#for how long who knows babe
inkskinned · 1 year
im gonna start a fight; and, at the same time, i need you to take this in the most good-faith way possible, but:
videos that involve body-checking and intentionally (and uncritically) show a mealplan of an unhealthy number of calories are just a revamped version of pro-ana food diaries.
and yeah, i know there's arguments. i address some of them under the cut. but at the end of the day, we're just coming back to romanticizing mental illness; we've just found a better platform for it.
this is already something we've done. we knew it was wrong and tried to stop it. and tbh. it just wasn't enough.
there are people who argue "well, what if you have an eating disorder, you can't help it if you don't eat!" except that as someone with an ED; we are not infants. we know what we're doing. part of having an ED is that you are like, maybe too self-aware. even if we can't help our own food choices, we don't need to fucking romanticize the disorder - something we've been warning you about since 2013. there are hours of setup, filming, and editing that go into these videos. they do not happen to fall into place randomly. there is a reason they are pieced together to be beautiful, bright, inspiring.
there's this woman who pretty much only posts daily plans under a normal amount of calories, and everyone defends her saying but it's better than nothing! and i'm like. except she opens those with images of her showing off her body and provides no context in the video or caption that suggests that she believes what she's doing is unhealthy. she has hundreds of thousands of followers on a platform designed for young kids and teens. i refuse to believe that by accident her content just happens to be cheery advice on "healthy" versions of starving.
for any other symptom of mental illness, we would be incredibly enraged by this kind of placid acceptance of a "tips and tricks" fast-start guide. imagine if people posted pink & pretty videos saying "best places to cut yourself" as if it was a fucking storytime. we, as a society, are so fucking fatphobic that we would rather accept blatantly harmful displays of self harm than admit that we are obsessed with a hyper-thin body type.
i am not suggesting someone never talks about their disorder. i talk about mine. actually, it's a plot point in my book.
here's the difference: i recognize it's a fucking mental illness. i am very careful to never mention a specific weight, eating pattern, or calorie plan. i always make sure to position it as something that ruined my fucking life. i do not put cheery music in the background and hearts and sparkles over my worst moments. i do not film it in bright light. i do not start each passage with an image of a thin body followed by "here's how to look like her."
eating disorders should not be framed as aspirational. and the problem is that society worships the "after" image, so long as you don't get too sick. there is a reason so many people who quit being "influencers" will later admit - i wasn't eating well that whole time; an obsession with food was completely destroying my life.
we let any uncredited, uncertified person write the most backwards, fucked up shit about how to get the body you desire! because the underlying, secret belief is: well, at least they're thin! and the real thing that fucking gets me each time - they make fucking money off of it. their irresponsibility and societal harm literally pays off for them.
"why do you care so much." "don't like it don't look." "so what if people experiment with new ways of thinking of food?"
thank you for asking. we're about to get extremely personal. it's because when i was 18 i discovered "thinspiration"/"thinspo." and it absolutely influenced, shaped, and codified my pre-existing eating disorder. i went from having some troubling habits and traits to being incredibly unwell within what felt like a matter of days. there were actual pages designed to train me on how to have an ED correctly. it was all so suddenly easy. i was sick; and the nature of the illness meant - i wanted to be sicker.
it takes an average of 7 years for a person to fully recover. i know this personally - even now, 10 years from the worst of it, i still fucking struggle. i am so much happier now and i eat what i want and i literally don't think about food at all (19 year old me would shudder) and yet - i still fucking know the calories of plain toast with butter.
an eating disorder is one of the deadliest types of mental illness. over 1 in 4 people with an ED will attempt suicide.
and i'm sorry. i just do not see the exchange rate of "high rate of engagement" versus "the value of a human life."
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koschei-the-ginger · 6 days
Liking a show but not remembering the title of each episode is so embarrassing when you want to interact with other people. They'll start explaining how much they liked something, and I'll just stare at them and go Oh, you mean the Jewish themed episode? The one where the main guy gets lost in the woods? The hospital one 😭? I swear I'll remember what this "deep throat" is if you give me something to work with
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flowerflamestars · 7 months
Announcing: Haunted Holy and Divine
Azriel lived closer than most.
True shadow, true ice, true unmoving mountain stone. He walked the realm of whispers and long ago forgotten secrets more than he ever had the Court of Night. The dead held onto to nothing but their stories, their songs, their singular driving desires, and in that too, Azriel belonged more in their pitch black cold than the waking world.
The Court of Dreams.
It had meant something, once, to serve the Dreaming Throne.
A hope a hundred voices warned him was wrong, would not last, would not linger- long before his own dreams filled with innocent screams, Azriel had known goddamn well he’d sold his soul to the wrong man.
Five centuries and fifty years in a cage without the sky, he knew every secret of the City of Starlight. Everything that haunted his High Lord. Every way out, every way in, every wasted excess, useless crime, hollow benediction.
Every bruise, on Nesta Archeron’s immortal body.
Frigid winter without end, frost so very thick. Black bruises on her pale skin, lavender light when the sun hit her, cool as a corpse. Death could not hide her beautiful face from Azriel, no matter how she tried.
Maybe he had never had a soul to sell at all, but Azriel had never forgotten his first god.
Would never forget, how those of his own number had treated her. 
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cupiidzbow · 5 months
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bites my thumb I know I already talked abt nicknames they’d call me but I thought about it again and got sick to my stomach (good way ) 💔💔
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tampatom12 · 2 months
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Tampa Bay Buccaneers Team Reporter Casey Phillips: So you and Gronk got your 90th touchdown connection against Atlanta [Tom: Yeah!], which puts you second all time in the NFL. Why is he the guy you have this connection with?
Tom Brady: He's hard not to have a connection with...he's so easy to like, be his teammate, to throw the ball to 'im, from a quarterback aspect. Just like, the connection we had since the beginning of our relationship, you know what I mean? He got picked when he was pretty young to come play together with me in New England and I think that position [the tight end] is so like, critical to the success of a quarterback because that throw to him is always available; you know, he's always a tough matchup to defend and then you put his incredible athletic ability and athleticism, uh, his speed; all the things that matter, but then there's an intellectual part that people don't see because they always think that Gronk is soft all the time but Gronk is a very very smart player, [and] person; he has very high awareness of everything, so we've been able to play together for a long time and do some really great things together and ummm...he just continues to blow me away. I mean, with all the stuff that he does as a player and how I seen him like, you know, go from a 20-year-old, 21 year-old kid to now, you know, he's just...he's so mature, [is] such a professional and...he LOVES football. He loves playin' and competin'. I think we're all...this team loves him as they should because he's just an amazing guy.
Tom Brady talking about his Relationship with Rob Gronkowski // via the Tampa Bay Buccaneers YouTube Channel // Sunday, December 19th, 2021
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forcebookish · 11 months
gun feeling guilty about being the reason cher goes through all the complicated implications of their relationship (his own sexuality, reconciling with his feelings for tian, what other people think of them, etc.) but being so determined to be happy and knowing in his heart of hearts that cher loves him back that he would never willfully leave cher for "his sake" is easily my favorite thing about him. after his initial hesitation, he never wavers in his belief that what they have is real and right.
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to me that is so much more powerful and interesting than 'i love him so much i have to let him go, if he finds someone else that'd be fine.' (sorry, cher! at least your intent was always to come back no matter what, i'll forgive you.) because he knows, he's known it long before cher himself said it, that cher loves him and he knows that means that the best thing for cher is for them to be together.
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because that's what love is for him: it's about being there for each other through everything, knowing that neither of them could possibly be happier with anyone else no matter the struggles. husband shit.
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as long as he still loves gun, cher's going to be happiest with him. for most of the series, he's still insecure that cher could change his mind at any time (😭😭😭 baby chill that boy is locked in for life 😭😭😭😭😭), but he doesn't let it make him let go of cher.
and that's for cher's sake as much as his own.
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ryryryryryryryryry · 3 months
my partner and I don’t live together yet. I live in a 400 sq ft cottage with no space because I have a toddler and a cat and a dog, and I’ve only let him sleep over once so far because our schedules are wonky (he works 4 pm - 2 am and I’m up at 6 am and go to sleep at 9 pm, so it just doesn’t work). We’ve been looking at houses, we’ve probably gone to 17 open houses/showings at this point and we showed up today to an open house that had 12+ cars outside and I’m just starting to feel so downtrodden by the whole situation. I sold my old house and I’m thankful I did, but now I’m going to have a shitty interest rate and probably a shit ton of work to do on a new house, I’m just feeling very overwhelmed.
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i was thinking in the shower about how things would have turned out had Bentley managed to break into the Cooper Vault without needing to recruit anyone. for starters, there wouldn't be a Sly 3 lol... i mean Sly and Bentley would definitely have gone after Murray so An Opera of Fear and Rumble Down Under would have happened i guess but for the sake of the post let's say they wouldn't have asked the Guru to join the gang. so no Netherlands and no China meaning no Penelope and no Panda King, and by extent no Dimitri because of no deal in Netherlands.
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removing Sly 3's secondary characters kinda puts things into perspective in terms of character development. in Sly 1 we collected Thievius Racconus pages as we got closer to the truth and Sly learned new tricks and honed his skills in preparation for his encounter with Clockwerk. Sly 2 was just a traumatic trainwreck altogether like SP really put the gang through the wringer idk how they survived.
in Sly 3 this development is brought about through the secondary characters and their relationships with the protagonists. Penelope drives a wedge between Sly and Bentley forcing the latter to muster up the courage and step outside of Sly's shadow for a minute; Panda King's return demands Sly to mature and let go of the past; Dimitri tests the gang's patience; both Penelope and Panda King contribute to the Murray van storyline which kinda exhibited that yea! in the long run, Murray might be the dummy of the group as Dr Michael chastises at the end but he is definitely the heart of the gang.
but if all this never happened then how would Honour Among Thieves play out? funny thing is, even if they recruited the extended gang, shit hit the fan almost immediately upon arrival so i'm assuming the same would apply if the original trio had tried to pull it off on their own? no? as a sidenote: i'm also thinking that Sly 2 is the only game in the series that kinda had like the aspect of urgency if you think about it. someone stole the Clockwerk parts and they were going to rebuild him so tick tock bitch. Sly 1 and 3 however don't really have that sense of time pressure. the Fiendish Five were sitting on their asses for literally a decade before Sly popped up for the pages and don't even get me started on the possibility of Dr Michael managing to crack the Cooper Vault open like what a loser lmao. with this in mind, Bentley would have the time to develop his tech in order to do the tasks that the extended gang members would have done. i mean if he managed to build a time machine surely he could make his tech waterproof ?
so the entire heist goes according to plan with the possibility of them tripping that stupid alarm still at play. i never intended to do a full play by play "what if...?" of Honour Among Thieves but suffice to say Carmelita would 100% show up to save the day even with the change of context. i think the most important change would be that Bentley's run-in with Dr Michael would go down very differently. i don't think he'd defend Sly; i actually think Dr Michael would get to him even without Penelope's introduction because she only brought out feelings that were brewing deep in Bentley's subconscious (especially after the end of Sly 2, becoming disabled for a cause that was never his and that dedication arguably never being reciprocated). he might not have shown it in the moment but i think that conversation would significantly shape Bentley's character and if Sly got out of the episode unscathed, the gang would probably split. leaving the Guru behind would also give Murray the motive to go his own way.
it's clear that Sly 3's secondary characters helped the gang get over some unspoken issues they had between them, even if they got resolved behind each other's backs (because Bentley only vents to Penelope about his feelings and doesn't go straight to Sly, who, in turn, doesn't even know there's an issue to begin with). personally, and i feel kinda stupid for suggesting something so simplistic in relation to how this game would be better like 7-8 years after being on this godforsaken website and analysing it to the point where it feels like the bible, i feel like one more episode would help really flesh out the problems the gang had. we never get direct acknowledgment or accountability from Sly and it feels like he's too focused on entering the Vault to care about Bentley's feelings, or anyone else's for that matter (there's like 7 anon asks gathering dust in my inbox about why i have anti-Sly sentiment and that number better not go up). all it takes is a 'you know what guys? you should enter the vault with me after literally sticking by me since childhood and risking your lives fighting my own battles' and they shoot up the van like it's a guest on Wendy.
Sly 2's ending proved that the protagonists aren't Riverdale characters who just go through weekly life-threatening events without any guilt, trauma and anxiety; and then in Sly 3 we get high-stake situations akin to the ClockLa saga, like the Dragon snatching Penelope, but because it's crammed between episodes instead of games, the characters come out of it seemingly unfazed. the complete lack of recognition for all of this makes it seem like Sly is an awful leader for the gang. like i think Penelope would genuinely snap when she got taken hostage by LeFwee after the dragon thing.
i think the internal politics of the gang could have been explored way better but i understand that juggling that and the introduction of one new character per episode would be impossible. i'd love to see Bentley confronting Sly, Murray realising that he's getting more support about what matters to him (the van, the Guru's wellbeing) from the literal strangers they've recruited than his best friends, Sly realising that his lack of involvement in the gang's friendship is what turned Dr Michael against ConnEr. maybe Honour Among Thieves could have been a two-parter honestly. maybe the Dimitri Dr Michael piranha hybrid bossfight should have never made the cut.
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thedragon-and-hisboy · 6 months
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ooh, could this picture have anything to do with the new fic dropping on my ao3??? guess you'll have to find out for yourself... ;)
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narugen · 6 days
keep thinking abt hoshina and mina GOD.. (spoilers for manga and kn8 bside)
given what hoshina said about his previous division treating him like a burden/parasite just because he can’t handle firearms and specializes in his swords… how tiring must it have been to have to work with those people each mission despite having a common goal?
and how tiring must it have been to be constantly told off by his own father for wanting to continue his family’s tradition, or to be told to give up on being part of the jakdf by his own teacher -
before mina, a high ranking commander personally reached out to him, to recruit him into her team?
the fact that she didn’t see him during joint trainings and think: why bother with that? why bother with blades when bigger kaiju will appear? when she personally deals with bigger kaiju herself.
but she instead saw him and thought: he can help me, he can cover my weaknesses (ashiro not being able to handle a vegetable peeler is hilarious) and he’s someone i can trust
she sees potential in him, she sees how he can excel within her division, she saw hoshina and as captain - has probably heard everyone talk shit about him but she was still certain that he’d be one of her division’s greatest asset
(and even when platoon leader ebina refused to let hoshina help out, mina stood firm on her decision and her claim that hoshina would be useful. when she asked him if he could take down the big kaiju, and he could only promise saving the child within it - she believed him, took his word for it and waited until he carried out his promise.)
and now hoshina is the vice captain, putting faith in a new recruit whom most people wouldn’t have believed in… full fucking cycle..
tldr: it makes me rly fucking emotional to think about how hoshina was given a reason to continue improving with his swords after being told to give up all this time… and how mina had never once thought his abilities were useless 👍
also makes me crazy how protective he is of his position as vice captain, as the person who stands by captain ashiro’s side…
#egg boils#im crazyyyyyy#soshimina#thank you kn8 bside hoshina arc . II CANTTTTT#when we get to the next two episodes i will be seated and crying#the video rings in my head like 20 times i say “i won’t let you have my position next to captain ashiro okay do u want me to kms…?#long post#sorry.#/9446#kaiju no.8#i need to look at my brain rot#sorry#every time i post it’s just like NURSE they’re saying the same thing again yes im saying this for the third time but i truly adore the bond#and mutual respect and her faith in him okay. hoshina makes me sad.#sometimes u just need the one (1) person to believe in u AND vouch for u no matter who decides to say shit…#the way he looked at her the two times she asked#him to join her division ohhhhh im crazy . love at first sight babes#hoshimina#<- idk which tag to use bc hsmn makes the most sense given we hear hoshina be called that#but .#gweh#yeah hoshimina probably makes most sense i’ll change my tags or just add what i deleted#also ☝️ they’re js really fucking goofy together#i think it’d take a few years before mina warms up to him but u can see how close they are (physical touch - bonking him#leaning close to read smth she’s showing him#taking a pic of him feeling down#etc etc please give me more interactions yall im starving#also btw on the flip side i think it’s a bit. You Know to have mina openly ask or recruit a new member who specifically for the sake of#Helping Her#for the sake of having someone she can rely on . like she relies on the entire division obviously but . BUT!!!!! listen listen [waves hands
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chikoyama · 14 days
Sorcerers weren’t particularly known for being brittle in nature. They were survivors, saviours, self-reliant. Sacrificial. All gallant values that they seemed to wear all too proudly on their chests like medals of honour. Values that they seemed to chant with almost a religious conviction. Meticulously carved into them like branding scars. All achieved over the span of several generations —several lifetimes. Through gentle but consistent persuasion... until it seemed to become nothing but the root of their very existence.
Values that seemed to not only echo among a selected crowd of sorcerers, but the rest of the population too. Right from their early days of training until they'd fulfilled their duty upon death. At the thought, a sardonic smile stretched across his lips. How very gallant, he noted to himself. Or reckless.
These were the beliefs and principles that sorcerers were conditioned to live by. Became their very reasons to too — principles so deeply ingrained within their personalities, it was almost tragic, Ziggy thought. Soldiers... no, machines programmed to unquestioningly abide by the orders given. Programmed to give up their lives… for what exactly?—
Because, weren’t curses humans too? Human-made at least — so were babies. Both species were warring against each other for a spot in this world. A place to belong. Aah, all beautiful thoughts, typical of anyone who claimed to be human, really. Thoughts that’d ironically lead them to events of destruction and travesty... again. They’d never learn, would they? It’d be just another repetition of history. Nothing the dimension hopper hadn’t seen before. It was the same across every Universe he’d visited.
Lightly pondering, the purple-haired creature leaned back in his chair, one leg crossed over the other, foot bouncing up and down in anticipation for what was going to happen next. It was all too wicked, wasn't it? Languidly stretching his arms over his head, his mind briefly strayed to the bunny. Eeeh, so what would she do this time with the new life he’d granted her?
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I really wish some of the actresses who have voiced Disney Princesses would stop comparing their princess to the previous ones and claim how she was the "first" one to have *gasp* independence and strength *gasp*. Have they ever watched a Disney movie outside of their own?
#disney#disney princess#txt#that crap irks me#a few of them have done like paige o'hara mandy moore auli'i cravalho#can people talk about disney princesses as humans and not as stand-in's for “girl power” for once?#this is why i mess ONLY with jodi benson. she is one of the only ones who speaks about her character as a PERSON and not just a vessel for#whatever the hell they want to promote#“she isn't like the others” head asses#shut up#ironically they are actually pushing that “i'm not like other girls” mentality on them LMAO#i mean jodi will actually bring up all of her character traits and praise how well-written she is and now real she feels#some of the other ones only say “she didn't need no man so there's THAT” 🙄#don't get wrong i respect their work and contribution but man that stuff really annoys me#the guys who have voiced their princes do not do that nonsense. they don't feel the need to compare their characters to the previous ones#only women do this crap. i ain't surprised. it's expected honestly#i mean imagine if one of the va's for a disney prince went “my character was the first one to have a personality”#cuz we all know that if disney princesses have been getting blasted for their lack of proactivity and independence#the princes have been getting blasted for their lack of personalities which is also bullcrap too and that criticism was decimated a long#time ago as well as the princess one#but yeah imagine that#although bruno campos (hunky babe prince naveen) did say that his prince was “different” from the others and it was like uuuh no he isn't#he is cocky smooth handsome tall muscular and charming he is actually like MOST of the princes at the beginning if we are gonna be honest#he just takes it to a slightly more exaggerated level
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seek--rest · 11 months
Hey Seek, hope you’re having a good Friday. Was wondering if Talking Nonsense and Parallel Lines have fallen to the bottom of your WIP list?! I’m guessing there are some fics that get prioritized over others and since these have not had regular updates, should I not get my hopes up for them?!
bestie idk if you remember this but ao3 was down for like a day and a half this week!!!!!!
@abc2411 and I have no plans on dropping either talking nonsense or parallel lines we just didn't want to post an update (which is usually wednesday) so close to it being down.
the whims are fickle this is true but we have so much of both written and are very excited to share what's to come with you all.
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uncle-fruity · 1 year
The beautiful thing about angry internet people telling me not to use a certain word to describe my own experiences is that they don't own me and actually I'll use any fucking word I damn well please. Sounds like a fucko's problem, not mine.
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love being just some guy actually
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cparti-mkiki · 2 years
The way viserys loves alicent but is incapable of selflessness / the way alicent doesn't love viserys but is struggling through this godawful oppressive situation performing extremely emotionally costly selflessness on the daily
#the way he knows alicent coming to him was her father’s plot but now they're in there and like. years in so what are you going to do#the palpable distance between them. it doesn't seem like they talk a lot anymore. and yet the way they are close in this#sad resigned way. stuck more like#all in all: the disillusionment that can't be voiced!!#i mean except no disillusionment for alicent because there was never any illusionment lmao#it’s very interesting to see how it’s just domestic hell despite the fact that there are no feelings of animosity-#she was pushed into that relationship in a sort of emotional caretaker role and now it’s only getting 1) more marked#2) turned into physical caretaker too#when i say she doesn't love viserys i mean like. she worries about him and takes care of him with unparalleled attention (which#he acknowledges) and knows him so well but it seems like more of her (crushing to see) overexerted sense of empathy#than romantic#not even getting into the marital rape & dissociation#like yes viserys you might be in excruciating pain all the time but you could notice that your wife's soul is leaving her body and that#you are putting her through 1) a hellish in-the-moment experience 2) a hellish long term existence of “squeezing out heirs” in a prison#i’m not putting much emphasis on 2) because as an early modern court studies person i acknowledge there's realistically no out from that#but still fucking hell lads#hm. the dismal unrequited attempt at connection in the grabbing of her hand and the soft gesturing for eye contact. it’s#Trying to be loving but OW. AYCH. HELL. UF. NO!!!#obsessed with the man who’s falling apart literally and figuratively and the young woman who needs 2 go apeshit as soon as possible because#baby they're slowly killing you. babe your sense of Self. your Needs#your Life#it’s just so amazing to compare them from ch1 to ch4 cant wait to see this all get worse#and looking at the ep5 teaser it will!!! Yay!!!
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