#honestly. rb this <3
vero-niche · 1 year
can i just say how much i adore how Nao-chan's gender is treated so casually in skip to loafer
like, as a white cis woman who is also quite tall and havent read the manga i didnt even realize she was trans until this scene in ep2:
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and i didnt even have the time to get nervous how they would handle this as they already moved on, ignoring the comments (just like queer people learn to do so) except for Mitsumi's comforting touch (implying she also heard the comments):
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and there were no sad words or anything about this either, it was just handled so.... normally. which should not be something worth highlighting, but, well, you know. also on that note, special shoutout to P.A. Works for casting a woman as her voice actor as well.
she's shown being the supportive and lively aunt and like seconds later in this scene she's back to being her usual self again:
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in conclusion
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kenobihater · 3 months
reblog for a bigger sample size of former angry, creative, and/or highly dramatic children
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eskildit · 1 year
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hey was palamedes concerned that pyrrha was gonna fuck his mom. jokes on him juno was too busy pulling a blood of eden wing commander. 
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stinkrascal · 5 months
sometimes you post about sucking at a video game on tumblr and you get the most encouraging msgs imaginable from complete strangers who are just really into whatever game u talked about and wanna see u thrive and its so wholesome. and sometimes you post about sucking at a video game on tumblr and randos who you have never talked to in your entire life will write comments on your text post from august of last year about how you're dumb as shit for struggling on this level, not realizing that i posted that text post in august of last frickin year. pardon ive actually beaten this game 3 times since then but thank you for being mean to me and calling me naive for no reason??? 😭
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svampira · 2 years
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rexscanonwife · 7 months
Tonight I'm going out to karaoke with the beloved! So I implore you all to think about this:
What would your f/o be like at karaoke? 🤔🎤
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scamera-writes · 6 months
Reality Lowdown
(content warnings are in tags)
The room I wake up in has shifted 2 degrees to the left The light in the kitchen is a warm glow- it was a cool blue last night The sun rises in the wrong spot The stairs are too close together as I walk
I don’t let my eyes stay in one place too long They dart across rooms, looking for more displacements More to feel wrong about A voice calls me to the next room. I don’t recognize who it is I don’t know where I am
My knuckles crack too loudly My hair is tied up wrong My jacket is too tight in the collar My shoes are too loose My voice is different than I remember it My vision is more blurry than last night My thoughts formulate too fast My hands are responding too slow
My chest feels heavy My eyes glaze over My heart aches My stomach does flips My fingers are chewed- so are my lips My legs go numb
I don’t think anyone can understand it Can truly understand- The way my hands Are detached from my wrists
I stare at faces until I’m certain I’ve seen the person before I don’t think I’ve stared at a mirror for this long before I’ve been staring at a mirror the whole time My skin crawls I feel sick
I will wake up tomorrow unknowing of what it will be The room I wake up in might be shifted 5 degrees to the right Or the light in the kitchen might be blue again My knuckles might not crack at all My voice might not work I don’t know.
Reality has its claws in me The best I can do is lick off the blood
-Reality Lowdown (By me)
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bbq-potato-chip · 27 days
kind of want to rewatch cowboy bebop
#honestly i dont know why i just got this wave of nostalgia for some reason#i watched it in the middle of the pandemic. i distinctly remember binging it and eating icecream sandwiches#ik the pandemic was bad but i. i kind of miss sitting around.........#missing that 3 2 1 lets jam you know.#honestly out of all the watanabe productions its really not my most favorite.#space dandy and samurai champloo are my personal favorites#but i've been in a cowboy bepop mood lately. not sure why#its kind of sad though that its the most popular...WHERE ARE MY SPACE DANDY FANS!! HELLOOO#if cowboy bebop and samurai champloo are like bleach and naruto space dandy is like the gintama#which isnt a great analogy but i think it works.#not to mention the fact that the music SLAPS. honestly all three of them have great soundtracks but#space dandy really is my favorite. it just scratches an itch in my brain idk what to say#if space dandy has 1 million fans i am one of them if space dandy has 100 fans i am one of them if space dandy has#10 fans i am one of them. if space dandy has 1 fan that is me. if space dandy has no fans then i am no longer on this earth. thank you#oh and not to mention that the animation is stunning. they get experimental with it and its really cool#its done by the same people who animated mob pyscho i think. not 100% about that but im p sure#i would rb sooooo many gifs but. no one cares about it unfortunately :\#sorry this totally derailed. uh. now i kind of want to rewatch space dandy instead lol
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 9 months
Cosplaying a dndads character for ren faire is half fun/exciting and the other half terrifying and imaging what you would do if someone Did get the reference
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scrolling through my rbs cackling like a mischievous god wreaking emotional and mental devastation on the townspeople of tumblr
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malhare-archive · 4 months
Wait I'm curious about something indulge me please...
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sleepymrshmllow · 4 months
my sister and i finally watched eternals (obviously lol) and I think that concludes us binging some of barry keoghan's filmography (for now) ✨️
final(?) ratings + ranking:
Saltburn 10/10 (perfect film no notes /hj. I love this fucking movie so much and its quickly become a comfort film for me ♡ gorgeous cinematography, perfectly cast and impeccable performances by the entire cast! they nailed the mid 2000s feel. amazing soundtrack and ost. the queer subtext/tone, the vampire imagery, the metaphors and exploration of deep carnal desire, oliver domming his way to the top? all just *mwah* perfection. im not very good with words lol but basically this movie slaps and its required viewing imo)
The Banshees of Inisherin 9/10 (the trailer didn't do this film justice and I enjoyed it so much more than I expected. incredible film!! the characters were so well done and every actor in this movie did an amazing job (especially colin farrell, kerry condon, brendan gleeson, and barry ofc). I highly highly recommend this one if you haven't seen it ♡ the cinematography is beautifully done as well and goshh the location is breathtaking. one of my new favorite films ♡)
Mammal (2016) 8/10 (this film surprised me! when I read the synopsis I really didn't think I'd come out enjoying this movie as much as I did. it does a really good job with its characters and the complicated relationships between them. great performances and a very interesting and at times uncomfortable exploration of loss and grief. recommend this one! but definitely look into CWs before viewing)
Light Thereafter 8/10 (my favorite of barry's performances after oliver/saltburn. it didn't even feel like I was watching barry play a character, pavel felt like a real person and barry was just!! so incredible in this film and i loved getting to know pavel sm (his passion for art, his stims, the way he enjoys touch and textures :') ) and i was sad when it ended.)
The Killing of A Sacred Deer 7.5/10 (if you enjoyed saltburn, I definitely recommend this one! weird ass film (affectionate) and martin was a strangely endearing character to me lol i dont want to say too too much, you should watch it for yourself! 🍝)
Calm With Horses 7/10 (blonde barry keoghan was a major serve lol no but good film!! sad, but definitely worth watching. not too much to say about this one, but I enjoyed the characters (dymphna the most tho))
Eternals 6/10 (it was pretty enjoyable! the characters definitely carried this film over the plot itself (except ikaris.. I really didn't care for him at all lol). the cgi was a bit distracting and I wish there was a little more show dont tell and that certain scenes/plot points were done better/explored further BUT still entertaining and doesn't deserve the hate it gets imo!)
American Animals 6/10 (slightly disappointing but still worth a watch! evan peters carried imo)
Stalker (2012) 5.5/10 (so weird but also iconic?? worth watching at least once lmao)
Dunkirk 7/10 (objectively great film, but I just don't care for war movies im sorry 😩 soundtrack was actually so incredible tho)
Stay 4.5/10 (it was fine, it just wasn't very interesting)
and a bonus character ranking for fun ♡
Oliver Quick
Dominic Kearney
Martin Lang
Dymphna Devers
Tommy Valentine
George Mills
Spencer Reinhard
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transfemzedaph · 9 months
for the headcanons ask game, maybe a evil xisuma ^-^
it/its pronouns for evil x
knitted itself a wm jumper bc x was rude and only let it get one peice of the (FREE) wm merch
enjoys doing loads of different crafty things & likes making things as gifts for its friends (but then does the ugh i made u this thing but whatever when it gives the gifts to people)
doesnt like thunderstorms bc of the thunder but loves the lightning
is deaf & knows sign language
lives with worm man and they both have their own rooms and they have a room for them to both do all their hobbies in together
the armour/outfit whole Thing helps ex to control its lightning powers
has all of xisumas memories from before they were cloned
has a like old ratty endermite cuddly toy that it Refuses to get rid of even though its kinda falling apart completely bc it was the first gift it ever got from anyone ever (and it was from x)
can see really well in the dark
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blog recs! recommend a blog based on:
music taste
if they are nice
just bc u want to!
humour: @taylorswifff @heyydorothea @wineonmytshirt @hozierswift @1989tv
edits: @snownonthebeach @userspeaknowtv @redutation @my-tears-ricochet @finalgalnancy
music taste: @iamthevigilanteshit @forever-augustine @antiticketmaster and everyone else. we're all swifties so
if they're nice: @babefourtheweekend @candyswiz @your-brittle-heart-warm @dominoes-cascading-in-the-line @thisloveistaylorswift
theme: idk I don't use the tumblr website a lot and can't remember ppls themes lmao
url: @withmyspite @dancingwithourhands @andtosaturn @aslowmotionlovepotion @dearreader @youreonyourownkid
just bc u want to/ily: @kingofmyborrowedheart @dindjarinispunk @kadalakari @wholeplaceshimmerr @ithk @folklouire @dancingaroundit
I'm missing so many ppl but i love all my mutuals theyve got the best blogs <33
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sashannarcy · 2 years
Marcy Wu has so many fucking issues
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ghstslut · 2 years
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like honey, baby, way too sweet 🍯
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