theartofeverything · 1 month
Favorite turtle
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It’s so, so hard to choose one cuz there are so many awesome one ones in so many itterations, but I think I’ve gotta go with Donatello. Every itteration of him is fantastic but @cupcakeslushie’s specifically will always hold a special place in my heart.
Oops, sorry forgot to tag @tmaynt
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cupcakeslushie · 8 months
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He’s drafting his next war crime (affectionate).
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tangledinink · 1 month
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vote for the gemini!!! B)
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mimicben · 3 months
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Some wholesome family feels
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burritello3000 · 4 months
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Ummmmm, idk. They just reminded me of this and I was bored. This was fun to draw :)
@kaysdenofchaos & @cupcakeslushie
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beannary · 6 months
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heres some silly little ew donnie doodles! i just think he looks so comfy cozy in his hoodies and good god does this boy deserve to be comfy cozy
empyrean weeping is made by @cupcakeslushie !
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pftones3482 · 2 years
Listen, I hear y'all and your Touch Averse Autistic Donnie headcanons. But may I take a moment to present you with the option of: Physical Comfort Autistic Donnie, who is very comfortable touching his family and friends and with them touching him? And who uses physical touch as a way to show love without words?
Bc once you start looking for it, he is CONSTANTLY in physical contact with someone, and it's almost always in an affectionate way
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v-albion · 9 months
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Fanart for the Empyrean Weeping AU by @cupcakeslushie. Fantastic AU and artstyle and I love the design for Three, that poor traumatised boy 🤕
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biceratops7 · 1 year
Uhhh… so I am now no longer holding true to the idea that the writers didn’t intend for Donnie to be autistic at first 😭😂
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m0on-shro0m · 1 year
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My two trigger happy besties
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canvas-madness-txc · 2 years
Doodles from Summer
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Reblogs > Likes
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tmntxthings · 11 months
一∑ Not Enough・゜・。
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author’s note: i feel pretty meh about this but we posting anywayssss c: thank joji for this ! here’s to heartbreak and betrayal~~~
warnings: cursing, hurt + no comfort, angst to the max, unedited
word association: first love, relationships, broken trust, loneliness, betrayal, self-deprecation, doubt, emotional breakdowns
song inspired: “ Ew by Joji ”
First love.
Not a crush. Not a like. Those don’t come close. Those can’t compare. To the all-encompassing feeling that is love. Especially the first.
If Donatello had been aware of what would happen. Of the impact that it would leave. In this moment, he would say it is not worth it.
His teeth bared at just the thought. He couldn’t think of you for one moment without a searing pain lancing through his entire being. Making his teeth ache and he found he was curling into himself. He straightened once he realized what he was doing.
Sitting wasn’t helping. He stood. Maybe going back to pacing would help. Help him to finally think. His eyes were to the floor. Watching his feet march a couple of paces here. Only to stop when he saw debris on the floor and to turn back the way he came.
He tried once more.
You… you’re.. his everything. His first real crush. His first kiss. His first love.
Of course the beginning with you had been a cliche, he had saved you. But that was one of the only ways he came into contact with humans. Maybe that’s what you had fallen in love with, a ‘hero.’ He was anything but that. He hardly felt up to par with his brothers. They were naturals. Wielding their mystic powers with ease while it was still a struggle for Donnie. But maybe that one heroic moment with him had been the reason why you fell so hard and so fast for him.
You had taught him a lot. He was never a vocal person. Not when it came to his emotions. You taught him to communicate better, better than Mikey had been able to. So much so that he had been able to confess a deep emotion like love to you. And you’d accepted him. Loved him back. For a time everything was great. You were around all the time. Nothing else seemed to really matter to Donnie. You were his world and he just circled around it. You continued to be his first for a lot of things. Time continued to pass by and his feelings for you never faded. They only grew stronger and that bond between the two of you would last forever.
It didn’t.
Unbeknownst to Donnie, your feelings had faded.
His pacing stopped. His eyes drilling holes into the ground before he forced his head to turn to his monitor. Ignoring the rest of the wreck. His heart started to race, in a sickening way that made him feel dizzy. He was looking at a you. His monitor held you.
And someone else. He felt sick as he forced himself to stare. The adoration pouring from your gaze as you held onto this..this stranger! His stomach rolled as he remembered what came after. What not even he could force himself to look at for a second time.
When you had said you “needed a break.” Donnie had thought it was because of school. That’s how you had made it sound. That you were stressed. You needed time alone. It had never sounded like a break up. In fact a kiss was shared between you two before you had left the lair that day. Reassuring him that everything was fine. That you weren’t leaving him. That you loved him more than anything. That this was just for you, and your health.
Donnie had distracted himself to not text you as much. To not call you as much. He still sought after you on social media though. He checked your location from time to time just to keep him from being restless with worry. It was especially hard when the days apart started to add up.
So when you had told him school was out for the summer…that you were out celebrating with friends.. he couldn’t stop himself. He just had to see you. Even if it was just for a moment. He’d tracked your location to some club. Had gotten on the roof to see that no you weren’t inside the building but on the side. Without even thinking Donnie had moved to the edge, moments from jumping down to make a grand entrance in front of you. Not thinking about the what-ifs of getting caught by other humans. He wanted to surprise you. To see that lovely smile light up your face as you took him in, maybe if he was lucky he’d get a kiss. He’d take anything you would give him.
The only thing that stopped him from jumping down was hearing your voice squeal someone else’s name.
Even then, Donnie hadn’t thought anything of it, just a change of plans, to not drop down but to text you saying ‘I’m here!’ or ‘Look up!’ or ‘Hang back for a minute.’
Then he looked over the edge and saw you pressed against the brick wall of the building he was on top of. Looking into the eyes of another with excitement, with anticipation, with love.
And kissing the stranger. Again. And again. And again. Over. And over. And over again.
He had staggered back. Shaking from head to toe as he tore off into the sky. Running away. Flying straight back home to ruin everything in his path. Mainly his lab. And when he could finally piece together two thoughts that weren’t to destroy shit. He already had the recording set up on his monitor. Paused on that look on your face.
He had fled the scene but as always he recorded everything. He couldn’t press play… he couldn’t. This image alone was painfully enough. In fact he had to turn away. Staggering back to his lone chair. It was one of the few things that survived his wrath.
“Fuck.” He croaked as he slumped over, elbows on his knees as his palms pressed into his eyes. Why was this happening? What had he done? You loved another?? He wasn’t enough??? Why had he thought he ever would be? What he didn’t understand was why you even bothered in the first place if this was to be the outcome.
Why had you taught him all of those things?
To love.
Pointless. It was all unbearably pointless.
Hadn’t he become someone more worthy? Now that he knew how to communicate properly and not shut down? To not crawl into his lab and sulk for weeks without speaking his mind? Why? Why. Why??? Why was he still not enough?
For some reason he had thought that love was unconditional. Undying. But it was a fickle thing. Something he now knew he couldn’t rely on. He would never make the same mistake again.
His eyes started to burn and he pressed the heels of his palms into them harder. He didn’t want this. If this was what he got for loving someone as much as he had loved you, he didn’t want it. It hurt. His breathing quickened, no matter how hard he pressed, tears leaked out, wetting his hands as he held back sobs. No. No. No.
And before he knew it the mantra couldn’t overpower his pathetic whimpers. Then it grew louder, more convulsive as the sobs turned to howls. This was worse than any physical pain. How would he be able to fix this. Was there a cure? He didn’t want to feel anything anymore.
After crying until he couldn’t anymore, slowly he straightened in his seat. His tear ducts ached, the stains on his face burned, but it didn’t matter. He had cried so much, for so long, he was sure he would never do it again. Donnie stood, taking in the entirety of his lab. He’d have to clean up first. Then he could work on something. Anything. That would help. It always did. His wrist-tech vibrated, along with his monitor changing screens to show an incoming call from you.
He swiped it away.
He knew what a ‘break’ meant now. He didn’t need to hear you. He didn’t need your confirmation nor consolation. He didn’t need closure. He had lived without you before. He surely could do it again.
He fought against the pain that rushed forward. No he wouldn’t feel anything. He didn’t need you. It was all a sham. Another weakness that he couldn’t afford. He’d forget about this. About you. And he was sure one day he could convince himself this was all some stupid fever dream that he had made up to pass the time.
It would be like you never even existed.
Though it would never conceal the fact that he felt deficient. That he was lacking. That he was someone inadequate to love.
Deep down in the marrow of his bones he would always feel like he was never enough.
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cupcakeslushie · 10 months
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Casey getting his first battle shell!
For the life of me I cannot ever remember to include Donnie’s prosthetic eye 😭
I’m not totally happy with the composition but I think the more I work on the background the more I mess it up lmao 😂
Commission info
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pommigranite · 11 months
guys I wrote a rottmnt movie one shot from Donnie’s pov heheheh it’s under the cut okay enjoy 💜
As long as Donatello could remember, he and Leonardo always had this… connection.
He couldn’t describe it (he had a hard time describing things he couldn’t see), but it was this feeling he and his brother shared, one they didn’t share with Raph or Mikey.
They always knew when something was wrong, when the other was hurt, exactly how the other was feeling. 
Donnie remembers a time when they all played hide and seek. Leo was it, and he had decided to hide in a small, enclosed space, thinking he wouldn’t be in there long. He had overestimated Leo’s finding ability, and had begun to panic, hyperventilating and his vision going blurry. But right before he completely lost it, Leo had found him, said he just knew where he was because of how scared Donnie had felt.
That had been the longest 4 minutes and 28 seconds of his life.
It always felt like there was a link, a string connecting the two like a thread. Donnie had noticed that it grew stronger once they unlocked their ninpo. 
The connection had always given him comfort, made him feel like no matter what, Leo always understood him. That he was never alone.
… When he felt the connection break, he thought his heart stopped.
He watched as the Kraangs’ ship- the Technodrome- shatter into pieces as the portal closed, locking the Kraang- and his twin- inside for eternity. 
He didn’t hear the pieces fall, didn’t hear the sound of April or Splinter crying over the comms, didn’t hear Raph collapse in a heap.
He just stopped, and stared.
His cheek felt wet… he didn’t know why.
He was crying.
He felt his chest tighten, everything around him suddenly becoming too loud and too quiet all at the same time. He couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t feel. 
But he knew he had to calm down.
What did Leo tell him to do?
Right. Count the time.
1… 2… 3… 4…
He sees Raph, on the ground, crying for his little brother.
9… 10… 11… 12…
The pieces of the Technodrome falling around him, narrowly missing him and his brothers.
17… 18… 19… 20…
He keeps counting, he can’t stop counting. Even as Mikey tries, once again, to use his supposed mystic hands, even when Raph says it’s over. 
Even when Mikey does open the portal, and he rushes to stand by his little brother’s side, he doesn’t speak, because he has to keep counting.
He sees his brother, floating limply through the prison dimension, Kraang Prime scrambling to grab Leonardo. Rage fills his very being, and as he fires the drill at the Kraang, he screams the numbers in his head.
The portal closes, Raphael holding Leo’s body in his arms. His twin, his brother… his best friend.
“… Ew, are we in Staten Island?”
The connection sparks to life again, as if Donnie had been struck by lightning. And he knows Leo feels it too, his eyes widening ever so slightly. And then he and his brothers are hugging, his twin is breathing, everyone is… mostly okay, alive at least, and Donatello couldn’t be happier.
That had been the longest 4 minutes and 28 seconds of his life.
And just like last time, the twins had found each other.
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burritello3000 · 3 months
LSoH Saga
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@phoebepheebsphibs & @boots-with-the-fur-club There’s still more to come >:]
@sugarpasteltmnt | @hitwiththetmnt | @shiveagit Lore? (This is my way of saying I LOVE YOUR IDEA SO MUCH AND I NEED MORE but no pressure :) ) | @kaysdenofchaos | @cupcakeslushie | @tangledinink | @fireheartfan | @dianagj-art | @intotheelliwoods (Sorry, I just realized how distorted he looks 😭 Oops) | @sharkfinn | Who ever is in that big-ass fight | @tmntaucompetition
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purpleknight9k · 1 year
April’s full name is April Alyssa O’Neil.
The turtles don’t have middle names. Being from Japan, where middle names are rare and not legally recognized except for foreigners, Splinter didn’t even consider the notion of giving the boys middle names. So, they were pretty surprised by the concept. Especially when April told them that when her mom uses her full name, it usually means she’s in trouble.
The upshot of this is that the boys have started giving each other random middle names when they’re annoyed at each other.
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