#hiveswap fs
skanque-bombyx · 4 months
Alex Brightman’s Adam voice would be so perfect for Zebruh tho
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lepiosprites · 8 months
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Man this turned out nice, cirava's psionic colors are pretty
"Humans" belong to @sekhmetson
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hskinfession · 2 years
i actually really, really dislike the fan designs in friendsim2. cirava's feels cluttered with too much going on, especially. as an azdaja, i am also terrified to see how they'll butcher me as well. all power to them for making a fanproject and absolutely no shade, and if the story and characterisation is good i can brush it off for the most part, but those character designs are godawful. actually hurts my eyes to look at.
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welcome to GAAAAAAAME theory where we give out our hypothesis for one of dammek's names to be "treyaf" and throw out a bunch of potential clues.
mallek's FS route: refers to a bronzeblood as 'treyaf' (who we never see, which is a little odd given no other character namedrops someone that we're not meant to meet. konyyl for example namedrops azdaja and later we meet him.) and mentions sending them some cd's for their work (this is also likely a first name given he refers to diemen by first name because if they were on last name basis he'd call diemen by xicali (ig it could also depend on closeness aswell so put this as a loose possibility))
hiveswap: xefros has comb shaped cd's stating its the only type sold to someone so low as him. in dammek's room in the background we have circular cd's indicating he somehow got higher status merch (now who do we know that can hack delivery drones to give whatever to anyone? granted this could also correlate to his connection to cridea the violetblood so take it as you will)
bonus potential clues: typing in "treya" gets the result "treyarch" (dare i say it sounds like "TREYAf" and "tetchrARCH" meshed together?); a game company (remember dammek coding his password system to work like a game?) that produces first person shooters like COD (dammek sure does have alotta guns huh?)
take this all as just conspiracy really.
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cattafang-the-third · 9 months
small fandomstuck ramble
the wild n silly urge to create a fandomstuck fanadventure,,,,,,,,,
i have some vague ideas for a backstory n such involving roomy and i kinda wanna write about that and how they and some other fandoms would fare in a sburb session. not sure whether i'd put him in a session with the main 4 fandoms from fs and some others or have the main 4 fandoms be post-scratch fandoms and have roomy play the game with their dancestors.
actually speaking of which, what would the dancestors of the main 4 be? i know homestuck's would prolly be hiveswap and doctor who's could prolly be torchwood, but what about hetalia and supernatural? anybody know of any spinoffs/spiritual successors for these two that could count as these guys' dancestors?
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marvus-xoloto · 1 year
may i ask... whats that "topic for another time"?
(regarding fs vs hsw marvus I'm assuming)
The long of the short of it is: act 2's writing was generally rushed. Marvus is still obv the same person with the same goals, but his quirk got demolished and his characterization lost a lost of subtlty. (Side note: genuinely wish ANYONE on the act 2 team has consulted with like, someone who spoke using AAVE, because I think that was the most atrocious part.)
But there's also like. His quirk in friendsim was used to. Hm how to put this elegantly. Unseat you? It reads as a dude being casual and friendly, and that's on purpose. As he gets more and more serious (read: when he's talking about the meta stuff), he throws in more silly stuff in his quirk to unbalance you. He does use "you" "the" "was" every so often in moments of sillyness, but when he's more serious, he'll pull out the "da/tha" "wuz" "ca$h munny" etc to undercut what he's really saying. His quirk in friendsim was more complex- kind of like a series of ✓s and balances for his own personality haha- and for the reasons stated.
Hiveswap marvus, however, lost this sublty. It's like writing in general: if al of your sentences are trying for these effective metaphors, the punch is lost. Like that, dumbing down his quirk effectively killed his subtle side. I know I've written about this before; when I get home from work, I can link to them.
On a meta standpoint, this was incredibly effective: look at how the fandom perceived him upon first reading (if you were here for that, if not then I can just tell you people leaned WAY in to the stupid and nonthreatening aspect, which is exactly what Marvus wants you to think of him).
I promise I'm not doing that "he's ooc bc he's my fave and I know him harumph." (In fact, I don't think he's ooc in act 2 at all, just written a little less well). You can compare his quirk in friendsim and his quirk in hiveswap and literally feel the difference as you're reading it.
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friendsim2 · 1 year
Personally what’s your favourite trolls and least favourite? (Reasons why would also be really appreciated)
Personally I like Elwurd and Lynera the best for reasons that are definitely not related to projection. Least favorite is hard for me to pin down because I've spent so much time thinking about these folks and trying to expand on areas where they're less developed. I guess Vikare because he's pretty one-note. -Jonaya, director/lead writer
my hs og fave trolls have always been the meteor ones bc im tragically unoriginal but i don't have strong preferences for friendsim (wait i forgot i do love chixie) -Sollay, artist
Love me some clowns, I've always had an appreciation for unhinged characters, but my absolute favorites are Chahut and Karako. Least favorite… I dunno, there aren't really any that I dislike in FS? In Homestuck in general I took personal issue with the Zahhaks because this is not how I want Sagittarius to be represented WHY -Hal Elsen, voice actor
I like Elwurd, Daraya, Lanque, Mallek, Tagora, Polypa, and Skylla. I'm gay. Not a huge fan of Zebruh, but damn do I love voicing him, and also not a giant fan of like. Fozzer, idk why. I'm a bad VA so I haven't played the game yet. -CL, voice actor
If we're gonna go with Friendsim- Elwurd, Chixie, and Tyzias all appeal to my typical Character Likes. Chahut also appeals, but I feel Incredibly Conflicted About It because of my stance on purple characters in general also Polypa is my Secret Homegirl Now because I can't help but develop attachments to characters I've voiced X,D Tagora's smug aura mocks me and I don't care for it -Juniper, voice actor
As a cancellable offense i will still admit Zebruh still holds my thoughts on a gorilla grip because his route is absolutely hilarious despite his yikes. But Galekh is my baby boy baby and skylla is the queen i would give everything she ask me to. for fs2. Marsti because how can you not? i mean gestures then dies of gay. -Mikky, artist
specifically referring to their canon appearances and not fs2, our favorite is probably Chahut? She's got a lot going on, we like her design and her relationship with Amisia is very cute And uh - We… Don't really care for any of the ceruleans tbh (Wait, append that: mallek is cool he can stay - The rest of the ceruleans we dont care for)
As for fs2… Control in volume 11 is great we wish we could take credit for her The murder victim in volume 1 always felt kinda flat to us, like they're more of a plot point than an actual troll so they're our least favorite -Lorelei, writer
Favorite - i like mostly any trolls but also… tirona. Shes a lik freak. Least favorite - tirona. She is like scrappy doo of the homestuck universe. I want to throw here baby soft spot head towards a wall -Fable, artist
i'm not well versed in the ~lore~ but i like diemen's character lol no particular reason -Seth, voice actor
Favorites: all the members of Daraya's Punk Band (especially tyzias, no need to explain, I am her canon voice), plus tagora (he's the honorary 5th member) Least favorites: Vikare. He bores me. -Anna, writer/composer
Eridan has always been my personal favorite. I'd say my least favorite would be Karkat--I get he's set to be redeemed but the team did nothing with him except make him whiny and force vriska into leading everyone -Valentine, voice actor
hmm, well for favs theres Ardata, then Daraya and also Chixie or Elwurd. Partial to Chahut and Cirava bc they make me go :DD Least faves: Tirona and Zebede, just not my type of characters :/ -DDP, artist
amisia because he's pretty chill -The Dandy Man, voice actor
My favourites are xefros (because he's a good boy doing his very best) and cirava (because they're a fucking gremlin) -Alex, voice actor
hmmm we wanna say favorite hiveswap troll are either folykl or mallek, but really it's more of a rotating cast and whoever we thought about last is our fave. least favorite has to be zebede on the basis that we forgot he even existed. -Breeoche, artist
I will have to say Marvus is certainly my favorite ! I love his design but also his whole presence and attitude in his volume.
A least fav is harder because there is a number of trolls I don't "like" but they are such good characters that I still enjoy them a lot ! So I'll have to go with zebruh even if he is very entertaining as a bad guy xD -Herk, artist
Chiming in to say chixie is probably my favorite troll cause her struggles are relatable. Second place goes to Marvus cause he's pretty chill all things considered.
Least favorite is zebruh for because he's like THAT -Rainy, composer
Marvus! And I don’t have a least favorite cause I only really know the purple bloods and THEY ARE MY DARLINGS ALL OF them -Miranda, writer
I think Wanshi and Nepeta are my favorites for Cat Reasons, but also because I was a strange little catgirl before I was a boy and I appreciates them a lot. Zebruh seems like the obvious choice to dislike, but Ardata legit scares me and I am unsettled by ticks and leeches -Bucky, writer
I think this will be stupidly obvious but my favourite trolls are Terezi Stelsa and Tirona, basically just the ones I usually voice haha Terezi because I voice her and basically am her at this point honestly, and the other two are silly and dramatic and I love voicing them I also love Nepeta, Karkat, Aradia, and Tyzias Gamzee is my least favourite ever I hate him -Tex, voice actor
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dash-n-step · 1 year
late night downer thought: man is depressing how the other fs/pq fan games just kinda dropped dead.
I mean, I misread PQ as PS which made me remember that one Intermission fangame that was going to be in the style of Hiveswap (which now I can't even remember the proper name of), which just lead to me remembering the ACTUAL Intermission PQ style game, which BAM goes right back on track, because it hadn't updated in years, despite their last tweet being
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but ANYWAYS, Yeah, unfortunately, as much as people dunk on WhatPumpkin, it can't be too surprising that fangames end up falling apart or going radio silent, when even people who were supposedly getting paid had all the issues they did and more.
I think the most recent thing I've heard about a fangame updating is KarmenQuest getting close to releasing a demo, but that's an RPG, and Vast Error's snowbound thing, but Vast Error is like, this whole thing you have to keep up with already.
I guess there's also Friendsim 2, which literally had an update 5 days ago, so goes to show what I know, but still, that's like 3 possibly "mainstream" projects out of a bunch of others that I remember being worked up.
Remember Befriendus, Jane? I remember Befriendus.
Oh yeah, and there's another friendsim style game that was in the sahcon showcase, Alternative Buds, so I guess that's actually four
I'm sure the MSPFA market is running just fine, but there is something about dropped fan projects, even if they're dropped for a good reason
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skanque-bombyx · 2 years
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dicking around on clip studio, have some SI stats
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lepiosprites · 8 months
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"Human" boldir!
"Humans" belong to @sekhmetson
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wired-heartbeats · 4 years
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meanagate · 4 years
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Is she really not Vriska, though?
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bebopticon · 4 years
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New oc,,,, I have no explanation for him, I just thought he looked neat,,
Sprite used: Marvus
QwQ I promise to stop watermarking things
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marvus-xoloto · 1 year
I have a question, but it’s going to sound a little silly: why do you think people are so drawn to Marvus? I’ve been in the Hiveswap side of the fandom for nearly 3 years, and I honestly don’t understand the attraction. Most of the responses I get to this question are some variant of “he’s hot”, but I thought I’d ask you since you’re one of the few creators I’ve seen who actually treats Marvus like a three dimensional character-
Ha thank you :') I'm just a character driven kinda dude; I generally love all of them (except...... one lmfao)
I mean, I think you basically got it. A very surface level reading of his route- using no critical thinking here- is that "hot guy is so woke, DEFINITELY wants change, clearly cares about you specifially out of hundreds of thousands, and saves you from dying." His route also came out when the whole "himbo" thing was popular, and he became the fandom himbo, even though he isn't particularly nice or stupid lmao (the former is likely because he saves you from dying and like, hand feeds you; the latter likely simple fandom implicit racism i.e. the use of aave=less intelligence). And I think it's important to know that a majority of people in fandom spaces are going to take that surface level reading. (Frankly, I heacanon he's not even conventionally attractive, but kinda odd looking and striking in that compelling, "you shouldn't be attractive, but..." kinda way. That's bc I write fs marvus and not hsw marvus, tho, but that's a topic for another time).
What I've always found interesting is that people ignore the toilet humor of his route like, across the board unless they really hate him haha. Power of being able to like, idk, go "bark bark woof woof" on the internet or whatever.
This is why fandom faves tend to be fandom faves: if they are conventionally good looking, there's plenty of varients of blorbo on the "evil vs sweet" and "pathetic vs cool" chart. People tend to like characters who are either a. like them (Tyzias, Chixie) b. like someone they think they'd be attracted to IRL (Mallek, Marvus, Chahut) or c. completely "pathetic" and woobifyable (Lynera, Ardata). Sometimes it's a combo of all of them.
No hate or judgement here btw; i really believe the fandom experience should be fun for ppl. I personally dislike surface level readings of charas, tho, bc I'm a reader. I like meta and analysis and the like haha.
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clownsoftheday · 5 years
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Today’s Clown is: The Hotdog Juggling Clown from the game Hiveswap Friendsim! 
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daily--cirava · 4 years
could we see a bloodswap cirava?
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seadwellers in wetsuits............ uwu
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