#from mansfield with love
20genderchild · 1 year
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Persuasion adaptations' poll
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Emma adaptations' poll
Pride and Prejudice adaptations' poll
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bethanydelleman · 10 months
Hello! Do you have a post where you go into more detail about your thoughts on From Mansfield With Love? I tried to search but couldn't find it. Thank you!
Here it is!
By the way, I use Tumblr Top to search my own blog. Works better most of the time than Tumblr's own search function.
Also, that post is pretty critical, but I would like to reiterate that the production was amateur and I do appreciate the attempt. Modernizing is hard.
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villetteulogy · 5 months
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MANSFIELD PARK (1999, dir. Patricia Rozema)
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junewongapologia · 6 months
On The Origin Of The Species was feasibly published within the lifetime of Edmund Bertram, and you just know he would have been insufferable about it.
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fictionadventurer · 3 months
"It looked like a good day for setting fence posts, and my mother said so while taking the biscuits from the oven. 'Some morning early, when I can get away, I want you to come with me along the edge of the hill in the wood-lot," she continued. "When the shadows of the trees begin to come down the slope, as the sun rises you feel the turning of the earth. You feel the whole globe under your feet rolling into the sunlight. . . . That's something I found one morning when I was driving the calves to pasture. I've been saving it up for you. I wonder if you've seen a more beautiful dawn in any of the places you've been.'
On my fingers I count the dawns I have seen--memorable, just in being dawns. Sleepy-eyed dawn from the Paris markets after a night of dancing; mist dawn against which I was just to late to see the minarets of Constantinople--all the fault of the stupid stewardess who didn't wake me in time; one startling moment of color on the hills around the Dead Sea before they went colorless in merciless heat; sudden dawn like a clap of light over the freezing-cold Syrian desert. Four dawns in twenty years. No, I do not know dawns as my mother does."
-- Rose Wilder Lane, "A Place in the Country" (1925)
#little house#rose wilder lane#laura ingalls wilder#a little house sampler#i dove into the book seriously this morning#intended to read just the first couple of pieces and kept reading 'just one more' until i've got about 2/3 read#most of laura's pieces are familiar from her farm columns#though there's a couple of early versions of little house stories that show a lot of her voice did get through there#rose's are fascinating#i can't quite wrap my head around her#sometimes she'll seem neurotic and restless and judgey and sophisticated and a bit pretentious#and then she writes some of the most beautiful nostalgic pieces#showing so much love of home and family and the simple joys of life#this piece might be my favorite so far because it grapples with those two sides#after four years as a foreign correspondent she's back at home in mansfield#and she has a new appreciation for her parents and the work they do and the life they've built#now that she's had her adventures and is no longer a restless teen looking to get away from rural poverty#even in the other pieces it's fascinating how much love of her family comes through when you know about the difficult relationships#i should share some quotes from the piece about mary when i get the chance#(also i'm very upset that she didn't write down the story of why she and her parents never read the last book in the school library)#(you don't end with a sequel hook and just leave me hanging ms. lane!)#anyway i love the whole essay that this is from and there are other worthwhile quotes#but i like how this one captures the 'noticing beauty while doing farm work' side of laura that i've come to think of as her trademark
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doll-elvis · 1 year
For any of my fellow north american elvis fans that weren’t able to watch the new Elvis documentary on amazon, I have found a way to watch it 👀
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initially I wanted nothing to do with the doc but then I got nosy and tbh it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but Alanna Nash was somehow worse than expected 😑
Here’s are the steps:
1. Download ExpressVPN through the app store
2. There are 2 options once downloaded: a free trial, or a one month subscription for $13. Personally I chose the one for $13 just because I always forget to end free trials and this one charges $99 afterwards😫
3. Once you have chosen either the free trial or the one month subscription follow the in-app instructions for the set up and once set up you are going to choose New Zealand as the location and then click the power button
(it should look like the first picture once activated and you will know it worked when it’s says “vpn” next to the WiFi symbol in the top left of your screen)
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4. After that, download the app TVNZ+ through the app Store which is a free tv show/movie site only available in New Zealand
5. You will have to make an account on TVNZ+ but it is free and only requires an email and a password
6. On the TVNZ+ app the documentary is called Elvis: Heartbreaker. I recommended not leaving the app while watching because the vpn’s connection can be sensitive and log you out, and then you will have to log back into the app which gets annoying 😭 (also just ignore any error notification that says for NZ residents only, just click out of it and continue logging in)
7. Since Alanna Nash is a spiteful nasty hag, I highly recommend skipping her speaking parts!! 😃
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omjitskailay · 1 month
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I love this picture so much
This poor man is so excited about having a beautiful woman on each arm
meanwhile the woman are telepathically making out
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constantvigilante · 4 months
"Such was the origin of the sort of intimacy which took place between them within the first fortnight after the Miss Bertrams' going away, an intimacy resulting principally from Miss Crawford's desire of something new, and which had little reality in Fanny's feelings. Fanny went to her every two or three days; it seemed a kind of fascination; she could not be easy without going, and yet it was without loving her, without ever thinking like her, without any sense of obligation for being sought after now when nobody else was to be had; and deriving no higher pleasure from her conversation than occasional amusement, and that often at the expense of her judgement, when it was raised by pleasantry on people or subjects which she wished to be respected."
Such a great description of those relationships of convenience we fall into where we have absolutely nothing in common.
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koshka-sova · 2 years
rhodes island really does a good job of creating an environment where infected and non-infected are treated (much more) fairly and, most importantly, more humanly (for lack of a better term). from a player's perspective, its not always obvious who's infected and who's not just based on their appearance. in meta terms, the art direction is superb. and in in-game terms? RI treats these operators well enough.
hope this makes sense. read through anthony's files and was shocked to find he's infected. you get conditioned to think that infected Should live better lives, and it makes you not obsess over whether or not an op is infected.
other ak media also shows this relatively welcoming environment RI has, an example being the recent cooking manga. the original character introduced, a rim billiton cautus (sorry i forgot her name) was ultimately exiled from her former mining camp after the other miners found out she had oripathy. now, in RI, amiya bumped into her in the kitchen; she wants the cautus' help in making a rim billiton dish. when the cautus snaps at amiya's supposed preachings about RI's welcoming environment, amiya simply rolls up her sleeve. oripathy. and shes taken aback.
what i like about this bit is that she didnt realise amiya was an infected. its from there, she slowly sees that in RI, there is much less discrimination against infected, if at all.
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patrice-bergerons · 2 years
Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
I've lately been thinking about a ghost fic in which Dench!M and Q hang out as two ghosts—although Q is not dead; he has just ended up in a coma. He is bound to his hospital room and Bond is also there in the story, losing his mind with worry that Q will never wake up or flat out die on him.
Importantly, this is a set up in which Q and Bond hooked up at least once but Q subsequently hit Bond with a 'we can't keep doing this' because even though he likes Bond very much he has too many reservations about getting involved with him.
So the story is one part waiting for godot vibes of Q trying to pass the time, trying to make small talk with his dead former prickly boss (who really does not believe in small talk) and retain his sanity and one part, well-
M agrees with Q's reservations w/r/t Bond you see. In fact, she offers everything Bond does in that hospital room as examples of why he is untrustworthy, dangerous, unreliable, cold. All things Q told himself in deciding a relationship would only end in disaster. But M goes so hard on him Q finds himself...defending Bond, offering alternative interpretations of his actions and related counterexamples from the past.
(And it's only when he wakes up, grateful to be able to reach out to Bond again and still indignant on his behalf, that he realises what a masterclass M pulled in reverse pyshcology, getting Q to realise he has perhaps been too harsh on Bond before.)
Essentially, I just think we see such little of M and Q interact and it would be reaaaaly interesting to explore what their dynamic would look like and also the mental image of Q walking towards the proverbial light only for M to drag him back by the ear with a 'where the hell do you think you are going young man?!' is absolutely hilarious to me.
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greencarnation · 1 year
i love finding things inside second hand books. a note scribbled on the inside of the cover - 'for lily'. someone else's favourite lines circled and written on. a tatty grocery list that must have been used as a bookmark. anything, everything. i cherish every bit of history inside my books, every sign that someone loved them before me
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
From Mansfield With Love
Someone a while ago asked for my opinion on this series and I hope they see this because I can’t find the original post response.
So I’m on Episode No. 31 and I while I think it’s pretty good for an amature production, I’m really not loving the characterization.
Frankie does not seem super Fanny to me, and I’m sad because I’ve been told this is an in character depiction. The main problem is she doesn’t come off as shy. There are a few other things: she makes a lot of quips/sass (book Fanny is more likely to quote poetry), she speaks up a lot when other people are around, she criticizes people first to Edmund, and she in no ways seems to be in love with Edmund. (And I don’t think she’d say it out loud to Will, but there are no like, longing looks or anything). 
Frankie also just seems whiny a lot, which is something I don’t think we should be getting so much. Fanny accepts her lot in life in MP. When she has a headache from cutting flowers, she doesn’t blame anyone or complain, she quietly lies down.  I think it would have been in character to see Frankie after getting yelled at by Mrs. Norris doing some sort of mantra “I’m lucky to be here and have this job” or something. Instead of insulting Mrs. Norris behind her back which we never see book Fanny do.
As for the Frankie/Bertram dynamic, she seems to be more part of a friend group than a grateful, dependant. And I know this is hard to depict today, I don’t have the answers but the Bertrams really seem to treat her far too much like an equal or like a friend. 
I am also really disappointed by the scene where Frankie accidentally records Henry and Mary and learns that Henry can’t be trusted. It basically erases all of Fanny’s perceptive abilities. She is now an eavesdropper, not a careful studier of the people around her.
I have mostly enjoyed the depiction of Mary, though we are not getting the dynamic where she ignores Fanny until the Miss Bertrams leave, but that’s not a big deal. Mary has been merged with Mrs. Grant which is fine.
I also think Tom is pretty well done.
Henry has been a bit of an issue for me too. He’s actually attractive, which I don’t think is my subjective judgement because a bunch of the characters say that he’s physically attractive which is not the idea. The idea is that he talks his way into being hot. But besides that, he seems to want to go for Frankie right away, but then that doesn’t really happen, and it’s also against the book. He isn’t supposed to pay attention to Fanny at all until the Miss Bertram’s leave. And I think that is important to how in the background Fanny is.
Also, it’s kind of a problem for Henry to have a job. I think a big part of his character is that he’s perpetually bored and doesn’t really have anything to do (I know he’s technically a landlord, but he can manage that through a steward). We know that when Henry actually wants to do something, he does it. It might have made more sense to have Henry be the person who draws up the plans and then Mary actually has to build it or something so Henry can finish quickly and then be bored? I don’t know. 
Rhea and Rory is kind of strange, because they look actually in love, not like Maria is just in this for the money. I know these are amature actors, but I also don’t really see Rhea vying for Henry’s attention. She’s usually with Rory and staring lovingly into his eyes. The skinny dipping thing seemed to come out of nowhere.
As for the Edmund/Fanny/Frankie dynamic, I don’t know if it will become more apparent, but I haven’t seen anything yet that’s similar to “Fanny must have a horse/Can Mary borrow the house?/I ran away with the horse for five days” which is important in how Edmund begins to neglect and forget Fanny. I also am not really getting the “Edmund tells Fanny about Mary’s faults and then talks himself out of them” dynamic.
The one scene that really bothered me, and I’m really confused why they even did it, was when Frankie says she does a book club with Edmund, but then specifies that Edmund won’t read classics. And I was like, what??? Edmund and Fanny have basically identical taste in books in MP: but he recommended the books which charmed her leisure hours, he encouraged her taste, and corrected her judgment: he made reading useful by talking to her of what she read, and heightened its attraction by judicious praise. That was just a very strange choice in my opinion.
Also, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to get out of the little plot where Mary and Henry want to turn Frankie’s attic into a suite but then they back down right away when they realize it’s her room.
Anyway, happy to hear other people’s thoughts on this series! I am really glad it exists, because MP does not get enough love. And I am in no way saying that I could have done it better, these are just my quibbles.
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tadpal · 8 months
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gaygollum · 2 months
reading mansfield park gave me the same feeling as reading greywaren. it was bad
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bluebookpoet · 7 months
To stop loving you just doesn't make any sense
To walk away from you just doesn't make sense
To live life without you just doesn't make sense
I will continue to love you
Even if it doesn't make sence.
-Blue Book Poet
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