#even I think im a nut
the-holy-ghosted · 7 months
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congrats 2 henry peglar for being the only bitch confirmed as to be Fucking That Old Man
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ganondoodle · 7 days
it might seem like im just a totk hater, and to be fair, i AM, but its not bc i think its bad in every way- if it was all bad, ok, then its all bad and we can forget it happened and can all accept that-
but totk specifically hit the jackpot of -things that frustrate me so much i cannot let go and need to talk about it-
its part of my current hyperfixation (or whatever is the right word), botw is one of my all time favorite games, and that one had so many mysteries i was DEEPLY invested in, its got great music and some absolutely fanatstic moments, some ideas are great to fine, but it doesnt make sense, i hate time travel like little else in games, it constantly contradicts itself, the franchise, even its previous game its supposed to be a sequel to, i felt like i was made fun of by the game itself, for caring so much about what they had set up or done in botw, the moment i saw what they did to the shrine of life i felt so devasted i could hear people pointing and laughing at me for having cared about it, the writing treating me like i am so brainless i cannot connect dot one and two when there are only two dots in front of me labeld 1 and 2 that it then tells me to connect directly, to my face, multiple times, before showing me how to draw a line, its full, so SO FULL of missed opportunities, its got choices in there that are just nothing but frustrating bc there were a hundred other ones, i can see what you could do wit hthe basic ideas, theres people that worship it to a point you cant say anything even mildly critical, even about objectively bad things (there is no excuse for that godawful arrow menu) bc they will jump at you like a rabid animal-
i could go on but you get the point, never in my life has anything hit me like that
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july-19th-club · 11 months
house md wildest show on earth. a main character outright assassinates a known dictator, a moment that would be the very beginning or the mid-series crisis in any other show - an act which creates a power vacuum in a foreign nation already filled with child soldiers and genocide, and it's literally only brought up again throughout the season because that guy's wife divorces him over it. and occasionally to explore his relationship with who he is as a person and a catholic after having deliberately taken a life for what he calculates as the greater good, but mostly it's about his divorce
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ljsarts · 2 years
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"My dearest friend in the world has shed a tear over you and I will not leave without satisfaction."
(Aka I am still a wreck over the Rue-Wuvvy dynamic and tragedy of sorts from episode 2-3)
((Edit: Alt text added to the image + now available as a print: here))
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codacheetah · 8 days
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I've drawn Loop Goop before but not my actual capital h Headcanons so. Here's how Loop bleeds in my mind
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so-very-small · 7 months
the tiny, inside the walls, hyping themself up: It’s totally fine. Everything I’ve seen from this human shows that they’re kind, level headed, and normal. There’s utterly nothing wrong with this human, and I can totally befriend them! I shouldn’t be scared at all!
the tiny: *peeks out hole in the bathroom wall, looking up at the giant before them*
the giant, in front of the bathroom sink, obliviously doing their nightly routine: *removes their dentures*
the tiny, has no concept of what dentures are, who just saw this behemoth remove all the bones and flesh from its own mouth in one swift pull, without a flinch of pain: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
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femmesandhoney · 6 months
some of yall come into radical feminist spaces where many are just rad-aligned or feminists in general and then weirdly assume every woman you speak to must all subscribe to every radical ideology ever made just because they agree with radical feminism as if people on radblr aren't all at various stages of agreement and disagreement with radical feminism and label themselves many things besides radfem. if you come for women on here for not being "radical" enough for you despite knowing this i think you're just looking to stir up problems for no reason tbh
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redheadedfailgirl · 1 month
I just had a riveting discussion with a self proclaimed anarcho-capitalist at work, whose opinions included:
Tipping is bad because 'contracts with your employer are voluntary and they can leave if they're not paid enough.' He will still tip if he thinks his wife is watching
If you're stuck inside a torture chamber with an apple you can bite every ten seconds that sends you to paradise for a year, it is illogical to bite the apple and humanity is broken for thinking so
The ending to the good place was bad because the characters weren't being logical and there was so much shit you can do with the afterlife.
The marxist labor theory of value 'isn't true' because paintings have arbitrary value
Heidegger was an idiot
Kant was an idiot
Nietzche was an idiot
He is an anarcho-capitalist
If I don't have 100% certainty for something than I can't truly say that I know something is true, and isn't it illogical that people do that?
I have to see this man every Monday from now until I quit. We work one on one.
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theloveinc · 2 months
"how fucked up is your life that you need to hand out cookies just to get an ounce of praise" bakugo + "i don't know not like you give me any tho" reader .... they are fucking .......
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acearchivist359 · 4 months
if my math is correct there is gonna be a two week overlap where both the pjo tv show and the magnus protocol are coming out . and i apologize in advance to anyone who interacts with me in that two week period while i violently flip flop back and forth between those two obsessions because oh my god i am going to be insufferable
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longelk · 9 months
i think kaycee would kinda believe in aliens/cryptids/the paranormal she wouldnt be a total nut about it or perhaps even admit it to most people out of embarrassment but i feel like its a fitting assumption especially after seeing the cursed disk (+maybe another reason she's predisposed to enjoy leshy's theming the most with his cryptids)
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luhman16 · 5 days
We're costco dads, of course we have our romantic date at the costco
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creaturefeaster · 6 months
assuming host ages aren't secretly around it already (unlikely), how old do you think the mimes would be if they were living? ignoring that they're all like the same age. like, personally, i can't see foxglove being older than 20 and so on so forth
Host ages are generally not related to their social maturity, yes. And social maturity is what I'll be basing these ages on-- as in, based on the way they tend to act in the midst of conversation-- or perhaps a little more like how aged the living tend to perceive them. Some mimes are a little harder to pin to an age than others.
Assuming the typical human age range:
Uppsulka: 43~
Foxglove: 22~27
Caela: 18~22
Maggie: 16~20
Rede: 20~30
Twiddle: 35~45
Chickenstab: 18~25
Holly: 25~
Jarna: 36~
TyV: 50~55
Ching: 19~24
Calamea: 28~32
El Ganso: 22~26
Atrox: 25~35
Weepy: 20~
Gotta reiterate, these are not ages I've based them around. Purely based on a locally perceived maturity level. Don't take this as gospel.
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princekirijo · 8 months
Finally graduated haha let's go 🥹
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scootarooni · 1 year
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watched some of the scuffed world tour
aMSa number 1 !!!!!!!! ☝️#️1️🥚👑❗(also an axe pikachu!)
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strawberrycircuits · 6 months
do you ever think about how even though chell is the only living being in aperature, the robotic facility is somehow more alive than her. all chell has done is the rigorous testing originally designed by the scientists for robots they deemed unfeeling and unthinking, but now that they are gone we can see turrets that were built for destruction composing beautiful symphonies based on a love they were never thought to originally have, p-body and atlas have moments of interaction that show how much they can care about each other in their limited capacity for communication, and even glados slowly comes around on caring about chell. free from those who would do them harm, aperture has outgrown its original limitations and become something greater than it was ever designed to be
I THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE FUCKING TIME ARE YOU KIDDING ME. the idea of chell as a contrast to apertures humanity is SO INTERESTING TO ME because the facility is just positively teeming with life and humanity-- glados and wheatley joke, they have emotions like relief and happiness, anger, jealousy, insecurity-- they lash out when angry and cower and beg for mercy when terrified and, when really and truly confronted with what theyve done, they feel remorse. the turrets beg for their lives and forgive and the personality cores display charisma and arrogance and enthusiasm and for the 400 billionth time everything SINGS to you and chell exemplifies little to none of that. when shes hurt or terrified or remorseful she doesnt show it, she just trucks right on because she has a single goal in mind and by god is she going to execute it. and the idea of the human character being the cold, calculating, goal oriented one who doesnt show fear doesnt show remorse while all the robots are the ones loving and losing and realizing their own personhood makes me so jdflsjksjdfgdfgdkjfgksjdfioesruto435609568039485234i3t][er[;]23[4p][234;r23[4]5p45;6][7456. like. while the facility forces the devices to grow beyond their capabilities and intended functions it forces chell to grow beyond her humanity into this fearless, tenacious specimen that knows what it wants and isnt going to let mortality stop her. i think im goign to throw up
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