#dovey and lesso
ataraxia-avatars · 2 years
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school for good and evil: matching icons ☆ [ 250x250 ]
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rosiexweil · 10 months
To the writers out there who makes x oc fanfics please stop putting them in the “character x reader” or the “character x y/n” tags
Thank you 🫶🏻
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flameobitch · 6 months
HEY HO, today is my birthday (I completely forgot about it) and in honor of this I want to show my New Year's calendar project!!!!
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igelmanz · 1 month
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They’re so important to me
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 4 months
1,12,63 prompts with bottom or switch lesso
Caught in Your Web ~Younger!Bottom!Leonora Lesso xFem Dominatrix!Reader ~College AU
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Summary— College AU where Clarissa and her friends go out clubbing, and Clarissa drags her roommate, Leonora with her. What Leonora doesn’t expect is Reader, the caretaking, mysterious bartender… Anon Response— Hi hi hi anon!! Thank you for the request! I really got into this fic, hope you enjoy ♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#1. “You think you can top me?”
#12. “Oh my... I’m... uh... speechless..”
#63. “I’m… I’m afraid I might hurt/break you…”
Warnings: implied NSFW, implied smut, implied bdsm themes, little age gap (all legal), little angst, fluff, kissing, alcohol consumption, teasing, flustering, dom/sub implied relations, top/bottom talk, implied future bdsm/smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
The clubs music was ringing in Leonora’s ears as Dovey dragged the redhead in and through the raging crowd. Clarissa pulled Leonora to a corner table, where a couple of Clarissa’s friend where already waiting for them.
Dover’s girls screamed in delight as Clarissa came to the standing table, Leonora behind her. They said their giggling hellos and how are yous, before Clarissa introduced Leonora to the group.
“Girls… this is my roommate, Leo!!” Clarissa exclaimed, showing Leonora off to the table of squealing young women.
Clarissa’s girls all greeted Leonora, but then quickly moved on to hushed gossip as well as the agreed decision to acquire some shots.
Leonora rolled her eyes slightly and rolled her eyes. One of the girls was quick to go grab the first of many round of shots from the bartender, returning to the girls and passing the liquid courage out.
Leonora grumbled as she took the shot being passed to her. Clarissa looked her to Leo, giving her a firm look saying ‘C’mon be cool, these are my friends’.
Leonora rolled her eyes again before downing her shot with the rest of the group. This routine went on for what felt like hours. The girls would gossip for a while, then get more shots, then gossip again, then shots…
After the fifth or six round, Leonora was ready to throw up. She had never drank this much tequila before… She managed to get away and stumble up to the bar, sitting on a stool and looking at you in desperation.
You finished making a cocktail for some rando, noticing the desperate look in Leonora’s eyes. You immediately came over to Leonora, the bar separating the two of you, to make sure she was okay.
“Hey, Darling. Are you alright, can I get you anything?” You asked the redhead.
She keeled over her seat a little, wrapping her arms around her stomache.
“Oh God…” Leonora groaned, suddenly getting the urge to vomit.
You immediately recognized that drunken look and were quick to grab a bucket and hand it to the woman. Leonora took it quickly and emptied out the contents of her stomache into it with a long groan.
Aftewards, she felt slightly better, but not completely relieved. Leonora looked back at you, mumbling a thank you, and offered the bucket back.
“No no, keep it, ‘hun. I have a feeling you’ll need it again.” You reassured the redhead.
Leonora pursed her lips together and nodded.
“Here, let me get you some cold water…” You told her, being cut off by another customer before you could call the woman another pet name.
You swiftly made the person’s drink, before grabbing the redhead and ice water, and sliding it over to her.
“Thank you…” Leonora breathed out, slowly sipping the water.
“Of course, no problem, babe.” You comforted her, “The name’s Y/N.”
This made Leonora blush lightly. But she immediately masked it.
“I’m Leonora…” she spoke, accompanied by a light groan.
You gave Leonora a smile and told her that you’d serve some other customers and be back to check on her soon. She have you another thanks and continued sipping her water.
To be honest, you had noticed Leonora when she had been dragged into the club. You had watched her stand uncomfortably with that group of straight, preppy college girls. You had rolled your eyes when she was made of take those shots. And you weren’t surprised when she’d come stumbling to you after that much tequila.
You helped a handful of customers with their drinks, having to cut off a couple people as well as the night went on, eventually making it back to Leonora.
“How you doing, ‘Nora…? Can I call you ‘Nora?” You asked the woman.
The nickname made the redhead smile a little. She nodded.
“Mm okay… You were right. I did need the bucket again. Multiple times. Thanks…” Leonora breathed out in thanks.
You bit your lip and nodded.
“Anytime. How are you feeling…? Need more water?”
“Sick…” Leonora groaned, “More water would be great”
You chuckled, “Yea that makes sense. I saw you taking those peer pressure shots like there was no tomorrow…”
Leonora looked away at your words. She didn’t want to think about those girls. They hadn’t even noticed her absence.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to lower the mood…” you comforted, putting your hand on hers on the bar and squeezing it in reassurance.
Leonora met your again, smiling lightly, and nodding.
“No you’re right…” she breathed out.
You pulled your hand away, and Leonora found herself missing your touch.
“I’ll get you that water, sweetheart.” You said, “And I’m here if you need anything else.”
Leonora nodded once more and yet again thanked you. You got the woman another water, then having to serve more of the other customers again.
All while doing so, you kept side glancing back to Leonora. She certainly was your type… She was naturally a beauty. You could tell she was fierce. And smart. And she looked damn good in that dress…
But you put your personally feelings aside. You had a job to do, and she was also so drunk, she was sick.
Throughout the rest of the night, Leonora stayed in the corner stool of the bar, only getting up for bathroom breaks or vomiting into the bucket. You two got into a routine of you bringing her more water and the two of you having conversation. You even gave her some pain meds along with some vitamins from your own personal stash to help the woman sober up.
Towards the end of the night, you started to close up tabs and pay our customers. It wasn’t closing time yet, you still had like two hours, but the less hardcore partiers were starting to filter out.
From your side eye, you could see the girls that had dragged Leonora out clubbing, they were still on the dancefloor, flat out drunk and hollering expletives along with the music.
Leonora had began to get over her drunken nausea. She was now sitting at the bar, watching you as you made drinks and took payments. When the bar hit a lull, you sauntered back over to Leonora, to check in with the woman.
“How ya’ doing, ‘Nora?” You hummed, cleaning off some glasses as you talked to the redhead.
Leonora was taking a drink from her water, she hummed, and finished her gulp before answering.
“Better. Thank you” the redhead breathed out.
You hummed and nodded.
Leonora then asked something offhand,
“Do you get hit on a lot…?”
Your gaze flicked from the glass you were cleaning to the woman in a split second.
“Yea I do…” you spoke, “It’s kinda an expected part of the job… why?”
Leonora shrugged her shoulders.
“I saw a couple guys try their luck tonight with you and from what I could see, you turned them all down… I assume your partner doesn’t take a liking to that…” She explained.
You smirked and chuckled lightly. This made Leonora quirk her brow up lightly in amusement.
“What…?” She asked curiously.
“Well… for one, I’m gay.” You enlightened Leonora,
This made the redhead’s eyes widen and her mouth form a silent Ohhh.
“And second, I don’t have a partner.” You finished your thought.
This puzzled Leonora a bit. How could a stunning bartender like you, not have a girlfriend…??
You registered the shocked look on the redheads face, making you chuckle even more.
“I know, I know… How could I be single…??” You joked with a chuckle, waving your hands in the air for dramatic effect.
This made Leonora chuckle lightly as well. You put the clean and dried glasses aside, grabbing the next rack of soapy glasses that needed cleaning next.
“What about you? You got a girlfriend…?” You asked.
Leonora’s breath hitched and her eyes widened slightly again.
You knew she was…?
“I—umm… No, well… it’s complicated…” Leonora stammered, nervously looking back and forth from you over to Clarissa who was grinding away on the dancefloor.
“That’ your complicated girl?” You asked with a chuckle, indicating over to Clarissa, who was dancing wildly and screaming the lyrics of the current song, “The one who dragged you in here…?”
Leonora pursed her lips, blushed lightly, and nodded.
“Mmmm I see. Yea, that looks complicated…” you hum with a sigh, still cleaning your glassware.
Leonora went silent and just in that moment, another customer on the other end of the bar called for your attention. You sighed, putting your rack of glasses aside. Telling Leonora that you’d be back to check on her soon and that you’d get her another water, you went over to help the small but growing line of people.
Finally, after the small rush of customers, you made it back to Leonora’s side of the bar, grabbing your glassware rack again and starting back up in cleaning them. Your eyes wandered back over to the complicated brunette that Leonora was ensnared in. You watched her dance and move around drunkenly. Your gaze then came back to Leonora.
“She’s the top, right…?” You said with a light smirk.
Leonora chocked on her water nearly spitting it all the way up. Her entire face went red and and she desperately trie for get her breathing back under control.
“I— w-why would you… say that…?” Leonora stammered in a little bit of a mock offended tone.
You chuckled and smirked at the redhead in amusement.
“Just a hunch.” You hummed, shrugging your shoulders lightly.
“Humph. Well you’re wrong… I’m such a top” Leonora pouted with a huff, “I could even do you…!”
Your left eyebrow quirked up in amusement and questioning at the redheads statement. You stopped cleaning the glass in your hand.
“You think you can top me?” You asked bluntly, meeting the redheads gaze unabashedly.
“I—well…” Leonora stammered and looked away under your intense gaze.
Her cheeks flushed red and you smirked lightly to yourself.
“That’s what I thought…” you hummed, please with yourself.
Leonora grumbled a little, crossing her arms, but said nothing much else on the subject.
“Don’t torture yourself over it, ‘hun…” you hummed to the redhead reassuringly, “I’m a dom at Lilith’s Den in my free time.”
Leonora flickered her gaze up to you in an instant.
“Lilith’s Den, as in you’re a…” she breathed out in stammering verbiage, “a dominatrix…?”
You pursed your lips and smirked wickedly, quirking your brows and nodding at Leonora. Leonora sucked in a breath and squirmed in her seat a little.
“Oh my... I’m... uh... speechless..” Leonora whimpered.
You then smiled softly at the woman, placing your hand on hers which was on the bar, squeezing its reassuringly.
“Don’t stress it. That’s completely normal, ‘hun.” You reassured the woman, then giving her a cheeky wink.
Before you were called back to the other paying customers, letting go of the redheads hand. You watched Leonora out of the corner of your eye while you worked. Now she was watching your every move…
Last calls eventually came around. You started to close out all accounts from the night. You were having one guy sign his check, and when you looked up into the expanse of the club, you realized that Leonora’s complicated friend Clarissa and her group of girls had left. You gritted your teeth together, and had to take a deep breath, before you closed out everyone else.
Soon, Leonora was the only one left and it was a couple minutes after close.
“Alright ‘Nor… It’s been fun, but I have to finish up closing and you need to get home…” you sighed, coming towards the redhead, still on the opposite end of the bar.
Leonora hummed and nodded in agreement, but looked sad. Her pout got to you.
“Let me finish up, and I’ll walk you out and get you a cab, hmmm…?” You offered.
The redhead smiled lightly and nodded.
“Thank you” she breathed out.
You nodded and told her it was no issue. It took you about 15 more minutes before you grabbed your things and were ready to go.
Leonora stood up on her wobbly legs, and you linked your arm to hers, guiding her towards the door and outside. You both shivered outside in the cold. You hailed a taxi and opened the door for Leonora.
Leonora thanked you again, but before she got in, she turned to you and pressed her lips flush against yours. You were shocked but content with the light kiss.
You both naturally pulled away.
“Join me…?” Leonora breathed out in a whisper.
You sucked your breath in and looked away in concern, biting your lip. You took a deep breath and meet Leonora’s gaze once more.
“Not tonight, ‘hun…” you sighed.
Leonora’s face pouted and she looked dejected and down.
“I… why…? Did I do something..?” She breathed out.
“No no, you’re perfect, ‘Nor—! I just…” you sighed again, “I’m… I’m afraid I might hurt or break you tonight.” You explained.
Leonora met your gaze with glossy eyes, with a light smile now on her face from your compliment.
“Maybe you can come visit me at Lilith’s one day…” you comforted the woman.
This idea seemed to perk Leonora up. She agreed and with that, she got into her cab, and it drove away.
You watched on the sidewalk as the cab drove into the distance. You sighed again.
God… in a matter of one night, you were completely hooked…
Leonora Lesso Masterlist
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 2 months
Everything to Me
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sum: Leonora seems to have gained interest in a certain Ever Professor
based on: the song She by Dodie
WARNINGS: fluff, slight hint of angst, forbidden love, happy ending!, soft!lesso, mentions of jealousy, Dovey being a little matchmaker :), gentle!reader, shy!reader
(Not proof read)
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Lesso watched as the Princess she walked into the dining hall, every morning, she’s show up on time always looking flawless. Sometimes a Pep in her step appeared when she’d walk in after a night out with a suitor, though, they never seemed to work out, much to Lesso’s delight.
Am I allowed to look at her like that? Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at
Leonora smiled at the Princess as she sat next to her with her plate filled with pancakes and other breakfast foods. Leonora found herself looking at her with a softness and adoration would’ve surely confused the head Master as to why he placed the Dean into the School For Evil.
The Redhead enjoyed watching her smile and snort at jokes made at the table. She was the most prim and properly Princess but, In Lesso’s eyes, she was surely the most gorgeous. She wondered how a woman could look so ethereal and authentic at the same time.
After breakfast with the staff, Lesso and Y/n had a ritual of going on a morning walk, slowly making their way through the garden. Their arms linked as they took in the sight of sweet Magnolia’s and the warm gaze of the sun.
Leonora swore that she could smell the Lemongrass from where she stood, but knew it was from the woman next to her who still complained about wanting to take a nap. “Ooh! Remember when we took a photo here, it was so peaceful with the stars just sparkling above us” She exclaimed, sitting on the stone bench with that bright grin on her face, “I do remember, Princess, I still have the polaroid in my office if you’d ever like to see it.”
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep She tastes like apple juice and peach Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
Clarissa made Leonora stay behind at a meeting that evening, nothing how the woman had been spending so much time with the Princess. She could sense the pure love radiating from the two. No one could deny what was happening, not even the headmaster. “You must tell her how you feel, Leonora! You need to tell her before it’s too late!” The golden haired woman exclaimed, flailing her arms about knowing that Lesso would lose the girl sooner or later if she didn’t make a move.
“There’s nothing to tell her, Clarissa..” She whispered lowly, knowing that if she did confess she’s ruin y/n’s chance at a happliy ever after. She couldn’t take that away from her, no she couldn’t do that.
Afterall, Lesso was a Never and Y/n was an Ever. It was forbidden, no way they could pass the trial by tale, right?
I'd never tell No I'd never say a word
Clarissa pouted with a huff before exiting the room most likely plotting some other scheme, but Leonora was okay, admiring the other woman across the room even if it was for a moment. She enjoyed watching her hair perfectly fall on her shoulders and cascading down her back. Her warm and lovable smile, that laugh that was inviting. Not to mention her face was nothing less of perfection.
Lesso was comfortable, standing next to her while she greeted her students with a smile, which they returned and shyed away once they noticed the intimidating Dean next to her. They were fools not to see what they had, everyone did, even the more up tight Evers.
Though, the uneasy feeling in Lesso’s stomach never changed when she saw Y/n talking with an Ever prince that seemed to take a liking to her. Everytime her concerns were proved wrong, that was because y/n never liked any of them she said.
And oh it aches But it feels oddly good to hurt
“Leo! Leo! Look at what I found in the garden!” Y/n exclaimed, carefully holding something in her soft hands, as she stopped in front of the redhead, she smiled brightly holding out the delicate flower. It looked as tough as it did peaceful. “Hm, Black Dahlia, my favorite, you remembered?” Leonora smiled subtly, taking the flower in her own hands and admiring it.
“Of course I did! How could I forget my favorite person’s favorite flower?” Y/n felt a blush creep onto her cheeks, the ache in her neck from looking up at Lesso, seemed to disappear. The woman infront of her held back a wide grin, “You are very thoughtful, princess” she complimented, running her thumb on the Ever professor’s chin. Gathering what ever courage she had left and kissed her forehead.
“Thank you, sweet thing”
Even though, y/n y/l/n would always love Leonora Lesso but she could never verbalize it. As for Leonora, she would never feel the warmth of love from the person she truly loved. And that was true Evil.
So there they were again, another gala another night that they longed for each other. Stolen glances and subtle flirting seemed to tempt even the Headmaster into matchmaking the two.
and I'll be okay Admiring from afar
As the night fell, the more people retired to their respective rooms. Lesso was left to walk y/n back, the moon and stars lighting the way. It seemed like it was only last night that it was y/n’s first day teaching at The School for Good. They walked hand in hand as the Castle sat in the darkness the lights inside now putting the moon to shame. Lesso wished this was forever, she never allowed herself rk think that way especially about things people that aren’t hers. But for now, she allowed herself to think about it even for a moment. Cause even when she's next to me We could not be more far apart
”That was nice, I always enjoy our time together!” She beamed, any traces of sleepiness leaving her. “I do too, sweet girl”
They stood their for a few minutes sitting in comforting silence, “Now that I think of it, I don’t want you walking in that cold. You’ll stay with me” Y/n stated, pulling her in by the jacket sleeve, “Woah, I haven’t even asked you out yet” Leo joked, chuckling to herself, though, y/n’s remained still her face now shying from Lesso’s gaze. “Don’t go all turtle on me now, Princess” she cooed, pulling her closer on for the Professor to tuck her face in Lesso’s jacket.
“Why haven’t you asked me out yet, Leo?” Y/n seriously questioned, looking up at the redhead with tears. It now came as a realization to the Dean that her preception of reality was not the same as y/n’s. “I‘ve dropped countless hints, I followed Dovey’s advice, I did everything I could think of! Do you not like me? Are you just leading me on?” She asked, already sniffling from the anticipation of the answer.
“What? No!” Lesso responded, clutching the Princess close, “No, you don’t like me?” Y/n let out a sob that could’ve woken up half of the castle if Lesso hadn’t shut her mouth. “I mean that I’m not leading you on, Yes, of course I like you, I think I might…love you” Lesso confessed, a weight leaving her shoulders as she held her close.
“I love you, Leonora Lesso” y/n choked out, pulling Lesso down for a long awaited kiss, “I love you most, y/n y/l/n”
Yes she means everything to me She means everything to me.
Lesso would feel the Love of the one she truly wanted and this time it meant a Happily Ever After for both of them.
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cora-devil · 5 months
Artists on twitter are drawing this (1st pic) as their favorite sapphic ship, so I had to do the same with dovesso :)
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xx-state-of-mind-xx · 6 months
Dovey: We call that a traumatic event.
Dovey, turning to Agatha: Not a 'bruh moment'.
Dovey, turning to Sophie: Not a 'ratio + L'.
Dovey, turning to Lesso: And definitely not an 'oof LMAO'.
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oliviascabot · 10 months
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dovesso as random text posts
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jenhoneys · 1 year
growing up is realising you have an affinity for pink/black relationships because the depth of their connection to each other turning foul (because they fear the enormity of their feelings), and them eventually having to work together to grow past and find the deep love that was always there, always changing them under deeply complex layers, just appeals to you because you are afraid of loving but simultaneously want to be so connected to someone you can't tell if it's love or hatred, but you always knew it was fated to be a love that changes the very fabric of you—for better or worse.
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horeformilfs · 6 months
Stubborn Little Princess
Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
TW: Fainting, Fever, Illness
Y/N had always been the epitome of a diligent teacher at the School for Good. Her appearance, her manner, and her dedication to her students made her seem like the perfect embodiment of all things good and virtuous. Lady Lesso, the formidable headmistress of the School for Evil, had initially dismissed Y/N as nothing more than a goody-goody who couldn't possibly understand the complex and dark world they inhabited. However, as time went on, she couldn't help but notice a depth and intelligence in Y/N that intrigued her.
One day, as Y/N prepared for her classes, she couldn't ignore the pounding headache that had taken root in her skull. Her vision swam, and a sense of exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders. The corset she laced up as part of her daily attire felt particularly constricting, but she soldiered on, her sense of duty pushing her forward.
Throughout the day, Y/N's condition worsened, but she was determined to fulfill her responsibilities. Her last class was a joint venture with Lady Lesso, and as they taught side by side, the students could sense that something was off. Y/N, however, was determined to power through it, ignoring the signs of her deteriorating health.
Once the students left, Lady Lesso turned her sharp gaze toward Y/N. "You don't look well," she said with uncharacteristic concern.
Y/N, in a raspy voice, replied, "I'm fine, Lady Lesso, just a minor headache. I can handle it."
Lady Lesso's piercing blue eyes bore into Y/N, her concern hidden beneath a mask of annoyance. "Don't be foolish, Y/N. You can barely stand. What's really going on?"
Y/N hesitated, torn between her sense of duty and the growing weakness in her body. "I told you, it's just a headache."
The back-and-forth continued, with Lady Lesso refusing to accept Y/N's stubborn denials. As the tension in the room escalated, Y/N felt herself swaying, her vision blurring. Before she could even process what was happening, she fainted.
In an instant, Lady Lesso reacted, her sharp reflexes catching Y/N before she hit the ground. She cursed under her breath at Y/N's stubbornness and quickly assessed the situation. Y/N's corset was laced far too tightly, making her breathing labored. Lady Lesso took out the small dagger she always carried and deftly sliced through the corset strings, allowing Y/N to breathe normally once more.
As she freed Y/N from the constricting garment, Lady Lesso's gaze fell on Y/N's flushed face and the heat radiating from her. She pressed her hand against Y/N's forehead and confirmed what she had suspected: a fever raged within her.
Without hesitation, Lady Lesso scooped Y/N into her arms, her usual stern demeanor melting into genuine concern.Lady Lesso carried Y/N into her chambers with gentle determination, laying her down on the bed. Her usual air of authority was softened by genuine concern, as she began to gather supplies to care for her ailing companion. The room, bathed in a dim, eerie light, seemed more welcoming than ever as Lady Lesso set about her task.
Hours passed, and Y/N's fever continued to rage, causing her to drift into a delirious fever dream. She tossed and turned, her skin hot to the touch. Lady Lesso sat by her bedside, murmuring soothing words in a voice that was unusually tender.
"Shh, my dear," she whispered, brushing a damp strand of hair away from Y/N's forehead. "You're going to be all right. I won't let anything happen to you."
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, their gaze unfocused. She reached out a trembling hand, fingers grazing Lady Lesso's cheek. "Lesso," she mumbled, her voice weak and shaky. "Am I...am I dying?"
Lady Lesso's heart clenched at the fear in Y/N's eyes. She leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N's forehead. "No, my love," she whispered, using the pet name so rarely heard. "You're not dying. You're just going through a rough patch, but we'll get through it together."
The fever continued to torment Y/N, and Lady Lesso knew it was time to take more drastic measures. She helped Y/N up and led her into the bathroom. There, she started a cold shower, the water cascading over Y/N's feverish body.
Y/N gasped as the icy water hit her overheated skin, and she instinctively cuddled closer to Lady Lesso, seeking warmth in her arms. Her shivering was uncontrollable, but she found solace in the steady presence of the headmistress.
Lady Lesso held her tightly, rubbing her arms and whispering comforting words into her ear. "You're doing great, my sweet. Just a little while longer, and this fever will break. You're so strong, Y/N. I'm so proud of you."
Y/N clung to Lady Lesso, tears mixing with the cold water as her fevered mind battled the chills. She couldn't help but feel a profound sense of comfort in Lady Lesso's embrace, in the reassurance of her words. The fever dream was a disorienting experience, but with Lady Lesso by her side, she felt safe.
As the cold water worked its magic and the fever began to recede, Y/N's trembling lessened. She closed her eyes, still held securely in Lady Lesso's arms, and let herself drift into a more peaceful slumber, knowing that she was no longer alone in her battle against the fever.
After a while, Lady Lesso believed that Y/N's fever had broken. She carefully helped Y/N out of the cold shower and into dry clothes. Y/N was shivering, despite the warmth of the room, and she could see the worry in Lady Lesso's eyes.
But just as they thought Y/N might be on the mend, the fever returned with even more intensity. Y/N's cheeks flushed red, and her breathing became labored. Lady Lesso's concern deepened as she realized the situation was more serious than she had hoped.
Desperate to help Y/N, Lady Lesso utilized her expertise in potions to create a fever-reducing concoction. She worked quickly, but it felt like an eternity to Y/N, who was wracked with discomfort. She couldn't help but squirm and whimper, her delirious mind consumed by the fever's torment.
Lady Lesso sat by Y/N's side, holding her hand and soothing her with words of praise and affectionate pet names. "You're incredibly strong, my dear," she whispered, her fingers gently brushing through Y/N's damp hair. "You've already come so far. This potion will help. Just a little while longer."
Y/N's fever-addled mind found solace in Lady Lesso's comforting presence. The affectionate pet names she used were like a balm to Y/N's aching body, offering a warmth and comfort that surpassed the physical.
Once the potion was ready, Lady Lesso helped Y/N sit up and took great care in ensuring she drank it slowly. Y/N grimaced at the taste, but Lady Lesso's unwavering support gave her the strength to finish the glass of water.
Lady Lesso smiled gently. "Good job, my brave one. You've done splendidly."
Y/N's eyes met Lady Lesso's, filled with gratitude and vulnerability. "Please...stay with me, Lesso."
Lady Lesso didn't hesitate. She settled beside Y/N on the bed, wrapping her arms around her and holding her close. "Of course, my love. I'll stay right here until you're feeling better. You're not alone in this."
As the potion took effect and the fever began to subside, Y/N found herself gradually regaining her strength. Lady Lesso's comforting presence was a constant source of reassurance, and the warmth of her embrace provided Y/N with a profound sense of security.
With Lady Lesso by her side, Y/N finally began to drift into a more peaceful and restful sleep. Her breathing steadied, and the tension in her body relaxed. The room, once fraught with worry and discomfort, now seemed like a sanctuary of solace.
Lady Lesso continued to hold Y/N, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on her back. "Rest now, my dearest," she murmured softly. "You've been incredibly brave, and I'll be here when you wake up."
Y/N managed a weak smile, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Lesso."
Lady Lesso leaned down and placed a tender kiss on Y/N's forehead. "It's my pleasure, my love. Just remember, you're never alone in this world."
As Y/N drifted into a deep and much-needed slumber, she knew that Lady Lesso's presence, and the newfound bond between them, would be a source of strength and comfort in the days and nights to come. In this unexpected moment of vulnerability and care, they had both discovered that there was more to their relationship than either of them had ever anticipated, and it was a revelation that would forever change the course of their lives.
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a-humble-bagel · 2 years
when lesso flirts with dovey, dovey gets flustered 99% of the time, but one time dovey flirted back and lesso just forgot how to breathe.
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flameobitch · 7 months
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cxsmiicc · 7 months
her little devil - lady lesso x reader
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happy halloween yall idk wym im totally not 20 minutes late posting this shush
warnings - smut, orgasm denial, eating out, light fingering, vibrator, possessive lesso, halloween party
posted on ao3 also <3
2.2k words
You picked at your chosen costume, suddenly doubting if it was the right one. The red latex clung to you in ways you were unused to and growing insecure of, neckline dipping far lower than you would usually wear and skirt stopping mid thigh. More than a little alcohol had gone into this decision. Well, too late to change now. Grabbing the headband with horns attached, you slammed out of your room before you lost your nerve, smoothing your hair around the cheap plastic as you walked down to the party. Clarissa and her damn parties, ever since the schools had merged it seemed like there was one every other week. And she just had to have the wonderful idea for a costume party, as though you didn’t have enough on your plate with classes and grading and her.
You banished those thoughts to the back of your mind, you had a party to attend after all. Of course whether or not you wanted to was a different matter, you would much rather spend tonight hiding away with a bottle and a vibrator. If you could escape early that could still work, it all depended on how fast Clarissa could corner you into taking drink after drink. For all she preached about good deeds that woman could coerce anyone into doing damn near anything with minimal effort.
Swinging the door open, you spotted her immediately. She was facing you, gesturing for you to join her and whoever it was she was talking to the second you were visible. The mystery woman turned around and your mouth fell open in shock. Lady. Fucking. Lesso. Her hair was straightened and dyed black for the night and there was a drip of blood decorating either corner of her mouth. She smirked at your reaction to her outfit and fangs became visible, successfully creating a fiery heat between your thighs. It only became worse as your eyes slid downwards to the generous amount of skin on show, matching your own outfit in everything but length. Where your dress was short and flared hers was long and fitted, flowing down and accentuating her every curve before pooling on the ground. Breaking yourself out of the haze, you made your way over to the two of them, first smiling at Clarissa before turning your attention to your boss.
“A vampire? Very appropriate Red, if I can even say that with you looking like this.”
“Seems like I should call you that tonight. Even I didn’t think to be quite so on the nose with my costume. The Evil history teacher, dressed as the devil? Somewhat obvious, don’t you think Clarissa?”
The blonde could only stare at the two of you and giggle, already too tipsy to care about pretending she couldn’t sense the tension between you and her fellow dean.
Rolling your eyes at the state of her, you turned back to Lesso to keep the conversation going, “So, what gives with you putting in effort tonight? Call me crazy but you don’t exactly strike me as the type to go all out for a work party.”
“Maybe I just felt like dressing up,” she spun where she stood, giving you a glimpse of the low back of her dress and sending a wave of arousal crashing through you, “My reasons are none of your business, though you seem to be enjoying it just the same.” A wicked grin graced her features, red lips quirking upwards as her eyes flitted across your body. “I must admit, you don’t look half bad yourself.”
“Oh? Careful Lesso, that almost sounded like a compliment. Wouldn’t want the ice queen to show emotion now would we.”
She laughed at you, low and slow and right in your ear. Right when you didn’t think it was possible to be any more turned on by this woman and she goes and does it.
“Ice queen… now that would’ve been a good costume idea.”
“Ah ah, what happened to not wanting to be too on the nose.” It was your turn to smirk as she registered what you just said, eyes darkening with what you would swear was lust if you didn’t know who you were talking to. All of a sudden you felt a tear on your costume and she was forcing you out of the room before you even knew what was happening, one hand firmly on your hip and the other on your shoulder. Everything was a blur as she guided you all the way back to your room, flashing her finger at the door to open it before you collided with the ageing wood. It was only to fling you down on the bed that she finally let go, pacing the empty space on your floor and offering no explanation for what she had just done.
“Care to tell me what that was all about?”
Rather than answering, she just stopped her pacing and crashed her bloodstained lips to yours, kissing you with a desperation you didn’t think her capable of. Just as quickly as she had started it, she pulled away, both hands buried in her hair as she resumed her pacing.
“Do you even know what you do to me.” Her voice came out low and gravelly, sending another spike to your core at both the tone and her words. “Always prancing around the school in those little outfits, it was driving me insane knowing I couldn’t just tear them off and have my way with you. And then tonight, oh tonight,” You stood, drawing closer to her as she kept ranting, too caught up in what she was saying to pay you much attention. “You thought you could just waltz into that party with that much skin on show with no consequences?” She grabbed your wrists and slammed them against the wall above your head before tracing a hand down your torso. “That teeny tiny costume, oh so low cut with a skirt that barely covers your ass. Latex? Not your best idea, my little devil.” Keeping her hold on your hands, she slid a nail down the ripped neckline of your outfit, successfully exposing your breasts to her. “It all would’ve been fine, had it not been for your wardrobe malfunction. Only I get to see that much of you, are we clear?”
All you could do was moan in response as she lavished attention on your chest, drinking in the sight of you half bare and entirely at her mercy.
“I said, are we clear.”
“Mmm, we’re clear, we're clear.”
“We’re clear mommy.”
“Yes mommy, you’re the only one allowed to see me like this.”
“Good, now help me take the rest of this off. Latex is a bitch to sweat in, and I'm guessing someone’s more than a little bit worked up right about now.”
She released her hold on your wrists and you dropped your arms, allowing her to peel the dress off of you and discard it on the floor, leaving you in nothing but your black underwear and horned headband.
“I want to see you, please?”
“Of course, go lay down for me and I’ll be right there.”
Rushing back over to the bed, you lay on your back and craned your neck to get the best possible view as she dropped her dress to the ground and walked over with a sway of her hips that only darkened the visible mark on your panties. She wasted no time in straddling you and pulling you into another bruising kiss, swiping her tongue along the seam of your lips and gaining the access she wanted right away. It was everything you expected of her, rough and selfish while still showing enough care to keep you enthralled as her tongue swept through your mouth, swallowing each others moans as she rolled her hips across your stomach, leaving a trail of arousal in her wake. The pressure of her on top of you was almost too much as she maintained both the force of the kiss and the motion of her hips, groaning whenever her clit hit your skin. Your hands were buried in her hair, ruining the sleekness she had worked so hard for earlier that evening but now couldn’t care less about, not when the thing she had craved for so long was finally happening. She pulled away and you whined and attempted to pull her back in, earning a glare from the older woman as she slipped down the bed until her head was between your thighs. Lighting her finger once more to vanish your underwear, she began kissing down your thighs, slowly drawing closer to where you wanted her the most.
“Please…” you let out.
“Please what?”
Please eat me out, please mommy.”
“Anything baby.” 
Her tongue ran across your entrance and you gasped at the sensation, eyes falling closed and the sound morphing into a groan as she reached your clit. She nipped at the sensitive spot and you saw stars for a moment, the sinful moans leaving your lips only spurring her on. Focusing on your entrance, she kissed and teased at the flesh, dragging sounds you had never heard yourself make before from the base of your throat. Dipping her tongue into you, your back arched off the bed as she picked up the pace, plunging it in and out as your breath came in short puffs of air, most of which were immediately used up on the truly barbaric sounds you were making now. Your walls clenched around her as you reached the edge, spouting gibberish in an attempt to convey how close you were, only for her to retract her tongue and go back to marking your inner thighs. Whimpering in confusion, you opened your eyes to find her staring at you, lips still moving slowly against your skin. Pulling away, she licked the taste of you from her mouth before speaking.
“You really thought it’d be that easy? That you could wear that little outfit, tease me like that, and still get to cum?” The look in her eyes was dangerous, almost predatory.
You looked away, not trusting yourself to speak.
“Look at me,” she grabbed your chin, balancing herself by planting her other hand on your thigh. “If you can’t take it, don’t act like such a brat.” Leaning back onto her heels, she pulled you up with her, forcing you against the headboard when you were upright, mirroring her position and sitting on your own heels.
“Hands on the bed.”
The same glow that usually emanated from her finger this time came from her eyes, conjuring thick swathes of silk and binding your hands to the bed. Scanning the room for a moment, her eyes settled on something on your nightstand and she smiled, leaning over you painfully slowly to grab it. Hand wrapped around her prize, she went back to sitting opposite you, close but not quite touching.
“Now, just what do we have here?” Her hand unclenched to reveal your vibrator, the original plan for tonight before everything went sideways. “Is this what you were planning on doing after the party? Putting in an appearance and then sneaking off to touch yourself? And here I thought you were better than that.” She poised the toy over her entrance, fingers hovering over the settings. “Eyes on me love.”
Pushing it in with a groan, she started it on a lower setting and let her hands roam her upper body, stopping at her chest to tease her nipples, plucking at the bars going through them and successfully causing you to drip onto the sheets. One hand dropped down to turn up the intensity before immediately resuming rolling her piercings between her fingertips, letting every little sound fall from her open mouth, the blood long since smeared across your face and legs. Violet eyes bored into yours during her entire display, the colour barely visible around her blown pupils. The bed shook as she turned it up one final time, rocking her hips for more friction as she reached her peak, eye contact finally breaking as her head fell back and she released a wicked moan that had you writhing against the bonds, aching to feel something, anything other than the soft fabric of the bedsheets. She tipped her head back down, eying you hungrily.
Voice lower than usual she said, “Go on, say whatever it is you’re thinking.” 
The sight of her using your vibrator, the thing that had been inside you oh so many times now inside of her, had triggered some need inside of you that you didn’t know you had. Everything about what she had just done was driving you wild with need, as she could so plainly see by the wet patch on the bed beneath you.
“Please mommy, please touch me I need you gods just please.” Your voice came out far higher than you were expecting it to, barely less than a whine. “I won’t do it again, you’ll be the only one allowed to see that much of me.”
“Damn right.”
She advanced, two fingers easily slipping into your dripping cunt and lips muffling your gasp. The binds stayed around your wrists, rendering you putty in her grasp.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
Um hey, your gonna write a part 2 of extra credit dovesso x reader of next week right?
Hey anon!! Yep, here’s part 2 for you! Hope you Enjoy ♥️♥️
Extra Credit Part 2 ~Dovesso xFem Reader
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Link to Part 1
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, teasing, praise, fingering, mommy kink, daddy kink, flustering, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Be Good. Get your grades up. And Mommy and Daddy might reward you next week…” Lesso wickedly purred.
You worked your ass off the next week to desperately get your grades up. You really wanted that reward…
So you worked and studied 24/7. And your grades started to go up. It made you really happy. You felt content with yourself. Plus it made you super giddy for the next meeting that the deans had scheduled with you.
You practically pranced through the hallways, to Professor Dovey’s office. It was after hours again, when you knocked on the door and entered when they called you in.
“Miss L/N…” Lesso purred wickedly greeting you.
“Hi” you breathed out, panting from having practically run there.
“Hi…?” The redhead warily purred.
“I—Shit sorry! Hi Daddy…” you corrected yourself.
Lesso smirked and nodded in satisfaction.
“We’re proud of you, Sweetness!” Clarissa exclaimed, “Your grades are going up!”
You blushed at the praise and nodded.
“Thank you mommy…” you whimpered.
“But they aren’t where we want them to be” Lesso said.
You bit your inner cheek and looked down. Clarissa sent the redhead a bit of a side eye.
“I understand Daddy…” you murmur.
“But… We think you still deserve a little reward… And when your grades get to where they should be, you’ll be properly rewarded.” Clarissa spoke.
You looked up and your eyes shone.
“Really?” You breathlessly asked.
Both of the women chuckled and nodded. Lesso then sat down on Clarissa’s desk chair as Clarissa sat at the edge of the desk.
“Come sit on Daddy’s lap.” Lesso instructed you, patting her lap.
You scurried over to the women, practically falling into the redhead’s lap. You’re were so grateful that you were wearing a skirt today. Lesso held you by your thighs with her hands. Her gaze was intense and dark. Clarissa watched intently behind you.
“You’ll be a good girl for Daddy?” Lesso purred.
You nodded eagerly.
“Yes! Such a good girl for Daddy!! Please…!” You whimpered.
Lesso nodded and chuckled lightly at your eagerness.
“Hands on my shoulders.” She instructed as her hands began wandering up and under your skirt.
“Yes Daddy”
You grabbed her shoulders and stabilized yourself. You were straddling her lap, and your eyes only widened more as her one hand stopped at your thigh, but her other continued to wander.
Her fingers made it to your panties, and her gaze looked at you wickedly. Her digits went passed your undergarments and two slipped into your wet core. You both groaned in unison, and you instinctually ground your body against her lap in response.
“Fuck Clarissa, she’s soaked…” Lesso groaned, as her fingers pumped and curled inside you.
You whimpered out desperately, starting to bounce up and down on her hand.
“Needy little thing aren’t you…?” The redhead teased.
You nodded vigorously.
“Needy for Daddy…! So needy—!!” You groaned loudly.
Lesso then increased her tempo, fucking you faster and deeper with her two fingers. You cried out in pleasure as the redhead quickly added a third finger. You rode her hand with desperation and need, approaching your high rapidly.
You came on the redhead’s fingers, muffling your screams into her shoulder.
“Fuck fuck fuck Daddy—!!!” You cried out.
“That’s right… Your Daddy’s girl…” Lesso cooed wickedly.
“And if you continue to get good grades, both Mommy and Daddy will reward you in a couple of weeks…” Clarissa purred.
Fuck you couldn’t wait…
Leonora Lesso Masterlist
Clarissa Dovey Masterlist
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