#emmanuel satie
taramboyle · 9 months
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Un Amant en Or, c'est aussi une playliste, avec tous les morceaux cités dans le roman. De Miss Monique à Sébastien Léger, en passant par Andrew De La Foix, Emmanuel Satie, ou WhoMadeWho... Un roman qui s'écoute avec le casque sur les oreilles ! 😉🥰🧡
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endangered-sp3cies · 1 year
Revue Magazine Fall/Winter
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Revue Magazine #14 Fall/Winter (2022)
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Model Majda John Peter Photogrpaher anatheine Stylist Elena Mottola Hairstylist Yann Turchi Makeup Aurore Gibrien Set Design Sati Leonne Faulks Casting Jordan Mergirie Production faragoprojects, Emmanuelle Atlan, Alexandra Carney.
Cover 6
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Models Haizhu Gu, Harlay Hassen Photography Kito Muñoz Styling François Gravel Hair Olivier Schawalder Makeup Satoko WATANABE Casting ikki_casting Post @curroverdugo Production Artlist Paris - New York, Inès, Allan Vetier-Nobrega.
Cover 8
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Models Mika Santos Glória Maria Photography Jim C. Nedd Styling Morgane Camille Hair Marion Anee Makeup David Koppelaar Casting suūn
Cover 1
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Models Michelle Laff, Anna Pepper Photography Luna Conte Styling Jack Borkett  Hair Kalle Eklund Makeup Marie Duhart Makeup Assitant Natsuki Oneyama Casting ikki_casting Production The Art Board Hair Assistant Yi-Han J
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Introduction/Who am I?
Okay, so since I’m back on here again in the ongoing exodus, I thought I’d better do an introductory post for anyone who wants to follow as well as refresh old friends and followers. Open to new friendships so feel free to send me asks, reply, or whatever if you want to talk.
Francesca (Fran, Frankie for short)
Lesbian, f4f
Cat person (see previous bullet)
I enjoy writing although I’m aware I’ll probably never be published so it’s mostly just something I do for my own personal catharsis and expression.
Night owl
Haute couture enjoyer
Learning French (c. B1, B2 reading level), want to learn European Portuguese, Spanish, Latin, Dutch, interested in language acquisition more broadly
I’ve always been a voracious reader so some favourite authors, poets and essayists: Sappho, Gustave Flaubert, Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Théophile Gautier, Gérard de Nerval, Marcel Proust, Alain-Fournier, Jorge Luis Borges, Camilo Castelo Branco, Yukio Mishima, Jean Genet,  Anaïs Nin, Novalis, Simone Weil, Jacques Lacan, Plato, James Joyce,  Emily Brontë, Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde, George Orwell, Vladimir Nabokov, John Donne, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Emily Dickinson, Fyodor Dostoevsky. My favourite novel (and maybe favourite work of art full stop) is Madame Bovary.
Cinema is my other great passion and one I’ve spent the last few years particularly delving into - some favourite directors/auteurs: Carl Dreyer, Michael Powell (& Emeric Pressburger), Manoel de Oliveira, Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hawks, Yasujiro Ozu, Francis Ford Coppola, Brian de Palma, Raoul Ruiz, Douglas Sirk, Josef von Sternberg, Ernst Lubitsch, Erich von Stroheim, F.W. Murnau, Fritz Lang, Claude Chabrol, Éric Rohmer, Jean Renoir, Max Ophüls, Eugène Green, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Luis Buñuel, Pedro Costa, Luchino Visconti, Val Lewton, Dario Argento, Ingmar Bergman, Nagisa Oshima, Wojciech Has. My favourite film is A Matter of Life and Death (1946).
My favourite actresses: Isabelle Huppert (in love with her), Catherine Deneuve, Sophia Loren, Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwyck, Susan Hayward, Marlene Dietrich, Isabelle Adjani, Sissy Spacek, Vivien Leigh, Penélope Cruz, Fanny Ardant, Monica Bellucci, Emmanuelle Béart, Sandrine Bonnaire
Favourite music: Erik Satie, Claude Debussy, Serge Gainsbourg, Sergio Mendes, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Herbie Hancock, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Dusty Springfield, Nina Simone, Carpenters, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Kate Bush, Cocteau Twins, Björk, Talking Heads, The Cure, Boards of Canada, Joy Division, New Order, The Velvet Underground, Massive Attack, Portishead, Manic Street Preachers
Also enjoy art/painting, aesthetics, fashion, memes, food and (maybe too much) drink. Lots more that I can’t think of at the moment so maybe a sequel in the future when I feel like being inward-looking again?
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djmusicbest · 5 months
Beatport Weekend Picks 48: Melodic
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-12-01 GENRES: Trance (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Indie Dance, Progressive House, Afro House, Melodic House & Techno, Organic House / Downtempo, Electro (Classic / Detroit / Modern) Tracklist : 1. Angelov - Skedo(Original Mix) 2. Coss, Kleintierschaukel - Maracat(Original Mix) 3. Bun Xapa, Jalal Ramdani - Marrakech(Original Mix) 4. Emanuel Satie, Maga, Sean Doron - Sleepless(Original Mix) 5. Bush B4 Me - Say It Right(Extended Mix) 6. Emi Galvan, NOIYSE PROJECT - Connection(Original Mix) 7. Catz 'n Dogz - ASA(Original Mix) 8. Rafael Cerato - Endless Climb(Original Mix) 9. Adem, Buba - A Hint Of Written Off(Original Mix) 10. Emmanuel Jal, Miishu, Nyadollar - YUMA feat. Nyadollar(Original Mix) 11. Euggy, Winyo - Lamo(Original Mix) 12. Rude 66 - Magick Angels' Invocations(Original Mix) 13. kośa records, Mahamantra - Jaanhotum(Original Mix) 14. Dabeat, Kamilo Sanclemente - Passing Lights(Mayro Remix) 15. Dizharmonia - Mesopotamia( Read the full article
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muznew · 5 months
Beatport Weekend Picks 48: Melodic
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-12-01 GENRES: Trance (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Indie Dance, Progressive House, Afro House, Melodic House & Techno, Organic House / Downtempo, Electro (Classic / Detroit / Modern) Tracklist : 1. Angelov - Skedo(Original Mix) 2. Coss, Kleintierschaukel - Maracat(Original Mix) 3. Bun Xapa, Jalal Ramdani - Marrakech(Original Mix) 4. Emanuel Satie, Maga, Sean Doron - Sleepless(Original Mix) 5. Bush B4 Me - Say It Right(Extended Mix) 6. Emi Galvan, NOIYSE PROJECT - Connection(Original Mix) 7. Catz 'n Dogz - ASA(Original Mix) 8. Rafael Cerato - Endless Climb(Original Mix) 9. Adem, Buba - A Hint Of Written Off(Original Mix) 10. Emmanuel Jal, Miishu, Nyadollar - YUMA feat. Nyadollar(Original Mix) 11. Euggy, Winyo - Lamo(Original Mix) 12. Rude 66 - Magick Angels' Invocations(Original Mix) 13. kośa records, Mahamantra - Jaanhotum(Original Mix) 14. Dabeat, Kamilo Sanclemente - Passing Lights(Mayro Remix) 15. Dizharmonia - Mesopotamia( Read the full article
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tejedac · 5 months
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BSO: Les choses qu’on dit, les choses qu’on fait (Emmanuel Mouret, 2020)
· Playlist Frédéric Chopin · Claude Debussy · Joseph Haydn · W. A. Mozart · Edvard Grieg · Francis Poulenc · Erik Satie, etc.
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zoranphoto · 1 year
LJUDI ZAPELI POD RUŠEVINAMA, NITKO IM NE MOŽE POMOĆI! Požar bukti oko urušenih zgrada, broje se žrtve: Francuska u suzama
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U Marseilleu se dogodila strašna nesreća u kojoj su se urušile dvije stambene zgrade, a najmanje šest ljudi je ozlijeđeno iz okolnih objekata. Prema službenim izvorima, vatra sprječava spasioce u potrazi za žrtvama, a procjenjuje se da je zarobljeno pod ruševinama između četiri i 12 osoba. Gradonačelnik Marseillea, Benoit Payan, izvijestio je novinare da su se dvije zgrade urušile nedugo nakon ponoći, dok je treća djelomično urušena tijekom jutra. Cijeli kvart je evakuiran. Još nije poznat uzrok nesreće, a vjerojatno se tijekom današnjeg dana neće službeno potvrditi. Francuski ministar unutarnjih poslova izjavio je da su neki svjedoci prijavili da su tijekom noći osjetili miris plina, pa se pretpostavlja da bi eksplozija plina mogla biti uzrok urušavanja zgrade. Ministar i gradonačelnik su potvrdili da je srušena zgrada bila u dobrom stanju te da nije bilo nedavnih intervencija u toj ulici. Međutim, gašenje požara trajat će još najmanje nekoliko sati, kako je izjavio francuski ministar unutarnjih poslova, a isto se očekuje i od gradonačelnika Marseillea, Benoît Payana. Émotion avec Marseille, où un immeuble de la rue Tivoli s’est effondré cette nuit. Je pense aux personnes touchées et à leurs proches. Les recherches se poursuivent avec d’importants moyens déployés. Merci aux pompiers et aux secours mobilisés. — Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) April 9, 2023       “Suosjećam s Marseilleom gdje se sinoć srušila zgrada u ulici Tivoli. U mislima sam sa stradalima i njihovim voljenima. Spasilačka akcija se nastavlja uz angažiranje značajnih resursa. Hvala mobiliziranim vatrogascima i spasiocima”, objavio je francuski predsjednik Emmanuel Macron. Dnevno.hr Read the full article
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mentalnahigijena · 2 years
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“Predsjednik, Evropa i rat”, uzbudljiv dokumentarac Guya Lagachea uronjen uz Emmanuela Macrona „Hteo sam da igram hokej na ledu. Pričam sa tobom iz teretane. Ove dvije rečenice bile bi anegdotske da ih nije izgovorio Vladimir Putin tokom telefonskog intervjua s Emmanuelom Macronom 20. februara, četiri dana prije nego što je Rusija napala Ukrajinu. Ove opaske, posebno lunarne s obzirom na geopolitički kontekst, naglašavaju jednu od mnogih snažnih sekvenci A Predsjednik, Evropa i rat , koju će France 2 emitovati u četvrtak, 30. juna, u 21:10. Tokom iste razmjene, mi čujte kako šef francuske države podiže glas pred svojim sagovornikom o sporazumima iz Minska: „Ne znam gdje je vaš advokat naučio zakon. Ne zanimaju nas prijedlozi separatista. Ono što mi govorite dovodi u sumnju vašu spremnost da pregovarate. » Nije pretjerivanje govoriti o izuzetnom ili značajnom dokumentarcu: on uranja javnost u srce diplomatske ćelije Jeliseja i priča priču koja se odvija, od porasta tenzija na vratima Evrope, do eksplozije sukoba i njegove prve posljedice. Rat koji u vrhu države, izgleda, niko nije želeo da vidi. “Mislim da nije sve izgubljeno” 2. februara, dok se ruske vojne vježbe umnožavaju oko Ukrajine, Emmanuel Macron je uvjeren. „Pokušat ćemo sve to 'deeskalirati'," rekao je. Mislim da nije sve izgubljeno. On iznosi svoju analizu: „Nismo razmišljali o kraju Hladnog rata. Francuski predsjednik se 7. februara pet sati sastao sa svojim ruskim kolegom u Moskvi. On tada situaciju smatra “zabrinjavajućom”. Sljedećeg dana je odletio u Kijev gdje je iza zatvorenih vrata tri sata razgovarao sa šefom ukrajinske države Volodimirom Zelenskim. Za to vrijeme diplomatija završava potpisivanje loše sklopljenih industrijskih ugovora: neizvjesnost od koje dokumentarni film ne propušta ni mrvicu. Iza kamere, Guy Lagache. Novinar je od januara uronio iza kulisa Jeliseja. Njegov projekat je u startu bio sasvim drugačiji: „Govoriti Evropi na ljudskom nivou“ i „na edukativni način“ u vreme kada Francuska na šest meseci preuzima predsedavanje Savetom Evropske unije. Rat u Ukrajini potpuno je poremetio njegove planove: promjena ugla je bila suštinska. “To je jedan od najtežih predmeta koje sam radio u životu” „Prvi put u istoriji dokumentarnih filmova vidimo da se vlast vrši u Francuskoj“, podvukao je reporter koji je u ponedeljak predstavio svoju produkciju nekolicini medija, uključujući 20 minuta . Guy Lagache je sve slike snimio sam. Uspio je ubaciti svoju kameru u bunker Jelisej gdje se održavao vijeće odbrane. “To je jedan od najtežih predmeta koje sam radio u životu. Imao sam napade, ali to nije bio otvoren bar , objašnjava. Sa njima se sve dogovaralo, dan za danom, sat za satom. Jednom kada uđete u prvi dan, ne uzimajte drugi zdravo za gotovo. Sve se mora početi ispočetka. Morali smo odvojiti vrijeme da uspostavimo odnos povjerenja. Nije li postojao rizik od pada u com plan? „Činjenica da nisam politički novinar znači da nisam zagađen navikom da pokrivam Emanuela Makrona kroz prizmu politike, odgovara Guy Lagache. Da ima posla na komunikaciji, ne sumnjam. Da li je činjenica da ide u Kijev sa još tri šefa država čin političke komunikacije? Očigledno. “I da preciziram da je on satima snimao pozive” i da je sigurno da kada vas Putin pozove, ne znate šta će se dogoditi. » Samo jedna obrisana sekvenca Guy Lagache je bio na putovanju – vozom – 16. juna, zajedno sa Emmanuelom Makronom, Olafom Šolcom i Mariom Dragijem koji su putovali u Ukrajinu kako bi se tamo sastali sa Volodimirom Zelenskim. U vagonu je intervjuisao francuskog predsjednika. Slijed se ne pojavljuje u radnoj kopiji koju smo pozvani da pogledamo, ali novinar tvrdi da mu je postavio “sva pitanja koja su se činila važnima”, a posebno njegov poticaj da “ne ponižava Rusiju”. „Ono što me zanima je koja je svrha to govoriti? Zašto se projektovati u budućnost kada smo u sadašnjosti?, pita se Guy Lagache. Vidimo da iza toga stoji strategija, želja da se pripremimo za kraj [du conflit], naravno, ali i da se suprotstavimo anglosaksonskoj strategiji. » U vrijeme pisanja ovih redova, Emmanuel Macron još nije vidio ovaj dokumentarac. Emanuel Bon, šef francuske diplomatske ćelije, imao je pravo na "tehnički" pregled. “Želeo sam da se uverim da elementi koji se emituju nisu tajno-odbrambeni ili poverljivi i da stoga nisu u poziciji da naruše nacionalnu bezbednost, ukazuje novinarka. Samo jednu stvar sam izvadio, vrlo povjerljive informacije. Ovo ništa ne oduzima interesu predsjednika, Evrope i rata da javnost ocijeni šta je propalo. I šta nije uspelo. Članak je na francuskom!
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dwellordream · 3 years
“Antifeminist jest and satire against alewives, shrews, and gossip soften grouped together as gossips' literature-provides a rich site for this sort of excavation. The word gossip itself requires more careful treatment than it is usually given. Respectable for centuries, gossip (from godsip) referred primarily to a godparent of either gender. By the sixteenth century the word was being applied to any close female friend, though it was sometimes used for male friends as well. In the late sixteenth century "gossiping" described a "merry meeting" of women to drink, laugh, and talk; it was not until a century later that Johnson's Dictionary equated gossip with the obnoxious woman "who runs about tattling like women at a lying in." Early modern speakers drew important distinctions between scold and gossip. The words were by no means equivalents. 
Unlike talking about one's neighbors, scolding was a chronic, legally actionable offense; and the connotations of shrew varied from mild to damning. In Brathwait's Essaies upon the five senses (1619), a scold "goes weekly a catter-wauling, where shee spoiles their spice-cup'd gossiping with her tart-tongued calletting." Whatever those gossips are up to, the scold is wrong to spoil it. Such a distinction suggests that women had certain rights of assembly-despite all the injunctions that women should stay indoors, avoid all gadding, and strive for silence. Traveler Emmanuel Van Meteren marveled that Englishwomen spent so much time visiting their friends and keeping company, conversing with their equals (whom they term gossips) and their neighbours, and making merry with them at child-births, christenings, churchings and funerals; and all this with the permission and knowledge of their husbands, as such was the custom.
Daniel Rogers warned husbands that they would be foolish to forbid their wives to attend gossipings and even advised them to give wives money "to bestow upon the meetings and lawfull merriments of their kind, which it were a poore thing for a husband curiously to enquire after." Robert Cawdrey urged moderation rather than abstinence: gossips should meet only as often as "the law of good neighbourhood doth require." John Stephens's character "A Gossip" predictably conflates a woman's volubility and mobility with sexual and bodily incontinence. 
Her knowledge is her speech; the motive, her tongue; and the reason is her tongue also: but the subject of her eloquence is her neighbours wife, and her husband, or the neighbours wife and husband both. Shee is the mirth of marriages, and publicke meetings .... Shee carries her bladder in her braine, that is full; her braine in her tongues end, that shee empties .... Shee emulates a Lawyer in riding the circuite, and therefore she keeps a circuit in, or out of her own liberties: striving to be both one of the judges, Jury, and false witnesses: that is her freedom only, to censure .... Her truth is, to make truths and tales convertibles: tales be her substance, her conceit, her vengeance, reconcilements, and discourse .... If she railes against whoredom it savours not of devotion; for she is only married to escape the like scandall; from the doore outward.
The irony, of course, is that the author rails in the catty tones of a censorious neighbor. Despite the formulaic hostility in this character, one may glimpse a shadow portrait of a neighbor and a neighborhood. Like neighbor, the term gossip implies a relationship between peers. Always on hand for disputes and interventions, she also serves as a chief relayer of news and knowledge within the community. As the sarcastic phrase "one of the judges" indicates, she operates as an informal social arbiter. Ironically, it is precisely her narrative skill that qualifies her for this role. No matter how caustically "tittle tattle" was scorned, gossip "gave women a particular standing in neighbourhood social relations," as Gowing puts it. "Telling stories and judging morals made women the brokers of moral reputation."
While Stephens derides his gossip for gadding and tattling, he fails to suppress an uncomfortable social fact: such women can never be excluded from the crucial labor of maintaining social order. Pamphleteers and playwrights devoted much energy to trivializing women's talk at gossipings, betraying their fear that the effects on men's reputations could be far from trivial. In a merry meeting in Thomas Deloney's Thomas of Reading, some gossips "talkt of their husbands' frowardnes, some shewed their maids sluttishnes, othersome deciphered the costliness of their garments, some told many tales of their neighbors." Some jest gossips are two-faced, greedy, and leaky, such as those in Middleton's Chaste Maid in Cheapside. Others are almost witchlike. 
The author of The Gossips Greeting (1620) rants against "the proud, peevish, paultry, pernicious shee-pot companions, those curious, careless, crafty, carping curtizanicall Gossips ... dangerous as hell, / None of you beare a modest womans mind / You do infect even with your smell." These representations must be read alongside gossips' texts that are more nuanced and altogether less bilious. Samuel Rowlands's best-selling Tis Merry When Gossips Meet (1602) and A Whole Crew of Kind Gossips (1609) painted alehouse meetings with a mix of humorous voyeurism, mild satire, and unusually candid social realism. In the first pamphlet a wife and widow give a maid fairly standard advice about men and marriage. The widow buys them rounds with an evident pride in her ability to pay, providing a strong contrast to the many jests in which drunken men cheat the hostess. 
Satire is directed largely at the widow, who gets tipsy and garrulous. But for the most part, the pamphlet leaves the impression that it offered readers a glimpse of women indulging in a merry pastime that formed an important and familiar part of neighborhood socializing. To repeat Wrightson's argument, the ideal of "good neighborhood" required everyone to accept neighbors "as a reference group in matters of behavior and to promote harmonious relations among them." How could a woman fulfill this obligation without asking, "What news?" The surprising answer is that she couldn't. What we now call gossip was, in fact, essential to being a good neighbor, and talking about neighbors and strangers was not considered the prelude to scolding or near kin to slander. The obligation of neighborhood made constant comment not only normative but a prime regulating device. 
To use Merry Wives as an example, the Windsor wives' censure of Falstaff and gossip about Ford initiates action that will eventually involve their neighbors in neutralizing the threats to the common peace posed by a sexual adventurer and a horn-mad husband. Their joint consultation and campaign of mockery lie firmly in the bounds of "good neighborhood." Censorious gossip "could be an effective informal method of control: it indicated community disapproval, and shamed its subject. If the subject of gossip did not stop the behavior, at least everyone else knew what to think about it." Gossip, defined this way, could maintain and reiterate social boundaries. Fueled by curiosity and pleasure in ridicule, gossip also primed audiences to recognize the more cutting forms of wit and the aesthetically engineered moral judgment known as satire. 
Proficiency at this narrative form, so often salted with jests and proverbs, promoted rhetorical efficacy in life and art, while skill at telling believable stories about one's life and neighbors held much weight in the courtroom and on the streets. Gossip was not always conservative in effect. By asking "What news?" women also had a chance to learn about and talk over events in the larger world, out of the hearing of husbands, fathers, and masters. According to historian Steve Hindle, gossip is both a "female subculture" and a "formative stage in the development of 'public opinion' over a whole range of issues, local and national, private and public, personal and political. To ignore gossip is to ignore one of the few channels of participation in this 'public sphere' that was open to women."
Gatherings during working time or in leisure moments, such as christenings, may have given women a place in which to articulate opinions and to plan for common action, such as the many enclosure protests, grain riots, and religious disputes in which they participated. Some fictional gossips poach eagerly on male discourses supposedly closed to them, such as biblical interpretation, the worth of stage plays, and the fate of kings. In The gospelles of dystaves (c. 1510) a group of women meets secretly to hear a new kind of preaching by "apostles" named Dame Hengtyne and Dame Abunde, while a male scholar transcribes. Their chat mixes homely proverbs and bawdy laughter, interspersed with more serious challenges to religious teachings about women's subjection. 
While the pamphlet obviously satirizes ignorant and unruly women, it also suggests that women did talk together about what they heard in church and that they were given to interpreting biblical passages in favor of women's interests. Female association could be dangerous to the state: the weird sisters of Macbeth carp about their neighbors, crack jokes, practice riddling prophecy, and rearrange Scottish history. Like gossips in their cups, they "scorn male power" while "their words and bodies mock rigorous boundaries and make sport of fixed positions. " In The Staple of News, Jonson attempts to silence and discipline unruly women in his audiences by presenting caricatures of neighborhood gossips. 
Underlining the close association between the juries of the threshold and the theater, Tattle, Mirth, Censure, and Expectation boldly invade the stage with their stools, sitting down to cavil about the actors and the sweaty playwright, forming a jury of women who judge a play together as if they were judging gossip and scandal at home. Despite the satire, Jonson casts them as the prime producers and consumers of news and rumors; he cannot help but make them sharp-eyed judges of the staple, which commodifies word of mouth" by printing it. Occasionally gossips are painted as resourceful and clever. In Dekker and Webster's Westward Hal, citizen wives furnish themselves "a commodity of laughter" by leading their jealous husbands and eager suitors on a wild-goose chase up the Thames. 
As in Merry Wives, this pleasure carries a risk. When they plot to scare their husbands with the prospect of horns and turn the tables on their arrogant suitors, one wife warns the others that they must deflect any resulting slanders using shrewd foresight: tho we are merry, let's not be mad: ... It were better we should laugh at these popin-Jayes, then live in feare of their prating tongues: tho we lie all night out of the Citty, they shall not finde country wenches of us: but since we ha[ve] brought em thus far into a fooles Paradice, leave em int: the Jest shall be a stock to maintain us and our pewfellowes in laughing at christning, cryings out, and upsittings the twelvemonth. 
Similar scenes of female complicity are rooted in the social reality of women neighbors and gossips who rely heavily on each other's judgment in matters sexual and romantic. Such interdependence was especially important for unmarried women. Comedies featuring maids satirizing suitors (like Portia and Nerissa in The Merchant of Venice) or coolly ranking types of men (like Franck and Clora in Fletcher's The Captain and Celia and Rosalind in As You Like It) probably did stoke masculine anxieties about patriarchy's vulnerability to the desires of women. On the other hand, the very same scenes may have delighted women or taught them sophisticated new ways to squelch unwanted suitors. 
The antimasculinist satire and complaint that fill gossips' literature function in a distinctive way in Margaret Cavendish's Convent of Pleasure, which virtually reproduces passages from gossips' literature and from women's tirades in controversy pamphlets. Poor women meet in the street to moan about the flaws of their husbands, which include wife beating, heavy drinking, and gambling away the household funds. Other scenes show the terrors of childbed and the persecution of a gentlewoman threatened with rape by a married man whose proposals she rejects. Neighbors and friends cannot stop rapine suitors or worthless husbands in this dystopia; so Cavendish creates a gender retreat that takes female complaint seriously, dedicating her earthly paradise to women's association, education, and delight: a high-toned gossips' feast.”
- Pamela Allen Brown, “Ale and Female: Gossips as Players, Alehouse as Theater.” in Better a Shrew than a Sheep: Women, Drama, and the Culture of Jest in Early Modern England
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Church of Seiros name etymology:
Wow, this was a demanding one to do. In general, most the forenames in the Church have a connection to saints or figures from the Abrahamic religions, while the surnames are similar to the names in the country they're originally from. For the green haired gang, the origins of their names come from Egyptian, Greek and Irish mythology
The Greek name for the Egyptian goddess Sopdet, the personification of the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Sopdet was related to the annual floods and was said to be a guide for deceased Pharaohs through the underworld, and later seen as a mother figure
"flowing", the name of the wife of Kronos, lord of time, and the mother of the first 6 Olympian gods in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, a woman named Rhea Silvia was the mother of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome.
derived from 'Seirios', meaning "scorching" in Greek. An alternative name for the star Sirius
may originate from Seth, meaning "placed" or "appointed" in Hebrew. The third named son of Adam and Eve and ancestor of Noah. Also the name of an Egyptian god of deserts, storms, disorder and violence, and Isis (who was previously Sopdet) plays an important role in his most important myth. It's also very similar to the Egyptian goddess Satis, an alternative spelling of which is 'Setet'. She was often conflated with Sopdet, and was a goddess of war, hunting and fertility, as well as a protector of the southern border
the earliest mentioned Fomorian in Irish mythology, monstrous, hostile beings that invaded Ireland from the sea and enemies of the first settlers. Cichol is said to be the leader of the Fomorians, and his followers survived for 200 years by fishing and fowling. His epithet (Gricenchos) roughly translates to 'of withered feet'
could come from Flann, meaning "red" in Irish Gaelic. Generally used as a masculine name and a friendly, cheerful nickname. May also be related to the name Finn, the name of the giant Fionn Mac Cumhaill, more commonly known as Finn McCool (a connection to Macuil)
another of the Fomorians. She was a prophetess and foresaw her husband's death in battle. She also managed to wound the Dagda (Irish Zeus) with a projectile in said battle. She was known as 'Cethlenn of the Crooked Teeth'
Manuela Casagranda-
Manuela: a feminine form of Manuel, originating from Emmanuel meaning "god is with us".
Casagranda: alternative spelling of Casagrande, meaning "big house" (probably meant to be a link to the Mittelfrank Opera House)
Hanneman Von Essar-
Hanneman: a German name that comes from the Hanne, which is a diminutive of Johanne which has roots in John (why can names not be simple), meaning "YHWH is gracious". John is the name of the man who baptised Jesus and also the Apostle who wrote the fourth gospel and Revelations in the Bible. Also an Irish surname, stemming from O'Hannagain, which is derived from the word 'Annadh' meaning "delay". Edit: I found out that there is a Hindu god called Hanuman, who is seen as a symbol of devotion, strength, intelligence and selflessness.
Essar: derived from Isolde, the wife of Tristan in Arthurian legends, or the word 'ishild' in German, meaning "ice battle". I'm not sure if the names are connected, but there's also a Turkish name, 'Eser', meaning " product, achievement". Also sounds a bit like essay
Catherine/Cassandra Rubens Charon-
Catherine: Originally comes from the name of the Greek goddess of magic, Hecate (Hekaterine ->Aikaterine -> Katherine), but in the Christian era the meaning became "pure". Catherine is one of the great martyrs of Christianity, and the Emperor attempted to put her to death multiple times and failed each time until she accepted it herself. In that time she converted every person who met her to Christianity
Cassandra: from the Greek word meaning "to excel, to shine". In Greek myth she was a Trojan princess who was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but was cursed so no one would believe her prophecies when she spurned his advances
Rubens: Portuguese form of Reuben, meaning "behold, a son" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament Reuben was the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel and was part of the plot to kill his brother Joseph, but tried to rescue him.
Charon: translates to "fierce brightness", the ferryman of the underworld in Greek mythology who took the souls of the dead across the Acheron river. (Could be a link to Catherine's role as a Knight of Seiros, delivering justice(?))
Shamir Nevrand-
Shamir: a masculine Arabic name with multiple meanings, like "sharp thorn, flint", "precious stone", "sentinel". Comes from the Hebrew verb 'shamar' meaning "to guard". A material that King Solomon used to cut the stones to build the temple in Jerusalem
Nevrand: An alternate spelling of Nevra, the Turkish form of Nawra meaning "flower, blossom" in Arabic
a version of the Greek name 'Kyrillos', meaning "lordly, masterful". The name was borne by many important saints in Christianity
Gilbert Pronislav/Gustave Eddie Dominic-
Gilbert: "bright pledge", derived from the Germanic elements 'gisil', meaning "pledge, hostage" and 'beraht', meaning "bright". The name of a 12th century saint who founded the religious order of the Gilbertines
Gustave: French form of Gustav, which possibly means "staff of the Geats/Goths/Gods", and has roots in an old Norse name, Gautstafr. Could also be from the Slavic name Gostislav, meaning "glorious guest". Borne by many Swedish kings
(Also, Gustave Gilbert was an American psychologist who attempted to observe high-ranking Nazi officials during the Nuremberg trials)
Eddie: Diminutive of Edward, meaning "rich guard". A name given to many Anglo-Saxon kings, the last of which was canonised as At Edward the Confessor, patron saint of kings, difficult marriages, separated spouses and the British Royal Family. He was portrayed as a pious man
Pronislav: an alternate spelling of Bronislav, which is the Russian/Czech form of Branislav and means "warrior" or "defender of glory"
Jeritza Von Hrym/Emile Von Bartels-
Jeritza: I can't find any concrete meaning for this one, so I'll have to go off similar names instead (if anyone knows the real etymology, let me know). First is Yaritza, a feminine Spanish name that means "little butterfly", but I don't think this is very likely. Another name it could derive from is Jericho, a city in Israel mentioned many times in the Old Testament; while the meaning is unknown, it could stem from the Hebrew words yareach, "moon", or reyach, "fragment". There's also the possibility that it's related to the name George, meaning "farmer, earthworker", as farmers tend to use scythes. I suppose it's just as enigmatic as Jeritza himself
Emile: from the Roman name Aemilius, meaning "rival"
Hrym: From Thrym, a jötun in Norse mythology who stole Thor's hammer and planned to extort the gods into giving him the goddess Freya as his wife. He was slain by Thor dressed as Freya (best Norse myth, go read it)
Bartels: a short form of Bartholomew, meaning "son of Talmai". Talmai comes from the Hebrew word for "furrow", or is a Hebrew version of Ptolemy. Ptolemy was a mathematician, geographer and astronomer who proposed that the earth went round the sun, but it also means "war" (according to a source I found)
Byleth Eisner-
Byleth: Beleth was the king of hell in demonology, and the commander of 85 legions of demons. They ride a pale horse and all kinds of music is heard near them, and they were said to be first conjured by Noah's son to help him write a book on mathematics. Beleth is said to look fierce when first summoned to test the courage of the summoner, and one book says that the summoner should wear a silver ring on their middle finger on their left hand to pay respects to them. They had no specific gender (as far as I'm aware) and are also considered a demon of love and lust
Eisner: a German/Jewish occupational name for and ironmonger (the chemical symbol of which is Fe)
Jeralt Reus Eisner-
Jeralt: "ruler of the spear", a variant of Gerald (not really much else to say. Straight to the point, just like the man himself)
Reus: "giant" in Modern Dutch. One source also claims that it roughly translates to "the Russian" and was given to people who had travelled far away from there, but how true this is I'm not sure
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mrdirtybear · 4 years
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‘Portrait of Emmanuel Chabrier’ as painted by Eduouard Manet (1832-83). Chabrier (1841-94) was a government lawyer who wrote music in his spare time, that might be demeaning were the music he wrote inconsequential. As it was he modernised french music and opened the door to younger composers like Debussy Ravel and Eric Satie. Read more about him here.
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deephouseamsterdam · 7 years
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The Social Festival Announces Brings Black Coffee, Carl Cox, Sasha & Digweed For Landmark Fifth Edition By: Deep House Amsterdam - Deep House Amsterdam Nic Fanciulli’s The Social Festival returns to Maidstone for their landmark fifth edition over two days, 29-30 September. Now, Nic and The Social Festival have announced the first wave of name who will be joining the festivities and naturally it does not disappoint. Joining the Saved! main... http://www.deephouseamsterdam.com/london/social-festival-five-black-coffee-carl-cox/ #BlackCoffee, #Cassy, #DJulz, #EmmanuelSatie, #KentCountyShowgrounds, #NicFanciulli, #SashaDigweed, #Saved, #TheSocialFestival
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thedruidsforest · 5 years
Hey! 💓
1) Under The Water - Dirty Heads2) BITE - Troye Sivan3) Ragnar Reunites With Family - Trevor Morris4) Mary, Mary - The Monkees5) Daydream Believer - The Monkees6) The Quidditch Match - John Williams7) Gymnopedie No.1 - Erik Satie, Emmanuel Pahud8) Goner - Twenty One Pilots9) One By One - Lion King on Broadway10) Adulthood - Jukebox The Ghost
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uneminuteparseconde · 6 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Septembre 24. Holy Esque + Jaguwar – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Mien + Delacave – Café de la danse 24. Oneohtrix Point Never (Red Bull Music fest.) – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 26. Bisou de Saddam – Omadis (gratuit) 26. Sleaford Mods + Consumer Electronics – Le Trianon 26. Chassol + Thomas de Pourquery + Flavien Berger + Jacques + Ala.Ni + Quentin Rollet + Gaspar Claus + Jocelyn Mienniel + Low Jack + Lucie Antunes + Christine Ott + Serafina Steer + Ghedalia Tazartes + Mathieu Edward + Mélissa Laveaux (Red Bull Music fest.) – Cabaret sauvage 26. Common Eider, King Eider + Drekka + Inselberg – Olympic café 26. Zombie Zombie + La Mverte – Safari Boat ||COMPLET|| 27. Part Chimp + Spectres + Sextile – La Station 27. Yuzo Koshiro & Motohiro Kawashima + Kode9 & Koji Morimoto + Oklou & Krampf + Teki Latex & DITC + Konx-Om-Pax (Red Bull Music fest.) – Gaîté lyrique 27. Scratch Massive – croisières électroniques 27. Bas Mooy + Ayarcana + Brulée b2b Apothicaire + Mercury 200 + LLY (Paris Electronic Week) – Glazart 27. UVB76 + Sara Lisa Vogl + Hasar De Doria + Ascence + Femur + Wh4t (Paris Electronic Week) – L’Aéroport 28. Rebeka Warrior + La Chatte + Sexy Sushi + Jardin – La Station 28. La Mverte + Markus Gibb – La Java 28. Terrine + Spoliatûre + Mamiedaragon + Blenno Die Wurstbrücke – Treize 28. Dj Scotch Egg + Takami Nakamoto & Sébastien Benoits + Kyoka Kondo + Aki-Ra Sunrise & Ben Vedren (Paris Electronic Week) – Centre Pompidou 28. Chosen Few + Dano + Tellurian + Casual Gabberz – Rex Club 28. Zadig + The Driver + Nimä Skill – Le FDP 28. Umwelt + DJ Varsovie + Munsinger + Parhelic Shell + Marai (Paris Electronic Week) – L’Aéroport 29. Gaël Segalen + Best Available Technology – Le Zorba (gratuit) 29. Aurora Halal + Roberto Succo + Elena Colombi + Jasss + Nihiloxica + Front de cadeaux + Julianna + Oko dj + Miley Serious + Jita Sensation (Red Bull Music fest.) – La Station 29. Bleib Modern – Olympic café 29. Frédéric Nogray + Jacques Donguy & Eric Cordier + Ferrailleracaille + La Destination + Xaintrie – Cinémorphe 29. Alien Rain + AnD + AWB + Parfait + Speedy J (Paris Electronic Week) – tba 29. Terry Riley & Gyan Riley – La Maroquinerie ||COMPLET|| 30. King Dude + Kaelan Mikla + The Dark Red Seed – Petit Bain 30. Eryck Abecassis & Francisco Meirino (fest. Maad in 93) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil)
Octobre 02. The Melvins – L'Alhambra 03. Vanilla Poppers + Pierre & Bastien + Stratocastors – Olympic café 03. Maoupa Mazzocchetti + Opéra mort + Jean Carval – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 04. Jean-Louis Costes + Monte Verita : hommage à Daniel Johnston – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 04. Oiseaux-Tempête, Mondkopf & G. W. Sok + Princess Thailand – Centre Barbara-FGO 04. Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 05. Sathönay + Bell Lungs – Le Zorba (gratuit) 05. Go!Zilla + Jessica 93 – Petit Bain 05. Clara De Asis + Simon Henocq & Jean-Sébastien Mariage + Farida Amadou, Olivier Benoît & Julien Desprez – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 05. Mokado + Franck Vigroux & Kurt D'Haeseleer : « Centaure » + Konpyuta & Méryll Ampe (Rouxteur fest.) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 06. Melik Ohanian : perf. musicale autour de l'expo. d'Abdelkader Benchamma (Nuit blanche) – Collège des Bernardins (gratuit) 06. Nicolas Horvath : nuit Eric Satie + Xavier Veilhan, Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova, Mikhail & Sacha Rudy, Ève Risser, Yannis Kyriakides et Andy Moor : Nuit Studio Venezia + Bryce Dessner : Ymusic (Œuvres d'Andrew Norman, Nico Muhly, Sufjan Stevens, Son Lux, Annie Clark, Gabriel Kahane, Shara Worden...) (Nuit blanche) – Philharmonie (gratuit) 06. Coldgeist + UVB 76 (Nuit blanche) – Ground Control (gratuit) 06. Momus (Nuit blanche) – Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du judaïsme (gratuit) 06. Franck Vigroux : "Sun" de Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves (instal.) (Nuit blanche) – Sous-sol de l'esplanade des Invalides (gratuit) 06. Lindstrøm + Axel Boman + Kornél Kovács : "Physis" (Nuit blanche) – Esplanade des Invalides (gratuit) 06. Emmanuel Laguarrigue : "Produire l'espace !" (Nuit blanche) – Grand Palais|Salon d'honneur (gratuit) 06. Autrenoir + FOUDRE ! + Mururoa + Sarah Davachi + Uzhur + Frédéric D. Oberland (Nuit blanche) – Trabendo (gratuit) 06. TremensS : Wardenclyffe (Nuit blanche) – Géode (gratuit) 06. Leif + Black Zone Myth Chant + Toma Kami + Marylou + Carlton + MMPP + De Grandi b2b Sunareht + Emma b2b Marcorosso – La Station 06. Infecticide + Christeene + Domina Pizzo + Calling Maria + Angel Karel – Le Dépôt 06. Walter Dean + Monolithe noir + Vernacular + O89 + Stienis & Eqko + Arnaud Laffond & Wael Alkak (Rouxteur fest.) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 09. Bérangère Maximin + Brutter + Gosheven (Biennale Nemo) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 10. Richie Hawtin – Olympia 11. John Carpenter – Salle Pleyel 12/13. Les Négresses vertes – Cabaret sauvage 12. Thorofon + Control + Te/DIS – Les Voûtes 12. Les Ramoneurs de menhir vs SP32 – Gibus 12. The Mugwump + Mourn + Camera + Jessica93 (dj) + France sauvage + Lastrack (dj) + Teki Latex (dj)... – La Station 12. Villejuif Undergournd + Le Réveil des tropiques + Casse Gueule – Théâtre d'Ivry 12. Shifted + Shxcxchcxsh + Antenes + You Should Not Care + JPLD – Concrete 12. Détente + Dear Abra + Françoise Pagan + Peanuts – La Java 12. Hyphen Hyphen (dj) + Arnaud Rebotini + Jennifer Cardini + Rag + Sônge (dj) – L'Olympia 13. Françoiz Breut + David Fenech : hommage à Daniel Johnston – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 13. Low – La Gaîté lyrique 13. En attendant Ana + Duds + Yen Yen + Saint DX...– La Station 13. Aquaserge + Mohamed Lamouri + P.r2b – Théâtre d'Ivry 13. SNTS + Shdw & Obscur Shape + Boston 168 + Under Black Helmet + Airod + Illnurse + Silent-One – tba 15. No More + Reatful Moon + Dorcel – Supersonic (gratuit) 15. Lloyd Cole – Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord 15. Nicolas Vérin : "L'Apocalypse de Jean" de Pierre Henry – Athénée 15. The Necks – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Petra Pied de Biche + Thharm + Fiasco – La Comedia (Montreuil) 16. Feromil + In Bear Suits + Seine – tba 17. Blurt – Espace b 17. Mark Morgan + La Race – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 18. Max Cooper – La Gaîté lyrique 19. Tiny Tramp + Forme étrangère + Trottoir – La Pointe Lafayette 19. Blush Response + Corbeille Dallas + Sina + Z.A.N – La Station 20. Les Hôpitaux + Danse avec les Shlags – Le Zorba (gratuit) 20. Tallinn Chamber Orchestra : Fratres, Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten, Adam's Lament, Salve Regina et Te Deum d'Arvo Pärt – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Les Tétines noires + Dear Deer – Petit Bain 22. Dead Meadow – Petit Bain 23. Alvin Lucier & Ever present Orchestra Concert – église Saint-Merry 24. Motorama – Petit Bain 25. Marissa Nadler – Point FMR 25. Fews – Olympic café 25. Cat Power – Trianon 25. Die Selektion + Structures – Petit Bain 25. Erwan Keravec : "Sonneurs" + Louis Aurain : "Unique Horns" – église Saint-Merry 26. Jon Hopkins – Trianon 26. Alvin Lucier : "Heartbeats to the Moon" (2018) – Palais de Tokyo 26. Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe (aka Lichens) + Lucy Railton – église Saint-Merry 27. Killing Joke – Cabaret sauvage 27. CAR + Sentimental Rave – Petit Bain 27. Silent Front + Le Mal des ardents + La Coupure – tba 27. CJ Bolland + 999999999 + 747 + Jibis + JKS b2b Mayeul + Jaquarius – La Machine 30. David Eugene Edwards & Alexander Hacke + Wovenhand – La Maroquinerie 30. Mariachi & Maria Bertel + Rafael Toral – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 31. Acid Mothers Temple + Bambara (Le Beau fest. off) – Glazart 31. Thierry Balasse joue Pierre Henry – La Gaîté lyrique 31. Terrine + Regalec + Victime – La Pointe Lafayette 31. Marie Davidson + Oktober Lieber – Petit Bain 31. Archetype + Ujjaya (Sleep Concert) – Les Miroirs de l'âme 31. Phill Niblock & Thierry Madiot + Trio Grands Lacs – Instants chavirés (Montreuil)
Novembre 01. Elysian Fields – La Maroquinerie 01. Casual Hex + Hyäne – La Pointe Lafayette 01. John Maus + Mac DeMarco + The Voidz + Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever + Étienne Daho... (Pitchfork Music fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 02. [Fever Ray : ANNULÉ] + Blood Orange + Chvrches + Chromeo + Bagarre + Car Seat Headrest + Dream Wife + Lewis OfMan + Boy Pablo + Kaytranada... (Pitchfork Music fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 03. Bon Iver + dj Koze + Jeremy Underground + Stephan Malkmus & The Jicks + Unknow Mortal Orchestra + Avalon Emerson + Snail Mail + Daniel Avery + Muddy Monk... (Pitchfork Music fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 02. Emma Ruth Rundle – Petit Bain 04. Peaches Christ Superstar – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 04. Deena Abdelwahed – Concrete 05. Colin Stetson – Café de la danse 05. Echo & The Bunnymen – Bataclan 05. David Byrne – Zénith 06. Soft Kill – Olympic café 06. Agnostic Front + Fishing With Guns + Blackened – Gibus 08. Cold Cave – Petit Bain 09. Le Syndicat – Centre d'animation Vercingétorix 09. Rendez-Vous + Prurient + Silent Servant + Poison Point + Crave + Low Jack b2b Moyo + Clara 3000 & Coni – La Machine 09>11. Baba Commandant & The Mandigo Band + Senyawa + Brothers Unconnected (Alan & Richard Bishop) + Porest Group + King Gong + Robert Millis & Jesse Paul Miller – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 13. Hot Snakes – Point FMR 13. MellaNoisEscape + Puts Mary – Petit Bain 13. Sophie Agnel, Joke Lanz & Michael Vatcher – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Peter Murphy & David J jouent "In the Flat Fields" – Bataclan 15. Méryll Ampe + Emmanuelle Bouyer + Anne Flore Cabanis + Matthieu Crimersmois + Frédéric Mathevet + Colin Roche + Anton Mobin... (Extended Score #2) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 16. Parquet Courts – Elysées Montmartre 16. Noir Boy George + Officine – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. The Damned – Elysées Montmartre 18. Ensemble Links : « Drumming » de Steve Reich – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 19. U.S. Girl – La Maroquinerie 21. The Breeders – Le Trianon 21. Lydia Lunch & Ian White – Espace B 21. Ekafaune + Badbad – Le cirque électrique 22. Scout Niblett – Petit Bain 22. Cookies + Trotsky nautique + Guns'n'Ganseblumchen – La Pointe Lafayette 22. Serge Teyssot-Gay, Christian Vialard & Éric Arlix : Hypogé – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 23. Michael Nyman : "War Work: 8 Songs with Film" – Salle Pleyel 23. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 23. Kollaps + Trepaneringsritualen + Verset Zero – Gibus 23. Saravah revisité (Areski, The Recyclers, Arlt, Bojan Flames...) + Hyperculte + Waltraud Blischke (dj) (BBmix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. Endless Boogie + Pan American + Facs + Von Limb + Waltraud Blischke (dj) (BBmix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. Frustration + Twin Arrows – Rack'am (Brétigny/Orge) 25. Satan + Kill + Necrodancer – Espace B 25. Evan Crankshaw & The Dead Mauriacs + The Mauskovic Dance Band + Waltraud Blischke (dj) (BBmix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 27. Mudhoney – Trabendo 27. Etienne Jaumet – New Morning 28. Andy Moor & Anne-James Chaton – Cité de l'architecture (gratuit) 28. Adult. – Petit Bain 29. Interpol – Salle Pleyel 29. Esben & The Witch – Point FMR 29. CHDH + Mariachi + Lårs Akerlund + Sten Backman (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux)
Décembre 01. Deux boules vanille (fest. Marathon!) – La Gaîté lyrique 02. Beak> – Café de la danse 03. Idles + John – Bataclan 05. Julia Holter – Petit Bain 05. Sudden Infant + Massicot – Centre culturel suisse 06. La Tène avec Jacques Puech, Louis Jacques, Guilhem Lacroux & Jérémie Sauvage – Centre culturel suisse 06. The KVB + M!R!M – Badaboum 07. Antoine Chessex + Nina Garcia + Francisco Meirino – Centre culturel suisse 08. Père Ubu – Théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 08. The Horrorist + Federico Amoroso – L'Officine 09/10. Moriarty – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 12. Nova Materia – La Maroquinerie 14. New Model Army – Trabendo 14. Carol Robinson, Bertrand Gauguet, Julia Eckhardt & Yannick Guedon : "Sequel to Occam Ocean" (2018) d’Éliane Radigue – Palais de Tokyo 14. Hangman's Chair + Jessica93 + Revok – Les Cuizines (Chelles) 15. Gaspar Claus – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Drab Majesty – Point FMR
Janvier 22. Emmanuelle Parrenin & Dominique Regref – La Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 26. Chloé – Elysée-Montmartre
Février 02. The Residents – Gaîté lyrique 06. Brendan Perry – Petit Bain 07. VNV Nation – Le Trabendo 22. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon
Mars 20. Oomph! – La Machine 29. Perturbator – Le Trianon
Avril 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 27. She Past Away – La Machine 27. Chloé : Lumières noires – Le 104
Mai 10/11. Dead Can Dance – Grand Rex 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Juin 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Septembre 13. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre)
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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pangeanews · 4 years
“Desiderava tutto e doveva subito disfarsene, denaro gettato, donne lasciate, oggetti perduti…”: Drieu La Rochelle, lo scrittore al veleno
L’homme couvert de femmes è il suo esordio. Nella vita come nel romanzo. Letteralmente coperto di donne fino al punto di asfissiare la propria inquietudine esistenziale. Invano. Farsi divorare dalle donne come un Orfeo nero di malinconia e di simpatie politiche, segnate più dal nichilismo che da un concreto progetto di città. Invano. Nessuna progettualità vera, concreta, ma solo una questione di stile come per un dandy che si vergogna di non essere fino in fondo quel guerriero che sente fremere dentro sé.
Uno stile, quello fascista, su cui hanno scritto acute analisi Armin Mohler, Tarmo Kunnas e George L. Mosse, una sorta di visione onirica che accomunò tanta intellettualità europea tra le due guerre. Un sogno, tra slancio e delirio. Pierre Drieu La Rochelle fu tanto incarnazione esemplare di quello stile quanto preda perfetta del delirio che ne conseguì. Fu, il suo, un talento letterario tra i più puri di quell’estetica della politica che pensò di colmare con iniezioni di volontà di potenza il profondissimo vuoto scavato dalle trincee dentro l’anima di decine di migliaia di giovani catapultatisi da aspiranti artisti e scrittori nella fornace del fronte bellico. Tutto esplose e si consumò tra 1914 e 1918. Il resto fu fuoco fatuo.
Al cospetto di Drieu la gran parte della schiera dei “maledetti” annoverati ufficialmente come tali nelle antologie di letteratura francese rischia di scomparire. C’è ben poca maniera nella prosa di Drieu. Nitida e tagliente di precisione, la sua scrittura bordeggia il nulla senza volerlo, anzi cercando di evitarlo o comunque di attraversarlo tramite la consistenza di corpi e di cose, di donne e di uomini, di natura. È un condannato che interiormente si compiace assai meno di quanto possa apparire dalle foto che lo ritraggono, con cui cerca di nascondersi, atteggiandosi a dandy fuori tempo massimo. L’entre-deux-guerres non è tempo da dandy, infatti, semmai da nichilisti attivi, come ben comprese Hannah Arendt chiamata a tirare le somme di quell’epoca incastrata fra due guerre mondiali. Si capisce la vera anima di Drieu solo seguendolo nell’intera sua produzione, soprattutto nel diario, negli epistolari e in alcuni romanzi come L’homme à cheval, pubblicato nel 1943 da Gallimard. È questo uno dei romanzi più esplicitamente allegorici dello scrittore francese. Vi si coglie immediatamente quella tensione tra l’azione ed una sua contemplazione eccitata. La medesima che dilaniò la vita di Drieu nei ventisette anni successivi alla fine della Grande guerra.
Come in questo e in altri romanzi il lettore di oggi può apprendere moltissimo sullo stato d’animo dell’intellettuale europeo uscito dalle trincee nel 1918, sopravvissuto nel corpo, ma morto dentro, comunque orrendamente mutilato nello spirito. Forse ancor meglio, o peggio: soffocato, a corto d’ossigeno, di linfa vitale. In cerca di un’adrenalina per il cuore e per la mente che in tempi di pace non potrà mai essere di entità e potenza paragonabili a quella scaricata nelle vene e tra i nervi in tempi di guerra. Un’orfanità che sarà anche di Yukio Mishima, dall’altra parte del globo, alla conclusione della seconda guerra mondiale, in quel 1945 che il 15 di marzo aveva registrato il mesto addio di Drieu, suicida in modo grigio e piccolo borghese, dopo due tentativi falliti nell’agosto dell’anno precedente: staccato il tubo del gas, ingerita una dose letale di fenobarbital, viene ritrovato il giorno dopo dalla sua cuoca seduto in cucina, morto, impietrito vicino al lavandino. Una fine che rivela quel fondo patetico che trovi tra le pagine di molti suoi romanzi, nel diario, nel carteggio. Qualcosa di effeminato e di infantile circola velenoso nella tempra per altri versi virile e saggia di Drieu.
Nel 1963 il regista Louis Malle fu l’autore di una riuscita trasposizione cinematografica di Fuoco fatuo, romanzo pubblicato nel 1931. Il protagonista della storia narrata da Drieu è l’amico Jacques Rigaut, scrittore dadaista suicidatosi nel 1929, a trent’anni, come si era da tempo ripromesso di fare, tanto da aver preso in precedenza le misure con un righello in modo tale da esser sicuro che la pallottola gli trapassasse il cuore. Nella pellicola del 1963 Rigaut, alter ego di Drieu, sua persistente musa sfidante, viene letteralmente incarnato da un bravissimo Maurice Ronet, affiancato da un’altera e melanconica Jeanne Moreau. Il tutto accompagnato dalla musica di Erik Satie, a completare la perfezione di quel film. A proposito di questa sua opera Malle ebbe a dire che il suicidio del protagonista poteva essere spiegato anche nei termini di un «rifiuto di diventare adulto […]. Non che non possa farlo, ma ha stabilito che non gli interessa».
Rifiuto di crescere, certo; ma c’è anche un irrefrenabile cupio dissolvi che, alle origini della nostra èra cristiana, troviamo in san Paolo, per il quale una tale espressione non significava affatto desiderio di morire, semmai di vivere pienamente, sciogliendosi dal corpo per essere con Cristo. Nel secolo in cui fresco era l’annuncio della morte di Dio il rovesciamento di significato di quell’espressione non poteva essere che totale: desiderio di operare il disfacimento di se stessi per consegnarsi sbriciolato nelle braccia del nulla. Autodistruggersi, ridursi a niente, tornare all’origine cava che nulla dice, nulla spiega, tutto risucchia. Non c’è senso, ma almeno sicuro è l’approdo al silenzio eterno della morte. Cessa così il brusio molesto di chi ostenta noncuranza nel vivere, il ticchettio infernale di un tempo sfrenato e vertiginoso perché non sai trovargli né capo né coda. Così ci precipiti dentro. Meglio allora levar la mano su di sé per assicurarsi la prima notte di quiete.
Emmanuel Berl ci ha consegnato questo ricordo di Drieu, di cui era stato per lungo tempo amico e confidente: «Avido e disgustato, postulante e recalcitrante, desiderava tutto e doveva subito disfarsene, denaro gettato, donne lasciate, oggetti perduti… Come se volesse guadagnare solo per avere più cose da perdere». Drieu fu dunque scrittore colpito in pieno da una maledizione autentica, imperdonabile e inassolvibile. La maledizione come macigno che sfregia, altro che posa compiaciuta per mascherarsi da icona sublimata! Quando è davvero così, quando t’imbatti nell’artista affetto da maleficio, la prima tentazione è scansarsi, non certo affiggere un poster in camera e sognare cavalcate con valchirie. Chi avidamente compulsa le testimonianze lasciate da un maledetto espone se stesso a forti rischi. La reazione del lettore leale e genuino è di fastidio acuto, affiora un retrogusto amaro, un’acidità che irrita mente e cuore e rischia di corrodere entrambi. Lettura velenosa, quella di Drieu, che però mi spiega perché all’artista nichilista si perdona quel che non si può concedere al nichilista ordinario, di rango comune, privo di un qualche barlume di genio creativo, di minimo talento generativo.
L’artista nichilista è la migliore contestazione del nichilismo. Per il fatto stesso che crea, che dà vita a qualcosa che aspira all’eterno, egli nega la negazione che canta in quanto artista. L’artista è artefice che mima il Creatore, può farlo in modo furioso, con l’intento iconoclasta del negatore e del barbaro distruttore, ma nell’atto di dar forma egli fornisce la più perentoria ed inequivocabile delle confutazioni. L’arte è di per sé creazione e, come tale, il mezzo contraddice il contenuto, almeno fino a quando la forma non si conformi del tutto al contenuto. Se però il contenuto è distruzione, a forza di essere negazione per la negazione, esaltazione dionisiaca quando Dioniso è stato già da tempo sbranato, così che non ci sono nemmeno più binari da cui deragliare sensi peraltro ormai ineducabili, ebbene, quando il contenuto è così ridotto, la forma finisce per essere anch’essa distrutta ed ecco che il nichilismo si mangia pure l’arte e l’afasia è completa, totale. L’arte che si fa concetto esogeno, tanto esterno da risultare estraneo. L’opera d’arte come zombie, come manichino in balia del critico e del direttore museale, dei loro allestimenti, delle loro didascalie. Siamo allo zenith del nichilismo.
La resistenza sta nel ribadire quell’adesione al reale da cui Drieu, come molti altri esponenti della cultura europea novecentesca, tragicamente si congedarono. Nel suo sommesso e mediocre suicidio si rispecchia la voragine di senso dentro cui un’intera civiltà è precipitata tra il 1914 e il 1945. Un’Europa in completa confusione, che rifiuta se stessa e si suicida, proprio come Drieu. Urgono artefici di bellezze che rinnovino di forme classiche e contenuti fertili un continente che da vecchio s’è fatto decrepito e sterile.
Danilo Breschi        
  L'articolo “Desiderava tutto e doveva subito disfarsene, denaro gettato, donne lasciate, oggetti perduti…”: Drieu La Rochelle, lo scrittore al veleno proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/2ZoIIlW
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