#future leos interview
nani-nonny · 2 months
Between You and Me and Him
Peepaw interview p.3 yippeee! As usual, the peepaws are chucked into their own separate rooms for the entire interrogation interview. Sit them on rickety, old metal foldable chairs that will ruin their backs :D (their answers will reflect where they currently are in their stories, so no spoilers hehe)
Let us begin!
Q1: After the "I'm Blue" events or "getting kidnapped to another apocalypse" event, what were your thoughts about Old Timer (Reunion) and Achilles (LCD), and did something change after your mission?
The slider crosses his arms over his chest and leans back in his chair. He looks around, a look of familiarity across his expression. “Haven’t been here in a while… it was nice being away. But about your question… Is that what you call it? ‘I’m Blue’?”
His finger taps on his prosthesis as he thinks back to the week he spent in another timeline. Once he found his answer, the tapping stops but his expression had darkened. “Old Timer… he’s a sneaky bastard, always holding back information because he feels like it. But he’s familiar… and it’s annoying because I know why it’s familiar. It’s like Mom had raised him, he’s a lot like her in a lot of ways.”
And Achilles?
DMD’s expression turns sour and he glares at the ground. It’s easy to tell from his expression he’d rather not speak of Achilles, but he complies with a short reply. “I still don’t like him.”
He looks up and adds, “Is the bastard here? I’d like to have a word with him.”
He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms at the mention of Achilles. “Why bother with that guy? There’s no helping him, he’s a lost cause. Mention him around me and there will be a blood bath, I make no promises on ‘playing nice’ even if Old Timer is around. Speaking of, the old guy… he creeps me out. And still does even though I haven’t seen him since. It feels like he always watching me, even Mikey can feel it. But he can’t tell me how.”
For (A)PAF: Q1: If Draxum said he would take Lou off your hands since F!Draxum had her and/or made her... Would you allow that?
The slider is still looking around, bewildered at his new surroundings and unsure of how to react. He hasn’t taken his seat or moved from the doorway, despite the door closed behind him. But even more confusion riddles his mind once the question finally seeps through his ears. “Lou? Who’s Lou—Wait,” he storms forward and crashes into the chair. He fumbles his words as he asks, “Draxum made her…? The baby?! The baby’s name is Lou—?”
I think that’s enough time with that question. We don’t want to spoil the surprise for our new contender :D
Q2: Ever thought of putting Baby Lou in kindergarten once she reaches the age to attend one?
He points a finger forward, pushing the chair aside as he shouts, “You’re not going to pass that question like nothing happened! You know who the baby’s name—you know how she came to be. Tell me—.”
Oopsie, more spoilers. Let’s move on :)
For WDS: If you by chance, end up so drunk you’re unable to move, would your ghost brothers be able to help guide your body home or would they be just loud, annoying voices in your head?
He noticeably relaxes in his chair, more than pleased with the subject change and he hums to himself before coming to an answer. “Currently… no? At least,” he rubs his tympana with a disturbed look on his face and continues, “That’s what Mikey says. He says ‘there’s a lot to be revealed’, or something like that. I don’t know, he’s being really sneaky at the moment.” He shrugs before snapping his hand to his chest, a surge of electricity coursing to his fingertips from the touch. “Whoa, that’s new…”
Welcome back, LCD, it’s been a while. We have a few questions for you…
Q1: Have the kids (Leo, CJ and possibly the others) tried delivering food to you on a daily basis? You know, because they're worried about you?
LCD, as always, refuses to sit in his chair. His arms are crossed and he stands behind the chair, ready to leave when he prefers. It’s amazing he’s back in the room without much of a fight. Upon hearing the question, his response is short, “No. Only Leo and CJ come to the Hidden City, and it’s for sightseeing.”
Q2: Are you planning on spending the rest of your life in the Hidden City as a vigilante? Not to be rude but... You would miss so many things being away from the kids for so long. Time doesn’t wait for anyone…
His brow rises and his eyes narrow as the corner of his mouth twitches. “I don’t see why I have to answer you. My life doesn’t revolve around the Hamatos anymore.”
Answer the question.
His eye twitches and his hand slowly lowers for a sword that isn’t there. His hand grips tightly over nothing before he responds coldly, “I don’t plan on playing a ‘vigilante’ forever. But I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.”
Okay… good enough.
Now, Reunion, we have some questions for you.
Q1: Why don’t you tell the kids things about the future? For example: pointing out that a threat would come in a certain date...etc. Is there any reason?
Reunion is standing off to the side, staring closely at a wall before poking it. He leans close to the tip of his finger for a better view as he runs his chin. He turns his focus after hearing the question, then walks over to the chair to sit. He looks around once more before saying, “Nothing new about this place? I thought it wasn’t happening for so long because of renovations… oh, right, the question. It’s simple. My future isn’t their future. Warning them about an incoming danger would get them paranoid about something that may never come. I’m from a future destroyed by the Krang after decades of war. They prevented the war. They’re on a completely different time branch than mine, maybe not even on the same tree anymore.”
His expression softens for a moment, a sense of guilt riddling his expression as he adds, “I can’t warn them for something that I don’t know about.”
Hmmm… how about:
Q2: Ever thought of making dimension comms to the kids instead of opening the gate multiple times to visit and check? Not to be rude, but if I’m not wrong, opening the portal all the time hurts your brothers, no?
He whistles with amusement and leans back in his chair, tilting the front legs off the ground. “Good question, good question… better question is: do you know how difficult it is to make those? The more time passes, the farther our branches grow. Sooner or later, we won’t be able within reach anymore. And by then, those very expensive and time-consuming devices will be worthless.”
He nearly falls off his chair and lands back on the floor with a heavy scrape. He prostrates himself and gives a nervous laugh before clearing his throat. “Look, I’d love to do it, but making those devices would put more danger on those kids. I have enemies that I dont want to risk introducing the kids to, and having those devices will offer a link to a different time that they can take advantage of. Believe me, if there was a different option, I’d take it in a heartbeat. But…” He deflates slightly and mumbles, “Things aren’t as easy as they used to be.”
Okay everyone, except (a)paf, one question for you all!
What are your thoughts of APAF and Baby Lou in general?
DMD leans forward to rest his chin in his hand, propping his elbow in his lap. He thinks for a moment before answering, “I haven’t met the baby. But I noticed the new Leo in passing… he looked stressed? Has his story ended yet? And a baby? Does he have a child?”
Reunion jumps up, a significant pop sounds from his knees in his excitement. “Oh, I saw them. His baby is an adorable, sweet little girl with the biggest eyes. She knows so much behind those little eyes, and I wish I could say more but… what’s the fun in that?”
“There’s a baby?”
He perks in his chair, slapping his hands over his tympanum and leaning over in the chair as if in pain. “Shut up, guys, please!”
After a short second, he rises, rubbing his tympanum and finally responds. “My siblings share more excited than they should be. But we haven’t seen anything. Mikey is trying to get some intel.” He leans in to whisper, “Is it his baby? He actually fuc—!”
Let’s remain somewhat decent… Thank you for sending questions for the peepaws!
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5sospenguinqueen · 15 days
Play Pretend | Charles Leclerc x Law Student! Reader
Summary: He's Lightning McQueen. You're Elle Woods. But, when Charles misses you, he makes it known that perhaps your career isn't as important as his wishes to start a family.
Warnings: Swearing. Angst. Baby fever? Miscommunication.
Female reader with various faceclaims. Pics found on Pinterest.
2024 but some events switched around 
I'm trying to make all of these different to each other so I'm sorry that this one was less baby fever and more baby mention.
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, francisca.cgomes and others 
YourUserName the cause of stress v. the support systems   tagged: charles_leclerc, YourBestFriend
User1 i love how all her captions ft her degree are legal themed 
User2 our favourite elle woods 
charles_leclerc ❤️💛
charles_leclerc mon ange, what are you doing in that second photo
→ YourUserName it’s probably best you don’t know, char
→ YourBestFriend cocktails were involved
→ charles_leclerc this is why i don’t like leaving her with you 
→ YourBestFriend cry me a river, vroom vroom boy 
User3 i love that max follows charles’ gf but not charles himself 
francisca.cgomes get that degree, girl! 
lilymhe i still think i would be a better support system than charles
→ YourUserName and i fully agree. let’s run away together
→ alex_albon whoa, whoa, whoa. get your own girlfriend
→ charles_leclerc she already has her own girlfriend! 
→ charles_leclerc wait, no
→ User4 the prettiest girlfriend
User5 i swear charles and y/n are the cutest f1 couple
→ User6 they always look so infatuated with each other 
→ User7 umm, how? she's literally never at races 
→ User8 because she’s off being successful in her own way, and charles supports that? plus, she’s always snapped in ferrari merch on race days whether she’s there or not
→ User9 omg yes! when a classmate took a pic of her leaving a final in bright red, and she was easily the most spottable person in that hall 
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charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc and others
charles_leclerc welcome home baby leo  tagged: YourUserName
User10 omg dad charles!! 
User11 charles in his dog dad era
User12 we’ve only had leo for a minute now but if anything happened to him, i would kill everyone here and then myself 
YourUserName my two favourite boys ❤️
→ User13 mom and dad!! 
User14 did you see in the background of one of the pics, they have his “birth certificate” framed and it says leo leclerc-y/l/n. he truly is their child
→ User15 omg they would make the best parents
→ User16 agreed! i can’t wait for them to have a baby. it would be too cute, i fear
roscoelovescoco can’t wait’s to see’s a new’s friend in’s the paddock’s 
→ User17 roscoe-leo play date when please
→ User18 not until 2025 😂
User19 but let’s all take a moment to appreciate how cool leo’s parents are. he has an f1 racer for a dad, and a fashionable law student for a mum
→ User20 haha his parents are lightning mcqueen and elle woods 
pierregasly thanks mate. now kika is going to want one
→ YourUserName and you should give her one. i need a mum friend 
User21 first they adopt ollie and now leo. who’s next
→ YourUserName oscar
→ User21 omg i love you! 
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User1 the interviewer was asking about future races and charles wasted no time in bringing up his girlfriend. he’s so down bad 
User2 the way his face lights up when he talks about her. he really does love her. 
User3 how cute. they’ve just gotten a puppy together, and he’s already thinking about all the future things he wants to do 
User4 oh Charles, honey, that’s not giving what you think it is 
User5 any other woman slightly uncomfortable with the way this was worded?
→ User6 lets all take a moment to remember that english isn’t his first language. he obviously meant well, and the love in his eyes shows that he’s excited about a life with y/n, it just wasn’t worded in the best way 
User7 the interviewer was so skeezy for that last comment though
→ User8 it’s the way charles' face changed when the interviewer said that. like he realised what he was saying came across the wrong way 
User9 i feel so bad for y/n. she’s always so supportive of charles' races, even when she’s not there, and charles is talking about how he can't wait for her to be done with her degree so she can follow him around the world 
→ User10 i don’t think he meant it that way. he looked horrified when the interviewer interpreted it that way but the interview ended before he could clarify further 
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User11 do we think mom and dad are fighting after his *slightly* misogynistic comments about making her a kept woman
→ User12 i really hope not but my heart says yes because he basically said he’ll turn her into a travel wife who only cares about his career but said nothing about her career that she’s working really hard on
User13 i’m hoping that she’s just mad at him and eventually they’ll talk this through
→ User14 praying. like it wasn’t a great thing to say but hopefully they argue, say a few harsh words and carry on being the most adorable couple in f1
User15 i didn’t realise how much i depended on y/n’s post race posts until i didn’t get one
→ User16 she always posts the most panty-dropping post race charles pics 
User17 i miss them already 
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User1 oh god, it’s official
User2 i am not feeling good
User3 brb just gonna go cry my eyes out for an hour 
User4 what do you mean mum and dad have broken up 
User5 literally half of her insta posts have disappeared because they were all charles 
→ User6 the only thing keeping me sane is that any post where he wasn’t the main focus but slightly in them have been kept 
User7 omg I just checked and it’s true!!!
User8 i know we didn’t get her in the paddock all the time but i’m going to miss seeing her ferrari themed fits 
User9 the nation of monaco is in mourning
User10 can someone check on ollie? see how he’s coping as a child of divorce 
liked by OllieBearman
User11 yes, yes. this is all very sad but now that i’m done crying, can we talk about what is going to happen with leo? is this going to be a shared custody agreement?
→ User12 how could i forget about leo. do you think they’ll see each other at child drop off or make arthur be the middle man?
User13 i can't believe they just got a puppy together and now they’re going to be co-parenting instead :( 
User14 i no longer believe in love
User15 maybe this is just a minor speed bump in the road to their everlasting happiness? (yes, i’m hoping that they’re simply taking a small break)
→ User16 may all your delulus come trululu
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lilymhe, arthur_leclerc and others 
YourUserName the verdict is unanimous… I’m stressing
YourBestFriend this barbies practices law
→ YourUserName and she wouldn’t be complete without her historian barbie
→ YourBestFriend not long left, babe. just a couple of exams and we’re qualified adults
→ YourUserName i don’t think we should ever be classed as qualified adults lol 
→ YourMum i still can't get over the fact that you two used to play pretend lawyers as little girls and now you're actually going to be one
lilymhe good luck, y/n. you’re gonna smash these! 
→ YourUserName if not, fancy running me over with your golf cart? 
francisca.cgomes good luck, beautiful girl. and if all else fails, at least you can boast that you know latin
→ YourUserName ut dulcis es, kiks. 
→ francisca.cgomes see, not a clue what you said. But i miss you trying to teach me. brunch soon? 
liked by YourUserName
arthur_leclerc good luck, y/n/n. try not to drink too much caffeine 
→ YourUserName i’m not that bad! 
→ arthur_leclerc you cannot lie to me. i have had to listen to you after three red bulls
→ landonorris betrayal! 
User1 she’s so real for that last slide tho. like miss y/l/n you are gorgeous and we’re glad you know it
YourClassmate how do you look so nice despite being in the library until 2am?
→ User2 dude, no. that line is not going to pull the stunning y/n y/l/n
→ User3 literally, the love of her life is charles leclerc and this guy thinks he’s going to win her over with a bad line 
User4 i’m jealous of how neat those notes are though. i don’t think i’ve ever written that neat 
User5 good luck. don’t let charles’ silly comments stop you from achieving your goals 
User6 guys, is anyone else missing the sweet comments charles would always leave 
→ User7 he would be agreeing with the last slide and telling her how beautiful and smart she is 
→ User8 how about we don’t remind her of her ex-boyfriend the day before her life-changing exams
User9 good luck, y/n. we’re all hoping you do well! 
carlossainz55 good luck🤞🏼
→ User10 not sainz being messy on main
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charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by pierregasly, scuderiaferrari and others
charles_leclerc there is nothing like racing in italy for ferrari. i wish we had a better result, but that was the maximum today. we’ll try again next week. 
User11 the maximum? babe, you were still on the podium. we’re all proud 
User12 eyes on monaco! charles leclerc, prince of ferrari 
User13 how does one man look THIS good 
User14 did you see his interview of him on his way out of the paddock? man was in a rush with poor leo tucked under his arm
→ User15 it’s y/n’s week with leo so charles was running out there because it was time to go see his favourite girl 
→ User16 he was not wasting a minute to see the love of his life 
User17 charles racing faster to go see his ex-girlfriend who he’s wildly obsessed with than he did all weekend 
→ User18 bestie you better pray he doesn’t see this 
→ User17 why? ‘cause he’ll have to fight the urge to like it 
→ User19 uh, he got a podium. i'd say he drove pretty fast
→ User17 omg guys this wasn’t a criticism on his driving, more of a comparison for how badly he wanted to see y/n
User20 i’m so happy that it’s y/n’s week with leo because we’re going to get the most adorable puppy pics on her story all week
→ User21 also it means that his parents will be conversing 
User22 i love that we’re all depending on leo to get f1’s favourite couple back together 
→ User23 a bad argument tore them apart but an adorable puppy will mend everything 
→ User24 literally, the more they see each other and the more they talk, the sooner they’ll realise they couldn't be with anyone but each other 
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Baby Fever Angst
Daniel's Version | Max's Version | Lando's Version
Lance's Version | Oscar’s Version
Oscar's version will come out next and then I promise, I'll release some of the Part 2s before making any more
(This wasn’t due out until tomorrow but I’ve released it earlier in honour of THE MONACO WIN BABY!!!!!!) 🥳🍾🥳🍾
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stelliumastrology · 2 years
#113 Postcards to the Future: An Interview with Anne Whitaker
I've recommended Anne’s work before so you can imagine how excited I was when she agreed to be a guest on The Stellium Astrology Podcast!
I had such a great time talking to Anne Whitaker – we haven’t met before but you’d never guess – our synastry is tangible! Anne has written for Dell Horoscope and also the Astrological Journal, and was kind enough to send me a copy of her brilliant book: Postcards to the Future: Mercurial Musings 1995-2021. Nothing could prepare me for how binge-worthy this book would be, I highly recommend…
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shroomaz · 5 months
"No One Else but You..." (Part 1)
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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Hope everyone has a lovely morning/night to start the new year off. And speaking of starting off- here is the first chapter of "No One Else but You..." ENJOYYY!!!
If you haven't read the introduction- that's fine! But if you do want to here you are:
You gasp for air as you wake from your slumber.
You had a nightmare...but can't recall what it was about. Ah, the typical "I had a nightmare- but immediately forgot what it was about." A classic...
Stretching your arms, cracking your back, climbing out of bed, and putting on some slippers. Yawning in the process, you pick up your phone, looking at the time.
"I'M LATE- !" you started rushing around the room gathering something "professional" to wear and tossing your once comfortably warm pjs across the room.
It was hard enough that you left home for college to continue your "most precious" dream career... if only it was so easy. Once you got to California- it was like putting a goldfish into a pool of hungry piranhas. You had no idea where to go, no idea what to do, and most importantly no one to comfort you whilst you were gone.
You left New York to California hoping for something greener on the other side. Hoping to be able to see more things and get more experiences, but of course, life had another plan to drop the ball on you.
Ah, the feeling...the feeling of the young naive you wandering around town with hopeful sparkles in your eyes...those sparkles had dimmed a long time ago since then.
This was your final chance to get something done right. This job interview would be the pin in what you always wanted. That is-- if the traffic would hurry up.
Once you've arrived; you rush up the office stairs, holding your files and resumes in hand, some papers trying to fly away and you tripping on your feet.
People giving you looks as you kept running into them, with your apologies following after.
FINALLY! You made it to the front desk.
"Um...hello there," you said to the desk lady typing on her computer before looking at you with her glasses sliding to her nose and with a... not-so-welcoming look in her eyes.
"Yes...? What is your business for today?" She replied to your question, almost bitterly.
"I'm sorry for coming in so late- but I'm here for the 9 o'clock interview. For the opening position?" You were nearly about to ramble to the lady before she cut you off coldly.
"That position has already been filled." She continued to look back at her computer, typing and TRYING to ignore you...but you couldn't take that. Nope. Not today.
You place your papers on the desk, leaning in and holding your hand to her in confusion. "What do you mean it's been filled? I was told that there was no one applying for the role and that I would be qualified if I showed all my papers!" 
The lady looked up at you and slowly moved your hand down before leaning in. "You were too late then..." she leaned back before sighing; "Someone else came in before you...you win some you lose some sweetie. The time you moved on..." She went back to typing.
You didn't know what to do...everything had gone down the drain. Whoever told you that being a regular citizen would be this hard...? No one that's for sure...
When these times were tough you remembered home...
You want to remember that feeling; coming home from school and walking with April to the sewers to greet your green friends...
Mikey, Raph, Leo...Donnie. All the chaos that would run rampant around the lair, the Jupiter Jim marathons, and most importantly- the weekly sleepovers that you would have with them.
They were the closest thing to family that you had! And with Donnie...you were close.
After all, he was the first one you met, the first REAL person to come into your life...it all began that day at the rooftop where he "rescued" you from the purple dragons back in high school...it was funny when you look back at it and how he TRIED to convince you that he was not a talking turtle and some guy in cosplay...but you knew better. What human calls other people 'fellow human' and says they do 'regular human activities'?
However, he slightly eased up when you didn't fall for it...and you kind of relieved him and freaked him out when you weren't phased by it-
It was a hassle sometimes...with his teasing and sarcasm that would erupt from him. Those precisely drawn eyebrow raises he would give you when you were just a little slow to catch onto something...but you knew at the end of the day, he was always there for you when you called or texted.
The weekly sleepovers with the guys soon just became you and Donnie making a fort for you to sleep in his room. Or rather- you falling asleep in his lab whilst he worked on something. 
Better yet! You would wake up in his bed and he would sleep in his work chair in his lab...
It was sad to see that fade away like a distant memory...and that you had broken apart since then...
Ever since that fight that you had with him on the phone, you both couldn't talk to each other again. It was too painful to look back and remember the words that you both said to each other that night.
The falling of friends happens sometimes...but losing someone closer is another.
Scrolling through your old photos; you couldn't help but feel the slight grief when scrolling and still seeing the pictures of you and Donnie. It was so very few when you caught him with a smile... it was usually a scowl or straight face...but then you stopped on an old photo that Donnie had taken himself on your phone.
The night where you had fallen asleep on him, trying to survive to midnight on New Years, his hand on your head and there he was...with a slight smile on his face.
He had explained to you that morning that it was a "New Year's Gift" and you teased him for it...which he then "threatened" to delete if you were to abuse your power against him.
With Donnie...you never knew what you were going to get...but you knew that he was there. And that's what mattered...and in his way; he cared.
Tears slowly started to fill the corners of your eyes, looking at his for a moment that felt like forever...it was a brief moment considering you were in public on a sidewalk bench-
You missed him...and you wondered if he missed you.
*ding-ding* - your phone had a random number notification. Assuming it was junk mail- you went to delete it.
Until you read the message.
"Come back."
"We miss you..."
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princessjojo-x · 8 months
CapricornVenus ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
💝 he’s quite unemotional & detached so he’s not the most affectionate. if he is affectionate with you it will be done privately. he’s secretive abt his feelings, leaving his partner confused. this stems from a fear of showcasing vulnerability. be patient with him as he needs time to open up (esp if he has aqua placements but not so much if he has sag placements).
💝 he attempts to attract & impress his love interests with his appearance, achievements, confidence & wit.
💝 he takes love very seriously & treats rxships like a business contract. scorpio venus put others through tests, whilst capricorn venus put others through a series of interviews. he will closely observe his potential partner to determine the type of person she is. he will analyse all her words, actions, morals, perspectives, achievements, background, temperament, how she interacts with others, etc. he is examining her to ensure she’s worthy of gaining access to the parts of him that he conceals from others. he doesn’t let just anyone into his lives & it’s not easy to get close to him. if she doesn’t meet his standards? bye. he knows what he likes & what he doesn’t like. he won't spend a single second on you if he doesn’t think you're worth it. he won’t commit for fun or out of boredom. he’s either completely not interested or totally in love.
💝 he is a reliable, supportive & loyal with his partner. he act as a rock in rxships & he gives great advice. he’s willing to work through any rxship problems.
💝 he’s usually aware that he’s being flirted with but will consciously ignore it. however, it’s his unapproachable vibe that entices potential partners.
💝 he has a lot of lessons to learn in love related situations (since saturn rules capricorn).
💝 he is unforgettable. he will have people that will love him & reminisce on memories with him even after many years.
💝 he has the best dress sense
💝 he likes old movies/old songs
💝 he can be very competitive
💝 he’s the type to get money randomly from family
💝 all cardinal venus signs tend to stop making efforts in their rxships once they get the person they were chasing, then either leave or complain about how boring things got.
Turn On’s:
💝 he’s turned on by money & status. he wants a career focused & goal oriented rxship. his ideal woman has a good reputation & career, with high morals & self respect. show him you have goals & plans. be serious abt the rxship & your life. girl boss your way into it bc he won’t commit to you unless he can take pride in you. (power couple building successful future together vybz).
💝 he loves the following traits (even if he himself doesn’t have these traits himself): ambitious, collected, successful, mature, disciplined, consistent, predictable, stable, hardworking, responsible, trusting.
💝 demonstrate an interest in history, tradition, structure, family.
💝 he demands respect wherever he goes. accept & support his rules & strict routine (he likes to feel in control).
💝 despite his reputation of being dry & serious asf, he actually enjoys being in the company of fiery individuals, esp if he doesn’t have much fire in his own chart. he’s particularly attracted to aries & leo energy bc he needs that extra boost of spontaneity & idgaf vybz. he loves someone that brings variety & wildness into his everyday life.
💝 he wants what he cant have & he desires romance that is unattainable to him. the tighter you hold him, the more likely he is to run away.
💝 to impress him, dress neat, classy (business casual) & most importantly dress simple, as saturn is the planet of discipline - french girl chic vibes or a woman in uniform vibes (wear black)
Turn Off’s:
💝 he dislikes people with a bad reputation. he wont say anything nasty to them bc he’s too polite but he will avoid them in public.
💝 a showy, ditzy, irresponsible, immature, condescending, disrespectful, controlling, obnoxious & low status partner.
💝 trying to control him in anyway.
💝 talking abt your ex.
💝 he doesn’t really like closed off people since he can be closed off himself.
💝 asking him to explain things more than once.
💝 overwhelming him with too much emotion.
💝 if you try to play games with him rather than growing up & committing. (same for all earth venus)
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boombox-fuckboy · 11 months
Hey, @t0tally-n0t-3m0, figured this might be easier to read as a post. Here's 24 pods with nonbinary lead characters to get you started. There's more out there, so if anyone wants to add on, go for it.
Additional Postage Required: (Sci-Fi) Adventures of an interstellar courier who starts to get glimpses of the past from their packages.
Anamnesis (on the Tin Can Audio feed): (Mystery, Weird Fiction) Someone wakes in a temple in an empty town with no memory. Short, really nice sound design.
Badlands Cola: (Mystery, Supernatural & Horror elements) big city PI Sunny is hired to find information on a rural cult leader, and is drawn into a world of strange radio, horse enthusiasts, and dinosaur bones.
The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio (one of two leads, you'll meet them halfway in): (Supernatural, Weird) Two workers for an Ohio dead letter office read the strange confiscated mail their organisation collects, and do some follow up investigation.
either: (Weird Fiction, Sci-Fi, Romance) An explosion at a duck factory sends a pet robot to another reality, connecting two very different (but both lonely) people.
Hello From The Hallowoods: (Supernatural Horror) A dramatic entity beyond your comprehension visits your nightmares to tell stories of the people (in varying degrees of human and alive) that inhabit the strange, deadly, and beautiful Hallowoods.
Inn Between: (Fantasy, Adventure) Ever wondered what the party gets up to at the tavern between D&D sessions? (Not a tabletop).
Jar of Rebuke: (Supernatural, Horror elements) An unkillable amnesiac scientist (they die, just have a hard time staying dead) investigates weird entities, makes friends, and eats a lot of tasty food in the strange town he lives in.
Khôra Podcast: (Sci-Fi, Adventure) Somewhere between inspired by and adapted from greek mythology, a space adventure following four mythological figures on their search for the golden fleece.
Less is Morgue: (Comedy, Horror elements) A ghoul and a ghost host a podcast about whatever they please in the ghoul's mom's basement, and manage to get off topic anyway.
Light Hearts: (Slice-of-Life, Supernatural elements) Three friends run a lightly haunted queer café. Upbeat and wholesome.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality: (Weird Fiction, Supernatural, Horror elements) A friendly AI tour guide leads you on a tour of the Mistholme Museum, explaining the strange and often alternatural story behind each item. (To be clear, the nb lead is an AI with no concept of gender, but the creator is NB also and it is far from the only nb character.)
Monstrous Agonies: (Advice, Supernatural) An interpersonal advice show for supernatural entities and other people living liminally in the modern world.
ROGUEMAKER: (Sci-fi, Whodunnit) A commercial space flight explodes and passengers are left isolated in the escape pods, only connected for minutes at a time and unsure what happened, or why.
Second Star to the Left: (Sci-Fi) Audio logs of a colonist sent to a new world and her communications with the minder in charge of keeping her alive.
Sidequesting: (Fantasy) A wholesome podcast following Rion, an adventurer with a difference: they only do sidequests.
SINKHOLE: (Sci-fi, Weird Fiction) Forum posts from a data restoration community in a near future where the human brain is its own computer and one city hosts a massive void.
Skyjacks: Courier's Call: (Tabletop, Fantasy) Three young postal workers aboard a skyship go on various adventures. Kid-friendly but enjoyable for all ages.
The Starport Inn: (Supernatural, Mystery) An FBI agent sent to a rural town to solve a disappearance finds they've walked into something much stranger.
The Supernatural Protection Agency: (Supernatural) Call logs for a helpline that aims to solve the supernatural problems plaguing your life.
Tell No Tales: (Supernatural, Horror elements) Leo Quinn, secretary to the man in charge of the world's leading ghost removal service, interviews various ghosts in an attempt to create a device capable of actually recording them, in the hopes of taking down the company they work for.
Trial and Error: (Sci-Fi) Interviews with various AI as a scientist attempts to make sense of spontaneous machine sentience.
Under the Electric Stars: (Sci-Fi) A courier's failed heist to help their AI friend/navigator pulls them into a world of crime organisations and unethical science.
The Weird: (Tabletop, Supernatural, Comedy, Horror elements) The two staff members at The Department of the Weird travel America in their shitty Ford Fiesta to investigate various strange happenings
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akesdraws-blog · 3 months
Giving you a hand
Version (🎞️TMNT BAYVERSE🎞️)
Note: The turtles help you prepare for a job interview and will pretend to be the future or possible boss. Warnings: None, spelling mistakes
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🍵Leonardo 🍵
It will prepare you as if you were going to go into the most dangerous fight of your life. He was reading your application for a few moments and made you show him that you really have all those skills that you put. (If you said you are fast at writing, you better be, because it will take your time) You better not stutter at any point or you'll get Leo's ninja stare. (And he is not very pretty to say the least)
Y/N. -Why the hell do I have to practice immobilizing someone?!- L. -Never know what is going to happen in your work- Y/N. -But I'm going to apply for secretary, not security!-
And when they have to simulate the interview, Leo will come into character, a boss who may seem friendly but will not be. He will offer you some tea and they will start doing the “interview”. But after a few minutes his response is…
L. -We will call you- Y/N. -What? Leo, this is supposed to be the part where you tell me I have the job.- L. -I would if you had done it well- Y/N. -But I did everything right! I answered everything, which part was wrong- L. -To begin the posture, you are hunched over, and you play with your feet, in addition to fiddling with your hands, that does not show security, and your smile seemed more like a request for help… Shall I continue? -
That's right, Leo is going to evaluate everything you do. Internally you will be grateful that you are not going to have a boss like him.
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⚗️Donatello ⚗️
This guy will review your application about 10 times and he will always find some error, which will cause you to do it again. He gave you a time to answer each question and you better not spend another second or they will go back to the beginning. He himself wrote you a few pretty good letters of recommendation. He will prepare you in any aspect that the interview may cover and even that which it will not cover.
Y/N. -Is it necessary for me to study this?- D. -They have to see that you are skilled in any case- Y/N. -But I don't think a cafeteria would ask me to know how to repair an engine- D. -But maybe your boss's car doesn't work, and that's where you act!-
When it's time to simulate the interview, you'll be as nervous as if it were a real one. Because like Leo, he gets into character and we're not talking about a good one, his character will be like talking to John Jonah Jameson Jr. himself.
D. -So you want to work- Y/N. -That's how it is- D. -Why here? Why not somewhere else? I heard they were looking for one near here- Y/N. -Well, it's the closest to where I live- D. -Just that? Isn't it because we are the best? Are you reducing us only as an option for closeness? Y/N. -I did not mean that- D. -If you don't see how we are the best of the best, maybe it's not the place for you, look for another place!- Y/N. -Donnie!- D. -What? Was it too much? You never know what kind of boss you will have-
Let's say you'll practice interviewing with different types of bosses, from a nice boss to one you'd want to hang. But in the end he will apologize if he feels that he has crossed the line or notices that your morals have gone to the ground.
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🥊Raphael 🥊
It will only help with two issues.If she found what you were doing curious or because she saw you as nervous as a chihuahua. (And your murmurs were already bothering him)
First he will question the place and position you will go to, he knows that you are much better for such a low position, but he hopes that at least they will give you a good pay.
But if you have photos of the place where you are going to apply, this guy will go into overprotective mode.
R. -Why can't you see where the fire extinguishers are? The emergency exit is very far away, and have you already seen the windows? Any crazy person could throw a stone and it would break into thousands of pieces, what kind of security protocol? do they have in case of a theft? Or if the Foot Clan arrive?
Y/N. -Why would those on the foot go to a cafeteria?-
R. -They may be criminals but everyone needs a coffee-
That's right, raph just created a new fear for you.
You will have to beg him to simulate an interview, because in his words it is a waste of time.
R. -Do you have schedule availability?-
Y/N. -Yes!, at the time I set I will come right away and...-
R. -Do you know how to make coffee, tea or whatever we sell?
Y/N. -Yes, my espressos are wonderful and...-
R. -Do you want to work here?-
Y/N. -Um, yes, but you have to let me finish talking...-
R. -Hired, I'm leaving-
Y/N. -Raph!-
It will be a matter of a few minutes before your mock interview ends, mostly because Raph won't let you finish talking.
But he always encourages you, he knows that you can do it if you put your mind to it.
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🍕Miguel Angel 🍕
He already knew that you were preparing for an interview, it's not like he will use your phone to order a pizza and by mistake he read the message of the day and time your interview would be, that didn't happen at all.
He will show you the best streets and shortcuts to avoid traffic.
M. -And if you go this way you can get there in less than 20 minutes-
Y/N. -Mike... They are buildings-
M. -You will never see traffic over there-
Mikey will beg to simulate the interview.He even converted the room into an office, you saw how he made a boss badge out of a pizza box that said “Super Chief Cowabunga”.
You don't even know where he got a tie, much less a briefcase.
Y/N. -Very well, remember Mikey, you are the one who is going to interview me, just follow the questions that I put on the sheet and the ones that occur to you-
M. -Understood, but bosses are always full of papers, Donnie must have a lot of papers-
Y/N. -I don't think they are necessary-
M. -And the bosses also have a phone to call their pretty assistants-
Y/N. -I don't even think that's important right now-
M. -Wait, a boss has a white cat, right? I need a white cat-
Y/N. -I don't think bosses have a white cat-
They never start to simulate the interview, as Mikey quickly gets distracted.
In the end you will only see how Mikey continues to bring more and more things to be a true “boss”
One good thing is that you weren't nervous anymore, and if you started to feel a little nervous you only remembered how Mikey started to get distracted and it just made you laugh a little.
@turtle-babe83 . @dilucsflame33. @thelaundrybitch . @scholastic-dragon. @leosgirl82. @tmnt-tychou .@little-bunny-in-space . @happymoonangel . @lazyafgurl . @kikithedreamerwriter .@androidships007.
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quartergremlin · 11 months
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Hiya. I’m Quarter. I’m a character/visual/graphic artist MS Paint comic artist, apparently. I graduated recently. I hope lots of goofy pictures and cool designs are in my future.
Art tag: #quarterdraws
This is mostly my art blog, my reblog blog is @quarterchills
Currently: been swept away by comic ideas. early access for my tmnt comics are on my Patreon ✌. I'm also posting on Cohost now.
Resources for Palestine: introduction, daily click, 1, 2
Comic links v
Portal Baby, the Casey Jr gets de-aged by the portal comic (updates semi-frequently, early access on patreon)
Part 1: 1/2/3
Part 2: 1, 2, 3, extra, 4, 5, 6, extra
Clarification, the Turtle Gender Comic (updates. whenever I think of something, which is often.)
Currently: Donnie's Broach, Leo's nest
egg baby: 1, 2, ask, 8
leo: 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 22, 24, 26
donnie: 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28
yoshi: 5, ask, 6, 7
mikey: casey jones, baby fever 1, baby fever 2, jesus egg, splinter 1, splitner 2, contention 1, contention 2, The Book, the future, welcome, the future 2, yippee, worry, babysitter
misc: Id's and flags (minor spoilers), office visit, office visit 2, office visit 3, annoying, shelldon and psdd, gearheads interview, pizza supreme 1, pizza supreme 2
Casey's High School Disaster Era, and related content (updates whenever I think of something, which is less often.)
Summary: CJ goes to Regular Human School. For every hour they're there, he experiences one (1) situation. Who thought this was a good idea.
office visit, hockey moms 1, hockey moms 2
Drop-off, 1st hour, 2nd hour, 3rd hour, 7th hour
Son Boy Allowed
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whatsnewalycat · 1 year
Psychomanteum / Chapter 12
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC Louella (2nd POV)
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Chapter 12: Ghost in the Machine
Chapter Summary: You and Dieter go on a date while grappling with the past, present, and future.
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Word Count: 8.7k+
Content / Warnings: alternating pov, insecurities, mirror, angst, fluff, acting career things idk, awkward/nervous speech patterns, cocaine use, past infidelity, suspicion, dissociation, argument, abuse mention
Notes: Chapter title from "Ghost in the Machine" by SZA featuring Phoebe Bridgers. Howdy! If you want the taglist, or AO3 link, head on down to the masterlist. If you want a link to the spotify playlist for this chapter, let me know and I'll send it to ya.
[ Series Masterlist ]
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Every window in the house sits ajar, welcoming a warm cross-breeze that tickles your skin. It carries an earthy scent from further up the hill, giving faint whiffs of sage and dirt. 
Dieter moseys around the house in his boxers, voyaging between his kitchen sink and potted plants, watering can in hand. He mumbles sweet little affirmations to his green dependents, checking in with each in a hushed voice, saying shit like, “Now, how are we doing here? Thirsty?” or “Looking great today,” or “Wow, someone needs a haircut.” 
From your place nestled into the couch, you alternate between watching him and studying the white wisps of steam that swirl off the surface of your coffee cup. 
This morning, while peaceful, has you feeling off-kilter. Your mind keeps wandering to the interview with DIRT. To your mom. To Dieter. 
Overnight, the dust began to settle in your mind, providing more clarity. Details started to surface shortly after you woke. Things you heard yesterday, but didn’t understand or deem important in the moment. 
Like David’s statement: “Dieter has had a lot of big changes in his personal life this past year as well, with his divorce to Anika, and the scandals surrounding it.”
Like your mother saying: “He had a problem with drugs, you know, big problem, had other women, too,“ and, “I know he has a cocaine habit, and that he cheated on his wife, does that sound like anyone else?”
Like Dieter saying: “No, I definitely deserved that.”
In each still, calm moment, they replay. Every time you look at Dieter and your heart aches with love and adoration, your memory blindsides you with this information. 
Is your mom right? Did he cheat on Anika? 
Or is she just trying to drive a wedge between you?
Wouldn’t he have told you when he had the chance?
You know you could do a web search to look into it, do your own research into the matter. Hell, you could even just fucking ask him. But the prospect makes you itch. 
Because what if she’s wrong and he thinks you don’t trust him? Or, worse, what if she’s right? 
Fuck, what if she’s right? 
Your blood starts to buzz hot and rapid through your veins. You look around for an escape hatch and see a bookshelf, then set your coffee cup down to approach it. 
Among knickknacks and a few small plants housed on the solid oak shelves, you find titles you expect to see, like 1984 by George Orwell, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, and at least a dozen art reference books. You also find a few things you weren’t expecting, like Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, half a dozen Julia Quinn novels, and, most importantly, a first edition of Betty Crocker’s Picture Cook Book. 
You pull the cookbook out and examine it, running your fingertips along the frayed corners of the faded red hardcover, then flip it open, asking, “Why do you have this?”
Dieter looks up from an unruly Monstera, “Have what?”
“This cookbook,” you answer, padding across the living room’s black and white striped rug to show him. 
He frowns as you hold it up, shaking his head, “Must’ve been Annie’s. She left some stuff behind when she moved out.” 
“My grandma had this one,” you murmur, glancing up at him, “Is—is it ok if I look through it?”
He scoffs and shrugs, “Not like she’s coming to get it,” then returns his attention to the Monstera. 
You settle into the couch, thumbing through the yellowed pages, reading recipes, tips, and instructions compiled for housewives of the 1950’s. Dieter finishes grooming his plants and plops down at your side, curling an arm around your shoulders, “Betty giving you any inspiration?”
“Fun fact: Betty Crocker isn’t an actual person,” you smirk, turn the page to the section on custard pies, and inform him, “In the 1920’s, a flour company noticed they got a lot of homemakers requesting baking advice, so they adopted the moniker Betty Crocker as a pen name for the people who answered the questions.”
“Huh,” he blinks, “Interesting.” 
“Listen to this,” you flip to a dog-eared page towards the back of the book and start reading from it, “If you’re tired from overwork, house chores you’re bound to shirk, read these pointers tried and true, and discover what to do.”
“What’s that?”
“Tips for housewives who are fucking miserable,” you tell him, then read another excerpt, “Get outdoors every day. Take a walk, do some gardening, take the children for an outing, or pay your neighbor a short visit,” and another, “Harbor pleasant thoughts while working. It will make every task lighter and pleasanter. Notice humorous and interesting incidents to relate at dinnertime, etc.”
“Jesus,” he mutters.
You want to tell him that the page was bookmarked. Its connection to the spine, well-creased. Referenced often. The comment lingers at the back of your throat. 
When you backtrack your place in the book, trying to resume your study on custard pies, a white index card slides from between two pages.
“Oh,” you pluck it out and furrow your brow at the ingredients, measurements, instructions printed in a precise script, “It’s a recipe for banitsa. You ever had this?” 
“I don’t think so.”
“It’s like a flaky cheese pastry… phyllo, feta, yogurt,” you murmur, then glance up at him, “What do we have going on today?”
“Reservations at 7, and Darlene’s gonna stop by later, but other than that,” he grins and shakes his head, “Nada.”
So, the two of you smoke a joint on the patio while Lincoln picks up the called-for ingredients Dieter doesn’t have on hand. After Lincoln drops them off, you sanitize the sun-drenched quartz of Dieter’s kitchen countertop, all sparkling rainbows in the light. Dieter spreads a paint-splattered drop cloth across the no-man’s land between the dining room and kitchen, sets up an easel, equips it with a canvas, then rolls a little yellow file cabinet out next to it. 
He puts on a mix of music described as roller-rink 1978. As the funky tunes play over the sound system wired throughout his house, you attach a bread hook to his matte black stand mixer and sift bread flour into its 7-qt bowl. 
Then you go to work. 
You concentrate on the task at hand in each given moment, taking it step-by-step. Measuring, mixing, and kneading. Trying not to think too long about the romance novels lining the bookshelf, or the recipe’s delicate handwriting, or the dog-eared page, or Dieter’s baited breath after he recounted why he and Anika split, or your mother saying, “I know he has a cocaine habit, and that he cheated on his wife, does that sound like anyone else?” Or David Alterman asking, “Do you worry that those patterns are bound to repeat themselves?”
Instead of these things, you try your hardest to occupy your hazy, pot-laced brain by separating the dough into equal pieces while humming along to ABBA and Elton John and Electric Light Orchestra. 
When the recipe calls for the dough to rest for an hour, you clean your workspace, throw together the banitsa filling, and wash the dishes. 
Then the timer tells you: seventeen minutes left. 
You turn your attention to Dieter. His bare feet move fluid from side-to-side, paintbrush flitting between the palette and canvas as he lip-syncs along to “Hollywood Swinging” by Kool & The Gang. A grin stretches across your face. 
They cannot be right about him. This is not the kind of man who has affairs. No fucking way. This man is an angel. 
I’ve been fooled before. 
You banish the thought with a quick shake of your head, then try to distract yourself by asking, “Do you still see ghosts?”
He looks up at you, then back at his work-in-progress with a shrug, “I don’t usually see them per se, it’s more like a, uhh… an understanding. Or a knowing, I guess. Like a picture in my head with a feeling attached to it.”
His features twitch animatedly as he talks, accenting his words, dark eyes glancing between the canvas and your face. 
“It’s like… have you ever had intrusive thoughts?” 
“Have I ever,” you snort.
“It’s like that,” he explains, “Like a flash of something. Not like that kid in the Sixth Sense, seeing them fuckin’ uhh… walking around and shit.” 
You hop up onto the kitchen counter and inquire, “Where’s the most haunted place you’ve been?” 
Dieter pauses mid-brushstroke and scrunches his face up as he thinks about this, resuming when he says, “Well, hotels are always the worst. They’re so transitive, you know, all this energy coming and going constantly. And the people stuck there… they usually went intending to have a good time, a vacation or party or whatever, and something happened to them. That, or… they went in with an intention not to come out and succeeded.”
The implication unfolds in your brain, and you nod. 
“Either way they seem to have unfinished business,” he shrugs and squints at the canvas, smudging paint with his thumb, “Usually they’re harmless, so it’s pretty easy to ignore,” he pauses here, clears his throat, then continues, “But in terms of the worst vibes I got, like, uhh… how scared it made me feel, it was definitely Ethan.”
Blood drains from your face and extremities, leaving you cold and dizzy. 
“I—I thought—wait, really?”
He squints up at the ceiling, like he’s re-evaluating his statement, then levels his eyes with yours with a nod, “Yeah. At first, at least. Like the first night I was there, I felt him and it was,” he furrows his brow and drops his gaze to the floor, “Dark. Really fucking dark. And I was already in a bad way, y’know, I went to your place straight from the airport and you were—”
“A fucking disaster?”
“A beautiful trainwreck,” he corrects with a persuasive smile. It falters as soon as he continues, “And I just had this big fight with Annie about the divorce and, uhh, stuff, and hadn’t used blow in a day or two, just… not great,” he swallows, then shakes his head, “I think maybe… he could sense that about me. It was a warning. I remember knowing that’s what it was.”
“Oh,” you breathe. Look down at your hands. Start picking at your cuticles.  
“It was hard to stay. So… I left.”
“I didn’t think it was that bad. I’m sorry. I mean, he told me that he liked you—”
“It got better, really, love. It’s fine,” he assures you, then frowns, “Wait, he told you he likes me? Did you ask him about me or something?”
“Well, yeah,” you drop your gaze to the floor, “I just wanted to—I don’t know, see if he approved, I guess.” 
His head jerks back and he blinks, “Oh.” 
“Yeah—he, um, told me that he always liked you,” you tilt your head at your dangling legs and chuckle, “Told me you were a triangle guy.” 
Dieter lets out a light puff of laughter. 
“He asked if you make me happy,” you tell him, so quiet it’s almost a whisper, then look up to study his reaction. 
He pulls his paintbrush from the canvas and stares at you, his eyes soft and searching, “And?”
A soft scoff flees your lips, and you say, “Of course you do, Dee.”
This crooked smile spreads across his face and makes your heart ache. 
“Obviously,” you chuckle, grinning in return. 
Dieter seems to think about this, pink tongue rolling along his bottom lip as his eyebrow quirks. He sets his palette down on the little yellow file cabinet, drops his paintbrush into a cup of water, then crosses the room towards you. 
The way he looks at you seems to take a physical presence on your skin, making you shiver before he even reaches you. When he does, his hands slide up your bare legs, fingertips dipping under the hem of your jean shorts. His hips nudge your knees apart. 
You hook your arms around his neck as he tugs you closer, brushing his nose against yours, “You make me happy, too.” 
He kisses you, gentle for only a moment before your tongues meet. 
It’s so soft and wet it makes you gasp. A rumble sounds from his throat and his grip tightens. You arch your back, balling his shirt in your fist
He guides your hand to the bulge in his sweatpants, “Do you feel that? How happy you make me?” 
“That’s pretty fucking happy,” you grin, wrapping your fingers around his girth, over the soft fabric. You start to work him and he tosses his head back with a moan. 
Your lips meet his again, finding depth. It’s a slow heat, the way you take your time with his cock in your grip and your tongue in his mouth. Drives him crazy. His breaths carry strained groans that tickle your throat and make your cunt throb. 
When you roll your thumb against the damp spot in his sweatpants, he gasps, “Fuck–”
You hook a finger under his waistband, “I wanna see it.” 
“Oh yeah?” he chuckles, pausing to drag his tongue against yours, earning a whimper from you, then says, “Any time, any place, he’s all yours, baby.”
And right when he starts to pull down his pants, the front door swings open. 
You both jump and look towards the noise. 
In walks Darlene, cell phone pinched between her ear and shoulder, talking to someone on the other line, “Yeah, I just got to Dieter’s house, I’m going to tell him—Yeah, I will—Ok. Ok.”
Dieter rearranges himself and meets your eyes, murmuring, “To be continued,” before turning to approach her. 
“Yep, bye,” she tosses her phone in her designer bag and sighs, looking between the two of you, “Did I interrupt something?”
Your mouth gapes open. You shake your head and hop down off the counter, “We, um–we–”
Dieter cuts in, thank fucking god, responding, “No. What's the news?” 
Darlene raises an eyebrow at him, then you. She leans back against the dining room table and crosses her arms, “Well, I raised hell at DIRT. David Alterman is on disciplinary leave. The interview will be published without the phone call tomorrow. So… we will see what happens.” 
“Oh, that’s good!” you grin, glancing at the back of Dieter’s head, then to Darlene, “Thank you so much. And—and I’m sorry, you know, you had to deal with that.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” Darlene nods, flashing you a wane smile, then looks to Dieter, “Can I steal you for a sec? I have to talk to you about something.” 
He clears his throat and nods, “Yeah,” then follows her outside. 
You release a little chuckle and smile to yourself. 
The timer goes off. 
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Dieter slides the door closed behind him, following Darlene around the centerpiece of his patio: a sprawling oak tree. He looks up into it as he trails behind, admiring all the twisted innards of the beast. When they step out of its shade and into the hot afternoon sun, he grimaces. 
She plugs a cigarette between her lips and lights it, asking him on the exhale, “What was that about?”
“Nothing,” he takes a step forward and leans against the steel railing, peaking over the edge to look down the cliffside. 
“How’s she doing since yesterday? That was a fucking mess,” Darlene leans on the railing beside him. 
Dieter scrunches his nose up, shrugging, “Kind of hard to read, I guess. She seems fine. But–but I don’t know, she’s just,” he pauses here and frowns, “I think I would be freaking out if I were her, you know? But she’s not? And I don’t know what to do about that.” 
She flicks her cigarette and raises her eyebrows, then sighs, “Actually, Dieter, that’s what I wanted to talk about with you.” 
“About what? Lua? What about her?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but are you serious about this girl?” 
“Jesus Christ, Darlene,” he groans, dropping his head, “Yes, I’m fucking serious. I wouldn’t be doing all this bullshit for just anyone.” 
“It just seems like there’s a lot you haven’t figured out. Maybe some things you haven’t discussed,” she takes a drag and looks him up and down, “What if I got some intel that says she’s still selling drugs?”
He plays along, inquiring, “What kind of drugs?”
“Edibles. Pot brownies, shit like that.”
“I’d say your intel is bunk. She’s straight.”
“Well, I looked into it,” she blows a plume of blue smoke out into the canyon, “She has no online presence, no license, sells out of her apartment—I mean, it fucking reeks, Dieter. How’s she able to make enough to live in that area with no marketing?”
“She doesn’t make a huge profit. I mean, this month I helped her with rent—”
“You’re fucking kidding me. So she’s using you—”
“No, she’s not. I had to beg her to let me help. It’s not like that,” he maintains, shaking his head, “I mean, who’s your source? Why are you even looking into this?” 
“I don’t trust her, Dieter! Something isn’t right, it’s not adding up.”
He pushes off the railing and pushes non-existent sleeves up his forearms, “Let’s say you’re right, and she’s selling edibles,” he stops for a beat, then scoffs, “Who fucking cares? Fucking pot brownies? Who gives a shit.”
“Movie studios care. The public cares. Doesn’t matter if it’s crack or pot, she’s a fucking drug dealer.”
“She’s not a fucking drug dealer, Darlene,” he snaps.
She stares at him. Takes a drag off her cigarette. 
He kneads his neck, shifting his weight from one foot, to the other, before throwing his hands out in exasperation, “I need you to just believe that, for once, someone loves me and is good for me. Please.” 
Darlene’s lips purse, “That’s what you said about Anika.”
“That—that’s different,” Dieter drops his gaze to the ground. 
“Is it, though?” she blinks at him, “You swore that was it, that she wasn’t a gold digger, and yet… now she’s ex-Mrs. Dieter Bravo. Walked away with almost half your estate in return for not selling your secrets. She’s a rich woman now.”
“Yep,” Dieter sighs, skidding his toes against the mahogany deckboards, “I’m just a big fuck up, you got me there.” 
“That’s not what I’m saying,” she asserts, “I just want you to really think about this before doing anything… rash.” 
“I’m not going to run away and fucking marry her the first chance I get, ok?” he sneers, “Just—chill the fuck out.” 
“Dieter, let me be perfectly honest with you,” she drops her cigarette and crushes it with the toe of her beige pump, “I worry it’s more than you just being cunt-struck again.”
His head jerks back and he scoffs. 
She lowers her voice to a pleading tone, “Look, you’re falling headfirst into a serious relationship with this girl, she used to deal drugs, there’s all this shady stuff with her business, and… I just—I worry, are you, you know… are you ok?” 
“Am I ok?” he repeats the question, drenching it with incredulity, “What the fuck do you mean, am I ok?”
She studies his face, crossing her arms. A meaningful tilt of her head tells him everything he needs to know. 
His jaw gnashes from side-to-side and he shakes his head, “I’ve been clean for months, Darlene, because of her.” 
“Alright,” she raises her eyebrows and blinks, “Good.”
“Do you believe me?”
Darlene shrugs, “If you say you’re ok, you’re ok.” 
“I am,” he confirms, his voice firm and final. 
“Great,” she nods, then pulls out her phone and looks at the screen, “Alright, well, I’ll keep an eye on things after the interview drops and let you know how it goes.” 
She stomps past him, the click-clack of her heels echoing out behind her, and exits out the side gate. 
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself, shaking his hands out at his sides, rolling his neck as he starts towards the glass patio door.
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Dieter walks beside you as the hostess leads the way through the busy restaurant. Everything around him is white noise. It doesn’t matter at all. 
All that exists is his palm on the small of your back. His whole universe has boiled down to you, right now, draped in this white, flowing chiffon dress that Kelly picked out for tonight. You, all starry-eyed and dolled up, gawking at your surroundings because you’re just so damn excited to be at another fancy-schmancy restaurant.
Earlier today, while wrapped up in his sheets, you told him all about the menu, and haute cuisine, and French culinary history, and Escoffier. He closed his eyes and held your warm body in place next to his, content to listen to you chatter on as long as you’d allow him.
He loves that about you. How passionate you are in everything you do. How you slow to appreciate beauty in things like snowstorms, and layers in croissants, and even the subtle timbre of a cello woven into his favorite song. 
“Listen close,” you told him when you pointed it out, “It’s fucking incredible.” 
He did. 
He felt the chords vibrate through him, resolute and melodic. It gave the music new meaning, and he couldn’t believe he’d never noticed it before. He notices every time he hears it now. 
But that’s what you do. 
Everything seemed so fucking boring before you. Meaningless. You opened his eyes to what was right in front of him and gave it new life. Gave him new life. 
The hostess comes to a stop and gestures to a square table, laying a menu on either side of the white linen. You sit across from him and meet his gaze, face all lit up with that gorgeous fucking smile that makes his chest tighten. 
“Do you have a strategy in mind here?” he asks, leaning forward onto the table, rubbing his hands together, “Food, wine, dessert, the whole nine yards?”
“I love that movie,” you comment mildly, “Bruce Willis is hot.” 
He raises his eyebrows. 
“What?” you laugh.
“Bruce Willis, really?”
You study him, clearly very entertained, “Why, are you jealous?”
He scoffs at this, “No—I’m just saying, though, he’s never even been nominated for an Oscar—”
“Oh, well in that case,” you roll your eyes and let out this dramatic sigh. 
Dieter laughs and shakes his head, “Wow.”
“Ok, but really,” you turn your attention back to the menu. As you survey it, you tilt your head back and forth thoughtfully, clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth. A mischievous smirk plays on your lips and you ask, “Did Darlene say we were allowed one glass or one bottle of wine?”
Dieter taps an index finger to his chin and grins, “I recall her saying bottle, don’t you?”
“Mmmm, yep, now that you mention it, I’m like… 99% sure she said bottle,” you agree conspiratorially. 
He smiles up at you, but his breath hitches when something behind you catches his eye. 
Or, someone, rather. 
A bright tangerine dress tight around her petite, curvy frame. Loose chestnut curls flowing down her back. Glowing brown eyes locked onto his. A small smirk plays on her plump, shiny lips. 
His spine straightens and he mutters under his breath, “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” 
You frown and follow his gaze to Lilly Stokes just as she pushes her chair back and starts towards the table. 
“Dieter, hiiii,” Lilly croons, squeezing his forearm, “How are you, Pookie? It’s been a minute.” 
Dieter watches your eyes flick between Lilly’s hand on his suit jacket, and her face, and Dieter’s face. He watches the gears turn. The light bulb turns on. Your eyebrows shoot up and you meet his gaze, then immediately drop your eyes to the tablecloth. 
“Fine,” he answers and leans back in his chair, pulling his arm from her grasp.  
Lilly glances back at her table, then to Dieter, “I’m here with Jay—you remember Jay, right?” 
Dieter blinks at her, thinking, “We’ve been inside you at the same time, of fucking course I remember Jay.”
But what he says is, “Yeah.” 
“Oh, duh,” Lilly waves off the obvious, then wets the seam of her mouth, eyes dragging along Dieter’s body, “We should merge tables so we can catch up.” 
“Oh, no—” Dieter shakes his head and gestures to you, “We’re—”
Lilly finally seems to notice your presence and turns towards you, “Oh my god, Dieter, she’s so cute, are you two on a date?”
“Yeah,” he meets your eyes for a moment before telling Lilly, “This is Louella.”
“Lou-el-la,“ Lilly repeats, enunciating each syllable like she’s trying to commit it to memory, “You don’t mind, do you, beautiful?” 
You stare at her for a beat like you’re trying to figure out what she’s asking, then stammer, “Me? Wh—I’m sorry, what?”
“It’s ok if we join you?” Lilly nods, batting her false eyelashes. She asks this in a condescending way, slowing her words down like she’s asking a toddler. 
Your throat croaks as you look from her, to Dieter, who’s mentally pleading, “Please no,” then back to Lilly, “Uhh—I mean, sure?”
He deflates as Lilly calls Jay over and pulls out a chair. You mouth, “Sorry.”
Jay Blackburn, who looks like a poor man’s Alexander Skarsgård but six inches shorter, saunters over, a lopsided grin plastered on his smug face, “Bravo. Long time no see.” 
“Yeah,” Dieter responds, shifting in his seat at the reminder. 
Across the table, you gnaw away at your bottom lip, eyes downcast, your bubbling excitement replaced with this raw, nervous energy. He soaks it up like a sponge. It trickles down his backbone and seeps into his bloodstream as he wrings his hands together. 
“Who do we have here?” Jay asks, dragging his eyes along your body, drinking in your beauty with zero fucking shame. 
Dieter’s jaw clenches and cocks to one side. His leg starts to bounce. 
“I’m Louella.”
A warm smile crosses your face and you extend a hand to him. 
Jay takes it in his like a baby bird and presses a kiss into your knuckles, then releases you, “Jay Blackburn.”
“Oh—um, nice to meet you,” you say, glancing at Dieter, then at Lilly, “And you are?”
Lilly bristles at this, huffing a little before her mask of sweetness goes back up and she responds, “Lilly Stokes.” 
“So nice to meet you,” you look from her to Jay, “Are you guys actors, too?” 
“Um, no,” Lilly lets out this half-chuckle, half-scoff, “That’s so funny. No. Well, maybe someday. But for now I’m just a makeup artist, content creator, brand ambassador for Wowie Zowie Cosmetics, and model,” she counts each role on her fingers, then adds as an afterthought, “Jay is a wellness guru.”
You furrow your brow, “Wellness… guru?”
“Lifestyle coach,” Jay corrects, “Shepherding people to wellness through mindfulness, yoga, and nutrition.”
Dieter rolls his eyes. 
“Ohhh,” you nod, “Wow, you’re both, like, really popular on the internet?” 
“I have over 10 million followers,” Lilly advises, “So, yeah.”
“She didn’t know who I was, either, if that makes you feel better,” Dieter teases, casting a smirk your way. 
You wince and shrug, “Yeah, I, umm… live under a rock, I guess. Sorry.” 
“I like that,” Jay says, still eyeing you up like you’re a piece of fucking meat, “It’s refreshing. We should all be so lucky to be sheltered from the world in such a digital age.”
You raise your eyebrows, “I mean, I read the newspaper every day, so I’m very much aware of what’s going on in the world—“
“Right, but,” Jay starts.
“—Just, you know, stuff that matters.” 
A stunned sort of silence falls over the table for a moment, then laughter erupts from Dieter’s throat. You grin at him, and Jay must think you were kidding, because he joins in on the laughter. 
“You’re funny,” Lilly flashes this smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, then lets out an exasperated sigh and looks around, “Are we going to get some fucking service here or what?” 
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Throughout the meal, you remain quiet. 
You don’t share your thoughts on the cuisine, or the wine, or the world-renowned chef. Your face stays painfully neutral as Lilly and Jay dominate the conversation, going on and on in a masturbatory fashion about their busy lives. 
More than anything, Dieter wants to tell them to fuck off. He wants to tell them that neither of you fucking care about subscribers or algorithms or sponsorships. He wants to comment on the restaurant’s heavy-handed use of bear décor and kiss you and tell you he loves you. 
But Darlene’s warning to be on his best behavior rings in his head. 
Despite this, the one bottle of wine you agreed upon is easily negotiated up to two. 
After the plat principal is cleared from the table, Lilly leans towards Dieter and asks “So, what’s new with you? We haven’t heard from you in, what,” she turns to Jay for confirmation, “Months?”
“Summer, I think?” Jay supplies. 
“Yeah,” Dieter nods and looks up at you, watching the way you wiggle in your chair and look down at your lap. He shrugs, “I’ve been keeping busy.”
“I see how it is,” Lilly pouts, glancing between his eyes and mouth, “Pookie gets a girlfriend and forgets all about us.”
Heat rises to his face. Every muscle in his body clenches. A hundred violent images flash through his head. The words shut the fuck up wrestle their way up his throat. 
“How did you all meet?” you ask, plastering on this polite smile. 
Lilly combs her long fingernails through her hair, “I met Dieter at some fundraising gala last year.”
Dieter’s leg starts bouncing. He leans his elbows into the table and presses his closed fist against his lips, watching you absorb this information. But he can’t get a read on you. 
“She introduced us,” Jay nods to Lilly, “Yeah, we were at this party, it was fucking wild—”
“Lua doesn’t wanna hear about that,” Dieter cuts in, dropping a hand to the table.
“It’s fine, Dee,” you chuckle, then take a big swallow from your wine glass. Unconvincing. 
Jay ignores Dieter’s protest, “It was one of those nights where everyone got very well acquainted with one another, if you know what I mean.” 
Your fake smile twitches. 
“Sounds… hot,” you offer. You empty the remaining pinot grigio in your glass down your throat. Dieter mirrors the action, taking the wine like a shot of hard liquor. 
Lilly sips her martini and lets out this wistful little sigh, “Soooo hot.” 
“I have to go to the bathroom,” you announce as you push your chair back, then hurry away from the table before anyone else can respond. 
His blood boils. 
He glares between Jay and Lilly, well aware of the slew of insults percolating at the tip of his tongue, held back by his awareness of the public eye surrounding them.
“I’ll go talk to her,” Lilly says.
Dieter grits his teeth and warns, “Lillith—”
She waves him off and starts towards the bathroom. 
“Dieter,” Jay smirks, tilting his head, “You seem upset.” 
“What an astute observation,” Dieter mutters, crossing his arms over his chest, “Fucking incredible.“ 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Oh, fuck off.”
Jay raises his eyebrows, “So we’re touchy, ok. Is it because I told the story?” 
Dieter says nothing, just grinds his teeth together. 
“She doesn’t know about your more salacious hobbies, I take it?” 
“She sure as fuck does now,” Dieter grumbles, “Thank you for that.” 
Jay scoffs, “What, is this your first date or something?”
Jay hums and takes a sip from his cocktail. 
Dieter shakes his head. Scrubs a hand over his face. 
Then he sits up and points at your empty seat, “If she’s going to hear about that shit from anyone, it should be me. Not some fucking ghouls just trying to get a rise out of her.” 
“Then why didn’t she hear it from you?” Jay questions, pausing a beat before he sighs, “You know, you gotta own your demons, man. It’s not my fault you didn’t tell her—”
“Yeah, I fucking know, ok?” Dieter snips. He leans his elbows against the table, looking towards the women’s bathroom, “What’s taking them so goddamn long?”
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Behind the roar of the flushing toilet, you hear the bathroom door open, followed by the sharp click of stilettos against ceramic tile. You open the stall door to find Lilly leaned up against the marble slab countertop, pulling a tiny silver canister from her clutch. 
She looks up at the mirror and makes eye contact with you, “Hey, girl.” 
“Hi,” you smile politely and approach the sink. 
While you wash your hands, you watch Lilly through the mirror as she cuts two thin lines of coke right on the countertop. She fishes a short straw out of her purse and holds it out to you, “Do you want any?”
The ghost of cocaine’s allure sends your heart racing. It’s tempting, but you decline. She shrugs and leans over the counter. You look away and hear the two deep, short breaths through the straw. You swear you can feel the rush vicariously. 
She sits up straight and keeps one nostril plugged closed, taking a few sharp inhales, making sure she got it all to the brain. Her eyes flutter and throat hums with contentment, “Fuck, that’s good. You sure you don’t want any? 
“I’m fine,” you assure her, but don’t go to leave. You lean one hip against the sink and cross your arms, “Did you and Dieter, like… date?” 
Lilly releases a chuckle, a sniffle, then rubs a fingertip against the white marble countertop where her blow was cut, “Oh, no. We fucked, like, a lot. But no, we never dated per se. It was more of a fuck buddy arrangement. No biggie.” 
She scrubs her finger against her gums, then turns to the mirror to assess her appearance. 
“Was that while he was still with Anika?” 
“Well, yeah, that’s how it started. He asked if I could be their third,” she sniffles a few times as she examines her nostrils, “I know Kate Ridley was seeing them for a while, but that must’ve fallen through. Anyway, we all fucked around and it was fun. I brought Jay with a few times. Then Anika got turned off or something, she didn’t wanna get together anymore. Jealous I think, probably. He reached out to me for some one-on-one time.” 
The information hits you like a slap in the face. A kick in the gut. A fist closed around your windpipe, squeezing tighter and tighter.  
You can’t breathe. 
“And of course I said yes. It doesn’t hurt to cozy up to a guy like him, with his connections and all. Good career move. Plus, he’s so good in bed. Fucks like an animal,” Lilly giggles, “Not that I have to tell you, right?”
Your face heats and lips part to respond, but she continues without regard. 
“If you ever wanted a third, I’d be happy to step in. Jay, too, I’m sure of it. He was checking you out. You’re hot, you know, in a non-traditional kind of way. How long have the two of you been going out?”
She stares at you, waiting. Your throat croaks and you hear yourself say, “A few months, officially.”
“Oh, are you two, like, serious?” 
You bring your hand to your throat and nod, “Yeah.”
“Weird,” she murmurs, “After what happened with Anika, I thought he was done trying to pretend he was like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like… monogamous, you know. He told me he’s a free spirit, doesn’t want to be tied down by one person ever again, all that. Then he disappears and re-emerges in a supposedly serious relationship, no offense, but it’s just confusing.” 
“Oh,” you breathe, frowning down at the floor, “Well, maybe he changed?” 
“The man is almost 50, I doubt that,” she scoffs, checking herself out in the mirror, then glances over at you, “Or, I mean, maybe? Hopefully?” 
You nod solemnly and swallow the knot in your throat, “Should we go back?” 
“Sure,” she shrugs, then leads the way out of the bathroom, into the dining room. 
When you meet Dieter’s eyes, his annoyed expression goes slack. You lay one hand flat, palm facing the ceiling, balling the other into a thumbs up on top, and raise both hands. The signal he taught you back in your apartment before this clusterfuck started: Help. 
Once seated, you keep your eyes low, trying to keep the steady hum in your chest from amplifying. Everything seems fuzzy and out-of-focus.
It’s too much. Too much noise. Too much information. Too much change at one time. You want off this fucking ride. You want to be home in bed, hidden under the covers where no one can reach you. 
“We should go,” Dieter announces from far away. 
Your body is cement. Limbs frozen. Lilly’s words play on repeat at a deafening volume: 
I thought he was done trying to pretend he was like that.
He’s a free spirit, doesn’t want to be tied down by one person ever again. 
“Oh, come on, Pookie–”
“Stop fucking calling me that,” he growls, then softer, in your direction, “Are you ready, love?”
You nod, then look from Lilly to Jay, your smile wavering, “It was nice to meet you both.”
Dieter leads you past blurry tables of shiny, well-to-do patrons, his hand at the small of your back, burning through your dress. You can feel his gaze glued to your profile, trying to assess the damage. You can hear the words queued up behind his closed lips. 
A restaurant employee holds the door open for you. The cool night air kisses your heated, buzzing skin. 
“Hey, are you ok?” Dieter asks, his thumb working against your spine. 
You look down at the sidewalk and open your mouth to tell him, but it’s all a jumbled mess at the base of your tongue. Fire rises up your throat and tingles behind your eyes. You just shake your head and smother the sob in your chest. 
Tears bloom in your eyes and drop to the cement. You croak out, “I’m fine.”
He scoffs. 
The valet rolls up in Dieter’s cartoonish, pea soup-colored two-seater and tosses him the keys. 
Once inside, you clasp the seatbelt. Grip the leather upholstery. Stare out the side window as the landscape starts to move. 
“Louella” he coos, glancing between you and the road. 
The car clunks a little as he shifts gears. You grip the seat tighter. Watch the city lights fly by. 
He tries every once and a while to talk to you, but you can’t make yourself respond. 
You’ve been here before. 
You know what happens if you make a sound. If you vocalize the protest in your lungs.
What happens next is acceleration. 
Car horns. 
Those vacant black eyes. 
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The second the car pulls into Dieter’s garage, you’re unfastening the seat belt. 
When he shifts to park, you yank on the door handle and scramble from the vehicle. 
The entryway door slams in Dieter’s face as you kick off the stupid high heels you never would have picked out for yourself. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” his voice booms through the house when he opens the door. 
By now, you’re halfway down the hall, making a beeline to his en suite bathroom, leaving a trail of jewelry behind you like breadcrumbs: the left earring, the right earring, bracelets, a necklace. All these brilliant ornaments Kelly loaned you to make you look more refined.
Dieter’s footsteps sound from a few paces behind as you turn into his bedroom. 
“Louella, come on. Why won’t you talk to me?”
The edge his words carry make your heart jump and your feet move faster. You hurry into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you.  
He jiggles the handle, “What the fuck is this? Are you fucking kidding me?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you ask. 
“That I slept with Lilly and Jay?“ he scoffs, “I didn’t think it mattered who I fucked before you—”
“That’s not what I mean. You know that’s not what I mean,” you press your forehead against the door and squeeze your eyes closed, “When I asked you what happened with you and Anika, you said the two of you grew apart. That—that she was resentful—like it was her fault–”
“Open the door so we can talk about this,” he says in a low voice, “Please, baby.”
You shake your head, whimpering, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
The door handle jiggles again, “Come on, Lua, open the door.”
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can, just unlock it—”
“Answer me.”
A hard thud shakes the doorframe. 
You jump back and yelp. 
“This is so fucking stupid,” he seethes, “Lock yourself in my fucking bathroom instead of talking to me. You realize how fucking stupid that is, right?” 
He hits the door again. You scramble away from it, watching the doorknob rattle. 
“Stop it, Dieter,” you cry out, backing yourself up to the wall, “You’re scaring me.”
“I’m scaring you?” he scoffs, his words still steeped in red, “Do you really think I would fucking hurt you?”
You slide down the wall and collapse into a pile, covering your head. All you can hear are your own shattered breaths. 
A few quiet moments go by. 
When his voice comes again, it’s a plea. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.”
You look up at the door and sniffle, wiping your eyes. 
“I—I wanted to tell you. I mean, I was going to tell you. I swear to god. It’s just,” there’s a soft thump against the door, and you can picture him on the other side, forehead pressed up against it, “Do you know how hard it is to admit that you’re a piece of shit?”
You don’t say anything, just watch his still shadow beneath the door. 
“Do you know how hard it is for me to willingly show you that? I mean, fuck. How–how are you supposed to trust me now?” 
What follows is silence. Broken up by occasional sniffles and wet, labored breaths. Your chest aches.
Slowly, you rise to your feet and pad across the cool tile floor. 
When you reach the door, you don’t say anything, just press your palm against the barrier where you think his heart is. And you swear, if you concentrate hard enough, you can feel its steady rhythm.
“How are you supposed to love me now?” he whispers, “You won’t even look at me, Louella.”
Your eyelids clamp shut and you take a deep breath. Then you step back and turn the doorknob, pulling the door open. 
And there he is. 
Dieter Bravo. The man you love. 
His eyes all puffed-up and red-rimmed, cheeks streaked with tears. Every handsome feature laced with remorse. 
You wrap your arms around him, burying your face in his suit jacket. He envelops you in a warm embrace and squeezes you tight. 
“I’m–I’m sorry for yelling,” he tells you in a hoarse whisper, petting your hair, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened, I lost it.”
You swallow hard and rub his back, a silent kind of reassurance. 
“I would never hurt you, Lua,” his voice cracks, “I’m not him. I’m not him.”
Instantly, tears flood your eyes. 
“I know, love,” you croak out, pulling him closer, “I know.”
Dieter kisses the crown of your head with reverence. Then your forehead. He tilts your chin to face him dead on, grazing his nose against yours, “Wanna talk about this more in the bath?”
You nod and weave your fingers through the curls at the back of his head. His lips meet yours, lingering for a tender moment before he pulls back and makes his way over to the soaking tub. 
While you wash the makeup off your face, he fiddles with the water temperature and crumbles a magenta bubble bar in the stream. The sweet scent of blackcurrant fills the air. You glance up in the mirror and see him shucking off his suit jacket, eyes trailing down your spine. His breath heats the nape of your neck when he draws close and unzips your dress, his movements gentle and slow as he slides it off your shoulders. 
The dress falls at your feet. You turn to face him, murmuring, “Look up.”
He does, and you set to work on his shirt buttons. When you’re halfway down his chest, he asks, “Will you tell me what she said?”
“She, um,” you pause to bite down on your bottom lip, then sigh, “She told me you and Anika would fuck around with her and sometimes Jay. Then, you know, just her.”
He hums in acknowledgment. 
You reach the end of his button-down, then spread the shirt apart. As he takes over tugging it off, you ask, “Was that something that you wanted, or…?”
“We both wanted to try it,” he shrugs. Your hands move to his belt buckle and you unfasten it. He continues, “Thought it would reignite that passion. It was fucking stupid because it just made us both jealous.”
He pauses to kick off his slacks, then ushers you face the mirror again. You watch him unclasp your bra and toss it aside, glancing up when you recount, “She said you didn’t want to be tied down by one person ever again.“
He nods, diverting his gaze, “Yeah. Well, that’s true. I didn’t,” then his eyes return to yours, “But then you came along. Fucked up all my big plans to be lonely and miserable forever.” 
You can’t help but grin. 
He casts a backwards glance at the tub, “I think it’s ready.” 
Dieter gets in first, groaning as he lowers himself into the bubbles. You sit on the opposite side and tip your face to the ceiling, stretching your legs across him, then sink down to your shoulders. 
The water burns your skin a little, but you like it. It feels real. 
“Hey,” Dieter rumbles. 
You swivel your head down to look at him, but can only see bubbles.
“Holy shit,” you giggle, then sit up and meet his eyes, “What?”
“Come here, doll,” he reaches out to you.
You slide your feet under the water and crawl over to him, closing your eyes as you lay your cheek on his shoulder and relax against his body. He wraps his arms around your waist, snuggling you like you’re his favorite teddy bear. 
One of your hands occupies itself by absentmindedly tracing the edges of his jaw. The shell of his ear. That one silver hoop earring he refuses to part with. Your nails work into his hairline and play with his damp curls. 
“Were there others?” you ask him. 
His tongue clicks against the roof of his mouth, then he admits, “Yeah. A few. Just hookups, really. Lilly was the most consistent, and that was still, you know…”
“No strings attached?” you smirk. 
“Why did you do it?” 
Your spine arches as he draws a big breath in, then releases it, “All the reasons I said it didn’t work. That was true, you know. I was gone a lot. Filming, meetings, press stuff. A few days here, a week there. There was one stretch where I was gone for two months. I’m not drowning in work or anything, but it adds up. I don’t think she realized that being with me meant being away from me that often. And. Yeah. 
“At first, it upset me a lot. I thought she would be supportive and loving. Compassionate, you know. But she turned so cold when she was mad. Completely ignored me. Acted like I didn’t exist. Even when I begged for her reassurance, for her to show me she still cared and noticed me, but she wouldn’t react. I felt like a ghost. It-it kind of reminded me—”
He pauses here for a moment, holding his breath, then releases a soft, sad chuckle. His Adam’s apple bobs. When he starts again, his voice is watery. 
“It reminded me of what it was like for me growing up. If I didn’t please my dad, he would ignore me completely. I would act out, be loud, push him until he exploded. Because then… then at least I knew he could see me. It was something, you know?”
You blindly cup his cheek and graze your thumb against his beard to let him know you’re listening. He nuzzles into the touch, a small rumble sounding from his throat. 
“Maybe I was acting out with Annie? Or maybe just trying to… fill that emptiness, loneliness. Or numb out. Forget that my wife didn’t love me anymore. I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t matter. I started using again. Heroin, oxy, bars, morphine, adderall, booze. Whatever I could get my hands on, really. But blow has always been my favorite. It makes me feel…”
“Yeah,” he says, “Yeah. Powerful. And with other people I actually felt… desired. Plus, they were both a rush. I felt alive. When I was home I was hollow. I stopped groveling for her affection when I started fucking around. Neither of us wanted to work on the hard things. The whole fucking thing, you know, it metastasized. And—and our relationship died.” 
“Fuck,” you grimace. 
Dieter cranes his neck to look at you, “Too bleak?”
“No, it’s not that,” you tell him, “It’s just… familiar.”
Adrenaline spikes your bloodstream. Your mouth opens to say more, then you close it and hold your breath. 
He rests his cheek on your head. Squeezes you a little tighter. Like he’s prodding you so say more. 
“Do I make you happy?” you ask him. 
“Do you make me happy?” he repeats, disbelief raising his voice an octave. 
You nod.
“I told you earlier,” he kisses your hairline, “You make me so happy, Louella.” 
“But will you feel the same tomorrow?” 
“Obviously,” he lets out a little snort of laughter like he thinks you’re kidding. Silence settles. His body seems to tense and he adds, “Really, love, I mean it.”
Your teeth catch your bottom lip. Brows lace together. Then you ask, “What about a month from now?”
“Don’t do that, come on—”
“A year from now? Or—or longer, even—”
“Lua,” he huffs, then pulls you up to face him. His eyes are soft and pleading. He brushes his knuckles against your cheek, “Look, we won’t be happy every second of every day. You know why?”
A sharp pain radiates across your chest. You wince and shake your head. 
He tilts your chin up to meet his eyes and says, “Because it’s fucking impossible. If we do this thing right, which I fully intend to, sometimes we’re going to be scared, and frustrated, and–and we might want to take an easy way out. But I’m telling you that I will not do that. Because I love you.” 
You search his face and only find sincerity. Your stomach flips in a freefall so violent it makes you gasp, “Fuck, I love you.”
He smirks, gaze flicking between your eyes and lips, “And I’m going to love you tomorrow.” 
Your heart skips. Heat creeps up your neck. 
He cups your cheeks and locks his eyes onto yours, “And the next day, and ten years from now, and all the way until my next fucking life, ok?” 
“Ok,” you nod. Tension liquifies and drains from your body. The corners of your mouth upturn and you ask, “What then?” 
“What then?” he snorts, shaking his head with amusement, “What do you think? Hmm?”
You grin and shrug, pressing the tip of your tongue to your front teeth. 
His eyes drop to your mouth and he pulls you in for a kiss. When you part, he murmurs, “I’ll fucking find you in the next life and fall in love with you all over again.”
The words electrify you. You hook your hands behind his head and press your forehead against his, “Promise?” 
“Cross my heart,” he murmurs, and kisses you again.
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servantofthefates · 8 months
How to Predict Sports Matches with Tarot
STEP 1: Research the athletes.
Look at their photos. Know their nationality, age and zodiac sign. If it is a team sport, observe their logos and uniforms. Note the colors and symbols.
STEP 2: Analyze their personality.
Watch or read their interviews. Find out who is humble and who is arrogant, who plays fair and who cheats. Like Santa, make a nice and naughty list.
STEP 3: Phrase your question.
Ask a this or that question, not a yes or no.
WRONG: “Is Athlete 1 going to win against Athlete 2?”
RIGHT: “Who will win, Athlete 1 or Athlete 2?”
STEP 4: Explain your intentions.
Tarot does not like to be abused, so this is not for meaningless gambling. While shuffling, explain your curiosity. Have you been an NBA fan since you were a kid? Is this boxer the pride of your country? If tarot sees you are invested emotionally, it will answer you truthfully.
STEP 5: Do the full Celtic Cross.
Draw the usual ten cards, plus an eleventh from the bottom of the deck. For our purposes, only four matter: the immediate future, the environment, the final outcome, and the card at the bottom. In the next step, consider only these.
STEP 6: Find the athletes.
Physical Appearance
Let’s use tennis as an example. Tsitsipas has long, wavy hair that can look brown or blonde depending on the light. Thiem has short, straight, brown hair that can photograph as black. So if you see The Chariot with his long, wavy locks, that is Tsitsipas. If the Three of Wands appears with his straight, dark hair, that is Thiem.
Thiem is Austrian. Tsitsipas is Greek. The flag of Austria is white and red. So if The Judgement card appears, with the white and red flag on its trumpet, that points to Thiem. The flag of Greece is white and blue. So if you see The High Priestess in her robes of white and blue, that points to Tsitsipas.
At the time I first posted this, Tsitsipas was 21. Thiem was 26. Either way, one remains younger than the other. So if you see a Page, that is a vote for Tsitsipas. A Knight, for Thiem.
Zodiac Sign
Thiem is a Virgo Sun. Tsitsipas is a Leo Sun. They both have an Aries Moon, so The Emperor could not tell us anything. But The Hermit, The Magician and the Knight of Pentacles would be Thiem. While Strength, The Sun and the King of Wands would be Tsitsipas.
Both Tsitsipas and Thiem are “nice”. So here, personality does not really matter. But to show you how it works, Mike Tyson would be branded “naughty”, thanks to that time he bit Evander Holyfield’s ear off. The Devil, the violent Knight of Swords, and the thieving Seven of Swords could all represent him.
Team Logo
Say the Miami Heat has a match against the Chicago Bulls. Miami Heat’s logo is a flaming ball, which is what The Sun is too. And the Bulls’ logo is well, a bull, which is the symbol of Taurus. So The Hierophant or the King of Pentacles showing up would spell a win for this team.
STEP 7: Make your prediction.
The more cards for an athlete or team, the more evidence of their win.
But what if the cards were not so clear? That is why we drew the full Celtic Cross spread. Do the previous step again, but look at all the other cards instead.
Don’t worry — watching the game will still be thrilling. Actually, seeing your prediction unfolding makes it even more exciting!
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Between You and Me and Him
A silly little 6-question interview with my three F!Leos in an interrogation setting. I made these peepaws sit on a metal chair and suffer through the back pain. This interview was taken after shoving the F!Leos in a room for an hour of talking. No I will not elaborate on how they are in the same room in the first place hehe. This is gonna be a big ol’ block of text oof. (I hope I organized this well enough to be read-able. Coherrent? Not eye-straining? Much see, much read? Idk if not I’ll just post it on ao3)
First Question: What were your first impressions of the others?
Reunion flips the ends of his bandana and says, “Deadbeats.” He smiles then waves his hand to add, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. DMD has this look in his eyes, it’s almost like he’s filled with this strange sense of determination. Almost like he’s ready for something.” He raises a finger to silence whatever incoming response that may come, to add, “But he also looks exhausted. Like that determination is hidden behind a much-needed, twenty-year-long nap.” He crosses a leg and leans back in his chair, “Now, LCD? The man’s got a crazy look in his eyes. He looks like he lost more sleep than DMD. Hell, I’d bet if you gave him a paper towel, he would use it as a blanket and fall asleep on the floor where he stands.” The slider is silent for a few seconds before adding, “He also looks… broken…? I guess that’s another way a twenty-year-long war can do to a guy. Not everyone is invulnerable, I guess.”
DMD shifts in his chair before properly sitting with his hands on his lap. “Reunion…? He looked… bright. I’m sure we all shared the same shocked expression at the time, but he looked so clean and healthy. He looked full.” DMD raises a brow and then says, “Oh, LCD, right.” DMD seems to think for a second before finally answering, “He looks punchable.” After a moment of silence, he adds, “I don’t know what it is, whether the deranged look on the bastard’s face or the fact he looks worse off than me, but something about him doesn’t sit right with me.”
LCD refuses to sit down and stands behind the chair. He cautiously eyes his surroundings before answering, “Reunion looks too much like the young Leon from my universe. He kind of pisses me off in that sense. DMD looks so small compared to his actual size. It’s like he’s trying to make himself small, I don’t get it.”
Second Question: What do you think of the others now that you’ve talked to them briefly?
He stays silent, thinking for a moment before answering, “DMD… he’s got a good head on his shoulders. We talked alone for a few seconds, but there was only so much I can relate to the guy. After all… I was able to get my brothers back. I know it’s shitty of me to think this, but…” He hesitates for another second before finishing, “I’m glad that I’m not him.” He stays silent for a few seconds, thinking over what he had said before adding, “I want to punch LCD. It’s like, the more I talk to the guy, the more punchable his face gets.” A strange expression washes over his face as if he carefully thinks his response over. “But I get where he’s coming from… kind of.”
He looks away as if processing his thoughts, and says, “I’d trust Reunion with my kids. I’d trust him more than myself. I’d rather the kids stay with him than me. They deserve an adult like him, instead of me.” His eyes narrow and his face distorts to that of one of disgust. A low grumble emanates from his chest as he sits back in his seat. “LCD can eat shit for all I care. I don’t know what he has done, but something tells me he has done shit I would never do. When I find out, he’s going to regret ever coming back to the present.”
He paces for a few seconds before he stops. He stares at a wall and then mumbles, “I wish I were them.” He doesn’t say anything else and remains silent.
Third Question: Would you trust the others with your Present Brothers?
The slider nods for a few seconds then releases a quick chuckle. A bright smile stretches on his face before he says, “Fuck no.” His smile dies slightly and he adds, “But if I had to choose… I think I’d trust DMD. He looks like someone that would protect the kids, but at what cost is what I’m concerned about. I wouldn’t bet money on that, but it’s just a feeling.”
Without hesitation, the slider answers, “No.” he stands and takes a menacing step forward before adding with a low voice, “If you take my kids, you’d better hope you run far enough where I can’t catch you.” He stops and takes a step back, “Yeah, I’d trust Reunion with my kids, but that would mean I’m dead and gone before they’re with him. I made a promise to those kids, and I won’t be breaking that promise anytime soon.”
He turns away from the chair and says, “The kids’d be better off with either of them. Send the kids their way, I won’t fight. They deserve someone better.”
Fourth Question: Not knowing their stories, whose situation would you rather be in, seeing how they came out?
He leans back in his chair and releases a huff of amusement. He raises a brow and crosses his arms in front of his plastron, the slightest creak of his robotic arm scratching slightly against his shell resounds as he says, “Mine. Are you kidding? I got the better end of the stick—just look at me. As much as I hate to admit, they’re strong for being able to keep going despite whatever they went through. For a brief moment, I was them before twenty years were long and forgotten and erased—or reset. I don’t know how different their situation is, but I wouldn’t trade mine for the world.”
He leans forward, contemplating his answer before saying, “Seeing Reunion you can tell he has a better story. One that I’m jealous of, but… as much as I would love to be in his situation… I don’t think I deserve it. And, I think the kids would hate me if I chose not to live in my situation. I don’t regret meeting them, but I do regret what I had to leave behind.”
He is now staring at the chair, his eyes filled with melancholy and regret. He bites down on nothing for a brief second and swallows, “Either one. Any situation is better. I don’t care whose, just one of them.”
Fifth Question: Would you survive sitting in a room with the Leos, including the younger versions?
Reunion leans back as he crosses his arms over his plastron, cocking his head side-to-side as he weighs his options. “I barely managed to survive a room with the older Leos but throw in the kids?” His whole body cringed and he adds, “Might as well throw me in Big Mama’s Battle Nexus. Fighting ten of her champions would be easier than that.”
DMD shakes his head and says, “Leon is a handful as is—add in two of me and two of him? Throw me back to the Krang while you’re at it.”
He says nothing but shakes his head.
Sixth Question: If you had to watch over one of the other F!Leo’s younger counterparts, who would you rather watch over?
Reunion leans his head back over his carapace, looking up at the ceiling as he nods slightly to himself. He cocks his head side-to-side again, weighing his options once more. He releases a long breath before finally sitting up straight and uncrossing his arms. He placed his hands on his knees, and answers, “I’ll have to talk to them to see what the Little Leos are like. Seeing how the other old bags like me turned out, the kids might be just as different as we are.” He stays silent for a few seconds, his eyes narrowing before adding with a small smile, “I think I’d like to have a word with LCD’s Little Blue.”
DMD breathes in slowly and finally sits back down in his seat. The chair creaks under his weight as it scrapes slightly against the floor. “Another Leon…,” he begins then leans back into his chair. He adds carefully, eyes narrowing in concentration, “I like the kid, I think I’ll keep watching over him. But—,” the slider suddenly cuts himself off. “I am curious how the others are, especially Reunion’s,” the slider finishes before swallowing nothing. “How much happier is Reunion’s Leon?”
LCD placed his hands on the top rail of the chair before leaning his weight on it and looking down. “What will it take for them to take Little Leo instead of me watching one of them?”
This became a little angsty (I blame LCD F!Leo) but it was fun! If you have any questions for the F!Leos don’t be hesitant to ask! Honestly, it was harder to come up with questions than it was to come up with their answers haha! Hopefully this isn’t too much of a spoiler on LCD F!Leo’s character since his story is still a work in progress! If I come up with more questions, I’ll just add it to the Between You and Me and Him tag.
Reunion (oneshot)
DMD or Dead Man’s Deal (completed)
LCD or Leonardo Come Down (ongoing)
(All these fics can be found on AO3 under the author name: LoneAnonon)
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wrongcaitlyn · 1 month
also, since i feel bad about making you guys wait so long and i'm also not 100% sure if i'll manage a chapter before sunday (will be trying, but it's been a whileDJSD) here's a snippet of what i've already written!
and a little update on the chapter, i've got like.. 1/6 of it done? ish? and i def could've written more earlier but instead i spent an hour planning and outlining one of nico's future music videos with @wronghuntress
it's a very cool mv and i am very proud of it and just like the details and aesthetics of the next few albums are ahghsldkjsldfj im so so excited for you guys to seee!! i feel like i should be making pinterest boards for these. but that's my brain derailing me again. i will do that over summer.
so!! snippet!!
They decide on the end of July for the rescheduled concerts. Partly because it gives Nico a little over two months to mentally prepare, partly because Will has a summer class in June so he’d be able to travel with them in July (along with Leo, who invited himself along too), and partly because it worked with Alex’s schedule.
Until then, though, there turns out to be a lot to get done.
Will’s rescheduled finals have been all finished by the end of May. Apollo has set up a series of job interviews for the three main people he’s decided they need—a publicist, a tour manager, and an assistant for him (that last one was pushed for by Nico, and then Will as well, and because Apollo isn’t able to resist their combined efforts, it worked)—throughout the last week of May and early June. The Archery World Championships are from the tenth to the sixteenth, in the Netherlands, and the entire family will be there to watch Kayla. 
From there on, it’s studio work, studio work, and more studio work throughout the rest of June. It’s a lot of therapy. It’s some secret project that Apollo keeps obviously working on, but is clearly attempting to hide the evidence of. Nico doesn’t know whether he should be concerned, but his eye bags have faded slightly, and he’s returned to styling his hair rather than throwing it up in a bun, so Nico thinks that’s a good sign.
The New York estate doesn’t have a proper studio—at least, not as good as Apollo’s house in LA. Still, it has the basics, including a mic, a computer with some audio editing software that Nico’s familiar with, and a keyboard, so while Will is studying and out taking his exams, Nico is there. 
For once, he feels like he doesn’t have much to write about the situation. It scares him for a bit when first walking into the studio, expecting to open his phone to an extensive list of depressing lyrics, only to find nothing.
He tells Mr. D that during their next therapy session. There’s no concrete answer, because Nico isn’t quite sure what exactly prompts him to spill out his thoughts in lyric form usually, but Mr. D had suggested the idea that instead of falling straight to the conclusion and having to sort out his thoughts, he was instead stuck in a sort of paralysis while Will was in the hospital, and then immediately talked out his feelings in person rather than on paper afterward.
Nico supposes that it makes sense. But that doesn’t stop him from rushing to the studio as soon as he’s sure Will won’t ‘accidentally’ overwork himself once left alone for over an hour—just to see if there really isn’t anything left to say.
It turns out, there is. There always is. But the songs that he writes now feel more self-deprecating and slightly relieved rather than the accusatory, grieving tones of the rest of the album. And besides, he thinks that he’s too close to a possible release date (or, at least, the beginning of the promotional singles process) to be planning an entirely new series of songs.
He still writes them, of course. They’ll just have to remain in lyric form, for now, though.
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pedripics · 11 months
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PEDRI Interview with ESPN Deportes
Dream Barça XI: Ter Stegen, Puyol, Rafael Márquez, Pique, Jordi Alba, Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta, Leo Messi, Ronaldinho, Luis Suárez
On his family and their support: "Everything has happened very fast. I look back and a few years ago I was at Las Palmas and now I'm at Barça and in the national team and everything I have achieved. But thanks to my family, I have both my feet on the ground. I always try to be calm, be as I have been all my life and enjoy the journey. For me, family is the most important thing, they will always be there no matter what happens, no matter how well it goes, they are the first ones to support you or congratulate you. I think, one of the most important things you have to do, is take care of your family and spend time with them. They are the first ones that are happy for the things I am achieving and well, my brother is the first one that gives me stick if I do something wrong so I can improve."
On winning LaLiga last season: "It's clear that even for the best [teams] there are bad times too. I was unlucky to experience a couple of those in the early years, but fortunately last year we won LaLiga, we want to compete much more, we have a great squad and I hope for much better situations to come."
"You win LaLiga by having consistency. You have to win game by game and every week you have to mentalize that maybe the Champions League didn't go very well, but in LaLiga we had to keep winning with the same dynamic. In the end that is complicated because, in three days, you have to go from a defeat to having to win at the weekend, but we did very well."
"Every year there is pressure on Barça to win all the titles, but we want to say that last year was no coincidence and that this year we are going to fight with everything and why not, take it home again."
On the youngsters joining them for Pre-Season: "The squad is constantly growing, like the youngsters who also came to train with us on this tour and stand out because they are players with quality. The next generation comes without fear, they enjoy themselves on the field as they are, and the future they have in store for us is great." (senior citizen Pedri is back at it again lmao)
On Gündogan joining Barça: "I have always said that all good players should join Barça. For me, it's the best club in the world. With Gündogan, in the few training sessions we've had, you can already see the quality he has. I had already seen him in matches, but in person, he is even more impressive. The way he turns and how difficult it is for him to lose a ball… I'm going to enjoy playing alongside him."
On potentially joining MLS after his career at Barça: "Yes, it's a league that is fun to watch. Most of all, life here seems very nice with a lot of things to do. The cities are amazing and it piques the interest to come and play here."
On training and his new nutrition plan: "I train a lot but it's not what I enjoy the most, when I'm on the field that's what I like the most. In terms of nutrition, it's hard because there are foods I don't like as much, like salmon. I prefer red meat over salmon, but now it's a big part of my diet and I have to eat it."
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urara04 · 9 months
Gemini DTIYS
Fic for @tangledinink ‘s DTIYS for Gemini!
Wrote a total of. Apparently. 1532 words. This fic got away from me hehe.
Little interview fic under the read more (I’ve hid little details and things, hope you pick up on them! )
Today, the Gemini, current Battle Nexus champions, are with us for an interview and to learn the plans for their career in the future.
The twin champions shall be interviewed by the twin journalists, Castor Leda and Pollux Leda.
Castor: Good evening, gentlemen.
Gemini: Good evening~ we’re happy to be here
Gemini: Good evening.
Pollux: To make things a little less confusing, both for us and for the readers, are there any other names we can refer to you, as individuals?
Castor: We’ve heard you don’t like to be called by your birth names, so let’s find a middle ground.
[[ Leo smirks ]]
Gemini: How about… Neon Leon ☆
[[ Donnie rolls his eyes ]]
Gemini: He’s joking. Don’t do that.
Castor: chuckles Alright, we got a jokester over here.
Gemini: As for the names, you can call us by our colors. Blue for me, Purple for this boy over here.
[[ “Hey” ]]
Pollux: Noted. Well, thank you for being here, Blue and Purple.
Blue: Wouldn’t be anywhere else~
Purple nods
[[ He fiddles with his fingers, unnoticeable to anyone but Leo sitting next to him ]]
Castor: Your recent victories in the Battle Nexus are nothing short of fascinating, how do you come up with surprising the audience each and every time?
Blue: Are you talking about the victory over that lion yokai? Or the whale one? Or that mob of fishes?
Pollux: Let us take the more recent one, the lion.
Castor: That fight was a fierce one to watch. One thing we both noticed, however, was that Purple didn’t use his normal bo.
[[ Donnie stops ]]
Pollux: That was something we were wondering, yes. Purple, you usually use a more… sturdy weapon. And I am not a scientist, so correct me if I’m wrong, but the bo you usually use is made of metal.
Castor: You used a wooden staff this time. Any reason?
[[ It was suddenly very warm for him ]]
[[ “…for the challenge.” ]]
Purple: For the challenge.
Blue: Yeah, since the recent fights had a lot of repetition which is no fun, both for us and for the lovely audience, we thought we could shake things up by using a different weapon.
Castor: And what a change it was! It was a shame the staff broke, but you managed to roll with it and win!
Pollux: The fight was a close one, it had us on the edge of our seats.
[[ Leo smiles, almost breaking into a full-toothed grin ]]
Blue: That’s Gemini~
Castor: Now, if you could allow me to ask a bit more of a personal question.
[[ Pollux folds his hands ]]
Castor: We know you’re the children of Big Mama, but we were wondering: do you have a dad? A Big Papa if you will.
[[ “Castor” “What, we’re both wondering the same thing!” ]]
Blue: I’m afraid that information is off-limits~
Purple: All you need to know is that he is not in our lives.
[[ Leo looks at Donnie, both sharing the same thought ]]
[[ “But do you have any idea-“ “That is enough, Castor” ]]
Pollux: Thank you for answering. Let us move on to other questions. The fights in the Battle Nexus are obviously the core of your careers. Are there any other plans for the both of you to expand your Gemini career? Aside photoshoots and interviews like this one, of course.
Purple: There will be a new merchandise line coming out.
Blue: Oh yes! Little pins, shirts, caps, even water flasks! All available with our logo and colors, in your nearest market!
Purple: The more special merchandise will be sold at the Battle Nexus, right after we win our fight.
Pollux: Can we get a clue about this special merchandise?
[[ Castor rolls his eyes ]]
Purple: Little plushies, more elaborate shirts, bags, and even exclusive photographs of the both of us training, and even playing sports like tennis or basketball.
[[ “-baskeighball” “…what did you say?” “He said basketball” ]]
Pollux: Thank you for answering, Purple, I am very curious to see how this line will turn out. You both work very hard, and it’s admirable to see this work drive from two young men.
[[ Donnie smiles a little ]]
[[ “You’re doing great, Purple, don’t worry” ]]
Castor: So, you both have each other, you have Big Mama, are there any other names in this family, or is it just the three of you?
Blue: Well, we have Gus!
Purple: He’s our dog and has been with us since birth
Castor: And what do we have to imagine? Little puppy, or a big guard dog?
Purple: …well
Blue: Would it make sense…
Purple: If he’s both?
Blue: You’d have to see him to really get it, haha~
Pollux: Sounds like a fun family
Castor: And what about people outside of the four of you?
[[ Pollux sighs ]]
Purple: Like the hotel staff?
Blue: Aside from the people who have been with us since we were but little tadpoles
[[ “That’s not how-“ ]]
Blue: We aren’t really attached to the hotel staff. They’re friendly enough, but nobody close.
Castor: And outside of the hotel, then?
Blue: We’re too focused on our careers to really spend time with the people outside. Inside, however…
Purple: Gemini tends to mingle with the visitors of the Nexus Hotel, that’s where you can find us outside of the Battle Nexus, and you can meet us there as well.
[[ Leo chuckles a bit at the monotone voice of Donnie ]]
Castor: Now, Blue, I have a question for you. If it’s alright, it’ll be the last question for today
Blue: Go for it!
Castor: Who’s the older twin?
[[ Leo laughs, loud ]]
[[ Donnie covers his ears from the sudden volume ]]
Blue: Pfft, what?
Castor: You see, Pollux is the older one, and I was wondering if that serious persona he does all the time is an elder brother trait, or if it’s just himself.
Blue: laughing Although that’s a fun question, we’re actually not sure which of the two of us is older.
Castor: Would anything change between the two of you, if you learned if you’re the youngest, or maybe even eldest.
[[ Pallox huffs, but grins a little bit ]]
Blue: Hmmmm… well, in battle, I’m already the defense and Do- Purple the offense. So being overprotective would kind of make sense, being the eldest?
Purple: Or being a stickler to the rules and authority and stressing over every little thing.
Blue: Oh don’t get me started on that! As for learning if I’m younger… maybe more ignorant?
Pollux: That is an interesting choice of words.
Blue: I mean being more free, being more hyperactive maybe?
Purple: Running on impulse without thinking twice.
Blue: Ugh, both options don’t look fun, if I have to be honest.
Purple: I don’t like them either.
Castor: Haha, sounds like you two don’t have it figured out yet.
[[ “Sounds like two middle children, honestly.” ]]
Pollux: I think that wraps up the interview.
Castor: Yes, thank you for being here!
Pollux: Are there any questions you have for us, or something you want to mention for the readers?
Blue: No questions over here, but! We do have something to say to the fans!
Purple: I have no questions.
Blue: We’re holding a little promotion this weekend, and there’s a chance to join us and watch a performance!
Purple: There will be a random draw for a few lucky Battle Nexus watchers, who want to join the draw anyway. 5 yokai will win the chance to join us in watching this new ballet piece- Swanatello, which we will watch on premier. Details will come later.
[[ “Swanatello, huh? Kinda like Donatello-” “That ballet piece has zero relation to me.” ]]
Blue: I’ve heard it focuses on family relations, especially on twin brothers, perfect for us!
Purple: I will be watching for the unraveling story, it seems like it has a big mystery in the background.
Pollux: It sure sounds interesting. Thank you for your time.
Castor: And thank you, dear readers, for reaching the end! You can find the Gemini in the Battle Nexus, next…
Purple: Saturday
Castor: Next Saturday!
[[ “Gemini, once again, thanks for being here! It was very fun to talk to you both” ]]
[[ “Of course, this was a lovely interview~” ]]
[[ “Especially you, Blue, nice improvisation.” ]]
[[ “And you, Purple, you did well. You do not have to be nervous, we will cut out parts you do not wish to be printed.” ]]
[[ “Thank you for the offer, but we have to get going now.” ]]
[[ “Yes, yes, goodbye guys!” ]]
[[ Leo and Donnie leave the room ]]
[[ “Ugh that was a draggggg” ]]
[[ “You slipped up a few times.” ]]
[[ “WHAT ?? No way! I had to to save your butt!” ]]
[[ Leo elbows Donnie ]]
[[ “I wonder what the printed version will be.” ]]
[[ “Eh, we’ll hear from mama soon enough if it’s not ‘up to her expectations’ “ ]]
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tearinarainstorm · 1 year
What do you think about ruben’s birth chart ?
I would say it’s positive and transparent. He’s a taurus sun with a leo moon and they’re described as determined, honest, confident, fair, organized and reliable, which is very Rúben, based on what I’ve seen in interviews, how he talks about himself, what the people around him say about him and what we can appreciate from the outside.
Venus has a strong presence in his chart. Both the sun and mercury are in taurus, ruled by venus. His Venus is aspected by three planets, so I’d say he’s a lovely Venusian. And I think it shows on his work and his relationship with his teammates and colleagues. He’s attentive, caring and respected. It gives me kindergarden teacher vibes (🥹😭).
If I had to pick something to look out for, it would be the lack of water in his chart. There isn’t a single planet in a water sign and it can cause emotional trouble, like being insensitive, self-centred or bottling up feelings. If he asked me for advice, I’d tell him to have an aquarium, be near of bodies of water and to go out on rainy days. But I do think this can be balanced a bit by having a water rising/ascendant (maybe pisces?).
I could make a more detailed post in the future, there are other interesting things in his chart!
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tarotsol · 5 months
Will there be any changes in kpop in 2024?
Sm, yg, hybe and jyp are all churning out new groups. Even international groups from hybe and jype is targetting to US market.
Have you seen the interview where bangpd is talking about removing the k from pop.👀🤔
Hi anon!
I did see that interview! It’s kind of mad right?
Just from the vibe I’m getting, 2024 will be one of definite change in the idol industry. It may not look crazy, but there will be definitely be rumbles under the surface which impact South Korea as a whole these next 12 months+ which will impact every industry in Korea, not just entertainment. Now onto the reading…
So I had to split these up into 2 sections: 1) South Korea & 2) Kpop industry:
1) South Korea changes:
Yep, like I said, South Korea is going to continue to be a worldwide spectacle with the world card that I got here. There will be more achievements, successes & completions/ collaborations that will push the country into a more western market! Expect big things happening internationally in Aquarius season (End of Jan/Early Feb), Taurus Season (Late April/ Early May), Leo Season (Late July, early Aug) & Scorpio season (Late Oct/Early Nov). These will include m&g tours, (I heard Kcon is coming to Europe!) more events worldwide & more!
2) Kpop Industry in Korea:
This pretty much confirms what you just said! The industry is going to go overboard with looking for the next big thing (Knight Cups) They will be looking for new beginnings, opportunities & talents in more places worldwide for that it factor. Definitely more of a push with international collaborations I see this year too. Companies are now starting to see the importance of a global market & English speakers and now there’s a rat race beginning to find top level talent worldwide. (The Magician card)
Howeverrr, this also comes with some problems as some more scandals are going to come to light related to the industry. Secrets will be revealed & mysteries uncovered with the high priestess card here so it won’t all be sunshine & daisies.
Company staff will be required to learn new skills when breaking into these new markets eg Learning English & international marketing which will take a while to understand. Competition will be fierce. Someone could talk about this in the future. (8op)
Cooperation & sharing will also be linked with this. I’m getting physical shares so I think a company is going to be merging with another sometime soon… (Hybe X SM) More company collaborations here no surprise. I’m also getting teamwork- like the saying if you can’t beat them join them.
Thanks for the question anon! Happy New Year!
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