#happy birthday isaac newton
pixoplanet · 4 months
🍎 The Amazing Life and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
Introduction: Unveiling Newton's Remarkable Journey
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It's December 25th. To quote the greatest science communicator of our time, Neil deGrasse Tyson, "On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday, Isaac Newton," who was born this day in 1642 in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, England. According to the Gregorian calendar, which the world uses today, Newton was actually born on January 4th, 1643. However, in Newton’s day, England used the Julian calendar, and according to that calendar, Newton was born on December 25th. Mr. Tyson and I (among others) prefer to celebrate Sir Isaac’s birthday on the Julian calendar date.
And so today we celebrate the birthday of one of the most important human beings who’s ever graced our planet. Isaac Newton was an extraordinary physicist and mathematician and is credited with laying the foundation for classical physics and jumpstarting the scientific revolution. He believed and proved that all of nature is governed by universal laws that can be expressed mathematically. Newton’s list of accomplishments are long and profound and continue to shape our understanding of the world. His influence will be felt forever.
From his early years at Cambridge University to his later role as President of the Royal Society, Newton's impact on scientific thought cannot be overstated. Sir Isaac Newton's contributions to physics, astronomy, and mathematics are unparalleled. His theories and laws revolutionized our understanding of motion, gravity, and light. Through his meticulous observations and rigorous experiments, he laid the foundation for modern science as we know it today.
So let’s celebrate the life and work of this extraordinary man and explore how his insatiable curiosity led him to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Let’s uncover the stories behind some of his most iconic discoveries, such as the laws of motion and universal gravitation and see how his relentless pursuit of knowledge forever changed our perception of reality.
Prepare to be inspired by Sir Isaac Newton's unwavering dedication to unraveling nature's secrets. His legacy continues to inspire generations of scientists and serves as a testament to what can be achieved through relentless pursuit, unwavering determination, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Let’s now embark upon this fascinating journey and unveil the remarkable life and contributions of Sir Isaac Newton – a true pioneer in the annals of scientific history.
🍎 Early Life and Education: The Formative Years
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Isaac's father unfortunately died two months before he was born. His mother remarried when he was three. Isaac’s stepfather died when Isaac was 12, and he was immediately pulled out of school to help run the family estate. Isaac seemed to show little promise in school anyway. His teachers described him as idle and inattentive. And Isaac soon showed he had no talent or interest in managing an estate, either.
An uncle persuaded Isaac's mother to let him go back to school. This time he must've shown some promise because after he graduated from primary school, the school's headmaster convinced Isaac's mother to send him to college. Isaac entered Cambridge’s Trinity College in 1661 at the age of 19 and began studying philosophy, science, and mathematics. He returned home in 1665 when Trinity College closed down due to a bubonic plague pandemic. Free to study whatever he wanted to while at home, he gobbled up all the mathematics texts he could lay his hands on. During this time, Isaac developed calculus and different theories on optics.
When Isaac returned to Cambridge in 1667, his newly-developed mathematical prowess was evident to all. His professors marveled at his ability to grasp complex concepts with ease and solve intricate problems effortlessly.
But it wasn't just his exceptional mathematical abilities that now set Isaac apart. His insatiable curiosity drove him to delve into fields of knowledge well beyond the confines of the classroom. He voraciously consumed more books on science, literature, and philosophy, expanding his horizons and developing a well-rounded understanding of the world.
🍎 Universal Laws of Motion: Revolutionizing Physics
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The Universal Laws of Motion that Newton formulated have revolutionized the fields of physics and mechanics. These laws provide a fundamental understanding of how objects move and interact with one another.
The First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This concept has paved the way for our understanding of momentum.
The Second Law of Motion is known as the Law of Acceleration. It introduces the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. It states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting upon it and is inversely proportional to its mass. This law enables us to calculate how much force is needed to accelerate or decelerate an object.
Lastly, the Third Law of Motion is known as the Law of Action-Reaction. It states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This principle explains why objects exert forces on each other when they come into contact.
Newton's Universal Laws of Motion have shaped our understanding of physics and have truly revolutionized our comprehension of how objects move in space. And they continue to have practical applications across numerous contemporary scientific disciplines such as engineering, robotics, and space exploration. They serve as a foundation for designing efficient machinery, predicting celestial movements, and even explaining everyday phenomena like walking and throwing a ball.
🍎 Universal Law of Gravitation: Unlocking the Secrets of Celestial Bodies
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Newton’s development of the three Universal Laws of Motion led him to formulate his Universal Law of Gravitation — a groundbreaking theory that has revolutionized our understanding of celestial bodies and their interactions. This law describes the gravitational force between any two objects in the universe, enabling us to unlock the secrets of planetary motion and other cosmic phenomena.
Through its elegant simplicity and yet immense explanatory power, the Universal Law of Gravitation transformed our perception of gravity and its influence on celestial bodies. Newton theorized that a smaller object doesn't actually orbit around a larger object, but that the two bodies orbit around their common center of gravity. With this realization and ever-more precise measurements of the sun and planets, his model of the solar system has continued to become more and more accurate over the years.
One of the most famous anecdotes associated with Newton is, of course, the story of him watching an apple fall from a tree as he was gazing at the moon. It’s said that this event sparked Newton's curiosity about why objects fall towards the Earth, leading him to develop the Universal Law of Gravitation. This simple observation paved the way for a profound understanding of how gravity not only governs our everyday lives, but also shapes the movements and behavior of every object in the universe. It serves as a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity in uncovering nature's secrets while reminding us that even seemingly ordinary occurrences can lead to extraordinary discoveries.
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation continues to be a cornerstone in astrophysics and cosmology, guiding our exploration and expanding our knowledge of the cosmos. By comprehending and applying this law of nature, scientists through the years have been able to unravel mysteries surrounding planetary orbits, predict astronomical events with precision, and even explore outer space.
🍎 Optics: Shedding Light on the Nature of Color
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Newton's groundbreaking experiments with light have played a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries of optics and color. At the time, scholars hotly debated the subject of whether or not color was an intrinsic property of light. Newton settled the debate in 1665 when he invented the prism and discovered that white light is composed of a spectrum of colors. By passing a beam of sunlight through a prism, Newton observed how it refracted into its constituent colors, creating a beautiful display which we now call the color spectrum.
This experiment revolutionized our understanding of light and demonstrated that different wavelengths correspond to different colors. It not only shed light on the nature of color but also paved the way for further exploration in the field of optics. His own continued experimentation led Newton to construct the world's first practical reflecting telescope in 1668.
The discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton about the nature of light have been instrumental in expanding and enriching our scientific knowledge. They continue to shape scientific advancements and inspire scientists and researchers to delve deeper into the intricacies of optics and its applications.
Our understanding of how light interacts with various materials has led to the development of innovative technologies like lasers and fiber optics. These inventions have had a profound impact on numerous fields such as communication, photography, lighting design, and even art. By comprehending how light behaves and how colors are perceived by our eyes, we’ve gained valuable insights into how we can manipulate these elements for practical purposes and creative expression in various aspects of our daily lives.
🍎 Mathematics: Pioneering Concepts Still Used Today
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Sir Isaac Newton’s contributions to the field of mathematics are nothing short of remarkable. His groundbreaking work in calculus has had a lasting impact on the field and continues to be used today.
Newton's development of calculus revolutionized mathematical thinking and provided a powerful tool for solving complex problems. His concepts, such as differentiation and integration, laid the foundation for modern mathematical analysis.
These pioneering mathematical concepts are still widely in use in various fields from physics to economics. They allow us to understand and model intricate systems, make predictions, and solve real-world problems. His contributions continue to shape our understanding of the world around us and serve as a testament to the power and beauty of mathematics. When sending a probe to the outskirts of the solar system, NASA scientists don't rely on Einstein's relativity to work out the math – they use Newtonian physics equations.
🍎 Legacy and Impact: How the Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton Shaped Modern Science as We Know It
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Sir Isaac Newton has unquestionably secured his place in history. He's widely regarded as one of the most important people who's ever lived. His contributions to science have left an indelible mark on our understanding of the natural world. His groundbreaking work in physics and mathematics continues to shape modern science as we know it, as many of his ideas still hold true and his equations are still in use today.
One of the most significant aspects of Newton’s legacy is his influence on future scientists and thinkers. His Universal Laws of Motion and Gravitation, along with his invention of calculus revolutionized the fields of physics and mathematics, providing a solid foundation for subsequent scientific discoveries. Newton's rigorous approach to experimentation and mathematical reasoning set new standards for scientific inquiry, inspiring generations of researchers to follow in his footsteps.
Furthermore, Newtonian physics has had a profound impact on technology advancements. From the Industrial Revolution to space exploration, his work has provided the framework for engineering marvels that have transformed society. Scientists and engineers continue to apply the principles derived from Newton's work as they make further advancements in various modern fields such as aerospace engineering, robotics, and telecommunications.
Newton was revered during his own lifetime as the culminating figure of the Scientific Revolution and has since gone on to inspire and influence many scientists who have stood upon his shoulders to see even farther — Edmund Halley, James Clerk Maxwell, Ernst Mach, Albert Einstein, Edwin Hubble, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and on and on.
It’s truly remarkable how Sir Isaac Newton's ideas continue to shape our present and future. His intellectual prowess and dedication to scientific pursuit have paved the way for countless breakthroughs that have propelled humanity forward. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to this brilliant man whose legacy will forever be intertwined with modern science and technology. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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📚 Sources:
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bicayaya · 4 months
kisses to the birthday boy ♡
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i spent this month drawing him almost everyday, but obviously his day deserved something special. my beloved isaac, i wish i could shower you with love (and kisses) all year long 💞
i love you, happy birthday!
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arthurs-puppygirl · 4 months
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Happy Birthday Noot Noot, you ruined my life 🍎🍎🍎🍎
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with peace and love of course :3
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joelojeda · 4 months
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It's been quite a while since last I mustered the time to do a Holiday card (and I cheated a bit by repurposing a drawing made for a convention) but here's my best wishes to you all!
May you spend meaningful time woth your loved ones, share in blissful memories, and all around have a wonderful year-end festivities.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Festivus!
Merry Yule!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Kwanzaa!
Happy Ōmisoka!
Happy Bodhi Day!
Happy Boxing Day!
Happy Winter Solstice!
Happy Sir isaac Newton's Birthday!
Whatever you believe in/celebrate (or not) I wish you the best.
Superman TM & C DC Comics, obvs.
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arcadian-litterateur · 3 months
gally as galileo galilei
summary: an analysis of james dashner’s choice to name gally after galileo galilei, and the similarities gally and galileo galilei have.
word count: 560
warnings: talk of trauma, triggers, death, and abuse/manipulation by religious groups
a/n: happy birthday will poulter! this is the first part of my wave of stuff for will's birthday. just a lil observation i made, and ofc, a lot of love for my sweet precious baby, gally.
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𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥 in The Maze Runner is named after an important historical figure. Thomas is Thomas Edison, Newt is Isaac Newton, etc…
Everyone acts like these characters got their names randomly, but it's so obvious to me that their names directly correlate to their purpose in the story.
Thomas Edison was an inventor who created unique solutions to problems that had stumped other scientists for ages…Thomas was able to creatively solve the Maze after the Gladers struggled on it for three years. Isaac Newton was smart as hell, and he made discoveries that laid the foundation for many other scientific discoveries. Sound familiar? Newt laid the foundation for the Glade by holding a massive amount of info and ideas. Winston Churchill spent his life trying to gain world peace…much like how Winston tried to make both sides happy and bridge the gap when Gally took over.
With this information in mind, let's take a look at Gally and his namesake, Galileo Galilei. Often called the father of modern science, Galileo made over fifty revolutionary discoveries about science, influencing tons of scientists, namely Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, and the craters and mountains on the moon. He also proved the earlier theory of Nicolaus Copernicus that the Earth was revolving around the sun. He invented an early microscope. He developed the mathematical ideas on the motion of objects on an inclined plane, the acceleration of free-falling bodies, and the movement of a pendulum. Basically, he was a really cool dude.
Gally was one of the most knowledgeable and foundational people of the Glade, made clear by his position as a Keeper and his obvious love for stability. He wasn't afraid to share his opinion (much like Galileo) and consistently contributed important information and solutions to the Glade. Also, to be a Builder, you have to have at least a basic understanding of physics. Gally obviously understood basic physics concepts, because all of the buildings in the Glade are sturdy and standing. Similarly, math is very important to be a Builder, so as Keeper of the Builders, he obviously had an understanding of mathematics. Basically, Gally is smart. Like his namesake.
But the similarities don't end there. When Galileo tried to bring forth his evidence of the Copernician doctrine that the Earth revolves around the sun, he was labeled a heretic by the church and ex-communicated, and placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. Yeah, for stating his opinions, he was forced out of what should have been a safe place, ostracized, and had to die alone. Similar to Gally, don't you think? Sure, he shouldn't have antagonized Thomas without explaining why, but the truth still remains that he had trauma and Thomas was a trigger. He thought he was helping by pointing out Thomas's role in his memories, and then instead of at least listening, his friends of the past three years immediately sided with the boy they'd known for three days, ostracizing him from the only safe place and family he'd ever known. He was also left to die alone by these friends, much like Galileo.
Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, James Dashner knew what he was doing here, and Gally and Galileo both need to find better friends.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
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Happy May to everyone! @violettduchess and I would like to thank each and every one of you who participated in this event, whether it was as a writer or a reader. We loved reading all of your entries and hope you enjoyed this event as much as we did!
Day 1 - picnics
Read to Me | Chevalier Michel | by @aquagirl1978
Making It Up To You | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
Family Outing | Vincent van Gogh | by @fang-and-feather
Family Picnic | Vincent van Gogh | by @not-krys
Chemtrails Over Our Secret Spot | Napoleon Bonaparte | by @xxsycamore
Making Moments into Memories | Leon Dompteur | by @myonlyjknight
Day 2 - rainbows
April Showers Bring May Flowers | Yves Kloss | by @myonlyjknight
Muddy Revenge | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
Headcanons | Isaac Newton | by @violettduchess
Day 3 - baby animals
Parenting Practice | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
Snapshots of Spring | Leon Dompteur | by @violettduchess
Day 4 - gardens
In Apple Blossom Time | Yves Kloss | by @xxsycamore
Butterflies | Theodorus van Gogh | by @pieground
Magic | Leon Dompteur | by @chirp-a-chirp
Day 5 - new beginnings
A Walk in the Park | Theodorus van Gogh | by @aquagirl1978
Happy Birthday Irene | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
New Beginnings | Luke Randolph | by @randonauticrap
Day 6 - green grass
Reliving Fond Memories | Licht Klein | by @myonlyjknight
Headcanons | Johann Georg Faust | by @violettduchess
Day 7 - flower crowns
Bloom | Napoleon Bonaparte | by @fang-and-feather
A Pair of Crowns | Nokto Klein | by @nightfoxqueen
Flower Crowns | Chevalier Michel | by @ivaliny-blog
Snapshots of Spring | Chevalier Michel | by @violettduchess
The Stars at Night | Keith Howell | by @aquagirl1978
Day 8 - rainy days
Dance With Me | Clavis Lelouch | by @sky-drgn
Dreams and Memories Fade Away | Gilbert von Obsidian | by @aquagirl1978
Snapshots of Spring | Cyran Rose | by @violettduchess
Shower of Love | Leonardo da Vinci | by @fang-and-feather
Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown | Gilbert von Obsidian | by @wordycheeseblob
Rain, Rain, Go Away | Clavis Lelouch | by @aquagirl1978
Love from the Other Side | Clavis Lelouch | by @claviscollections
When It Rains, I'll Distract You | Clavis Lelouch | by @myonlyjknight
Snapshots of Spring | Silvio Ricci | by @violettduchess
Spring Showers and Their Budding Consequences | Blanc Lapin | by @xxsycamore
Rainy Days | Sariel Noir | by @ikevampoliver
Day 9 - cottagecore
Tranquility | Jin Grandet | by @randonauticrap
The Tale of the Bear and the Princess - Taste of Love | Luke Randolph | by @queengiuliettafirstlady
The Tale of the Bear and the Princess - Home Sweet Home | Luke Randolph | by @queengiuliettafirstlady
Day 10 - spring fling
The First Night of the Trade Fair | Nokto Klein | by @myonlyjknight
Try Again | Jin Grandet | by @leonscape
Headcanons | Arthur Conan Doyle | by @violettduchess
Day 11 - fairy forest
Happily Ever After | Chevalier Michel | by @aquagirl1978
Easter Madness | All Rhodolite Princes | by @myonlyjknight
Headcanons | Vlad | by @violettduchess
Day 12 - walk in the park
Headcanons | Comte de Saint-Germain | by @violettduchess
Day 13 - cherry blossoms
To Make You Happy | Rio Ortiz | by @myonlyjknight
The Letter | Sariel Noir | by @aquagirl1978
Day 14 - birds chirping
Of Conflict and Compromise | Leon Dompteur & Chevalier Michel | by @scorchieart
Wake Up, Sleepyhead | Leon Dompteur | by @leonscape
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markrosewater · 4 months
Hi Mark! Hope you're having a lovely festive season! It was my birthday on the 25th, a birthday I share with Isaac Newton. Could I therefore please have some birthday trivia on Defy Gravity, Gravity Sphere, Gravity Well, or Gravity Negator?
Gravity Sphere is a good example of how Legends was designed. The designers took their role playing campaign and turned it into a card set. World enchantments (then “Enchant Worlds”) came about because they liked the idea of you, the planeswalker being able to change where the duel was being held. Gravity Sphere was a world where gravity is stronger. How do you flavorfully convey that? Fliers can’t fly. This isn’t a particularly impactful effect, but it’s flavorful, so that’s how Gravity Sphere got created.
Happy Belated Birthday!
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is-newtonswife · 4 months
Happy Birthday to my lover, Sir Isaac Newton
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thiawen · 1 year
DP Idea
Since Danny hates Christmas and is a space nerd, I offer this alternative. Newtonmas. Here is the excerpt from wiki:
25 December is the birthday of one of the truly great men ever to walk the earth. His achievements might justly be celebrated wherever his truths hold sway. And that means from one end of the universe to the other. Happy Newton Day!
– Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and prominent atheist[25]
Some atheists, sceptics, and others have referred to 25 December as Newtonmas, a tongue-in-cheek reference to Christmas. Celebrants send cards with "Reason's Greetings!" printed inside, and exchange boxes of apples and science-related items as gifts. The celebration may have had its origin in a meeting of the Newton Association at Christmas 1890 to talk, distribute gifts, and share laughter and good cheer. The name Newtonmas can be attributed to The Skeptics Society, which needed an alternative name for its Christmas party.[26] Another name for this holiday is Gravmas (also spelt Gravmass or Grav-mass) which is an abbreviation of "gravitational mass" due to Newton's Theory of Gravitation.[27]
On 25 December 2014, American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted:
On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday Isaac Newton b. Dec. 25, 1642.
In a subsequent interview, Tyson denied being "anti-Christian", noting that Jesus' true birthdate is unknown.[28]
Newton's birthday was 25 December under the Old Style Julian Calendar used in Protestant England at the time, but was 4 January under the New Style Gregorian Calendar used simultaneously in Catholic Europe. The period between has been proposed for a holiday season called "10 Days of Newton" to commemorate this.[29]
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“if i have seen far, it is because i have stood on the shoulders of giants.” - isaac newton
happy birthday, pong!
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cloudcountry · 10 months
unconventional otome game love interest traits each guy would have
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ikemen vampire . . .
guessing their love languages (headcanons of the mansion residents. ~450 words.) — guessing their love language based on the very little information i have about them oops
yearning (isaac newton x reader. ~1k words.) — you fall asleep on isaac's shoulder while he's working.
lipstick marks (mozart, arthur, vincent, & isaac x reader. ~400 words) — you leave a lipstick mark on him, how scandalous!!!
an artist's dilemma (vincent x reader. ~500 words) — vincent sees a masterpiece in you.
painting with vincent (vincent x reader. ~300 words) — after a long day, you find solace in vincent.
lover of flowers (arthur & isaac x reader. ~1k words) — arthur is enamored with the reserved florist & isaac stumbles about her.
hair clips are my love language (ikevamp characters headcanons. ~800 words) — giving the suitors some of my hair accessories.
comte and a vampire hunter (comte de saint germain x reader. ~500 words) — you run into comte (or rather, he runs into you) after you kill a vampire.
mozart & the wire brooch (mozart x reader. ~250 words) — you give mozart a gift.
vlad and the florist (vlad x reader. ~250 words) — it seems you and the florist you met a long time ago have the same idea.
cooking with will (shakespeare x reader. ~300 words) — you teach will how to find his way around the one room in his villa he never uses: the kitchen.
bakery date with theo (theodorus x reader. ~300 words) — theo "takes you out for a walk." (read: takes you out on a date to a bakery.)
baking an apple pie (isaac newton x reader. ~450 words) — Isaac's been working hard lately, so you take Arthur's advice and make him a tasty treat!!
little things they love about you (suitors x reader. ~1,000 words) — the little things they love about you.
shakespearean serenades (shakespeare x reader. ~600 words) — theo yells at you to wrangle your lover. said lover is trying his best to serenade you.
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ikemen prince . . .
self care (yves kloss x reader. ~1k words.) — you're supposed to be doing your skin care routine right now, but teasing yves sounds much more appealing.
small moments with rio (rio ortiz x reader. ~500 words.) — sweet moments with rio C:
guessing their love languages (headcanons of the ikepri characters. ~600 words.) — guessing their love language based on the very little information i have about them oops
dance with me (clavis lelouch x reader. ~400 words.) — you dance with clavis in the rain.
breakfast for you (clavis & yves x reader. ~300 words.) — yves is trying to make you breakfast, but clavis has other plans.
unusual protection (clavis lelouch x reader. ~350 words.) — clavis takes the fall for you, and you're left wondering why.
snowed in with clavis (clavis lelouch x reader. ~1,000 words.) — you get snowed in with clavis. shenanigans ensue.
christmas cookies to save kingdom! (gilbert von obsidian x reader. ~800 words.) — you and gilbert make christmas cookies together!!
sledding with cyran (cyran rose x reader. ~400 words.) — you go sledding with cyran.
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ikemen revolution . . .
pet names (zero, edgar, kyle, & harr x reader. ~400 words.) — you call some of the ikerev suitors a pet name for the first time.
the winter itch (kyle ash x reader. ~300 words.) — you call on your favorite doctor to help you out with some chilly problems.
happy birthday (blanc & kyle x reader. ~400 words.) — blanc and kyle attend your after party. (a birthday gift for vivi!!)
soft kyle ash (kyle ash x reader. ~350 words.) — soft kyle ash, your favorite doctor.
the black army pines (black army x reader. ~350 words.) — some mildly embarrassing things that have happened to you while a certain black army member was pining for you.
baking with luka (luka clemence x reader. ~400 words.) — you decorate a gingerbread house with luka.
decorating with zero (zero x reader. ~500 words.) — you and zero put up holiday decorations in red army headquarters together.
love like a heart is no love at all (edgar bright x reader. ~2,000 words.) — edgar contemplates you.
over and over again (blanc lapin x reader. ~2,000 words.) — to blanc, you are the change he needed, and your pressing secret won't change that.
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ikemen villains . . .
shopping with ellis (ellis twilight x reader. ~300 words.) — you ask ellis to come shopping with you, and he agrees.
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ikemen sengoku . . .
hot springs (yoshimoto x reader. ~350 words.) — you visit the hot springs with yoshimoto.
you are the world (mitsunari x reader. ~1000 words.) — domestic bliss with your husband, mitsunari!!
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mystic messenger . . .
snowball fight for love! (saeyoung choi x reader. ~500 words.) — you take saeyoung completely off guard with a snowball to the back of the head!
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cornedbread · 1 month
I don’t know what it is about March 31st - April 1st being so blursed but anyway:
Happy Easter Sunday — Happy Birthday Baldi — Happy 6th Anniversary BBIEAL — Happy Birthday Sanic — Happy Trans Awareness Visibility — Rest in Peace Isaac Newton — Happy Anniversary Makemake the Dwarf Planet — Happy April Fools
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Isaac finding out you were having your monthly visitor on his birthday headcanon (drabble)
Because there is no way I'm not comemorating this real life moment on one of my Ikevamp lovers' birthday.
You wake up excited for the day you have planned for Isaac. You've been lovers for more than a couple of years now and you can't wait to celebrate this special day with him. The rest of the world may view it as simply the birth of Jesus Christ but to you it was going to be Isaac Newton's birthday;
However you discover a moisteness in your core - not the sexy kind after a night of passion. There was a thick viscosity to it and the smell of iron immediately let you know that the Universe had also a surprise for you along with your own surprises for Isaac;
There was a knock on your door "(Y/N) are you okay? May I come in?" "Yes you may, I just woke up!"
There was no point in hiding it as you see him enter your room.
"I smelled blood - I immediately came here to see if you were fine."
"My scarlet letter has chosen to arrive today."
"How are you? Are you fine? Should I get Arthur for some pain relief"
"Yes I'm fine. Maybe just ask Sebastian to make Chamomile tea to ease any incoming cramps and bloating."
He quickly notices how a part of you is unsure of yourself and patiently waits for you to tell him.
"It's just that I had surprises planned for you today because it's your birthday. And it turned out I was also surprised today too."
He leans in to give you a thirsty passionate kiss that erases any doubt of how he feels.
"I think it's wonderful you have this surprise for me. Maybe you should stay in bed for awhile after I get your tea and some food for the both of us. After all I need more blood than any other vampire."
What would have been embarassing turned out to be the chance to start his birthday on a pleasurable note. You were much more sensitive during this time and he was more than happy to devour you.
Bonus: Arthur notices some blood on Isaac's chin and smirks as he put two and two together. "I'll let you have her exclusively for now since its your birthday, but next month I want to join in."
@scummy-writes I offer this impromptu drabble and I'm not sure what you would make of it 😅
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roguetoo · 4 months
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Happy Isaac Newton's Birthday
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oldnarnian5 · 4 months
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Happy Birthday, Sir Isaac Newton!!
(He was born on Christmas Day, 1642 Old Style Calendar, but with the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar his B-day's been bumped up to January 4, 1643)
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the-dance-of-italy · 1 year
Happy birthday to sir Isaac Newton
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