#dalek party
apexpoet · 1 year
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Strawberry Story - Split (1992)
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variations on my party dalek.
some of these guys had a really wild night last night
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lost-carcosa · 2 years
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That’s grossly unfair. Daleks have always had just a single unwavering policy. Truss changes her policy positions on an almost daily basis.
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robocracker · 6 months
watching classic who: an unearthly child
a very long time ago i started watching dw from the very beginning, ahead of the 50th anniversary special... and then got distracted halfway through episode two and never returned.
well, now i'm finally diving back in, because it's all on iplayer and what isn't there is still accessible elsewhere, so up yours mr coburn!
five minutes in and i already love the dynamic set up between ian and barbara. if they're already getting up to ~investigations~ like this, then i predict many future shenanigans.
the doctor's a snarky git and i'm so here for it
imagine if all dw conflicts could be resolved by the doctor just waltzing around saying "you don't deserve any explanation". laughing in your face when you don't get something. why can't we have that.
"if they don't understand it, they can't hurt us" oh... oh susan, no... no i'm sorry but that's not how humans work...
ian that was some masterful pretend falling around as the tardis took off. do it again.
this tedious dick slinging contest over which man can make fire first is really reminding me why i got so distracted from finishing this episode the first time around...
sweet jesus susan those are some powerful lungs you've got on you
i need the doctor to start pelting people with rocks again
maybe the real reason coburn won't let the bbc have this serial is because he didn't want the world to know his dad wrote two rival cavemen rolling around on top of each other
okay, so. that was the very first serial of doctor who! i have to admit aside from the first part, it was... not the strongest opener. and i'm surprised by how little the doctor actually did here. aside from snarking in part one, and then getting kidnapped and sulking when he couldn't kill the caveman, he was kind of just. there.
and dear god, the amount of screaming. the visual quality might not have held up over the years but the audio sure fucking does. i would ask if it gets any better but i already know i'm not so fortunate there.
but honestly, part one was a lot of fun, and even if the following three parts had me pretty bored and/or frustrated, there's still plenty in the tardis team to make me interested in continuing. (as if i wasn't already dead set on doing that anyway) i'm interested to see where this goes next!
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rlyehtaxidermist · 3 months
anyway you should play cassette beasts. it's pokemon with schmoovement. you get to beat the shit out of landlords and the tumblr sexyman embodiment of imperialism. the equivalent of the pokemon league champion is a middle-aged lesbian who can transform into clockwork godzilla. it's technically an au of a shakespeare play. mothman and the flatwoods monster and the daleks are there. you can pet the dog because he's a party member and has his own social link. and oh god there's so many cheese strats
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 31
The Master and Ace can sense when each other are near because they were both infected with the Cheetah Virus.
The Eighth Doctor met Lucie Miller before The Blood of the Daleks but did not tell her this to protect the timeline.
The Ninth Doctor once told Rose that he had at one point married a woman named Mary Wortley Montagu for love.
The TARDIS translation circuit has a swear filter.
The Seventh Doctor gave his companion Raine presents for every birthday she had growing up.
The Fifth Doctor had been teaching Adric how to fly the TARDIS. During simulations, Adric kept killing everyone while in flight.
The Tenth Doctor kept Winnie the Pooh bed linens on the TARDIS.
Teddy Acree stated that the Eighth Doctor had "destroyed millions and killed himself twice." This was set before the audios, where he would do this several more times.
The Eleventh Doctor once speculated that Gavrilo Princip had been conditioned by the Daleks to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand with the intent of plunging Earth into war, which the Daleks would have used to their advantage. This notion was never confirmed to be true however.
Becky was the Sixth Doctor's dance teacher (and paradoxically the Sixth Doctor was her dance teacher). She is one of the few people the Doctor entertained potentially having a romantic relationship with, but he discarded the notion quickly. She knew what his real name was.
The Fifth Doctor was once mistaken for a hired assassin called the Scorpion. Although he had begun to deny this, Nyssa went along with their assumption, saying that she was his apprentice, the bloodthirsty Nyssa the Destroyer.
Grace Holloway came up with the alias Dr. James Alistair Bowman for the Eighth Doctor while trying to get into the New Year's Eve party. He would continue to use this as an alias occasionally throughout this regeneration.
Roberta Sampson was a young werewolf who became Susan's friend. When she transformed, the First Doctor shot her in the leg with silver bullets and went on trial for her murder. The Second, Third, Fifth, and Eighth Doctors infiltrated the jury to ensure he would be found not guilty.
Despite being Susan's son, Alex was only 7% Gallifreyan. He had one heart, no telepathic skills, and couldn't regenerate.
The Doctor and other Time Lords have body temperatures of about 15 degrees C.
The Eighth Doctor has worn blue eye shadow before.
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legok9 · 1 month
Doctor Who + Kylie Minogue
Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue has had an usual relationship with Doctor Who:
Kylie Minogue read Camera Obscura while filming the Come Into My World music video (2002):
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She is mentioned in the short story "That Time I Nearly Destroyed the World Whilst Looking for a Dress" (2004):
No party was complete without Polly! (Like Edina, Kylie and Tara, I had become so important that I no longer needed a surname.)
The Shada webcast had a bonus feature of the characters dancing to "Can't Get You Out of My Head" (2003):
The Idiot's Lanterns had this line (2006):
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"It's never too late, as a wise person once said. Kylie, I think."
The "Dance of the Cybermen" (2006):
Kylie Minogue played Astrid Peth in Voyage of the Damned (2007):
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Kylie Minogue effectively cosplays as the Fifth Doctor (2017):
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Liberation of the Daleks (2023):
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She even got a Magic: The Gathering card! (2023)
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doverstar · 4 months
A paltry 3 people have asked me to expand on my opinion that Clara (who I like) is bad for the Doctor, so here I go below.
Strap in, this will be long. I disliked Clara back when her tenure was happening live, but upon rewatching the show now, with my husband, I completely changed my mind and grew to really appreciate her and cried when she died. I like Clara. But I came to this conclusion you’re about to read during that rewatch. In a nutshell, Clara and the Doctor’s relationship is unhealthy. Stop wait let me explain-
*hands you the nutshell* First. The show itself acknowledges that this Doctor/companion relationship is something unprecedented and ugly and bad for both of them towards the end. Why? Is it Clara? YES AND NO children. Clara as a companion, personality-wise, is not any different or special than many Classic Who companions, and Jenna Coleman is ridiculously likeable as Clara. I know Clara is The Impossible Girl (because Moffat can’t write 100% ordinary people), and I know she has met all of the Doctors up to Twelve at least once, but take away her decision to throw herself into his timeline – take away the fact that the Master literally orchestrated events so that Clara and the Doctor would travel together because their personalities would create something dangerous and unhealthy in the end – and Clara herself really is just a twenty-something who wants to travel and acts like she’s the coolest person in the room. So Clara herself on the surface wasn’t the catalyst for the relationship becoming unhealthy. At least not the way she was written in the beginning. At first, it’s the Doctor making big Red Flag decisions. And I say that with so much love towards Matt Smith’s Doctor, who is dearly missed in these trying times. The Doctor meets the first version of Clara (from his perspective) as a barmaid/nanny in 20th century London. She’s exceptional (and unnecessarily flirty because Moffat can’t write women who don’t lust after the protagonist) and the Doctor invites her to travel with him. This is huge because the Doctor has just spent who-knows-how-long mourning the Ponds, who he was not ready to lose and who he had grown increasingly afraid of losing before he lost them. He sits on a cloud and has sworn off of travelling or helping anyone because he is that sick of losing people. He’s hurting and he doesn’t want to go through something like that again. The Ponds were just the latest in a very long line of lost people—remember, directly before Amy and Rory, the Doctor had to say goodbye to Donna, Martha, Wilf, Mickey, Jackie, Jack Harkness, Sarah Jane Smith oh my goodness, and Rose Tyler. And then he loses the Ponds. It’s agony. And it just keeps happening to him over and over again, and the Eleventh Doctor is especially vulnerable because he’s so tender-hearted and raw from Tennant’s losses, and this is the first time he’s lost companions with this face. The Eleventh Doctor is literally described by Moffat as the incarnation of the Doctor who chooses to forget. He’s consistently not addressing things like Gallifrey, the Time War, Rose, Donna, Martha, etc. When he’s reminded of them, the only thing he really reacts with is a strained admission of guilt (Let’s Kill Hitler and The Doctor’s Wife, anyone?). Eleven does not focus on what he has lost and worked really, really, selfishly-at-times hard to preserve the safety of the Ponds in particular. And then he loses them and throws a Doctor pity party on a cloud in a top hat.
Enter Nanny Clara, and she reminds him of what he’s missing and how things should be and helps him get his mojo back. Great, good. But she also reminds him of this one chick in the Dalek Asylum who begged the Doctor for help and was already dead. And the Doctor not only loves a mystery, but hates losing (losing people in particular). So he invites this Clara to come away with him and begin his never-ending adventure all over again, because she seems perfect for the job. And then she dies. Just like Oswin the crazy Dalek. Just like Amy and Rory, and the DoctorDonna, and Rose Tyler on the list of fatalities during the incident at Canary Wharf. Like Adric. But the Doctor doesn’t give up and pout in the 20th century this time. Instead, he gets determined to figure out what is connecting Nanny Clara and Dalek Clara, and determined to find a version of this mystery girl who can travel with him and not die this time. Third time’s the charm.
He finds Clara Oswald in the present, saves her life, freaks her out with his desperation to befriend her, and then she finally comes away with him. It’s played incredibly sweet specifically because it’s the Doctor trying to entice a companion and working for it, because he’s already seen she’s the one—twice—and is determined to keep her. This is an inversion of what usually happens, which is that the companion has to prove themselves worthy of the position to the Doctor during a meet-cute adventure. Classy. Fun. But we see from that point forward that the Doctor is kind of…weirdly obsessed with Clara. And not just because she’s appeared as three different-but-the-same people in his life lately, but because he’s the man who forgets and he lost people and never deals with that, and now he has this girl who he’s been unable to save twice before and he wants to make sure that doesn’t happen again. What’s worse, Clara becomes “the ultimate companion”, saving the Doctor throughout all his lifetimes by jumping into his timeline so she’s technically companion to all of him at one point. This is bad because not only is it not fair (as the gamers call it, it’s OP, yes I’m hip with the kids) it solidifies to the Doctor that she is the culmination of all his past failures in companion tenures.
She’s not the ultimate companion; she’s the ultimate do-over.
He’s obsessed with keeping Clara safe. He’s obsessed with keeping her with him. It’s not because Clara is this gorgeous, super-special, Not Like Other Girl(s). It’s not because he’s madly in love with her (though Moffat wants repeatedly to be able to imply that without properly saying it because he can’t write a female who is not in lust with the protagonist, hey let go of my soapbox I’m using that-). It’s not even because he lost two Claras previously and he feels really bad about that. It's because he’s projecting every single failure to keep a companion onto this one girl. The Doctor is trying so hard not to be controlled by the circumstances around him. He is trying so hard to keep this one, just this one, with him this time that he kind of turns into a withdrawal maniac when she’s in danger or choosing to do anything other than travel with him. The Master (Missy) orchestrated events so that Clara and the Doctor would be able to travel together because it was obvious the two of them would destroy each other in the end. The Doctor was such a person (Eleven) at such a time in his long life that could not stand the idea of losing one more friend and would do anything to keep history from repeating itself. He has to have Clara. He can’t quit Clara. She’s all of them. She’s everyone. And poor Clara—Clara is great, but being with the Doctor brings out only the worst in her. The woman is obsessed with herself. She was better off before he came around! Keeping pace with the Doctor, traveling the universe with him, feeling like she had something with him no one else could touch—all of that inflated her sense of importance; she has to be special. She has to be in control. She’s bossy and confident and as long as the Doctor is around, she’s the most incredible human being in her species and he is lucky to have her. That’s how he makes her feel—because it’s obvious he can’t let her go. (“Traveling with you made me feel really special.”) And worse, Clara can’t let him go—but not even specifically the Doctor. The Doctor, to Clara, is only as valuable as he makes her feel. It’s very sad because the two of them are kind of convinced they’re best friends and that’s why they’re together, but that’s not it. They’re not best friends. They’re toxic.
(Best friends do not trick other best friends, lie to them, threaten their way of life and only home to get their boyfriends back and then say “I’m sorry but I’d do it again”. Best friends do not notice that their best friend is there for them in spite of that line of action and then still disregard their best friend’s safety and needs in order to get what they themselves want above all else. Death in Heaven, I hate you.) And! Clara was so rattled by Eleven changing into Twelve. The sweet young man who flirted with her and made her feel so romantically important was gone, now there’s this grisly old fella who is rude to her and makes disparaging personal remarks about her physical appearance, and who doesn’t like hugs. But they’re not done. Because now the relationship has changed even further—we went from “he likes me and he should because I am Important” and “she’s staying with me and she should because I am gonna keep her safe and it won’t be like last time(s) and that’s why she’s special, that’s why she’s Impossible” to “I’m with him because he needs me and because I am Important like he is” and “she’s staying with me and she should because I am gonna keep her safe and she’s still special and she’s still Impossible and I can’t lose her no matter what”.
Clara is controlling and the Doctor is controlling. Missy would have you believe the Doctor won’t be controlled, but that’s just another form of control. The Doctor can’t stop travelling with Clara. Twelve will not let her rest, Twelve will not let her die. Clara will not stay home, Clara will not put anyone or anything else before herself, before traveling and saving the day and feeling special. In fact, it’s gotten to the point where the Doctor treats Clara with such reverence, she actually believes she’s 100% his equal and should be him. That was not a typo. I did not say she should be like him. I said she thinks she should be him. It gets worse and worse as time goes on. Clara thinks she can be the Doctor. She can travel anywhere, she can do whatever she wants, and she will always win. Because she’s important. Because she’s special. She doesn’t realize that she can’t, and that that’s not who the Doctor is anyway. And the Doctor watches Clara get eaten up by this addiction to travel, addiction to heroics. Clara loses Danny and that’s her last tether to normal life. It’s sad because Danny was twice the man anybody expected him to be and he was almost there, almost good enough for Clara to stay and be safe with. But the Doctor and time and space are a tough act to follow, and when Danny died, Clara felt she was owed better. She wasn’t angry because Danny was young and she loved him and she wanted better for him. She was angry because as a time traveling hero, she deserved to have her boyfriend alive and not hit by an ordinary car in the middle of an ordinary day on Earth. (But she wouldn’t have stayed with him anyway, and she wasted so much time with him treating him like he wasn’t special enough and then it was too late. If the Doctor had not been part of the equation, treating her like she hung the stars and making her believe it, they could have been happy. She could have been okay.)
More adventures, more close calls. At this point everything likeable about Clara in the past has faded away because she is just not the same person anymore. She’s ruined. And it’s her fault, and it’s the Doctor’s fault. Clara isn’t addicted to travel or heroics. Now she’s addicted to feeling important. She’s addicted to being special. And she needs to feel that so badly that she decides she is the Doctor and can do what he does and ignores the danger and ignores the rules and the risks and what it might do to the Doctor to lose her, and she faces the stupid raven. This girl legit dies a painful, scary death because she thought she could do whatever she wanted, control every situation, and it couldn’t possibly turn out badly because she’s Clara Oswald, the Impossible Girl. Did the Doctor ever give her any idea that that wasn’t true? Didn’t he worship the ground she marched on? She dies for it. And the Doctor, bless his poisoned hearts, cannot handle it. No way, it is not happening again. Not Clara! He’s avoided her death every other time. It’s not even about Clara anymore—Clara is actually a pretty rotten friend to the Doctor at this point; he’s nothing to her, not really, just a means to an end (and you can tell because when push comes to shove, she will choose herself and time and space over him, and over any sense at all, but if anyone asks, that’s her best friend and do you know why? because it’s very special to be the Doctor’s best friend). It’s not about her, it’s about them. About Adric, and River, and Rose, and Donna, and Tegan and Susan and Ace and Vicki. It’s about Ian and Barbara and Wilfred Mott. Not this time, universe! Not this time, Clara! "I have a duty of care." "Which you take very seriously, I know." Twelve goes through the most contrived, horrendous, comically-lengthened torture Moffat can think of (Heaven Sent) and comes out on the other side only to bring Clara back from the dead. Think of that. The woman is actually very long dead at this point and the Doctor braves literal Gallifrey to pull her out of the moment before the end. He breaks every single rule he has ever, ever had. And he does it violently, are you telling me for real that Clara is the best companion for him? She drives him to do right, to be the greatest he can be? She helps, she brings him back to who he’s always tried to be? No she doesn’t. She drives him to total depraved madman status because they can’t quit each other, and no, not the cutesy quippy Madman With A Box type of madman.
What makes Clara so different from all the other people the Doctor had to lose and who remained lost? Nothing at all. Nothing except that the Doctor decided this one isn’t going anywhere. Because she is every companion to him. This poor woman has a sack full of the Doctor’s past-companion baggage tied to her back but to her it feels light, because he treats it outwardly like a pedestal. So he “brings her back” and she figures out what he’s done and what he went through to do it, and they both learn that their relationship is actually so toxic that together, they would destroy the universe just to have what they want. Because that’s what they bring out in each other. The Doctor has to keep Clara safe, and Clara has to be special. They’re so unhealthy it affects everything around them, to the point where the Time Lords literally have a name for their destructive dynamic in their prophecies called the Hybrid (go lie down, Moffat). And the Master knew that because Time Lord…stuff…and deliberately ensured that Clara and the Doctor get together.
Luckily the Doctor is still, somewhere, miraculously, himself—so he recognizes at last that this is going too far and it’s bad, it’s all bad. The only solution, because he still can’t just return Clara to her fate, is to wipe her memory (hello Donna) of him so that they aren’t together but she also doesn’t have to die. So that he still doesn’t have to deal with losing people. And then the very worst part, writing-wise, happens. Clara complains and decides she must be allowed her memories, she’s entitled to them (too special to lose her memories!) but goodie for her, she doesn’t lose them. The Doctor, instead, loses his memories of her. Now, this is ultimately a good thing for him because of the horse I beat to death over there, don’t make eye contact, but—how sad is it that he still has to lose? That he still can’t keep someone, even after all that carnage? The healing process is beginning and he’ll be a better man than ever after this, but take a moment to mourn because that really sucks for him.
Okay here’s the worst part—Clara lives. And not only does Clara live, Clara lives forever. Clara is immortal. Clara gets her own Tardis. Clara gets her own immortal companion! (Ashildr.) Who learned something? Anyone? Not Clara! Who grew as a person around here? No one? Not Clara! Poor Clara Oswald, who started out nicely enough and likeable enough, at least on level with Classic Who companions, is ruined in the end. She gets exactly what she wants. She’s the Ultimate Companion! She’s met all the Doctors. He even fancied her at one point, well, how could he not? She didn’t die, she didn’t learn anything, she didn’t even really grow, she just got worse. Danny died and the Doctor lost, but Clara got to keep her memories, lose her mortality, and gain her own infinite time travelling machine. She became the Doctor. Yippee. Neither of them were made better by the other’s company. Rose Tyler said more than once, at least in three different ways, that the Doctor’s influence, that the opportunity to travel in time and space and help, brings out the extraordinary qualities ordinary people already have. He taps into their potential to be better, even better than him sometimes. The human factor, I call it. And they inspire him to be better, which is important for someone who is essentially immortal and can essentially go anywhere and do anything he likes. Wilfred said it, too, that Donna was better with the Doctor. But the codependency, the noxious way the Doctor and Clara interacted with each other—their whole relationship—it’s devoid of that improving quality. It wasn’t at first, at least not on Clara’s side, but that’s what it turned out to be. At least Moffat acknowledges that in Hell Bent, but he does it more in a way that is trying to communicate to you that that’s how deep and special the Doctor and Clara’s relationship is, isn’t it so important, isn’t it the best companion/Doctor relationship ever? Isn’t she hot, isn’t he whipped? Have you ever seen such devotion? Gag me. He doesn’t say it like it’s a bad thing. He’s just trying to win the 60-year-long companion race. And Clara and the Doctor both suffer for it.
I still like Clara. I blame the writing entirely for how things turned out, because I genuinely, really enjoyed her this last rewatch, and I wish that she’d met a better end. I wish she’d stayed with Danny and figured out what Danny was trying to tell her all along—that normal life is precious and worth it, and worth giving up the big sparkly universe for if you find someone else to live for besides yourself. I wish she’d sacrificed herself to save the Doctor in the present, not just throughout his past, because she proved that at one point she was capable of that. I wish she’d come to terms with the fact that she couldn’t control everything, couldn’t have what she wanted every time, and then chose to learn from that and use what she could control for the benefit of others (including the Doctor). I wish she’d gotten out the way Martha had gotten out. And I really, really wish the Doctor hadn’t had to prolong the pain he was always going to feel when someone else had to say goodbye. Anyway, that’s the essay a trifling three lovely people asked me for. Not really an essay, just word vomit. If you read it all, please let me know what you think! I could be wrong.
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pjmslave · 8 months
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***WARNING*** this becomes quite intense and heartless. Consume at your own risk.
Dalek Invasion “Fall BACK! For GOD’S SAKE, FALL BACK!” Private Dirk Schmitt heard in his ear piece. He had never heard Sargeant Montgomery scream hysterically. And Sarg had been screaming this into his left ear for at least five minutes now. The reason was obvious. It only took a quick glance at the alley way in front of him. The alley way was littered with his fallen comrades. There were not dead, but they were destine for a fate worth than death. At least that is what the rumors said.
The rumors said if you fall in combat with the enemy then you come back to fight as the enemy. Because of these rumors, Dirk had tried desperately to pull Malcome, his best friend, with him as he retreated. Dirk had tried to shake Malcome awake, but he had failed. Malcome had remained completely dead weight. Dirk had finally decided that trying to save Malcome meant that he would be shot down as Malcome was. Now Malcome was well behind the front wave of enemy troopers.
While another members in his company was laying down cover fire, Dirk moved to a position behind the next trash skip in the alley way. Not that cover fired meant anything in this fight. The enemy troopers were impervious to their bullets. The enemy troopers appeared to have some kind of energy field that stopped their bullets a good two meters in front of their skirmish line. Regardless, Dirk took up the job of sending a wave of cover fire down the alley way while his other mates retreated back towards the main street.
While sending as many bullets down the alley way as he could, Dirk got a look at the troopers advancing towards him. Each and every one of them appeared to stand more than two meters tall. Each were heavily muscled. Dirk thought out loud, “Damn, my professional body building mates would be jealous of their muscles.” They all were covered in what appeared to be a heavy black rubberized one piece suit that started just below their jaw lines until it disappeared into their knee high heavy leather boots. On top of this base layer of clothing was what appeared to be various hard plastic body armor. This amor was black with colorized lines just at the sternum. The colorized line was the only variation among the opposing troops. Some lines were a deep blue. Others were bright yellow. Others were bright red. Occasionally, Dirk would see trooper with a dark green strip, but those mainly were deep behind the enemy front line.
There was additional armor below their waist with shielding on the front of their lower extremities with a black plastic knee cap. Same with their arms. Except Dirk noted their lower left arms were covered with the various style of weaponry they were using. Group Red and Group Yellow’s weapons started at just below their left elbow. It covered their left hand completely if they still had a left hand. It then had a long slender stick capped in a red or yellow ball.
Dirk noted that each time one of these troopers unleashed the power of their weapon, their left arm pushed back at least a half meter. Because of this, Dirk surmised the energy bolts that shot out of the tip of this weapon must have packed a huge punch for anyone struck by the bolt. It was obvious to Dirk that these bolts were intended for single targets. It was the troopers with the blue strip that were the most dangerous. The energy bolts that shot out of their left arm spread out as it moved down the alley way. Anyone caught in this growing energy field fell where they were.
As he discovered with his best mate, Malcom, those that were hit by the blue energy field were not dead. They became incapable of movement. Any movement. They froze and toppled over. Their body completely fixed in the position they were in when they were hit. Dirk was certain that this method of capture caused many broken bones as the now paralyzed person toppled to the ground. The capture party would still breathe though. At least Malcome continued to breathe after being hit by the blue energy field. Even though Dirk was not absolutely sure, he did think individuals caught in the blue energy field remained conscious.
Dirk could not think of a more horrible way to go. To be reduced to just a body on the ground, waiting to be harvested by the troopers that had a green strip. Dirk had seen what the green troopers did to his pals. The left appendage appeared to be of a medical derivation. The green troopers would inject something into the necks of a body on the ground. Dirk was not sure what this did to his mates, but it could not be good. All Dirk saw was the body relaxing and then his mates, one by one, would let out a scream that sounded as if their body was being pulled apart bone by bone.
After they stopped screaming, Dirk would then watch each of his mates return to a standing position only to dissolve in a field of red light. Dirk could not even begin to imagine what it would feel like to just ‘dissolve’ to nothing. He did know being dissolve was something he did not want to experience.
“Right side, cover fire. Left side fall back!” Dirk wondered why they were even doing the cover fire. It was a waste of bullets. The enemy troopers did not appear to be slowed down by his or his pal’s bullet barrage. Their speed was more of component of just how many of his friends that had fallen. Dirk felt sorry for each and every one of them. They did not deserve to be dissolved. They did not deserve to be sent into a combat situation against troopers who were so much more advanced.
Dirk heard the other side of the alley start with the cover fire. He turned to his left. He had just started to stand up to sprint when his body was caught in a field of blue energy. As he fell forward onto his knees, he heard in his left ear, “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! They got Dirk. Fuck this shit! EVERYBODY RUN! EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!”
Dirk did not see the result of this order. He slowly toppled onto his right buttocks then onto his back. He could see the cloudless sky beyond that top of the building around him. He thought to himself how beautiful the sky was today. “Such a beautiful day.” Dirk thought to himself. He might have said it outload, but he knew he was now paralyzed. Dirk did not notice that he remained in the semi-crouched position as he rolled onto his back. His entire focus was on the beautiful blue sky. Dirk wondered why he had not notice just how beautiful the sky was today.
As Dirk was taking in the sky, multiple blue energy fields were shot down the alley way. Dirk only noticed them as they changed the blue color of the sky. He did not notice the reports of who was falling to the blue energy flooded his left ear. Names were being announced. Dirk found that while he heard the names they did not exactly register in his mind. Nor did it register when the dialogue ceased in his left ear.
Dirk saw the front of the enemy’s skirmish line pass him. A few minutes later one of the enemy troopers with a green strip down his chest plate moved into his eye sight. Dirk’s eye took in the slender needle attached to the end of the trooper’s left arm. Dirk’s mind felt the prick of the needle into the left side of his neck. Dirk remained focused on the sky until he felt his brain catch fire. Dirk has never felt anything so painful. Dirk heard someone screaming. Dirk took a deep breath. During this moment, Dirk noticed the screaming stopped. When Dirk started to breathe out, Dirk heard the screaming restart. Even with this evidence Dirk never realized it was he that was screaming.
When the fire that was in his brain began to dissipate, Dirk recognized the trooper who was tending to him. It was Corpsman Rodriguez, Jaimie to his friends. Corpsman Rodriguez had came with him from the U.S. of A. to assist in the fight against the invaders from space. He had been provided a position in The Royal Army Medical Corps while Derik was provided a billet in His Majesty's Armed Forces. He had been to see Corpsman Rodriquez multiple times. One time on the down-low to stitch up a nasty cut he had gotten while pub hopping. He liked Rodriguez. Well, he had like him. Now he was an enemy trooper that had injected some mind altering substance into his body.
Derik noted the lack of recognition on Rodriguez’s face. He wondered what had been done to Rodrigeuz. He wondered if the same would be done to him or would he just dissolve in a red light like the rest of his mates. Before Derik could arrive at a conclusion another enemy trooper marked with green slipped something onto his head. This head gear covered his ears and his eyes. The sounds of the on-going battle faded. It was replaced with white noise entering his ears and a kaleidoscope-like display into his eyes.
Derik was unsure where the need to stand originated, but he pushed his body up to a standing body. Without even thinking about it, he felt his body snap to attention. Moments later, he was engulfed in a red field. Derik managed a sigh. He was to be ‘dissolved.’ At least he gave ALL to the defense of his planet…
Derik did not loose consciousness. He found he had just moved to another location. The white noise sounds and the kaleidoscope-like display continued. His mind became confused. Thoughts. Images. Feelings. Everything in his mind felt foreign. Even his body felt foreign. It was all as if his body and mind, even his soul, was now owned by someone…or something else. Derik began to feel he was no longer in control. He was being dominated by a powerful person…thing. A force he knew would subjugate every sub atomic particle in his body and mind.
Derik felt his left arm curl upwards. He focused on his left hand for a moment. He was confused. He had flesh and blood fingers. Flesh and blood hand. Flesh and blood wrist. He knew this was not correct. A Dalek slave’s left appendage was made from a powerful death ray. Dalek Earth Slave Two Three Two Five Zero One, code named Dalek Slave Derik left appendage was a death ray. Dalek Slave Derik exterminated all that opposed the will of the Dalek Supreme. This was Dalek Slave Derik’s purpose.
Dalek Slave Derik felt its mouth exclaim “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” Dalek Slave Derik felt its exterminate appendage move into position. It felt the commands to exterminate flow from its brain to the exterminate appendage. It felt the appendage fire its exterminating charge as the appendage was forced back with each charge it expended. Dalek Slave Derik saw images of inferior humans dissolve in the energy beam that consumed their bodies. Dalek Slave Derik felt waves of pleasure as it fulfilled the command given by the Dalek Supreme.
Dalek Slave Derik heard a query. “What is it?”
“It is a Dalek Slave!”
“What is its purpose?”
“Obey the Daleks.” “Serve the Daleks. “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!” “Exterminate!”
Dalek Slave Derik caught a glimpse of itself as it was being marched to a new location. He looked identical to the other Dalek slaves. Knee high leather boots. Heavy rubber black under layer from its knee high boots to its chin level. Black plastic armor covered most of this rubberized under layer. A red strip on its front. It also knew there was a red strip down its back so it could be easily identified as an exterminating Dalek slave. Its left arm in the up position. A death ray attached where its left hand had once been.
Dalek Supreme picked Dalek Slave Derik’s targets. Generally, humans who would not offer any benefit to the Dalek Supreme’s plans for domination of this pitiful planet. Humans that could not or would not serve the Dalek Supreme well. Injured humans. Small humans. Old humans. Dalek Slave Derik was incapable of remorse. It served the Dalek Supreme without question. Its minimal thoughts programmed by Dalek Supreme. Dalek Supreme required strong humans to serve the Daleks.
The humans that were not exterminated were processed by the green back Dalek slaves. Medical slaves. Dalek Slave Jaimie began the processing on one human into a Dalek Slave, then he moved to the next human to be processed. He, too, obeyed his programming without remorse. Dalek Slave Jamie knew what was done to his brain. The robotization was quick and highly efficient. The human was placed into the processing chamber. Its scalp was surgically removed. It was then duplicated and then the human scalp was discarded. The duplicated scalp was made of a high durable clear plastic. From this plastic scalp a hundred billion almost microscopic wires hung down. Once these wires contacted the human brain, the bore deep into the target brain making a connection with all the brain cells of the brain.
Once the human brain had been fully wired to the Dalek command and control system, the wires either forced control of the brain cell to which they were attached, or quickly exterminated the brain cell. Within the span of eight minutes, a human became fully robotized with little of its former personality left. Not quite a new individual, but very close. And so subjugated by the Dalek’s command and control system. There was no attempt to escape by this point as the very concept of escape had been detected and then deleted from their slave programming. The emotional center as well was detected then deleted.
The Dalek Supreme absorbed the data HE was being given. The military was on the run along with all the humans on this out cropping into the Thames. The mass of humanity was moving north away from the Dalek controlled area. It did not matter. It had been expected. The Dalek Supreme split his forces into three groups. One would move slowly north. One would cross the river to the outcropping of land into the Thames to the east. And the third, with the assistance of their robotized humans, would begin to build a processing center unlike anything this puny planet had ever seen. Eight Billion potential Robomen and unprocessed slaves to be used and abused. The Dalek Supreme estimated that two billion could be robotized. This was all that was necessary to subjugate the planet. What happened to the rest of the population was not worth considering. They would either serve the Dalek Supreme or not. Their choice. Of course if they choose not to they would be exterminated.
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dalekpropaganda · 7 months
Are you dead?
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Doctor Who YT animations compilation
In case you feel like watching and supporting things created by fans for fans of this big fandom but don't know where to start!
Rules by RKE2006
Misery x CPR x Reese’s Puffs Remix by RKE2006
Counting Stars by Adisa
Karma by AngelBless | @doodlebless
DW animatic by Jo Bee
Hurly Burly Party by 清洁工Cleaner
Last Words by President Romana by Just a Fox
Doctor Who Parody: Dalek Who by mashed
Burning Pile by Moosepudding
Gallifrey - animated scenes from the end of Enemy Lines by Aethira
Doctor Who Animatic by SVORTOCH
I’m you, ten minutes from now by EntropySan
I AM THE MAN // THE MASTER by Ashesfordayz
Circletine by Snake
50 Years in Time and Space by Richard Swarbrick
Buying Time by James McDonald
The Women Who Lived | Doctor Who by Doctor Who
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 month
martharose for the ship ask game!
martharose my beloved you have the potential to be so incredibly complicated for both parties through no fault of their own. because there is no erasing that rose just existing made martha’s time with the doctor worse, that her absence was this looming shadow over martha. and then i think about martha’s face when she sees rose for the first time, the ‘oh my god, he found you’, the surprise at seeing this mythical woman in the flesh. i think about how much rose doesn’t know about what came after her, and about how rose’s introduction to martha is her being brave and clever enough to hold the earth itself hostage against the daleks, about ‘she’s good’ and how rose knows the doctor would only let the best of the best onboard the tardis.
i want martha to have the world’s worst timed, most ill-advised crush on rose so bad. i want rose to fall a little in love with her for helping to save the world. i want them to dance around the topic of the doctor, because how can you ever just mention all of that casually? i want it lingering under there, though, this guilt for rose over the hole she left that the doctor tried to make martha fill and hurt them both when she couldn’t, when she was too much her own person to ever be rose, and. not a feeling like she couldn’t match up to rose because martha knows she’s that and more. but this sort of uncomfortable ‘should i have tried harder, or was i worse for trying at all’ about her time on the tardis.
i think they could get through it, i do. but i think it’d be rough. it’d be like going through a briar patch and getting all scraped up to get to the other side. but there’s a foundation there of respect from their very first meeting that could grow into a beautiful partnership.
[put any ship in my ask box and i’ll give my brutally honest opinion]
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nomgeonmunchie · 5 days
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lucyravenscar · 11 months
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According to Tumblr, I’ve had this account for ten years! 
I’ve really enjoyed sharing my crochet patterns on here all that time, here’s one of my favourites, which you can find for free on Ravelry:
And here’s the pattern for the tiny party hat:
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rpgsandbox · 4 months
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Crafting & Alchemy — two brand new 5th edition supplements to make your mark on the world! Forge legendary weapons and armour using Hammer & Anvil, and brew fantastical and deadly potions and poisons with Mortar & Pestle!
From the award-winning team that brought you Adventures in Middle-earth, Broken Weave, A Life Well Lived, Uncharted Journeys, and Doctors and Daleks!
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Legends speak of incredible magic items — dragon-slaying spears, unbreakable silver armour, elixirs that bring the dead back to life, and more. 
Songs are sung of these legendary artefacts. What of those who spent hours sweating by the forge, or over a cauldron of volatile ingredients? 
Crafting & Alchemy, make your mark on the world and create powerful magic items that will be spoken of until the end of time.
It’s time to give your character the equipment they deserve.
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Forge your weapon to slay the monster plaguing your hometown, or brew a powerful elixir to save the life of someone you love.  Design and experiment, using magic and ingenuity to create something truly unique. Hammer & Anvil and Mortar & Pestle give you the freedom to create anything you can imagine and bring it into your 5e games.
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Hammer & Anvil
Forge unique weapons and armour unlike anything the world has ever seen. Your great work may start as a humble longsword, but with the right equipment and materials, you will be able to craft a legendary blade capable of cleaving reality in two and summoning an ethereal being to serve by your side. 
Forge custom weapons and become a legendary weaponsmith with Cubicle 7’s new Weapon Forging system. 
Craft new armour for you and your party with our Armour Forging rules. Your tailoring and modifications will ensure a perfect fit for you and your allies!
Turn mundane gear into artefacts of legend with our Magic Item Enchanting rules! Use your arcane talents to enhance the weapons and armour you craft, or team up with a powerful spellcaster to create potent magical effects.
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Mortar & Pestle
Brew poisons, potions, and elixirs for every occasion. Plant your own magical garden to grow the priceless herbs you need, or gather your party to hunt down terrifying monsters and harvest rare components.  
Our Alchemy system allows you to concoct a brand new range of bizarre potions. Mix reagents and refine alchemical components to create invigorating potions to bolster your allies. 
For more sinister adventurers, our new Poisons will give you a lethal edge. Prepare toxic venoms to make every strike a deadly one and leave your foes debilitated. 
Hunt monsters and harvest rare magical components to use in your concoctions.
Tend your own garden! Plant the seeds and watch them grow as you cultivate a range of vibrant and bizarre flora to use in your brews.
Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, February 14 2024 2:00 PM UTC +00:00
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