carolinarosedragon · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @tudorgirl!
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
I tage @fromtheabiss @ezrabylene (I don't really people to tag lol
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For the ask : Desus and Carzekiel!!!! :D
Haha, yes, okay!
1. Who likes to sit in the other’s lap?
Out of the two of them, Paul is definitely the lap sitter. It’s almost always meant to comfort or distract Daryl after a shitty day. Though Daryl does get used to it, Paul really enjoys the first few times he does it when Daryl looks up at him like he can’t quite figure out how Paul got there but isn’t about to question it.
2. On a cold day, who likes to snuggle up to the other?
Daryl is a cuddle/snuggle fiend. By that, I mean that there is no situation in which he turns down cuddles and when he instigates it? His excuses are the worst, “It’s cold as fuck, get yer ass over here” and “Ya look like you’re about to keel over, bed now” – basically, it doesn’t have to be cold but Daryl will take advantage and then complain about it later.   
3. Who cooks the food and who does the dishes?
Daryl cooks, Paul does the dishes. It’s a solid system.
4. How would they describe each other to loved ones who haven’t met their partner yet?
Paul (about Daryl): First of all, Daryl’s not nearly as grumpy as he comes off, he just takes a little time to get to know. He’s protective about his family. They’re everything to him. He’s…sweet. Have you ever heard that saying about giving an inch to someone and them taking a mile? He’s the reverse. Give Daryl Dixon an inch and he gives you a mile. And don’t get me started on his arms.
Daryl (about Paul): Paul’s good people, probably the bes’ kind of person. Ain’t met anyone like him before. Goddamn stubborn, the most stubborn asshole I’ve ever met. Put a gun to his head when we firs’ met him - tied him up, left him in the street - and he still chased after us. Never seen him say no to helpin’ anyone, though. Ain’t no one you could ask more of. He could kick your ass, too. It’s somethin’ to watch. Ya know, if you like that hippie ninja shit.                 
5. Who is more likely to kiss their partner on their forehead?
Neither of them are big forehead kissers but Daryl will occasionally give Paul a kiss on the forehead right before Paul falls asleep. Sometimes Paul thinks it’s because he’s too tired to fight off the urge; in actuality, this is just when Daryl is most content and grateful to have Paul beside him.  
6. Who makes a scrapbook of all their memories to give to their partner for a special event? Ex- anniversary, birthday, etc.
I think, even in a modern AU, neither Paul nor Daryl are used to anniversaries/birthdays being celebrated too seriously so “making a big deal about it” and giving into that is something that has to be learned. Still. Maybe Paul, after a few years of certainty that what they have is something to stay, would give it a shot. 
7. Where would they go to get away from everyone else and just be alone?
I’ve seen a few people put Daryl and Paul on the roof of Barrington, which I totally approve. However, I’m the biggest supporter of Daryl and Paul going on semi-regular camping trips because of reasons.
8. Who would want to take cute pictures for Instagram?
Modern AU!Paul would find taking pictures of Daryl for instagram the greatest thing. Like, Daryl’s ridiculous blush when he kisses his cheek and sneaks a picture? Amazing. The tired middle finger he gets when he tries to snap a picture of Daryl in bed? Perfection. Paul Rovia playfully teasing the hell out Daryl? Is. My. Jam.  
9. Who would most likely call their partner, dude, babe and idiot, all in the same sentence?
I can’t see Daryl saying dude. So, Paul.
And, yeah, that sounds about right.
10. How do they let their loved ones know they are dating?
I’m going to guess that some of them figure it out without having to be told. Like, let’s pretend Daryl doesn’t just gradually move in with Paul and become those very platonic non-sexual roomates? Daryl is not a social person so spending all of his free time with Paul attached to his hip is pretty flippin’ obvious. 
11. Who breaks out in a dance when they hear their favorite song and who joins their partner dancing no matter what they are currently doing?
…In what world do you see Daryl Dixon doing either of these things?
If Paul is being a particularly light-hearted idiot and starts dancing out of the blue, Daryl is almost always dragged into it. He bitches and moans before going along with it because Paul is happy and there is an exact number of things he does to make Paul stay that way and that’s one of them.
12. If they each went to go buy an outfit for one another, what would they get?
If forced, Daryl would probably start out trying to buy something practical only to get distracted by a suit on a mannequin, imagining Paul in it. Black, three piece, with pressed slacks and a dark blue tie that he knows’d bring out his eyes. I mean, he’d wince and grumble for weeks over the gouging his wallet took but seeing Paul in that suit? Worth it.
Paul would probably put Daryl in something really comfortable, like a really soft henley or something? Daryl’s usual style is wear-and-tear function clothes, so I could see buying something out of the ordinary and soft for Daryl to enjoy.     
13. Who still blushes when their partner compliments them?
Daryl. He’s terrible with compliments in general, brushes them off a shrug and avoids catching anyone’s gaze, but a particularly good compliment from Paul? His cheeks flame up like no other.
14. What memories do they share together that will stay with them forever?
Talking in bed, whispered conversations they could only have in the dead of night; laughter at the smallest of everyday things; the adrenaline of a mission outside the walls, Daryl’s bike engine rumbling audible over the sound of hooves as Paul follows behind him; gasping into each other’s mouths as they spend the first of many nights  exploring each other’s bodies.   
15. Who would dedicate a song to their partner at a karaoke night? Bonus - what song would it be and why?
Paul singing a karaoke song to Daryl would be the. greatest. thing. And thanks to Tom Payne being an actual angel, I picture a slightly drunk Paul on stage, singing out, “Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith. 
1. Who likes to sit in the other’s lap?
I don’t see Carol doing this too often but thinking about Ezekiel have a brooding moment on his throne only for Carol to join him on his lap? Holy shit, yes, please.
2. On a cold day, who likes to snuggle up to the other?
I mean, both of them are snugglers but Carol feeling comfortable enough to just kind of bury herself in Ezekiel is. my. jam.
3. Who cooks the food and who does the dishes?
I honestly wonder if the Kingdom uses their cafeteria more than most communities do for communal cooking? BECAUSE WE DON’T GET ENOUGH SENSE OF WHAT THE KINGDOM RUNS LIKE AND I HAVE THOUGHTS. I feel like Zeke is the kinda guy that regularly wants to take any responsibility/stress off the people he cares about? Like Carol still cooks and he’ll do the dishes, but Ezekiel regularly makes a nice romantic dinner and does the dishes because he is 10/10 the most extra in the things he does and appreciating the hell out of Carol is what he does.  
4. How would they describe each other to loved ones who haven’t met their partner yet?
Ezekiel (about Carol): She is the enchanting rose among a garden of thorns, a glorious morning after an eternity of night. She is the intoxicating feeling of hope when the world is but a place of mourning. She is fire and heat after the burning sun has long lost it’s warmth-but, sweetheart, I had a speech! 
Carol (about Ezekiel): Oh, he’s charming…but that’s not him, you know. He’ll try and put it on show in front you but that’s who he has to be, who he needs to be for the people around him. He’s so much more underneath…and I’m not sure if he even realizes it.        
5. Who is more likely to kiss their partner on their forehead?
This should happen on the show. Like now. Please. Carol is 100% the forehead kisser. It’s the smallest bit of affection but the first time she does it? Zeke’s face just lights up. He smiles so delightedly, it’s hard not to do it as often as she’d like.
6. Who makes a scrapbook of all their memories to give to their partner for a special event? Ex- anniversary, birthday, etc.
Again, the most extra. Ever.
7. Where would they go to get away from everyone else and just be alone?
I…don’t know exactly? I know these two are constantly finding ways to get alone time, given that Zeke is a King and constantly got something going on.
8. Who would want to take cute pictures for Instagram?
Ezekiel. Honestly. I want to see that instagram account. It would be amazing. Not to mention, if we’re AU-ing it up, tons of pictures of Carol and Shiva. Just…TONS.
9. Who would most likely call their partner, dude, babe and idiot, all in the same sentence?
10. How do they let their loved ones know they are dating?
Kind of like with Daryl and Paul, I see Carol’s family just figuring it out gradually without her having any kind of secrecy.
I see the potential argument for Kingdom announcements from Ezekiel and this is how Jerry winds up going from person to person to spread this news because “You can’t just have someone shouting like the world’s worst town crier, that’s insane!” becomes “Jerry, my dear friend, I need you to spread a rumor. I know you’ll be very subtle about it.”
11. Who breaks out in a dance when they hear their favorite song and who joins their partner dancing no matter what they are currently doing?
I see Ezekiel persuading Carol in their kitchen and raise you Carol grabbing Ezekiel by the hand and pulling him onto a dance floor.
12. If they each went to go buy an outfit for one another, what would they get?
IDK if it’s what Carol would put him in but have you seen Khary Payton in a suit and tie + jeans at the Season 9 premiere? Because you should. Everyone should. 
I see Ezekiel buying Carol a flowy Chiffon dress, kind of light but still a little conservative with it being longer and a high v-neck. Did I mention that I hate describing clothing? I’m bad at it.
13. Who still blushes when their partner compliments them?
Again, a happy smiley Ezekiel is the best. So, a blushing Ezekiel? Bring it on.
14. What memories do they share together that will stay with them forever?
An extravagant king with a tiger at her door, a pomegranate in his hands and a smile on his lips; sitting by the firelight where all the barriers fall for him; tears falling against her will as she realizes that “feeling real” is an oath they’ve already sworn together; arms tight around each other, foreheads pressed against each other because they are alive and the cannot forget what feeling that is.
15. Who would dedicate a song to their partner at a karaoke night? Bonus - what song would it be and why?
Ezekiel is extra, and do not tell me the guy that was in theater does not give the best performance of “For Once In My Life” by Stevie Wonder. Fight me.
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I may ship Carzekiel harder than I thought. Huh.
send me a ship  
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Oh oh oh!! L3 with you're cute spiderhat au!
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I have another L3 of paperhat spider hat au so I guess that will be black hat kissing Flug when I do that one XD
link to kissing prompt 
colour pallet I used
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ivebeenmade · 5 years
So we're making an order of Jesus x Aaron stuffed animals. Jesus would obviously be a kitty. Wth kind of animal is Aaron?
So, fandom poll?
@clairebearhq @pezziecoyote @jaaryl @erictwd @bringmecoffeeandroses @mugsywrites @littletentaclemonster @canoncannon @callicocatrex @ezrabylene
and anyone else?
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Get To Know Me A Little Bit
Got tagged by @daryldixon nickname: Mikki zodiac: Scorpio height: 5′4″(...ish) last movie I saw: The Mummy last thing I googled: Zombie walks in the area (alas, there wasn’t any) favorite musician: ATM, it’s David Bowie. song stuck in my head: Got a bunch of songs from the last musical I did making it’s rounds in my head. other blogs: @saintdixie; aka, my TWD blog...for however much longer remains a mystery because fuck ‘em for screwing up so royally. followers: 637 following: 218 amount of sleep: My best sleep is around 7-8 hours. lucky numbers: 3, 5. dream job: Digging up dinosaur bones. what am I wearing: Avengers shirt, jeans, Daryl Dixon vest, and ace bandage. favorite food: Carbs. Om nom nom. language: Fluent in English, conversational in French, German, and Spanish, and a spattering of Russian, Italian, Czech, Japanese, and Polish. I can also finger spell ASL. can I play an instrument: *wobbles hands* Sort of? I’m not too bad, but don’t ask me to play in front of people, y’know? favorite song: Don’t really have one right now. random fact: There’s little more terrifying than feeling your apartment weeble-wobbling in high winds, y’all. describe yourself in aesthetic things: (IDK what this really means, so I’m winging it) Thrift store assassin, victorian/gothic architecture, vintage fashion and antiques, Tea Cup/Coffee Mug Hell, 90s Grunge. And I guess I’ll tag: @a-lafaye, @bringmecoffeeandroses, @ezrabylene, @thomas-mvller, and @daryldixonn.
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mypinkcactus · 5 years
After the Silence
So, new year new work!
I fell in love with Call Me by Your Name and André Aciman's style. I fell in love with the film and the elegance with which Luca Guadagnino told this story. And of course, I fell in love with these characters. This fic is how I envision the events after what happens in the film — getting into Elio's head hasn't been easy (especially considering Mr. Aciman's prose!) but still, it's been a fun and exciting little journey, and I hope you enjoy it ♥
It's the spring of 1992; New York City looks beautiful even from the small, old apartment Elio lives in. It's been nine years since that last and unexpected call, life has certainly settled into a pattern and Oliver is no more than part of an almost forgotten memory. Or at least, that's what Elio thinks before the phone rings again.
Read it here
I want to thank @isitandwonder for proofreading this and help me correct my questionable translations — your feedback has been inspiring! Also @ezrabylene for her comments and help in the French department lol, and of course @abigailht because she’s always there.
Oh! And I made some art for it, because I can't help myself!
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scramblingminds · 5 years
Hershel has never seen Paul without his beard. What happens when Paul has to shave it off?
This came about because of Tom's new look and watching too many videos of babies seeing their dads without beards. Also, this is my first thing written on my new laptop, yay!
All mistakes are my own like always. 
@darylsbabygirl @ezrabylene
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I see amazing Desus comics. And a beautiful blond with a Weird cat hahaha ❤
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I am unworthy of such love and affection! Thank you!
(Also, Lucille says hello!)
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You are LOVELY :D
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E2 with Gyro and Eldritch from Totally Monstrous au ;w;?
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@pyro-flug / @totally-monsterous-au
kissing prompt link https://undergrounddweller89.tumblr.com/post/185275238098/clairebearhq-ezrabylene-a-moop-valentines
I didn’t do the hands part of it cause I do not have the energy rn to battle that stress field of torment XD
colour pallet I used 
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So, I promised I’d post those pictures of Grave Digger Daryl. A little late because I’ve got a few things going on but there are a couple things about this figure that are really frickin’ great, man:
Overall, Mcfarlane toys are detailed but for some reason, Norman Reedus’ likeness is hard to sculpt for them - either the hair is glued rather than sculpted or his face is swollen, it just never looks right. Maybe is because half his face is obscured but this is actually the most Daryl-looking sculpt out of the whole TWD line.
Speaking of the bandanna, I can’t get the camera to focus on it but HOLY CRAP the painting is detailed on it. 10/10, the best thing about this figure.
The articulation of the legs and hands means you can basically have him posed in whatever pose you can him, i.e. riding his motorcycle, bent at the knees and hips, holding his crossbow, etc.
His grave and shovel are actually really nice accessories. Like, kind of awesome to set a scene with.
Not so great things:
Like a lot of Mcfarlane toys, this one can be hard to stand sometimes. He has curved shoes which are a little weird but still. He stands most of the time so I’m not upset by it.
He also comes with a knife. A butter knife. I’d show a picture of it but I’ve already lost it and am not sorry about not being able to find it.
I’ll probably post a picture of him next to bandana!Jesus - the two of them look like they’re going to rob someone and I kind of adore it.
@ezrabylene @darylsbabygirl
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scramblingminds · 5 years
Good Company
Okay I know you didn't ask me for this one @ezrabylene but I really love Disney and I need something to get me out of my writing funk and I really enjoyed this prompt. So, even though you didn't ask me for it, I hope you can still enjoy it!
Paul sat perched on the picnic table, Daryl situated on the bench between his knees. It wasn’t nearly often enough that Paul got to eat lunch with his husband, so he might have been drawing out the eating of his sandwich a bit.  
The Hilltop had more peaceful day than otherwise but that didn’t mean there wasn’t much to get done on a daily basis. Everyone had their own duties to attended to and Paul’s usually had him going in the opposite direction of Daryl. Not that day however so Paul was enjoying Daryl leaning back into him as he watched Hershel get his first lesson with Henry.  
Henry, thanks to Morgan’s teaching and years of practice, was the Hilltops staff master. Since he had come to apprentice at the blacksmith Hershel had been begging to learn some of the skill too. Though barely about to be seven the boy already was handy with a knife and had great aim even with only a pistol. Ever the little sponge that all kids should be, he was always ready to learn more.  
Paul didn’t think he did half bad. Of course, it was mostly basics but Hershel had taken it all in with a serious face that was so much like his mothers. When Henry dismissed him, ruffling his hair and telling him his staff was his to keep, the boy sprinted over to their picnic table.  
“Uncle Paul! Uncle Daryl! Did y’all see me?” Hershel's eyes were bright and brown hair a mess as he reached them.  
“Sure did, bud!” Paul smiled just as wide as the boy. When his face lit up like that it was Glenn all over.  
“Ya got yer own stick and all, huh?” Daryl grinned and Paul swatted at his head.  
“Yes, sir. I’m gonna learn really fast, promise.” Hershel started giggling as he turned his eyes up to Paul, “I was really concentrating but you wanna know what I kept thinking Uncle Paul?”  
Paul scooted up, knocked Daryl around between his knees who huffed at him, “What? I’m on the edge of my seat here.”  
Hershel took a step back, calming his giggles as he turned serious. He waited a beat before taking the staff in both hands and thrusting it out horizontally in front of himself while barely on key bleating, “Let’s get down to business!”  
Paul could have squealed like he was the little kid here not just Hershel as he sang, “To defeat the huns!”  
“Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?” They sang together as Daryl just looked back and forth between them in complete confusion.  
“You and Uncle Daryl are really different, huh?” Paul blinked at the question being asked by the little boy wandering around his trailer.
It wasn’t uncommon for Hershel to stop by and want to hang out. Paul didn’t mind, he loved his nephew but that seemed to come out of left field. Paul looked up from the book he was reading, had been reading out loud to the boy since he now seemed old enough to enjoy the wonders of the wizarding world.  
Hershel had been poking through their stuff, nothing harmful just childlike curiosity. Not that he or Daryl had anything to hide in their closet or among the many drawers and cabinets throughout the trailer. Hershel was glancing from Paul’s rows of books on the shelves, that Daryl had installed to get Paul to stop leaving piles of them lying around, and at the many different animal pelts that Daryl placed here or there.  
“Well, everyone is supposed to be different, bud.” Paul smiled as Hershel wrinkled his nose at the fur of a skunk that was almost as old as the boy.  
“Duh, I know that,” Hershel rolled his eyes as he opened a draw that housed Paul’s many bandanas along with Daryl’s tons of rags, “It just seems weird that y’all like such different stuff but you’re married.”  
Paul was at a loss for a moment on how to respond. Love was a confusing thing to even adults, how could he explain it to a six-year-old so that he would understand. Paul closed his book around his finger so he wouldn’t lose his place as he scratched at his chin.  
Hershel looked over the many knick-knacks scattered about, Paul liked to grab the more novelty ones when he spotted them while Daryl sometimes would snag a snow globe. Paul didn’t know why it was always snow globes but it was so cute to question and risk him stopping.  
“You know how Tarzan grew up in the jungle?” Paul spoke after a moment, Hershel turned to with a nod, “And Jane, she grew up in England, right?”
“London,” Hershel nodded again, “I’ve only seen that movie a billon times, Uncle Paul.”  
“I’m sure you have,” Paul chuckled, he had been the one to find the miraculously undamaged DVD and he watched it almost all of those billon times with him, “Jane and Tarzan were really different, huh?”
“Oh yeah.” Hershel came to sit on the bed next to Paul.  
“But they loved each other anyway, right?” Paul smiled as Hershel seemed to think this over before grinning with a nod, “That’s what me and your Uncle Daryl are like. We are really different but we still love each other so, so much. Get it, bud?”
“Makes perfect sense!” Hershel agreed.  
“I think so too!” Paul snagged the boy tugged him to lean back against the pillows with him.  
Hershel snuggled against his side as Paul reopened his well wore copy of ‘The Sorcerer's Stone’ and picked up where he was interrupted.  
“Why doesn’t Mama ever let me do anything?!” Hershel stomped his foot and Paul looked down at the huffing boy.  
Paul was standing at the gate as Maggie and Kal took a cart of supplies to the Kingdom. Though things were still sour with Alexandria, Maggie made a point to stay in contact with the other communities and it had been clear for some time how much help Ezekiel needed. That was why Henry was at Hilltop after all, to learn how to properly repair his home.  
Hershel had asked to come with his mother but she had told him no. To stay back and finish his school work and she would be back no later than the next day at lunch. Her son had protested, of course, but she wouldn’t budge on the subject.  
“When I get bigger and I’m in charge and not Mama, I’ll get to do whatever I want.” Hershel crossed his arms and stamped his foot again.  
Now Paul had a very red-faced child just seconds from a tantrum at his side. Paul reached down and petted his hair with a grin, “Alright, calm down there, Simba. Let’s not get in too much of a hurry to be king.”  
Hershel looked up at him and blinked for a second before a smile took over his face, “But we don’t have a king, silly.”  
“That we don’t,” Paul chuckled as he got down on one knee so he was level with the boy, “I know you wish your mom had let you come along but I think she made a much better choice by letting you stay.”  
“How’s that?” Hershel cocked his head to the side.
“Because that means she trusts you to help look after all of us here at Hilltop,” Paul gestured around then at all the people milling about and going in and out to the fields. Hershel’s eyes widened has he took all of it in, “And I figure, that’s a much better job than riding some stuff out to the Kingdom.”  
“It is!” Hershel nodded putting his hands on his hips and looking very proud.
Paul stood back up, glad to have lifted the boy's spirits. Paul turned to leave Hershel to oversee his new charge but stopped when Hershel called out, “But Uncle Paul?”
Paul looked back at him with a cocked eyebrow, Hershel grinned huge as he sang, “But I just can’t wait to be king!”  
Paul’s laugh just made the boy grin even bigger.
Daryl’s hands had just slipped under the hem of Paul’s shirt, Paul moaned into his mouth as he crawled into the redneck's lap. Calloused fingers squeezed his hips at the same time that a small knock came to their door. Twin groans left them as they looked over at the door and another knock came.  
Paul untangled himself from Daryl, who huffed as he swung his pajama clad legs over the side of the bed to sit on the edge. Paul opened the door but he was sure that only a few people would come calling so later. Hershel looked up at him, the glow from their lamp lighting his face as he clutched a stuffed animal to his chest.  
“What’s wrong, Hershel?” Paul asked softly but he figured he knew the answer. Whenever Maggie was away for the night Hershel would sometimes come spend time with them.
“Can I...Can I spend the night?” His voice was a tiny whisper and it made Paul want to scoop him up like he did when Hershel was a baby.  
“Of course, bud.” Paul ushered him inside, locking the door behind him. In the distance thunder rumbled and Paul figured that was another thing that sent to boy to their trailer.  
Daryl sighed as he saw the boy and got up to tug a thermal on. He wasn’t as shy about his scars as he used to be but Hershel was just a kid and he didn’t need to see them. Paul pulled the spare blankets and pillow out of the closet and set it up on the couch.
“You get cozy, I’m going to hop in the shower and will be right out. Then how about another chapter of Harry Potter?” Paul watched as Hershel got on the couch and nodded happily.  
Paul had just started washing his hair when Daryl came into the bathroom, “Really, babe?”
“What?” Paul scrubbed at his locks as Daryl sighed on the other side of the showers glass door.
“Why did ya let him stay when ya know we ain’t done...ya know what, for weeks?” Daryl grumbled. Paul almost giggled at Daryl’s reason for annoyance.  
“He’s just lonely, love. I can’t turn him away with those puppy eyes he has, he is just a kid.” Paul reasoned and Daryl threw his hands up in defeat as he left the bathroom.  
Daryl sat on the bed, his back to the head board as Hershel moved his blankets around. The little boy jumped when a clap of thunder went off above them. Daryl could see a slight tremble to his lip as Hershel looked up at the ceiling then over at Daryl.  
“C’mon.” Daryl patted the bed next to him and Hershel darted over as thunder rolled again.  
Hershel pressed to Daryl’s large side and Daryl wrapped his arm around him, rubbing his back. Poor kid really didn’t like thunder storms as the next and loudest so far crash had him almost lifted off the bed, he jumped so hard.  
“Ain’t nothing to be scared of, kid.” Daryl mumbled as he looked down to see Hershel pressing his face into his stuffed animal. It was a small orange cat and something he hadn’t thought of in ages came to him.  
Daryl tugged the boy up into his chest, more cradling him than Paul would be able to do with his slighter frame. Hershel burrowed into it as Daryl started humming and rocking just the slightest.  
“You and me together we’ll be. Forever you’ll see. We two can be good company. You and me,” Daryl’s voice wasn’t as nice as Paul’s but Hershel relaxed as he rumbled over the thunder, “Yes together we two. Together, that’s you. Forever with me.”  
Hershel had calmed, humming softly along to the song he had heard before but didn’t know as well as Daryl as his eyes slipped shut.  
“We’ll always be good company. You and me. Yes, together we’ll be.” Daryl glanced up to see Paul standing in the doorway to the bathroom.
 A smile on his wet hair framed face as he watched Daryl with Hershel. They looked so warm and soft, Daryl’s arms holding the boy to his wide chest as he sang in a voice even Paul didn’t know he had.  
“You and me, together we’ll be. Forever you’ll see,” Daryl kept singing softly even as he noticed Hershel go limp into his chest with sleep. He carefully turned him so he was laying on Paul’s pillow, rubbing his arm so he wouldn’t wake, “We’ll always be good company, you and me. Just wait and see.”  
Hershel was sleeping soundly, orange kitty squeezed in his arms as Daryl covered him with the sheets. Paul sighed as he whispered, “I love you, so much, Daryl.”  
“I know,” Daryl grinned as he settled into bed next to Hershel, “Enjoy the couch, babe.”  
Paul’s face fell as he realized Hershel was taking up his side of the bed. He opened his mouth to protest but Daryl shook his head as he reasoned, “He’s jus a kid.”  
Paul sighed in defeat as he turned the lights off and laid down on the couch. Paul got under the blankets and whispered, “Cast out of my own bed, like some street rat.”  
Daryl flipped him off though it was barely visible in the dim room as he warned, “One more Disney reference and yer sleeping out in the storm.”  
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carolinarosedragon · 5 years
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Got tagged by @tudorgirl to make something using https://picrew.me/image_maker/9889/
I’m tagging @ezrabylene @nermallion @noisynoise and @arsuf
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