#fuck dutch angles
outskirts-of-life · 2 months
so i decided to check out the fallout tv show this morning, and surprisingly i'm really enjoying it!
my only complaint so far is that all the fight sequences with the brotherhood knight where they cut from an action shot-to his face-back to a different action shot are giving me uncontrollable motion sickness. the cinematography reminds me A LOT of Battlefield Earth, a film that famously has made me throw up.
has anyone else also experienced this, or am i just being a whiney pissbaby?
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lilacmornings · 10 months
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first date
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cinnamontoads · 9 months
ok i got lost in the sauce watching behind the scenes stuff for the live action one piece and the sets are actually Beautiful and rely largely on practical effects so that rules out my theory of their over-reliance on closeups and blur to cover up bad production design... the production design isn't bad it's the cinematographer who should be punished GET THEIR ASS!!!!
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regalbois · 1 year
me with my specific-ass interests within a fandom makes me completely incapable of really connecting with anyone within fandoms on god
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feleshero · 6 months
Only things on my agenda today are heading to my lawyer's office and getting my 'final critiques' for my student film.
Sounds like the perfect storm for some actionable writing.
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if stormblood is bad why this
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iamalivenow · 2 years
fully aware of the risk of the guy who wrote the fucking thing seeing this post  and fully aware that i sound too angry about a thing that truly does not matter but sandman has not one not two but three dutch angle shots. and two of them are a shot reverse shot? in 2022? would it not be kinder to just blind me out right
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benjinkies · 1 year
will forever love the thor movies YES all of them idc IDC there’s a certain whimsy and charm to them that the other movies just do not have and i refuse to watch anything else with thor cuz they are So mean to him and they don’t Get Him like I Do
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sadhours · 1 year
Bully - Part 3 of 3
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warnings: 18+ minors dni, this is practically all smut, inexperienced reader, fingering, oral (f receiving), handjob, losing virginity, p in v, unprotected sex, controlling parents, I think that’s it.
taglist: @bbyhargrove @whore-of-the-pumpkin-patch @shamidreamer @180-fuck-me @rosey96 @hargrovesswifee @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @amberpanda99
Fussing over yourself in the mirror, you worry that your dress looks like a nightgown. It’s a white satin, tight in the chest but once it meets your waist it flows down mid thigh. You believe your mother was under the impression it is a nightgown and that’s why it was an approved purchase. However, out of all your clothes, you really like how this looks on your body the most. You pair it with knee high socks and a pink cardigan. You’d just finished your make up and hair, matching your eyeshadow to the cardigan and putting on an obscene amount of lip gloss.
You worry you’re jumping into the deep end before getting your toes wet. You’ve never held hands or kissed a boy yet here you are, determined to lose your virginity to Billy Hargrove. Partly, to get it over with but mostly, because he made your entire body ignite whenever you thought about him. You glance over at the clock, it’s nearing eight and you think you hear Billy’s Camaro in the distance so you put your shoes on and grab your purse, hooking it around your shoulder. You double check your bed, standing at a few different angles to make sure the clothes and stuffed animals shoved under the duvet resemble your sleeping body. Then, you turn the lamp off and carefully crawl out of your window. It’s awkward to do and you’re naturally clumsy but you manage to land on the ground without making too much noise. You slowly pull the window back down and duck under it, staying still as you perk your ears up, trying to hear if you’ve already been caught.
After you’re sure your parents haven’t roused from their room, you slowly creep your way along the back of the house and hop over the waist high fence. Once you hit the sidewalk, you see the blue Camaro parked six houses down with the headlights off. Your inclination is to run but you don’t want to seem too eager, so you walk slowly. You pull open the door and ease into the passenger seat, turning to see Billy dressed in a dark green button up, his chest exposed and you notice his gold necklace on display as always. You wonder if he ever takes it off.
“Hi,” you greet him shyly, pushing your hair behind your ear and Billy leans over to hook a finger into the top of your knee high sock.
Biting his lip, he drawls out, “You look sexy.”
Your cheeks heat up and you look down bashfully, twirling your hair in between your fingers. Billy tugs on your sock and smirks up at you. Panic starts to rise up your chest, worried that your mother is going to come running down the street.
“Can we go?” you ask, glancing back to your house.
Billy chuckles, “I forgot I’m sneaking you out.”
He turns the car on, shifting into gear and whipping it around. Billy speeds, you look over and see he’s pushing 50 and the speed limit on your street is 20. You yelp, reaching over to grasp at his bicep and squeeze your eyes shut. Billy lets out his signature laugh and presses his foot on the acceleration further, definitely getting up to 65. When he finally slows down to turn, you let out the breath you were holding in heavy pants. Billy feels his dick twitch from the way you sound, he moves his hand from the gear shift to your thigh and squeezes and a high pitched sound leaves your throat. You’ve never heard anything like it come from you. The feeling you get is overwhelming, not having been touched that way before. It’s like you have to pee really bad but it’s different, somehow.
“You’re gonna be loud,” Billy exhales, shifting in his seat.
“What?” you question, squeezing your thighs tightly together.
He doesn’t clarify, he just laughs again. You look out the window, looking at him is just making that peeing feeling worse and worse. When you recognize the businesses lining the streets, it’s clear where Billy is taking you. Your heart swells when you realize he’s actually taking you on a date.
“Are we going to the movies?”
Billy shrugs, “Maybe.”
But you are, he parks on the street and hurries to open the door for you. He takes your hand and closes the door behind you. You see a couple kids you recognize from school loitering outside and you assume Billy is going to drop your hand. He does, only to wrap his arm around your shoulder as he walks with you. He nods to the kids but you avert your eyes, feeling shameful in the outfit you’ve chosen yet feeling special that Billy has chosen you.
“Two for the Jason movie,” he says to Robin Buckley, one of the few people at school who actually treated you like a human being.
She looks wide-eyed at you with Billy’s arm wrapped around you but cheerily says, “Two tickets for Friday The 13th Part 2. Seven dollars and ten cents, please.”
Billy drops his arm to reach for his wallet, trading Robin the money for the tickets. Once you get inside, his arms around your waist and he leans into ask, “You want some popcorn or something?”
The thought of eating in front of Billy makes your stomach churn so you shake your head, “I’m okay.”
He guides you towards concessions anyhow, “We can share a soda, at least.”
You giggle, walking up to the counter and he points to the selection, “Which one?”
“Cherry coke,” you answer meekly.
“One large Cherry coke,” he tells the employee as he pulls his wallet out again, handing him a bill.
When the guy slides the cup across the counter, Billy hands it to you and as you walk towards the theatre, he rests his hand on your ass and you cannot help but let out a soft sound. Billy laughs lowly in your ear and you worry he might have to carry you the rest of the way. Shockingly, the theatre is empty and the trailers have already started. Billy still chooses seats that are tucked in a corner, figuring it’ll fill out soon. He has you sat next to the wall and you look at him curiously, these definitely aren’t the best seats. You know your neck will hurt from this angle but Billy doesn’t plan on you two watching the movie anyways.
He wraps his arm around the seat, letting his hand fall onto your shoulder and leans close to you.
“Do you like scary movies?” he asks, voice low but his mouth is so close to your ear.
Your mother hasn’t let you watch any, so you don’t know. You feel embarrassed to admit it but you do.
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen one,” you whisper, watching as Billy’s face erupts in shock.
“So do your parents just keep you in a basement when you’re not at school?” he questions and his tone is playful but it’s not far from the truth.
You blush, smiling as you tell him, “They’re very protective.”
At home, your mother lets you watch an hour of TV a day but she has to watch it with you and pick what you watch so most days, you chose to read alone in your room. When you do get to see new movies, it’s only movies made for kids.
“Clearly,” he scoffs, “If you get scared, I’m right here. I’ll distract you.”
The promise makes your heart flutter and your stomach warm. You’d snuck a Steven King novel once and you thought you handled it well, so you hoped you would be fine during the movie. He reaches his left hand over and grabs yours, lacing your fingers. Billy tilts his head to look at you and the feeling between your legs returns. The movie opens and Billy looks around to see the theatre is still empty. He smiles, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. He leans over to kiss you and he expects you to follow his lead but instead you let out a shaky breath and keep your eyes glued to the screen.
“Have you ever kissed someone before?” he asks, but he figures he knows the answer.
Embarrassment flooding your senses, you shake your head, “I’ve never even held hands with a boy until right now.”
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
Panic, now, you turn to look at him, “I don’t know how.”
Billy chuckles, bringing his hand up to caress your jaw, “It’s natural, you’ll get the hang of it quickly. It’s what we’re meant to do.”
“You and I?”
“Men and women,” he mumbles, “It feels really good. You wanna try it?”
“Okay,” you whisper, wanting it more than anything even though you’re equally as terrified.
Billy starts out slow, turns his whole body as he pulls you closer. You see as his tilts his head and you figure, that’s what you’re supposed to do so you do the same. He chuckles and shakes his head, making you second guess this whole kissing thing. You’re horrible at it and you haven’t even done it yet.
“This way,” he tilts your head in the opposite direction he’s tilted his.
“Just like this,” he mumbles before he leans closer as he pulls you towards him. He gently presses his lips to yours, moving them slightly and then pulling back. Your fingers dart up to ghost along where his warm, soft lips touched yours.
“Can we do it again?” you ask, eagerly.
Billy chuckles again and at first, you didn’t like it but the more he does it the more it makes you feel good. At least he’s having fun.
He leans in again, colliding your lips harder than the first time. Billy scolds himself in his head, he knows he needs to take this slow but he wants to shove his tongue into your mouth so desperately, wants to completely ravish you right here, right now. The sound you emit only fuels his desire, he wants to feel you all over.
You two keep kissing like that, Billy is careful not to slip you his tongue yet. It’s a line of soft pecks, your hands grip his shirt tighter and tighter each kiss. You feel dizzy already but Billy seems antsy and you know there’s more to kissing than just this, you’ve seen a fair share of couples in the school hallways with their tongues down each others throats.
Pulling back, you tell him, “You can do more.”
He nods, grabbing onto your cheeks and pulling you to his lips again. He slowly licks against your bottom lip, expecting you to part your lips but you’re frozen, the sensation of his tongue against you incredibly overwhelming.
You feel as he smiles, “Open your mouth.”
Dropping your jaw open, Billy laughs softly and knocks his nose against yours, “Not that much.”
You’re sure your cheeks are bright red, but Billy’s a good teacher. You can tell he doesn’t want to stop even though you have no clue what you’re doing. You lessen the distance between your lips and Billy’s hand on your jaw guides it just right. He’s ecstatic, he’s never had to teach someone how to kiss and he’s floored by how arousing it is. He licks into your mouth and can’t help but squeeze your jaw when you moan softly. This is the most erotic thing you’ve ever experienced, you feel as if your core is on fire and the wetness seeping from you is brand new. He was right, this feels so good. You want to feel his tongue all over your body. Squirming a tiny bit, you know that you also need to do something with your tongue so you hesitantly rub it against his and you feel his lips curls up. You’re flushed with confidence while Billy’s a bit concerned, he’s never been this turned on in his life and he fears he’s going to cum in his jeans just from kissing you. He continues though, licking into your mouth but retreating every so often to kiss your lips. After a good minute, he pulls away and you’re both panting.
“How’d you like it?” he’s desperate to know, eyes scanning over your flushed face.
“More,” you whisper, grabbing onto his shirt. Your stomach is in coils, you feel like you’re about to burst and the feeling is frustrating. You wonder when you’ll get some type of relief, that part has to come soon otherwise you’re not sure why people do this in the first place.
“Anything you want, baby,” he growls, pulling you to him for another kiss.
Billy cannot hold back anymore, though. He knows he’s being sloppy but you’ve got nothing to compare it to and that gets him going. You keep letting out these sounds, they’re driving him mad. Once he finally pulls away, you’re shaking.
“I feel weird,” you admit, squirming in your seat.
“Like you’re gonna explode?” he offers and you nod vigorously, he explained it perfectly and you’re relieved he knows what you’re talking about and that maybe he’s feeling the same way.
“There’s a way to help that,” he explains, “But I don’t know if you’re ready.”
“Please,” you beg, anxious to subside this ache.
Billy bites his lip, “I can touch you. Between your legs.”
You giggle, excitement bubbling up. Your mom had told you that only boys get pleasure from this kind of stuff but now you know she’s lying. All you want is for Billy to keep making you feel good.
“Do you want me to?”
“Yes,” you murmur, already spreading your thighs.
Billy doesn’t hesitate, he smoothes his hand over your thigh and then squeezes it and you moan out. He panics a bit, “Think you can be quiet?”
“I’ll try, I’m sorry,” you apologize, ashamed.
“Don’t be sorry,” he grins, “It’s really fucking sexy, but we’ll get caught.”
You nod, urging yourself to be as silent as possible but once his fingers press against your clothed core, you let out another moan. He bites his lip, pulling his hand away.
“I know what we can do,” he whispers, standing up and reaching for your hand.
You follow his lead and once you make it to the hallway, he wraps his arms around you from behind.
“Keep walking, need you to be in front of me,” he mumbles against the shell of your ear.
It’s an odd request, but as you’re walking, you can feel his erection pressing against your butt and you understand. You don’t know where to walk though so once you’re in the lobby, you stand still and Billy laughs softly.
“My car,” he sings into your ear, springing your feet back into action. He moves away from you only to rush to the drivers side and get in. You do the same, sitting back on the seat and looking at him. You’re worried you’d ruined the date but Billy seems happier than usual. He starts the car up and throws it into drive, flooring down the road. He keeps looking over at you, similarly to how he would at school but there’s something a little more urgent in his eyes.
“Where are we going?” you ask, tucking your hair behind your ear.
Billy smirks, “Somewhere you won’t have to try to be quiet.”
You don’t expect that to mean a stretch of road outside of town, lined with forest. However, you’d let Billy take you anywhere if he’s going to touch you like he did in the empty theatre. After he parks, he crawls into the backseat and looks at you expectantly. You turn to face him but remain seated in the passenger side.
“C’mere,” he purrs, patting the leather seat next to him.
With a curt nod, you awkwardly maneuver over the center console and plop down next to him in the back. He looks you in your eyes, placing his hand on your cheek and leans in to kiss you again. Billy doesn’t go slow this time, he erection still straining in his jeans while he slides his tongue past your lips. You feel like your body is vibrating, made worse when he moves his hand down between your thighs and pushes them apart.
“Have you ever touched yourself?” he inquires, dragging his fingers up and down your soaked panties.
You gasp, gripping onto his shoulder in attempts to ground yourself. The question he asks completely misses you as all you can focus on is the firm pressure of his fingers. He nudges his nose against yours, finding a spot that makes your body jolt when he rubs against it.
“Have you?” he asks again, pulling back to look at your face.
Your mouth feels so dry suddenly but you try to answer him anyhow, “Not really. Sometimes I touch down there but it doesn’t feel like this.”
He grins, he almost looks wolffish as he shows his teeth. He still looks very pretty, though. You really like the curl of his eyelashes.
“Why don’t we get your underwear off?” he suggests, hooking his fingers into the waistband.
“Uh,” you panic, looking up into his blue eyes.
“It’ll feel even better,” he promises, waiting for you to say yes.
His smile helps your decision, “Okay!”
“Atta girl,” he praises with a kiss to your lips as he pulls your panties down your thighs and knees. You help him by kicking them the rest of the way off, eyes trained on his. He licks his lips as he gets a view of your pretty pussy, returning his fingers to slide through the dripping folds.
He was right, you can’t help the sounds flowing out of your lips. You keep your hand on his shoulder, like you’ll float away if you don’t. Billy nudges his nose against yours, smiling at you when you look at him.
“How’s this?” he drawls, his voice thick as it meets your ears.
You’re in heaven, you think. Your mom had been wrong all along, if this is what boys wanted then you’ve been missing out for so long. There’s nothing selfish about Billy’s hands, it’s very clear that this is all for you and you only. You feel like you’re a fragile piece of glass and only Billy know’s how to handle you.
“Nice, it’s nice,” you pant out, moving your fingers up to grab at Billy’s hair when he circles his finger along your entrance. A strangled moan erupts from your throat as he slides the finger inside you, the sound embarrasses you but Billy seemed to enjoy it, his mouth forming into an open, impressed smile. He moves his thumb to your clit, moving it in rapid circles and your vision begins to blur as you melt back against the seat, eyes fluttering shut as the pressure building in your stomach starts to rise.
“A-ah, Billy, I,” you try to tell him how overwhelming the feeling is but you figure this is supposed to happen, you’re supposed to feel like you’re going to combust.
Billy manages to slip a second finger into your tight hole, his free hand moving up under your dress to squeeze your breast. When he curls his fingers, a cry leaves your lips as you shake beneath him, your entire body feeling on fire as your orgasm rips through you. You chant his name out, your legs snapping shut and trapping his hand between them. Billy laughs softly, moving his hand from your breast to cup your jaw and pulls you into another heated kiss. You feel ridiculous, unable to keep yourself from whimpering as the aftershocks of your orgasm rip through you. Billy smiles into the kiss before breaking away, pulling his hand away from your core and then brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking your juices off of them. It heats you up all over again, you smile shyly at him.
“How’d you like that?” he asks, pulling your underwear back up your legs.
“Hmm,” you feel like you’ve lost your voice, so you clear your throat before answering, “I liked it a lot.”
“Good,” he smiles, tucking your hair behind your ear and you wonder what comes next, how Billy’s going to take your virginity.
“What do we do next?” you ask, looking at the bulge in his denim.
Billy coos, “Aw, baby, you want more already?”
You nod and he smirks, “Nothing tonight. We gotta take it kind of slow, I don’t wanna break you.”
“Break me?” you ask softly, holding onto his wrists because you fear you might start crying if he goes anywhere.
Billy laughs again and leans in to place another kiss on your lips, this one is sweet though. “Not the right word choice. It might be overwhelming. Let’s just take our time with it,” he says. It’s not something he’s done before then again, Billy’s never been with a virgin and he doesn’t want to fuck things up. He really likes you and while it’s purely sexual, he thinks he might like to actually date you.
For weeks, you continue to sneak out to meet Billy. You still haven’t seen or touched him where you want to most but every time, he fingers you and kisses you just like the first night. Sometimes you actually go on dates but mostly, he drives somewhere to hide you both from watchful eyes. Today, however, he’s asked if you’d come to his house to help him study. In the day time.
“I don’t know if I’m allowed to,” you admit, trying your best to think of a way to lie to your mom.
“Just make up an excuse,” Billy suggests, curling your hair around his finger while he looks down at you.
Billy no longer hid his feelings for you from anyone. He still bullied you but it was because you admitted to him you liked it. Granted when you did, he was whispering filthy things in your when he was pumping his fingers in and out of your pussy and you’d say anything to make sure he didn’t stop. You’d replay his words in your head when you were alone at night, trying to make your fingers feel as good as his. You would climax but it was no where as hard as when he did it.
“Like what?” you ask, hoping he could find a good enough one to get past your mom.
Billy grins, “Tell her you’re trying out for something or you joined a club.”
You know those won’t work, your mom was too involved in your school life that she would be suspicious. You shake your head and sigh, “I’m sorry. She’ll say no.”
Billy pouts, “Please.”
He wanted so desperately to get you on his bed, it was fun in the backseat of his Camaro but it was cramped.
It’s hard to say no to him but you can’t imagine a scenario in which your mother would allow you to stay after school. Part of you wants to say screw it and just go with Billy but you know she’ll call the police. You two needed to plan it better.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, your stomach churning as you read the disappointment on his face.
Billy frowns, “How about this weekend? Saturday? Any time from 9-5?”
You giggle, flattered at how eager Billy is to ‘study’ with you. “Saturday. I could say I need to go to the library.”
“I’ll pick you up there,” Billy kisses your cheek before he heads off to class.
The thing is, Billy isn’t anticipating your mom following behind you into the library. He’s parked outside, leaning against the hood of his Camaro smoking a cigarette when your mother parks a few cars down and you shoot him a sympathetic look, a silent apology. His plan is yet again foiled and he’s fuming but he can’t just drive away like you want him to. He waits a beat and heads inside the library, scanning around until he sees you sitting at a table, alone with your books spread out in front of you. He stalks over and plops down in the seat next to you.
“Billy!” you exclaim and then immediately lower your voice, “My mom is here. She wouldn’t let me go alone. You have to leave before she sees you.”
Billy grins, placing his hand on your thigh and squeezing, “I had to see you.”
You love the way his fingers digging into your flesh makes your whole body tingle so you melt into it a bit, your breath hitching up into your throat. He leans close to your ear and whispers, “Let’s study.”
Billy’s fingers inch up your thigh, grazing your clothed core. Your eyebrows shoot up as your eyes widen, but Billy notices the way your pupils dilate so he continues stroking you through your pants.
“We can’t,” you mutter, “Not here. We’ll get caught.”
“Only if you can’t keep quiet,” he whispers back, biting his lower lip.
You gasp as he applies more pressure, focusing your eyes on the textbook splayed in front of you. You’re torn, you want Billy to stop but at the same time, it feels amazing and you find yourself getting excited at doing this in public.
“I can’t keep quiet,” you breathe, and Billy knows this is true.
“Who are you?” your mothers harsh voice whispers as she stomps over to the table. Billy’s hand retreats and he grins up at your mother, flashing his pearly whites. You know this is bad, Billy is too pretty and your mom told you good-looking boys are trouble.
“I’m Billy,” he extends his hand to her, “Y/n’s classmate. Nice to meet you.”
Your mother doesn’t take his hand, instead she starts gathering your books and stacking them.
“We’re leaving,” she tells you, her seething voice makes Billy’s smile falter. He was always so good with mothers.
You nod, grabbing your backpack and shoving your books into it. You follow her to the counter to check out her books, not turning to look at Billy as he remains seated at the table.
In the car, she begins ranting at you. It’s nothing new, but her tone is a bit more frightening. You’d never had a boy interested in you before so your mother is more terrified than she’s ever been.
“You are not to talk to that boy,” she instructs you, “They only want one thing and he is no exception, no matter how nice he is to you, he is not different.”
You just nod, looking out the window.
“Do you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am,” you recite, “I don’t talk to him. We just have a class together.”
“Is that the boy you were wearing makeup for?” she asks, not believing you.
“I wasn’t wearing makeup for a boy,” you promise.
Billy’s at your locker the following Monday morning, a new plan formulated. He knows it will take some convincing but you won’t have any interruptions and that’s what he wants.
“Ditch class with me,” he pleads, grabbing your wrist as you reach for the dial on your locker.
“I can’t,” you tell him, an incredulous look on your face, “I’ve never skipped class before.”
“Please?” he brings your hand to his mouth and presses kisses against your knuckles, “for me?”
You heave a sigh, loving when he touches you but you’re scared. You know the school will call home tonight if you skip class. Maybe there was a way to intercept it, answer it before your parents do.
“Where are we going?” you ask, uncertainty still etched on your features.
“My house,” he says, smirking down at you, “No one’s home.”
Oh. Billy wants to do this, now. You slowly turn and nod to him, wanting to please him any way you can.
“Okay,” you reply, your cheeks stained red.
He smiles even bigger, taking your hand and tugging you through the halls.
Billy’s bedroom is interesting. It stinks like cigarettes and he’s messier than you thought, clothes strewn about. He has music posters of bands you’re not allowed to listen to and one of a lady in a zebra print bikini. You don’t resemble her in any way and wonder why Billy is interested in you and not a woman like her.
He closes his bedroom door and kisses you, walking you back until your legs hit his bed and you fall back on it. You look up at him, watching as he lowers to his knees before you. He hikes your knee length skirt up and starts kissing, from your knees to your upper thighs.
“You’re so beautiful,” he mumbles against your skin, eyes trained on yours.
All the stress about ditching school fades away as you look down at him. He looks angelic and you think there’s no way this could be bad. Not with the way he makes you feel like everything will be alright. He grins against your thigh as you let out a high pitched noise, foreign to your ears. You’re not sure why but sometimes when Billy compliments you, you make weird noises.
“Can I show you something?” he asks, lips dragging against the warm skin of your thighs.
“Yes, please,” you reply with a pant. The feeling of his mouth so close to your core makes you feel elated beyond belief.
He unbuttons the side of your skirt, inching it off your legs. He leans back and starts to untie your shoes, pulling them off so your left in your blouse, underwear and socks. Billy’s pulling your panties off soon after, discarding them carefully next to your skirt. He wraps his hand under your thighs and tugs you closer to his mouth, spreading your legs as he does so. His eyes sparkle up at you and then he sticks his tongue out and your hands grip the bedspread in anticipation. When his tongue meets your aching heat, you fall onto your back and moan out. This feeling is extraordinary and you are immensely thankful Billy wanted to show you this. He moves his hand from your thigh to grab your hand and guide it to his head. At first, you just keep your hand awkwardly on his head but when he sucks your clit into his mouth, you grab at his curls and whimper.
This is ten million times better than his fingers and you can feel the familiar pressure building quicker than ever before. Your other hand knots into his hair while Billy drags his tongue through your folds and initially you’re upset he’s moved away from your clit but then his tongue starts probing your entrance and you let out another loud moan.
“Oh, Billy!”
He moans against your core, the vibrations sending shockwaves throughout you. You prop your elbow up so you can look down at him, your eyes meeting as he starts lapping at your clit. You come quick, as soon as Billy moves to slide two fingers inside you easily. You shake around them, crying out his name repeatedly while your orgasm rips through you relentlessly. But Billy doesn’t pull away, he keeps curling his fingers and licking against your clit until you’re pushing his face away.
“Billy, Billy,” you pant out, “S’too much. I can’t…”
He chuckles, pressing kisses against your thigh as he sits back.
“You taste so good,” he praises, wrapping his hands around your calves.
“Feels so good,” you reply, breathlessly.
He stands up, grabbing a hold of your face and kissing you deeply. You can taste and smell your slick, it’s all over his mouth and chin. It’s not unpleasant but you wouldn’t say it tastes good. He pulls away and smiles at you, his eyes are darker than usual and you lean forward to kiss him again.
“You want to touch me, now?” he asks and you nod enthusiastically.
You still hadn’t seen or touched Billy’s cock but you’ve desperately wanted to. You want to learn how to make him feel as good as he makes you feel.
“Yeah?” he bites his lip and pushes your messy hair off your forehead.
“Yes, yes!”
He lounges back against his pillows and motions for you to follow. You sit on your knees beside him and wait for him to take his pants off. Billy unbuckles his belt and pulls it through the loops. He’s going too slow so you reach your hands over and begin unbuttoning his jeans. He hums happily, letting you take the lead. You pulls his jeans down his thighs and he kicks them the rest of the way off, you can see the outline of his length in his white briefs and a small wet spot which intrigues you. You had no idea guys get wet too. You bite your lip nervously as you slide your fingers into the waistband and pull his underwear off. His erection springs out and slaps against his stomach, a gasp leaves your lips as your eyes take him in. You’ve got nothing to compare it to but you like how it looks, you wrap your fingers around it and look up at his face to see his reaction.
Billy let’s out a breath, his lips curling up as he watches your hand. “Tighter,” he instructs you and let’s out a throaty hum as you obey him.
“Yeah, like that,” he whines out, the pitch of his voice something you’ve never heard and you love it. It shoots straight to your core and you feel yourself soaking your thighs.
“Spit in your hand,” he says and you look up at him with wide eyes.
“Feels better wet,” he grunts out and you let go to bring your palm to your mouth. His eyes follow so you avert yours, feeling embarrassed as you gather all the spit in your mouth and push it past your lips into your hand.
“Atta girl,” he praises, his voice low and deep.
You wrap your fingers around his cock again and look back up at him for further instruction. He places his hand on yours and shows you what to do, how to stroke him. He lets out a soft moan and pulls his hand away. You mimic the motions he’s shown you, making sure you’re not holding him too loosely. Your curious how his face looks while you’re doing this but you feel entranced by the view of your tiny hand wrapped around his length. It’s making you squirm where you sit, wanting to feel some relief. Billy seems to notice because he pats his thigh.
“Sit here,” he suggests and you listen, placing your knee on the other side and lowering your aching core flush with his thick thigh.
You continue stroking him, grinding down against his thigh as you do so. Moans tumble out of your mouth as you watch your hand working him.
“Faster, baby,” he encourages and you move your hand a little faster, glancing up to his face. He looks blissful, mouth agape as he watches you jerk him off while you writhe against his thigh. He scrunches his nose and you let out a little giggle because it’s so cute.
He smiles, “What’s so funny?”
“You look cute,” you tell him, accidentally curving your hand on the upstroke and Billy lets out a moan.
“Fuck, keep doing it like that.”
You nod, smiling as you bite your lip and repeating the motion. Your clit drags against his thigh in just the right way and you whimper, your upper body leaning forward.
“Such a good girl,” Billy whispers, hand grabbing onto your thigh, “Are you my good girl?”
You nod frantically, “Yes, I’m your good girl, Billy.”
“So good,” he moans, “gonna make me cum, already.”
Remembering how good Billy’s tongue felt on you, you lean forward and experimentally lick his tip.
He groans loudly, “Yeah, baby, such a quick learner.”
You smile at the praise, proud of yourself for doing so well. Billy’s fingers knot into your hair and he keeps letting out these pretty little whines that make you grind against him harder. Since it worked so well the first time, you keep up your pace with your hand and lick all around the head of his cock.
“Fuck,” he sits up, “I’m gonna cum. Lay down.”
You obey, laying on your back and watching as he straddles your waist, pushing your blouse up above your tits while he relentlessly strokes himself with his right hand until he’s spilling all over your hips and bare stomach. Intrigued, you press your hand to it and pull away to see white strings connecting your palm and belly.
“It’s kinda gross,” Billy admits, chuckling softly as he moves off the bed and grabs a t-shirt from his dirty laundry and cleans his cum off your stomach and hand. He presses a chaste kiss against your lips and smiles.
“You did so good for me,” he nudges his nose against yours, “Did you have fun?”
“Mhm,” you nod, “I wanna do it again.”
“Soon,” he kisses you again, “Let’s get you back to school for now.”
“Do you wanna come over to my house on Sunday?” you ask Billy the following Friday.
He smiles at you, wrapping his hand around your hip and pulls you close to him.
“Your house?” he asks inquisitively, his eyebrows raised.
“Yeah,” you nod, “My parents go to church from 8 until 1. I’ll pretend I’m not feeling well and you can come over.”
“What are we gonna do?” he teases, smirking as your cheeks turns a deep red shade.
You hide your face against his chest as you giggle, grabbing onto his jacket. He pulls you back so he can look at your face, palm flush against your cheek.
“We’re gonna have fun,” you inform him.
“Sounds like a plan, loser,” he smirks before placing a kiss on your lips, lacing your fingers as he walks you to class.
Saturday night, you don’t sleep well because you’re dripping with excitement. So when the next morning rolls around, you look exhausted and your mom notices when she comes to wake you up. You whine and roll over away from her.
“I don’t feel well, mom,” you admit, hiding your face from her so she can’t see the smile you’re unable to hold back. “Can I stay home and sleep in?”
“You want me and Daddy to stay back to take care of you?” she asks, rubbing soothing circles in your back.
“No, I’ll be okay by myself. I don’t want you guys to miss the sermon,” you mumble, rolling onto your back as you will your face to keep your secret.
“Okay, honey,” she says, “We’ll stop on the way back and get you some soup.”
“Okay, momma, thank you.”
When you’re sure you can hear their car leaving the garage, you spring up and run to your closet to change into one of your outfits you keep hidden. You forego wearing bra and panties, pulling your prettiest lace blouse on and a short black skirt. You pull on a pair of thigh high socks so you don’t feel quite as exposed. Next you sit at your vanity and style your hair carefully, smiling proudly when it lays the way you want it to. You put on some light makeup and hide the products back in the drawer, covering them with notebooks. As you admire your work, you hear the familiar purr of Billy’s Camaro barreling down the street. You rush to the foyer and peek out the window to see Billy parking several houses down. He climbs out of the car, looking casual in a t-shirt and jeans. As he walks up the walkway, you open the door and smile excitedly at him.
“Hey, darling,” he greets you, “Don’t you look cute today.”
“Hi, Billy!” you chirp, extending your hand and once he grabs it, you pull him inside and close the door. You don’t want any neighbors seeing and telling your parents. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into a tight hug, making you squeal as he lifts you off the ground.
He sets you down and kisses your forehead, “Why don’t you show me your room?”
“Okay,” you gush, leading him down the hallway and into your room. Billy looks around, seeing the gaggle of stuffed animals strewn across the floor. Maybe you should’ve cleaned up before he arrived. He purses his lips as he keeps looking around.
“It’s very pink,” he observes and you flush.
“My mom decorated it,” you admit as you shut your door. “Sit,” you suggest, pointing to your unmade bed.
Billy listens, kicking his boots off before he sits back on your bed. You straddle his waist, wrapping your arms around his neck and collide your lips with his. He makes a surprised noise, arms circling your waist as your tongue grazes against his lips. He parts them, allowing you access as his eyes flutter shut. Billy’s shocked you’re making the moves here but he likes it, it shows him you’re just as eager as he is.
You pull away once you’re too flustered, looking into his eyes as you confess, “I wanna have sex.”
“Oh, you do, huh?” he teases, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Uh-huh,” you nod, smiling wide.
“Well, I can’t say no to you,” he nudges his nose against yours, lifting you off the bed as he stands. Billy turns back around and lays you on your back, resting your head on your pillows. He positions himself between your legs and flips your skirt up, staring down at your exposed and glistening pussy. He gasps softly, eyes flicking back up to yours.
“You little slut,” he exhales, his fingers pressing to your hole and gathering your slick before dragging it up through your folds. “Soaking wet just for me?”
“Yes,” you pant out, squirming from his touch, “Just for you, Billy.”
He grins up at you, moving his left hand to push your top up to confirm his suspicions that you’re also not wearing a bra. He chuckles, bringing his fingers up to his mouth so he can suck your slick off of them. Then, Billy pulls your shirt up and over your head before dragging your skirt off, just leaving you in your socks. Feeling a little too exposed compared to him, your hands cover your tits. He scoots down and lowers his head between your thighs, his hands pushing them apart. You hold his eye contact as he licks a broad stripe up your slit, you let out a soft moan. Even though you’re the only two in the house, you feel like you need to keep quiet.
Billy focuses in on your clit, his tongue drawing circles against it. You whimper, squeezing your breasts as you watch him work. He nods his head slowly, dragging his tongue through your folds as he does so. His eyes are the prettiest shade of blue, sparkling as they peer up at you. And he’s so good at this, pulling the sweetest sounds from your throat as he works at your pussy with his expert tongue. When he enters you with his fingers, your back arches and your left hand grabs at his hair.
“Billy,” you whimper, “feels so good…”
You watch his lips curl up from between your legs, it urges you to the edge and you know you’re not going to last much longer. His left hand digs into the flesh of your thigh as he pumps his fingers in and out of your, the obscene sound of how you’re practically pouring into his hand fills the room. You can’t keep your voice down, cries of pleasure bubble out of your throat and Billy doubles down on your clit, lapping at it feverishly. He curls his fingers every time he pulls them out, dragging against your wall. He slips a third one in and you climax instantly, thrashing up against his face while your hand in his hair holds him firm. You grind against his face, riding your orgasm out as you cry his name repeatedly.
He pulls away when you relax, quickly ripping his shirt off and throwing it behind him. His fingers fumble as he tries to unzip his pants, his hard on ready to burst out as he wants nothing more than to bury it in your tight, soaking hole. He worries for a second that he hasn’t stretched you out enough but his overwhelming arousal pushes the thoughts away. He gets his pants off finally, briefs peeling away with them. He positions himself, grabbing onto his cock and presses his tip to your entrance.
“It’s gonna hurt a little bit at first, baby,” he warns you, “but I’m gonna help you through it and then it’s gonna feel so fucking good. Are you ready?”
His words are breathless as they leave his shiny, pink lips and you want nothing more than to be stuffed full of him.
“I’m ready,” you whine, “Please, fuck me, Billy.”
He groans lowly, dragging the head of his cock through your folds to spread your slick across it. You feel as he presses it back against your entrance and he begins to push it in and he was right. It burns as he slides the tip inside and your body freezes, your legs shaking as they threaten to shut. He moves his left hand under your ass and angles your hips up a bit, pushing an inch deeper.
You whimper, this time in pain instead of pleasure. Billy nods at you, “You okay, baby?”
“Mhm… it just burns,” you admit softly.
It’s taking everything in him to not jerk his hips forward and slam in his cock in your tight pussy. He lets out a shaky breath as he presses his thumb to your clit, rubbing it in circles. It helps, relaxing you enough to where he can push in another couple inches.
“Billy,” you whine.
“I know, baby,” he coos, “As long as we go slow, you’ll be okay.”
He continues stimulating your clit, pulling out a bit before pushing forward again. Slowly, but surely, he bottoms out inside you and once he does, the burning subsides. He leans down to kiss your jaw, making sure you’re comfortable before he rolls his hips gently. The sound that falls from your lips sounds like one of pleasure.
“You okay?”
“Yes,” you pant, “feel so full…”
You’ve heard that sex could hurt, but you didn’t understand until now. However, it was a bearable pain, it wasn’t excruciating. Billy was doing his absolute best to be gentle with you, peppering your face with kisses as he starts thrusting slowly. The more he does it, the better it feels and you relax under him. He grits his teeth at the feeling of your walls squeezing him, you’re so tight he keeps fighting to gain his composure, not wanting to hurt you but his entire body is telling him to fuck you senseless.
“I’m not hurting you, am I?” he asks through clenched teeth, closing his eyes tightly.
“Uh-uh,” you breath, unable to control your hips as they roll up into him. “Keep going…”
He moans out, his pace quickening at the confirmation. He grabs onto your jaw, turning your face to his while he thrusts into you harder. It pulls a grunt out of you but your eyes tell him it feels good.
“Your pussy is so tight, baby,” he coos, digging his fingers into your cheeks, “you’re such a good girl for me.”
“I’m a good girl,” you babble without thinking, your voice sounds funny with your mouth squished between his fingers.
“Yeah, you are,” he praises, drilling into you faster and harder.
Your spread your legs further apart, staring into his eyes. The feeling is overwhelming and lovely, you want to tell Billy you love him, that you love him but you can’t form words. Instead, short moans and cries fall out of you and Billy’s thrusts falter and he curses himself. He doesn’t want to cum already. You guys just started but the sounds you make and tight your pussy is gripping him is making it increasingly difficult. Your beautiful, doe eyes looking back at him aren’t making it any easier so he ducks his head down and starts licking at your nipple. You moan out, your eyes closing as you lay your head back onto your pillows. Billy moves his hand between your bodies so he can rub at your clit again, his hips rocking into you relentlessly. You’re quickly pushed over the edge, your orgasming crashing into you like a ton of bricks as you scream his name out. Billy let’s you ride it out for a bit before chasing his own, grabbing onto your hips as he drills into you impossibly hard and fast. You keep crying out his name, the sensation of his cock hitting your most sensitive spot over and over is excruciatingly pleasant. Your body thrashes around underneath him and Billy’s hips falter, pushing deep into you as he fills you up before he knows it’s happening. He’d meant to pull out but his own orgasm is abruptly ripped from him and he didn’t have time. He collapses on top of you, a panting mess while he attempts to kiss you.
You wrap your arms and legs around him, squeezing him tightly as you continue to whimper against his open mouth. It’s all ruined too quickly as you hear the front door open and slam shut.
“Honey! We’re home,” you hear your mothers voice.
Billy’s jumping off the bed, you follow suit and usher him to your closet, shoving him inside and grabbing your robe. You close the closet door and throw the robe on. You hop back into the bed and pull the duvet over your body.
“We were too worried about you so we left early,” your mom says as she opens the door.
You feel Billy’s cum leaking out of you and your eyes widen when you realize his clothes and boots are on display on the floor. Your mother notices your makeup first.
“Why are you wearing makeup?” she asks, furiously and then glances down to Billy’s boots sitting next to your bed. “Is there a boy in here?”
You spring out of bed, gathering Billy’s clothes and boots as your mother makes her way to the closet. You’re panicking but you know she’s already found you out. She opens the door wide and is met with a naked Billy, sweaty curls sticking to his forehead while he holds his hands over his junk. You watch in horror as he smiles at your mother.
“Hi,” he says, “I was hoping we’d formally meet before this but…”
You mother interrupts him by yelling your fathers name, “Grab the shotgun!”
Billy’s face falls and you quickly hand him his clothes, eyes telling him to run. He grabs them and books it for the door, down the hallway and out the front door. Your dad stands in the kitchen, watching as the naked boy runs from your room out the front door with his jaw dropped. You figure you’re already a goner so you step outside the door, waving to him as he gets in his car.
“Bye, Billy! See you tomorrow!” you call out and you can see him laughing, shaking his head before he starts up his car and peels out of the neighborhood as fast as he can.
Your mother yanks you inside and slams the door.
“If you think you’re going back to that school, you are sorely mistaken,” she shrieks but you can’t find yourself to care that you’ve upset her. You’d do anything to do that again with Billy.
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Cult of the sacrificial lamb ♡
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a/n: there is no actual lamb cult, I just like the title 😭 nsfw, mentioning their cock and titty sizes lmao
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★poka and juniper the Valais black nose's: the twins are inseparable. You need to bathe one but it's not the other's bath time yet? Suck it up then, 'cause they're both going in the tub now. No guarantee you won't get splashed with water. Poka is colorblind, and juniper is.. interesting. Who knows what's wrong her. The only way you can tell the difference between them is through their eyes. Who's blind and who isn't.
Physical appearance: they're both dark skinned with loosely curly black hair. At this point you should give them a haircut. Juniper has green eyes and poka has blue eyes. Juniper is 130 lbs, while poka is 120 lbs. (Juni's packing some pretty big milkers, DD cup bra. Poka got a 6 incher) 5'5
★violet the harri: violet is a little violent. Her name suits her. Kinda. You could be busy doing your chores and she'd tackle whoever decided to come within a 15 foot radius of your location. She likes to bite too, they out multiple muzzles on her only for her to chew through them. She's only ever docile with you, kinda. Just ignore the multiple bite marks around your arms.
Physical appearance: B cup, 140lbs, white long hair, pale as fuck, and violet eyes, 5'3
★azucar the Columbia sheep: I was hesitant to put azucar here since she's 17, legally a minor. I won't do any nsfw content with her because it makes me uncomfy. She can be the sweetest hybrid you ever met or the meanest. No in-between. Her moods flip like a light switch, unpredictable. She'll cuss you out in Spanish and then t-bag you. Talk about a hormonal teenager
Physical appearance: c cup, 137 lbs, curly white hair, pale skin, black eyes, 5'4
★wehrner the American black belly: he has daddy vibes, like he could bend you over his knee and spank your ass because you didn't address him as 'sir'. Bastard. You often catch him shamelessly fapping behind a tree in the fields, even when you freeze and stare at his impressive dick he doesn't stop, instead, inviting you to join him. And that's the story of how he got the cone of shame.
Appearance: 8 incher, 150 lbs, 5'7, long black and brown hair, grey eyes, peach skin, large horns curled around his ears
★Sally the angora goat: 'it's earthworm Sally! Carrying diseases from Florida to Cali!' That is her theme song fr. She's been fooling around with the neighboring farm's ram's so much you doubt she isn't carrying a couple STDs and maybe rabies too. Although she is very bubbly and cheerful, she just starts so much unnecessary drama with the other animals
Appearance: curly long white hair, pale skin, red eyes, D cup, 120 lbs, 5'6
★opal the Tennessee fainting goat: she's so tiny, and mean. She bit your ass and chest so many times you're always looking around your surroundings before entering the fields. Although recently you discovered a rather popular way to stun her and run away
Appearance: black straight hair (I bet she has split ends), peach colored skin, tiny horns on her head, 90 lbs, 4'10, A cup
★sasha the Australian cashmere goat: Sasha is quiet and stoic, but she doesn't hesitate to step in Incase somebody wants to start a fight. She's Kim's second favorite female (you're the first ofcourse)
Appearance: fluffy platinum blonde hair, pale skin, black eyes, small horns sprout from her head, B cup, 152 lbs, 5'9
★kim the dutch landrace goat: Kim can either be your angle or your debil. Yes that misspelling was intentional. More than once has he tried humping you, even convincing the girls to try and help him, except you keep running away. STOP RUNNING AWAY. Is it so bad he wants to impregnate you with his children!?
Appearance: long silky black-blond hair, bro is ripped, large horns curl around his head, 160 lbs, 5'11, 7 incher
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bellewintersroe · 11 months
Daniel Ricciardo x HornerDaughter! Reader.
You ask for a part 3, you shall receive 😈 I’ve had a few inbox’s and comments asking me for this so I’m happy to continue hehehe, do you all wanna see this series as pure smut or a mix? I think there’s only so much sex I can write 😭😭 this one is a mix so obviously an 18+ warning in place, but it’s not so heavy on smut in comparison to the other two parts.
@allabouthappiness thanks for asking me to tag you!!! If anybody else wants tagging in any of my work lemme know! Christian Horner throws a bbq party after Silverstone, it’s a good nice for the drivers to unwind and have some down time. High of the announcement he’d be racing once again, Daniel is obviously present and celebrating with his second family. The night is running smoothly, or so the Australian thinks, he just can’t get Christians daughter out of his head, and when she arrives later that evening the sexual tension is unbearable between the pair. In such a close proximity to being caught, will Daniel make a move? Or suffer in silence with his undeniable attraction to the younger woman…
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“What do’ya want Daniel, a burger? Steak? Or my daughter?” Christian questioned.
“What?!” Daniels head snapped up in shock. “Or a hot dog?” Oh. “Uh, a burger, go on then…” God, he was so in his head. It had to stop, she wasn’t even here and Daniel couldn’t stop thinking about her. There was an odd disappointment that the pretty girl wasn’t there, a sickness deep in his stomach knowing she was at another party than here. He knew it was wrong to feel that way, but after their exchange over text the other evening, he just had to see her.
After a couple of drinks his phone felt heavier than ever in his pocket. He knew she was just a text away and remembered how she’d told him he could have her whenever. Her bedroom was just right up there, maybe when she got home, if she got home tonight, she’d drag him up there. Daniel shook the thought from his head quicker than it arrived, her family was sat right in front of him, and it felt twisted to think such sinful thoughts about Christian’s daughter.
The night grew later, and at around 1AM, Max found the wondering, drunk girl lingering in her kitchen nervously. “Hey, look who I found!” Everybody’s heads lifted in unison, the petite girl standing shyly, waving as Daniel felt his heart jump in his throat. He felt her look at everybody but him, and then, when she finally did, he looked away in pure shyness. What the fuck happened to Dutch courage? Y/n felt her eyes slowly trail across the men and their girlfriends, before they fixated on Daniel. He was fiddling with the beer bottle on his lap, scanning over the logo like it was the most interesting thing on the planet. A gentle smile followed by a slight blush grew on her face. In an odd sense she was worried he’d think she was frigid by not doing anything, but it was kinda difficult when so many people were around in her family home.
When he did look up, they caught eyes for the first time. He almost had to do a double take, especially when she started smiling, angelic and innocent, lingering over his as her body angled away, tits bouncing slightly as she shuffled in her seat. “Have you got any food left?” She then stood up, speaking to her father as Daniel felt his eyes roam over her tight little dress. Fuck. He couldn’t- he shouldn’t. Watching her interact with her family was undeniably sweet and charming, but he felt so guilty. The way he had to adjust himself in his pants ever so slightly at the curves of her body, it was so wrong but he was so hooked. An hour or so later, she’d had enough to drink to make the first move to sit next to him. She had Checo’s jumper on, nipped by the cool British night as Daniel watched them interact in borderline disgust. Christian and Geri had ventured to bed, so had some of the other men, but there was enough people still lingering to make the whole interact with her inappropriate.
“Did you eat the last kebab? Max said he’d save me one but they’re all gone.” She fell against his leg, bum scraping over his thigh, almost as she went to sit on his lap. Her body was pressed against his and her drink sloshed slightly down her bare leg causing a shiny wetness that Daniel wanted to lick clean. “Nah, kebab? I didn’t even get one of those.” The Australian answered, head turned and tilted down so they were face to face. A knowing smile grew on her face as she purposefully looked down to his lips. Daniel thought he’d have a heart attack.
“It was me…” Checo commented, coyly. “Checo!” She groaned playfully, Daniel grimacing when her attention was no longer on him. “What? You’ve got my jumper, that makes up for it!” The Mexican man exclaimed as Daniel ground his teeth together even harder. Was he being paranoid or was he flirting? He knew the Red Bull racer had a bad reputation with women, despite having a wife and four whole children at home. Daniel didn’t respect it.
“Yeah, yeah.” She shook it off, waving her hand before sipping from her glass again. “I’ll take the jumper off you?!” Checo then continued. It took everything in Daniel’s power not to roll his eyes, he couldn’t believe he was the only one hearing this. Even she was a little cringed out, she wasn’t stupid, she knew when a man was openly flirting, but Checo just had one of those personalities, plus she knew his partner, she’d never go there.
“Have it back then… I’ve got millions upstairs.” She teased, pulling it off and throwing it back directly in his face. Daniel liked that, there was no longer the smell of a man’s cologne on her, now it was only her sweet perfume that he found intoxicating. Now they were skin to skin, she purposefully brushed her arm against his, teasing as she fought for a comfortable position for her arm.
“You didn’t try a kebab then?” She turned her attention back to Daniel. “Nah, why, should I have?” He couldn’t hold back the smile the whole time they were talking. “Mmmh, they were good, weren’t they, Checo?” Despite her words being aimed at another man, her eyes were glued to Daniel. For a second or so, Checo eyed up the pair, squinting in confusion. Were they flirting or was he just super drunk? Checo just assumed the second about himself.
“Yeah… they were…”
* “See ya’ guys later.” Daniel waved to Max and Kelly who drove off in their lift back to their hotel. Kelly waved whilst Max’s head hung out of the window, sickened from the mixture of alcohol he’d been consuming all evening. From behind Daniel he felt a hand smooth over his back, causing him to tense seeing it was y/n. She looked so sexy, changed into her oversized T-shirt and shorts that he couldn’t see the bottom of. Daniel could see the press of her hardened nipples against the white material, piercings obvious as he had the most perverted thought to lift the shirt up.
“My Uber’s 15 minutes away.” He then muttered, feeling a little awkward from the silence that took over them. “Oh.” She played with the bottom of the shirt. Daniel could’ve sworn he saw shorts earlier, but he must’ve been fooled because there definitely was no material covering her thighs. Fuck, he had such easy access to her cunt, something he’d basically dreamt of for endless nights. Alone now, Daniel’s eyes fixated on the bare of her tan skin, fists balling at either side of him.
She let out a sigh, questioning how the hell they could do everything they wanted in the space of fifteen minutes. Much to her disappointment, they couldn’t. But the alcohol buzzing through her bloodstream wouldn’t allow him to leave without even the smallest of a kiss. Her hand slowly closed the door, pulling the bolt on as he gulped, blinking away, back to the floor below. Feeling himself sway, he slammed a hand against the door, preventing himself from falling. When he did he caught her fingers under his own. “You okay?” She giggled, head tilting up to him. “A little drunk.” He rubbed over his face quickly. For some reason he didn’t want her to know that he couldn’t get the thought of her sweet cunt out of his head.
“Just a little?” She teased, his hand still resting on her own. “More than a little, fuck.” He snickered as she had the overwhelming urge to kiss him. “So am I.” She giggled, wrapping her two smaller fingers over his and nudging his hand slowly down the door. Daniel’s hand moved with ease, eyeing up the movement as she lead it down to her ass. Daniel swallowed, feeling her soft skin as he gripped on her flesh, squeezing a handful of her ass gently. “Hm.” She hummed out gently, moving her hand up over his shoulder, followed by the other, almost as though she was testing the waters. Daniel nudged his face closer, dipping his head as he inhaled the scent of her perfume once more. Fuck, she smelt so good. Their faces were so close, nudging closer, each aching for contact. “Kiss me, Daniel… nobody’s here.” She whispered, trailing a hand down the back of his scalp. She’d needed him all evening, craved the close proximity between them. Now she only had 15 minutes of it? “You want me to?” Why was he nervous? She’d nodded with the slightest moan, making the first move to press her lips against his own. The kiss was gentle, soothing, it ignited a fire in both their chests.
He’d moved in closer, kissing her a little deeper, but when he heard a thumping noise from upstairs he jumped back, eyes wide in worry. “It was just the dog…” she giggled. “Oh.” He laughed, scratching the back of his neck. Sure enough, the door came scurrying down, heading towards his water bowl in the kitchen.
Taking him gently by the jaw, she moved her lips to the soft skin of his neck. Her smooth lips moved over the sensitive area, kissing and sucking with the lightest pressure. Daniel’s palm was back on the door, pressing to avoid the urge to just grab her body. “Touch me, Daniel.” She sensed the worry in him. “I can’t.” He shakily exhaled, penetrated by the worry that her dad could possibly come down and catch them. He wanted to, he really wanted to. “If I start I won’t be able to stop.” He admitted as she swallowed a little, smiling simply and kissing his cheek.
She pulled off, and Daniels eyes opened again seeing her ready to spin away. He couldn’t bare it, “no.” So he grabbed her arm, keeping her in place. “No, no.” He muttered, pulling them around his neck again. Fuck… he couldn’t touch her but she could- “talk to me.” Daniel borderline pleaded, closing his eyes again as the swell of her breasts pushed up against him, nipples hard against his top. “Talk to you?” She teased, pushing her hips up to his. He was already rock hard, fuck, she bet he hurt straining against his jeans like that. “Talk to me. Tell me everything you want me to do to you.. please, y/n.” He was speaking quickly now, hands now gripping at her hips as she pressed up against him.
“So I can’t kiss you… and you can’t touch me, but you wanna hear everything I want you to do to me?” She blinked back to him, a fake confusion taking over her face. Daniel nodded, dropping his head so he could look at her better.
“Why are you torturing yourself like that?” She giggled again, hearing him groan. “M’ not messing around.” A hand slid up her body, onto her neck, gripping her throat as she let out a breathy moan. Fuck, she didn’t know he had that in him. It turned her on 10x more and she wasn’t quite sure if she could cope with Daniel holding off for much longer.
“Fuck, why are you winding me up like this?” She whined, grabbing a hold of his arm. It was the first time she’d let the confident guard down, staring up to him with pleading eyes. “Please Daniel, please… please. Nobody knows…” she whispered, feeling his hand smooth up to her jaw. Daniel felt himself losing control and had to snap back into reality, gritting his teeth as he held her close. “You know I can stay quiet for you.” Her hands tan dangerously close to the top of her jeans. Daniel let out an inward moan, frustrated by how close he was to feeling so good with her. He stumbled back against the door, head looking back as she fell with him, fingertips grasping around the material of his pants.
Spurred on by his hardness she let out a gentle hum, gazing up to him again. “I can be your good girl, Daniel. If you just want me to talk to you, then that’s all I’ll do… I won’t touch.” Deep down she knew he wouldn’t resist, he could barely even look back into her eyes or he’d lose his mind.
“I won’t touch you ever again if you don’t want that.” God no. That’s not what Daniel wanted. He took her by the back of the head, holding her close as he pressed his lips to her forehead, inhaling the scent of her freshly washed hair. It reminded him of the time they’d fucked in the changing room, her ass pressed against his hips, his cock so deep inside of her… he wanted it again, fuck he knew he couldn’t but he needed it.
“I need you.” Daniel told her, shaking his head as she gripped at his shirt. “Then take me, fuck, you’re making it so hard on yourself. You’re not doing anything wrong.”
“You’re 22.” He muttered, lips moving against her forehead. “And your dad is- is upstairs… he’s my princi-“ “And he has no fucking clue you’re down here with me.” She told him firmly, sliding a hand back down to the hem of his jeans. “He never will. It’s only me and you.” She kissed his jaw once more. Daniel felt himself losing control, again, his hand sliding up her shirt, grazing over the thin material of her underwear, over her waist and stomach. “You’ve got five minutes to do whatever the fuck you want to me, or I’ll just go upstairs and do it myself.”
“Not upstairs, do it here, do it now.” Daniel choked out, fingers curling over her underwear and yanking them down. “Please, please. I can’t touch you, I won’t, but I can watch you.” He shook his head as she bit down on her lip, enjoying the slight control he had over her. “Why can’t you touch me?” Her voice was light and airy as her black underwear fell to the floor. She’d purposefully changed into them just for him to see.
“Not now.” Daniel hushed, guiding her hand to her pussy, she felt herself, already wet, running her fingers over the sensitive bud. “I want you to-“ he cut her off with a bruising kiss. “Just do it. For me, please.”
Her fingers rolled at her words, almost falling back into the wall, but Daniel pulled her close again, holding her waist close as he could feel the slow moving of her hand. “Faster.” Daniel instructed, against her mouth, hearing her moan as she continued to pleasure herself.
“Want ya’ to make yourself cum before I leave.” Daniel shook his head, unable to get enough of her kiss. “I can’t-“ she went to whine fingers dipping in her wetness, it would never feel as his would. “Yes you can.”
“Need you Daniel, please, need you to touch me. Your fingers would feel so good inside of me.” She drunkly babbled, keeping her voice low as Daniel’s forehead rested against hers. He felt undeniably turned on, his cock was throbbing in his trousers and it took everything inside of him to not pull his pants down and give her what she wanted. “So beautiful.. you look so beautiful doing this, y/n.” He breathed out, overwhelmed by her beauty. Her lips were slightly agape and plump from where they’d been kissing, her eyes were lazily focused on him, and there was a slight knot of pleasure between her brows. Daniel kissed there once more before meeting her lips.
He’d felt something funny inside of him, not for the first time, and it wasn’t because he was drunk either. They were real butterflies, fuck, that wasn’t good- but the way she was sighing was angelic- he almost couldn’t stop himself. The alcohol fuelled his sex drive, and also his anxieties. How could they ever be together? Woah- together? Where did that come from? Daniel pulled back from the kiss, looking over her face once again. So pretty, so youthful, she had her whole life ahead of her, what were they even doing? “Daniel.” She whimpered, and he couldn’t stop. No matter what his brain was telling him, he was too entranced by her. God, he knew it was wrong, so wrong, but it felt too good to stop. “I got you.” He hushed, tilting her chin up to meet in a kiss. She felt blissful, the relief of the touch was good, but if it was his touch it would’ve been better. His hand flattened over hers, fingers on top of hers, mimicking the action, he was so close, yet not close enough.
Sneaking her hand away, his fingers finally sunk into her wetness, but it was cut acutely short when the buzzing of his phone interrupted them both. The Uber. Fuck. “Shit.” Daniel cursed as she awkwardly reached down to pull her underwear up. Her teeth sunk down into her bottom lip, looking at him through her eyelashes as he answered the phone, telling them he’d be out in a second.
“Sorry.” He whispered, leaning forwards and pecking her on the lips quicker than she could process. “See you later, Daniel…” “Fuck- I-I’ll make it up to you. Some how.”
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celestialprincesse · 3 months
Mustang 🌵🏜️
The morning after dinner with Simon, you sit patiently on your porch swing, a chipped mug of coffee clutched in one hand, a pen knife balanced between the fingers of the other. Fortunately, the mornings aren't yet sweltering enough to wake covered in sweat and kick off the thin sheet from your bed. The sun still rises languorously over the horizon, and you wake with it.
Simon Riley is surprisingly pleasant, and you begrudgingly admit to yourself that Marlene had been right, perhaps you do need to get out more, meet new people, get over it. Perhaps you like him because he's like you. He's quiet, peaceful on the surface, undoubtedly roiling underneath. It's impossible to miss when you know the feeling so well. Tyres crunching on gravel snap you from your reverie, the black truck, some shiny new ford pulling in your driveway, cab doors swinging open to let its driver out.
"Nice." An appreciative eyebrow is raised in the direction of the truck, amusement barely hidden at its cleanliness. You struggle to imagine him spending meticulous hours cleaning the vehicle - when you do picture Simon Riley shirtless and suntanned, working meticulously to rid the truck of dust and dirt, you internally chastise yourself before walking down the rickety porch steps to greet him. "You left your pot." His gruff accent feels so odd to you still, so out of place whilst still being so somehow pleasant, sending shivers down your spine. "Shit. So I did." The enamel of your Dutch Oven is cool against your hands, chilled from the AC in his car. Still not used to the warmth, you suppose.
"You want a drink?" You hum as you wordlessly make your way back up the porch steps, Ness nipping at your heels as you usher Simon and the collie into your cozy kitchen, quick to shut the screen door behind you. "I got sweet tea, coffee, lemonade." "You got earl grey?" "Do I look like the type to have earl grey?" "Black coffee then, please."
Ness seems to like him. Good judge of character, you think. You hope. Maybe she likes him because of how similar he is to you, and you can't help but appreciate the newcomer as he pets the bicoloured ears of your pet. Your place is exactly how he pictured it'd be, cozy in a lived in sort of way, knickknacks scattered across the countertops and shelves and the occasional picture of what he can only assume is you as a kid strewn haphazardly. The coffee maker whirs quietly to life as you busy yourself with retrieving a plate of biscuits from the fridge, chucked in there to avoid the occasional fly that managed to get through the screen in the rushed moments where you failed to close it all the way.
"Biscuit?" "Just coffee is fine." "Your loss." You quip back, putting the plate back in its rightful place, by which time the coffee has brewed and you pour Simon a chipped mug full. "So, the fastback." Simon manages a little awkwardly, dwarfing your mug between his palms. "Ah, the elephant in my garage." The crappy joke makes you actually cringe, eyelid twitching as you angle your head back to the door, making your way to the garage, in which you pull the cover from the red painted mustang with an awkwardly executed flourish.
Upon assessing the car, Simon grunts out a quiet "Shit", turning to you with an almost concerned look. "You pay for this?" It seems weirdly as though he's mad, like anyone who charged you for this useless hunk of metal and rubber had committed some kind of sin, like they'd kicked a puppy or shunned god away. "No. No, guy said if I could fix it up it was mine." "Good. Cause it's worth fucking naught."
Simon spends the morning tinkering with the car. Pushes it out of the garage with pure brute strength so that he can look at it properly, says he'll fix your garage light whilst he's at it. When he appears at the kitchen door like a lost dog, cautious to shut the screen door, he can't help but appreciate the way you turn to face him, leaning the swell of your hip against the countertop. "The biscuit offer still open?" "You're fixing my shitty car and you already looked at my garage light. At this point I owe you more than just biscuits." You chuff.
The veteran can't help himself but to ogle your ass as you bend in front of your fridge to retrieve the biscuit plate, along with a jug of sweet tea and two chilled glasses.
"Prepared." "Ah, figured you'd get thirsty at some point."
There's something pleasant about the quiet of it all. Reminds him why he moved out here in the first place. The quiet nicker of horses and the sight of a beautiful woman making him lunch after spending hours out in the unforgiving heat. It makes him feel weirdly grateful, something he hasn't felt in a while. He's at your side as you rustle up some other food, something more substantial for a man of his size who's just spent four hours in the steadily boiling heat. He likes the way you don't flinch when a tentative arm slips around your waist to grab the glasses you'd set out on the counter, moving them to the table before returning to press his shoulder against yours.
"Need me to do anythin' else?" "Just stand there and be hot." Slips out before you can stop yourself, and your hand flies to cover your mouth, all whilst he stands, massive arms crossed against his chest with a smug. "Yes, Ma'am."
Today felt like such a good day to write these two I promise I didn't forget about them!! I love them!! They're my emotionally wounded babies!!!
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dilfssleepingbag · 9 months
Tumblr media
Dutch Van der Linde NSFW HCs:
Minors Dni!
Fem ‘reader’
Calls you “darling”, “sweetheart”, “doll” and “love”
He loves spanking you. You wanna act like a brat? Alright, you will get treated like one (he sometimes leaves his rings on) “someone seems to have forgotten their manners. Don’t worry, doll..I shall teach you a lesson you won’t forget so easily” “who do you think you’re talking to like that, huh? Need me to put your mouth to better use?”
He enjoys to see your skin turn red under his touch, especially when the shape of his hand imprints on your butt (or face)
Has a daddy kink/ authority kink. He feels a surge of power and dominance whenever you call him “sir”, “daddy” or even “Mr Van der Linde”. “Yeah, that’s right, doll. Let them know who your daddy is”
Smokes one of his cigars after he successfully railed your brain into another dimension (he wouldn’t smoke around you if you dislike the smell)
His fingers…hdhjwbd… he def knows what he’s doing with them- like- just look at them and yk what I mean
He’s a big fan of orgasm denial “don’t cum until I give you permission, darling”
However…should you cum before that he will overstimulate you until you’re crying and begging for him to stop “oh? I thought that’s what you wanted, sweetheart. So take it and handle it like a good girl”
He usually has to cover your mouth in order to silence your moans and cries or the whole camp would hear you “ssh, you want everyone to hear your lewd sounds?” And you’d just nod and have him chuckle darkly “dirty girl”
One of his favorite positions is cowgirl. Dutch enjoys to see you flustered when he looks down at you and enjoys how it makes you look away. “ah ah, eyes back on me” he’d say as he grabs your face and turns it back in his direction.
He also loves to see you struggle to make yourself cum on his dick. Either your legs fail you or his dick just doesn’t hit the right angle “what’s wrong, doll? Need the old Mr. Van der Linde to help you out?”
He’ll make you cum one way or another. Dick, mouth, fingers. You name it, you receive it (but only if you’ve been a good girl)
Dutch is good at eating you out, the prickling of beard only adds to the sensational feeling he gives you and you buck your hips to get more of that.
He also enjoys you riding his face. The first time he told you to do so you got all embarrassed and tried to refuse his offer by saying that you’re too heavy and could suffocate him. He just grabbed you and positioned you over his head “will you sit down, girl? It should be considered an honorable death if I die by eating your cunt.”
If you were to suck him off he will make sure to humiliate or mock you before that. Dutch will slap his dick on your cheek and lips while looking amused “oh? You want it that bad, huh? I don’t see you making any efforts to earn my dick yet though. Keep begging, darling” (would smoke one of his cigars while he looks down at you (unless you hate the smell))
If you finally get what you longed he will tell you to thank him “darling, where are your manners, huh? Say ‘thank you, daddy’” (he will mock you for thanking him “what are you thanking me for, doll? Tell me why you’re thanking me”)
Dutch will throw your legs over his shoulder and fuck you hard and deep. He will place kisses on your ankles when he slows down and looks at your flushed face “taking me so well, darling”. He would lean forward and press your legs closer to your body as the mating press position allows him to slide deeper. “You like that?” He would press his hand down on your abdomen before playing with your clit with his other hand. “Aww look at you, doll. Such a cockdumb little slut”
He is also quite fond of choking you. Breathplay shows him how much you trust him and he’s easily turned on by that.
He likes marking what’s his. You will wake up with hickeys and bite marks on your tits, hips and inner thighs (he’s too much of a gentleman and saves you the embarrassment to walk around with hickeys on your neck..tho the camp most likely knows already what you did last night) And damn, will he be proud of looking at them the next day
He will praise you by calling you his “good girl” or saying “that’s it, you’re doing so well for me”, “that’s my girl, keep going”, “got myself such a good little whore, didn’t I?”
He’s good at aftercare. Makes sure to hold you close and place kisses on your head and forehead. His hands run soothingly over your legs all while he whispers sweet nothings into the depths of night
Some ppl who were interested in reading the hcs:
@photo1030 @pigeonsareevil @laureliciousdefinition @roamingtigress
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thepunkmuppet · 8 months
just finally got to watch workin boys and OH MY GODDDDDDD I HAVE THOUGHTS
jeff as hidgens is so. he’s just so
chad’s name stayed the same even though it was changed to workin’ girls everyone clapped
hidgens backstory oh my fucking god. what the hell this man has suffered more than jesus
the songs are amazing I wasn’t expecting to want to buy the album but now I actually need it their vocals are all SO GOOD mariah bryce and kim are absolutely incredible
bill and ted are on a date and you cannot convince me otherwise (I am delusional). also I love that ted loved it bc he was fucking INTO IT in tgwdlm
still need to know why hailey was dumping ass so much
I love the detail that paul didn’t want to go with bill lmfao
ted got brutally murdered again. I knew they would do it but it’s still hilarious
they really said ✨dutch angles ✨ huh
their real stage manager played the stage manager 😭 I love it he has a self insert hatchetfield oc
linda’s the only person who auditioned but didn’t get in lmfao hidgens really said #eat the rich
I love ruth SO MUCH rip queen (again). lauren managed to make her even more cute and pathetic than she is npmd, what a top notch blorbo 100/10
bailey wearing his uniform and taking his gun to a community theatre production why is he a himbo and why do I love him
I know I’ve already said this but sweet jesus mariah and kim’s voices are actually the best things ever they are so perfect in every way
grace just cannot do anything without discovering her passion for violent murder and lethal weapons and honestly girlboss
“our wet sinewy bodies” “I just came”
hidgens’ death scene was absolutely stunning oh my god
the fact that richie and grace went together to support ruth?? so cute to me. this obviously isn’t in the npmd timeline so it’s just adorable to me that they actually became friends in this timeline, I’m obsessed.
also they had an opportunity for pete and steph and tom and becky to be there on dates but OH WELL
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WIBTA if I restart an argument with a friend?
🌊⚓ <- so I can search for it.
So, a while ago, a friend was over and we talked. She is from South Germany while I am from North Germany, where we are both living (this'll be important in a sec).
I don't really remember why we were talking about the topic, but we started talking about regional dialects and sayings and then she called Low German* a dialect. Which tldr: big no-no. But I don't think she was being malicious, she just didn't know about the topic at all.
So naturally I explained: "You absolutely cannot call Low German a dialect to peoples faces around here. People will take offense to it. I don't really, because I consider the difference between dialect and language is arbitrary to begin with. But you will provoke incredibly unkind reactions from other people."
Her response was "Yeah but like. Doesn't everyone think their own dialect should be a language."
And... Idk why that one hurt but it did. It just felt incredibly dismissive. And I didn't really know how to respond other than "but this is the one case where it is true" which felt weird so I just. Didn't. We kinda moved on to other topics. But in hindsight, I really wish I hadn't?
Because I wish I had explained it in depth to her so she understands why what she said is considered unacceptable. But also for her own sake, because she will piss people off if she says the same thing to other people. And honestly for my sake so I can make peace with the conversation.
So I'm considering either finding a way to restart the argument/ conversation when we are together or go the cowardly route and send her a couple screenshots explaining the topic. But I also feel like restarting a fight we never really had and really doesn't matter is kind of a dick move.
Additionally I tend to be a person that corrects people when they are wrong and starts discussion way too much. Because in my family academic debates are a love language.** So I tend to reaaaaaally overestimate the amount of debating/ arguing people are comfortable with. They tend to perceive me as being upset with them while I am just having fun hashing out a topic from different angles.
So Tumblr. WIBTA?
* Low German is the regional language of North Germany. The definition of North Germany is actually pretty much "wherever they are speaking Low German". There is some controversy if Low German is a dialect or a language. Which like... People often describe it as closer to Dutch and English than Standard German, it's a recognised language in every state it is spoken in, it is recognized as a regional language in the fucking European Union WHY is it still controversial.
It is also very much an endangered language because in the past decades especially it has been looked down on as being "lower class". No that's not where the name comes from, low german is spoken where the terrain is flat/ low and high/ upper german is spoken where the mountains are. This attitude towards Low German is shifting a lot recently but it is entirely possible it's too late to prevent it from dying out.
** I felt like this part needed some clarification too. I can't count how many dinners in my childhood were spent eating while getting into the meat of whatever topic caught our attention. Politics or science or more spiritual stuff. Ask questions about things we were wondering about. Absolutely tear into each other when we had opposing positions, but concede when we were convinced. Oftentimes I'd get up to grab pen and paper, or demonstrate orbital dynamics with the jam container, a bowl and my plate, or use the butter as an impromptu drawing board.
But that doesn't mean we were fighting in the normal sense even if someone got upset occasionally. It was really just communicating with one another. It was connecting. Exercising our debate skills. Play-fighting but make it academia. It was genuinely fun to us and still is. An alternative outlet for sibling rivalry. There is no need to fight over the TV remote when you can just reason it out together.
So yeah. That's how academic debates can be a love language (and simultaneously absolutely destroy your conception of what is considered arguing).
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sumarak · 3 months
I really enjoyed the new episode! rambling first impressions below:
I like how when Max is opening up he does it very monotone, mater-of-fact and kind of struggles through it, I see that as a natural progression for someone very new to expressing their discomfort. I also like how they dealt with Max's aversion to change immediately as opposed to dragging it into a whole arc because the previous season already dealt a lot with that aspect of his character. like he still has a tendency to regress but he's better at managing it. speaking of, I like how all the lessons about growing into a better more open person last summer have a legitimate effect on him and he didn't just revert. I like that you still get to see how the camp is a safe space for him, and how he struggles outside of it. I like how they didn't show him doing the gymnastics because it is simply something the audience is not supposed to witness. (and David being proud of him but not crowding him for it)
I like how Nikkie didn't realise why no dinner for anyone is bad and has to take social cues from Max and Neil. I love how her friend's moods still very much affect hers, she and Max are essentially having parallel fears -> he fears he hasn't changed and is thus behind, she fears that being different will lead to her being left behind. I like how when she hugs him he reciprocates with one sturdy tap, it's such a small action but for Max that is an unprecedented amount of affection. Neil trying to have "a thing" was also really fucking funny to me. even funnier that no one reacted to it in the slightest. I like Nerf leaning more into pop-therapy speak direction, it was already there in previous seasons and it's a great way to expand. Nerris multiclassing is real and beautiful. (i didn't understand the joke CJ made about that when he said "is that THEIR word" if someone can fill me in on that) . I like that they're setting up a clear arc for Ered as well.
CJ is going to be a fucking menace I can tell. I'm glad Gwen is back too but her being gone? and then coming back at the end was confusing tbh idk what they were trying to accomplish with that.
and lastly, the animation was noticeably better and I liked it a lot. i think they overused the dutch angles with Max a little bit other then that it was beautiful. my favorite jokes were for sure the visual ones.
it for sure has a season 1 vibe again, where it feels like a new chapter and like they're figuring out the dynamics vibes and pacing all over again. it was a decent episode and made me excited to see what's going to happen in the rest of the season but it didn't blow me away or anything.
(also the whole season being behind a paywall sucks ass i feel like the majority of the fandom is going to pirate that shit)
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