#he sucked. he was a piece of shit.
buck-yyyy · 1 year
god, i fucking miss him so bad and i am SO BEYOND MAD ABOUT IT
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starwarjotta · 4 months
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looking for someone on Tatooine
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ghostlygunk · 4 months
sometimes i remember that ib fan twitter user tht was diehard insisting abt how mary did nothing wrong in the story and how garry was apparently in the wrong
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championsofmyheart · 3 months
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good god do not go on fucking twt rn, people are looking through past tommy and wilbur clips and speculating that tommy was abused as well (whether he was or not is not important right now, don't speculate about his personal life when he's not even online to correct anyone, for the love of god can we focus on shelby), or pushing phil, tommy, jack, charlie, quackity, etc. to say something asap as if they're not probably processing the fact that one of their very good friends has been an abusive piece of shit this entire time.
ALSO (this is not defending him this is just something i've seen that is pissing me off) i've seen people saying he was a creep for making a lot of friends who are much younger than him, like teenagers. but a) phil has made friends with these same people and no one is getting pissed at him, b) being friends with people who are younger than you (YES including in their teens while you are an adult) is not a morally terrible thing, you can be friends with people who are younger than you and not be a creep, c) CALLING HIM A "CLOSET PEDOPHILE" FOR BEFRIENDING YOUNGER MEN IS JUST TAKING EYES OFF OF SHELBY AND TRYING TO PUT IT ON THE YOUNGER MALE CCS YOU ENJOY. for the love of god stop focusing on the male streamers who haven't even had a chance to say something yet and focus on SUPPORTING SHELBY. THE VICTIM.
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moongothic · 3 months
You know we all meme about how Luffy doesn't give a shit about his parents/Dragon, how he seemingly has no interest in learning about the man or meeting him at all, and like yeah that is a Luffyism
And for a long time I figured Baby Luffy would be the same too; that Luffy in his naïvete just accepted he must've spawned from the ocean itself into Garp's care or something, not realizing he should in fact have parents, thus Luffy's seeming disinterest in them
But you know what
Luffy did spend most of his early childhood alone
Sure, he had Garp, but it seems like Garp wasn't always there to look after him every day, he had his duties as a Marine too. Had Garp been there 24/7 all year then Garp would never have allowed Luffy to interact with Shanks (a filthy pirate) to begin with. So yes, Luffy had his grandpa, but not all the time. And sure, Luffy also had Shanks, but Shanks didn't spend all his time in Fuusha Village either, he came and went whenever he pleased too until his final departure when Luffy was just six years old. And yes, there was everyone else in the village too, people who cared about Luffy and were helping look after him. But Luffy's early childhood was one without a stable family.
It wasn't until Garp yeeted the child into Dadan's care that Luffy actually gained a proper family, where after months and months of trying Luffy managed to win Ace's trust and gained Sabo as a brother too. But as we know, by that point Luffy already hated being alone
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All of this to say; Luffy growing up essentially orphaned would explain why he's so afraid to be alone, the way he clings onto people
In some ways Luffy's POV is meant to be the reader's POV, to some degree Luffy's feelings and thoughts are meant to be how we the readers feel and think about whaveter is happening in the story. Not a 100% by any means, but somewhat at the very least.
Perhaps Luffy's lack of interest in Dragon isn't just "Luffy not giving a damn about blood family because chosen families are better" nor "Luffy is too stupid to understand where babies come from". Perhaps Luffy, who may have assumed he didn't have parents at all (as in "might've assumed they were dead or had intentionally abandoned him"), doesn't know what to think about the fact that he does have a father out there, one whom he has never as much as met. Because yeah, Luffy doesn't know why Dragon left him with Garp, why he never got to be with his dad. Should he be angry at Dragon, hate him for being left alone? Or did Dragon have a good reason for it, does Dragon wish things could've been different?
Perhaps Luffy's seeming disinterest in Dragon isn't because he doesn't care about blood family, but because much like us the readers, Luffy doesn't quite know what to make of Dragon, and figuring those feelings out hasn't been relevant to the plot yet.
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lautakwah · 2 months
theres sth deeply sad abt a lot of translated works (and i dont mean some ya novel translated frm english to french. obviously.) in the imperial core being shortened/abridged bc the translator deemed those parts unimportant or straight up didnt have the cultural/historical/religious knowledge to understand WHY theyre important... not to mention how they tend to be biased in their translating to pigeonhole sfuff into western frameworks of thought like 😭
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buff-muffin · 2 months
Travelling Luffy modern AU:
A modern AU where when Luffy met Shanks as a kid he and his mates were living in a van travelling the country probably as some form of criminal but no one in the sleepy village of Foosha knew him. And it inspired Luffy to travel when he grew up. So after high school Luffy picks up random jobs saving money for himself and others to travel going on these grand trips over seas and when he gets back squats at a new friends place and finds a new shitty job to save money and does it all again. He tries to get all his friends to travel with him though it doesn’t always work out so it’s usually two or three of them.
And even in completely different countries Luffy just has a way of befriending the locals finding the best restaurants and activities and even making genuine friends who he is still pen pals with years later. So many times the craziest things have happened to him but Luffy never takes photos on his journey so Nami and the other Strawhats had made it their mission to document every bullshit lucky occasion because no one will believe him otherwise.
His car broke down? Yeah turns out the mayor of the city found them and helped them out. Now they regularly share animal pics. The random old man he befriended in a big city? Yeah turns out he’s actually one of shank’s dads and a criminal and while though retired is still conning a casino for their money and running from the government. The tall rando he fought at a restaurant before both of them decided to just eat and chill? Turns out his mother is one of the biggest gang leaders in the country and he is her right hand man.
Ace also travels but never as frequently as Luffy does now. He’s seen the big places and heard plenty of stories from his friends (the white beards) but is pretty happy in the city. So it’s always a pleasant surprise when the random stranger Luffy befriended happens to know is big brother.
It’s even funnier if you imagine that’s how Luffy meets the grandline strawhats. Like Robin was an exchange student staying overseas, he befriended and greeted her when she returned home. Chopper was graduating high school in a sleepy snow town and because of Luffy decided to head to the university local to him to become a doctor. Franky was actually a professional mechanic and after talking and a lot of pushing decided to make a better name for himself in Luffy’s town for a fresh start. Brook was an old professional singer who was stuck over seas they randomly found and decided to help out, renewing his passport finding his birth certificate ect. He now performs at bars and is working on a solo career. Jimbe was travelling for his own kind of work though after a few encounters with Ace and then Luffy, he found himself so charmed and in need to settle a little, chose to become a teacher at the local university.
The one time Luffy flew by himself because none of his friends could make time he ended up having to stay over seas for two years due to issues with his visa. By some fucking miracle Rayleigh was there and ended up looking after the kid helping him with his piss poor education, inability to hold a stable job and his own house. Luffy came home to the biggest party ever and while most of his friends graduated he started taking online courses while travelling got a share apartment with Zoro and started really cleaning up his resume and not quitting his fucking job every time he traveled.
Luffy just has the travel bug and a need for adventure and has taken all of the east blue gang with him multiple times on these adventures. Something always goes wrong but works out in the best ways.
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troloyunu · 11 months
Dear god elon musk is the most annoying cunt ever, looking at his twitter for 5 minutes made me wish desperately for another submarine incident with him in it
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cattatoir · 10 months
I think I have unpopular Sandman takes bc I'm usually on his side
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stupitunclehal · 11 months
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thinking about the way rufus talks to dimitri. becoming very sad. the absolute brutality that is inflicting this treatment on a twelve year old child for six years when you are the last living relative he has, when he’s not allowed to leave your line of sight, when you’re either actively supporting or turning a blind eye to attempts on his life, when he’s literally losing it and every paranoid and self-loathing impulse is being reinforced by worsening psychosis.
the fact that this is something dimitri internalizes and something that becomes a core facet of how he perceives himself. it’s reinforced in everything from how felix speaks to him (yes, ofc, I understand felix himself is processing some horrific things as well) to how he’s treated by bystanders even when he’s putting his best foot forward.
a few snippets in 3hopes show that, even when he’s generally popular and he’s a very good and proper young man, people are still afraid of him (largely bc of his brute strength and status). note that and then the way he behaves throughout the academy phase in 3houses and what you’ll see him say in side iterations (some of the quotes in heroes, for instance). he offers to help with manual labour, errands, anything that benefits from his strength that is not related to killing.
fuck you, rufus; he didn’t but dimitri should have torn your head from your shoulders in AM. fucking cocksucker.
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talentforlying · 4 months
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john and his niece going for a walk, arm-in-arm, so gemma can confide in him about her ghost problem without worrying her mum......i'm severely unwell about them.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 11 months
The thing about Jamie and Ted is that they're in the somewhat unusual position of being thematically significant to each other's arcs without their actual interpersonal relationship ever being particularly central to the show — arguably because of that thematic significance.
This isn't so much the case in the first season, when Jamie represents an external source of conflict for Ted and their interactions — the positive reinforcement conversation in 1x02, Jamie faking an injury and Ted shouting at him in 1x06 — tell us about both of them more or less equally. Once we get to seasons 2 and 3, however, Jamie becomes a vehicle through which to explore Ted's trauma in a lot of their shared scenes: he remembers seeing Jamie being abused by his father during a panic attack where he's also thinking of Henry, and James coming into the locker room at Wembley is what prompts him to tell Dr. Sharon about his father's suicide. He cannot imagine a father's presence being worse than his absence, and so he tells Jamie that his dad made him a better player, and later to forgive him. Jamie says he would tell his dad "thank you and fuck you", and it reminds Ted of his not at all comparable relationship with his mother. In essence, Jamie can't have scenes with Ted where he's open and vulnerable about his past and still have them be about him, not Ted.
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glittergoats · 2 years
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Forged in Fire
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transkaito · 25 days
Its kind of nasty how people babygirlify an incel who became a cop just to carry a gun so he can exercise police brutality and who exploits his position as a pig to assaults women and teenager girls sexually then kills them when they fight back. Because he weaponised male incompetence to get away with everything . Huh
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reel-fear · 2 months
Hey if anyone wants to check out Moving Pictures Redrawn [a fan-made remake of the first chapter of BATIM that Mike n Meatly may have ordered to be taken down? It's unsure at the moment] Guess who downloaded a copy before they did that~
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