#d6 system
tiger-manya · 5 months
English release of Archeterica, Ukrainian TTRPG, is today! 👁️
Check it out, if you're looking for something occult and horror-themed, but also inspired by the Napoleonic era. The character creation allows a lot of freedom, and the combat is... deadly (if you're looking for that kind of thing, of course).
Quickstart Rules are here!
Good Mayor, the starting adventure, is here!
I worked on the line editing for the English translation, so 1) I would really appreciate you sharing this around; 2) if you see any mistakes, feel free to shoot me in the face (figuratively).
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zerohitpoints · 8 months
Quantum Dark: Horror 2d6 Gaming
Ever start putting together notes and writing something but never quite finish it and then along comes a better version of what you were writing? Yeah. I’ve done a bunch of notes for doing horror with the Quantum Engine just never finished. Well, I don’t have to now. Quantum Dark is out. And here we […]Quantum Dark: Horror 2d6 Gaming
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death-knight7 · 2 years
A taste of Saturday Mix
Below is the initial character creation rules for the system that will be posted on my patreon within a few hours of this post going up.
Who Are You?
Making a New Character
When creating a new character you have a number of choices to make. 
Choose a Bloodline
Choose a Path
Choose if you have Circuits, and if so, choose your Maneuvers
Choose your Traits
Choose your Weapon Proficiencies
Choose your Signature Weapon
Choose your Stats
Choose your Starting equipment
Determine your connections with the other characters around the table
Bloodlines define your heritage and physiology in broad strokes. When you pick a bloodline, you gain a Trait associated with it. 
You may choose from the examples or create your own. 
Human: Humans make up the vast majority of those that live on Dansly. You may not have some of the capabilities that others of differing bloodlines may have, but you don’t have any of the weaknesses or drawbacks of them either. 
Languages: Vishmani, your native language
Example Trait: Humans are incredibly flexible, your bloodline Trait needn’t be physiological. 
Chaos-Blood: Chaos-Bloods are the product of an Under-Being coming into the realm of Dansly and mating with a mortal creature. Chaos-Bloods often have rough skin and black veins running along their body and are stronger than they appear. Chaos-Bloods are often approached with caution, as it is not known if the Under-Being watches over their bloodline or not, though despite their lineage and appearance, they are usually treated with respect.
Languages: Vishmani, Under-Speech, your native Language
Example Trait: You gain the ability to shapeshift in a limited capacity, changing your face and body in minor ways to look like someone else, or someone new entirely. 
Order-Blood: Order-Bloods are the product of an Above-Being coming into the realm of Dansly and mating with a mortal creature. Order-Bloods have smooth almost translucent skin and golden veins running along their body and their voices can bring even the most panicked individual down to a calm level. Like their Chaos-Blood cousins, they are approached with caution but treated with respect.
Languages: Vishmani, Above-Speech, your native language
Example Trait:
Titan-Blood: Titan-Bloods are incredibly tall and well-built individuals that are heavily community based and more often than not travel in large groups from place to place, the groups often having multiple families. 
Languages: Vishmani, your native language
Example Trait: You’re almost abnormally strong, you gain +1d to brawn checks
Scale-Born: Scale born are a subterranean race, relatives to dragons and other dragonoids, they are a heavily religious and mighty race that heavily rely on their relationship with those above ground and often aid their allies in conflicts in return for resources and other things. Their main food source is molten metals, their insides having the ability to bear and contain the heat from them.
Languages: Vishmani, Drake, your native language
Example Trait: You’re well adapted to the darkness of the caves that you were born and raised in, you can see clearly in the darkness, but only in shades of gray.
Drakolai: Drakolai, or more commonly referred to as Half-Dragons, are a rarity in Dansly, as are the Drakolai’s dragon parentage. Feared by their lineage, Drakolai bare subtle scales the color of their parent's lineage and a mixture of another color, this one often representing what the Drakolai may evolve into as they age.
Languages: Vishmani, Drake, one language of your choosing and your native language
Example Trait: You have an elemental affinity from your dragon parent, and gain the ability to resist harm from this kind of element by removing 1 die from the attacker using the element against you. 
Example Elements
Beast-folk: Many Beast-folk live in primarily Beast-folk communities, often calling themselves individual Clans and live as one large family under the same clan name. Most Beast-folk clans have existed since the Vimanti and some even before, though their numbers have diminished since. Beast-folk also often consider Dragons and Drakolai as one of their own, and should the child of a dragon ever come into a clan, they are brought in with open arms.
Languages: Vishmani, your native language, and the ability to communicate with small animals non-verbally
Example Trait: Your lineage has given you a beastial feature your cousins often possess, here is a list of potential features.
Lupine/Canine: You have keen hearing and smell, and have +1d on checks that would involve using those two senses.
Feline: You have keen eyes, when you are in complete darkness, you can still see in shades of black and white.
Avian: Your sense of direction is impeccable, you can never be lost unless by magical means.
Bovine: You're incredibly strong, when rolling brawn, you can add 1 additional die.
Amphibian: Your lung capacity is more than it should be, on checks to hold your breath either above or below water are made, you can add 1 additional die to the roll.
Reptilian: Like your feline cousins, you’re able to see in the dark, but rather than black and white you can see through thermal vision.
The world of Dansly is filled with many roads well traveled and even more that haven’t been. By choosing a path, you’re choosing what kind of road you have walked up until now, and are accepting all the good and the bad that might come with it.
Each path comes with its own complication; something pulled from your past to eventually come back and bite your ass, should it ever come up.
You may choose from the examples or create your own. 
Courier: A Courier is the staple of the world, and is in excess in the city-state of Saturday. Originally what their name had implied, Couriers delivered packages from place to place, sometimes even internationally, but as Conflicts brewed and the world started presenting more dangers, Couriers became mercenaries and dangerous ones at that. As a Courier you’re well traveled and a veritable jack of all trades, but not an expert of all trades.
The Courier Agencies: You gain certain privileges within your organization or countries' Courier Agencies. Considered the best of the best, you receive special treatment from certain groups, obtaining discounts or free information that you might be looking for.
Complication - An off contract: You’ve been signed on by someone offering a pretty decent sum of money, but the contract is off somehow. The terms are strange and the mission unstated, only that you’re at the beck and call of whoever holds it whenever they need you, and they often have you doing strange things when they do. But the money’s good, so why argue? Right?
Spy: You’re a spy, someone is paying you to gather information and secrets that a government or other organization is keeping hidden and bring them back while maintaining a cover and keeping yourself alive. It’s not easy work, but it pays well and someone has to do it. 
Cloak And Dagger Ops: You’ve been part of a number of clandestine operations while working for a government or other covert organization. You know the ins and outs of high-profile buildings and governments and may even have a contact or two on the inside.
Complication - Rival: Someone knows who you are, and they know what kind of business you’re in. They compete with you, stealing jobs out from underneath your nose and making it that much harder to actually do your job in the first place. The worst part is that they are just as good as you are, and you know next to nothing about them. 
Fixer: A Fixer solves problems. Big ones. Fixers are called and paid for because of their expertise in knowing how to rig the problem in the favor of the one who caused it in the first place. As a Fixer, you deal with people face to face, often faction heads or even delegates from other nations if you’ve got a good reputation. You’re the middleman for negotiations, the person others send to do the things that can’t be seen doing, or the person people go to for information that they can’t find on their own, either due to lack of connections or their unwillingness to be seen gathering it. And it costs them all something. 
Keeper of Debts: You’ve done a number of jobs for a government, organization or criminal syndicate and they owe you some favors, and those favors may even run all the way to the top.
Complication - Indebted: One time, early in your career, you found yourself needing a favor that you couldn’t call in from anyone else. So you had to go and get yourself indebted to someone else. They haven’t called in the debt, even after years of you growing your career, but that debt still lingers.
Riggers: A Rigger is someone known for their creations, either totally ordinary or entirely insane in design. Riggers are sought after by both governments and underground groups for their expertise in knowing what to make out of what they’re given.
Signature make: You’ve become incredibly well known for your signature make, whether it be a singular bomb that can bring a skyscraper or a single round of ammunition that can bring even the largest of Dragons down.
Complication - Perilous Contract: You’ve been given an offer you couldn’t refuse. You’re allowed to do your business as is, taking customers in and tossing others out as you will. But someone, either an organization or government, will always have your first priority, and their enemies will always be the ones you toss out. Doing so otherwise may end up in an accident happening. 
Cleaner: Like a Fixer, Cleaners solve problems. However, unlike Fixers, Cleaners tend to take the far more… direct and bloody approach. Cleaners are well known and well feared for their combat prowess and are more often than not kept within arm's length of people who tend to deal in darker business, just in case.
The Big Job: You’re a Cleaner well known for completing a near impossible task on your own. And because of that, no one fucks with you. Not even the highest of government officials or Trade Groups, and let you get away with some things just to keep from having to deal with you.
Complication - Revenge: Someone is after you, and you know it. The problem is that you’ve done so many jobs in your career at this point that you’re not even sure who it could be anymore. All you know is that someone thought it fitting to deliver a bullet with your name on it in the mail.
Mourner: Mourners are the exact opposite of their names. They’re jovial and light, bringing melodies and stories wherever they go, and often amass a following based on the stories they find or the adventures they have. Mourners are often hired as spies or to spread propaganda, depending on how much those who want and are willing to pay.
Tall Tale: You’ve become incredibly well known for a story you’ve been telling in recent years. Something that would be considered a tall tale to even other Mourners, and sometimes you are even scorned by them for even telling it, it's so outrageous. But it’s true! Or is it?
Complication - The Truth: Your story might be true, but the truth has been twisted. You don’t know when the truth became what it is or even if that truth is true anymore, but not the entirety of your tale is all green grass. The truth is far more complicated. 
Jade Ambassador: Jade Ambassadors aren’t the classical acolytes of any kind of pantheon, especially of the ruby or onyx pantheons. Jade Ambassadors are historical and scientific inquirers with the mission of discovering if those who existed and were thought to have ascended into godhood truly did ascend. And if they did in fact ascend and become gods, how did they do it, and once that truth is discovered, is it the same for the other pantheons? Jade Ambassadors are meant to think objectively about their research, and while their faith may be strong, what would happen if they found evidence to the contrary and the gods of the pantheon did not ascend?
Full Access: As a Jade Ambassador, you have full access to many of the Pantheons' histories and legends wherever they can be found, even should they be closed to the normal public, for whatever reason that may be.
Complication - Revelation: You have found something to prove or disprove something to do with the Jade Pantheon, but it goes far beyond the theories and historical records you’ve found. You’ve kept it to yourself, but you know what kind of change this information could bring about if you released it to the world. 
Post Merchant: Post Merchants are wandering salesmen who deal in any number of wares ranging from well-tailored clothes to the finest weaponry in all of Dansly. They travel all over the world, selling their wares for money, favors, or for trade, and also aid in creating a number of trading posts where others can do the same.
Specialty Wares: You have something that nobody else has, whether it be a connection in Nierock that sells you some of the latest technology from its top scientists or a series of blueprints that allows you to make something entirely unique to you and you alone. 
Complication - Failed Sale: You got fucked on a sale, and while normally it’s not that big of a deal, it happens on occasion, something about the sale would implicate you in something that you really don’t want to be a part of. You can’t offload it, and you can’t get rid of it, the best thing you can do is keep it close and hidden and hope no one comes looking for you. 
Modest: Modest are mercenaries without the connections of Couriers but are under far less scrutiny than Couriers are in the world's eye. And as such are able to deal with shadier groups far more frequently, as well as bail on contracts without the repercussions that a Courier would have from breaking Courier law.
Marketable Skills: Like your Courier cousins, you have become a notable member of your Modest Group, and can sell your services to whoever is willing to pay the most. You also have your own modest group that you can call on for backup if they haven’t already been hired by somebody else.
Complication - Bad Job: Sometime in the past few years, you and your crew took a job that ended badly for the lot of you. Most of your crew didn’t make it out, and those that did are still licking their wounds. You’re out of work, and not much in the way of money or people to support you and the people who hired you still expect the job to be done. You have to figure something out, and soon. 
Mender: As a Mender, you’re not just a doctor. You’ve been trained in the Order of Menders, a group that has existed since the foundation of the Couriers during the Vimanti war in the era of ascension. You’ve taken the Menders oaths and travel offering medical assistance to all those you pass without the need of payment beyond a place to eat and sleep for as long as you are in town. 
Medical Merchandise: You have a stock of medical supplies that you can use on yourself and others should you need them, and you also have contacts both above and below ground that are willing to sell you more professional equipment and medicine at a discount. You can also practice medicine nearly anywhere on the fly more than basic first aid that most people know, though some ailments will require more and better equipment than what you can carry.
Complication - An oath to aid: You have a reputation as a Mender to keep. It is in the duty of the oaths you’ve taken to help every person that comes to you for aid, regardless of how morally reprehensible they are or how long it takes to aid all of those who come to you. Failure to do so will break your oaths and should the order learn of this, your status as a mender will be revoked and your access to supplies taken from you.
Al-Shadar: You are an Al-Shadar of Vathal, someone who has gone through the bonding process with your counterpart, an Al-Arhoyhan, to create a partnership based on extreme trust and loyalty. As an Al-Shadar of Vathal you represent the power of Vathal that no other has managed to accomplish; Allowing those without the ability to use their circuits to draw on the strength of your Al-Arhoyhan.
Intense connection: You have an intense connection with your Al-Arhoyhan; you can sense their emotions and their location at all times as long as you both live, and can feel them draw upon your shared power when they do so. Along with this connection, you find it easier to use your circuits, sharing the power between your Al-Arhoyhan and yourself you become less exhausted while using your Circuits. You can gain +1d +1 damage when you use your circuits a number of times equaling the relevant circuit stat
Complication - Lost connection: If the person you’re connected to dies, your connection is severed and you lose all sense that that person had ever existed within you. You could be driven mad with grief because of that loss of your sixth sense, start starving of energy from the loss or be so overloaded that you very well may wear yourself and the circuits down to the point of near death. Your lives are in each other's hands. As an Al-Shadar, you lose your grip on the stability of your power and don’t have the fine-tuned control you once had while your Al-Arhoyhan was alive. 
Al-Arhoyhan: You are an Al-Arhoyhan, often known as The Hand of your Al-Shadar. Your latent circuits have become usable and as strong as your Al-Shadar’s or your circuits have become even stronger than they initially were with the bond you’ve made. As an Al-Arhoyhan you represent not only the power of Vathal to allow latent circuits to be used once more but also the intense power of the connection between an Al-Shadar and an Al-Arhoyhan.
Re-Ignited circuits: Your circuits are on par with that of your Al-Shadar’s, regardless of if you had latent circuits to begin with or if you already had circuits you could use. Your strength being increased so dramatically makes it difficult to maintain a strong output like your Al-Shadar, but you are more than capable of short bursts equaling it. Once per session, you can use your circuits as if they were double their strength, doubling the dice and the damage.
Complication - Lost connection: If the person you’re connected to dies, your connection is severed and you lose all sense that that person had ever existed within you. You could be driven mad with grief because of that loss of your sixth sense, start starving of energy from the loss or be so overloaded that you very well may wear yourself and the circuits down to the point of near death. Your lives are in each other's hands. As an Al-Arhoyhan, your circuits are starved of power rather than going to the same state they had been before your connection was made. They strain to be used, but lack the ability to do so, atrophied with the loss of your Al-Shadar. 
Castigate: You’re a member, either born or raised, of an ancient group of demon hunters that date back to the times of the Founding Era. Despite that prestige, some would call it a thankless life, being on the road all the time and calling rest stops and the trunk of your car home, but Castigates know how to get by. From doing the odd job like saving a kitten from a tree or advising a country's government on a newly spawned Purity, Castigates have the range, and The Rata to call home.
Homesteader: You’ve been to nearly every country on the face of Dansly, and know where you’re welcome very well, and the places you aren’t even better. As such you know where to find places to stay for free, or for menial labor while you stay if it applies. 
Complication - On Call: Horde gates are often not a large enough issue for Castigates, but you may be expected to help with Horde Gates that open and are producing an abnormally large amount of demons or, knock on wood, a Purity gate opens somewhere and you’re called to help. You may also be the only castigate for miles when a horde gate opens, and people will expect your help. 
Soldier: You are, or used to be, a member of the armed forces of a country. Whether you were special forces or just a plain old grunt, you’ve got some experience under your belt and know your way around when it comes to war and keep a cool head in high-pressure situations. 
War Buddies: You’re still in touch with some friends from your old squad,  and as long as you haven’t done anything to compromise your relationship with them, they are willing to help you. Even if the thing they are helping you with might risks their lives in the process. They may even be willing to help you if you’re working against your own government, given that the risk of exposure is low enough to be worth it. 
Complication - Government Connections: Regardless of whether or not you’re active military, your government may call on you to risk your life for them once again. They know who you are and where your usual haunts are, and even where your family calls home, if they need to find you, they know where to look.  
Criminal: Bank robber, hitman, petty thief, forger, or hacker, you’re a criminal. Whether you lend out your services to others, or if you work for yourself, you know how to move about the underworld.
The Nighthawk Contact: You aren’t from, and never have been to, Nighthawk city. But you know someone who has. Whether or not they found you or if you found them, you have a contact that has connections to the legendary Nighthawk city, the veritable capital of the entirety of the world underground. 
Complication - Wanted: You’d best avoid drawing attention from the law types or staying in one place too long. You might not be wanted yet, but committing too many crimes in a single area will start to draw attention, and the more attention you draw to yourself, the less your contacts are willing to work with you and the tighter the noose feels around your neck. 
R.H.E.C.U: You’re a Relic Heart Enhanced Circuit User, a R.H.E.C.U, or a Ruckus, the name people have taken to calling walking ethics violations like yourself. Whether you went into the program voluntarily or not, you’ve been injected with the dust of a demon heart and given a direct line to the cataclysm just like them, though to a far lesser extent. The dreams that you have of the cataclysm make it hard to sleep some nights and often leave you with a headache in the morning. 
Cataclysmic Mutation: Your circuits have undergone a mutation of sorts. It doesn’t hold up to pure cataclysm circuits, but yours now have similar abilities to what normal cataclysm circuits may have. 
Complication - Scientific Curiosity: Your status as a Ruckus makes you a scientific curiosity for most governments and scientific communities in the underground. Exposing yourself as a Ruckus to others who don’t already know may bring unwanted attention, or let the people who originally made you a Ruckus know where you are if they didn’t already. 
V.I.P: Your name carries weight with it. Either you or someone you’re related to have some amount of pull in a government, large business, or a fanbase and you know how to use this pull to your advantage. 
Restricted Access: You can use your pull with the people you know to get into places normal people normally aren’t allowed into. Whether it’s getting into an event, a restricted venue, or getting in on the ground floor of some need-to-know information, you can get it.
Complication - Public Figure: People know your face and know what you’re about. You might get bombarded by paparazzi or recognized by someone during an incredibly inopportune time. Occasionally, someone might come to you asking for a handout or threatening to let out some information about you. 
Bodyguard: You used to be a bodyguard, someone constantly attached to the hip of someone either important enough to have one or someone who had enough money to hire one. Either way, you know the ins and outs of personal security and may know of some pretty important people or have insights on some otherwise sensitive information you learned while you were on the job. 
Job turned friend: Someone you used to work for is a friend of yours now. Whether it’s because you actually saved their life and they still owe you a debt, or you actually got to know each other while you worked for them and you got around to liking each other. Either way, you have someone to call when you need some help and as long as they can help you, they will. 
Complication - Known associate: You’ve worked for more than a few people in your time, and your name has gone through some circles both good and bad. While it has provided some work for you in the past, sometimes it brings on some unwanted attention. And not all of them that come calling are willing to listen to any NDAs you’ve signed. 
Vagrant: Displaced by the worlds wars, a pack of demons that uprooted your previous way of life, on the run from your debtors, or just plain sick of staying in one spot for more than a year at most, you’ve taken to traveling with nothing but the clothes on your back and a few spare belongings you can stuff into your pockets. And maybe a gun at your hip, just in case.
Back-way Traveler: You know the ways to get around, whether it be train-hopping on a long-run railroad, hitch-hiking with long-haul truckers, or just plain hoofing it through the wilderness, you know the fastest way to get anywhere on a budget and without a car.
Complication - Unwanted: Not everyone is kind to people like you, wanderers and travelers often bring out-of-town trouble and other complications to the quiet lives of people. You have a harder time getting into some places, prices might be higher for you and sometimes people will do just about anything to get you out of town. 
Master of The Six Wings: Born and raised in the Order of Six Wings, an ancient order rivaling the age of The Castigates, though the exact formation of it can be pinned down to the ascension of the Sun Twins in the Founding Era. Trained in the old ways of combat in the Hall of Blades and taught to meditate in the middle of any weather man can imagine including the middle of Alks-Breath, your mind is keener than most. The Order waits for the return of the Sun Twins, and until then faithfully serves until their final breaths.
Unerring Mind: Your training has made you keener than most, and while you may say much or very little, very few things manage to get by you. You also have a hard time finding anything within the world intimidating, your training as a Pupil and into a Master exposing you to things that even veterans would balk at.
Complication - A War Long Forgotten: A part of your mission as a Master is the knowledge of a war that the Hall has fought since the time that Sun Twins themselves walked the face of Dansly. When a sighting of your enemy rises, you are under both oath and obligation to seek them out. 
Manhunter: For better or for worse, you’re a bounty hunter either connected to a courier company or doing it as your own means of making money. Not everyone can hire a courier or a modest company, either because they’re too expensive or too public to hire. So you hunt for a living and know all the hideaways and which arms need twisting to get the information on the person or people you’re hunting.
Catch the trail: You know how to find someone who doesn’t want to be found. You have your ways, either through intuition or bloodying the noses of some of your target's known associates, you can always catch up to them. It’s inevitable, really.
Complication - The one that got away: Despite your reputation, there was one bounty that got away. Not only are the people who hired you to find them getting on your ass about it, but every once and a while, the bounty sends someone after you to keep you from following their every move. Sometimes, you get postcards from them too, just to really rub the salt in your wound. 
Academic: You’ve gone into school to become an expert in a field of study. Regardless of whether or not the organization you’ve gone into is prestigious, or even legitimate, you have access to resources that make learning and practicing the skills in your field of study far easier than it would be for those who didn’t go into the same study. 
Resident Expert: You’re the go-to person when it comes to your area of study, and even if you can’t think of an answer to a question, you know someone who does. You know where to go when you need information on a subject and have the tools to study it. 
Complication - Student Debt: Whether it was with the organization itself, a bank, or even a few loan sharks, you’ve gone into debt. Trying to skip the debt is going to end up with debt collectors blowing up your phone or knocking on your door, so it’s best you keep whoever it is appeased with whatever scraps of money you’re making. 
If you wish to play a Circuit user, you must first decide what power your Circuits give you, whether that is something that amplifies an existing ability all the way to Circuits that seem truly magical. Circuits are categorized into five different varieties: 
Body circuits are things that manipulate the body and the things around them like the elements. You may be able to create an armored carbon shell from your skin, or be able to ignite the very air around you should you please. Examples: Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Aquakinesis, Terrakinesis, Zephrakinesis, Electrokinesis, Skin Hardening, Flight.
Mind circuits deal with the mind and its creativity, being able to deduce or even very well actually see the future before it happens, or being able to create illusions around the people you’re trying to manipulate to say or do certain things. Examples: Oxymancy, Fabrication, Alteration, Mending, Illusion, Invisibility, Clairvoyance, Telepathy.
Spirit circuits deal with the will of a person and how much they are willing to push themselves. Those with Spirit circuits can heal themselves or others to the point that they only have a small bruise or have the ability to raise a corpse from the dead and act according to their will. Examples: Healing, Necromancy, Golemancy, Commune.
Those with Null circuits would have been exceptionally powerful had their circuits not inversed on themselves and gained the ability to cannibalize the power that other circuits have. Those with Null circuits can absorb or nullify effects caused by circuits, or completely reflect them to the original sender. Examples: Absorbing Aura, Circuit Sapping, Long Range Negation, Manipulation and Redirection, Circuit Vampirism.
Cataclysm circuits are the emergent circuits in the world. The circuits that deal with the surreal, liminal and entirely impossible to manipulate such as immortality or being able to alter your own gravity at will. Examples: Summoning, Charm, Immortality, Plane Shifting, Chronomancy, Teleportation, Resurrection, Graviturgy, Creation, Destruction, Materialization.
A flourish is an effect that happens when someone uses their Circuits. Flourishes are often sensory effects, such as a smell or visual phenomena that happens immediately after the circuits are used. For instance, after using their Circuits, someone nearby may smell the scent of fresh roses or hear non-existent birds chirping. 
Attributes, called Traits and Maneuvers, give your character an edge in combat, social encounters or other situations that you find yourself in. Attributes usually offer bonus die, passive abilities, or the ability to do something near impossible. Ultimately, the DM decides how your Attributes might manifest mechanically in any given situation.
Not including your Bloodline Trait, Circuit users begin with two Traits and two Maneuvers, and those without Circuits begin with four Traits. 
Circuits let you achieve the superhuman, and maneuvers are honed skills utilizing your circuits to do what would otherwise be near impossible. Maneuvers usually offer +1d to related rolls, but may also be passive, and give you abilities with unique effects.
Clairvoyance: Seeing things as if they were from a movie just before they happen
EMP Field: Disrupting electronics around you in a certain radius. 
Fireball: Hurl a large ball of flame that ignites everything in a radius once it lands.
Icewall: The ability to erect a large wall of ice between you and a potential threat, or to keep a target from escaping. 
If you want to create a Maneuver that is specifically designed to deal damage choose an effective distance that it would apply to: Close, Nearby or Far. You may also choose a tag that is applicable to it from the weapon tags list, or make one of your own. 
Traits are talents and skills that put your character a cut above the rest. Traits usually offer +1d to a roll when the trait might be of help, but may also be passive abilities that give you superiority, or allow you to do things that would otherwise be near impossible.
Driver: You are excellent behind the wheel of any car that you can get your hands on. From getaway driving to being a chauffeur, you know how to do it.
Sharpshooter: You know your way around a gun and when you need to be accurate with one, you are. 
Quickdraw: You’ve got fast hands when it comes to getting your weapon out on time, and unless someones got speed circuits, no one's beating you.
Handsome: You’ve got a nice face, and people might be more willing to look at it than some others. Whether you’re trying to cozy up to someone or be a distraction, your face can help.
Proficiencies are dictated in three different types; Weapon Proficiency, First Aid Proficiency and Circuit proficiency. When Creating a character, you have one basic proficiency and one intermediate proficiency. All proficiencies after picking these two are considered unskilled and must be empowered which is detailed in the leveling up section.
Bladed Melee
Blunt Melee
First Aid
Circuits (Close)
Circuits (Nearby)
Circuits (Far)
Skill Level
Weapon Proficiencies
Weapon proficiencies dictate how much damage you’re doing with a specific type of weapon type. Being unskilled means you’ll be doing less damage than a more trained individual, but it also means if you can ambush a target with the right weapon in your hands, you very well may keep them from sounding the alarm. 
Signature Weapon
If you have chosen a proficiency, choose one weapon or maneuver within that type to make your signature weapon. That weapon gains a flat +1 to damage. You can empower Signature weapons like you can weapon proficiencies, and that process is written out later on in the “Leveling up” section.
First Aid Proficiency
If you have chosen to have a First Aid proficiency, you gain the ability to heal more damage than you would normally while being unskilled. 
Circuit Proficiencies
Circuit proficiencies are predominantly for offensive or potentially healing maneuvers used with your circuits. When creating a Circuit maneuver with an offensive or healing capability, you can add two tags to it, and can increase that number by empowering the maneuver as seen later on in the leveling up section. 
Additionally, for Circuit Combat Maneuvers, they are divided into three of their own proficiencies but rather than type, they are categorized by distance.
When starting out you have 10 free points to spread across your stats, to a max of 3 per stat.
Brawn: Raw strength of melee attacks and thrown weapons, ability to break holds or break free from bondage, ability to carry something, ability to move comfortably in heavy armor.
Some Examples of Brawn are:
Lifting heavy objects 
Throwing something with enough force to cause harm
Grappling with a creature or another person
Throw a good, strong punch or deliver a hard swing with a blunt object
To appear intimidating with your brawn and body alone
Dexterity: Accuracy and frequency of melee and ranged attacks, ability to land wounding attacks, ability to reload quickly, crafting skill, performing first aid, to find stuff in your belts/bag promptly. 
Some Examples of Dexterity are:
Moving out of the way of an oncoming car
Wielding an edged or pointed weapon with deadly precision
Picking the pocket of some unsuspecting fool
Close up “magic”
Stealth in a situation where being caught is the worst case scenario
Maintaining Balance
Athletics: Running, jumping, holding breath, endurance during exertion and heavy activity, parkour, landing safely.
Some Examples of Athletics are:
Running for an extended period of time
Jumping long distances
Extended physical activity
Social: Communicate effectively, win confidence, tease information out of subject, effectively seduce, intimidate or express another attitude.
Some Examples of Socials are:
Negotiating a contract
Persuading someone to see something your way
Weaving an intricate lie
Intimidation through social prowess and threats
Wits: Spot and listen, sensory abilities in difficult conditions, pure mental task completion time, response time.
Some examples of Wits are:
Spotting a hidden object in an otherwise normal room
Smelling gasoline in a normal looking room
Being able to spot a threat before it is able to act against you
Being able to accurately recall information on the fly and piece together information based on little evidence
Knowledge: Effectiveness of complex skills such as programming, medicine, breadth/depth of ability in various skills, languages.
Some examples of Knowledge are: 
Using gathered information effectively
Being able to communicate effectively with foreign language
Deducing the scene of a crime with limited time and knowledge
Guts: Durability, ability to withstand mental or emotional assaults, ability to keep emotional and mental state stable over time, ability to keep fighting when ostensibly taken out of action. Guts increase your health. All characters start with 3 hp and for each point in Guts that increases by 1
Some examples of Guts are:
Withstanding a large amount of damage and staying on your feet
Keeping a level head in a stressful situation
Your overall health
Starting Equipment
Once your character is made from tip to toe, the very last thing you need to decide on is your starting equipment. 
You start with Ready Plate
Any two weapons as long as they are in separate proficiencies. 
Two level 1 resources that are related to your path. 
Leveling Up
Throughout play your DM will reward XP for you to spend to level up your character. These XP points can be used to add more points to your primary stats, create more maneuvers to use with your Circuits, or add more Traits to your character's ability list. 
To spend XP to level up, you must be in what the DM considers a safe place. A place where your character can rest and recuperate on the latest job and past experiences and build upon their abilities in some peace and quiet. While leveling up, you cannot skip tiers and must spend the combined cost of the tier you would be skipping and the tier you want to get to. (I.E You want to go from basic weapon proficiency to advanced. You must spend 70 XP to obtain both the intermediate and advanced weapon proficiencies.)
Experience Triggers
During play, take +1 XP when:
The GM rewards you for cool shit! RP, sick ass combat move, an ingenious plan.
At the end of a session, take +2 XP if you answer yes for each of the following questions:  
Did your standing with a faction change?
Did we learn more about the world and current events?
Did you utilize your history during play? (bloodline, path etc)
Job Experience: A Job is a goal or mission that requires planning and multiple steps to complete. Jobs are often given to you by others you may know, usually for significant monetary gain, or they can be done for personal reasons. Sometimes, though rarely, Job experience can be rewarded multiple times. 
Did you finish a job? +10 XP
Did you make tangible progress to finishing a job? +5 XP
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tacky-optic · 8 months
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you'd think they were made for each other or something
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heinrix · 6 months
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vulpixelates · 1 year
the "i know a guy" system for ttrpgs is so underrated, it really makes a world feel so alive and your characters feel more connected to the world around them
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dabidagoose · 1 year
Finally watching misfits and magic and the kids on brooms stat/dice system tickles my brain it's SO fascinating
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spoolesofthread · 1 year
i appreciate everyone’s ttrpg recs but there’s just something about the like, kind of condescending tone a lot of those posts have. where it feels like they’re implying you’re an idiot for having fun with dnd 5e to begin with, because such & such system does it better in every way. or saying people’s creative efforts would be better spent playing another system rather than working creatively with a system they already use (which is a lot of the appeal for a couple people i know!). when lots of those systems are just fundamentally different experiences
like yeah fuck wizards and fuck hasbro but like. people enjoy 5e. i love 5e. you don’t have to be an asshole or an elitist about it, because all that makes me want to do is Not Play whatever you’re recommending, you know?
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bitegore · 1 year
if you don't mind, some numbers?
Rolled you an 8; that's 2+2+2 or 2 to the power of 3. Two and Three are both prime numbers, but 3 is only there as a sort of tertiary afterthought, adding flavor without much substance. Two is the number of cooperation and getting along, and three, far from center though it might be, is the number of taking action.
You'd know what to make of that better than I would, but 8 suggests that there's some action that needs to be taken in your life around you; that you can trust those around you to handle what they need to handle, and that you handling your things will handle others' as well. We live in an interconnected world. The connections here are more important than the actions taken; eight is a ripple chain.
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cassiefisherdrake · 1 year
I need to work more on the Vanguard and Player handbooks for our Destiny TTRPG… heh. [awkdog.png]
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kalach-cha · 4 months
is it just me or does the red lamp illustration from candela obscura look like a copy of the she loves me broadway set
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halflingkima · 8 months
very impressed with how spencer handled that game!! im actually very excited abt this arc
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sprintingowl · 4 months
Picaresque Roman
I'm a fan of the Japanese ttrpg design scene. My first non-DnD game was Golden Sky Stories, and I really click with the prevalence of d6s and oneshot-oriented play.
However, my ability to speak/read Japanese is so immensely bad that it changed the trajectory of my life, so I generally have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for translations of the systems I'm excited about.
Hence, when Picaresque Roman came out in English, I scooped up a copy as fast as I could.
Picaresque Roman: A Requiem For Rogues is a competitive pvp tabletop rpg. Probably the closest equivalent to it is werewolf/mafia, but it's not that exactly.
The broad premise is that you're criminals in a hidden city and you're working together in an uneasy truce to take down a big juicy target. All of you are ultimately in it for yourselves, and one of you is a traitor---however there's no mechanic that lets you kill other characters.
Instead, you can gather information (everyone has info cards, which include things like their traitor status), forge truces (or force truces), and shake down each other (or the target) for cash or victory points.
It's a full-fledged rpg, with classes and skills and an action economy, but everything happens in little vignettes. You pick an action, you roll or talk, and that's your turn for the cycle.
It's tightly designed enough that you could play Picaresque Roman without any roleplaying at all and it would still be fun, or you could put a bit of flourish on every action you take and play out quick scenes when you make a truce or rob your target.
I think this might be one of those games where all it really needs is a box and a board and it'd cruise right past people's hesitation around roleplaying and become as popular as Gloomhaven. As is, I think it's a *good* rpg for introducing other people to rpgs, especially if they already vibe with gangster dramas, Guy Ritchie movies, the Yakuza series, or stuff like Black Lagoon or Akudama Drive.
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takataapui · 28 days
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the bog eternal - a very swampy solo-journalling ttrpg by takataapui
A very swampy solo-journalling ttrpg about fighting against oppression with your inherent attributes. Will you win that fight, or will you be just another statistic of bogs that have been drained. Don't read into this. It definitely isn't an allegory for anything. It's just a game about a bog. A bog that is being harmed by forces outside it's control, by oppressive systems, by people doing and perpetuating harm against you and other bogs like you. Listen, stop reading into it. It's just a game about using your inherent traits to fight back against those previously mentioned forces. Aka humans. Humans are the worst. Like I said, nothing beneath the surface here. You'll need a d4, a d6, and something to record your battles. Save the bogs. Donate to and/or volunteer for your local wetland trust. Some options provided.
less than 24 hours later, I'm back with another boggy ttrpg to secure my place as the weird little bog ttrpg boy.
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prokopetz · 4 months
This seems like something you would know. I have a deep and abiding love of d12s. Do you know of any tabletop games where they get a lot of use?
(For the purpose of this request I'm going to assume you mean systems which actually do something interesting with d12s, and I encourage anyone who chimes in via the notes to do the same – i.e., no "Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition counts because greataxes have a d12 damage die" nonsense, please!)
Off the top of my head, S John Ross' Pokéthulhu uses d12 dice pools – one of the very few titles I'm aware of that does so. I've actually ripped off borrowed the way it does conflict resolution for several of my own projects. It's a more solid piece of work than the subject matter might suggest, too; it has one of the more functional one-on-one monster battling systems I've encountered.
On a more serious note, there's also The One Ring, a tabletop adaptation of The Lord of the Rings whose conflict resolution involves rolling a d12 together with a variable number of d6s to generate a total. The 11 and 12 on the d12 produce special results, as do certain specific numbers on the d6s; the game really wants you to buy a custom dice set with goofy little runes in place of the special numbers, but it's perfectly playable with standard dice. Of course, if you're a big fan of d12s, you may want the custom d12 just to have it.
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thydungeongal · 8 months
I have some very strong and correct and nonarbitrary opinions about dice.
First of all, d10s. They don't belong in dice sets. They're fine in systems that utilize them in dice pools (Storyteller) and systems that utilize them for the awesome d100 (BRP, Rolemaster, WFRP) but they should not be a part of the set of polyhedrons from d4 to d20. Why? Because all the other dice in that set are Platonic solids and the d10 isn't. I can't even be bothered to Google what shape a d10 is but it ain't Platonic. This die fucks.
Anyway the set consisting of d4, d6, d8, d12 and d20 are the full set of Platonic solids. The set is also fun in the sense that it contains its own dual polyhedra. The dodecahedron (d12) is the dual of the icosahedron (d20) because the dodecahedron has three pentagons meeting at each vertex while an icosahedron has five triangles meeting at each vertex. The cube (d6) and octahedron (d8) are each other's duals: on the cube you have three squares meeting at each vertex and on the octahedron it's four triangles at each vertex. The tetrahedron (d4) is its own self-dual since it has three triangles meeting at each vertex.
Anyway so the d10 doesn't belong with those five although in certain contexts it can hang. But speaking of d10, while I have a soft spot for the d100 (done through rolling two d10 and reading one of them as the ones digit and the other as the tens digit) the most beautiful arrangement of numbers can be achieved on a 2d10. Look at this shit!
It's the way the probability of getting a result of 2 is 1%, the probability of getting a 3 is 2%, and so on all the way until you get to a 10% chance of getting an 11, after which it starts going down again, until you get to a 1% chance of getting a 20. That's fucking beautiful. It's enough to make you believe that there's some design behind all these numbers. More than that, it's enough to make you realize that this Plato guy was full of shit. His nice set of solids? Yeah they're pretty good. But can they do this? Probably. But not as nicely as this beautiful ten-sided freak.
Anyway, so that's a bunch of really normal opinions to have about dice and surely not a sign of some weird thought processes going on because of my neurons and syndromes.
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