#digimon ep 4
uniarycode · 2 years
Very excited for Espimon to pop up once every 4 episodes and inform us Hiro isn't Hiro the same way Black Tailmon uver pops up and reminds us that there's just a way to the digital world no one cares about.
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digitalgate02 · 7 months
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The UPDATED (OG) Adventure universe’s Partnership double year math count
Updated Digimon Adventure OG Timeline’s Partnership Math Count List 
Not particularly spoilers from the movie, just stuff stated by the official timeline from the pre-release stream for the movie in Japan (Oct 26)
Early 80s - Oikawa Yukio & Hida Hiroki make the first contact with the Digital World, befriend Pipimon (no partnerships)
1995 - Hikari and Taichi find a Koromon egg* (no partnerships)
1996 - 2 (Rui; someone else gets a digimon later in that year*)
1997 - 4 (Menoa)
1998 - 8 (Possibly the previous 5 mentioned from Adv’99 anime/novels)
1999 - 16 (Adv Eight, Meiko*)
2000 - 32 (Ken*)
2001 - 64 (Michael)
2002 - 128 (Daisuke, Miyako, Iori)
2003 - 256
2004 - 512
2005 - 1,024
2006 - 2,048
2007 - 4,096
2008 - 8,192
2009 - 16,384
2010 - 32,768
2011 - 65,536
2012 - 131,072
2013 - 262,144
2014 - 524,288
2015 - 1.048,576
2016 - 2.097,152
2017 - 4.194,304
2018 - 8.388,608
2019 - 16.777,216
2020 - 33.554,432
2021 - 67.108,864
2022 - 134.217,728
2023 - 268.435,456
2024 - 536.870,912
2025 - 1.073.741,824
2026 - 2.147.483,648
2027 -  4.294.967,296
2028 (02 Epilogue) - 8.589.934,592
↓ Original notes + "Why there's still no retcon of the lore" below ↓
First, the OG notes from the outdated post:
→ This count is not about “which was the very first digimon-human contact”, and yes about people with a digivice. Because if we were going to count who was the first human to have contact with a digimon, it’s actually two and they’re Oikawa Yukio and Iori’s dad, Hida Hiroki.
→ I’m ignoring all the inconsistencies with other material (WS & ▽) because they seem to not match well with the original count. So, in this case, Ken’s statement in the anime (Aug 2000) is the one to be accounted for here. I don’t know if Ryo counts as Chosen (possibly yes, judging by 02 flashbacks) but I’m not sure where to place him here.
→ I’m only adding Michael to the count, even if he’s not a main character and yes a side character, because 02 ep 14 had this statement regarding him. And I like Michael too so, let me have him there :V
→ Menoa states in the movie she met Morphomon when she was nine, and according to the Dash X novel version, she’s the same age as Taichi. Which means she became a Chosen in 1997.
→ I couldn’t think of how to include Maki & Daigo’s group in this because ▽ contradicts with the original lore’s math – The fact the Pt4 book released with the movie on Japanese theaters state them being in Elementary School the time they went to their adventure in the DW, and later the confession scene means they’re in University/College makes them possibly been Chosen Children way before 1995, and I’d take it granted that they were chosen by someone else IF weren’t for the Homeostasis being involved in the scene and the digivice being way too modern for that time (it was basically Taichi group’s model. If you look at Rui’s digivice in the leaked footage from DigiFes2022, his model seems to be different and an older version)
→ That said, Meiko is the only character in ▽ that does not fall into contradiction with the math count. Because in 1999 there was not only Taichi’s group, but also other 8 non-featured Chosen according to Kakudou’s notes. So we can consider Meiko one of those other 8 children.
→ When it comes to Wallace, I prefer to think he is game in the original math – Taichi and Hikari met that Koromon in 95, but they had no digivice until 1999. Which means it can be possible that Wallace had encountered Gummy-Choco’s egg before 1995 and only became an official Chosen Child later.
Now, the new notes:
→ To avoid spoiling any detail about the movie itself, I’ll make sure to tell you they might have changed how the math works only. It’s not like, “everyone gets a digimon at the same time” but rather… “A X number of people get partnered with a digimon in different periods of a year” – Which means yes, you can still count Rui and Ukkomon as the origins of the Digimon partnership, but that later in the same year someone else (or, say, Wallace in the main timeline) got a partner months later.
→ That said, I’m opting to update this list and work within the idea that various sources of partnership (Homeostasis, Holy Beasts, etc) can be counted in the math. Remember – Homeostasis (not referred to as this in the OG series but yes in the novels) had selected Taichi & co., but the Holy Beasts chose Dai-Miya-Iori. And some other entity probably chose Ken in August 2000. This could explain why there’s a higher number of partnerships happening at the same time in Adv’99 and 02.
→ As I mentioned before, and indirectly supported by the staff (check the official timeline at the top of the list), ▽ has violated the lore to the point it goes in direct conflict with the new 02 movie and the entire timeline. So I guess it’s better to consider ▽ as its own timeline/Alternate universe than forcing it into the main timeline.
→ That said, and since Meiko does exist in Kizuna/main timeline, I suppose Maki and Daigo also do exist, and maybe they got their “ages” retconned and down to something suitable to the universe’s math count. They can still be part of the previous five kids mentioned in Adv’99 anime/novels, but they are probably around their teen years, or even early 20s instead, not fully adults working for the government I suppose. Or alternatively, just not Chosen yet. Pick your favorite route, Maki/Daigo fans!!
→ Yes, the Koromon from the very first movie IS NOT THE SAME PARTNERED WITH TAICHI. This never was confirmed, and was just fandom's theory. Considering how ▽ also made this mistake and possibly was one of the lore's violation, I prefer to believe this means it's not the same Koromon/Agumon partnered with Taichi in Adv'99.
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bcbdrums · 5 months
Top 10 Soul Eater episodes?
As in, favorite episodes?? Or best episodes??
I'll do...favorites I guess? If that's even possible my gosh... I'm hard-pressed at this point to find any I don't like, and others are like...yes this one and this one and this one and this one.... Like the whole underground battle series of like seven??? Is just one giant episode to me, lol.
ANYWAY.... FAVORITE Top Ten episodes, listed in airing order not a ranking cuz that's impossible, lol.
Now, to absolutely no one's surprise...
These are all Stein and/or Spirit feature episodes. Except maybe two. Here we gooooo!
Episode 4: "Engage the Witch Hunter! A Remedial Lesson in the Graveyard?"
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Why a fave? Okay well first of all...we get to see the four main characters fighting together against an enemy. The episode starts with the feeling of...okay, here we go... Like setting the tone of the anime after the concept and chars have been introduced. Gonna be a monster of the week thing, fighting new enemies and collecting souls. Like Digimon but not you know?
So we see awesome techniques from both Maka and Black Star and Sid as a char is super creative, so it's all that stuff to start with. And then...then we start to get that tiny bit of backstory at the end about Spirit and Stein and it's like, wait say what now?? The red-head is more than a comic drunk deadbeat dad? So then...
Episode 5: "Shape of the Soul – Enter the Ultimate Meister, Stein?"
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Yeah okay... I mean. Obviously. We see Stein and it's like whoa that design is creepy this guy is creepy and then we hear Spirit blubbering drunkenly about the past and it's like creepy and oh snap I am now sympathetic to Spirit and there is a far deeper backstory going on here with these adults cuz we had the privilege of seeing Sid alive before you know and suddenly he's dead in the prior ep so mystery and...yeah. And then it's very much presented as wow...Stein is...unbeatable. They're doomed. And that twist ending I was just as much huh??? as Soul was and I just. Got captivated by the backstory.
Episode 7: "Black-blooded Terror – There's a Weapon inside Crona?"
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More Spirit and Stein stuff. I swear that hospital scene was my favorite scene in the entire show for the longest time. It's hilarious, I still crack up watching it. The toes thing is just... And that way too long dramatic pause and camera pull before he reveals the divorce, and Stein freaking already knows and just...yeah I'm getting giddy thinking about it. But ALSO it's like, okay...now we've departed from the casual anime silliness. We skipped the 30+ eps of growth like Digimon and went straight to the big major character issue. Which you know, makes sense the further into the anime we go for this anime. But...yeah. It gets. Real. Not kids anymore. Crona with Ragnarok are hilarious I love them, and Crona is highkey relatable; Crona is every teenager to exist ever. But yeah then Soul's sacrifice, for Maka... It's just...wow. Yeah it got real.
Episode 8: "The Witch Medusa – Bearer of the Great Terrible Soul?"
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Truthfully, probably my favorite episode as things stand right now. My mind may change later. Why? Because obviously...Spirit and Stein get to fight together. We get to see what the future is... It's like seeing the past in Star Wars, the very beginning of Ep. 1 you know where we see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fight and it's like...yessss this is how things are supposed to be in a world that isn't broken. Seeing Stein and Spirit fight together like that is just... Yeah my heart is pounding thinking about how insanely awesome that is. Also Stein is hot. Plus more of that...not kids anymore. Maka's pure terror at sensing Medusa's soul, seeing her...seeing what a real witch is. Like yeah kid the little kishin egg monsters and magical cats you've been playing with are nothing. Maka realizes the world of meisters and weapons she's in is quite a bit different than her experience so far. And can we talk about how Maka wasn't going to leave Soul's side??? Was just gonna take the hit and die right beside him, because he died for her??? MY HEART! Also Stein is hot yes I know I said it already it bears repeating and man that...seriousness...the way Stein looks at Medusa, the way the witch knows who they are which in itself shows a greater threat... That utter gravity that falls over that moment at the end there, after Stein blocks her attack and it's like....oh snap. Now what? Not to mention all the new tiny details we get about soul resonance and the possibilities and how a weapon can take on features of their meister in the special attacks! (Spirit takes on stitches here on the witch hunter blade, and in the last episodes he takes on Lord Death's skull face on the kishin hunter blade. That's so cool...) Okay I have to stop. I could go on. Like I said...favorite episode as things stand right now.
Episode 13: "The Man with the Magic Eye – Soul and Maka's Diverging Soul Wavelength?"
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This one surprised me because initially I didn't care for it. I don't care for Free's design, shark!wolf just doesn't appeal to me. But over time this really grew on me. The writing is excellent and soooooo many major things happen. We get the first bit of touching on the morality issue, like, is DWMA really the correct moral power? Free says something about it and then it becomes a bigger theme going forward. We get the beginning of the black blood effects and the battle against/with it and the start of what all that means... The start of the "acceptance" theme even if it isn't named. We hear Soul's piano for the first time even though it isn't named as such until Brew. We get to see Soul and Maka both so confused but both so dedicated to each other, and the maturing starting to happen, that needs to still happen... It's a huge ep for their relationship. And also...Eruka. I love Eruka. All things Eruka. Any episode with Eruka is a delight. But yeah this episode is just SO deep and excellent, it needs more love. (Also in the candle room fight if you listen close we hear that Spirit has an outy belly button and I'm just alksjdahkjghsd how silly.)
Episode 14: "The Super Written Exam – Heart-Pounding, Reeling, and Restless. You're Kidding!?"
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Ehhh heheheh...heheh... Pure absurdity. Pure comedic awesomeness. Everything about this episode. I love things where many characters are featured in more than a cameo and get real attention. We see more of all their homes, more of what they do and who they are when not in battle... Spirit being an absolute fool... That hilarious buildup timer to the end of the exam... Blair ruining what should have been something GOOD agh silly cat I'm still annoyed, lol. I'm not gonna say much here since I said so much about the last episode but man, yeah. Just pure comedy gold, I never ever tire of this episode. "Giraffe, giraffe~" Heheheh.
Episode 23: "Dead or Alive – In the Rift between Revival and Dazzlement?"
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Okay like I said before... The entire underground battle, starting with the anniversary party, I consider one giant episode. I name all of those as favorites. I selected this one for here because it's where we get some of Stein's backstory I think? Flashback to he and Spirit as young teens, and we learn where Stein's mental state really is. We get to see more of his and Spirit's dynamic, how they work together both successfully and less successfully... Many headcanons borne of this battle in this episode. My gosh I just...can't put it into words in any brief way. I could write an epic length post breaking down nearly every line, look, gesture... And is this also the episode where the kishin emerges and my gosh if that isn't the creepiest most suspenseful moment I've ever seen. Also, we see more of Eruka! I adore her. And Free. But yeah whole episode... Fantastic.
Episode 25: "The Death Scythes Convene – Stop Dad's Staff Reassignment!?"
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And this episode...also silly and ridiculous, but awesome because we get to see a little more of the "adult" side of the DWMA and how things operate. Comedically yes, cuz Soul Eater is a comedy, but still there's quite a bit of seriousness too. Stein's madness as a plot point... But my gosh... Marie, Azusa... Justin... The dynamic between all the adults. I would give ANYTHING for a prequel anime where we get to see all these complete idiots in the academy and how it all went down between them. And my gosh we've had plenty backstory teased already with Stein's experiments against Spirit, Sid and baby Black Star... Seeing the adults as kids would be the perfect "reboot" series for me. Plus that basketball ending, bringing it all full-circle in terms of...okay, here we are again, and here we go again... Onto the next phase of the show/of our lives. It's a fantastic turning-point episode and I never tire of it.
Episode 31: "Drying Happiness! Whose Tears Sparkle in the Moonlight?"
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This one...so much happens here. We get delightful glimpses of normal life, we get the reminder that Soul plays piano which becomes important quite soon... We get the comedy of Spirit having to parrot Lord Death to Justin because they just won't make the kid take out his earbuds! We get a moment of Crona and Ragnarok actually getting along and having a normal conversation and ohhh myyyy gosshhhhhh I wish we'd had more of that in the show. I adore Ragnarok. But then...ugh. The saga of pain that begins. You get everyone reaching out, you get to see Crona happy... Marie after wandering around lost, saying if there's ever anything you need... Later inviting Crona to her home... Only to be betrayed. And the absolute skill and execution of the writing as they make us believe for a moment that Marie is okay in returning the pen...and then it's revealed that Crona put a snake in the coffee. Just. Oh man. Ugh the pain. Whyyyy Crona whyyy when you had the entire academy to back you up, everyone on your side, full protection from friends, from a death scythe who trusted you to invite to her home, from Lord Death who gave you a second chance... But you still betrayed them all. And then of course, that little snake then is the catalyst for SO much of what happens in the next episodes... Big deal. This ep is so huge. So many different feels...
Episode 40: "The Cards Are Cut – Medusa Surrenders to the DWMA?"
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Spirit feature, Spirit feature! I like getting to see a little more of Spirit's responsibilities other than hovering at Lord Death's shoulder waiting 800 years bound to Death City what the heck his poor death scythes for battles that will never come. I know logically he has other jobs as the death scythe, but it's nice to see him doing some of it and more of his relationship with Lord Death (those two raised their children side by side I mean come on there's so much comedic opportunity here). Also the sheer TENSION in the episode from the fact it's Medusa, and Maka's reaction, and Stein's reaction, and then the deal at the end... It's like...okay this is a serious tone-shift and no clue now what is coming. It's a lot of weight all at once leaving me feel like I'm in a whirlwind and kicks off the final arcs of the show and...yeah. This is a good one.
Also hey guess what!
Turning this ask into a tag game! So...what are your top ten favorite episodes??
@midnightcaptions @memethebum @chickycherrycola @blackbloodteeth @mellancholy-morose @beeejayy (that's right Sunny start interacting with fandom LOL) @takeyourcyanide @cannibal-nightmares
AND...anybody else who wants to take this on! Have fun!
And BONUS... Any and all episodes with Excalibur are awesome and if you don't love him you are wrong. That's okay you're allowed to be, you do you. 😘
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droshawoluv · 2 years
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Moments I love from Digimon Adventure (1999) - [5/?]
🌆 R e s o l v e 🌆
Hello, this is my favorite chapter ever. So the whole ep. is the moment I love.
Is it the aesthetic given by a different iconic Director?
the ambient sounds where you can hear your Summer crickets?
the nostalgic and melancholic feeling that this gives you without even knowing why?
the feeling that something is not really ok?
the back and forth of Taichi trying also to figure out what is real and what is going on?
the revelation that is still the same day?
Hikari, my 2nd favorite character being here and kinda creepy with her knowledge?
the protagonist I love showing he's a great brother who loves his sister (a personal biase there as fraternal love is something I got emotional about) ?
the way that all around Taichi feels more mature in this episode being at home and caring about his sister and Digimon partner?
the music that always put you in the mood even if there's a big dinosaur attacking your city (which granted, it's such an amazing piece of music that even featured in the freakin entrance of the OLYMPIC TORCH AT TOKYO 2020 OPENING CEREMONY WHAT)?
the ending part where you can see the tension of the siblings watching Digimons no one can, and an Agumon that shows that rookies can be snappy and good in hands of a nice episode Director?
the whole ending with first Agumon saying goodbye, and Hikari trying to stop Taichi in a heartbreaking moment that probably made me cry %90 of the times with that music?
The understanding that this is the first time in the show that one of the destined children decided by himself to be in the Digital World, instead of being forced to be there?
the resolution that it implies a turning point to Taichi, to be back to do what he must do?
Maybe a little bit of everything.
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defeateddetectives · 1 month
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
thank youuu @coquelicoq for the tag! yes this is an entire month late because of who i am as a person :'D
3 ships you like: actually gonna give some real estate to the ones i have NOT been rotating nonstop on this space like a rotisserie chicken lately to mix things up!
1) hiyakawa/mikado (the night beyond the tricornered window) - a plug for my tiny, spooky, hilarious and obscure af manga series that blindsided me with its pathos (and because i want everyone to read it and then create some very niche fan-content for me specifically! :D wait who said that!) emotionally oblivious loser 4 emotionally oblivious loser!!! except they're emotionally oblivious in fun, complementary ways! their whole journey is absolutely bonkers and unexpectedly heartfelt, and yes, exorcism should be this hot always!
2) natsume/tanuma (natsume yuujinchou) - i know that no one will believe me when i say that this is still THE natsume yuujinchou ship to me at the end of the day! something something if i loved it less i might be able to talk about it more! but lonely kids finding one another and making each other's lives SO MUCH BETTER solely for existing in each other's orbit and being such a paragon of healthy, functional communication and trust and growing connection that still floors me to this day (and with such courage and eloquence that most adults still cannot manage...i say...sideeyeing two v specific adults)!!! theirs was the thread that pulled me into the series to begin with (i literally just watched all the tanuma eps on first pass) and i'm still so grateful for them and everything about them
3) jack rackham/anne bonny (black sails) - platonic/queerplatonic/romantic/whichever combo or other nebulous way you slice it! THE soulmates of all time that haunt me on the regular and really said to the audience: watch us take your expectations and definitions and parameters of love, joyfully smash it to smithereens, and create something so tremendously unrecognizable and beautiful. truly partners till they put us in the fucking ground!!!
first ship ever: the first fanfic i stumbled upon in my life featured taichi and yamato from digimon adventure. i still remember this because it was interspersed with an edit of yamato in a dress and posted on ye olde personal webpages and shown to me by a school friend, both of us looking like the :o face incarnate. we were Babies. it was a Time. i don't even think i knew what a ship was at the time but hashtag formative things!
last song you heard: it's been a grimes & janelle monae - venus fly kinda day
favourite childhood book: soft spot for whitechurch by chris lynch forever. i think i read it maybe in high school? it rewired my brain and is probably a huge part of why i am the way i am/write the way i do subconsciously.
currently reading: does vi bullying me into danmei count? in which case, global examination....at snail's pace. in this house we love and appreciate a good arson!
currently watching: recently started rewatching the original a:tla for the first time since it finished airing after trying and failing miserably with the live action :( only a few episodes in but augh its still so good and some things hit even harder with foreknowledge. there will never really be another character arc like zuko's ever again.
currently consuming: a smoothie! i've discovered i am a fan of almond butter when dunked in a blender with berries, yogurt and milk. 11/10 would recommend!
currently craving: earlier today i was daydreaming of bbq so let's go with that
super low pressure tagging @endless-season @half-infinite @argyros @fadedclxssic @caroline-hill @kastellaran @doubleboyfriend @constastan @spookirou and as always, everyone is welcome to steal
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immortaltaro · 11 months
media thread post 2023
going to attempt to port over my media thread from twitter and use reblogs to update it
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers The Movie: Shin Hatsukoi Hero i enjoyed it more then the revice summer movie, shame like pretty much all mid series sentai movies its basically just an ep with a bigger budget
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2. Ultraman Decker
MUCH IMPROVED OVER TRIGGER IN LIKE EVERY AREA, INCLUDING ITS USE OF KENGO. only real complaint i have is them revealing the Spheres motivations minutes before they are destroyed but thats a fairly minor thing looking at the show as a whole
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3.ultraman: mystery of ultraseven
great stuff continuing the momentum of the last mini series, i do have issues with the ultra comic verse that dont get addressed, but regardless it was a great read, interested to see ma boi ace show up in whatever is next
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4.kingdom hearts dark road
one of my fav KH stories, elevating xehanort alot, giving insight into how his beliefs formed and i absolutely need this freed from its mobile prison and given the back cover treatment
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5. Ork #オーク
really cool, indy Toku production, it very impressive that this was filmed on an Iphone and goes this hard, well worth a watch, right now its free on youtube i recomed checking this out https://youtube.com/watch?v=GcibuY
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6. ultraman decker finale journey to beyond the movie
it was pretty good, if the main series is a 10 this is like an 8, pretty fun time.
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7.Avataro Sentai Donbrothers
i was sceptical as FUCK when this was announced, and inoue and the producer were saying how they wanted to make a sentai season that was a comedy drama aimed at 20somethings, but fuck did they land it. top 3 sentai seasons for sure. taro is my boi somethings like how under written murasame is, alot of the stuff with kijino and the zenkai gears turning into avataro gears plotline that was seemingly dropped ( if the Vs movie addresses this i take back the last one) bothered me, but as a whole i really liked this season
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8.Psyren (reread)
this series goes hard. i love the cast and i think more people should read this.
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9. Agents of mayhem - dropped got about 8/27 missions thought this. ITS ASS the cars feel awful, esthetical it wants to be overwatch soo bad. in the 4hrs 40mins i played enemies became spongy as shit and the second gat mission bugged turning 3 waves into infante boring and bland AND THATS NOT MENTIONED THE 1 MAJOR BOSS I FOUGHT THAT WAS JUST * puts up shield and summon turret* 3 TIMES THEN THEN BALL JOKE SEGMENT WHERE YOU SHOT ENERGY BALLS. THE BORDERLANDS TEIR REDDIT WRITING IS SO MIND NUMMING FUCK
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10.Dandan Tenshi Fanclub
this was pretty cool for a one shot
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11.Revice Forward: Kamen Rider Live & Evil & Demons
no "which ones the real one" plot is good. i screamed when they revealed the twist.
alot of the fanservice stuff i liked, like seeing that Hana opened her own detective agency in Blue birds basement was fun
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12.Dragon Ball Super: SUPER HERO
really enjoyed this,really liked all the lil toku nods what with the gammas two ultraman inspired androids thats do rider kicks. hope we can get more content thats not as goku/vegeta focused
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13.Luther: the fallen sun it was ok, i feel like it peaked with the jail brake.
the last 30mins brought it down for me
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14.Digimon Ghost game:
its pretty good when all is said and done, 90% of this show is very solid MOTW/horror mystery stories with all the cryptic build up they have been seeding since ep 1 being all burned thought in the last 3eps.defo feels like they were trying to set up a movie with that last second alien reveal too. since most of its stand alone mysteries, the humans done really feel like they grow much over the course of the show its still a very fun time like an 8/10 id say love gammamon, they baby
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15. coming out to my parents and telling them about @toni-the-oni
twas better then expected
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16. Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire ♀ ( manga volumes 1-4 )
binged all 4 volumes in a couple hrs, this is a very fun series, interesting world building and Inglis as a MC is amazing and i love her
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17.Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire ♀ (anime: season 1)
unsurprising i loved it ! i will say i liked the way the manga handled the content it covered more but this was still good,
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18. Oshi no ko (ep 1, its feature length so imma count it ) holy shit watch it. it more then earns its length. this is something you need to experience blind.
19.brooklyn 99 season 8, the final season
bout a perfect a goodbye as a series can have
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20.Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always (2023) eh, it was ok, rough in some aspects but overall alright
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21.Oshi no ko manga (upto the current chapter 116) one of the best things ive read in a while. its going to be hard for the anime to fumble this bag.
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22.Kamen Rider Geats × Revice: Movie Battle Royale
very fun movie, seeker really is that bitch in fortnite that builds a replica tadj mahall the second a fight starts. yeah a good ass time.
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23. Kamen Rider Juuga VS Kamen Rider Orteca
it was alright, pretty fun moments with one line in particular that kinda took me out, the Drive cameos and call backs were great and honestly out of all the over demons/vail retools i think i like orteca's rider form the most out them
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24. netflix Ultraman season 3 the final:
kinda mixed on it if im honest, i dont think theres ever really been a great "shapeshifters turn the publics opinion on it" and i wasnt super impressed with aspects of how Rena was written that said the last 2 episodes really were peak.
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25. Power Antoinette ( upto the current chapter, theres only 2) the only series brave enough to ask the question what if Marie Antoinette was built like shehulk and used a guillotine like a sword
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26.The Church Play Cinematic Universe : jenny Nicholson
watched this with @toni-the-oni this was such a wild ride, of ups downs and "robin in the hood" a 10/10 experience
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26. Church of the rock 2023 production Beauty and the Beaster
watched this with @toni-the-oni Gaston sings BTS
27.Avataro Sentai DonBrothers VS Zenkaiger
extremely fun film, loved seeing everyone again, just a fun time all round and HOLY SHIT HOW CAN IT END LIKE THAT ?!
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28.Geats Extra: Kamen Rider Punkjack
its alright, felt kinda like one of the covid clipshow specials we got for zero one, rolling rolling punk king fucks, so glad they went that hard with the insert song
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exp123mon · 9 months
Just gonna mass dump Frontier thoughts rather than post episode by episode. I just wanna watch and enjoy then scribble thoughts down afterwards. This isn't like serious reviews or anything.
EP 2. Wolfmon of Light - Battle in the Underground Maze! -details re: the missing chunks of world which I was wondering about just 15 minutes ago are revealed -Tomoki wanting to be a hero is sweet but given how Digimon loves psychologically torturing children, I am deeply concerned for him lol -Blue Boy is Koji, like the delicious fungus! -what is it with Digimon and chocolate? also a train having a huge tongue like that is terrifying in a way I can't quite describe -more screentime for Izumi and Junpei! (So much so that I actually remembered their names roffle) The vibe I got from Izumi in the first ep was that she thinks of herself as being more mature than others and Junpei being concerned about what others think (in a kind of "socially cowardly" way) and that follows through here. I'm not sure I'm articulating what I mean properly lol. But it's pretty good characterisation so far to give the characters such little screentime in the first ep but still communicate a lot about their personalities. -After Takuya and Izumi fall down the hole, Neemon turns to Bokomon and asks "should we fall down too?" gave me a good chuckle, I'm looking forward to seeing what these two bring to the group -Raremon is gross and creepy, nice. I was starting to think Koji's evolution debut would be him beating up some babies who wanted chocolate lol -Koji just being accidentally pushed into a hole that happened to contain the Spirit felt weak but pretty funny, like damn dude, thank goodness it wasn't one of those holes that just. fell. forever. into the air outside lol -Also I dunno if there was just little/no music in episode 1 (don't recall to be honest) but the bgm in this episode was really nice -overall a decent episode, the Pagumon chases were a nice more lighthearted threat after LITERAL HELL DOG TRIES BURNING TINY CHILDREN ALIVE
EP 3. I Won't Allow Bullying! Evolve into Chakmon of Ice -So they have the chance to return home, Junpei wants to, the others send Tomoki away. I always love in stories when kids are like "we're OLDER so LISTEN to us!" and the elders are like 10 years old -it's nice the kids don't all just get along, even if they're sticking together, there's obviously friction with their personalities and what they want to do -Bokomon and Neemon are nice support/comic relief, they're funny but not overbearing which is always my worry with characters like this -more backstory!! so Lucemon was an evil tyrant, but now it's Cherubimon who's screwing up the world… we got ourselves a fallen angel theme going so far -THAT CANDMON HAS A MOUSTACHE -Bruh the scene where Tomoki uses his hat to try dousing the Candmon to protect Takuya is so sweet, this kid's legit, best character for sure lol -Chakmon's evolution animaton is so cute omg, Chakmon always looked so serious in its artwork but it's super cute -not gonna lie Wizardmon just appearing suddenly confused the hell outta me haha -overall though i really liked this ep, the episodes so far are all really nicely paced
EP 4. My Kicks Hurt! The Female Warrior Fairymon -The Forest Terminal being in the forest literally makes so much sense my guy. I mean you are in Crazy Whacko Nonsense world but still. "I live in Ocean View." "Oh, where's that?" "In the middle of the desert." -Floramon's head is apparently completely empty. Oh my. Which makes me wonder how the Mushmon… made their mushroom soup… -Izumi straight up SLAPPING Mushmon is so good. I always love when Digimon kids are totally out of their league fighting these monsters but they don't care and still try to mess 'em up. -Woodmon secretly three Mushmon in a trench coat confirmed. -lol that booty attack Fairymon does. "no no it isn't the ten-year-old Izumi, it's FAIRYMON, it's totally different we swear ehehehehe" I'm kinda curious about what the dub looks now though -Sucks that Izumi's evolution debut has her getting knocked out cold like that. Just seemed like an excuse to have Koji show up and barely interact again. -I'm 99% sure Bokomon is secretly The Ultimate Evil this series. -Junpei being so convinced he's getting a Spirit is nice. Shows he's been paying attention. A shame the same cannot be said of Koji who still refuses to tag along with the main gang. My fella, you are right there in the intro with them. You cannot escape.
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vermilionvector · 1 year
Digimon Ghost Game EP. 65 (rant)
Like the previous episode, I had to watch it twice, but for a different reason. For EP. 64, it was "OMG this is so cool! I have to watch it again!". But this one was "OMG are you fucking kidding me? Did I hear that right? I had to watch it again."
We're now in the last arc of the series but what I was shown was this silly, off-model team at it again. Their work wasn't bad by any means, but it suited better with lighter atmosphere. Thankfully, this lasted only for the first half of the episode.
Also worth mentioning, Aoi Tada, the original voice actor of Terriermon in Tamers, reprised her role in this one. No wonder his voice sounded so familiar. Now if this episode had 'moumantai' in it, that would be the saving grace of this trainwreck.
After a short physical checkup for Hokuto, who was all safe and sound, the gang discussed the current situation where the Digimons kept flooding into the human world and the black substance that corrodes everything it touches. Without an apparent solution, they go back to rest. Hiro couldn't sleep peacefully like his brothers and shared his sentiment with Tapirmon while staring at MoonMillenniumon. To be honest, I was jealous of Gammamon and Espimon who could still sleep soundly at times like this. Just showing how innocent they were (or maybe they were just tired). Their movement was also in sync for crying out loud.
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Next morning, with all forms of digital communication being severed, the world regressed to analog. This brought back cable phones, radios, etc. Also, there were numerous sightings of Hologram Ghosts all around the world. Unless there is a Digimon that has an ability to do a mass memory-wipe, Digimons will now be revealed to the whole world.
Back at the dorm, Hiro told his dad he wanted to go to the Digital World to meet with the mysterious voice behind the mass Digimon evacuation and would like to ask BlackTailmon to open the Gate. However, Hokuto told him that the Digivice already had the power to open the Gate all along.
And this is the first "Are you kidding me?" moment. Tapirmon then told them that Bokomon was lying about the consequence of passing through the Gate all along, thinking that it was "too early" for the gang. THIS was why we were kept in the dark for more than 60+ episodes, because this one Digimon who thought he knew more than others decided to keep this a secret. He had his reason, but it was so vague that I could hardly accept. How long did he think he was gonna keep it up? Well, we will never know, because he DIED 4 EPs LATER. Had he shared, Hiro would at east be more interested in find out the secret of the Digimons and would be more beneficial in the long run.
Nevertheless, Kuzuhamon would help open the gate and Terriermon gave them the coordinate of the mysterious voice: the Compiler Forest. The gang successfully went through the gate, but Hokuto did not. However, upon finding Hiro's classmates eavesdropping behind the door, he suddenly though of a plan. Not only did you not tell us everything, you also added more questions to a story that only had 2 episodes left to resolve. Very conniving, old geezer.
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The gang arrived at the Compiler Forest, which, as described by SymbareAngoramon, was used to be a lush forest but now overrun by these purple veins that seeped through everything. The second "Are you kidding me?" moment was we didn't see the current state of the Digital World as a whole, but rather just this small area. While it's true that the majority of the Digital World was ruined and perhaps even disappeared, we ought to at least see the overview of the World.
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Unfortunately, right after they landed, two dangerous Digimons were fighting nearby. While they were running, Espimon lost all their supplies, while Kiyo fell into a patch of Rafflesias which spewed parasitic spores that could infect and control the victims to lure more victims for them to feed on. The others were unaware of this and fell victim to them one by one, leaving only Siriusmon left to fight with the one behind these flowers: Rafflesimon, who was infected with GRB and wanted to live forever by consuming others' life force.
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This is the third "Are you kidding me?" moment. We still had a monster-of-the-week this close to the end. While this might seem important because we had Siriusmon, for the first time, consciously communicating with Gulus, and willingly used his power to defeat her, this could be done AT ANY POINT EARLIER in the series. IT DIDN'T HAVE TO WAIT THIS LONG TO DO IT. Sure, you might say it's because the Digital World was overrun by GRB that Gulus finally had enough power to consciously talk with his other side, but there has to be better ways to overcome this plot point. It's Digimon, for god's sake you can write anything about it. And the way they presented Gulus in this scene was so silly. It's just his eyes on Siriusmon's cape. There was nothing interesting or spooky about it. I admitted Sawashiro-san did a fantastic job switching between normal Siriusmon's voice and GulusGammamon's voice so much so that we could easily differentiate each other.
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And while we're at it, the fourth "Are you kidding me" moment. You were playing with infection, on a totally random enemy, while you already have something that is related to infection. Like, IDK, maybe, GRB? Hello? Do you know your stuff?
In the end, Rafflesimon could not take Gulus's power in fully and spit all of her victims out before disintegrating. They found the source of the voice from one of the victims and headed there along with Saberdramon whom were sent back to the Digital World in EP. 20. Unfortunately, DarkLizarmon didn't make it through the ordeal. I find that these shots of Betel are especially cute. We haven't had Betel moments for a long time so let me cherish it a bit.
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They found a gigantic sphere of cloud in the air and inside they found a futuristic city. And within it, a guardian: BloomLordmon. From the preview, he'd be so powerful that even 3 Megas can't defeat and would make Siriusmon take the last resort and convert to his dark side: Regulusmon and Arcturusmon.
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ulfrsmal · 1 year
thanks for tagging me @aethelflaedel! hopefully you don't mind me being fashionably late, ahah!
3 ships: As of right now, Quick Ben/Kalam (Malazan Book Series), Harald/Leif (Vikings: Valhalla), and Weilan (Shen Wei/Zhao Yun, Guardian)
first ever ship: uh, Kari/T.K. (Digimon 02)
last song: Onwards We Row by Miracle Of Sound
last movie: Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive. not my first time watching it but Nyx 🖤
currently reading: Gunmetal Gods by Zamil Akhtar + Book 3 of His Dark Materials
currently watching: see I shoud be watching Vikings Valhalla s2 and finishing Barbaren s1 (literally only 1 ep left!!!), but my attention span says "no" 🙃
currently consuming: magdalenas de chocolate! I think the english name is chocolate muffins...?
craving: to never again suffer from this headache that's lingered for like 4 months at this point (-_-)
no pressure tags: @ritual-unions, @bitchofdarkness, @its-tea-time-darling, @naps4bats, @vveissesfleisch, @aadmelioraa, and @captainkilly. Have fun lovelies! :D
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General Stuff
Things to consider when making Self-inserted/Reincarnated OCs
You made a deal with Death to avoid processing being dead (snip)
You move into an apartment and fix up issues, the neighbors are supernatural creatures (snip)
You had been chosen and trained to save the princess in your first life. This is the sixth. (snip)
The Emotion-Reading Pen (attempt at poem)
Kingdom Hearts - What if a Nobody was separated from its Heart for several years? (What if?/Theory.)
Sonic Forces: The Phantom Ruby Affect (HC)
Ideas for Dimension-Hopping/Traveling OCs
Jocelyn “Joy” Brewer DH!Elytra Wearing (OC)
The Owl House—Post-Series Finale HCs.
Pokémon Goodbye Ash and Pikachu
SV SI-OC Carmen, plus my playthrough so far.
Legends SI!Caitlin: Befriending Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark, Gyarados and Magikarp, Notices on Galaxy Hall Bulletin Board (snip), Space-Time Distortions items plus curious Uxie (snip)
Legends SI!Mackenzie: Progress Report, Prep Training Session for Kleavor (snip)
Rockruff and Lycanroc Thoughts
Pokemon Aren’t Pets (Ft Askjourneysgang)
Charicific Valley Flop (Ft Alolanrain)
Egg Moves, Inherit vs Taught
PMD: Why don’t Humans freak out more?
PMD: Team Meanies, The “Rival” Team
Pokemon Journeys, Represents Us + Future
Anime-Tapu Fini’s Mist (Ft Alolanrain)
Frostbitten + Drowsy = Frozen and Asleep
Battle Etiquette, Aka Don’t Crush the Rookies
Surveyshipping Hypocrite Prof Laventon
Past Lives Theory—SV Spoilers
“Can I borrow all three?” Sky-faller Rei (snip)
Random General Poké-World Headcanons
Ash going to Paldea’s academy (ft alolarain)
Questioning Pokemon Worldbuilding.
SV Post-Hisui’d Protag and Rivals Headcanons (ft bitchapalooza)
PMD RT Hero HCs: Stumble, Not Strut
Kyurem’s Reluctant Acceptance
Digidestined vs Hackers/Sleuths Digimon limit
Danny Phantom
Ghost King!Danny Meets Giratina
Danny vs Booster Gold, Twitter Feud
Valeria thinks Sam is a Witch
Guaranteed Delivery Pizza Boy in DC (rblg)
Infi-Map to Anywhere, Anywhen, and... Anywho (Original Drabble.)
Damien and Danny are stuck in Pokemon (Ft im-totally-not-an-alien-2)
Connor/Kon El/Superboy names (Ft batposts)
Spider-Man screws w/Nick Fury via time-travel
A café waitress lifts up Mjølnir in front of Thor
Determined until the end, and from the start?
Hello Puppets!
The Puppets’ Initials
Where’d Riley get a Bone Saw?
The Owen Connection
Murder Drones
Oddly-themed Dream
Uzi mistaken for Murder Drone by J, V & N (ft healthy-orch1ds) + Anon Ask
The Pine Tree Lab (rblg projectanomaly)
One Day Till Ep 4 + Theory
Post-Episode Four Theories/Discussion
Theory: Is Copper 9, Saturn’s moon Titan?
Cyn-ful — Ep 5 Promo Thoughts
MD Post-Ep 5 Thoughts and Speculation
Nurse Stain (OC) Pt. 01
9 (2009)
Were humans paranoid enough to survive?
Nimona (2023)
Random Headcanons
Poppy Playtime
Red Smoke tests brain activity and nerves?
Indigo Park
Salem the Skunk (Theory and Headcanons)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{A.M.V.} Digimon Adventure x 02 x tri. x 2020 featuring Character{s}/DUO/SHIP/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KOUTAI}/{Taishiro}
Title: Part of {THIS} World
Song: Part of Your World (from The Little Mermaid) (C) D.I.S.N.E.Y Series: Digimon (C) Toei Animation
“Oh, there is SO MUCH I DON’T KNOW, There is SO MUCH I HOPE {T H E Y} [TEACH] M E, WHY does a fire ‘burn’? TELL Me,”
I call this A.M.V. & storyline, “the difference between ‘Interests’ you hate / can’t get anything (personally) worthwhile out of {the things Vademon forces directly on Koushiro in Ep 24 - False, empty, anti intellectual ‘concepts’ like “Cosmic Power” mentioned in the J.P.N version}, and Interests you ENJOY, and why they’re Important (to Koushiro Izumi’s canon Character Developments & Character traits across the entire series).” {Yes, INCLUDING in post 02 media like tri., Kizuna, and DigiAdv 2020.}
“Is it wrong to want to ‘KNOW’ Everything?” - Koushiro, genuinely questioning, to Vademon, Adventure Ep. 24 “I DON’T WANT TO KNOW! I DON’T want to kNOW” - Koushiro giving up Koushiro’s “Inquisitive Heart” (in American English U.S. dub, this was localized as “Curiosity”) ... but it’s actually Koushiro’s ‘Inquisitive’ “Heart” “I want to Know! I WANT TO KNOW!” - Koushiro Izumi willingly regaining Koushiro’s Inquisitive Heart, at Ep’s End
A.K.A.: Why WAS Koushiro’s Crest “KNOWLEDGE”? (And why is “KNOWLEDGE” Important to Koushiro’s Whole Storyline?) {And why is finding your personal “KNOWLEDGE” Not A “Bad” Thing??} And why is it NOT bad to acknowledge such things & concepts AS, SPECIFICALLY, ‘KNOWLEDGE’? (Of course, a certain main storyline of Koushiro is tied in by or at the end too, but it’s not the only thing this time...)
And as an added bonus, this cover was sung by Natsuki Hanae himself!!! (Natsuki Hanae is Tri!Taichi’s J.P.N seiyuu {voice actor}!!)
Made in 2 hours, with another hour spent previewing & formatting this post. I must have re listened to this 50 times in a row because the track (it’s a semi common error with things I’ve made by now, I’ve noticed) glitched about 15 clips in, and then Ep 21 clips nearly made the whole thing crash. (Which also wasn’t even 30 clips in) The full amount of clips is 34, but the song is almost 3 minutes long. The clips used here are intended to be timed to mood of the song and the lyrics, (including some influence, if not entirely as I’m also taking from this J.P.N version, from the original English song) while also reflecting actual canon influence.
This is the J.P.N version of the song, so the lyrics are lightly adjusted! Unfortuntely, this one isn’t yet sub’d, so please rely on my reference for lyrics, thank you!! (I highly recommend reading them before watching!)
Clips used are from (mainly) Adventure Episode 24 (a Koushiro focus ep) until through to Tri’s “Kokuhaku” and “Soushitsu”.
The main scenes used are Koushiro relevant moments, (no major battle scenes here), a single shot of Tri!Taichi (Soushitsu / Part 4 relevant moment), and the middle moments of Kokuhaku where the Tri Chosen and Koushiro reunite in front of Taichi, from the middle end of Kokuhaku (the one previewed in trailers). A miniscule moment from DigiAdv 2020 Ep 14 is also used for emphasis, though this one mainly focuses on Adventure{s}!Koushiro, 2020!Koushiro is definitely included in this concept as well.
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post}
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(Note: replies/Tags that are Positive/respectful are OK!)
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Hoooo boy okay... Lupin zero episode 5.... wow (spoilers, and kinda convoluted bc... yeah wow)
To be honest I am a little lost about what to say with this one! I'll summarize first: I liked it, but it tried to do too much, tried to induce emotions it hadn't spent enough time developing, and makes me a little concerned about episode 6. It's not bad but episode 4 was much more cohesive. This is a bit of a mess.
The trouble with this series is it's trying to do way too much for just six episodes. I'd say it needed at least eight. Ep 5 once again just has so many Important Things all going down at a lightning fast pace. The whole short series is like one of those timed challenges they liked to do on cooking game shows, where you'd have to make like a souffle or something in only 30 min. The assumption was that most of the contestants would make errors because of the limited time. In that situation, there's the thrill of the unknown in finding out which souffles still turn out decent by luck more than technique... but I don't want my TV shows half-baked!
Story wise I don't have any issues. The plot's not very inventive but it's fine, Lupin "becoming Lupin" is the real plot anyway. Of course I knew there were gonna be stolen nukes. It's a Japanese anime, what else would it be? Plus I'm a Digimon Adventure fan hurrhurrhurr
I'm mildly surprised by Lupin II's role here, but anticipating that more may come to light in episode 6, for better or worse. It was nice to finally see Shinobu in action. I did expect her to be more two-faced type - and yeah ep 6 is still there, but I doubt there's time to make her more interesting. And if they do, it's probably a waste of time, because the show's already over.
I am wrestling so much with Jigen this episode. After episode 4, it just doesn't make any sense why he's suddenly pushing Lupin away. I feels like there was a scene missing where something happens to make him scared. Tbh, if they had just juggled things a little and put the scene with Jigen getting hired to infiltrate the Lupin estate before him advising Lupin to stay away, it might have worked for me. Or a scene of someone (Shinobu?) telling him he's hurting Lupin by always coming by. Because just "announcing!" it on the rooftop was like. Totally out of nowhere. Until now no one did much to try to prevent these two from hanging out. Shinobu only herded Lupin on home usually after he finished having fun with his bad boy friend, and advise Lupin to avoid danger in a way that was related to Jigen, yes - but it's just one line and Lupin cuts her off! It's so, so hard to feel any tension here. Also, even if Lupin knew that Shinobu was serious about wanting them apart, Jigen seems to have no way of knowing?? Getting side-eyed by Shinobu is not enough my dude. Yet he's the one who tries to push Lupin away seemingly for no reason than he just woke up like "Gee what I have been doing with this kid?"
I do get that the initial scene at the drive-in was more or less supposed to do what I just whined about. With Lupin saying "life's not like the movies" and just the framing of them performing and getting chased off. I like the idea but no I don't think it made the cut. They're trying to tell me I feel emotions for these two that I have not, in fact, been feeling, or feel in only a vague way. Same with Lupin getting beat up - ok, it's meant to scare Jigen away? But I feel nothing.
And the scene on the roof. Let's talk about that. It's so important, but so awkward! They are on the ROOF. Yes, I know they're expert roof-walkers! But the YAKUZA ARE RIGHT DOWN BELOW. Even if Shinobu's not worried about it because she knows Daddy Lupin's down taking care of them, Jigen and Lupin don't! And just the optics of Lupin whirling around between Shinobu and Jigen with their guns out... was so silly. XP
Lupin himself is okay. What took me by surprise is, earlier I was always complaining that Lupin didn't seem child-like enough. But this episode he seemed just a little too childish, I guess? I think it was mostly his monologue on the roof. The reasons for it were great, and fitting for a young Lupin IMO, but. Monologues on rooftops. With yakuza. Are just. Rarely a good idea. Lmao.
Aaaand here we go, the heartbeat bit... I honestly thought Lupin was gonna reach out an snag Jigen's hat with a cheery "Catch me if you want it back!" x'D I absolutely did not expect this... thing we got. I think what I didn't expect was for Lupin to be so, Idk, direct and honest? Maybe I'd have felt differently if the plot elements which led up to this scene had been better developed. I knew we'd get Lupin's decision eventually, and I fully expected some sort of break down of his and Jigen's friendship was coming too.. but it didn't pull off right. Just too fast. Slow down my dears, Rome and good anime aren't built in a day. As one of the very last scenes in the show, maybe it would be fine. And maybe the reason they did it now is because of something else that has to happen later on. Either way. I'm appreciative of what I got, believe me I am. I just wish I felt the story justified it.
Cannot decide how cheesy the heartbeat thing is. Is it cheesy? It's cheesy. I don't hate it lol. Food for the fan girls xP
Ep 6 is next and my hope is that it will be more than a "wrapping things up" type episode, although I'm not really expecting it will be. I would like to think there's something hidden from us still, but it very well may be simply "Lupin and Jigen save Tokyo from nukes as their first heist, Lupin discovers brave and rebellious women like Youko are totally his type, and Lupin tells his dad to fuck out of his life then drives off into the sunset with Jigen in their ridiculous teeny tiny car."
My hopes are that there will be more interaction between Lupin and Daddy Lupin than just that. Honestly wondering if Lupin II will die over this Lupin empire thing? Hard to explain otherwise why he's never around, but since this is its own canon we don't really need to adjust for that. And sort of hoping there's some part of Youko's story we haven't seen yet.
I do think developments with Jigen are more or less done... The only thing I can think of for him is we have never actually seen his dad. Until this episode I didn't think it was necessary to see him, but now, knowing he purposely sent Jigen to the Lupin estate in his stead, I feel like we need to know who he is. Wouldn't it be funny if he turns out to be Lupin II and Jigen and Lupin are actually biological half brothers? Hahaha. Kidding!! It doesn't make sense that Lupin II would be living a double life by hanging out on a houseboat with baby Jigen and going off to shoot people in various wars. I'm just trying to express how VERY CONVENIENT it seems that Daddy Jigen sent Baby Jigen to the Lupin estate right at that moment. But does it need cleaning up? Not more than many other elements, so this is just me spouting off randomly.
Another thought I had for this series was that rather than end with Lupin and Jigen riding off into the sunset, something would happen just when they seemed like that's something they might do which would throw a wrench in their plans. Maybe something that would explain why Lupin partners with Albert for a while. But once again: different canon, no need to adjust for it. The inclusion of Albert just seems weird if he's not really useful for anything, though.
There's still one more episode so I guess I won't have any more questions next week! Although this episode was back and forth for me, I'm still enjoying the series and happier that it was made than I thought I would be. Fingers crossed for the finale.
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
I just wanted to ask. How did you get into Dragonball?
When I was a kid (maybe 4 or 5), my older cousin mentioned DBZ to my big brother & myself. So, one evening, we turned the channel to Toonami to watch this "Dragon Ball Z." And it just happened to be that our first episode was DBZ EP 18; the episode where Chaozu blows up & Tien gets his arm punched off... Yeah. Seeing that as a kid was terrifying because I never saw a cool looking cartoon be so bloody and scary.
My brother & I called anime "cool looking cartoons" back then because we didn't know what they were called lol. So, Pokémon, Digimon, Monster Rancher, ect were all "cool looking cartoons."
This was the first time we ever saw blood and death and dismemberment in a show. We were scared to watch more, but... we just had to know what happened to the tall green guy, the short bald guy, & the short kid! And was this Goku guy going to get to his friends in time?! Was he strong enough?!
So we began watching from there! Krillin, Piccolo, & Gohan all became some of my favorite characters. I liked Piccolo because I love the color green. I liked Gohan because he was a kid like me. And I liked Krillin because he was short like me and he was just a human who was not as strong as the aliens, but he kept fighting anyways (which was like me trying to keep up with the big kids and kids more talented than me). Krillin quickly became my favorite because I felt an instant connection to him. Krillin made me want to try harder, train more, and do my best (along with Miles "Tails" Prower, Bruce Lee, & Michael Jackson being a similarly positive motivations for me). I always had my hair shaved back then too, so I thought it was cool to see a bald hero lol. 😅
Its a memory I really cherish. Bonded more with my big brother, found my favorite DB character & my brother found his in Goku & Gohan, found my first DB chrush with Chi-Chi, and found a series that got me deeper into anime!
Thanks for the ask! Had me take a trip down memory lane. 😄
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sunnsfighter · 2 years
Intro And Info!
So yeah , welcome to this page! Call me sunns.
Trying my hand at this now since it might be easier with a migration going on already.. idk?
Im actually a refugee of different site that shut down ages ago (like 3-4 years ago i think??)
Tried insta and its not what im looking for , so im trying here for real this time
(I used IG/twitter for art /feeds and entertainment since i dont use tiktok , and venting/keeping in contact with irls who have insta )
21, dont really care about pronouns (prefer just going by sunns or sunny)
Until requests are made for side blogs or it feels needed, thisll be a multifandom/general content account!
Before ya follow/interact:
Takes me a second to reply to dms !
(Mentally im a bit unstable and partially mute , diagnosed for some things but might have other things going on, please be a bit patient with me! If im too much lemme know)
For tws im doing common triggers only like bugs/gore body horror, auto marking it as sensitive/mature content and and straight up nsfw/lewdposting is going in a new blog if needed . For any uncommon triggers my ocs have or if theres content I do thats triggering and you follow, lemme know in dms and ill make a special oc/contact tag or phrase for you to filter out , and add it to my special tag list below 
I do :
-oc art (for this account i wanna try writing and light doodles, whatevers in my head)
- have a fuck ton of AUs ive always wanted to do a tumblr for , but never gotten the chance to do.. ill test a few out see what sticks
- occasional screenshot edits !
Fandoms, new and old:
- Jojos bizarre adventure
-Monster high: (looking to see the new show and old stuff, skipping the irl movie)
-Card game animes (buddyfight vet, YGO Fan, cardfight vanguard enjoyer, still gotta get back into shadowverse/battle spirits again.. always down for more)
-pokemon (games or anime)
-digimon (anime , want to play the game)
- Carmen sandeigo (90s and Modern)
-Jem and the holograms (revival when??? Read both idw and watched 90s)
-Splatoon (been playing since 2)
Secondhand Fandom interests (i like owning ocs and/or seeing content from the fandom, even people post and talk about it and spoilers , but not exactly interested in the show itself or in the fandom )
-Cookie run
- Steven Universe (seen it all for the sake of knowing how it ends , old fav of mine but lost its shine when i got older, now i just like the ocs)
-BNHA : not interested in watching at all, just like the idea behind it
-osc/ object show ocs (ocs are a comfort of mine, i know little context )
- MLP: ponies fun, and so is edits
-miraculous ladybug : that whole love square thing is nuts and would drive me batty so i wouldnt loyally watch (In order or from the beginning) however i look into people talking bout spoilers cuz i saw some random late season eps and got kinda invested
-the simpsons : twitter algorythm got me into the content ngl
Favorite things:
-OOAK doll customs
-vtuber/mmd/3d models
-crafts and plushies !
-general doll collecting!
-pokemon cards!
Character/inspo list!!!
cardfight vanguard:
carmen sandeigo:
general  aesthetics and other fandom faves:
Special tags/phrases  -
[Tag] Admin Sunndeigo- carmen sandeigo AUS by the admin
(Sub tags TBA, but ill have 90s or 19 before the AUs so youll know whats what)
[Tag] Sunns eclipse- vent tag , commonly paired with code CIL
[ phrase , could be a tag] Code CIL - usually accompanied by a vent post, a character i own with both gore and body horror
Buddyfight: Next Born Chaos [2nd gen buddyfight fanseason] - admins 2nd gen buddyfight fan season/story
The yota project [3rd gen BF ace story]
Admins fan story for buddyfight ace next gens
[Tag]Gemblooded (if tag is active, will add sunns presents to it) - my SU AU.
Next gemerations [tent title] my version of a SU gem world. The CGs do not exist as a team and hybrids are aplenty..
(I cant wait to revive those subrace concepts)
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alollinglaughingcat · 2 years
Digimon Questionare
normally I don’t do these kinds of things but im just so... DIGIMON rn i cant NOT. Warrior Cats and Digimon are my Main Obsessions Always and like i can draw warrior cats but i cant draw Digimon cause Humans and Outlandish Monsters lol
anyway i made these all up
Favorite Over-all Character? Koichi Kimura!
Favorite Googlehead? Tagiru! I just like his spirit. I also really like Mikey, and how well they play his flaws, because Mikey’s a really genuinely good guy and great leader in ways that Tai and others aren’t, but it’s also Mikey’s flaw because he tries so hard to be good and to give to others that it’s shown to physically and mentally hurt himself, which is a really interesting route to go! ...I love how I talked more about Mikey than my actual favorite Tagiru lol. Idk, I just think Tagiru is Davis but better, and I like how fiery Tagiru is, plus his partner Gumdramon is awesome
Favorite Blue Bestie? ...Ken? He’s literally the only one that’s NOT blue lol. So if I had to pick an actually blue boy I’d say... Koji? Kiyoshiro is also a strong contender
Favorite Redeemed Evil? KOICHI! KIMURA! Can I just say HIS plot twist was the only one i NEVER EXPECTED??? And I can answer you why: I was so young watching the other Digimon seasons that I couldn’t remember my reaction to the plot twists and just knew them as facts, OR I was too old watching the other seasons that I predicted or just accepted the plot twists easily. BUT KOICHI’S???? I was just the perfect age of “can remember my reaction to this, but not old enough to theorize properly.” I remember when we first say Koichi on the train flashback, I thought it was Koji! I thought Koji got sent back too. So when I learned Duskmon (Koichi) was KOJI’S TWIN, I flipped my shit y’all! ALSO! Koichi is a dark lion how could I not love him lol.
Favorite Digimon? If I had to pick a ‘mon to be my partner: Gatomon, duh. But favorite digimon character? Probably Gumdramon for his backstory (wild child!) and personality, but Gammamon might potentially usurp him. Renamon and Impmon are some of my favs for their friendship though!
Favorite Partnership? Hm, Hiro and Gammamon for the big brother-little brother relationship? Or, Kiyoshiro and Jellymon just because they’re like the only male human-female Digimon pair and I like their dynamic. Really, I like any partnerships from Tamers or Ghost Game best; they feel the most natural, realistic and flesh-out in those seasons. Meiko and Meicoomon are an honorable mention
Favorite Series? GHOST GAME! It used to be Frontier, and Frontier will always have a special place in my heart, but Ghost Game is so freakin’ good. So, Ghost Game, then Frontier, then Hunters. I like the ones that are least liked lol. I like GG just cause of how polished and cool it is, but I love Frontier for nostalgic reasons plus the kids turning into Digimon was so unique and I loved its movie. Hunter just because I like the concept of ‘hunting’ the Digimon like theyre Pokemon lmao :)
Ranking the Series:
1. Ghost Game (will rewatch)
2. Frontier (won’t rewatch)
3. Hunters (rewatch some episodes)
4. Tamers (will rewatch)
5. Tri (will rewatch)
6. Adventure 02 (will rewatch)
7. Adventure (may rewatch)
8. Data Squad (won’t rewatch)
9. Fusion (rewatch some episodes)
10. X-Evolution (won’t rewatch)
11. Universe (no. just. no. never watched past 2 eps)
Subs or Dubs? Both. Both are good. I prefer watching dubs, though, and tend to stick to English names and such, but I’ve read enough Japanese names fics and obviously Hunter and Ghost Game only have subs, so I’m more than used to Japanese names and versions, and prefer it in some ways (Yuu > Ewan supremacy).
Favorite Ship? Oh, Daiken (Ken and Davis/Daisuke) hands down. You can’t even convince me they’re not gay with the “I can feel your beating heart” bullshit. Is this even a question? Other than them, I also really like “Ken crushing on TK bcus of when TK hit the Digimon Emperor” and also Tagiru X Yuu/Ewan! But also I’m very flexible in my ships lol. cause I also like Yuu x Airu. ALSO Tai x Sora x Matt supremacy! Digimon Tri really solidified and made me love the hell outta that polyam ship.
Favorite Headcanon? That Kari is asexual aromantic! She has no interest in guys (or gals) but feels pressured to. She really feared that her best friend TK would want to get with her and it would all be ruined, but unknown to her, TK was in a similar situation! He was aspec but thought he was pure straight, and was thus a serial dater and a bit of a “player” cause he couldn’t really keep a girlfriend due to having no real emotional attachment to them/fading interest and him always wanting to hang w/ Kari instead. He’s likely demi and only has feelings of attachment/romance for Kari, but he’s also possibly asexual, just uncertain. He and Kari end up as queerplatonic bf/gf! Kari gets the relief of always having her bestie with her without any pressure to be “romantic” or, to her absolute horror, sexual, and TK can feel secure and loved without worry <3
Favorite Digimon Fan-media? Obviously The Ultimate Gathering of the Digidestined is awesome, but its literally a crime if you’ve never read the comic Digimon Frontier Re-Birth. Literally @digimon-fr is the fucking best. as far as im concerned its canon and I love Geopardmon and Nachtmon, darkness babies
also just for fun I organized the groups some time ago:
Grouped by Series Adventure: Tai, Matt, Sora, Mimi, Joe, Izzy, TK, Kari, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Ken, Wallace, Meiko, Micheal Tamers: Takato, Rika, Henry, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Ryo, Ai, Mako, Suzie, Alice, Minami, Calumon Frontier: Takuya, Koji, Koichi, Zoe, JP, Tommy, Bokomon, Neemon, Teppei, Katsuharu, Chiaki, Terue, Angemon Data Squad: Marcus, Thomas, Yoshi, Kristy, Keenan, Relena, Sampson, Homer, Miki, Megumi Hunters: Mikey, Angie, Jeremy, Christopher, Nene, Ewan, Tagiru, Ryouma, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Hideaki, Mizuki, Noboru, Haruki, Ken II Ghost Game: Hiro, Ruli, Kiyoshiro, BlackGatomon Uver, Tapirmon, Clockmon
Grouped by Ages (generalized) Old men: Sampson, Homer The gals (real adults): Yoshi, Megumi, Miki Baby adults: Joe, Marcus, Thomas Basically adults: Tai, Matt, Sora, Meiko Almost there: Mimi, Izzy, Micheal Stuck in the middle: Yolei, Ryo, JP, Kristy, Keenan, Relena, Mikey, Jeremy, Christopher, Nene Solid teens: TK, Kari, Davis, Ken, Wallace, Takato, Rika, Henry, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Alice, Takuya, Koji, Koichi, Zoe, Angie, Hideaki, Mizuki, Kiyoshiro Awkwardly teens: Minami, Ewan, Tagiru, Ryouma, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Hiro, Ruli Pre-tweens: Cody, Tommy Literal babies: Ai, Mako, Suzie
Grouped by Animals Dinosaur/dragons: Tai, Davis, Takato, Ryo, Takuya, Marcus, Mikey, Christopher, Tagiru, Hiro Canines: Matt, Rika, Alice, Minami, Koji, Thomas, Angie, Ryouma, Hideaki Rabbits: Wallace, Henry, Suzie, Ruli Felines: Kari, Meiko, Jeri, Koichi Birds/plane: Sora, Yolei, Zoe, Kristy, Keenan, Nene Water creatures: Joe, Micheal, Kenta, Homer, Mizuki, Kiyoshiro Insects: Izzy, Ken, JP, Jeremy Plants: Mimi, Yoshi Miscellaneous animal: TK, Cody, Tommy, Sampson, Airu Miscellaneous other: Kazu, Ai, Mako, Miki, Megumi, Ewan, Ren, Kiichi
Grouped by Element Fire: Tai, Takato, Takuya, Marcus, Mikey, Tagiru Thunder: Izzy, Davis, JP, Kazu, Jeremy, Christopher Wind: Sora, Yolei, Zoe, Kristy, Keenan, Nene, Kiichi Water/Ice: Joe, Michael, Kenta, Tommy, Homer, Mizuki, Kiyoshiro Nature/Earth: Mimi, Cody, Yoshi Light: Matt, TK, Kari, Henry, Rika, Jeri, Minami, Koji, Thomas, Megumi, Sampson, Angie, Ewan, Ruli Darkness: Ken, Wallace, Meiko, Ryo, Suzie, Ai, Mako, Alice, Koichi, Miki, Ryouma, Ren, Airu, Hideaki All (eevee mode): Hiro
Grouped by Traits Goggle-head leaders: Tai, Davis, Takato, Takuya, Marcus, Mikey, Tagiru, Hiro Blue besties: Matt, Henry, Koji, Thomas, Christopher, Kiyoshiro Token girls: Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe, Yoshi, Angie, Airu, Ruli Baby of the group: TK, Cody, Suzie, Ai, Mako, Tommy, Kristy OP self-inserts: Kari, Ryo, Alice, Meiko Evil turned good: Ken, Koichi, Keenan, Nene, Ewan, Ryouma The extras: Joe, Izzy, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Sampson, Megumi, Miki, Jeremy, Ren Background characters: Wallace, Michael, Minami, Homer, Relena, Kiichi, Hideaki, Mizuki
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Five Songs I'm Into Now
Tagged by: my lovely sister @arty-ffxiv! Tagging: n/a, yoink away if you wanna :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Your Eyes - Bitei Matsuki
so this whole album is completely fantastic-- it's all light jazz with soft vocals and ohh my gosh I've had his whole discography on repeat because it's just so easy to listen to while doing other things, like the perfect cafe-studying music or while driving... this song though? chef's kiss it's the best of them all, but it's a really close margin because they're all great and that's not something I can honestly say for many albums!
2. Rendezvous - Nissy
I listened to this A LOT while putting together my Yamada-kun Lv.999 fanmix (as it be when you're testing fifty million teeny, minute changes to song order and flow for something staggeringly unimportant lol) but even after all of that I still do enjoy hearing it! so that's a sign of a good song haha Nissy also has a lot of other bangers, most of them on his collection album 5th Anniversary BEST! very poppy boppy stuff :D
3. Turquoise Drip - claquepot
I loveeeeee claquepot's stuff, it's more easy-listening & swingy j-pop and I always look forward to new song releases on my feed-- this one in particular is the most recent one that's hooked me, but I also highly recommend his albums/EPs press kit and DEMO!
4. Biri Biri - YOASOBI
what else can I say, it's YOASOBI and another banger as always, but more on the lighter side than his recent commercial tie-in releases! I've been keenly following Ayase's works since Yoru ni Kakeru and while his more energetic songs make up most of my favourites, I do enjoy how this one is low-key in the same vein as Tabun and Saturation (also the lyric flow is really fun)
5. Brave Heart (cover) - Miura Jam
so I was watching a channel showing off Digimon modelkit builds and they had this cover playing over one of them and I was enamoured lol, eventually tracked it down and it turns out most of their discog is really great covers as well! they seem to be a collective of a bunch of singers and there's one in particular who is a real standout, I LOVELOVELOVE their voice and wish they had a presence elsewhere to follow them on exclusively but alas... I love how this comment turned out to not actually be about the linked song in the end but a totally different guy but fuck it we ball, have two recs for the price of one lol
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