#honestly i have so much background lore building up for this lot
scalpelofshar · 3 months
I think it would be fun if Malus, Gerringothe and Thisobald are all siblings, oldest to youngest in that order
Just the comedy value alone of two brothers who are so very unalike, both in physicality and personality. About the only hobby they share is alchemy/chemistry
All three very driven and set in their own ways. They live in the same town, all down the street from each, yet only meet up a few times a year. The inevitable bickering whenever two or more are in the same place. Etc.
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Q! Brazilians Background, Lore and Summary, as I could gather from Day One
Felps is at fault for crashing the boat, he didn't had a license for controlling the ship since he thought it was just like riding a bike
Pac, Mike and Cellbit already have a story together, Pac and Mike have been previously betrayed and saw friends die due to Cellbit's fault
Pac and Mike are a Duo, Do Not Separate
Cellbit and Felps have been friends for ages
Pac and Mike have a backstory when dealing with Herobrine, coming from an old rp series called "Herobrine: The Legend", where they started getting haunted by Herobrine at age 14, managed to banish it around their 17s, and then it came back to haunt them when they were 19, and its still around
Forever had a lover, Brunim, that looks eerily similar to Phil and it's the reason Forever is obsessed with Phil and took such a hit when Phil kept pushing him away
Q!Characters server lore and summary:
Forever has brought weed with him in the boat, and made a deal with Quackity to create a prison, lock up everyone, and get rich with a drug empire
Later, all Brazilians agreed to make a mafia without anyone else knowing
When Richarlyson was adopted, first thing they all did was teach him how to steal quick and then how to kill. That diamond sword of his is crazy
Forever didn't care much for Richarlyson at first, leaving him with the other 4
He went after Philza, finding him with Tallulah, Chayenne, Dapper and BBH. He and Phil fought when Phil offered to help him build a home, when Forever wanted to live with him
Forever then said he didn't want Philza as his sugar daddy anymore, and left their place crying
He then decided he'd build a prison and lock up Phil to force Phil to love him
Forever got tricked by Quackity at first into believing Tallulah was Q's child and that Phil had kidnapped her and vowed to help
Later, when Cellbit went find Forever, Quackity tried to convince him of the same. Cellbit talked to BBH and made a deal to get some itens or else he'd help Quackity get Tallulah, BBH payed him
Quackity and Cellbit fought, Quackity started berating all the eggs, and Cellbit stepped in when Quackity talked about Richas, saying Q only hated the eggs because he had none
Quackity jumped off the wall, and so Cellbit felt guilty and offered 1% of Richas' paternity to Q, who accepted
Meanwhile, Pac, Mike and Felps were almost dying to a LOT of mobs while trying to find a place to settle. Richas was honestly the MVP here bc he defended all 3 of them when they barely had armor and weapons
(Between these two things happening, Forever was trying to find Pac, Mike and Felps)
They regrouped and everyone grumpily accepted Q as one of Richarlyson's dad, they had settles over a couple of mounts and decided they'd build a big house complex on the hillside (A favela)
Suddenly, they saw a white man walking around and Richarlyson had disappeared. Out Of Character, what happened was that the mod Richas' admin was using crashed and he stopped looking like an egg, but Quackity managed to save it lore wise by saying it was Osito Bimbo/Cucurucho that had kidnapped Richas so everyone went with that as well
Richarlyson showed up fine couple mins later
While everyone went out to gather wood and food, Cellbit went with Richas to mine
As they were digging down, Richas fell into a cave, with Cellbit immediately jumping for him and managing to kill some mobs and get Richas out of there
He told Richas to not tell his other dads that they fell into the cave, but else they went down carefully
Cellbit met Felps building, and got him to go down with him and Richarlyson to the cave
This is when Richas died
Cellbit immediately held Felps to make up a lie to make up for their failure. They settled in saying a "Cloaked figure with white eyes, probably a Necromancer, invoked tens of Skeletons that killed them and Richas", hoping to take advantage of Pac and Mike's trauma with Herobrine to be believed
Cellbit's plan worked when Pac immediately asked if it was Herobrine who took Richas' life, but when Q overheard the talk he said it was probably Cucurucho again who killed the egg
After this, things became more chill with Richas. He stayed with Mike building their favela while Pac and Cellbit went down to mine
Here is when the things get a bit more freaky, Pac and Cellbit went all the way down to bedrock and found a weird, man-made cave system, lightened up with torches. It didn't seem like strip mining, since there were literally no holes in the walls that would indicate that an ore was mined out
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They kept exploring and ended up lost and had to dig their way up
All the time they joked it was Cucurucho's tunnels and he was going to be upset with them
Meanwhile, Forever got back worried for Richas' death, and so he stuck around to help protect him
Felps, Mike and Forever made a farm, and also a bed for Richarlyson, plus Mike had made a canvas and painted Richas a nice painting of him :)
Someone trapped a chest they had next to the farm, someone they just saw a glimpse of, and when Felps opened the chest, it exploded and killed him
Time passed and soon BBH came by to see how they were, he then noticed Osito Bimbo watching them and Forever and Cellbit chased him down, since he started running. Cellbit got distracted by BBH calling him and Forever kept chasing
BBH warned that Richas was too vulnerable by sleeping in the living room since people could just kill him when they weren't looking
So, naturally, they build a secret room behind a wall and locked Richarlyson in there with stone since they had no means to build a fancy door
Cellbit then talked to BBH in private, since BBH had similar characteristics as the Necromancer Cellbit had made up (white eyes, cloak) and asked BBH to pretend to be the Necromancer to help him out
BBH agreed
They finally managed to build a security door, locking Richarlyson in there (it's NOT a captivity room) and then covering the door with a painting
They all logged out after that
Richarlyson got his life back since it was his first day
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three--rings · 8 months
Starfield Tips/Things I Wish I Knew Earlier
Starfield is honestly amazing if you like this kind of game, but it does seem to be pretty invested in letting you figure out how it works on your own by experimentation. And it's very easy to overlook features of the game.
The traits that give you parents, a fan, and a house are really neat. You get some cool stuff from them. I only did the parents but damn I'm glad I did. So consider these.
You can make your spacesuit and helmet automatically disappear if you're in breathable atmosphere/in a settlement. This way you don't have to worry about taking them off and on and potentially leaving your ship without them. And you don't look like a dork in town. The option is in the inventory page for each of them.
You can boost/sprint when floating. This is important in the Certain Plot Relevant Places.
There is a part of New Atlantis called The Well with a bunch of people and shops and you get to it from an unmarked elevator behind Jemison Merchantile in the Spaceport (or the unmarked elevator in the MAST transit station.) I played 30 hours before I found this out.
Read the skills closely, including the locked ones. Multiple times I put points in the wrong thing, thinking it would let me do things, when that was actually a different skill elsewhere.
Don't avoid the UC Vanguard questline. A lot of people I think are avoiding it because it's joining the military on a side that is a little sketchy/sus, but there's a lot of reasons to do this EARLY.
There's a museum you go through that gives you the entire lore background and recent history of the world
There's a flight simulator "test" you can take as much as you want to practice the space combat.
The storyline is REALLY REALLY good. (um, warning for horror elements) There are two different quest lines it opens and one also opens access to joining the Crimson Fleet faction.
7. When you upgrade your pilot skill it unlocks using thrusters in space flight. These let you maneuver without moving forward, so you are way more agile in combat. Use RB with a controller, IDK what the keyboard thingy is. But they're actually great. You hold down the button and then move sideways or up and down. Makes moving to new targets much better.
8. Weapons have different levels. Base which just has the name and then Calibrated, Refined, and Advanced. So pay attention and pick up the higher level ones. If you get a good advanced gun early you can use it and upgrade it for EVER. There's also rarity levels, which is the colored things. But that's about bonus effects. So you might get a really shitty gun with a Legendary bonus effect and it's still trash. If you get a high level weapon with a good bonus effect TREASURE IT.
9. Certain quests give you really good items, including SHIPS. IMO the best ship to get is the one from the Freestar Rangers.
10. Once you get a house you can build in it just like in an outpost. Also you can drop things from your inventory into an outpost or a house and then in build mode move that item around onto shelves, etc.
11. There is Universal time and Planet time. So if you wait or sleep, depending on where you are that may count as more time passing than what you chose. All shops refresh their money and inventory in 48 hours UT, but on Jemison, for example, that's only 24 hours of planet time.
12. Ship building can be intense and intimidating but it's really really worth it. You can always cancel out and undo what you did, so experiment. And when in doubt, add more engines, lol. (But really you want to add cargo space ASAP and then you need more engines, and then you end up wanting whole new ships.) Different ports have different makers of parts, and the best items are in the home port for each brand.
13. Unlocking the Ship Targeting skill is a game changer for space combat. It lets you lock on and then slows down time while you pummel the enemy's ship systems. If you take our their engines, and they are alone you can then dock with them and fight them and take their ship. Space piracy FTW.
14. If you get contraband avoid cities. Go to the Wolf System to The Den to sell it. This is very lucrative. At the slight price of your personal integrity.
15. As a general rule if something is sucking, you need to find the skill for it and invest points in it. This is true for piloting, scanning, boost packs, etc. They really made the skill trees count and be necessary in this game. Also surveying planets is really good XP actually. To help you get those points.
16. Speaking of surveying, if you are trying to complete a planet you need to visit all the biomes. If you click on the planet it will tell you the percent complete of that biome before landing. If you have one lone fauna left that fucker is probably in the ocean so look for COAST.
17. When placing outposts make sure there's not a lot of annoying mountains in it, and also you really want to prioritize sites with He-3 because you need it to really do anything. (Helium, iron, aluminum are the most important to build with.) And you have a limited number of outposts without taking a high level skill to get more.
That's all I can think of for now.
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chiriwritesstuff · 4 months
'The Girl in IT' - Some Thoughts / Behind the Scenes?
I've noticed an uptick of questions and comments regarding the lore of 'The Girl in IT' - a story I never would have thought would resonate with many of you. It's overwhelming - I got back into writing at the tail end of 2023 and released a few stories, which - did okay.
It was a bit discouraging- so much to the point where I was ready to throw in the towel and just table writing once more, but, one weird night late December, a drunk/cross-faded conversation with a childhood friend (to whom I dedicate this series to) and a few hours of thirsting over recent photos of Pedro led to a half-assed idea of a story.
I normally tend to write angst. The thing about angst, though - it takes a lot on you. It certainly took a toll on me, and I got burnt out, quickly. Honestly, the fact that I wrote a lot of heavy things wore me down. I had a long discussion with my BF - someone who has supported me with this little endeavor from the beginning - who listened to me cry about my feelings about my writing being terrible, had a crazy little suggestion:
You are pretty fucking funny, you know. Why don't you try writing a comedy?
So I did. I took this half-assed idea about an inexperienced girl mixed with my background of being in IT (for a major bank in Hawaii) and in construction (I draft those pesky blueprints for renos and new builds for people like Joel) - and I had SO. MUCH. FUN.
I wrote out the first chapter, released it on December 31st, and woke up to... well, a lot of notifications. It was... weird, honestly. I'm used to, maybe 5 notifications when I open my Tumblr app, but seeing those numbers, seeing all of the love and support that this weird idea - its what made me reconsider my stance on leaving. I can't muster up the words to properly thank all of you who have loved and supported me with this little series, I cry, just thinking I was able to make you guys laugh and love my little iteration of Joel and his Sugar.
... which leads me to a question. When I write, I tend to make a little universe centered between its characters, down to the music and little bits that have inspired me along the way. Would you guys be interested in a behind-the-scenes look at 'The Girl in IT' and its development? I would love to share more about my motivations and intentions for Sugar and the people around her! What do you say, guys?
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tamaruaart · 4 months
Hi :)
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About me:
I mostly go by Rua or Tam but I'm also 100% okay with any nicknames! (Tamarua, Tamari, Tama, Tamachi, Ruma, Ru etc.) I'm a digital & traditional artist and I mostly draw my OCs or characters I like. I'm in A LOT of fandoms (lmk, jttw, jjk, kny, greek myth, Hamilton...). This blog respects and supports the LGBTQ+ community :> (WHERE ALL MY ARO/ACE BUDDIES AT??-). I'm catholic but I prefer not to talk about religion a lot, I just like it that way. My preferred pronouns are She/her but I don't mind if you refer to me as a they/them or he/him. I don't usually get mad, and my humor is very... Uh, what's the word? Stupid? Yea, very stupid. I speak English, Croatian and I know a tincy-tiny bit of Italian.
What art program do I use?:
I use Clip Studio Paint and Ibis Paint, in Ibis I mostly use the default brushes and in Clip studio I use the defaults as well as Artemus pencil pack and Artemus chalk pack (both of the packs are free btw)
Where else can you find me?:
I'm on Twitter (@TamaRuaArt), Pixiv (@Tamachi), Reddit (@TamaRuaArt "Tam & Rua✩") and tiktok! (@tamaruaart "Tam✩") (but I don't post anywhere else soo)
What are the rules for my blog?:
-No offensive/hurtful comments on sertant groups of people
-No nsfw topics
-No politics
-Please keep your comments relative to the post
-Please no heavy-religion based topics
-No racism
-No sexism (idc if towards men, women or ANY gender identity)
-No homophobia or transphobia (nor to any other sexuality)
What do I mostly use this blog for?:
Well, I mostly use it to talk about my jttw/lmk OC Zhaoyan (or just Zhao is fine). Zhao is a sorceress who was brought to the journey as a healer for Tripitaka. Basically, she has the power to heal any wound, illness, disease etc.
Where can I find out more about your oc?:
For now my tumblr blog is the only place. I do 100% plan to write an AO3 fanfic regards her one day (because she honestly has so much lore that isn't even jttw/lmk related). But not any time soon, I'm very busy with school and I still have to work her whole character out before I start writing. When I do publish the story I'll announce it here :D
What sort of art do I do?:
I do character art/character design, backgrounds, cartoony styles, semi-realism, rendered pieces, short comics, templates, coloring pages, buildings, creature designs and plants (I suck ass at animals tho >:'( )
Is this blog R18?:
Not really, I do swear quite a bit and I do bring up a bit more serious topics from time to time. But besides that I don't deal with any nsfw things and I don't really talk about any drama going on in the world rn. At the end of the day this is just a silly little blog for me to talk about my interests :)
Do I do suggestions/requests?:
Yeh, just don't expect a masterpiece. I'll probably draw your suggestion as long as it's a character, also just a heads up but if I don't feel like it I can always decline. (you can suggest someone threw my in-box)
Do I do coms?:
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My Playlists:
Zhaoyan but as a ✨Playlist✨:
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An introduction to my characters and some extras:
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Free chibi OC commission (closed):
And that's basically all you need to know about me
ba-bye 👋
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averageartistamber · 2 months
So, my thoughts on Side Order
Okay, so Side Order’s been out for a few days, so I may as well give out my thoughts on it. Obviously, this post is going to contain spoilers below as I go into more detail about my opinions and observations.
I’ve completed four runs so far (almost got five but failed near the end).
Overall, Side Order’s pretty good. It’s a lot of fun, a little rough in some areas, but worth the wait.
 First, let’s talk about mechanics.
Splatoon’s gameplay works well with a rogue-lite gameplay loop, and it’ll easily keep you occupied for at least a couple of hours (Some folks have 100% completed it on release day, but for the average player I’d reckon maybe 15-20 hours?). The permanent upgrade system allows a degree of control over the difficulty (even if it can be a grind to unlock things).
The chip system is cool, especially later on when you’ve made some really goofy yet strong builds. The Pearl Drone is some of the most fun stuff we’ve seen in the series so far. Letting her be almost as overpowered in the gameplay as she is in the lore is just really funny.
One thing that I feel does bring it down though, is the lack of variety. After a few hours you do start to notice that there’s only about five different floor objectives, and there’s not that much in terms of enemy variety either (although later floors add a mechanic where Battering Lentos can carry other Jelletons around on their backs…Which is a thing. Definitely would have preferred a few new guys instead.)  
As for the Jelletons…they’re…eh. They don’t really have the charm of the Octarians or Salmonids, but the devs seem to have intentionally singled out some of the worst aspects of those enemy rosters to design these dudes. With such a small bestiary, about half of them are annoying “screw those guys” (the flying sprinkler assholes and the Stinger But Even Worse dudes come to mind)…Which I’m not sure if that’s bad game design or really good game design honestly. They do their job as obstacles and video game enemies, and the designs are solid.
At least it’s not reskinned Octarians again.
There only really being five different bosses, with three in “rotation” (and one you only fight once), which honestly feels like a huge wasted opportunity. Would have been cool to have maybe a handful more options. Maybe even have an exclusive boss for each palette on Floor 20 where Eight has to fight a screwed-up version of whoever the palette represents. In this case Parallel Canon would be exclusive to Agent 4, and Marina would have a slightly buffed version of her fight, maybe with a different barrier mechanic to differentiate her from Overlorder.
And as always, the soundtrack absolutely slaps.
Not sure if I’m personally going to bother with 100% completion, since apparently the reward is a few secret lore files that I’ll probably find and read from the wiki or something.
Story, Lore and Characters
The story is serviceable, it’s pretty much what you’d expect from Splatoon’s storytelling at this point. There’s interesting stuff there which either isn’t explored in detail or is relegated to background lore files you can unlock and read. That being said, the lore we got is cool. Like, we all guessed that the Spire of Order was some kind of VR thing Marina made, and finding out she made it in order to heal victims of KamaboCo and restore the sanitised is both in-character and a very nice tying of ends from Octo Expansion.
I will say that if you haven’t played or are otherwise aware of the plot of Octo Expansion, some things might not make the most sense (ie. you’ll probably scratching your head over who the hell Acht is and why they’re neon green.) so it’s best experienced after reading or watching a video on the previous DLC to have the full context.
Thank Cod they didn’t make Marina the villain or have her be locked away for most of the game waiting to be rescued. Although she did get put under mind control, which I kinda expected…Seems to be at least one the Story Writer’s favourite trope at this point. Or just an odd choice of running gag. This story feels more character-focused than events and plot-focused, so not much really “happens”, but we get some substantial character interactions that make up for it.
The limited cast of characters works very well in the story’s favour. Adds to the weird lonely and isolated vibe of the Memverse. Pearl and Marina are great as usual, and there’s a surprising amount of scenes and dialogue for Pearlina shippers to lose their minds over. Acht/Dedf1sh is an effective straight man to all this, providing a foil to the other characters. The vibe of “Can we please talk about literally anything else” after the aggressive Pearlina banter is entertaining. It’s just really cool that the background musician characters are starting to get more relevance.
Cipher doesn’t do very much, but might have one of the best character designs in the franchise so far. It’s alright (I think the character uses It/It’s pronouns).
On the other hand, I personally think Order/Smollusk might be the weakest of the Splatoon big bads. They don’t really have the charisma and backstory intrigue of Octavio, the presence and build-up of Mr.Grizz (who to be fair had two a whole game prior to his stint as a villain) or the menace/“creep factor” of Commander Tartar.
In fact, Order kinda feels like a toned-down or Bowdlerised Tartar, as in which Order’s goal is similar and similarly horrifying, but they haven’t been getting away with it for god knows how long and you don’t ever see the result of their plans, (No ghastly Bad Ending cutscene of everyone getting their minds destroyed by the Memverse or anything), unless you count the thing they turned Marina into. I guess the whole Virtual Reality setting makes them feel like less of a threat? Maybe it’s just me.
And I dunno if this is just localisation weirdness, but did they HAVE to make his weakened form converse in Uwu-speak?
Although this seemingly isn’t what happens, I do quite enjoy the idea of Order/Smollusk slowly getting rehabilitated and redeemed as the gang hangs out with him (and kicks his ass) several times. Unfortunately, dude seems to be really clinging hard to the “Evil Overlord” shtick, which ultimately turns the character into a one-note laugh when we could’ve had a fun little arc.
One more thing about characters….
The fact that they have a sort-of presence (being the Splattershot is explicitly called Agent Four’s Palette and not, like, Squidbeak Splatoon Palette, as well as the Parallel Canon boss) really seemed to be hinting at Agent Four making a physical appearance. Maybe it’s cut content? Maybe they’ll find their way into the Memverse in an update (like with Callie in 2’s Hero Mode)?
Them being the only Agent not to appear in Splatoon 3 just kinda sucks. Like, even Nintendo themselves seem to in on the joke with them being the un-favourite (see the “supposed to be a [BIG SHOT]” line from Pearl). But I really hope that one day Agent Four gets to be something that’s a bit more than a joke, y’know?
…So this ended up being way longer than I thought it would be. Might come back and maybe discuss some of the new lore a bit more, but that’s my thoughts about Side Order. I ended up really enjoying it, and I’m pretty excited to see if this leads to more experimental stuff with Splatoon going forwards. I’d give it a 7/10.
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panic-at-the-fiction · 4 months
so here I am having to fulfill my own hearts deepest desires myself. Gonna fill up all the tags to get people to read this book
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Types of people who should read this book
If you’re a good omens fan like me and are struggling with the ineffable husbands divorce this book is for you
If you like stories about death, literally about death as in like the entity that collects souls.
If you like vampires or angels or demons or reapers or lore for creatures you’ve never even heard of
If you like a romance where both counter parts are immortal chaotic bastards who have both been wallowing in self pity over love for the last century or two
If you like romance where both counter parts are actually sweet hearts but are dicks to each other and in denial of their feelings
If you like romance between two sweet hearts who are sweethearts and would never dare hurt each other.
Yes there are multiple romance sub plots. Hints at sex or morning after but not spicy.
You enjoy happiness
This book is a nice read, I describe it as a short story with just a lot of build up and background information. Almost as if you’re supplied with everyone’s life story just for it to build up to this crossover where you must understand everyone’s motivations and wants.
In masters of death there is a game that immortals play where there is only one rule, don’t lose. In the story you have Fox who was raised by death himself, their dynamic is the best thing I’ve seen. Death consistently calls Fox out as a little shit. Viola a vampire real estate agent who failing to sell a haunted house with an annoying ghost in it. Mayra the Angel who is in love with Cal the reaper, Brandt the knows it all the thief and Isis the demon who honestly is just there to watch the chaos.
You’ll follow the book in a dizzying head spin as it reveals so much about each characters past, present and their deepest wants. There will be huge reveals and low kicking cuts as the story progresses and not mention lots of jokes and gags that were just too damn funny. Did I mention the philosophical moral of the story about the meaning of life? It’s as if it were a brother’s Grimm tale (which Fox and deaths story is based on) or a legend of heroics almost too good to be true.
So just freaking read it already before I spoil too much.
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lewisinho · 19 days
as the anon that asked for the race list: thank you!
now this is totally up to you if you have the time to spend on this, but this is my first year watching the races, and while I've been doing some background research to get up to speed, there is still a lot i don't know. i trust your judgment so what are some races and/or f1 adjacent things i should look into? i'm going through your McLaren list and have watched the last 4 seasons of dts and the brawn documentary. are there any other books/ documentaries/ races (especially seb's) / old youtube videos that are lost in the void that i should also check out?
again no pressure and thank you!
no problem!
(and btw welcome to f1 and the world of watching some glorified hot wheels every other sunday 😁 it’s great!)
i completely get how daunting it can be as a new fan in the sport. when i was getting back into f1 it also took me some time to get back up to speed with everything, especially all the techy stuff; i honestly learned the most through just watching the races (old and new), bc you get to see all the strategies play out, the pit-stops, the overtakes etc. and the terminology just becomes much easier to understand through sheer exposure. there are also some really cool f1 data analysis blogs you might want to follow on twt/x if you want some more detailed tech analysis and graphs if you’re into that sort of thing: (x)
as for seb, oh there’s a whole arsenal of recs i have!
monza 2008, rise of torro rosso wunderkind; i presume you already know the lore with that one but ig you can never get tired of it.
abu dhabi 2010, world championship no.1 “du bist weltmeister!”
interlagos 2012, the infamous one. this one’s a rollercoaster, chaos everywhere and the manifestation of murphy’s law: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. amidst a title battle against nando, seb was fighting the weather, bruno senna’s front wing, a damaged side-pod, no radio, and somehow managed to claim p6 to win the championship
malaysia 2013, multi-21 (iconique), he was faster, deal with it. 💅
singapore 2013, domination masterclass from quali to the race. (also just all of his singapore wins...lion of singapore and all that)
india 2013, title no.3 secured, changed tyres on lap 2 and came out p17, was third by only lap 13 and then won the race by nearly 30 seconds. it was also his sixth win in a row. he went on to win three more. speaks for itself. also this:
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malaysia 2015, first win with ferrari, can't forget that one, also features sewis’ gay knee-touching on the podium.
germany 2019, CHAOS, in which merc got bewitched by the special livery curse 😅, with crashes, spins, 50-second long pit stops, and also features one of seb’s best drives from p20 -> p2
i also highly recommend watching Floz's fan-made docus on youtube about 'the silver war' (there are also docus for the 2014 and 2015 seasons) as well as the merc v ferrari (lewis vs seb) 2017 fight and 'fight for five' in 2018, they're so much better than dts and actually give a full run-down of what happened during the season, with all the action on-track, with interviews and providing all the context! it's so well-edited as well (you literally feel like you're watching a movie about all of the seasons) and they are just incredibly fun to watch.
in general, i love rewatching races from 2017/18 (literally my comfort seasons), personal favs include spain 2017 (strategy galore and lewis v seb), baku 2017 (for obv reasons), austin 2017; and basically the 2018 season in its entirety...
as for books, there are many driver autobiographies e.g. jb (he’s even got two lmao), mark webbah etc. but i think the best f1 book out there is adrian newey’s memoir ‘how to build a car’ if you want lore + great insight into cars!
i’d also recommend watching some older races (i could do a separate post on which ones are my personal favs) but it’s all up to you in the end! go digging, look around on yt for some highlights and just keep exploring! 🫶💜
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recentadultburnout · 10 months
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: Superstitions, beliefs and ghosts
Disclaimer: I'm definitely not an expert.
There are a lot of supernatural beliefs, and people have a different level of faith in them, hence a different level of approach towards them. There are some small ones that do not require much faith or afford to participate, like the belief in guardian spirits. You see their shrine, you wai, and that's that. Everyone does it, even when they don't really believe it. And then there is a big thing like black magic, like in the Long Kong series, where if you are a true believer, it can go so far, but if you are not, it is a complete non-sense "Why would anyone do that?" kind of thing. 
Thai culture is a mix of cultures. Throughout history, we have constantly been influenced by many different things from many different sources. The superstitions of today are a mash-up of animism, Buddhism, Brahmin, Hinduism, chinese lores, and possibly a few other things. I honestly can't tell what came from what or explain with confidence why anything is the way it is, so keep that in mind. Also, it's a belief it's not going to have a fixed rule.
Sin(บาป), Merit(บุญ) and Karma(กรรม) I say I can't distinguish any belief origin, but this one is clearly Buddhist, so if you want more information, you know where to look. The basis is that when we do something, it's karma, and if it's bad, then it's a sin. If it's good, it's merit. Every krama will have a consequence. And, I don't think the next part is pure Buddhist, the consequence can come to you in your next life if it has not already affected this life or the afterlife. By praying, we can give merit to the other person, dead or alive. The reason I believe this is not a pure Buddhist is that Buddhists have a concept of non-self (อนัตตา), which means that everything is impermanent and will one day cease to exist. These two concepts do not really fit together when you think about it. Also, there is a teaching about how we shouldn't believe in something just because it's been told to be or because of who told it, and only believe in what can be proven to be true, so according to that, I don't think any superstitions are really part of the core of Buddhism. I really like that in Buddhism. A teacher who is not afraid to be questioned or researchers who are not afraid to have their theories subverted is a good one in my opinion. Anyway, the concept of karma is, I want to say, literally everywhere, but it is not a tangible thing, so figuratively everywhere in Thai.
Guardian spirits There are a lot of type of guardian spirits. First, start with the one you are most likely to see in the background in series "Phraphom Chaothi"(พระภูมิเจ้าที่)
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they are the local god of the land and by land we usually mean house they can also seperate into Phraphom and Chaothi if we want to be really specific. Phraphrom is Phra ChaiMongkol, the deity that protects houses. It is believed that paying homage to Phra ChaiMongkol will make people in the house live happily bring good luck and help avoid danger.Chaothi is the Spirit which used to be the original owner who ties to that area and help take care and protect it. Their shrine will look a little different but the condition about how their shrine should be build are the same the shrine must build on the ground, the location must not be cast down by the shadow of the house, be far from the location of the bathroom, not face into the area where the bathroom is located, not face the front door, at least 1 meter away from the fence or the wall of the house, and the height should be slightly above the eye level of the homeowner. Most Thai people tend to set up both shrines together. Start By performing a ceremony to invite Phraphrom first and then Chaothi after. The worshiping rituals we do are also performed at the same time too. Im not sure if it universal but my family do it once a year. We will ask they for "left over" food after pay homage so the food is not waste.
*something not quite related - There is a phrase "Chaothi raeng," which translates to "Chaothi here is powerful." It means someone's lover is a really jealous person.
Second, we have "Chao Pa Chao Kao"(เจ้าป่าเจ้าเขา)
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the guardian spirit of the forest(Pa-ป่า) and mountain(Kao-เขา). Sometimes they get called together, sometimes separate, but their concept is the same. Since the forest is under their protection, anyone who insults or damages the forest might get punished by making them lost in the forest by hiding the offender from other people. In Thai language, it's called "Phi Bang Ta" (Phi-ผี-ghost Bang-บัง-conceal Ta-ตา-eyes) so when people get lost in the forest, the searcher party often makes an offering to apologize to Chao Pa Chao Kao in case the victim offended them somehow or to ask for their help in searching. The offerings consist of white wine, boiled chicken, and garlands or baisri. Other than to apologize, there is another ceremony that people who work in the forest do. It's called "Pi Tee Pert Pa"(พิธีเปิดป่า) The direct translation is Forest Opening Ceremony, The point of this ceremony is to ask to be free from harm when they enter and work in the forest. It is performed by lighting incense, saying the objective of entering, asking for success and safety, apologizing in advance in case anything offends them, and during the stay, people might also make food offerings to them too.
Third, "Mae Yanang" (แม่ย่านาง)
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guardian goddess of boats, who nowadays is also a guardian goddess of any other vencicle too. The main worshipper of Mae Yanang is the fisherman, but there are also many other people who are not fishermen too. There are a few different stories about who Mae Yanang is and how she came to be the guardian goddess of boats, but the most popular (in my opinion) is that she is Mazu, the Chinese sea goddess whom we worship after being influenced by the Chinese merchants first and then by the Chinese Hokkien people who migrated into Thai during the Ayutthaya period.
There are other guardian spirits, but if I list all of them, it's going to be too long and I doubt that anyone will need these for anything. I just kind of like some of the concept and also think Phraphom Chaothi's shrine is very cute and I want to introduce it to you, so I will stop here. But as usual, if you have other questions, feel free to ask. 
บนบาน Bon baan The meaning of bon baan is to ask the Holy for assistance by promising to give something in return or to do what was promised when it is completed, and so on. It can be shortened to only bon or add sâan glàao at the end, depending on how you want to say it. Săan means shrine, and glàao means to say, inform, or announce.
Buddhism is atheism, but most others that influenced Thai culture were polytheism, so we have many gods to pray to, and if gods aren't enough, we can also pray to other things. Nowadays, it might even be to no one in particular. People will just said that if something they wanted happened, they would do what was promised. But back to the gods. Every god has their own niche, both in terms of what they like or dislike being promised and what they are likely to grant or not. For example, you can pray to Trimurti for love but shouldn't pray to any god or goddess who is widowed for love because it is not their area of expertise. At best, they just not help. At worst, they might get offended. 
Tips that are believed to help get the results faster.
1. Make no impossible wishes or wishes beyond one's own merit. For example, donate ten baht but ask to win the lottery first prize. It's beyond your merit.  2. We must only ask for positive outcomes. Do not ask for something that is sinful. You can ask for a lover, but not for the other pair to break up. 3. The mind must be still before pleading.  4. When we promise to do anything, we can do it immediately for them to see. For example, when you promise that you will abstain from eating meat for 7 days if your son gets a job, you can start refraining from eating meat that day and don't have to wait to get what you want before doing it.  5. Accumulate a lot of merit. Minimize bad karma as much as you can. 
Those who pray may be true believers or not fully believe it and are just hopeless or need more reassuring. It's really popular for those who want to attend a specific university to pray to that university's sacred. My roommate in my first year promised to run 10 laps around campus if she got into our university, which she did. I don't really get why our university's sacred would want her to run 10 laps, but if it's work, it's work, I guess.
ปีชง Bpee Chong It's a concept that everyone has unlucky years depending on what zodiac year one was born. It is linked with Tai Sui Xing Jun, the god of destiny in Chinese astrology. It is a pair of years that do not match. The year of birth plus six is the opposite year, which is believed that opposite years are opposing each other, so unlucky things will happen in those years. If that year is the unlucky year of any zodiac year, people born in that zodiac year will face obstacles no matter what they do. Every year, there are those who are 100% Chong, meaning they were born in the year opposite the current zodiac year, and those who are only partially Chong, consisting of those who were born in the year counting three years from the current zodiac year and the opposite year, as well as those whose year of birth is the current zodiac year. People who believe in it will enhance their luck and make their fortune better by going to do the ritual in a Chinese temple, especially those who are 100% Chong. 
Things to do to enhanced luck Well, in the end the core of almost every belief is what to do to bring good luck and avoid bad luck so here are some random tidbits about how people try to enhanced their luck nowaday.
-ชื่อมงคล auspicious name Many people name their babies with the intention of the name bringing luck to their babies. What names are auspicious or ill-lucks can be considered based on many factors, such as time of birth, day of birth, gender, surname, parents' names, and what aspect in life the parents want to compensate for or boost. It also has many branches, with each branch having its own set of rules, which you can choose to follow. In some cases, it makes us able to guess things from people's names. People who got a name that spells with no visible vowel are usually those born on Monday, for example.
-สีมงคล auspicious color In my understanding, auspicious color is a relatively recent thing. It is based on an older concept, but it is a new trend. It is incredibly popular among the younger generation. If you type the word "สีมงคล" into a search engine, you will find many charts showing information about what color is auspicious or ill-luck for what day and in what aspect. It's been created for easier use, so people can easily see what color to choose for their clothes.
-เครื่องราง amulet There are a lot of types of amulet, but let's focus on the most popular type first, the one for money and success. 
1.ปี่เซียะ Pixiu, a Chinese mythological animal well-known throughout Asia, is thought to increase property value and bring in an endless supply of money. The usual form it comes in is a red rope bracelet with Pixiu as a pendant.
2.พระพิฆเนศ Ganesh the Hindu god of beginning, is the patron of intellectuals, bankers, scribes, and authors. People in the entertainment industry are his devotees, and many other people worship him too, as he is seen as generous and able to remove any obstacles. 
3.หิ��มงคล Auspicious stone. Different stones are believed to have different attributes and, in some cases, people who are born on different days will also be differently affected. But what most of them have in common is the belief that the stone should touch the skin for it to have maximum effect. There are many stones that are considered auspicious. Some of the popular ones are rutilated quartz, agate, lapis lazuli, jade, and any gem, but the real classic is the combination of nine different gems. Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Yellow-Sapphire or Topaz, Garnet, Blue Sapphire, Moonstone, Zircon, and Chrysoberyl All this together is called Noppakao (the same as the lovely writer's main actor's name in all spelling, pronunciation, and meaning).
4.พระเครื่อง Phra Khrueang (Thai Buddha amulet). It is a small Buddha image you can wear around your neck. People who wear it usually don't take it off much if they have a choice.
5.Parents' picture There is a phrase, "Father and mother are like in-home monks." It is believed that if we respect our parents, our lives will go well in all aspects. So a picture surely doesn't hurt.
-เลขมงคล auspicious number People will use Taksa or Thaksapakorn, which is an astrological method to find an auspicious number (and some other things, like an auspicious name) to use in all matters that have numbers involved, e.g., choosing a car registration number, phone number, or even finding what number you want on a banknote you will deliberately carry. That banknote will be called "ngern kwăn tng." It's money you won't use and just carry around to bring luck.
-Lucky homescreen/wallpaper Yeah, for your phone. I can't find any reason or principle behind this. I have zero idea why some pictures are more auspicious than others. Someone will just say it is with no explanation. It can be an animal or group of them, a river, tree, god, ship, flower, etc. It has gotten quite popular for a bit. If I remember correctly, Lisa Blackpink used the god of fortune, Cai Shen Ye, who is a popular choice to help enhance luck in financial matters, as a lockscreen at some point.
สักยันต์ Sak Yant
There are two methods of tattooing. Firstly, ink. Unlike the black ink we use today, ink used for tattooing used to come from nature, such as snakehead fish gall grind mixed with Aporocactus flagelliformis Lem (Thai name:เถานาคราช:Naga vine) or Stephania venosa (Thai name:สบู่เลือด:blood soap). which is thought to result in invulnerability, so those tattoos for invulnerability will mostly use ink, resulting in a visible tattoo.
Next oil, most of this method will use "wan 108 type water", which is believed to give the effect of popularity, such as compassion and great charm. The direct translation of wan (ว่าน) is aloe, but it used to be an umbrella term for all plants that are used for medicinal purposes and some that are used for ornamental purposes, so in this case, wan means plant, and for 108 types, it does not mean they will use all 108 of them, it just means they will use some of those 108 it refers to. The most popular is sesame oil, but some institutions might mix other things in. The oil will be invisible after its healing, so those tattoos for popularity will mostly result in invisible tattoos. 
You can see more yant pattent at this link.
ทำเสน่ห์ Charm The meaning is to make someone enchanted with you by using superstitious methods. There are two ways to do it; the white way and the black way. 
The white way is the safer method compared to the black way. Because the maker will not have to be afraid that the occult will get back at them and drive them insane like in the Black Way, it has the least risk overall, whether for the maker or the target. It is considered the more popular method. The white way will focus on the mind. It's using spells to either call lovers back or convince the target to become their lover. The most important thing is that the white way is said to be more effective in the long run. It will also last longer than the black way.
The black way is said to be an extremely dangerous thing. Both for the maker and the target. In the Long Kong series, it's the black way. This method is only popular with certain groups of people, which are those who are really desperate and didn't care about the consequent or happiness in the long run anymore. For it focus on wanting to possess that target person, more physical than mind and said to be effect the health greatly in short spant of time
Both the white and black ways have many varieties, from different sources, for different results. For exemple there are things like soul binding, love potion(เสน่ห์ยาแฝด:SaNayYaFaet :Charming Twin Pills?) and the use of Prai oil(น้ำมันพราย), etc.
Ghost Everything was kind of all over the place. There are no concrete rules, and there will always be an exception.
Type of ghost. There are many of them, so I will only address those I'm 100% sure came from dead humans and not something else.
-Sambhawesi (สัมภเวสี) directly translates to "birth seeker," meaning a person who is dead but not yet born, or in some interpretations, everyone, dead or alive, who has not yet become a Buddhist saint. It's kind of a broad term more than an actual type, but due to repeated use in some contexts, it became slang for a ghost that can't be reborn because of their bad karma, so they have to wander begging for merit from the living people.
-Chao Kam Nai Wen (เจ้ากรรมนายเวร), a ghost that has ill will towards a living person due to the wrongful karma that person committed to them during their life. In some cases, it can also mean a living person or even an animal that got wronged too. Because if those who do wrong can be reborn, why can't those who get wronged?  The action Chao Kam Nai Wen does is called Jong Wen (จองเวร). Jong means reserve, book, or hold, and Wen means resentment, vindictiveness, malice, indignation, sin. Wen can also be used as a swear word.  Both words can also be used to refer to people who we don't like but keep having to meet and interact with. Like, is that guy my Chao Kam Nai Wen? Why is he still following me? How much longer is he going to jong wen me? Pat from the Bad Buddy Series calls Pran his Chao Kam Nai Wen in Ep1 after Pa, his sister, calls Pran his soulmate.
-Phi Tai Hong (ผีตายโหง). Phi (ผี) means ghost or spirit. Tai (ตาย) means die, dead, or death, and Hong (โหง) means die a violent or unnatural death, ghost, or demon. It is a ghost caused by an unnatural death. They did not die from sickness or old age but suddenly died from something unnatural, such as death from being shot, war, drowning, being hit by a car, suicide, or something fast, so their death occurred in such an instant that their mental state couldn't accept it. They are in a state of fear, shock, or spite. Thus, causing most souls to be unable to admit that they were actually dead, they refuse to be born and keep haunting the place where they died as vengeful ghosts. In many tales, Phi Tai Hong can get really powerful. 
-Phi Tai Thang Klom (ผีตายทั้งกลม) is a Phi Tai Hong variant. They are pregnant women who died while giving birth along with their children. They are associated with many black magic practices because they were believed to be really powerful and required a really hard and complicated ritual to pacify.
- Kuman thong (กุมารทอง) The first version of them originated from the spirit of a child who died in the mother's womb and was brought in by a black magic user to adopt as a child and help with various tasks. The maker of Kuman thong will really perform the ritual by using an actual stillborn child in early practice. Later, there has been a modification of the process of creating Kuman thong by changing it to create the form of a child by using the soil of the seven cemeteries, a specific type of wood, metal, etc. And then do the ritual to conjure up the mind and soul. They can be gifted, so the owner and the maker might not be the same. Anyone who owns them must raise them as if they were their own children, provide food and drink offerings for them, and call them to eat in the same way that a parent would. It is said that if Kumarn thong receives good care, they will help with many things. For example, they will help protect the owner and family from all bad things, help them get more trade, protect the houses from thieves and enemies, and issue a warning about future danger as well. 
-Hong prai (โหงพราย) ghosts under the power of black magic users/sorcerers. They can have varying differences in ability and other things dependent on the ghost itself and the ritual their owner does to keep them. It is considered a heavy sin to keep one.
-Sa ming (สมิง) I'm not too sure, but its root word might mean king, ruler, or guardian. Sa ming prai (สมิงพราย) A powerful ghost Suea sa ming(เสือสมิง) Suea means tiger. A tiger that was believed to originally be a person with a strong magic skill that later transformed into a tiger Or a tiger that eats a lot of people and gets possessed by the dead, and later, it is able to transform into a human form. Suea Sa Ming will use their human form to lure their prey to them to eat. 
-Pret (เปรต) A hungry ghost comes from a religious tale, born from those who committed real heavy sin. Their shapes varies, but the most famous ones are the ones that are really tall with giant hands and feet but only have a mouth the size of a pinhole. 
- Pu Som Fao Sap (ปู่โสมเฝ้าทรัพย์) Pu som (ปู่โสม) means gnome, gremlin, or churl. Fao means guard and Sap means treasure. A ghost or spirit that guards a precious treasure or a national treasure. There is a tale about how the sky was distorted after thift laid their hands on treasure the spirit guards, or how they received many misfortunes until they had to return what they took. Their origin is not clear and, in historians' opinion, their story is quite new compared to the others, but the version I know is that they are people who get killed or commit suicide with the intention of guarding the treasure, whether willing or unwilling.
Ability: What could a ghost do? The ability of Thai ghosts is mostly in line with every other country in my opinion. They can sometimes appear, make some noise, lure people to their death using various means in the hope that they will get replaced and be free, or just so that person will stay with them. If they are really powerful, they can even assult people using their own hands, strangling them or something. They can also appear in someone's dream, to haunt, to give lottery numbers, or something else depending on their intention toward that person, possess people invited or uninvited, or influence people's minds. 
other things
-Phit phi (ผิดผี) translates directly to "wronged the ghost". It means violating custom or tradition, especially in a sexual way. I use this word for many things. Ex : Eat grilled bananas without sauce, make fried basil without basil, and don't give out free lime slides when selling fried rice. I will give more examples, but apparently food is all my mind can think about. All in all, in this day and age, this word can be used to express that you don't agree with something (and find it to be kinda out of the norm), ranging from silly things like an opinion on food to more serious things (like sexual misconduct).
-Benjapas (เบญจเพส) translates directly into the crucial age of twenty-five. It's a belief that bad things will happen when people reach a certain age, like twenty-five years old, and then every twelve years or something else depending on what book you choose to believe.
-Ong long (องค์ลง) to be possessed by a spirit. When one performs a traditional performance, it's believed that there is a chance that the spirit of the master or deity might possess the performer, and it's not a bad thing, a good thing even. They will leave when it ends, and the performance will be perfect. It can also refer to someone who has a mood swing.
-Phi plak (ผีผลัก) got pushed by a ghost. It's when we feel like something got pushed but can't find what pushed it, so we say it's a ghost or It can also be used to refer to when something unintentional happens.
- Sia khwan (เสียขวัญ) to lose ones khawn. Khawn in this context, is an invisible spirit that lives within each person and which is responsible for psychological and spiritual well-being and, when lost, is thought to cause health or mental problems. But in general, sia khwan means anxious, discouraged, panicked, scared.
-There is a belief that planting lemongrass in the ground upside down by a virgin will make the rain stop, so sometimes when there is an event and people don't want it to rain that day, they will do it. And if you are not a virgin but do it anyway, it's said to make the rain rain harder. The ones who do it are typically girls, cis or tran, but I don't remember anyone caring much about the gender of the performer.
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lyranova · 24 days
Since you do the salty asks too, how about 2, 8, 13 (for Nozel and Nacht), 15, 21, 23 and 24 (for Black Clover)? Have a nice rest of Friday 🥰
Hiya Vilandel, i hope you’re doing well 🥰! Of course, I hope you enjoy and have a good rest of your Friday as well 😁💕!
2 Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Hmm…I guess Asta x Yuno would be the main one, since I ship all the other OTPs as far as I am aware 🤔! Imo Yuno and Asta just work better as siblings, rivals, and best friends then as lovers. But if you like and ship them then I fully support you 🥰!
8 Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Yep I most certainly have unfortunately 😅. I have recived some anon hate from that very specific troll that shall remain nameless but who we’ve all encountered at one point or another. But I’ve also recived hate/dislike/dissappintment(?) for YuNeva and Neva in COTF (mainly because they wanted me to put Yuno x Mimosa together in that series), and then a random one from a anon about my headcanon for a Fire Force character which was really stupid 😆!
13 Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Not sure if this is unpopular or not, but an opinion I have is that Yuno *needs* to struggle instead of being OP all the time. It won’t make him a bad/boring/or otherwise negative character, to me it would be like during the battle with Zenon. It would kind of show that, while he’s powerful, he still has a lot to learn and a lot of growth to show! But since we’re in the final arc I don’t think we’ll see that happen, which is a bit of a shame.
15 Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Hmm, that there are waaay too many battle and fight scenes. I get it, this is shounen which is all about battle after battle after battle. But…imo to make the manga and anime even better would be to show the quiet moments where we see the characters interacting and building up their friendships and relationships with each other like in the filler episodes of the anime! It would just make the series so much better, and would just be very nice to see!
21 What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Hm I enjoy crack ships, I even have a few myself such as MagLuck, Finral x Vanessa, Zora x Nebra, and Vanessa x Nozel to name a few! But to me, crack ships also have to make sense for me to enjoy them! For example; Magna x Luck makes sense to me, while I still prefer them as a Brotp, I have slowly come around to the idea of them romantically (thanks to my mutuals and followers 😆). They have a lot of chemistry together and you can see how much they love and care for one another! On the other side of that coin would be Zora x Nebra. The two have had no (?) scenes together, but I can see the “opposites attract” appeal in them (from their backgrounds, to their personalites, to even their color scheme)! While I don’t ship them as much anymore, I still enjoy them from time to time and see the appeal!
23 Unpopular character you love?
Hmm…i don’t know if I really have one in BC 🤔? Most of the characters I like tend to be popular because…I’m a boring person 😅? But I guess William? But tbh I don’t think he’s really unpopular, i know he is disliked because of the Elf Arc, but otherwise I think people like him. Maybe Fana? But again, I don’t know if she’s really unpopular…hm, I actually don’t think I have one…
Well looks like I’ll have to broaden my character horizons!
24 Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
I would recommend Black Clover for it’s characters, world building and lore (what little bit we get of it 😭), and for just how undderrated it is! I honestly think people don’t really give it much of a chance, and because it isn’t like other anime where it gives you all or most of the information at the beginning, they immediately drop it and call it boring/stupid/insert some other insult here (although the ones that complain about Asta’s shouting and say he’s annoying; i get it. While I personally didn’t find it bothersome, i know others that did, so that complaint is very valid to me!). Black Clover is very much a slow burn series, so you have to give it time and have a lot of patience imo!
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cyncerity · 2 months
ok this isn’t really a post about the situation but it is a minor update to how i’ll be handling a few of my aus:
the whole rant is under the cut but tldr: the aus i talk about here are Store Shifter, Dad’s Troubles, Flubber, and Epic. Store Shifter and Dad’s Troubles are getting left alone, Flubber is getting a minor recast, and Epic is getting more majorly reworked (mostly character wise, kinda plot wise). As of right now, Wil/crimeboy centric fics are on pause. Not cancelled, but i’ll see later down the road if they need changed or if i can learn to separate the character from the creator. I will be updating the Epic au soon with said reworkings cause i really really really wanna finish that story. I have yet to start and actually finish a chaptered fic and I want this to be my first.
most recently i’ve been posting a few updates on mainly the Store Shifter and Flubber au, while i’ve been kinda working on the Dad’s Troubles and Epic AU in the background.
For the most part, these aus will remain unchanged because you know who either isn’t in them or isn’t a main character. For the Store Shifter, i’m not changing it for now because he isn’t and was never planned to be an important character. I’m just gonna ignore him in that au. Dad’s Troubles he just straight up isn’t in, so that one is unchanged.
Flubber au is a little different: i’m just recasting. He doesn’t have a huge part, but it is a lore important one, so from now on in that story the main antagonist will be Dream (1: he’s easy to stick in the “Tommy’s antagonistic boss” role and 2: i need at least one au where Dream is an antagonist lol). So yeah i’ll make a more official post for that au later.
The main reason for this post tho is the Epic AU, which is one of my personal favorites and i have so much that I want to talk about it for and even a whole bunch of new characters and concepts and world building that I want to post about. However, this au faces a problem for me at this moment: it’s crimeboy centric.
As of right now, I do not feel comfortable updating any of my Wil/crimeboy centric aus/fics. This is not to say I’m discontinuing them, i’m personally very attached to my own fics and a lot of them were written to either help me feel better or to help other people feel better, so I don’t feel right just throwing them away. Also, i will never be deleting my fics or shutting down this account, so I don’t want people to worry there, either. However, I don’t know how comfortable I am with writing for c!Wil rn, especially since this situation is still so fresh and plenty of people haven’t shared their experiences/responses (not to say that I expect anyone to; i don’t expect everything to be handled publicly over twitter). I think in time i’ll be able to separate the character from the actor; unfortunately i’ve been through this before. i’ve seperated characters who were far more like their creator from said creator who had done far worse things (if anyone on this blog has watched TribeTwelve, you know exactly what I’m talking about).
However, even if I eventually decide that I can write c!Wil while separating him from his creator, i don’t know if i’ll ever feel fully comfortable incorporating him in stories with a bigger cast of characters given the cc responses to his actions. Any stories where I have him interacting with people like Ranboo, Tubbo, or especially Niki will likely need to be changed because i don’t feel comfortable portraying them like friends anymore.
I’ve kind of done this before, honestly, i just never posted about it last time: when beeduo first stopped talking publicly, i stopped writing for beeduo. To this day, i have a fuck ton of beeduo requests in my inbox that i never got to and may not ever write because i didn’t feel comfortable writing their characters being close when in real life they may have had a falling out or now hated each other (so, so sorry to the people that sent those btw). Over time, most people started to realize that it was because of the crazy amount of shipping. It was bad during the dsmp and only got worse when Ranboo came out and all the speculation over Tubbo’s sexuality hit its peak when he’d made it very clear that crossed his boundaries. After realizing their silence was likely just them trying to shut up a more toxic part of both of their fanbases, i became a bit more comfortable writing them as friends again. I still haven’t made any beeduo centric fics or stories since then cause i don’t know the full story of what happened between them, this is all just speculation, but i at least have them be friends as supporting characters in aus i’ve already made.
All this to say that the way i handle the rest of my aus really depends on how things play out more with the situation. Again, it’s still new and i’m still gathering my thoughts. I can think about it more clearly now that i’ve gotten over the shock, which is why i’m posting this, but not every decision will be finalized immediately.
However, back to the Epic AU, it will be getting a rework in a lot of ways. I’m changing up the cast, and i’ve decided to cut Wil entirely because 1: i’m impatient and this is an au that i really wanna start up again and keep working on right now and 2: in the au i have him being friends with Ranboo and Dream and Tubbo and again that’s just not something i feel super comfortable with rn. So, i’m recasting and minorly changing the plot so i can update that one soon cause honestly i just miss it. I’ve still got so many asks and art requests (Becky sent me an art request like almost a year ago now and istg i’m gonna fucking draw it if it kills me) and there was a whole nother species i teased a bunch and then just…never told you about.
So yeah expect an update on the Epic AU soon and thank you for reading this entire fucking essay. As a little bonus for taking your time to read this, i’ll give you a hint for the next au im working on: karlnapity and vampires >:)
Eat, drink water, and get a good nights rest, take care of yourself <3
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maplequeen94 · 8 months
Hey.... what's ur fave internet horror series/project/etc
Or the one u think is like the best thought-out slash most intriguing
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Thank you Corvus for allowing me to finally info dump on one of my most special of interests. Love you Bby 🥺💕
Ironically I made a whole ass Tik Tok a while ago listing my faves too lol
First up, EverymanHYBRID. This might be a hot take, but despite Slenderman’s reputation nowadays, I still think Slenderverse series are GOOD and I will die on that hill. While everyone sees Marble Hornets as the superior Slenderman series, I have always preferred EMH. The story was way more interesting and Evan, Vinny, and Jeff were way more likable protagonists that you genuinely wanted to see everything work out for them, which is why is was so heartbreaking when things didn’t. Plus, as cringy as HABIT maybe seen today, he’s still a super fun villain. He’s just evil for evil’s sake, he doesn’t care if these are people’s lives he’s destroying, he’s going have fun!
This Is My Milwaukee isn’t necessarily horror in the sense you’re thinking, but I love showing it to people and watching their reaction. This video was the trailhead to an ARG that’s now defunct, but honestly I still think the video stands on it’s own as a weird little video to show your friends. 
Possibly in Michigan is one of my all time favorite YouTube videos in general. I found it when the audio from PiM went viral on Tik Tok a few years back and instantly few in love with its surreal style. The Perfume Song and Animal Cannibal live in my head rent free. 
This House has People in It is another surreal trip I adore. I just love that it’s something you need to rewatch multiple times to catch everything that’s going on, plus the fact that there’s hours of extra hidden content on the “security” website that adds to the world building and story of this family. 
Sexygirlmax2019/ Hey Peabrain, You Teleport? Is so underrated and I wish more people talked about it. It’s one of the few Tumblr ARGs and it was made by two 15 year olds, which is SO impressive to me that two teenagers pulled off such an amazing ARG that had a satisfying ending when a lot of companies who’s LITERAL JOB IS MAKING ARGS can’t manage to do that. 
Hi I’m Mary Mary is just a gold standard. The story is engaging, and the EDITING, THE EDITING IS SO GOOD! Honestly the editing my favorite thing about the series, it’s just god tier. But the story is just as amazing as the editing, you feel for Mary’s struggles against her monsters and want to see her win and escape the house she’s trapped in. 
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park isn’t going be for everyone (especially if you’re someone who isn’t good with body horror) but I love the idea for weird stuff going on in a National Park and it surprises me that you don’t see a lot of stuff playing with that idea. I love the idea of this weird, eldritch creature being found and of course humans first thought goes to Capitalism. 
Vita Carnis is another body horror series that won’t be for everyone. This series has managed to do the impossible and has made my desensitized ass absolutely paranoid over their FUCKING MIMICS!!!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY, FUCK THE MIMICS SO HARD!!!! I BOTH LOVE AND HATE THEIR EXECUTION SO MUCH!!!!! IT’S SO WELL DONE, IT’S DOING WONDERS FOR MY INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS!!!!!
The Ningen is actually made by the same person who made the Monument Mythos series, tho I don’t believe it’s a spinoff. It follows a lot of lore surrounding the cryptid while also making it its own thing as well. The Ningen has always been one of my favorite cryptids but since there’s not a lot to it’s backstory no one ever seems to do anything with it, so it’s REALLY nice to see this obscure cryptid get some love.
Echo Rose/Nettlebrook actually stars the same person from Daisy Brown (another series I love) but wasn’t made by her, it was made by her cousin. Echo Rose is really funny and it makes you feel like you’re just watching someone’s vlogs, but in the background a mystery is unraveling with a missing girl. 
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afoxdoeswrite · 6 months
I just got out of watching the Five Nights at Freddy's movie a couple hours ago. Here's some thoughts.
They're under this cut because obviously, a lot of spoilers.
On the FNaF movie;
It’s sure a movie. It didn’t need to be FNaF.
Let me preface this with some context; I’m fond of FNaF. I wasn’t in much of the big early craze. In fact I don’t think I really got into things until like, 2017, so coming up to the end of the early games. But I’m very fond of it. I love the lore, it’s a tangled disaster and everything about it is a mess. But I like that there’s plot holes everywhere to poke into, and that there’s about six different arguments for so many different things, and generally I like it because it’s a mess.
I’m admittedly not super up to date on the books and their lore, but that’s because I don’t have the free time to buy that many books and also read them. I’ve been working on that, mostly through things like the various wikis. I’d definitely not call myself up to date on the level that the Youtube lore video makers are, but I’m comfortably aware of a decent amount of things.
So with that in mind, the movie.
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s a decent movie. It’s not great.
Which is admittedly a problem when it’s had a development time of like five years or something? But hey.
The problem comes from the fact that it’s not really horror. At least. Not Five Nights at Freddy’s horror. It seems in some ways to bill itself more as a mystery- except, it’s a FNaF movie. If you know anything about FNaF, you can probably guess the ‘plot twist’ within the first few minutes of the mystery coming up. You could honestly remove all the FNaF elements and replace it with a Chuck E. Cheese, or some other Legally Distinct Restaurant With Robots, and get the same sort of energy.
Is it creepy? Sure. They do the atmosphere for the Pizza Place great, honestly. The tension is pretty good. And sure, I’ll let it slide that it is horror in that. The tension is good, there’s a creeping sense of not knowing what’s around the corners, the sense of being hunted. It’s good.
It didn’t need to be FNaF. It really, truly didn’t.
Let me explain.
The core of FNaF, the beating heart of it, is that it’s a survival horror where you’re locked in a room. You can’t see what’s coming for the majority of the game; you click the lights on your doors to see if they’re right outside, but that only works for two of the four. For the other two- Freddy and Foxy- as well as for tracking both Bonnie and Chica around the building, you have the cameras! It’s FNaF’s big mechanic for the first three games, and even the later ones have something similar to that.
The movie doesn’t use that.
(This is admittedly also my problem with Security Breach, but that’s a talk for another time.)
If the movie had given me Mike Schmidt, stuck in his office at the restaurant, being hunted by animatronics and having to defend the room, I’d’ve been happy. Sure, maybe it’s a little hard to make that a full movie. But there’s nothing to say he couldn’t also leave the room. Mix it up, use the cameras to keep track of things, make Mike too afraid to leave that safe place at first, but then make it so it’s either run or die, and then make things more mobile. Keep the cameras somehow; they’re linked to a tablet in the games, maybe use that.
But instead the movie gives us the FNaF office setting as a background to the family drama going on outside. It’s used as a place for Mike to have a job, and a place for him to talk to the ghosts while obsessing over finding out who took his brother.
And there’s another thing. The family drama frontline is also pretty meh. It’s used to push why Mike needs a job so much, why he takes the Freddy’s job even though it’s utter crap. But it’s basically dropped half way through the movie into a sub plot, and then isn’t resolved. The aunt just disappears. It’s sort of implied that she’s killed- which opens up another host of issues but Hey-, the people the aunt was using are all killed half way through and only used for some shock horror in the final climax of the film, and those guys are where a solid amount of the horror even comes from, with their invasion of Freddy’s and the following hunt.
If they’d taken that hunt into the rest of the film, that’d be great.
Continuing back, the plot with Abby is also… a bit flat. She’s got an imaginary friend! Neat! Mike has to take her to Freddy’s for work and she makes friends with the ghosts in the robots! Also neat!
The ending is boring. It’s dramatic, it’s tense. It’s boring. And honestly, my reasons why is entirely tied up with my next point;
William. Freaking. Afton.
This is about to get a bit non-chronological with the movie plot.
Now admittedly, in the setting of the movie, his entire existence isn’t nearly as groan-inducing as it is in the games. Especially the later games.
(My opinions on Security Breach continue to appear.)
But he is criminally misused in this movie. He’s why Mike’s brother disappeared, and so was likely killed. Yeah ok that’s fair. I don’t believe that’s how Afton has ever been presented as working like that in the games, but sure. I’ll take it.
Afton is able to control the animatronics? Sure…? I mean he kinda does that at one point, if you want to take the FNaF 3 post-night games as that. The Shadow Freddy in those minigames isn’t exactly Afton’s style at all, I’ve always assumed it to be some other ghost and I think a lot of people agree with that, but hey. We can work with that.
Afton appears in the last like, ten minutes or so of the movie, he rants for a bit, and is dragged off by the bots. He gets springlocked. He’s shut in one of the back rooms, presumably to meet his FNaF 3 ending cutscene fate of being stuck back there to rot. He’s hinted at before then, but the main villain of literally the entire series isn’t used.
And then there’s the Vanessa stuff.
Ok I would first like to point out; Vanessa introduces herself as Vanessa Shelly. Could this be a fake name? Sure. Or maybe she changed her name. But that would not be necessary at all. Vanessa in the games is Vanessa A., no last name given. The fandom is happily divided on if she’s an Afton or not. It’s right up there with the Vanny/Vanessa arguments. The point stands is that the movie nicely sets up that this isn’t the same Vanessa as Vanessa the Pizzaplex Security Guard.
My friend I tell you, when I say I groaned aloud when the whole ‘he’s my father’ line came up? I groaned. My soul left my body. We had to pause watching because the others in the room were laughing so hard at my reaction that no-one could hear anything.
I am so tired of this, man. I know some of this comes from having dealt with the last decade of franchise and the endless nightmare that is FNaF 6’s nice fairly neat ending followed by Ultimate Custom Night and Help Wanted and Security Breach.
(And Ruin. But Ruin is slightly less awful for this.
Rant for another time.)
But I am so tired of William Afton being connected to everyone. Movie team. We have three canon children for Afton already. I understand if you didn’t want to poke the game lore snake with that stick. But you also didn’t need to do this.
I will admit. Do I know how they would have done the William Afton Info Dump- sorry, Dramatic Reveal- without Vanessa The Convenient Daughter? No. Were there options? Certainly. Hell. You have the ghosts of his victims wandering around. Remove the ‘Afton is controlling them’ bit. Have the kid tell Mike who this guy is.
In the games it’s implied Afton is actually arrested for the murders, but let go due to lack of evidence. You could use that too! Have Mike find out about the murders from Vanessa, like he does, have him go home and do some research, and find out about this William Afton guy who was taken in and let go. If you want to keep your dramatic family should-be-a-B-plot, that can be when Mike starts to think that maybe it was this same guy that took Garrett; link the fact that the ghosts of the Freddy’s kids keep appearing in his dream about his brother, and there you go.
Or tie it to Abby’s drawing thing. He sees the drawing, finds out the kids told her about Garrett, puts it together that maybe this Afton guy who was accused of potentially killing the kids at Freddy’s is also linked to what happened to Garrett, and that’s why they keep showing up in his dream. Ta-da, no need for Vanessa to be Afton’s kid.
Is it a perfect change? God no. But the movie isn’t perfect either by any means, so I don’t see why that should be a complaint.
But going forward.
The ending wasn’t bad, I’ll give the movie that. It’s not. Grand. I will admit that I did not think that we needed that whole Afton Face Reveal moment that we got. It’s kind of pitiful. And the drawings thing being how they break the control is also pretty meh. Nicely foreshadowed, but meh. If you take out the Afton control thing, then you don’t need that. Or alternatively, maybe the bots are listening to Afton-in-the-Springsuit because… it’s a springsuit. It’s canon to FNaF 2 that they can’t tell a bot from a human just using a mask, so why would a suit be different? They just think it’s another bot, so they listen.
Reveal that the Spring Bonnie isn’t just another suit but is a person by just. Damaging it, or something? Vanessa shoots him in the movie, use that fact. Use the taser and have that set the springlocks off. Something that reveals that it’s a person in there.
You can also do the whole ‘remove the mask’ that the movie did. Which by the way; boring! Again! While I was watching it is genuinely took me minutes to register ‘hey. That was the job centre guy, right?’
That’s bad.
That’s also unnecessary.
Afton’s whole thing was that he was a faceless killer. He wore the suit and mask and hid who he was. He didn’t need to be linked into the job centre guy at all. This is honestly similar to my situation with the ‘Vanessa’s his kid’ thing, really. We didn’t need that. It wasn’t necessary. Afton didn’t need to be anyone important in their lives. That’s half the point of Afton. He’s a serial murderer, and most of his on-purpose crimes are people he has no relationship to other than ‘worked in the building’. There wasn’t a need to bring this silly little loop of ‘Afton was the job centre guy and he specifically got Mike hired here so he could kill him!’ into things.
But hey. It’s Five Nights At Freddy’s. It’s not like unnecessary plot loops is a new thing here.
Either way. I don't think the ending was bad. I just think, much like a lot of everything else, it was just sort of boring and a bit full of things that weren't totally necessary.
Is there more I could say? Probably. If I felt like rewatching the movie again and picking it apart minute by minute for all the Bad Things, I could do that. I don’t want to. I’ve watched it, now.
I came out of this movie with the opinion that it wasn’t bad, and I stand by that. As a movie, it was acceptable. If you don’t really care about FNaF and the lore, and just want something to kind of brainlessly watch for a bit of a spook and some gore… yeah, it pulls that off alright.
But it’s a FNaF movie. I came here for FNaF. Maybe it was for the lore, to see how they tied things together. Maybe it was just for some spooky jumpscares. Maybe it was for a tense, survive the night action with a mix of defending the room and running for his life. But I came here for Five Nights at Freddy’s, and what I got was a movie that could be reskinned with any generic animatronic pizza place company and still stand on its own.
That is not a good thing.
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maddrumsticks · 8 months
Since I didn't have an art piece specifically for Undertale's 8th anniversary and I don't wanna burn myself out. So instead, I'm gonna introduce a couple of my Sans AUs! (I have more than two but we're just gonna start with two.)
Introducing: Soul and Broken!
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Detailed background and lore dumps under the cut! (Beware, it will be long and probably a lot of reading. I will include a couple TLDRs at the end.)
Soul's Story
TW: murder (that's the only one I can think of, but please lmk if others apply to this)
Soul is the first Sans AU I have ever made. (His design used to be just a Sans recolor, but I have tried to change that a bit.) And so his design is pretty lackluster but his backstory is super long because that's how I was years ago.
Soul was just a normal Sans until the human's reset went wrong. Somehow, it glitched all the way back to when the human with the justice soul fell. Soul felt like something was off, and decided he should kill the justice soul-ed human. Why? Probably felt like this was the only way to break away from something keeping him tied. So he did just that and absorbed the child's soul.
He was able to cross the barrier. He made sure not to enter the large city near Mt. Ebott. Instead, he found a very small village with probably only about a population of 200 or less. Something dark had taken over his mind and he killed every human in sight. (Honestly, I don't remember why, but it was probably because he didn't want to go back to that torturous loop he was stuck in.)
Then he saw someone who was definitely going to reset. In his panic, he grabbed the two souls closest to him, a bravery soul and an integrity soul, and ran. He absorbed the integrity soul, giving him more agility and speed. He was miraculously able to make it back to the underground before everything was reset. Without explanation, he forced Papyrus to absorb the bravery soul. As soon as he did, Soul found they were now back to the normal timeline.
But this time, Soul and his brother, now named Trait, still have the souls they absorbed, but more ingrained into their very beings. There was no way for them to separate from the souls they absorbed now.
Soul and Trait were now able to remember every timeline, Trait didn't show he knew, and Soul could check people's stats, including his own. But any time he tried to check his own stats, he would see them, but he would begin to hear these strange, murderous voices.
These voices started quiet and got louder over time until Soul caved in and killed someone. Then the voices would get quiet again and it would start all over. The only way they would disappear is when a reset would happen.
The only thing Soul forgot about a timeline is his own stats and evil voices. The moment he checked his stats, he would remember all of that.
Eventually, he and Trait snapped. They were done dealing with being stuck in a loop. They had a discussion with each other and came up with a plan to defeat the human.
Said plan kinda backfired. While it did defeat the human, it also destroyed their whole AU, leaving behind Soul, Trait, and an empty white void.
They did mostly fine in this white void, but eventually Soul checked his stats and the voices started. And of course, that doesn't bode well.
Soul's large amount of negativity drew Nightmare, who decided Soul would make an interesting "plaything." (Aka Soul gets tortured and treated horribly by all those guys ig. But he escaped eventually. And don't worry, Trait was taken to the Omega Timeline.)
After Soul escapes from Nightmare, he kinda just explores the multiverse.
Which leads us to Broken's story.
Broken's story
TW: Major domestic violence and abuse
In Broken's world, colors were swapped around somewhat randomly, and they had slightly altered personalities and HP. This Papyrus was angered much more easily than the normal Papyrus. And this Papyrus would build up until he lashes out. (Ps, this is not supposed to excuse anything I describe next as okay in any way, shape, or form.)
His pent up anger had nowhere to go other than to at Broken. It started verbally, then escalated to physical. Some days, Papyrus was so angry that he just wanted to break Broken.
And, unfortunately, he did.
It started with Broken's leg. He watched it dissolve into dust with horror. He was given a cheap, crappy prosthetic so people wouldn't suspect anything. This Papyrus told others that Broken fell off a tree, his leg got ripped off and fell into the river. And they couldn't afford a more expensive leg. This was obviously all bull.
It started with Broken's leg, then his arm, and finally half of his head. From the day his head was destroyed, Broken was rendered blind, and basically magic less.
One day, Broken was hiding in his room, just wishing he could run away when there was a sound at his window.
Soul found his way in, and they talked. Soul and Broken talked for a long, long time. Unfortunately, Broken's horrible brother returned, and Soul had to leave.
The next time Soul visited, he didn't hesitate to offer Broken freedom from this horrible place. And Broken didn't hesitate to accept.
Soul and Broken's life together
Soul took Broken to the empty, white void that used to be his AU. And together, they built a house. Originally, the house was intended for only Broken. But things changed. They fell in love with each other.
And so, Soul and Broken live together, married and extremely happy. They do their best to overcome their traumas together (mainly Broken, he struggles) and live the best life they can. They often explore other worlds together.
Soul is what keeps Broken afloat, and Soul would say the same about Broken.
Broken knows he can do anything with Soul at his side, and everything will be okay. He has Soul at his side.
Until he doesn't =)
Soul's Story: Soul kills a child to go and kill a bunch of humans, absorbs only one soul of those, gives another to his brother and then things reset. Eventually accidentally destroys his whole AU with the help of his brother. Goes and explores other AUs.
Broken's story (abuse TW): gets abused by his brother really horribly. Soul finds him and takes him to the empty void of his AU.
Soul and Broken's life together: two gay skeletons get married and use each other to overcome traumas.
Feel free to ask me anything about these two if you want :D
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joyflameball · 2 years
No but Blueycapsules volume one is such a good tone setter for the rest of the comic. Like the very first few parts are absurd and strange, but establishes SO MUCH before it really gets into the meat of the story. Spoilers for volume one if you haven't read it (which you SHOULD go read it what are you doing).
Part One (Meet The Family Guys) establishes the Afton family, establishes that William Afton is an absolutely HORRIBLE father (making his kids scoop out bread, the standing hour thing, the way he's treating them), that he killed Charlie, and that Liz has a strange shadow form that can kinda know the future.
Part Two (Charlie's Epic Wacky Funeral) establishes Vincent and Scott and their dynamics with William. It elaborates a bit on Liz's shadow form, briefly introduces Henry and Sammy, and establishes that Charlie's soul is in the Puppet. On top of all that, it gives William that line about strangulation being one of the worst ways to die, which hits way harder when you read it after Volume Three. Then Part Two Point Five (Welfare Visit King) establishes Henry further, as well as showing us his INCREDIBLY toxic relationship with William.
Up to this point, the comic has been pretty much the opposite of serious. It's been wacky absurd comedy. But Part Three (Now This Is Charlie 2.0) is where you start to realize that there's way more to this comic than first meets the eye. It establishes that Henry builds robots, it further reinforces William and Henry's dynamic, it's where CC, Michael, and Elizabeth's dynamics are really established, and most importantly, it establishes a LOT of stuff with Michael - Michael bullying CC, CC trying to tell Michael that William killed Charlie, Michael blowing up at him and being honestly pretty cruel.
Then Vincent calling William establishes more of Vincent's character (and kinda Scott's too if you squint), further establishes the twins' dynamic, establishes them having a kind of ahoge twin telepathy (blueycapsules is buckwild please read it), and establishes WHY William killed Charlie - because he saw her as dead weight. Purely selfish reasons.
The leadup to the party shows the events of FNAF 4 (minus the gameplay) really shows us more of CC and Michael's INCREDIBLY toxic dynamic. It shows us the extent of Michael's bullying and just how BAD he was, it shows us that the Fredbear plushie can talk to CC, it shows us just how scared CC is of the animatronics and William, and it establishes that the animatronics have consciousnesses before the missing children's incident happens. And it establishes all that in five pages, might I add.
A great thing about the leadup is that if you don't know all the lore (or at least stuff about FNAF 4), you're intrigued by this party that it's leading up to. But if you know about FNAF stuff, you just feel dread. You know what's coming.
Then comes part four. The party. This is really where Blueycapsules shows its true colors.
It starts off fairly silly, with Fredbear smoking weed and William Afton being William Afton, and it's honestly really funny. But then it shifts to CC, and the dread sets in again. Now Michael's got his friends, and they're helping to bully CC, being really fucking cruel. By this point, you know all you need to know, and yet the comic keeps establishing stuff. Specifically, Michael is desperate for his father's attention. After shoving CC into Fredbear's mouth, he takes off his mask and yells "FATHER! COME LOOK!" Like this comic just doesn't slow down oh my god
(One of my personal favorite panels from before the bite is CC crying on the ground, surrounded by the bullies, as the music blares in the background. It feels so... horrific.)
This is another example of it being great whether or not you know anything about FNAF. If you don't know anything about FNAF, you're somewhat on edge, and the tension is increasing with stuff like Elizabeth saying "You're gonna do something you regret" and CC being shoved in Fredbear's mouth.
But if you DO know the lore of FNAF, you just feel this dread. You've seen this cutscene before. You know what's about to happen.
And then it does.
The Bite Of 83 is where the reality of what this comic is fully hits you. It's bloody, it's horrific, it's heartbreaking, it's just incredible. That page where everyone rushing to help CC and the panels are going on and Michael is just standing there, not moving... It's just amazing.
And then CC officially dies, William tells Michael he's proud of him for committing child murder, it's dark and heartbreaking and it just fucking hurts.
And then it gets a bit more lighthearted with Elizabeth and Susie becoming friends, and it's sweet! It's adorable! But still, there's a dark undertone. You know Susie won't survive. You know this can't last. And that's a theme through a lot of the comic - it's a tragedy. You know how it all ends.
We get back to the Aftons, and it returns to angst. The guilt has hit Michael over everything, and he hates himself. And William thinks it doesn't matter. He thinks Michael's just being dramatic. It's fucking rage inducing, and does an incredible job at showing you what a fucking horrible person he is.
After that, it somewhat returns to comedy. Somewhat. The tone is still different - the angst is still there. Sure, there's hilarious moments like the incredible MacDonaldses panel, but that doesn't make it a super comedy comic like before. There's little details that would have been funny without the angst, but because we got the angst it just hurts. Hell, even gags from volume one hurt way way more with this recontextualization.
And from there, that's the tone of the comic. It's funny, there's still a lot of absurd comedy, there's sweet moments, there's heartwarming moments, there's hilarious moments. But compared to the beginning of Volume One, it's less funny and more sad. If you read Blueycapsules, you know what the rest of the comic is gonna be like - juggling absurd comedy, sweet moments, and an absolutely heartbreaking story. And it juggles it incredibly well.
And I just wanna say - all of that stuff established before the Bite? None of it was told to us. It was all just shown - the characters, the details, the dynamics, all of us was shown. And a lot of it was shown through jokes. And yet it still works so well.
Just. How is this comic so good man
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ur inc3l childe has me doing mental gymnastics and constant brainrot man,,,,,,, honestly pls continue building up the lore[tm] for that bastard
and since u got me thinking i hope u don't mind me dropping this as well,,,,
- i feel like he'd bully u to get filmed while bring fucked or sticking up a vibe in ur cunt as u orgasm over and over,,, he's got like 20 different photos of u cumming in different angles in 4k hd
- panty stuffing,,,, my beloved,,,, he'd stuff u with ur old crusty, stolen/missing panties with his dried up cum from using it,,,, nasty nasty boi
- if he's a rich ass incel then u know he gotta have custom hentai doujins and lots of commissioned art he paid so much to have u as the character being fucked and his likeness to the protag fucking. he's got dakis in ur likeness and maybe even a custom sex doll,,,
- he got a custom tentacle dildo for u so he can live out his tentacle kink fantasy,,, probably ties u up too idk he's disgusting i love him heart eyes
but holy fuck this has me shaking in my boots. every single thing here is so very delicious im OBSESSED
f…filming and panty stuffing…… my head is So Full……. he’s got a fancy ass webcam and condenser mic just to record him doing the grossest things to you… his fingers, dick, toys, and more have all been used and filmed in several positions. he’s got a folder full of all the videos on his computer AND phone. plus a whole photo album of your body (mostly your cunt) on his phone and also has said album as a widget on his home screen so he can see the photos anytime all day……
i’m a monster fucker and the tentacle dildo part?? he definitely has his favourite tentacle doujins and hentais shamelessly bookmarked on his computer and absolutely makes you watch them with him!!
hehe also linking this fic here. it’s what got my main account thrown into tumblr jail but i am damn proud of it. it has a brief mention of this stinky boy commissioning art of his sweet darling and using it as his computer background!! we are very much on the same page.
you’ve given me enough thoughts to last a lifetime thank you for the food i will be incel childe posting for the rest of eternity
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