#hes a westaboo but we love him
It's been wonderful being able to talk about these things for me too! I haven't really had the opportunity since Y7 came out, so I'm positively buzzing. And no worries about the tone of your post about Daigo's article haha, I appreciate it when issues are pointed that I might've missed otherwise since that's at least something actionable.
But I'm obviously not going to stop anyone from venting frustrations with the wiki or with Fandom as a platform; I frequently find myself frustrated too! It's one of the things that keeps people editing the wiki. I'm honestly fine with whatever as long as it's not accusing us of being fujoshi for the billionth time lol, but for better or worse I do like to clarify what we're trying to do if there's any confusion.
Speaking of, Mine's relationship tags are kind of a funny story! So a lot of them have these dotted underlines and question marks, right? You're supposed to be able to hover over underlined terms to see a short definition (on desktop) and click the question mark to see an article with all the definitions on mobile, since hover actions aren't possible on a touchscreen.
But since the article was and still is under construction, Fandom doesn't show the link to logged-out users. So I had no idea it just looks like we're saying the tag is ambiguous lol. It's up now though, so it's hopefully easier to understand what we're trying to do!
I just found it funny I specifically added that feature to reduce confusion. Half the grief we get over Mine's "romantic interest" tag is because people assume we're saying it's mutual (we chose the term to try and avoid the "mutual" connotations of "love interest," but I guess that didn't work out). I also thought it might help with somewhat esoteric tags like "co-parent" (which was put in place for Jo and Arakawa and then I kept thinking of others) and "surrogate son." Turns out it's tough to boil complex relationships down to one term!
I definitely have SO many questions about New Year's Day and I probably always will; for the space of only one night, it's a huge blank. I certainly do have to wonder if shipping Masato off to America was decided then and there. There's a lot that could possibly be expanded on in RGGO (further interactions between Arakawa and Jo included lol), so I've got hope for that too now that we're back to random events. I'd be really interested to see how you'd portray it someday!
Talking about Nakai and Tsutsumi reminded me, Nakai mentioned he read the whole script in a day so he "wouldn't do a disservice to Arakawa or Sawashiro's characters." That kind of stuck out to me precisely because there are so few scenes between them compared to like, Arakawa and Ichi, and they're all relatively low-impact in comparison.
Of course, it could be marketing on account of him and Tsutsumi getting to co-star again, or the scenes could simply have stood out to him more for that reason, or he could've had a different impression of the ratios having read the script rather than played the game. But the part of me that makes me want to go Off The Deep End speculating is kind of wondering if there were other scenes planned?
And absolutely! I'm not able to reblog often because the post editor's been crashing whenever I try to tag my posts, but I hope you know I love your work and I'll support pretty much anything you put out! I'm very excited to share my findings as well.
A lot of it's to do with Mine's relationship to Western culture vs. Japanese culture (his "westabooism," basically), so that's specific to him, but there a lot of interesting concepts and theories in Japanese psychology regarding familial bonds, met and unmet emotional needs. They work as an explanation for his probable feelings of alienation from Japanese culture, but I feel they would make for an interesting lens to examine the Arakawas through as well.
I actually hadn't ever considered the similarity with regard to Mine and Jo's dads, but that makes so much sense! If I were to take it a step further, I think feelings of "abandonment" by their fathers have had long-lasting effects on both them and Masato. Jo we've been talking about, his father was technically still "there," but he wasn't in his corner, which feels much the same as abandonment to a child.
I think Mine's internalized a lot of the same feelings even though his father never meant to abandon him (I guess Jo's may not have, necessarily; alcoholism can destroy a family whether the individual wants that to happen or not). Like, unfairness, displacement, lack of control, the loss of the only support you have and so on. I think dwelling on that is what sent Mine's mental state spiraling, and what made it imperative to just believe Daigo was "dead" to try and move on as soon as possible. He didn't want to be hurt the same way again.
It's also probably what he was projecting in his ridiculous villain speech during The Orphanage Scene; the reason offering kids support in the way Kiryu does is a form of "victimization" in his eyes, at that moment, is because that support can be ripped away from you at any time. The scene is kind of hilarious to me because it's like, "okay we need Mine to have a kick-the-dog moment, his actions have been too understandable," but I do get it from that angle.
Similarly, I think those feelings of abandonment are why Arakawa faces the brunt of Aoki's abuse, because it's like, "YOUR negligence is why I had to go through all of that." So I get why Jo, like your sister, wouldn't want the finger pointed at him, but at the same time… damn. Perhaps if Arakawa had never had that talk with Masato, things might've been different. I get the impression he wouldn't be able to endure keeping things to himself for as long as Jo, though, given things like the letter he sent Ichi in prison.
Oh, yeah, Jo is CRAZY protective of Masato too! "If anything happens to him, killing you a thousand times would be insufficient!" I think part of his overreaction to having Masato's money is also that if Ichi can't listen to orders that fundamental, who's to say he listened to the orders to keep Masato safe? I guess if you see Ichiban as incompetent to the point of almost being a malicious actor, you might think that.
I'm sooo so glad you've noticed the rest of those similarities haha, I've been rotating them around in my brain like a cube for ages. A Venn diagram would be so fun to see! That's such an insightful look at the differences between Mine and Jo's offices too. I was a little confused about the placement of the social spaces, or even that they're there, but if you look at it as clearly separate from his personal spaces, it does make sense.
Also, not to harp on the books in the offices too much, but I compared the textures a little earlier. Mine's are basically all (very expensive) encyclopedias and language phrasebooks in English, Italian, French, and German, in contrast to Jo's discrete hardcovers and series of art history books. They're probably all stock assets lol, but I think they're surprisingly good fits; Mine dumping considerable time, money, and energy into his fascination with Western culture and Jo being the type to not want people to know what he's reading totally works for me.
But yes! It's kind of funny, because Yokoyama wasn't much of a Mine fan in his early days, but I hope he and the others keep on writing characters like him. I think of it as Mine's "legacy" in a series where past characters aren't acknowledged too often; the most I can recall are that Hakuho mention in 4 and the fencing around the Touto roof perimeter.
Speaking of, I love Mine's missed shots in the finale specifically because he's an excellent marksman in his Okinawa character story. Why? How? Who Knows, He's Perfect. (Probably not as good of a shot as Daigo though lol)
And yeahhh, there are other interviews, but it ain't the same! It was the most in-depth one I know of. I think this is one of the only remnants, and I shall entrust it to you.
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But yes, exactly! And I'm also glad Y7 introduced more people to them (myself included), Tsutsumi's my favorite actor of all time and Nakai's brilliant. They make a great combi! Of the things I've seen where they co-star, I think Princess Toyotomi and Hero SP are both solid; the latter is a special for a longer show, but I honestly didn't even notice lol. Musashi I wasn't personally able to get through even though I've read the book, so I'm not sure how it plays out between them.
Also I DIDN'T KNOW TORU DIED IN PURE??? That came out of nowhere oh my god T___T But if you're ever looking for anything rare, feel free to ask! I might know a guy (gender neutral) with a stash, Fly, Daddy, Fly included.
OH MAN MINE'S WIKI ENTRY I've definitely made my opinions about it known, but now knowing the truth behind it it's kind of funny and still so unfortunate. I'd almost want to recommend a section dedicated to the topic since it's such an integral part of his character, though I also understand wanting to keep the wiki strictly to factual information and to exclude speculation (or "speculation" anyhow- it's definitely more of a concrete situation, especially going off of the information provided in your pinned post on the topic. If anything, that sort of information would belong to the "Trivia" tab wouldn't it- but again, it's such a deep situation it can't really be summarized in one or two sentences) and the topic being too niche to have a page dedicated to it. It's nice to know that the subject isn't trying to be brushed under the rug though and it's just a matter of awkward formatting/incomplete work!
Furthermore on The New Years Event, I would LOVE RGGO to expand on the topic since they've been so liberal with the stories they make and the depth those stories add to the characters. Honestly, I was expecting Masato's card to have that as its accompanying character story, so it's unfortunate that he doesn't get it or any story as far as I'm aware (or maybe he does have one and my poor pull luck has just prevented me from getting the card to find out myself, but I've looked as much as I could and couldn't find an upload of it). Oh well, I guess it's the old "if you want something done you gotta do it yourself-" not that anything I could make could ever be up to scratch, so I'm glad I do have people interested in what I have in mind :)
About Nakai, I wouldn't feel wrong trying to accredit his comment to a time before he knew the full plot or saw the full game and was just debriefed on the general story/character relationships, and I also wouldn't put it past RGG to have deleted scenes/ideas (if those do exist, RGG please let me in your vault I'd like to take a peak...)!
The psychology of Mine is another topic I've been wanting to officially tackle for a while now, so I'm glad I have this chance to share some of what I have mental bullet points for.
Moreover, Mine's dad and how he "left" Mine undeniably impacted him significantly beyond physically leaving him alone, and it definitely manifests in The Orphanage Scene and his idea that killing Daigo would be "putting him out of his misery". In those instances, he sees Daigo and the orphans as victims of an unfair reality, Daigo being comatose, and the orphans having the endure the struggles of being orphans (and that added-on, projected anxiety that their comfortable lives now could vanish at any second like it did for Mine). Mine's mustache-twirling villainy is funny for its absurdity, but I also genuinely appreciate it since it lets us peak into his warps philosophy better. It doesn't justify his actions by any means, but it explains to us why he can justify his actions as from a place of love or pity as opposed to thoughtless evil.
To add on, Mine's relationship with his father, from what we're allowed to gather, was healthy and positive. Because of their positive relationship, the removal of such adds credence as to why Mine's desperate to get that love again. It especially makes sense considering Japan's horrendous attitude and negligence towards orphaned children that was even demonstrated during Mine's childhood while his father was alive.
And as an inverse aside, Jo's relationship with his dad was toxic, whether it was due to blatant abuse or combined negligence. It's fair to assume that Jo never got to experience genuine, secure love growing up, so as a result, it's not something he actively seeks out. He's been without it long enough that it's not something he necessarily craves like Mine who used to have it until it was taken from him.
Masato certainly makes it clear he felt isolated despite the efforts Jo and Arakawa repeatedly went through for him, and it's apparent it's an unfortunate side affect of internalized ableism. It definitely doesn't help anyone's case that Masato had seemingly been informed of the night of his birthday's events (from Arakawa's point of view, obviously), and it's clear that knowledge gives ammunition as to why he resents him.
You're right on Jo potentially seeing Ichi as a bad actor, it's not as if he has disdain for him for no reason! Like even if Ichiban hadn't taken Masato's money the way Jo could have imagined, the idea that Ichi can't be responsible in one avenue can easily lead back to Ichi having the potential to look after Masato, especially when he seems to be the one who predominately looks after him when he's tasked to.
I've already got my program open to make my little chart and have my reference pictures ready, so hopefully I can have that silly thing out soon haha- I'm glad you're interested in seeing it, and I hope other people will like to see it too! Jo and Mine really are my favorite antagonists, so it's funny (and I guess not surprising) that they have parallels to them.
To add on to that though, I think it's fun to look at the extra details, no matter how small; I'm probably more happy than I should be that you looked at their office's books, but I can't help be a fan of the details you found (whether they're generic models or not, I'm running with them- I've done more with less before lmao)! Mine having language books is definitely in-line with his interests, but Jo having art history books is weirdly endearing (and dare I say another point for "these are the same picture" comparing it to Mine's own love for art). Jo being so private to the point of blocking out the binds of the books he owns is so accurate to him and his secrecy, and the concept that he likes to read about art in his spare time is a new favorite concept for me.
Mine really isn't acknowledged much after 4; in comparison to Ryuji and Nishiki, he's remembered throughout the series the least (you can argue the same for Ryuji, but considering he gets a whole new life in Dead Souls, I think it's fair to say that makes up for the mainline series forgetting about him. Though I guess the same could be Mine getting a prominent role as Hijikata in Ishin... Definitely not as cool of a spot as to be a playable protagonist with a machine gun arm if I'm honest). In that, it's great that his likelihood can exist in future characters, and I hope they continue the trend of phenomenal antagonists in LaD8 and onward!
I'm eternally grateful for this frame you've gifted me thank you so much- Nakai's smile is such a blessing honestly, I'm glad if anything survived from the interview it can be this shot at least.
I've got Princess Toyotomi and Hero SP added to my watch list, DEFINITELY something I'll be excited to check out as a reward once I have all my important business taken care of this week! Honestly, I haven't seen Musashi either: while I was looking through their filmography I saw it was a project they did, but I've always been bad at watching long series so I didn't take the time to see their performance together.
For things I have seen though... yeah he dies SORRY IF THAT WAS HOW YOU FOUND OUT </3</3 Honestly I didn't expect myself to love the series as much as I did (admittedly it was predominately because of the leads and their relationship), but when it happened I was both- dare I say crushed- a little humored a little funny in a dark-comedy way.
And if you do have access to harder-to-get films, I'd absolutely be interested in hearing about it. One of Nakai's movies Good Morning Show has been haunting me for weeks: it sounds like such a fun movie yet I can't find it anywhere </3
#long post#fave#i have to fave these now because i be putting my essay notes in these OOPSIE#snap chats#the state of the arakawas is probably one of my favorite things to explain to people BECAUSE its so complicated#i showed my sister the ending of Y7 despite her not knowing anything about the series since i was talking about how upset it made me#and i tried to explain the whole family situation since it was relevent#just... yeah so the guy in blue was put in a locker by his dad and then he got saved by another guy#and he did that because he thought the guy in blue was his kid- who is actually the guy in red#because /his/ mom put him in a locker because of yakuza business and she couldnt take care of him#but now dad-who-put-a-baby-in-a-locker came back so now he co-parents alongside the guy who took his baby#but theyre not together they just. raise 'their' kid but the other guy doesn't know that his co-parent is the /actual/ dad#i know i already made a parody of it but it genuinely has the set up to some goofy slice-of-life manga i love it ☠️☠️#its SO funny to try to explain its easy to understand if you put it down on paper or write it out but to verbally do it 😭☠️☠️#moving on tho i'd love to know more about that japanese psychology bit#im asian myself and tho obviously not all asian cultures are the same they overlap#so im curious to see if i can recognize any of the issues i notice in my own culture with that which can be applied to the arakawas + mine#the bit on his western idolization is something im interested in too ! esp based on the books in his office it could be an interestin topic#man i just keep looking at that interview picture and it really does have the energy of a proud dad and his son#maybe thats just because nakai's smile reminds me of my dads#but yes yes thank you again for writing it ! i know i keep saying it but i cant stress how nice it is to take this extensively#especially because not only do i learn a bit more and learn some details i missed but it also helps me expand my own thoughts#that i hope to make into bigger posts#on that note though i have one more quick post to make after this one then i have to tend to some of that Important Business..#and thank you for being a supporter of me and my work ! sometimes i get a bit self conscious about it#i know i post a lot too and i never expect people to interact with my things so im grateful for the knowledge you enjoy it !
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stormcallart · 2 years
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When the cute exchange student catches your eye.
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staarchild · 3 years
Ocelot for the character ask~
Well shit this turned into an essay... I just have a lot of thoughts abt this idiot ok
How I feel about this character
Hoooo boy...
Short answer: he’s a dumbass but he’s my dumbass.
Long answer: he’s probably my favourite video game character of all time, not even ironically. I’m just a sucker for OTT, morally confusing characters. He’s super ridiculous too which I love, like this fucker meows and almost jizzes his pants whenever he reloads his guns holy shit. Borderline cringe comedy at times but again, I love to suffer. For all the dumbass catboy shit he does though he’s kinda badass as an older adult (”when it comes to CQC I have the upper hand”). Also for all the hyper confusion over his true allegiances and motivations we find out after a whole ass decade that his true motive was very simple: wuv, twue wuv. Idk I just love how we follow his Gemini ass for so long in confusion, the whole plot revolves (ha) around his convoluted plans and secret agendas and turns out he was driven by his super duper mega crush on Big Boss. Love to see it. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Big Boss and Big Boss only. I literally cannot imagine him ever catching feelings for anyone else. He literally almost caused nuclear war and overrode his own personality bc he wanted that naked snake that bad.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I like his relationship dynamic w Quiet tbh, if they’d developed it more. He seems to genuinely care abt her in some way, like I don’t think he wanted to save her just to piss Kaz off. He admires her skills and I guess almost sees her as like a protegée. I think over time he could’ve gotten to know her as a close friend as well as a protegée
Aside from Quiet, I also like to think he got along w Raikov during his days in Grozny Grad. I just love the dynamic of 2 chaotic gays being annoying together. Also think he sort of had a love-hate friendship with Eva, like they were love rivals but they also admired each other and bonded over shit like their feels for Snake and being double agents against a dumbass lightning man.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I actually like Troy Baker as Ocelot. Idk how unpopular this is but I’ve seen a lot of people say he didn’t pull it off. I think he did though. Plus him adopting a really thick Texan accent just from watching cowboy movies is totally fitting with his westaboo character.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
We got a spinoff where he was the/a player character. Or at least a combat buddy like Quiet was. Idk I’d just love to be able to be gay and do war crimes, but as a dramatic ass Gemini instead for a change.
TYSM for the ask my dude!! *mraows at you in russian*
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I'm glad I'm not the only one who actually is very interested about the Vestiges of OFA! Though it's interesting that our headcanons contrast each other somehow...
I have nowhere to share my headcanons as of yet, so I guess I'm sharing them with you first before making some headcanon posts on my BNHA blog cause I wanna see what you think of it first.
1st User - Shigaraki Shutsu (死柄木 出)
Since I'm a fan of Dad For One, I thought Izuku's name might be a combination of the kanji of the two brothers. Makes sense somehow. The second kanji of "Izuku" is "Hisashi", and the first kanji is pronounced "Shutsu". And even though "Shutsu" has no pun for the number 1 (Ichi), the kanji can mean "origin", which fits. (He's the only one where I managed to make up a name for)
Shigaraki was said to mean "Death Grip Tree", but it also meant "Death Pattern Tree", which may be a reference to the cycle of OFA users dying over and over again, with "Shutsu" representing that he is the "Origin" of that. (Yeah, dark.)
Shutsu is a lot like Midoriya who is actually a dork and a nerd, especially for superheroes in comics. I suppose he's a westaboo of some sorts. Due to reading so much comics in English, he occasionally say some words in his sentences in English and can occasionally speak broken Japanese.
He also has very low self-esteem like Midoriya too. He used to keep saying his actions standing up to his brother aren't really anything major and that he's not as great as the heroes that come after him. (The 2nd User will smack him if he says that too much) However, he has improved cause he learned from during his fight with his brother that he's much more than what he believes.
He also sometimes blames himself for the death of the other users, but the other users try to support him no matter what. He's the guy the keeps the Vestiges together somehow.
He appears and sometimes act weak-minded (like the old Midoriya), but he's actually head-strong and stubborn, always tries to fight for his ideals, despite not having the strength for it.
Also, he's kinda the one the encourages Midoriya's vigilantism... And the 2nd User keeps smacking his head whenever he does too far with All Might and Midoriya.
When All Might first told Midoriya that he can't be hero without a quirk and he needs to be "realistic" with his dream, Shutsu got angry at All Might because it was an echo to what his brother kept telling him when he was alive. And the First is normally the one who forces the users to act when needed to save someone, so he stopped doing that when All Might came across the Sludge Villain with Bakugo.
When he saw Midoriya act first, it also forced First into action as well to force All Might to act somehow. (He freaked out)
He's the polar opposite of his brother. While his brother technically smiles like a maniac all the time, Shutsu doesn't. He's like Eri, who really can't smile right. (I mean, we barely seen the guy truly smile when we saw him. The closest to him really smiling was when he was talking about comics)
He's under the suspicion that Midoriya may be related to his brother, but the guy doesn't care. He never really believes that people can be defined by blood and always saw Midoriya as his person rather than just AFO's son, so he believed in Midoriya from the beginning. Besides, Shutsu thought that makes him and the 9th related, so he thought it was alright!
But based from what he saw, he knows Midoriya might not know about AFO being related to him and Shutsu knows it's something that can't be hidden forever. He plans to possibly tell Midoriya when the time comes.
He's the one who started the fire metaphor with One For All! He used it to explain what it felt lile when he first used One For All with the stockpiling quirk. The 2nd then used it when explaining it to the 3rd, and became tradition since then!
Sad Headcanon: The last time the First truly smiled was when he died, in front of the 2nd User as a child. (Btw, I'm the same person as the anon who said that the 1st and 2nd are like Izuku and Kota, so it was my headcanon)
I'm not sure if this is all of it. The First has the most headcanons than the other predecessors. Probably enough to write a story about the First User, but I don't have the best writing skills and I get writer's block easily. I could send more if that's what you want.
(Sorry for the long post!)
bro im crying i love this so much,,,holy shit
the thought and care u put into this headcanon,,,i am shaking holy SHIT
ugh this is so good i love it thank u SO much for sharing dude omg,,,im so emo abt the ofa vestiges
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Okie. Only one of them, FOR NOW, bc I have a lot.
My OC that gets their story told is my Pyrokenetic MHA OC. Again, FOR NOW!!!
Long as fuck, so, a readmore.
She came from a similar home to Todoroki, her mother never really wanted her. She was born with Autism and a Quirk. As soon as she could, she fled from that home and never returned. As a result of her life in that house, she was violently touchstarved, and traumatized. She held out hope that the world was a better place than her mother made it out to be. In some ways, it was. In other ways, it wasn't. She put herself through school and started working to become a Pro Hero. She soon gained the attention of Evangeline, a Pro Hero at the time. Evangeline was a German Hero visiting America in search of a successor. Evangeline chose Amelia to be her successor. Amelia became the #1 American Hero and became known as The Rose Queen of Texas and The American Lion Wolf. Beyond that, however, her international standing didn't change. She was the bottom hero in the international standing while she was being mentored. Then, as Amelia's mentorship ended, so too, did the life of her mentor, Evangeline. Amelia then met Yagi Toshinori, aka All Might, on his visit to America. They got along pretty quickly, and soon were fast friends. He told her everything about where he came from and how he grew up. They shared dreams and aspirations, and hoped to make the world a better place. She and Yagi agreed to keep in touch when it came time for him to leave, and they did, for awhile. Then, after some time, Amelia went silent. Yagi was deeply concerned, but his life had become hectic, as was the #1 Hero internationally. Amelia, after months of silence, wrote to Yagi once again, telling him she was visiting Japan. He was overjoyed and was waiting for her to arrive. She arrived, and upon seeing her, was dismayed at how ill she looked. She had come to Japan for a change of scenery, as her life as America's #1 Hero had taken it's toll. He greeted her as if nothing had changed, and god, Yagi didn't know how much Amelia needed that. She almost burst into tears when he was so kind to her. She was on the verge of coming undone, from the pressure of her Hero work and the perfectionist image civilians had of heroes, and her as-of-yet undiagnosed depression. When Yagi offered she stay at his place, she accepted, unaware that by the time night fell, she would be crying in his bathroom. By the next day, she felt better, so she figured it would be alright if she went out. Yagi decided to go with her. Little did anyone really know, Yagi and Amelia had fallen in love a long time ago. And Amelia is fucking dense. And so is fucking Toshi. It takes outside help for these dense idiots to get together. Amelia ends up staying in Japan, mostly bc fucking Aizawa locks them in a closet and forces them to confess to each other. And, in the time that she was silent, she picked up smoking. After some small talk, Toshi got tired of beating around the bush and gently took Amelia's hands in his and just... He looked her in the eyes and laid everything out on the table. Their first kiss did not happen there. Toshi, being the hopeless romantic he is, insisted on taking her out on a date. She agreed, though she didn't know half of what she was supposed to do on a date. Cue her massive fucking panic. She's calling every girl she knows, begging for advice, help, and smoking like a goddamned chimney. Most of the girls practically teleported to her shitty apartment and IMMEDIATELY took over her preparations. "Take a shower while we get everything ready." " God, brush your teeth, you smell like a communal smoking room! " She does BOTH at the same time. The women, who owed her favors, bought clothes for the date and had her try on a lot of them until they settled on a dress that was soft fire colors. The women did her hair. She REFUSED on makeup. They left, never to be seen again, and Amelia waited. That wait was more nerve wracking than facing any villain, and, right on the dot,  there he was. If she wasn't certain she was in love before, she was then. He was dressed in a black and white suit, holding flowers and blushing and stumbling over his words. His goddamned eyes. Those blue eyes that outstripped the sky. The date went well, and, because he's a romantic dork, he took her on a walk through the park. THAT is where their first kiss happened. And because Nature had to be dramatic and add to the whole thing, fucking flower petals were falling around them as they were kissing. And by god, Amelia swore she could die happy. One date turned to two, and two turned into three, until they were just boyfriend and girlfriend. She is madly in love with her Westaboo boyfriend. And instead of All Might taking the hit from All For One, Amelia took it. She shoved him out of the way and took the shot after telling him she loved him and kissing him one more time. She almost died permanently. She flatlined three times on the operating table. But then it all but ended her Hero Career. But... She wasn't complaining. She got more time with Toshi when he wasn't working... Though the scar she sees as ugly, and has self confidence issues afterwards. She's astonished Toshi is still with her. She's blown away when he finally proposes to her on her birthday after a day full of presents and good friends and even better food.Toshinori gets her alone and starts talking about how his life is better with her in it and how much he loves her, and he gets down on one knee and says, "You've been by my side through thick and through thin, through the bad and the good times, and even the worst times. You've smiled, despite whatever pain you're in, despite whatever heartache you felt, and you did it all beautifully. Not a day goes by that I'm not grateful for you being in my life. Your kindness and compassion is beyond inspiring, and your heart is beyond compare. You are truly a Hero, my darling Amelia. I love you so much. Amelia Liona, will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honor of becoming my wife?" She stops for a moment, overwhelmed with love and adoration. "Yes. A thousand times yes, Toshi!" And like... She's covered him in kisses. Of fucking course she says yes, she loves him and has dreamed of marrying Toshinori since they started dating. And later down the line, she adopts a child and the child becomes her successor.
0 notes
(1/peter) jkfsgdfj ok so my favourite city in russia is saint petersburg. because it's creation story is just so Fucking Wild and Iconic. ok so st. peter is known as 'the city of bones' in russia, which just makes this necromancer-wannabe/memento mori-loving ass that is Me really happy. but it's sad because peter is actually terrible and i'm very disappointed in him (not really. i like his spirit)
(2/peter) some background on my boy petya. 1. probably first russian to study abroad?? he liked toured western europe undercover, except not really because he was like 6'6" or some shit. so tall that there was not a single horse in russia that he could ride without his feet dragging on the ground (what a dweeb). so everyone Knew that This Bitch was crown tsarevich of russia. he really loved europe?? and he's like shit russia sucks i'm going to Make Russia Great Again by making it Europe!!!
(3/peter) so he's like tsar now. 'i need a euro city,' he says. he thinks, 'oh there's that marsh we took from the swedish that no one lives on, because it's a fucking marsh.' and he's like 'i have slave labour, i can make that work,' so he BUILDS A FUCKING CITY ON TOP OF A MARSH, and literally HUNDREDS THOUSANDS DIE to fill all that marshy shit with a manmade foundation, so that's why it's called the city of bones which is fucking metal someone make a band with me w/ that name,
and he’s like, *jake peralta voice* cool cool cool cool cool gonna build shit on it. which places did i like the best???? france is tight no doubt no doubt, going to steal their architecture. and ooooh amsterdam is hot, gonna add some fucking canals so i can open up tot he west, fuck yeah. 500 points to petka
and he literally created this city like Completely His Aesthetic 100% No Doubt, which your favourite aesthetic bloggers on this Hellsite™ could never achieve. and then he fucking nAMED IT SAINT PETERSBURG like ,,,,, after his fucking self …. this city that he made out of fucking corpses … what the fuck petey ….. no millennial narcissism can top this fucker i’m fucking crying, peter what the fuck. is your patronus avocado toast i’m gone
and saint petersburg is literally an art museum as a city because petka was a fucking hoarder of western shit like he was a Westaboo if that term existed. i both hate and love this fucker like?????? to make sure evERYTHING WAS WESTERN, HE WENT OUT OF HIS WAY,
like. this is well known that he implemented a beard tax, because orthodox beards wERE NOT FASHIONABLE so he was like, ‘bitch i’m the fashion police pay up or snip snip,’ and the orthodox guys were really mad at him but he’s the tsar what can you do,
BUT THAT’S NOT WHERE IT ENDS. HE FUCKING SPIED ON PARTIES. ok so background on russian etiquette. it used to be that men and women should NEVER interact, and they lived on separate floors (pol) in the house. this is how the term pol came to simultaneously mean 'floor’, 'half’, and 'sex’ gjdklsghdfjsk i hate and love this crazy language. like fucking,,, the verb 'to be’ doesn’t really fucking exist what the fuck and it also looks EXACTLY like the verb 'to eat’ fuck this language
also thank you lenin for fixing it up a little or else i wouldn’t be able to learn it so well. lenin u were terrible too but you did some good, rest in fucking peace i guess
ok so he spIED on people to make sure that MEN AND WOMEN were PARTYING TOGETHER. if they didn’t he made them pay a tax fgjdkslghdfk Your Fave Monarch Would Never,
so like. peter is kind of The Most Extra Bitch Ever, and i love him with all my soul. his city is somewhat magical, like … you ever read the bronze horseman by aleksandr pushkin????? his fucking statue …. in st. petersburg … is some weird cross between like, an Evil Omen and a protective spirit. katya the great commissioned it i’m pretty sure but it’s 2 am and my history gets weird at this hour. and russia is a weird country so you never know …. but yo this is why i love saint petersburg and petka the great absolute worst and this is also the reason why i should never be allowed to be a professor, what the fuck, bye,
... I am speechless. Who the fuck is this guy and who Let him. You should make that into your Intro to Russian History (Hist_101) opening speech. Like how snape rants about brewing death? You talk about Peter. With the same amount of creepiness and pride. You go. 
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OH UH FOR THE ASK THING HAVE YOU DONE SHINSOU HITOSHI AND UH.. KENDO ITSUKA?? (Orange haired girl that beats her 'son' monoma neito he has rabies)
favorite thing about them
he’s just a funky lil dude. just like midoriya he hasnt given up even tho some setbacks have happened on his road to achieve his goal. he knows what he wants and on god he is going to get it. rlly makes u root for him
least favorite thing about them
hes so like,,,he thinks he has a moral high ground almost?? compared to the hero course kids. like when i first watched his fight w midoriya i actually rlly disliked him bc he’s going off like “ohh you dont know how hard it is” like??? even discounting the fact that midoriya was quirkless until less than a year ago, he doesnt know him at all?? he doesnt know what he’s been through?? jesus dude chill out
favorite line
“im not giving up. ill show them i can be in the hero course and become a greater hero than all of u” when he’s talking to mido after their match. idk man like i mentioned earlier, he’s so determined it rlly makes u root for him. also this was like a promise that we were gonna see him again so HOoo,,,yeah
shinken (shinsou nd kendou), monoshin, shinkami, shinkure (shinsou and hagakure)
SHINIIDA shindeku SHINKIRI please,,,and a lil bit of shinoji,,,
ehh romantic shin-kami just isnt my cup of tea but i understand why ppl like it!! its rlly cute its just not my favored ship dynamic i suppose. also dont be gross abt him and the adults i havent seen anything but i dont trust this fandom dkfjk
random headcanon
bro’s a lil colorblind. cant see diff between red and green. only reason he guessed mido’s hair and eye color right is bc the word green (”midori”) is literally in mido’s name
unpopular opinion
I DIDNT LIKE HIM AT FIRST,,,HE FREAKED ME OUT,,,i mean i love him now and he’s listed as one of my favs but i RLLY DIDNT LIKE HIM AT FIRST,,,i thought he was kinda a brat and i didnt like how he brainwashed others to be on his cavalry even tho like objectively it was a smart move
song i associate with them
welcome to my life by simple plan
but hmmm,, sleep is for the weak by the dreadnoughts
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them
SHES SO CUTE,,she cares so much for class 1-b and i just appreciate her personality a lot i think she cooperative, earnest, nd focused i love that for her
least favorite thing about them
hmm this is hard
perhaps that she doesnt seem to try to talk to monoma abt his obvious inferiority issues?? she just hits him and drags him away. and like it makes for a good bit and i know it’s not that deep but u know,,
favorite line
“us at ua have grown beyond ever thinking there’s no hope!” PLEASE THAT’S SO GOOD,,,she says this when she’s fighting mustard w tetsutetsu. it’s so good just,,love positive characters u know
kendeku (kendou nd midoriya), kenmono (her nd monoma), shinken (shinsou nd her)
literally her and all of the class 1-a girls JKDJKFJK, kendotetsu (can i say power couple)
mmm romantic ken-mono just kinda rubs me the wrong way i prefer them as sibling-esque friends
random headcanon
she’s rlly into american media nd stuff bc when her quirk first manifested, her dad was like “oh that’s a lot like khamala khan’s power in the marvel comics” so she got rlly into those and it evolved over time to her become a full-on westaboo djkfjk. she’s rlly lowkey abt it tho bc she’s a lil embarrassed abt it
unpopular opinion
i get the mom jokes r fun but kendou is actually more like class 1-b’s collective sister, not ma
song i associate with them
hmmmm feeling ok by best coast has a similar vibe that she does
favorite picture of them
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