#ever after high text post
silverthelovebug · 3 months
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Faybelle will never hear the end of it
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cup1dkz · 2 months
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Ever After High + Textpost memes 6/?
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sxthee · 23 days
Aside from always getting Shawn storylines, artworks and cards, I too, would like to manifest an Ever After High reboot/revival where LIZZIE AND DARING DO END UP TOGETHER.
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eah as these wonderful text posts i found
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characters that are aroace because I said so (last four are aroace spec specifically)
• mina ashido
• minori kushieda
• marcy wu
• madeline hatter
• himiko yumeno
• gumi (vocaloid)
• marta cabrera
• akane owari
• natsumi kuzuryu
• barbie (2023 movie version)
• chihiro fujisaki
• Jo march
• Katniss Everdeen
• sweetheart (omori)
• kel (omori)
• chiaki nanami
• junko enoshima
• rantaro amami
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synthaphone · 2 months
ohhhh my god. tumblr logged me out, so i logged back in and was like. why the fuck is my tumblr all messed up. why is it defaulting to showing me a ton of posts from people i don't follow. why does it say i'm following someone i unfollowed years ago. what the fuck
well, its because i wasn't paying attention while logging back in and accidentally logged into my ancient neoblog i regained access to last year. OOPS! well glad that momentary and bizarre crisis is over
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raccoon-smiles · 7 months
Thinking about the tutu x ever after high au again and I propose drosselmeyer is a narrator meaning fakir gets narrator powers. Quasi omniscience? Able to rewrite events? Maybe even hear the other narrators?? Who knows we get to get sillay with it
OMG YES!!! Then we can have Maddie pester Fakir so much and I think that's hilarious! Like he can choose to listen in to the narration, but when he's tuned in he can also hear Maddie talking to the narrators. She definitely would start using it as a way to call Fakir instead of actually calling him. Like using the other narrators as phone operators.
Maddie: Narrators, please patch me through to Fakir.
Narrators: Patching you through rn
Maddie: Hi, Fakir! Can you pick up some chips for Briar's party? Thanks!
Fakir, confused as hell: Okay????
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smileyfacemojisworld · 5 months
How do you make EAH/SING(2) text posts? Like on twitter? ITS AN EMERGENCY😭😭😭
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
also mom was running down some of the drama she’s been experiencing for years in her high school wechat group, and it is… astounding how terrible her self-proclaimed rival is at social chess. well first of all, they didn’t even know each other in high school? they weren’t in the same class? mom says they never talked before so she doesn’t know why this other woman is so obsessed with her, but this woman has been going to all of mom’s close friends and sending messages just slandering mom’s character and talking about how mom’s obsessed with attention and a terrible person and whatever ANYWAY. oh, warning for death, but like, a while ago one of mom’s close friends had a husband who passed, and this lady offered mom’s friend condolences, and mom’s friend was like ? I don’t know this person? and a little bit after this lady asked mom’s friend to have lunch and this lady was like ‘oh you shouldn’t be friends with that woman’ blah blah and it’s just. HER HUSBAND DIED????? YOU’RE TRASHING THIS WOMAN’S FRIEND TO HER FACE AFTER HER HUSBAND DIED???? AND SHE DOESN’T KNOW YOU???? AND HER HUSBAND *JUST* DIED????? and she keeps doing this too, like, going to mom’s close friends and trying to get them against mom but since they’re *mom’s close friends* they just send screenshots of the convo to mom and go like ‘hey so this happened’. she even, like, had a dinner or something with people and made them swear to never talk to mom ever again (one of the people there immediately messaged mom with a picture of everyone there and A DIFFERENT guy had lunch with mom on a trip to the US) (mom directly confronted him like ‘so what about the promise to never speak to me again’) (LMAO???) anyway this lady’s high school ex is apparently one of the heads of the organizers for the high school group (?) and mom had a dinner with him a while ago so she’s apparently holding onto a photo of them meeting up in case she, and I quote, “wants to toss a bomb into the groupchat”
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bunnyhysteria · 1 month
so i finally read the extra I see a lot of ppl mad pressed about and go "this is why shen qingqiu is absolutely an abuse victim and binghe raped him!!"
throwin away the main story sex which is it's own can of worms and argument, it's not the one where he literally drugs him, no it's... shizun said be gentler and then just binghe didn't. that's what constitutes rape in fiction now??? honestly it's dubcon if you want to slap a problematic label on it. and I'm not sayin bingqiu isnt toxic, definitely not at a healthy point even when the story ends but. I just feel like people are graspin for straws to paint binghe as big bad evil man because shouldn't he know our very explicit means of consent in modern culture?! I'm not as caring on the antis who take their stance on shen qingqiu's nonsense because usually they make far more sense because the thing that gets me is I literally saw an exchange like "man I love it up until that point but I don't wanna throw it all away for one extra" and I'm just like. that's your tipping point? buddy it's literally just the same shit you were fed the whole time. I don't get it. why is everything else okay, but this isn't? throw the whole bag away or don't; don't eat half of it enjoying it then eat some more suddenly declaring you hate it.
but the real thing is that their dynamic strongly comes off as "if dear shizun actually wanted it to stop, it would stop". he's whiny and annoyed at best in the extra. he's not even really fightin back. "oh but the outside pressures and binghe always guilt trips him-" no, we are explicitly shown in another extra that shen qingqiu can turn him away, even if he starts wailing, even if it's sex. and you would think if he hates sex so badly with binghe, why would he in another extra again purposely initiate and say that he would gladly endure it??
as for the blood ppl are pressed about, yea it's kind of gross, but also injuries are basically nothing in this world. they're like a paper cut that just stings really badly and then heals within a day or even hour. people spew countless liters of blood and they're still around kicking next scene. in our world would anal bleeding be a very big problem? yes, yes it would. is it a problem for an immortal who can ask his friends to hit him up with spiritual juice and heal instantly? no, not at all. and I only ever recall blood twice, that being the main story scene and the wedding extra. I genuinely think the blood in this case is nothing to do with the actual story and just narrative device to play on the wedding night fetish.
and just... not only is shen qingqiu an unreliable narrator with severely tsundere tendencies, this is ultimately sung in a comedic tune. none of it is face value nor is all of it supposed to be a serious part of the story. not only is this me going "chill" but I also believe this is part of the reason why people feel justified in trying to pretzel shizun into a rape victim. because shen qingqiu is never actually giving the full picture on what's actually going on or even his on true feelings, we're left to guess to fill some parts in, and so with their own growing discomfort of the yandere binghe they signed up for, they latch onto the smallest bit of shen qingqiu rejecting him. they're obsessed specifically with the wedding extra because it's where it ends. forget how the previous shit is arguably far worse, this is where it ends. and it's not their picture perfect healthy relationship. and it bothers them so badly that they still like bingqiu. so they proclaim themselves critical, write a few essays on how it's so awful to distance themselves from the nasty bingqiu enjoyers who openly like problematic stuff and wouldn't actually care if it was rape, and then circle back around to enjoying it because they've done their moral obligation so they're now enjoying the ship in a pure and holy way.
and maybe I have a personal bone to pick because I see me and my hubby in bingqiu so much, including how everyone wants to paint him as an evil abuser despite never even meeting the man, just because we have a colourful past I'm not ashamed of. how because I'm a small and weak feminine person and because he's a large and strong masculine person. despite the fact I'm also upfront about the shit I did. like don't think heteronormativity and misogynistic ideals aren't playing a role in how binghe is always the abuser and shen qingqiu is always the victim. there's hardly ever any room for shen qingqiu is the abuser or how about they're both just two toxic clusterfucks made in heaven and hell for each other. and people just love to down play emotional control when it's shen qingqiu dishing it out, but as soon as it's binghe, the world is ending someone save shizun.
in my hot take, shen qingqiu has far more control over binghe than binghe could even dream of having over his shizun.
do I even wanna drag out the corpse of bl culture, misogyny towards women writing gay shit, or the general homophobia of how we hold gay shit to a way higher moral standard because it's already impure and immoral so there's no room for it to be down and dirty? and why are we pressed about this being our reason to throw out book 4 and not the literal slur printed on the page that was also written in the original. like the guy who says slurs is the one we're putting into the uwu baby box??? okay.
#text#mine#not tagging this anything so if it shows up in tags it does and if it doesn't it doesn't#I wish I could find that one blog I strolled that just had whiplash back snd forth between bingqiu is the worst thing ever to fanfic ideas#but also because I want to reread the posts now that I actually know what they were talkin about#like the high points of it all was just binghe has manipulated and gaslighted him into fawning all the time or smth#honestly binghe or at least bingmei is not a mastermind manipulater. he's a broken and abused child who was then tossed after being shown#his only scraps of kindness then constantly blamed and treated like a monster and chronically has his fear of abandonment triggered by guess#what. abandonment. and then of course the whole dating culture in the loose time period it's set in and how he's led to believe this is how#you treat your wife which is honestly like property. which is not helped by his shizun sharing those same ideals onto him. then you mix in#binghe has no concept of straight verses gay and literally calls shizun his wife because one is the husband and one is the wife in his mind#honestly I don't even know if binghe knows what gender is other than he's just told he's a man all his life#like yes he's fucked up and going to do fucked up shit. and you wonder why it's almost like shen qingqiu kept mentally fucking him up#like all these things I listed here are of direct consequence from how his shizun treats him and acts#give me a break on binghe is the abuser here. shen qingqiu is just getting what he's dished out. and he's fully fucking aware it.#if it's not clear I'm not arguing bingqiu is healthy. I'm arguing bingqiu is mutually toxic if not shen qingqiu holding the power.#thank you for coming to my ted talk
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starsilversword · 1 month
Hahaha. Just binged the first 3 and a half seasons of Ever After High. Would have kept going but, dinner time. Lmao. I forgot how good this show is. Finally caught up to where I stopped watching like 7 years ago.
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floral-hex · 1 year
So this chick has been on-and-off again stalking me since high school. I could go into paragraphs of detail (I was about to), but no one wants to read all of that. Suffice to say, I guess she’s had some kind of crush on me for about 15-20 years or so (why??), and every few years it seems she pops up somewhere contacting me to try to persuade me to give her a chance. I should mention we never talked in high school, I actively avoided her, told her I didn’t like her, etc. nothing doing.
Anyway, somehow she’s been on one of my social media pages and saw I was having a hard time lately, so she found my phone number (what?? I hate that you can just find that online) and texted me out of the blue yesterday. Usual protocol is ignore and block so I don’t piss off an unstable person, but they decided to be gross, so
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I wasn’t planning on posting anything about this before. If they were creeping around on my pages, mentioning it would only feed into them. Maybe. I don’t know. But this just kind of made me really uncomfortable and their response was shitty. I could have been a lot meaner. I wanted to be. But whatever, that wouldn’t have helped. So I just blocked them and hope that this time it sticks. If they see this, then hey… not cool.
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peachawitch · 1 year
Fuck having either android or apple what did you watch as a kid? Monster High or Ever After High? Or both?
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coffee-ouji · 5 months
I was watching Ever After High with my sis the other day and then the Little red Riding hood descendant growled and i said with wide open eyes 'WHAT DID THE RED HOOD DO WITH THE WOLF??" and my sister-without turning around- said "sometimes, questions are best left unanswered..."
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text posts part 2
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