#fly wit me
greelin · 7 months
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i’m going to say something. But you won’t like it
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i am taping your leg to the ceiling fan and turning it to max power :)
you're gonna what now? huh? wait. oh shit-
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neotaissong · 7 hours
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Once upon a time in Berlin…
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queenlucythevaliant · 5 months
🪆would love one featuring Russian thoughts on God! ✝️
SO. I could have sworn that I've posted "Avvakum in Pustozyorsk" on this blog before, but I can't seem to find it so here it is.
(For context, this is written in the voice of a 17th century Russian Orthodox priest and religious dissident (an "Old Believer"). Avvakum was sent to the military outpost of Pustozyorsk where he was imprisoned four fourteen years, then eventually burned at the stake. It uses this historical voice to reflect on the religious persecution of the Soviet era. Also, it's fairly long, so I've highlighted my favorite stanzas.)
Avvakum in Pustozyorsk The walls of my church are the ribs round my heart; it seems life and I are soon bound to part. My cross now rises, traced with two fingers. In Pustozyorsk it blazes; its blaze will linger. I’m glorified everywhere, vilified, branded; I have already become the stuff of legend: I was, people say, full of anger and spite; I suffered, I died for the ancient rite. But this popular verdict is ugly nonsense; I hear and reject the implied censure. A rite is nothing – neither wrong nor right; a rite is a trifle in God’s sight. But they attacked our faith and the ways of the past, in all we’d learned as children, and taken to heart. In their holy garments, in their grand hats, with a cold crucifix in their cold hands, in thrall to a terror clutching their souls, they drag us to jails and herd us to scaffolds. We don’t debate doctrine, of books and their age; we don’t debate virtues of fetters and chains. Our dispute is of freedom, and the right to breathe – about our Lord’s will to bind as he please. The healers of souls chastised our bodies; while they schemed and plotted, we ran to the forests. Despite their decrees, we hurled our words out of the lion’s mouth and into the world. We called for vengeance against their sins along with the Lord; we sang poems and hymns. The words of the Lord were claps of thunder. The Church endures; it will never go under. And I, unyielding, reading the Psalter, was brought to the gates of the Andronikov Monastery. I was young; I endured every pain: hunger, beatings, interrogations. A winged angel shut the eyes of the guard, brought me cabbage soup and a hunk of bread. I crossed the threshold – and I walked free. Embracing my exile, I walked to the East. I held services by the Amur River, where I barely survived the winds and blizzards. They branded my cheeks with brands of frost; by a mountain stream they tore out my nostrils. But the path to the Lord goes from jail to jail; the path to the Lord never changes. And all too few, since Jesus’s days, have proved able to bear God’s all-seeing gaze. Nastasia, Nastasia, do not despair; true joy often wears a garment of tears. Whatever temptations may beat in your heart, whatever torments may rip you apart, walk on in peace through a thousand troubles and fear not the snake that bites at your ankles – though not from Eden has this snake crawled; it is an envoy of evil from Satan’s world. Here, birdsong is unknown; here one learns patience and the wisdom of stone. I have seen no colour except lingonberry in fourteen years spent as a prisoner. But this is not madness, nor a waking dream; it is my soul’s fortress, its will and freedom. And now they are leading me far away and in fetters; my yoke is easy, my burden grows lighter. My track is swept clean dusted with silver; I’m climbing to heaven on wings of fire. Through cold and hunger, through grief and fear, towards God, like a dove, I rise from the pyre. O far-away Russia – I give you my vow to return from the sky, forgiving my foes. May I be reviled, and burned at the stake; may my ashes be cast on the mountain wind. There is no fate sweeter, no better end, than to knock, as ash, at the human heart.
--Varlam Shalamov
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semi-sketchy · 2 months
I mentioned briefly in my Xenoblade 3 critique that Xenoblade X handled the theming of people in power exploiting the general populace better than 3. Now the Q&A in 3's art book is out there people are talking about this explanation.
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I wanna elaborate on why the concept worked better in X:
It's not the primary antagonist.
That's it. That's the reason.
While X's primary antagonists, the Ganglion, leave...something to be desired, (as does the story in general) this overarching theme is used to push the cast.
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Because it's not the elite directly confronting them; it's the result of their actions that put everyone in this situation. You don't need the big wigs preaching to everyone to get the point across. This story is about how the people are affected.
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Lao has been so deeply hurt by all this, it drives him to seek revenge. The concept created a villain (and the best character in the game).
This can even apply to the Ganglion, who were created as slaves and want to wipe out their masters descendants (the failsafe) so they can truly be free.
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Compare that with 3. I'm sorry but an ideology alone just doesn't make an enticing villain. There's no motivation, no drive, it's just constant and blatant dehumanizing and it gets boring.
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All the Moebius you fight, there's no character. There's not supposed to be, after all they're a collective, an idea, even called a concept in-game.
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It's why villains like N, Shania and Joran stand out. Even though they're not amazing, they add something personal to the idea, they attach it to an actual character. (Although even in those cases, it's more of a background element since their shtick mostly has to do with revenge on the protags...)
With the rest of Moebius, it's just a fear of dying that drove them to power and to keep it. Nothing else is really said, even by the head honcho and final boss, Z.
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Takahashi really did look at the villains and go "let's make so you only ever see the evil surface."
So yeah. That's why X did it better.
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thewritehag · 6 months
People who vote 3rd party or don't vote at all "on principle" are the same as sovereign citizens and that is an insult. To illustrate this point, I shall refer to the 1958 classic The Fly
See, the "on principle" people are the man-fly abomination whose hubris got him caught in a gigantic web, the spider is the U.S. government,
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and I'm Vincent Price watching as your arrogant foolishness gets you eaten alive by the bloated, corrupt corporate-political hierarchy we live under, knowing I could not save you and knowing you wouldn't deserve to be saved.
The other guy is my friend.
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tha-wrecka-stow · 9 months
The Album
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The Single(s)
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radioactive-cloud · 3 months
those past few days are really testing my patience with some of the takes and opinions i've seen on the internet and i'm so fucking done with all of this i just want to delete all my accounts from everywhere and live somewhere in the woods (as far away from russia as i can) and to never come in contact with another human being again
#i'm so exhausted i just have to rant even tho nobody will care#i have some trouble sleeping because i'm either waiting for another attack to happen#or reading the news about dozens of missiles flying at my country#or hiding in the bathroom while listening to explosions because it's supposed to be the safest place in our appartment#and then i open social media and see all the destruction and casualties and deaths that happened overnight#and at the same time i see people adoring and praising and defending russians and their culture and language#and creaming themselves because of their “mysterious russian soul”#and telling ukrainians that they are stupid and toxic and that what they feel about their killers and occupiers is wrong#well newsflash y'all#russian culture is nothing but blood and death#russian language is nothing but blood and death#it's not just fucking putin doing all of this shit#he wasn't there when ukrainian nation and culture and language were oppressed for literal fucking centuries#did russia invent human cloning for putin to be all those soldiers at the frontline and all those people building drones and missiles?#open your fucking eyes and think for a fucking second#i go to sleep every night fearing that i may not wake up#and then in the morning i see people admiring russians and foaming at the mouths defending them#and then also fucking michael sheen of all people sending his love to them#and i become so insanely pissed#get a fucking reality check#i'm so sick of people excusing russia and its actions#once again guess i'm a walking big bad angry ukrainian stereotype#well that's what war does to you#i won't wish for anyone to experience this but also it may be the only thing that makes some people aware of what a rotten thing russia is#i'm so done and i don't want to feel all of this and i don't want to be a human and i don't want to have thoughts#maybe it's for the best if a missile flies into my room so i won't have to be here any longer and witness all of this shit#(it's a thought i've been having lately and ngl it kinda scares me)#ukraine#russia is a terrorist state#btw i've just discovered there's a limit of 30 tags
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 4 months
OMG just realized the stadium the show is playing in Sydney is where I went to see a rugby game years ago the last time I was there 🥹
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sewercentipede · 7 months
oh shit it’s thanksgiving today and I only just realized that lmaooooo. I am thankful for not having the حوصله to care about this holiday enough to have planned any stressful trips to see family for it (not that I could afford to anyway price-wise) and for my lack of حوصله to result in having zero regret over ignoring this holiday
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wimbledon2008 · 5 months
why did you ignore my ask lol
you are not entitled to my response
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alphacrone · 2 years
my favorite thing about my father is that despite having multiple possibly paranormal encounters in his life he absolutely refuses to believe in any of it. the man got BORED looking at a flying saucer. I love and hate him in equal measure.
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beachbummrr · 1 year
leighton being at creator clash but not interacting wity the sm crew feels so crazy to me like ohhhhmy godddd i know he doesnt want people to speculate but i’d do anything to know whatever caused the fallout because there definitely was one
goddd supermega bringing their messiness everywhere they go like girl i will be speculating ! a lot even !
the fall out was definitely bc the work environment at supermega is terrible and leighton being hired on for merch but put into like fifty other odd jobs whilst having to deal w the mess that is the supermegaplex dynamics is for sure enough to break a man, and the pop up was probably the last straw <- what i think happened although i know theres some rumors that it was jims fault (which may have played a role tbh) honestly i do wish leighton the best tho he was probably one of their most qualified hires, he was just as messy as the best of them and he did do some fun merch designs Sorry babygirl leighton i know u dont want me to speculate but ill fight anyone for u
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dylanconrique · 2 years
How are you enjoying S5 of the rookie so far? Particularly Chenford?
oh my god, we're only 3 episodes in so far and i am already loving the season so much!!!!
ik they've really slowed down the breaks on the amount of chenford content we've been receiving, but that's just fine by me because i am getting things marked off my chenford wishlist! :) yearning and pining and stolen glances, and "i have all these feelings for him/her and i don't know what to do with them".
literally have never felt so alive with a fictional ship.
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fettery-fetterie · 7 months
I was played like a FOOL that day, by one of the greatest honors known to man
And I was played DOUBLED today, as I fulfilled your minuscule desire
Ah, you were the patron of the arts after all, while I am the humble craftsman
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hatredinmysoul · 1 year
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i hope i never lose the bruises that you left behind
bruises by lewis capaldi
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