#fluffles pics
flufflecat · 9 days
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I met a lovely bumblebee a few days ago (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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mysdrymmumbles · 2 years
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clown-bastard-man · 11 months
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MLP battle vest update! Original Post
6 new patches and 2 new original pins!
I also added another row of studs to the shoulders, as well as a pin and ribbon I got at pride.
Antonymph: created by Vylet Pony
Yippie! Pinkie Pie refrenced from TroubleLooksForMe on Deviantart
Creator of Fluffle Puff, FlufflePuff662 on DeviantArt
I decided to use the old TLT logo, as it’s more associated with his time in the brony fandom and more closely resembles his OC’s cutie mark.
Please let me know your thoughts, comments and questions, and feel free to tag me if you create anything similar that is inspired by this!
Pic of me wearing the vest at pride under the cut:
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wikagirl · 10 months
First off we've got day 1. I hopped out of bed at 9:30 and got ready and we rolled out at around 11 with my bff being the driver
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We did our initial tour of the festival grounds to see where everything is this year around, had some good old curry sausage for lunch and then watched the opening parade at 2pm which you can see on the following pictures
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and after we went out little aesthetic walkie walk, we spent the most of our time in the post apocalypse camps, they had a really cool punk rock stage show there going on and also (most importantly) a slushie booth
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and then we did some chilling and tomfoolery at the pond of the park. My bff took some cute pics of me there, I also took some cute ones of her but she wants me to cover up her face if I post them but I think that ruins the pictures so youi'll just have to imagine my cottage core sweetie princess in your little heads uwu.
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and with that we ended day 1 because I had to be home in time for raid night.
On day 2 I drove and we all went in a more casual look so I didn't bother with a fit check, we also spent most of our day actually spending money there and taking less pictures so there aren't that many. Basicly we arrived at around 2pm after we picked up our buddy who some of you know as hiyuu shiyuu from my ffxiv fc and raid posts.
We did our tour of all of the shops, got hiyuu a cute top and a hat, my bff got herself a set of runestones, a tarot deck and some jewelry. about 3/4 of the way around the market place we got to witness this scene
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caused by the dark lord (the poor bastard in a full black plated metal armor in 32°C summer heat) accusing jack sparrow of owing him money, followed by the vikings, the pirates and the post apocalypse running in to help jack, only to instantly get knocked down by an earthshaker spell.
Once we were done shopping we all got ourselves a slushie, chilled by the lake again and then went to our traditional dinner at mcdonalds in full fantasy get up.
Here is my loot from this years festival:
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I got myself a set of snake themed runestones and a little fairy bunny from a shop called AnnkasAnderwelt on instagram and these two sword-hairpins from a nother shop that I didn't get the name of sadly.
The runestones are made from resin and some of them have real snakeskin (from natural shedding, no snakes were harmed in the making of these) and pages from what I believe to be the german classic the golden pot in them (the book features a character called serpentina who can turn into an emerald snake).
The runestone set also came with a pendulum, a pentacle charm and this random wooden stick....yeah I'm not sure what the stick is for so I have it to Fluffels (the bunny, his full name Sir Fluffles McFluffington the Wolpertinger) as a chew toy.
and i got this black canvas two piece
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the grey pattern is hand printed on with these lenoium shingles that you have to handcarve, roll the paint on and then stick it on the fabric, according to the shop owner they were going for a pagan witch meets viking fantasy kind of vibe and I guess it checks out. I'm not sure if I'll ever use this for any larp character but I for sure will wear this at home, it's super comfy.
Also eveyone please apreciate my one again random pile of stuff behind me. I have offically given up on not having a pile on the guest bed so it is what it is now. Right now it's just all my larp stuff that doesn't need to be washed but still needs to be put away or have some other kind of maintainance done on it.
My bff is thinking about going post apocalyse next year, I'm not so sure what I'll do or if I can even make it next year because of my apprenticeship but I guess we'll see.
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
i think i should start a folder of good propaganda pictures of my kitty kitty meow meow, so i'm prepared when it's my sergeant fluffles turn
(no real names were used in the making of this ask)
^good idea i advise everyone to do that. get your pics. prepare to fire them. see me not reblogging them until it's too late because we have different timezones. cool plan i approve
also maybe everyone should have a folder of pics of their cats that may be like good for mental health. you can see the creature you love
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indiefeebsandme · 7 months
It’s a beautiful day for singing a song and it’s a good day for rolling along and other jolly stuff
My girlies are having fun but I’d like too mention how it’s November how the sun sets earlier for daylong saving hours, saving them up for next summer maybe cos it’s getting dark by teatime already. This means if you’re in an open space you get some pretty amazing long shadows to play about with and make cool photos with which I might try on purpose another time 😊ok I cheated and added a blueish filter, it didn’t make much difference but it was a little softer and I thought it was nice to have blue shadow instead of grey, I still have the original.
Look at the sky, look how it reflects clouds and indie on the waterlogged sand, the colours are still magnificent upside down, barely muted, a kind of magic all of their own I don’t know why I don’t expect water reflections to stay colour matched, it always surprises me. The uneven surface helps colours and shapes move slightly out of focus, softer and brighter in a haze.
Of course the girls are oblivious as long as the water’s not too cold or suddenly deep their only focus is to run, jump, chase the ball and make sure da momma isn’t too far away when they’re playing, how simple and wonderful their little lives are and how fast they are growing up.
When the girlies were well and truly waterlogged we walked up the beach and took pics of the boat on the sand at Admiral Benbows, I took my very waterlogged sandy pumps off and left them outside with the ball throwers and balls to go get milky coffee. My wellies are in the car but i didn’t change and sank up to my ankles shouting “I’m sinking I’m sinking” and giggling like a melting witch.
After coffee and lots of adoring doggy fans make a fuss of the wet hairy fluffles we walked back to the car although Saucy Nancy was still pointing us to the beach and little doggies fell asleep on a blanket on the way home.
I think life should be made of gentle slow days with lunch out or a picnic, a relaxed dog walk, a nice coffee and going home smelling of seaside to doze contentedly on the sofa.
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your-local-bunni · 2 days
Drew a couple goobers that I haven't drawn in years-
Meet my external OC's!
Derrick Hallman, Buttons Polysell, Fluffles Polysell, and Shuffles Polysell! I'll draw Lucy later- {tap 4 better quality [damn you Tumblr/j]}
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2nd pic of Buttons is her full body bc WHY NOT! :D
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kris-sophie · 2 years
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It’s been snowing again
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soniana-draws · 5 years
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Can you believe Wallace straight up adopted Fluffles after ‘A Matter of Loaf and Death’ and she’s now in a happy and healthy relationship with Gromit.
I couldn’t not draw these guys after marathoning all the shorts. Hoping to see more of them in the future!
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flufflecat · 2 years
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A few of my favorite lps from my collection (人*´∀`)。*゚
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mysdrymmumbles · 3 years
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She got a haircut, too.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 2 years
MY BRAIN DID A THING (again) (This one's super cute tho)
How would some of your OCs react to either Ranmaru or Masayuki becoming. Small. Like, the size of the borrowers from The Secret World of Arrietty' by Studio Ghibli? Would any of them sorta babysit them (l can see Mikha being a right dick about it and using it to frighten them)
Or perhaps, how would your OCs feel about being turned tiny and having one of my lil blorbos looking out for them?
I can see Masayuki carrying Thais where she needs to be and taking notes for her if she needed him to - as well as setting up a super cozy mini sitting area in the library on a desk for her if she wanted to spend time there later.
Or maybe Allegory could help either Xeron or Sei (Xeron due to being dormmates, and Sei due to the potential friendship from bonding over being deep sea mers and Al's nervousness around their mask.) Allegory would make sure to make some sort of mode of transport for them - such as an AI-controlled drone of sorts - to make sure they get to classes on time if they decide to attend, along with a system for taking audio notes or notes using a computer system so their size doesn't make it hard to write properly. (The interior is also super cozy with air conditioning or a heated seat - who knew Al's interest in tech went beyond devices of mass chaos and destruction?)
Hehe wait, Silas being a lil shit and picking on Mikha now that the dude is tiny. Just, like, holding him up high and asking if he really wants to be put down (implying he'd drop the guy - although Silas isn't really that mean anymore) or just being a general annoyance when Mikha can't threaten him (Mikha's big brother materialises behind Silas and immediately he's just like the 'hehe I'm in danger' meme)
- fluff (sorry it got a bit long lmao)
@fluffle-friends sorry for the loooooooong waaaaaaait aaaaaaa
For the 1st scenario of your blorbos being shrunk:
ALL MY DUMMIES INITIALLY PANIC!!!! Then their more rational brain will tell them to act properly
Sei will immediately encloses the two in his protective spheres to make sure the aren't stepped on by people passing by or mistaken as prey by crows and taken away into the sky
All of Garden's Bounty will babysit them, or at least leave them in their dorm room and come back to check on them through the day to make sure they're doing and feeling well
Thais would like to put them in flowers, like how harvest mice and small lizards use flowers as make-do beds sometimes. She just thinks they would look super cute like that~ Worry not, she will take all notes needed for their classes! If they decide to ride on her shoulder or stay in their room, she will always ask how they're feeling. She'll help get them food, drinks, and comfort
Sei will bring them snacks!! All the snacks he's hoarded, "Now, half of a chip will fill you up!" Sei will want to have them in his protective spheres whenever they're outside, but in their rooms they can be free. This eel will be pretty chill, just vibes with them in silence and is attentive to anything the tinies need
Blake DKLSFL BLAKE He brings them his fantasy character figures and accessories and is like "...Go on... amuse me." THIS SILLY BUNNY WANTS TO SEE THE SMALLS REENACT EPIC BATTLE SCENES OR SOMETHING LOL (from this I have a new headcanon: Blake collects figurines and dollhouse goods. Probably buys nendoroid doll bodies with interchangeable hand poses & little clothes to take pics of his fav characters in mundane scenes)
For Ranmaru, he's happy to use his little tea sets and invite the blonde to a little tea party~
Xeron will be the one to carry them with him to class, in case they want to keep attending class for the day. Otherwise, he will be their transport/carrier to take them wherever they want to go. Xeron will cook for them tiny meals, too~
For End of Line.... They are.... a little disastrous lol
Koron blanks out. "What-.... What-... What???" He's so confused and his sleep deprived brain can't keep up. The most he will do is carry them on his shoulder/chest pocket to know they're out of harm. That, or he will take them to their dorm room and check on them through texts or calls.... if the bitties can answer their phone
Jet is the most uncooperative "I will not take care of people. This was not my doing or my mistake. I will not take care of them." *checks up on them through the day* Especially if the blonde thinks the person taking care of them is tremendously incompetent.
But yeah, Jet won't be carrying them or attending them, but he will drop by a handful of times to see if bitty is doing well
Zion also blanks out for a bit (kids, sleep your proper amount of hours. My two dummies that blank out do so bc sleep deprivation). He's by far the most helpful and will gladly take them into his room to keep a close eye on them.
This boy likes inventing things, so he will surely make them like... A moving bed or a cozy little seat they can drive around so they are comfortable and can move by themselves, probably has some protective sphere/spell around the vehicle so they won't be stepped on or damaged by anything
Tzuriel is amused by the predicament, helps the bitties. He carries them around on his shoulder and on his head, let them hang around in his room or he hangs around in theirs if they're more comfortable there. Tzu will very much think of them as little dolls and will give them tiny spa days with the products he uses for his routines and the like~ Honestly, Tzu is probably one of the best people that could look after the shrunken people
The asshole brigade don't care at all. They won't help because it sin't their problem at all.
Helios and Izel (dragon bf) will just look down at the tinies like "so inexperienced and pathetic"
Mikha would LOVE to terrorize them, absolutely. Be it Silas, Ranmaru, Masayuki, ANYONE he will terrorize all the same. Almost crush them with his hands, dangle them off the nth floor, put them in a closed container and vigorously shake, threaten to chomp a limb off with his teeth.... Think of Mikha as Toy Story's Sid in this scenario lol
by all mean, bitties: DESTROY HIM, COUNTERATTACK!!!
--- --- --- ---
For the 2nd scenario about my OCs being the ones who shrunk...
Thais will be infinitely grateful to have Masayuki helping her (she was already on the short side, now she's 100% minuscule. To have someone tall, strong, and kind helping her is the biggest blessing ever!) "Ah, you're such a darling. Thank you, Yuki!" Then, she places a tiny kiss to his cheek, forehead, tip of his nose depending on what's closer. She wouldn't want to be too much of a bother, though: "I'm just fine right here, don't worry! I'll tell you if I need anything!" *proceeds to keep silent bc he's already done so much*
Will prepare him a fruit basket of fresh produce she herself harvested from back home in the archipelago, or a flower bouquet with pretty colors and heartfelt meanings as thanks for his help.
With Al, didn't you mean Koron instead of Xeron? Koron is in Ignihyde, Xe is in Scarabia. Regardless, I'll do it for both of them just in case!
Xeron would feel very out of place with all the technology in the constructed drone. He does know how to work things like phones, computers, and remote controls, but his life has mostly been out of touch with tech. It isn't something he feels the need to use most times "I appreciate it... but it's a tad too confusing for me, sorry."
He'd be bumping against everything and everyone if left to pilot the drone. Probably ends up motion sick in the flight
Koron, on the other hand, is very tech savvy and likes to design prototypes himself. He will spend his sweet time admiring the handy work! "*whistle* You did a superb job with this! Care show me the blueprints, if you have them?"
K is super cozy in the small space, probably one of the times he feels completely concentrated and focused on the lesson due to how safe and comfortable the drone is. It's so well built and the utility is well thought out, his brain just wires into action idk how to explain it
Sei.... oh dear....
Did you hear that? It's his maniacal laughter as he pilots the drone. This one won't give a single thought to attending classes, he spends his day exploring the campus and flying hiiiiiiiiigh up!! He can finally touch the skies he wishes to explore! He's gonna take full advantage of that!
He deserves it, a spoonful of his own medicine
He screams and thrashes about in a very funny way now that he's tine, his bite doesn't even compare to that of a chihuahua
The one time you'll see him become immobile like a shark turned upside down is when you dangle him from up high and threaten to drop him bc he has a fear of heights
Yeah, Silas needs to watch out for Helios, there's no doubt the older Hallverd will be called to supervise the tiny menace in his state
He won't do much to Kamaka, just insults him briefly before snatching his miniature brother from the other student's hands
Funny while it lasted, though :b
Only did scenario 2 with the OCs you asked about because it would've been waaaaaay too lengthy and a bit repetitive otherwise
Hope you liked! And sorry for the wait!
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aceofspadegrass · 2 years
Hey ace! I'm just here to tell you that I got the naughty virus! And all my body is hurting!
So can you give me some cute pics of Niraffi or maybe a fluffle?
Oh no! The naughty virus! CURSE YOU NAUGHTY VIRUS!
Here, have uhhhhhh-
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A Niraffi having a meal!
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Make sure to rest and keep safe! :D
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If only there were more pics of Oswald... ~Fluffles
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collectingthestars · 2 years
Hehe hello 🌼 (also have you seen any of the pre-fall 2022 runway lines? I'm like obsessed with moschino, and just found balmain and its dope as heck OuO)
heyyyy fluffle! i had a look at the brands you mentioned and HOLY SHIT THEY'RE SO COLOURFUL AND FANTASTICAL AND UNIQUE IT'S REALLY COOL
anyway here you go!
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send me a 🌼 and i will refresh my pinterest and give u my first four pics as a random moodboard
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travellvogue · 4 years
Trent posting a pic of your baby girl on his feed for the first time. Xx
the two of you never shared that you’d even had a baby, let alone pictures of her, so it takes his followers by surprise when he uploads a picture of her fast asleep in her bed next to her mr fluffles cuddly toy, her body barely bigger then the stuffed toy, the comments restricted so only a few people could comment, his teammates and friends commenting hearts and blessings, the picture instantly shooting to one of his most like pictures, the news articles commenting on how adorable your little girl is and how she looks just like her dadda
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