly adorning his hair instead of hers, as it usually would. He was tauntingly holding a most elegant rapier, seemingly fontainian, way up above her head.
"Would you just look at that! Now that's a gorgeous weapon you've got here, comrade! Don't you think so, mister Zhongli?"
This name's bearer let out a laugh before giving his answer:
"Hah, yes, most refined indeed. Despite Fontaine being a nation mostly known for its mechanics, its people's skills when it comes to weapons craftmanship knows no need to envy Inazuma's reputation in this domain..."
Despite Paimon and the two youth giving him frequent looks, proving their want to listen to the cultured man and respect his speech, the fact that the harbinger was still toying around with the blonde woman, holding her rapier above his head, basically making her dance around him, also counted as an evidence that his question was partly rhetorical.
Seeing them get along like this made him smile. But the attention that he was giving her... was hurting him. Deep down. He just wasn't aware of it yet.
Two years later, Lumine finally sided with the Fatui, after learning everything she needed to know about this world. According to her, it needed to be built anew. When Childe broke the news to him, claiming that they had yet another powerful card up their sleeve, his eyes were shining in a newfound light. One full of ambition. Full of determination. Full of pride. Full of hope.
Full of love.
That's when the Lord of Geo bitterly realized that his friends would probably die, that he would likely be obligated to face them in battle despite his now weakened might, that the retired archon realized his feelings for him. At long last, despite the wisdom that he had learnt to cultivate thanks to an old, already long departed friend of his.
Now in the present time, he opened back his eyes in a deep sigh, knowing that he was now at the place where the Traveler, Honorary Knight of Mondstadt, Savior of Liyue, Captain of Swordfish II, First Sage of Buer, Leader of the Revolution, Flame of the War, and Twelfth Fatui Harbinger rested.
Nonetheless, a peculiar sight presented itself to him.
Peculiar and eerie.
There she was, the beloved hero, curled up on her knees, putting a bouquet of windwheel asters on her own tomb.
After what felt like an eternity to him, he finally dared to speak:
Lumine suddenly turned her head in a surprised way.
His feet brought him closer to her, allowing him to look more carefully at her face.
Her eyes.
Her eyes were different.
Not a shade of gold.
Anemo green.
Just like the color of her front locks, tied in two braids.
He immediately understood who was sitting in front of him.
A sad smile appeared on 'her' face, causing Zhongli to lightly scoff in the same way.
"Hey there, blockhead... you know, short ginger hair is a curious look on you." Barbatos finally spoke.
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zenthymiya · 2 years
Hello, I have requested this of prinzessin-chr previously, and they did a very good job on it but I am curious as to what your take on it would be. Imagine how some of the characters would react to learning that their S/O is living in a crumbling ruin of a house. If you are not open to requests, I am curious as to what your take on the matter would be. I will include some of mine.
I mean the walls are coated in mold with fungus growing a corner, the ceiling is partly caved in, the windows and doors are broken and the bed is just a mattress on the ground.
I used to live in a house that was pretty bad with its own issues, water heater leaked through walls, had live wires with no caps on next to insulation in the attic connected to a switch that could turn them on, windows leaked, a couple rats, had to turn off water in shed outside and a couple other issues. None of these issues were as bad as what I am requesting the readers living conditions be but I understand what it is like to live in a mess of a house and yet not want to leave due to personal feelings.
I imagine that some would be stunned into a stupor only to snap out of it and be like 'hell no you are not staying here,' and proceed to tell them that sentiment or not they are coming with them. I picture Ayaka, Kokomi, Ayato, Kequing, Scaramouche, Zhongli, Ei and maybe Diluc.
Some would probably think that it was a joke until the S/O unlocked the door, or what was left of it, and went to enter only to turn and ask why they weren't following them. I imagine these are the ones like Childe, Itto, Kujou Sara, Kaeya, Yae, Rosaria and maybe Eula.
Some of them would be of the opinion that it is safer in the wilderness or in their more primitive home than in this ruin. Amber, Shenhe, Beidou, and Xiao spring to mind.
I hope you like the idea, like I said prinzessin-chr did a pretty good job with it for the three characters I requested. I apologize if requests are not open or you are not interested in this idea.
Notes: Requests and things you want to say are always welcome in my inbox, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me <3
I’m not at all good at doing dialogue, so I’m sorry for that, but I do like the prompt. I am so sorry if this happens to be insensitive in any way, I have no prior experience close to it so it may not be all that accurate. I added two more characters if you don’t mind, I just thought they would be cool to do and I had already started writing them. Also I am so sorry for how long this took, I am just a very slow writer and had so many exams these past few months, but that doesn’t excuse it I’m so sorry </3
One more topic, so sorry for disappearing for like 2 months. Exams and school just kind of bonked me on the head.
Characters: Beidou, Zhongli, Ei, Ningguang, Keqing, Jean, La Signora
Cw: GN! Reader, Zhongli having a whole speech in his that doesn’t even make sense, Kidnapping?? Kind of, I think I had a bit too much fun on Ei’s, Suggestive Content in Ningguang’, Idk why but Jean sounds hot when sleep deprived, Signora’s real name spoilers? Is it spoilers?, Sorry for kind of terrible writing of dialogue, I still need to practice it, Slightly doesn’t make sense and I’m sorry for that
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Beidou
Thinks it is just a huge prank you are playing on her at first, really does try to laugh it off until she realizes that it isn’t a joke
Is honestly stumped on how to deal with your stubbornness. She can’t just force you- as much as she wants to at times- she’s not like that.
Instead, Beidou’s method of getting you out of your house is copious amounts of affection. Essentially trying to coax you out bit by bit, to convince you that sometimes you just need to let go of old places and make new memories in newer places. Every time she comes to visit you she takes you out on a lot of dates in many different places. It’s almost like every other hour that she drags to a new place like a restaurant, shopping, going on a hike, anything you can think of that involves you two going out.
While Beidou may seem a bit insensitive, she does understand how you would want to keep memories close by like those made with friends and family, but she also treasures new things just as much. And she wants to teach you the value of seeing new places to make new memories with new people.
Her way of convincing is to try to just keep you out of your place so she can show you new places, to convince you that it is okay to let go for your own sake. It’s also for her sake as well, she gets so anxious when she’s gone for weeks or several months at a time, fearing that she’ll just one day stumble upon your dead body caused by some freak accident that could’ve been prevented.
One day, when she’s been especially spoiling you in taking you on dates, she will ask you to join her at sea. Just one trip if you feel comfortable. Wether you will sway to the ocean or remain is up to you.
“Come oooonn just once? Please?”
Sighing, you looked behind you at the pirate captain trailing behind you, tugging at you like a puppy.
“How many times do I have to tell you, I am not willing to live on the literal ocean with you.”
Looking up you could see your girlfriend attempt to pout angrily at you, flailing her arms around you. “I told you I wasn’t going to force you to come live with me, I just wanted to go on this trip with you. It’s to Inazuma too! You and I both have never been there, just one trip!”
Tuning out the rest of the whining you searched for any type of lie in her eyes or voice, reluctantly you relented to the thought that Beidou actually just wanted one trip with her. Perhaps you should go, it wouldn’t hurt to get out of your hometown for a bit right?
You supposed you should go as thank you, especially when she’s been so.. nice these last couple of weeks. Buying you all types of food, bringing you plenty of souvenirs from her latest travel, and in general just being more affectionate (More than she already is).
“Hey!! Are you even listening? It’s just one tiny trip- We can even go on dates-“
Groaning, you closed your eyes and hid your head in your hands- away from her gaze- so you wouldn’t have to see that sparkle of triumph in her eyes.
“Okay, okay, I’ll go. But only for this one trip, alright?”
It didn’t do much as you still heard her whoops of joy.
“Great!! I’ll see you tomorrow at docks at noon okay? I promise you, you won’t regret this trip one bit!”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Zhongli
Truly does understand the value of a precious memory. He knows how impactful a memory is, especially one that has been throughout your entire childhood. Yet understand that he wants the best for you, no matter how much it means to you.
He offers advice about how the best memories are treasured when you can simply treasure them in your mind. Through persuasion and safety concerns, he managed to get through to your head about it.
With your hand in his, he escorts you to your house one last time, rubbing circles on your hand as he instructs to you bid a farewell to that house. He comforts you when you try to look back, and tells you to bring something of value, a living memory of your home, so it will always be there with you, providing a warm shelter for you.
He knows the priceless price of a memory, so have a fulfilling farewell before you walk away to a cove of new ones hand in hand with your partner
“Love, I know all too well about the true meaning of a memory, but please even this is too much.”
Frowning, you shake your head at him. “I’ve been raised in this home, this home has sheltered me throughout almost everything in my life Li, how am I supposed to just.. say goodbye? Aren’t you an Archon? Figures you don’t know how precious these things are.” Pulling away your head away from his piercing gaze, you start to turn around to walk away from him.
Only for a sudden hand on your wrist stops you, however, and you hastily whip your head back to your lover.
“[Name] please, I know you don’t mean that. I have experienced countless moments of happiness just as you have. All over Liyue in fact. These moments.. sometimes have no reminiscence left in them. A dear memory, a location, or just something as simple as wine is all I have left of these moments. I know you spent your years growing up and being protected by this house, but this house now poses a danger to you — a danger to my most precious memory so far. I assure you memories are one of the most valued and powerful things to come about, but memories can be honored using so many different methods. A nice charm of a piece of your home can be used to signify its protection over you, a food that you enjoyed thoroughly will remind you of home perhaps, and.. you. Your existence was raised by that home, you are going to be a living reminder of that home, you are your own memory. There is no need to hang onto a home that can’t support new precious memories waiting to be discovered. Please consider my words, I want you to be one of my most long living memories, so please, be safe and think about my words. I’m not asking you to live with me, I simply wish you to just let go of this memory before it rots, and discover new treasure in new memories.”
Silence. You didn’t look up at his gaze, you didn’t push him away, you didn’t yell, you simply stood still, hand still in his. He started growing concerned when the only noise that met him was chirping of crickets from around both of you. And then you opened your mouth.
“.. Yes dear?”
“I love you, but a simple sentence would’ve done the job you know.”
“Well, my point was made clear wasn’t-“
You cut him off with a sudden hug, burying your head into his chest.
“I’m sorry.” You can’t bear to look up from his chest, a muffled apology leaving your lips as he looks down at you in surprise. His expression then morphing into something softer as you feel a hand thread through your hair gently, “Don’t worry dear, I understand.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Ei
Is confusion. Why do you so adamantly endanger yourself in this eroding home — if it could even be called that. Do you really not know the danger of erosion?
Ei doesn’t want to see you hurt, especially by the home that provided you shelter for so many years. But her patience is thinning, sentimentality means absolutely nothing when you danger yourself.
You and her actually get into a whole argument about it and when you try to leave she doesn’t let you. She’s an Archon, she will make you come with with her no matter what. Any escape plans will be futile as Ei stations guards everywhere, as if there weren’t already enough
To make matters even more drastic, she is constantly observing you. Ei, the Electro Archon, the Divine Ruler of Inazuma, can and will throw you over her shoulder to carry you away from your home if you still persist to be stubborn.
She’s not good the best with words or understanding mortals, but she does understand wanting to remember things that are worth keeping. So while she can be very irrational about persuading you to just come with her; she will personally oversee the creation of something of your choice to keep the the memories of your home.
It’s not that she doesn’t mean well, she really just wants you to be safe. Even if she is very drastic. Yet understand that erosion contradicts her very beliefs. Like hell she’ll lose you to a rotting building. Ei has faced so many losses in her life, and she is not prepared suffer another one.
“Ei! I swear to the Archons if you don’t put me down-!”
“An Archon is right here-“
“Not the point Ei.” Stopping your struggle on Ei’s shoulder just for a bit, you still continue to try and wiggle out of her arms to no avail. “I don’t even know why you’re making such a big deal out of this anyways. I’m perfectly safe you know!”
“That ‘home’ of yours is past erosion. I will not let something so crucial to my eternity be lost to erosion. There also poses the threats outside of that ruin.”
“Well- you- you could’ve just asked at least!”
“I did.” Shaking her head while she responded. “You refused, and I worry for your safety, so I have to resort to drastic measures.”
Sighing, you slowly accepted your fate to be literally thrown over your girlfriend’s shoulder. You made yourself entertained as you watched the moving terrain pass you both steadily.
Stopping, she cocked her head at you, looking back at you with a questioning look.
“Could you at least give me a chance to say goodbye? Or maybe just preserve something that reminds of that home? I-I’ve been with it for so long Ei.. I just really appreciate it for its shelter and I feel as if I need to honor that.”
Stillness and silence came from your girlfriend. “As long as you choose something memorable.” She spoke slowly and softly — a contrast to earlier. It was as if she sympathized or even empathized your unwillingness to leave.
“If the thing you choose is truly the thing that represents your home, then I shall preserve it throughout the waves of time for you.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Ningguang
Oh she is so frustrated with you. She has a list of every single individual pros that come with living with her — which she proudly presented mind you, and yet you still refused.
She’s not very understanding as she’s never really had a very good connection with any previous homes of hers. She’s just trying to spoil you and keep you safe, even if she is a bit insensitive about the whole thing.
But she will definitely preserve something for you. Or just even keep several items or refurbish them to display them in your new shared home. Even if she doesn’t really understand the value of the item, she’ll do it for you.
In her mind, you deserve so much more than that home can provide. If this makes you happy and you will let her spoil you after, then she will do it.
She’ll actually come with you into your home and help you pick out some special items that are safe to bring with you. Just be grateful please; she’s internally cringing because of all the filth she is looking at and touching.
“You know you didn’t actually come all the way here to help me pick out items.”
“No- I… insist.” You giggle a bit as Ningguang flinches from the amount of grime and mold that coats the entire building.
“I know how high class you are, so I’m sorry about the mess. I already have a couple of things in mind though.”
“Don’t mention it…” She trails off that last word, making you turn back to look at her.
“Is something the matter Ning?”
“No.. nothing. Just a bit feeling a bit queasy is it.” A perfectly strained smile accompanied those sugar toned words.
Nervously chuckling, you sighed after at your girlfriend’s terrible attempt hiding her disgust. You did have to thank her though, as she is offering up her time to scour the home with you.
You know how hard it is to get free time as the Tianquan, and she even personally decided to escort you. Leaning up toward her face you pulled her down a bit to peck her gently on the mouth.
“Tell you what Ning, I’ll repay you back when we get back to the chamber okay?”
Her lips turned up slightly at that, and her nails came to grip your chin upwards towards her gaze, “Oh? And what is the offer of your repayment? Your company is wonderful, but perhaps this ordeal is worth a little more than that is it?”
With those words she dragged her nails from your chin carefully down your neck, continuing to drag them down on your chest..
“OKay!- Ning!” You gasped, pushing her away with a flustered expression. “That’s enough-!”
Your words were interrupted by smug sniggering coming from above you. Groaning you turned away and started walking deeper into the house.
“ I just love spoiling you [name]. Why don’t you let me do it here? It is a possible form of repayment for being here with you.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Keqing
Very direct in her actions showing that she hates you living in this place. While she is experienced and willing to fend for herself in the wild, she is not letting you live that life. Not even close.
The moment you become her partner she had already made a vow to keep you safe and provide you with best life she can as the Yuheng. While she does not like to admit it, she is growing in readily irritated and frustrated with you. And it shows.
It is a long and brutal battle of stubbornness. Her not having a proper rest until all that is needed is done, and one of her top to-do’s is to keep you safe. And you, who is very stuck as you are forced to choose between your girlfriend’s sleep schedule and your previous home.
If she absolutely cannot get you to budge, she will barely let it go. She’s scoffing every time she walks you home, taking you shopping almost every other day as a way to spoil you and keep you out of your house as well.
“I still do not understand your persistence.”
Frowning you turn your head to see your girlfriend; arms crossed with a nasty scowl to top it off.
You didn’t get a chance to respond as your next words are interrupted with more harsh arguments from her.
“That home is dragging you down, like with Gods and mortals. You refuse to let go of that silly little belief and you are paying the price for it.”
“It still shelters me. And I am attached to it. What is the so called price?” You bit back.
“Your safety. Your inability to reach new heights because you cling onto this one. And simply the little convenience. Must I name more?” Keqing huffed quickly.
She struts towards you exclaiming, “If you would just let me-.”
“Save it.” You quickly interrupt her as she reaches your form, looking at your eyes in frustration with underlying worry. Sighing, “Please just let it go Keqing-, I,” running a head through your hair as you break eye contact from her.
“You what exactly? I’m not letting you endanger yourself!-“
“I told you I’m not endangering myself!” You yelled quickly. Your short little outburst shocking Keqing evident by her eyes going wide. When she opened her mouth to speak you interrupted her. “In fact you endanger yourself! Refusing to sleep or even eat!- Because what?!Even going camping out in the woods with nothing, absolutely nothing! For what? ‘survival training’!- You have no right to be judging me when you pull these stupid stunts!”
“I-, please [name] don’t-“
“No!” Pointing an accusing finger at her, “Why can’t I say anything on your habits?”
Panting, you put your hand down back to your side as you look away from the uncomfortable tension now between you two. You didn’t acknowledge the clacking footsteps sounding closer and closer until two hands grabbed yours; forcing you to look at Keqing who was now right in front of you, face to face.
You gulped at the sudden closeness, the proximity and tension making you anxious. It felt like hours before Keqing decided to speak up, “I- [name]. I just- I’m sorry.” Closing your eyes you leaned yourself sideways into her shoulder, burying yourself in there.
A hand came up and patted your head even further into her neck. “I just.. I worry for you. I’ve never felt such enlightenment when I’m with you. It makes me want to… Spoil you. To protect you, to always have you near me. To always know that you are safe. Precious memories like yours.. Have never exactly existed for me. I suppose I’m being as protective over you like with you and that house.. But I’m still not letting you live there. There’s a limit to how much faith you can put into something before it-“
“Let’s you down.” Sighing into your girlfriend’s neck, “You’ve told me this so many times..” You felt her hold you closer; tighter and protective.
“Keqing..”, she turns her head towards your voice, “I’m giving you one chance. Show me what you shall benefit me in if I let go. I promise you can have my presence in your possession always if you succeed. But. You have to take care of yourself too. I’m putting my faith in you. Prove to me that you won’t let me down.”
“Y-you’re not being serious.. Are you?” You nodded still buried in Keqing’s shoulder.
You felt a deep breath of relief rush through Keqing.
“I promise [name]. I will not let you down.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Jean
Extremely worried for your sake; she’s going to keep insisting that it isn’t safe for you at all and that you should just come with her. Where it’s safe, warm, and filled with everything you could ever need or want.
She doesn’t want to force you if you are that unhappy or persistent, but you have to understand that she’s just so stressed for you. It’s honestly either she ends up dragging you with her or you reluctantly go because she’s just not taking care of herself anymore because she doesn’t know if you are safe yet.
Literally almost physically cannot go a single conversation without mentioning it for your safety. When she first saw it she was stunned; stupefied and immediately asked if you were okay and if you wanted a place with her.
When you explain your connection with the house, she understands somewhat. That doesn’t make it better for her though, she’s basically worrying about you every moment she thinks of you during the day. Sometimes she even randomly checks up on you.
Don’t mind her too much, it’s just that she’s already so stressed with Mondstadt and she doesn’t want to cost either factor for each other. She refuses to choose between Mondstadt and you because both of the choices are just so prioritized by her.
“Jean! When was the last time you ate- or even slept for that matter?”
Tired, distracted eyes looked up to see you leaning over the Acting Grandmaster’s desk, waving a hand in front of her face. “Hmm? Oh! [Name] I didn’t realize you visited today,” ignoring your protesting cries about her health in favor of glancing at a clock.
“I appreciate your visits, but it seems to be quite late.” Quickly interrupting your offended complaints with a groggy voice that just resonated with you - how can a sleep deprived, groggy workaholic sound so hot anyways…
“Would you like me to escort you back home? Or if that happens to be too far I can happily lend you my place for the evening.”
Crossing your arms and lightly glaring at her, “I can walk by myself you know.” You whined — with a cute little pout on your lips, to her. “Besides I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Of course you can.” she responds softly, “but you know dangerous the city can get, especially at night.”
She smiles reassuringly at you, “Don’t worry, I don’t mind at all, please I do I insist on escorting you back, besides it is a welcome distraction from work.”
No matter how sweet and lovely her smile is, you can’t shake the feeling of.. hesitation? No more like.. reluctance coming from her. You knew that she subtly disapproved of your home, but she never outrightly persisted on convincing you.
Maybe.. just this once you should let Jean rest without worries for you. What kind of partner would you be after all if you didn’t?
“Well there’s no time to waste,” she stands up quickly from her desk, swiping her sword along the way, “Well? Shall we?”
Shaking your head while she looks questioningly at you, “I- I decided I want to spend the night with you,” fidgeting with your fingers a bit with worry, “If it’s no problem of course-.”
“No! It’s absolutely no problem at all.” Somehow Jean is by your side in seconds, she looks considerably less worried, and much less tired even.
She pulls your hand along tugging you with her, shes not the best at hiding her glee you notice; the grin on her face says everything after all.
“Let’s hurry along now love, my place is not that far from here, and I’ll guarantee that I’ll do my best to accommodate you.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ La Signora/Rosalyne
She scoffs, stone faced telling you that it is, “Very funny.” Won’t actually pick up on it until a couple more times after because she thinks you’re just being a prankster
Literally asks you if you are keeping yourself humble for dating such a wonderful person such as her. When she realizes it’s not that reason then she will be carrying you all the way to Snezhnaya, no questions asked.
Sentimental value or not she’s taking you with her. She doesn’t understand why are being so stubborn, if she can leave Mondstadt as her first home then you can too.
She’s going to pamper you from then on, getting you like 10 different personal servants catered to each need you might have. She will going to look after you wether you like it or not. But she knows how painful it is leaving a place that you have so many memories with, so she orders a small piece of your preferred jewelry of your home for you.
Don’t confront her on how soft she was being though, she’ll deny every single piece of evidence about being love struck for you.
You stared, confused at the little locket Rosalyne had placed in your palm so suddenly.
“It’s a pendent containing a high quality picture of your old home,” she huffed, arms crossed with her head turned away from your curious eyes,”don’t think too much about it. I just think it might help you get over your homesickness.”
It definitely did help me, Rosalyne thought as she subtly fidgeted with the old pendent still clipped on her robes after all this time.
“Thank you Rosalyne,” a stupid lovely smile spreading across your face as you inspected the pendent. “I really appreciate you doing this for me.” You giggled out breathlessly.
Archons damnit, you looked so fucking adorable holding the gift close to your heart while you eyes glistened slightly-
Clearing her throat, “Do not mention it, I just supposed it would help you stop complaining about missing that place.”
How embarrassing. Was she really becoming the head over heels maiden she once was all that time ago?
Taking a peak at your still grinning, flustered face with those oh so kissable lips with adorable little cheeks that she could just squish all day-
Yes she was falling in love with you just like she had done with another so many years ago.
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