#dog fitness problems
petfiness · 2 months
Best Dog Supplements: Keeping Your Pup Healthy and Active
Our furry companions bring so much joy and love into our lives. As pet parents, we want to ensure they live long, healthy, and active lives. While a nutritious diet and regular exercise are crucial, Best Dog Supplements can play a valuable role in bridging any nutritional gaps and supporting your dog's overall well-being.
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But with a plethora of options available, choosing the best dog supplements can be overwhelming. This blog post from blog.pet.fitness aims to simplify your search by:
Discussing the benefits of dog supplements
Exploring different types of dog supplements
Providing a guide to choosing the right supplements for your dog
Why Consider Dog Supplements?
Just like humans, dogs may benefit from additional nutrients beyond their regular food. Supplements can address specific health concerns, support overall well-being, and even enhance athletic performance in active dogs. Here are some key benefits:
Bridging Nutritional Gaps: Commercial dog food, while formulated to be complete, may not always meet your dog's individual needs, especially with factors like breed, age, and activity level playing a role. Supplements can ensure they get the essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients they require.
Supporting Specific Health Needs: Supplements can target specific health concerns. For instance, glucosamine and chondroitin can support joint health in older dogs, while probiotics can promote gut health and digestion.
Enhancing Overall Well-being: Certain supplements like fish oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can contribute to a healthy coat, skin, and immune system.
Boosting Athletic Performance: Active dogs may benefit from supplements like L-carnitine, which can improve energy production and muscle recovery.
Types of Dog Supplements
The world of dog supplements is vast, with different options catering to various needs. Here's a breakdown of some common types:
Joint Supplements: These are often recommended for older dogs or those prone to joint problems. Glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), and hyaluronic acid are some key ingredients to look for.
Digestive Supplements: Probiotics, enzymes, and prebiotics can aid digestion, address issues like diarrhea or constipation, and promote gut health.
Skin and Coat Supplements: Supplements rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, along with vitamins like vitamin E, can promote a healthy, shiny coat and improve skin health.
Immune System Boosters: Supplements containing vitamins C, E, and antioxidants can strengthen your dog's immune system and help them fight off infections.
Multivitamins: These provide a broad spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals, addressing potential deficiencies and supporting overall well-being.
Calming Supplements: For anxious or stressed dogs, calming supplements containing ingredients like L-theanine, chamomile, or melatonin can help promote relaxation.
Choosing the Right Dog Supplements
While dog supplements offer numerous benefits, it's crucial to choose them wisely. Here are some key factors to consider:
Your Dog's Age and Breed: Nutritional needs vary depending on your dog's age, breed, and activity level. Consult your veterinarian to determine the most suitable supplements.
Specific Health Concerns: If your dog has any underlying health conditions, discuss supplement options with your vet to ensure they don't interfere with any medications or worsen existing problems.
Quality and Ingredients: Opt for high-quality supplements from reputable brands. Look for clearly labeled ingredients and avoid products containing artificial additives, fillers, or ingredients your dog may be allergic to.
Dosage: Never exceed the recommended dosage on the supplement label. Overdosing can be harmful.
Dog supplements are not a replacement for a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements to your dog's routine.
Monitor your dog for any adverse reactions after starting a new supplement. If you notice any changes in their behavior or health, discontinue use and consult your vet.
Blog.pet.fitness dog supplements can be a valuable addition to your dog's overall health and well-being regimen. By understanding their benefits, the different types available, and how to choose the right ones, you can make informed decisions to support your furry friend's happy and healthy life.
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whyamihereat4am · 3 months
sometimes I see one of those harem animes where a bunch of girls whose personalities and bodily proportions are wildly exaggerated fall in love with a bland cardboard-cutout of an mc floating past the periphery of my semi-curated internet feed, and I'm like 'ugh, I don't know how people sit through these'. then I remember my all-consuming need to imagine an animeified version of Fyodor Dostoevsky having unabashedly toxic homosexual relationships with every man that crosses his field of vision, and I remember to get off my high horse before it bucks me off and I break a few bones on the way down
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thought i'd change up the anthro designs a lil bit. theyre on a casual day out.
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nerosdayinanime · 5 months
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su au lets fucking goooooo
edit2: it added the edit but not the fucking read more. im tired
i had the brush set too small at first & didnt realize until i was already too far along- full body diamond authority is ok w the shaded fit & wings but the headshot is just. eh. kinda dislike it. im fucking obsessed with the other headshot tho
giyuu's a lapis along w tsutako, normal lapis terraforming job but some shit went down, tsutako got shattered, giyuu was left to fend for herself until she ran into a lost kunzite fresh out the ground (she had a slight imperfection, showed up as a spot along her cheek (corner of mouth to center base of ear) that looks like raw kunzite/ yk when a helmet or somethn gets shaved down sliding against a road? that)
they tough it out in the wilds for a while, they got attacked and accidentally fused to defend themselves, kept fusing when they were in trouble after that- yadda yadda meet makomo (also a gem) & sakonji and learn how to be their own person, getting their own names (giyuu got Giyuu, the kunzite got Sabito) and meeting a group of other rogue gems & making human friends
sabito got particularly interested in the concept of human masculinity & highly respected the closest man she knew, sakonji- transed his gender & chose to dedicate himself to protecting those he cares about. giyuu is very close to him and also changed pronouns & vibes bc sabito loved it so much, though he doesnt really care about human perceptions of gender (hes a pretty rock made of light, the fuck does he need a gender for? (sabito doesnt see it that way, he never got indoctrinated/had a formal gem education or whatever, so hes just vibin))
something something giyuu found a way to precisely control water, and what is ice if not Structured Water. sabito never got whatever his job as a kunzite was, but he has a similar ability as Pearl where hes able to summon a blade from his gem (rectangular cut, back of his left hand). when theyre fused they become Hawk's Eye (also know as blue tiger's eye), able to both control water(& subsequently ice) and form blades along his arms and feet; the blades on his feet allow him to ice skate, the blades on his arms are attached at two points on the forearm and is curved over the hand- the blade's allowed to spin around the arm, tip of the blade is at the point of rotation so itll be in the same spot above the hand no matter what side of the arm its on
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seulgikisser · 10 hours
i just got the nicest chair ever from the street i'm so happy 🤩🤩
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jouno-s · 3 months
transmasc dazai save me… save me transmasc dazai
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dreamcast-official · 9 months
listen i like aku/sai but also so many ppl throw the nuclear family structure on them + roxas and xion and then im like. ok thats stupid actually
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note-boom · 1 year
ORV and BSD both just fan the very desperate urge in me to wear a long overcoat over a semi-fitted outfit
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nitw · 8 months
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why do you gotta tell me the same thing THRICE if it's still not out for delivery!!
#leo.txt#it's EXACTLY 15 kilometers away from my home by car! i checked!!!!!! you are so unserious i swear to god#fedex denmark do you not deliver on thursdays or fridays??? hm???? im pretty sure you do??????????????#like come on im this close to just walking out to your storage facility and pick it up by myself! and i'm a lazy asshole with adhd!!!!#denmark is so teeny tiny you could just like THROW THE THING and ill catch it with my mouth like a dog with a frisbee ITS NOT THAT HARD#this package is essential to my life! not really! but you ARE actively killing and murdering me and kicking me in the nuts by withholding i#and yknow what????? you guys don't even deliver it to my house half the time anyway!!! you just get confused because theres 2 doors#and youre like 'lol whatever not my problem' and send it to the kiosk instead!#BUT you never even send it to the NEAREST KIOSK THAT'S LIKE 2 SECONDS AWAY#you ALWAYS send it to the one that's WAYYYYY FURTHER AWAY FOR SOME REASON#what did the other poor storeowner do to you??? why do you hate and mistreat both of us so? isn't life hard enough as it is?#we literally PRINTED OUT A SIGN and TAPED IT TO THE GLASS OF /BOTH FRONT DOORS/#with INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAILMEN#telling you that if the package is too big to fit in the mailbox to the rightmost entrance#then just CALL THE DOORPHONE and you'll immediately be let inside#so you can leave it in the entrance!!!!#WE MADE YOU A SIGN! IT'S FOR YOU!!!! THAT WAS SO NICE OF US#and yet you still just leave us in the dust (THE DUST???) (the DUST.......)#and whenever one of my packages gets sent to the kiosk anyway IT OFTEN TAKES SEVERAL DAYS FOR MY LETTER OF NOTICE TO ARRIVE#/AS A PHYSICAL PAPER LETTER. IN THE MAIL. BY YOU/#LITERALLY 1984#SEND POST
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
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Okay but the little pout he does when the frog comes out is enough to convince me that Fox Mulder frequently caught and kept frogs as a kid
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petfiness · 2 months
Best Dog Supplements
Unleash your dog's full potential with targeted supplements! This guide explores how dog supplements can bridge nutritional gaps, support specific health concerns, and promote a shiny coat and strong immunity. Learn how to choose the right ones for your furry friend!
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
love barely having a grasp on a character's whole concept for an au :) love just writing a rough draft of the first chapter with little to no outline and only a brief summary to base it on :) <- does not love it
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
I am totally pushing the aku top of the school agenda HOWEVER this mf would pop a vein before tutoring anyone (teaching math would end up in murder)
I swear I am extremely fascinated by and genuinely interested to understand what prompts this fairly spread perception of smart Akutagawa because I really can't see it.
Akutagawa is THE flawed character of the franchise. He has barely any redeemeing qualities. His being a ruthless, mindless dog, a beast, an animal is a central theme of his character: he's one of the most inhuman characters, no rationality, no emotions. It only makes sense he'd also be lacking in intellect, one of the most intrinsically human qualities, right? Let's also keep in mind that when it comes to intelligence, he was specifically trained since a very early age so that he wouldn't develop any critical thinking skill or wisdom. He was appositely built to be an executor, never a thinker. A killing machine, a mindless beast. He was made to be a tool, not a person. He is the very epitome of irrationality- and that much shows in everything he does! There's plenty canon evidence to support it. His actions are never guided by preliminary thoughts, he just acts on instinct, akin to an animal. He will kill his target in chapter 4 although his mission is specifically not to, he will barge into a building full of security guards right through the front door without even ordering his subordinates to offer support, he will go rogue and storm into the Moby Dick destroying everything in his path no matter the consequences, he will naïvely jump off a balcony to catch a repetitor just because his worst enemy said it had Dazai-san on the line- do I have to continue? His whole character is exclusively driven either by orders, or by instinct and irrationality. Guys, it would have been SO MUCH EASIER if upon seeing Ranpo's message Akutagawa had just took out his phone and gone “hey Chuuya-san, it's likely we've found the mastermind and the whole thing will be solved here at this place, can you come over one second?”. But he didn't, and it's not simply a matter of suspension of disbelief (in the way that the events are more satisfying this way). Was it for his pride then? Indeed, but Akutagawa's pride and irrationality are in a perpetual concomitant relationship of cause and effect, where one is constantly born from the other. I do think his very simple and straight-forward objectives (1. kill the Jinko 2. be acknowledge by Dazai-san 3. die) are themselves expression of his simple mindset, and so is a certain naïvety he has, that I honestly wish more people took into account when characterizing him.
It's funny because, the thematic relevance of it is the whole point- in reality, I don't think there's such a thing as a stupid person, I firmly believe everyone has their own kind of intelligence, a field each of us excells in. But it's exactly because Akutagawa isn't a person (well. in this context at least), but a character, that one can push a characteristic to its extremes in order to make it symbolic of something, in order to make an archetype out of his character. And Akutagawa at his core is irrationality, he is Dazai's failed trainee and ugliest foil, he is the ultimate pawn, he is the beast. The fact that Akutagawa is a character– it's relevant. He's not a person, he's a vassel for themes. I can dare to rudely talk about him like he was an animal because it's the narrative itself that before anyone else pushes the reader to see him in a dehumanizing way. Akutagawa once literally tore the skin off a man's neck with his teeth effectively killing them. It's quite not simple dog coding anymore lol. But he's just a dude from a book really, he's just symbolism: and that's why he can become a dog, or a pawn, or the stupidest person of Yokohama, as the author or reader pleases. It's really not that deep ahah
I can guess a possible counterpoint would be that perhaps, in a universe where he wasn't subject to the slums and Dazai's abuse such as high schools aus, Akutagawa would get his chance to be witty? But then I can't help but think, if you don't make Akutagawa stupid... Aren't you taking a fundamental trait of his character away from him? What's left of Akutagawa then? What would be the point of reading, let's say, a sskk high school fic if you can't recognize Akutagawa in it? But then again I guess this is exactly the reason why I can't bring myself to like most of alternative universe bsd fics (╥﹏╥)
Also, ultimately, there *are* personal preference components to it. In my headcanon Akutagawa has autism / adhd, and although those don't always have a negative impact on one's academic results, there is a chance they do. And I'd honestly lean towards that chance more when it comes with Akutagawa, because he is the pathetic man that has everything going wrong for him. There's symptoms in his impulsivity and scarce self-control, and I believe they'd make school life very hard for him, especially when it comes to focusing in classes and for studying- which is fitting tbh, can you imagine Akutagawa ever having a happy life? (I'm jk I swear I love him)
Besides, I must have mentioned how one of the main appeals of sskk for me is how despite being thoroughly flawed people they can still be loved. It's surprisingly comforting to think that even the most evil of people can be loved, and it's the same when it comes for stupidity. Stretching Akutagawa's flaws just makes him more symphatetic and enjoyable to read about.
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corvidexoskeleton · 9 months
Turning into the joker because both of my landlords keep threatening to kick me out every single time i have a slight disagreement with them or dont do exactly what they want
#text post tag#both of them keeo independently threatening me with homelessness for the stupidest fucking reasons#its honestly so fucking irritating and annoying and its pissing me off so much#but i cant even have a simple fucking conversation with either of them because they both think that i should just#roll over and do exactly what they say without protest and im fucking sick of it#reek will actively try to puff himself up and act like a big tough alpha male and tells me to get out if im not gonna ''respect'' him#and my sister will threaten to make me homeless just because i dont want to be the only fucking person the house who does dishes#and because she doesnt like that i have trouble keeping up with the dishes of three adults#two of which dont fucking rinse anything and just pile everything into nasty standing water#and shes mad that i have trouble getting down on my knees to clean the cat boxes out - esp since now theres a bunch bc pf the fosters#when i famously have knee problems and cant be on my knees for very long or often without it causing intense physical pain#and she never even fucking helped me clean any of them out even when it *was* just our own cats#not to mention that she keeps getting pissed off at me because i dont like thay she keeps throwing fits and being out of line with how#she reacts to every single fucking thing that stresses her out#like its my fucking fault that shes hitting her dog with a shoe or its my fault that shes screaming at her baby#reek doesnt even fucking do anything around the house when hes home#and hes almost never home#and he thinks he can lecture me about how i dont do anything and they have to do everything for me?#as if he has any right to think he has any authority over me whatsoever or as if he has any fucking right to treat me like a child#i fucking hate the both of them so goddamn much#im just constantly pissed the fuck off but i cant do a damn thing about it because everything i do is bad or wrong to them#to my sister i cant do anything right because the only thing i know how to do is escalate and make things worse#i am so fucking mad
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glass-warehouse · 1 year
wish more people talked about how hard it is to be an artist with no fashion sense :(
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lizisodd · 2 years
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Congratulations you pale-eyed bastard, you've compelled me to watch a show about a kitchen full of difficult assholes, two things I hate. (But this weekend, because I got work deadlines this week.)
Now what are your usual orders? I don't love Italian beef, but I prefer it dry (no added jus-style gravy) with giardiniera (a hot pepper mix/relish). I love a Chicago dog (preferably a char dog) always with sport peppers. Fuck mushy fries.
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