#grabs them both and shakes them
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tenacquity · 2 years
although the snow is relentless , the captain has come prepared with a potion gifted to him by albedo - he turns to Ryuu, " i guess you can say there's snow place like home - " / ALwldkwkwowo
@geleum || oh god someone stop them
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    I should feel obligated to hate this, shouldn’t I—?     But he nevertheless can’t help first cracking a smile at the wordplay, then emitting a short puff of laughter that swirls in a cloud of steam against the cold air.
    “Oh, that’s terrible,” Ryunosuke chastises, but with very little weight to support that he meant it. “And frankly cheating, isn’t it? You must have all the cold-related puns up your sleeve... what with you being an ice guy, after all.”
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morva-doodles · 3 days
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Being reborn again and again in a body more twisted and mutated then the last... what a horrible fate indeed.
I wonder, do they ever miss what they used to be, long ago? In bodies smaller and softer? Or does the very though nauseate them, of forms more easily harmed?
@ask-the-royal-absol has SUCH a cool yveltal design I just had to doodle them! they should give the design to me I mean what who said that haha
Bonus, Felix meeting yveltal for the first time
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jq37 · 2 years
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dreamdancerdotfile · 1 year
Finished watching a playthrough of miracle mask recently and UE UE UE
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Very good ouuhh ahhh owch here's some art I love me some characters with wings
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redr0sewrites · 22 days
yall werent kidding when u said sherlock holmes and john watson are gay. most of yall dont know this but i actually really enjoy classics, (anything by edgar allen poe, crime and punishment, the great gatsby, the catcher in the rye, etc) and ive recently been reading the entire compilation of sherlock holmes stories (the book is 1077 pages long💀) and if sherlock says "dear watson" one more time without them kissing i am going to scream. SHERLOCK LITERALLY SAID HE DOESNT LIKE WOMAN IDFK HOW MUCH MORE OBVIOUS DOYLE CAN MAKE IT WITHOUT WRITING FULL ON YAOI IN THIS 1900's BOOK 💀
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sheepkebby · 1 year
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Gooood morning!! I wanted to draw Keith in some different outfits so I spent practically all day yesterday drawing him 🥴🥴🥴 hehe huhu
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forgotten-daydreamer · 3 months
please do not tell me you like how i write, because i will inevitably think i'm decent at it and think i'm worth appreciating
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asavt · 2 years
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Also have this pretty gay drawing because once the phrase came to my head I couldn't stop thinking about it.
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nastylillad · 7 months
Super random (please forgive me) but I love that clownsuu's blog exist. Cause 1) majority of welcome home nsfw involves his characters or his mob au 2) everyone cool in the fandom follows and comments on blog. And 3) my personal favorite part. Everyone using their sonas' to censor their art work
i agree i love his artwork and his characters as well as his lil opossum guy covering all the COCK and DICK and SHAFT and WEINER and maybe also BALLS. i will ask tho that we dont request his characters over here for nasties. i know ill occasionally draw rob with nina but since she is technically me i dont wanna cross any boundaries so we’ll keep it pg lol. plus i dont know the guy personally so im quite literally just a person lmao. but yeah! i adore the art i always eat it up yum yum :o)
if he sees this i send big luv hope things are going well and life isnt too crazy (actually this goes out to all of u too lol its insane out here rn take a breath take a snooze take a moment and most importantly stay safe and stay sane)
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northern-passage · 2 years
If I remember right, we have to be the ones to bring up Keld with Lea? Like if we don't do that those two don't have a conversation about wanting to be better during the campfire scene. When you were writing that scene, did you ever think about having Lea bring it up without the Hunter needing to initiate the conversation, or were they always the stubborn, "I'd rather bottle all this up," Handler that we've come to know?
Lea actually used to have a completely different personality at the start - they really were meant to be "calm and collected." the original character that Lea was created from was also a part of a duo, and he was always the calm, slow-talking voice of reason - still a little stoic, but far more in touch with his emotions and far more sincere. i'm not sure what happened when i started writing tnp, but it is true what they say about characters having a mind of their own....
and you're right, they do only directly bring up Keld if the hunter brings it up first - otherwise they always just comment about it "being nice" which is basically them just saying "it's better than Keld."
however, Lea is the one to push about wanting to talk later at the tavern, quite literally forcing the hunter to agree to talk later in some variations. (or if you avoided the argument and agreed to be partners at the first choice, they mention wanting to talk after shaking hands)
actually it's potentially spoilery under here, i've avoided hinting at this for a while but 🤷 so i'm going to put it under a readmore. i'm not really sure how many people, if any, have thought too much about this lmfao
who is to say if Lea plans on keeping their word about having any kind of talk.... Lea knows they fucked up pretty badly in Keld, but they're not quite ready to admit that, not directly - and there are a few secrets they've been keeping for a long time. while i do think Lea likes the idea of the two of you talking it out, it's something that will be really difficult for them, and choosing to talk "later" was both them trying to convince the hunter but also themself - and give them time to figure out what the hell they're doing. to be clear, Lea does want the two of you to be better, they really do want to stay paired together not just for their reputation but because they genuinely want to make it work - i think i've made that obvious in a lot of the asks i've answered about them. but that still doesn't make it easy. i think i've also made it obvious that Lea is very stubborn, and is in a very difficult position (that they put themself in....) and they're trying to claw their way back out; and once they're out.... there's no guarantee they'll have changed.
for the talk to actually happen, i think it depends entirely on how the current job goes for them. this is Lea making a desperate gamble for two reasons: they know they fucked up at Keld, and they know there's something wrong with the hunter. they're anxious you're going to ask for a reassignment if this job doesn't go well, so they're propositioning you ahead of time in an attempt to keep it together (though they're too late for some hunters who ask for it anyways)
soooo..... to answer your question, Lea would not bring up Keld themself if they didn't have to. but due to how things are going with the hunter, they feel a bit cornered, so it's a bit of a hail mary - and we don't know how it's going to play out yet.
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flovverworks · 4 months
"Hey, Sage!" Zack beamed with a smile. "Why aren't you dancin'? Hm? dunno how? peshaw, let me help." and Zack pulls on Akira's hand and (kindly) pulls him towards the center of the dance floor. With quick steps, he pulls Akira closer, hand rest on his waist (more like hovering but u know to make sure he does not run away now.) "Follow my moves, okay? It's easy and you're smart! You'll get them quickly."
"Huh? Wha—no, Zack, wait, I—" the complaints stay at their prior place, left behind with their concerns and reflections. Had they actually made an attempt, dug their heels in the ground with a proper 'no', they might've been able to stop him. They don't, instead taken along with the surprise and beating heart when being looked for. Murr had taken their hand in a similar manner once, and even though such a dance was nothing but a whirlwind they could hesitantly, and proudly, add it to their list of experience. It was just...that time had been in front of their friends, while now...
Ah, things like this always seemed to happen around these people.
Cheeks tinted red, he's so close, a scene straight out of something like a fairytale. This didn't happen in normal life, and for a brief second something deep in their mind wonders if they're dreaming. Had it not been for the gnawing worry of embarrassing their friends they might've indulged such a thought further. Instead, the fear started to feel silly. Because Zack put his trust in them. Regardless if he had noticed their anxiety or not, that made them happy, and before they know it they're smiling at him again. Even someone like them, in a moment like this, could be saved by a hero.
"I-I'll do my best!" it was the least they could do to show their appreciation.
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deadboyrbs · 2 months
idk random poly doki headcanon i like
sayori & yuri are the queerplatonic pair in the polycule imo :3
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arcadequeerz · 2 months
Sorry I'm a kinito blog now.
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disastersteps · 6 months
its only been a few months but i had completely fallen into mortum pit.
mortunita AND mortujulita is now part of my 'im so so so normal about them' club along with julita-
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th3e-m4ng0 · 2 years
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Hi i finished PUE
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