#frickin crap
royalarchivist · 7 months
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Pac: I'm already dancing, Las Casualonas, I'm already doing it, everything for my son.
[Pac and Tubbo continue grieving over their Minimes]
Fit: [Not even remotely listening, just staring at Pac doing the Las Casualonas dance]
Tubbo: I'm so sad.
Fit: [Completely monotone] Wow, this is so sad.
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nattikay · 1 month
welp, I've reached the point where I'm genuinely considering starting a new save file in FoP. I've been in the mood to play lately but until the new story packs come out (which I think is supposed to be over the summer) there's just not really anything left to do in my current save, other than Kukulope's daily/weekly challenges which are usually pretty easy.
On the one hand it'll be fun having real quests again, and early game should go a lot smoother than it did the first time now that I have a better understanding of the controls and mechanics. On the other hand though, having all the skills/stats reset, low-level weapons/gear, and the map re-polluted is gonna suck 😅 and there's definitely a handful of quests that I remember really struggling with that I am not looking forward to repeating. Well...we shall see
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licorishh · 3 months
Not to be shippy on main but why does everyone go in for tsundere fx and "nuisance to society" jy when their every interaction screams the opposite. Fx is logical and realistic enough to be more than well-acquainted with how she feels and is extremely devoted to her work (and subsequently the general) and on the opposite hand jy is incredibly selfless and caring towards her (literally the first time they met he told her he'd take the blame when she suggested they frickin commit a war crime in order to win the Abundance War). Like yeah teasy jy is amusing or whatever but realistically that wouldn't be in the droves y'all think it would and fx would probably laugh at it the few times it might happen more than she'd get all tsundere-y about it
She's not emotional. That's the difference. She doesn't have emotional outbursts. She's extremely calm and rational and she's dealt with jy for more than long enough to become extremely used to his antics and she wouldn't take them nearly so seriously.
They're PINERS. They're pining and it's obvious. They watch each other from across the room when they think the other isn't looking and they leave each other nice little notes at work because both of them overwork themselves and need breaks. I am COOKING here
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hum--hallelujah · 9 months
honestly if I were ever to throw the Suitehearts into any of my Killjoys stuff the dynamic would literally be the stupidest thing in the world. you do not want to have the Four and those guys together in any setting. it's a recipe for disaster. Jet and Benzedrine bitch and bicker like old ladies. telepathic warfare is waged via a complex language of glares and eyebrow movements between everyone in the room. Sandman makes a wholeheartedly joking comment to Ghoul like "I want to study you in a lab" and Kobra Kid gives him a black eye on the spot. Crab and Donnie end up playing hide n seek with the Girl until someone else who isn't aware of the game accidentally dumps a whole dude out of their hiding spot on accident and then gets elbowed for it. everyone hates each other but they're also kind of pals in the way that people who occasionally help each other out but don't see each other outside of that can be. that kind of thing
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hecateisalesbian · 3 months
Tommy I’m gonna educate ya rq on how American schools work (atleast most of them)
School starts around the first - third week of August. I’ve never met anyone who started in September (atleast not in real life)
Some rich/nice counties will actually give a Fall Break™️ separate from Thanksgiving Break™️ but ig most schools combine the two. Anyways if you have a Fall Break it’s typically the week after the first quarter ends (bout early October) and lasts a week. Then all schools will have a Thanksgiving break that also lasts a week during- you guessed it- Thanksgiving.
Second quarter continues until a week or two before Christmas, and then you have 2 or sometimes 3 if you’re lucky weeks of Christmas/winter break. Most kids come back first or second week of January. Oh btw school never starts or ends on Mondays/fridays, you always come back from a big break halfway through the week. Don’t ask
Then at the end of 3rd quarter you have a spring break that’s one week. And then you continue your 4th quarter till second/last week of May. And then you have 2 months off for summer. :3
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x-poprocks-x · 9 months
we as a society do not talk about this enough. I'm obsessed with it
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sunrise-of-wonder · 1 year
So this year I was determined to craft myself a solo writing retreat, and I finally did it! 6 days of getting up at 5am and writing nonstop all day (with breaks for meals and walks). I was already about 2/3 through before I started the retreat, and I clocked in 55618 new words by the end of tonight. I typed The End and everything. I've finished other books, but this one is the book of my heart; I know I put way too much pressure on it, which is why it has always been so hard for me to draft. After struggling to write it all through the 2020s, though, I'll be flying home tomorrow with one (extremely rough but) complete manuscript!
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starb0oooy · 1 year
The only thing I can do to cope with the chaos in this house is to keep my one corner of the kitchen counter clean
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buckttommy · 2 years
Red killed Mr. Kaplan.........
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kenobihater · 2 years
guess which horse i got in chapter 2?
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iced-souls · 2 years
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licorishh · 3 months
I'm two episodes into the new ATLA show and I literally love it oh my gosh skjdfhakdsf
I'm really not the biggest fan of season 1 of the original show so this is honestly a massive step up for me I'm incredibly impressed
M. Night Shyamalan better be taking some serious frickin notes here like this is how you adapt a show hooooly cow
Some slight spoilers in the tags beware sdfdsf (also since I'm only on episode three please don't spoil aahh-)
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fridayyy-13th · 1 year
holy SHIT i finally found my lost fanfic notes
thank fuck
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
Clubbing Catastrophe
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Direct continuation to "Roller Rinking, Dancing And Dreaming" Vox and Reader are still on their "date"(?) I say that with heavy quotations because they are moving slower than a frickin snail- not to mention that it's practically like a group outing at this point LMAO- I think this chapter is actually pretty fun and we see some flirting? Or at least very very odd attempts at it- Also we get some protective Voxy! Before he unceremoniously almost puts himself out of commission because we playin with him too much HAHAHAHA also there's been requests in the past for Reader to get flustered- so here it isss!
A/N: This interlude probably isn't as long as the other ones- but I had fun writing this and I'll be back with other ideas pretty quickly too. As always, I hope you guys enjoy the story and Happy Reading!
It didn't take long for you to find your groove in the music that blasted through the club.
Twirling around on your feet and dancing to the beat alongside the other partygoers.
Vox had wandered away from you a little while ago to get himself a drink, even if he was hesitant at first to leave you.
"Are you sure? I can just get it later-"
"You worry too much dude! I'll be fine, it's just a few minutes!"
It took a bit of convincing before you managed to get the overlord to stop worrying and he disappeared into the crowd.
You couldn't help feeling flattered that he cared that much though.
Even so, you wouldn't be surprised if it was leftover nerves because of the scare you both had a few days ago with you dying and all-
"Hey cutie~ What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?"
A slurred voice came from nearby, great- just another wasted idiot.
A frown formed on your face as your ears pinned backwards, a taller sinner moving to approach you with a sinister grin.
You stopped dancing, crossing your arms and glaring at them.
"I'm just here to enjoy with my friends, I'm not interested in any of your crap."
"Aw come on doll, don't be like that~ let me take you out for some fun~"
You cringed at the petname and just moved backwards as the stranger reached out towards you.
It was never really an issue when Vox did it, but it felt abhorrently disgusting hearing it from someone else's mouth.
There was just none of the charisma and all of the revulsion.
"Uh, no thanks and don't call me that."
"Aww, why not doll~?"
"Because only I can do that, got a fucking problem?"
You felt the buzz of static charge before Vox suddenly appeared in front of you with a swift bolt of blue electricity.
It was shocking to see him return so quickly but you felt relieved nonetheless.
Curious at the sudden silence, you peeked from behind your techno companion to see the sinner that was earlier trying to pull a move on you look like they were going to shit themselves on the spot.
You couldn't help but giggle when they immediately mumbled apologies and just ran off, tail between their legs.
Maybe having an overlord for a buddy really did have it's perks-
"Did they do anything to you?"
You snapped out of your cheeky headspace when you realize Vox was giving you a once over.
His concerned gaze meeting your own when he couldn't notice anything physically out of sorts.
Did he always look this good?
You could hear your pulse ring in your ears, a fuzzy warmth blooming in your chest that seemingly came out of nowhere.
The overlord simply raised an eyebrow when you suddenly looked away, shyly tucking a strand of hair out of your face.
"I-I'm good! Thanks for the save... I could've handled that- you know."
How cute of you.
Vox couldn't help the smug smile when he realized you'd gotten flustered over his chivalrous gesture.
It really wasn't much of an effort on his end but he figured it wouldn't hurt to prod you juuuust a little.
"Suuuure you could, but don't you think I should get a reward for protecting you?"
The overlord was almost concerned that you hurt yourself with how quickly your head turned to look at him.
"H-huh?! Oh fine... what do you have in mind?"
Your tone feigned annoyance but your eyes told a completely different story.
What was with that eager gaze?
Vox really didn't expect to see that from you, this was just supposed to be a harmless game!
Yet now you were starting to make even him nervous-
His TV screen buffered slightly before Vox collected himself, he couldn't tease you properly if he was embarrassed too.
"It's nothing big, just- zZzST- buy me a drink?"
You merely raised an eyebrow at him before rolling your own eyes, where did all his confidence just go?
Hm... that meant the ball was in your court now.
Let's see just how far you could push it.
With a subtle smirk, you grabbed the lapels of Vox's blazer to pull him down to be eye-level with you.
That really caught the overlord off guard, his wide eyes seeming to question your intentions.
Well, that was before his processing immediately screeched to a halt when you pressed a chaste kiss on the side of his screen where his cheeks would be.
"I'll be at the bar, don't keep me waiting."
He kind of just stood there dumbfounded when you let go and sauntered away, just earlier you'd been flustered and shy???
What the hell was that?!
His screen immediately tinged red and he had to reboot several times to avoid crashing entirely.
Seriously what the FUCK was that?!
Thank goodness for the colorful flashing lights though because he wouldn't be able to disguise his screen freaking out hadn't there been any.
You found yourself covering your face as you went over to the bar and ordered a margarita for yourself and just some rum for Vox.
You internally panicked while just watching the bartender prepare your beverage.
Just what in God's name were you bloody thinking?!
"Heya shortcakes, been enjoying yourself?"
"Kind of? I feel like I did something kind of stupid though-"
"Uh oh, what did you do?"
You looked at Angel apprehensively, should you tell him?
Ah whatever, just a little chat while waiting for Vox wouldn't hurt.
"I- It's just a game- right? Like, I mess with Vox and he just does it back- so it should be okay??"
Angel just nonchalantly watched you practically fall at the seams, for someone so confident and sassy-
All it took was a certain mister tall and electric boogaloo to have you all over the place.
"Toots, you're actin like you poisoned him or something."
"Angel, I'm pretty sure what I did was worse- way worse."
"What the fuck could possibly be worse than tryin to kill someone?"
You rapidly mumbled out a reply, practically eating your words when the bartender placed your ordered drinks in front of you.
Angel just couldn't understand what your issue was though and asked again.
"Seriously! It can't be that bad?"
"I may have... sortakindakissedhim-"
Angel did a spit take on the cocktail he was drinking.
You had to cover your ears and just shush the hell out of your spider companion when he was immediately all over you.
At this rate from how loud the arachnid was being you wouldn't be surprised if nearly everyone around you could piece what was going on.
"Oh my god- WAHAH- and Husker was sayin it would never happen!"
"It was just on the cheek Angel! Now fucking shut it already!
"Am I... intruding on something here?"
Oh god-
Couldn't the timing have been any worse?!
You wanted to crawl into a hole and die again.
Angel just laughed at your embarrassment and Vox's obvious cluelessness.
The overlord was only able to approach a little while ago, so he didn't hear much of the conversation.
And that totally wasn't because he had to reboot himself up several times.
Yeah that totally wasn't because he was busy trying not to crash his systems after what you did.
"Well, I'll leave you two ta figure things out. It's like watching a shitty romcom but live!"
You just shoved Angel off his chair with a grumble, making the spider simply laugh once more at you before disappearing into the crowd on the dance floor.
This was real life, not a fuckin romantic drama-
"Do... I even wanna know?"
"I'd honestly rather you didn't."
You slid Vox his drink when he sat next to you, taking a sip of your cocktail to try and hide the blush on your face.
For once, the two of you were just silent.
Neither knowing where to even start a conversation when you just decided to throw caution to the wind anyway.
"Look, about earlier-"
It didn't occur to you that the technology overlord sitting by your side was seriously finding amusement in your embarrassment, just watching and listening to you ramble on and on like a fool.
Well, a cute fool.
Swirling the drink in his hand, Vox used his other hand to push some of your hair away from your face.
The fact you were so worked up about the kiss you gave him was just hilarious.
You didn't even comprehend what he was doing until you felt a slight electrical jolt to your forehead.
It didn't hurt, but it was noticeable enough for you to suddenly stop talking.
"There, now we're even."
You looked at the technology overlord with wide eyes as he just sipped on his drink so casually.
Did this fucker really just-?!
You could feel your face just explode in a blush, your heart absolutely beating in your ears as the club seemed a bit too warm now.
You threw your hands over your face and just made some unintelligible noise in utter embarrassment.
Vox couldn't help but chuckle as he glanced over at you.
Suffice to say, he wins this round.
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artyandink · 1 month
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A/N - If I do decide to write this, it’s going to be challenging since I do not use swear words in my writing (and Ben does) but hey, comment if you’re interested!
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“I stood by you.” I whispered, looking at him in the green eyes I’d known for so long. They’d changed. Evolved, with how much we’d both been through. “I’ll always stand by you, but I’ve gotta do it on my own terms.” I ran a hand through my hair, hollowing my cheeks out as I swallowed dry. That hand then swept down my mouth and over my bottom lip before landing in my lap. “I ain’t happy with who I am, Ben. Who I became.”
“Shut it. There’s nothin’ wrong with you… nor me.” Ben growled, looking away and his tone rough, like it always was when he was this defensive. “We were doing our jobs. We were… are leading a team, just like the old days. Ain’t nothing wrong with that, is there? No, there isn’t, in case you were about to talk back. Damn modern days and all the useless, feminist crap it put in that pretty little head.”
“Our job was and is to serve and protect, I know that much.” I frowned, looking away for a hot second. “But we’ve destroyed ourselves for the sake of the job. You were betrayed by your team and everything went goddamn south. I was fine not being at the forefront of everything. I was happy not fighting Homelander. I had a life. But the moment, the moment I get a call from Butcher saying that you needed me, I came for you. I came for you! And we went down like the frickin’ Titanic. All that talk about saving me from mundane, unnecessary things like social interactions and a stable job… but what if I didn’t need saving?”
“Yes, you did!” He stood up, towering over me with his eyes looking like they had a forest fire going on in them. “I remember our days fightin’ Commies, and you’d take hits but you stood up and hit those bastards back until they couldn’t even walk. I remember when you’d kill first, ask questions later. That version of you is the one I need. To win my fight.”
“Is that why you need me?” I scoffed, rubbing my forehead. “For the fight and nothing else? I remember our days where we were friends. Even if we were sitting in silence, smokin’ blunts- we did it. We shared smiles on the battlefield. Where we’d crack open a whiskey bottle and criticise whatever we wanted to. We’ve changed!”
“For the better!”
“Is that what you believe?” I searched his face for one sign that he thought it was true. “That your revenge-driven craze was for the better? Against Mallory? Butcher, who got me to bust you out after tellin’ me that you were taken? We destroyed ourselves, Ben!”
“For the job!” He retorted, grabbing my chin roughly. “You’re supposed to support me, that’s what we’ve always done.” In retaliation, my eyes glowed red, sending a sharp pain through his head that forced him to let me go. I rubbed where he grabbed me with heavy breaths leaving my mouth, a small growl at the end of it. The audacity of this man.
“We didn’t destroy ourselves for the job. We destroyed ourselves because we could. I was happy without a fight, and now? You got me addicted to it.” I bit my lip, then took a deep breath. “And I want out.”
“You don’t get an out.”
“I ain’t givin’ you a choice.”
“If you walk out that door…” Ben got up close, his jaw set like stone and stature imposing, like it’d always been, “don’t you ever come back… you’re dead to me. You’re goddamn dead.”
“If that’s how it’s gonna go, fine.” I nodded, then swept my hand down my mouth, steeling my expression. I was losing my oldest friend. My co-leader. The man who told me it was always him and I, no matter what. This is how it ends. “I’m dead to you.”
I dug my heel into the ground, turning on it and walking straight out. I walked and I didn’t look back, even if the urge clawed at my neck to do it. I never thought it’d come to this point, but I guess the good things don’t last forever, and I learnt it far too late. I’d have to fight the proper way, I’d have to fight smart, and not by Ben’s terms. Not like Soldier Boy. I’d have to take this on the right way.
I pulled out my phone, dialling a number and putting it to my ear as I walked into the open road, down the pavement and looking up at the clear blue sky, which I rather envied as my head was clouded with the thoughts of every passer-by and their dumbass decisions to buy a doughnut or go for a walk in the park. “It’s me. I’m in.”
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LMK if you want this to become a series, guys!
Luv, Arty :)
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