#goetia my destiny
mako-neexu · 1 year
When that one JP twitter user said, "Guda seems to fit in well/belong to the Beast family."
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rare-prism-s · 2 months
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bleucaesura · 2 months
Stolas barely remembered the last fifteen minutes. Barely remembered Asmodeus telling him Blitzø had woken up. Barely registered his subsequent conversation with the doctor.
Somehow he and Asmodeus had convinced everyone to leave Blitzø’s room. But Stolas definitely didn’t remember anything he said to make that happen. Yet somehow, here he was, alone in Blitzø’s room, staring down at him and feeling like a lost puppy.
Stolas looked around the room - it’s emptiness after so many of Blitzø’s loved ones had just left - and he felt small. Insignificant in Blitzø’s life. He wasn’t sure what he was even doing...
“Just be here.” Asmodeus had told him. “I definitely wasn’t the first face Blitzø expected to see when he woke up.”
I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that…
“What if he doesn’t want to see me?”
Asmodeus rolled his eyes and sighed. “Stolas? Babe. Don’t be stupid. Mmkay? Just sit with the fool… Hell! Talk to him while he’s still asleep if that’ll help ease some of this massive tension.”
Asmodeus squeezed Stolas’s shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “But don’t mess this sh*t up and run off like that idiot did.” He nodded at Blitzø. “YOURS was the first name out of his mouth.”
Stolas blushed.
“MmHmm” Asmodeus smirked and rolled his eyes. “That’s what I thought.”
Asmodeus had swished out of the room and waved goodbye with a smug “Good luck, birdie babe.” Leaving Stolas alone, flustered, confused and frustrated.
Stolas paced the room. He knew the others had talked to Blitzø while he was comatose. But Stolas had never had the courage. He wasn’t good about talking about his feelings. He wasn’t even good at FEELING his feelings. Decades of Goetian repression had been drilled into his skull.
Stolas stopped and looked at Blitzø’s sleeping face.
If things don’t work out between us… This could be my last chance to say the things I’ve always wanted to say… Even… Even if he doesn’t hear me…
Stolas took a deep breath and walked over to Blitzø’s bedside with purpose.
Fake confidence and others will believe you have it… Or something like that… Right?
He laughed nervously to himself as he stood over Blitzø and looked at his sleeping face.
He looks so handsome and peaceful…
Stolas reached out a hand to caress Blitzø’s cheek, but stopped just short. He hesitated. He swallowed hard and pulled his hand back, clutching his chest.
Say what you need to say….
Stolas heaved a heavy sigh and dropped himself into the chair at Blitzø’s bedside. He clutched his hands in his lap, thinking of where to begin.
“I dreamt of you many times over the years, Blitzø.” Stolas pieced together his thoughts. “I met you on what was supposed to be the most important day of my life. I was given my life’s purpose. My destiny in the Goetia family.”
Stolas looked up at Blitzø. His heart clenched.
“Most important day of my life…” Stolas scoffed. “I realize now it was the most important day of my life. But only because YOU came into my life that day.”
Stolas smiled to himself. He closed his eyes and thought back to the moment at the circus. The beautiful boy swooping in from above. How his cheeks had burned and his little heart had done crazy little flips. He’d never felt like that before… Or since.
“You swung into my life like a hero from one of my books about pirates and princesses and adventures and romance... I was struck by your beauty the moment I saw you.”
Stolas couldn’t help but reach out and touch Blitzø’s face.
“You were a beacon of light to me after I’d been handed down a life sentence.”
Stolas tenderly stroked Blitzø’s cheek with his thumb. “A comfort to me in my gilded jail…”
Blitzø sighed and nuzzled into Stolas’s hand.
Stolas froze.
OMG omgomgomg OMG! Is he AWAKE?!
He sat there frozen in - mostly - terror for what felt like an eternity, but Blitzø didn’t wake. His breaths were slow and even.
Oh thank f*ck.
Stolas slowly pulled his hand away. His heart was beating out of his chest.
I was NOT ready for that…
Stolas sat in wide-eyed and rigid silence, watching Blitzø for the next ten minutes. He wasn’t ready to talk to Blitzø awake…
When he was sure he was definitely asleep, Stolas relaxed and continued.
“When you showed up at my home to be my friend. I couldn’t believe it. I’d never had a friend before.” Stolas’s voice trailed off. “And I’ve never had another since.”
“You’ve been a constant source of joy and hope in my life, Blitzø. Even those twenty five years you weren’t around. You were a dream I held onto. A hope for a better day.”
Stolas leaned over, crossing his arms on the bed, and rested his head on his arms. He looked up at Blitzø’s sleeping face.
“I realize now that was far too much pressure to put on one person. My happiness isn’t dependent on you Blitzø. You make me happy. But I don’t expect you to be the ONLY reason I’m happy. I’ve just been unhappy for so long…”
Stolas eyes stung with tears.
“I love you Blitzø. I want you to be happy. Even if that means I’m no longer a part of your life.”
Stolas buried his face in the bed and cried.
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kcciny · 1 year
Favorite thing about them: Everything. Where should I even start? The design of his beast form is absolutely banger, his np? The best one in the game for me. I still remember him killing my front party and i wasn’t even mad. His human design is so beautiful… idk how to explain this but even if Goetia is naked he doesn’t look naked since his design focus’s on different things such as the hair and glow which I think is really nice and makes him look very aesthetic even tho his design is kept very minimal. His personality? I mean he got 72 ofc you gonna like one of them- jk In his human form he just talks so fondly and I love that… everyone knows how long it took him to become this gentle with his words by the end. But yea I absolutely love how he is still a big mystery cause you don’t know if its Goetia or Asmodeus.
Least favorite thing about them: the design of Goetia in Solomons body in the movie… I mean yes he looks mean and rancid like he should but in fgo his design is much nicer…
Favorite line: My sworn enemy. My hatred. My destiny. <3 kills me everytime <3
BrOTP: I honestly have no idea what that means but I assume it means like, best friends and I gotta say, I never thought about that. I just imagine him hanging out with the other beasts…
OTP: Ritsuka. Enemy to Lovers. Do I need to say more? (Listen I really need them to bond okay. I want them both to heal and help another…)
NOTP: Mash, Solomon/Romani. Idk it just feels wrong.
Random headcanon: Goetia is absolutely asexual. I know I joke alot about his d and whatever but honestly? I doubt he would ever go for it given the chance. He has no reason or want to
Also…he is warm. Portable heater….
Unpopular opinion: Goetias hair could be more curly. As a treat <3
Favorite picture of them:
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sendmyresignation · 6 months
hii if u don't mind, any metal bands you'd recommend for someone wanting to get into slightly more obscure stuff but doesn't know where to start digging? any subgenre/time period idc. asking u this bc i trust ur knowledge
i truly truly love getting asks like this, thank you for trusting me and it's awesome to hear you want to dig deeper!!
it's hard for me to give specific recs because i don't know what you've vibed with so ill meet you half way and give you a list as well as some places to learn more just in case i end up in the wrong direction.
these are some bands that clicked for me when i was first exploring outside my comfort zone, as well as some stuff from my aoty from the last few years:
Possessed - Seven Churches; this one is the least obscure but i feel like possessed are easy to miss. important band bridging the gap between thrash and death metal. love crazy maniac shit like this
Satan- Court in the Act; classic new wave of british heavy metal with a bit of edit. type of band that had enormous pull in underground power and speed metal scenes- this is a blueprint for a lot of great obscure heavy metal with the soaring vocals and the tappy solos. i love chastain (american, mid/late 80s response) if you want to see that lineage in effect
Mystifier - Goetia; brazilian metal is a huge huge historically important metal phenomenon. sepultura are more well-known and sarcofago are cult classic black metal pioneers (seriously, inri is one of the greats) but mystifier is a band that opened up the scene for me a little more and is incredible in their own right
Autopsy - Metal Funeral; slow, gripping death metal carnage!! also one of the few legacy bands continuing to release actual good music which is fun. also, if you like the autopsy you'll love derketa, dream death, mythic, winter, all of whom make their own twist on a similar crushing brand of doomy death metal goodness
Sabbat- Envenom; long-running old-school japanese black metal. has that thrashy-punk first wave flavor along the lines of celtic frost, root, bulldozer (also sarcofago) and sodom at their most brutal.
Sacrilege- Behind the Realms of Madness; crusty thrash that had a huge influence on early bolt thrower. good if you're into punk already and want more of that in the metal (their later records lose the crust but gain doom- I almost like them more. killer band)
Vastum. any of their records seriously maybe the best active band on the planet rn.
Warning- Watching from a Distance; if you got to metal through my mcr blog then i think you can handle the whiny vocals on this and get a legit transformative experience out of Warning. seriously love this album, delightfully heavy doom in an emotional package. and doom is easy to rec, satisfying and not to extreme: Pentagram, Candlemass, Trouble, and Saint Vitus are all must must listens
Chevalier- Destiny Calls; combination of speed and power i really love in the classic heavy metal fantasy and knights vein. newer band too with a lot of similar listening to bigger bands in that scene. and if you like this style at all manilla road (the band) is a requirement if you aren't already familar
Some eclectic newer stuff I've enjoyed lately: Vicious Blade, Tyrann, Reverend Bizarre, Nekromantheon, Firmament, Svalbard, Vampirska, Ares Kingdom, Messa
but i really recommend checking out r/metal- their essentials is good for a beginner but they also have a ton of primers that can give you overviews of niche genres. the fenriz metal spotify playlist is also fuckin killer. For new music, look into reviews from sites like angrymetalguy, no clean singing, heavy blog is heavy, invisible oranges. helpful to know how your taste aligns with the writing staff (like i know if angrymetalguy dislikes something, im almost guaranteed to like it). shreddit has a release tracker on spotify; there's also a constant update of new releases on the metal archive!
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versegm · 1 year
Goetia for the character ask
First impression
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This, apparently!
Impression now
I want to hunt him for sports <3
Favorite moment
Idea for a story
Would be interesting to explore how he grew a sense of self I think... Him going from "democracy of 70ish demons" into his own person, however faint... someone who would remain even after all the demons have bailed...
A random opinion
Him fistfighting us, not to reach any sort of goal but out of sheer pride, was extremely relatable because "I'm not here to win I don't think I can win I am here to make you specifically live with the humiliation that I got this far and you couldn't stop me" was exactly my mindset when getting into Observer of Timeless Temple.
Favorite relationship
Goetia and Guda, for obvious reasons.
Favorite headcanon
Fuck idk I've been doing these for like an hour I'm running out of ideas. He probably wouldn't be too good to eat? His flesh looks like rocks. I don't think he has, like, flesh? I don't think he's edible?
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gryphis-eyes · 2 years
From witchcraft asks 41, 52 and 93 💖
Hello 💐
41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you?
I often talk about this one to people who talk to me about my craft ; I physically saw the demon I interacted with after asking for a confirmation, he looked like a tall shadow figure for some reason I was afraid but also felt so calm when I saw him (kinda sad it happened once in the beginning of my practice and now I rarely see stuff)
52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve?
New ager/wicca . At first I tried to just avoid them, then after joining the divination community I was face to face with them so I was just telling myself "k act like you tolerate it's not your practice it's ok" but oh boy new age is making a lot of damage where I live, almost erasing other types of witchcraft. I'm truly tired of seeing people talking about appropriated stuff (spirit animals or Lilith) without making a lot of research or they just look at ressources that agree with them :| or they say "but I don't mean any harm" ok then stop ? Also they are still using twin flame related stuff while we all know where it come from etc but "no I don't mean any harm while talking about it, I'm not talking about the evil twin flame" no no there is only one twin flame concept and if you want an other term there is simply "soulmate" even if this term got lost in a lot of false belief. I'm saying that here because I mostly see new ager/wiccan do that but I'm sure other people from other belief system do it, acting like everyone got the same belief as you. The easiest exemple can be the whole drama about curses and that if you do one it goes back to you 3 times but there is an other one. As a someone who works a lot with demon how many people I saw talking to me or an other person in the same kind of path that involve demon saying "demons are harmful being and straight up evil !!!"... And ? First of all demons are neutral, second... Why are you saying this to someone who work with them, exchange with them and see them in a total different way ? Oh you're going to show me their description from goetia who isn't something we refer to and is not even the surface of those beings🥹?
I'll stop there because I can't stop talking haha but you get the image there are some other stuff but that's the biggest one, the second one is the obsession with astrology but with my lack of knowledge I can't say more it just makes me feel weird that people tell you "you got free will" then tell you everything is writed on your chart... So it's like Naruto you say destiny doesn't exist and you're the one shaping the futur but in the end destiny exist and everything was writed from the beginning?
93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities?
Oh boy my first advice will sound annoying but I've been there, the short answer is don't search for your matron/patron it's like searching for a lover and only wanting your soulmate, the long answer is yes search for that but it need a lot patience (also the term patron/matron comes from Wicca, I think but people always end up with a "main deity"/patron)
I'm going to show you a simple exemple I'm in a group of people who started witchcraft togheter (we are 4) and evolved together, one of us chosed her deity right in the beginning, two of us ignored their true call (I'm one of those two 🫣) and the last one was just waiting for things to fall on his laps
Now we are on our 8th year of practice, yes we all found our main deity now (and it took a lot of time)except the one who was waiting for things to fall on his lap but he know where to search.
1. Don't wait for a deity to chose you, maybe you got some connexion with one but don't know it yet it's possible but from my experience no one is chosed
2. Since you're a kid is there an entity or an archetype that always inspired you, for me it was Lucifer (I've made a post about it maybe it can help)
3. Do you truly want a patron ? Here it's pure on my pov, having a patron mean it's an entity you'll be bound to, it's being devoted to them maybe now without being into it you tell yourself it sound good and yes it's nice to know that there is this being you can trust and got your back but it also mean you have to put the work etc
4. Let's say you really like Artemis but you're not a big fan of the Greek pantheon and their belief in general, do you like Artemis or do you like the moon ? The hunter archetype ? That she is a goddess ? The animals associated with her ? Or you can ask yourself those questions without having a deity in mind
5. Time spend with a deity ≠ they are my patron
I've been working with Leviathan since many years, he isn't my patron and I'm not his devotee, Lucifer made many appearance but I've not spent that much time with him, he is now my patron. Asmodeus was presented to me as having the potential to be my patron but when I worked with him I didn't felt like it or maybe it's meant to happen in the futur who know but in the end I'm not working with him anymore
6. Know that in the end you'll find your patron/main deity. It's someone that you find along the way sometimes it's someone who's just next to you but you're not looking at the good ones, you are free to chose and free to meet as many deity as you want until you tell yourself "damn I love that one we got a amazing bound". Be patient, it's ok to meet and entity you work well with but then they leave or you don't feel like working with them anymore, it's ok if you search thousand of pantheon as long as you go in those place with sincerity. Hell, i've been from Tyr to Loki then to Apollo and many others I've even tried to approach Tiamat, yes it's a lot of deities but when I was on their side I was doing it with sincerity and pure wish of wanting to learn from them and "pay back" for their services. Even now if I have found my path I told myself many times that I miss Apollo but it really wasn't for me, same with the Egyptian pantheon I truly love them but I felt so distant just like when I worked with the Norse pantheon I didn't find a home but I found a pantheon that accepted to welcome me in their home and let me learn then let me leave once I was ready.
(I hope I didn't went too far haha)
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Haven Misfits: Worth Falling For (Prologue)
[Author’s Note: before you read the Prologue of this story, I got to say that this wasn’t originally going to post over here first, I was gonna post it over at Quotev first, and then I think I would of ended up Cross-Post It Over here, but I haven’t really wrote that much on it yet and it’s only the prologue so far and on today of December 14, 2022 was the day I decided to try to write a bit more into the prologue, but the whole connection started to be all weird on me, and I had to sign back into Quotev like maybe two or three times, I was lucky it didn’t act all weird when I was writing in a journal that talks a little bit of that problem....
anyway I made sure to save what I wrote, and by that, I had to copy what I had wrote into the prologue along with what I had already wrote and had decided to post it over here....it’s the best thing I can do for now, but as soon as it gets back to fully normal (and hopefully it will soon maybe later tonight or tomorrow), I can try to work on Chapter 1.
this might end up being a short story, and might not end up having that many chapters...
I didn’t just want to call it “Haven Misfits” when writing it in story form, so I added “worth falling for” to it, but it’s still suppose to be a crossover au that’s called Haven Misfits. 
I still plan on posting this prologue over at where I was originally was going to first post it, but because of the problem I ran into today that might not be possible right now and might need to wait...
maybe once everything is back to normal, I can work on the next chapters and post them over there first, and then over here.
sorry if this prologue isn’t all that good, but I tried my best.
also one of the tags for this will be Mature Audiences Only...
and even though I still plan to re-post this prologue over at Quotev, which was what I was going to do until I ran into that connection problem. but please do not reblog this without my permission, for now I wont place the tag for it on here for now, but I might edit it in later on.
if things are back to normal tomorrow, I might be able to post this prologue over at Quotev, right now it doesn’t have a summary yet, and well once I get a idea what to write for a summary, I will put over there and even added on this, by editing it in. 
also the grammar in this prologue might be not great...     
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss goes to Vivziepop
Credit for Undertale & Deltarune goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Bendy Series goes to Joey Drew Studios
every friendship is different, some bonds break, some bonds mend, but like true love...
a true everlasting friendship is as eternal as the stars burning bright as they are born, then die and reborn a new.
but no one would ever dream of happening, was a friendship forming between three unlikely individuals:
a Imp, a Goetia and a Homunculus Angel...
but one day, the three went their separated ways, each of them starting to follow their own destiny, dream and heart’s desire.
The Goetia followed the destiny that was bestowed upon them,
The Imp followed the dream that they had since childhood,
and lastly The Homunculus Angel had followed their heart’s desire....
The Homunculus Angel had gave up their original form for another, and was reborn in another dimension as a Human, who would be named...[REDACTED] and who would sadly end up dying later in their life...
and with every reincarnation they took the form of, the more of their past memories of being a angel from another dimension where they had befriended a Goetia Prince and a Imp, started to fade away from their memory.
“EVANGELINE!” a man with a graying brown mustache and thinning hair on his head, screamed.
the door to the man’s office opens up and what appears outside the office,
was a young woman with skin that look like it could be porcelain like a doll,
her hair was in a messy state, her clothes were always a big sweater and long dress to cover her figure....which her co-workers would tease her for dressing the way she has been since she started to work there...
as soon as the woman, who was named Evangeline was taking two steps inside, she ended up tripping on her own feet and falling face first on the floor.
and scattering the papers she was holding when she came in, the papers first flew up into the air before falling down on the floor with her.
“Evangeline....”the man said while trying to keep calm while tapping his fingers on his desk, while waiting for the woman to pick herself up.
the woman’s glasses, with luck would have it, didn’t end up breaking...
the glasses were always foggy so no one could get a good clear view of her eyes or what color they were.
she didn’t even wear makeup, which was just another thing the other co-workers had enjoyed teasing her about.
Evangeline got on her knees, and started to pick up each paper, before standing on her two feet and facing her boss.
“Evangeline, we need to talk....close the door, and be careful not to trip on your own two feet again....”the man said as Evangeline nods her head before turning slowly around and walks very carefully to the door to the office and shuts it.
“it’s shut, sir...” Evangeline speaks with a soft and angelic voice, she hardly spoke at work and didn’t really speak to any of the others who made up the rest of the employees, as she didn’t feel the need to....
not like they would want to get close to her or get to know her, from how they had been treating her since her first day.
“can you tell me what this is, Evangeline...?”the man asks as takes out a piece of paper and places it on his desk, and with slow steps, Evangeline walks over to her boss’s desk and looks at the piece of paper.
“it’s a drawing, sir.”
“and can you tell me what it is a drawing of...?”
“it’s a drawing of Bendy.”
but after she replied about the character who was in the drawing,
her boss screams at her “YES! but do you see anything wrong with this drawing...?!! well, do you, Evangeline...can you tell me what is wrong with this drawing!”he asks her as she looks at the drawing much closely while adjusting her glasses on her face.
“his bow tie is blue, instead of red...?”
“Exactly!”the man said and then shoved the drawing into her hands and forcing her to take it, and by the look on his face....she knew he wouldn’t take no for answer.
“take that drawing down to Audrey, unlike you, she actually does her job more correctly and doesn’t color Bendy’s bow tie blue instead of red.”
Evangeline hugs the drawing to her chest, as she looks away from the man, who was named Ross Arch, the youngest son of Nathan Arch...
ever since Nathan Arch let his son Ross Arch take charge of everything, Evangeline didn’t feel very welcomed, even if on her first day here, she was use to Nathan Arch before his son took over...
at least Ross’s father treated both her and everyone with equal kindness...
but with a man like Ross Arch, he seem to treat everyone else a little bit better than he does Evangeline.
but he seem to treat Audrey with even more kindness and praise than anyone else....
one of the reasons Evangeline doesn’t speak up about it, is because she doesn’t want to make Mr. Ross Arch angry, this was the only job she could find.
and if she were to lose it, she knew that it would take her a very long time to find a new job and work place that would take her.
Ross had snap his fingers at her, while saying “get to it, Evangeline!”
not wanting to make him lose his patience, she started to turn around and head to the door and after opening it, she looks behind her and sees that his back was facing her, well more like his chair was turned around with him in it...
knowing she wouldn’t get in trouble for it, because he isn’t watching and no one was outside the office besides herself, and everyone had already gone to lunch...
she stuck her tongue out at the man, while flipping him off at the same time with her left hand, all while holding the papers with the drawing of Bendy with the right hand.
then she hugged the papers closely to herself as she shuts the door behind her.
 a hour later after giving Audrey the drawing of Bendy, and telling her that Ross Arch wanted her to fix Bendy’s bow tie and change it from blue to red...
as Evangeline started to head home she started to feel hungry.
which is understandable since she didn’t have lunch or anything else to eat all day....she had to skip breakfast because she was late for work.
she would have to pick something up on her way back to her place.
which was the plan until she saw that the fast food restaurant she wanted to get food from, was already closed for the night.
 Evangeline was becoming both hungry and tired, and she knew if she kept walking with no food and as tired as she was, she would pass out before she even made it back to her home.
“excuse me, miss...?”a man’s voice said from behind her, which the sudden sound of the stranger’s voice had startled her a bit.
“yes....what is it...?” Evangeline asks as she was wearily of the stranger before her, who was appears to be a man with some form of familiarly to himself, that she could not figure out what it was...
she had never met the man before, and yet seeing him gave her a mix of emotions, both happy and sad feelings that she could not explain or understand.
the man was dressed rather odd, he had appeared to have a a white top-hat on with what appeared to be a snake wrapped around it.
his suit was matching with the same color as his hat, but Evangeline didn’t understand why he was dressed that way, maybe he was going to a party...?
“you look hungry, my dear.”the man said as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out what looked to be a fruit bar.
just looking at the bar in question made Evangeline’s stomach growl loudly.
a part of her wanted to take the fruit bar, but the other part of her told her no and not to trust this man whom she just met.
but hunger won over caution, and she took the fruit bar, open up the wrapper of it, and started to bite down on it, at first she took small bites before taking bigger bites out of the fruit bar because of the hunger she felt from not eating all day.
but the food had tasted strange, it still seem like a fruity taste but there was also something else present within the fruit bar that Evangeline could not place.
just then she started to feel her eyes grow heavy, as she started to grow even more tired than she was before...
the next thing she knew, she had fallen to the pavement out like a light.
next to her was the wrapper that once held the fruit bar inside...
the picture of the fruit on the wrapper, was that of a apple...                       
a closeup of Flowey’s eyes closed before shooting open and screaming.
“FRISK STOP, DON’T DO IT! YOU CAN’T RE-!”Flowey said before stopping and noticing they weren’t in any place they were familiar with...
in fact, they didn’t recognize anything at all!
Flowey looked down and saw they were in some vase, and the vase itself was on a counter next to those little machines that humans put money in...and later, monsters did too, once they moved back to the surface.
of course with every reset that Frisk had made, the monsters would not only be send back to living in the underground, but they would be back to keeping their money in treasure chests.
which they still do, but they also do so for the shops as well.
just then Flowey sees a human come into what Flowey could only assume was a type of shop, but what kind of shop it is, they have yet to figure out...
“Oh, Kris! it’s so good to see you, did your mother get the flowers...?”
that voice Flowey thought to themself as they tried to hold back the tears forming, as they turned around and saw a familiar goat man coming down the left stairs, and looking really happy to see their human child, who they had called by name.
Kris nods their head yes about their Mother getting the flowers, but leaves out the part that had to do with what their Mother did with the flowers afterwards.
“oh, that’s good...” Asgore sighs with relief, having his hand over the middle part of his chest and stomach.
“I was so worried that she might of not of got them, I know things haven’t been the same since the divorce, but you and your brother are still a big part of my life, and you will always be my children regardless what is going on between myself and your mother.....now if only she would try make a effort to listen to reason, I am at least trying to patch things up between us....and it’s not like it’s fully my fault anyway, it’s only partly my fault....if she had kept a better eye out and not be so aggressive, which I did tell her, not to be so aggressive with you and your brother, but she never listens....and I-”Asgore said but catches himself talking bad about his ex-wife Toriel, who he was not just trying to patch things up with her, but was also hoping to get back together with...
he let’s out a depressing sigh, before speaking once more.
“I’m sorry, Kris...even if your Mother and I had our fights before, it didn’t lead up to our divorce until well.....a certain incident.”
Choices for Kris to ask Asgore:
[What was the incident...?] or [say nothing, and just listen.]
the [say nothing, and just listen] has been chosen...
“Kris, there is something I must tell you, about your mother...
I had to cover for her before, a long time ago...but you must promise me, what I am about to tell you, will be kept between the two of us, no one must know, and your mother must never find out I told you...understand...?”Asgore asks of them, as they just stay silent and give a nod of their head.
“good, now let me start from the beginning...”
as Asgore was telling Kris of Toriel’s dark past...
Flowey was shocked to see their dad still alive, they knew that Frisk had killed him right before their very eyes.
then after they did, they were going to press the Reset and start it all over again, and Flowey not being able to take it anymore had screamed for Frisk to stop, only to find themselves here when they had open their eyes.
I don’t know what’s going on....or how I got here, but by my own determination I’m gonna find out! Flowey thought as they watched and listen to the other version of their father’s story, and Flowey had figured out this man was not his father, but just some alternate counterpart of him.
Flowey decided to keep from talking, and keep anyone from figuring out they are a talking flower, so long as no one catches them talking or see their face, then it should be okay.
to be continued
---> [Next Chapter 1: https://mythicaldemigoddess-of-deltarune.tumblr.com/post/706784970373496832/haven-misfits-worth-falling-for-ch-1-censored  ]
Author’s Note: this might not be perfect, and hopefully I can try to post this over at the place I was originally going to post it first, before it started to act all slow and the connection being not great...
if I can’t do that today or later tonight, I guess I can try for tomorrow.
I might not post all the chapters on here, also the Crossover AU might change a little, as it’s main focus will be like Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss part of the AU...
and yes, if anyone guessed right, that was Charlie Morningstar’s dad who gave Evangeline the fruit bar.
and yes the Audrey that was mention, is the same one from Bendy and The Dark Revival.  
anyway the idea of Flowey ending up as the flower in the vase at the flower shop that Asgore lives and works at, was inspired by a new theory I have that has to do with the Flower in that vase in Asgore’s Flower Shop, being the Deltarune Counterpart of Flowey The Flowey.
what caused Flowey to go from the Undertale World to the Deltarune World, could be the work of Gaster, or like there being a temporal rift that had open up around the same time that Frisk had started the reset.
but instead of going back to the Ruins, Flowey ends up being sent through both time and space, and ends up I guess merging with the Flower that was originally in the vase...?
I don’t know, I will have to think about it.
anyway wish me luck in getting this over at Quotev, and well no one has to go check it out over there once I finally get it posted on there.
anyway that’s all I have to say about this, I’m going to post that Robo-Fizzdrop ship drawing next after this...                              
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kathyprior4200 · 2 years
Hail and Thank You
 Hail and Thank You to…
God-Source for creating our universe and our souls
The Alien races who have helped humanity
All Deities from all cultures: Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Hindu, Celtic, Norse, Scottish, Sumerian, Mayan, Aztec, Incan, Christian Angels, Ars Goetia Demons and Lucifer, Native American, Slavic, African, Australian, Atlantis etc.
Thank you for watching over your people and humanity as a whole
Our Ascended Masters: Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Matt Fraser etc. wo help us grow closer to God and love
Nature spirits and elementals and animal guides and plant guides who help enliven our world
My Angels and Guardian Angels who always watch out for me everyday
My Sprit Guides who help steer me to my divine destiny and have always been with me
My Loved Ones and Pets in Spirit who still love me and will help me on my final journey
The wandering spirits who are a part of us and are on their own journeys
To all my family members, lovers, children, teachers, and friends who’ve helped me grow in this life
And lastly to Me (human self - Conscious), Myself (Soul in me – Subconscious, child self) and I (godly Soul Self on the other side - Superconscious)
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mako-neexu · 2 months
going insane over dantes and ordeal call chapter 2 post #234098 the way he says his flames burn hotter/more poisonous than in his normal Saint Graph and you literally remember he made a new Spirit Origin for guda and his NPs are literally ABOUT guda, the color choice in the 3rd ascension with blue accents on his stars and eyes said to be the color of guda's SOUL time and time again, 
and he also literally looks like goetia because "MY DESTINY" (istfg im going CRAZY. im going crazy!!! my desiny??? MY DESTINY!!?!?!?!?) and both him and dantes had that one on one to guda, goetia also made a hilariously BAD set up against himself so like dantes and guda became partners in crime in prison tower like goetia unintentionally played MATCHMAKER and created the worst duo ever im shitting tears. the probable reason as well why he looks like that in the 3rd ascension is because dantes viewed goetia as "an ultimate enemy guda overcame" which he positioned himself in as well so he could be defeated which was his goal in the first place i think im going to break from so much info bro. theres also the fact that prison tower and pseudo-tokyo are basically the same (that also required huge amount of mana) -> guda was dropped into prison tower, (directly/indirectly) helped by gankutsuou, stuck in chateau d'lf/becoming an Avenger by giving into temptation->bad end || overcoming the trials each floor/understanding the Avenger class, overcoming the flames-> return to chaldea. dantes positioning himself once more as both that tiny light of hope and that enemy who has guda fall into a trap likei am so. n.lromnal. I think i hauve covid
and thinking about. "my destiny" "my radiant one" "my one good thing" "my star" like- to be loved is to be changed. man. to be loved is to be!!!changed!!! and the blue and pink-purple flames that symbolize GUDA having been so special to him in this life that it changed him, BECAME SO SPECIAL TO HIM!!! (you can literally see it in his EYES??? his 4th aascension art where his flame is BLUE AS WELL??????????)
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that he is still Avenger, Count of Monte Cristo, he who enacted vengeance and the greatest seeker of it, he who continues to hate and burn eternally yet chooses to love!!!!!!!!!!!!! becoming that tiny light of hope to an innocent soul and now here they stand, that tiny light he continued to protect now shines more radiant than anything else, and because of that love, his flames burn much much more fiercely than his previous saint graph and like he has you stay away bc you might evaporate to nothing and he explicitly says theyre stronger in his Monte Cristo alt!! while hes also trying to distance himself from you again bc he must still hold guilt in his heart for making you go through the Avenger ordeal and as well as the fact that you literally need to leave the flames/Avengers behind due to their conflicting nature with the wall bc being attached would be sooo hard to let go and especially considering what you and dantes went through together like what is this?? its like a giant slap of I LOVE YOU SO MUCH against my face????????? theres literally nothihg left of my remains????????????
dantes is also basically so stupidly even more overpowered here have you seen his skills??? Count of Monte Cristo Mythologie became a skill along with the fourteen relics/14 jewels and he can jUST cassually!???? activate that!?!?!?????? meanwhile WHAT HE CONSIDER AS HIS NOBLE PHANTASM IN THIS SAINT GRAPH IS O STAR/O YOU WHO, CONQUER THAT BRILLIANT PATH??? THAT VERY ONE ABOUT GUDA???? IS THIS REAL????? his NP dmg and effects are so crazy too???? LITERALLY POWERED BY LOVE AND BACKED UP BY AGE OF GODS LEVEL FUCK YOU ENERGY ?? im plagued by dantes and OC2 thoughts since last month someone free me ajdkfgk
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 10/26
Then my teeth turned into fangs And my nails into claws And I nearly dropped the Torah When my hands turned into paws!
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Black Paradox GN - Junji Ito
Four people intent on killing themselves meet through the suicide website Black Paradox: Maruso, a nurse who despairs about the future; Taburo, a man who is tortured by his doppelganger; Pii-tan, an engineer with his own robot clone; and Baracchi, a girl who agonizes about the birthmark on her face. They wander together in search of the perfect death, fatefully opening a door that leads them to a rather bizarre destiny...
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The Return Of Chilling Adventures In Sorcery One Shot -  Eliot Rahal, Vincenzo Federici & Julius Ohta
Madam Satan escaped Hell a fugitive and hated woman by Satan and his thralls. She's now principal of Baxter high and Hell has come to Earth. With each classroom acting as a portal to the different circles in Hell, Madam Satan must recruit similar tortured souls if she has any chance of survival... all leading up to a Madam Satan and her army vs. Satan and his in this highly-anticipated follow-up to last year's hit Chilling Adventures in Sorcery!
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Nightfall Double Feature #1 -  David Andry, Maan House, & Chris Shehan 
64 PAGE DOUBLE FEATURE! Grab your popcorn and clamber into your sleeping bag for two tales of terror from the creative teams of The Autumnal, The Plot, and Resonant! The CEMETERIANS After human bones begin growing inside inanimate objects all across the globe, a renegade scientist and brilliant theologian delve into the cemeteries where the bones originated, discovering an otherworldly force tired of being buried in darkness. DENIZEN A family's cross country roadtrip goes off the map and into the unforgiving wilds of Joshua Tree National Park, when mom and wife-to-be Helene succumbs to a malevolent force tucked inside an abandoned camping trailer.
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Lovesick #1 (of 7) -  Luana Vecchio
The LOVESICK CLUB is an exclusive, subscribers-only site on the dark web that offers the best in erotic and ultra-violent entertainment. There, matriarch Domino and her fellow dominatrixes punish and torture none other than their own loyal subscribers, many of whom pay good money to meet their end by her hand in front of a large, anonymous audience.
But in the eyes of her rage-filled haters, Domino is the MOTHER DEMON, a deranged succubus who oppresses men by turning them into her slaves. For this crime against men, she must be hunted down and PUNISHED.
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Dead Mall #1 (of 4) -  Adam Cesare & David Stoll
The Penn Mills Galleria is about to be demolished. Five teens sneak into the mall to take a last look around before it's gone. However, while Penn Mills has been closed for years, the mall is far from abandoned. A night of exploration becomes a shopping spree from hell. The teens must contend with the sprawling, transformative cosmic horror of Penn Mills or be trapped forever within the Dead Mall.
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Caffeinated Hearts One-Shot -  Jonathan Hedrick & Stefano Cardoselli
Follow a beautifully tattooed barista named Amarella across four vignettes that are blended through this slice-of-life comic book set in a coffee shop with a cyberpunk backdrop. These robust tales will warm your heart like a fresh batch of java poured into your favorite morning mug. Step inside and enjoy!
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Damn Them All #1 (of 6) -  Simon Spurrier & Charlie Adlard
Following the death of Ellie's uncle, an infamous magician and occult detective, the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia are mysteriously freed from their infernal realm. It's now up to Ellie to track down each of these exiled demons and damn them right back to Hell by any means necessary... holy water, conjuration, or just her trusty, rusty claw hammer.
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Sara Lone #1 -  Erik Arnoux & David Morancho
A young woman with a rough past finds herself caught in a destructive spiral after the brutal murder of her father, the owner of a modest shrimp fishery. Leaving the hot nights of New Orleans, she returns to the countryside to take over the business on her own, despite the ambient hostility around her. She is arrested during her trip back home-a murder was committed in the strip club where she worked and everything seems to point to her. Pursued by Mafia killers, she passes from police handcuffs to the hands of the Secret Service. Just who is Joy Carruthers, stage name Sara Lone?
Whatcha snagging this week, Fantomites?
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keykidpilipili · 3 years
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kurozu501 · 4 years
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genuinely love how the Man Of Chaldea just keeps showing up and helping civilians. dont mind him, he’s just doing his community service. 
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xenodile · 5 years
Sometimes you just gotta listen to final Goetia battle theme, think about how the culmination of Guda and Mash’s story in learning to treasure their lives and the lives of others, no matter how cruel and heartless the world is, and how their journey ultimately allowed them to teach that lesson to Goetia, allowing it to finally, finally answer the single desperate question it had been trying to understand for the entirety of its infinite existence and die proudly, recognizing another person as his equal, not as a demon god, but as a human being, and cry.
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zeravmeta · 2 years
fucking props to charlotte corday for somehow matching goetias "my enemy, my hatred, my destiny, I want you to witness this" as the single most romantic dialogue exchange in all of fgo with "i wanted to stick my knife in them, hack them to pieces, watch them bleed, even if it leaves ghastly scars because those scars are the only mark i could leave behind"
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the-astralalchemist · 3 years
servant!goetia is one of my favorite aus, i haven't seen stuff out there and i Know i will have to make my own food eventually but hear me ramble
i love the concept of "no one is allowed to harm my enemy but me"
goetia coming to help guda (but not helping, he's merely offering his services) because guda is facing another threat (it will never get close enough to touch them) seven new rivals appear (no, these pests will not be called rivals) and make multiple attempts on the young master's life (only one person can put hands on his sworn enemy, his hatred, his destiny)
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