#even if she and b aren't technically married.
Kidcat AU? Who is the kid? are they a literal cat at any point?
KIDCAT AU KIDCAT AU this is mine and @lady-stormbraver's baby (Lady gets credit bc she's my brainstorming and plotting partner on it)!!!! the kid is Tim because I watched The Batman 2022, saw Bruce and Selina being weird stalkers (affectionate) and I went oh hey you know who else is a stalker and has a lot of love in his heart? TIMBERLY. and decided I wanted a Reevesverse Stray AU. this version of Selina sooooo needs a weird little nerd kid following in her shadow. also a big part of the premise is that 1) Jason and Tim hit it off, realize that they consider each other brothers, and decide they're going to Parent Trap(TM) Bruce and Selina, and 2) Dick is in his Hot Mess Era and is wearing a leather jacket with the Discowing suit and at one point ill-advisedly bleached his hair because he thought it would tick off Bruce and he's not great at being an older brother to one little sibling, let alone one (official) little sibling AND the cat-themed tagalong who's hanging around nowadays. this scene takes place a fair bit through the AU and is kind of a turning point in Dickie's character arc in this 'verse.
Batman is out of town, which means Nightwing is in town.
B isn't actually that far, just swapped cities for the night because a lead he'd been tailing ended up taking him to Blüd and he asked Dick, stiltedly and struggling, to cover his patrol route in Gotham tonight. Dick had agreed, because he's been on better terms with Bruce lately and is trying to keep it that way and not completely live up to his name, like Jason likes to say. Anyway, he's not patrolling alone. He's just babysitting, really, though he figures if Selina is out she's keeping her eyes on the kids as well, and possibly him, too.
Robin and Stray took a separate patrol route from his, and Dick had argued with Jason for ten minutes before they took it to Alfred, who cleared that they're allowed to split off like that. Dick does not really want to be babysitting, but he also really doesn't want to screw it up.
"Nightwing!" Comes a sudden, loud cry through his earpiece that almost makes Dick, even with a literal lifetime of practiced balance, miss his landing. "Dick, something's wrong," Jason says, voice tight. "Tim passed out and won't wake up and shit, I'm breaking the names rule, just- Dick, help."
Dick feels like someone's dumped a glass of ice water over his head and maybe broken the glass on his skull for good measure. The chill settles directly under his ribs. Jason never asks for help, not his help, at least. His mind plays a dozen scenarios of gas or gunshots or gang fights and he grapples to the top of the nearest building almost on instinct. When lost, climb to a high point. He deliberately stills at the top, takes a slow breath so his voice won't shake. That one momentary pause is better than the minutes he may have to spend calming Jason if he lets him hear the terror Dick is feeling. "What's your location, Robin?" He asks, sends the request to Alfred, back at the Manor, at the same time.
Jason replies immediately with two street names, the closest corner he remembers, at the same time Alfred pings with a precise coordinate. The running leap Dick takes off the building isn't as smooth as it would be otherwise, if he wasn't responsible for Jason and Tim tonight. If he wasn't freaking terrified thinking of things that could have happened to Sel's tiny little shadow who, yeah, okay, Dick is a bit fond of himself. What Jason could be dealing with, the goddamned protective instincts in that kid has for everyone but himself sometimes. No extra flips tonight, no wasting time on showing off or having fun. It wouldn't be fun, anyway, tonight.
Dick isn't Nightwing when he touches down, not really. He's just a teenager looking for another teenager and the little kid they've both claimed as brother. Sometimes he thinks that's all that holds him and Jason together, other than Bruce. He finds what he's looking for on a roof, tucked away in the nook formed between a high concrete railing and the roof access stairs to the building below.
Jason is a bright flare of red and green and Dick rushes toward him, only remembering too late that Jason flinches, and badly, and that he should have slowed down. Tim is slumped in Jason's arms, black cat-eared hood already pulled down away from his face, the older boy curled protectively around the little black form.
"Robin," Dick says, snapping himself back into Nightwing mode, "Report. What happened?"
"I don't know," Jason snaps, eyes flicking back and forth from Tim, who looks half-conscious, at least, to Dick like he thinks Dick is going to try and take Tim away from him. "He seemed off all night, kinda slow, I guess? We were patrolling like normal, nothing weird, but he just... collapsed. He's burning up."
"Okay," Dick says. "Okay." Slowly, this time, a lot like how he acts with victims — although he hates thinking of it like that, because this is, essentially, his brothers — he reaches towards Tim.
Jason all but growls at him, holding the smaller boy tighter. "Don't touch him."
Dick sits back on his heels. "Jason," he says, "Jay, you've gotta let me check him out, okay?"
Jason eyes him from behind his mask, and it feels a lot like he's taking that one second that Dick took earlier to calm himself. It feels like Dick is becoming both a big brother and Nightwing at the same time. "Okay," he says, and visibly makes himself relax when Dick reaches out again.
"It's okay," Dick says, briefly placing a hand on Jason's head without even thinking about it as he checks Tim's pulse with the other. It's quick, fluttery but not uneven. "You're right, he's running a pretty high fever." Tim's eyelids flicker, and Dick brings a hand up to his face, taps his cheek gently with one gloved finger. "Heya, kitten, you with us?"
Tim blinks sluggishly, eyes half-lidded and clearly not totally lucid. "Nigh'wing?" He mumbles, body suddenly tensing like he's trying to sit up, but Jason holds him tight.
"Relax, baby cat, be still," Jason says, frowning down at him as Tim squirms momentarily. He glances up to make eye contact with Dick, but mostly they both stay fixated on the youngest of them.
Tim stills, his head resting against Jason's shoulder. "Jay..." he breathes, relaxing against this older boy, whose face goes softer than Dick even knew it could.
"We should get him home," Dick says quietly. Jason looks up at him, and Dick can see the but you only have a motorbike counter coming a mile away. "I'll call the 'Mobile."
"F...reakin' autopilot," Jason scoffs, but Dick can see some of the tension ease out of him. "Dick?"
"Hm?" Dick stands to watch for the headlights of the Batmobile. Hopefully Alfred has been on comms tonight and already sent a message to Selina, because Dick feels like he's juggling and not very smoothly.
Jason hesitates long enough to make Dick turn, catching the moment Jason turns his wide, greenish-blue eyes from staring after Dick back to focus on Tim. "Will you call B, too?" He asks, his voice just a little shaky.
Dick sighs. "Yeah, Jay. I'm calling him."
At the end of the day, or in this case, at the end of the night, he wants his dad too. Maybe that's another thing that holds them together.
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Maggie, my beloved 🥰🥰🥰
I gave you *checks calendar* 56 hours. Here comes the only question I have left, because you answered the rest before I could ask.
In ASOIAF stories, members of the families tend to use the same colors of their house. I don’t know if it’s for convenience sake (GRRM’s way of giving you an idea of who’s who before you Know) or actual “the environment affects the dyes found on each area” or what. Anyways, all of that said, why did you choose to have Angel changing the colors of her dresses and what was your thought process? Like, green when she was feeling more aligned with Aegon, blue when she was thinking of Aemond, etc?
This is an amazing question!!! 😍 I looooove color-related symbolism and use it in every fic and I almost never get to talk about it!!! So thank you for asking 🥰
At the beginning of the series, Angel wears neutral colors like grey, cream, or pale pink or blues, which corresponds with her relative neutrality in the war. She is technically a Black (since she's from House Celtigar and her father chose to support Rhaenyra), but she never seems to have any sort of heartfelt commitment to that side, even if she has been exposed to plenty of anti-Green propaganda. She tends to wounded soldiers regardless of their affiliation. And of course, Angel's enthusiasm for the Blacks is somewhat dampened by the fact that she knows as soon as they win, Wolfman will arrive to take her away and marry her.
When Angel is found/recruited/kidnapped by the Greens to treat Aegon's burns, this liminality in terms of her allegiance continues. She is a Black who's pretending to be a Green, but she's also falling in love with Aegon, and furthermore is more distressed by the brutality of the war itself than by either side's right to possess the throne. (Angel wears maroon and lavender at the brothel, but those aren't really her choices. Still, they are transitional, not neutral colors but not super bold either.) Angel does wear black after Aegon flees to Dragonstone, both to better fit in with her Black-affiliated family and also to mourn Aegon's departure (our girl was going through it! 😭).
Even on Dragonstone, Angel wears neutral colors until Aegon shatters his legs and his health rapidly deteriorates. Thereafter, Angel's gowns go straight to vivid jewel tones, symbolizing her abrupt all-in attitude. She's a ride or die Green because Aegon is the Greens' king, and he has no chance of survival if his side doesn't win; but also, for the first time, Angel wants vengeance. She wears varyingly emerald green (allegiance to the Greens), sapphire blue (an unconventional but strong bond with Aemond), and ruby red (fury, violence, crabs/resurrection). They don't necessarily correspond to the events of specific scenes, but more to her overall shift in mindset. She really does start to lose it mentally after it's clear Aegon is in serious trouble. Angel also wears black on occasion, but typically only when things are really bleak (ex. that one night with Aemond "There Are Other Targaryens" Targaryen and the day of Cregan Stark's arrival in King's Landing).
Side note: Throughout the series, Aegon mostly wears a. white bandages and simple cotton sleeping clothes OR b. black battle attire. The white represents purity (perhaps an unorthodox choice for Aegon, but his relationship with Angel is pure in the sense that he loves her honorably and selflessly) and rebirth as a new person following Rook's Rest (there's that resurrection theme again!). The black is of course foreshadowing his inevitable death.
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side B, Match 18
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propaganda under the cut!
they were a little adversarial at the start of the show but the flashback episode of their first meeting shows they did get along initially. They built their friendship and understanding over years. And when they finally became lovers, and even when they finally got married, it was still a strong and wonderful dynamic that didn't kill the show, as some realized relationships have been known to do. Booth and Brennan are one of those really cool "opposites attract" relationships. They both care about the bones of the cases, but their worldviews and motivations are almost worlds apart. She is rational, scientific, and an atheist. He is  instinctual, bendable, and a catholic. But they Get each other. and underneath they are Human and that is the most important discovery they made about each other.
Submission 1:
Listen, I know their romantic relationship is not technically canon, but they obviously care so deeply for each other! They would they would kill for each other and they would die for each other. Killer didn't hesitate to eat that SMILE for a chance to save Kid, and Kid was obviously heart broken when he noticed what had happened to his partner, so much that he gave up his just refound freedom for it. They are PARTNERS (canon) and you know how they mean that. They've been best friends for ages, their relationship just couldn't help but bloom into something more.
Submission 2:
They’re best friends, they grew up together, they’re in love. They need each other more than anyone else, would do anything or fight anyone to keep the other by their side.  
Submission 3:
They aren't lovey doves, but the loyalty! Kid and Killer were children they had a friend named Victoria who they both had a crush on, but years later they both became gang leaders and Victoria got killed by the most powerful gang in their country. In revenge, Kid joined together all the gangs and took down those that killed Victoria, and later formed a pirate crew with all the former gang leaders, with Killer as his right hand man.
I love the LOYALTY these two have, because Kid is always like "Imma do something so stupid!" and Killer is like "You shouldn't do it, but go ahead none the less, I'll be right next to you". 
2 more reasons why I love them, but they are a spoiler just so you know.
1. That time Killer ate a fruit the permanently deformed his face into a smile and made him able to express his emotions only through laughter in order to protect Kid, Kid got furious because he knows Killer has always been insecure about his laugh and smile.
2. Killer taking a hit that could've killed Kid, keeping them both alive but badly hurt.
Submission 4:
They’ve been friends since childhood. Kid’s been through some tough things throughout the show (eg. losing an arm) but the only time we see him cry is when Killer has been tortured and experimented on. Killer goes a bit mad from said experience but only begins to calm down when he’s reunited with Kid. They call each other ‘partner’ or ‘my partner’. I can list more but think I’ve made my point 😆
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capybaraonabicycle · 4 months
If I could make a request for the Kiss writing ask, how about Fugitive!Doctor/River (or Mels, your choice), with number 18. For encouragement! Thank youuuu <3
Thank you for the prompt dear! An excellent choice in my totally unbiased opinion :)
I'm feeling slightly guilty because I should have
A) finished the Osgate kiss before this one and
B) reblogged your beautiful piece before answering this ask.
But I need to get this out before I can continue with anything else so here we go. I hope you like it!
Some things first however:
Despite there technically not being any need for them specifically in the scene, I would still like to apologise for sidelining the Paternoster Gang here. I would have liked to focus more on them but this is already too long. Plus, like, my general inability to nicely include 5 people in a scene.
(Also, I think this is the first time you're reading me writing the Paternoster Gang and I am accordingly very nervous.)
(However, I did need another couple to be with Doctorriver here and my first instinct was to choose Bill and Jenny - because this Doctor should meet her daughter and granddaughter and so should River. But then I thought you would prefer the other Jenny plus Vastra and I came up with a nice role for Strax, too, so the scene changed marginally)
Also, this snippet is more 'a lot of encouragement with a kiss hidden somewhere' than 'a kiss for encouragement' but I hope you don't mind?
And, finally, just to reassure you: this may initially read like angst, but it's pure fluff. I promise <3
Rating: Teen
Defeat and Encouragement (Fugitive Doctor x River with a side of Jenny x Vastra)
The Doctor was lying on the floor, defeated. Her eyes were closed, all tension gone from her body. She suddenly looked the millenia old that the man River had once married had possessed despite his childlike face. Neither her nor the Doctor were sure how many millenia this incarnation had lived and forgotten about but they had surely added to his already impressive number and right now the Doctor seemed to have fast forwarded to that point.
Half of her body lay draped over the plastic canvas, her left arm resting on top of a red spot, the other limbs had rolled off onto the wooden floor of the Victorian sitting room.
"Is she -"
There was honest concern in Jenny's voice, but she broke off when River's gaze shot her way. Even Vastra had a noticable tension to the way she held onto her wife as they helped each other into an upright position. But there was also an amused smile tugging at her lips and River wasn't certain that she found it more aggravating than contagious.
The Doctor let out a soft groan, almost a whine, as if to prove she was still alive.
"Shall I shoot him?" Strax asked eagerly, lowering down the tablet he was holding. "Put him out of his misery?"
"That's alright, dear" River held him back, "Let me talk to her."
She crouched down next to the Doctor and reached out for the hand on the canvas - not quite touching but hovering close.
"Sweetie?" she asked gently. "Are you getting up?"
There was a miniscule shake of the Doctor's head, barely visible.
"We've lost" she managed quietly. That was all she seemed willing to contribute.
"We've lost the battle" River argued with a smirk. "We can still win the war."
The Doctor finally turned her head to squint up at her.
"When you've lost 6 out of 6 battles" she muttered, "there comes a point where you have to ask yourself whether you aren't losing the war, too."
Now River tapped their fingers together and immediately, the Doctor complied, grasping her hand. River leant closer, whispering:
"When you've lost six battles, you'll have your wife telling you to get up and win the seventh with her."
The Doctor glowered. "That's what you told me the last five times."
River smiled.
"And I will tell you again a seventh time" she promised.
"If Gat could see me now" the Doctor groaned, closing her eyes again. "Decades of Division training, superior timelord reflexes and all that. And then I get beaten by a couple of Earthlings."
At the last sentence, there was a smile tugging at her lips however, as if the irony and ridiculousness of the situation started seeping through the fog of her mortification.
"If Gat could see you now, she would tell you the same as I do" River said. "To get up and fight."
"Wrong" the Doctor let out a dry laugh. "She would tell Strax to go ahead and shoot me."
"Come on now." River pulled at her hand and reluctantly, under groans of pain, the Doctor followed her into a sitting position. River cupped her cheek and she leant into the touch, looking up at her through her lashes.
"We're not giving up now, are we?" River whispered.
She lead their faces together and pressed a gentle, encouraging kiss to the Doctor's lips. It was merely a peck, short and sweet, but the effect was stunning. The Doctor chased after her lips, sat up straighter and her expression brightened visibly. She was not the only one: Even after all these years and different incarnations, the smallest exchanges of affections with her spouse never failed to give River butterflies.
Her voice slightly hoarse, she continued: "You and me? We can do this. We've fought loads of tougher battles before."
"I don't know about that." The Doctor's gaze flitted towards Jenny and Vastra, but River called her back to attention.
"Are you seriously ready to give up, Doctor?"
She hadn't meant for it to sound that mocking, not with this Doctor. In an older regeneration the comment would have fueled ambition, the need to prove themself. But her wife took the stubbornness in the opposite direction.
She jutted her chin out provocatively, fixating River. "What if I am?"
River relented. "Is there really nothing I can do to persuade you?"
She brushed her thumb against the Doctor's lip suggestively, but naturally, the Doctor's brain jumped away the very second she promised gifts.
"You could let me have the last piece of the chocolate cake Jenny made?" she said hopefully, glancing between their friends.
"If that's what it takes for you to get off the floor" Jenny said and now amusement was apperent in her voice as well.
The Doctor weighed the offer thoughtfully for a moment, then she nodded resolutely.
"Alright" she agreed, "let's do this!"
She let River pull her to her feet and righted her waistcoat with emphasis. "I'm ready."
"Ready to eat dust for the seventh time?" Vastra teased and Jenny playfully hit her shoulder.
"Be nice" she scolded her, before turning and smirking at River. "It's not their fault they're hopeless at their game."
River looked at the Doctor, curious whether her battered pride would make her bristle, but the encouragement seemed to have worked as she was looking back calmly.
"On the contrary" she said cheerfully. "We're ready to make you eat your words. Aren't we, love?"
She leant against River conspiringly who grinned up at her.
"Seventh time's the charm?" she offered and the Doctor's mouth twitched merrily.
"Obviously" she agreed, definitely as aware as River that they were about to go down against their friends yet another time.Apparently excellent martial arts and sword skills trumped timelord biology when it came to human party games. "And anyway I've already been promised a piece of cake, so who's winning in the grand scheme of things?"
'Won a cake for putting on a show' River thought fondly, and she had to lean in to kiss that smug smile off her face. They really were the same dramatic idiot in every one of their bodies.
"Can we continue now?" Strax raised the tablet with an air of importance.
"I believe we can" Vastra assured him, offering her hand to Jenny to lead her to their side of the canvas. "Shall we, my dear?"
"Of course, my darling" Jenny agreed readily.
River raised to her tiptoes, whispering into the Doctor's ear: "Let them laugh, we'll laugh later."
"Yes, when we'll share my cake" the Doctor whispered back and River let out a surprised snort.
"Were you playing the long game after all, Sweetie?" she hummed. "Are you actually really good at this?"
"Prepare to be amazed, love" the Doctor boasted, full of false bravado that River was sure she would regret in an instance.
"Positions!" Strax ordered sharply, turning the arrow on the tablet with enthusiasm. He looked up, smirked devilishly and pronounced loudly: "Left hand: Green. I hope you'll enjoy getting twisted in excruciating pain!"
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[ID: gif of a spinning twister tablet. end ID]
I hope it got clear what is happening here? It seems very clear in my head but I am not sure that it translates to the outside. Maybe it's a good idea to read it twice if it's a little confusing at first.
In case it doesn't become clear, here's what happened in my head up until this point:
The Doctor and River visited their friends
The Doctor proposed a game of Twister
Strax was delighted because that sounded refreshingly violent
Strax is an excellent strategist and very strong but agility is not his forte so he very quickly lost interest when he kept failing after one or two spins
He did delight in being referee though, spin the arrow and watch the others struggle
To make matters more interesting, someone (maybe River?) proposed to make it a couple's game one couple against the other
From that point on the Doctor and River have lost every single game and the Doctor is done by now - hence staying on the floor after falling from a failed reach for a spot with some limb
Oh yeah, also, please don't ask me how this fits into canon. I have no idea.
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strscrossed · 10 months
✨actor au headcanons ✨ part 2
i was really feeling this last night so!!! here are some things that happened during production. i'll do a social media one soon.
historia and eren were shit stirrers and the problem children of the entire cast, doing the whole partying thing because they had to cope with so much fame so fast but they always covered for each other but eren fell into worse habits whereas historia was able to get herself out
eren was doing a stint in rehab during the final part's shooting so that's why he was largely not present during half of the season's episodes. he comes back for the final stretch of episodes and he's clean and cuts his hair and all that and is finally able to grow up after seeing his character's fate
arumika's date was largely a PR stunt because a) she'd just broken up with jean and b) the rumor mill was stirring that armin was fooling around with annie, who's currently in a relationship. rumor has it that they might've hooked up too but neither confirm it and armin alludes to them making out once in his tell-all.
armin writes a tell-all where he airs out all the dirty laundry (with everyone's permission) but he does confirm that annie was cheating with him for months while she was with bertholdt and the two of them got into such a bad fight that they had to rewrite scenes or shoot them separately because it was so so bad
as for the zeke-pieck thing. yeah the two of them had an affair while shooting their season 3 cameos. and yelena was his wife of 2 years at the time and it was a major scandal leading to a divorce because pieck got knocked up. they married the day after the divorce was finalized but they divorced a year later for reasons no one really knows. it was so bad that the "divorce" was written into the plot but they made up and remarried later.
eren and mikasa's relationship actually started on the second to last day of shooting right after their cabin scene and eren's fresh out of rehab. yes the cabin sequence is the final thing they shoot. so technically the last thing is the kiss and both of them realize that they don't want to end up like that so they confess their love for each other in mikasa's trailer that night. they marry a year later and they're one of those rare celeb couples that actually stay together and aren't surrounded in scandal.
mikasa is the set's hot girl because she's been on dates with most of the guys. she did go off and on with jean throughout the seasons though. they had a break up during season 1 and got back together and so forth. he was about to propose but she broke it off before he could because she knew she didn't love him in the way that he loved her. she had a brief fling with porco too and it was a fling for all intents and purposes that last for a month tops. she was going through it because eren was at his worst and they were rumored to have had a huge blowout.
maybe em hooked up once between seasons 3 and 4 and that sent eren hurdling towards rock bottom but also was his wake up call too.
levi's an enigma and his personal life is the subject of so much media scrutiny but he never comments. he's been linked to a few of his co-stars and even other well known celebs but he never never comments and he's rumored to have beaten up some sleazy journalist once. he has a side-gig and that's the owner of a successful chain of tea-shops across the world.
reiner becomes a huge mental health advocate and spends a lot of time helping out with charities. he's sort of a golden child which is why when he checks into rehab, everyone's shocked. turns out it's because of exhaustion and his mental health that he wants to take care of so he leads by example.
because so many characters get killed off, they get a free spa day, a meal at a nice restaurant, and a big bottle of wine followed by a "sorry, you're dying next episode" note from the writers and producers.
connie grows his hair out immediately after because he hates being bald
when shooting the epilogue on the boat, connie and jean recreated the "i'm flying" scene from titanic and it was put into the blooper real and they had no idea lol
if em were bad when it came to finally getting together, aa was really had at staying together for more than a few months because of all the media pressure and annie's own insistence to stay out of the limelight. they did finally stay together and married some years after filming wrapped. annie retired from acting and became an interior designer and that really did wonders for her.
hange actually has a phd in zoology so they brought that into their character and even went off-script several times but the writers loved it so much they just kept it.
ymir actually went onto becoming hugely successful and once she and historia get together, they're a complete power couple but they did play chicken with the media for years before announcing their engagement via the fake baby bump post on instagram. also both of them wanted a kid so they also announced historia's actual pregnancy via sperm donor and the rumor is that either armin or porco were the donors.
zeke and historia are distant cousins but they shared an ancestor maybe 8 generations back.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Getting In Trouble (Pt.2)
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 2443
Warnings: mention of abuse
Last | Next
After JJ steals some of the money from the safe, the group discusses what they should do and whether they should take it back, especially after seeing Scooter wash up on shore. They don't do that though and instead decide to throw a party for now. Callie seemed to be the one who wanted nothing to do with what was going on even after everyone slowly gave in.
"Sorry, you came back and got dragged into this." John B sits next to Callie as she sits on a tree branch alone with her beer.
"I just can't get in trouble, Johnny. If Joey finds out, I'm screwed." She sighs looking down at her cup.
"Joey?" He raises an eyebrow wanting to know who Joey was.
"My aunt's husband. Technically they aren't even married so that's why I always say boyfriend. He refuses to actually do it so they just use the terms because they've been together for so long. He's a total prick."
"Why would you be screwed though?" He asks her.
"As I said he's a prick and you don't want to see him angry. I don't know why she's still with him... how he treats us." She takes a drink of her beer.
"Treats us?" He starts to get worried about her.
"You get what I mean." She tells him so he puts an arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to his side.
"If you wanna talk, I'm here for you. I know four years have passed by but it doesn't feel like that with you back home now." He rests his head on top of hers.
"What happened to your dad? I didn't see him or hear him when I came over earlier." Callie lifts her head to look at him.
"Umm, he disappeared at sea nine months ago looking for a shipwreck. My Uncle T became my legal guardian but at the moment he's in Mississippi building houses. So it's just me and the Pogues. The law wants to put me in foster care to be in a safe loving home." John B tells her everything.
Callie didn't exactly know what to say to that. She felt sorry for him of course, "You aren't believing he's gone until you see a body?" She tilts her head.
"Exactly. No body, not dead to me." He nods his head so she gives him a smile. "I miss your smile when you had braces." He makes her jaw drop, "Because you used to get so insecure about them so I had to tell you how good you look with them. It was my job while JJ joked around about them."
"I hated them. I was so happy when I got to take them off." She makes a face.
"Your smile was great with them and now still without them."
"Are you flirting with me or?" Callie laughs at him making him chuckle.
"Depends, you want me to flirt with you or?" They both just smile at each other.
"So Pogues can't mack each other but Pogues can flirt with each other?" Callie tilts her head.
"Technically you left us so you aren't a Pogue anymore until I let you join again." John B points his finger at her.
"What I went through today sneaking into a motel room and hiding from the cops doesn't make me automatically join again?" She playfully shoves him while Kiara watches them from a distance.
"What up?" JJ asks her looking at the two in the distance laughing. "They're just friends catching up. She was our best friend, remember." JJ lets her know watching the two closer. John B and Callie kept giving each other flirty smiles and looks making JJ laugh, "Yeah, catching up. Don't worry." He walks away to drink more not wanting to think anything more.
"So you really aren't letting one of the original three Pogues not back in?" Callie smacks John B's arm.
"Fine, you're back in." He smacks her back.
"What is she doing here?" Kiara sees Sarah in the distance as she walked by Callie and John B making them look over at her.
"What Kiara doesn't like Sarah?" Callie asks.
"You know the Kook princess? She used to be Kiara's best friend in the ninth grade, then her worst enemy in the tenth grade. And that's Topper, her not-so-pleasant boyfriend. He thinks we were bred to mow lawns." John B gives her the rundown.
"Wow. She seemed nice when we went to her place for dinner. Her dad is old friends with Joey." Callie nods her head.
The two end up talking by themselves the whole night even though there were tons of people around them. "I gotta find another drink." John B gets up so they walk together running into JJ offering a drink until he starts talking to Sarah.
Her boyfriend ends up being a dick, smacking the drink at JJ and making JJ grab him by the shirt starting a fight so John B, Callie, and Pope stop him.
"Dirty Pogues!" Topper shouts making John B rush at him to shove him starting a bigger fight.
Everyone started to shout fight and JJ wasn't any help in the situation. "You're not helping JJ!" Callie slaps his chest.
Topper ends up starting to drown John B by holding him in the shallow water making Callie run over trying to stop him just to get elbowed in the face. She knew it was no use to fighting him so she goes for his hands trying to get his grip to loose.
JJ ends up going over with the gun out, "Yeah, you know what this is. Your move, broski." JJ tells Topper.
"JJ put the gun down." Callie shouts as she pulls John B back to fall into her chest as he calms his breathing.
Everyone ran off even more after JJ shot off into the air making Kiara and Pope yell at him while Callie held John B in her arms still as the waves hit her back rocking them.
Once he was able to calm down he got up making Callie storm over to JJ, "Are you insane or just really fucking stupid?! We're supposed to lay low and you use the gun you stole? I get it, you saved him but come on dude!" She shoves him back before heading off to go home for the night.
"How was your day out, Cal?" Tess asks as Callie walks inside the house.
"What happened?" Her aunt gets up to look at Callie's red cheekbone which was slowly bruising up as she walks into view.
"This chick's boyfriend and JJ started a fight so John B jumped in to stop but then those two started fighting. Topper started to drown John B in the water so I ran over to help him. This was the result of an elbow to the face." Callie explains to the two.
"Of course, you get into a fight for a boy." Joey scoffs.
"Did you miss the part where I said Topper was drowning him? Was I supposed to watch a childhood friend drown?" Callie snaps back making her aunt tell her to stop. "I'm going to bed." Callie storms up to her room.
Once she was ready for bed she just lays in the dark before she hears tapping on her window. She sits up looking to see JJ outside smiling, "What the hell are you doing?" She opens her window so he climbs in.
"Thank god that tree is still there to get up here." He laughs making her shush him, "Also you guys got power over here?"
"Yeah, we have a backup generator. Why are you here, JJ?" She huffs.
"I wanted to make sure you were okay. You took that elbow to the face well." He sits on her bed causing her to sigh because she's used to getting hit because of Joey.
"Not my first time in a physical fight." She forces a smile as shouting downstairs starts.
Tess and Joey were fighting about Callie. How they moved here so she could feel comfortable but now she's getting in fights with boys for a boy.
"She was helping her friend!" Tess yells making Joey throw shit around in the kitchen so she dodges things.
JJ looks at Callie as she gets up going to her bedroom door locking it for her safety as shit breaks downstairs along with all the screams.
Callie walks back over to her bed bringing her knees up to her chest looking at JJ, "Thought I got away from all the screaming when my dad went away. He only got replaced with someone different."
That's one thing the two of them had in common and understood each other's troubles. JJ really thought Callie got lucky when she had to go live with her Aunt. He thought she was finally free from the abuse but in reality she just hopped into another sinking boat.
JJ lays down opening his arms towards her motioning for her to lay down so he can hold her so she does. JJ's fingers lightly go up and down Callie's arm as she cuddles into his chest. The yelling was still going on downstairs so JJ starts to hum.
"I don't mind spending every day. Out on your corner in the pouring rain. Look for the girl with the broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay a while." JJ whispers the lyrics, "And she will be loved." He whispers in a ridiculous tone making Callie quietly giggle with her eyes closed.
Callie ends up falling asleep at some point and during that time the yelling finally stopped and JJ didn't want to leave her side. Carefully he moves so Callie rolls off him sound asleep as he tucks her in before climbing back out her window.
The next morning Callie wakes up wondering at what point in the night did JJ leave. For the day she had her bikini on under her overalls shorts with a baby yellow crop tank top just in case. Looking in the mirror she could see her left cheekbone now had a noticeable bruise from Topper elbowing her in the face last night.
"Plan on getting in trouble today again?" Joey asks as Callie walks into the room.
"Not really."
"If you get in trouble again because of a boy..." He gives her a look.
"Where's my aunt?" She ignores the look.
"She left for work. Speaking of work, why don't you get a summer job?"
"Because my aunt said I don't have to. Now, I'm heading out." Callie makes her way towards the door heading to John B's place.
When she gets to the house she just walks in to see him sitting on the futon with his head down, "How you doing?" She asks so he looks up at her showing his black eye.
"Sheriff came by to check on me since DCS called her. Asked about the fight and asked if we came across the wreck yesterday." He lays back frustrated, "She said she would help me with the whole foster care situation if I stay out of the marsh."
"What like for a couple of days? It shouldn't be that hard. Especially if foster care is on the line and she can help you stay here." Callie sits down looking back at him.
"I know, and I need that because my uncle has been gone for three months." He sighs running his hands through his hair.
"Cool black eye." Callie decides to play around to ease some stress.
"Cool bruise." He nods his head at her letting out a chuckle.
"So when do the others show up when they don't crash here?" Callie lays back turning her head to look at him.
"Who knows?"
"You going to tell them?" She asks as he rolls over resting his head on her stomach so she puts her hand in his hair.
"Most likely." He closes his eyes thinking of what he wants to do.
One by one the groups show up and as they all sit out back John B tells them he's calling everything off because he wants the help. JJ and John B end up arguing about the situation before he convinces John B they have nothing to lose.
Defying the rules, the five decide to head back to the wreck, this time with a scuba tank, John B stole from his rich boss Ward Cameron. After a small discussion on who was going to dive, John B decides to go down there. While Pope does some math to calculate for him, Kiara jumps into the water.
"What was that all about?" Callie looks at the boys confused.
"I have no idea. So when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay." JJ tells his best friend as Kiara comes back up saying what she did.
"If we get caught we're all screwed so get a move on and be careful shitbird." Callie tells John B as he gets ready.
Before he goes Kiara kisses his cheek as a be careful and good luck. JJ looks at Callie but she was already looking at him. To her little knowledge of yesterday, she got the hint he kinda had a thing for her.
"Why did you look at me?" She giggles standing next to him.
"Why did you look at me?" He asks her the same thing.
"You like Kiara." She mouths to him making him shrug his shoulders. Yeah, he used to but with Callie back his feelings from when they were younger were coming back to the surface.
"Not really. Like I said it's for fun and being playful."
"Now, why did you look at me?" She nudges him.
"You two were flirty yesterday at the beach." He whispers annoyed.
"We were being playful." She tells him so they just look at each other before police sirens go off. "Just act normal, guys." Callie sits down next to Kiara.
"How you kids doing? You know the marsh is closed?" The deputy tells them so they act like they didn't know and ask why then say they haven't seen anything. "Where's your friend you always hang with? He here?"
"He's working." Kiara speaks up with a disappointed smile.
The deputy goes onto their boat to check it out so they let him then after a bit he leaves them John B comes up. A rogue boat quickly approaches them making to go as fast as they could.
"Umm, they're following us." Callie speaks up looking back making John B go fast as he could.
A gunshot is fired at them and they all duck down. "Oh, my god. We're gonna die." Pope says.
"That's helpful Pope!" Callie shouts, staying down as JJ makes sure she was covered.
Kiara manages to stop the guy's following them with a bit of ingenuity letting them get away. Back on shore, they all open the bag to find a compass. Everyone but Callie and John B gets disappointed because she recognizes seeing that exact one years ago.
"This was my father's."
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panlight · 2 years
Why do you think so many fans kill off Billy? I've read anti-pack stories and pro-pack stories and so many have Billy die. He's ill, sure, but he's still a vibrant guy. I'm probably paranoid but it almost feels like a subconscious punishment for the poor dude.
For the wolfpack centric fics, I think it comes from a) established canon of health problems and b) The Drama. He's basically the the leader of the tribe even if technically Sam or Jacob as the Alpha(s) should have that role; as long as Billy is alive, everyone is going to look to him. Sure, there's also Sue Clearwater and Old Quil on the council (side note: this is not at all how it works in real life), but Billy is positioned in the narrative as not just the leader, but the Keeper of the Stories. Him dying would create the most drama and shake up the status quo the most. If you killed off any other parent it just wouldn't have the same oomph, and wouldn't force the wolf shifters to grow up and stand on their own in quite the same way.
With vampire centric fics . . . it could be some of that, but it could also be, like you said, a sort of payback for being anti E/B. Which, even as primarily a vampire person (I love the wolf pack characters, but vampires are my preferred supernatural creature; the shapeshifters just aren't monsters in my mind, and I am Here For Monsters) is just laughable, because like, OBVIOUSLY he wouldn't want his best friend's daughter hanging out with VAMPIRES. That is a perfectly reasonable position to have!! It's only in the context of a romance ("he's getting in the way of their love!!") that anyone could remotely have a problem with it. Like, good on you Billy for trying to keep Bella safe even though she 1000% did not listen to you, lol.
Although to be honest, him dying before he has to watch Jacob marry a half-vampire might be a mercy. I know we're supposed to think they're all one big happy family now (. . .) but I just can't see Billy not being horrified by like, all of that. Especially if he knows that as a baby Nessie bit Jacob "all the time!" and Edward thought that was fine. :/
I can't quite bring myself to think the CULLENS all think everything about Renesmee is 100% happiness and light (they would love her, obviously, but given their own attitudes toward vampirism shouldn’t there be some concern about her quality of life, or whether she will ever be able to value human life having never been human in the first place, or being saddened she’s doomed to monotonous eternity just like them???), but I DEFINITELY can't accept that Billy and Sue are just like, lovingly bouncing this half-vampire-who-bites-Jacob-to-drink-his-blood on their knee and accepting of the idea Jacob will spend eternity with her. I can't do it.
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maddie-grove · 2 years
Little Book Review: Secrets of a Summer Night
Author: Lisa Kleypas.
Publication Date: 2004.
Genre: Historical romance (Victorian).
Premise: Annabelle Peyton is pretty and genteel, but she and her family are in desperate financial straits. Ignored at social events due to her twice-turned gowns and lack of dowry, she joins forces with three of her fellow "wallflowers" (outspoken American Lillian, her fanciful younger sister Daisy, and rich but debilitatingly shy Evangeline) to improve their collective marital prospects. With luxurious borrowed gowns and devious schemes from her new friends, Annabelle's well on her way to marrying a well-heeled aristocrat...but finds herself thinking of Simon Hunt, a self-made man with little patience for society and no plans to marry.
Thoughts: I passed on Lisa Kleypas for more than ten years because I read two of her contemporary romances and didn't like them very much. Both were part of her Travis series, which focuses on a wealthy Houston family. The better of the two, Blue-Eyed Devil, sensitively portrayed the heroine's abusive marriage, but lost me after a needlessly unpleasant sex scene that prioritized the hero's sexual desires over the heroine's need to heal from her trauma. The inferior novel, Smooth Talking Stranger, has the liberal heroine embrace motherhood, reject vegetarianism, and realize that rich, vaguely conservative people aren't all greedy meanies; the idea is supposed to be that she was only a childfree vegetarian rich-people-criticizer because she was blindly following her boring boyfriend's lead, but what's she doing now? Following the lead of a capitalist who balks at giving a baby boy a stuffed bunny because it's not "masculine" enough?
Anyway, I kind of assumed all her books would be bad, despite the stellar reputation of the Wallflowers quartet. Lately, though, I've been in a romance-reading slump, so I decided I'd give something different a try. I'm glad that I did. Secrets of a Summer Night displays some of the best qualities of 2000s historical romance; it's breezy and witty, but doesn't shy away from being dark or morally complicated. I can see the shared DNA with the Travis series--the novel is a little bit horny for capitalism, in the same way that Emile Zola's The Ladies' Paradise is a little bit horny for capitalism--but it's a lot more tolerable when it's a struggle between two different kinds of rich people who disagree about whether it's rude to talk directly about money. The novel is also very much about economics, with both Annabelle and Simon engaging with society primarily as a way to improve their financial standing, before surprising themselves by acting against that interest.
I also appreciate how much Kleypas commits to the female-friendship-centered premise. Annabelle, Lillian, Daisy, and Evangeline spend a lot of time hanging out together, sometimes hatching plans, sometimes offering comfort, and sometimes having uproarious fun. Annabelle's uneasy relationship with her loving but extremely stressed mother is also well-done.
Hot Goodreads Take: A lot of people are super-mad at Annabelle for wanting to marry someone of her class, when (a) her overestimation of the aristocracy is clearly something she overcomes, (b) she believes (correctly) that she will lose most of her friends if she marries outside her class (and even marrying Simon, who has aristocratic connections despite his background, comes with a social cost that puts a temporary strain on their marriage), and (c) THAT'S WHERE THE PLOT COMES FROM. These little girls would die if they read a Laura Kinsale.
Also, this piece of stupidity: "Technically, Annabelle didn't even need a husband - just money, which she could get from a job. She had the perfect opportunity: she was friends with two filthy rich, extremely open-handed American girls, who desperately needed lessons in manners and British etiquette. She could have tutored the Bowmans for a respectable pay, thus taking care of her solvency problem and buying her more time on the marriage mart." IT'S 1843. JOBS FOR WOMEN ARE VERY BAD. THE BOWMAN SISTERS DON'T CONTROL THEIR OWN MONEY. AND HOW IS A GIG A SUBSTITUTE FOR A FINANCIALLY SOLVENT MAN WHO IS LEGALLY OBLIGATED TO SUPPORT HER FINANCIALLY FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE. MAYBE ANNABELLE SHOULD JUST SELL HER XBOX, YOU REPUBLICAN.
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Game of Thrones - 47 EDDARD XIII (pages 484-496)
Bobby B returns to the Keep but he's only there to make matters worse by dying to a boar and leaving a succession crisis for Ned to clean up. Ned discovers he has no political ground left to stand on, and makes yet another bad life choice under the influence of Littlefinger's heckling.
He was walking through the crypts beneath Winterfell, as he had walked a thousand times before. The Kings of Winter watched him pass with eyes of ice, and the direwolves at their feet turned their great stone heads and snarled. Last of all, he came tot he tomb where his father slept, with Brandon and Lyanna beside him. "Promise me Ned," Lyanna's statue whispered. She wore a garland of pale blue roses, and her eyes wept blood.
Seer Stuff or Psychological Processing = 🥛
"The girl," the king said. "Daenerys. Let her live. If you can, if it... not too late... talk to them... Varys, Littlefinger... don't let them kill her. -"
Oh you think a deathbed take-backsie absolves you of wanting to murder a child? We all know it's only because you think this is Divine Retribution that you're backing out on it, if you hadn't been drunk off your ass and missed the kill on the boar, you'd still be thinking "killing children is a great idea~"
I hope your last hours are agony.
"Good," he said, smiling. "I will give Lyanna your love, Ned. Take care of my children for me." The words twisted in Ned's belly like a knife. For a moment he was at a loss. He could not bring himself to lie. Then he remembered the bastards: little Barra at her mother's breast, Mya in the Vale, Gendry at his forge, and all the others. "I shall... guard your children as if they were my own," he said slowly.
*Coughs awkwardly as crickets chirp* I mean technically he did keep that promise... *stares into the void of the horrors to come*
"- The power is yours, Lord Stark. All you need to do is reach out and take it. Make your peace with the Lannisters. Release the Imp. Wed Joffrey to your Sansa. Wed your younger girl to Prince Tommen, and your heir to Myrcella. It will be four years before Joffrey comes of age. By then he will look to you as a second father, and if not, well... four years is a good long while, my lord. Long enough to dispose of Lord Stannis. Then, should Joffrey prove troublesome, we can reveal his little secret and put Lord Renly on the throne."
That would still be how many years of three Stark children married to Lannister bastards? How many years of Sansa being abused by her husband? At least Tomment and Myrcella aren't complete assholes, but still, four years on and we'll say only Joffrey and Sansa actually marry, that's still a problem if Ned suddenly whips out "I knowingly married my daughter to a bastard born of incest and who I am now deposing because he won't be a puppet king for me."
(Never mind he's giving 60% of his children to Lannister influence and we all know Tywin and Cersei would take the mile and a freaking half. (60% not 50% because Jon's joining the Night's Watch so is exempt regardless.))
Kill Littlefinger, ship Joffrey off to the Wall to die of frostbite, ship Cersei off to the Silent Sisters, spread some rumours about the Lannisters, specifically Tywin, make Tyrion Lord of Casterly Rock, arrange an "accident" for Jaime, Tyrion would probably be willing to take Tommen and Myrcella as his heirs even with their double lion heritage, call it a day.
If only he hadn't overplayed his hand last POV chapter... Oh Ned, why are you so bad at this?
I suppose though, he's really only bad in the context of everyone in the Red Keep and Southern Westerosi Politics be Corrupt AF. In a non-corrupt system he'd be fine... maybe. Personal and parental failings aside.
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alicenttully · 2 years
But how do we know that Elia was ladylike or gentle?
How do we know Brandon Stark didn't actually want to marry Catelyn Tully? I mean we only have Barbrey's word for it. How do we know for certain Joanna Lannister "ruled" Tywin? We don't have her perspective and Gerion's thoughts could very well be different from the reality.
Barristan Selmy is the only one to have spoken of Elia in that way because Daenerys is a isolated POV and hasn't been interacting with other POVs, let alone Dornish ones. Believe me I would have loved to see more focus on Elia.
Aegon describes his mother as a lady. Jon Connington is his foster father, and he knew Elia.
The lad was taken aback. "My mother was a lady of Tyrosh. I dye my hair in memory of hair."
I get that the term lady is often used to refer to nobility but it can also be applied to someone's demeanour. It's why Arya says this, even though she too technically is a lady-
"My mother's a lady, and my sister, but I never was."
As a Dornish woman, there's a significant chance that she would be the kind of person a misogynist like Sansa would disapprove of. Dorne is very progressive in comparison with the other regions and comes closer to gender equality.
Several points.
A) Sansa is 11-13. Why aren't you calling out the adults who raised her for the views that you do realize she isn't alone in having?
And to be quite frank this is where I can tell you have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to Sansa because last time I checked this was the 12 year old who tried to warn Margaery out of marrying Joffrey, who told Myranda it wasn't her fault that her husband died, who doesn't look down on Myranda for having sex with someone outside marriage. A misogynist could have easily seen Joffrey as just a cross for Margaery to bear, and called Myranda a slut.
B) Dorne doesn't recognise bastards in terms of inheritance. It's a point of a insecurity for Elia Sand. Not because she wants Sunspear but the fact she & her sisters have to rely on their uncle's love because legally there are no protections for them. Fact is if Doran wanted them to leave he easily could have. So ultimately, while Dorne might come closer it's still not perfect.
Elia was likely raised to be assertive, actively political, and expressive in her views. Though her health is something we know held her back from doing everything she wanted, she may have had several interests that she would long to explore (physical combat, hunting, horseback riding, extensive travel, etc), but couldn't or could only do so in a limited capacity. We simply don't know what her personality or preferences were, only the barest circumstances of her life and the culture she was raised in.
A) You do realize that being gentle, ladylike, politically active & expressive in one's views are things that can co-exist, right?
B) I don't know how this fandom got it in their brains but horseriding isn't something that belongs only to tomboyish characters. Fact is if you are a lady/princess then a common activity for you would have been riding which is what Sansa & Margaery did together.
C) Both Sansa and Elia dreamt of travelling. Both were excited to leave their homes. The quotes are there in Tyrion and Sansa's chapters. Sansa probably shares a lot more with Elia than you're willing to admit. (Because Sansa can only be connected with bad characters, right?/s)
And if Elia was as kind as Barristan says and Oberyn hints at in his story (which is likely true), would she approve of a mean-spirited bully who is in favor of restrictions on women, like Sansa? Probably not, since Elia would have been raised in a progressive culture that didn't demonize women for not being ladylike. If anything, Sansa might find herself on the wrong side of Elia's wit after too many criticisms on women and what should, in her mind, be their proper behavior.
A) Elia would adore Sansa and there's nothing you can do about it. :)
B) Finally Elia would have been in her thirties by the time Sansa was 11/13. Meaning as an adult, she would see Sansa as a child and as adults you correct children when they're wrong, not put them down the way you're implying. But to be quite frank I can't imagine Elia having anything bad to say about Sansa because she knows how to conduct herself with grace *shrugs*
C) "A mean spirited bully" Or a traumatised child whose father betrayed her sense of trust? The way you continuously deny the impact of Lady's death on Sansa is astounding. Nobody says Sansa was in the right but the point is nobody was helping her to cope. But why I am even bothering trying to explain that to you?
It's so weird to me how you had to jump on this person's post and had to bring down Sansa when really she and Arya weren't really the focus of the OP imo, it was more about Elia and the grave wrongs Rhaegar did her.
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 {𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}
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Request?: none
Character: Ranbutler (For the sake of the story let's name him Mark since we don't know his name!)
Side Character(s): Niki Nihachu, Captain Puffy and the SBI family + Kristen and Tubbo!
Story-type: slightly platonic but mostly romantic and a bit of angst but not so much!
Story Length: 5100 words
AU or Not: Basically an AU that has nothing to do with a red egg or Sir Billiam's constant complaining smh
Time Period: Medieval sort of Au! Technically he same time as the Masquerade but of course that doesn't exist cause if it did I would be making an omelette!
Plot Summary: You are the princess of a very wealthy kingdom known as Y/K/N (Your Kingdom's Name) and the only daughter who is basically being forced to marry a prince from a different kingdom but you happen to love a certain butler and plan to leave it all.
Small Info: Both you and Ranbutler are 18 in this story cause why not?
Y/N = Your Name L/N = Last Name B/N = Brother's Name Y/F/C = Your Favorite Color Y/K/N = Your Kingdom's Name R/K/N = Random Kingdom's Name F/N = Father's Name M/N = Mother's Name
Trigger Warning:
- Very strict parents - Mentions of arranged marriage - My very poor writing skills plus English (Fun fact: when i talk I speak good English but write poor English for some ungodly reason smh!)
Normal Warning: Huge as heck Oneshot!
Third Person Point of View~
You woke up to the sun coming through your window and light yet slightly loud sound of knocking coming from outside of your door. Yous lowly sat up from your bed as you heard a voice coming from your room.
"Your highness are you awake?" You heard Niki, your personal maid and good friend call you from outside.
"Yes Niki I am awake." You said as you saw the door slowly open to reveal a woman with black hair with blonde highlights in the front, Niki.
"Good morning your Highness. I hope I didn't wake you or disturb you." She said in an apologetic tone as you shook your head.
"It's alright Niki. You didn't wake me up or disturb me and you do know you can call me Y/N right?" You asked as you got up from your bed and went over to get ready.
"I know I am still trying to get used to it since I have to call 'Your Highness' in front of your parents. Oh! I also have to help you with getting you ready today!" Niki said as she went over to help you.
This made you slightly curious as to why. Normally you would get ready with no problem unless there was a guest or some formal event that you have to look good and everything. To be honest you didn't like this life at all and just wanted a normal life.
"Is there a reason for this?" You asked as she slightly shrugged.
"I am not really sure why Your High- I mean Y/N. Though I did hear from your father that there may be another family coming from a distant Kingdom." Niki said which made you even more curious.
You had many questions as to why all of a sudden another family is coming from a different Kingdom but the one thing which was coming in your head was the idea of a an arranged marriage. You shuddered at the thought cause you didn't want to marry someone you never met before or gotten close to.
"And done! You look very pretty!" Niki said as she finished helping you get ready. It was just a simple but elegant Y/F/C dress. You smiled at Niki as you thanked her. At that right moment there was another knock from the open door which revealed to be a boy with heterochromatic red and green eyes and slightly messy brown hair slightly covering his left side of his forehead who happened to be Mark, your butler.
"I hope I am not interrupting anything Your Highness..." Mark asked as you shook your head with a smile.
"No you aren't Mark and what did I say about calling me that? You know you can call me Y/N right?" You said.
"Sorry Y/N. I am still trying not to call you that when your parents aren't around. Oh and your parents are calling you for breakfast." He said as you smiled with small giggle.
"It's alright Mark. I understand." You said and before you could go you heard him say, "Y-you look very beautiful today Y/N." This technically caused you to blush a bit.
"Thank you Mark. You are very kind." You said as you headed towards the dining room where your parents were waiting for you to join them.
Once you were out of earshot and basically out of sight, Mark face palmed at what he just blurted out of his big mouth and was mentally trying not to beat himself up for that. He was going to be honest about having feelings for you. Niki looked at Mark who was currently red in the face.
"You okay?" Niki asked him as Mark nodded.
"Yes I am okay just not sure what to do. I mean what's the point in liking someone when you know you can never get them to love you back and the fact that she's a princess and I am just a mere butler..." Mark said as he looked down at the pristine marble floors as Niki patted him on the back.
"Hey come on! Cheer up! You never know if she likes you back or not. I mean she doesn't really like the entire royal life much to be honest." Niki said as Mark nodded.
He knew this before but he really didn't have much of a chance. He and you would talk a lot and became very good friends and this lead him to have feelings for you. He kept somewhat of his hopes up but then again it was still a one in a million chance at this point.
"Come on! We have to get ready for the guests coming from another kingdom!" Niki said bringing the butler's attention as they went their ways.
Your Point of View~
Breakfast was quiet. Normally it would be me taking with my brother, B/N but of course my brother got married and has gone for his honeymoon. He was to be honest knew about my crush on Mark and has supported me but I knew my parents would forbid it if I told them. As I was thinking my mother spoke up.
"How are you doing my sweet daughter?" My mother said as I quickly swallowed the food in my mouth.
"I am doing well mother. Is there something I should know about for today?" I asked as my father set down his cup of tea.
"Well as you should know that a family from a kingdom is coming. They are from R/K/N Kingdom. You know the prince of that Kingdom right? I believe his name happens to be Prince Jason?" He said as I nodded. I have heard of the name yet I never talked to him at all cause I wasn't so interested in talking to other families much.
((Author: I know very vague name! 'Jason'! Like bruh! xD at least it ain't good as Mark! LOL))
"Well we are planning on making an arranged marriage between you two." My father said as my eyes widened at his words. No way in hell am I getting married to someone.
"I am not getting married to someone I have never met properly!" I said snapping a little and I knew I would regret doing this as my parents glared at me.
"That's not how you speak to your father young lady." MY mother spoke to me as i looked down at my lap still feeling frustrated.
"This is best for the kingdom and you will be getting married whether you like it or not and just so you know you will be getting married to him after five days. The prince himself has already agreed to this" My father said as I fought back tears.
I seriously didn't want to get married to prince Jason. I barely knew him and I knew I wouldn't be married to him by love but just because I got forced to do this. I just want to run away from this life.
Timeskip brought to you by me simping~
I waited beside my father and mother as we waited for the family of R/K/N Kingdom. I looked behind me to see Niki giving me a smile of reassurance. I looked at Mark who gave me a smile and a thumbs up. I smiled back at them and looked in front quickly.
I was blushing after seeing Mark. To be honest i loved his smile. It always made my day. I was snapped out of my thoughts when our Advisor announced that the family has arrived. I looked to see the door open to reveal the Queen, King and Prince of the other Kingdom and followed my parents to greet them.
"I am so glad you could join us with your lovely family King Etienne." My father started as they shook hands.
"I am glad to join you as well King F/N. This must be your daughter Y/N am I right?" King Etienne said as he looked at me. I curtsied as I greeted him.
"Yes I am Your Majesty." I said as he chuckled.
"No need for formalities as you will be marrying off my youngest son, Jason here." He said as he gestured to the blonde boy with brown eyes who came forward to meet me.
"It's lovely to make your acquaintance Princess." He said as he smirked.
"Likewise." I said trying not to feel irritated with him.
"Looks like our children will be getting along just fine. Don't you think so M/N?" Queen Aliyah asked as my mother nodded.
"Why don't we talk more at lunch. You must all look exhausted after traveling. Come along I will show you to your rooms." My father said and before I could go Prince Jason stopped me by taking my hand and kissing it.
"I will see your around Princess" He said to me in a flirty tone as he walked towards the rest. I seriously hated him even more.
((Author: Anyone wanna kill of Jason with me? Only me? Okay!))
Ranbutler's/Marks' Point of View~
As I saw that bloody prince kiss the palm of Y/N's hand I gritted my teeth in slight anger and jealousy. I seriously couldn't stand and watch this anymore.
"I can't look at this anymore..." I said walking away fast from the place without anyone noticing but of course Niki did and was coming behind me.
"Mark wait!" I heard Niki whisper yelling but I just continued to walk but I gradually stopped and leaned to my side against a wall as I wiped my face. It hurt a lot and Niki who finally caught up saw the distraught in my eyes.
"Mark look at me. Please?" She said as I slowly looked at her. She looked worried and I hated seeing this. I looked away and at the floor.
"Am I really this much of a bad friend that doesn't want her to get married to that prince just because I love her?" I ask fighting back tears as Niki hugged me.
"No you aren't and you will never be a bad friend because of that. She loves you no matter what alright? Good!" Niki said as I wiped my face.
"Thank you sister." I said as she nodded.
"Anytime little brother!" She said as I followed her.
I basically knew the rest of the five days starting from tomorrow would be something which I hate cause I have to see Y/N and that Prince nearly hanging out everyday because King F/N. God I am gonna go through such a huge roller coaster and am not gonna love it.
Third Person Point of View~
The five days seemed to have been passing by pretty quick. Prince Jason and Princess Y/N would be hanging out most of their time. Of course it wasn't Y/N's idea to talk to him but she had to since his father and mother were not going to leave her be without talking to him.
Y/N would mostly make small talk wit the Prince while the Prince would boast around most of his time and would just go on and on while Y/N just listened. She seriously didn't enjoy talking to him like how she enjoys talking with Mark.
Meanwhile with Mark and Niki, they seriously did not like the Prince at all. The royal family may not know it but the Prince has been really demanding towards Niki and the other maids and those maids did not like them either along with the butlers that are here around the castle.
The most mistreated butler here by Jason was Mark. Jason would always do something and apologize but he and a few people knew besides the the Kings and Queens that he meant to do that but of course they had no power and if they did something of course it might lead to some sort of punishment.
This has been going on for four days straight and at this point all the maids and butlers disliked Jason and knew that Princess Y/N did too but they all knew she had no choice.
The fifth day rolled by and Y/N would be getting married after the fifth day and she knew she had no time to get out of this. She had already accepted her fate which was to get married to Jason as she had no choice.
But... a certain maid had other plans. A risky one but she knew that it would work out well and she set her plan into motion without anyone's knowledge.
Y/N's Point of View~
It was the fifth day and it was two hours till midnight. I knew I had no choice and no plans of escaping this. I sat on my bed with my nightgown on. I looked at the clock to see it was 10 o' clock at night. I can't believe this was happening and I couldn't even tell Mark how much I loved him way more than a friend. My thoughts were broken when a knock came through my door.
"Come in..." I faintly said as I heard the door open. I looked up to see it was Mark.
He came towards me and I motioned for him to sit beside me. He slowly sat down on the bed and there was a moment of silence between us. It would have lasted longer but Mark had spoken up to break the silence.
"So... I guess you are getting married tomorrow huh..." He said in a neutral voice as I nodded.
"Seems so..." I said and there was silence once again. In those silent moments I randomly started to tear up.
"Mark... I don't want to get married tomorrow to Prince Jason..." I said as my voice slightly broke as tears feel down my face.
"Why not? I mean Prince Jason is a really nice guy and would treat you well..." You heard Mark trail off but you did notice his tone was different. Was it that he was sad? You brushed it off.
"Mark listen. I don't love him at all! I don't want to be with someone I barely know and love! Jason is that person I barely know and love. I love someone else but I don't even know anymore..." I said wiping my face. I hated this so much yet I have no choice.
Before I could do anything else, I felt two hands cup my cheek and felt a pair of lips meet mine. Before I knew it, Mark was kissing me. It was passionate and loving. He broke away from it and had a face of worry and quickly stood up.
"I-I am r-really s-sorry Y/N I-I didn't mean to-" I cut him off by kissing him while standing on tippy toes and bringing him slightly closer.
((Author: Don't get any ideas please! Or I will go shoot shoot on that dirty mind of y'alls! 😃🔫 Be careful! Now shoo!))
Ranbutler's/Mark's Point of View~
I was in shock cause SHE was kissing ME! I kissed her back. The kiss was long and passionate and didn't really last that long since we had to break away for air. At this point both our faces were red from blushing.
"I guess that person who you love is me...?" I asked as she nodded hugging me.
"Yeah it is." She said sighing not letting me go.
"I love you Mark." She continued as I kissed the top of her hair.
"I love you too. I don't want you to marry that Prince..." I said as she nodded.
"I don't want to either Mark but we have no plan to escape this easily and I don't know how to either." She said.
It was true we had no plan and if we escaped without a plan it would be very difficult. Gosh I wished we had a plan or we could have escaped smoothly. My thought was broken by someone coughing and we both looked in a panic to see who it was and luckily it was just Niki.
"Be ready 12 o' clock at night. Pack a few things and especially wear a cloak to hide yourselves. Don't question cause I am getting you two out of here." Niki said as she left.
Y/N and I looked at the door trying to process what just happened but understood. We did as she said and got ready. When it was 12 at midnight Niki set her plan into action.
"Come with me you two. I know a friend who can get you out of here with no issue. But be very quiet." She said as we followed her through the halls as quiet as possible.
She led us down a secret tunnel which was unknown to everyone accept her but of course me and Y/N know about this. After minutes of walking we were outside but near the docks. I looked around to notice a huge ship docked nearby with a person leaning against the wall of the ship.
"Is this it Niki?" I asked as Y/N stood beside me adjusting her cloak and hood to not get noticed. Niki nodded.
"Yep!" She said walking towards the ship as we followed.
When we came a little closer, the owner of the ship was revealed to be a woman who was half ram and had half white and brown fluffy hair up to their waist. She smiled as she looked at us and shook my hand.
"Captain Puffy at your service! I am guessing you are Mark and Princess Y/N?" She asked as we nodded.
"Yes but please call me Y/N Puffy. No need for formalities." Y/N said with a smile as Puffy nodded.
"Alright! Right this way." She said leading Y/N and me to get on the ship.
Before I did that I stopped to look at Niki who had a sad smile on her face. I was going to miss her a lot. She is my sister and it will be hard leaving her.
"I will miss you brother. Please take care." She said giving me a quick hug as I hugged back and nodded.
"I will sister. Do the same." I said as I got on the ship and it set sailed.
I looked out at sea and my sister who was waving farewell. I waved back along with Y/N. At this point I didn't care about anything other than what was going to happen now. I just hoped things don't go downhill when they find out the Princess had run away.
Niki's Point of View~
I quickly went back to the castle using the secret route I always used to meet Puffy. It was going to be a matter of time in the morning when the king and queen and the other royal family found out that Y/N was missing. I already had an excuse for my brother which is fool proof. Right now I was going to get some sleep and wake up tomorrow.
The Next Morning~
I woke up as early as I could and I saw the other maids and butlers preparing the food and other things for the arranged marriage today. I was the one who knew the entire marriage thing was going to go down real fast.
I went with the Queen to 'wake up Y/N' for the big day today. At this point no one has asked about Mark or where he is other than the butlers and maids but I told them that he was sick and had to leave for home. As I was thinking the Queen spoke up.
"Where is Mark today anyways? I haven't seen him since morning and he normally wake up early." She said.
"He was really sick so he had to leave for home later in the morning." I said as she nodded.
"I am glad he left to take care of himself and so my daughter doesn't get ill on her wedding day." The Queen said as we stood out of Y/N's room.
"Y/N! It's time to wake up for your big day!" The Queen called out but as expected from me, no answer.
"Y/N?" She said as she opened the door to reveal no one was there.
The Queen had a look of panic and me being the good actor I am had the same look of panic. We looked around everywhere. Even Prince Jason and his family looked around but couldn't find her. The King even went to town to ask around but of course no one saw her.
At this point no one suspected it to be Mark or had any suspicions of it. They didn't even suspect a thing from me since I acted out pretty well. The other maids and butlers were worried but glad at the same time that Y/N wasn't marrying that b***ard. I for one was very glad.
Y/N's Point of View~
I quickly got dressed the minute I woke up and went out of the deck to see Mark slightly leaning against the rails as he looked across the horizon and saw Puffy sail the seas. She noticed me and smiled.
"Good morning Y/N." Mark said with a smile.
"Morning Mark!" I said a bit cheerful.
"I am glad you are all dressed up cause we will be reaching the dock in five minutes." She said as she continued sailing and looking ahead.
"Where are we going exactly?" I asked.
"We are going to Minecraftia Kingdom which is ruled by the one and only Philza Minecraft." She said.
I have heard of the Kingdom but my father didn't really have any sort of connection with the king of the kingdom plus this kingdom was in a sense very mysterious as the Kingdom would 'move' and by that it was only found by people who needed it the most.
After five minutes we reached the dock of the kingdom and carefully got down. I looked around to see many people running around working. Children were running here and there and were having fun.
"MOM/DAD!!" My thought broke as I heard someone yell these words and noticed five people run towards Puffy and engulfed her in a hug.
"Hello my Ducklings!" I heard puffy say. I practically guessed they were her children.
"I am glad you got back safe papa!" I heard the who had shark-totem like features say.
"Who are they?" I heard the girl with blonde hair ask.
"They are the ones I was supposed to pick up from the Y/K/N Kingdom." Puffy said.
"Y/N and Mark, meet my adopted children. This is Dream (As in DreamXD), Clay (As In Dream), Foolish, Drista and Michelle. My children meet Y/N and Mark." Puffy said introducing us.
After all this we headed towards the castle. To be fair the castle was really huge and I was really nervous and hoping the king would allow me to stay here like Puffy said he will. We were led to the throne room which revealed King Philza, Queen Kristen and three other who I guessed were his sons.
"I am so glad to see you three safe and sound. My name is Philza but please call me Phil and this is my wife Kristen and my three sons: Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy." Philza said introducing themselves.
"Don't forget my best friend Tubbo!" I heard the younger blonde say as I saw another kid come out from behind him who I guessed was Tubbo.
"Hi Tubbo." I said as he nodded with a toothy smile.
"Also I will show you to your rooms. You and Mark can stay as long as you like here." Philza said as he showed us our rooms.
I settled down in my room as I put my things away. To say the least the room was pretty big like a bit bigger than my old room. After I settled down as freshened myself up, I heard a knock on my door and hearing Mark's voice I let him in.
"Hey Mark." I said as he smiled.
"Hey Y/N" He said.
We both sat down on the bed as silence once again came towards us. It was pretty much normal at this point. I mean we both ran away from my kingdom and there might be a chance that my family might find us but at this point I prayed that they just don't.
"I am actually thinking about Jason's reaction right now that you are out of his picture." Mark said as he chuckled at the thought. I also laughed cause it was pretty funny to say the least.
"At this point I don't feel like looking back and just focusing on our future." I said as Mark nodded.
"Me too." he said as leaned down and kissed my cheek. At this point we were staring at each other longingly but that was broken by a screeching off a child as we looked at the door to see it was Tommy.
"What the f*** did I just walk into!? Nope not today! I am a minor!" he said as he walked away screaming like he was in danger. Then Tubbo kind of peeked through the door.
"We just came to tell your guys that dinner is ready. Also please don't mind Tommy." He said as he ran after Tommy.
We were just looking at the door and then after a few moments burst out in laughter at what just happen. This was really funny to say the least. We got up and walked towards the dining room. As we did my mind went back to my parents. I hope they aren't mad but who am I kidding to think that? Of course they are going to be mad! But I shook the thought out of my head. The only thing I could think about is what else is going to come after me and Mark.
2 years later~
It's been two years since mark and I have ran away from my Kingdom. We still live in Phil's Kingdom but live in a separate cottage together. Niki recently came here to live with Puffy and everyone else. She told me that she quit her job and that my parents gave up on searching me saying that I was a disappointment but I didn't really care. My brother learned that I ran away which he wasn't mad about so that was good.
Right now I just pushed those aside and just focused on spending the rest of my life pretty normally. I made a few friends here like Hannah, Alyssa and a few more. Mark also became friends with Technoblade and Tubbo. You were glad he was able to make new friends.
I was just sitting on the hillside as I looked into the horizon. The sun was setting and it was my favorite time of day. The sky looked really pretty with it's twilight colors. As I stared into the distance I noticed someone sitting next to me and it was Mark.
"It's pretty comforting isn't it? Watching the sunset with no forms of burden?" He asked. I nodded at his words.
"Yeah. It feels nice knowing I have no burden to deal with. It's nice." I said as I continued to look at the sky. After moments of silence it was getting dark. We were about to head back but Mark stopped me.
"Mark is there something wrong?" I asked as he looked at me.
"Y/N I want to say that we have been together for two years and I loved you days after I met you when you were still a princess and I didn't just love you because of that. I loved you for you. I loved your personality and how you treated me and everyone else well. What I am trying to say is that I want to take our relationship to the next step." He said as he started to kneel down. I was beyond shocked at his words and could probably tell what he was going on about.
"Mark..." I said as he fully knelt down in front of me.
"Y/N... would you do me the honors..." He started as he took out a box and opened it to reveal a ring. "... of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked.
I was shocked beyond everything. At this point I felt the world stop and the only people were me and him. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I nodded.
"YES!" I said as I tackled him into a hug. We were practically crying and laughing in joy.
He popped the ring in my finger as we laid down on the grass for a while. I didn't care if it was very late and dark outside. I was safe enough to be with him for the rest of my life and nothing could ever change this. Right now all I could think of was the bright future ahead of me and how I was going to spend it. But most importantly...
It was going to be with Mark!
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sims-too-much · 2 years
FAMILY LOCATION: itrakaisavil’s gallery account
FAMILY NAME: Occult Neighbours
young adults: 1 human, 1 alien, 1 mermaid, 1 vampire, 1 spellcaster
toddlers: 1 vampire toddler
pets: 1 cat, 1 dog
BUILD LOCATION: ulmarei’s gallery account
BUILD NAME:   4 houses 4 occults
BUILD SPECIFICS: 30x20; residential, built for the Proprietor's Square in Windenburg, many packs
It's one of our collabs where ulma made a house and itra made the sims for it.
The origin of this build is that ulma doesn't know how to build residentials in the Olde Platz neighbourhood. Detached houses just look wrong considering the overall look of the neighbourhood. So she tried built a set of 4 terraced houses for 4 different families, alas they cannot be divided and assigned properly, even with locking doors it'll be a bit of a mess.
The overall theme is that each of the houses is for a different type of an occult sim.
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Stacy Smith-Chiadore is a young adult vampire who has simple dreams.Despite being a daughter of darkness, she actually wants to have a happy little family, she isn't looking for trouble, just a regular life. She met Massimo Chiadore, an unquestionable hunk, married him and they had the adorable little Lorenzo together. As a family they moved into a nice terraced house in a picturesque historic neighbourhood, the 2nd one from the left.
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Massimo and Stacy on their simple couch.
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Stacy teaching Lorenzo how to go potty in their simple bathroom.
Little did Stacy know that her next door neighbours aren't what they seem. Okay, so the grim and thorny front garden and the one with a bubble bar could have been early warning signs. But not every one is into gardening and the bubble machine could've been decorative. Besides what's more wholesome than a queer bookshop?
The owner of the said bookshop, the 1st house on the left, is Bono Gagarin, an alien who wants to understand the human ways. And find a sweet and handsome guy who'll run the bookshop with him? But that's not a pressing issue. For now Bono is just exploring the alien planet and its customs. To better fit in he adopted a mixed breed puppy and named him Borg.
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Bono relaxing in his shop.
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Bono and Borg in their tiny flat above the bookshop.
Technically you could place this build as a retail lot but turning a profit on it might be very hard.
Bono and Borg just want to get along with their neighbours and they are actually allowed into Stacy's home because they are inoffensive. And Lorenzo likes pets.
Immediately to the right of Stacy, however, lives a person who's as unwelcome as they get, from her point of view. The 2nd house from the right belongs to Ruben de Vries, a gender non conforming spellcaster and fashion designer. Ruben enjoys all things dark, mysterious and goth. And true to his warlock nature he also has a darling British shorthair kitty named Anathema.
The toddler next door doesn't please Ruben whatsoever. He already had to deal with the kind but aesthetically bland Bono. Now, not only does he have to put up with little child noise, but Stacy has perfected the basic b*tch style to a point that it's painful to look at. She blocked the door for Ruben? Good, he wouldn't be caught dead in that pedestrian interior, at least Bono's techno minimalism is an actual conscious stylistic choice! Besides there's something really off about Stacy and death in her house might be not as impossible as one might think.
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Anathema on Ruben's work desk.
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Ruben at work by the style board.
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Massimo hanging out at Ruben's house.
Ruben's crush on the basic Massimo is puzzling for him. Not for Massimo though, he's a little bored with the domestic bliss and toddler care. And damn if he doesn't deserve the attention of his sexy neighbours.
Ruben's least bland neighbour, the one he approves the most of, and another one locked out of Stacy's home, is Iriye Jaqweshia. Her house has a very consistent island style, and Ruben does like a proper style. No wonder, she's a mermaid who came to Windenburg to pursue her dreams of DJing and music production. She likes her neighbours, and she knows that sometimes her loud music is a bit too much for them, she tries to be mindful.
She also likes to organise parties for her friends and neighbours and she hopes that one day Stacy too will accept her invitation and join in the fun. Stacy, can't be as bad as Ruben says, right? Even though no one seems to be allowed in the attic of her house, not even Bono. And everyone likes Bono...
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Iriye practising her set.
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Iriye swimming in her home pool.
What is in Stacy's attic? is it just her coffin? Does she have more secrets?
The build and the family can be downloaded from the Sims 4 gallery.
If you give them a try, tell us how it all worked out.
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turtle-paced · 6 years
Aren't you leaning a little hard (albeit consistently through this blog) on the technical legal determination of responsible age? It's not like you flip a maturity switch at18. As specifically pertains to Lyanna, by puberty anyone should know that sleeping with a married person is flat-out wrong. Playing with swords & horses is less cute if it's at the apparent cost of learning the political ramifications of royal marriages & liklihood of warfare. Her feelings can be excused, not acting on them
Wait, hang on a tic. Are you seriously arguing that it was on fourteen/fifteen-year-old Lyanna to a) understand the emotional implications and interpersonal power balances of a sexual relationship with someone not one, not two, nor even five, but nine years her senior, more than half as old again as she was, b) understand in full the legal and political implications of eloping with a married man and breaking her own betrothal in a charged and unstable political situation involving a king of questionable mental stability and a powerful bloc of nobles, without the aid of so much as a national newspaper, and c) police the marriage vows of a grown man possessed of a great deal more power and influence than her?
Those laws I keep referring to? One of the reasons I think they’re good is because they recognise that teenagers can consent - to each other. The age range where consent is possible is narrowest for young teens and more flexible for 16-17 year olds. They’re not there to stop teenagers having sex (because you’re right, there’s no “maturity switch,” but drawing a line is still necessary), they’re there to stop the experienced from preying on the inexperienced. And predation is what we’d call a twenty-three-year-old married man persuading an inexperienced, romantic fourteen-year-old to leave her home and family without consultation beyond maybe her kid brother and travel thousands of kilometres away with only him and his friends for company, completely and totally in their power, and impregnating her at the ripe old age of fifteen. That’s before we get into the issue where he’s the crown prince and what little power Lyanna has comes from her father - the very father that eloping with Rhaegar meant Lyanna could no longer appeal to for help.
Also, anon, if Lyanna was so immature that she didn’t understand the ramifications of leaving with Rhaegar, being too absorbed in her swords and horses to learn those lessons, she wasn’t mature enough to consent to him.
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