#historically accurate hazbin hotel
angel-does-artisting · 4 months
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"He asked me to join his team, now he's pissy, that's the tea!"
A human Alastor, based on that one iconic pose, and my 1920s and 1930s obsession
Rambling about 1920s-30s views on blackness and hair and explanations of this design below the cut, as well as some head canons! (Or just enjoy the art lmao.)
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Here's some history rambling!
(@weirdestarrow, you might like this)
In the 1930s, black folks were expected to straighten their hair to assimilate, popularly by using chemicals and products that basically destroyed the health of said hair. The "Conk" style was extremely popular for kinky-haired black men all the way to the 1960s.
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(This photo also gave me the idea to give him a moustache)
Alastor, to me, was the kind of person to constantly be pushing forward his white part. With racism and segregation rampant, there was very little chance a black man would own his own radio show in New Orleans, much less a famous one.
He'd imitate the transatlantic accent until that was his actual voice. His face was made for the radio, where no one could comment on it, and who knew what the real Alastor, the radio voice, looked like?
Although I love redesigns with curly/kinky hair, sadly, that's just not likely with Al's early 20's century sensibilities and upbringing. He would have been trying to hide any trace of his blackness in order to get that job. And considering that your life influences your demon form, I see Alastor's form being from him whitewashing himself so far that he quite literally erased that part of him.
This probably won't happen within show, and I am preparing myself to be disappointed in this regard, but I seriously hope we dive into something like that.
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artistmarchalius · 21 days
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I enjoyed Fem!Alastor’s catalogue page so much, I just had to make one for Rosie next! A classy gal like her would have a frock for every occasion.
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finsterwalds · 4 months
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I fell into the trap of drawing these guys in my style….
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myriicae · 4 months
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This is one of the most insane complaints I’ve heard about the show good lord it’s not so hard to understand that Hazbin isn’t an adaptation of the fucking bible
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autistic-katara · 4 months
girl help trans vox has taken over my brain he won’t leave
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radio-writes · 3 months
Hello Love,
I absolutely adore your writing!
It's not only captivating, but also strikes sharp notes on my emotions. It's deliciously unsettling. If that's not art, then I don't know what is.
Thank you for sharing a part of yourself with us!
I also wanted to share with you something I've done. Maybe it can be of use to you, since you write human Alastor.
So I've made a playlist containing music from the period. I tried to give it as much due diligence as I could. Those are recordings which were trending in times when Alastor was a radio host, so he would play it during his air time.
Maybe you can use it as an inspiration (some tracks have very suiting titles xd), or maybe, at some point you'll need to refer somehow to music and you'd want it to be historically faithful. I've researched this thoroughly :)
Once again thank you!
I can't wait for your WIP.
I do not think I've ever been so flattered in my life.
Like thank you for the kind words and also this amazing piece! Will definitely be using it for inspo on future writings!
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foe-of-fate · 2 months
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Fuck you *makes your demon more historically accurate*
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syncrovoid-presents · 3 months
Totally recommend listening to @hazbinradio collection of music while studying or drawing or writing! I've been doing so and got a lot of writing done today :D
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bunninophia · 5 months
Hi! I'm Bunny and I'm redesigning the whole cast for hazbin hotel
Anyway.... Onto my designs! I'll be detailing the stuff I changed/added
First is.,..!! Sir pentious! Weird right? You would think it's Charlie but uh nah, he's my favorite character and I wanted to make him similar to my tastes.
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Yes he is trans! I have a small little HC that the egg boys are his boys...
And he is much longer/bigger due to this because of sexual dimorphism! But we love him for who he is now he's so silly :). He also has a barbed tail that I would say is used as a 5th hand! To grab stuff. He already has 4 arms cause why not? He needs to push himself around already..
Next is.. Angel Dust!, he doesn't have an alt version because I feel it's not needed but here he is!
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I added pedipalps, those are the mandible looking things. They are a part of spiders I think are so cool and I wanted to add them! Unfortunately they're not counted as legs and adding another set of legs to angel I couldn't figure out... But good enough!
I also changed his eyes! To include a spiderweb, I'm not entirely sure why he has that black eye, so I thought I would change it up a little bit.
A friend gave an idea that his sight from that eye is kaleidoscope-like so I'm implementing that too! And how could I forget! The spiderbutt! Without it it's kinda weird looking so I wanted to add it in cus it's so cute
Next up.... Husk! He's one of my favorite characters so.. kinda went all out on him
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I didn't change much about him besides his patterns and colors, but generally his silhouette is the same!
I wanted to add a lot more feathers and fluff to him! And putting on the casino style bringing back the spades and hearts to his wings again!
I thought the spades were funny
Up next.. Vox!
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I found his design interesting that he is a flat screen TV even though he died in the 50's? So I decided to change that! Turning him into a box TV again!
And giving him a cable tail, I thought it would be clever that when sleeps he charges himself up for the day!
Next up... niffty! She's the last character I've designed so far!
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Also while looking up her historically accurate date I found out she's 22??? Weird... But yeah she did end up looking a little older here I'm glad, but I really wanted to give her a bigger needle! What's she gonna do with that small thing?
And her dress is based on 50's maid outfits! With the addition of an embroidered poodle!
Well first I'm crazy and second, I've been now made aware that the show itself does a certain type of representation so disgustingly that I'd rather make my own designs and fix what they couldn't do.
I don't support viv or the show.
If you want to read into it yourself I advise a trigger warning for S/A. It happens in episode 4.
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psipies · 3 months
Y'all ever wandered exactly what music would Alastor listen to?
Well do I have a treat for you!
tl;dr I've made a biblically historically accurate playlist with jazz from 1920 - 1933. Enjoy!
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As an old jazz enjoyer, baby swing dancer, hazbin hotel fandom inhabitant and an adhd owner, recently I developed a raging hiperfixation with history of jazz.
So of course I was into the idea of finding a playlist which have recordings from the ✨period✨
You know, stuff that Alastor could actually air in his radio show. Albeit most playlists I found, between music from 1920, have also electro swing and more contemporary music, as well as songs from the show.
So I've made one myself.
Without further ado, here is how madness looks like:
I highly recommend to listen to the playlist on shuffle, since I added the tracks by artist. So it's more fun to have it a bit mixed 🙃🔀
Based on what I could find, Alastor died in his thirties. Most resources state that it was his early thirties. His year of death is 1933 (after fandom wiki). For this project I made an assumption that he lived between 1900 - 1933 and worked in the radio his whole adult life. So on the playlist you'll find the music recorded in years 1920 - 1933.
Vivzie pointed out that Alastor liked Cab Calloway, Charlie Chaplin's "Smile" and his favorite song would be "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" from the "Annie" musical. Especially that the latter was an inspiration for his character. BUT.
"Annie" musical premiered in 1977, so songs from that work are too modern for the playlist. Although Alastor could enjoy the "Little Orphan Annie", a 1930/31 radio drama show. As far as I'm concerned, it only had a theme song, which unfortunately I can't find on Spotify.
Charlie Chaplin's "Smile" premiered in 1936, but I decided to include it. Let's pretend that the year of death is contractual in this case 😏
Unfortunately most of the jazz standards from 1920 was first recorded after 1940, so I guess they couldn't got into 20s/30s radio. But maybe I should chill a bit on the radio part and include stuff that Alastor could enjoy live, hanging out with Mimzy at some local speakeasies? Whaddya say?
I hope you'll appreciate my exquisite sense of humor, since I was able to choose some tracks basing on the sheer hilarity of how their titles suits our Bambi 🤡 Can you spot them?
I'm not an expert, just a crazy person with too much time on her hands. So if you spot some inaccuracies gimme a shout 👀
I'll be expanding the playlist, because why the hell not?
Phew! Wasn't that a hell of a rabbithole dive? I hope that I was able to introduce you to some fun, new (...old?) music that you'll love 🎩
Personally I grew to love Duke Ellington and Cab Calloway. How 'bout you? Any favorites?
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foreficfandom · 4 months
Alastor - Historical Trivia And Headcanons
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Alastor was a mixed-race Creole man living in New Orleans, and was in his 30's/40's when he died in 1933. We don't know much else about him, but historical context can provide us with possible additional details:
The population of New Orleans in 1930 was 458,762, more than it is now. 27.2% of the people were black, 3.1% were foreign-born, and roughly half of America's bipoc population was unemployed thanks to the Great Depression. New Orleans' original Francophonication was still strong, and it was common to run into locals who only spoke French dialects (Cajun French, Louisiana Creole). The city has had a huge Chinatown, a small Little Italy, and multiple other districts known for their immigrant African/colonized French cultures.
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The Jim Crow laws were heavily enforced, as was the 'One Drop' rule. If Alastor was a mixed race black man, he would not have been able to attend a white school, use the same public transport, and would have shopped at black-local stores and restaurants under threat of violence. If he was mixed with any other race, some Jim Crow laws didn't apply, but state or city laws might specify differently.
Just because Alastor wears a suit, it doesn't mean he was rich in life. Radio personalities often didn't earn a fortune. Unless he owned his own broadcast, he was paid by a private company for long shifts of hosting music, news, and radio plays. In 1930, 40% of households owned at least one radio, which means that a popular radio host would have been easily recognized.
If he was in his late 30's in 1933, he might have fought in WW1, so long as he was over the age of 21. Some cities gave veterans small benefits, or encouraged the community to give them jobs. This often did not include veterans of color.
New Orleans was famous for being one of the least Christian cities in America, thanks to its unique immigrant and slave population. Haitian-based faiths and practices (such as voudo), indigenous cultures, Asian Buddhism, and atheism were common. But Christianity was still the official, law-enforced religion. Schooling involved reading the Bible, laws were sworn to Jesus, etc.
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Alastor's outfit in Hazbin Hotel isn't very accurate to real-life American men's fashions of the time. Back then, deviating from the norm with the smallest detail would have stuck out like a sore thumb - like his white-lined lapels. Men always wore a hat. They were allowed to go without a waistcoat, but not a jacket. Belts were becoming more popular than suspenders. The silhouette was bulkier than the slimmer, Italian cuts of our modern times, especially the pants. Hair was kept short, and oiled down in a side part. Americans preferred the clean shaven look. Ties were essential unless you were a blue-collar laborer. Colors were almost universally muted neutral tones for everyday wear. The most colorful textiles for men were sporting outfits, like a tennis jacket.
If Alastor was a middle-class single man, he likely would have lived in an inner-city apartment, in an ethnic neighborhood. He probably didn't own a car, and took public transit like the streetcars. If he owned a house, it would likely have been an inheritance, and even the more opulent houses of the time would have looked small and plain to our eyes.
Because of the Great Depression, unmarried men were becoming the norm, rather than the exception. Men of the community who were sought after but remained single were suspect to gossip, but less ire than you might think; in the '30s, American queer culture was going through a very sharp revival, escaping the rigid Victorian era and before the puritan 40's/50's. But as a mixed-race man, it may have been illegal for a white woman to marry him, as the Jim Crow laws forbade the marriage of white people and Black/Asian people.
A middle class city household would have had electricity, gas heating, indoor plumbing, but may not have had running taps or a gas stove. Even with decent means, Alastor might have been using a potbelly woodburning stove, a dry sink/washbasin, wooden bathtub, and did his own laundry instead of sending it to the neighborhood laundresses. He may or may not have bothered with an icebox. Fresh groceries needed to be cooked and eaten soon, as things like pasteurized milk or store refrigeration wasn't a thing.
If he had enough money, then he almost certainly hired maids or other servants. Whether the maid came over just once a week, or did the shopping and laundry every other day, hired help was much more common back then, especially if he had no wife.
The most popular musicians in 1933 were Bing Crosby, George Olsen, and Leo Reisman. As you might have noticed, it was trendy for the lead singer to be backed by an orchestra, not a 'band' of just four other people like today. The most popular radio shows were Dick Tracy, Sherlock Holmes, and Doc Savage. They were recordings the radio station would buy and then broadcast, or sometimes the actors were live on the air. The radio host was usually not the journalist - the production team was responsible for writing his script.
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artistmarchalius · 14 days
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Yet another catalog page! We’re breaking away from just using shades of red this time with Fem!Vox in outfits from the late 1950’s!
Of course I had to give her a more 50’s style head to match her clothes. Black and white television screen version is below the cut.
Fem!Alastor’s catalog page Rosie’s catalog page
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I can’t resist historical accuracy, but the black and white screen wasn’t reading too well as Vox. Technically both versions are historically accurate since there were public colour television broadcasts in the mid 1950’s, they just weren’t as common as black and white ones. I wouldn’t think Hell would be as kind as to manifest Vox with the latest technology, plus I just like the idea of Vox having a black and white TV head phase.
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passionateseadruid · 6 days
broken beyond repair?
It had been 65 years since you died and six months earlier you'd killed your husband. About 67 years ago you'd married the man who'd come to be known as Vox.
Okay a few things: It has a slow intro but I promise it get's good. Not historically accurate also it takes place 2022 (Hazbin Hotel I'll say takes place 2024)
Cw: Abusive relationships, older man/younger woman, misogyny (well, it is from the 50s), pre canon, Vox’s (theorized) human name, also Valentino is mentioned.
Your parents smile at you as you look over the ticket to the set of JacxBox News. JaxcBox has several different television/radio shows but your favorite by far was the news channel. Now, don't get it twisted, the news is boring as hell (even back then (Back now?)); But the host has a sexy voice and the pictures of him in the newspaper made him look like an Adonis.
"Thank you Mama! Thank you Daddy!" You hug you parents (specifically your father).
"Molly Mayberry's parents had the idea to send you two girls to the see the live show." Your mother explains to you. Molly Mayberry; heiress to the Mayberry country club. She's been your best friend since you were five.
Your parents both worked to be able to afford the private school you went to, raising scorn and mockery from the rest of the community. See, you weren't rich but you were determined to change that. Someday you were going to marry a banker or a stock broker and you'd be able to set your parents up in a nice home maybe somewhere on the coast, and when they'd grow old you'd get them the nicest nurse your future husband's money could pay for.
"You mind if I call Molls? She's gonna be so jazzed." They nod and you flop down into the couch. You dial her number on the rotary, and hear it ring. "Hey! My parents just told me! So what are we gonna wear? Are we gonna match?" 
"Who cares about that! My daddy says we can use his new blue fliptop! Hummy and Angie are going to be so jealous when we see them at tennis." Angie "Hummy" Drew and Eliana Pheen make up the rest of your little clique. Hummy is a sweet girl but she isn't very bright (at least that's what everyone else says); she's often humming to herself as a way to calm herself or focus her mind on the task at hand. Her parents have tried everything they can to "fix" her, with no shortage of funds coming from her fathers jewelry company. Eliana on the other hand is the strongest and tallest girl in the graduating class of '53; her dad was a world-famous tennis player for the national Spain tennis team in his youth and won gold for them in the 1936 Olympics. Her dad had to take her mom’s last name when he came over to live here.
"Sounds like a jam."
"I know! I'm gonna meet Vincent Audire! Now don't be jealous when he absolutely falls for me." Molly giggles. She was the leader of your guys little clique and if she liked a boy the other girls weren't allowed to pursue him. Your pretty sure that every time you liked a guy she tried to snatch him away. Your not sure why you were friends. 
"He'll just adore you." You say supportively, despite the fact that it breaks your heart.
"Duh! Who wouldn't."
It was a few days later and You and Molly sit in the audience and watch as the news is being recorded both on film and over the radio.
Vincent was a handsome man with dark, almost jet black, hair. He had there piercing blue eyes and a stunningly white smile. Your heart skips a beat every time he looks over at you two. Before the show he even winked in your direction. Of course Molly's sure it's for her. Why wouldn't it be. She's the one dressed to the nines in jewelry and a nice cherry red wiggle dress. She lent you some accessories to go with the dress you'd converted from an old poodle skirt Molly gave you into a petticoat. 
After the show was over Molly sent you away to "get her something from the snack table in the lounge" so she could go cozy up to Vincent.
It didn't work apparently because he shows up in the lounge 50 seconds after you finish scooping something up for Molly. 
"Hello sir." You smile at him.
"Hey doll. You come with that lady in the slim red dress? You two are rather young aren't you?"
"I don't s'pose so sir. We graduated just last week. Neither of us really fancy College. Molly's father prolly' gonna make her go to Radcliffe to meet one of those Harvard men. She's far more interested in you though sir."
"Oh really? What about you doll?"
"Me?" You ask surprised. "Well I s'pose I won't gonna go to college. I'll just marry one of Molly's father's friend's sons. Be a cute lil housewife, for a handsome rich man." You bat your lashes at him.
"Well that's probable for the best. Being a trophy wife suits someone of your skillset better than a housewife."
"And what do you mean by that sir?" You hesitate to ask. Oh if Molly saw you now she'd rip your head off.
"No one's being fooled by the botch job done on your dress. An old poodle skirt to a petticoat? You'd be better off using that pretty face of yours to please your husband." He ran one of his warm pale hands against your cheek. His knuckle feels alien yet comforting against you. "Doll. You wouldn't happen to be free tomorrow night would you?"
"I am."
"Would you want to go to my favorite restaurant with me? We could meet earlier and go get you something presentable."
"I'd love that, sir."
"Please Doll. Call me Vincent." He kisses your knuckles and walks off. "I'll meet you on boardwalk by the pier at noon." he says looking back. You nod and rush back to Molly with her snack.
The next day he brought you around to a few fancy shops and bought you a tiki dress for dinner. He brought you out to this cute little Hawaiian Restaurant.  
Later that night as he was walking you back to your front door he leaned down and kissed you straight on the lips.
"How forward of you Vincent!" You blush. He chuckles and hands you the bags from the shopping trip.
"Here's my number. Call me tomorrow to set up our next date doll." He kisses your cheek and walks back to his car.
"Okay. Have a good night Vincent."
After your second date he asked you to go steady. He takes you out every weekend. This went on for a while and your friend noticed.
"Alright, what's going on?" Molly asks almost annoyed.
"I'm going steady with a boy." You smiled dreamily.
"Hm? What's he like?" Hummy bounces her leg as she asks interested.
"Get your head out of la la land and focus on the game!" Eliana shouts from across the court.
"Don't see why you're upset. You two are winning." Molly snarks. "She's right though. I wanna win this game."
"Molly, no one's ever won against Eliana." You point out.
"Papa has!" Eliana exclaims.
"Oh thank you Eliana, for correcting me that the only person who's ever beaten you is the world famous tennis champion who taught you." You roll your eyes.
It had been about six months of going steady and no one has been aware of it. But one day he went on the news channel, his smile slightly forced as he announced that in about two months he'd be taking two weeks off to go on his honeymoon. He called you onto the set with him and introduced you to the world.
You don't fail to notice the tight grip he kept around your shoulder. You don't think that he's all to pleased about what you told him just the night before.
Neither was Molly when she saw you on the news channel that evening. She was screaming, throwing things around her room, and according to Hummy she even assaulted one of the help. 
You haven't seen Molly since you went on TV, but that wouldn't last long. She found you when you were out one day with Vincent.
"HOW COULD YOU!!" She charges at you and your Fiancé's bodyguard, Parker, steps in to protect you.
"Go back to the car Vincent I'll be there in a moment." He rolls his eyes but does as you say.
"You tramp! You knew how much I loved him!" Molly cries as tears stream down her face.
"I'm sorry Molly, but Vincent wants me."
"You... you really are dense! He doesn't want you! He wants an easy girl. He'll have his fun with you but in the end rich men will marry the daughters of other rich men."
"That's where you're wrong. I'm having his baby, that's why he put this rock on my hand."
She screams. She goes to pull on your hair but Parker steps up and in between the two of you. He escorts you back to the unpleased man in the black car.
A year later you were living with a baby boy who absolutely adores you; and a husband how tosses you around like a used sock.
So here you sit. In the kitchen of your husband's mansion, feeding your beautiful baby; seeing as the help having the day off. 
Your husband Vincent isn't exactly the nicest man. You have no idea what happened to him. The day before you told him you were pregnant he was buying you flowers and dresses, taking you out for dinner and spoon feeding you 100 dollar parfaits. then the second you told him his mood shifted.
Molly was right, you know that now. Vincent wasn't the marrying type. However, if you'd gone public with the news of your pregnancy his carrier would be over. He had no choice but the marry you.
"Hello Junior, how's my big man today?" Vincent asks, ruffling the boys black locks. As much as he now hates you you're glad to see he holds no resentment towards his son. It almost made up for the times he'd get drunk and throw things, complaining how you'd ruined his life (though thankfully there were no mentions of his son in those arguments), or all the nights he'd leave you cold and alone in bed, coming home with tacky shades of lipstick all over him. Yes he loves his son, but his wife on the other hand...
"Doll. Where's my drink? I told you I wanted one an hour ago." His demanding voice cut you out of your thoughts.
"You're not getting a drink. I'm done being your servant." You mumble, gritting your teeth.
He rolls his eyes and snorts, "Okay. Doll get me my-" He cut himself off as he felt a searing blinding pain in his side. He looks back at you, the silver knife in your hands now stained with crimson. He pushed you to the floor and headed into the living room. He tripped as you locked the door to the patio and closed the blinds.
"Honey... let's..." he pants, "lets talk about this, okay? You don't have to do this. I'm... I'm so sorry. Look love, you don't have to worry... I won't tell anyone. We'll say a tripped and fell onto a blade in the garage. I still love you, doll."
You grab the whisky from the drink you were supposed to fix him and splash it all over him.
"For what it's worth, I'll always love you Vincent." You tip the TV over on him and watch as it shorted out and caught fire. You quickly grabbed your son and the two emergency bags you'd packed the night before for the two of you and snag the keys to the car. You'll get the hell out of dodge, wait for the fire to spread and come back to put on the helpless wife routine.
You s'pose karma has a was of coming back to bite you in in the ass.
Only six month after you'd killed your husband your old friend Molly broke in and stabs you. Luckily Junior was away with your parents for the weekend.
When you awoke in hell you woke up to simple jabbing pain in your arm. "Ow." You see a few kids poking at you with forks. they had gray skin and black eyes.
Instinctually you pulled a needle out of your hair and pointed it at them. You hit it straight into the ground which caught the attention of some adults. 
Some of them came up to you and you grab one and held the needle to their neck. "Everyone stay back, or the creepo gets it!" About five minutes later of you holding this man hostage and demanding safe passage to a safe haven a tall woman popped through the small crowd that formed. 
"What's going on here?" She asks clearly unpleased.
"Where am I? Who are you? What's going on?" You ask voice breaking as you speak, from fear or frustrated tears you're not sure. 
"Shouldn't I be the one asking that? You come to my town and start making demands like this, threatening my people."
"I don't want to! Those kids were poking me with a fork! I just... fear and adrenaline overtook me and now we're here. I just want to go home! I just want to see my baby boy again." Tears flowed from your eyes. 
"Tina, Tommy! We do not play with or pick at our food. And we also do not eat living people. 'Kay darlin', just let Frankie go and we can talk." You did as the taller woman asks. 
You still held the needle out just in case. "Darlin' I'm an overlord. A measly needle won't do you much good. The names Rosie. From what my people told me you got fast reflexes, and an itchin' to stab. We could use someone like that here." She wraps her arm around you. "You poor, poor thing. It's gonna be okay. Let Aunty Rosie take care of this mess. I'll explain everything to you but you gotta come with me. There are eyes and ears everywhere."
"You can say that again." She giggles at your little comment.
"Alastor will just adored you."
It had been 65 years since you died and you'd been working for Rosie every day. You'd met Alastor on a handful of occasions and only briefly had conversations with him when you saw him. He was a nice enough fellow, albeit a bit spooky. Anyway back to your job for Rosie. You'd get requests from the cannibals and you'd go out and get them the meats they requested. Your Demonic power allowed you enhanced battle reflexes and speed as well as seeing where to get tools for different modes of murder and the steps to kill in different ways. Yes it was morbid but it kept a roof over your head and the sinners always grew back so it's not like it was really hurting anyone. While you hadn't sold your soul to her she basically owned you and protected you. It was nice to have someone who actually cared for you.
But that all came to a stop when you saw an add one day while walking back with your freshest orders. VoxTek with their signature slogan "Trust us... with your safety." The man on the screen, the voice telling you to trust him...
"Oh Vincent, what happened to you?" You stood there almost entranced as a voice called out form behind you.
"You happened to me." He placed his hands on your shoulders and you spun around and elbowed him in the stomach. "Oof! Okay doll, I see you wanna play rough." He hoisted you over his shoulder and Teleported you both through a street camera to a nice looking building.
"Valentino and Velvette are gonna kill me. Val especially."
"Let go of me!" You squirm and tried to hit him with your needles in your hair but neither make a dent.
He threw you onto a bed and paced back and forth in the room. The bed itself was nice. Prussian blue silk sheets and rose red and royal blue comforters sat on top of the bed. 
"This is bad." Vincent, no, Vox paces back and forth. "This is really bad."
'You can say that again.' You think as you look around the room to see if anything can help you escape. You could take the comforters and sheets and wrap them around his head or his neck. You could...
"This is all your fault!" He shouted at you.
"My fault?! How is this my fault?!"
"You just had to stab me and end up down here didn't you!"
"Are you seriously going to blame me? Firstly We got together when I was 18 and you were 33 the blame should not be on me in that situation, and secondly You were the one who plopped down and took me back here!"
"You could have refused!" He defended. 
"I did! I said I didn’t want to go with you when you kidnapped me!" You retorted.
"I meant every time we had sex! Every time we kissed! You weren’t complaining when you got a nice dress out of it! What, you think I wanted you to stab me? I begged you not to, I said we could talk, I told you I still loved you and would forgive you!" He grabbed your arm.
"Oh you loved me? Did you love me when you hit me? Did you think of me when you were fucking those prostitutes with that tacky orange lipstick? Were you jumping for joy on the inside while scowling at me when I told you I was pregnant? Did you ever love me or did you just love my holes? Huh? Did you?" You push and hit his chest. 
He grasps both of your hands. "Of course I did! But you just made it so hard!"
"Oh did I?" You asked sarcastically.
"Yes, you did! If you hated it so much why didn’t you leave?"
"It was the 50's Vox! If I asked you for a divorce I'd never be able to see my son again, I wasn't willing to lose him!" Tears form in your eyes.
"But you were willing to loose me?"
"I really don't believe you were ever mine." Tears fully streamed down your cheeks.
"Oh and you're such a saint? The woman who said she'd always love me turned her back on me and tried to flee to live with the best friend of my greatest enemy."
"I said that I'd always love Vincent, not Vox."
"Are you Fucking kidding me? We're literally the same person!"
"Oh really? Vincent wouldn't hurt others to get what he wants."
"It's Hell babe." He rolls his eyes.
"Vincent wouldn't have kidnapped me." You point out.
"Vincent also wouldn't want his ex-wife to be able to spread rumors about him and ruin his image. Neither does Vox."
"I had a good thing going "Vox"! I had a job and I haven't thought of you once!" You screamed at him.
"Yeah well I'm more well off than you could ever imagine. I have a wonderful Boyfriend and we have a wonderful platonic friend who lives with us!"
" Okay, we worked out our problems, I won't spread any rumors about you and your harem or whatever. Can you please let me go now? I really don't care who you're fucking. It was till death do us part remember?"
"I can't let you go. What if you tell someone. I'll need some insurance."
"What do you want then?"
"I want your soul." He grins sinisterly.
"Think about it. You could continue to hunt people. Do whatever you want. Go wherever you want. Fuck whoever you want. Of course you wouldn't be allowed to live with any other Overlord especially not one that's so close to Alastor, but I'd let you live as far away from me as possible (I'd probably prefer that in all honesty). You could even continue to work for your little girlfriend. I'll get you all set up on the other side of Pentagram City and protect you should anything bad happen. After all, I am far more powerful than your little girlfriend. All this and all you have to do is keep your mouth shut and give me your pretty little soul." He circles you like a shark looking to attack it's prey. "And should you refuse. I'll throw you from the balcony and have someone pick up your splattered remains off of the ground to do it over and over again."
"I can have freedom and ALL you ask is to have me soul in you possession and for me to never speak of you again?"
"Correct... Doll." He chuckles darkly, holding out his hand.
I left it open ended in case I ever feel like making a part 2 I also am looking into getting a banner.
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wozziey · 1 month
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Some Hazbin Hotel redesigns i did for fun!
Changes i made for each character👇
1.I got rid of all the red in her design so she can really stand out from the rest of hell (also because in my version/rewrite the hazbin hotel itself is painted in golds and blues so it can match more of heaven's aesthetic since the hotel's goal is to get demons into heaven). 2.I made her a goat demon (even though vivziepop said she isn't a goat the idea was to cute to pass on; also it makes her look way more like a demon than the canon design). 3.I gave her an actual hotel manager uniform insted of the usual "vivziepop tuxedo + bow tie combo" lol.
1.I gave him a more historically accurate outfit since he died in the 1930's. 2.And i gave him deer and poc features because vivziepop said he is a deer demon and was mixed creole when he was alive (and you can't really see that in the og design). 3.I gave him rib bones on his ouftif to reflect the fact that he's a cannibal (inspired by @lovesart23). 4. I moved his ears down so them and his antlers (that i also changed the shape and size btw), can stop fighting for attention on the top of his head.
Angel Dust🕷️😈:
1. I gave him a more revealing outfit since he works with 18+ stuff. 2. I gave him a "spiderbutt" so he can look more like a spider demon. 3. I gave him a haircut that resembles the ones in the 1940's a bit more (since that's the time period he died); also made his hair pink so you can know when it begins and when it ends; plus the detail that the tips of his hair now look like little spider fangs. 4.And last but not least i made both of his eyes black and both of his teeth/fangs gold (for simplicity's sake).
1.I completely changed her colors to a more neon color palette because surprise in my rewrite/AU she glows in the dark!. 2. I changed her outfit because here she's not the hotel's manager anymore; instead she's the hotel's security guard (and because of that she's now more muscular!). 3. Her hair now resembles more moth wings (because the canon looks more like butterfly wings) also now she has moth antennas so she can really look like well... A MOTH DEMON!!!. 4. Her boots are made of angelic steel that she uses as a weapon. 5. Also in my rewrite/AU she's NOT a fallen angel (that reveal contradicts almost all of her previous lore and seemed like viv just put this plot twist in the show for shock value or because she found the fan theories people were making cool and said "it's canon now lol") but she still has a history with Lute.
1.So apparently Nifty was supposed to be an insect/alien demon???. So, I turned her into a cockroach with little alien antennas!. 2.I gave her a more defined maid outfit since that's what she is. 3.I changed her color palette obviously lol.
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ketchup-the-kid · 2 months
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Some Miinu drawings i've done over the past couple months. Featuring: An assassin bug cowboy concept, a water strider (also known as Jesus bugs) as historically accurate bug Jesus, @ibbywondrous oc, Cullen (a mosquito miinu) specifically when Ibby inserted him into Hazbin Hotel, and a peacock mantis shrimp miinu i made named Scyllo :)
please know that the Miinu were created by and are owned by Ibby, and please ask them about their bugs.
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yanderechagny · 5 days
finally making a pinned post,, aough
Hi, I'm Federica, I go by any pronouns and I'm from Italy!
I'm 17, so please people who aren't born in 2007 and below do not interact!
DEADDOVE: do not eat.
jekyll & hyde + anything victorian era related
phantom of the opera
other interest(s) include;; splatoon, psychology, history, italian literature, inazuma eleven, my little pony, hazbin hotel, etc.
i'm @yanderechagny pretty much everywhere, even on discord, so if you want to come and say hi, I'd be happy to talk with you ^-^
I'm working on my own little victorian era universe called Apotheosis set in 1886/1887 with many unique characters and hopefully, an historically accurate setting! I take most of my informations from books and articles on google, so I should pretty much know how the victorian society worked by now.
you can see more of it on instagram!
I'm also a roleplayer with 5+ years of experience and overall very unique portrayals of both original characters and canons!
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