#eliza schuyler imagines
Sirius Black x gn! Reader - Burn
A/n: This is a song fic from the song burn from Hamilton, this also isn't by best work because I wrote it so long ago but I thought it would be a good way to kick of heartbreak week because it the least angsty out of all them!
Heartbreak week masterlist?
Summary: You were warned but you ignored them in favor of love, now look where that got you
Warnings: Cheating, heartbreak, implied abusive black family (just barely,) I think that's it? You have been warned!
The three P's:
[Pronouns used: you/your] [Pov: 2nd person] [Parings: (romantic) Sirius x reader, (platonic) unnamed sister OC x reader]
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I saved every letter you wrote to me
From the moment I read them
I knew you were mine
You said you were mine
I thought you were mine
"Y/n you have another letter!" Your sister yells at you as you run down the stairs to tear it from her hands.
You ignore her, ripping open the letter your eyes racing over the paragraphs, and memorizing each and every word. You drink in the pages, and pages of words and your heart had learned to love the smell of ink and parchment.
You love Sirius, perhaps you were too young to know but you love him. It was harsh sometimes your relationship, mostly due to his parents but you two dealt with it fine. You were in love, what more could you need?
Do you know what Angelica said
When we saw your first letter arrive?
"You should run Y/n." Your sister whispered to you as you cradled the letter in your hands like it was the most precious jewel there was to behold.
"You should run far away before he breaks you."
She said, be careful with that one, love
He will do what it takes to survive
"He wouldn't!" You snapped, aghast at what your sister had even the guts to say. How could she think that!
"Sirius is caring and loving! He would never-"
Your sister just shakes her head and takes your hands into hers. The look in her eyes was sad, terribly sad.
"Just be careful is all I'm saying."
You consider her words for second before nodding, with this you could agree with her. You would guard your heart with your life, but you would also wear it on your sleeve. You were a fool in love.
You and your words flooded my senses
Your sentences left me defenseless
Your hands intertwine with Sirius's as you look at him like he's a star. When you looked at him like that he was, he was a bright star and you were just a lonely moon that was in his orbit. Not even significant enough to matter.
"I'm going to have to spend Christmas away again."
He sighs pulling away from you rubbing his hands over his face.
"Do you have to?" His voice breaks a little as he peaks at you with his twinkling grey eyes.
You built me palaces out of paragraphs
You built cathedrals
For a split second you almost say no, you nearly slip into the habit but you can't. You had to spend Christmas with your family, even if it meant being away from your boyfriend for a couple of weeks.
He sighs yet again, he seems to be doing that quite a bit lately before he pulls you into a long loving kiss.
It ends too soon as he pulls away from you, you miss the heat that he brings and the certain happiness that could only come from him.
"I'll be okay love." He says but there's a particular way he says it, almost like he's relived that you're not staying, yet you brush it off. It was just nothing... Right?
I'm re-reading the letters you wrote to me
I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line
For some kind of sign
And when you were mine
You scrambled through the Hogwarts corridors, you could see your lover again! After all the time spent away, you could see him again! You seemed to be glowing as you ran around Hogwarts looking for him, only for the sight you see to be the worst thing your eyes have ever laid upon.
He was kissing someone else. In front of everyone.
The world seemed to burn
They just kept on kissing as some foolish students would cheer them on and he would grin cockily pulling away from the person before they would pull him right back in.
You published the letters she wrote you
You told the whole world
How you brought this girl into our bed
In clearing your name
You have ruined our lives
You couldn't take it anymore you ran out of the hallway crying your eyes out. Why would he do it? Why!
So you ran to your sister.
And as soon as she saw your eyes filled with tears as some already flooded down your face she dreaded the words you were about to say. Ultimately though, she knew just as you opened your mouth what you were about to voice.
"You were right."
Do you know what Angelica said
When she read what you'd done?
"He's a fool." She said as she cradled you in her arms.
"He's a fool for losing you." She whispered into your ear.
She said, you've married an Icarus
He has flown too close to the sun
"I had to do it Y/n!" Sirius hollers at you as you try and find a way to escape the room you were in.
He had cornered you in an empty classroom, as he's been trying to talk to you for weeks now. You've been avoiding him like the plague, with good reason.
You and your words obsessed with your legacy
Your sentences border on senseless
"My family was getting on my ass for dating you! So I had to make them happy and I thought-"
The crisp, clear clap of your hand meeting his face echoes throughout the room as you gaze upon him with angry eyes. You weren't sad anymore you were furious and burning with rage, the flames consuming you and everything else around it.
And you are paranoid in every paragraph
How they perceive you
You, you, you!
"If you wanted to please your family so bad you aren't the Sirius I know and love." You snare at him.
You take a step forward backing him into the wall behind him.
"If you ever think anyone or even your family is going to see how I was a fool to be in love with you like before, you would be wrong!"
I'm erasing myself from the narrative
Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted
When you broke her heart
You have torn it all apart
Taking the letters out of your pocket you look at them once more, reading them all and sometimes even smiling slightly at the versus. You loved him, you still do. Some part of you would always love him.
So it had to burn.
I'm watching it burn
Watching it burn
You don't even need a wand, you don't even move your hands the letters just burst into flames in front of you.
Sirius gasped as he lunged for the letters (they must have been dear to him too) but you just kept on feeding the fire with them, as you tossed one after another in the flames.
The world has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
"Y/n, please! I needed to find a place to stay at-" He throws a hand through his hair but you don't stop the distress that is going through him. In simple terms you don't care anymore it's not your problem.
"My family had threaten to kick me out! I just needed to find a place to stay! But I didn't have anytime so I kissed them thinking if the information reached them in time they'd let me off the hook!"
They don't get to know what I said
I'm burning the memories
Burning the letters that might have redeemed you
Looking over at him with a blank face you just shrug your shoulders uncaring.
"We both know you could have asked James."
You forfeit all rights to my heart
A trace of fear flashes in his eyes and you know the truth.
"What did you think I'd really fall for that trick?" Your voice is monotone but it hides an underlying threat. Or maybe in was a very real threat, that was very real now.
You forfeit the place in our bed
"Y/n please don't do this! Don't burn those letters!"
"So? So!" Finally your voice has fury in it and suddenly Sirius is flown back across the room and more papers, and desks, light on fire. But it doesn't spread unless you want it to.
"So you can be the good guy? Ah!" You laugh as you throw more letters into the fire.
You'll sleep in your office instead
Sirius looks at you affronted, and some part of you wanted to ruin his life in exchange for breaking your heart. Though, that part was the angry, hot ice and it was slowly dripping away. Now the furious rage was gone and all that was left was the cold flames.
"Y/n! This will ruin my life!"
With only the memories of when you were mine
"Y/n! N/n..." He attempts to comfort you through his manipulative words as he goes to softly reach for your hand.
"You wouldn't want to ruin someones life would you?" He says in his sweet, charming voice that he used to use on you.
You wrench your hand from his grasp and open the door and look back at him once before walking away.
"You did that yourself."
I hope that you burn
Words 1252
Hp Taglist: @regulusblackswhorecrux
Heartbreak week taglist: @igotanidea @hawkinsbaby
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Being in a system is so weird especially as a fictive with different sources
Imagine being in my shoes
Your husband is now 19, dating a man, and looks vaugely like Lin Manuel Miranda
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
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“Eliza and William go every morning to school, very contented and have their dinner sent to them.”
(source — Elizabeth Hamilton to Philip Schuyler, [1804])
No specific details as to what school Holly and William were attending, but it's interesting nonetheless. A little surprised four year old Holly was attending school, but I can't find much on her education.
Although there is a funny part to this letter that's just a sentence later;
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“John is as industrious as usual and this Evening has ascertained that he is not more than twelve last August. I had thought him to have been thirteen but he is not more than twelve.”
Elizabeth forgot her own son's age! I guess that's what happens when you have eight children, and help raise three others. This is just more evidence Elizabeth didn't like John (/J).
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Any tips on how to write a historical fiction? Like working out the historical placement, economy and the political state of the country, the situation of royalty etc. Love your blog!
Historical Fiction vs Other Historical Subgenres
I wonder if you're meaning to ask about writing "historical fantasy" or "alternate history" rather than historical fiction. Here's why...
Historical fiction is set in a real place, in a real, recognizable time in our history. For example, Melissa de la Cruz's Alex & Eliza follows the lives and marriage of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler, real U.S. historical figures who were featured in the recently popular musical, Hamilton. If you want to write historical fiction, fleshing out your setting's economy, political state, situation of royalty, etc. is a matter of researching your setting in that particular time. My post Researching an Historical Topic has some pointers that should help with that kind of research.
Historical fantasy can be one of two things: typically, historical fantasy refers to stories set in a real place and time in our history, but with the incorporation of fantastical elements, such as in Marie Lu's The Kingdom of Back which is set in 18th-century Europe and follows Mozart's older sister, who gets involved with a stranger from a magical realm who promises to make her musical dreams come true. Historical fantasy can also be set in a fictional place that heavily resembles a real historical time and place and incorporates magic, but since the emphasis is as much on the historical feel of the story as on the fantastical elements, it's historical fantasy rather than just fantasy. Here, too, fleshing out your setting will come down to doing research, then making your own decisions about how to plausibly differentiate your imaginary setting. You may find it easier to do this after you've fleshed out your plot and understand the needs of your story.
Alternate history imagines a historical place and time in our world but with a major difference, like what if the Titanic sailed through a time portal into 1970s New York. Or, what life in 1920s Los Angeles would have been like if the U.S. had lost the Revolutionary War and the king and queen had come to visit some of their American Dukes and Duchesses. Fleshing out an alternate history setting will require research of the real time and location as well as some educated brainstorming about how things would be different.
Fantasy stories are sometimes set in settings or worlds loosely or somewhat heavily based on our own. In Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse, Ravka is loosely based on early 1800s Russia, and in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, Westeros is loosely based on early-medieval Britain. However, because the emphasis is more on the fantastical elements than the historical similarities, these stories are straight up fantasy rather than historical fantasy. Much as with the other examples, here fleshing out your setting requires research of your inspiration setting as well as brainstorming to determine what you want to change.
Let me know if you have questions about whichever specific one you want to write!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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hoodharlow · 8 months
The Nightmare on the Upper East Side
AN: alexa play Just a Dream by Nelly
Requested? Everyone who said to fix it
Warnings: Jack being unserious and almost smut at the end
Word Count: 1.4k words
Jack via Instagram Stories
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Miriam via Instagram Stories
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Jack woke up abruptly in cold sweat. He reached for his phone and checked his social media. His dream felt way too vivid. He instantly regretted eating all those bagels when he went to drop off Miriam at NYU for her 8am lecture. In his defense he was hungry as hell because he flew in an hour before Miriam's show started and barely made it to the theater. After her performance they went home because they were tired. Jack from being holed up in the studio in Nashville for over twenty-four hours the day before he flew out and Miriam because she was on campus since the morning and barely had time to get to the theater for makeup which took three hours.
For some reason bagels upsetted his stomach, causing him to have nightmares. He dreamt very realistic social media posts and news articles about him and Miriam breaking up. There were posts from their fan pages spewing drama between them because there was no explanation on why they broke up and their fans blamed the other. He even imagined potential dating rumors between her co-star Jacob Elordi and one of Miriam's classmates' boyfriends, Andrei Iosivas. Miriam was in Martin Scorsese's cinema studies program at NYU and met the NFL player's girlfriend there. Though Miriam and Andrei knew each other because Miriam took a summer class at Princeton. They made it clear they were solely classmates. 
Jack wasn't even sure how his subconscious came up with all of that in the three hours he napped. He tapped through some Instagram Stories and saw Miriam had finally gone to pick up her costume for her Hamilton themed birthday party that was in two weeks. Ever since she began rehearsal for the Nightmare Before Christmas, she'd been on a Hamilton phase and she sang one song from the musical each day on repeat. 
She was going as Angelica Schuyler. Jack didn't know what he was going on but Miriam reassured him he wasn't going as the man in the ten dollar bill or as the man Angelica Schuyler settled for. All he knew was Miriam wanted to take advantage of his new hairstyle.
He hopped in the shower and a few minutes later he got out and did his routine, changing into some grey sweats and a matching t-shirt. He made his way to the kitchen of their rental. They agreed it would be best if they just rented out a penthouse on the Upper East Side, near the Met Museum, instead of living with Katalina. They eantrd their own space, but that didn't stop Miriam from going over for sister sleepovers. They leased the apartment for two years, the length of Miriam's program at NYU. 
Jack found Miriam making herself matcha while she sang along to Satisfied as it played through the speaker. He was caught off guard by the fact that she was wearing her costume but in reality it wasn't the strangest thing he'd walk in on Miriam wearing. He leaned against the wall and enjoyed her performance. 
Miriam held up three fingers, "Number three. I know my sister like I know my own mind. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. If I tell her that I love him, she'd be silently resigned. He'd be mine. She would say, "I'm fine". She'd be lying. But when I fantasize at night, it's Alexander's eyes. As I romanticize what might have been if I hadn't sized him up so quickly. At least my dear Eliza's his wife. At least I keep his eyes in my life. To the groom. To the–AH!" Miriam let out a high pitch scream. "Don't do that."
"C'mere." He said, pulling her into a hug. 
He enveloped her into his arms. He held her curls and nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck. 
"Did the bagels I told you not to eat give you nightmares?" She asked, knowing it did.
"Yeah." He smiled sheepishly.
"No se puede contigo." Miriam giggled. She pushed herself up on the counter and Jack sat in front of her, using the huge billowing skirt as a pillow while Miriam played with his curls.
She reached over to her Mac and iPad to save her work and turn off her Lin Manuel Miranda playlist.
"What was your dream about?" She asked, twirling one of his curls.
“We broke up.” He murmured against her lap. 
“Wow, living without me is really the worst thing imaginable for you, I love that for me.” she said in a playful tone. “I’m kidding but how did that happen? The bagels couldn’t have triggered all that. ” 
“Before my nap, I was scrolling through tiktok and I saw a few videos of me at the Louisville game. Some of the comments were dragging me for being too excited at the game while the rest were calling me a piece of shit for not going to opening night and supporting you.” Jack said quietly as he played with the lace ends of Miriam’s dress sleeves.
“Wait, get me out of this dress so we can have a serious conversation.” she said getting off the counter.
“I don’t think I can have a serious conversation with you naked.” He joked. He held her hips and turned her so her back was to him. “Though this practice for when I take off your wedding dress.”
“Don’t worry, my wedding dress has a zipper in the back.” Miriam reassured him. 
“Good because I’m struggling with this shit.” He grumbled under his breath. 
“Just loosen up the ribbons.” 
Jack undid the buttons and tugged the ribbons. Miriam shimmed out of the dress, revealing she was wearing one of her short workout rompers she wore to pilates. She quickly rushed to store it in her hallway closet with Jack’s costume. She grabbed one of Jack’s flannels and went to the living room where he was laying on the bisexual velvet green couch he bought her. She laid on his chest. Jack kissed her head and squeezed her tight.
“So what’s this about people giving you shit for not going to opening night? I literally had to beg you not to go.” she giggled.
“I know you asked me not to go, but I still felt guilty for not going. It was your big night and I should've been there lurking in the shadows at least.”
“That means a lot but I would have shit myself if I figured out you were there.” she said truthfully.
Like every theater girlie, Miriam was as superstitious as they came. She had this weird tradition where she couldn’t have her family and other loved ones on opening night. According to her, she needed a feel for the audience and how they interacted with her performance without knowing anyone she knew was sitting there. That allowed her to do her thing without the fear of someone she knew was perceiving her as Miriam and not as the character she was portraying. It was something she’d been doing for years and the one time her parents went to opening night, spring 2012, she got stage fright and ruined the play with her projectile vomiting. Since then they have been skipping opening night.  
It didn’t make sense to Jack but he was not one to mess with anyone’s pre-show rituals. He had a of his own and knew if one didn’t go as planned it ruined the video for one of his concerts. He knew it was serious business when her parents and siblings sent out a message reminding him not to show up. Though he had forgotten to relay that to his parents and Clay. They ended up going, but they were sitting far enough for Miriam to not recognize them until the curtain call when the show was over. 
“I’m making a notes-app post telling people not to bully you.” She reached for her NYU tote bag. 
Jack pushed her hand down. “It’s fine. I just wanted some reassurance from you.” 
“Wouldn’t you prefer some head from me?” Miriam smirked, straddling him.
“Always, just take off your ring. The jeweler gave me a weird look when I took it to get it cleaned.” He said before gently pulling her head down to kiss her.
“I love you.” Miriam mumbled against his lips.
“I love you too.” 
Soon the kiss grew intense and Jack was pushing down the straps of Miriam’s romper. Jack flipped them over so he was on top of her. In one swift movement he tugged off her romper, leaving her in her panties. Jack stood up and pulled off his shirt. He was met with Daisy jumping on his back.
“Oh shit I forgot I promised Daisy we’d make tiktoks with my new song. Rain check?” He asked, unserious.
“Are you serious telling me you rather make tiktoks with my dog than fuck me?” 
“When you put it like that…”
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@'jackharlowsource: Jack via Instagram Stories
@'jackstan: he's soooo 😭
@'mdmxjh: I just know Miriam yelled at him for posting this lol
@'miriamxjack: it's miriam's world and jack is just living in it lmao jackfan: he's her biggest fan i'm hear for it
@'miriamhater: i bet she forced him to take that second picture
-> @'mackshipper: you sound like a bitter sg fan when justin posts a picture of hailey lol
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@'macksource: Jack and Miriam after Miriam’s sold-out show
@'mackshipper: New York really suits them
@'mdmxjh: their height differences always get me 🥴🥴🥴
@'mdmfan: Miriam is always gonna serve and I love this for me
@'jackfan: don't let new balance see this or they'll end their deal with Jack like Phocus did
-> @'jackstan: I thought it was a short contract, what are you going on about 😭
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Jack on tiktok
@'missionaryjack: uh oh
@'miriamdominguez: we didn't fuck for this 😭
@'twittergirlie: this better not be a First Class
@'jackharlowtt: need this NOW
@'jackhater: mid
@'btsgirlie: imagine if he did this for 3d lmao
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Taglist: @heavyhitterheaux @cherry4everrr ​ @carma-fanficaddict ​ @youngharleezy @youngharleezyxo ​ @babyharleezy @that-90s-girllll  ​ @alinaharlow @harlowcomehome  @nattinatalia @webinurcloset @gassyandsassy1 @jackharloww  @awhore4moree  @noescapricho-essentimiento  @neon-lights-and-glitter  @purecinnamonextract  @whywontyoulovemecami @camificrecs  @itsyagirljaz
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ma1dita · 2 months
Even though Luke doesn’t cheat on Trouble, I listen to Burn from Hamilton and imagine these two post tlt bc yes i like the pain,, no i don’t need therapy, officer 😀
girl the way this is probably canon anyway bc in the trouble!verse luke is a Hamilton Hater ™ and trouble was known to be singing songs from the musical with her ex-bf
im DYINGGGG but damn if you go to therapy hop in we can carpool
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sidenote there's still a lot that can relate in the lyrics and im bored rn so lets feed into the delusion for a bit (guys I'm a fic writer who peaked in the 2010s in the age of bad youtube fan recreations of songs to fit their otps... i know how to work with scraps)
She said, "Be careful with that one, love , "He will do what it takes to survive" // You and your words flooded my senses, Your sentences left me defenseless, You built me palaces out of paragraphs, You built cathedrals // I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me, I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line, For some kind of sign, And when you were mine // The world seemed to burn, Burn
Mr. D warned her from the beginning about Luke, even silently in 'play pretend' because she was becoming more like her old self (reckless and crazy, just like him) when she was falling in love with Luke, and it isn't a bad thing but definitely takes away fro what her and Luke have been working at as THE counselors of CHB. Luke's always been good with words as a son of Hermes to the point that it even fools Trouble to some extent, there comes a point where her as an amazing actress can't tell when he's lying---and he learned that from her...
You published the letters she wrote you, You told the whole world, How you brought this girl into our bed, In clearing your name, You have ruined our lives // Do you know what Angelica said, When she read what you'd done?, She said, "You've married an Icarus, "He has flown too close to the sun" // You and your words obsessed with your legacy, Your sentences border on senseless, And you are paranoid in every paragraph, How they perceive you, You, you, you!
this made me giggle OKAY HEAR ME OUT LMFAOOOO ever since they got together (in the span of a little over a year before his betrayal), they always sleep in the same bed when they can as mentioned in 'now that we're older' because they barely have time to themselves in the day....when 'when the chaos is through' is posted, that's when Luke agrees to side with Kronos in his ultimate belief to protect Trouble from impending war and eventually give her a better life outside of CHB. (imagine kronos dressed as eliza schuyler and we're set because luke essentially brings him to bed with them for half of their relationship and she doesn't know LMFAOOOOO) and well yeah yall know his decline after TLT but he's in too deep to fall back
I'm erasing myself from the narrative, Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted, When you broke her heart, You have torn it all apart // I'm watching it burn, Watching it burn, The world has no right to my heart, The world has no place in our bed, They don't get to know what I said, I'm burning the memories, Burning the letters that might have redeemed you // You forfeit all rights to my heart, You forfeit the place in our bed, You'll sleep in your office instead, With only the memories of when you were mine //I hope that you burn
The beginning part reminds me of the confrontation scene in 'love is a blister' where the counselors put Trouble on trial for loving Luke---the reality of it is they and everyone at camp only know what Luke & Trouble have shown them, but everything between them is private and their own. They didn't expect him to leave her behind. There are a lot of references throughout the series and especially in 'solipsism' where his last time alive as his waning sense of self he goes to visit Trouble who's fresh from visiting Annie in 'love is a blister' and he literally is burning through his old self as kronos overtakes his body. He couldn't imagine not being able to say goodbye before becoming true vessel and well in TLO, teeeechnically what happens and what i plan to write i--[GUNSHOTS]
me saying scraps and then copy pasting almost the whole damn song... ive said too much. this was entertaining, how'd I do?
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Notes on Hamilton International Tour (Manila, Nov 9, 2023 evening)
Act 1
- This Burr is more proud than jealous during his introductions
- Same Angelica!
- Angelica pushes Burr when he tries to flirt during Schuyler Sisters
- This Washington’s voice is so deep and powerful, even more so than the last one I watched. His voice type makes me think he could be Hades when Hadestown comes here
- The Hamilton seems to be heavily inspired by Lin’s vocal style, and it actually works out well!
- I love Eliza’s voice so much, she’s always so ethereal. How do I marry a voice
- The King’s songs for Act 1 have such an angry feel to them, and yes the “I’m so blue” gag will always be funny.
- I will always repeat this in every notes but the lighting is just so *chefs kiss*
- This Lafayette had so much fun doing Guns and Ships
Act 2
- The actor as Jefferson was so good! Loved the cockiness
- Philip was so adorable as always, his voice was perfect
- Jefferson’s energy at both Cabinet Battles was amazing
- Burr is changing tone, the tone slowly shifts to feeling betrayed
- Washington’s voice definitely dominates the same way Angelica does, They’re such beautiful voices.
- WCN aka King George makes fun of John Adams the whole song
- Jefferson sounded AGHAST at “that was my wife you decided to—- WHAT?!”
- There were gasps when Philip dies
- Its Quiet Uptown never fails to make me cry, especially when the “Forgiveness…can you imagine?” part comes in.
- Burr was HURT and angry at Y.O.S, like he’s just Pissed Off
- At the end of TWWWE, Burr sounded rather regretful of what he did.
Overall, was a great second trip to the Room Where It Happens, and super worth it. I was in the back most possible row, at the edge of the theatre but the view was still great, no obstructions save for not seeing much of one side of the set’s terrace.
Side note: I finally got to stagedoor and I met Rachelle Ann Go, as well as the other cast members!
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Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Dark humor again. Woooh.
⚠️ Also this post might contain triggering topics such as smoking, juuling and more. ⚠️
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #1
Agares: You know if cats slept for an entire day, people will find them adorable and cute. But if I do it "I have mental health issues" and "I need help"? Seems quite unfair.
Kerori: Agares Picero. You slept for three straight days with no eating, skipping three days of school, not even communicating with us. You gave Gaap a heart attack-
Agares: I suddenly lost my ability to hear shit.
Kerori: You bitc-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Purson: Okay what happened with Jazz-kun and Lied-kun because I heard screaming beforehand and then when I came into the room they were cuddling and sleeping with eachother.
Iruma: Oh, Jazz-kun found a JUUL in Lied-kun bag and got mad and then Lied-kun called him a hypocrite because he also smok-
Purson : To make a long story short..?
Iruma: They fought and then one of them cried then comforted eachother while joking about their trauma.
Purson: It was wholesome until you added the last detail. Why?-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #3
Agares: This cup of coffee represents my love for myself.
Gaap: Agares-dono...it's empty..
Agares: Exactly.
Kerori: Okay, who thought you dark humor? I- Wait ...*turns her head to Lied*
Lied: *sweating while pretending not to hear*
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #4
Iruma: Hey, Azz-kun do you think I look fat?
Asmodeus: ..Why?
Iruma: I'm sorry I just..
Asmodeus: No, why would people be so stupidly blind to not see your elusive beauty? Damn demon these days..
Iruma: * raises his eyebrows then quickly smiled*
Kerori: Imagine saying you're not depressed but your favourite song is "Look who's inside again."
Agares: Is this because I didn't follow your devi-account yet? I'm sorry that I don't like to follow akudols that I don't like.
Kerori: I hate you.
Agares: Glad the feelings mutual.
⭐Kerori and Agares is totally not inspired by my friendship with my friend irl. Nope definitely not.⭐
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #5
Kalego: Okay you brats,what the fuck do you do when you want to call for emotional support?
Misfit Class: Oh we're fine, how are you?
Kalego: No, just no. I'm literally gonna fucking kill your therapist at this point.
Dantelion who just went to annoy Kalego: ...
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #6
Lied: What the devi? Hey, Agares what are you doing in the middle of the nig-
Agares: Do you know that there is over in lover.
Lied: Uh-
Agares: and end in friend.
Lied: UH-
Agares: and good in goodbye.
Lied: Isn't that kind of dark- anyways please go to sleep it's one o' clock in the morning.
Agares: Says your gaming addiction.
Lied: Says your coffee addiction.
Agares: Says-
Claire's note:
Two hc I have showcase in this incorrect quote.
Uno, the Misfit Class sometimes sleepover at the royal one as a way of bonding.
Dos, Purson is a real bitch when he doesn't get any sleep.
My content is turning into dog-shit ain't it? Yeah, yeah it is. Btw I'm thinking of making a misfit class hamilton play in my fanfic. The demons starring the schuyler sisters.
Lied- Angelica
Iruma- Eliza
Agares- Peggy
Them three because them crossdressing is my literal sanity.
What do you think? My hand tells me no but my brain is telling me yes. I still don't know who should be hamilton though, I'm open to suggestions. Anyways I wish you a good day or night! See ya guys, gals and non-binary pals!
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offbookkeeping · 6 months
musicals i think would be very entertaining if all the parts were played by zach and jess:
• Beetlejuice -this is just because i think the world would benefit from jess playing characters originally played by catherine o'hara, althought zach could play all the characters himself and i'd be totally cool with that too
• Hamilton - zach and jess like rapping and random historical things and i desperately need zach as one of the schuyler sisters. realistically peggy but he'd make a fantastic eliza. i dunno who would play hamilton but i'm imagining jess as both eliza and hamilton. that means she'd get married to herself but that's fine i think. also zach would KILL it as king george. good god that man is incredible at playing extremely unhinged british men
• cats - this makes sense to me, the whole musical is a complete fever dream and that is very on brand for them
• heathers - zach as all the heathers and jess as j.d. thats it, that's the thought. zach's version of candy store would be incredible and by incredible i mean camp as fuck
these are basic choices but i'm really tired. if you have additions please reblog im curious what else you'd watch zach and jess play all the roles in
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love-little-lotte · 7 months
Hamilton Manila 2023!
As a musical theatre girlie who lives far away from the capital city, it's a bit hard to catch artists and musicals when they tour in my country. It can also be quite expensive since I have to pay for my flight and book Airbnbs. But when Lin-Manuel Miranda announced that Hamilton would have its Asian premiere in the Philippines early this year, I promised myself I would not throw away my shot.
I first discovered this musical in the summer of 2016, probably a month before it garnered big awards — including Best Musical! — at the Tonys. Having only heard of Breathe from LMM's other show, In The Heights, back then, I was surprised to hear rap and hip-hop in a Broadway musical. Nevertheless, I was hooked! Every song was catchy, and the lyrics were smart and informative. Satisfied and Helpless became my favorite songs, with It's Quiet Uptown making me cry whenever I hear the four words: "Forgiveness, can you imagine?"
After watching The Phantom of the Opera back in March 2019, I was so excited to go back to Solaire and watch another musical. This time, I was able to enjoy my second theatre experience with my college friends. It seems very fitting that I get to share this moment with them. Back in college, we used to sing songs from Hamilton during breaks and enact the dance from The Schuyler Sisters. We even made a parody of the song Alexander Hamilton when making a presentation about Confucius for our Asian Civilization class!
While Solaire didn't have many different backdrops for photo ops for Hamilton like they did for POTO, my friends and I were still able to take cute pictures!
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As a partnership with UnionBank, they also offer free holographic souvenir cards for the first 140 people (150 on the weekends, iirc), so coming to the theatre four hours earlier is definitely worth it! Here's my card with my friends:
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My friends and I also enjoyed complimentary drinks from Solaire since it was our first time signing up for Solaire Rewards. Don't throw away your shot for free drinks!
Okay, now for the show itself! Although most of my friends were hoping to watch the show in the orchestra seats, we ended up on the balcony. After a while, I realized that Hamilton is certainly best viewed on the balcony since we're able to see the rotating stage more clearly, as well as the incredible choreography and lighting design.
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Here's the main cast we saw on October 31:
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Like most Filipinos, I was hoping to see Rachelle Ann Go as Eliza. "Pinoy Pride" is something of a cheesy inside joke in our country, but hell, I'm so happy to see Rachelle thriving in West End productions, from Les Misérables to Hamilton. Seeing her portray Eliza live was one for the books. She was playful and giddy in Helpless, but she completely broke everyone's heart during Burn. And not to mention, her voice! Her singing highlights include Burn and the last part of Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story. She also shared wonderful chemistry with Callan Purcell, who played Hamilton in this production.
I was so looking forward to seeing Jason Arrow as Hamilton, but I still liked Callan's performance, even if his interpretation was completely different from other Hamiltons I've seen in slime tutorials. I especially liked him the best in Act 1. His "mature" Hamilton may not be that convincing at times in Act 2, but his energy was so infectious as the "ambitious" young Hamilton in the first half.
Another surprise was Kirrah Amosa's Angelica. I've read some comments in the Pinoy Hamilton FB group about her "lacking" portrayal of Angelica, but you know what? I thought she was great! Yes, she's giving more of an "empathetic Eliza" energy instead of the "fierce Angelica" we usually see, but that's what made her performance of Satisfied even more impactful to me. As for the third Schuyler sister, Peggy/Maria Reynolds, Elandrah Eramiha has a honey-like voice, which she completely showed off during Say No To This.
As a Burr apologist, I'm torn with Winston Hillyer's portrayal of Burr. Eliza's my overall favorite character in the show, but for me, Burr is the most relatable and grounded. I wasn't completely disappointed with his performance, but I just didn't think his character was able to "grow" in the second half. He has a very wonderful, crystal-clear voice, though!
Darnell Abraham as George Washington was also a main highlight of the show! Maybe it's because of his rich baritone voice, but I loved his father-son relationship with Callan. His Washington was thoughtful and deeply caring. (And dare I say I like him more than Chris Jackson from the OBC?)
Brent Hill was hilarious as King George, but I can't help comparing his performance with Jonathan Groff's. They both have brilliant comedic timing, but Jonathan's a much more menacing King George, whereas Brent is sassier and maybe even crazier!
Meanwhile, Hamilton's comrades: Marcus John and Trey Curtis, who played Lafayette/Jefferson and Mulligan/Madison respectively, also had so much chemistry with each other and stole the show so many times! Marcus reminded me so much of Daveed Diggs' little quirks in the show, but he was still great in his own way. I've read somewhere that Trey is also a standby for Hamilton and that he's amazing. Sigh... What I'd do to watch the show again and catch him as Hamilton! Julian Kuo was also very sweet as Laurens/Philip Hamilton, which made his death scenes twice as heartbreaking as usual.
Overall, I'm very much satisfied with this Hamilton cast!
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Of course, Hamilton will not be complete without merch! Just like last time, I bought a boat tote bag because, like other Gen-Z kids, I'm obsessed with tote bags. We just can't help it! I also bought a lapel pin, so I can pin it to my other tote bags. I initially wanted to buy the button pin set, but unfortunately, it was sold out. I'm still pretty happy with my purchases, though!
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Four days later, I'm back at home, and I still have post-show blues. I just listen to the OBC recording and the mixtape to keep me company. Maybe I'll rewatch the Disney+ pro-shot again!
Watching Hamilton was a dream come true and an experience I'll never forget anytime soon. I can't wait to watch my next musical again!
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felizusnavidad · 10 months
for the ask game:
maria, john, and eliza
MARIA REYNOLDS: favourite lyric/quote from hamilton?
see, the problem is, you can't pick just one. i have a few. actually, i have a lot of them but i will quote those three that make me go absolutely insane:
i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory
death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes
when my prayers to god were met with indifference, i picked up a pen, i wrote my own deliverance
JOHN LAURENS: sexuality?
i don't even know anymore, i just want someone to love me.
ELIZA SCHUYLER HAMILTON: have you ever been in love/had your heart broken?
unfortunately, too many times. i'm a leo, i fall in love easily, i always end up heartbroken. but the truth is, my last relationship was the worst, because i had to leave the person i was still in love with for my own good. i'm fine now, but it was seriously the worst experience ever and i'm just trying to be careful now (which means i'm gonna stay single forever).
hamilton asks
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jittyjames · 1 year
what is something that you imagine happening in any scene that you did not write in. like, during the encounters between alex and eliza in these latest chapters, i’ve been imagining that little toddler philip just being really restless and thinking he did something to upset alexander or smtn.
so yeah, are there any details not written in that you imagine happening?
oh absolutely. little pip is an absolute wreck and he doesn't understand why. it has the same energy as sitting at your closed door and hearing your parents argue over something you can't comprehend. and where alexander is so closed off he can only assume it was something he did. pip is a really really sad boy and will unfortunately probably have trauma of his own from all of this. like in the scene after the reynolds pamphlet is released and alexander is having his breakdown, i wanted to make sure that i made it clear that philip was watching and he was more observant than alexander wants or expects him to be. just the thought of little philip standing on a staircase and clutching his stuffed toy tightly to himself while he just watches his father fall apart makes me SO-
also obviously i don't write much of angelica BUT it is her house after all so she hears and sees stuff, too. like her heart breaks for eliza and alexander so much. she tries not to pay attention because she doesn't want to eavesdrop, but she can't help it sometimes. like i imagine her just folding laundry or something and pausing when she hears eliza pleading with him to just look at her and just speak to her. then she has to go about her day as if nothing even happened.
OK SO ON A LIGHTER NOTE it's the most unserious thing ever but i love imagining philip church absolutely not giving a SHIT about anything. like it's literally an inside joke for me to me. like uncle alexander is having a mental breakdown on the parlor floor?? cool, but mOM WHERE THE FUCK AND MY FUCKING NUGGIES. like he's the type of child that would kick people in the shins and run away cackling. he is a menacing child and i love him, but i can't actually write him in the fic like that bc that would totally take away from the actual story. but just know there is indeed a menace child running around the church estate. honestly, if you were to release him on king george the third, the problem would be HANDLED. every family needs an absolutely psycho little cousin/nephew. thems the rules EDIT: OMG FOR PPL ON TIKTOK HE GIVES TOPHER VIBES LMAO
also the philips are absolute besties but they absolutely are polar opposites. like these two are as close as the schuyler sisters
the family and living dynamics are something i haven't delved into yet, but the hamiltons aren't the only family living there. angelica and philip church definitely have reactions to all of this. (and peggy. sometimes. she is living her best life too most of the time. she didn't get to live long in the musical or irl but she is galavanting happily around New York. for now.)
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yr-obedt-cicero · 1 year
just curious- somewhat in relation to your fic- but do you think Eliza would have been accepting towards Alexander's and John's relationship? if she ever found out.
Nope. And I highly doubt she ever knew either.
Although we don't have anything that indicates Eliza's opinion on sodomy, it is likely safe to assume she was probably your average, period-typical, homophobic, upperclass woman. Maybe even a bit worse considering she was a devoted christian, and was just a judgmental person in general. Eliza was religious and was adamant about it all considering she was often the one instilling religion and proper Christian behaviors in her kids since Hamilton wasn't really a religious person up until the last few years of his life.
I don't see her as being anywhere near accepting, and I often see people comparing it to the Reynolds affair which is just refutable—Infidelity and affairs were actually a commonplace thing of the day, and it wasn't like the Hamiltons' were sheltered from this issue with Hamilton's own family, and their association with others like Gouverneur Morris. Hamilton and Eliza shared the same class with many couples and families that were a victim of such, so honestly, I can imagine it being more forgivable than sodomy (Plus the whole infidelity loop that twists them in since Hamilton was still in a relationship with Laurens when marrying Eliza). And that point, Eliza would have definitely left.
And there are arguments that she supposedly would have been if she didn't mind Baron von Steuben associating with the family, which leads to the unfortunate truth that; even if she did, let's say, know about the Baron's inclinations, it wasn't her choice or say who associated with the family. Ultimately it was Hamilton's, and as much as he loved his wife, I highly doubt he was consulting her about that stuff. Also it's faulty to even consider she knew, as the Baron wasn't foolish with this sort of thing—He was smart about being good with making friends with the upperclass society (Y'know, like the Schuylers'). And honestly, all the rumors surrounding around why he got discharged from the Prussian army and the conclusion being that he was gay probably weren't even true. It's more likely he was just released from service because the army was downsizing, it's incredibly hard to believe he could have just been so open about his sexuality to people, especially enough so to get discharged. If anything, the most critical thing was that he remained a bachelor. So, I highly doubt Eliza knew of that either.
And now it comes down to, would Hamilton tell her? I don't think so. Nothing suggests he ever did, and that she ever knew even after both men's deaths. Sure, Hamilton confided a lot to his wife, but this would have been too grave to share. Additionally, there wouldn't be any reason to, Laurens was dead and Hamilton ended up pushing the memory of him far away.
But since you brought up my fic, I'll add on what separates some of my opinions and then my stories; it's fiction, and despite some of my beliefs like Eliza never agreeing with this sort of thing, or that Laurens and Hamilton would have fallen out of contact had he lived, it doesn't mean I'm always going to implement the most realistic thing in a fiction story I'm writing for fun. It's all about being hypothetical, and exploring those what-if's—So, please remember I'm not always going to be displaying what I say here in my work. Sometimes I will, but in this case where SFP is just a fun little project I started writing for fun and interactions I wanted to imagine, not everything is going to be the most realistic case in scenario.
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viola-halogen · 2 years
Have you ever thought that kitty was alive for part of the American Revolution thus would be a contemporary to nearly everyone in the Hamilton musical?
Oooh this is interesting! Due to her fairly sheltered lifestyle I’m not sure she would have known much about the American Revolution while it was happening. I imagine her father might have come home talking about it, but she wouldn’t have found it particularly interesting. She probably just remembered really random things about it that don’t actually make any sense.
That being said, I do think she would absolutely love the musical if Alison showed it to her. I think she would love Eliza and be really upset when Alexander cheated on her. She would probably try and get Alison and Mary to learn the choreography to The Schuyler Sisters and sing it with her. (It would go terribly.)
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sea-owl · 2 years
I have an idea inspired by "Congratulations' ' from Hamilton, where after Colin's statement was released on Lady Whistledown newsletters. Felicity or Marina (or whichever characters you chose) suddenly barge into the drawing room unannounced and bitch slap Colin face which shocks the Bridgerton family. In which she gave them Lady Whistledown newsletters and they were immediately upset and also outraged. Clearly, Colin didn’t think this through is kinda stupid.
You know I went through a Hamilton phase. Now I'm cursed with the knowledge that Angelica Schuyler was in London from 1784 to 1797. So she was there from Anthony's birth year all the way to Francesca's birth year. And Angelica was a part of British High Society.
So like imagine Angelica being friends with Violet, Portia, and Lady Danbury. Bridgertons A-F hear about all the stories about Angelica's siblings. Eliza who she loves most, badass Peggy who scared off intruders in her home and had a tomahawk aimed at her head. She tells them stories about her crazy brother in-law who is always writing.
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flowersfortheghost · 1 year
Just imagine,
ANGELICA TELLS JD: "You know, if somebody broke my sisters heart, I would want to kill them too. But you shouldnt do that. Be smart." AUGHHH WE KNOW SHE WANTED ALEX DEAD WHEN YOU HEAR CONGRATULATIONS
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