slingerapen · 1 year
Hobie is so lone wolf/street cat anime boy
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sooniebby · 9 months
I’m back…had a random thought when listening to men moaning and I just had to write it for y’all.. you know the drill, bottom male reader, reader is mentioned to have a cock
Smut fic—in which reader has the terrible experience of being able to read minds. It was fun at first when you first found out at age ten.. but then it just got bad because you couldn’t control it
Hearing your mom’s thoughts about your dad was traumatizing to say the least. As you grew older, you basically learned to tune people out by filling your head with your own thoughts. It usually works.
And it was your usual day in your philosophy class at the university you dreamed of going to.. and it was the usual in that you sat next to this random girl who slept the entire time. Which was good, you didn’t have to worry about her thoughts.
But much to your surprise, someone sat next to you. It was pretty shocking. This guy was “popular” in the sense he was handsome and everyone wanted to be near him.
He usually only sat next to his friends but today he was next to you..? Odd—but you didn’t care that much. You now had to focus on making sure his thoughts didn’t distract you from your professor..
But you did want to take a little peak—just to see what a guy like him would be thinking. At most, you expected him to be focused on taking notes
This guy… is he an actor, you thought to yourself. He looked to be paying attention but the only thing on his mind was sex.. with you.
And not just a fleeting glimpse of sex. it was.. wow, pretty graphic.
He was fantasizing about fucking you in an empty classroom. The classroom you two were in right now. You sprawled on the teacher’s desk, back arched with your legs being pushed towards you.
He was fucking you. Very harsh. He had a very vivid dream of how you’d look fucked out on the table—your moans filling the empty classroom.
His fantasy was solely on you. How you cried, how you arched your back, how you whined his name.. suddenly, he was holding tightly on your neck, lightly squeezing it while his thrusts began to practically knock your breath away.
“You sound so cute.. but you can be louder, yeah?” His fantasy self said to you, reaching down and slapping your ass which earned a scream. Which embarrassingly enough caused you to flinch in real life.
Okay, that’s enough..! You thought to yourself, looking away with a blush. Holy shit. This random guy… was dreaming about having sex with you?! But you guys didn’t even speak.. why.. did he like you?
You couldn’t help but glance over at him, trying hard to not let his thoughts flood your mind again. He was certainly hot—which made sense why a lot girls kept fangirling about him.. Black hair slicked back with gel, a nice nose, plump lips girls were jealous of, a lean body, cat-like eyes..
why was he into you?
He could have anyone.. but he’s thinking about you?
By accident, a slip of his thoughts flooded you again. He wasn’t thinking about sex anymore, he was actually focused on his notes. With a sigh, you decided to believe you were just going crazy and took a sip from your water bottle.
‘His mouth is so small.. would it actually be able to fit around my cock?’
You coughed heavily as water slipped out of your mouth. Much to your shock, the perverted guy handed you some tissues to wipe your mouth. You muttered a thank you, cleaning your chin and mouth.
Jesus, this guy is going to be the death of you.
‘He’s so cute…I hope he likes guys…’
You sighed, happy that he was finally thinking about you normally.
‘Ah.. what if it was my cum instead of water on his lips..? Oh, too much don’t wanna pop a boner in class.’
You could only cough once more in shock and cover your ears. Oh, you needed him away from you fast. But it seemed like he was going to actually start pursuing you soon..
But what you really wondered is if you could survive hearing his thoughts on a daily basis.. and by the embarrassing boner you were sporting right now
Yeah, you were going to be having boners in philosophy often.
‘Does he even like giving blowjobs..? Hope so.. it’d be hot cumming in his mouth..having it overflow.. oops, boner!’
This was going to be a long day…
My first ever one where the guy actually thinks and technically talks… :0! This was fun if you guys want, I’ll definitely expand on it. For now, Imma continue the roommate for tmmr <3
Yoga instructor is coming soon, can’t wait to have an actual fic for him, it’ll be in 2nd person!
Tag list: @nakedtoasterr @chill-guy-but-cooler @mello-life69 @kiiyoooo @the-ultimate-librarian @iwishtobeacrow (ask to added to my tag list to be tagged in all of my works :3)
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coelii · 7 months
*a catgirl doom scrolling on her phone, trans flag un-ironed on the wall behind her*
"Every single hour on tumblr, a mutual is violently ignored..."
🎵in the aaaarms offf the angellllllll🎵
*a puppyboy stares into the camera as it zooms in*
*a fangirl slowly clicks reblog on a homestuck infodump*
🎵fly awayyyyyyyy from hereeeeeeee🎵
"Over 3,000 mutuals were rescued last year..."
*another trans girl, violently deprived of water, continues choosing not to drink*
"For hundreds of others, help came too late..."
*footage of a tumblr user adding ‘hornyposting’ to his filtered tags*
*yet another trans girl hugging her blåhaj*
*a queer boy wearing a collar with big eyes in a new fandom and he seems afraid*
*another trans girl opening a monster but refusing to drink*
🎵from this darrrk cooooold hotel rooooooom🎵
"Hi. I'm Coelii. Will you be an angel for a helpless mutual? Every day innocent mutuals are ignored, under appreciated, and neglected. And they are crying out for help."
*a trans girl clicks reblog on another trans girl’s post, the other trans girl’s phone vibrates as the notification comes in. She stops hugging her blåhaj just long enough to check the notification. A very small smile crosses her face*.
"Please reblog this post."
*a femboy scrolling his dash is visibly elated as a new notification appears on his screen somewhere I don’t fucking know where and even if I said where it was tumblr will just change the layout again anyway so it could be fucking anywhere at this point*
*a girl wearing cat ears and a collar meows at her screen….weird but it’s fine she’s allowed to do that*
"Join in with a monthly gift right now. For just 18 interactions a month."
*a rescue volunteer DMs a mutual who hasn’t received a DM in months*
"Less than one a day. You'll help rescue mutuals from their loneliness."
*a trans girl is pinged in a reblog game title ‘tag the mutuals that make you smile’*
"You'll provide mental health care."
*another trans girl receives a ping to play a game with a person they’ve been following silently for 6 months*
"But not, like...real mental health care"
*yet another trans girl is just happy, idk maybe she’s just having a good day*
"We’re not professionals so if you’re going through something major a tumblr mutual can’t help you as much as a licensed therapist."
*this post appears and states ‘End Mutual Cruelty’ even though that text only appears here in the post, but like is a screen from higher up in the post so that doesn’t make much sense??*
"You’ve stopped reading by this point and either liked and reblogged or scrolled on."
*image of a final catgirl hugging her blåhaj and finally at peace with the world*
“But if you made it here to the end please, take care of your mutuals. They’re all that make this dumpster fire of a website worthwhile”
🎵you’re in the aaaarmmmss of the angelllllll🎵
*fade to black*
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amphibiahawks321 · 2 months
wait since you like cats? neko reader x any hsr woman?
[kafka starts petting Y/N's ears]
NekoM!Reader : !!!?!?'
[Y/N's widened his eyes]
NekoM!Reader : Y-Y'know it's very rude to pet someone's ears without a warning!
Kafka : do you want me to stop~?
NekoM!Reader : .....
NekoM!Reader blushing : No...
Kafka : Chuckles that's what I thought~
[Kafka keeps on petting Y/N's ears]
NekoM!Reader : .......
[Y/N starts purring]
NekoM!Reader : Purrrrrrrr ^v^
Kafka : Enjoying yourself dear~?
NekoM!Reader blushing : W-what! Don't be ridiculous!
Kafka : Oh really~?
[Kafka starts touching Y/N's tail]
M!Reader blushing : Mmm~
Kafka : What was that Kitty~?
[Y/N blushes redder]
M!Reader blushing : NOTHING!
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[Himeko reading a book]
Himeko : 🎶Hmm~ hm~ hmm~ hm~🎶
[Suddenly Y/N slid to her lap laying his head]
Himeko : Hm? Something the matter?
NekoM!Reader : .....
Himeko : Chuckles come on spit it out
NekoM!Reader : you've been paying too much attention to your book....
Himeko : ......
[Himeko let out a chuckle again]
NekoM!Reader blushing : Not funny! You've been on your book for 5 hours now!
Himeko : Sorry sorry! It's just that you're so cute when you're jealous ^v^
NekoM!Reader blushing : pfft! I am NOT jealous of your book!
[Himeko places her book down and starts gently rubbing Y/N's ear]
Himeko : Better~?
NekoM!Reader : Y-yeah! Duh!
NekoM!Reader : ......
[Y/N's leans into the touch making Himeko fangirling on the inside]
Himeko : So cute ^v^💕
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gojo-mochi · 11 months
Y/N as Shidou’s Manager
CW: Smut, Fem!Reader, Reader is annoyed by Shidou but also wanna fuck him so.. Shidou is a menace and nasty af.
CW: Reader wears a skirt, Oral Fem receiving, p/v, creampie, lots of spits, praising,  panty stealing, a little bit of crying (from pleasure)…  
Word Count: 2.3k
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A/N: This was on my mind for a while****…**** Need to do more Blue Lock writing tbh / I love any thoughts in my askbox about this or Y/N as other players managers. ALSO I wanted to make reader yell at him more but ya know*. How it is with Shidouhe just messes me up real bad y*all**. First time writing for Shidou as well
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Manager!Y/N Who has to deal with both Shidou and all the people he pissed off, this list includes.. Coaches, Soccer Moms, Players, News Reporters, Announcers, You, and the list goes on and on…
Manager!Y/N Who has to explain to Shidou that he just can’t go pissing on the opposing team's side of the field just because their Striker tried to flirt with you
Manager!Y/N Who swears up and down that she wasn’t a fan of Shidou before and all the merch she has was given to her as gifts
Manager!Y/N Who isn’t fucking pouting, Shidou! She doesn’t care that your fangirls were drooling all over your chest and arms after a match.
Manager!Y/N Who has to deal when Shidou slaps your ass when you’re bowing for an apology and say "Bending over for someone that isn’t me!?" With a shocked expression just like this
Manager!Y/N Who has to clean up mess after mess this includes stopping Shidou’s cum from leaking out of your cunt after you both fucked in the locker room after a match
Manager!Y/N Who has to pack extra panties after learning that Shidou likes to steal panties after having sex and you can’t go around bare pussy with only a skirt on
Small Drabble Below****…
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"Ryusei! I can’t fucking believe you this time! I mean, honestly! You already won the match, why did you have to go and break their Striker’s arm afterwards! You were pulling the tanned man by the ear across the hallway, and your fellow employees either gave you a sympathetic look or shakes their heads at the sight, knowing that Shidou had caused another incident on the field. "Ow, ow, OUCH! Y/N!~~~~" Shidou whines your name as continue to pull on his poor ear. He can easily stop you from dragging him, but he knows he sort of deserves this, and not to mention that when you get aggressive, it makes him super hard.
So onward you go until you reach the small break room at the end of the hallway. You let go of Shidou’s ear and stood there with your arms crossed in front of your chest and your feet tapping, glaring daggers at the football player in front of you. Shidou just rubs at his swollen earlobe and grins down at you. "Ya’ know that really realllllly hurts y/n!" He put out his lips in a pout. "Kiss it better for me, please?" He even went the extra mile and clasped his hands together in a begging position. You felt your blood pressure rise as Shidou started to flutter his long eyelashes at you.
Your eyebrows twitch as you slowly close your eyes, trying to steady your breath. You take a deep breath, and your nose crinkles a bit when you inhale the scent of musk and scents near you. You open your eyes to meet the bright pink cat-like irises of Shidou. He was almost nose to nose with you, grinning like the Cheshire cat he is. You jumped away, hitting your back against the wall. Slam! Shidou's hand smacks loudly beside your head, causing you to flinch a little. Shidou lets out a deep chuckle, closing in on the nape of your neck, blowing out a puff of warm air onto your skin. You try to suppress the oncoming shivers, but to no avail.
You just glared at him harder and tried to push him away by placing your hands on his very toned and muscular body. You were _definitely not feeling him up, _you gave a firm push, but Shidou did not budge one bit. Moving in even closer to trap you between the wall and him. One hand next to your head and the other moving to grab onto your waist tightly, fingers digging in to your plushness. It was absolutely going to leave a bruise mark the next morning. You hiss at the contact, growling out his name. "Ryusei! What do you think you’re doing?" You gave another fruitless push to his torso, causing him to let out a snort.
"Ya’ even trying there, Miss Manager? Or do you just like feeling me up?" He purrs the last part, showing off his toothy grin and sharp fangs. Your heart leaps up into your throat as you look away, fighting off the oncoming blush you would deny was there. Shidou’s hand lets go of your waist and goes to grab your chin to force you to look at him, his thumb presses against your cheek gently but tightly into place as the other fingers tilt your chin up to meet with his lips just barely ghosting over yours.
The retort that you wanted to answer with came out as small whimpers instead. You felt heat pool down to your stomach, your thighs would clench together if Shidou’s own thigh wasn’t coming in between them. You hear him moan at the contact, practically rutting against you now. His hardness presses neatly against your thigh, grinding on your soft plushness. His breath was hot and heavy, and his lips were still so close to yours but not touching. "So fukin’ pretty Y/N… my pretty girl." He moaned softly, getting lost in a horny haze. Your thighs clenched a bit tighter on Shidou’s leg after hearing his voice moan your name. He moves his thumb from your cheek to brush over your lips. Wiping some of the drool that leaked out onto the top of the lips and then stroking it again on the bottom..
You instinctively swiped out your tongue only to be met with Shidou’s thumb. He takes this opportunity to plunge his thumb into your mouth and on to your tongue. You gagged a bit at the sudden contact and pressure. Shidou holds your mouth open like that, tongue out with his thumb holding it in place, as he forces his own inside. It was messy and wet, the way Shidou’s tongue invaded your mouth, tasting every nook and cranny he could find. Running it all over your teeth and the roof of your mouth, then finally taking his damn thumb off your tongue only so he can shove his tongue further down your throat. Your lipstick was smeared all over both of your faces, along with the shiny spit that covered your chin. Shidou was loud and whiny as he was nearing a climax just from his constant rutting against your thigh.
"Hnng—Fuck! Fu-Fuck, fuck, fuckkkk! Y/N!" He screamed out your name as he came into his shorts. Resting his forehead against yours as sweat gleams down both your faces. Two thoughts were running in your head. The first was, "Fuck, that another pair of shorts ruined… The coach isn’t going to be happy about that." And the second one was; "I need Shidou’s cock in me right now." Shidou peeled away from you and looked down at his shorts, grabbing his waistband and opening it to see the mess he made inside. "Damn, I do cum a lot, don’t I?’
You snort at his comment, trying to wipe off the spit that adorned your face as Shidou starts shimmying down his shorts and boxers at the same time. His hard, tan cock was finally free from its cage, still slick and shiny. Shidou threw away the soiled clothes in the corner and turned his attention back towards you. You flinched from the predatory gaze he had on you, clutching your hands close to your chest, acting like some sort of shield. But Shidou did not move from his spot, only motioning his pointer finger in a ‘come hither’ movement. "What?" You hiss out, also not moving from your spot. Like a cornered cat, wary and hesitant but not running away.
It was honestly quite the sight to see. You huddled with your back against the wall, and Shidou, pantsless, was just motioning for you to come to him. You held a small staring content with Shidou, ultimately sighing in defeat as you inch closer to him. As you get into range, Shidou starts to purr; "There’s my sweet girl." He makes grabby hands at you, pulling you in close by the waist. "Look at you~ a fukin’ mess right now, aren’t cha?" "And who’s fault is that?" He cackled loudly at your small quip and glare, throwing his head back as he does. He starts groping your ass and thighs as he sighs out, "Let me make up for it then, baby." He slowly lowers himself down on his knees, his hands sliding down with him, and he bunches up your skirt so he can have full access to your panties.
He wolf whistled upon seeing the wet patch that was already clinging to your folds. You put your hands on Shidou’s shoulders, feeling unsteady about the position you were in, Shidou’s head was already nestled between your thighs, his hands behind your knees, the only thing keeping you from falling down. "Ryusei, I think we should move somewhere before you-aAH! Ryu! Mmah, oh god!"
Shidou was lost in bliss as his rough tongue lapped at the wet spot, tracing the outlines of your folds through your panties. The cotton dried his tongue a bit but your slick plus his spit made it work. He groaned out, moving his tongue up and down the fabric, finding your clit and sucking harshly on it, like he was dying of thirst and your clit was the only source of water he has. You fingernails dig into his shoulders as you whimper and moan out, trying to move your hips but his hands kept you forcefully still. “Ryusei, Ryusei, Ryusei, Ryu, Ryu, Ryuuuuuu!” You were chanting his name like a mantra, desperately wanting to tell him to just rip your panties off already but your mouth and brain weren’t connected at this moment.
Shidou seem to hear your thoughts though as he unlatch his mouth from your poor pussy and use his fangs to rip off your panties. You just hear the rip and slaps him upside the head. “Shidou! What the fuck! I liked those pair!”
"I’ll ge’ cha’ nee ones!" He spoke back his mouth full of your panties, he spit it out on the floor, making a mental note to stuff it in his pocket later. Diving right back in your pussy, Shidou was a messy eater, the slick pool all around his cheeks and chin, and he reveled in it, slurping up all the juices that weren’t making a mess on his face. He had no sense of direction in the way he was eating you out, no gentleness, and no thoughts present in his head. He just needed to taste you, his tongue plunging in your tight hole, then up in between your folds. Then the next second, he would be sucking on your clit with so much force that it made stars appear in your eyes.
His head was moving so much between your thighs, your legs were shaking and clenching around him, the lewd sounds echoed in the empty break room; and you panicked for a moment, wondering if you had locked the door before coming in or not. It was only a fleeting thought as Shidou continued his assault on your poor bundle of nerves, but he never stays there long enough for you to reach a climax. You were unsure if he was teasing you on purpose or not. You slide your hand from his shoulders to grip on firmly to his hair, tugging it upwards, hoping he would get the hint and give you some relief.
He seems to have understood your pleas and angled his head to give your clit all the attention it deserves. He unhooked one of his hands from your knees to rub at your entrance for a bit, shoving in two fingers straight away. You hissed at the pain from his fingers, but it soon turned into soft whines as he curled his fingers into the spot you like the most. His tongue was still on overtime, swirling around your clit, switching before sucking and licking until he felt his fingers go numb from how tight you were clenching as you reached your breaking point again.
Your knees go slack as you cream all over Shidou’s awaiting mouth; he made sure to get every single drop, tongue lapping wildly. His hand goes to grab on to your thighs as your legs start to fail you. He moves away with a loud "pop".  He peppers your thigh with soft kisses as he leads you down onto his lap. ‘That’s it, baby; trust me, just fall down; I’m right ‘ere." You plop down, letting Shidou part your weary thighs, and position your still dripping cunt over his weeping length. Untouched during that whole ordeal before, he almost came when his tip entered your walls. "Hahhh, Ya’ always so fukin’ tight! So good fer’ me, so damn good, pussy takin’ me in so good, baby." He kept on babbling about how good you were and how good you felt.
"Ryusei…." You whimpered, wrapping your arms around Shidou’s neck and resting your head in the crook of his head. Already feeling spent, you just let Shidou babble on and moved your hips up and down on his cock. Tears pricked at your eyes when you started to bottom out, biting on Shidou’s shoulder to drown out the whines of pain from how he was stretching and filling up so fully. Shidou made you go up high enough that his cock would almost slip out, only to slam your hips back down with a loud ‘_plop’. _
‘plop’. ‘plop’. "Ryu-Ryu-Ryuuuu!" "Fuck, Y/N! Hahhh!" ‘plop’. ‘plop’. 
His thumb was now rubbing small circles on your oversensitive clit as he kept bouncing you on his cock, slamming his hips up to meet yours now. Almost stuttering as he reached his second climax. His shoulder is now covered in various bite marks from you as you desperately cling on, feeling the tight knot in your core once again. It takes one last slam, and Shidou holds you down by the waist as he climaxes into you, his thumb not stopping until you are almost cumming along with him. Both your juices mixing together as Shidou groans out.
You wipe away some of your tears and lean back to face Shidou, he instantly coos at you and helps to wipe away your tears with his stained hands. You scoff at him and slap away his wet hand. He pouts at that and goes in for a kiss, which you _begrudgingly (lovingly) oblige. _The both of you stayed in that position, just softly kissing and calming down, until you hear your phone ring in your skirt pocket.
It made you jump a bit as you fished your phone out and shush Shidou. "Yes, this is L/N speaking… yes, yes, um Shidou is here with me, oh…. I understand and I am so sorry for everything… Yes, I understood.. thank you." You end the call and look at Shidou, remembering why you came into the breakroom in the first place and why you were so mad.
"Shidou Ryusei, did you tell someone to vandalize the other team’s van?!"
"Oh… whoops?"
taglist: @auratux @kenruu (is open) (lmk if u wanna be untag sorry for the wait wahh)
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jenscx · 10 months
CRUSH 43 — wait for me
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you spot minjeong frantically running around in circles, the fangirls surrounding her quickly dispersing after the guitarist shoos them away.
a giggle escapes your lips when minjeong tilts her head upwards, reminiscent of a puppy. her eyes light up and you feel warmth spread all over your body.
‘hi.’ you mouth. minjeong, starstruck, waves to you. she’s so cute, you think. while minjeong stares at you, frozen, you smile at her and walk away from the railings. you hear her yell at you to wait and after a few seconds, minjeong’s in front of you, panting.
you’re taken back to the first time you’ve ever laid eyes on her. summer, which is ironic considering her stage name. and winter is contrasting to all the emotions she makes you feel. warmth, happiness, peace. how could someone make you feel so loved and cared for? how could someone be so amazingly talented and wonderful?
how could someone like kim minjeong exist?
her eyes crinkle up into a smile at your voice, cheeks aflame (you can’t tell if it’s from the running or she’s just nervous to see you) as she mumbles, “why didn’t you reply?”
“just wanted to see your reaction,” you laugh, “it was cute.”
if minjeong could get any redder, she would resemble a tomato. you stop to take a good look at her. just after a week of you being gone, her hair is now dyed back to black. hm, you liked blonde better. maybe you could convince her to dye it back to blonde. it would ruin her hair though.
“i like you,” minjeong mutters, breaking the silence.
“i already knew that?” you reply, confused.
her cheeks are puffed out and you restrain the urge to pull her into a hug.
“i wanted to tell you again,” she looks away shyly, “and i wanted to hear it back, in person.”
“you’re lucky you’re so adorable,” you chuckle. minjeong’s head swiftly turns again, her fingers fidgeting as she repeats, “can i hear it?”
you pretend to contemplate. as the silence grows longer, minjeong’s face slowly falls, to a point where you no longer resist the temptation to wrap your arms around her. minjeong awkwardly tenses up before relaxing and purring into your arms. you couldn’t decide whether she was a cat or dog. maybe both.
“minjeongie,” you sigh into her ears, “you would be stupid to think there’s a universe where i wouldn’t like you back.”
minjeong buries her head into the crook of your neck, humming contentedly. you allow the peaceful moment to continue for a few seconds before pulling away.
“you hurt me, you know?” minjeong pouts.
“i know, mj. i’m sorry. i’ll try to communicate more.”
minjeong smiles brightly at your answer. “so are we a thing now?” you shake your head and tap her nose gently.
“don’t forget ryujin’s still in the picture, okay?” her face turns into guilt immediately and you’re quick to reassure her by rubbing her shoulders gently. she frowns. although you wished you could date her immediately, you weren’t going to be someone who engaged in two-timing.
“i swear i don’t like her,” minjeong blurts out, “she was just there for me to forget about you.” you pat her hair softly, smiling at how cute the guitarist was.
“i know, minjeong.”
“i’ll talk to her,” she leans into your touch, “but wait for me until then?”
you grin at the girl staring at you with big doe eyes full of hope. minjeong truly was an angel sent from heaven. and you try to convey every emotion and feeling she’s ever given you into one sentence.
“i’d wait forever for you.”
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TAGS ! @rosiehrs @ky-yk @elyds @nasyu-kookies @silantryoo @hsyvers @cwpiqwon @justme-idle @haerinfangs @tocupid @azinwo @bzeus28 @yerisdumbass @chocorenchin @blue4hour @brocoliisscared @neuftaeng @jisooftme @wiinvrs @chaerybae @pandafuriosa60 @i06kkura
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mochinek0 · 6 months
Daminette December 2023: 5-More of a Dog Person
"Sorry, Alya, but I'm more of a dog person." Adrien heard Marinette say.
'Marinette likes dogs? I thought she liked cats.'
"Wait." Alya spoke, "I thought you wanted a hamster. What happened to that dream?"
'She wanted a hamster? What changed her mind? Hamsters are amazing and so cute!'
"All animals are cute, but I recently found out I prefer dogs." Mari admitted.
"Why?" the reporter asked.
'Yeah. Why?'
"Dogs are good boys." Mari simply smiled.
Adrien was confused throughout the day. Marinette said dogs were good boys, but something must have happened to change her mind so drastically.
'Is it just that she likes to call dogs good boys? What id the dog was a girl. Wouldn't be called a good girl?'
Adrien was hoping to find out more, but he never heard Alya or Marinette brought up the topic of animals again. Not even at lunch. He had hoped that was his chance to learn more. Even Alya had seemed shocked by the change in their designer friend.
At the end of the day, the topic still hadn't been brought up.
'It wouldn't hurt to randomly ask; right?'
Before he could ask, Marinette rushed away and ran up to someone he had enver seen before and their dog. Mari began to rub the black dog's ears as she cooed and called him 'Good Boy' and 'Good Dog'. He could only assume she knew them as the owner never scolded his dog or Mari. The dog even licked her face.
Mari giggled, "You take after your master." as she looked up to the guy.
He watched as the guy's cheeks tinged pink.
'Does he like Mari?'
"Angel." he spoke.
'Angel? Is he calling Marinette an angel? He's not wrong but why?'
"Hmmm?" Marinette questioned, standing up.
"What is it you desire?" the guy asked.
"N-Nothing." Marinette stammered.
'Uh oh.'
The guy sighed, "I know you better than that."
'He does?'
Mari sighed, "Fine. I need a model for next week."
"Did you not ask Agreste?" he questioned.
'She was going to ask me to be her model? I would have said yes.'
"No." Marinette answered, "Adrien models enough as it is and I know he hates it. I tried asking other guys-"
'What other guys?'
"I'll do it." the guy stated, lifting her chin to meet his gaze, "I belong to you; do I not?"
'He belongs to Mari? What does he mean by that?'
Marinette simply nodded.
"Then you shouldn't ask other guys." he stated.
Mari smiled, "You're just like Titus."
"How so?" Damian questioned.
"You're territorial, Habibi." she answered.
Damian leaned down and kissed his girlfriend.
"Very." he whispered.
Marinette smiled, happily.
Adrien watched as Marinette walked away with her assumed boyfriend and his dog. Marinette had her sketch book out and was showing him some designs as he led her to a car.
'I guess that solves why she's more of a dog person. I wonder what happened to cats. Is it because Chat Noir rejected her? She at least seemed happy.'
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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magua-vida · 1 month
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I was inspired by Abby's sketch of a hypothetical Queen version of the Princess, so I tried my hand at it with a few vessels, including this one. I... ended up drawing something akin to a fashion design concept art rather than a practical design that won't be tiring to draw over and over after a handful of sprites later. I also had to use a bit more artistic license growing unnatural poppies on the dress and the thick twirly prickly noodles.
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some explanations behind the process
For the "mended" Thorn, I pretty much just removed the foreground thorns and added the dirt.
rambling/fangirling/screenshots below:
The Thorn is one of my favorites. If I had to choose only five vessels to offer to Shifty and there's no replayable feature, she'll definitely be one of them. I'm one of those suckers who's into Hurt/Comfort stories. Almost like a masochist for those fics, you could say. If the climax to an Action-heavy story is the defeat of one party, then the catharsis of Hurt/Comfort is when the two characters... well, comfort each other- either due to hurt from each other or someone else. In The Thorn's case, she started off rather innocently, Damsel-like, but not quite. She still had caution. It was until she was literally stabbed in the back that she learned that it was a mistake. And when Long Quiet offered sincere regret and admission of fault, she stabbed him... but she didn't feel the relief she thought she'd get from it. I think many relate to having been betrayed and/or betraying someone they trusted, and the scratches are felt by many players.
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The thorns curve inward, as if it's more painful to leave her than it is to approach her.
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Poppies grow around along the bramble. Many mistook them for roses because they're red and there are brambles (tbh, I actually dunno if they're brambles or briars, I looked them up and I got confused, forgive me, plant enthusiasts ;.;) that grow around the patches of those poppies. Death and romance~
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This brings back to Chapter 1 where Hero was kinda-sorta-maybe-definitely crushing on the Princess and wants to give her the benefit of the doubt, not only because of feelings, but for a reasonable cause of wanting to rescue someone who possibly may actually be a victim of circumstance.
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Look, I have reasons why Thorn route is one of my favorites and it definitely doesn't have anything to do with both characters having massive trust issues and the capability to change themselves for better or worse and the emotional moments hitting me like a lovely diamond-dusted dagger. Both of them are rather cat-like with pointy ears too.
I appreciate that you're still given the options to leave or stab Thorn, as if the situation isn't pitiable enough. Even her tiara looks like a crown of thorns. It's as if she views the thorns as both a form of penance and a defence mechanism to protect herself from being hurt again, even though she's hurt by her own making this time.
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I chose for the Long Quiet to save her and leave the cabin together.
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This part stabbed me the most. Even when shown genuine help, she shrinks back.
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This part burns a bit of the jadedness away. Trust is a scary thing, so is love. How can you be so sure that you won't be hurt by the one you love again? But just like what The Prisoner says, it's about trust- blind trust. Thorn looks more human than her previous self- less animalistic, softer. A part of The Damsel returns, even in the music.
I recall weighing on whether I prefer the version with the Voice of the Cheated or Voice of the Smitten. I vaguely remember wondering if there was an option to ask her if it's okay to kiss her. I guess the ideal would be is to have that choice, but I suppose the climactic moment calls for it and she doesn't mind it, at least. It's like the option to hug Astarion from BG3, but you're not sure whether he'd be comfy with it after being hurt so much. He gave approval for it too~
As much as Thorn is one of my favorites, I'm not attracted to her and any of the vessels. Instead, I ship her with the Long Quiet- the character himself. I don't really see myself AS the Long Quiet, more like choosing what actions on what he does and I separate myself from him a lot for many reasons. It's a bit like the Harry situation from Disco Elysium in terms of seemingly blank-slate protagonists.
Instead, I kinda put myself into her situation to feel how she felt in this route. The poppies not only felt symbolic of her nature as part of the Shifting Mound, but also specifically the end of the mutual treachery you've inflicted on each other, potentially beginning anew on a path of healing.
==============ramble-bramble over===================
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junekissed · 8 months
what svt would dress their kids as for halloween
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member | dad!ot13 genre | headcanons, humor, fluff word count | 400 warnings | children below the cut (?), most of the babies are white i'm sorry it was super hard to find ones that weren't but don't pay attention to the kids they're just there to show the costumes! notes | all photos are from pinterest! this is based on a conversation i had with @duhnova earlier hehe :) comment which costume is your fav!
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seungcheol - pumpkin
he would spend so long looking online for the cutest one. he'd probably want to do a pumpkin patch themed photoshoot to go along with it
jeonghan - lion
honestly i think he just went to spirit halloween at the last minute and picked out the silliest one he could find. fortunately for you they were out of the avocado costumes
joshua - grandma/grandpa
i think he would just get such a kick out of it. he would bring them to your parent's house and he would make those stupid jokes that waiters do when babies eat at restaurants like "oh no margaritas for her, she's driving" or handing the check to the baby "dinner's on him tonight"
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junhui - elephant
i have no reasoning for this one just a gut feeling tbh. he would probably like the big floppy ears. and also the fact that you told him if he dressed up your kid as a cat for the 3rd year in a row, you would throw the costume away (you wouldn't but you had to get him to change somehow)
hoshi - tiger
do you even have to ask. your baby has been wearing tiger onesies since they left the hospital
wonwoo - ladybug
i think he would think the little red and black spots are so cute :( he would be a very soft dad
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woozi - shark
he probably has a demo version of a remix of the baby shark song on his computer. he would be dressed as an octopus or a fish or something and he would pretend he hates it but he would secretly think it's funny
mingyu - giraffe
he's manifesting for your baby to grow up to be tall like him a giraffe
minghao - skunk
again i don't know why i think this i just do. the black and white seems very minghao to me
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seokmin - chicken
he would insist you have the cutest baby in the neighborhood and he would just be grinning and giggling the whole time. look at those little orange feet aren't they so precious. he would dress up as a farmer and carry around a basket of plastic eggs
seungkwan - monkey
he would dress up as a banana. also probably makes jokes "there better not be any monkey business tonight"
vernon - pineapple
i'm just laughing thinking about vernon holding a baby dressed like a pineapple
chan - bat
he would want to do a halloween-y costume and he thinks the little wings are cute. might dress up as a vampire to match
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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doki-doki-imagines · 11 months
author notes: something quick born from a chat with @mcdonaldsnumberone, I hope our chats will never come out LMAO. This idea come from an old gintama post I made years ago, but I love the idea.
tw: suggestive content but nothing happens
Michael Kaiser – Yellow Persian cat
-Michael doesn’t know how he found himself in this situation, he only knew that he finished training, showered and started to walk towards your house, happy to finally be able to see you after so long afar from each other.
-All of sudden everyone was taller than a building and- Was this fur?? Imagine his surprise when looking at himself on a shop mirror he saw a cat.
-“Incredible, I look good even as a cat”
-Sun was going to leave soon his place to the moon and kitty Kaiser decided to place himself in an empty card box left on the main street, then a drop, and then another one.
“Don’t tell me it’s starting to rain-“ A loud thunder, his pointy ears turn downward “Fuck” People starts to run left and right, nobody had pity on the poor pathetic left in a wet card box meow meow at their feet.
“Oh! Poor kitty come here.” An angelic voice that Michael can recognize between a million of others; yours.
-That’s how he found himself in your house, clean and dry, looking at you trying to cook for the both of you.
-“You know this is Michael's favorite food, he is my boyfriend, by the way, I suppose you’ll meet him soon.” You put both your food on the table, finally sitting down. The melancholic undertone isn’t missed by your boyfriend that starts to rub his face toward yours.
“You are so nice, meanwhile he is the bane of my existence-” The yellow cat stop his action, if you listened closely you could hear a huff coming out his little mouth “but I miss him so much, God.” You put your face in your hands, fork still inside the plate and a loud sniff escapes your mouth.
“I still didn’t hear him today, maybe he got caught in between his fangirls, who knows.” You let out a fake giggle, the one Michael is used to hearing when you want to break off tension.
But nothing right now could pull together his broken heart.
“I know he isn’t that dumb-“ and Michael can’t stop weighting “that” “but I get worried you know? Even more when you are afar for this long” you fill a bowl with water that you position right after the plate filled with food for the kitty “Ahh! I’m so dumb! Me and my insecurities, fuck me!” Kitty Michael can only look at you with wide eyes, his tongue poking out licking slowly some water from the bowl.
-Soon going through this sad parenthesis kitty Kaiser didn’t mind his life as a cat after all, not only he found new topics that you absolutely need to discuss when he’d go back to normal, but he could enter the bathroom when you are showering!
“What are you doing here? Are you curious? Or you are just a pervert kitty?” You let out a giggle, a real one this time, and Michael felt like melting and becoming one with the floor of your bathroom.
You, all wet and happy.
He is a pervert in the soul.
-Plus the biscuit making, ohhh the feeling of your chest and ass, your soft tummy under his paws, and not a single slap behind his neck.
-And your heart thrumming the perfect lullaby to make him fall asleep.
-“M-MICHAEL?” What a terrible way to be woken up.
“Why are you screaming so early in the mor-“
“Then why are you naked!?” Seems like the curse was temporary after all.
“Well, well, the bane of our existence is here to teach you something.”
“Mh?” You widen your eyes, his strong arms at either side of your head lifting him on top of you in all his naked glory.
“This guy here has eyes only for you.” It’s a quick kiss, one that follows many deeper ones “I missed you too liebe.” You don’t have to reply back with sass, you just hold him closer to you.
-You’ll have time later to tease him about his tail swinging left and right like a happy pup; seems like the curse didn’t totally wear off…
Kenyu Yukimiya – Salt&pepper giant Schnauzer
-Look, it’s still hard to understand what is going on, but for sure waking up with Otoya at your doorstep with a giant dog wasn’t something you were expecting.
-“Take him just for today, I think you’d get along, plus I’ve seen today it’s your free day so you have no excuses” He talks as fast as possible, some words lost but one thing is sure; you had to take care of this big boy.
-You look at him, he looks at you, up and down, like he is judging your pajamas (that you honestly find wonderful) and you both let out a sigh; seems like you are on the same wavelength.
-Honestly, you thought having to deal with such a big dog would have been a mess, but he is so well behaved?? You notice he probably can’t see well, so you guide him a little trying to make him memorize your house.
-“Otoya called you Yuki, right? My boyfriend has a similar surname but you are cuter!” The dog that was previously swagging his tail with tongue poking out just stopped, still as a stone, almost…menacing? But you don’t get bothered too much, patting his head and calling him good boy.
-He follows you like a shadow, never leaving your side and looking at you with eyes full of love, they got aggressive when during a walk to the park some guys tried to hit on you, he even growled at them! But luckily you sent them off quickly and went on with your walk.
-Evening arrived fast and after preparing dinner for both of you, going to the sofa to watch a film seemed the best idea to end the day.
-“My God, Bret is the hottest human ever-“ “I’d gladly wash my laundry on his abs” “You can’t understand how much I’d pay to be in the backstage with him.” “He could treat me as his bad partner any time he wants” you sing sang. Not exactly, after all, you were just typing to a friend your recent thoughts about this actor.
But Yuki is counting. Noticing every single squeak, every single smirk. He doesn’t show it, he just waits patiently, head laying on your right leg for the right moment to strike.
-You both fall asleep on the sofa, film long forgotten a soft cover on both your bodies.
-You are the first to wake up, and it was hard not to scream at the sight in front of you. Your boyfriend, Kenyu, is laying on top of you, his long brown curls falling on your chest, his breath calm, still sleeping peacefully ah, he is also butt naked.
-And are these dog ears?? And that tail? Is it possible that-
“Morning love.”
-You feel a chill running down your spine. That voice had never brought good news.
-”Wanna tell me more about that Bret actor you like so much.” The shiver gets more intense as he slides up on your body, his face now at the same level as yours.
“You know what, don’t say anything-“ he taps his forefinger on your lips “I’ll make sure you’ll be only able to babble my name after I’m done with you.”
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rarityroo · 29 days
Keigo Takami x Gn! Reader
Hi, I made this while listening to Goosebumps by Travis Scott & Kendrick very great song I 🫶🏻 Kendrick, unfortunately this is kinda long at least in my opinion. Reader and Keigo are in a barley situationship also the theres some sexual tension towards the end. Enjoy!
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Your relationship wasn't anything serious, hell it wasn't even a relationship by most people's standards. Hawks was always painted as a player or a bad boy, with a big ego and the raw skill to prove it, if only they knew. I mean they wouldn't be wrong, he was talented and a good hero at least at the start. He puffed his chest acting like the biggest man in the room. In some ways he was, he was the number two hero after all.
But being popular and wearing a mask doesn't stop him from being vulnerable. Behind it all he wasn't Hawks, he was Keigo, and that's the part of him only you can see. Despite his act, you know he's completely smitten by you. But, you seem to effortlessly glide through life although not completely unfazed by his advances. Every interaction with you sends his heart aflutter, yet you remain unfazed, your demeanor never faltering. You know about guys like him, at least you thought you did. It's like a game of cat and mouse, with Hawks desperately trying to win your affection while you remain just out of reach.
He seems to go to great lengths to impress you, it's honestly embarrassing, in a cute way, whether it's showering you with gifts and compliments or acting cocky to impress. Yet, you always seem to brush it off with a nonchalant smile, leaving him both frustrated and captivated by you.
The Pro-hero gala was in full swing, a display of glamour that seemed to reflect Japan's admiration for its mighty protectors. Keigo, as expected, was the center of attention, effortlessly charming the crowd with his very presence. As you made your way through the bustling venue, you couldn't help but be amazed at the sight. It was rare for someone like you, who worked behind the scenes as a secretary at a pro-hero agency, to be invited to such an exclusive event. But tonight, you were ready to make the most of it. And then, amidst the sea of capes, masks, and hero’s partners, you spotted him—Keigo, looking every bit as striking as he did in the headlines. He was surrounded by admirers, his trademark smirk never faltering as he regaled them with tales of his latest exploits. "Yeah, but I can't take all the credit those little sidekicks put in the work." He says as his admirers look at him like he hung the stars in the sky.
You tried to walk by without catching too much attention especially not his, sadly that wasn't going to be an option for you. One of his fangirls pushed you trying to get closer to him, causing you to be chest-to-chest with Keigo. Damn it.
Hawks looked down at you in shock, his eyes lighting up with recognition. "Well, if it isn't [Your Name]," he said, his voice laced with a hint of surprise. "What's someone like you doing at a fancy shindig like this?"
You chuckled, feeling a surge of cockiness despite your earlier nerves. "Oh, you know, just thought I'd mingle with the heroes for a change," you replied casually, trying to keep your composure in the presence of the number two hero. To your surprise, the Hawks didn't seem to mind you bumping into him. Instead, he flashed you a charming grin. "Well, I'm glad you decided to grace us with your presence," he said, his tone playful. "I was starting to think tonight couldn't get any better, but here you are," he said, his voice low and smooth.
You couldn't help but laugh at his playful charm. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Hawks," you teased, feeling a warmth spreading through you at his words. He leaned in closer, the scent of his cologne enveloping you. "Everywhere, you say? I might have to test that theory," he replied, his breath brushing against your ear in a way that sent shivers down your spine. Your heart raced at the suggestive tone in his voice, but you didn't back down, you couldn't. "Well, you'll have to catch me first," you shot back, a playful challenge in your tone. You couldn't let him win too easily.
Hawks grinned, his confidence never wavering. "Oh, I intend to," he said, his eyes locking with yours in a silent promise.
And with that, he extended his hand, "Care to dance?"
And just like that, you found yourself swept up in the gala, dancing the night away with Hawks by your side. No, not Hawks, Keigo, the night was shaping up to be far more than just another run-in with Keigo. Tonight, you weren't just a bystander in his world—you were a part of it, if only for a fleeting moment.
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multific · 1 year
Meeting Him
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Asa Emory x Reader
Warning: Mention of murder
Summary: You were only meant to feed the cat, you didn't expect a killer in the house, a killer who was rather interested in you. And you were interested in him.
Your parents were away for the weekend, so they asked you to visit and feed the cat while they were away.
On your way home from work, you decided to stop by to feed the cat.
You opened the door and walked into the house. You walked to the kitchen when you felt a shiver run down your spine.
A feeling of dread loomed over you as you felt you needed to run. Run away and never come back. 
As you turned around, a man was standing behind you, he was so close you could feel his breath on your face. 
"If you are here for money, I can give you the code for the safe." but he didn't reply, nor did he move and you could only stare at his chest and masked face. 
Something about his eyes... it captured your attention.
He wasn't there for the safe? 
But he didn't speak, the way he moved as if he was a predator and you, his prey. He trapped you between his arms with your back to the counter. He leaned down and took in a deep breath, smelling your hair as he slowly moved to your neck.
You found it incredibly disturbing how you didn't panic, what was worse is that you were convinced he wouldn't hurt you and you don't know why. This is when you noticed the bear traps in the dining room. 
You realized this was a sick game for him.
Just as his lips met your neck, you locked eyes with another man in the house, you recognized him and judging by his slow movement he didn't know the man in front of you. 
It didn't take long for you to realize what was going on. So, he was here for the money, while the man currently sucking a hickey into your neck was here to kill your family.
Your mind was so foggy, you weren't sure why you didn't attempt to push the man away.
And why exactly did you want the other man out of your house but not the one currently running his hand down the back of your thighs?
You watched as the man grabbed a bat. 
You didn't know why, but you moved your mouth to the part of the mask where his ears would be.
"He's behind you," you whispered immediately making him turn as he caught the bat. You watched as he grabbed a knife and stabbed the other man in the stomach. Making him double over as he looked at you as if he wanted to ask 'why' but you didn't have an answer.
When the man lay dead on the floor, he turned back to you.
"Did you kill my family?" but he didn't reply, only tilted his head. "I don't care if you did. They were always awful to me." he took another step, waiting for you to attack or to run, but it never happened, you just stood there, watching him. "You are tempting me. Making me question many things." you confessed.
He grabbed your jaw, not too forcefully, but enough for him to move your head around, he moved you, showing him your neck, mainly looking at the marks he left behind.
He walked out of the house, leaving you, but you followed him. He turned and looked at you.
He whistled and a german shepherd appeared next to him. 
"You are mine. Come." you didn't expect to hear those exact same words out of his mouth, just with a lot more lustful tone. 
You weren't sure what you got yourself into, but something inside you said he won't hurt you.
You have gone mad. But you followed much like an obedient puppy. 
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak​
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beiasluv · 1 year
MORE JAKE CONTENT PLSSSS maybe jake and reader cuddling pls pls pls THANK U
cuddling w/ jake sullyyyyy
a/n: yessss, we live for jake the original rizz / hope you enjoy 😊
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one thing we can’t deny is that jake is such a big spoon, always. he loves holding you in his strong arms, making sure that your presence is with him all. the. time.
he values cuddling time so much, too much that everyday it became a routine for both of you to cuddle before bedtime.
he would whine like a baby waiting for you to join him “please…..c’monn…i wanna hold you”
something you love to do is to trace the glowing spots on his face, down his chest, and who knows where 🤭 (you dirty minded, same)
while tracing his spots you can hear him purring like a cat SO FRICKING CUTE and his ears will twitch
“don’t hold back, sweetheart, i know you love it,” you chuckled at your sight.
you ask and you shall receive. he purrs into your ear all the time. PLEASE
telling him what does the spots looks like. stars in the night sky or the sparkling plants of pandora.
intertwining LEGS, please
well, we know that jake used to not have a great history with legs. he always felt insecure of them but now that he got them, he felt like he was reborn again. intertwining them with your legs hold him back to this new reality, the reality that he was reborn.
plus, he loves claiming you as his own but wrapping his legs around you. i mean- who doesn’t love to show territory on something they love? (said jake)
now, let’s talk about H A N D S
we know jake has some big hands, and when i say big, it’s BIG. even normal na’vi’s hand are much smaller when compared to his hands.
he take them into a good use. jake loves rubbing his hands around your body, going down from your neck to your back. as they travel across your skin, its coldness spread.
na’vis’ skins are like ice, which you have never gotten used to it. but with jake’s help, you’ve managed to relax to his touch and melt into his embrace. plus, it cools you down after a hot day. 😳
when i tell you this man.
he worships wrapping his tail around your body, especially your waist, bringing your body closer to him.
but before he get into whatever that is, he loves to flicker it on your skin; tickling you in the process.
playing with each other’s hair is a must. he loves inhaling your scent into his nose
so basically-like- his ultimate goal is to combine your bodies into one by the closeness of your cuddling position. BUT WE AINT COMPLAINING
he loves seeing your chest rise and fall in a pattern. it always warmed his heart and reminded him of such a great honor that you trusted him enough to sleep in his embrace.
he can and WILL protect you 100%
while cuddling he might leave his guard down, but if his sensitive ears catch something, your safety is his first priority. but we love strong, independent, figure, as well. 😘
some small detail that you’ve noticed is that he will cradle you like a baby. 🥺 gently rocking your body so you can fall asleep. (shhh, don’t tell jake that you’ve been secretly listening to his heartbeat)
and he loves holding your hand with his another free hand. add point point if you are resting it on his chest over his heart.
happy sleeping gorgeous gorgeous humans🤍
today's a great day to take care of yourself 🤍
@rosaryos / @bumblinbumblvee / @loudcolorwolfgarden / @nyotamalfoy / @fangirl-2610 / @astablacksword / @lokisblueskin
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silantryoo · 1 year
BONUS [ LIKEALOOK ] — she was better
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GAME ONE: Seoul's Univeristy of Multi-Arts (SUMA) VS. Seoul National University (SNU)
WARNINGS ; gaslighting, emotionally abusive relationship (3.9K)
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suma was leading by one point in the fifth set, currently 2-2, both schools tied for their first win.
the crowd was starting to get to the girls, especially jimin and wonyoung as far as y/n could tell. the two had similar habits when it came to expressing their aggravation.
their eyes would squeeze shut as if to block the entire world just for a second. a second to breathe, to think, and to compose themselves.
despite yuri's many complaints about how they were losing because coach seulgi refused to play yena more (which was an utter lie, but yuri didn't care), snu had always been a pain in the ass when it came to away games.
like always, snu had brought their band out. trumpets, snares, and different kinds of wind instruments littered the front seats of the yihwang gym. small blue flags waved against the bright lights, and the shouts of the students were deafening to the students of suma. with every attack, serve, or volley, the crowd would react almost instantaneously, like a hive mind of bees cheering for their queen.
"i'm going to get water." minjeong leaned in, her breath against your ear as yelled at the top of her lungs, only to be drowned out by the screams of the gym. "do you want some?"
y/n looked at her, puzzled.
"water!" minjeong motioned as if she was drinking water.
"yeah! sure!" y/n gave her a thumbs up. "get some for yuri-unnie too!"
she pointed to the girl beside her who was dressed in an almost cheerleader-like outfit. y/n and minjeong tried to talk the girl out of it, but the love-struck girl refused. the two tried to sit as far away from her as possible, only to be 'convinced' to sit with the fangirls/boys.
"let her shrivel up." minjeong shouted.
the girl stood up, looking at the court as she glared at a raven-haired girl. like the light meets the dark, minjeong's eyes tore into jimin's before she turned to walk away.
she hated her with every fiber of her being.
"what did she say?" yuri asked as she watched minjeong's figure disappear.
snu scores a point. 25 - 25.
y/n shook her head, trying to usher her gaze away to look at yujin serving.
ahn yujin was by no means a horrible athlete. the girl was quick on her feet, being the captain had made her so. despite this, her serves - like herself - were always easily deciphered. her eyes would scan the court to find an opening. every time, it would go to where she aimed, and every time, the opponent could read her like the back of their hand.
yujin served, her eyes trained in between snu's middle blocker, jeon somi, and their libero, baek jiheon.
25 - 26. snu is leading.
y/n watched as jimin sent a harsh glare to the younger girl, close to screaming if it weren't for haewon getting in the way.
"you better pick your ass up, ahn." the older girl sneered. her eyes glossed with a rage familiar to yujin's previous captain.
wonyoung scoffed from beside her, muttering under her breath as jimin turned around. "you aren't doing any better, sunbae."
jimin clenched her hand. she knew that. with every kill she got, she had managed to make three more errors. she had effectively made snu catch up to them by being greedy, but it wasn't her fault. jimin knew that her team should have gotten her back.
she didn't need to be reminded by someone who had a worse kill-to-set ratio than her. jang wonyoung was never going to be as good as her, and she needed to remember that.
she turned around to look in the direction of y/n, a pair of unmistakable cat-like eyes watching her from the distance.
snu's defensive specialist, lee chaeyoung, severed with a loud smack that echoed over the sea of screaming people. if y/n blinked, she was sure she would've missed haewon receiving it with a wince.
although a little too high, gaeul manages to set it toward wonyoung. with hungry eyes, the raven-haired ace raced right next to the middle blocker.
she wasn't going to let wonyoung outshine her. never again.
jimin jumps a moment earlier than wonyoung, making the taller girl hesitate. with all the force she could muster, jimin brings her hand down.
26 - 26. tied, with suma in possession.
suma's crowd cheered as jimin raised her arms up toward them, ushering them to roar for her. the ace pointed in the vicinity of y/n's area, winking at whatever girl she saw first.
y/n rolled her eyes. jimin always played with the hearts of the people in her so-called fan club. no matter how much y/n hated it, jimin continuously ignored her because 'it's just a little praise'.
y/n scoured the court as they shifted in formation, momentarily meeting eyes with suma's middle blocker. she noticed a frown on the girl's face, and she couldn't help but smile slightly in reassurance.
part of her wished wonyoung didn't worry. everyone knew she was next in line to become the face of suma.
"hey." y/n heard from beside her.
"minjeong." the older girl handed y/n an ice-cold water bottle. "you scared me."
"good." minjeong smiled, the apples of her cheeks slightly red. the air in the gym was hot despite the ac blowing through the stands. "maybe i'll scare some sense into you."
"you? scary?" in her two years of knowing the older girl, the scariest thing minjeong had done was try to bake. "yuri-unnie is scarier like this than you have ever been."
gaeul was up to serve. although weaker than the others, her technique allowed her to change serves depending on the situation. luckily, snu had a hard time receiving, and the setter had gotten a couple of aces earlier on in the game.
"yuri's face is enough to scare the babadook away."
yuri reached over y/n, trying to grab the short-haired girl before the youngest pulled the two away from each other.
"i can hear you!"
minjeong snickered. "she apparently has ears too."
"kim minjeong, i will shove this pompom down your asshole."
y/n hushed the two, telling yuri to focus as yena was subbed out with haewon. all she wanted was to focus on the game. on her girlfriend.
gaeul took a deep breath, ignoring the blaring of the trumpets to her left and the snares shaking the floor. she just needed to get it over the net. that would be enough for the team.
with a shaky hand, she hits the ball, barely making it over the net. snu received a little too late, the ball in an unfavorable place. with a rush to get it up, one of the players, fukutomi tsuki, bumped it over the net right to chaeryeong in the front left.
chaeryeong's sets were always too high for the majority of the girls. they had to compromise with more force and a higher jump, but being so far into the game, almost everyone had no energy left.
almost everyone, except yoo jimin.
chaeryeong sets to wonyoung in the far right. expecting a feint from suma's ace, the blockers shifted to wonyoung.
jimin backed up. she knew what would happen if she missed the ball, but it was a risk she was willing to take. wonyoung was in a favorable spot. the two blockers on snu were weak, faltering to every less-than-stellar hit that came from any of them. their libero was new, hesitating as if she was torn on what to do. even if wonyoung managed to flub the ball, with her vertical and wingspan, she was sure to get the kill. 100%.
but jimin's legs were tired, her lungs hurt and she knew that she had a higher chance of making another error than actually hitting the ball.
the older girl looked at wonyoung, and a rage burned in her.
jimin runs to the net, jumping higher than she has during that game.
27 - 26. in favor of suma.
the crowd cheered, and jimin, like always, raised her arms up.
from the sidelines, seulgi shook her head. their old coach might've let that slide, but seulgi wasn't. jimin was reckless, and if they had played against a better team who could capitalize on every mistake she made, they would've lost 3 - 0.
"did jimin just take another set from wonyoung?" minjeong asked, the stands shaking from all the stomps and cheers.
y/n bit her tongue.
yuri shook a pompom in the air, looking at the two other girls. "when do you think she's gonna fight back?"
"wonyoung?" they watched as yujin went over to gaeul, giving her a light tap on her butt before the girl served. y/n hoped that those two were finally dating. "that girl's too pussy to do shit."
y/n nudged the older girl. "minjeong."
"don't tell me you're defending her." minjeong never liked wonyoung. "wonyoung dips the moment she sees confrontation. she's an ass player."
gaeul takes a deep breath. over the net. that was all she needed.
"she's trying." y/n muttered, an ugly feeling sitting on her chest at the familiar exchange.
"not hard enough." minjeong watched as gaeul's serve hits the net, tumbling over to snu's side of the court. around her, loud gasps from all the students erupted. "what the fuck did you even see in her?"
"can you stop talking about my ex, please and thank you."
y/n needed to focus. she came here for jimin, her girlfriend. she reminded herself that her very attractive, very athletic girlfriend had begged her to watch her play. not wonyoung.
wonyoung wasn't y/n's girlfriend anymore.
when wonyoung heard that she was going to play alongside 'the ace of korea', she felt an overwhelming sense of giddiness. she was wonyoung's idol, everything that she strived to become as a volleyball player. yoo jimin played with a fierceness that wonyoung desired to be.
wonyoung backs up, watching jimin do the same as the ball came to chaeryeong.
yoo jimin had what wonyoung didn't. she had courage, a type of security that made her take unwarranted risks that were usually handsomely rewarded.
chaeryeong sets between jimin and wonyoung, wincing as she feels the ball nearly slip out of her hands.
wonyoung liked to coast. she liked watching how everything played out before making a decision. the only day she hadn't was the day she lost the most important thing in her life.
risks scared her.
she glances at jimin beside her. the older girl's face was a bright red.
it was clear jimin was spent. her legs were burning, and her chest heavy from the lack of oxygen. she just needed one more, even if her vision was starting to blur and she couldn't jump any higher than the net.
jimin reaches the net faster than wonyoung, winding up for the jump before wonyoung could catch up to her.
jimin jumps a moment sooner than the taller girl, watching as the ball misses her hand completely.
she hears a loud smack to her right.
28 - 26.
"wonyoung just stole jimin's kill."
wonyoung would never be jimin. she didn't have the speed, or the finesse that came with the sport, but she had everything the girl lacked and then some.
jang wonyoung wasn't yoo jimin.
she was better.
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the first game of the season was by far the best game jimin had played in terms of kills.
with 30 kills under her belt, she was comfortably tied for fourth in the nation for a five-game match university career high with suma's ex-player and olympic silver medalist, hwang yeji.
on top of that, her girlfriend had watched her from the stands, looking as she powered through her pain. the crowd chanted her name, and she could feel the adoring eyes of everyone on the court.
through their eyes, she had led the team to victory, defeating snu and effectively setting the tone for the season.
but as soon as she came into the changing room, seulgi rebuked her for nearly costing their first game, mistake after mistake being made due to her greed and desire for spectacle.
jimin tried to listen as her eyes burned from the sweat that endlessly poured from her forehead. she could feel her heart pounding from the back of her neck as her coach snatched her water bottle out of her hand, forcing her to look up.
she couldn't hear a single word that seulgi had told her, but she didn't have to. she knew what her coach was saying.
jimin had achieved a career-high of game errors.
"if it weren't for wonyoung cleaning your mess up, we would've lost."
jimin had heard that before.
seulgi left the room, setting jimin's bottle down on the ground as she slammed the changing room door closed. an ambient silence engulfed the previously happy team, the juniors looking at her as they quickly changed. she ignored yujin redirecting their attention to somewhere else, ushering the girls out one by one until it was just jimin left.
it was just jimin and her thoughts, each and everyone about and regarding jang wonyoung.
yoo jimin hated jang wonyoung.
the door creaked open with a gentleness that was unfamiliar to the experienced athlete. her dark iris latched onto the door, finding a smaller frame entering the room.
her face erupted into flames.
anger. all she felt was anger.
jimin looked up from her seat, grabbing her bottle from the floor.
"what are you doing here?"
"what do you mean?" y/n questioned, the air around her becoming thick as jimin's eyes bore into her. "you said you wanted to see me."
jimin watched as a slight fear shined through her girlfriend's eyes. she didn't understand why that pissed her off more.
"i never said that shit." jimin spat out, combing through her hair.
y/n gripped her phone. she did, y/n remembered the fluttering in her chest and the redness in her cheeks. she knew that. she wasn't stupid.
"yes, you did." y/n stated.
"no, i fucking didn't." jimin looked at her with wide eyes, shocked and offended. "are you delusional or just fucking crazy?"
y/n took a deep breath, backing away as she tried to remember what actually happened.
she was sure jimin had sent something along those lines. maybe she had been tired, and yes, she wasn't exactly in the greatest head space but she couldn't have fabricated it.
unless she did... but y/n was pretty sure she didn't.
"you did, though." the younger girl's voice was barely a whisper. "i can go through my pho-"
"i didn't!" jimin scoffed, her throat becoming scratchy as she screamed from the top of her lungs. "stop trying to gaslight me into shit i know i didn't do!"
y/n listened to jimin's heavy puffing, her eyes locked onto the ground.
maybe she was right. maybe y/n had remembered wrong, and jimin didn't say anything. after all, y/n always remembered things wrong, but jimin always remembered things right.
and now, they were here fighting because of her stupid mistake. because she made a narrative that jimin wanted to see her after the game.
y/n felt stupid.
"i'm sorry." y/n rubbed the top of her knuckles as she shivered under the ac. "i forgot."
jimin frowned, trying to calm herself down. her girlfriend did come here for her, and god, did jimin love the girl with everything in her heart. sometimes, she just got so angry that she hated y/n for making her feel like this.
weak. stupid. frail.
"did someone see you?" jimin asked softly.
y/n's heart stopped.
jimin was a private person. she hated people being in her business, and she especially hated people knowing her business. the ace had crazy exes that she was sure would sabotage their relationship. although it hurt y/n to be so secretive, she understood and always went along with sneaking around.
"i don't know." y/n looked up, her eyes meeting jimin's.
jimin went silent.
"what do you mean 'you don't know'?"
y/n felt her palms sweating.
"i don't know if anyone saw me."
y/n flinched as she heard jimin slam her bottle on the bench, breaking the plastic bottle in two.
"first you go and bring your stupid fucking friends to the game-"
y/n furrowed her eyebrows. her friends had nothing to do with their relationship.
"-then you pull this shit that you know would piss me off. you're supposed to be cheering me on as my girlfriend. you're supposed to be paying attention to me. instead, you go on a date with kim minjeong."
y/n clenched her jaw, anger suddenly burning through her veins. "excuse me?"
talking about minjeong was a sensitive topic for the pair. jimin had always felt threatened by y/n's friends, but minjeong was a special case. it didn't matter how many times y/n proved that both their intentions were nothing but platonic, jimin would forever be weary of the girl.
y/n never understood. minjeong would always only be her friend.
jimin stood up, part of her sweatpants soaked from the smashed water bottle.
"do you wanna fuck her?" jimin swiped her teeth with her tongue, creeping toward y/n. "is that what you wanna do? do you not love me?"
"what the hell are you on, jimin?" y/n could feel irritation bubbling in her chest. no matter how many times she told jimin, they would always end up in the same conversation. "i came here for you! i came to watch my girlfriend play!"
"so you do want to fuck her."
y/n nearly rolled her eyes out of her head.
"no, i don't!"
"it seems like you fucking want to!"
the door slammed open, minjeong leading the charge with yuri (holding pompoms threateningly) and minju (who had just wrapped up the fundraiser outside).
they had lost y/n in the crowd earlier, and after looking for 20 minutes, they came through the tunnels that lead out of the stadium. coincidently, they had heard jimin screaming from down the hall.
"hey!" minjeong pulled the younger girl back. "leave y/n alone."
"look at your knight in shining armor." jimin scoffed, minjeong's ears burning from anger. the door opened once more, and a certain middle blocker who was just looking for her left shoe came stumbling in. "and your ex. wow, everyone's just in love with you now, huh?"
minju pulled y/n behind her, but she couldn't help but feel frustrated at her friends butting into her relationship.
"it's not y/n's fault that you're shit at the game, jimin."
minjeong always knew how to push jimin's buttons.
jimin's eyes went dark. "the fuck did you just say?"
wonyoung looked to an unoccupied area of the room where her shoe lied. she snatched it before standing by, just in case anything went awry.
"you heard what she said, you budget version of tomi."
wonyoung bit her tongue, not wanting to make the situation worse.
"get yujin." minju turned to wonyoung. "i'll stay here with these idiots and pray that jimin doesn't crack one of their skulls open."
wonyoung nodded, opening the door for minju to push y/n out, locking the door behind the two exes.
y/n shook the door, but it refused to budge ("i'm not unlocking the door until i hear yujin!"). sighing, she had no choice but to follow wonyoung.
y/n hoped that none of the girls hurt each other while she was gone, and the minju would be able to defuse the fire that was currently blooming in the changing room. she hoped that they understood that jimin was still changing, that the girl had mistakes and this was just a minor slip-up that was caused by y/n herself for being stupid enough to fabricate a lie.
it wasn't jimin's fault. it was hers.
"are you okay?" wonyoung asked quietly as she ushered y/n to follow her to the multi-purpose room a couple halls down.
"huh?" y/n turned to her, and wonyoung felt her throat close. "yeah, jimin gets like that with minjeong."
wonyoung hummed, biting the inside of her cheek. she was glad that it wasn't just her, but it did exactly give her relief as she was relating to yoo jimin.
"did you feel..." y/n bit her tongue. it was a stupid question. "nevermind."
wonyoung debated in her head whether to tell y/n or not. she didn't want y/n to perceive the girl like her senior, but she didn't want to be dishonest either.
y/n deserved everything that wonyoung could offer, and if this was something wonyoung could do for her, she would gladly provide.
"yeah." wonyoung blushed as the shorter girl's attention snapped to her. "but i knew you and her were friends. she made you happy so i didn't really care."
y/n inhaled, feeling fluttering in her chest and redness in her cheeks.
"i see." y/n nodded, an awkward silence enveloping the two.
wonyoung didn't mind. she loved every moment she spent with the shorter girl, even if it was fleeting. it was a bright light through a foggy haze. it was a form of hope for the younger girl.
"i'm glad your knee's gotten better."
wonyoung raised an eyebrow.
"your vert got higher." y/n whispered, a small smile on her face. "your knee got better, right?"
the volleyball player stared at her, and y/n wondered if she had just embarrassed herself by remembering wrong.
"yeah." wonyoung loved y/n's memory. "yeah, it did."
the two walked in silence, turning the corner as they stopped in front of the room. screams and cheers could be heard inside. wonyoung couldn't help but smile at the thought of her teammates celebrating their well-deserved victory.
she knocked on the door.
yujin stood in front of her, smiling widely in her jersey and sweatpants. her hair and shirt were drenched with what seemed to be water, which would explain why yena was holding a nerf water gun and shooting at the younger girls.
"wonyoung! you just missed yunjin-unnie trying to do a handstand." yujin looked over, her eyes going wide. "y/n?"
y/n waved awkwardly. "hey."
yujin looked back at wonyoung, blinking.
wonyoung felt a blush on her face, quickly explaining to her captain what was going on in their changing room. "jimin-sunbae is fighting with someone again."
yujin's face dropped. coach seulgi would kill all of them if she found out jimin had injured another random person.
yujin turned around, looking for the only people experienced in defusing 'jimin' situations.
"haewon-ah! gaeul-unnie!" the captain went to gather her teammates, leaving the two ex's at the door.
y/n waited for wonyoung to leave, but the taller girl stood by her, not wanting her to feel alone.
she couldn't help but notice how bright wonyoung's eyes shined as she looked at the others enjoying their victory.
"you should go celebrate with your team." y/n smiled. "i'll go back with them."
wonyoung wanted to protest, but she had no say in what y/n did. wonyoung wanted her to stay with her, but she knew that y/n would have no reason to when her girlfriend was in another room, potentially threatening her friends.
and despite her wanting to be with y/n for longer, wonyoung couldn't help but cherish this moment with her, albeit short.
"be careful."
"i will be." y/n bit the bottom of her lip. she was being friendly, that's all that it was. "you too, wonyoung."
"i will."
wonyoung's smile had to be one of y/n's favorites.
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taglist (CLOSED)!!
@serenitygrace24 @moontealemonpie @writingficsblog @kittyeij @cutieseo @limbforalimb @ahnneyong @yumtooki @lcv3lies @sserajeans @jiwoneiric @babycubchae @trsrina @xyxlyn @misumiausworld @slowlyturninggay291 @awkwardtoafault @captivq @ddeonutz @noiacha @sserabey @d7dream @slowlyturninggay291 @lvwr @perfectsunlight @forever-in-the-sky2 @juhyunsthirdwife @uzumakioden @txtbrainrot @rosiehrs @yunjinhart @skisk1 @bzeus28 @deeznutzryu @jisooftme @danistolemyheart @li0ilthecxnt @eggomi @ddoxhan @zhivaxo @sweet-dhrafts @livelaughloveyujin @luveuly @marimo-anura @yunnybunnyy @ivy-aurora @wonyoluvr
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ali-r3n · 1 year
Y/N breaks Eddie's Brain
Based on this post by @ceriseheaven
Slight Suggestive Content
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Eddie smiled as his girlfriend approached him. He turned to give her his full attention. 
“Hey Sweet-Whoa!” His eyes widened and his jaw fell open. 
His Lovely Y/N had hooked her fingers in the cuffs of his belt and tugged him toward her until his chest bumped into hers. 
“Hey Eddie.” She gave him an innocent smile like she wasn’t the one responsible for the semi in his jeans. 
His words caught in his throat and he swallowed. His brain, usually full of metal song lyrics, fantasy stories, and thoughts of her, was broken. 
Y/N tilted her head and batted her eyelashes at him. “You okay, Eddie?” 
“Hhhhnnngggg,” he replied. His cheeks flushed as red as the hand drawn devil on his Hellfire Club shirt. 
“Aww, cat got your tongue?” she cooed with faux sympathy. She leaned up and brushed her lips against his ear. “If not, can I?” 
Eddie shivered and dropped his head to rest against her shoulder with a groan. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard.” 
 “If you insist.” She smirked and led him by the cuff of his belt back to the bedroom. 
“Jesus H Christ.”
Eddie Munson Taglist:
@seros-bitch @eddiemunsons-girl @m-i-1-0 @lunar-flwr @winchester-angel @angelbbygrl @madnessismylover @cherrybean1116 @edwardjamesmunson @3ternalreal1ty
@meaganjm @sweetpeapod @eddiemunsonsfavbitch @fangirling-4-ever @zzokks @mattymurdocksbitch @fillechatoyante @luvbug4728 @doll-in-the-walls @ches-86 @shenevertricks1831 @urlocalhippie2029 @celestair @ruinedbythehobbit @purple-storm
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad @livslifeonline @strangerthingsstories5255 @becca-alexa @aactuaaltraash @wren-2-d
Stranger Things Taglist:
@valeriiecameron @maruushkka @rainbows-dreams @april-foolish
Stranger Things (Billy excluded) Taglist;
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tranquilskies2 · 2 months
Kai x Chameleon Headcanons🐂🦎
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Yeah Ik what happened in the 4th film but I'm a sucker for size difference ships so...
As a kung fu nerd, of course Chameleon knows a lot about Kai before summoning him. However, the reason she didn't say much about him when she summoned him is simply because she's not a fan of him (she's more of a Tai Lung fangirl).
The most obvious trait about the two together is their massive size difference. Whenever they walk by together, it's bound for passerby to stare & wonder how & why. They never hear the end of several intrusive questions about how they did the woo-hoo (both of them just simply say:"I am/she's a shapeshifter!)
Whenever the two go back & forth with each other, others will assume they're married for thirty or more years. The two aren't afraid of making it known they're a couple (Kai is more prideful of this aspect than Chameleon). By default, Chameleon will have a seat of Kai's shoulder like a pirate's parrot so that he doesn't accidentally step on her. A nickname Kai has given Chameleon is:"Dolly" due to her size.
Kai likes to poke fun at Chameleon's size. In fact, he does more of the teasing in the relationship. Sometimes he'll walk faster than Chameleon just for the fun of it. If Chameleon needs an item, sometimes Kai picks up said item & then dangles it over her head. As much as he likes getting snarky with Chameleon, he usually doesn't try to drag it on for too long & only does so when the room is appropriate.
Despite being a lot smaller than Kai, Chameleon is capable of getting back at Kai. She keeps all five of her senses open for opportunities for revenge against Kai (Ex: Kai getting into spaces way too small for him, being declined for transportation, accidentally bumping into something, ect).
Due to their size difference, Kai either has to crutch down or pick up Chameleon just to hear her (he mostly does the latter). Kai has to be vigilant on his surroundings so that he won't accidentally squish his girlfriend. The first time the two slept next to each other, it almost ended up with Chameleon going to the Spirit Realm due to Kai rolling on top of her while he's asleep. He miraculously avoid manslaughter by waking up quickly to one of Chameleon's spikes on her tail stabbing him on his back(left a nasty wound for a while, whoops...).
Kai loves recieving physical affection more than Chameleon does. Scratches behind the ears, pats on his head, body rubs, you name it! Chameleon often climbs onto Kai like a tree to give him the affection he needs. He appreciates Chameleon being good with her claws. Chameleon likes the sight of Kai's ears perking up whenever he gets flustered or embarrassed. He loves receiving scattered kisses across his face from Chameleon. Sometimes Kai likes getting his hair brushed by her.
For a while, it was a challenge for Chameleon to receive physical affection from Kai for reasons obvious by now. The first time Kai hugged Chameleon, Chameleon almost suffocated. As a more safer alternative to hugs, Kai cups Chameleon's body in the most delicate way possible. Due to Kai's lips being larger than Chameleon's face, he'll either gently stroke her head or nudge his own head against her body.
Kai usually does the cooking since he's a better cook than Chameleon. At their home, Chameleon has her own dining table set just like the one she has in the 4th film. Much to everyone's surprise, Kai is an above average cook & does more of the cooking back when he & Oogway were in their warlord eras. Although Chameleon's taste are much refined, she appreciates Kai for knowing how to serve her meals fit for her portions.
Their favorite date spots are restaurants, hot springs (especially during winter) & old ruins. One of the things Kai does on their dates is telling Chameleon about his past victories & accomplishments. As a kung fu nerd, Chameleon is more than eager to soak in every word. Kai appreciates Chameleon's fangirl nature since it strokes his ego like a cat. In return, Kai finds it cute whenever Chameleon rambles on about her favorite kung fu masters & historical kung fu events, even if he doesn't understand it.
Although Kai is more of an open book than Chameleon, it took him a while to open up to her about his past. Chameleon can understand & relate to Kai on what it means to struggle making a name for yourself & barely leaving a mark on the world. Despite Chameleon occasionally teasing him back, he feels the most safe around her.
Chameleon's deep rooted insecurities took her more hurdles to open up to Kai. Kai can understand & relate to Chameleon on what it means to never be the greatest. Due to this, Kai offered Chameleon a hoof in helping her improve her combat skills (albeit, Chameleon has to overcome her stubborn anture to accept this).
No worries, I didn't forget about Zhen! As Chameleon's adopted daughter, how does she feel about Kaimeleon? If Chameleon was to be more than a decent mother & Kai somehow enters the picture when she was a child, Zhen would be thrilled to have a stepfather! Kai would be more lax than Chameleon, possibly more than eager to train her legitimate kung fu & loving to play with her as much as he could. Plus, he'll eventually be a little more open about exposing his past to Zhen since there won't be use in keeping that a complete secret from her. Overall, as a child, Zhen would call Kai:"daddy". As an adult in events more aligned to canon? Zhen would be mostly indifferent. She'll mainly address Kai as"Stepdad" & that'll be it.
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