#help 😢
luminaunderscore ¡ 3 months
idk what I’m doing lol
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Digital art hard (failed rig turned into art bc wah)
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Charlie Boy
Stanley Barber x reader gn
song- Charlie Boy by the Lumineers
about 1.2 k words
warnings: language, mentions of Stanley’s father, Stanley’s bruised eye, I can’t think of anything else but if I need to add something let me know.
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“Don’t go to war, firstborn in ‘44,” you walked around the room, collecting a mound of blankets from the couch. 
“And Kennedy made him believe, we could do much more,” the soft fabrics clung to your arms, still a little wet from the pouring rain. Running around the block to get here without an umbrella had not been your brightest idea. But that didn’t stop you anyway.
“Lillian, don’t hang your head, love should make you feel good,” you let the blankets fall from your arms at the foot of the bed. You grabbed the fluffiest from the pile and carefully laid it over the boy lying on his side. 
“In uniform, you raised a man, who volunteered to stand,” you gently patted his head of curls, taking your other arm’s sleeve to wipe away stray tears.
“Ohohoh, ohoh, ohoh, 0hohoh, ohoh, ohoh,” he laid there still unmoving as sadness pooled in his eyes and fell down his cheeks. You stepped away only slightly to hear him whine as you left to turn off the lamp a little ways away from his bed.
“Play the bugle, play the taps, Make your mothers proud,” you returned back to his side as you softly brushed at his tears, painfully avoiding his bruised cheek and eye. Stanley’s hands grabbed yours as he tried to pull you down beside him.
“Sweetheart, I’m soaked. I’m just going to get you wet,” you said.
“I don’t care,” Stan said raggedly, “just hold me while you sing.”
“Okay,” you whispered before crawling into bed beside him, placing a second blanket over the both of you, the one he already had separating you so he would stay dry.
“Raise your riffles to the sky, boys, fire that volley loud,” you stroked his head as faced away from you.
“News was bad on Upland Ave, Metuchen mourn our loss,” you sang out to the quiet of the room. Stanley’s sniffling had become fainter.
“Sons, rebelled, while fathers yelled, and mothers clutched the cross,” your arms slowly wrapped around the poor boy beside you, comforting him the best you could.
“Ohohoh, ohoh, ohoh, ohohoh, ohoh,ohoh,” you hummed out as Stan bundled into the blankets you gave him, swadling himself in the warmth that them and you provided.
“Play the bugle, play the taps, make your fathers proud,” you voice was starting to fade away and Stanley’s breathing evened out. 
“Raise your riffles to the sky, boy, fire that volley loud,” you finished the song, leaving a silence that was neither comfortable or uncomfortable. Regardless of the suffocating feeling, you felt left trapped in the house that was both a blessing and a curse. You rested your head against his. The strands of curls brushed your face as you tried to relax.
“I like when you sing,” he whispered.
“I like when you sing too,” you responded neutrally, uncertain of how far this conversation would go.
“It’s better when you sing,” Stanley said, “you only sing when I need you or when you think no one is listening. It makes you sound like an angel.”
“How come?” you asked.
“Because you always come when I need you and the way you can calm me down so easily makes it all seem… etherial.”
“That’s some high praise,” you responded against his curls.
“It’s true,” he replied back. You sat in silence for a few moments before Stanley broke it again. “How do I sound to you when I sing?” curiosity filled his voice.
“Like a rat choking on pesticide,” you said monotonously, as your emotions ran wild in the madness of your head.
“I’m being serious,” Stan said through a giggle, still not choosing to turn and face you.
“You sound normal,” Stan shifted against you antsily, expectantly, as if he wanted to hear something as meaningful as he had said to you. “You sound like yourself.  You can hear your personality each time you belt out a chorus, or forget a word, or your voice breaks. All I hear is you, and it’s wonderful. Because your my favorite thing to listen to, even if at times you do sound like a rat choking on pesticides.”
Stanley stayed quiet. Time passed and in your head you could hear the ticking of the clock in your brain, the countdown until one of you broke the silence or fell asleep.
“If I wasn’t so emotionally tapped, I’d confess my undying love for you.”
“If you weren’t so emotionally tapped, I would have already spun you around to face me,” you answered back.
Stanley wiggled out of your grasp as he shifted about. After a few attempts he finally flipped over with what would have been minimum effort if he had succeeded the first time. Glossy eyes stared at yours, one surrounded by the purple bruise. His smile was contagious most days, but not this one, not while he was hurt.
“I know you turned, but you are still absolutely drained after today,” you said, scooting back to get a better look at him.
“Yeah, but I wanted to see you too. You're comfy and cozy and everything, but sometimes seeing is believing even when you ground me.”
“I will take comfy and cozy as a compliment,” you stated.
“You should. You smell nice. It makes it very easy to get all warm and toasty when the person smothering you smells like a freshly baked Christmas cookie.”
“That was…,” the words weren’t coming to your mouth right away. “Random. Very fucking random, but okay. You smell like weed and hormones so, you know at least I don’t smell like that.”
“God, I wish I smelled like you. However, it gets very difficult to be around you when I’m high. I get the munchies and sadly I can’t chew on you like I could a cookie.”
“Okay,” you said trying to reel the conversation back in, “I think that is enough talk tonight. You need rest, Stan. I need rest. We both need some time to just fucking be without the whole god damn world breathing down our necks. So just try and get some shut eye for me, will ya?”
Stanley’s thin lipped and tired smile was thrown your way as he moved forward to rest his head just below your neck. His untamed curls brushed against your chin as he snuggled into you, arms wrapping around your side as he relaxed. 
Without much thought, you placed a soft kiss on top of his head and returned the embrace. Your arms drifted from under his to wrap up and around his back. Your fingers made small circles on his shoulders as he hummed with his eyes closed.
“I love you so fucking much,” he said.
“I love you too, Stan.”
“So fucking much?”
“So fucking much, and much much more.”
You both fell asleep shortly after. The warm smell of cookies filling Stan’s senses as the refreshing smell of his citrus shampoo wafted from his hair and into your heart. A blossoming comfort engulfed you both in the sweet smells of an inviting winter and a revivifying spring.
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heartgumz ¡ 5 months
broppy office/college au…… what do we think 😣
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littlemissmeany3 ¡ 7 months
I WATCHED EPISODE 12 OF LINK CLICK. I don't know what say, just know I'm crying.
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hunter-burton ¡ 1 year
I SWEAR IM WORKING ON THE AU I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO START ITT <//3 (also I need to gather info abt Lyra cause all I know rn is that they bangin people’s moms/j)
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menelaus-blue ¡ 11 months
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manjiroswifo ¡ 9 months
Ummmm........I know damn well that I didn't see my sister look up kisaki edits and proceed to watch them 😁🙈🙉🙉🤡( of kisaki is your type go ahead hit on him because free will 👊) But when you it's your.....sister
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No hate to yall kisaki fans but he kinda looks like the one villain octopus from that penguin movie 😅😂
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levrez ¡ 10 months
i accidentally deleted all my epub books and now i am devastated
(i had 7392639183917491 unread novels in there kms)
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abrancadenevedele ¡ 1 year
O que fazer quando seu coração jå não aguenta mais sentir tamanha dor? O que fazer quando não se aguenta mais uma vez chorar? O que fazer em uma tentativa completamente falha de tentar fazer a dor passar e mesmo assim ela persistir em trazer mais uma vez uma dor voraz que não se consegue explicar? A respiração fica descompensada e completamente fora do ritmo, literalmente a gente esquece coisas båsicas como respirar! Nesse momento sou tomada por uma onda de dor que invade minha alma me fazendo sentir um medo que não consigo descrever em palavras, mais uma vez o sentimento de solidão me faz esquecer de respirar. Lågrimas quentes percorrem o meu rosto, como pequenas lågrimas conseguem ser repletas de sentimento de dor, tristeza, angústia, insegurança e medo? Como o sentimento de solidão consegue bagunçar a minha mente, alterar a minha visão e me causar uma dor avassaladora?
Uma música me faz recordar momentos lindos e incríveis, vejo no espelho um sorriso se formando em meu rosto e sinto que não sou digna de ser ou ter pequenas fraçþes desses momentos felizes. Choro em silêncio mesmo com todo sentimento ruim dilacerando meu peito, vou em direção ao banheiro, tranco a porta, olho meu reflexo novamente no espelho, o sentimento de dor me invade, tiro minha roupa e entro pra debaixo do chuveiro, minhas lågrimas se misturam com cada pequena gota de ågua que parece pesar infinitamente mais do que realmente pesa, uma nova onda de dor me invade, cruzo meus braços envolta do meu tronco numa tentativa falha de me acalmar, o choro vem de uma forma descontrolada e tento me lembrar em como respirar, solto uma das minhas mãos e tampo minha boca pras palavras de dor não serem ouvidas, começo a chorar de uma forma descontrolada e clamo por socorro muito baixo pra que ninguÊm consiga me ouvir, com muita dificuldade começo a me ensaboar, meus olhos ardem e ficam embaçados por conta das lågrimas, termino de me ensaboar e começo a me enxaguar, alguns pensamentos ruins passam pela minha cabeça, crio coragem pra desligar o chuveiro, pego a toalha e ao enxugar o rosto mais uma crise de choro toma conta de mim, concentro toda a minha força para sair de dentro do box e termino de enxugar meu corpo, visto meu pijama e dessa vez não me permito olhar no espelho pois sei que os meus olhos entregam toda a dor que ainda existe dentro de mim, e assim vou em direção ao quarto, deito na cama e abraço meu travesseiro enquanto novos pensamentos negativos rondam minha mente.
A parte mais difícil e avassaladora de crises como essa leva em cerca de 20 a 30 minutos, você sente a dor mais intensa que consegue atÊ que o "bote salva vidas" aparece em meio a tanto dor, me agarro a esse bote imaginårio e aos poucos me lembro em como se respira, vou devagar acalmando minha respiração, os batimentos cardíacos vão se estabilizando, a dor ainda persiste em me fazer chorar mas aos poucos vou me lembrando do quanto sou forte, que mais uma vez Ê só mais uma crise e assim como todas as outras, essa tambÊm vai passar. Aos poucos a dor vai diminuindo, volto a escutar a mesma volto a escutar a mesma música que desencadeou todo o processo que acabei de descrever, prefiro ficar no escuro para aliviar os olhos doloridos e inchados depois de tanto choro, tento me concentrar na música que toca no fone de ouvido, sinto um amostra de um nova crise se formando, desligo imediatamente a música, apoio o celular na cabeceira de canto, fecho os meus olhos e me permito sentir o cansaço enquanto sou envolvida pelo sono.
- Relatos de uma das minhas crises de ansiedade.
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buckybarnesb-tch ¡ 1 year
Should I combine my Klaus and Elijah Masterlist and put them both on one Vampire Diaries Masterlist? I guess it would be easier to add things as I go if and when I write Kol stuff…
I guess I’m wondering if it’ll make it easier for people all together to just have one cause I feel like mine is jumbled a bit. It could just be my dumbass brain, that’s why I’m asking
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lalarubyss ¡ 2 years
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ugly6astard ¡ 2 months
does anyone know if this is an effect of antidepressants? i feel like i should be sad, but i don't know why i am sad like the reason. i just feel really empty and on the verge of being sad but it never comes, lik a hiccup. maybe someone in mind is sad and i can feel it? it is upsetting me
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little-lackadaisical ¡ 1 year
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hotmess-exe ¡ 1 year
ugh... the dashboard pain of a precious mutual getting a new season of a show that they love and that you know literally nothing about
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littlemissmeany3 ¡ 10 months
I watched elemental today, and I have never cried that many times during a movie in my life. (I also never thought I'd relate to water so much in my life but here we are)
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braindos ¡ 9 months
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Like an eel dipped in grease
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