aguatala · 2 months
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[ askbox is open for Felicite! Sedene will be reviewing the asks ]
(*Who's Felicite? )
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khfankeri · 1 year
A Perfidious Hide and Seek
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An Excerpt from A Bond Greater Than Family (A Plague Tale)
Suddenly hearing voices, she stopped and hid behind a tree as she heard Lucas and children. Lucas must have left the village early today... usually he worked with patients till sundown on the days he was in the village and not in his laboratory.
"I'll count to ten!! Then I'll come for you Princess Alchemist and Knight Protector!! One, two, three..."
Nine year old Felicite giggled and ran off to find a hiding place. Five year old Jean-Luc ran to catch up with her grasping her hand. Amicia watched as they hid behind a garden wall. Felicite wore a bun with a blue ribbon intertwined like Amicia had when she was a girl, and little Jean-Luc wore a red tunic, looking like a more sharp version of her husband. His slightly lighter brown hair was threatening to cover his eyes just like his father.
"Nine... ten! Ready or not! Here I come! The Evil Sorcerer Father, the perfidious among the perfidious will find you!"
Starting to sneak around, Lucas looked behind one of the garden walls.
"I smell fear!! The great Sorcerer Father will take your toes, cut them up, and boil them in a stew!! Then eat it!!"
The children giggled giving away their location. Lucas pretended not to hear them and kept searching. Felicite tried to hush Jean-Luc who looked sourly at her. "We have to be quiet, or the Evil Sorcerer will find us!"
Amicia got an idea, and she smiled mischievously. Sneaking up to the children, she quietly got their attention. They looked at her surprised for a moment, but nodded as she signaled them her plan.
"Hm, you two are quite resourceful! Where could the Princess Alchemist and the Knight Protector be?" Lucas inquired moving around pretending to be puzzled.
The little group silently moved along the wall out of sight. Amicia moved holding Felicite's hand who held Jean-Luc'a hand, and they changed locations when Lucas was looking the other direction. They eventually made it to the other side of the small garden. Amicia randomly threw rocks towards their old position to keep him thinking they were still there.
"Ah ha! I know where you are!!"
Lucas went to their old hiding place to try and jump them, but was surprised when they weren't there. "What??"
"Now!" She whispered urgently as they creeped up behind him.
"Boo!!!" They all shouted together as Lucas practically jumped out of his skin.
"Goodness!!" He turned almost jumping into the air covering his heart with his hand. "Amicia the Amazon!! No fair! You practically gave me heart palpitations!"
The children giggled mischievously and Amicia just smirked at him, hand on her hip.
"We got you, Evil Sorcerer Father!!" Felicite proudly proclaimed.
"Yeah, now you work for us!" Jean-Luc added bossily.
Lucas sighed in mock surrender, holding up his hands. "Very well, just whatever you do, please don't poison me with your great alchemy powers!"
Felicite's blue eyes sparkled. "We shall see at dinner!"
"Speaking of dinner... Go on to the table you two. I have to talk to your father." Amicia prodded.
"Awwwww!!" They complained but did as they were told.
Lucas and Amicia watched fondly as their children ran off to the dining hall.
He turned to her, pushing some stray hairs out of her face. "Are we almost ready to leave?"
She nodded and sighed. Going to Paris was always a pain. So many meetings and ceremony. So many dresses. Amicia had grown rather fond of her warrior outfits and didn't appreciate having to dress up. Not unless it was to woo her husband. And in that case, she didn't necessarily need any clothes at all...
"Yes, I think we have everything ready. I'm going to miss my morning exercises while we're gone though. I've fine tuned it so much I can't replicate it anywhere else."
Amicia ran through the forest every morning that surrounded their home, reminding her of her treks with her father. She practiced her sling and crossbow to keep in shape as well as picking up sword fighting both with a rapier and knight's sword. The sword was picked up rather unwillingly, but she knew she had to learn. Sergio would practice with them regularly since he was very proficient with the sword. Little Jean-Luc would beg to learn, and Sergio would gruffly agree, letting the small boy practice swinging at him with a small toy sword. Amicia would also drag Lucas out to the forest every once in awhile to get out of his laboratory and breathe some fresh air. He would complain but also eventually enjoy it.
"I know it's hard to be so confined when in town, but we won't be there long, I promise." Lucas reassured her.
He hugged her close and she breathed him in alchemical smells and all. This never grew old. She was amazed by his ability to comfort her. "Are you sure?"
He tipped up her chin and grinned. "I wouldn't dare keep my warrior lady longer than necessary. The wild calls to her."
She laughed as she kissed him sweetly. "Good call, Master Alchemist. Come on, let's go eat."
However, he held her back and drew her closer, whispering in her ear. "Or... I, the Evil Sorcerer Father, can think of someone else to eat right now."
She felt her cheeks burning. "Why Master Sorcerer, you are quite perfidious today! Come on, the children are waiting."
Lucas pouted for real this time which was funny to see as he was a very popular and well respected magister now. "We can have Gia watch the children..."
Amicia laughed. "No, she's not here right now and we must have dinner as a family. However," she leaned forward, "I can give you something sweet later tonight."
He grinned cheekily. "Deal. But I must at least have a taste now..." he claimed, his blue eyes dancing as he took her mouth in his, his tongue becoming quite explorative.
Breathless, she pulled away giving him a mocking reproachful look. "I said tonight. Don't get carried away, Alchemist."
"Must you be so cruel!" He replied woefully looking downcast.
"Sanctimonious words for a Perfidious! Come on!"
Read more at Ao3! Rated Teen and Up! 
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theopossumwitch · 10 months
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Say happy birthday to Felicitous "Felicity" Buster!! She is 1 years old today, along with her 4 brothers Bakugou Katsuki (2nd to last photo), Richard Campbell Gansey III, Elias, and Oliver!! In celebration I am gifting you all pictures of my little bug!
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“This film is dedicated to Johannah and Félicité” - All Of Those Voices. London, Mar 16 2023
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aguatala · 2 months
Hello Felicite! What is your favourite colour? Any particular snack you like?
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"Lady Felicite enjoys the texture of jelly and eat sweets with her mother, Lady Furina. Though instead of water, Lady Felicite prefers to drink milk." - Sedene
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khfankeri · 1 year
Chapter 11 of A Bond Greater Than Family (A Plague Tale) is updated! :)
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A family high seas adventure?? Yes please! :)
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
A Plague Tale (Video Games)
Lucas/Amicia de Rune
Lucas & Amicia de Rune
Amicia de Rune
Lucas (A Plague Tale)
Sophia (A Plague Tale)
Mélie (A Plague Tale)
Hugo de Rune
Additional Tags:
Friends to Lovers
Middle Ages
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i-am-vero-draw · 2 months
Remaking the anatomical base for drawing Smiling Critters with Felicitous Foxy + Color code
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carlos-in-glasses · 6 months
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Happy Wednesday and yuletide felicitations to one and all.
Sharing a section from Where All This Love Comes From, Chapter 7: A Boy's Best Friend (posting on Sunday!)
In which teenage Carlos has been unceremoniously dragged by his parents to visit a newborn baby, and he isn't happy about it. Luckily, there's also a dog. And a boy.
He’s escaped to the kitchen, because here he can hang out with their elderly golden retriever – a glamorous white-coated lady called Zelda – and he’s massaging her head with salad tongs when he notices the time change on his digital watch. For some reason it makes him fiercely angry, and it’s the exact moment Gabriel wanders in to find him like this: Crouched on the terracotta floor tiles, looking furious, while an ancient pup appears to be in a state of total ecstasy because her ear is being rubbed by a large wooden fork.
“There you are,” Gabriel says, carrying his empty coffee mug to the sink. “Everyone was wondering where you got to. Give me that.” He scoffs and snatches the salad tongs from Carlos, dumping them in the sink with his mug.
Zelda whimpers at the loss, so Carlos strokes her snout with his thumb.
“When are we going home?” Carlos asks it like a challenge, stares at the time of his life ticking away.
12:01, his watch says.
He’s expecting his father to huff, to stretch out a pointing arm and demand he get his moody ass back into the living room and coo over the boring baby, but that doesn’t happen. When it doesn’t happen, Carlos finds the courage to glance up. Gabriel is drying his hands on a red gingham seersucker cloth, regarding him with a half-smile.
“Not really your scene, huh?” Gabriel says.
Carlos shrugs with one shoulder.
“I get it. But the girls want to stay.”
“I know.”
“How about you and me go for lunch?”
Carlos gazes at his dad distrustfully, rising to his feet. “Just us?”
“Yeah. I want to take my boy for some food.”
“I’m really, really hungry,” Carlos tells him, quiet and ashamed, like it’s a terrible secret, even though him eating everybody out of house and home is probably the most well-established fact about Carlos Reyes.
Gabriel laughs, slapping the cloth down. “I’ll take you to Mockingbird,” he says, “It’s been a long time.”
Mockingbird Diner. Sometimes, when Gabriel’s shifts had allowed it, he’d meet Carlos at the school gates and take him for a milkshake. When did that stop? It feels like forever ago, but when Carlos thinks about it, he can smell salted fries. He can feel himself holding an ice-cold glass. He’d always get vanilla. If Gabriel had a milkshake too, he’d always get chocolate.
It’s a hectic weekend lunchtime at Mockingbird, but a booth by the window becomes free as they enter. A friendly college-age boy buses them over. The table is still messy with evidence of its former occupants. Carlos watches with interest as half-empty lemonade glasses and plates scattered with crumbs are lifted out of sight. He likes the boy’s hands – the way they open and close and flex as he works to clean up. The way his tanned forearms, with a clear seam of defined muscle, protrude through rolled white shirt sleeves. He probably plays sport at UT. Carlos imagines him as a baseballer.
“I’ll grab you some menus, sirs,” the boy says cheerfully after spritzing and wiping down their table.
Carlos accidentally follows the boy with his eyes as he walks away. When his gaze finally travels to Gabriel – Gabriel is staring back curiously. He doesn’t know how long his dad has been observing him for.
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kfrances · 5 months
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ummm i have no context for her right now. i mean i do but you're not getting it. say hi to felicite
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peaceinthestorm · 1 year
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Andree-Emma-Felicite Desportes De La Fosse (1810 -1869, French) ~ Bouquet de fleurs sur un entablement composé de tulipes, roses et autres fleurs, n/d 
[Source: Christie’s]
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mote-of-ash · 1 year
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felicitush furump
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catventuring · 5 months
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catilinas · 2 years
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imagine getting expelled from the senate for saying what cicero did to gnaeus pompeius
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Felicité, driving Wille and Simón: So how was your day?
Wille: We almost got surprise adopted!
Felicité: What?
Simón: We almost got kidnapped.
Felicité: Oh, okay.
Felicité: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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aguatala · 2 months
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"Please do not refer to Monsieur Neuvillette and Lady Furina in such familiar terms." - Sedene
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zahnffxiv · 7 months
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hrothtober day 26: forest!! passing through the forest, but i gotta stop to appreciate how things look every now and then!!
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