#everyone ignore this im just talking on my silly little blog
werewolfpdfs · 11 months
barbie isn’t a feminist or misogynistic she’s a plastic toy
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
I apologize in advance for rambling, I love your blog so much and it brought back my love for TMNT
Mikey was and always will be my favourite turtle, in any adaptation
But I love the 2012 one the most because it's the show I grew up with
And what I also love is the fact that in that one episode.
I can't remember which one but it was one where Donnie was struggling and splinter tried to help him to fight without thinking and used Mikey as an example while Mikey was distracted with music, and he easily dodged all splinters attacks
Or that episode where they were controlled by mutated Pizza and Mikey had to fight everyone he loved
It shows that Mikey has potential, he can do better than his brothers if he tried, he just doesn't
the fact that some people always puts him as nothing more than the dumb idiot kinda grinds my gears a bit, yes he is a little naive but he's not an idiot, he's a fully capable person who has saved his brothers multiple times
Im sorry again, I just like talking about this and I can't bother anyone else about it because they either grew out of it, or never watched the show so-
he just prefers to be silly and have fun in most occasions! but hes still a very skilled warrior! Also there are indeed a bunch of times where mikey did save the day! i guess a lot of people tend to forget tho because in the show mikey nor the brothers make a big deal out of those moments lol ALSO. HE IS ACTUALLY VERY ACADEMIC SMART AND VERY GOOD WITH KRAANG TECH!!!!!!!! tho he seems to not notice that himself :[
unfortunately in the series they did tend to use his character as a more of a comedic punching bag so all of the occasions he got where his character could have been more explored were always ignored but that doesn't change the fact that hes just as much of an awesome fighter as his brothers are :']
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nnnyxie · 8 months
IZU ANON IS BACK!! So I spent the day in Paris and saw SOOO many couples so I felt inspired (that’s a lie I’ve been lurking around your blog but felt weird requesting so much so close together and didn’t want to overwhelm you so I waited😞) anyways
Hc’s for Soulmate!Izu x Tatooed!Reader because I’m sickly inlove with soulmate au‘s
Especially writing that shows up on the others skin<3 The reader just drawing super ugly cats and doodles all the time- I feel like Izu would be the more artistic one and reader would suck at it but still do it all the time (this is more me telling you my hcs rather than requesting them from you but i literally can’t talk to anyone else about this please bear with me😭) and Izu would like draw SUPER realistic and detailed all might portraits or something and then reader like get’s a villain tattoo because they’re ✨different✨like that and Izu freaks out and somehow finds them through that??? This is like half a fic omg i just got carried away😭 feel free to ignore this I just absolutely went off I’m so sorry ily
izu anon…… your mind….. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.
i’m utterly in love with this idea.
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i feel like the tattoos won’t transfer BUT!! the stencil that they USE for it does!! (ykwim?? the purple/blue ink they use??)
so one silly little day, he’s just relaxing yk. it’s his day off and he is using it to catch up on a show todoroki’s been raving about (which is unusual for todoroki so you KNOW it’s good!!)
our boy has his old ratty blue t-shirt and worn out grey nike shorts on. feet kicked up on his ottoman, his calves exposed. (do you see where i’m headed?)
now— imagine his surprise when he gets up and notices the purple/blue print of a villain on his right calf!!! (im thinking late 80’s)
he genuinely panics— like he’s seen these stencils before— a few were super badass honestly.
he kind of feels sick because like— what if his soulmate is a villain?? (you’re not, you just like tattoos)
he immediately takes a picture of it!! he plans on looking for you— aka stalking every single tattoo artistry page and the people they tag in their posts, also their criminal data bases, and looking at everyone’s right calf when he goes on patrol.
he’s hoping that IF you’re a criminal/villain, he could help you to become— well, NOT that.
he also goes to bakugo about this and asks if he saw anyone get a tattoo of it recently (because bakugo definitely would get tattoos, i just know it. it’d be all skull and fire themes too) (plus he recently got one) bakugo just says, “the fuck? you think i know everyone with a tattoo? what kind of dumb thinking is that?” and poor poor izuku is panicking because he upset bakugo (he actually didn’t, bakugo was just taken aback by the picture) izuku apologizes profusely (bc that’s his thing) and bakugo go just tells him to stfu and that he MIGHT know who tattooed the image because he recognizes the style. sooooo he takes izuku to the parlor and introduces him to…….
YOU!!!!!!! yes, you tattooed yourself!!!!
you’re bakugo’s tattoo artist!!!
“dumbass, show me your right leg” bakugo yells in your small parlor, like an asshole. this makes you roll your eyes— you’re used to him, you’ve been tattooing him since you both were 19, which was when you finished your ‘tattoo training’. “keep talking to me like that and i’ll drop you from my cliental list,” you turn around after you finished sanitizing your station (bc all good artists do!!) “just show me your damn leg for the sake of this idiot,” he points towards izuku, that’s when everything goes in slow motion, and pro hero deku shines bright. he’s omitting a vibrant color and it’s nearly blinding (omg maybe your quirk is seeing/sensing auras)
(also, we’ll just say you’re wearing shorts for the sake of this)
you walk out from behind the barrier of the station and put your right leg on display. that’s when izuku chokes— it’s full of all the stencils he’s seen and… the villain tattoo. “fucking idiot, why would you tattoo a villain on you? you hate them,” bakugo slaps the side of your head, cause he’s an asshole. “cause it’s badass! plus it’s an old school villain, no one really knows ‘em.” you shrug and smack him back, narrowly avoiding his fresh tattoo (you wanted to hit it so bad) “anyways, why did you wanna know? and speak fast cause i have a client coming in twenty.” he forcefully takes izuku’s phone out of his hands, and shows it to you. “why am i looking at a blank screen? bakugo i don’t have time for this,” you push his hand back. “you didn’t let me unlock it,” izuku secretly rolls his eyes, you caught it though. he pulls up his gallery and shows a picture of his leg with your stencil on it.
your eyes narrow— not wanting to believe it cause like, you’re a small business owner and there’s no way a big time hero could be your soulmate. “yeah no, i have no time for bullshit. did someone send you this or something? trying to turn me in for a damn tattoo?” bakugo grumbles bc he’s ANNOYING (i love him) and grabs a pen. “draw something.” “you know i can’t with no reference. i’m shit without one.” “JUST DRAW! ON YOUR HAND! NOW!” “stop yelling all the damn time.” you grumbled and begrudgingly drew a horrible looking bunny. like— absolutely terrible !!! looking bunny onto your hand. bakugo, being the ass he is, RIPS off izuku’s glove and shoves his hand in your face. “bakugo. there’s nothing there. seriously you’re wasting my time, i need to set up. i don’t have time for jokes.” you go back to your station and start getting the ink ready. izuku rolls his eyes again— at his friend, not you. “that was the wrong hand,” he says in a slightly sassy tone, which was funny to hear from a pro hero. izuku takes his OTHER glove off and walks to you. “here,” he places his hand in front of you and you drop your tattooing gun.
“oh,” was all you said before walking into the back of your shop. you screamed a ‘what the fuck’ and walked right back out. “well, hi.” your smile is very awkward because like— how are you supposed to respond to that?? it’s not everyday that your soulmate ends up being a pro hero. “uhm… so can we meet after your uhm, next appointment?” he asks, very very shyly, it was like he was a high schooler all over again. you just give a head nod and write your personal number on the back of your business card. “uhm see you.”
months after that fateful day, you and izuku are officially together! he’s drawn you many designs for tattoos. (either for yourself or your clients)
now— izuku may be a very talented artist but when it comes to tattooing? absolutely not. he tried tattooing a small heart in between your fingers as a little practice thing and— let’s just say, it looks like a jacked star. (pls he felt so bad)
while it was a little ugly, you still loved it because he was the one to do it <3
OMG AND THE FIRST TIME YOU TATTOOED HIM— he tried not to cry. like— THIS MF USED TO BREAK HIS BONES DAILY!!! THIS MF FIGHTS BAD GUYS FOR A LIVING!!!! but it’s okay!! not everyone can handle getting a tattoo and that’s perfectly fine!!
ps most of his tattoos are all might hero based.
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IZU ANON!!!!! i thoroughly enjoyed this <3
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munamania · 7 months
oh my god you know what i AM so glad im not attracted to men thank god im sick and tired holy shit. this was going to just be a stupid reactionary post on my silly little tumblr blog bc ive seen stupid posts like ':( maybe in another life i like men' and like we are NEVER getting out of here! and now i need to be like oh oop hangon everyone i for sure dont mean every man and also by the way i promise i am not trans exclusionary and also i really do promise i can wrap my brain around intersectionality in case you got a wild sense of ignorance from me saying im SICK AND FUCKING TIRED of everything being about men. you cant not think about them. ever. girls around you are going to base their entire personalities and identities and sense of self around attention and attraction to men and youre going to be made to feel rude if you dont go along with that being so #slay #girlboss #feminism. and honestly if we're fucking talking about it maybe i am glad not to deal with people who are socialized to think it's gay to care about hygiene and so dont wipe their asses or wash their hands maybe im simply so relieved to not have to deal with that and to have a partner that doesnt have to be taught to like and care about me and/or babied and mothered etc. jesus fucking christ holy shit. i want that for every woman but this is abt me rn and really many people whether they realize it or not ARE hostile to dykes!!!!!! and it sucks so incredibly hard to be around you!!!!! you people dont make a single effort to not talk about men or center every conversation around them, at best, and at worst, youre constantly fucking making lesbianism sound MISERABLE. it's not! it's really not. except well it is because everybody just cannot fucking exist without making it about a man or how they feel about not liking men or whatever goddamn tragedy idefk. this is clearly going to be nonsensical by the time i post it but holy fuck! shut the fuck up! the state of feminism rn is in genuine shambles ashes dust in the wind never coming back to save us.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
*Salsa dances into your inbox*
You want me to do a reveal? Of my main account or me being a huge simp lol-
I am okay with asking on my main account but i am also shy and my brain rotates my hyperfixtations like a carousal so like one minute im really into Transformers and the next i’m into Obey me and then Lookism and Viral Hit and also a bad ex of mine didn’t like me rambling about ideas and my rotating hyperfixtations cause they couldn’t keep up and told me it’s well, kinda weird that i change every so often and be super into one thing and then not and then be back into it a lot again and so like being an anon is like a security blanket, safe and not be able to be judged
Like, I want to but at the same time scared also I mostly just reblog stuff on my main account so it’d be pretty boring lol (I also don’t really use tags so like, it’d be fun trying to organise my mess of a blog lol-)
But one day maybe! To you and Ria maybe
You guys are nice and sweet and listen to my silly little worm brain
(Also my ex never told me when I got to be too much or if i crossed a line despite me telling them hey i am the worst with social cues, tell me please, communication is important and I will not be angry if you tell me and please tell me, and so they threw that in my face when we broke up that I never noticed social cues or when something was wrong despite me saying jt like a million times(Like once a day at least because of my anxiety and i never wanted to hurt them))
Sorry for rambling, you can ignore or respond if you want and do what you want to feel comfy💜
Also if you were talking about me with revealing my cat cause J did offer payment to Ria in the form of kitty pictures, I can add a few pics on my side blog :D
-Seo Simp Anon🖤
Listen, there is too much I wanna say and unpack here. Social cues is well outside my remit.
But what I will say is this: your ex obviously wasn't the right fit for you and I'm sorry they made you feel bad about your hyperfixations. It's fun for everyone to be a lil weirdo (case in point, me posting almost everyday, multiple times a day, for the last couple months about fictional men). You just need to surround yourself with people that are the same weird as you.
Most importantly, as long as everything is fine and healthy, you don't need anyone else's validation for your interests or hobbies.
And obviously don't worry about any reveals!
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mason-ajar · 2 years
Opinion/hcs for the idea that Swordflames (Xander, Yugo, Ukyo, and Quon) are in a polyam relationship?
i am very sorry for the long wait 😵‍💫 i just struggled to bring all my silly little thoughts together
here r just a bunch of random drabbles i have accumulated abt them over the past two weeks! may be ooc and cringe, but if you have been following my blog it’s kinda warranted by now.
fellow swordflames enjoyers pls add onto this if you’d like 🫶🫶🫶
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- because my little brainworms said so xhaka and quon were already in a relationship beforehand! i do in fact make the rules.
- when quon does come back, ukyo has to deal with feelings of resentment before anything else. i feel like ukyo would struggle with thoughts of feeling inadequate in their relationship, simply because they met after the other three, and she’d absolutely not verbalize those emotions at all. communication is something that i think he’d struggle with.
- hm my thoughts r that xhaka’s the one that officiates their relationship. he notices how (despite all the scaring) quon and ukyo hit it off pretty well after ukyo resolves his resentment, and it’s hard to ignore yugo’s little puppy crush(es)
- ukyo’s main love language is physical touch: they love hugs, running their fingers through their partners hair, holding hands- u name it! and of course scaring the living daylights out of his partners.
- but im kinda stuck on what the others love languages would be lol.
- when quon comes back to the dojo, he isn’t accustomed to the specialized training regimen anymore. what i’m saying is that he spars with yugo and absolutely eats shit.
- i’m unsure if ukyo and yugo live full time at the dojo, but because i don’t care enough to look back i am simply going to believe it’s canon!
- even before they get together, they are always having silly little impromptu sleepovers; they definitely crash in xhakas room.
- when quon comes back they just have to get a whole new bigger bed bc they just couldn’t all fit comfortably on xhakas anymore 😭
- big spoon ukyo little spoon xhaka LMAOO they make it work.
- okok i really wish i could give you more substantial thoughts, but literally all there is in my mind is domestic fluff. i am just thinking abt them going on dates and their silly day to day shenanigans. like laundry, or their morning routine; them getting ready for the morning, cramming into the bathroom and smiling at each other in the mirror as they brush their teeth. them heading out to start practice and spar; ukyo’s on a winning streak until xhaka wants to spar with her, effectively breaking that streak. on slow days at the dojo they decide to end practice early and head to town even if just to walk or fuck around in a convenience store and eat snacks in the parking lot. or maybe they head down to the skate park and quon teaches the others how to skate, with ukyo, the ever-so graceful, struggling to stay balanced on a skateboard. yugo makes fun of him, but is still conveniently right behind for supposedly no reason. xhaka surprisingly picks it up best out of the three, and quon excitedly talks about how he should get his own board. they decide to go home before it’s too dark to safely climb the mountain, throwing their shoes off and immediately crashing once they get in xhakas room.
- sorry woah what just happened i just blacked out and there was a whole paragraph sitting in front of me
- segway into more fluff
- xhaka getting up earlier than the other 3 to make them a nice breakfast.
- yugo being awkward abt giving affection, but still finding other ways to be there for his partners. specifically i think he’d be a really good listener. sometimes he leaves notes in places he knows his partners will see. he doesn’t sign them, no one brings them up, but everyone knows who wrote them.
- also yugo watching youtube tutorials just so he can do ukyos hair in the morning..
- yugo trying to keep up a stoic appearance, but xhaka makes him laugh one day and he swears his heart skips a beat.
- quon seeing something that reminds him of his partners and buying it for them 😓😓 i am such a sucker for the “this reminded me of you.”
- xhaka having cute nicknames for them on his phone
- idk man something about yugo and quon just laying in bed and talking to each other. they r stuck in my brain.
- xhaka taking ukyos hands. no reason in particular, he just knows she’d would probably appreciate it. ukyo does, in fact appreciate it.
- quon and xhaka training some rookies, standing on opposite sides of the training room, smiling at each other.
ok thats it for now LOL i think they’re silly
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frostbite-the-bat · 6 months
what do you do in petz + how the fuck is spam tong in petz
ok, so! petz, or in this case, PF Magic Petz specifically, is an old, OLD pet simulator game from the 90s! it's made to run on doo-doo potato computers, and uses it's own wacky technonogy called, and bear with me, "ballz", to render the pet models.
there's other games by pf magic, but we'll focus on petz. before they became stinky ubisoft petz. (ubisoft bought petz) nono ignore that. this is PURE FUCKIN' MAGIC PETZ! (thats what pf stands for)
you adopt a dog or a cat... and you take care of it! and unlike most modern pet sims - your pet truly has a personality of its own. for the game's age it's actually surprisingly complex, and the community is finding new things each year! i believe just last year (or two years ago??) we found out petz have FAVORITE COLORS.
each pet is unique in their own way!! signature animations, favorite foods, what relationships they have with other petz, how you've trained them... one pet may love being fed cheese, while the other may not.
of course there's also personalities for each breed, as each breed has it's own personality. i can't explain this one well, so give this a read!
i used to play petz a lot more back then, nowadays i just check in on it sometimes, but the genuine connection you may get to feel towards your silly guys is real.
fun fact i only adopt cats. i dont do my breeding from scratch but the guys i adopt from other people or PUGS (petz universal game site) (i hope i got that right) i dont like the sounds dogs make. i still need to finish graphics for all my cats. heres some of them. i love them.
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what really makes this game is the community! it's a small, but surprisingly lively and friendly community! many of these people may even be twice your age, enjoying this silly pet game online with everyone, it's wonderful! the game is very moddable, and people make their own breeds, toys, areas... anything you think of, it can be put in this game with enough time and creativity!
some people make realistic, breeds, and some people make Silly Guys! like me for example! i'm really into fan-made media petz! it's how i got into the game, after all! i've made some hexied (modded petz) of my own!
ralsei is my best example. gif taken from my site
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also, most people around the petz community have their own websites! for their downloads, shows, or to show off their petz!! what you can do is endless. i made my site because of that, though it's in constant disrepair and i SWEAR one day i will move to neocities.
and yes!! shows!! people do shows!! you can pose and take pictures of your petz and it'S actually a very pixel precise thing, trying to get your pet to do a show pose! people do these shows on forums and even give each other little graphic trinkets like badges!!
speaking of graphics... STAMPS!! petz fans love stamps!! i collect some, too, but my collection isnt as impressive as some other people.
people even have stamps for their own sites, that's where these come from!!
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already creeping to petz spamton, dont worry!
but about petz hexing, i wanna give a shout out to the skinstealer system at the bad_death site. i admire their work so much. check it out!!! i reblog their things sometimes. (well..on my petz blog but i'll start doing so here, too)
Well. you prolly werent there for it but petz spamton took some places of the internet by storm and OH BOY WAS IT BOTH REALLY COOL BUT ALSO VERY TIRING SOMETIME. im not the creator, i do not take credit, however i am partially responsible as that entity was created on my server. (after my friends talked about the reanimated joshua and the promised land video from saberspark - its a big collab and we talked about the people who worked on it. one of them was Moonkitti who has a petz profile picture. i then left the convo but my friend who i wont name so they feel comfy <3 remembered petz and had the wonderful idea of Modding Spamton Into It.)
petz spamton doesnt look like this anymore its had many updates. (you can see the history on my spamtons as id update a new one and keep it with certain updates!! for example otterpop doesnt have colored paw pads, but mango does.) but this is the original. i had an og adopted as well but i lost it </3 BACK UP YOUR FILES BACK UP YOUR FILES BACK UP YOUR FILES BACK UP YOUR FILES. I MISS YOU CHEESE-TON.
and WELL.. PEOPLE LIKED THIS MOD...! much much fanart... and even some drama uh oh please people dont sexualize feral animals. thanks. go to hell and die. it was both very fun but as you can imagine it got overwhelming especially for my friend so i am keeping them anonymous!! they do have a sideblog for petz just named "petzspamton" if you want to see The Og.
it got many people into petz!! it was wonderful to see people discover this old game. hell! even i got into it this way! though as trends are, they usually go away eventually. i stay however because im ill. hashtag number one spamton pet breeder. dont take it the wrong way. i like spamton mixies.
oh yeah! the breeding in this game! SURPRISINGLY VERY COMPLEX. WONT BE GETTING INTO IT. but! two petz can have a baby! including modded petz! it can create Monstrosities. but some are niceys! i like both the cursed ones because funny but also getting some niceys to keep :) i have many mixed spamtons!!
for example iceshock (white) and creature! (grey)
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the possibilities truly are endless !!
but yeah. the hype died down but its always funny meeting people, talking about interests, we get to deltarune. I mention petz, then they say oh yeah petz spamton i know that AND THEN THEY REALIZE WHO I AM "YOU MADE THAT SPAMTON VIDEO" BRUH IT HAS 4K VIEWS ONLY LIKE HOW DO YOU FIND THIS SHIT . THIS HAPPENED ONCE OVER SOMEONE I MET ON A FUCKING CLUB PENGUIN PRIVATE SERVER. i do not like micro fame but oh my god this shit is always so fucking insane and funny to me i love it i love being a fucking cryptid. BUT ANYWAYS
things layed dormant. petz spamton server dead as hell. my own server #living tho #gaming #swag #iamruinbornaftonialwayscomeback.
but man if i may get goopy orizfhhguguughh ill be fr height of petz spamton hype got Tiring .im sosososos glad the server we had for it was tiny as hell and secret because MAN. URUGHH
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ashtonsunshine · 9 months
I mean i liked checking it out and pretty much was into it idk jobless 💀 (but im glad im changing i literally ignore these stuff now as much as can... still nosey but its getting better lol).
Unfortunately i just like to know shit but after a while it sounds weird and almost repetition of the same things that happened long time ago.
I don't get the ones that try to do or change something about things like those are strangers to you ykwim? Just reading the gossip is a thing but trying to intervene like... what are you going to do? 😭
And it got really weird like doxxing and shit so thats not right... specially with a baby on the way its just too much (like weirdos wishing harm on a baby?!!? absolutely insane!)
Realizing to focus on what you actually like is way better and more fun.
But i always notice how ashton does the most for this fandom yet he's always the most hated in these type of blogs, it just breaks my heart he's very passionate about what he does and he gets shitted on for it, being called pretentious for showing his love... does he get a lil silly goofy? Yes but it's sweet idk what ppl see and make up something negative from it and when he uses big words? Lol i like adding new words to my vocabulary that i'll probably never use.
Sorry this is very long and honestly you dont have to answer this but i just was so much in (surprised im not blocked 💀) and then one day i was like well.. this is stupid and annoying so i kinda stopped.
Saw you went to a 5sos show days ago i hope you had a great time 🤍 and again you dont have to answer this at all but your post got me thinking a little... one of the first ppl i followed on here and i think your hello/goodmorning posts are very sweet and the way you always post them is sweeter. i hope you are having a great day/night from wherever you are 👍🏻
I understand the human need to know and be nosy, but I've learnt that sometimes it's better to be ignorant in order to be happy and enjoy things in peace.
I see this dynamic at work every day. People gossip about others because they have this need of talking shit for no reason other than being low-key jealous of their colleagues' workplace situation. It's as if people are envious of other's happiness and become petty about it.
Drama and gossip are addicting. It's like an adrenaline rush. But, ultimately, like every addiction, it starts consuming you from within and disrupting your life.
I'll never understand how some people have so much energy to run these types of accounts that harbour so much negativity, when some days I don't even have energy to exist right.
I've read so much shit about this band over the last decade on the internet, and you're right, Ashton somehow always gets it worse simply because he refuses to play the game and chooses to be himself no matter what. Him and his big words, and his sarcasm, and his snarky comments. It's one of the reasons I love him. Fuck everyone! Be yourself and the right people will come to you and stay with you.
But you know what makes my skin crawl? When the blogs are like "free speech", as if free speech means you're allowed to say whatever you want without consequences. It angers me when people use free speech as an excuse to be unpleasant and mean, because that's not what free speech is. Free speech means you can't be jailed for voicing an opinion; not that you can't be a target of criticism for it.
Only people who haven't had the right of free speech taken away from them do that. There was a heavy dictatorship in my country until 1974 where people would be grabbed on the streets by undercover state police if they gathered in groups larger than three and questioned for conspiracy against the government. Some people were tortured. Some people disappeared. Others were killed. All that for voicing an opinion. My parents lived through this shit, so I don't take my right of free speech lightly, and neither should any of you.
I'm getting political now, so I'm gonna go.
Thank you for the sweet words. 🫶🏻 I'm glad you're out of that dark place.
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akunya · 2 years
forgive my ignorance, I know this is a male reader blog but why can't fem-aligned people interact at all?
all is well dear! i'm open to answering anything and everything. you're welcome in my inbox anytime.
i realized this got a bit long so i'm going to put it under read more. if you want any clarification on this, please ask!
personally, from my own experiences on this site, a lot of my male reader fics (and just male reader fics in general) are constantly fetishized by fem-aligned people. the gross asks ive received or even tags in the comments along the lines of: "mlm stories are so hot, its better when its gay, etc". even things that are just so obviously fetishizing (ex: fujos, yaoi, but honestly thats a bit of a grey area: im sure we all have an idea of who im talking about in mind when i say fujos who fetishize actual gay men vs. people who like BL). i've seen instances where people ask for trans m readers, just because they don't see trans men as men, making it (in their eyes) a fem reader fic.
i make content for my fellow masc-aligned people simply because theres barely anything for us out there. i want to write male readers exclusively since theres so little for masc readers to enjoy, NOT for fem-aligned people to fetishize. i write my silly little stories so me and the boys can have a giggle.
also, i constantly get asks asking why i don't do fem readers, and to put it simply, my content isn't for you. especially with y/n fics, its very predominantly fem-reader, and while there isn't anything wrong with that - i would like to somehow try to balance it out with my fair share of masc-readers. silly little self insert fics should be for everyone to enjoy. i would simply prefer if fem-aligned people didn't exactly interact with my posts because of past harassment. from weird fetishizing asks, tags, and requests, it just makes me uncomfortable. i want to reiterate i have nothing against fem-aligned people, authors, or fics.
now, i don't comb through or check every person that interacts with me. i simply don't have the time. i can't stop you if you are fem-aligned and silently read my fics. i'm not out to witch hunt or start calling out authors for writing fem readers. thats ridiculous and not my point at all. i am truly just a silent author who posts every once in a while, and would love not to be jumpscared with the most bizarre fetishizing messages in my askbox.
its a bit of a rare policy, so i understand the confusion and questions. thats okay! asking questions is how we can all learn. i still have so much to learn, too. i am very lenient with lots of these things, so as long as you're respectful you can send asks and what not even if you are fem-aligned. but please: respect my rules, preferences, and the content i make.
tldr: no fem-aligned because of past harassment, but im not strict about it so i dont really care if you interact. just be a decent human being.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
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I posted 10,152 times in 2022
That's 10,152 more posts than 2021!
709 posts created (7%)
9,443 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,554 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#get in queue - 2,139 posts
#last legacy - 558 posts
#ozzy answers - 408 posts
#fictif last legacy - 400 posts
#sage lesath - 367 posts
#ozzy speaks - 234 posts
#ozzy daydreams - 222 posts
#anon asks - 216 posts
#fictif sage - 178 posts
#anisa anka - 160 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but anyways im *still* getting whump posts under 'posts you may like' and i do not like it!! and i keep saying this post isnt for me and it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dialga v. Palkia Does Not Go As Expected
PLA, GN!Reader
Adaman and Irida want to have a fight, you just want to eat some potato mochi
Since the two clans have reached a peaceful treaty, it seemed only proper there be some sort of festival to celebrate. And since Jubilife Village has always been a sort of middle ground, it only makes sense to hold the party here. Plus, well, this is where the gods live.
Speaking of, you've become something of an,, ambassador between humans and the Almighty, as well as the de facto moderator for arguments between the clans. That's another reason everyone is gathering in the village.
Commander Komodo says that you have to look the part. You try to argue but then Cyllene pulls a sword out of nowhere - apparently she was the best swordsman in Hoenn? You make a note to ask about it later - and reminds you about following orders. So you relent and spend the day getting ready.
The tailor - Anthe - borrows some of your Pokémon for inspiration. It's a little silly to say but it gives you just a tiny bit of anxiety. How would you feel, having four friends who are always by your side suddenly whisked away? You feel just a tiny bit naked. But you stick through it, helping Rei and Akari hang up streamers and trying not to jump when Ingo randomly yells from a few feet away.
Seriously what did he do in his past life where he was always yelling?
Anthe's custom outfit is gorgeous, as you expected. There's a bit of a mish-mosh of colors to represent the Almighties; blue for Dialga, pink for Palkia, white for Arceus, you even talked her into adding some black and gold for Giratina.
Then it's heading over to Arezu so she can fuss over your hair.
You're finally rescued when Adaman and Irida show up about an hour before the festival is set to start. Arezu immediately pulls Adaman into a conversation, while Irida helps you to your feet. Arezu finally releases both you and Adaman, so together with Irida you three scamper back outside.
Like I said, they're here an hour early. You link your arm with Adaman's and nudge his side, teasing him a bit. You grab Irida's hand to tease her too.
'Oh you're here early? Did you forget the time? Did Irida have to come get you so you didn't be late? Irida I didn't know you were so prompt and timely. That's not a very Pearl Clan thing to do. Not very traditional.'
They're both a bit red-faced. Irida is scowling at you while Adaman is sticking his tongue out. You copy his childish display, and within moments you're locked in a fierce tongue battle
No not like that. Sorry to disappoint.
Irida (lightly) smacks Adaman on the back of the head. He yells but she ignores him, facing you with a gleam in her eyes. She explains that they actually have a request. That definitely sobers Adaman up a bit.
They want to battle each other with Dialga and Palkia to settle, Once And For All, which Clan is better.
You,,, are immediately hesitant. Not because you're concerned about the Pokémon ripping open the fabric of reality again - okay that's a lie you kinda are a bit worried about that - but because,, look it's already a little difficult for the clans to wrap their heads around you casually keeping their respective Almighties in a Pokéball and you really don't want to make that worse.
But Adaman and Irida seem genuine. So you relent, bringing them over to the training grounds. You have over your Pokéballs and go to stand with Ingo. One of the balls in your belt rattles. With a glow, Giratina emerges, settling beside you to watch the fight. You give it a few Oran berries as a treat.
Once the clan leaders get over their initial awe - and you remind Dialga and Palkia that, hey, humans kinda need the fabric of space-time to stay together to survive so don't go too hard - they're ready to brawl!
You end up crawling onto Giratina's head to get an aerial view. You reach back into your satchel and pull out a container of potato mochi for a snack. You're about to pop one in your mouth when four of them start to glow - two blue, two pink. Leaving you with just three left.
You roll your eyes and remind them to share.
Much to the clan leaders' shock, the gods have just,,, stopped fighting. You could have told them to expect this but the look of confusion slowly morphing to a surprised understanding on both their faces is much funnier. Surprised understanding turns again into confusion when they each receive a mochi.
A blessing from the lord
You slide off Giratina's back to the floor and pass one mochi over to Ingo and another to the Void Pokemon itself. Then you finally snack on yours.
Last week, Palkia opened a mini-wormhole just to steal Professor Laventon's toque. And Dialga laid down in front of the Galaxy Hall and refused to move until Rei and Akari promised to take it on their next survey. And Giratina sat in front of your house and refused to let you leave until you gave it a kiss on the head and reaffirmed that, yes, Giratina is a very good Void Snake.
They're powerful, borderline Eldritch creatures, sure. But like most creatures - most humans included - sometimes they wanna be showered in affection. And sometimes they wanna eat good food with good friends.
And isn't that what this festival is all about?
Right as you finishing explaining that, Giratina lobs a Shadow Ball right in Palkia's face and escapes through a wormhole. Palkia gives an indignant roar and follows. Dialga makes a purring sound that might be a laugh. Then Giratina pops up behind Dialga and lobs another Shadow Ball, which makes Dialga snarl and give chase.
The four of you - Adaman, Palina, Ingo, and yourself - all stand in the middle of the court, watching the legendary Pokémon chase each other around. Ingo chuckles and says siblings are like that. Irida asks if he has any siblings. He frowns and shrugs, saying he doesn't remember.
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275 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
We seem to have god-like healing powers, since we can like, leap off cliffs and whatever and just stumble for a sec before being good (I always imagined Arceus basically gave us a super good healing factor)
Imagine the chaos when everyone finds this out
You invite Adaman to go on a survey with you in the Mirelands. As the Clan leader, he's pretty familiar with the surroundings so he's happy to show you around and help out in whatever way he can
He can make sure you don't waste time getting lost
You guys go out. It's been a nice day. You're chatting about nothing too particular, just some gossip on the wardens and making jokes about Kamodo and whatever.
You're expertly throwing Pokeballs and crushing everything in your path
When suddenly
There's an alpha
Not just any alpha, but a Carnivine. And it's spotted you.
You react on impulse. You send out your biggest Pokemon and tell it to get Adaman out of here and dart to the side to draw Carnivine's attention
Adaman is freaking out because Carnivine are Big and Scary™ but he also doesn't wanna leave you behind
Your Pokemon keeps headbutting him, trying to push him away from the battle
You're darting and dodging and hiding behind rocks and whatever, keeping Carnivine's attention solely on you
Adaman yells at you to stop fucking around and run for cover
Sweetie why would you do this
You're taken by surprise. You hear him yell and your first impulse is to look over, and Carnivine takes the chance to rush you and Cut You Bad™
Definitely poisons you a bit
Your Pokemon finally gives up on trying to shove Adaman away and goes after Carnivine itself, making swift work of kicking it's ass and sending it packing
Bonus points if it's an alpha of something adorable like Bidoof or Combee or whatever but my brain defaults to a Luxray so do with that what you will
Adaman runs over to you and drags you behind a tree. There's blood. Oh Almighty Sinnoh you are bleeding Quite A Lot and he's freaking out because Pokémon are so dangerous why the fuck were you toying with it why couldn't you have just let him fought it with his Leafeon or something oh fuck you're gonna die-
You cover your mouth. Cough. He's trying to stop the bleeding but his hands are shaking and
The blood has stopped
There's this very faint golden glow around you for a few moments. Your wound heals. You're all good. Somewhere between amused because this happens to you all the time and a little guilty because poor boy was so scared for you
He's still shaky so help him wash his hands and bring him back either to his settlement or the research camp, whichever is closest.
Explain about your healing powers. Once you do he calms down a lot.
By the time you reach wherever you're dropping him off at, you're both joking about what happened.
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284 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Smooches :(
I'm going to assume this is a request about the Last Legacy M4 since that's what I write the most of. Mayhaps this is your way of saying you want a smooch, in which case I say 'same'. But I'm not actually sure. So while I appreciate you thinking I'm smart enough to get this, I am actually Very Very Stupid and taking a swing in the dark here. Hope you enjoy!
GN!reader, fluffy fluff
I think Felix is a very big fan of casual smooches. He's been studying or working on experiments for nine hours straight and you just swoop in out of nowhere to kiss his cheek. Instant Dopamine Boost. Instant energy.
In as much as I like to joke about Felix being Easily Flustered, he's also the only Starswon (Rime notwithstanding) that's been in a canon long-term relationship. He's definitely get a lil embarrassed hehe blushy blushy man but he keeps his composure fairly well. Sometimes makes a little noise, sometimes shrinks up a little bit, the tips of his ears turn pink. But he'll look at you and pout and ask if That's All He's Getting™
If you sit with him while he's reading, I think he smooches you a lot. Doesn't even pull his eyes away from the page, just kinda leans over and kisses your cheek, your jaw, your neck, whatever's close enough. He's Focused™ but he still wants to worship you a lil
When he's not distracted by studies, he's a bit more flustered but he still gives you a lot of little kisses and smooches and pecks
I think especially when something reminds him of Rime. I feel like we don't talk enough about Protective!Felix being afraid of losing MC. So anyways when something makes him think of Rime, it kinda automatically makes him think about how Rime died, and that stresses him. Even if it was Unavoidable, he still worries about that happening to you. So he'll randomly pepper your cheeks and lips with little kisses and hold your hand. Kisses the back of your hand too.
I feel like all of Felix is very soft,, includes his lips,,,, do with that info what you will,,,,,,
He do Big Spell. Head Hurty. When he tries to sleep, smooch his temple. Makes him feel better.
Heheh...ehehehe.....cat wife kisses
Gods i miss her
I feel like she loves all types of smooches, but especially sneaky ones! She's spent such a long time following the rules and being The Model Citizen™ that she likes the thrill of it. She's also incredibly proud to be your Knight In Shining Armor!! And as long as you guys aren't doing anything too dirty she doesn't care who sees a bit of PDA.
I think she'd like being kissed on her hands/wrists, tip of her nose, and collarbone. If you wanna be cute and kiss her chest where your heart is, she'll be super flustered but like it (as long as you guys aren't in public at that point).
Her favorite places to smooch you would probably be,,, your forehead (she uses her hands to smoosh your cheeks a lil whenever she kisses your forehead) and the spot below your ear. Maybe nips at your earlobe a little bit when she's feeling flirty but probably not in public
I feel like she hugs you from behind a lot!! Possibly sneaks up on you to give you surprise kisses.
She comes home after a long day of work,, she's so tired,,, help her pull her armor off,,,, give her a lil kiss on the shoulder,,,,,, she melts,,,,,,,,, and when she has nights when the memories are too much for her to deal with and she can't sleep, cuddle her. In between stories and jokes and dreams you two shares, smooch her hand/wrist. Makes her very calm.
I think if you guys are laying around and just kinda relaxing and you suddenly start kissing her, she would purr a little. I don't even know if half-ilephtas can purr, but damnit, she does.
I was gonna say that I hc that the only source of wholesome smooches Sage ever had before you was probably like, when he and Tulsi were younger and say she was afraid of a thunder storm he would probably kiss the top of her head or whatever (which is something my older sister still does to me a lot when I'm upset) but after That Post from the Insta I feel like that'd be inappropriate,,, which is really shitty because siblings should be allowed to show affection for each other without people being freaks about it,,,,,
But anyways
I think Sage is used to making out and whatever, but soft lil smooches??? Foreign concept.
The first time you smooch his cheek out of nowhere he just bluescreens. He's dead. Gone. Vanished. Slain. He tries to be flirty to hide his embarrassment but you give him this wholesome little smile and he just puts his head down because he needs a second
He's a bit of an attention whore so once you start he doesn't want you to stop. If you're busy studying he 10,000% does the lil headbutt thing.
Definitely likes kissing your hands and nibbling on your fingers a lil but also your forehead, the top of your head, and the crook of your neck because he's trying to hide his face a lil cause he's blushing
Ooh big strong cat man blushing like a tomato because he's being sweet on his loving partner
I also think Biting Is A Love Language! You will get nibbled on often!! Obviously when he's flirty he's messing with you that way but even when he's just being a blushing dork, he gives you a lil love bite. Though I have a thing for marking so porhaps I'm projecting but I'm sure you don't mind
Loves it when you kiss his head/ears, his cheeks, probably his chest too. And if you kiss his scars? Especially while mumbling a bit of praise about how big and strong he is? He simply Ceases To Exist.
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289 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Mc being to afriad to tell the LIs she loves them so she says it when she thinks they're alseep but theyve caught on and are only just pretending to sleep so they can hear it
Ajfigkda I love this trope so much 🥺
GN!Reader, sleepy times
Felix Escellun
Felix has noticed that you are,, a little more shy than normal. Certainly more affectionate but a little less talkative, a little less open.
At first he thinks something is wrong. Did he maybe do something? Are you alright?
But then one day you hug him from behind and nuzzle into the crook of your neck. Mumble something he doesn't catch into the skin of his shoulder. And when he asks you to repeat it you just squeeze him a little tighter.
That's when he first realizes what it is you really want to say.
Do you think,, he was the one to say it first to Rime? Because in my head I think Rime said it first, and I think that's how Felix kind of recognizes what you're up to.
But he wants to give you some space for it. So,,
It's been a long day of studying. You've been doing it again - starting to speak, pausing, shaking it off and sinking back into a mostly-comfortable silence.
Mostly comfortable. It's an itty bit awkward. The 'weight of unsaid words' and all that.
Well, wouldn't the best way to fix it be to get the words said? He thinks so. So that day, in the study, he makes a show of curling himself up in the armchair and leaving the blanket bunched around his waist before 'falling asleep'
It takes about ten minutes. Your footsteps are soft and light and gentle and he only hears them because he was listening. You pull the blanket up over his shoulders. Tuck it in a little. Brush some of the hair away from his face. He's trying really hard not to smile because you're being so soft. And then you lean down and whisper 'I love you' and his face is flaming red and then as soon as you leave the room he sinks down into the blanket and just makes a really quiet noise because yeah he was expecting but still-
Spends the next 20 minutes basically squealing into his blanket before getting himself together. The next time you come in he kisses your hand continues with his reading. Hopefully now that you've said it, you'll be brave enough to say it again
Anisa Anka
Anisa kind of sees it coming but she also doesn't want to jump the gun y'know? Cause like, if she says it first and you weren't ready to say it, then that's gonna pressure you into saying it. And she doesn't want that.
So what should she do? You keep blushing whenever you look at her for too long and ugh you're making it so obvious it's adorable
But she doesn't want to make things weird, doesn't wanna put any pressure on you. It's her job to protect you in this world. She can't abuse that position, not even accidentally.
Hm. This really is rather difficult to navigate around.
Once night she gets home late from her patrol. She creeps back into the apartment to see that you're in her bed, all bundled up and drooling on her pillow a little. She chuckles a little to herself as she changes out of her armor and into something more comfortable. Then she goes to sleep on the couch.
As she's laying there, trying to fall asleep, she hears soft footsteps. Your footsteps, she'd recognize them anywhere. You walk over and carefully nudge a pillow (not the one you drooled on, obviously) under Anisa's head. She's wide awake but she's feigning sleep, wanting to see what you do.
'...hey... Anisa. I love you.'
Her hair poofs a bit as she tries really, really hard not to smile like a fool.
'Wh- A-Anisa! You're not even asleep!'
She opens her eyes with a little laugh and lightly grabs your hand, keeping you from shyly scurrying away. She wants to see your face, after all. 'How could I possibly sleep when the person I'm in love with just said they love me?'
Your eyes are big and wide because Oh She Just Confessed To Loving You Back and she's just giggling because you look so cute. She also feels a little light-headed from a mix of happiness and adrenaline because She Really Likes You And Her Heart Is Racing.
You guys end up falling asleep in her bed. Together.
Sage Lesath
Y'know I don't think Sage sees it coming!! He's never been in love before and he's never stayed with any one person long enough for him to recognize the signs. No, I think that he knows something is up but he doesn't know what.
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360 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Imagine if the ArcPhone has it's own WiFi network so the player can look stuff up
During a meeting you're just looking up dramatic music stings and randomly playing one whenever Kamodo/Adaman/Irida/Cyllene starts talking
When Laventon talks you play various clown themes (affectionate)
You play train sounds around Ingo because it makes him happy (even if he can't remember why)
Teach Melli about Snapchat and filters
Make 'wot in tarnation' memes about Lian
Show Iscan some scary Dusclops fanart if you wanna be evil
If you wanna be nice show him cute fanart
Change the phone's clock in front of Adaman just to piss him off
Change the phone's location in front of Irida just to piss her off
Teach Rei and Akari some Vocaloid songs+dances and encourage them to show everyone
You get a text from Arceus
There's a link that he says is some important information about how to fight Electrode or whatever
You click it
It's a Rick Roll
1,739 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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salt-volk · 2 years
i know its a salt blog so theres inevitably gonna be some negativity & hot debates about the same things that go in circles over n over again, but srsly some of u are SO quick to assume the worst & make innocent mistakes or simple actions into being some obviously malicious scheme, when most likely is that whatevr occurred is just harmless or misunderstood. 
"never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence" pls remember that!!! anji is not some evil witch making the site bad on purpose to scam everyone, not every user is out to get u or secretly talking sht about u, customs owners arent all evil rich babies who want the entire site to cater to them but everyone else to fcking die in a hole, usually ppl are not intentionally trying to upset u or others, & so on... most ppl is just doing the best they can given the situation theyre in & what info they have at the time. of course sometimes eveyeone makes mistakes or look stupid, but i doubt the intent is to be as harmful as possible always.
like how some ppl take it super personall when they dont get a text back immediately & start thinking "oh my friend must hate me, oh my bf is cheating, oh theyr ignoring me on purpose to get back at me for somethin" & all of that when usually its literally just.. ur friend was busy with family stuff or they were using the bathroom or lost their phone or whatever. not actually as big a deal as it may seem with the first impulse!
good exmple is the recent talk over having private customs on wishlist, that its done to disrespect the customs owner, a show of callousness saying u dont give a shit about them or their wishes or all that. when srsly the easiest answer is just that maybe the person putting the item on the wishlist just didnt think about it that much. they saw the item, thought it looked cool, & put it there. maybe they dont even know its private since some ppl dont have obvious info about thers, or maybe its just there for their own reference or smthn with no biger meaning than that.
i personally dont give tons of thought to examining every single miniscule action i take on dv or how even just making a wishlist can possibly be misintepreted or scrutinized by others in a hundred different ways (sounds exhausting) & im sure plenty others are the same . sometimes literally ppl are just not thinkin about stuff that deeply!! the easiest answer is likely the correct one, theres no deep complicated aulterior motives, the person literllay  just wasnt thinking about it!
(& im not ssaying ppl should be let off the hook for doing genuinely awful sht just because their intentions were harmless! (like how u can be uninentionally racist but that dosnt make what u did suddenly not racist or suddenly not still harmful & something u shuld take responsibility for, its obv still bad intended or not), but on here SO much of whats beig talked about is incredibily minor stuff like someone putting a wishlist item up or pricing an item too high or phrasing a comment a little too emotionally or coloring a pet like 3 shades off or whatever & in those cases why not be lenient)
idk idk idk... really just pls just remember that at the end of the day this is just a silly web site. sometimes things get really blown out of proportion & i know its prbly all just venting stuff , but sincerely just try to be cautoius how u speak & think about others, try not to let ur negative feelings of dissatisfaction with dv overall cloud ur judgement too much to the point where everything even somewhat related to it is instantly posioned & seen in the most negative light possibel. its not good for u or ur mental health & is also not good for other ppl who end up having drama caused ovre it. sometimes just take a step away to relax before forming immediate reaction or impression, if u think u know what someones true intentions are, take extra time, think about it again later after the drama has died down & ur mind is more clear. we all as a userbase could be kinder & more undertsanding to each other, to be part of fostering that better community!!
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angelpaws-inc · 3 days
hai hais!! im newer to this community, n i was just wondering if you had any tips on making a blog!! i really wanna but im a little nervous and unsure of where to start!
omg haiii !!! <3
i have had an EMBARASSING amount of these blogs. something something talking abt my feelings in regards to sex is very healing something something !!!
'how tos' for making a blog like this really depend on your personal goals for the blog.
if it's just a silly spot for you to explore your kinks and such, then there's really no 'right' way to start a nsft blog. however, there's a few things you can do...
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For Personal Use:
- Make a pinned post! A pinned post should include: Whatever name and pronouns you go by, your age, and a FIRMLY SET DNI LIST. Your DNI helps avoid interactions with kink content you may find triggering, so make sure it is somewhere easily accessable. You may also want to list: Kinks you know you like, kinks you might want to learn about, and rules regarding DMs and Asks.
- Tag your posts thoroughly! You might think your kinks are great for you, but they can be VERY triggering for other individuals, even if it's not 'hard kink.' Use common tags without any alterations (i.e. use petplay BEFORE using petpl4y) to ensure that it is easy for people to assess if your blog is safe for them.
- Be prepared for uncomfortable interactions. A very unfortunate reality of the internet is that, especially in NSFT spaces, some people do not care about how you feel. People with kinks you're uncomfortable about will likely interact, and sometimes, even personally DM you, regardless of how hard you try to communicate your boundaries. Do not bother to fight with them— block and ignore. It will be better for your mental health in the long run.
- If you have any partners, or consider getting any in the future, tell them that you have a NSFT blog. If you cannot be brave enough to let them know, you are not mature enough for kink. It is gross and unethical to post on the internet about your private sexual life without the consent of your partner.
How to Garner Popularity:
Here's also a list of things you can do to ensure your blog gets popular here on kinkblr!! Wanting to be popular on here is not something everyone wants to do, so feel free to skip these steps.
- Post frequently.
- Reblog from other nsft blogs!
- Make your blog aesthetically pleasing.
- Do not be afraid to 'play around' with other bloggers. (Note: This dynamic may be different depending on if you are in a relationship of any kind or not. Be sure to discuss action in the kink community with any partners you have BEFORE you act.)
- Experiment!! What has worked for me in the past may not work for you. It's okay to fuck around and find out, as long as you're being respectful of others in the community.
Thank you for feeling comfortable asking me!! I am always happy to help <33
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smolcuriouskitten · 7 months
🚩🚩🚩 {soft vs hard blocking, people who selectively reply to one or two mutuals ~usually their hardcore ships~ and make others wait aeons, your least favourite fandom or oc type}
SOFT BLOCKING IS STUPID. Heres my thing with blocking in general, unless you are harassing me, making my space unsafe or uncomfortable, I block. Any other case, I unfollow. If you feel as if a mun, soft blocking is necessary because you dont want to interact with a blog feels a little silly? Like I only see popular muses who get endless interactions complain about having to soft block people when most people are interested in reading their writing/material. In those cases, its stupid because some abuse the power of blocking people. If you feel the need to do so, use hard blocks as a means to an end, soft blocking can cause alot of confusion to people who want to admire your material.
SELECTIVE DOESNT MEAN ONLY RESPOND TO 2 PEOPLE. This bothers the hell out of me. Me personally, if I go through the trouble of making a blog, making this my space, making tidbits and character information, maybe even a few verses if I am feeling spicy, I do it to be able to widen my audience. WHY WOULD YOU MAKE THE BLOG IF YOU ONLY RESPOND TO 2 PEOPLE?! Just roleplay on discord or privately at that point, theres no need to even keep the damn blog active since you dont use it! I dont want to invalidate anyone who does this but we can tell when you only respond to your favorite ship/person. This doesnt apply to blogs who run on a queue system or even those who only have muse for specific threads, I mean those who make the blog and scope out 2 people and no pass go after that. And not to mention your other mutuals can tell you dont give a shit about them due to not responding as quickly to them as you do your fav! And when you call them out on it, 'oH i LoVe OuR iNtErAcTiOnS!' Oh fuck off.
ANDROIDS AND SUPERHEROS NO. My least favorite fandom roleplay wise is both Marvel and Detroit Becoming Human. Those two fandoms in my experience have been allergic to roleplaying outside of their fandom/circle and its exhausting! Like I understand most people are used to their same friend group of roleplay buddies but they are the same ones that complain about lack of interactions! You can only do so many scenarios with the same few characters and after that it becomes monotonous! Venture out! Explore! Dont even get me started on the DBH fandom because they were full of literal assholes when I got into the fandom. Between them ignoring anyone who didnt play an android or being involved with drama or not being understanding of people JUST getting into the fandom, they can kick ROCKS. For the record, I met some pleasant people from both fandoms but I ran into more assholes than ever.
OCS CANNOT BE MARY SUES. Okay as a person who always roleplayed as an oc, theres plenty of takes I can have. I hate OC's that are played as mysterious but they are that way because of their creator refuses to write down their information. I hate OC's with a backstory that copies a canon characters to a T. Taking elements from them is different, for me, I take Rocky's origin story from superman, mannerisms taken from Rarity and early feminine culture, etc etc. Most OC creators dont know the difference between inspired and copied. I hate OC's that are perfect. Oh combat roleplays end quickly because they kill your muse in one shot. You hit them and it doesnt work. They attract everyone because they are perfect and beautiful and have no flaws! I hate OC's that use the same 5 faces as if their arent billions upon billions of faces in the world to use. Im one to talk since I use Instagram models but I am so SICK of people just using actors from a popular show because they know it would get clicks, its lazy and we can see through your laziness. I hate OC's that are children of a canon but dont respect the canon at all. "oh Dean Winchesters my dad but he hunts with me all of the time and takes me gun shopping and lets me drive baby and lets me-" THATS NOT DEAN AS A CHARACTER AT ALL! You can argue 'wElL hE mIgHt HaVe ChAnGeD sInCe ThE bAbY!' BULLSHIT. Dean wouldnt let Sam drive or take care of Baby at first, what in the hell makes you think his KID is exempt from that rule?! AND FARTHER MORE, THAT MAN HAS BEEN THROUGH HELL AND BACK AT THE EXPENSE OF BEING A KID WHOSE DAD HUNTED. WHY WOULD HE PUT HIS KIDS IN THE SAME SITUATION?!
Bonus tidbit. My hatred of DBH muses came from this one RK800 muse. Their blog was beautiful and I was new to Tumblr. I didnt know anything about the mutual system or how they would have their rules shown. They were the first blog that caught my eye so I began to interact with them. On one of the asks, they sent me a screenshot of their rules and called me an asshole for interacting with them since they were mutuals only. Wattpad didnt have a system like that so needless to say, that single interaction has haunted me. I dont like interacting with new blogs first most of the time due to that one sour experience. This screenshot is about 4 years old now and this one interaction STILL haunts me.
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cuddlyscribe · 3 years
Could you do the nsfw alphabet letters D F J V W for deidara and hidan please? Thank you!
heck yes, anon!! thank you (as well as others who sent in requests) for your patience! summer is here for me, so I am beyond happy to finally have loads of free time to dedicate to my blogs now 🥺I hope you enjoy my dear! ❤️
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d ➜ dirty secret
not sure if this counts as a dirty secret per-say, but he thinks it's a little silly and he's embarrassed to admit it to you
but he really wants to have sex with you while a bunch of his art explodes in the background
just that chaotic artistic energy of his combined with his favorite person gets him harder than he'd care to admit
he may tell you about it one day in the future, but until then he'll be mulling over it very carefully in his mind
f ➜ favorite position
any position where he can eat you out or suck you off is his favorite, and he takes no criticism
when it comes to giving head, he enjoys making it a bit of a competition. he wants to try and get you to be so fucked out that you can't do anything except moan his name and pull his hair a lil
stares intently at you to soak in every little detail, committing your expression to memory
now that I think about it, deidara is very partial to 69 as his favorite position 🤔
j ➜ jack off (masturbation headcanon)
LOL no but seriously, as a member of the akatsuki he is away from you more than he'd like. as much as nothing could ever hope to feel as good as you, his mind will sometimes get flooded with horny thoughts and he has to release that tension somehow
is one of the big reasons why he always looks at you so intently during sex. he wants to have those memories stored so that when he's gone, he'll be able to play them back in vivid detail
in short, deidara certainly doesn't prefer jerking off and just does it as a tension reliever while away on missions
v ➜ volume (how loud are they, etc.)
somewhere between quiet and loud; he hits that sweet spot of being juuuust loud enough to irritate sasori in the other room
he doesn't moan all that loudly, but the dirty talk is where it's at
it's not at hidan-level loud, but he isn't afraid to shout a bit especially when he's getting close
lots of satisfied sighs and groans, though. will also chuckle lowly when he knows he's gotten you all worked up
w ➜ wild card (random headcanon)
deidara is of course an artist, and he is inspired by strong emotions to make pieces
you are indeed his muse, and your sex life is often the inspiration behind his more abstract sculptures
they often evoke pleasure and elation; something he says is always what he feels when he's with you (sexually or otherwise)
you can always tell when he's inspired after sex because he'll just get this glow in his eyes and sprint off totally naked to his workbench
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(I'll admit I struggled a bit with hidan because I want to stay true to his character, but I have this tendency to make everyone I write softer than they probably should be LOL. I hope you'll still enjoy ❤️)
d ➜ dirty secret
he'd never ever admit it probably, but he has this deep desire to be dominated by you.
as we all know, hidan likes to be in charge and the dom pretty much all the time, but he can't ignore this need to be a sub
if you really beg with him to spill the beans, he probably will (because it's you of course)
he'll try to explain himself out of it but by then it'll be too late, im sure ;)
f ➜ favorite position
always, always fucking you from behind. I know it's cliche to say, but I can't say that it doesn't make sense
this guy is rough, and he wants to be able to smack your ass and pull your hair and fuck you senseless all at the same time
he's obsessed with the way he can pull you up to him too, teasing your neck with his fingers if you are a fan of breath play
his hands fit perfectly at your waist, and he isn't afraid to remind you of it
j ➜ jack off (masturbation headcanon)
actually, after you two got together hidan hasn't jerked off once!
yes he's also out on missions just as much as deidara, but he personally doesn't have a need to release tension that way when he's been gone awhile
not that he hasn't tried before, but he was just never satisfied with how it felt for him
all he gets is frustrated, but that just means he's gonna jump your bones right away when he gets back
v ➜ volume (how loud are they, etc.)
you probably saw this coming before you even clicked on the read more, but hidan is a LOUD motherfucker
moans, groans, dirty talk, all of it is at a ridiculously high volume. but that certainly doesn't mean you get drowned out
he looooves to hear you make noises for him, and he lets out this huge laugh whenever you mewl for him
passing by kakuzu is an exercise in embarrassment
w ➜ wild card (random headcanon)
he gets turned on like nobody's business when you talk back to him in bed
get sassy, be a brat! he loves ALL of it and he can hardly contain himself when you throw him a good comeback
your banter often turns into sex, so it might not be such a big surprise that giving him attitude is a surefire way to get railed LOL
especially sharp replies will earn you a one way trip to a crazy orgasm
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xiaoshng · 3 years
Hi hii!! I just stumbled upon ur blog, and really fell in love w/ it, ur writings are so good plss 😣💛 You can ignore this if you're uncomfy with it, but can i request a xiao x yaksha reader oneshot? Where they've been pining for each other for so long ( like before to after archon war ) but they havent gotten together yet because they're scared ( karma debt thing 💀 ). And zhongli/ganyu/any of the adepti ( you can decide ) got fed up with their mindless pinings, and push each of them to confess to each other.
This is so long omg :')) I'm so sorry if my req was too complicated or if i said something wrong. thank you sm if u accept this btw!! Have a good day today! (๑°꒵°๑)・*💛
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“ over-dued yaksha's pining ”
pairing : xiao x gn!reader
warnings : cheesy , a bit ooc xiao
word count : 769
a/n : im actually back this time I swear !!! Im so sorry if this wasn't what you had asked for, im also so sorry if xiaos a bit ooc, please forgive me
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ganyu was over this.
having lived for ages now, you’d think these two wouldn’t be so afraid of something so measely like love.
It wasn’t like a mouse, nor a spider that scared you, no.
It was feelings.
you, as a powerful yaksha had wondered years with your heart heavy with only one person that was able to hold it. the anemo yaksha had stolen your heart over the past millennium, and you didn’t think you’d be able to stop anytime soon.
scared for rejection, you both cowarded into staying as working acquaintances as you both worked under liyue’s name, protecting it as it was only the place that had kept you sane throughout these years of long living.
It was hard being immortal sure, but you were never going to allow anyone to get past the point of drowning the whole beautiful city, as a point to also disappointing your silly little crush on a boy.
both of you talked on a daily, It was evident in everyone’s eyes that you both felt at least something for each other.
xiao had looks of longing, he always dreamed about what it’d be like to be in your arms just once, even if he knew he didn’t deserve it. he felt a sense of security near you, knowing you could protect yourself, he couldn’t help himself but worry over you still.
how’d you get here?
well ,ganyu had simply invited you both out to a nice dine in the peaceful city, “claiming” that she suddenly had plans, but in all seriousness, did she really? she was hiding somewhere behind the walls hoping to get a glimpse of what was happening at the small table of three.
you were nervous, speaking up “...sorry about that xiao, Im sure ganyu had a good reason for leaving a bit early…” swallowing down the refreshment left on the table.
xiao didn’t seem very bothered by this, but of course was tremendously cautious of what to respond to you with.
“she better have some explaining to do after this…” In all honesty, It seemed like xiao was more nervous then you were. Its not like both of you guys never were alone together, so why were you both getting clamming all of a sudden?
you had peaked over xiao shoulder for a few seconds noticing the light blue haired goat. curse her, she knew what she was doing.
it was so sudden for ganyu’s leave that it almost seemed suspicious to the fellow yakshas, but maybe this took a step in the correct direction?
ganyu had her head popped out of her hiding spot, giving up on the fact that one had already spotted her. trying to give encouragement, she had started throwing up a thumbs up, signaling you to finally release the stress that had been on your shoulders for ages.
both of you had been staring at your own feet for a while now, but it was almost in sync that you had both looked up at each other in the eyes. It was flustering, as you both stammered out.
“xiao-” “y/n-”
“ah no you can go first.” xiao had replied faster than you could, probably awaiting for your statement to spill out, maybe almost scared of what you were about to say.
“...I think that we’d both had spent such a large amount of time together that maybe, just maybe, we could be together if the heavens just allowed us this once.” you were terrified, of what could happen in the future. there was a huge loss thag you were willing to take just for him, you couldn’t help but be selfish for him.
xiao felt conflicted. he loved you, maybe a little too much, but he felt that all of the misfortune was caused by himself, he couldn’t help but falter a bit.
“I...I can’t, I love you y/n, but all im going to do for you is-”
talking nonsense was always what’d he liked to do, telling you that he was worthless and that he didn’t deserve to live. you had to shut him up, just this once.
It was so quick, how your lips and landed softly on his, how time had stopped just for a quick second. It was soft, just like how you imagined it would be, how you wanted to do this for so long and now you have.
this couldn’t be a dream. dreams never came this easy to you both, how you had set yourself free from all the nightmares and realized
how you both deserved something so special, just this once.
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enden-k · 2 years
I just have to tell you
I've been seeing you be worried about what you post and if people are getting annoyed
So I just want you to know that I love reading your head cannons and all ur art whether is fluffy, angsty, comedic, or smexy. And all the other things like the Nintendo thingy
It's your blog
and I hope you post whatever you want to share and everyone should support u.
I also understand the anxiety and stress of pleasing others especially followers
But please don't let others dictate what should be on YOUR blog. If they don't like it there are options for them to hide or ignore it.
I think it's amazing just the way it is and I love seeing you get excited over things and your interests.
Not trying to be mean to anyone just want you to know I love ur stuff and am a lil worried negative comments might be affecting u.
All the love @ you
i feel a little silly but this made me cry AHHhah had to take a moment
ngl it is a little stressful for me here lately. like, i already mentioned it a lot of times before i think but im. very very bad with people. i get nervous extremely easily and im very awkward, im pretty sure thats noticeable in some of the stupid, brainless things or gibberish i say-- i like talking to people (and lots of you are really nice) but at the same time im scared i mess up bc im jsut so bad and awkward at talking. i dont get jokes sometimes, i dont get it when someone is purposefully mean to me or just messing around. ; i dont mind some teasing but sometimes i cant tell if smth was meant seriously or not, so bc i cant pick up on that i just get a bit more careful and quiet or just like "ahaha" bc idk if i actually behaved annoying and i dont wanna upset anyone (i know i know its my blog and all, but its jsut me as a person. i dont like upsetting someone and im just. a people pleaser ig?) so yeah i guess you could say some stuff affects me, though it is mostly stuff i cant tell the meaning of or interpret wrong?
people deciding for me what i post about is not really an issue tbh, i have lots of requests or ideas in my inbox but i long since stopped trying to draw everythign like i did back then in fate. i draw for whatever i personally like or smth, if that was what you were worried about (i just get insecure sometimes when i draw smth "too often" e.g. suggestive stuff etc that it might annoy people. again, i know its my blog but again, im someone who worries about other people etc) i enjoy drawing, for myself and for others, and sharing my stuff here and it makes me super happy whenever i see people like it or tell me about it, thats not whats stressful for me. its just bc of this whole thing mentioned above and how insecure it gets me sometimes. and bc im worried i accidentally annoy anyone with uhhh. me being me i guess, when i cant control it good. im trying my best, really. its just not very good, im sorry about that
anyway, enough about that, i feel like i talked so randomly about things you probably didnt even mean, in my defence im a bit tired and my thoughts are jumpy hhh
nothing awful happened or smth negative was said to me, i think? unless someone was actually mean and i didnt get it. please dont worry! but i thank you for your concern still <3 im happy to know you like whatever random thing im sharing with you all haha
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