#hammer morty
thatfinewine · 4 months
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Here's the full set of the Federation's bios on both Rick and Morty from the Rick and Morty Character Guide (2020)
EDIT: fml, the first page of Morty's didn't upload the first time, fixed it
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snyartsart · 2 years
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The spinoff we've all been waiting for
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fukia · 1 year
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theswedishpajas · 1 year
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Ok but what if…
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the hind
the hammer
the harpy
the hellhound
the umbra mortis
do we think janet ran out of h names?
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eddiebreeg666 · 3 months
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Just finished my mini Iron Warriors binge.
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
i think that “night family” really brought a lot about rick and summer’s dynamic to the forefront (assuming i’m wrong and all of this WAS really canon). 
we open with rick immediately caving to summer’s request. all summer had to do was let on that she was disappointed that her grandpa wouldn’t give her what she wanted. she was able to make rick feel guilty with VERY minimal effort.
after the reveal in “solaricks” that summer reminds rick of diane, i wonder if that has something to do with her ability to guilt trip him so easily. that’s his sumsum, you know?
but i also found it VERYYYYY interesting that night summer is also shown to have a lot of power- not just over the night family- but over night rick himself. that is so intriguing to me. she has night rick doing all of the work that requires his genius, so it’s definitely not that she’s “smarter” than him in that sense. i’ve said this before, but i think that summer is a lot like rick in a lot of ways, and night summer’s dynamic with the night family almost felt like rick’s dynamic with the earlier smith family.
if you look at their relationship alongside rick and morty’s, it’s almost like summer fills the “rick” role while rick fills the “morty” role. she’s the main protagonist, he’s the sidekick. we even see this play out in their normal variants with the daphne plot in “a rickconvenient mort.”
the bit with rick going through that massive struggle to get all of those dishes just because summer called him “brains for shit” is also really telling. she gets to him in a way no one else does. her criticism really bothers him to his core. hmmm...
another bit that really struck me as interesting is that moment when night summer said, “i have always been here. deep within your grandchild.” hmmm... there’s a lot of symbolism in summer force-feeding him that old food. it’s almost like a visual reference to what he was “shoving down their throats” for 5 seasons. why does summer bury the part of herself that resents rick? or, at least, the part of herself that knows how (and wants) to manipulate and control him? does this imply that rick buries the part of himself that wants to be wholly subservient to summer? does the whole family?
the little photos of them in the after credits could be seen in two ways, too. night summer got rick that “the best grandpa” mug, which could be viewed as genuinely sweet or manipulative. 
maybe i’m onto something, and maybe i’m not. just food for thought. 
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 2 months
thibking abkut. him (unfortunately)
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xxtc-96xx · 1 year
Hey, I've got an animation question, if you would like.
I was just listening to the latest Overly Sarcastic Podcast episode, and they were talking about how hard it was to make sense of other artist's styles both before and after getting their own.
Since you seem to have your own style, is it difficult to match other's art styles when you're working with animated shows or projects? Like, was it difficult for you to adjust to the Rick & Morty style since you have your own?
well thankfully with Rick and Morty it's all puppet animation so the characters are already made, I just move them. though I do redraw a lot of hands so that's probably changed how I do hands XD
though with hand drawn shows i can imagine staying on model is tough, though it is something they really hammer into you that you remember it, as its one of the principles of animation. that's why you'll have character bibles to reference to make sure you're staying on model, we still have that ourselves
(unless you're working on Steven Universe, then they just kind of looked the other way XD)
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("It's the style!!" no, no its not, that's just an excuse lol)
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merrinla · 6 months
I need more of him speaking latin please
Translated spells from devnotes
Flagra – Blaze
Arde – Burn
Maior, fortior – Greater, stronger
Fulgur – Lightning
Glacies – Ice
Acidum – Acid
Dolor – Pain
Malleus – Hammer
Confusio – Confusion
Morere – Die
Veni et iuva me – Come and aid me
Configo – I pierce
Ignis – Fire
Peri – Perish
Macte virtute – Be blessed (for your courage)
Ira et dolor – Wrath and pain
Te curo – I cure you
Treme – Shiver
Quod dico face – Do as I say
Invoco te – I summon you
Tonitrus – Thunder
Deure – Wither
Macesce – Wither
Cudo – I beat
Mortalis – Deadly
Ferio – I strike
Frange – Shatter
Inficio – I poison
Stupefacio – I strike (you) dumb
Impero tibi – I command you
Incende – Set fire
Diminuo te – I shatter you
Tormentum – Torture
Gela – Freeze
Perure – Be consumed
Ira – Wrath
Caedo – I cut
Ex Textura – From the Weave
Detono – I thunder
Mortem tuum sum – I am your death
Venenum – Poison
Tu es nihil – You are nothing
Dissolve – Melt
Dialino – I shred
Torre – Roast
Vis medicatrix – Healing Power
Seco – I carve
 Circulus mortis – Circle of death
Resisto mortem – I resist death
Vita excolatur – Let life be enriched
Voco spicae – I summon spikes
Magis amica veritas – Truth is a better friend
Te video – I see you
Tempestas – Wind
Risum teneatis? – Can you help laughing?
Resisto ignem – I resist fire
Non fit injura – No harm is done
Sphaera mortis – Sphere of death
Corpora sana – Healthy bodies
Diminue – Be diminished
Crescit eundo – It grows as it goes
Intactilis sum – I am untouchable
Ververo – I lash
Obedi me – Obey me
Pulso – Open up
Ad lapidem – To stone
Non compos mentis – (You are) not in control of your faculties
Esurio – Be afraid
Resisto frigus – I resist cold
Omnia mutantur – Everything changes
Signum arcanum – Magic symbol
Ad maiorem dei gloriam – For the greater glory of god
Tenebra – Darkness
Mundus vult decipi – The world wants to be deceived
Nulla salus – There is no salvation
Punge – Sting
Ludus non factum est – The game is not over
Hostium munera – Gifts of enemies
Plue – Let it rain
Esto perpetua – May it be perpetual
Bene curatur – It can be healed well
Non movere – Don’t move
Voco murus – I summon a wall
Morio – You absolute fool
Voco flagella – I summon tentacles
Venustior – More charming
Pallida mors – Pale death
Aresce – Dry up
Resarcio – I repair
Evanesco – I disappear
Vincere est vivere – To conquer is to live
Fiat voluntas dei – May god’s will be done
Et alibi – And elsewhere
Invisibilis – Invisible
Propera – Hurry up
Inaccessus – Inaccessible
Nocturnus – By night
Vos curo – Heal you
Demento te – I drive you insane
Agilius – With more agility
Caveat incantator – Let the caster beware
Inexpugnabilis – Impregnable
Virtus et scientia – Virtue and knowledge
Voco vineae – I summon vines
Tempora mutantur – The times have changed
Maledicte es – You are cursed
Vincit qui patitur – He conquers who endures
Voco potentia – I summon power
Risus abundat – Laughter is abundant
Pulchrior – More beautiful
Da mihi facta – Give me the facts
Ocior – Make haste
Resisto venenum – I resist poison
Horribilissimus – The most horrible
Loquere si tibi placet – Speak if you please
Stabilio – I stabilize
Voco araneae – I summon webs
Te occludo oculos – I close your eyes
Dum vita est, spes est – Where there’s life, there’s hope
Canto te – I enchant you
Caeco te – I blind you
Mors tua, vita mea – Your death, my life
Fiat lux – let there be light
Para bellum – Prepare for war
Volo non fugia – I fly but do not flee
Gigans – Giant
Vivat crescat floreat – May it live and grow
Efferve – Swarm over
Ubi es? – Where are you?
Surge – Arise
Incommodum – Disaster
Siccut cattus – Like a cat
Citius – Faster
Resisto acidum – I resist acid
Mors certa – Death is certain
Te adstringo linguam – I bind your tongue
Ex nihilo – Out of nothing
Sine metu – Without fear
Voco glacies – I summon ice
Minimus – The smallest
Intellego – I understand
Voco nubes – I summon clouds
Auribus teneo lupum – I hold the wolf be the ears
Corruptus – Infected
Ale me – Feed me
Flagello – I whip
Es praedae mei – You are my prey
Cave circulum – Beware of the circle
Amo sanguinem – I love blood
Amicus animalis – Friend of animals
Mors animae – Death of the soul
Cum mortuis in lingua mortua – With the dead in a dead language
Aqua pura – Clear water
In nocte consilium – The night brings advice
Umbrae – Shadows
Tibi do pennas – I give you wings
Te absolvo – I acquit you
Inveniam viam – I will find a way
Irretio in sphaera – I trap you in sphere
Ostende secretorum tuorum – Reveal your secrets
Oculus tempestatis – The eye of the storm
Resurg – You will rise again
Mutatis mutandis – With appropriate changes
Tuebor – I will protect
Aridissimus – Driest
Intelligenti pauca – Few words suffice for he who understands
Eiecto te – I throw you out
Cresceat scientia – Let knowledge grow
Silentium – Silence
Impero te – I command you
Time – Be afraid
Resisto – I resist
Video veritatem – I see the truth
Viam sapientiae – The way of wisdom
Stultissime – You most stupid
Ut ventus – Into the wind
Secreti umbrarum – The secrets of the shadows
Clausus – Locked
Lux in tenebra – Light in darkness
Ab uno disce omnes – From one, learn all
Ad vitam aeternam – To eternal life
Impero mortuos – I command the dead
Morbidus – Diseased
Sol Invictus – Unconquered Sun
Te exsecror – I curse you
Mors incerta, vita certissima – Death is uncertain, life the most certain
Gustas dulcis – You taste so sweet
Fronti nulla fides – Appearances deceive
Dissera – Open up
Expello te – I expel you
Extende – Enlarge
Voco arvina – I summon grease
Vae victis – Woe to the conquered
Scio, Didici, Pecto – I know, for I have studied, with my mind
Vita, Mortis, Careo – Life, and death, I am without
Manus, Potentis, Paro – A hand, powerful, I prepare
Veritas, Credo, Oculos – The truth, I believe, with my eyes
Facio, Voco, Ferre – This I do, I call, to bring you forth
Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio – Uncertain, beautiful things, I command
Cupio, Virtus, Licet – I want, excellence, allowed to me
Praeses, Alia, Fero – Protecting, another, I bring this forth
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rickorty4thesoul · 5 months
Rickorty headcanon #1
Pretty much my whole stance on Morty’s unconditional love for Rick in the new season is this: how much of it is authentic love, and how much of it is something that has been implanted and hammered into him since the beginning.
Rick has definitely groomed Morty to be that way, maybe not in the newer seasons, but damn, looking back at episodes like Vat of Acid and the heist, it’s pretty clear of that. It’s just so chilling to think about that Rick is changing for the better, but he’s also a manipulator whenever he wants something.
Anyways, I want a happy ending for this relationship, but again, how much of it is true love or just the after effects of continuous grooming by Rick to Morty.
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Hey could we get some general headcanons about Splendor, Candy Pop and Jason? ^^
Ah yes, the best boys <333
Thank you for requesting!
He, along with the rest of his species, dont really have genders, so most of the time he just rolls with whatever people refer to him as. In his mansion, he's actually known as "Mother" due to his motherly nature with his children
He's also aroace (though that wouldnt apply to x reader fics)
He's the second youngest of all his brothers
He generally tries to look like a clown (hence why he has a smiling face complete with eyes and his brothers don't) that way children don't feel scared around him
He's truly great with everyone, not just kids
He has his own mansion, but instead of angsty emos, his house is more of a safe space for all of the unwanted or unhappy children
9'6" so very tall
I imagine his voice to sound like a mixture of Sundrop and Cheese sandwich
He smells familiar, no specific scent, just something you know you've smelt before but can't quite place your finger on
He visits Slender at his mansion the most, usually bringing candies for everyone
He's become known as "That guy with the face and full snickers bars" around Slender's mansion
He doesnt tend to go into the mortal realm too often, but when he does it's when he senses a troubled soul in need of immediate help
And when he does have those senses, he usually brings them back into his mansion in the underworld, giving them all the hospitality and comfort they could ever desire
Splendorman is an oddball, that's for sure
I also like to imagine he says weird things sometimes, just to throw people off guard
"Beware the men with the tilted hats....they arent worth it"
He likes rick and morty, but doesn't actually watch the show he just likes the colors
His favorite meal is octopus tentacles
Bro doesn't know what they are
They don't really have a gender either, so most of the time he just identifies as male or non binary
He's also into men (again, doesnt necessarily apply to x reader)
They usually aren't seen a lot around slender's mansion, mostly because they, Lj and Jason tend to hang out in the uppermost level of the mansion and giggle around like the chaotic neutrals they are <3
They absolutely order starbucks, bribe another creep to bring it up to them, and then gossip with each other about all of the other creeps
Most of the time they spare their dear friend who brought up their orders though. They arent horrible, now
They smell like literal musk and jolly ranchers 💀
It's very upsetting
He likes to just bang his hammer mallet thingy against the wall for absolutely no reason
They're like 8'11"
He gets a kick out of seeing people jump from the BOOM
Their face doesn't actually look like how it is seen in pictures, most of that is actually makeup
The only natural things is their skin tone, their sharp teeth, and their hair and eye colors
They have a very deep chainsmokers voice
Sorry, I don't make the rules
They unironically listen to one direction and 5 seconds of summer on full blast
Lj definitely had to bang on their wall a few times with his fist just to get them to shut up a few times
The only times he is seen around the mansion, hes normally sliding around the hardfloor on socks, avoiding everyone as best they can because lord knows if someone actually spoke to them theyd just evaporate, never to be seen again
Jason the Toymaker
When he first manifested in this world, he was mostly just trying to look human so he could get away with inhabiting this place
So he identifies as "male" and has traditional male anatomy
He is interested in anyone romantically speaking, but does have a fem lean (doesn't apply to x reader)
He has the dantiest little hands <3
6'2", so he's definetly not the tallest creep. but he's up there
His fingers are long and slender, as well as long nails that help him with sewing
His skin is really smooth
And his hair is really well taken care of
He just has the best self care in general
He's always working on some project, wether that be making a doll, or sewing a fancy tea party dress for sally that she absolutely needed, his hands are always busy
He can get frustrated very easily though, and thats kind of a bummer
He doesn't have anger issues necessarily, but he's very sensetive and emotional, so anything said to him might tick him off into a stream of tears or a flurry of rage
He's normally one of the only ones to actually clean around the house
His hair color depends on his mood
For example, if hes really upset, his hair is black, his true form is white, and he actually uses a spell to keep his hair red the rest of the time
He's that one friend
You know the one
The nice one?
Yeah that's him
He smells like old fabrics and dust
But sometimes if he's feeling ✨ spicy ✨ he'll wear some sweet smelling perfume
Never cologne, he doesnt like how harsh it smells
He likes to watch cartoons with sally, and sing with sally
He's simply wonderful <3
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glitteringcrab · 5 months
Evil Morty's ability of attachment
In Evil Morty's first appearance, my initial reaction was that I found it absolutely hilarious that Evil Rick (who looked kinda cartoonishly evil, at least by Rick standards, what with the scar and the black shirt and the bags under his eyes) also had an "Evil" Morty (also cartoonishly wearing an "eyepatch of evil" lol).
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Then as that episode progressed, I realized that Evil Morty is... probably as much of a victim here as the other Mortys.
He didn't just wear a cartoonishly evil eyepatch; he was wearing an eyepatch because Evil Rick had poked his eye out!
He didn't go along with Evil Rick's plan because he, too, is evil; he went along because if he didn't cooperate, then he would be the one strapped on the dome and tortured!
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His retort to Morty Prime when asked for help to free all the trapped Mortys cemented that to me. He didn't mock Morty Prime for whishing to escape, he didn't say anything cartoonishly evil. Instead he said: "it would be pointless. Mortys have no chance of defeating a Rick".
His parting expression in undecipherable; you can't really tell if he's just being mean or if he's simply exhausted and miserable by everything he has to do.
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And if you go back and watch the very first scene where he assaults other Ricks and Mortys, you see him holding a rifle; one that is nearly as big as he is. One that was made for adult hands, not child hands. He looks like a child soldier in this scene.
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All in all, he looked just like a traumatized kid who was thrown into circumstances WAY out of his control and had no option but to cooperate with his tormentor if he wanted to survive. I was even reminded of the older boy in the movie Changeling; that boy had to comply with an insane mass murder who targeted little boys, acting a bit like a bait... because if he didn't cooperate, then he'd get killed as well.
Of course, by the end of the episode, it is apparent that all this was a cleverly designed ruse to induce that exact reaction. Although he looks like a victim, he is the one in control here.
Except... there is a "but".
Sure, Evil Rick didn't poke his eye out. But another Rick messed with it instead in the past.
He was in no danger of getting strapped on the dome... but he was in danger of being paired with a Rick who (like that guy who held Hammer Morty in front of him as a shield while the federation soldiers tried to gun him down) would casually let him get killed.
The rifle he was holding was to promote his own agenda, nobody forced him to hold it... but he had been made a child soldier countless times in the past.
It turns out the reaction I got was quite close to the truth, just... Evil Rick wasn't the one personally responsible for it.
Which leads to my first point: it seems to me that Evil Morty may have a... continuous... view of other people. As in, all Ricks share responsibility for the abuse, and all Mortys share responsibility for enabling it.
He says to Morty Prime that "There aren't infinite versions of our grandfather, Morty. He's an infinite smear of one shitty old man. And he's attached to us infinitely through his weakness and our forgiveness."
I didn't really know how to read that sentence. How can a person be an infinite smear?
Well... Rick has been saying things in a similar (continuous) vein. For example, when Morty Prime said "My mums are in trouble!" Rick's answer was:
"Those versions of them are."
To Ricks, there are infinite realities. The people are interchangeable. Ricks don't form connections. It doesn't matter if it's this Beth or that Beth. And, apparently (given the Citadel's Morty Market) it doesn't matter if it's this Morty or that Morty. Everyone has infinite versions, and you can pick and choose.
Not only people are interchangeable to Ricks, but universes are. You can skip universe, consequences, everything (A+ metaphor of narcissists' discarding phase).
There aren't infinite Beths: there are infinite versions of Beth. It's okay if you have one more or less.
In the same vein, there aren't infinite Ricks: there are infinite versions of Rick, each leaving their trace in the universe; but all traces are equally shitty. An infinite smear of one shitty old man.
And... infinite Morties. Evil Morty wasn't torturing hundreds of Morties, he was torturing hundreds of versions of Mortys. There were many, many versions that didn't get tortured (I can almost hear Rick saying this)! Don't think about it.
And, while Evil Morty seemed to pick and choose which Rick would survive and which die after he was elected (so he could tell that the Ricks that made fun of him during the debate were different from Cop Rick who did the right thing) he had no qualms about killing every Rick in the citadel when he blew up the CFC... along with every Morty in the citadel. Who he also hates just as much ("you sellout Mortys kill me").
I feel like, despite his hatred of Rick, Evil Morty has actually listened to Ricks' lessons and worldview. Like it was the only thing he was ever taught and has therefore taken it too close at heart... attachments included.
Which leads to my second point. Unmortricken got me thinking... Up until that episode, we didn't really know what kind of life Evil Morty wanted to live outside the Curve. He might have wanted to be the overlord of a Rickless galaxy (booo). Or he might have wanted to get himself adopted by a kind and loving family (awww). But he didn't do either. He built a home for himself in the middle of nowhere (quite literally), with zero companions (the robot butler doesn't count... It is of course, very sad, but at the time I thought it was mostly pragmatic: the robot butler does his chores for him lol). He didn't even get a pet.
And that's kind of the thing... Why not get a puppy or something? Would have been nice. That's quite a low-risk attachment. A puppy loves you unconditionally. No ulterior motive. You can't really get a safer companion for a traumatized lonely boy in the middle of nowhere.
But Evil Morty didn't do this either. And then I thought; if he was moving constantly, switching universe after universe, switching Ricks, switching families... his ability to get attached to anything must have been quite ruined. It's hard to make friends with your classmates, only to move to a parallel dimension where they don't give a shit about you and you have to start all over again. It must be quit devastating to have an emotional and cathartic discussion with your sister only to move to another universe where this much needed heart-to-heart never happened. Or managing to get your mum to accept you as a replacement son, only to move to another house, with another Beth, who knows her real son is dead. Or to get a cat, only to have to leave it behind because the new household doesn't have a cat and therefore you can't take it with you. Or to get a girlfriend, only for Rick to cronerberg said girlfriend by mistake; or get a bunny, only for Rick to shoot it in a fit of pettiness.
(In a similar-ish vein, the only people who we have ever seen being on Evil Morty's side were people he had personally manipulated in one way or another (either by puppeteering them or by tricking them). We haven't seen someone genuinely trying to take his side; using mind control was the only way he could get someone to take care of him. I wouldn't be surprised if he... has learnt not to expect a genuine relationship to ever be an option.)
...I suspect Evil Morty's ability to form attachments has been damaged; if not completely then at least up to a point. I can't figure out any other reason he wouldn't attempt to have SOME sort of companion once free.
I'm leaning towards this ability not being completely damaged; originally I thought he was being a jerk about the second seat in the spaceship, but now I'm tending to believe that his offer for Morty Prime to join him was in fact genuine, and he lied about it being fake only so he could cover this sudden show of vulnerability. Because... if he never intended for Morty Prime to be able to join him, why even offer? I remember being surprised at that moment in the episode, because we had no indication that Evil Morty might have wanted a companion; the idea was absurd. And if he never intended Morty Prime to be able to join him, why admit that Morty Prime's decision was the correct one?
And Morty Prime's rejection might have stung quite a lot, whether the offer was genuine or not! Because he told Morty Prime almost everything; he told him about the Morty Factory, about the Central Finite Curve, showed him the reality of their existence, and gave him the choice between staying with Rick in the citadel (a choice accompanied by (almost) certain death) and escaping with Evil Morty; and Morty Prime still chose Rick. In spite of everything. In spite of all the evidence of Rick's constant abuse.
Up to that point, Evil Morty's attitude in that episode had been quite energetic and determined. He had a lot to say, a lot to explain. As another fan mentioned, he giggled constantly before and after sentences; Rick's C-137 sudden arrival meant he could finally leave that day! He was eager to meet Rick C-137 and get what he needed! And he must have wanted to get all the secrets he knew out of his chest and share them with Morty Prime, who might understand. He, too, has been sick of Rick. He knew what this was about!
And after Morty Prime rejected him, his expression when he entered the spaceship that would take him to freedom, his expression when he was so close to finally achieve the thing he had been working so hard for, and for so long, was this:
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That's not the expression of a cool and bored villain successfully doing whatever they had planned all along.
To me he seems defeated and exhausted. Like he was so tired by then he couldn't even feel any exhilaration at his escape.
It was only when he was nearing the rift that he closed his eyes and smiled, and I gotta say that during that scene, as the hole of the rift got larger, I wondered if the plan would even work. Were his calculations correct? Would he physically be able to pass through whatever distortion was awaiting for him, or would it kill him? It didn't seem like this thing (a rift opening in such fashion) had happened before in the past, was he sure it was going to work?
...The way he closed his eyes as the rift was approaching seemed to me like he wasn't sure either, but was embracing whatever came for him next anyway.
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It was the incredible spectacle of the rift that finally seemed to manage to shake him out of whatever he was feeling. That was the first moment that he looked like a child... like an awe-struck Morty.
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...and it took a while for him to manage to close his mouth lol
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ANYWAY where I'm going with this is: I feel like Evil Morty's ability of attachments and healthy relationships has become so skewed, that...
...I'm not sure he will get a happy ending. That kind of trauma at such a young age will not be something that can be easily dealt with. I feel like, if this was a real-case scenario, he'd need years, decades of therapy, constant reassurance and steady relationships, which... I'm not sure he'll be able to get in the three remaining seasons of the series.
There doesn't really seem to be anyone who understands what his mental state is, nor anyone who is capable of approaching him any time soon.
And his theme song is just so sad... Is that the theme song of someone who gets a happy ending?
(I can't get Evil Morty out of my head)
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1960z · 6 months
I changed my mind: I do have things to say. spoilers for the latest r&m episode (unmortricken)
ok so firstly I love love love how purposefully anticlimactic and unfulfilling it was. when I, and I think when a lot of other people too, envisioned this episode it was always an episode that looked a lot like rickmurai jack, which had so much build up, both in the overarching and immediate story and so many things were revealed that suddenly made sense of everything and it felt epic and emotional and just so cathartic. that’s what I always imagined this would be like. it wasn’t, and that was the point.
instead, we got this mid-season out of basically nowhere. we know rick’s been hunting prime for a while now, but it’s always been in the background for the most part. this didn’t feel like the culmination of everything, it all just kinda happened. and then at the end of the episode rick kills prime and it’s over. nothing. no explanation or understanding of why prime did what he did — rick just gets his revenge and now prime is dead and it’s done and nothing feels like it’s really changed because it hasn’t. which perfectly mirror’s rick’s own mental state about the whole thing. it wasn’t the satisfying closure he’d always envisioned in his head (even if he’d never admit that’s how he envisioned it lol.) evil morty even points this out: “how’s it feel? better? no? exactly the same? yeah. it always does.”
like in the back of our minds we all knew that killing prime wasn’t actually gonna fix anything for rick, but because of the general understanding of how stories are supposed to work we, or at least I, put that aside an expected to get to indulge in the fantasy that the end of this revenge plot would feel anything but hollow to someone actually experiencing it. and the way this episode was set up completely shattered that.
and the look on down from the bridge rick potion #9 call back really hammered all of that home. the ending to that episode is kind of what everyone thinks of when people think about the “nothing matters, we don’t matter and we’re all gonna die” mentality of the early seasons and making a call back to it… I don’t think it’s a return to that mentality but rather showing having that mentality didn’t save rick. he always looked down on caring about “the little things” because he knew none of it really mattered. but a cosmic multi-dimensional cat and mouse game ending in a revenge killing in the name of his dead wife? now that’s something to care about. and now it’s done and it didn’t really feel all that different to all those little things he insisted were unimportant. how does he find meaning now?
more than that, it’s also a good callback because of the revelation that the scenario is basically the same. in rick potion #9, the scene is a demonstration of morty’s shell shock of taking the place of a dead version of himself like it’s nothing and then having to live on in the monotony of said dead morty’s life as if it’s also nothing. and as prime aptly points out, rick is basically doing the same thing with prime’s life. rick slotted into the life prime left behind and is now living the life prime would be living if he hadn’t gone rouge: “hang out with my grandson. raise echoes of my daughter… I just walked into your garage before you walked into mine. but eventually you did. you lived in my house.” and now, prime is dead. queue look on down from the bridge.
“hope you’re happy with your choice.”
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vrisbian · 2 years
I love how these last two episodes have a similar theme- a near opposite one to the brand of nihilism from seasons past. This season hammers in that every life matters to the people within it.
Cronenberg family were abandoned to die, and they were real people who suffered consequences and lost harshly. Bouncing Dimensions and Timelines doesn’t erase tragedies. Space Beth and Earth Beth, sure one is a clone, but it doesn’t matter actually because they are both people and both receive affection and protection.
Marta was just a small percentage of Morty within a video game, a video game that until now has been a casual running goof that questions the value of life and what reality is. But those people, even aware they were actually part of a 14 year old boy, they valued their lives and their loved ones. It was real to the people inside. And Rick, who in earlier seasons would’ve taken as much Morty he could get (if he’d have bothered at all), he waits till he can get every piece he can and respects Marta Morty’s wish to have her own life play out in the game. He says he loves her.
I love how this is fully continuing what the revelation in season 5 demanded. Rick cares. He isn’t souless in his nihilism. He deeply cares about his Diane and Beth, he loves his current family. He stayed on the vengenance quest for decades instead of trying to replace them bc it was those people he loved who mattered and they were gone. Rick will protect his Morty, the grandson and the entire family he has come to value personally.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 months
Fic where rick has to watch Summer and Morty while Beth and Jerry are gone for a week bit he accidentally turns Summer and Morty into toddlers for a week and now has to watch them before they do something stupid like Summer drinking nail Polish
Oooooo this will be fun to write! Story under the cut!
Beth opened the car door "Dad, same rules as before, no damage to this house or these children or no more adventures with Morty." Rick sighed as he stuffed his hands in his lab coat pockets. "Mhm, yeah sure sweetie" Beth narrowed her eyes "Rick, are you listening to me?!" Rick nodded "Yes sweetie, got it keep the house clean, keep the kids safe, or else no more adventures with Morty" Beth sighed of relief "Ok, good dad, we'll be gone for a week." Jerry sighed "Are you sure we want to leave the kids in Rick's care?" Beth sighed "Jerry, he did fine last time, let's just trust him, it's better than using money on a babysitter" Jerry sighed "Ok Beth." Beth and Jerry rode off as Rick took a swig of his flask as he went to the garage. Morty followed him close behind "H-hey Rick need me for a-an adventure or something" Rick shrugged as he took another swig of his flask "Not r*burp*ight now buddy." Morty saw a potion as he reached for it, Rick spared him a glance "Wait... Morty NO-" Morty touched it, the liquid spilled on him, and turned into a toddler. Rick face palmed "Fuckkkk SUM-SUM GET IN HERE" and Summer went on "Woah, let me clean that up" Summer grabbed a stray towel and Rick said "No! " but it was too late. Summer turned into a toddler too. Summer giggled as she waddled over to a thing of bleach and attempted to drink it. Rick quickly grabbed Summer and Morty tried to drink it as well but Rick quickly grabbed Morty as well. Rick sighed and mumbled "Fuck*burp*ing dumbasses... It'll take me a week to fix this" Morty attempted to get out of Rick's grasp and Rick sighed "If grandpa lets you go, promise me you won't do anything stupid" Morty nodded and Rick gently put him down than he ran over to a knife, Rick quickly but gently put Summer down as he picked Morty up, then he saw Summer walks to a hammer, then he quickly and gently put Morty down and grabbed Summer, then be saw Morty go over to an outlet with a fork as he grabbed him "This will be the longest week of my life... " Rick mumbled
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