#dragon quest slime kin
dollarstore-kins · 1 month
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Aegosexual Slime icons requested by Anon!!
-Mod ET
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Host Post lol
First intro post time.
We are going to introduce us, the hosts. We are also part of a subsystem called The Chaos Collective, which is...complicated at best and flat out confusing at worst.
First up.
Name: Percy
Pronouns: He/Him
Roles: Age slider, little, middle, big, host, nonhuman, possible trauma holder, age regressor
Age: 2-6, 12-16, 21
Gender: Genderfaun, demiboy, ftm, transmasc (term hoarder, oops)
Orientation: Queer, Aroacespec, Bi romantic, nebula romantic, gay (it's complicated is an understatment)
Likes: The color blue, space, animals, video games (slime rancher, fallout 3), Criminal Minds,
Fun fact: We have CVI (cortical visual impairment) and my easiest to see colors are red and light blue (i'm not great at introducing myself lmao).
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Name: Kiku (Jellybean when age slid down)
Pronouns: He/Him, Fae/Faer, Bun/Buns
Roles: Nonhuman, little, middle,
Age: Uhhh... older is like... 15ish maybe? Younger is between 3 and 7 usually.
Gender: FTM, Nonbinary
Orientation: aroacespec
Likes: TMNT, turtles, the colors green, orange, pink, and purple, Centaurworld, cocomelon.
Funfact: I use AAC to communicate.
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Name: Micki (Moonbeam when a kid)
Pronouns: He/Him, Fae/Faer, It/Its
Roles: Host, Nonhuman, trauma holder, Age slider
Age: 5-7, 13-15, 22
Gender: trans man, genderqueer, genderfluid
Orientation: aroacespec, panro, grey ace, demi (it's complicated as hell)
Likes: My Little Pony, Centaurworld, Fallout: New Vegas, TMNT, Scooby Doo, way too many cartoons. Cocomelon included 😅. Spooky stuff. Creepy Pasta/SCPs. I love to draw and I am beginning to get into producing EDM music. Legend of Zelda, Dragon Quest. Music.
Fun fact: Uh... I kin Horse from Centaurworld really hard.
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We also tend to blur together quite heavily and we have names for those blurs but those will get their own intro posts we think.
We are all shapeshifters with different forms and we might make post about that at some point.
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wr173r-8l0ck · 4 years
What if My Hero Academia Characters were in the Riordanverse pt. 1: Students
Yeah, yeah, this is just MHA students for now, I’ll have other characters soon, okay! Anyway, here’s MHA students of 1A and 1B (including Shinso) as demigods in the Riordanverse!
Yuga Aoyama: Son of Aphrodite. Not even a good one, unless you need someone blinded by his glitter-gun. Oh yeah, he has a glitter gun with lasers for maximum flare. Is he completely over-the-top? Absolutely. But is he good in a fight? Surprisingly, yes, kind of very, turns out glitter confuses monsters very well.
Mina Ashido: Daughter of Hermes and legacy of Hecate, capable of inhuman movements and can produce a slime that magically dissolves anything. She also tattooed her eyes black and yellow for some weird masochistic reason that no one, including herself, doesn’t understand. She’s still neat though.
Tsuyu Asui: She’s a frog-turned-human by Ochako. She still has her tongue, leaps, hops, camouflage, a reversible stomach and poison that can kill a group of whales. And he can still inflate her throat like a balloon, which makes for good scares. Very good scares…
Tenya Iida: Son of Mercury, he never skips leg day. Never. Seriously, have you seen those legs? He could crush a car with those puppies! Or crush monster heads with those thunder thighs! Which he actually does quite often. He doesn’t skimp out on upper body exercises either, but LOOK AT THOSE LEGS OF THUNDER!
Ochako Uraraka: Daughter of Hecate, she specializes in a set of spells that manipulate an individual object’s or being’s gravitational pull. It’s gotten to the point where she makes anything she touches with five fingers on one hand, it will float, no matter what, which is why she wears gloves all the time. She likes floating whoever she finds particularly annoying way up into the sky.
Mashirao Ojiro: Son of Mars, he’s an expert martial artist and very, very good at multiple of them. He’s lost multiple sparring partners because of his profinity with a number of weapons, and his lethality without any weapons. Seriously, he once defeated a Drakon with his bare hands! And another dead drakon’s teeth!
Denki Kaminari: Legacy of Zeus and Apollo, each by about 50 generations. About as bright as his godly ancestors (not very), but he still makes one Hel of a lightning bolt, and he’s also pretty good with a guitar and lyre. And classical literature and culture, like Apollo’s Kettle, who taught him all that?!
Eijiro Kirishima: Son/creation of Vulcan, his blood and skin are pure liquid gold, bronze and diamond he can infinitely harden for a period of time. It also obtains unnaturally sharp edges, and given his tendency to go hard when excited, he has made his friends frequent the infirmary for cuts and broken ribs.
Koji Koda: Son of Actaedon, he can talk with wildlife. He’s also a Legacy of Heracles, hence his size. His hugs are nice, war and gentle. Unless you’re an enemy, his bear hugs can break spines and it’s fucking terrifying.
Rikido Sato: Son of Mars, this guy has a serious sweet tooth. He’s also surprisingly gentle for a guy that can decimate an opponent with a single hit. Oh yeah, he can one-shot a hellhound with one punch (que the epic op) to the head.
Mezo Shoji: Son of Ares, he’s surprisingly level-headed. And malicious. Seriously, this guy always has at least ten different weapons on him, on top of him knowing a variety of potentially lethal moves. His arms are known as the Anacondas for a reason. Well, he lost his two precious anacondas in battle, but now he has six bronze automaton anacondas, fuly articulated and loaded up with all kinds of weapons for maximum effectiveness in battle! Actually fuck that, he’s way more terrifying now, who let him get all that stuff?!
Kyoka Jiro: Daughter of Apollo, she’s a top-tier musician, singer and is moderate with a bow and arrow. She can whistle in the ultrasonic range, clap like thunder, sing and play like either a sweet little bird or a whole-ass heavy metal choir without ruining her vocal cords, and she gives the opposite amount of fucks that Zeus does (ie. zero).
Hanta Sero: Son of Hermes, he inherited a pair of magical tape dispensers that can dispense any tape in any amount of any properties he chooses. He uses them to swing around like Spider-Man, which made him a regular visitor of the infirmary until Momo made him a special harness to keep his joints from dislocating. Somehow, he still gets his shoulders dislocated.
Fumikage Tokoyami: Son of Erebos, he suffers from split-personality disorder, but it’s fixed nicely by his inner demon incarnate made of pure darkness he calls Dark Shadow. They have a strangely healthy and wholesome relationship for a boy and his literal inner demon, and they even help each other (or embarass, take your pick) in social interactions.
Shoto Todoroki: A Legacy, descendant of Hel and Surtr, capable of making ice that freezes fire, and fire that burns ice. He gives so little shit he’s actually oblivious to social cues, which makes for more than a few funny moments on quests with him.
Toru Hagakure: Legacy of Iris, she can manipulate light around her to turn invisible or project bright flashes. Campers often say hi to her even if she’s not there just in case.
Katsuki Bakugou: Son of Ares, with rage and instincts of combat so strong and powerful he can convert his sheer rage and passion into explosions in the palms of his hands. He generated more than one explosion with the explosive yield of a nuclear weapon in his life. How he hasn’t gone deaf yet is beyond most people, though he does still know a variety of sign languages in case he does go deaf.
Izuku Midoriya: Son of Athena that was gifted the Spartan Spirit, a powerful enchantment formed by Kratos, Nike, Bia and Zelus, to protect humanity in its greatest times of need, and bestowed upon the most well-meaning and kind-hearted individuals of an era. He ends up breaking his bones an absolute shitton, and is a regular at the infirmary. The healers and smiths absolutely loathe him by now.
Minoru Mineta: Died on a quest. His quest-mates say ‘by accident’. Everyone knows it was very deliberate, but then again, everyone hated him and is fine with him dead. Some people wanted to be the ones to kill him though.
Momo Yaoyorozu: A Legacy, granddaughter of Hephaestus and Athena, capable of making virtually any machine. She’s also very fidgety, and once made an entire army of fully autonomous grass soldiers that went on to terrorize the other campers for a bit. In thirty minutes.
Yosetsu Awase: Son of Hephaestus, he also likes to make stuff. Though mostly he combines already existing tools, gadgets and machines, and makes weird amalgamations. He once fused an automaton bull, an automaton dragon and a school bus, and it actually, somehow, despite all logic and reason, fucking works.
Sen Kaibara: Son of Ares, he’s pretty chill compared to his kin (especially Katsuki and Setsuna), mainly due to him bottling up his anger. Which he can unleash as tornadoes around his limbs, which he can use to drill through walls. Thank gods he doesn’t lose it too often.
Togaru Kamakiri: Son of Ceres, he likes farming tools. Especially ones with blades. That’s lead to him using all kinds of sickles, scythes (both farming tools and war scythes) in combat, and even axes, shovels, various lawn mowers...
Shihai Kuroiro: Son of Nyx, him and Tokoyami get along exceptionally well. Given his ability to shadow-travel and use shadows and darkness as materials to make some pretty nifty weapons only he can use, he’s strangely bright and like a Sun. At least among the two stepbrothers of darkness, and the bar for eing the sunny one is set very low.
Itsuka Kendo: Daughter of Athena, she excels in critical thinking and a variety of martial arts. And knocking out her piers with precise attacks when they start to get exceptionally annoying. Mostly Monoma. Scratch that, especially Monoma. Okay, nevermind, only Monoma.
Yui Kodai: Daughter of Trivia. She excels in potions and spells that manipulate the size of objects, so much so that she has to resort to gloves because she now naturally makes things smaller with her left hand, or bigger with her right hand. She’s the calm one of the 20 people here.
Kinoko Komori: Daughter of Demeter, she has a soft spot for fungi and mushrooms. Which she can make grow rapidly. Very rapidly. She’s fun at parties.
Ibara Shiozaki: Daughter of Demeter, she dyes her hair green with actual chlorophyll for some reason (“To feel one with the beautiful plants,” she says), but she can also grow and manipulate vines and other vine-like plants, along with trees, quite effectively, and she has some rose and poison oak (she’s immune to it) seeds in her hair. Don’t ask, her answers are just as ridiculous as the chlorophyll-dyed hair.
Jurota Shishida: Son of Mars, he’s been cursed by most likely Hera to be a humanoid boar/dog thing. He’s especially good at wrestling, and is very diplomatic in his approach. Until he gets pissed, then he charges like a boar and yes, he keeps those tusks of his sharp.
Niregeki Shoda: Legacy of Hermes, son of Hephaestus, he likes to make explosives and plant them everywhere. More than a few campers were scared. Except Katsuki, who tried to outdo the ground (Niregeki’s mine) in explosive yield and put skylight access in the roof of Bunker 9. Niregeki had to repair it.
Pony Tsunotori: Legacy of Poseidon, she can shapeshift. She likes to shapeshift into horses, bulls, deer and goats (including mooses and buffalo), and she has a nifty gadget from the Hephaestus and Vulcan campers in the shape of horns that transform with her, giving her detachable remote-control horns. 
Kosei Tsuburaba: Legacy of Jupiter, son of Ares, he’s competitive and can make walls and blades out of air. Especially annoying for monsters because they can’t get to him, period, and every time they try, they don’t get past his walls of air for a whole minute before someone either cuts/hacks/slices them to bits, freezes/burns them alive, blows them up with their fists/explosives/expanding stones they previously ingested or some other way of disposing of a monster.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: Son of Vulcan, capable of turning to pure steel over his entire body, also increasing his strength. Because of this, and his tendency to go hard whenever he’s excited, he’s made his friends frequent the infirmary for bruises and broken ribs. Except Kirishima.
Setsuna Tokage: Daughter of Ares, she’s actually been hurt pretty badly in one of her fights (she went on a Quest with Katsuki, and no, it wasn’t him who hurt her, and yes, no one really believes that story either) and had to have automaton grafts to replace her limbs, a part of her lower jaw, her eyes and the muscles around her spine, along with parts of the vertebrae. Which she asked to be detachable and splittable in as many pieces as possible, which she can control telepathically and uses to troll other campers. A lot. Especially two certain sons of Vulcan and her half-siblings.
Manga Fukidashi: No one knows what he is, they just know his head is a speech bubble and he can make anything he writes real.
Juzo Honenuki: Legacy of Gaia, he can virtually liquify the ground (does not work on metal or wooden floors). He trolls a lot with this ability. And I do mean a lot.
Kojiro Bondo: A golem? A person? His head makes it hard to tell whether he’s a demigod or a monster to be honest. And his glue-like spit doesn’t help much either.
Neito Monoma: Legacy of, you guessed it, Zeus! He has a superiority complex because of this, and he frequents the infirmary on the basis of Itsuka or whoever he was annoying KOing him constantly. All that brain damage probably isn’t helping his mental issues…
Reiko Yanagi: Daughter of Hecate she can make things she touches float and fly around using some sort of incantation. The biggest she can do is double her own body weight, but that doesn’t stop her from delivering high-speed flying punches and scaring other campers.
Hiryu Rin: Son of Mars and Legacy of Poseidon, he can shapeshift into various animals. Most notably a mix of human, hedgehog and a lizard. Sharp, painful and deadly precise. And also meditating. And a lot of it.
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l0uk45 · 4 years
If students from class 1A and 1B were part of the Riordanverse:
Yuga Aoyama: Son of Aphrodite. Not even a good one, unless you need someone blinded by his glitter-gun. Oh yeah, he has a glitter gun with lasers for maximum flare. Is he completely over-the-top? Absolutely. But is he good in a fight? Surprisingly, yes.
Mina Ashido: Daughter of Hermes and legacy of Hecate, capable of inhuman movements and can produce a slime that magically dissolves anything. She also tattooed her eyes black and yellow for some weird masochistic reason.
Tsuyu Asui: She’s a frog-turned-human by Ochako. She still has her tongue, leaps, hops, camouflage, a reversible stomach and poison that can kill a group of whales. And he can still inflate her throat like a balloon, which makes for good scares.Very good scares…
Tenya Iida: Son of Mercury, he never skips leg day. Never. Seriously, have you seen those legs? He could crush a car with those puppies! Or crush monster heads! Which he does do quite often! He doesn’t skimp out on upper body exercises either, but LOOK AT THOSE LEGS OF THUNDER!
Ochako Uraraka: Daughter of Hecate, she specializes in a set of spells that manipulate an individual object’s or being’s gravitational pull. It’s gotten to the point where she makes anything she touches with five fingers on one hand, it will float, no matter what, which is why she wears gloves all the time.
Mashirao Ojiro: Son of Mars, he’s an expert martial artist and very, very good at multiple of them. He’s lost multiple sparring partners because of his profinity with a number of weapons, and his lethality without any weapons.
Denki Kaminari: Legacy of Zeus and Apollo, each by about 50 generations. About as bright as his godly ancestors (not very), but he still makes one Hel of a lightning bolt, and he’s also pretty good with a guitar and lyre. 
Eijiro Kirishima: Son of Vulcan, his blood and skin are pure liquid gold, bronze and diamond he can infinitely harden for a period of time. It also obtains unnaturally sharp edges, and given his tendency to go hard when excited, he has made his friends frequent the infirmary for cuts and broken ribs.
Koji Koda: Son of Actaedon, he can talk with wildlife. He’s also a Legacy of Heracles, hence his size. His hugs are nice, war and gentle.
Rikido Sato: Son of Mars, this guy has a serious sweet tooth. He’s also surprisingly gentle for a guy that can decimate an opponent with a single hit.
Mezo Shoji: Son of Ares, he’s surprisingly level-headed. And malicious. Seriously, this guy always has at least ten different weapons on him, on top of him knowing a variety of potentially lethal moves. His arms are known as the Anacondas for a reason.
Kyoka Jiro: Daughter of Apollo, she’s a top-tier musician, singer and is moderate with a bow and arrow. She can whistle in the ultrasonic range, clap like thunder, sing and play like either a sweet little bird or a whole-ass heavy metal choir without ruining her vocal cords, and she gives the opposite amount of fucks that Zeus does (ie. zero).
Hanta Sero: Son of Hermes, he inherited a pair of magical tape dispensers that can dispense any tape in any amount of any properties he chooses. He uses them to swing around like Spider-Man, which made him a regular visitor of the infirmary until Momo made him a special harness to keep his joints from dislocating. 
Fumikage Tokoyami: Son of Erebos, he suffers from split-personality disorder, but it’s fixed nicely by his inner demon incarnate made of pure darkness he calls Dark Shadow. They have a strangely healthy relationship for a boy and his literal inner demon.
Shoto Todoroki: A Legacy, descendant of Hel and Surtr, capable of making ice that freezes fire, and fire that burns ice. He gives so little shit he’s actually oblivious to social cues, which makes for more than a few funny moments on quests with him.
Toru Hagakure: Legacy of Iris, she can manipulate light around her to turn invisible or project bright flashes
Katsuki Bakugou: Son of Ares, with rage and instincts of war so strong and powerful he can convert his sheer rage into explosions in the palms of his hands. He generated more than one explosion with the explosive yield of a nuclear weapon in his life. How he hasn’t gone deaf yet is beyond most people, though he does still know a variety of sign languages.
Izuku Midoriya: A mortal, capable of seeing through the mist, was gifted the Spartan Spirit, a spirit formed by Kratos, Nike, Bia and Zelus, to protect humanity in its greatest times of need. He ends up breaking his bones an absolute shitton, and is a regular at the infirmary.
Minoru Mineta: Died on a quest. His quest-mates say ‘by accident’. Everyone knows it was very deliberate, but then again, everyone hated him and is fine with him dead. Some people wanted to be the ones to kill him though.
Momo Yaoyorozu: A Legacy, granddaughter of Hephaestus and Athena, capable of making virtually any machine. She’s also very fidgety, and once made an entire army of fully autonomous grass soldiers that went on to terrorize the other campers for a bit. In thirty minutes.
Class 1B:
Yosetsu Awase: Son of Hephaestus, he also likes to make stuff. Though mostly he combines already existing tools, gadgets and machines, and makes weird amalgamations. He once fused an automaton bull, an automaton dragon and a school bus, and it actually works.
Sen Kaibara: Son of Ares, he’s pretty chill compared to his kin (especially Katsuki and Setsuna), mainly due to him bottling up his anger. Which he can unleash as tornadoes around his limbs, which he can use to drill through walls. Thank gods he doesn’t lose it too often.
Togaru Kamakiri: Son of Ceres, he likes farming tools. Especially ones with blades. That’s lead to him using all kinds of sickles, scythes (both farming tools and war scythes) and even a few lawn mowers, shovels, axes...
Shihai Kuroiro: Son of Nyx, him and Tokoyami get along exceptionally well. Given his ability to shadow-travel and use shadows and darkness as materials to make some pretty nifty weapons only he can use.
Itsuka Kendo: Daughter of Athena, she excels in critical thinking and a variety of martial arts. And knocking out her piers with precise attacks when they start to get exceptionally annoying.
Yui Kodai: Daughter of Trivia. She excels in potions and spells that manipulate the size of objects, so much so that she has to resort to gloves because she now naturally makes things smaller with her left hand, or bigger with her right hand. She’s the calm one.
Kinoko Komori: Daughter of Demeter, she has a soft spot for fungi and mushrooms. Which she can make grow rapidly. Very rapidly. She’s fun at parties.
Ibara Shiozaki: Daughter of Demeter, she dyes her hair green with actual chlorophyll for some reason (“To feel one with the beautiful plants,” she says), but she can also grow and manipulate vines and other vine-like plants, along with trees, quite effectively, and she has some rose and poison oak (she’s immune to it) seeds in her hair. Don’t ask, her answers are just as ridiculous as the chlorophyll-dyed hair.
Jurota Shishida: Son of Mars, he’s been cursed by most likely Hera to be a humanoid boar/dog thing. He’s especially good at wrestling, and is very diplomatic in his approach. Until he gets pissed, then he charges like a boar and yes, he keeps those tusks of his sharp on a regular basis.
Niregeki Shoda: Legacy of Hermes, son of Hephaestus, he likes to make explosives and plant them everywhere. More than a few campers were scared. Except Katsuki, who tried to outdo the ground (Niregeki’s mine) in explosive yield and put skylight access in the roof of Bunker 9. Niregeki had to repair it.
Pony Tsunotori: Legacy of Poseidon, she can shapeshift. She likes to shapeshift into horses, bulls, deer and goats (including mooses and buffalo), and she has a nifty gadget from the Hephaestus and Vulcan campers in the shape of horns that transform with her, giving her detachable remote-control horns. 
Kosei Tsuburaba: Legacy of Jupiter, son of Ares, he’s competitive and can make walls and blades out of air. Especially annoying for monsters because they can’t get to him, period, and every time they try, they don’t get past his walls of air for a whole minute before someone either cuts/hacks/slices them to bits, freezes/burns them alive, blows them up with their fists/explosives/expanding stones they previously ingested or some other way of disposing a monster.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: Son of Vulcan, capable of turning to pure steel over his entire body, also increasing his strength. Because of this, and his tendency to go hard whenever he’s excited, he’s made his friends frequent the infirmary for bruises and broken ribs.
Setsuna Tokage: Daughter of Ares, she’s actually been hurt pretty badly in one of her fights (she went on a Quest with Katsuki, and no, it wasn’t him who hurt her) and had to have automaton grafts to replace her limbs, a part of her lower jaw, her eyes and the muscles around her spine, along with parts of the vertebrae. Which she asked to be detachable and splittable in as many pieces as possible, which she can control telepathically and uses to troll other campers. A lot. Especially two certain sons of Vulcan.
Manga Fukidashi: No one knows what he is, they just know his head is a speech bubble and he can make anything he writes real.
Juzo Honenuki: Legacy of Gaia, he can virtually liquify the ground (does not work on metal or wooden floors). He trolls a lot with this ability. And I do mean a lot.
Kojiro Bondo: A golem? A person? His head makes it hard to tell whether he’s a demigod or a monster to be honest. And his glue-like spit doesn’t help much either.
Neito Monoma: Legacy of, you guessed it, Zeus! He has a superiority complex because of this, and he frequents the infirmary on the basis of Itsuka or whoever he was annoying KOing him constantly. All that brain damage probably isn’t helping his mental issues...
Reiko Yanagi: Daughter of Hecate she can make things she touches float and fly around using some sort of incantation. The biggest she can do is double her own body weight, but that doesn’t stop her from delivering high-speed flying punches and scaring other campers.
Hiryu Rin: Son of Mars and Legacy of Poseidon, he can shapeshift into various animals. Most notably a mix of human, hedgehog and a lizard. Sharp, painful and deadly precise. And also meditating. And a lot of it.
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autistic-moonbeam · 4 years
Hi! I am Micki!
You can also call me Moonbeam. It's a nickname my wife gave me.
I am the host of a (most likely) OSDD 1b system.
I am (self dx) autistic, adhd, dyspraxic, dyslexic, and I believe I have social and general anxiety disorders. I have an eating disorder and some form of depression.
I am 21.
I am genderfluid, nonbinary, and genderqueer.
I am pan and demi sexual/romantic.
I am an age regressor (completely nonsexual). I regress to cope with trauma, my various disorders, and for fun. I love toys and always have.
Some of my special interests are:
Doctor Who
Torchwood (new, just started watching today)
Dragon Quest
and a whole lot more.
I know a lot (especially about random subjects.
I love midevil history and wanted to be a knight. Wanted to rescue the princesses
I'm a girl a lot of the time. Sometimes a boy.
I have a build-a-bear pawlette named Bunni.
I am a kinnie.
I kin:
Pinkie Pie
Julia (Sesame street)
The 11th and 13th Doctors
Brown tabby long hair
Horses(especially Clydesdales and other drafts)
A brown and grey timber wolf
Some kind of big cat
Those are the ones I can remember right off the top of my head.
My favorite color is purple, followed closely by orange and pink. I also love pastel rainbow.
I love rock music,as well as a variety of others.
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Animalia Alchemica (Classification)
Kin of a kind to Animalia Mechanica, Animalia Alchemica are magical creatures created by the imbuing of magic to inanimate objects to the point of self-sustaining magical entities, or the animation of alchemically made constructs by way of ensouling. It can also include creatures made via alchemy but truly alive, as well as ones affected by alchemy to such a point as being utterly mutated from whatever they may once have been. Such creatures are often either rare or heavily restricted, requiring an Alchemical License at the very least to make and sometimes also to keep, though this is not the case with all of them. 
Animalia Alchemica are increasingly rarely seen in the modern day, but are not so totally unheard of as to be gone, yet, and experience periodic resurgences any time Alchemy regains popularity, which it does with an almost cyclical predictability. Additionally, certain kinds of Animalia Alchemica are popular with Dark wixes who often care little for legality; knowledge of a number of these creatures - how they are made, what the laws regarding them are, and how to stop them - is required knowledge for Aurors and Hitwixes. Additionally, a number of Humanoid Constructs technically fall under this classification, and depending on where one is, laws regarding their creation and continued existence can depend more upon one classification than the other.
Please find below a list of some of  the more prominent Animalia Alchemica.
Alchemical Slime Lizard - A relatively recent accidental alchemical creation, Alchemical Slime Lizards have some popularity as pets amongst alchemists, as well as to be studied due to their particular odd properties. Created originally from a number of dead lizards, one live one and an inopportunely broken alembic of incomplete Homunculus formula. Since, the process of making them has been refined, and variants are being developed.
Alchemised Dragon - Both Dark and highly illegal due to modern laws on the trade of Dragon parts, Alchemised Dragons are the result of alchemically fusing a number of dragon bodies with a variant of Homunculus formula before ensouling the formula to return life to the bodies. Even if maintained properly they can be dangerously chaotic, and those without masters or those that have killed masters often begin to cannibalise other dragons and large magical reptiles in order to maintain their forms.
Ashwinder Dragonet - Considered accidental Animalia Alchemica, Ashwinder Dragonets are the result of Ashwinder eggs laid in Dragon nests fusing when they hatch together. These flame-imbued somewhat more serpentine dragon hatchlings are curious entities that are only just beginning to be studied, as it is only with the rise of Dragon Reserves that Floo powder and potions residue has begin to build up enough in Dragon nests as to allow Ashwinders to form.
Avanc - Like Questing Beasts, Avanc are some of the truest examples of Animalia Alchemica, being animals created specifically for a purpose. While both are made for Questing - to be defeated as a challenge - Avanc are aquatic rather than terrestrial and since recent treaties have been made with Merpeople, they have become much more rarely seen.
Brimstone Cobra - Bred by and for alchemists, Brimstone Cobras are one of a very few truly warm-blooded magical snakes (rather than those which use magic to warm themselves) and are known for their alchemically useful venoms, of which they may produce several at once. Due to this they are restricted and require a license to own.
Cogg Horse - Alchemical and mechanical constructs, Cogg Horses are not true living animals and require the intervention of Beings to continue. A combination of equine form automata, wrapped in Homunculus-based alchemical formulas, they’re popular in America, as they are not magical creatures and can be easily disguised as mundane horses. 
Crystal Homunculus - Despite the name, these creatures are constructs, not Homunculi, though the process does bear some similarities and does require understanding of alchemy to complete. Usually made using the dead body of a magical Being, and with the solution they’re soaked in banned in seventeen countries and heavily restricted in most others, these creatures are usually only found - legally at least - in Departments of Mysteries and their equivalents.
Fleshmade Guardhound -  A kind of Fleshmade Homunculus specifically crafted into a canine form, these creatures come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the hounds used in their construction and the aims of the alchemist. Inescapably loyal to the one who made them, and do not tire as they hunt, able to run for miles before they need to pause, usually due to wear-and-tear on their paws.
Fleshmade Homunculus - Abominable entities considered worse even by far than Alchemised Dragons, Fleshmade Homunculi in the truest form use the bodies of Beings and the soul of one, granting them true awareness and a dangerous intelligence, especially if some of those bodies added were not dead.
Gargoyle Dragon - Created by the mass-animation of a number of dragonlike statues, Gargoyle Dragons have become truly living entities due to the sheer quantity of magic from various sources that was poured into them: they are greater than the sum of their parts. Not truly alchemical, they are nonetheless classified here, due to how their existence has expanded understanding of alchemical ensouling processes.
Homunculus - Alchemical creations, most Homunculi are Ensouled with the souls of animals and have only basic awareness. Nonetheless, they’re effective assistants to those who make them, if correctly constructed, and can be made to purpose. 
Homunculus Children - Considered by many to be a horrifying prospect, Homunculus Children are the result of an Alchemist attempting to save the life of a dying child by transferring their soul into that of a Homunculus. Ideally such a Homunculus is created able to grow to at least permit the child some semblance of normal life, but depending on the emergency, many are not. 
Homunculus Servant - An advanced form of regular Homunculi, Servant Homunculi can be used as the basis for the forbidden Fleshmade Homunculi but are more regularly used as silent assistants of size enough to help with larger projects. 
Obia - The magically created servants of powerful Dark wixes living in Africa, Obia can come in a wide variety of forms from large and bulky, to small and aerial, depending on the services their master wishes for them to perform. Obia can be used for a number of purposes, and, while considered Dark, this is more for the nature of their making than any inherent property they themselves have. 
Petrified Cat / “Maneki Neko” - Created in Japan from a long running experiment with animating spells, Petrified Cats, nicknamed Maneki Neko for the Inviting Cat statues many shops - magical and mundane - keep, are partially alive creatures, animated not by life but by a multitude of spells cast by a multitude of people, rather akin to how Gargoyle Dragons are. 
Questing Beast / Beast Glatisant - Created to be bested in challenges and Tournaments, Questing Beasts come in a wide variety of forms depending on the challenge intended, but all framed around a similar base formula which provides limitations and certain rules the creatures must abide by. 
Tarbh Uisge - A magical construct made of water and mud, a Tarbh Uisge resembles a large black bull, and can, oddly enough, breed with mundane cattle. Most usually Tarbh Uisge are created to act as protectors, and can protect their charges quite violently. 
Ushabti - The earliest known example of definitively magical Humanoid Constructs, Ushabti are widely regarded as precursors to the whole classification and come in wooden, clay and stone varieties, which are continually made and studied even now. 
Viren Snake -Created as protective bonded companions for otherwise lonesome Pureblood children, Viren Snakes are heavily restricted in the modern day where once they were rather more commonplace. Created with enchantment and alchemy, Viren Snakes are generally docile except in defence of their charge and dissipate when the charge reaches seventeen. 
Xenoptic Moth - More accurately a form of Arcana Mechanica, they are nonetheless classed here as some variants are capable of self-repair if provided with adequate materials. Metallic moths once used to spy on people, Xenoptics are more often used as security devices in the modern day, as plenty of spells to detect listening ears can pick them up. 
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