#holy starry christmas icons
judyconda · 1 year
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Snow Poetry by Gillian Clarke The dreamed Christmas, flakes shaken out of silences so far and starry we can’t sleep for listening for papery rustles out there in the night and wake to find our ceiling glimmering, the day a psaltery of light. So we’re out over the snow fields before it’s all seen off with a salt-lick of Atlantic air, then home at dusk, snow-blind from following chains of fox and crow and hare, to a fire, a roasting bird, a ringing phone, and voices wondering where we are. A day foretold by images of glassy pond, peasant and snowy roof over the holy child iconed in gold. Or women shawled against the goosedown air pleading with soldiers at a shifting frontier in the snows of television, while in the secret dark a fresh snow falls filling our tracks with stars. 4/9 #fairytaletuesday #fairytale #fairytaleflash #poems #poem #poetic #poet #poetry #poems #poetryofinstagram #classicpoetry #winterseason #winter #wintersolstice #winterpoetry #fairytalepoetry #Spiritique #mindfulness #Spiritual #Spirituality #mystical #mystique #mystic #mysticisim #renaissance #renaissanceart #folk #folklore #folkspirits #folkmystic #fantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYe6HMyO7S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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briderinko · 2 years
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holy starry christmas icons
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fantaseatrash · 7 years
Tags + shoutouts
@acourtoftears tagged me to do this, which I was delighted to see. Guys, give Megan a follow. Her blog is all around beautiful—awesome icon, starry header, covetable url, and pleasing theme.
**edit: I just realized that @catastrophicallyinlovewithbooks and @court-of-wildfire tagged me to do this too! I’m sorry I didn’t see that!!
Okay, I have LOTS of these things to catch up on, so bear with me as I fuck up tradition. For this tag, I’ll give a shout-out to my most active followers this last MONTH HOLY SHIT that’s a long time. You guys are hard core and I love every one of you. Feel free to play along (please do, I anxiously await your responses), but, by all means, ENJOY THIS SHOUTOUT (also follow each other and what not). @illyriandream @queen-reece @a-court-of-exy @lyssagrace . You guys are so faithful and supportive. As always, I appreciate and thank and love you.
These blogs are all very prevalent in this tradition though it’s not like that is a bad thing.
Followers, send me some asks of new traditions you’d like to see, or get more active to be tagged!
A - Age: 21
B - Birthplace: USA
C - Current time: 15:20/3:20p
D - Drink you last had: Orange Gatorade—though not entirely healthy, super delicious
E - Easiest person to talk to: myself probably, though my family says I should stop doing that in public… kidding, probably my mom. She’s very supportive. 
F - Favourite song: Horse to Water by Tall Heights—always
G - Grossest memory: This happened quite recently…
A little background info for you guys. My day job is managing retail, and occasionally, we have to “reset” departments—take everything off the shelves, clean, organize, replace price stickers, etc. WELL, around Christmas, toys got reset, because Christmas toys and all that. Some child that day must have had a particularly nasty nose because THEY RUBBED THEIR SNOT ON ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. I almost vomited. The department was only salvaged after I acquired a mop bucket, mask, gloves, and the strongest cleaner available to us (used for biohazards, like blood). I don’t care if disease can survive in snot or not; I was not letting that shit touch even the air I breathed.
H - Horror Yes or NO: No. I am a giant baby.
I - In love?: with myself, yes.
J - Jealous of people?: In the sense that I dislike people that have something I want? No. I do find myself coveting things, though.
K -  Killed someone: Do OCs count? If so, yes, many, sometimes mass murders.
L - Love at first sight or should I walk past again: Yes, but by all means, walk by again. 😏😏😉
M - Middle name: Allegra
N -  Number of siblings: 2 by my momma, 2 that I claim.
O -  One wish: To be content, although that’s pretty unobtainable with a Trump presidency 
P - Person I last called: My mom
Q - Question you’re always asked: “Do I know you?” followed up with, “You look familiar.”
S - Song you last sang: Sick of Losing Soulmates by dodie 
T - Time you woke up: about 0900/9a
U - Underwear colour: Purple
V – Vacation: Yes, please.
I went to Guadeloupe over Christmas. 
W - Worst habit: I tug on my ears when I’m stressed.
X -  Xrays: my last one was on my teeth, which look very nice apparently.
Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio
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[JPUL] 12/14/2016 - Updates
12-14-2016, 02:08 AM
Originally Uploaded by Forum User: TaikunZ
Obligatory Christmas Update Edition. Please be aware that I may or may not have made some mistake(s) in translations. Thank you!
1. Return of Plunder the Presents! Plunder the Presents! Event comes back to JPUL. The only changes made from last time is that AP consumption is lower compared to last year's, and that the Stamp Rewards are reset.
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2. Campaigns Here are the following campaigns for this week's updates. - GEM Bonus Campaign: Christmas Medals come as a bonus for every Gem purchase. - Cosmetic Shop Update: Previous Christmas-themed Gear will be available in the Cosmetic Shop for a limited time. (You better not forget about this for Global Ateam D:<)
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- New Gear added to FP Spawn: New Christmas-themed Gear added to FP Spawns for a limited time only. (AND I NEED THE KAAVA REINDEER AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH #Carbuncult)
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- New Hairstyle and Face Cosmetics (After like, 9001 years amirite?!): Two new Hairstyle and Face Cosmetics are added to the Grand Medal Exchange.
3. New Furniture added to Furniture Spawn It's time to save your Furniture Medals now, because these new Christmas-themed Furniture will be available in the Furniture Spawn for a limited time. These Furniture will also be available in the Christmas Medal Exchange. There are special notes on the Christmas Tree for it being animated, and the presents are also animated as well. Featured Furniture:
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Luxurious Christmas Tree Type: Large Sub Effect: Poison Resistance Up Increases resistance against poison by 1%. Gifts from Santa! Type: Small Sub Effect: Confuse Resistance Up Increases resistance against confusion by 1%. Christmas Boots with Sweets Type: Small Sub Effect: N/A Gift Wish Socks Type: Wall Sub Effect: N/A Holy Night Style Type: Background Sub Effect: N/A
4. Christmas Spawn Christmas Spawn returns, and you guessed it right, it's a Medal-type Spawn. Apart from the new Gear, last year's Santa Flora and all Christmas-themed Spawn Weapon (especially a certain Lance which must not be named...) and Defense Gear returns in this Spawn. Spawn Options: Gem x25 - Gives x10 Gear + Droplets of Ether x5 + Christmas Medal x40~100, 1 time only, save 25 Gems! Gem x50 - Gives x10 Gear + Droplets of Ether x5 + Christmas Medal x40~100, 1 time only, New Gear and SSR Rates Up! Gem x30 - Gives x10 Gear + Droplets of Ether x1 + Christmas Medal x20~100, 20 times only, New Gear and SSR Rates Up! Gem x30 - Gives x10 Gear + Christmas Medal x20~100, New Gear and SSR Rates Up! Gem x3 - Gives x1 Gear + Christmas Medal x1~5, New Gear and SSR Rates Up! Sidenote: @Ateam Admin you guys forgot to place the "A" mini icon on the Weapon Icons, since they have Special Abilities. Featured Gear:
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Sword of Holy Reforges from: Christmas Eve Sword Type: Sword Skill: Physical Testament XL Chance to massively increase physical damage when using an Ability. Ability: Christmas Crackers Ability Cooldown: 6 Ability Cost: 5 Ability Description: [Soldier-exclusive Ability] Ability Power 30. Damages 1 enemy 3 times with physical damage. Chance to miss. Scythe of Holy Reforges from: Christmas Eve Scythe Type: Scythe Skill: Physical Testament XL Chance to massively increase physical damage when using an Ability. ​Ability: Christmas Gift Ability Cooldown: 6 Ability Cost: 5 Ability Description: [Lancer-exclusive Ability] Ability Power 80. Damages 1 enemy with physical damage. Added effect: Reduces target's DEF by 10% for 30 seconds. Arc of Holy Reforges from: Christmas Eve Bow Type: Bow Skill: Fatal Testament XL Chance to increase physical and magic damage when using an Ability. ​Ability: Christmas Surprise Ability Cooldown: 7 Ability Cost: 5 Ability Description: [Archer-exclusive Ability] Increases your physical and magic Ability Power by 10 for 20 seconds. Staff of Holy Reforges from: Christmas Eve Staff Type: Staff Skill: Magic Testament XL Chance to massively increase physical damage when using an Ability. ​Ability: Christmas Candle Ability Cooldown: 6 Ability Cost: 5 Ability Description: [Mage-exclusive Ability] Ability Power 80. Damages 1 enemy with magic damage. Added effect: Reduces target's MDEF by 10% for 30 seconds. Book of Holy Reforges from: Christmas Eve Manual Type: Book Skill: Healing Testament XL Chance to massively increase magic healing effect when using a healing Ability. ​Ability: Christmas Party Ability Cooldown: 8 Ability Cost: 5 Ability Description: [Cleric-exclusive Ability] Ability Power 40. Heals the HP of 1 ally. Added effect: Increases the DEF and MDEF of target by 10% for 30 seconds. Headdress of Jingle Reforges from: Star Headdress Type: Helm Skill: Magic Reflection XL Chance to massively reduce magic damage taken and reflect reduced damage back at your attacker. Armor of Jingle Reforges from: Star Armor Type: Armor Skill: Magic Reflection XL Chance to massively reduce magic damage taken and reflect reduced damage back at your attacker. Ornaments of Jingle Reforges from: Star Ornaments Type: Hat Skill: Physical Reflection XL Chance to massively reduce physical damage taken and reflect reduced damage back at your attacker. Clothes of Jingle Reforges from: Star Clothes Type: Clothing Skill: Physical Reflection XL Chance to massively reduce physical damage taken and reflect reduced damage back at your attacker. Kirin the Sacred Night Miracle Reforges from: Kirin the Starry Night Element: Water Stats: DEF and MDEF Type: Monster Skill: Ability Power 100. Damages all enemies with magic water damage 4 times. Added effect: Increases ATK/MATK of all allies by 30% for 60 seconds and removes buffs from all enemies. Level bonus: Ability Power for magic water damage effect boosted by 5 for each increase in Skill level.
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Christmas Medal Exchange List:
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Screenshots: Items are now split into two separate sections. Here's the Christmas Medal:
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The new Hairstyle and Face Cosmetic Items at the Medal Exchange. Also to note, there are five available Super Reforge Quest Keys in the exchange for Grand Medals.
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Color Selections for the new Hairstyle and Face Cosmetic Items:
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Christmas Medals at the Gem Shop:
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Of course, the Christmas Lobby background returns:
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These two Furniture are indeed animated. The Christmas Tree shimmers and its bell jingles too.
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Some of the Christmas Spawn Gear:
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